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14 Toronto Street News Vol. 8, #7, Sept.

15-28, 2006

However, another - and darker side - exists. Shatila atrocities in Lebanon and was banned
The governments of Israel are criminal for life from serving as the Minister of De-
because criminals rule it, literally. It's not I fense. Shalom Hanoch - a popular Israeli
Israeli Leaders: alone who makes this claim; it's not even rock star - sang a prophetic song in the early
Literally Criminals some antisemitic, conspirational, radical, fa- 80s entitled "He Doesn't Stop at the Red
Israeli Leaders - By Reuven Schossen natical, underground website. The Israeli jus- Lights," where he claimed that those who did
Literally Criminals tice system itself keeps finding its politicians not want Sharon as minister of defense would
This article by Israeli dissident Reuven The first thing people think whenever I tell guilty. unfortunately end up with him as prime min-
Schossen demonstrates his continuing cour- them that the government of Israel is crimi- Omri Sharon - Ariel Sharon's son and a ister.
age and willingness to put himself on the nal, is that I am referring to its violations of former nepotistic member of parliament - The Israeli newspaper world is run by
front lines of the ongoing effort to prevent Human Rights. In a sense they are correct, became the first Israeli politician to be sen- three families. An extensive analysis of their
Israeli criminal policies from increasing their the Israeli government is proud to ignore ba- tenced to jail due to his methods of getting priorities would be fascinating, but here I'll
reach. We need this type of courage and I sic rights - it has even passed legislation spe- donations for his father's campaign. Ariel mention only that the owners of Maariv are
hope you will do what you can to publicize cifically enabling it to do so. In my writings Sharon claimed he knew nothing about it. the Nimrodi family. Of Iranian origin, they
his efforts to gain political asylum in the US. and talks, it's true, I am usually referring to Ariel Sharon himself was found guilty by the made their fortune selling weapons. The son
Please see for details. - that aspect of Israeli institutionalized corrup- Lebanon War Investigating Committee in held the position of editor-in-chief while still
Leland Lehrman tion. Israel; guilty of not preventing the Sabra and in jail for having contracted a murder.
During the Cold War, they attacked domes- mention the imminence of the mid-term Con-
tic critics of the Vietnam War and later the gressional elections in November and the
Ronald Reagan administration's "contra war" growing tensions with Ahmadinejad's Iran
against Nicaragua - and even Israel's 1982 over its nuclear program - it is hardly surpris-
Nexis, for example, invasion of Lebanon - as "isolationists" and ing that both the administration and its hawk-
B y cited 56 uses of "Islamofascist" or "appeasers" who failed to understand that ish supporters are trying harder than ever to
Jim Lobe Inter Press Service "Islamofascism" in separate programs or seg- their opposition effectively served the inter- identify their current struggles, including last
The aggressive new campaign by the ad- ments aired by Fox News compared with 24 ests of an "evil" Soviet Union whose ambi- month's conflict between Israel and Iran-
ministration of President George W. Bush to by CNN over the past year. Even more strik- tions for world conquest were every bit as backed Hezbollah, specifically with the war
depict U.S. foes in the Middle East as ing, the same terms threatening and real against "fascism" more than 60 years ago.
"fascists" and its domestic critics as were used in 115 dif- NOTICE: TO READERS: as that of the Axis As noted by Associated Press (AP) this
"appeasers" owes a great deal to steadily in- ferent articles or col- Frequently, 60% of this paper is written powers in World week, "fascism" or "Islamic fascism," a
tensifying efforts by the right-wing press umns in the Washing-
over the past several months to draw the ton Times, compared by members of the Jewish community. War II. phrase used by Bush himself two weeks ago
Known as "the and used to encompass everything from
same comparison. with only eight in the We believe in supporting those who fre- Good War," that Sunni insurgents, al-Qaeda and Hamas to
The Rupert Murdoch-owned Fox News Washington Post over quently have their copy thrown in the conflict remains Shi'ite Hezbollah and Iran to secular Syria,
Network and The Weekly Standard, as well the same period, ac- trashcan. So, read the Jewish writers on irresistible as a has become the "new buzzword" for Republi-
as the Washington Times, which is controlled cording to a break- this page as well. point of compari- cans.
