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1/29/13 Calculate Equivalent Circulation Density (ECD) with complex engineering equations 2/9
1. Determine n:
2. Determine K:
3. Determine annular velocity (v) in ft/min: v = (24.5 x Q) (Dh
4. Determine critical velocity (Vc) in ft/min:
5. Pressure loss for laminar flow (Ps), psi:
6. Pressure loss for turbulent flow (Ps), psi:
7. Determine equivalent circulating density (ECD), ppg:
ECD in ppg = Ps 0.052 TVD in ft + MW in ppg
Abbreviation meaning
?300: viscometer dial reading at 300 rpm
?600: ?viscometer dial reading at 600 rpm
Q: Flow rate in gpm
Dh: Diameter of hole
Dp: Diameter of drill pipe, drill collar or BHA in ft
v: annular velocity in ft/min
L: length of drill pipe, drill collar or BHA in ft
MW: Mud Weight
PV: Plastic viscosity
Example: Equivalent circulating density (ECD) in ppg by using following data:
Mud weight = 9.5 ppg
?300? = 30
?600 = 60
Plastic viscosity = 22 cps
Circulation rate = 320 gpm
Hole diameter = 8.5 in.
Drill collar OD = 6.5 in.
Drill pipe OD = 5.0 in
Drill collar length = 650 ft
Drill pipe length = 11,500 ft
True vertical depth = 12,150 ft
1/29/13 Calculate Equivalent Circulation Density (ECD) with complex engineering equations 3/9
1. Determine n:
2. Determine K:
3. Determine annular velocity (v) in ft/min around drill pipe: v = (24.5 x 320) (8.5
) = 165.9 ft/min
4. Determine critical velocity (Vc) in ft/min around drill pipe:
The annular velocity around drill pipe is more than the critical velocity around drill pipe so this is turbulent flow. The equation
#6 (for turbulent flow) must be applied in this case.
Pressure loss for turbulent flow (Ps), psi:
5. Determine annular velocity (v) in ft/min around drill collar: v = (24.5 x 320) (8.5
) = 261.3 ft/min
6. Determine critical velocity (Vc) in ft/min around drill collar:
The annular velocity around drill collar is less than the critical velocity around drill collar so this is laminar flow. The equation #5
(for laminar flow) must be applied in this case.
Pressure loss for laminar flow (Ps), psi:
Total annular pressure loss = annular pressure loss around drill pipe + annular pressure loss around drill collar
Ps=69.2+12.7 = 81.9 psi
7. Determine equivalent circulating density (ECD), ppg:
ECD in ppg = (81.9 0.052 12,150) + 9.5 = 9.63 ppg
Please find the Excel sheet for calculating ECD (engineering calculation)
Ref book: Formulas and Calculations for Drilling, Production and Workover, Second Edition

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