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Heat Loss Calculation Worksheet-Commercial

Based on Modine Publication 75-202.7, Heat Loss Calculation-nit Heaters

!e"ision 2, #dated $%2&%0'
Design Outdoor Temperature F -15
Design Indoor Temperature F 65
(esi)n *em#erature (i++erence ,- $0
Wall (imensions .in -eet/
Length Height Ft.
North 2 ! "2
#outh 2 ! 1$%
&ast ' ! 26%
(est ' ! 26%
*otal 7$0
Heat Loss Coe++icient 0.21
Heat Loss-Walls &0,022 Btu%hr.
Wall Heat Loss Coe++icients
)oured *on+rete " ,-s../t.0 "-in. Thi+1 .25
)oured *on+rete " ,-s../t.0 12-in. Thi+1 .1"
2ra3e, 4ggregate "-in. Thi+1 .52
2ra3e, 4ggregate 12-in. Thi+1 .%$
*on+rete 5,o+1 Ho,,o6 *inder 4ggrgate "-in. Thi+1 .'!
*on+rete 5,o+1 Ho,,o6 *inder 4ggrgate 12-in. Thi+1 .'6
*on+rete 5,o+17 6.%-in. Fa+e-ri+1 2ra3e, "-in. Thi+1 .%1
*on+rete 5,o+17 6.%-in. Fa+e-ri+1 *inder "-in. Thi+1 .''
8eta,7 9ninsu,ated 1.1$
8eta, 6.1-in. 5,an1et Insu,ation .22
8eta, 6.'-in. 5,an1et Insu,ation ."
Frame7 2:% 6. ;-in. 4spha,t #heathing7 (ood #iding7 ;-in. 2<psum (a,,-oard7 9ninsu,ated .2'
Frame7 2:% 6. ;-in. 4spha,t #heathing7 (ood #iding7 ;-in. 2<psum (a,,-oard7 '-in. Insu,ation .$
Windo3 (imensions .in -eet/
Length Height =uantit< Ft.
#outh ' 2 1 6
&ast ' 2 1 6
(est ' 2 1 6
*otal &$
Heat Loss Coe++icient 0.25
Heat Loss-Windo3s 120 Btu%hr.
Windo3 Heat Loss Coe++icients
>erti+a,7 #ing,e 2,ass .25
>erti+a,7 Dou-,e 2,ass7 '.16-in. 4ir #pa+e .1"
Hori?onta,7 #ing,e 2,ass @#1< LightA .52
(oor (imensions .in -eet/
Length Height =uantit< Ft.
North $ $ 2 !"
*otal '$
Heat Loss Coe++icient &.20
Heat Loss-(oors ',00$ Btu%hr.
(oor Heat Loss Coe++icients
8eta,7 #ing,e #heet 1.2
(ood7 1-in. .6%
(ood7 '-in. .%'
-loor (imensions .in -eet/
Length (idth &:posed Length
2 ' &00
- -actor 50
Heat Loss--loor 5,000 Btu%hr.
-loor - -acors
No Insu,ation 5
2%-in. Thi+17 BC'.$5 Insu,ation7 -15 F to -1! F Design Temperature %'
2%-in. Thi+17 BC'.$5 Insu,ation7 -5 F to -! F Design Temperature '"
1"-in. Thi+17 BC'.$5 Insu,ation7 6 F to 1 F Design Temperature '1
12-in. Thi+17 BC'.$5 Insu,ation7 11 F to 15 F Design Temperature '1
!oo+ (imensions .in -eet/
Length Height Ft.
' 25 750
Heat Loss Coe++icient 0.75
Heat Loss-!oo+ 05,000 Btu%hr.
!oo+ Heat Loss Coe++icients
*orrugated 8eta, 9ninsu,ated 1.5
*orrugated 8eta, 6.1-in. 5o,t or 5,an1et Insu,ation .2'
*orrugated 8eta, 6.1;-in. 5o,t or 5,an1et Insu,ation .16
*orrugated 8eta, 6.'-in. 5o,t or 5,an1et Insu,ation ."
F,at 8eta, 6.D-in. 5ui,t-9p Boo/ing .!
