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How to Perform Hajj and Umrah 2014

An Abridged Guide on

UMRAH 2014

Revised Draft
Umrah Masaa'il covered only

Q-;- Q- ,-'- :~-;-
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How to Perform Hajj and Umrah 2014
TabIe of Contents

Conditions for Hajj.....................Page 3

Ihraam (
;' , =!
)........................Page 3
Flow diagram of hraam
The following are prohibited while in the state of hraam
The following are permissible while in the state of hraam

Tawaaf (~' ;

=)........................Page 6
Conditions for Tawaaf:
Method of performing Tawaaf
The Multazam
Zam Zam
Flow Diagram of Tawaaf

Sa'ee ( ~).........................Page 11
How to perform Sa'ee
Flow Diagram of Sa'ee

HaIaq (_

- =) or Qasr (, ~

-)...................Page 13
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How to Perform Hajj and Umrah 2014

Hajj means to visit the holy land with specific actions of worship in its specified months.

Conditions for Hajj

n order for Hajj to become Fardh on a person, they must meet the following conditions:

A. Must be MusIim
B. The individual must be sane
C. Must have reached the age of maturity
D. The person must be free and not a sIave
E. The months of Hajj must have started [Shawwal, Dhul Qa'dah, Dhul Hijjah]
F. The person must be able to afford the provisions for Hajj [Plane ticket, hotel,
enough money for family at home etc]

Ihraam (
;' , =!

hraam (' =') refers to the state of sanctity a person must enter in order to perform Hajj
and Umrah. The hraam must be prepared outside of the boundary of the Haram known
as the Miqaat .Is,.. n order for a person to enter into the state of hraam, they should
follow 3 easy steps:

1. Have a bath or perform Wudhu and wear the garments of hraam
a. Perfume can be applied at this time on the body
b. The nails should be clipped and unwanted body hairs removed
[armpits/below navel]
c. Oil can be applied to the hair even if it has fragrance

2. Recite 2 Rakaats Nafl then make Niyyah of Hajj
a. The Niyyah for Hajj can be done in the heart or verbally by saying:

_.. -l,s. _l :.,s _l ., _.] ,,ll

(Allahumma inniy ooreedul hajja, fayassir-hu li, wa taqabbul-hu minniy)
Translation: O Allah! intend to perform Hajj, make it easy for me and accept it from me.

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How to Perform Hajj and Umrah 2014
Note: A person may cover their head while offering the Nafl prayer as the state of hraam
has not yet begun.

3. Recite Talbiyyah to complete the hraam

:,. ! :l! :l -..l ..l _] :,,l :l :,. ! :,,l :,,l ,,ll :,,l
(Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk, Laa shareeka laka labbayk, nnal humda wan-ni'mata laka wal-mulk, laa
shareeka lak)
Translation: O Allah here am at Your service, here am. There is no partner with You, here am. Truly all
praise and the provisions are Yours, and so is all dominion and sovereignty.
There is no partner with You.

Flow diagram of hraam:

Once the person has entered into the state of hraam they should avoid all prohibited
actions listed below.

The following are prohibited while in the state of hraam:

i. ntimate relations or even to mention it in the presence of women.
ii. Lewd speech including any vulgar language
iii. Open sinning
iv. Disobedience to Allah
v. Arguing with anyone, including group leaders/guards/servants.
vi. Hunting animals on land and also:
a. ndicating to where animals are that can be hunted
b. Giving clues as to its whereabouts
Exception: An insect or animal can be killed if it is to cause harm or disease.

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How to Perform Hajj and Umrah 2014
vii. Wearing stitched clothing including
a. An maamah
b. Khufs [Leather socks]
viii. Covering the face (including women) or head (Men only)
ix. Covering the top of the foot (Men only)
x. Applying fragrance or even to touch something with fragrance.
a. This includes using soap. A person should use scentless soap or water to
clean themselves, but should avoid rubbing down on the body vigorously.
b. t is Makrooh to smell perfume deliberately while in the state of hraam.
xi. Shaving or clipping any hair on the body
a. This includes excessively combing the hair that some strands come out.

The following are permissible while in the state of hraam:

i. t is permissible to take shade beneath an umbrella or anything which is not
placed on top of the head.
ii. t is also permissible to use a money belt tied around the waist. t is also
permissible to have a stitched garment draped over the body in a manner that it
wasn't designed for (eg Jumper tied around waist). An unstitched belt is also
permissible to use to hold the lower garment in place.
iii. Having a bath with clean water, however the person should avoid excessively
scrubbing the body.
iv. Wearing a ring or watch
v. Using Miswaak
vi. f a nail falls off or breaks then no Kaffaarah needs to be given.
vii. Hijamah (cupping)
viii. t is permissible to slaughter an animal while in hraam but not hunt.