by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification down by Nexis. son for hawks In a controversial speech Tuesday, Penta-
Church, and the neoconservative New York S i m i l a r l y, the caught up in more gon chief Donald Rumsfeld was even more
Sun, have consistently and with increasing Washington Times used the words "appease" recent conflicts - from the first Gulf War direct, declaring that Washington faced a
frequency framed the challenges faced by or "appeasement" - a derogatory reference to when former President H.W. Bush compared "new type of fascism" and, in an explicit ref-
Washington in the region in the context of efforts by British Prime Minister Neville Iraq's Saddam Hussein to Hitler; to the Bal- erence to the failure of western countries to
the rise of fascism and Nazism in the 1930s, Chamberlain to avoid war with Nazi Ger- kan wars when neoconservatives and liberal confront Hitler in the 1930s, assailing critics
according to a search of the Nexis database many before the latter's invasion of Poland - interventionists alike described Serbian for neglecting "history's lessons" by "believ
by IPS. in 25 different articles or columns that dealt leader Slobodan Milosevic in similar terms; (ing) that somehow vicious extremists can be
All of those outlets, as well as two other with alleged threats posed by Ahmadinejad, to the younger Bush's "global war on terror- appeased."
right-wing U.S. magazines - The National compared to six in the Post and only three in ism" (GWOT), which he and his supporters But Rumsfeld's remarks, which drew bitter
Review and The American Spectator - far the New York Times. have repeatedly tried to depict as the latest in retorts from leading Democrats, followed a
outpaced their commercial rivals in the fre- Israel-centered neoconservatives and other a series of existential struggles against "evil" well-worn path trod with increasing intensity
quency of their use of key words and names, hawks have long tried to depict foreign chal- and "totalitarians" that began with World by the neoconservative and right-wing media
such as "appeasement," "fascism," and lenges to U.S. power as replays of the 1930s War II. over the last year, according to the Nexis sur-
"Hitler," particularly with respect to Iran and in order to rally public opinion behind for- Given the growing public disillusionment vey. Significantly, it did not include the Wall
its controversial president, Mahmoud eign interventions and high defense budgets not only with the Iraq war, but with Bush's Street Journal whose editorial pages have
Ahmadinejad. and against domestic critics. handling of the larger GWOT as well - not to been dominated by neoconservative opinion,
Involvement Of Republican Jewish Coali- h t t p : / / w a y n e m a d s e n r e p o r t . c o m / You will see from the Republican Jewish ject forward.
tion & Israel In 911 Artstudents.htm Coalition website that Ari Fleischer and The two have been on friendly terms since
By Leland Lehrman Since the Israeli Art Students mystery is Lewis Eisenberg, who supervised the hand- Netanyahu's stint as Israel's ambassador to one of the most dangerous subjects currently over of the WTC to Silverstein, are both Di- the United Nations. For years they kept in
I'm Russian Jewish. Jewish enough to have available to investigators such as ourselves, rectors of the Republican Jewish Coalition. close touch. Every Sunday afternoon, New
been rounded up in WWII. Jews are victim- it is also one of the underreported aspects of Eisenberg went on to become the Finance York time, Netanyahu would call Silverstein.
ized by our Jewish "leaders" the same as 9/11. Here's what author Christo- Committee Chairman of the Republican It made no difference what the subject was
Americans are, or any other "identifiable pher Ketcham had to say about it as quoted Party and then the 2004 Republican National or where Netanyahu was, he would always
group." Just check this link to see how the in Wayne Madsen's book Jaded Tasks: Convention Chairman. call, Silverstein told an Israeli acquaintance.
