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Course Catalogue 2011-12

ndian Technical and Economic Cooperation

Ministry of External Affairs
Government of ndia
Course Catalogue 2014-15
u1L 1eohnologies Ltd., a u1L 0roup oompany, one of lndia's highly
appreoiated and widely reoognized prominent high-end training
organization in providing lndustry relevant training solutions to
3tudents, working Professionals andCorporate houses.
u1L 1eohnologies is known as a trailblazer in emerging teohnologies
training, its oomprehensive and innovative training methodology on
a vibrant speotrum of latest teohnologies makes it a leader. u1L
offers oourses in niohe areas like Lmbedded 3ystems Uesign, vL3l
Uesign, Mobile Communioation, Networking, 3oftware and 0pen
3inoe its inoeption u1L has trained more than 25,000 engineers,
and oonduoted 100+ oorporate training programs in
3emioonduotor, 3oftware, 0pen 3ouroe and Communioation
u1L has signed an M0u with visveswaraya 1eohnologioal university
(v1u) in the year 2003 to establish an extension oenter at its
oorporate offioe for exeouting M.1eoh Program in vL3l Uesign and
Lmbedded 3ystems, M.1eoh in Uigital Lleotronios. 1his extension
oenter is alsoreoognizedas researoh oenter by v1u.
u1L is empaneled with Ministry of Lxternal Affairs, 0ovt. 0f lndia to
deliver various teohnologioal training programs for partioipants
ooming from 159 Countries in Asia, Last Lurope (inoluding former
u33R), Central Asia, Afrioa, Latin Amerioa, the Caribbean as well as
Paoifio and3mall lslandoountries.
u1L also oonduots oorporate training programs for many prestigious
lC1 oompanies inwide range of teohnologies to enable them to meet
their training needs. we also provide ready to deploy manpower
solutions for our olients inteohnologies that we workfor.
u1L 1eohnologies is assooiated with 1eleoom 3eotor 3kill Counoil
and Lleotronio 3eotor 3kill Counoil of lndia in an endeavor to train
the 3tudents, lreshers and working Professionals in both these
Who we are
About U1L 1echno|oges
I n d v d u a | L e a r n n g
we 0ffer Career Courses for
l r e s h e r s , w o r k i n g
Professionals and 3tudents
at our Centers looated in
ln assooiation with leading
Lngineering Colleges we
of fer Career Courses,
wo r k s h o p s , l a o u l t y
Uevelopment Programs
and Aoademi o Proj eot
Uor por at e L e ar n ng
we of fer Customi sed
Courses in wide range of
teohnologies to meet the
t r a i n i n g n e e d s o f
I1LU / 5UAAP Programme
u1L is empaneled with
Mi ni st r y of Lxternal
Affairs, 0ovt. 0f lndia to
d e l i v e r v a r i o u s
teohnologioal training
programs in emerging
Unversty Programs
v1u in assooiation with
u1L 1eohnologies has
setup the extension oenter
for at u1L's oorporate
offioe for exeouting
M.1eoh Program in vL3l
Uesign and Lmbedded
1ranng 5o|utons
0ur Assocates & Partners
l1LC / 3CAAP
0ur msson s to be a premer Insttute wth contnuous
mprovement and acheve exce||ent customer satsfactonn
provdng hgh end sk|| tranng and deve|opment on
emergng techno|oges by brdgng the gap between
Academcs and Industry n the fe|ds of Informaton and

L33Cl 133C
U1L Uroup
2011 l30 14001
2006 united 1eleooms Ltd invests
2007 Lstablished LCM Competenoy
2008 Multiple oontraots with
2009 CMM Level 3 Certifioation
2010 Multiple oontraots with u3 3tate
0overnment Agenoies
2011 1urnover u3U 50million
1999 AP3wAN-oontraot awarded
2001 0ujarat 3wAN-won
2003 e-3eva (A.P)-won
2004 Maharashtra UL-won
200 1harnet-won
2006 0BBN-won
2007 Kerala 3wAN-won 1harkhand
2008 Karnataka 3wAN-won
2010 Pondioherry UL-won
Assooiation with v1u ( visvesvaraya
2009 College Assooiation with Lxoel 0roup of
lnstitutions and 3vPCL1 College
2010 Assooiation with BC 0roup, LA03 College
U1L 1echno|oges
university) to establish
u1L 1eohnologies inoeption
Uniic! Tc|cccns is a rcpuic! g|c|a| |usincss ncusc uiin inicrcsis in
!itcrsijic! sccicrs |i|c Tc|cccn, |-gctcrnancc, Sicc|, Pcucr, |T, Rca|
|siaic, Manujaciuring an! |!ucaiicn. Tc!aq cur jcci prini cxicn!s ctcr
60+ naiicns acrcss inc g|c|c an! cnp|cqing ncrc inan 3000 pccp|c.

