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Bombay Stock Exchange Limited is the oldest Stock Exchange in Asia with a rich
heritage. Popularly known as BSE it was established as !he "ati#e Share $
Stock Brokers Association in %&'(. )t is the *irst Stock Exchange in the country to
obtain permanent recognition in %+(, *rom the -o#ernment o* )ndia under the
Securities .ontracts /0egulation1 Act %+(,. !he Exchange2s pi#otal and pre3eminent
role in the de#elopment o* the )ndian capital market is widely recogni4ed and its
)ndex SE"SE5 is tracked worldwide. Earlier an Association o* Person /A6P1 the
.ompanies Act %+(, pursuant to the BSE /.orporatisation and 7emutualisation1
Scheme 899( noti*ied by the Securities and Exchange Board o* )ndia /SEB)1.
!he Exchange not only pro#ides an e**icient market but also upholds the interests o*
the )n#estors and ensures redressal o* their grie#ances whether against the
companies or its trading members. )t stri#es to educate and enlighten the )n#estors
by making a#ailable to them the necessary in*ormation.
Department of Investor Services:
Protecting the interest o* )n#estors dealing in securities is one o* the main ob:ecti#es
o* the Exchange. )n pursuit o* these ob:ecti#es 7epartment o* )n#estors Ser#ices
/7)S1 was set up in %+&,. !he grie#ances o* )n#estors against listed companies and
!rading ;embers o* the Exchange are redressed by the Exchange. !he Exchange
also assists in arbitration process between !rading ;embers inter3se as well as
between !rading ;embers and "on < !rading members. !he capital market can
grow only when the )n#estors *ind it sa*e *or them to in#est in the capital market and
they are assured that rules go#erning the market are *air and :ust to all the players in
the market.
=ith a #iew to ensure speedy and e**ecti#e resolution o* claims di**erences and
disputes between !rading ;embers and non3trading members the Exchange has
laid down a set o* procedures *or arbitration thereo*. !hese procedures are duly
embodied in the 0ules Bye<laws and 0egulations o* the Exchange which ha#e
been duly appro#ed by the -o#ernment o* )ndia >Securities and Exchange Board o*
)ndia /SEB)?.
Safeguards for Investors:
!hese are some o* the sa*e3guards that needs to be adhered to by the )n#estors2
be*ore trading in the securities market.
1 !"i#e Se#ecting t"e $ro%er& Su'($ro%er
7eal with only SEB) registered Broker > Sub3broker a*ter due diligence.
7etails o* List o* Brokers2 can be procured *rom the ;ember2s List published
by the Exchange and *rom the
website@ )))'seindiacom
* !"i#e entering into an +greement:
a. Aill in a .lient registration *orm with Broker > Sub < broker
b. Each and e#ery prospecti#e client should read and understand the 0isk
7isclosure 7ocument speci*ied by the Exchange and be*ore entering
into trading in the EBuities /.ash1 or the 7eri#ati#es Segment. !he
.lient should obtain a signed copy o* the same *rom the !rading
c. Enter into Broker > Sub<broker < .lient Agreement. !his agreement is
mandatory *or all )n#estors *or registering as a client o* a BSE !rading
;ember. !he .lient should ensure the *ollowing be*ore entering into an
3 .are*ully read and understand the terms and conditions o* the
agreement be*ore executing the same on a #alid stamp paper
o* the reBuisite #alue.
3 Agreement to be signed on all the pages by the .lient and the
;ember or their representati#e who has the authority to sign
the agreement. Agreement has also to be signed by the
witnesses by gi#ing their name and address.
3 !he .lient should obtain signed copy o* all the documents *or
his records.
, !"i#e Transacting
a. Speci*y to the Broker > Sub3 broker the Exchange through which your
trade is to be executed and maintain separate account per Exchange.
b. 6btain a #alid .ontract "ote issued by !rading ;ember o* the
Exchange within 8C hours o* the execution o* the !rade.
.ontract note is a con*irmation o* trade/s1 done on a particular day *or
and on behal* o* a client in a *ormat prescribed by the Exchange. )t
establishes a legally en*orceable relationship between the ;ember and
.lient in respect o* settlement o* trades executed on the Exchange as
stated in the .ontract note.
.ontract notes are made in duplicate and the ;ember and .lient both
keep one copy each. !he .lient>s are expected to sign on the duplicate
copy o* the contract note *or ha#ing recei#ed the original.
.ontract "ote < cum3Bill 3 Aorm DA2 $ AA < .ontract "ote
issued where !rading ;ember is acting *or constituents as
brokers and agents.
.ontract "ote < Aorm DB2 < .ontract note issued by !rading
;ember dealing with constituents as Principals.
c. Ensure that the .ontract "ote contains@
SEB) registration number o* the !rading ;ember.
7etails o* trade such as 6rder no trade no. trade time Buantity price
brokerage settlement number details o* other le#ies.
!he trade price should be shown separately *rom the brokerage
charged. !he maximum brokerage that can be charged is 0s.9.8( per
share>debenture or 8.(E o* the contract price per share >debenture
whiche#er is higher. Any additional charges that the !rading ;ember
can charge are Securities !ransaction !ax Ser#ice !ax on brokerage
Stamp duty etc. as may be applicable *rom time to time.
!he brokerage and ser#ice tax is indicated separately in the contract
Signature o* authorised representati#e.
Arbitration clause stating that the .ourts in ;umbai shall ha#e
exclusi#e :urisdiction in respect o* all proceedings to which the
Exchange is a party and in respect o* all other proceedings the .ourts
ha#ing :urisdiction o#er the area in which the respecti#e 0egional
Arbitration .entre is situated shall ha#e :urisdiction must be present on
the *ace o* the .ontract note.
