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II-nd edition
The ideea of main! thi" #o$%"&$'n!( )ame to '" on the #a* to Santia!o de
Com&o"te+a , the$e fo$ #e dedi)ate thi" -oo to the "&i$it of .E+ Camino/0
1.The phisical exam of the cardiovascular system of animals
1.1. Anamnesis
1.. Inspection
1.!. Palpation
1.". Percussion
1.#. Listenin$
. %ardiovasculary semiotics
!. %omplementary exams of cardiovasculary system of animals
!.1. &adiolo$ic exploration of the heart
!.. 'lectrocardio$raphy
!.!.1 Specific features of echocardio$raphic exam of animals
!.". !.". 'xam of arteries
!.".1. (etermination of blood pressure
!.".. Alteration of blood pressure
!.#. 'xam of superficial veins and determination of venous pressure
!.). Pericardiocentesis and exam of pericardia efussion
!.*. 'n+ymatic dia$nosis in cardiovascular diseases(ilness)
!.,. -ecropsic exam of the heart
.eneral biblio$raphy
/ at fi$"t edition-
It mi$ht seem curios that a doctor speciali+ed in internal medicine and human
cardiolo$y to preface a 0or1 of veterinarian medicine.The fact is not based on the real
friendship 0ith the authors of the 0or1 2 but on the special interest this 0or1 brin$s
The pro$ress of medicine in $eneral and of cardiolo$y to this point includes li1e
an essential element 2 experimental medicine and most times people i$nore ho0 much
they o0e to the animals. 3ithout their (involuntary) sacrifice 0e could have never
1no0n 0hat 0e 1no0 today and cure ho0 0e cure today.
Those 0ho never had the chance to live to$ether 0ith an animal (unfortunately
these are many from our modern 0orld) 2 those 0ho never had (unfortunately for
them) the occasion to 0atch an animal 2 to 4ma1e friends5 0ith one lose the real
richness this contact can brin$ them. 6nly this 0ould be an important and full of
interest reason for the animal patholo$y 2 from an animal lover.
Thou$h if 0e only limit at the 0orld of scientifical information 2 a better
1no0led$e of the animal phisiolo$y and patholo$y allo0s us to understand better
framin$ and a more eficient therapy in human patholo$y . 7ut this re8uires a
1no0led$e of semiotics 2 of the mode of examination and of the information the
examination offers 2 meanin$ on one side the clinical examination and on the other
side the laboratory examination. Animal semiotics seems in this 0ay of real
importance for the dia$nosis and treatment of this friends 2 very usefull co/0or1ers
and for understandin$ our o0n sufferin$s.
The 0or1 of doctors 7raslasu 2 9erman and Savulescu 2 in 0hich are propitious
colaboratin$ human and veterinarian doctors 2 offers a modern approach of this
sub:ect ; examination of cardiovascular system 2clinical and complementary.
The 0or1 balanced concived 2 clearly elaborated and richfull ilustrated offers to
the interested person not only professional information 2 but yet a :oyfull readin$.
The techni8ues of phisical examination 2 and the alteration that can be discerned
are clearly described2 and so are the complementary explorations ( chemical 2
electrical and ima$istic) that allo0s us today to put a correct dia$nosis of heart and
vascular diseases. Similitude of human and animal semiotics is very impressive and
offers an usefull material of thin1in$ about the 0orld 0e are livin$ in. As teacher of
semiotics 2 practicin$ over !< years in this teachin$ area 2 I only can feel happy for
the publication of this 1ind of 0or1 2 0ith a special teachin$ and medical usefullness.
Prof. (r. Ion 7ruc1ner
=edical %linic 2 %oltea >ospital
?.=.@. 7ucharest

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