F,at 8eta, 6.1-in. 5,an1et Insu,ation 9nder De+1 .21
F,at 8eta, 6.2-in. 5,an1et Insu,ation 9nder De+1 .12
(ood7 1-in. 6.D-in. 5ui,t-9p Boo/ing7 9ninsu,ated .%"
(ood7 1-in. 6.1-in. 5,an1et Insu,ation .1$
(ood7 2-in. 6.D-in. 5ui,t-9p Boo/ing7 9ninsu,ated .'2
(ood7 2-in. 6.1-in. 5,an1et Insu,ation .15
*on+rete #,a-7 2-in. 6.D-in. 5ui,t-9p Boo/ing7 9ninsu,ated .'
*on+rete #,a-7 2-in. 6.1-in. Insu,ation 5oard .16
*on+rete #,a-7 '-in. 6.D-in. 5ui,t-9p Boo/ing7 9ninsu,ated .2'
*on+rete #,a-7 '-in. 6.1-in. Insu,ation 5oard .1%
2<psum #,a-7 2-in. 6.D-in. 5ui,t-9p Boo/ing7 9ninsu,ated .'6
2<psum #,a-7 2-in. 6.1-in. Insu,ation 5oard .2
2<psum #,a-7 '-in. 6.D-in. 5ui,t-9p Boo/ing7 9ninsu,ated .'
2<psum #,a-7 '-in. 6.1-in. Insu,ation 5oard .1"
Cubic 4olume .in -eet/
Length Height Height -t.5
2 ' 15 ',000
6ir Chan)es #er Hour &.25
Heat Loss-Cubic 4olume &2,120 Btu%hr.
7stimated 6ir Chan)es #er Hour (ue to 8n+iltration
Loose 5ui,dings @O,der *onstru+tion7 #ing,e (indo6s7 9ninsu,ated Doors E (a,,s7 Insu,ated Boo/7 FreFuent,< Opened DoorsA 1.5
8edium 5ui,dings @Ne6er *onstru+tion7 #ing,e (indo6s7 9ninsu,ated Doors7 Insu,ated (a,,s E Boo/7 Doors Open Less FreFuent,<A 1.
Tight 5ui,dings @Ne6 *onstru+tion7 Dou-,e (indo6s7 Insu,ated Doors7 (a,,s E Boo/7 Doors Opened In/reFuent,<A .$5
6dd &09 +or 7:#osure to Pre"ailin) Winds .;orth or West Walls/
(a,, "2 151
Doors !" !%1
Heat Loss-Pre"ailin) Winds &,0'2 Btu%hr.
*otal Heat Loss '&,20' Btu%hr.
Heat Loss Calculation Worksheet-<reenhouse
Based on 6;=8%6=67 7P002.0, >anuar? 2001
!e"ision 2, #dated $%2&%0'
*ustomerG #porte,s
Design Outdoor Temperature F 2
Design Indoor Temperature F $
(esi)n *em#erature (i++erence ,- 2$
Peak *?#e <reenhouses
Dimensions in Feet (idth )ea1 Height &a3e Height Length
6' 1" 1% 22"
&nd (a,, 4rea @One &nd (a,,A &,00$.00
#ide (a,, 4rea 2,1$0.00
Boo/ 4rea &0,07'.15
Tota, #ur/a+e 4rea 22,$7'.15
F,oor 4rea &0,120.00
Tota, >o,ume 22',$20.00
Heat Transmission *oe//i+ient 0.70
*onstru+tion 9-Fa+tor 8u,tip,ier &.0&
In/i,tration Bate &.00 6ir Chan)es%Hr.
Heat LossG Badiation7 *ondu+tion7 *on3e+tion &,0'','07 Btu%Hr.
Heat LossG In/i,tration 2$0,&02 Btu%Hr.
*otal Heat Loss &,1$0,0'1 Btu%Hr.