!he back o* the .ontract "ote should indicate clause to Arbitration
Limitation period *or *iling o* Arbitration 0e*erence. !he Exchanges
pro#ide .omplaint 0esolution Arbitration and Appellate arbitration
*acilities at the 0egional Arbitration .entres /0A.1. !he client may
approach its nearest centre.
Su' - 'ro%er:
DSub<broker2 means any person not being a !rading ;ember o* the Stock exchange
who acts on behal* o* a stock broker as an agent or otherwise *or assisting the
in#estors in buying selling or dealing in securities through such stock brokers. "o
sub <broker can buy sell deal in Securities unless he holds a certi*icate granted by
SEB) under the 0egulations. SEB) has stated that the !rading ;ember o* the
Exchange is responsible *or the acts deeds and things o* the sub <brokers a**iliated
to it.
. Ensuring Sett#ement
a. Ensure deli#ery o* securities >payment o* money to the !rading
;ember immediately upon getting the contract note *or sale > purchase
but in any case be*ore the prescribed pay3in3day.
b. !he !rading ;ember should pay the money or securities to the
)n#estors within 8C hours o* the payout.
c. 6pen demat account pre*erably opt *or buying and selling demat
d. Aor deli#ery o* shares *rom 7emat a>c gi#e the 7epository Participant
/7 P1 D7eli#ery out2 instructions to trans*er the same *rom the
bene*iciary account to the pool account o* !rading ;ember through
whom shares and securities ha#e been sold.
!he *ollowing details to be gi#en to the 7P@ details o* the pool a>c o*
!rading ;ember to whom the shares are to be trans*erred details o*
scrip Buantity etc. As per the reBuirements o* depositories the 7eli#ery
out )nstruction should be gi#en atleast C& hours prior to the cut3o** time
*or the prescribed securities pay3in.
e. Aor recei#ing shares in your 7emat a>c gi#e the 7epository Participant
/7 P1 D7eli#ery in2 instructions to accept shares in bene*iciary account
*rom the pool account o* !rading ;ember through whom shares ha#e
been purchased .
*. )* physical deli#eries are recei#ed < check the deli#eries recei#ed as
per -ood>Bad deli#ery guidelines issued by SEB).
Bad deli#ery cases should be sorted out through Exchange machinery
g. !he in#estors should tally the account with the !rading ;ember E#ery
h. !he in#estors may #eri*y their trades done on BSE through !rade
.on*irmation System at i* they ha#e a .ontract
"ote *or the concerned trade.
i. All registration o* shares *or ownership o* physical shares should be
executed by a #alid duly completed and stamped trans*er deed.
Rig"ts of Investors
%. !o recei#e all bene*its> material in*ormation declared *or the )n#estors by the
8. Prompt Ser#ices *rom the .ompany such as trans*ers Sub3di#isions and
consolidation o* holdings in the .ompany.
F. EBuity holders ha#e a right to subscribe to *urther issue o* .apital by the
C. 0eceipt o* the .ontract note *rom the !rading ;ember in the speci*ied *ormat
showing transaction price and brokerage separately.
(. )n#estors can expect deli#ery o* shares purchased>#alue o* shares sold within
one working day /excluding Saturday Sunday and Bank Golidays1 a*ter the
Pay <out o* the Settlement unless a client has reBuested otherwise.
,. Approach concerned nearest 0egional Arbitration .entre o* BSE gi#en
below in case o* complaints against the !rading ;embers o* BSE or
complaints against companies listed on BSE @
Regiona# Investor Service /entres
BSE )n#estor Ser#ice .entre
89F>89CH Abhishree A#enueH
"ear "ehru "agar .ircle
S. ;. 0oadAmbawadi
Ahmedabad 3 F&9 9%(
!ele."o.@ 9'+38,C9 8++8 > 8,C, 8++8
Aax "o.@ 9'+ 3 8,C9 8++8
.ontact Person @ ;r. "ikhil ;ehta
E3mail )d@
BSE )n#estor Ser#ice .entre
Stock Exchange !owers
Annexe Building "o. (%
%st .ross J . 0oad
Bangalore < (,998'
!ele. "o. 9&9 < C%(9 (9'(
.ontact person 3 ;r. !hilakra: 0ai
E3mail )d @
BSE )n#estor Ser#ice .entre
"o.C Ki:aya !owers Frd Aloor
Lodambakkam Gigh 0oad
/ Palm -ro#e Gotel1
.hennai < ,99 9FC
!ele. "o.@9CC3C89&++(+
!ele*ax "o.@9CC3C89&++(&
.ontact Person @ ;s. 7eepa
E3mail )d@
BSE )n#estor Ser#ice .entre
Alat no. F98 ;arigold Pa#ani Estates
7warkapuri .olony
Gyderabad 3 (999&8
!elephone "o.@ 9C93F9,9(&CC>C(>C,
.ontact person 3 ;r. Siddharth 7ixit
E3mail )d@
BSE )n#estor Ser#ice .entre
89% Palika Pla4a
Phase )) ;!G .ompound
!ele "o.@ 9'F%3C99&89&
Aax "o.@ 9'F%3C99&888
.ontact Person @ ;s. Sheron -oyal
E3mail )d@
BSE )n#estor Ser#ice .entre
6**ice "o. C9% Situated on Cth *loor
7urga Business .enter
6pp. Gotel -angaur ;.).0oad
Jaipur 3 F9899%
.ontact person 3 ;r. .hidrup Jain
E3mail )d@ ip*
BSE )n#estor Ser#ice .entre
(th Aloor Padam !owers
%C>%%F .i#il Lines
Lanpur 3 89&99%
!ele "o.@ 9(%8 3 8FF &%%( > 8FF &9'C
.ontact Person @ ;r. Jitendranath
E3mail )d@
BSE )n#estor Ser#ice .entre
(' Jawaharlal "ehru 0oad
Gori4on 8nd Aloor "ear 0abindra
Sadan ;etro
Lolkata 3 '99 9'%
!ele. "o. @9FF388&8%F'(
!ele*ax "o.@9FF388&8%F',
.ontact Person @ ;r. Anirban -uha
E3mail )
4um'ai Ne) De#"i
BSE )n#estor Ser#ice .entre
.ama Building %st *loor
7alal Street
Aort ;umbai < C9999%.
