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We all know that health is a basic right of every individual and also part of the right of every citizen

to obtain health services are also included for the people who are poor .

Health Insurance is a guarantee in the form of health care that every participant to benefit the
health and well pemeliharaa protection in meeting the basic needs of health care given to every
person who has paid dues or dues paid by the Government in this regard

What it BPJS ?

BPJS is an institution established to organize social security programs in Indonesia . All Indonesian
citizens and foreigners who have lived in Indonesia for a minimum of six months shall be a member
BPJS . Thus embodied in article 14 of Law BPJS .

Each company must register as a member BPJS workers . While the person or family who do not
work at the company must register themselves and their family members on BPJS . Each participant
will be drawn BPJS dues , whereas for the poor , BPJS dues paid by the government through Fee
Assistance program ( PBI ) . Being a participant BPJS not only mandatory for workers in the formal
sector , but also informal workers . Informal workers are also required to be a member of Health
BPJS . The workers must register with and pay dues in accordance with the desired level of benefits .

The government formed BPJS because during the many hospitals are not willing to care for the poor
and still held the cash despite having health insurance card . Through the later BPJS hospitals will
receive cash and carry only the patient ID card and card BPJS program participants .

Basically BPJS health system is capable of mutual aid are not able to help , each month participants
are required to pay health BPJS iuaran , then surely you will ask how to the poor , for the poor now
iuranya will be paid by the government and its language is subsidized for military POLICE PNS is the
salary system and for the general public is paying dues every month or every year .

Benefits And Advantages of Being a Participant BPJS Health And JKN

Here among other advantages and objectives to be gained by the participants who have registered
as members of Health Social Security Agency quoted and quoted from that each
participant BPJS Health entitled to health care at health facilities in cooperation with PT Askes (
Persero ) , in accordance with the rights and conditions apply .

Endang Tidarwati Wahyuningsih as Director of Membership and Inter-Institutional Relations Askes
also added Advantage is no guarantee if sick . Unlimited . S participants also tuition BPJS depends
also desired class of service later in the hospital .

Ambulance service from place to place BPJS covered services . There forensic services , smear the
bodies , "he added . Endang said , all participants will receive benefits in the form BPJS free
healthcare costs for all disease type . " All diseases can be . All related to health , but we assure
medical indications , " said Endang .

" Suppose there is participant of heart disease and had surgery , for example, the cost is USD 160
million so we bear . There is another example, pain continues to be dialysis 3 times a week , a month
tuh how many times , for example once dialysis Rp 800 thousand a month multiplied by how many ,
it although we pay for life , "said Director of Membership and Inter-Institutional Relations Askes
Tidarwati Wahyuningsih Endang , Tuesday ( 31/12 ) , as quoted from detikFinance .

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