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Dissertation submitted
Manikanta Velaga
Admission No. 612895
Under the Guidance of
Dr.Chiranjeev kumar
Senior Lecurer
MA+, '))(
Mobility management is the essential technology that supports mobile terminals to give
service through wireless networks when they are moving into a new service area. Two
main aspects need to be considered in mobility management. Location management
(addressing, location registration and update, tracking and paging and !ando""
management (!ando"" trigger and initiation, connection routing, smoothing. Location
management is how to track the Mobile Terminals (MTs those move "rom place to place.
Location management is a key issue in #ersonal $ommunication %ervice (#$% networks.
Location tracking operations in a personal communications service networks are
e&pensive. 's the number o" #$% subscribers increases, the system overheads involved
with the location management will increase beyond the capacity o" the current network
design. Methods "or reducing the overheads are critically important "or the design and
implementation o" #$% networks. The key issue is to minimi(e the cost o" location
management in #$% networks. More research work has been going on this location
management. More number o" peoples are proposing new methods "or reducing the cost
o" location registration and call delivery.
!ere an idea proposed to reduce cost o" Location management in the !ome
Location )egister (!L)*+isitor Location )egister (+L) based scheme ,ynamic !L)
location management in #$% networks. -n this ,ynamic !L) location management
when ever an MT moves "rom one %' to another %', a dynamic copy o" mobile terminal
location in"ormation in the nearest (current !L) database will be provide. %o that no
needs to access the master !L) "or location registration and call delivery always.
,ynamic !L) scheme always interact with a dynamic copy o" location in"ormation o"
an MT is made in the nearest (current !L) which can be accessed "or the location
management. This ,ynamic !L) Location management method is limitation "or some
cases %uch that a mobile terminal moving across service areas.
%uppose a mobile terminal moving via some service areas. .or e&ample %'1,
%'/000%'11 are the service areas. Mobile terminal is moving "rom %'1 to %'11.
Then according to ,ynamic !L) Location management "or every movement in
between one %' to another %' it takes the whole process o" signal translations. %o that
avoiding this e&tra signaling cost in this ,ynamic !L) Location method, here a new
idea is proposed. -n this proposed idea, cache in"ormation is maintained at each !L)
database. 2hen ever the MT moves "rom old service area to new service area, an entry
will entered in to the cache which is maintained by the old service area. This entry tells
about in"ormation o" MT (that is it tells to which %' it has gone.
-n the proposed #ointer based !L) method the length o" the pointer chain is not
considered. The constraint on the length (i.e number o" service areas through which a
MT can be searched must be known.

Mobility management 456 has widely been recogni(ed as one o" the most
important and challenging problems "or a seamless access to wireless networks and
mobile services. Mobility management is the essential technology that supports roaming
users with mobile terminals to en7oy their services through wireless networks when they
are moving into a new service area.
-t is the "undamental technology used to automatically support mobile terminals
en7oying their services while simultaneously roaming "reely without the disruption o"

.rom the viewpoint o" "unctionality, mobility management mainly enables
communication networks to Locate roaming terminals in order to deliver data packets,
that is "unction "or static scenario and Maintain connections with terminals moving into
new areas, that is "unction "or dynamic scenario. Mobility management contains two
distinct areas that are location management and hando"" management. The "ormer
concerns how to locate a mobile terminal, track its movement, and update the location
in"ormation while the latter "ocuses mostly on the control o" the change o" a mobile
terminal8s access point during active data transmission.

-.- Mo.i/i0 Mana1emen O2eraion3
Two main aspects need to be considered in mobility management, they are
Location management (addressing, location registration and update, tracking and
paging and !ando"" management (!ando"" trigger and initiation, connection routing,
smoothing. #er"ormance o" the mobility management is also important.
-.-.- Locaion mana1emen
Location management e9uals locate roaming terminals in order to deliver data
packets to them despite the "act that their locations may change "rom time to time. The
essence o" location management is constituted by the mechanisms "or mapping the name
o" a mobile terminal to its address.
-.-.' #an4o55 mana1emen
!ando"" management enables the #$% networks to maintain sessions with mobile
terminals while they change their attachment points with system:s in"rastructure. %uch
changes are called hando"" or handover operations.
-.' O2eraion3 o5 Locaion mana1emen
;Location registration, also known as location update or tracking, that is the
procedure that the mobile terminal in"orms the network and other terminals o" its new
location through special messages by updating the corresponding location in"ormation
entries stored in some databases in the networks.
;Location paging, also known as locating or searching. -n most cases location
in"ormation stored in databases is only the appro&imate position o" a mobile terminal.
Location paging is then the procedure that, when calls* packets need to be delivered to the
target mobile terminal, the network tries to "ind the mobile terminal8s e&act locality.
-.6 Ke0 re3earch i33ue3 5or /ocaion mana1emen
;'ddressing, that is how to represent and assign address in"ormation to mobile
terminals. The problem is becoming more severe since the "uture mobile communication
systems will be based on the internetworking and interoperability o" diverse and
heterogeneous networks o" di""erent operators and technologies. ' global addressing
scheme is needed, e.g. -#v< address, to locate the roaming terminals.
;,atabase structure that is how to organi(e the storage and distribution o" the
location in"ormation o" mobile terminals. ,atabase structure can be either centrali(ed or
distributed, or the hybrid o" these two schemes. Tradeo"" is needed between access speed,
storage overhead, and tra""ic overhead due to the access to the related databases. $aching
is also an important techni9ue "or the improvement o" access per"ormance.
; Location update time that is when a mobile terminal should update its location
in"ormation by renewing its entries in corresponding database. %chemes "or location
update can be either static or dynamic. -n a static scheme location update is triggered by
some "i&ed conditions like time period or network topology change.
; #aging scheme, which is how to determine the e&act location o" a mobile
terminal within a limited time. >bviously an ade9uate tradeo"" is needed between time
overhead and bandwidth overhead. There are also both static and dynamic schemes "or
location paging. -n static cases paging is simply done to the whole certain area where the
mobile terminal must be in. .or a dynamic method, the main problem is to "irstly
organi(e the paging areas into groups and then recogni(e the based on in"ormation like
distance probability, moving velocity, etc.
-.* $rie5 4e3cri2ion o5 PCS ne7ork3
The appearance o" the #ersonal communication service networks456 enable people and
devices to communicate independently o" their location and while they move "rom place
to place .The ability to communicate to anyone, anywhere and anytime is not only a
technological progress and it has an enormous a""ect on our li"e. .or providing
continuous communication to mobile terminals every #$% network employs a mobility
management mechanism "or locating mobile terminals and "or maintaining their sessions
while they are moving "rom place to place. #$% systems are based on the cellular
architecture. They use terrestrial in"rastructure network "or providing communication
services to mobile terminals through radio channels. The service coverage area o" the
system is divided into cells. ?ach cell includes a base station that communicates with the
mobile terminals in its cell area via radio channels. ' number o" geographically ad7acent
base stations are grouped together and connected to a @ase %tation $ontroller (@%$ that
manages their radio resources. The later is attached to a Mobile %witching $enter (M%$
that connects the base stations to the in"rastructure network and provides them a
switching "unctionality "or both communication and signaling. -n these systems the radio
channels are considered as the most e&pensive resource since the number o" radio
channels that is given to each system is limited. .or e""icient usage o" these channels the
#$% systems employ the "re9uency reuse principle.
'n e&ample o" a typical structure o" a #$% network is depicted in .igure1. .or
providing continuous communication to mobile terminals every #$% network employs a
mobility management composed o" two components, location management and hando""
management. -n contrast to the telephone number in traditional telecommunication
systems that speci"ies the location o" the end user, the #$% subscriber number does not
provide the location o" the mobile terminal. There"ore, the system must maintain a
location management mechanism "or locating its mobile terminals. This mechanism maps
subscriber numbers to the current location o" the re9uested users "or call delivery