!ele. "o.@ 988388'8%8FF>FC
Aax "o.@ 988388'8F,''
.ontact Person@ ;r. Lochan !endle
E3mail )d@
BSE )n#estor Ser#ice .entre
%(th Aloor 7r. -opal 7as Bhawan
8& Barakhamba 0oad .onnaught
"ew 7elhi 3 %%9 99%
!ele. "o. @9%%3CF99'C%F>%C>%(>%,
.ontact Person @ ;s. "eha -upta
E3mail )
BSE )n#estor Ser#ice .entre
Shi#leela .hambers
Cth Aloor'(8 Sadashi# Peth
0.B.Lumathekar ;arg
Pune 3 C%%9F9.
!ele "o. 989 3 ,(8989,(.
.ontact person 3 ;r. Jason 7ias
!he .ourts in ;umbai shall ha#e exclusi#e :urisdiction in respect o* all proceedings
to which the Exchange is a party and in respect o* all other proceedings the .ourts
ha#ing :urisdiction o#er the area in which the respecti#e 0egional Arbitration .entre
is situated shall ha#e :urisdiction.
Genera# Do6s and Don7ts for Investors:
%. Always deal with the intermediaries registered with SEB).> stock exchanges.
8. Always keep copies o* all in#estment documentation /e.g. application *orms
acknowledgement slips contract notes1 and documents you are sending to
companies etc.
F. Send important documents by reliable mode > registered post to ensure
C. Ensure that you recei#e contract note at the end o* the day> account
statements *or e#ery transaction.
(. Ensure that you ha#e money be*ore you buy.
,. Always settle the dues through the normal banking channels with the market
'. Ensure that you ha#e are holding securities be*ore you sell.
&. Aollow up diligently and promptly e.g. )* you do not recei#e the reBuired
documentation within a reasonable time contact the concerned person i.e. the
!rading ;ember .ompany etc. immediately.
+. -i#e clear and unambiguous instruction to your !rading ;ember >agent>
depository participant.
%9. ;ention clearly whether you want to transact in physical mode or demat.
%%. )n#estors should take in*ormed in#estment decision without being in*luenced
by misleading recommendations gi#en in the public media such as
newspapers electronic media website etc. #eri*y all the claims made in such
%8. Be*ore placing an order with the market intermediaries please check about
the credentials o* the companies its management *undamentals and recent
announcements made by them and #arious other disclosures made under
#arious regulations. !he sources o* in*ormation are the websites o*
Exchanges and companies databases o* data #endor business maga4ines
%F. Adopt trading > in#estment strategies commensurate with your risk3bearing
capacity as all in#estments carry some risk the degree o* which #aries
according to the in#estment strategy adopted.
%C. .arry out due diligence be*ore registering as client with any intermediary.
.are*ully read and understand the contents stated in the 0isk 7isclosure
7ocument which *orms part o* the in#estor registration reBuirement *or
dealing through brokers.
%(. Be cautious about stocks which show a sudden spurt in price or trading
acti#ity especially low price stocks.
%,. !here are no guaranteed returns on in#estment in the stock market.
%'. Lodge your complaint or Arbitration Application against the !rading ;ember
at the nearest 0egional Arbitration .entre. Please use *or the purpose your
address as intimated to your !rading ;ember by *ollowing due process o* law.
%. 7on2t deal with unregistered !rading ;embers> sub3brokers intermediaries.
8. 7onHt execute any documents with any intermediary without *ully
understanding its terms and conditions.
F. 7on2t *ile your grie#ance>s and > or arbitration application against trading
member in the 0egional Arbitration .entre ha#ing no :urisdiction. Please use
*or the purpose your address as intimated to your !rading ;ember by
*ollowing due process o* law.
!he Exchange redresses in#estors2 complaints thru arbitration and )-0.
mechanismM where in Arbitration Proceedings is Buasi3:udicial in nature. !he
period consumed in redressal o* complaint thru )-0. will not be considered
while measuring period o* Dlimitation2 in *iling arbitration application pro#ided
the complaint is *iled at the concerned 0egional Arbitration .entre.
C. 7on2t *orgo taking due documents o* transactions in good *aith e#en *rom
people whom you know.
(. 7on2t *all prey to promise o* unrealistic high returns.
,. 7on2t get misled by companies showing appro#al > registrations *rom
-o#ernment agencies as the appro#als could be *or certain other purposes
and not *or the securities you are buying.
'. 7on2t transact based on rumours generally called Dtips2.
&. 7onHt lea#e the custody o* your 7emat !ransaction slip book in the hands o*
any intermediary.
+. 7on2t *orget to take note o* risks note o* risks in#ol#ed in the in#estment.
%9. 7on2t get misled by guarantees o* repayment o* your in#estments through
post3dated cheBues.
%%. 7on2t hesitate to approach concerned persons and then the appropriate
%8. 7on2t get swayed by promises o* high returns.
%F. 7onHt get carried away with ad#ertisements about the *inancial per*ormance o*
companies in print and electronic media.
%C. 7onHt blindly *ollow media reports on corporate de#elopments as some o*
these could be misleading.
%(. 7onHt blindly imitate in#estment decisions o* others who may ha#e pro*ited
*rom their in#estment decisions.