v1u Lxtension oenter at u1L Campus
Priyaraja Lleotronios Ltd inoorporated
u1L-Aoquisition ABB 1eleoom Uivision
won the first projeot from U01 for MARR
3ystems Best Produotivity of the ear
(CU01 vendors Assooiation)
3upplied RAX to Bangladesh Rural
1eleoom Authority (BR1A)
u1M launohed in partnership with 1asmine
and 1elia
won the first B3NL order for 3BMXL (Lxohanges)
u1M merged with Airtel
l30 9001:2000
3etting oritioal equipment to B3NL for
setting up of CUMA networks in lndia
Lxeouted the world's largest order for
UwUM equipment
uN and its agenoies
Pea|zng the Utzen's Po|e.
...pavng the Way for a etter 5ocety
Assooiation with MLA, 00l for oonduoting
l1LC / 3CAAP Program
Assooiation with Keltron, 1hiruvananthapuram
to start two oenters in Kerala
0ne of our students reoeived an award from
is Lxoellenoy Ur. A.P.1 Abdul Kalam for ooming
first in P0 Projeot Contest organized by lndian
3emioonduotor Assooiation
0ur students stood lirst and 1hird in
the university ranks
Partcpants from 100+ Uountres have
attended the courses at U1L
I1LU / 5UAAP Uourses
Wor|d s a g|oba| v||age.ts true at U1L!
Afganisthan Algeria Bangladesh Belarus
Cuba Congo Djibouti Ecuador
Grenada Guatemala Guinea Bissau
Sierra Leone Tanzania
Haiti Kenya
Madagascar Malawi Namibia
Rwanda Senegal
South Africa
Sudan Syria Tajikistan
raq Cte d'voire
Seychelles Thailand
Trinidad &
Commonwealth Of
Costa Rica
Papua New
Vietnam YEMEN
1he lndian 1eohnioal and Loonomio Cooperation (l1LC) Programme
was instituted by a deoision of the lndian Cabinet on 15
3eptember 1964 as a bilateral programme of assistanoe of the
0overnment of lndia. Prime minister 1awaharlal Nehru, who also
served as Lxternal Affairs Minister, was the main arohiteot of the
l1LC programme.
1he l1LC Programme, fully funded by 0overnment of lndia, has
evolved and grown over the years under l1LC and its oorollary
3CAAP (3peoial Commonwealth Afrioan Assistanoe Programme)
159 oountries in asia, Last Lurope (lnoluding former u33R),
Central Asia, Afrioa, Latin Amerioa, the Caribbean as well as Paoifio
and small lsland oountries. Countries are invited to share in the
lndian development experienoe in various fields. As a result of
various aotivities under l1LC programme, there is now a visible and
growing awareness. among other oountries about the oompetenoe
of lndia as a provider of teohnioal know-how and expertise as well
as training opportunities, oonsultanoy servioes and feasibility
studies. 0ver the years, the teohnioal and eoonomio programme of
Ministry of Lxternal Affairs has generated immense goodwill.
I1LU / 5UAAP Uourses 0ffered by U1L
u1L offers most advanoed oourses on Network 3eourity, 0ptioal
Communioation, 30 Mobile Communioation, Cisoo, Linux and
Miorosoft 1eohnologies, these oourses are most sought after in the
l1LC / 3CAAP programme, partioipants from 100+ oountries have
attended our oourses and furthered their oareers is the testimony to
the faot.
with the support from u1L 0roup oompanies and other partners, our
partioipants will get muoh needed industry exposure through
planned visits to Mobile Communioation Labs, 0ptioal fiber Labs,
Network 0perating Centers, during these visits partioipants are
trained by the experts on the network setup and oonfigurations.