.igure1A 'n e&ample o" typical #$% network
' location management is used "or "inding the location o" mobile terminals and it
is composed o" three components. These are location database "or mapping subscriber
addresses to locations in certain degree o" accuracy, an update operation "or in"orming
the location database regarding changes in mobile terminal locations, and a search
operation "or locating the mobile terminals based on the in"ormation stored at the
location database. Location management schemes are di""er in the way the location
database is organi(ed as well as the update and search algorithms. The e""iciency o" such
scheme is measured by its ability to per"orm update and search operations with low
communication and processing overheads.
The current #$% systems, such as Clobal %ystem "or Mobile $ommunications
(C%M and -nterim %tandard (-% are use similar schemes "or location management.
The coverage area is divided into location areas (L', each consists o" a group o" cells
that "orms a continuous geographic area. The system records "or each mobile terminal its
current resident L'. This in"ormation is stored at two level data hierarchy that uses two
types o" location servers, a home location register (!L) and a visitor location register
(+L). The !L) database contains the permanent data (e.g directory number, pro"ile
in"ormation, current location, and validation period o" the MTs whose primary
subscription is within the area. .or each MT, !L) contains a pointer to the +L) to assist
routing incoming calls. ' +L) is associated with a Mobile %witching $enter (M%$ in
the networks. -t contains temporary record "or all MTs currently active within the service
area o" the M%$. The +L) retrieves in"ormation "or handling calls to or "rom a visiting
' mobile terminal per"orms update operations periodically and when it crosses
L' boundaries. 't these operations the system updates the proper +L) server about the
user location, and when it moves "rom one +L) region to another region the system also
update the user:s !L) server. 2hen an incoming call arrives a location re9uest
message is sent to the mobile terminal:s !L). The !L) determines the serving +L) o"
the called user and send a route re9uest message to this +L). The later simultaneously
pages the mobile terminal in all the cells o" the L' where the user is register. '"ter
locating the mobile terminal:s current cell, a connection is established between the call
initiator and this cell.
-.8 Or1ani9aion o5 he he3i3
$hapter/ includes brie" e&planation o" the schemes based on two tier !L)*+L)
architectures, cache pointer entries and -%E51 standard. $hapter3 includes brie"
e&planation o" the proposed scheme. $hapter5 includes the implementation o" the
concept under proposed scheme in FG-H plat"orm. $hapter= includes the comparison o"
the proposed scheme with ,ynamic !L) location scheme through mathematical
analysis. 'nd "inally $hapter< includes conclusion.

-n 416, author has proposed a new location management strategy that is based on the
centrali(ed database architecture with !L)*+L) concept. That is Gew $achingEbased
Location Management %cheme in #ersonal $ommunication %ystems. -t:s basic idea is to
reduce the cost o" call delivery using location in"ormation cached at M%$*+L). >ther
proposed caching Jbased scheme may have cached invalid location in"ormation as MT
moves into a new registration area. !owever, this scheme can:t cache invalid location
in"ormation as announcing the location o" MT to Mobile %witching $enter (M%$*+L)
or invalidating the location in"ormation by M%$*+L). That is, cached location
in"ormation, a miss can:t occur. There"ore, the call setup delay "or this proposed scheme
is always shorter than or e9ual to that o" the current method (-%E51, C%M M'#.
That Gew $achingEbased Location Management scheme minimi(es the total
signaling cost on location management by reducing cost o" call delivery more than
increased the cost o" the location update. The analysis o" the Gew $achingEbased
scheme using simulation shows that new scheme outper"orms or e9uals the current
methods (-%E51, C%M M'# in cost and has a much better per"ormance at high call to
mobility ratio ($M).
The current methods (-%E51, C%M M'# "or location management employ
!L)*+L) concepts, centrali(ed database architecture. $urrently the centrali(ed database
network stores the location in"ormation o" each MT in a location database as MT changes
its location area, a collection o" cells. This location in"ormation is retrieved during call
's the number o" MT:s increases, current location management methods at
!L)*+L) concepts (-%E51, C%M M'# have many problems such as increasing tra""ic
in network, long delay at call delivery, bottleneck by signaling tra""ic at !L) (since all
signal messages related to location registration and call delivery always e&change
between M%$*+L) and !L).

To alleviate these problems, there are many proposed schemes based on caching but
the scheme also has some problems, which is given in the "ollowing sections.
'uthor has e&plained the ;$aching strategy "or #$% networks as "ollows.
-n this $aching strategy "or #$% author is concerned with improvements to -%E
51 that are based on caching the location o" MT. The basic idea o" schemes based on
caching is that maintaining a cache o" location in"ormation can reduce volumes o"
signaling and database access tra""ic to locate an MT.
'uthor has re"erred #erEuser location caching strategy. !ere whenever a call is
initiated "or an MT, an entry is added to the cache which contains a mapping "rom the -,
o" the MT to that o" its serving M%$*+L). 'nother call is initiated "or an MT, and i" no
cache entry "or the MT e&ists, the -%E51 call delivery scheme described earlier is used. -"
a cache entry e&ists, the +L) speci"ied by the cache is 9ueried. -" the MT is still residing
under the same +L), a hit occurs. >therwise, a miss occurs and then the -%E51 call
delivery scheme is used. 't the same time, the cost o" the scheme is higher than that o"
the -%E51.

Most proposed schemes based on caching have two de"ects. .irst, i" a cache miss
occurs, the delay in call delivery is longer. %econd, i" the cache miss can be eliminated,
the location registration gives rise to e&cessive signaling overhead.

'uthor has e&plained Gew cachingEbased location management scheme as "ollows.
'uthor has proposed Gew location management scheme based on caching. This
scheme must eliminate cache miss and may reduce e&cessive signaling overhead caused
at location registration by updating cached in"ormation not at all M%$*+L) but at a
selected M%$*+L). Moreover, each MT makes the update decision. %o this Gew
cachingEbased location management scheme may be "easible in #$% networks.