5rocess of so#ving Investors7 grievances:
BSE has established a *ull3*ledged 7epartment o* )n#estors2 Ser#ices /7)S1 to
redress )n#estor2s grie#ances. Since its establishment in %+&, the .ell has played a
pi#otal role in enhancing and maintaining )n#estors2 *aith and con*idence by resol#ing
their grie#ances either against listed companies or against !rading ;embers o* the
)n#estors are expected to submit their complaints in the prescribed .omplaint
*ormat to the nearest 0egional Arbitration .entre o* BSE on the basis o* an in#estorHs
address mentioned in LN.. Ailing o* complaint at the concerned 0egional Arbitration
.entre will enable to process the complaint expeditiously.
!he ser#ices o**ered by the )S. are as under@
Investor7s grievances against 8isted /ompanies:
Lodge your complaint against a company listed on BSE at ;umbai regional centre
and .omplaints > Arbitration against !rading ;embers o* the Exchange at nearest
0egional Arbitration .entre.
7)S *orwards the .omplaints to the respecti#e company and directs them to sol#e
the matter within %( days. )n spite o* the abo#e e**orts i* the company *ails to resol#e
the )n#estor2s .omplaints and the total number o* pending complaints against the
company exceed 8( and i* these complaints are pending *or more than C( days then
steps are initiated to suspend the trading in the securities o* the company till
grie#ances o* the company in#estors are resol#ed a*ter issue o* show cause notice.
BSE may also trans*er such Scrip2s to D!2 category *or non<resolution o* )n#estorsH
7)S takes many other pro3acti#e measures to resol#e the )n#estor2s grie#ance such
.alling the .ompany representati#e to the Exchange to interact with
)n#estor2s > ;embers to resol#e the complaints.
.alling ma:or 0egistrar $ !rans*er agent to the Exchange to interact and
resol#e the grie#ances o* the )n#estor2s and ;embers o* the Exchange.
Pursuing ;umbai based companies to depute their representati#e to the
Exchange to take the pending list o* complaints $ resol#e the same
+r'itration procedure against #isted companies:
)t is proposed that the trans*eree /in#estor1 may make any claim di**erence or
dispute against a company *or delay in trans*er o* securities and delay in *urnishing
o* the ob:ection memo beyond the speci*ied time o* % month *rom the receipt o* the
securities by the company. !his shall be re*erred to and decided by arbitration under
the 0ules Bye3 Laws $ 0egulations o* the Exchange.
!he company shall be liable to compensate the aggrie#ed party *or the opportunity
losses i* any caused during the period o* the delay.
Grievance Redressa#:
!here will be occasions when you ha#e a grie#ance against the company in which
you are a stake3holder. )t may be that you ha#e not recei#ed the share certi*icates on
Allotment or on trans*er it may be that you did not recei#e the di#idend> interest
warrant or re*und order perhaps you did not recei#e the Annual accounts etc. Nou
would *irst approach the company in that regard you may not be satis*ied with the
company2s response. Nou would like to know whom you should contact to get your
grie#ance redressed. !he *ollowing table would pro#ide you the guidance in this
T1pes of /omp#aints /an 'e ta%en up )it"
a. 0e3#alidation o* trans*er deeds 0egistrar o* .ompanies /0o.1
b. 0egarding bad deli#ery o* shares Bad 7eli#ery .ell o* the Stock
c. 0egarding shares or debentures in
unlisted companies
;inistry o* .orporate A**airs
d. 7eposits in collecti#e in#estment
schemes like plantations etc.
e. Onits o* ;utual Aunds SEB) > A;A)
*. Aixed 7eposits in Bank > "BA. 0eser#e Bank o* )ndia
g. Aixed 7eposits in "on < Listed
;inistry o* .orporate A**airs
h. Aixed 7eposits in manu*acturing
;inistry o* .orporate A**airs >
Non(receipt of mone1:
0e*und in Public > 0ights issue
Stock Exchange > SEB)
)nterest > 0edemption on debt
securities Aractional entitlement.
Non(receipt of E9uit1 S"ares & De't
Securities :Demat ; 5"1sica#<:
)n Public > 0ights issue /including
allotment letter1 0emat > !rans*er >
!ransmission .on#ersion >
endorsement > consolidation > splitting >
duplicate certi*icate
Stock Exchange > SEB)
Non receipt of corporate 'enefits &
7i#idend > Bonus > 0ights *orm
Buyback > letter o* o**er 7elisting letter
o* o**er Annual 0eport
Stock Exchange > SEB)
Non(receipt of interest for de#a1 in:
0e*unds > 7i#idend > )nterest on debt
security > 0edemption o* debt security
Stock Exchange > SEB)
Ot"ers: /including non adherence to
corporate go#ernance norms1
Stock Exchange > SEB)
Investors Grievances -Rig"ts and Remedies:
4is#eading +dvertisements: )n certain cases publicity material circulars brochures
are published by the companies !rading ;ember or )ntermediaries in#iting
applications *rom the public *or subscription to shares debentures. Gowe#er these
publicity materials may not *orm part o* the prospectus or letter o* o**er.
Grievances: )n#estors ha#e complaints against the ad#ertisement brochures
circulars which ha#e exaggerated claim o* the per*ormance o* the company .!he
abo#e in*ormation circulated is marked !his is only an announcement and not a
prospectus or Pri#ate circulation only. !his practice could be misleading to the
in#esting public because it may contain the in*ormation not included in the
Rig"ts and Remedies:
.ompanies Act @ )n#estor may re*er to Section ,& o* the .ompanies Act
and write to ;inistry o* .orporate A**airs /;.A1. !he
in#estor can also seek remedy u>s ,8%.
Protection Act
)n#estor can *ile complaints be*ore the 7istrict Aorum
state .ommission or "ational commission.
F SEB)@ )n#estor can write to SEB) in case o* misleading
ad#ertisements circulars or brochures.
