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York Tribune
December 20, 1879

The New York Tribune
December 23, 1879

New York Herald
December 24, 1879

Whig and Courier
December 26, 1879

New York Herald
December 26, 1879

New York Herald
December 27, 1879

Sunday Mercury
December 28, 1879

New York Herald
December 28, 1879

New York Herald
December 29, 1879

New York Herald
December 30, 1879

able f*intf- After a brief desultory conversation and even, I
- o V e o r r e s p o n d e n t stated the object of h i s mission. which will
..jailed o n yon,** I said, "in your dual capacity as cates."
*ex-Governor of t h e State and as t h e highest "1 will n
jfflccr in the militia service to ask yonr opinion on If the Gov
t h e serious issue presented t o t h e people of Maine, command
and to ascertain what y o u regard as the safest way "I would
Q t of t h e t r o u b l e . " State as no
"At to the best way out of it." said General Cham- for a major
berlain, smiling, "my m i n d i t very clear. The rem- ciently."
edy i s simple."
"And that is r "Suppos
"An appeal t o t h e Supreme Court. Ex-Governor were in com
Morrill has pointed out the fair and honorable solu- "I am inc
tion of the problem, i n m y judgment." respect tor
"How d o y o n regard t h e action of t h e Governor mands of m
iConaciir* "Do you
"Well, I am n o t fully advised as t o the merits of prompt t o
I have only t h e published reports in t h e "Yes, the
papers, and, of course, they are more or toss colored in the matt
by the desire to promote party interests, but there What is
M o n e thing which strikos me, as it must have "I do not
struck other people, and that i s that the returns vides condi
could be so counted under the provisions of the con- When ask
stitution and the laws that the result would over- tended rem
turn the popular verdict. It might be easy t o militia. Gen
satisfy a y mind that this wss a mere coincidence to prevent s
a fatality, if one can so express itbut it will be tain, but th
dirhc mt to satisfy the ordinary voter. The day after simply calli
election the news wss sent abroad that the republi- ing the co n
cans had secured a decided majority of the Senators sense ot the
t a d Representatives. When the official canvass was wise counse
finished that majority was found to have been osition to r
changed to a minority, and the conviction forced as eminent
Us sit o n the public mind that only republican towns not settled
were* thrown out, and that b y t h i s moans the ex- lie under th
pressed will of the people had been reversed. '* the ballot b
honor and f
ItuarraovKs o r rUK rnxeaxx AGITATION.
"Do you approve of t h e indignation meetings, as a revolutio
they are called, and t h e tone of t h e speeches de- with Louis
livered there t* dark to be
No, I cannot say I do. It was very proper t o correspond
a r e the people brought together for the purpose
of entering a protest against what they honestly re- THE MAIO
gard as a great wrong. But to my mind, if they are TAIH O
t e be continued, their tone and character ought to
b e radically changed. Instead of tiring the popular
heart the leading men who address the people ought [BT
rather to counsel moderation. They ought to labor
i n e v e r y w a y to allay the publio excitement and Everythin
prevent any attempt at a violation of law and order. circles. Go
There has been no meeting held i n Brunswick s o at noon, an
ie*. partly through my influence, and if thero went to Be
should be one, and I were invited to bis stay in
Nash, who
peak I would use every means in my power to property to
chock the flow of intemperate language which is perfect orde
doing s o much at present t o stir up t h e worst pas- tne Legisla
sion* of the great masses of the people. Then there communica The Mayo
is soother point which ought to be constantly Cnv
urged in all our meetings. The strongest argu- To Hit Kx
ments should be used to induce men who bold cer- SisThe e
tificates and w h o know that they were not elected tlilrusiu^' the Leirl
t o reject tiie honor conferred o n them by the Gov- niuiuent. T
ernor t a d council and allow those who were elected evsry lawful
to gut their seats. They ought to be urged and e n - aud mortifi
docoruin on
treated to u s e their influence in t h e respective with the or
rauted in bu
housed to have the will of the people as expressed at dreds ef sw
the polls fully carried out. Public sentiment should needed for K
whore in the
be directed to them, that they would not merely s i t to 'JUU lined
down in their seats, but stand u p and raise their and auy n
State's dis
voices for popular rights." the State
touching th
"How about the appeal to the Supreme Court*" proaervatiou
VAVOBS wBMiimo* TO THE a u r u m a couax. pressiuK ttio
in relying u
"I think the Governor should lay the whole matter tendered, au
before that body and ask for a decision o n the ques- i>ut troop* t
will pardon
tions under dispute. The whole state would be State House
therein will
beneficially affected by this course, and the people pn acliiug L
would abide implicitly by the verdict. If the Execu- in that build
before, even
tive Department has made a mistake i a interpreting ef troops en
of a single p
the law and constitution there o u g h t to be n o hesi- doers have a
tation iu receding from t h e posltic i taken; that i s all welt beha
will see that
the part of fairness. If no error h s s been com- is sacredly m
mitted and t h e Supreme Court should determine tresistance o any other
that the constitutional provisions and the statutes supposed to
dent, la conn
hav been legally and properly applied then all oppo- lic prints, ba
sition, I think, w ill eesae a t once." Excellency.