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How to Perform Hajj and Umrah 2014
Tawaaf (~' ;


Tawaaf is the ritual of circumambulating the Ka'bah. There are a total of 7 rounds (= ,

-) in
one Tawaaf. Familiarise yourself with the diagram below:

1. Al-Hajarul Aswad
(The Black Stone)
2. Door of the Ka'bah
3. Waterspout of the Ka'bah (-'

, -'')
4. Base of the Ka'bah
5. Al-Hateem ,,Jl
6. Al-Multazam (Wall between door of
Ka'bah and black stone)
7. Maqam-e-brahim
8. Corner of the Black stone
9. Corner of Yemen (Rukn Al-Yamaani)
10. Corner of Syria
11. Corner of raq
12. Kiswa (Black cloth of the Ka'bah)
13. Line to show in-line with Al-Hajarul
Aswad [Now a green light]

For more information about the ka'bah and it's surroundings follow this link:

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
"The Tawaf around Ka'bah is a prayer, except that Allah has allowed speech therein, so
whoever utters a word shouldn't say but good."

Conditions for Tawaaf:

n order for Tawaaf to be accepted the following conditions need to be met:

1. Niyyah (intention) of Tawaf. The intention can be done by the heart and does not
have to be verbal.
2. To be in the state of compIete purity from both Major and Minor impurities.
3. Covering of the Satr (Awrah) for both male and females.
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How to Perform Hajj and Umrah 2014
What to avoid while performing Tawaaf

The following should be avoided while performing Tawaaf:

i. Avoid looking directly at the Ka'bah except when facing the Hajarul Aswad and
Rukn Al-Yamaani.
ii. Avoid useless or worldly talk.
iii. One should avoid turning the head fully around while performing Tawaaf. They
may turn the head slightly and it is only preferable to look down like in Salaah.
iv. Avoid touching the ka'bah or anything attached to it while performing Tawaaf.
This includes the Hateem and the cloth of the ka'bah in parts other than Rukn
Al-Yamaani, Hajrul Aswad and Multazam.
v. Pushing, shoving and causing harm or difficulty to others is severely disliked and
also considered sinful. Kissing the black stone is not a condition in making
the Hajj or Umrah valid.

Method of performing Tawaaf

1. Make intention of performing Tawaaf. Tawaaf is a NafI baadah and does not
need to be specified precisely (e.g. He does not need to say, " am making niyyah
of performing Tawaaful Ziyaarah), however a general intention can be made.
2. Begin at the Black stone (Al-Hajarul Aswad).
a. Face the direction of the stone and raise the hands like in Takbeerut
Tahreemah in salaah, palms facing the Ka'bah, and recite Takbeer out

, < < ,.,

(Bismillahi Allahu Akbar)

Translation: "n the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest.

3. Then a person is required to kiss the black stone before starting the Tawaaf,
however due to difficulty and crowd one is allowed to raise their palms once
again as if they are touching the stone and recite takbeer, thereafter kissing the
palms without any sound. This is known as IstiIaam ().

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How to Perform Hajj and Umrah 2014
The dua to read while doing this is:

< _. _lc ,9.l :9.l ..l < , < < ,.,

(Bismillahi Allahu Akbar walillahil hamd, was-salaatu was-salaamu 'alaa rasoolillah)

Translation: "n the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest and for Him is all Praise. Prayers and
salutations be upon the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him)

4. To circle the Ka'bah in an anti-clockwise direction (i.e with the left
shoulder facing the Ka'bah)
a. The one performing Umrah will do dtibaa' (exposing the right
shoulder - [Men only]) with his hraam. He will also do Ramal
for the first 3 rounds [discussed later]
b. One must ensure they go around the Hateem in Tawaaf and
not cut through it.
c. A person can engage in any zikr they know, make dua in any
language or even remain silent while performing Tawaaf and
still be rewarded. There are no fixed Duas, only optional ones
that can be read.
5. When passing Rukn Al-Yamaani a person can touch it with either both hands or
with the right hand. There is no Istilaam of Rukn Al-Yamaani if one is unable
to touch it nor should there be any kissing or rubbing the head on it.
a. A Sunnah dua to read between Rukn Al-Yamaani and the Hajarul Aswad

I.l .c I.s -.. :! _s -.. I,..l _s I.. I.,

(Rabbana aatina fid-dunya hasanataw wa fil-aakhirati hasanataw wa qina athaaban-naar)

Translation: "Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good
and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.

6. One round of Tawaaf has been completed once the person reaches the Hajarul
a. stilaam should be done whenever the Hajarul Aswad is passed.
7. Once the seventh round is completed stilaam will be performed an 8th time and
the Tawaaf is now complete.
a. dtibaa' will be stopped once the Tawaaf is complete (i.e. the hraam will
cover both shoulders again).
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How to Perform Hajj and Umrah 2014
8. Two rakaats become Waajib (binding) on a person once they complete one
Tawaaf. One should aim to pray these behind the Maqaam-e-braahim, however
these can be prayed anywhere within the Haram.
a. Bear in mind the makrooh times for praying salaah.
b. t is recommended (Sunnah) that the person recites Surah Al-Kafiroon in
the first rakat and Surah Al-khlaas in the second rakaat.