Disc#osures in 5rospectus: Prospectus is a document circulated by a company
making a public issue in#iting applications *rom the public *or subscription to shares >
debentures containing adeBuate disclosures about issue issuing company and risk
Grievance: )n some cases it has been noticed that the prospectus does not contain
*ull particulars regarding progress o* work and acti#ities risk in#ol#ed group
companies associates or auditor2s statements regarding ser#icing o* debentures
already issued etc. and the disclosures are inadeBuate. !he in#estor has to make
in#estment decisions on incomplete *acts and in*ormation.
Rig"ts and Remedies:
% .ompanies Act@ )n#estors can claim compensation *or loss su**ered by
them on account o* misstatements made in Prospectus. )n
such cases the in#estor may re*er to Section ,8 $ ,F o*
the .ompanies Act and write to the ;.A. !he in#estor can
also seek remedy u>s ,8%.
8 SEB)@ )n#estors can write to SEB) and obtain redressal with
regard to misstatements in the Prospectus etc.
De#a1 in #isting of Securities: Some o* the companies state in the prospectus that
an application has been made to one or more Stock Exchanges *or the listing o*
shares > debentures. !his indicates to the in#estors that the said shares> debentures
will become marketable. Gowe#er there is no guarantee that permission will be
granted by the Stock Exchange authorities.
Grievance: !he dealing in the shares > debentures can commerce only a*ter
completion o* the listing *ormalities. )n certain cases companies are unable to
complete the said *ormalities within the prescribed time. !his causes delay in
allotment o* shares > debentures and dispatch o* re*und orders. !he interest o* the
in#estor is ad#ersely a**ected i* the permission *or dealing in securities is not granted
as the allotment o* shares > debentures i* made by the company becomes #oid.
Rig"ts and Remedies:
.ompanies Act @
)n case o* delay in listing o* securities the in#estor may
re*er to Section 'F 'F/%A1 $ 'F/81 o* the companies Act
and write to the ;.A. !he )n#estor can also seek
remedy u>s. ,8%.
8 SEB)@ )n#estors can write to SEB) and obtain redressal with
regard to delay in listing o* securities.
De#a1 in Despatc" of +##otment 8etters & Refund Orders: .ompanies ha#e to
mandatorily ensure timely despatch o* allotment letters > certi*icates and re*und
orders to the applicants.
Grievance: )n#estors are put into di**iculty i* they do not get re*und o* their money in
case shares are not allotted Aurther they are also put into di**iculty i* there is a
delay in receipt o* certi*icate > allotment letter.
Rig"ts and Remedies:
.ompanies Act @
)n case o* delay in despatch o* allotment letter > re*und
orders the in#estor may re*er to Section 'F/8A1 'F/8B1
o* the .ompanies Act and write to the ;.A. !he in#estor
can also seek remedy u > s. ,8%.
8 SEB)@ )n#estors can write to SEB) and obtain redressal with
regard to delay in dispatch o* the allotment letters >
re*und orders.
De#a1 in Despatc" of Securities: A share certi*icate under the seal o* the company
is prima3*acie documentary e#idence to title o* the shareholder to the shares
speci*ied therein.
Grievance: )n certain cases the in#estors complain with regard to delay in receipt o*
shares >debentures certi*icates allotted to them.
Rig"ts and Remedies:
.ompanies Act @
)n case o* delay in dispatch o* securities the in#estor
may re*er to Section %%F o* the .ompanies Act and write
to the ;.A. !he in#estor can also seek remedy u>s. ,8%
8 SEB)@ )n#estors can write to SEB) and obtain redressal with
regard to delay in dispatch o* securities.
De#a1 in Transfer of Securities: )t is the primary right o* the shareholder >debenture
holder to be able to sell the shares > debentures in the market and the
trans*eree should get the certi*icates trans*erred in his name as soon as
Grievance: )n certain cases there has been an inordinate delay in trans*er o*
shares > debentures lodged *or trans*er and registration. !hus the trans*eree
may in the inter#ening period lose certain bene*its due to him /i.e. bonus rights
di#idends etc.1.
Rig"ts and Remedies:
.ompanies Act @
)n case o* delay in trans*er o* securities the in#estor may
re*er to Section %%% %%F o* the .ompanies Act and write
to the .ompany Law Board /.LB1 and the ;.A
respecti#ely. !he in#estors can also seek remedy u>s .
8 SEB)@ )n#estors can write to SEB) and obtain redressal with
regard to delay in trans*er o* securities.
De#a1 in 5a1ment of Interest on De'entures: )n#estors who would like to ha#e
*ixed return by way o* interest normally in#est in debentures on the assumption
that the debentures are secured and risk *ree in#estments. )n#estors are ad#ised
to #eri*y whether the company is healthy or sick and check the credit rating o* the
company be*ore making such in#estments.
Grievance: !here ha#e been instances where in#estors ha#e complained o* non3
receipt or delay in the receipt o* debentures certi*icates or interest thereon
non3appointment o* 7ebenture !rustee or non3creation o* the stipulated
Rig"ts and Remedies:
.ompanies Act @
)n case o* delay in payment o* interest on debentures
the in#estor may re*er to Section %%& $ %%+ o* the
.ompanies Act and write to the .LB. !he in#estor can
also seek remedy u>s.CFF $ CFC by approaching the
8 SEB)@ )n#estors can write to SEB) and obtain redressal with
regard to delay in payment o* interest on debentures.
Non-5a1ment of Dividends: 7i#idends are declared by the company with the
appro#al o* the shareholders in its general meeting. Accordingly a resolution
declaring di#idend payable by the company is passed. !his becomes a debt due
by the company to the shareholders.
Grievance: )n certain cases the shareholders complain on non3receipt o* the
di#idend declared by the company.