International Jewish Rescue Committee sold h t t p : / / d i r . s a l o n . c o m / s t o r y/ n e w s / Eisenberg and Silverstein have also both Their ties continued after Netanyahu became
out the Jews of Czechoslovakia in WWII for feature/2002/05/07/students/index.html held leadership positions in the United Jew- prime minister. They met several times and
the sake of Israel, according to the orthodox According to a high-level intelligence ish Appeal, a Zionist charity organization. Netanyahu promised to give the project his
Jewish rabbi who founded Jews Against Zi- agent who spoke with Ketcham, "people in- See Christopher Bollyn's article at http:// support."
onism: volved in the investigation of the Israeli Also see this article discussing
h t tp :/ /w w w . nk us a . or g / spies were at personal danger of being for more details. Silverstein's early relationship with Sharon,
Historical_Documents/RakBedam.cfm killed." The agent told Ketcham: Finally, for the details on the closeness Netanyahu and the Israeli Right Wing from
Protocols of Zion is a recent documentary "There are a lot of people under a lot of between Silverstein and Netanyahu and other the Institute for Advanced Policy Studies,
about the Protocols attempting to ridicule the pressure right now because there's a great Israelis, see the Haaretz article on the subject source of the infamous Clean Break Docu-
document and belittle its historical rele- effort to discredit the story, discredit the con- here: ment:
vance. However, treading on very thin ice, nections, prevent people from going further." Here's a quote: http ://www.iasps. org/s corecards /98/
the documentary shows footage of the Sounds like a clue to me. "Close ties with Netanyahu yerushalmi.htm
"Dancing Israelis" - eventually confirmed by I researched the Republican Jewish Coali- The ascension to power of Benjamin That is why Protocols of Zion and
Forward magazine and others as Mossad tion Netanyahu opened a new chapter in the saga. "Jewish" are mentioned in my recent piece
agents - on Israeli TV claiming they were for my article on Larry Silverstein and his Silverstein is left-leaning in his political requesting further investigation from the
only there to document the event. Since they connections to the Republican Jewish Coali- views - he supports the Democratic Party - community of the events of 9/11, so well
were documenting the first hit, one wonders tion which can be found here, although the but after despairing of Rabin and Peres, he covered in both Terrorstorm and 9/11 Press
how they knew, of course. See Wayne links are now out of date: believed that Netanyahu, whom he called a for Truth.
Madsen on the subject at hero of the free market, would push the pro- Leland
civilian casualties. It seems far Jewish Disgust with Israel
fetched that the Bush Administra- In a very encouraging development hundreds of
tion would do anything other than U.S. Jews are calling for strong measures to be
shower Israel with more money, but taken against the Israeli government including a
clu s- the Reagan administration did ban cut off of U.S. aid and U.N. sanctions. Over 800
ter bomb strikes occurred in export of cluster bombs to Israel for six years have signed the statement calling for "U.S. Jew-
Blanket the last 72 hours of the conflict, when we knew for its misuse during its 1982 Lebanese invasion. ish Solidarity with Muslim and Arab Peoples of
Immunity from War Crimes there would be a resolution," he said. Responding to a report by Human Rights the Middle East". It states "we are outraged by
When Criticism of Cluster Bombs is "Anti- It was known that in the last days of the war the Watch charging Israel with war crimes in its con- the violence being perpetrated in our name both
Semitic" By STANLEY HELLER The Israeli Israeli army was engaged in a desperate attempt duct of the war in Lebanon that was written by its as Jews and as U.S. citizens. We, the under-
paper Ha'aretz reports that the head of Germany's to have some "victory" and rushed troops here director Kenneth Roth, Rabbi Avi Shafran of signed, represent Jews across the United States
Jewish community accused a minister in Angela and there in an attempt to have a photo shoot near Agudath Israel has called Roth "loathsome." An who are choosing to stand in solidarity with the