The call delivery procedure under Gew caching based Location scheme is as "ollows.
1. $alling MT sends call initiation signal to its serving Mobile %witching $enter
(M%$ through the base station.
/. M%$ o" calling MT, calling M%$, checks i" a cache entry e&ists "or called MT. -"
no cache entry "or called MT e&ists "or called MT. -" no cache entry "or called MT
e&ists, go to step 5. >ther wise, calling M%$ sends the location re9uest message
to M%$ speci"ied in cache entry, called M%$.
3. $alled M%$ determines the cell location o" called MT and assigns TL,G to
called MT. $alled MT only records the current time so as to compute "i some time
later. $alled M%$ then sends this routing in"ormation (TL,G to calling M%$.
C> to step I
5. $alling M%$ sends the location re9uest message to !L) o" called MT.
=. !L) o" called MT determines the current serving +L) o" called MT and sends
the route re9uest message to the associated M%$, called M%$.
<. $alled M%$ determines the cell location o" called MT and assigns TL,G to
called MT. 't this time, called MT updates candidate set on L)F policy and then
the MT evaluates the ine9uality "or calling M%$*+L).
B. $alled M%$ sends this routing in"ormation (TL,G and the result o" evaluating
ine9uality t o !L).
D. !L) "orwards TL,G and the result o" evaluating ine9uality to calling M%$. -"
the ine9uality holds, calling M%$*+L) caches the current M%$*+L) o" called
MT. >ther wise, calling M%$ does not cache.
I. $alling M%$ re9uest a call setup to called M%$ through the %%B network.
-n 4/6, 'uthor has proposed ' .orwarding #ointerJ@ased cache scheme "or )educing
Location Management $ost in #$% networks. This .orwarding #ointerE@ased $ache
method can reduce the signaling cost "or Location management in #$% networks. -n the
e&isting cache scheme, the use o" cache in"ormation can e""ectively reduce the signaling
tra""ic "or locating "re9uently called mobile terminals. !ow ever, when the cache
in"ormation is obsolete, it results in much more signaling tra""ic than that o" the -%E51. -n
order to solve this problem the #ointerE@ased (#@ cache scheme is used. ?ven i" the
cached in"ormation is not upEtoEdate, the called user can be "ound by tracing "orwarding
pointers starting "rom that +L) pointed in the cache instead o" 9uerying the !L). Thus,
the #@Ecache scheme can e""ectively reduce the "re9uent access to the !L) and the
signaling tra""ic "or location management.
.igure /A 'n e&ample o" Locating MT under #@E$ache %cheme
-n Locating an MT under the #@E$ache %cheme, the +L)1 represents the
calling +L) associated with the )egister 'rea ()' the caller resides. 2e assume that
the cache in"ormation e&ists in the M%$1 and the cache entry "or the called MT (MT1
currently points to the +L)1. Let:s consider that the MT1 has moved "rom the )'
associated with +L)1 to the )' associated with +L)/ a"ter the last call arrived. Then,
the current location o" the MT1 is the )' associated with the +L)/.2hen the ne&t call
arrivesK the M%$1 "irst 9ueries the pointed +L) that is +L)1. -n this case, since the
e&isting cache scheme has to per"orm the call delivery procedure o" the -%E51 a"ter an
unsuccess"ul 9uery "or the cache, it results in the waste o" the signaling tra""ic as
compared to the -%E51. !owever, under the #@Ecache scheme, even i" the cache
in"ormation is obsolete, it traces the pointer chain without 9uerying the !L) until the
current location o" the called MT is "ound within the ma&imum pointer chain length o" k.
%o, the saving o" one 9uery to the !L) and tra""ic along some o" the signaling links can
be obtained. Gote that the pointer chain length has to be limited due to the ma&imum
pointer setup delay re9uirement. -n the above .igure, we assume that the ma&imum
pointer chain length, denoted by L, is precon"igured to be one. There"ore, unless the MT1
moves into the )' associated with the +L)3, it can be "ound through both cache and
"orwarding pointer in"ormation without 9uerying the !L). -n the "ollowing, more
detailed procedures "or the #@E$ache scheme are described.
'uthor has e&plained Location )egistration procedure under #@E$ache %cheme as
$ompared with the -%E51, most procedures "or location registration under the #@E
$ache scheme are e&actly the same as those o" the -%E51 e&cept that the "orwarding
pointer is additionally set up between the two +L):s.
'uthor has e&plained $all ,elivery procedure under #@E$ache %cheme as "ollows.
Most procedures "or call delivery under the #@E$ache scheme are almost the
same as those o" the cache scheme e&cept that the called MT is traced through the pointer
chain length o" L. 2hen the cache in"ormation is obsolete, the pointer chain is traced to
"ind a called MT starting "rom the +L) pointed in the cache. -" the called MT is located
within the pointer chain length o" L "rom that +L), it can be "ound without 9uerying the
The cache hit under the #@E$ache scheme contains two situations. >ne is the
situation that the cache in"ormation is correct. Thus, the called MT is "ound a"ter the only
one 9uery to the pointed +L). The other is the situation that the cache in"ormation is not
correct. -n this case, a"ter 9uerying the pointed +L), the called MT is "ound by tracing
through the pointer chain o" length o" L. The cache miss under the #@E$ache scheme
occurs when the called MT is not "ound even i" the "orwarding pointer chain has been
traced until the length o" L. '"ter this, the same call delivery procedure as that o" the -%E
51 is per"ormed. -n this case, the current location o" the called MT is transmitted "rom the
!L) to the calling +L) together with the cache update re9uest message.
-n 436, author has e&plained how the cost o" location management reduces "rom
cost o" e&isted (speci"ied under -%E51 standard methods by using ,ynamic !L)
Location Management %cheme "or #$% Getworks.
.or convenience, author has assumed the !L) that contains the permanent data
in"ormation o" an MT as the master !L) "or the MT. The %' that is associated with the
master !L) is called the master %' "or the MT. 2hen an MT moves to another new %',
the new %' that the MT resides is called the current !L) "or the MT. 'll the popular
e&isting #$% networks such as #anE?uropean ,igital $ellular (C%M and Gorth
'merican ,igital $ellular (-%E51 employ the !L)*+L) architecture.
-n the e&isted (speci"ied under -%E51 standard schemes, only the master !L) is
used "or an MT even though it may move to another %' associated with another !L).
2hen an MT moves "ar away "rom its master !L), the communication costs "or
accessing the master !L) "or both location registration and call delivery will increase
dramatically. This problem leads the author to think in the way o" using the current !L)
o" an MT "or the location management to improve the system per"ormance.
-n this ,ynamic !L) location management scheme "or #$% networks a
dynamic copy o" location in"ormation o" an MT is made in the nearest (current !L) that
can be accessed "or location management. ' modi"ied table lookup procedure is also
proposed "or determining the current !L) easily. 2ith the proposed scheme, an MT can
always access the location data in its nearest !L) "or per"orming location registration
and call delivery.
'uthor has e&plained the e&isting location registration scheme speci"ied under -%E51
standard as "ollows.
1. The MT detects that it has entered a new )' and sends a location update message to
the new M%$ through the base station.
/. The M%$ updates its associated +L) indicating that the MT is residing in its area
and sends a location registration message to the master !L) o" the MT.
3. The message is routed to a %T#, which determines the master !L) o" the called MT
"rom its Mobile -denti"ication Gumber (M-G, by a table lookup procedure called
Clobal Title Translation (CTT .The location message is then "orwarded to the
master !L).
5. The master !L) updates its record indicating the current serving M%$ o" the MT
and sends a registration acknowledgement message to the new M%$.
=. The master !L) sends a registration cancellation message to the old M%$.
<. The old M%$ deletes the record o" the MT in its associated +L) and sends a
cancellation acknowledgment message to the master !L).

