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Lista de Exerccios - Ingls - Professora Patrcia - 6 Ano

1- Passe as frases abaixo para o plural. (Put the sentences in the plural form)
a- She is a good girl.
b- I was tired yesterday.

Complete as frases com there to be (there is ou there are). (Complete the sentences using
there to be)
a- ________________ a car here on the street.
b- ________________ a lot of water in the bottle.
c- ________________ two students in the class.
d- ________________ some juice left in the fridge.
e- ________________ many ways to get it.
3- Complete as frases com there to be (there was ou there were). (Complete the sentences
using there to be)
a- _________________ flowers in my bedroom yesterday.
b- _________________ a car outside.
c- _________________ actors on the stage acting last night.
d- _________________ an expensive jacket here yesterday.
e- _________________ three cats in the garden.
4- Answer. (respostas completas)
a- Where are you from? (Brazil)

b- Who is your favorite friend?
c- What is your favorite color?
5- Lets practice the gerund. ( Passe para o gerndio ) No se esquea das regras.
a- to wash ________________________
c- to speak _______________________
e- to see ________________________
g- to drink _______________________
i- to do _________________________

b- to learn ___________________
d- to leave ____________________
f- to rob ______________________
h- to say ___________________
j- to have____________________

6- Complete os espaos em branco com o Presente Contnuo ( Present Continuous ). Voc

dever usar o verbo To Be (am,is,are) e o verbo entre parnteses no gerndio.

a- I ____________________________________ my English teacher ( to see)

b- She _________________________________to the movies. (to go)
c- They ________________________________my favorite song. (to sing)
d- Ted and I ______________________________ new clothes. (to sell)
e- The children ____________________________a shower . (to take)
7- Observe as figures abaixo e elabore frases no Presente Contnuo. (Pronome + verbo to
be no presente + verbo principal no gerndio).

(to eat)
(to study)

8- Passe as frases abaixo para as formas negativa e interrogativa .

a- We are reading a book.
b- he is doing a new project.
9- Passe para o plural. Cuidado com as regras. So 5.
Week ______________
Pen _______________
Bus _______________
Church ____________
Box _______________
Knife ______________
Boy _______________
Baby ______________

Potato ______________
Wife _______________
Man _______________
Child ______________
Foot _______________
Leaf _______________

10- Relacione corretamente as colunas

a- He is ______________ his homework now.
b- She is _____________ about the moon.
c- They are _____________ with a ball.
d- I am _______________ at a bank.
e- We are ____________ at the park this year.


) running
) doing
) talking
) working
) playing

11- Answer. Responda utilizando there is ou there are.

a- What is there in your class?
b- What is there in your pencil case?
c- What is there on your desk?

12- Assinale a alternativa correta
a- o gerndio do verbo to sing
( ) sing
b- o gerndio do verbo to put

( ) putting

c- o gerndio do verbo to wash

d- o gerndio do verbo to rob

( ) singin


( ) puting

) washing
) robing

e- A frase negativa correta :

( ) I am not now. ( ) I are not eating (

( ) singing


( ) puing

) washi

) robeng

) I am not eating now.

f- A frase interrogativa correta :

( ) She is talking? ( ) Is She talking? ( ) Are She talking ?


) to washing

) robbing

g- They _____________ painting their house.

( ) are
( ) is
( ) am
h- Paul and Mary _____________ a letter.
( ) is writing
( ) are writing
( ) are writeing
i- __________ is your name?
( ) What
( ) when
( ) where
( ) who
j- ________ do you have classes? I have on Mondays.
( ) What
( ) when
( ) where
( ) who
k- ___________ were you born? I was born in January
( ) What
( ) when
( ) where
( ) who
l- ___________ were you born? I was born in Jacare
( ) What
( ) when
( ) where
( ) who
m- __________ is that man? He is my father.
( ) What
( ) when
( ) where

) who

n- _________ do you have? I have a house and a car.

( ) What
( ) when
( ) where
( ) who

There is -- existe (singular)
There are existem ( plural )

There was existia ( singular )
There were existiam ( plural )

B- Gerndio
Regra geral: Acrescentar ing no verbo
EX: To eat --- eating. (comer comendo)
To sleep --- sleeping (dormir dormindo)
Regra do E (solteiro), quando o verbo terminar com E. O E cai fora e acrescenta ing.
EX: TO have ---- Having (ter ---- tendo)
to live ---- Living ( viver ---- vivendo)
to change ---- Changing ( mudar --- mudando)
to drive ---- Driving (dirigir --- dirigindo)
Regra do EE (casados).
s acrescentar ing no verbo
EX: To see --- seeing (ver vendo)
To agree --- agreeing (concordar concordando)
Regra CVC (consoante + vogal + consoante).
Quando os verbos forem pequenos e as trs ltimas letras forem CVC s dobrar a ltima letra
e acrescentar ing.
EX: To run --- running (correr correndo)
To rob --- robbing (roubar roubando)

Passar para a forma negativa e interrogativa

a)He is working now.
He is not working now. (isnt)
Is he working now?

1-Most nouns form the plural by adding -S





2- Substantivos que terminam em S, SS, SH, O, X, CH e Z usam o plural ES:

bus buses
Brush brushes
box boxes
Church churches
3- Substantivos terminados em Y

Vogal + Y, recebe apenas o S.

Day days
boy boys
Consoante + Y, recebe como plural o IES.
story stories
baby - babies
city cities
4- Substantivos terminados em F ou FE, tira o F ou FE e coloca VES

wife wives
thief - thieves
Wolf wolves
knife - knives

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