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Amerlcan LeglslaLlve Lxchange Councll 2900 CrysLal urlve, SulLe 600 ArllngLon, vA 22202 1el.

el. (703) 373-0933 lax: (703) 373-0927

SepLember 24, 2014

Coogle, lnc.
1600 AmphlLheaLre arkway
MounLaln vlew, CA 94043

Larry age, CLC and Co-lounder
Lrlc SchmldL, LxecuLlve Chalrman
Sergey 8rln, Co-lounder and 8oard Member
uavld urummond, Senlor vlce resldenL, CorporaLe uevelopmenL and Chlef Legal Cfflcer
aLrlck lcheLLe, Senlor vlce resldenL and Chlef llnanclal Cfflcer
Cralg 8arraLL, Senlor vlce resldenL, Access and Lnergy
kenL Walker, Senlor vlce resldenL and Ceneral Counsel
8achel WheLsLone, Senlor vlce resldenL, CommunlcaLlons and ollcy
Susan Mollnarl, Clobal Pead of CovernmenL 8elaLlons
!ohn 8urcheLL, ulrecLor of ollcy, LaLln Amerlca, Canada and u.S. SLaLes
8on 8arnes, Pead of SLaLe LeglslaLlve Affalrs

We Lhe underslgned sLaLe lawmakers are deeply concerned by Coogle Chalrman Lrlc SchmldL's recenL
commenLs ln regard Lo Lhe Amerlcan LeglslaLlve Lxchange Councll (ALLC). Cn SepLember 22, 2014,
durlng an lnLervlew wlLh ulane 8ehm on n8, Mr. SchmldL announced Coogle's deparLure from ALLC.
ALLC ls Lhe naLlon's largesL nonparLlsan, volunLary membershlp organlzaLlon of sLaLe leglslaLors. 1he
organlzaLlon advances llmlLed governmenL, free markeLs and federallsm. LeglslaLlve members
deLermlne Lhe course and pollcy prlorlLles of Lhe organlzaLlon, and always engage ln vlgorous debaLe Lo
ensure Lhe besL pollcles are advanced.
Many of us have worked slde-by-slde wlLh Coogle aL ALLC and ln our sLaLes Lo ensure Lhe conLlnued
growLh and lnnovaLlon of Lhe Lechnology-secLor and Lhe Amerlcan economy. lL ls a shame LhaL you
would harm Lhls worklng relaLlonshlp by falsely aLLacklng ALLC, an organlzaLlon of whlch we are proud.
ln Lhe radlo lnLervlew, Mr. SchmldL emphaslzed a need for an envlronmenL LhaL provldes vlgorous
debaLe and dlsagreemenL wlLhouL negaLlve consequences. ALLC ls exacLly Lhe venue called for by your
Chalrman. ually, ALLC members and sLaff are challenged Lo sLlck Lo Lhe prlnclples of llmlLed governmenL,
free markeLs and federallsm whlle engaglng ln debaLe and flndlng common ground on cuLLlng-edge
lssues. Whlle we undersLand how hard lL can be Lo sLlck Lo prlnclples, we are dlsappolnLed LhaL conLrary
Lo your chalrman's sLaLemenL, Lhere have been negaLlve consequences for an organlzaLlon LhaL provldes
[usL such a forum for debaLe and exchange.

Amerlcan LeglslaLlve Lxchange Councll 2900 CrysLal urlve, SulLe 600 ArllngLon, vA 22202 1el. (703) 373-0933 lax: (703) 373-0927