.igure3A The Location registration procedure under -%E51 standard
'uthor has e&plained the e&isting call delivery scheme speci"ied under -%E51 standard as
1. ' call is initiated by an MT and the base station "orwards the call initiation signal to
the M%$.
/. The M%$ sends a location re9uest message to the master !L) o" the called MT
through a %T# where CTT is per"ormed.
3. The location re9uest is "orwarded to the master !L).
5. The master !L) sends a location re9uest message to the M%$ serving the called
=. The M%$ determines the cell location o" the called MT and assigns it a Temporary
Location ,irectory Gumber (TL,G .The M%$ then sends this TL,G to the master
<. The master !L) "orwards the TL,G to the calling M%$.
B. The calling M%$ sets up a connection to the called M%$ using this TL,G.
.igure5A The call delivery procedure under -%E51 standard
The author has brie"ly e&plained about ,ynamic !L) Location management scheme in
the "ollowing section.
-n this ,ynamic !L) management scheme, when the mobile terminals moves
"rom its master %' to a new %', the new current !L) obtained a copy o" the data about
the MT "rom the old current !L) and send an acknowledgement message to the old
current !L) as shown in .igure= below.
-" the old !L) is the master !L), it does nothing with the acknowledgement
messageA other wise, it deletes the record o" the MT in the old current !L). 2ith this
scheme, an MT can always use the location data in its nearest (current !L) "or
per"orming location registration and call delivery.
The Location registration scheme under ,ynamic !L) Location scheme as "ollows.
The MT detects that it has entered a new )' and sends a location update message
to the associated new M%$ through the base station.
1. The new M%$ updates its associated +L) indicating that the MT is residing in its
area and sends a location registration message to the %T# in the signaling network.
/. The message is routed to the associate !L) o" the new M%$ trough the %T# by
the modi"ied M%$Edependent CTT table lookup procedure. Gote that the associate
!L) is also the current (nearest !L) "or the MT.
3. The current !L) updates its record indicating the current serving (new M%$ o"
the MT and sends a registration acknowledgement message to the new M%$. -"
the MT stays in the same %', proceed to the ne&t stepK otherwise (i.e, the MT
moved into a new %', go to stepB.
5. The current !L) sends a registration cancellation message to the old M%$.
=. The old M%$ deletes the record o" the MT in its associate +L) and sends a
cancellation acknowledgement message to the current !L).
<. (.or the case that the MT moved into a new %' The new current !L) sends a
message to the old current !L) in"orming the movement o" the MT.
B. The old current !L) sends its record about the MT to the new current !L). -t
also sends a registration cancellation message to the old M%$.
D. The old M%$ deletes the record o" the MT in its associate +L) and sends a
cancellation acknowledgement message to the old current !L).
I. -" the new current !L) is the master !L), it 7ust sends the old current !L) a
registration acknowledgement messageK other wise it sends both the old current
!L) and the master !L) a registration acknowledgement message.
11. .or the old !L), i" it is the master !L), it updates its record pointing to the new
current !L)K otherwise, it deletes the record o" the MT.
11. .or the master !L), i" it is the new current !L), it does nothingK other wise, it
updates its record pointing to the new current !L).
.igure=A The location registration under ,ynamic !L) location management scheme
The call delivery scheme under ,ynamic !L) Location scheme as "ollows.
1. ' call is initiated by an MT (caller and the base station "orwards the call initiated
signal to the M%$.
/. The M%$ sends a location re9uest message to the associate !L). -" the caller is
in the same %', the associate !L) is used as the current !L) "or the MTK other
wise the e&isting CTT table lookup procedure is used to "ine the master !L) o"
the called MT, and then to "ind the current !L) o" the called MT.
3. The location re9uest is "orwarded to the current !L) o" the called MT.
5. The current !L) sends a location re9uest message to the M%$ serving the called
=. The M%$ determines the cell location o" the called MT and assigns it a
Temporary Location ,irectory Gumber (TL,G .The M%$ then sends this
TL,G to the current !L).
<. The current !L) "orwards the TL,G to the calling M%$.
B. The calling M%$ sets up a connection to the called M%$ using this TL,G.
.igure<A The call delivery procedure under ,ynamic !L)
Location management scheme
The basic idea in ,ynamic !L) location scheme is copying o" the record o"
MT "rom old %' to new %'. This ,ynamic !L) location scheme is limitation "or
some cases such as when a mobile terminal is moving across number o" service areas.
%uppose when a mobile terminal is moving via some service areas then "or every
movement in between one %' to another %' the whole process (including copying o" the
record o" MT takes place. @ecause o" that signaling process the ,ynamic !L)
location management scheme takes too much o" cost "or location registration. 2hile an
MT moving across service areas, it may also visit to previous service areas, "or this
looping situation the location registration cost under ,ynamic !L) location scheme is
very high. The copying o" the record o" MT "rom old %' to new %' "or every time is the
main problem.
This problem leads to think in the way o" maintaining pointer entries in the caches
instead o" copying the record o" MT. !ere a new #ointer based !L) method has
been proposed. -n this new #ointer based !L) method, cache in"ormation at each
!L) is maintained. 2henever the MT moves "rom old service area to new service area,
an entry will be entered in to the cache that is maintained by old service area. This entry
tells about in"ormation o" MT (that is it tells to which %' it has gone. -n the "ollowing
chapter3 brie" e&planation about this #ointer based !L) method is mentioned.

!ere a new #ointer based !L) idea is proposed to reduce the cost o" location
registration in the ,ynamic !L) location management scheme "or some cases like
when the mobile terminal moves across service areas. The main basic idea o" ,ynamic
!L) location management scheme is copying o" the record o" MT when the MT moves
"rom one %' to another %'. To avoid the copying o" record o" the MT "or every
movement, a new idea is proposed, that is keeping o" caches at each !L). @y keeping o"
cache in"ormation at each !L), the cost o" location registration "or cases such as when
the mobile terminal moving via service areas will reduce. 2henever the mobile terminal
moves "rom old service area to new service area, an entry will be entered in to the cache
that is maintained by old service area. This entry tells about in"ormation o" MT (that is it
tells to which %' it has gone.
2hile an MT moving across service areas, it may also visit to previous service
areas, "or this looping situation the location registration cost under ,ynamic !L)
location scheme is very high. @ut in new #ointer based !L) method this (looping
problem problem is avoided. %uppose i" the MT moves "rom old %' to new %' then the
new !L) searches in the cache (new !L):s cache "or an entry that corresponds to that
particular MT. -" it is "ound then immediately deletes that entry "rom cache (new !L):s

The Location registration scheme under proposed #ointer based !L) scheme as

.igureBA The Location registration scheme under proposed #ointer based !L) scheme

1 The MT detects that it has entered a new )' and sends a location
update message to the associated new M%$ through the base station.
/ The new M%$ updates its associated +L) indicating that the MT is
residing in its area and sends a location registration message to the
%T# in the signaling network.
3 The message is routed to the associate !L) o" the new M%$ through
the %T# by the modi"ied M%$ dependent CTT table lookup procedure.
5 The current !L) updates its record indicating the current serving
(new M%$ o" the MT and sends a registration acknowledgement
message to the new M%$.
= The new current !L) sends a message to the old current !L)
in"orming the movement o" the MT.
< The new current !L) checks its corresponding $'$!?, "or an entry
that corresponds to that particular MT. -" it has "ound then the new
current !L) immediately deletes that entry o" MT "rom the
corresponding $'$!?.
B The old current !L) sends a message to old M%$ to update its
associate +L). 'nd updates it:s !L) database indicating that the
mobile terminal is currently not active in that %'. 'nd make a pointer
entry regarding the movement o" MT in its corresponding $'$!?.
That entry tells the in"ormation to which !L) it has gone.
D The old M%$ deletes the record o" the MT in its associate +L) and
sends a cancellation acknowledgement message to the old !L).
The call delivery procedure under proposed #ointer based !L) scheme as "ollows.
.igureDA The call delivery procedure under proposed #ointer based !L) scheme as