Rig"ts and Remedies:
.ompanies Act @
)n case o* non3payment o* di#idends the in#estor may
re*er to Section 89(A $ 89' o* the .ompanies Act and
write to the ;.A. !he in#estor can also seek remedy
8 SEB)@ )n#estors can write to SEB) and obtain redressal with
regard to non3payment o* 7i#idends.
F .onsumer
!he in#estor can *ile complaints be*ore the 7istrict *orum
State .ommission or "ational .ommission depending
upon the :urisdiction o* the claim in#ol#ed.
Insider Trading
)nsider is any person who accesses the unpublished price sensiti#e in*ormation o*
the company be*ore it is a#ailable to the general public. )nsiders may include
corporate o**icers directors owners o* the *irm who may be ha#ing substantial
interest in the eBuity o* the company. !hey could also be neither corporate o**icers
nor large shareholders howe#er they may ha#e access to non3public in*ormation
due to their relationship with the entity.
)nsider !rading is an act o* buying and selling o* securities by a person ha#ing
unpublished price sensiti#e in*ormation /which is not a#ailable in the market1 with the
intention o* making abnormal pro*its and a#oiding losses. !his price sensiti#e
in*ormation includes declaration 7i#idend > Bonus > 0ights issue or buy back o*
amalgamation mergers or takeo#ers ma:or expansion plans change o* policies etc.
SEB) is making all e**orts to pre#ent insider trading and to build up in#estor
con*idence. )t had set #arious committees in this regard and on their
recommendations #arious regulations ha#e been implemented to curb the inside
;oreo#er three other a#enues are always a#ailable to the in#estors to seek
redressal o* their complaints which are through@
Stock Exchange@ !he in#estor can bring to the notice o* the stock Exchange
where the Securities o* companies are listed.
.omplaints with .onsumer2s 7isputes 0edressal Aorums.
Suits in the .ourt o* Law.
Investor7s grievances against Trading 4em'er
!he nature o* complaints recei#ed by the Exchange against its !rading ;embers can
be broadly classi*ied into the *ollowing categories@
1 Non(receipt &de#a1 in pa1ment : * Non(receipt&de#a1 in securities :
1< 7elay in payment *< "on3receipt
o* payment ,< 7elay in re*und o*
margin payment .< "on settlement
o* accounts.
1< 7elay in deli#ery *< "on3receipt o*
deli#ery ,< 7elay in re*und o* margin
deposit .< "on settlement o* accounts.
, Non(receipt of documents: . Unaut"ori=ed
trades&misappropriation :
1< .ontract notes *< Bills ,<
Account Statements .< Agreement
1< Onauthori4ed trades in client
account *< ;is3appropriation o* client2s
*unds > securities.
> Service re#ated : ? /#osing out & s9uaring up:
1< Excess brokerage *< "on3
execution o* order ,< =rong
execution o* order .< .onnecti#ity 3
system related problem >< "on3
receipt o* corporate bene*its ?<
6ther ser#ice de*aults
1< .losing o** 3 sBuaring up position
without consent *< 7ispute in Auction
#alue >close out #alue
@ Non imp#ementation of
+r'itration +)ard
A Ot"ers
E**ecti#e *rom F%st January 899+ Applications *or )-0. and Arbitration are *iled at
the concerned 0egional )n#estor Ser#ice .entre 4um'aiB De#"iB 3o#%ata and
/"ennai. E**ecti#e *rom 1st Octo'erB *C1*B the Exchange has started its )-0. and
Arbitration mechanism at *our new 0egional )n#estor Ser#ice .entres at 01dera'adB
+"meda'adB Indore and 3anpur. !he in#estors shall approach the nearest
0egional )n#estor Ser#ice .entre the most recent address > registered o**ice
address o* the constituent as duly communicated in writing to the !rading ;ember in
accordance with regulatory reBuirement is located. E**ecti#e *rom ,1st Decem'erB
*C1,B the Exchange will start its )-0. and Arbitration mechanism at three new
0egional )n#estor Ser#ice .entres at $ang#oreB 2aipur and 5une. !he hearings
shall be held in the concerned 0egional )n#estor Ser#ice .entre where the Applicant
has *iled the Application *or Arbitration.
!he .ourts in ;umbai shall ha#e exclusi#e :urisdiction in respect o* all proceedings
to which the Exchange is a party and in respect o* all other proceedings the .ourts
ha#ing :urisdiction o#er the area in which the respecti#e 0egional Arbitration .entre
is situated shall ha#e :urisdiction.
!he complaints o* in#estors against BSEHs !rading ;emberHs are *orwarded to the
concerned !rading ;embers *or resolution within F days *rom receipt o* the
exchange letter. )n case no reply is recei#ed *rom the !rading ;embers or the reply
recei#ed *rom the !rading ;ember does not redress the complaint the same is
placed be*ore )n#estorsH -rie#ances 0edressal .ommittee /)-0.1.
)* the complaint amount is up to 0s. 8( lakhs then it is heared by one ;ember in
)-0. A"7 i* the complaint amount is more then 0s. 8( lakhs then it is heared by
three ;ember )-0. panel which includes one technical expert. !he Exchange has
*ormed separate )-0.s *or each 0egional Arbitration .entre to deal with the
complaints *alling within their region. )t will be in the interest o* in#estors to ascertain
the concerned 0egional Arbitration .entre *or *iling his > her complaint since the
period consumed in redressal o* complaint through )-0. may not be considered
while measuring period o* HlimitationH in *iling arbitration application i* opted pro#ided
the complaint is *iled at the concerned 0egional Arbitration .entre.
BSE pro#ides ser#ices o* )-0. which in its meetings mediates and counsels the
disputing parties *or *inding amicable solution *or which the Exchange sends "otice
o* hearing to both the parties to remain present be*ore the said )-0.. )n cases
where an amicable solution cannot be reached. )-0. suggests the parties to opt *or
an arbitration i* they so desire. )t records the *inal outcome in the matter in the *orm
o* minutes a copy o* which is handed o#er to the parties or mailed to an absent
)n case a !rading member *ails to implement its part o* decision recorded in the said
minutes o* the )-0. necessary disciplinary action against it is initiated by BSE.