Partioipants are also taken to the study tour to understand the
history and heritage of lndia
I1LU / 5UAAP Programme
Certifioate Course in 0ptioal Networking
Certifioate Course in Advanoed Mobile Communioation 1eohnologies
Certifioate Course in Network 3eourity
Certifioate Course in Cisoo Lnterprise Networking
5| No Name of the Uourse
Certifioate Course in Networking (A+, N+, MC3L 2012 & CCNA)
Certifioate Course in 0ptioal Networking
Certifioate Course in Networking (A+, N+, MC3L 2012 & CCNA)
Certifioate Course in Cisoo Lnterprise Networking
Certifioate Course in Advanoed Mobile Communioation 1eohnologies
Certifioate Course in Linux Administration
Certifioate Course in Network 3eourity
Certifioate Course in wireless Networking Administration
0uraton 5tart 0ate Lnd 0ate
12 weeks
08 weeks
10 weeks
10 weeks
12 weeks
08 weeks
12 weeks
12 weeks
10 weeks
08 weeks
10 weeks
10 weeks
Uourse Ua|ender
I1LU / 5UAAP Uourses
U1L Advantage
Industra| vst
0overnment of lndia will bear the following expenses
Course lees
Book Allowanoes
As a part of the oourse, all the partioipants are taken
for a study tour to get exposure to lndian heritage,
history and oulture. 3tudy tour will be organised at
the end of the oourse and all the expenses
oonneoted with the study tour will be borne by
Ministry of Lxternal Affairs
5tudy 1our
lndustry mapped ourrioulum
1rained more than 25,000 partioipants from 100+ Countries
3truotured oourse delivery system
well qualified trainers
Lxposure to lndustry praotioes through lndustry visits
3tate of the art training faoilities - 25000 sft area
Labs equipped with advanoed software and network equipments, 1eleoom
students are given live exposure to various elements of Mobile Communioation
u1L is authorised by Ministry of Lxternal Affairs, 0ovt. of lndia to offer most
l1LC/ 3CAAP programme, partioipants from aoross the globe have taken
advantage of these oourses and furthered their oareers. with the support from
u1L 0roup oompanies and other partners, our partioipants will get muoh needed
advanoed oourses in Networking and 1eleoom teohnologies under their
industry exposure through planned visits.
network (M3C, B3C, & B13), through our assooiation with one of the leading
teleoom operator in the oountry
3tudy tour expenses
Living Allowanoes at lNR 25000 per month.
Return international airfare by exoursion
eoonomio olass
for the seleoted oandidate
Along with theoritioal knowledge gained during the oourse exeoution a visit to a live site gives the partioipants better understanding of the
praotioal implementation of the oonoepts learned in the oourse u1L has implemented six state wide area networks and e-governanoe
projeots in various states of lndia. Partioipantswill be taken to one of network oenter to demonstrate the live network funotionality
I1LU / 5UAAP Uourses 2014-1
ardware - Bl03, CM03, storage, motherboard, prooessor
lnstallation, upgradation & troubleshooting of 03
Network - devioes, oables, protoools
3afety and preventive measures
Network 1eohnologies - LAN, wAN, protoools
Media and topologies - Cable type, oonneotor, physioal & logioal topologies
Network Management - 03l, U0U model, lP addressing
Network 3eourity - Authentioation, aooess, firewall
Mcrosoft Uertfed 5o|uton Lxpert (MU5L 2012)
Usco Uertfed Network Assocate (UUNA)1rack
Conoept of internetworking, internet protoools
lP addressing, subnetting, ClUR, vL3M.
Cisoo l03, lP routing, RlP, Ll0RP, 03Pl.
Layer 2 switohing vLAN, 31P, v1P.
Managing traffio with aooess oontrol list.
wide area networking protoools.
1his Course aims at preparing
partioipants to lnstall, 1roubleshoot,
3eoure, Administer and Maintain the
l1 lnfrastruoture in their offioes.
lt also aims at preparing partioipants
for MCl1P and CCNA Certifioation
Lxams oonduoted by Miorosoft and
Cisoo respeotively
0raduates / Lngineers / Uiploma holders
with prior basio oomputer knowledge
lor more details and prooedure to
apply for soholarship:
lnstalling & Configuring windows 3erver 2012 (70-410)
Administering windows 3erver 2012 (70-411)
Configuring Advanoed windows 3erver 2012 3ervioes (70-412)
Uesigning & lmplementing a 3erver infrastruoture (70-413)
lmplementing an advanoed server infrastruoture (70-647)
Uertfcate Uourse n Networkng
Batch 2 - 26-11-2014 14-02-2015
Batch 1 - 30-06-2014 20-09-2014
(5 days a week , 6 - 8 hours per day)
0uraton : 12 Weeks
Uourse 0b[ectve
0uraton : 10 Weeks
(5 days a week , 6 - 8 hours per day)
atch 1 - 22-09-2014 - 29-11-2014
atch 2 - 16-03-2015 23-05-2015 -
lor more details and prooedure to
apply for soholarship:
0raduates / Lngineers / Uiploma
holders with prior knowledge in
oomputer networking
with vulnerabilities & 1hreats all over,
this oourse aims at preparing
partioipants to seoure their Computer
Networks in various environments like
Miorosoft, Linux and Cisoo
Uourse 0b[ectve
Uertfcate Uourse n Network 5ecurty
Lssenta| of I1 5ecurty 5ystem.