-n the above "igure MT1 is calling MT1.2e can "ind easily called MT.
1. ' call is initiated by an MT1 and the base station "orwards the call initiation
signal to the M%$.
/. The M%$ sends a location re9uest message to the master !L) by using e&isting
CTT table look up procedure.
3. The location re9uest is "orwarded to the current !L) o" the called MT (that is
5. The current !L) sends a location re9uest message to the M%$ serving the called
MT (that is MT1.
=. The M%$ determines the cell location o" the called MT and assigns it a
Temporary Location ,irectory Gumber (TL,G. The M%$ then sends this TL,G
to the current !L).
<. The current !L) "orwards the TL,G to the calling M%$.
B. The calling M%$ sets up a connection to the called M%$ using this TL,G.
*.- De3cri2ion o5 he S03em
!ere the pointer "orwarding concept and searching the target MT is implemented
on the FG-H plat"orm. -n this implementation "our !L) regions are considered, each
acts as master !L) "or "our mobile terminals and also maintaining caches at the !L)
level. These caches are used "or maintaining the in"ormation about mobile terminals that
are leaving the corresponding !L) regions. These caches store the pointer entries, which
tell about to which !L) region the mobile terminal, has gone out.
-n this system the target MT is moved over all "our !L) regions randomly. %o every
e&ecution may be di""er or same as "rom previous e&ecution. -" the same mobile terminal
name is given as the target MT, then it may give same output or di""erent "rom the
previous output.
Let the "our !L) regions be !L)1, !L)/, !L)3 and !L)5. 'nd mobile terminals be
MT11,MT1/,MT13,MT15,MT/1,MT//,MT/3,MT/5,MT31,MT3/,MT33,MT35, MT51,
MT5/, MT53, MT55. ?nter two mobile terminals, one is caller MT and other is target
MT. Target MT moves along !L) regions. -" it moves "rom !L)1 to !L)/ then a
pointer entry entered into the !L)1:s cache that is $'$!?1, which tells that the target
MT is moved to !L)/ region. The entry is target MTAA!L)/ and i" it moves "rom
!L)/ to !L)3 then the entry is target MTAA !L)3 entered into the !L)/:s cache that
is $'$!?/ and so on.
The target MT searches across the hierarchial network structure as shown in the .igureI.
-" system controller is at !L)1 and it "ounds that the particular target MT is not present
then it checks !L)1:s cache that is $'$!?1. -" it "ounds an entry target MTAA!L)3
then it goes to G>,?1 and then )oot node and then G>,?/ and then !L)3 and
searches in the !L)3.

The "ollowing "igure shows the hierarchical network structure o" !L) regions.

.igureIA !ierarchical Getwork %tructure
The !L) contains the permanent data (directory number, pro"ile in"ormation, current
location, and validation period o" the MTs whose primary subscription is within the area.
.or each MT, it contains a pointer to the +L) to assist routing incoming calls. ' +L) is
associated with a Mobile %witching $enter (M%$ in the networks. -t contains temporary
record "or all MTs currently active within the service area o" the M%$.
.or convenience, call the !L) that contains the permanent data in"ormation o" the MT as
the master !L) "or that MT. The service area that is associated with the master !L) is
called the master %' "or that MT.
-n this implementation !L)1 is taken as the master !L) "or the mobile terminals MT11,
MT1/, MT13, and MT15. !L)/ is taken as master !L) "or the mobile terminals MT/1,
MT//, MT/3, and MT/5. !L)3 is taken as master !L) "or the mobile terminals MT31,
MT3/, MT33, and MT35. !L)5 is taken as master !L) "or the mobile terminals MT51,
MT5/, MT53, and MT55.

The "ollowing .igure11 shows the Clobal Title Translation (CTT database.

.igure11A Clobal Title Translation ,atabase
The main use o" CTT is to determine the master !L) o" the called MT "rom its Mobile
-denti"ication Gumber (M-G .The CTT is a table lookup procedure.
-n this implementation the above "igure shows the Master !L) s "or the "our sets o"
mobile terminals each set having 5 mobile terminals.
.rom this table the master !L) can be "ound "or a particular terminal that is use"ul "or
call delivery procedure (in searching process.
The "ollowing .igure11 shows the state o" all mobile terminals in all !L) regions.
.igure11A -nitial %tate o" all service areas
*.' S03em !i/e3
< in2u2a33.3h
#First program to run the system ..
#Input passing.......................
# 1.Global Title Translation
if [ -s gtt ]
rm -f gtt
while [ i -le ! ]
echo #$%&#i#''(T#i#1''(T#i#)''(T#i#*''(T#i#!# ++gtt
i=,e-pr i . 1,
# ).$%&s creation.......................
# /howing all $%& "atabases Initially............
# *.0ass user input to for
sh 1op
M h/r.3h
#program for creating $%& "atabases...............
if [ -s $%&1 ]
rm -f $%&1
if [ -s $%&) ]
rm -f $%&)
if [ -s $%&* ]
rm -f $%&*
if [ -s $%&! ]
rm -f $%&!
while [ i -le ! ]
while [ 2 -le ! ]
2=,e-pr 2 . 1,
i=,e-pr i . 1,
while [ 5 -le ! ]
while [ i -le ! ]
if [ i -e6 5 ]
i=,e-pr i . 1,
while [ 2 -le ! ]
2=,e-pr 2 . 1,
i=,e-pr i . 1,
5=,e-pr 5 . 1,
< in2u.3h
#0rogram for as5ing user.........................
tput clear
tput cup ! )7
echo #8nter 9aller''#
tput cup ! *:
rea" m1
tput cup ; )7
echo #8nter 9allee''#
tput cup ; *:
rea" m)
echo m1 +op
echo m) ++op
< roono4e.3h
#&ootno"e is connecting 4<381 4<38)............
rea" m #it stores $%&..........
rea" n #info abt (T.........
case m in
$%&1 = $%&)>echo m +sample1!
echo n ++sample1!
sh 4o" 1sample1!
$%&* = $%&!>echo m +sample1:
echo n ++sample1:
sh 4o"e).sh 1sample1:
@> echo #It is only 9onnecte" to 4o"e1A 4o"e)#
< No4e-.3h
# 4o"e1 is connecting $%&1B $%&) A
rea" p
rea" 6
#echo p
#echo 6
case p in
$%&1> echo 6 = sh
$%&)> echo 6 = sh searchhlr).sh
@> #echo # It is only connecte" to $%&1B$%&) A
echo p +sample1*
echo 6 ++sample1*
sh rootno" 1sample1*
< No4e'.3h
#4o"e) is connecting $%&*B $%&! A &oot4o"e...........
rea" -
rea" y
case - in
$%&*> echo y = sh searchhlr*.sh
$%&!> echo y = sh searchhlr!.sh
@> echo - +sample1!
echo y ++sample1!
sh rootno" 1sample1!
< 3earch.3h
#program for searching (aster $%&Cs of (TCsDcaller B
callee>from GTT..............
rea" a
rea" b
aw5 -F'' CE8GI4F<F/=#''#?F/=#''#G
print m
GC p=a gtt + sample1
c=,cat sample1,
aw5 -F'' CE8GI4F<F/=#''#?F/=#''#G
print n
GC p=b gtt +sample)
"=,cat sample),
tput cup 1: ):
echo #I4ITIH%%I #
sleep *
# /how the mobile terminals on all /erJice areas before
sh show"
sleep K
#(oJe the Target (obile terminal oJer $%&s...............
echo c +sample*
echo " ++sample*
echo a ++sample*
echo b ++ sample*
sh 1 sample*
tput cup 1: ):
echo #HFT8& (<LI4G#
sleep *
# /how the mobile terminals on all serJice areas after
sh show"
#pass the Jlues to for
echo c + sample!
echo " ++sample!
echo a ++sample!
echo b ++sample!
sh 1sample!
#This is First (oJing program.........................
rea" mhcaller
rea" mhcallee
rea" caller
rea" callee
case mhcallee in
$%&1>echo callee +op1
echo mhcallee++op1
sh 1op1
$%&)>echo callee +op)
echo mhcallee++op)
sh mhlr).sh 1op)
$%&*>echo callee +op*
echo mhcallee++op*
sh mhlr*.sh 1op*
$%&!>echo callee +op!
echo mhcallee++op!
sh mhlr!.sh1op!
@>echo # #
< mh/r-.3h
# 0rogram to moJe $%&1Cs (obile terminal.................
rea" a #callee..................
rea" b #mhcallee................