"Bat eaa the Governor and Council recall a certifl- Your Exce
troversy sha
t a w duly issued and send out another t o t different both parties
person r" deeply deplo
out by tha St
"I think they can; I believe there is a precedent come t e the C
hav been legally and properly applied then all oppo- lic prints, ba
sition, I think, w ill eesae a t once." Excellency.
"Bat eaa the Governor and Council recall a certifl- Your Excel
troversy shal
t a w duly issued and send out another t o t different both parties
person r" deeply deplor
out by tha St
"I think they can; I believe there is a precedent come t e the C
and Ilia civil
for it, b a t it i s a slender one. Even it there were deal with all
not. the gravity of t h e situation would warrant the arise. With
eatabilshment of one. Let Governor Garcelon be
I have goo
quoted as authority iu the future and his reputation Excellency w
would not suffer by the remembrance." and that if b
"What d o y o u believe to be the duty of the Gov- call out a fe
ernor in the matter of those arms which his agent dered their
wa* prevented from removing on Christmas Day!" fantry, the
pany and
" f t U , I mus t confess I have not the details of the land. Advi
affair with sufficient clearness to enable m e to form jutant Gene
judgment or express an opinion." and that h
-You have read the reports i n t h e newspapers, I. Governor G
tranter" I Bangor Ars
Tee.- Christmas d
"Mind," I said. "I am not taking what General came lrom P
Chamberlain would do if h e were Governor, for I ited in the S
think he would take t h e muskets t o Augusta; b u t mail from a
what ia year judgment is the best way o u t of that to the Su
difficultythe best way for the public peacer" down by
The General ssniled t a d then thought tor a mo- cans do n
the strong s
After e - t u l e h e said:"I think it was a mis-
t h e part s
to try to remove the arms just at this time, s a d litical capit
tneexistence o t t o much excitement, and I the nation.
i tt was a mistake t o prevent their trausporta- strongly op
> Governor has a perfect right t o move as a trick
l a t e property when and how be pleases within State plaud a
limits, b a t t h e removal of the arms t t thia time lisasachuset
groaad th
regarded * a threat by t h e people. It la
tion, and
I t o suggest force as an aid i a the so- opinion it w
poirtical problem i t t is like putting Tne Govern
your hand on your sword i n heated debate or of Lot M.
leaching around for your pistol.'' reached t h e
official cour
u s a o a "ISIOIDENT." that th
the action o t tha Mayor of prepared u
iteaaactng t h e opposition to the re- aud tt is wh
lof t h e arms throti go the streets?" communica
"It would be difik ult It not possibly anjuat t o tary.
. a s opinion witho tit being on t h e spot. T h e tnnT
i adopted may have been t h e only o n e left to The latest
BOdeheda s a d t serious riot. Then, I refuse* to s
action of C
that the m a a w h o had charge of the will do so.
had no orders, nothing to show , t a d at if a* all i
t he did not receipt i t * thesa at the arsenal." in session, a
cepting the
i a circumstance which could hardly

hso?" Arsenal i
concern the cltitena of Bangor, don't yor in Washin

Yes. that is t n t e . " / United S
"What is the duty of tba Govern? * i " * * * w ta ten thous
t large qu
matter stands as i t does**' / about a do
I do not know that h e gave a/"** * * French which sto
to remove the property.** J" stored sw
"Supposing that be did. w j P then?" were cap
a Legal T h e n be ought to r e m o * t n e i a J l would, " said
t o o General, with t s m j p *** course, I d o n o t
hood, seiz

know, bat I presume t h / 0 * ! 0 * * 8 a * B d taflteieat ANOTHER

reasons for t r t a t f e r r t e / t n u property from Bangor *s TH
t o Augusts, t a d u n o y tbese circumstances he ought COUMC
to carry out h i t p M * 0 " ' * * fc*000 cittaena ought
to, t a d I think / * * would, t l d h i m . I do not see
ELON. what need ther* * f o r trrns t t Augusta, for there i t One of t
across t h e ri*r * Suited States arsenal which could took place
doubtless * drawn o n i n case of any serious oat- ing compl
tain admis
f Troops break. /
leading re
bade a lon
v y may think it atrange," said t h e General, and oppre
'thM l don't p o t t c s s all t h e facta relating to the speaker,
Bjsgor matter, being at I am Major General of the and Coun
plate militia. I was elected by last year's Legisla- carrying o
SITION. ture, b u t , owing t o m y opposition to the present was given
militia laws and other causes, I never accepted, land was t
although I m i g h t and can qualify at any time. I did dominate
"the not w i sh to throw the honor back o n the Legis- plain pro
bnry had
lature, b u t I was equally averse t o taking com- three sign
ple mand of a body of men with such a lamentable lack the lines
of proper organization, t o I have never been as- instead of
aigned to command." city was
the repub
D,] "While wc are o n this branch ot the subject 1st m e by them a
, 18TO.
ask you if the Governor would be justifled i n calling ?nc peopl

here, t i e on the militia to preserve order and assist in carry. made it p
Governor the web o
l a g o u t the results of his and the Council's action?"
e enrolled
nd poHti-
"Undoubtedly he would have the power and the and fair
right to do it; but he ought not to do it, in m y opin- would b
> most ion, unless be had the very beat assurances that pari of re
***>> Governor
there was to bo a riot which the municipal authori-