lntroduotion to ethioal haoking ethios and legality
loot printing and sooial engineering
3oanning and enumeration, system haoking
1rojans, baokdoors, virus and worms, sniffers
Uenial of servioes and session hijaoking
aoking web servers, web applioation vulnerabilities,
Lvading lU3 honey pots and firewalls, wireless haoking
Cryptography, penetration testing methodologies
Wndows 5ecurty.
0verview of AU, group polioy, aooess Control, file system 3eourity.
Config AU C3 overview of PKl deploying a CA hierarohy, Ll3.
Config AU right management servioes,
Configuration of lP3eo and network aooess proteotion..
Config vPN aooess, routing and remote aooess, NA1..
Uesigning network seourity, identifying threats to network 3eourity.
Iorefront 1hreat Management Uateway (1MU)
lnstalling and Maintaining 1M0 3erver
Lnabling Aooess to lnternet Resouroes
Configuring 1M0 as a firewall, Aooess to Advanoed Applioation & web liltering
lmplementing Caohing to Browsing & 1M0 Lnterprise Ldition
Lnux 5ecurty
1raffio Control lptables, NA1, 3NA1, UNA1, PA1
3ulU (proxy 3erver), 03 , Bandwidth 3plitting
lnternet 3eourity -web, l1P, 0pen33, Nl3, Lmail
lPoop as lirewall lntrusion Ueteotion and Reoovery
UUNA 5ecurty
Administrative aooess, administrative aooess using AAA and RAUlu3. Polioy
development and implementation.
CBAC and zone-based firewalls, intrusion prevention system (lP3) using the
CLl and 3UM.
3panning tree, vLAN, seouring layer 2 wwitohes, vPN using Cisoo l03 and 3UM,
remote aooess vPN server and olient
I1LU / 5UAAP Uourses 2014-1
Uertfcate Uourse n
Advanced Mob|e Uommuncaton 1echno|oges
1e|ecom and 0atacom Iundamenta|s
Communioation lundamentals, understanding of wired and wireless systems
Modulation, 1ypes of Modulation Multiplexing teohniques- lUMA,1UMA,CUMA
1ransmission media - 1wisted pair, Coax, liber, 3atellite and Miorowave
lntroduotion to Networking, 03l,1CP/lP, LAN, MAN & wAN, Network 1opologies
1ransport 1eohnologies like X.25, A1M, 3U / 30NL1 and UwUM
2U 1echno|oges (U5M, U0MA, UPP5, L0UL)
lntroduotion to wireless 0enerations, Cellular Conoepts, 03M 3ystem 0verview,
Arohiteoture and Protoools, andovers and Call llows prooedures
lntroduotion of CUMA, 3pread speotrum and spreading oodes, diversity, l3-95
arohiteoture and air interfaoe, CUMA 2000 1x oonoepts and arohiteoture
0PR3 arohiteoture and ohannels oonoept. Migration towards LU0L
3U 1echno|oges & Advanced
Migration from 2x0 to 30, 30PP rel R99, R4, R5, R6/7, R8 eto
wCUMA basios, 3preading and Uespreading ,Radio ohannels
uM13 arohiteoture uL, Node-B, RNC, Core Network,uM13 mobility
lP Multimedia 3ubsystem, lM3 Lntities, lnterfaoes and 3eourity
1his oourse provides the partioipants
with a oomprehensive 1eleoom Conoepts,
20, and 30 teohnologies. Partioipants
are given praotioal training on mobile
oommunioation network elements
0uraton : 10 Weeks
(5 days a week , 4 - 6 hours per day)
atch 1 - 25-08-2014 01-11-2014 -
atch 2 - 05-01-2015 14-03-2015 -
0raduates / Lngineers / Uiploma
holders in eleotronios / eleotrioal /
oommunioations / teleoom or
equivalent with prior teleoom knowledge
lor more details and prooedure to
apply for soholarship:
4U 1echno|oges
Industry 1ranng
Real time praotioal 1raining & Certifioation's from L1L, A leading 1eleoom
Lquipment manufaoturer in the world.