aw5 -F'' CE8GI4F<F/=#''#?F/=#''#G
print 7
GC -=a $%&1 +temp1
echo y=cp temp1 $%&1
# 4ow its nee" to generate numbers 7B1B)...................
echo -+small"ata
aw5 -F'' CE8GI4FF/=#''#?<F/=#''#G
print Dy.1>
GC y=m: small"ata +temp)
# #c# is the new $%& in the 2ourney..................
c=,cat temp),
echo a''c+cache1
#now we haJe to ma5e 7 as 1 in #a1# of (obile terminal#a#
#if [ -s hairaa ]
# rm -f hairaa
echo a + hairaa
echo c ++ hairaa
echo b ++ hairaa
sh mhlr1).sh 1 hairaa
#cat hairaa. mhlr1).sh
#echo a c b=. mhlr1).sh
< mh/r-'.3h
# This is secon" program for (oJing of a mobile terminal
Mhose (aster $%& is $%&1...
rea" "
rea" e
rea" f
# now we haJe to generate ran"om numbers
7B1 ................
echo N + small"ata1
aw5 -F'' CE8GI4F<F/=#''# ?F/=#''#G



print n

print m

GC p=e 6=f r=,e-pr m; . 1, small"ata1 +temp:
a*=,cat temp:,
case e in
$%&1> n=1
$%&)> n=)
$%&*> n=*
$%&!> n=!
echo "''a* + cachen
# #f # is the (aster $%& of the (obile Terminal #"#
# #e # is the 1st new $%& of (obile Terminal #"#
# /o #a*# is the )n" new $%& of (obile Terminal #"#
echo " + hairaa1
echo e ++ hairaa1
echo a* ++ hairaa1
echo f ++ hairaa1
sh mhlr1)*.sh 1 hairaa1
#echo " e a* f =. mhlr1)*.sh
< mh/r-'6.3h
# This is the !th program in moJing case.............
rea" g
rea" h
rea" i
rea" 2
echo N + small"ata1
aw5 -F'' CE8GI4F<F/=#''#? F/=#''#G

print m
GC p=h 6=i r=2 small"ata1 + temp;
a!=,cat temp;,
case i in
$%&1> n=1
$%&)> n=)
$%&!> n=!
@>n=# #
echo g''a! + cachen
aw5 -F'' CE8GI4F<F/=#''#?F/=#''#G
print 7
GC p=g a! + tempP
echo y=cp tempP a!
< mh/r'.3h
# 0rogram to moJe $%&)Cs (obile terminal.................
rea" a #callee..................
rea" b #mhcallee................

aw5 -F'' CE8GI4F<F/=#''#?F/=#''#G
print 7
GC -=a $%&) +temp1
echo y=cp temp1 $%&)

# 4ow its nee" to generate numbers 7B1B)...................
echo -+small"ata
aw5 -F'' CE8GI4FF/=#''#?<F/=#''#G
print Dy.1>
GC y=m: small"ata +temp)
# #c# is the new $%& in the 2ourney..................
c=,cat temp),
echo a''c+cache)
#now we haJe to ma5e 7 as 1 in #a1# of (obile terminal#a#
#if [ -s hairaa ]
# rm -f hairaa
echo a + hairaa
echo c ++ hairaa
echo b ++ hairaa
sh mhlr1).sh 1 hairaa
#cat hairaa. mhlr1).sh
#echo a c b=. mhlr1).sh
< mh/r6.3h
# 0rogram to moJe $%&*Cs (obile terminal.................
rea" a #callee..................
rea" b #mhcallee................

aw5 -F'' CE8GI4F<F/=#''#?F/=#''#G
print 7
GC -=a $%&* +temp1
echo y=cp temp1 $%&*

# 4ow its nee" to generate numbers 7B1B)...................
echo -+small"ata
aw5 -F'' CE8GI4FF/=#''#?<F/=#''#G
print Dy.1>
GC y=m: small"ata +temp)
# #c# is the new $%& in the 2ourney..................
c=,cat temp),
echo a''c+cache*
#now we haJe to ma5e 7 as 1 in #a1# of (obile terminal#a#
#if [ -s hairaa ]
# rm -f hairaa
echo a + hairaa
echo c ++ hairaa
echo b ++ hairaa
. mhlr1).sh 1 hairaa
#cat hairaa. mhlr1).sh
#echo a c b=. mhlr1).sh
< mh/r*.3h
# 0rogram to moJe $%&!Cs (obile terminal.................
rea" a #callee..................
rea" b #mhcallee................

aw5 -F'' CE8GI4F<F/=#''#?F/=#''#G
print 7
GC -=a $%&! +temp1
echo y=cp temp1 $%&!

