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Clyton Mendoza

Maam Pacamalan

1. What is a long cycle theory?

- Seek to explain why over the past five centuries periods of war have been
followed by period of peace and it also calls the attention of world politics.

2. Why must great powers rise and fall?

- The great power must be result of economic and military factors and it must
be balance of power.
3. What were the causes of World War 1:

- The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
- The ascend of Nationalism
- The construction of the Military and Alliances
Theories of Cause

1. Structuralism center on the international system and how it made War
2. Rational Choice focus on the state and a cost benefit analysis that made
going to war to be the best option to resolve a Great Power Conflict.
3. Nationalism a mindset glorifying a particular state and the nationality living
in it, which sees the states interests as a supreme value.
4. Individual leader Kaiser Wilhelms desire for a German empire and
bellicose behavior until the very last minute when it was too late.
5. The War promptly settled into stalemate and finished only after
the US tipped the balance.

4. What were the causes of World War 11?

A. Global no great power to offset the increasing power of Germany and Japan
1. Germany also seen as a protection against Soviet expansion
2. Britain uneasy in leaving France and USSR unchecked
3. Japan seeking to establish itself as a Great Power with control over East
B. National little support in US and allies for war
1. demilitarization after WWI
2. Malignant nationalism in Germany Nazism
3. Japanese Government controlled by the Military warrior culture
4. Isolationism of the US
C. Individual
1. WWII could not have happened as it did without Hitler Through early
successes Hitler was able to convince the military to support his dreams of
2. Stalin refused to see the threat
a. signed the Hitler Stain Pact in 1939
b. refused to listen to his generals that a German attack was imminent
in 1941 The Triumph of preconceptions over reality

5. What were the steps taken to end these two big wars?

- planning for the Post War World Yalta and Potsdam Conferences
A. It was clear that the US and USSR would emerge as the great
1. USSR had borne the brunt of the war longer campaign, 22
million casualties
2. USSR also controlled Eastern Europe
3. Spheres of influence was a recognition of facts on the ground
on a failure to recognize the threat
B. Use of atom bomb as much a warning to USSR as the final blow
to Japan
C. Desire not to repeat the mistakes of 1917
1. Marshall plan in Europe and the rebuilding of Japan
2. United Nation and the Security Council
a. Great Powers would enforce the peace
b. Rapidly became a venue for Great Power conflict

6. What were the competing theories which seek to explain these two big wars?

- Realism theory because it assert the self interest of territorial jurisdiction to
the state and defend what capable of power they employed to the other state,
they just prevail pride to the national country, and conflict theory because
producing coercion of power toward two great rivalries and it also emphasized
the competition of social and economic resources and maintain domination of

7. Was the Ideology the Primary Source of the Cold War "the East West Conflict?
What is your stand?

- The stand towards the article ideologies helps us to interpret life and
organizing the thoughts and values toward the two rivalries. The ideology
towards cold war is proselytized the communism and capitalism in order to be
smooth and clear ideologist in such of Leninism, Marxist, and realist theory
were use.

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