!he BSE bye3laws pro#ides a mechanism *or redressal o* dispute between the
!rading ;embers inter3se as well as *or between !rading ;embers and "on3!rading
;embers through Arbitration ;echanisum. Aor the purpose o* redressing o* dispute
between "on3!rading ;embers and !rading ;embers the Exchange has constituted
Arbitration Panels separately *or each 0egional Arbitration .entres /0A.s1. !he
applicant desirous to *ile an Arbitration 0e*erence is reBuired to *ile his application in
the nearest 0A. as de*ined in the 0B0 o* the Exchange. !he Arbitration panel
consists o* retired Gigh .ourt and .ity .i#il .ourt Judges .hartered Accountants
.ompany Secretaries Solicitors and other pro*essionals ha#ing knowledge o* the
capital market law Stock market transactions and Ainance.
BSE bye3laws also pro#ides *or pecuniary :urisdiction *or *iling o* Arbitration
0e*erence which pro#ides that the claim upto 0s. 8( Lacs are decided by single
Arbitrator and claim abo#e 0s. 8( Lacs are decided by three Arbitrators.
+r'itration 5rocedure:
!he applicant is reBuired to *ile rele#ant Arbitration Application alongwith rele#ant
supporting documents *or arbitration. A set o* the arbitration document is sent to the
other party /respondent1 *or gi#ing his counter reply. Aor claims upto 0s. 8( lakhs
the applicant/s1 has > ha#e to propose the name o* three arbitrators and the
respondent/s1 has > ha#e to propose thye name o* three arbitrators or consent on the
name o* one o* the arbitrators. )n case the respondent/s1 does > do not consent on
the arbitrator the arbitrators are appointed through .AAP system to ad:udicate upon
the matter.
Aor claim abo#e 0s. 8( lakhs a panel o* three arbitrators.
A*ter completion o* the *ormalities the matter is *ixed *or hearing be*ore arbitrators.
!he date *or hearing is in*ormed to both the parties. A*ter hearing both the parties
and taking the submissions and the documents on record the arbitrator/s1 close the
re*erence and the award /decision1 is gi#en.
!he award i* not challenged becomes a decree a*ter expiry o* one month *rom the
date o* the receipt o* the award by the concerned party and can be executed through
the .ourt o* competent :urisdiction.
)* a party is dissatis*ied with the award the remedy a#ailable to it is to pre*er an
appeal against the Award in the Exchange within one month o* the receipt o* the
award with the Exchange as pro#ided under the 0B0 o* the Exchange. )n case party
chooses to pre*er an appeal in BSE the same is decided by appeal bench
comprising o* three arbitrators. !he award passed by the Appellate Bench is *inal
and binding on the parties sub:ect to challenge in .ourt o* Law.
Gowe#er the aggrie#ed party pre*erring an appeal in BSE has to deposit the
awarded amount i* any with the Exchange as per the award gi#en by the original
Arbitral !ribunal. )n case Award is against !rading ;ember the awarded amount is
set aside *rom the !rading ;ember2s security deposit > other monies held by the
Exchange and are credited to a separate escrow in the name o* the award holder.
!he award i* not challenged becomes a decree a*ter expiry o* %89 days *rom the
date o* the receipt o* the award by the concerned party and can be executed through
the .ourt o* competent :urisdiction.
+r'itration 5rocedure against Defau#ter 4em'er of t"e EDc"ange:
)n case a member is declared as 7e*aulter his clients are reBuired to re*er their
claim to Arbitration. Gowe#er the same has to be *iled as per the Arbitration and
.onciliation Act %++, as pro#ided under the 0B0 o* the Exchange. !he rest o* the
process is the same as abo#e.
!he arbitration Award obtained by in#estors against de*aulters are scrutini4ed by the
7e*aulters .ommittee a Standing .ommittee constituted by BSE which may
recommend to the !rustees o* the Aund *or release o* the awarded amount or the
amount *ixed by the said .ommittee or 0s.%(99999>3 applicable in case o* clients
o* !rading ;embers which ha#e been declared de*aulter *rom (th 7ecember 899+
whiche#er is lower. A*ter the appro#al o* the !rustees o* the Aund the amount is
disbursed to the in#estors *rom the Aund. Investors 5rotection Fund :I5F<
BSE is the *irst Exchange to ha#e set up the HStock Exchange )n#estors Protection
Aund /)PA1 in the interest o* the customerHs o* the de*aulter members o* the
Exchange. !his *und was set up on %9th July %+&, and has been registered with the
.harity .ommissioner -o#ernment o* ;aharashtra as a .haritable Aund. !he
maximum amount o* 0s. %999999>3 payable to an in#estor *rom )n#estor
Protection Aund in the e#ent o* a de*ault by a !rading ;ember has been re#ised to
0s. %(99999M which shall be applicable to the clients o* the !rading ;ember o* the
Exchange who will be declared 7e*aulter a*ter (th 7ecember 899+. /!his has been
progressi#ely raised by BSE *rom 0s.%9999>3 in %+&& to the present le#el1.
BSE is the only Exchange in )ndia which o**ers the highest compensation o* 0s.%(
lakhs in respect o* the appro#ed claims o* any )n#estor against the de*aulter !rading
;embers o* the Exchange.
Trade Guarantee Fund :TGF<
)n order to introduce a system o* guaranteeing settlement o* trades and ensure that
market eBuilibrium is maintained in case o* payment de*ault by the ;embers the
!rade -uarantee Aund was constituted and it came into *orce with e**ect *rom ;ay
%8 %++'. !he main ob:ecti#es o* the *und are as gi#en below@
1. !o guarantee settlement o* bona*ide transactions o* !rading ;embers o* the
Exchange inter se which *orm part o* the Stock Exchange settlement system
so as to ensure timely completion o* settlements o* contracts and thereby
protect the interest o* )n#estors and the !rading ;embers o* the Exchange.