@-or ;o 7a"es, 7a"e Hei)ht A 0 and Width Must be B .2 : Hei)ht/
Dimensions in Feet (idth )ea1 Height &a3e Height Length

4r+h Length C(84%0D -eet
&nd (a,, 4rea @One &nd (a,,A C(84%0D
Tota, #ur/a+e 4rea C(84%0D
F,oor 4rea 0.00
Tota, >o,ume C(84%0D
Heat Transmission *oe//i+ient 0.70
*onstru+tion 9-Fa+tor 8u,tip,ier &.00
In/i,tration Bate &.25 6ir Chan)es%Hr.
Heat LossG Badiation7 *ondu+tion7 *on3e+tion C(84%0D Btu%Hr.
6rch *?#e <reenhouses@
Heat LossG In/i,tration C(84%0D Btu%Hr.
*otal Heat Loss C(84%0D Btu%Hr.
Wall F !oo+ Heat Loss Coe++icients
#ing,e 2,ass7 #ea,ed 1.1
#ing,e 2,ass7 Lo6 &missi3it< .!5
Dou-,e 2,ass7 #ea,ed .65
#ing,e ),asti+ 1.1
#ing,e )o,<+ar-onate7 *orrugated 1.1 - 1.2
#ing,e Fi-erg,ass7 *orrugated 1.
Dou-,e )o,<eth<,ene .$
Dou-,e )o,<eth<,ene7 IB Inhi-ited .5
Bigid 4+r<,i+7 Dou-,e (a,, .56
Bigid )o,<+ar-onate7 Dou-,e (a,, .56 - .6'
Bigid 4+r<,i+7 '2mm7 )ane,s Fi,,ed (ith )o,<st<rene )e,,ets .1
Dou-,e )o,<eth<,ene O3er 2,ass .5
#ing,e 2,ass (ith Therma, 5,an1et @*,osed On,<A .$
Dou-,e )o,<eth<,ene (ith Therma, 5,an1et @*,osed On,<A .%%
Construction --actor Multi#liers
8eta, Frame and 2,a?ing #<stem 16 to 2% in. #pa+ing 1."
8eta, Frame and 2,a?ing #<stem %" in. #pa+ing 1.5
Fi-erg,ass on 8eta, Frame 1.'
Fi,m ),asti+ on 8eta, Frame 1.2
Fi,m or Fi-erg,ass on (ood 1.
7stimated 8n+iltration !ate
Ne6 *ontru+tion7 Dou-,e ),asti+ Fi,m .$5 - 1.5
Ne6 *ontru+tion7 2,ass or Fi-erg,ass .5 - 1.
O,d *onstru+tion7 2,ass7 2ood 8aintenan+e 1. - 2.
O,d *onstru+tion7 2,ass7 )oor 8aintenan+e 2. - %.
-ormulas +or Calculatin) Guonset-*?#e <reenhouse
2i3en the (idth@(A7 Height @HA E Length @LA7 The Fo,,o6ing Formu,as are 9sed
&:amp,eG (
4& C (.2 0.00 -eet
*& @Diameter - HA C @(H(A.@%HHA C(84%0D -eet
4O @BadiusA C @*& I HA.2 C(84%0D -eet
O& @4pothemA C 4O - H C(84%0D -eet
4O& @4ng,e in DegreesA C ar+tangent @4&.O&A C(84%0D (e)rees
4O5 @*entra, 4ng,eA C 4O&H2 C(84%0D (e)rees
#e+tor 4rea C @4O5.'6AH'.1%H4O C(84%0D
Triang,e 4rea o/ 4O5 C O& H 4& C(84%0D
4r+ Length C @4O5.1"A H '.1% H 4O C(84%0D -eet
#egment 4rea @&nd (a,, 4reaA C #e+tor 4rea - Triang,e 4rea C(84%0D
Tota, #ur/a+e 4rea C @4r+ Length H LA I @#egment 4rea H 2A C(84%0D
Tota, *u-i+ >o,ume C #egment 4rea H L C(84%0D -eet5
*entra, 4ng,e *a,+u,ation #teps
C4&.O& JDI>.K
4T4N@4&.O&A in radian JDI>.K
4T4N@4&.O&A in degrees JDI>.K radians H@1".'.1%A
mu,tip,< -< 2 JDI>.K degrees

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