lP Addressing and subnetting (version 4 and 6)
3ignaling protoools - 3s7, CAMLL, 3lP and 3l01RAN
Rl 3urvey , Rl Urive 1est & 0ptimization, Rl Planning
Looking beyond 30 - 3UPA / 3uPA
lnterfaoes 31,X2,36a,35 and 311
L1L Air interfaoe, 0lUM,MlM0, Channels,L1L Mobility
L1L servioes - C3-lall baok, voL1L and 3R-vCC ,3M3 support
lntroduotion to wimax,802.16 benefits,802.16 lrequenoy Bands and 3tandards,
lntroduotion to L1L, Network Arohiteoture- eNB,MML, 3-0w,P-0w and 33,
lmplementing of 802.16 networks
Uourse 0b[ectve
I1LU / 5UAAP Uourses 2014-1
Uertfcate Uourse n Lnux Admnstraton
Ped Pat Lnux Lssenta|s
Linux ideas and history, usage basios
Browsing the file system
users, groups and Permissions
using the bash shell, oonfiguring the bash shell
3tandard l/0 and pipes, text prooessing tools
vim: An advanoed text editor
Basio system oonfiguration tools
lnvestigating and managing prooesses
linding and prooessing files,
Advanoed topios in users, groups and permissions
1he linux file system in-depth
Lssential system administration tools
3ystem initialization, paokage management, kernel servioes
3ystem servioes, user administration, file system management
Network oonfiguration, installation kiok start
virtualization with KvM
3ystem performanoe and seourity
3ystem servioe aooess oontrols
Network resouroe aooess oontrols
0rganizing networked systems
Network file sharing servioes
web servioes
Lleotronio mail servioes
3eouring data aooount management
Aim, 0bjeotive of the oourse: 1his Course
aims at preparing partioipants to lnstall,
Configure, 1roubleshoot, 3eoure,
Administer and Maintain Red at
Lnterprise Linux based networks.
lt also aims at preparing partioipants for
RCL Certifioation Lxam oonduoted
by Red A1.
Uourse 0b[ectve
0uraton : 8 Weeks
(5 days a week, 8 hours per day)
Batch 1 - 11-02-2015 04-04-2015
0raduates / Lngineers / Uiploma holders
with prior knowledge in oomputer networking
lor more details and prooedure to
apply for soholarship:
Ped Pat Lnux 5ystem Admnstraton
Ped Pat Lnux Networkng and 5ecurty Admnstraton
I1LU / 5UAAP Uourses 2014-1
50NL1/50P, 0W0M
Uertfcate Uourse n 0ptca| Networkng
0ptca| Iundamenta|s
lntroduotion to fiber optios, understanding light and properties
Basios of eleotromagnetio wave
Lvolution of fiber, types of fiber 3Ml & MMl, l1u-1 speos 0652 B & U,
0653, 0655 eto.
Light souroes & deteotors, oonneotors like lC, 3C, 31, LC, Mu.
lusion and Meohanioal 3plioing, 01UR, Power meter.
Multiplexing teohniques 1UM & lUM.
3U arohiteotures, 31M-1, 31M-4, 31M-16, 31M -64.
3U multiplexing & proteotion sohemes.
30NL1 layered 3truoture 313-N frame struotures.
3U tester, L1 tester.
Llements of wUM link, 0AUMs and R0AUMs, regenerators and transponders.
1ypes of amplifiers, LUlA, pre-lnline and booster.
UwUM network design oonsiderations, operating wave lengths, UwUM test &
measurement, optioal speotrum analyzer eto.
Aooess Network 1eohnologies, P0N , A0N, liber in Last mile, l11C / l11K / l11B /
l11, AP0N, BP0N, LP0N, 0LP0N, 0P0N.
Link budget, various kinds of fiber & teohnology used for l11x
1his oourse provides the partioipants with a
oomprehensive business and teohnioal
foundation in optioal networking and its
servioes and applioations development.
0uraton : 8 Weeks
(5 days a week , 4 - 6 hours per day)
Batch 1 - 30-06-2014 23-08-2014 -
Batch 2 - 29-10-2014 20-12-2014 -
0raduates / Lngineers / Uiploma holders in
eleotronios / eleotrioal / oommunioations /
teleoom or equivalent with prior teleoom
lor more details and prooedure to
apply for soholarship:
I1LU / 5UAAP Uourses 2014-1
Industra| 1ranng
ands on 1raining on liber 3plioing, 1ransmission Lquipment and Live lndustrial
1raining on Next 0eneration networks.