8. !o inculcate con*idence in the minds o* secondary market participants
generally and global )n#estors2 particularly to attract larger number o*
domestic and international players in the capital market.
F. !o protect the interest o* )n#estors2 and to promote the de#elopment o* and
regulation o* the secondary market.
!he Aund is managed by the 7e*aulters2 .ommittee which is a standing .ommittee
constituted by the Exchange the constitution o* which is appro#ed by SEB).
Investor +)areness ; Education
Investor +)areness 5rogram
)n#estor Awareness programs are being regularly conducted by BSE to educate the
in#estors and to create awareness among the )n#estors regarding the working o* the
capital market and in particular the working o* the Stock Exchanges. !hese
programs ha#e been conducted in almost all o#er the country.
!he )n#estor Awareness program co#ers extensi#e topics like )nstruments o*
)n#estment Port*olio approach ;utual *unds !ax pro#isions !rading .learing and
Settlement 0olling Settlement )n#estorsH Protection Aund !rade -uarantee Aund
7ematerialisation o* shares in*ormation on 7ebt ;arket )n#estors2 -rie#ance
0edressal system a#ailable with SEB) BSE $ .ompany Law Board in*ormation on
Sensex and other )ndices workshops and )n*ormation on 7eri#ati#es Autures and
6ptions etc.
Aurther *or the bene*it o* the )n#estors2 the Bombay Stock Exchange has@
$SE Institute 8td :Former#1 %no)n as $SE Training Institute< which
organises !raining programs periodically on #arious sub:ects like
comprehensi#e programs on .apital ;arkets Aundamental Analysis
!echnical Analysis 7eri#ati#es )ndex Autures and 6ptions 7ebt
;arket etc. Aurther *or the 7eri#ati#es market BSE also conducts the
compulsory BSE2s .erti*ication on 7eri#ati#es Exchange /B.7E1
certi*ication *or !rading ;embers and their dealers to impart basic
minimum knowledge o* the deri#ati#es markets.
Aor any enBuiries .ontact@
BSE )nstitute Ltd. %+th Aloor P. J. !ower ;umbai3 C99 99%.
!elephone@ P+% 88 88'8%>FC Email <
$SE6s officia# !e'site: )))'seindiacom which is the *ocal point *or
in*ormation dissemination and updates )n#estors with the latest in*ormation on
Stock ;arkets on a daily basis through real time updation o* statistical data on
;arket acti#ity corporate in*ormation and results. Educati#e articles on
#arious products and processes are also a#ailable on the site.
5u'#ications: BSE regularly comes out with publications *or )n#estor
education on #arious products and processes like Quick 0e*erence -uide *or
+r'itration Sc"edu#e : !he schedule o* Arbitration hearing to be held is
displayed on
Trade /onfirmation s1stem: !he )n#estors can now cross #eri*y their trades
done on BSE through )))'eindiacom i* they ha#e a .ontract "ote with
the concerned trade.
Trade +#erts t"roug" S4Ss&Emai#s: )n order to sa*eguard in#estor interest
BSE sends trade alerts to in#estors on their mobiles and emails updated by
brokers on BSE2s database.
)n addition to abo#e re*erred )n#estor Ser#ice .enters BSE has established )n#estor
Ser#ice .enters at .ochin and 0a:kot to pro#ide *ollowing ser#ices to the in#estors@
!o educate in#estors by conducting )n#estor Awareness Programs dissemination o*
)n*ormation about .ompanies A#ailability o* Exchange publications and
prospectus >application *orm o* the *orthcoming public issue maintaining a Library
containing books on rele#ant laws and *inancial newspapers *or the education o* the
in#estors etc.
+ddresses of $SE Investor service /enters at /oc"in ; RaE%ot are as fo##o)s :
BSE )n#estor Ser#ice .entre
Cth Aloor ;.E.S.
7r.P.L. Abdul -a*oor ;emorial .ulture
.omplex Judges A#enues
Laloor .ochin 3 ,&89%'.
Tel. Nos.: 0484-2405275 /04842405276
.ontact person 3 ;r. Sumith ..S.
BSE )n#estor Ser#ice .entre
C9% Cth Aloor Aalap 3 B Limda .howk
6pp. Shastri ;aidan 0a:kot 3 F,9 99%
!el. "os.@ 98&% < ,(+( (C8 > 8C,C FC&
.ontact person 3 ;r. Lartik Ba#ishi

+ddresses of Regu#ator1 $odies:
Securities ; EDc"ange $oard of India :SE$I<
SEB) Bha#an Plot "o. .3C A - < Block
Bandara Lurla .omplex
;umbai < C99 9(%.
Department of /ompan1 +ffairs /ompan1 8a) $oard
-o#ernment 6* .ompany A**airs 8
Aloor "!. Gouse
Shastri Bha#an 0a:endra Prasad 0oad ". ;. ;arg Ballard Estate
"ew 7elhi < %%9 99%. ;umbai < C99 9%.
Disc#aimer: =hile e#ery e**ort is made to ensure accuracy and completeness o*
in*ormation contained the Exchange assumes no liability *or any errors or omissions
o* the in*ormation. Please re*er to rele#ant 0ules Bye3laws and 0egulations in case
o* speci*ic cases and problem. Any in*ormation contained in this document must not
be construed as business ad#ice >in#estment ad#ice. "o consideration to trade
should be made without thoroughly understanding and re#iewing the risks in#ol#ed in
such trading. )* you are unsure you must seek pro*essional ad#ice on the same.

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