SchmldL also sLaLed Coogle has a very sLrong vlew LhaL declslons ln pollLlcs should be based on facLs.
Powever, your calculaLed deparLure from ALLC ls based on mlslnformaLlon from cllmaLe acLlvlsLs who
lnLenLlonally confuse free markeL pollcy perspecLlves for cllmaLe change denlal.
1he facLs are: ALLC recognlzes LhaL cllmaLe change ls an lmporLanL lssue and [usL hosLed a roundLable
conversaLlon for a varleLy of companles-lncludlng Coogle-on Lhls very lssue. lndeed, no ALLC model
pollcy denles cllmaLe change, however, Lhe organlzaLlon does malnLaln model pollcy deslgned Lo
address Lhe sclenLlflc and economlc aspecLs of Lhe lssue of cllmaLe change. 1he organlzaLlons LhaL
pressured you conslsLenLly conflaLe cllmaLe change denlal wlLh havlng slgnlflcanL concerns over
governmenL mandaLes, subsldles and cllmaLe regulaLlons. 1o ALLC, noLhlng ls more anaLhema Lhan Lhe
governmenL plcklng wlnners and losers.
ALLC ls ofLen Lhe sub[ecL of aLLenLlon because our unlque publlc-prlvaLe parLnershlp ls so effecLlve aL
sharlng and debaLlng pollcy perspecLlves and educaLlng leglslaLors. We appreclaLe LhaL Coogle has an
lmporLanL perspecLlve on lnnovaLlon ln Lhe publlc pollcy arena, and lL wlll be mlssed ln fuLure
dlscusslons as a resulL of shorL-slghLed declslon maklng.
Ma[orlLy Leader Llnda upmeyer !"-34 ALLC naLlonal Chalr
8ep. hll klng #$-61 ALLC llrsL-vlce Chalr
Sen Leah vukmlr %!-3 ALLC Second-vlce Chalr
Sen. !lm 8uck !&-21 ALLC 1reasurer
8ep. LlsLon 8arfleld '(-38 ALLC SecreLary
8ep. 8lalr 1horeson &)-44 ALLC Chalr, CommunlcaLlons and 1echnology
Speaker Wllllam Powell *"-28
Speaker 8ay Merrlck +'-27
SenaLe resldenL Susan Wagle +'-30
8ep. 8lck Cray, Ma[orlLy Whlp ",-21
Sen. 1lm MofflLL &(-116
8ep. Llnda !ohnson &(-83
8ep. Ceorge Cleveland &(-14
8ep. uennls 8lddell &(-64
8ep. Alan Clemmons '(-107
8ep. Carry SmlLh '(-27
Sen. uanny verdln '(-9
8ep. 8alph kennedy '(-39
8ep. Mlchael lLLs '(-14
Sen. uavld verdln '(-9
Sen. Mlke lalr '(-6
Sen. 8ay Cleary '(-34

Amerlcan LeglslaLlve Lxchange Councll 2900 CrysLal urlve, SulLe 600 ArllngLon, vA 22202 1el. (703) 373-0933 lax: (703) 373-0927

8ep. uonna Plcks '(-37
8ep. uwlghL LofLls '(-19
Sen. !udson Plll -"-32
8ep. 8en Parbln -"-122
8ep. 8ruce Wllllamson -"-113
8ep. !ohn Carson -"-46
8ep. Wendell Wlllard -"-31
Sen. uavld !ohnson !"-1
8ep. Creg lorrlsLall !"-22
8ep. 8alph WaLLs !"-19
8ep. Mark CosLello !"-23
8ep. uawn eLLenglll !"-73
Sen. uan Zumbach !"-48
8ep. uave ueyoe !"-49
8ep. !ohn Lnns .+-41
Sen. klm uavld .+-18
Sen. 8ob !ohnson .+-22
Sen. Cary SLanlslawskl .+-33
8ep. 1om newell .+-28
8ep. Mlke Sanders .+-39
8ep. !ason Murphey .+-31
8ep. Parold WrlghL .+-37
8ep. Ann Coody .+-64
Sen. Cllff Adrldge .+-42
8ep. Mlke !ackson .+-40
8ep. uavld uerby .+-74
Sen. 8lll 8rown .+-36
8ep. !ohn Puffman ./-39
8ep. Cene WhlsnanL ./-33
8ep. uave lrlzzell !&-93
Sen. Wayne nlederhauser 0#-9
Sen. !oel Anderson ("-36
8ep. Cary 8anz .+-101
Sen. Chrls Shank 1)-2
8ep. naLe 8ell "/-20
8ep. !ohn Wood 23-41
8ep. Mlchael 8lleca 23-113
Sen. nancy 8arLo ",-13
Sen. !lm SmlLh &4-14
8ep. Curry 1odd #&-93

Amerlcan LeglslaLlve Lxchange Councll 2900 CrysLal urlve, SulLe 600 ArllngLon, vA 22202 1el. (703) 373-0933 lax: (703) 373-0927