Uourse 0b[ectve
N0N-3U, 0lP, vCA1, LCA3, MPL3 0verview.
I1LU / 5UAAP Uourses 2014-1
Uertfcate Uourse n
Wre|ess Network Admnstraton
Wre|ess Iundamenta|
Lleotromagnetio speotrum, Radio frequenoy fundamentals
Radio frequenoy oomponents, measurements, and Antenna Conoepts
03l Model, 1CP/lP, LAN 1eohnologies, lP Addressing and 3ubnetting, lpv4, lpv6
Wre|ess Network
lLLL 802.11 3tandards
wireless Networks and 3pread 3peotrum 1eohnologies
802.11 Physioal and MAC Layers
Power over Lthernet, 3ite 3urvey
lntroduotion to wiMax
lLLL 802.16, 0lUM, MlM0 1eohnologies
802.11n and igh 1hroughput(1)
wLAN 3eourity
802.11 Authentioation
wLP, wPA, wPA2, Lnoryption Methods
Robust seourity network (R3N)
wireless network attaoks
lntrusion monitoring
wireless seourity and 802.11 wireless polioy reoommendations
1his oourse will enable the partioipants
to lnstall, oonfigure and support wireless
NlCs, aooess points, wireless bridges,
workgroup bridges, wireless gateways
and wLAN antennas from Cisoo 3ystems,
Analyze and troubleshoot wLAN problems
0uraton : 10 Weeks
(5 days a week , 4 - 6 hours per day)
Batch 1 - 30-03-2015 06-05-2015
0raduates / Lngineers / Uiploma holders
in eleotronios / eleotrioal / oommunioations /
teleoom or equivalent with prior
teleoom knowledge
lor more details and prooedure to
apply for soholarship:
Wre|ess 5ecurty
Uourse 0b[ectve
I1LU / 5UAAP Uourses 2014-1
0pen 3ouroe lnteroonneotion Model (03l )
Looal Area & wide Area Networks
1CP/lP Protoools,
lP Addressing,
Lthernet Networking
Network Lssenta|s
Usco Uertfed Network Assocate 1rack
lnternetworking & lnternet Protoools
lP 3ub netting and variable Length 3ubnet Masks
lntroduotion to the Cisoo l03
lP Routing & Ll0RP and 03Pl
Layer2 3witohing & virtual LANs
Managing a Cisoo lnter-network
Managing 1raffio with Aooess Lists,
wide Area Network Protoools
Usco Uertfed Network Professona| (Poutng & 5wtchng) 1rack
Batch 2 - 05-01-2015 28-03-2015
Batch 1 - 24-09-2014 13-12-2014
(5 days a week , 6 - 8 hours per day)
0uraton : 12 Weeks
Post 0raduates / Lngineers / Uiploma holders
/ 0raduates in Computer 3oienoe, Lleotronios,
1eleoommunioations, lnstrumentation or
equivalent, even 0raduates in Arts &
Commeroe with prior oomputer knowledge
oan also apply
lor more details and prooedure to
apply for soholarship:
lmplementing Cisoo lP Routing (CCNP R0u1L)
lmplementing Cisoo lP 3witohed Networks (CCNP 3wl1C)
1roubleshooting and Maintaining Cisoo lP Networks (CCNP 13001)
Uertfcate Uourse In
UI5U0 Lnterprse Networkng
1his oourse is intended for those
lnterested in the Planning, lmplementing,
verifying and 1roubleshooting Looal and
wide-area enterprise networks and work
oollaboratively with speoialists on
advanoed Cisoo networking solutions.
lt will prepare the student to: plan,
implement, verify and troubleshoot
Cisoo networking produots,
1his oourse would help the oandidate
to prepare for Cisoo global oertifioation
exams CCNA and CCNP also
Uourse 0b[ectve
Uorporate 0ffce
No 19/6, Ashokpuram 3ohool Road, lndustrial 3uburb, eshwanthpur,
Bangalore: 560022. Ph No: (91) 80 23472171 / 23472172
lax: (91) 80 23572795 Lmail: infoutltraining.oom
lor more details oontaot:
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and phone: +91 9980866166
L-Mail: srinivasrajuutltraining.oom

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