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Note: This questionnaire will be used purely for academic research only. Information
provided will be kept confidential.
1. Gender:- Male Female
2. Age:
a) Less than 18 years d) 18-21 years
b) 21-25 years e) 25-35 years
c) 35-50 years f) 50-years & above
3. Occupation:
a) Service
b) Business
c) Profession
4. Income level :
a) Less than Rs. 25000 per month
b) Between Rs. 25000 Rs. 50000 per month
c) Between Rs. 50000 Rs.75000 per month
d) Between Rs. 75000 Rs. 100000 per month
e) Rs. 100000 & above
5. Are you an investor?
Yes No
6. If yes- in which different sectors do you invest?
Real estate commodity market
Equities currency market
Fixed incomes mutual funds
Cash & equivalents any other please specify
7. What is the major reason of your investment / asset allocation?
Risk diversification
Future unforeseen incidents
Returns and rewards any other please specify
8. Is their any risk of loss?
Yes no
9. What is your risk profile / risk taking capacity between 1-5 ?
1 4
2 5
10. Does investments in different areas / asset allocation really minimize risk?
Yes no
11. According to you when should a person start investing?
Early age - 25 30
Middle age - 35 40
Till the age of 50
12. Which factors you consider while making an investment?
Demand of particular investment
Popularity of particular investment
Growth in particular investment
Government policies
Benefits from particular investment
Your own needs any other please specify
13. Which class of investment is more beneficial?
Real estate commodity market
Equities currency market
Fixed incomes mutual funds
Cash & equivalents any other please specify
14. Can you rank investments on the basis of returns?
Real estate commodity market
Equities currency market
Fixed incomes mutual funds
Cash & equivalents any other please specify
15. Which returns on investment are more beneficial?
Short term investment long term investments
16. Are returns from asset allocation / investment always beneficial?
Yes no
17. What does your portfolio consist of?

18. Is there any security while making investments, if yes than what is it?

19. What are your targets for retirement?
Maximum investments Minimum investments
20. Why asset allocation / investing in different areas is so important today?

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