# 4ow its nee" to generate numbers 7B1B)...................
echo -+small"ata
aw5 -F'' CE8GI4FF/=#''#?<F/=#''#G
print Dy.1>
GC y=m: small"ata +temp)
# #c# is the new $%& in the 2ourney..................
c=,cat temp),
echo a''c+cache!
#now we haJe to ma5e 7 as 1 in #a1# of (obile terminal#a#
#if [ -s hairaa ]
# rm -f hairaa
echo a + hairaa
echo c ++ hairaa
echo b ++ hairaa
. mhlr1).sh 1 hairaa
#cat hairaa. mhlr1).sh
#echo a c b=. mhlr1).sh
rea" mhcaller
rea" mhcallee
rea" caller
rea" callee
case mhcallee in
$%&1> echo callee = sh
$%&)> echo callee = sh searchhlr).sh
$%&*> echo callee = sh searchhlr*.sh
$%&!> echo callee = sh searchhlr!.sh
@> echo #It is not a master $%&#
< 3earchh/r-.3h
#This programm is for searching in $%&1...............
rea" s
m=,grep s $%&1,
echo m + sample:
y=,aw5 -F'' CE8GI4FF/=#''#?<F/=#''#G
print !
GC sample: ,
if [ y -e6 1 ]
echo #%ocation foun" in $%&1#
echo #T%34 of calle" (T is passing to calling (T#
echo #9onnection is establishe"#
echo #%ocation not foun"#
echo #(T is moJing. /o we haJe to search in $%&1Cs
n=,grep s cache1,
echo n + sample;
N=,aw5 -F'' CE8GI4FF/=#''#?<F/=#''#G
print )

GC sample;,
# where N is a Jariable hol"s the $%& info. accor"ing
to cache info#
echo N +sample1;
echo s ++sample1;
sh 4o"e1.sh1sample1;
< 3earchh/r'.3h
#It is for searching in $%&)..................
rea" s
m=,grep s $%&),
echo m + sampleP
#set m
y=,aw5 -F'' CE8GI4FF/=#''#?<F/=#''#G
print !
GC sampleP,
if [ y -e6 1 ]
# tput clear
echo #%ocation foun" in $%&)#
echo #T%34 of calle" (T#
echo #9onnection establishe"#
echo #%ocation not foun"#
echo #(T is moJing so we haJe to search in $%&)Cs
n=,grep s cache),
echo n + sampleK
-=,aw5 -F'' CE8GI4FF/=#''#?<F/=#''#G
print )
GC sampleK,
echo - +sample1;
echo s ++sample1;
sh 4o" 1sample1;
#It is for searching in $%&*.................
rea" s
m=,grep s $%&*,
echo m + sampleQ
#set m
y=,aw5 -F'' CE8GI4FF/=#''#?<F/=#''#G
print !
GC sampleQ,
if [ y -e6 1 ]
echo #%ocation foun" in $%&***#
echo #T%34 of calle" (T#
echo #9onnection establishe"#
echo #%ocation 4ot foun"#
echo #(T is moJing so we haJe to search in $%&*Cs
n=,grep s cache*,
echo n + sample17
-=,aw5 -F'' CE8GI4FF/=#''#?<F/=#''#G
print )
GC sample17,
echo - +sample1;
echo s ++sample1;
sh 4o"e).sh1sample1;
#It is for searching in $%&!.................
rea" s
m=,grep s $%&!,
echo m + sample11
y=,aw5 -F'' CE8GI4FF/=#''#?<F/=#''#G
print !
GC sample11,
if [ y -e6 1 ]
tput clear
echo #%ocation foun" in $%&! #
echo #T%34 of calle" (T#
echo #9onnection establishe"#
echo #%ocation 4ot foun"#
echo #(T is moJing so we haJe to search in $%&!Cs
n=,grep s cache!,
echo n +sample1)
-=,aw5 -F'' CE8GI4FF/=#''#?<F/=#''#G
print )
GC sample1),
echo - +sample1K
echo s ++sample1K
sh 4o"e).sh 1sample1K
*.6 Re=uiremen3 o run he S03em.
>perating systemAA FG-H >perating system
L-GFH >perating system.
LanguagesAA Fni& %hell programming(@ash, awk
The hard ware re9uirements "or FG-H >perating systemA

D1M@ hard disk and at least 5M@ o" )'M on a 1<Ebit microprocessor (D1/D<, or
pre"erably D13D<*D15D<.

*.* Re3u/3
The "ollowing shows the e&ample input to the system.

The "ollowing .igure1/ shows the part o" the output, the state o" all mobile terminals
be"ore moving.
.igure1/A -nitial state o" all service areas
'ccording to the given input, it shows the output in .igure13. The state o" all mobile
terminals a"ter target mobile terminal is moving.
.igure 13A The state o" all service areas a"ter moving
'"ter target mobile terminal moving, the "ollowing .igure15 shows the in"ormation in all
.igure 15A The state o" all caches a"ter target MT is moving
The "ollowing shows the $onnection ?stablished statements a"ter searching the target
mobile terminal according to caches.
-n ,ynamic !L) Location Management %cheme "or #$% Getworks a dynamic
copy o" mobile terminal location in"ormation is provided in the nearest current !L)
database. !ere a MT can always access the location data in its nearest !L) "or
per"orming location registration and call delivery.
This ,ynamic !L) location scheme is limitation "or some cases such as when
a mobile terminal is moving across number o" service areas. .or e&ample let there be 11
%ervice areas (%', a particular mobile terminal moving "rom starting %' to 11
%'. -n
this case according to ,ynamic !L) scheme in between every two %ervice 'reas the
process o" copying o" the MT record will be implemented. This takes too much o"
signaling cost.
.or one more case, this ,ynamic !L) location scheme is not e""icient. 2hen
the MT moving across service areas, it may also visit to previous service areas, "or this
looping situation the location registration cost under ,ynamic !L) location scheme is
very high. The copying o" the record o" MT "rom old %' to new %' "or every time is the
main problem. -t is taking unnecessary signaling cost while moving back to previously
visited %'. This problem leads to propose #ointer based !L) method which decreases
the cost "or the case when the mobile terminals are "re9uently moving between %ervice

-n the proposed #ointer based !L) %cheme "or #$% Getworks a cache is
maintained at each !L). 2hen ever MT moves "rom one %' to another %' a pointer
entry will be entered into the cache. -" it is staying in the %', then the pointer entry o"
that particular MT will be deleted in the corresponding cache. -" MT moves back to
already visited %' then the pointer entry o" that particular MT will be deleted "rom
already visited %':s cache. This minimi(es the cost when the MT is in looping situation.
.or e&ample let there be 11 service areas (%', a particular mobile terminal
moves "rom 1
%' to 11
%'. -n this case the pointer entry is entered in the $'$!?1
($ache at !L)1, and the pointer entry is entered in the $'$!?/ ($ache at !L)/, and
so on. @y maintaining o" these caches the cost o" location registration under this
proposed #ointer based !L) scheme is minimi(ed as compared to ,ynamic !L)
location scheme, as the ,ynamic !L) location scheme is based on copying o" record
o" the MT "rom old %' to new %'.
.or the proposed #ointer based !L) method "or a case when a mobile terminal
moving among %'s the length o" the pointer chain is not considered. The constraint on
the length (i.e number o" service areas through which a MT can be searched must be
8.- Ana/0ica/ Mo4e/
Notations used in the performance analysis.
N l , N' : the incoming call arrival rates (i.e., average number of
incoming calls per unit of time) from the same SA where the called !
locates and from other SAs, respectively.
"/ N m: the average #egistration Area(#A) residence time.
p: inter$SA movement probability.
: cost for updating or &uerying the '(#.
: cost for updating or &uerying the )(#.
: cost for performing the *lobal !itle !ranslation (*!!) to determine
the master '(#+%urrent '(#.
and %
signaling costs for the communication lin-s in the same
SA and between di.erent two SAs, respectively. /e also call %
and %
intra-SA signaling cost and inter-SA signaling cost, respectively.
N: number of SAs in the 0%S networ-. Assume that the possibility
that an ! resides in any SA is considered to be the same (i.e., "/N).
8.-.- Ana/03i3 o5 Locaion Re1i3raion meho4 un4er ;D0namic #LR Locaion
mana1emen> Scheme 5or 7hen ;a mo.i/e i3 ermina/ movin1 amon1
!he possibility that the ! moves to another di.erent SA is p.
!he possibility that the ! moves in the same SA will be (" p).
!here are two intra$SA signaling costs ,%
over lin-s between the
new S% and the new current '(# and other two intra$SA
signaling costs ,%
over lin-s between the old S% and the old
current '(#.
!here are three inter$SA signaling costs 1%
are over lin-s
between the new current '(# and the old current '(#.
!here are two )(# updates (one for the new )(# and another for
the old )(#) with costs ,%
!here are three '(# updates (the 2rst for accessing the new
current '(# from the new )(#, the second for accessing the old
current '(# from the new current '(#, and the third for
accessing the new current '(# from the old current '(#) with
costs 1%
!he cost for determining the current '(# is %
!he costs per unit time for location registration under the
3ynamic '(# location management4 scheme as follows,
= A
{ p(4 C
)+ C
5or the case when the MT is moving across 11 service areas (GO11 the cost per
unit time "or the location registration under the ,ynamic !L) location
management scheme will become
=10 A
{p(4 C
+3 C
+3 C
)+ C
.igure1=A Location )egistration procedure "or the case a mobile terminal
moving among %'s under ,ynamic !L) Location management
8.-.' Ana/03i3 o5 Locaion Re1i3raion meho4 un4er 2ro2o3e4 ;Poiner .a3e4
#LR> Scheme 5or ca3e 7hen ;a mo.i/e ermina/ i3 movin1 amon1