New York Herald
December 31, 1987

Bangor Whig and Courier

Eastern Argus
January 1, 1880

Portland Daily Press
January 1, 1880

New York Herald
January 2, 1880

New York Herald
January 3, 1880

Portland Daily Press
January 3, 1880

Whig and Courier
January 6, 1880
New York Herald
January 6, 1880
New York Herald
January 7, 1880
Portland Daily Press
January 7, 1880
Whig and Courier
January 7, 1880

Whig and Courier

Jan 8, 1880
Eastern Argus
January 8, 1880
New York Herald
January 8, 1880
Whig and Courier
January 9, 1880
Portland Daily Press
January 10, 1880
New York Herald
January 10, 1880

Whig and Courier
January 12, 1880
Portland Daily Press
January 12, 1880
New York Herald
January 12, 1880
.-maranU* of ik laHaalliry oftasaawa home. Dr.
. UK JOUBN AX oaa befoaadoa d o at the adertt orite Remed
toe agency of Ow. 7. atowell
Jamestown * Oo_ 10, 8pracc t"
Daily Journal for the child
i&w\<aia*r.January 12, 1880 taiaiag ao
going straig
"Favorite R
In view; of the exploits of some of the
and should
leading Democratic politician* in the past,
the land. K
it was hardly a matter of surprise that
dren's sake
they should attempt t o steal the State and yoa wi
Government of Maine,bat that the Green- Make no m
backers, who hare started o a t ostensibly ite Remedy"
for the purpose of purifying things gen- address: D
erally, and who have denounced the cor- T. One do
ruptions and rascalities of the old parties
in the most unmeasured terms, should be-
come accessories before and after the fact
is a matter of surprise t o all such as be-
lieved that t b d r intentions were good.
A t any rate they amongst them, hare Beodpta for
Export*. 44
made a beautiful muddle of the thing. At The choice
this present writing, they hare no Gov- seems to be DO
ernor or Council, and the legislature is at over 93 to x
Western eoaa
witbuut a quorum, and there is nobody ad better m
apply of N. T
qualified to swear in the members w h e require*sale
have not yet qualified and hare certifi- packed West
cates, this dutr devolving upon the all the round
ed at fair pri
Governor in the presence of the for aaesrom
cleaned op, a
Council. Nobody but a quack could tag at leee tha
much neater
get a sovereign state into such a yet we lean o
feeble and help ess condition, and we de- aee where any
porter* are bn
sire to hold up Dr. Qareelm as a warning
against patting quacks into places that Receipt* fo
ought t o be occupied by statesmen. Itj Export*, 9,
There baa h
the mean time, General Chamberlain, who week by expo
seems to be at the head of the military es- The feelingto
tablishment of Maine, has quietly taken fntnre
possession of the Stale Government, and
HeceipU fo
is running it on his own hook. We have The aopply
rMee* are ste
heard of military usurpations before, and held stack fr
they have always been held up to the peo-
ple as a sort of bugbear. 'To all ap|iear-
ances, General Chamberlain is as mild a , fresh
usurper as ever put himself at the head of |; W
a Government, with the military at his Firkin
back. Amidst the chaos and confusion -'
braugbt upon the people of Maine by the Cream
superfluous and preposterous quackery of
Dr. Garcelon, General ^Chamberlain ap-
mate Factor
pears to be about the only level-headed
person in and about Augusta. Farm Dairy,
Weatern, go
Discovering a State Government "laying f 'a
around loose," he just took possession of it, Skimmed
as any sensible man wonld. There being Peon, and N
no Governor, he is commander-in-chief, CanadaWestern
and can keep the soldiers under him from Limed
doing any barm, which makes everything
Per hnthel o
As long as there is no quorur.. those
Democrats and Green backers can d o very
little mischief, and we advise the General Chicken*, B
to hold the fort. A s the Elraira Prat Turkey*, St
says, "There is nothing in and about "
Dncka, Wes
Maine at this moment, which is not in op- Gteee,
position to everything else."
Apple*, atat
By buyinar the new and popular medicine
* We
Kidney-Wort, yon get i s each package Onpealed pe
enough of the dry compound to make six Peeled peac
quarts of medicine, thus saving double the Plana.

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