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... through Bertha Dudde

Faith is the first condition for truth ....
Regardless how conscientiously a person endeavours to now the
truth! its certainty is not guaranteed as long as his striving is not
"ased on profound faith. Without the latter! everything presented
and accepted "y people is interspersed with error .... #n contrast!
the slightest thought in faith will also result in purest truth.
$nd then a person should pay attention to the a"undance of
thoughts flowing to hi%! if he! in faith of God! deli"erates on any
su"&ect .... #n a %anner of speaing! he will "e grasped and %ost
profound nowledge will "e i%parted to hi%! and he can "e
assured that it will "e purest truth! for this is the funda%entally
inherent way of thought transference that a person 'uestioningly
turns to the teaching ena"led "eings when %erely a thought
desiring clarification arises in hi%.
(he only way for a correct instruction is the 'uestioning desire!
which will "e instantly answered.
Who is the only one to clarify all things) Only the divine *reator
+i%self! and +e does this "y giving the "eings of service to +i%
the tas of infor%ing every living creation of what they desire to
,very person-s train of thought is the result of a %ore or less
strong will for truth. For God +i%self is the truth .... #f a person
desires the truth with co%plete faith in God then he also desires
God +i%self. (his desire of the person-s spirit for God also
esta"lishes the connection with the divine spirit!
and thus the spirit in the hu%an "eing will "e instructed "y the
divine .pirit #tself and can therefore only receive purest truth ....
+owever! where! vice versa! the sa%e desire prevails "ut without
faith in God! the Deity cannot %ae contact with the person-s
indwelling spiritual spar and thus the adversary avails hi%self of
the opportunity of trans%itting his will to the person and leads
hi% into error and wrong thining.
(he inner lin with God safeguards every co%%unication ....
anyone who calls upon God, opens his heart and listens to
the answer will only be able to hear absolute truth, for God
is willing to give wherever a faithful heart re'uests divine gifts!
and truth is always and forever a gift fro% a"ove ....
(ruth can only co%e fro% a"ove "ut never arise fro% the
a"yss .... $nd thus people are wise to consider the divine /ord in
every 'uestion! for truth can only "e provided "y the One Who is
(ruth in +i%self .... $nd again! no earthly child will appeal for it
in vain! since the Father in +eaven will always guide +is children
into truth ....
+ence the spiritually perfect "eings %ust also %anifest
the%selves as "earers of truth to those who want to receive
truth .... they %ust not encounter any opposition if they want to
e0press the%selves and this! in turn! re'uires profound faith in
God again! in spiritual strength and their transfer of thoughts to
the hu%an "eing.
Faith is therefore the first condition without which a truthful
conveyance of nowledge is unthina"le ....
Once a person has found this si%plest of solutions! where"y his
correct thining is guaranteed! he will neither "e tor%ented "y
dou"t nor downheartedly and hesitantly scrutinise such
trans%issions for their truth .... "ut he will unconditionally accept
what the spirit i%parts to hi%! since his attitude towards God
assures hi% correct thining after all ....
By co%parison! a person who constantly longs for worldly things
will not desire truth .... +e instinctively feels that worldly
pleasures and the fulfil%ent of cravings cannot "e the purpose of
earthly life .... "ut does not want to ad%it to it! and thus he also
shies away fro% strictly searching for truth in all aspects of life!
and precisely this deli"erate avoidance of truth results in the fact
that the prince of lies gains power over his soul.
(he eternal Deity can send little help to such a soul since the
sa%e opposition will also result in the sa%e evil influences again!
"ecause God! the eternal (ruth +i%self! wants to "e
acnowledged and therefore faith is the first condition in order to
attain the truth ....
1u"lished "y friends of new revelations of God 2 #nfor%ation!
download of all translated revelations! the%e3"oolets at4

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