$cacheopA $ost "or adding an entry or deleting an entry "rom the cache.
$cachesearchA $ost "or searching an entry in the cache.
The signaling cost "or the location registration is =$1P$/.
Two +L) updates are there, so the cost is /$v.
Two !L) updates are there, so the cost is /$h.
The cost "or per"orming CTT to "ind the current !L) is $g.
The cost "or per"orming the $'$!? search operation is $cachesearch.
The cost "or per"orming the $'$!? operation (adding*deleting is
Total cost "or per"orming Location registration under proposed #ointer
based !L) scheme is
D2 ?8C-EC'E'CvE'ChECcacheo2E Ccache3earch@EC1 F
5or the case when the MT is moving across 11 service areas (GO11 the
cost per unit time "or the location registration under the proposed #ointer
based !L) scheme scheme will become.
L) C-)BD8C-EC'E'CvE'ChEC1ECcacheo2ECcache3earchF
.igure1<A Location )egistration procedure "or the case a mobile terminal
moving among %'s under proposed #ointer based !L) scheme
8.-.6 Ana/03i3 o5 Ca// 4e/iver0 meho4 un4er ;D0namic #LR Locaion
mana1emen> Scheme 5or ca3e 7hen ;a mo.i/e ermina/ i3 movin1 amon1
SA3>?!i1ure-G @
!he calling ! and the called ! are in the di.erent two SA.
!he signaling cost for performing call delivery operation is ,%
The possibility that the calling MT and the called MT are in the two di""erent
service areas is (N1)/N.
The database updates costs and the cost o" per"orming the caching scheme to
determine the current !L) "or the above two cases are /$v 6%
, and %
!he total costs per unit time for the call delivery under the
3ynamic '(# scheme4 is obtained as
= AA (N-1)/N (3C
.igure1BA $all delivery procedure "or the case a mobile terminal moving among
%'s under ,ynamic !L) Location management scheme
8.-.* Ana/03i3 o5 Ca// 4e/iver0 meho4 un4er 2ro2o3e4 ;Poiner .a3e4 #LR>
Scheme 5or ca3e 7hen ;a mo.i/e ermina/ i3 movin1 amon1 SA3> ?!i1ure-&@
The signaling cost "or per"orming $all delivery operation is 3$1P5$/.
The cost "or per"orming CTT to "ind the current !L) is $g.
The database updates costs and the cost o" per"orming the caching scheme to
determine the current !L) "or the above two cases are /$v and %
The called MT is present at %'1 and has moved to %'11 via %'/, %'3, %'5 and
so on. The caller MT is present at %'1. Then the cost "or per"orming the $'$!?
search operation is per"ormed I times, so cost "or cache search operation is
The total cost "or call delivery is obtained as,
CCDC AA (N-1)/N (3BC-E*BC'EC1E'BCvE'BCh@EHB?Ccache3earch@
.igure1DA $all delivery procedure "or the case a mobile terminal moving among %'s
under proposed #ointer based !L) %cheme
8.' Per5ormance com2ari3on3
The analytical model allows to comapre the proposed #ointer based !L) method with
the ,ynamic !L) location management scheme.
$;*$ is de"ined as the relative cost o" the proposed #ointer based !L) method with
respect to ,ynamic !L) location management scheme.
$M) is the call to mobility ratio, which is the ratio o" the call arrival rate to the
mobility rate(i.e Ac I Am@.
Gumerical e&perimentA
Let GO11 , pO1.11=, $1O1,$gO1.3,$hO1./,$vO1.1, Nl O5, N' O< .
$;O$;L) P$;$,
.or di""erent values o" $M) relative cost (i.e $;*$ is obtained as shown in .igure 1I.
.igure 1I
.rom the above .igure1I it is observed that when $M) is very less then this proposed
#ointer based !L) method has less cost as compared to ,ynamic !L) location
management scheme. 2hen the Mobility is high (i.e $M) is low proposed #ointer
based !L) method is cost e""ective than ,ynamic !L) Location management
The idea o" proposed #ointer based !L) scheme for location
management in 0%S networ-s is presented. !his idea is e.ective for
the mobile terminals moving through di.erent SAs fre&uently. !his idea
of the proposed method is simple and e.ective. 8t provides pointer
type information in caches maintained at '(# for searching target !.
/ith the proposed scheme, e9cess cost for location registration
is reduced in the looping situation of the !. /ith this proposed
scheme a caller ! can always access the information from caches for
performing location registration and call delivery e:ciently, and then
reduces the signaling and '(# database access tra:c. !he
architecture and the functions of e9isting networ- elements ('(#+)(#),
remain unchanged only an additional element that is caches at each
'(# database is added. An analytical model is also presented to study
the performance of location management methods.
;y applying the analytical model, the performance comparison
between the proposed 0ointer based '(#4 location management
scheme and the 3ynamic '(# (ocation management4 scheme for the
case when a mobile terminal moving among %'s is done.
To implement the case when a mobile terminal moving among %'s, a #ointer based
!L) method is proposed but the length o" the pointer chain is not considered. The
constraint on the length (i.e number o" service areas through which a MT can be
searched must be known. This is the main limitation in this proposed #ointer based
!L) scheme.

416. Qungoo !uh, $heecha Lim, Gew $achingEbased Location Management
%chemes in #$% systems, /111 -???.
4/6. Rie Li, Qi #an, ' ,ynamic !L) Location Management %cheme "or #$%
networks, /115 -???.
436. L-E%-L L>GC, R>>GEM-G C-L;, Q>FGE!?? !'GP, F-E%FGC %>GC
'G, $!>GCE%FG !2'GC ' .orwarding #ointerE@ased $ache %cheme "or
)educing Location Management $ost in #$% Getworks, Rournal o" -n"ormation
%cience and ?ngineering (/11/.

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