8ep. 8ob 1horpe ",-6
8ep. !eff 1hompson !)-30a
8ep. Woody 8urLon !&-38
Sen. Wllllam SelLz .5-8
Sen. 8lll Cadman (.-12
Sen. Mlchael Lamoureux "/-16
8ep. uavld 8els !3-109
Sen. uan Lederman ')-16
8ep. Lou 1erhar .5-30
8ep. Llbby Szabo (.-27
8ep. norlne kasperlk %6-32
Sen. Larry owell +'-39
8ep. Cary Chlsm 1'-37
8ep. !ason lsaac #$-43
Sen. Clles Ward 1'-18
8ep. amela 1ucker &5-8ock 23
Sen. kelll Ward ",-3
8ep. uan 8uby &)-38
8ep. Lawrence klemln &)-47
8ep. Wllllam C'8rlen &5-Plllsborough 3
8ep. uan Pawklns +'-100
uel. Susan krebs 1)- 98
8ep. uavld Moore 1#-91
8ep uuane Cuam 1&-23A
8ep. uennls 8och &1-67
uel. 1erry kllgore *"-1
8ep. Allen !aggl %6-19
8ep. 8lalne Campbell ')-33
8ep. uavld LlvlngsLon ",-22
8ep. !eremy 1hlesfeldL %!-32
8ep. uanlel McCulre &5-Merrlmack 21
uel. nlcholaus klpke 1)-31
8ep. Warren Croen &5-SLrafford 10
8ep. SLeve 8runk +'-83
Sen. lrank 8uff *"-13
8ep. 8oberL Pelm *#-8uLland 3
8ep. 8rlan Creene 0#-37
8ep. Mlchael 8eard 1&-33A
8ep. ?veLLe Perrell &1-31
8ep. !lmmy Lldrldge #&-73

Amerlcan LeglslaLlve Lxchange Councll 2900 CrysLal urlve, SulLe 600 ArllngLon, vA 22202 1el. (703) 373-0933 lax: (703) 373-0927

8ep. krls Langer ')-23
uel. kaLhy Szellga 1)-7
8ep. 1om LockharL %6-37
8ep. uavld Wolklns !&-18
8ep. !lm uoLson "/-93
Sen. 8lll PlghLower "3-33
Sen. Lddle Wllllams "/-29
8ep. !ohn 8arker +'-70
Sen. !oseph CeLLy 1)-3
8ep. uoug kary 1#-48
8ep. 1ravls CouLure-Lovelady +'-110
Sen. Andre Cushlng 14-33
8ep. eLe ueCraaf +'-82
8ep. Lols Landgraf (.-21
8ep. Lee Cualm ')-21
Sen. SLuarL Adams 0#-22
8ep. 8oscoe SLreyle &)-3
Sen. hll !ensen ')-33
Sen. kenL LamberL (.-9
8ep. 8renda 8arLon ",-6
8ep. Pal Wlck ')-12
8ep. Manny SLeele ')-12
8ep. Wesley 8elLer &)-22
uel. Lrlc Pouseholder %*-64
8ep. Creg Snowden 1'-83
8ep. Molly WhlLe #$-33
8ep. 8on Slmmons #$-63
8ep. LeneLLe eLerson &5-Plllsborough 21
Sen. Lugene Clarke 1'-22
Sen. Lll 8ebouL %6-26
Sen. Call 8aLes 1)-26
8ep. Leslle Pelnemann ')-8
8ep. uoug lsaacson "+-1
8ep. vernon Lanlng &)-8
8ep. 1erry 8oose .5-37
Sen. Ld Lmery 1.-31
8ep. !odle Laubenberg #$-89
8ep. Andy 1hompson .5-93
8ep. SLeve Mcuanlle #&-72
Sen. Cary uanlels &5-Plllsborough 40

Amerlcan LeglslaLlve Lxchange Councll 2900 CrysLal urlve, SulLe 600 ArllngLon, vA 22202 1el. (703) 373-0933 lax: (703) 373-0927