Merkel's German government of "anti-Semitism" the Litani River. What was not known until now editorial in the New York Sun accused Roth of peoples of Gaza and Lebanon". It includes the
because of the minister's statement on Israel's use was the blind spite that sowed the ground of "de-legitimization of Judaism" because his group statement, "There is no Jewish safety in a country
of cluster bombs. Development Aid Minister Hei- South Lebanon with a massive number of condemned Israel's strategy as "an eye for an that rehearses the violence and persecution which
demarie Wieczorek-Zeul had asked for a United bomblets. eye." Rabbi Aryeh Spero in Human Events Ashkenazi Jews experienced for centuries
Nations probe into Israel's use of cluster bombs Cluster bombs are delivered by a large canister Online referred to Roth as a "human rights im- through the annihilation of the Palestinian people
in civilian areas of Lebanon. and disperse over a wide area, a sort of lethal postor," and likened him to "Nazis and Commu- and their homeland." The signers are collecting
Charlotte Knobloch, president of the Central piñata. The bomblets come in many sizes. Some nists." On Sunday, the Jerusalem Post published money for a full page in the New York Times and
Council of German Jews, complained about what are tiny, even smaller than 2 inches in diameter. an op-ed by NGO Monitor's Gerald Steinberg are just $800 away from their goal. The petition
she terms a growing "anti-mood [sic] against Kids are constantly trying to kick them or pick titled "Ken Roth's Blood Libel." [quotes from can be found at
Israel and the Jews" in Germany. [Ha,aretz Au- them up with the result in the loss an arm or leg Kathleen Peratis, Washington Post August 30] petition.php
gust 30] Merkel, who made absolutely no criti- or even death. "Every day people are maimed, The fact that Kenneth Roth is Jewish and his fa- It was after the 1982 invasion of Lebanon that
cism of Israel during the fighting, immediately wounded and are killed by these ordnance," said ther fled Nazi Germany makes no difference to U.S. Jews in significant numbers began open and
met with Knobloch to "soothe Jewish ire" accord- Egeland. The UN official based his estimate on the Ultras. If you are do not support Israel 110% trenchant criticisms of Israel. Chomsky's water-
ing to Deutche Welle [August 31] the reports of the UN Mine Action Coordination you are a Jew-hater, a renegade, a self-hater, and shed "The Fateful Triangle" was published that
The U.N. humanitarian chief Jan Egeland re- Centre which has traveled through 85% of Leba- a holocaust denier. Get it? year. Hopefully there will be even bigger shows
vealed this week that of the estimated 100,000 non. The casualty figures as of 29 August from In a very competitive field Abe Foxman of the of outrage this time around.
unexploded cluster bombs lying in Lebanon al- unexploded ordnance rose to 59 people, including Anti-Defamation League took the prize for the Stanley Heller is chairperson of the Middle
most all of them were fired in the last few days of 13 killed and 46 injured. comment showing the most utter stupidly. In at- East Crisis Committee in Connecticut. It's web-
the fighting when the terms of the ceasefire had Responding to U.N. reports of cluster bombs tacking Human Rights Watch he said if Hezbol- site is and he can be
already been set. The Guardian (UK) reports being found in Lebanese civilian areas the U.S. lah was not made to pay an "overwhelming price" reached at
Egleand said, "What's shocking--and I would say government has begun an investigation to deter- for rocket attacks "the Holocaust would be in the
to me completely immoral is that 90% of the mine if cluster bombs have been responsible for works". [Peratis, Washington Post]

Israelis Hold Keys To NSA & U.S. the U.S. intelligence agency with the man- revealed that the NSA would be using its ders of the company: Ronald L. Rivest,
Government Computers date to protect government and military security software: Adi Shamir, and Leonard M. Adleman.
By Christopher Bollyn American Free computer networks and provide secure "U.S. Department of Defense Agency Adi Shamir, the lead theoretician, is an
Press communications for all branches of the U. Selects RSA Security Encryption Soft- Israeli citizen and a professor at the Weiz-

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