Note: Any Tawaaf that leads to Sa'ee will include Ramal in the first 3 rounds of that
Tawaaf. There is no Ramal for a person performing Nafl Tawaaf.


Ramal is the action of walking at a quick pace with short steps and a sway of the
shoulders like soldiers marching in formation. t was instructed by the Prophet (S.A.W) to
show the non-Muslims that the Muslims had not become weak when they migrated to
Madinah. Although the cause for Ramal no longer exists, we still practice on it's Sunnah

The Multazam

The Multazam is the area between the door of the Ka'bah and the Hajarul Aswad. t is
optional to go to it and supplicate after performing Tawaaf, bearing in mind that the cloth
of the Ka'bah is scented and should be avoided while one is in the state of hraam.

f a person is able to go to the Multazam he will press his hands and chest against the
wall of the Ka'bah and supplicate to Allah, ensuring he seeks forgiveness and makes
Dua for the rest of the Ummah. When there is difficulty reaching the Multazam due to
crowd, one can face it's direction and supplicate from a safe distance.

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How to Perform Hajj and Umrah 2014
Zam Zam

After completion of Tawaaf it is Sunnah to drink ZamZam until ones fill. This is to
rehydrate the body and prepare oneself for the following ritual of Sa'ee. The following
dua can be read before drinking ZamZam:

.. _ _. .Is. I. Is IsI. :l.. _.] ,,ll

(Allahumma inni as-aluka 'ilman-naafi-'an wa rizqan waasi-'an wa shifaa-an min kulli daa-in)
Translation: "O Allah! pray for You to grant me useful knowledge, generous sustenance and cure from
every illness.
Flow Diagram of Tawaaf:

The green blocks are only applicable for one intending to do Sa'ee straight after the
Tawaaf (i.e in Umrah or Sa'ee of Tawaafuz Ziyaarah).

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Sa'ee ()

< .I. _. :! Is.l _]
`:^ :s,l

"Verily! As-Saf and Al-Marwah are of the Symbols of Allh."
(Al-Baqarah: 157)

Sa'ee is the ritual of travelling between the mountains of Safa and Marwa by foot. There
are a total of 7 lengths in Sa'ee, beginning with Safa and ending with Marwa.

How to perform Sa'ee

1. A person will begin at Mount. Safa as it is what Allah began with in the Quraan.
The following dua can optionally be read before starting Sa'ee:

< .I. _. :! Is.l _] -, < ., I., ..,

(Abda-oo bimaa bada Allahu, nna safaa walmarwata min sha-aairillah)

Translation: " begin with that which Allah began with, Verily As-Safa and Al-Marwah are of the Symbols of

2. Climbing up the hill of Safa a person will face the Ka'bah and supplicate to Allah,
preferably at a height where the Ka'bah can be seen.
a. Recite Takbeer (Allahu Akbar) three times
b. Recite Tahleel (Laa ilaaha illallah) three times
c. Make Dua

3. Descend from Safa and begin walking towards Marwa. Men will run between the
green lights.
a. A moderate jog is usually adopted and a full burst sprint is not necessary.

,! c! c. , sc

(Rabbigh-fir War-Ham Wa Antal A-Azzul Akram)
"Our Lord! Grant us forgiveness and mercy! For You are the Almighty, Most Noble "

4. Once at Marwah, perform the same actions as done in Safa.
a. Recite Takbeer (Allahu Akbar) three times
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How to Perform Hajj and Umrah 2014
b. Recite Tahleel (Laa ilaaha illallah) three times
c. Make Dua
Marwah has a section of the original mountain which has been preserved and
people are allowed to walk on. Although it is not necessary to step on the rock of
the mountain, it is only there as a reminder of the original terrain.
5. One round has been completed. The second round will be completed once the
person reaches Safa again. Continue Sa'ee between Safa and Marwa until the
Sa'ee ends on the 7th round at Marwa.
a. Any form of Zikr or baadat can be engaged in while performing Sa'ee.
b. t is desirable to perform 2 rakaats of Sa'ee upon completion, however this
should be prayed within the Masjid and not on the hill of Marwah.

Note: Sa'ee is a ritual of Umrah that must be preceded by a Tawaf. t can not be done
optionally on it's own. Wudhu is not necessary for Sa'ee to be valid therefore one can
complete the rounds without stopping to make Wudhu.

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How to Perform Hajj and Umrah 2014
Flow Diagram of Sa'ee:

HaIaq () or Qasr ()

Once the rituals for Umrah or Hajj are complete the person in the state of hraam will
proceed to shave or trim the hair on the head to signify coming out of hraam.
a. Women will only trim approximately 2cm of hair (this is equivalent to wrapping the
strands of hair around one fingertip and cutting with scissors).
b. Minimum of of the head needs to be shaved/cut in order to exit the state of
hraam. Men have a choice of either, however shaving is more virtuous.
c. A blade will still be passed over the scalp of a bald person to exit the state of
hraam. This particularly applies if someone has performed Umrah recently.
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