8ep. !erry Lunn +'-28
8ep. !ordan ulery &5-Plllsborough 37
Sen. uolores Cresham #&-26
8ep. ken Weyler &5-13
Sen. Mary llcher-Cook +'-10
8ep. 1om Morrlson !3-34
8ep. 8eLLe Crande &)-41
8ep. Mlke naLhe &)-30
8ep. Wes keller "+-10
Sen. SLan Cooper %6-14
8ep. vance uennls #&-71
8ep. uave Murphy %!-36
Sen. kevln CranLham (.-2
8ep. uebble Lesko ",-21
8ep. 8lchard Carlson +'-61
Sen. Ld Walker 1#-29
8ep. naLhan WlnLers %6-28
8ep. !oe SelwerL +'-101
8ep. !ack Wllllams "3-47
Sen. !eff Monroe ')-24
8ep. Clndy ugh 1&-338
8ep. karen 8ohr &)-31
Sen. 8ruce Anderson 1(-29
8ep. 1homas kllllon 7"-168
Sen. Leslle nuLLlng %6-7
Sen. Wayne Walllngford 1.-27
Sen. 8oger Webb 1#-23
8ep. uan llynn #$-2
Sen. 8lll keLron #&-13
Sen. Wllllam Sharer &1-1
Sen. 8lchard Alloway 7"833
8ep. !erry 1orr !&-39
8ep. Sean LberharL !&-37
Sen. !lm aLrlck !)-23
8ep. 1om 8eeder %6-38
8ep. 1lm !ones 1.-110
Sen. 8on Crlggs &1-34
8ep. Andrew 8renner .5-67
8ep. !ames SLrlckler &1-2
8ep. !ohn Adams .5-83

Amerlcan LeglslaLlve Lxchange Councll 2900 CrysLal urlve, SulLe 600 ArllngLon, vA 22202 1el. (703) 373-0933 lax: (703) 373-0927

8ep. naLhan 1oman &)-34
8ep. Sue Allen 1.-100
Sen. SLeve nevllle &1-2
8ep. 8honda 8hoads !&-70
Sen. Sam Slom 5!-9
8ep. Cralg Peadland &)-29
8ep. CaLhrynn 8rown &1-33
8ep. 8lck Mlller #$-26
Sen. 8ruce 8urns %6-21
8ep. uan ZwonlLzer %6-43
Sen. !an Angel %"-26
Sen. MargareL uayLon 0#-13
8ep. 1erry CesLrln !)-8
8ep. !ames lrank #$-69
8ep. !lm SLalzer ')-11
Sen. kelly Pancock #$-9
8ep. !oanne 8lyLon 1#-39
8ep. 8renL SLeele !&-44
8ep. !ohn lscopo (#-76
8ep. uavld Mlller %6-33
Sen. !ulla Lynn +'-9
Sen. 8lll Landen %6-27
8ep. Mlke Polmes "3-31
8ep. uoug lsaacson "+-1
Sen. ueldre Penderson 0#-7
8ep. uan 8aulerson 23-38
8ep. ScoLL Cralg ')-33
8ep. 8lcky 8ecker &)-7
8ep. 1om WalLers %6-38
8ep. 8rlan Lllls 7"-11
Sen. SLeve vlck !)-2
Sen. Larry Plcks %6-11
Sen. uon 8enLon %"-17
Sen. 8lll klnLner &4-2
8ep. !ames WhlLe &1-20
8ep. Sondra Lrlckson 1&-13A
8ep. nancy SLocksdale 1)-3A
8ep. 8unky Loucks %6-39
Sen. Andre MarLel &5-18
Sen. lred Lmerlch %6-3

Amerlcan LeglslaLlve Lxchange Councll 2900 CrysLal urlve, SulLe 600 ArllngLon, vA 22202 1el. (703) 373-0933 lax: (703) 373-0927

8ep. 8lLa Campbell %6-34
8ep. Cary SLaples 1'-88
Sen. lred uyson "+-Lagle 8lver
8ep. Wes 8eLherford .5-31
8ep. !lm ueCesare +6-21
8ep. !erry Sonnenberg (.-63
8ep. 8lLa MarLlnson 1'-38

(9:; (=>?@9ABCBDCEF

Councllmember Peldl 1hless League ClLy, 1x


ML 8oger Pelmer LasL Mldlands
ML !anlce ALklnson SouLh LasL
ML 8lll LLherldge WesL Mldlands

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