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Reference Manual

Table Of Contents
Overview of visualstoryboard .......................................................................................................1
List of Topics ..............................................................................................................................5
Using visualstoryboard .............................................................................................................5
Command reference.................................................................................................................6
Glossary of terms ........................................................................................................................9
Using Visual Storyboard ............................................................................................................. 13
Page layout ........................................................................................................................... 13
Page setup ........................................................................................................................ 13
Previewing pages in presentation mode ................................................................................ 13
Headers and Footers........................................................................................................... 13
Page ................................................................................................................................. 27
Copying pages ................................................................................................................... 27
Deleting pages ................................................................................................................... 29
Placeholders ...................................................................................................................... 30
Option Placeholders ............................................................................................................ 31
Store View Placeholders ...................................................................................................... 34
Saving and Applying Storyboard Templates .......................................................................... 36
Browsing Storyboard Templates........................................................................................... 38
Applying background fills .................................................................................................... 38
Option templates ................................................................................................................... 43
How to make every inserted Option look the same ................................................................ 43
Browsing Option Templates ................................................................................................. 47
Applying Option Templates .................................................................................................. 47
XS, S, M L, XL Size Settings for Options ................................................................................ 49
Custom Size settings for Options.......................................................................................... 50
Option Labels and Lines ......................................................................................................... 51
How to insert and format a label .......................................................................................... 51
How to enter and change the text in a label.......................................................................... 53
Rotating text ...................................................................................................................... 54
Using text from other applications for better formatting ......................................................... 55
How to draw and format a line ............................................................................................ 57
How to draw and format a box ............................................................................................ 58


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

General................................................................................................................................. 59
How to create, open and save Storyboards ........................................................................... 59
How to insert a visualrange object ....................................................................................... 60
Search Toolbar ................................................................................................................... 61
How to reverse a mistake .................................................................................................... 61
Previewing pages in presentation mode ................................................................................ 61
How to print a Storyboard Document ................................................................................... 61
Saving to PDF .................................................................................................................... 62
How to send a Storyboard to another user............................................................................ 64
eSamples ........................................................................................................................... 64
Objects .............................................................................................................................. 65
Creating a Catalogue .......................................................................................................... 72
Saving a Option File Set ...................................................................................................... 73
Command Reference ................................................................................................................. 75
File menu .............................................................................................................................. 75
New .................................................................................................................................. 75
Open ................................................................................................................................. 75
Close ................................................................................................................................. 75
Save.................................................................................................................................. 75
Save As ............................................................................................................................. 75
Save as Storyboard Template .............................................................................................. 75
Update Storyboard Template... ............................................................................................ 77
Create Catalogue (File menu) .............................................................................................. 79
Send Mail........................................................................................................................... 81
Properties .......................................................................................................................... 81
Print .................................................................................................................................. 81
Print Preview...................................................................................................................... 81
Print Setup......................................................................................................................... 81
Save Picture ....................................................................................................................... 82
Saving to PDF .................................................................................................................... 82
Exit ................................................................................................................................... 84
Edit menu ............................................................................................................................. 84
Undo Move ........................................................................................................................ 84


Table Of Contents
Redo ................................................................................................................................. 84
Cut.................................................................................................................................... 84
Copy ................................................................................................................................. 84
Paste ................................................................................................................................. 84
Paste Special...................................................................................................................... 84
Paste Link .......................................................................................................................... 85
Delete ............................................................................................................................... 86
Links ................................................................................................................................. 86
Refresh All Links ................................................................................................................. 87
Update all Option Placeholder Templates .............................................................................. 87
Refresh date & time in Labels .............................................................................................. 87
View menu ............................................................................................................................ 87
Zoom ................................................................................................................................ 87
Zoom In ............................................................................................................................ 87
Zoom Out .......................................................................................................................... 87
Toolbar.............................................................................................................................. 87
Search Toolbar ................................................................................................................... 88
Status Bar.......................................................................................................................... 88
Filmroll Toolbar [View menu] ............................................................................................... 88
Pages list ........................................................................................................................... 88
Option templates ................................................................................................................ 90
Ruler [View menu] ............................................................................................................. 91
Guides ............................................................................................................................... 91
Shapes Toolbar [View menu] ............................................................................................... 92
Tools Toolbar [View menu] ................................................................................................. 92
Header & Footer [View menu] ............................................................................................. 92
Object menu ......................................................................................................................... 92
Refresh ............................................................................................................................. 92
Reset Size .......................................................................................................................... 92
Move to Front .................................................................................................................... 92
Move to Back ..................................................................................................................... 93
Lock [Object menu] ............................................................................................................ 93
Grouping [Object menu] ..................................................................................................... 93

visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Display .............................................................................................................................. 93
Rotate ............................................................................................................................... 93
Format .............................................................................................................................. 93
Open ................................................................................................................................. 94
Open Store Shape .............................................................................................................. 94
Properties .......................................................................................................................... 94
Save Option Template......................................................................................................... 94
Insert menu .......................................................................................................................... 94
Page ................................................................................................................................. 94
Insert Multiple Pages .......................................................................................................... 94
Placeholders ...................................................................................................................... 95
Label ................................................................................................................................. 96
e-Sample ........................................................................................................................... 96
Image ............................................................................................................................... 96
New Object ........................................................................................................................ 96
Insert Template Anchor Point .............................................................................................. 96
Layout menu ......................................................................................................................... 97
Grid snap ........................................................................................................................... 97
Guide Snap ........................................................................................................................ 97
Tools menu ........................................................................................................................... 97
Move ................................................................................................................................. 97
Label ................................................................................................................................. 97
Line................................................................................................................................... 98
Preferences menu .................................................................................................................. 99
Preferences........................................................................................................................ 99
Window menu ..................................................................................................................... 101
New Window.................................................................................................................... 101
Cascade........................................................................................................................... 101
Tile ................................................................................................................................. 102
Help menu .......................................................................................................................... 102
Contents and Index (Help menu) ....................................................................................... 102
About visualstoryboard ..................................................................................................... 102
Index ..................................................................................................................................... 103


Overview of visualstoryboard
visualstoryboard is a visual thinking and page layout tool. Collate and present ideas visually as a
mood board, range review. range catalogue or a store planogram. It is an extremely versatile visual
communications tool that makes it fast and easy to collate merchandise, store views, pictures and a
wide range of other objects, such as video clips and spreadsheets in to one document.

Please Note: Object is a general term used in Microsoft Windows to describe all types of items such
as pictures, text, spreadsheets etc.
Objects, including visualretailing Options are placed on the visualstoryboard by simple drag & drop

visualStoryboard Reference Manual

visualrange Options may be configured to include a collection of labels showing the data such as
description, colour and price.
visualrange Option objects are stored in the visualretailing database, and are automatically updated
on the visualstoryboard when changes are made in visualrange. For example; any re-colouring of

Overview of Visual Storyboard

the image, or change in its price, this will be reflected in ALL visualstoryboards that contain the
Option. This is a very powerful benefit of using a "single truth" database, as opposed to a collection
of disparate images. It also means that saving visualstoryboards to disk takes only a few seconds,
and takes up very little disk space as the images do not have to be saved.

List of Topics
Overview of Visual Storyboard
Glossary of terms

Using visualstoryboard
Page layout
Page Setup
Previewing pages in presentation mode
Headers & Footers
Viewing headers and footers
Changing the size of the header or footer
Moving between header and footer
Different first page header & footer
Different headers and footers on odd and even pages
How to insert and format a label
How to enter and change the text in a label
Page numbers
Starting at a different page number
Date & Time
Adding graphics and other objects
Adding and Viewing Pages
Page numbers
Copying pages
Deleting pages
Option Placeholder
Store View Placeholders
Storyboard Templates - Saving and Applying
Browsing Storyboard Templates
Option templates
How to make every inserted Option look the same
Browsing Option Templates
Applying Option Templates
XS, S, M L, XL Size Settings for Options
Custom Size settings for Options
Option labels and lines
Inserting and formatting labels
Adding and changing the text in a label
Rotating text
Using text from other applications for better formatting
Drawing and formatting a line
Drawing and formatting a box
Create, open and save Storyboards
Drag and Drop Options
Search Toolbar
Undo and Redo
Previewing pages in presentation mode
Printing Storyboard Documents
Saving to PDF
Sending a Storyboard to another user
Opening or inserting an e-Sample
Adding an e-Sample into a different database

visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Duplicating existing objects
Copying an object from another document
Selecting objects with the mouse
Moving objects with the mouse
Moving objects with the cursor keys
Resizing objects with the mouse
Rotating objects with the mouse
Cropping objects
How to see an object that is covered by another
Using the object context menus
Inserting an image
Inserting a sound recording
Inserting other OLE objects
Manipulate objects
How to insert a Storyboard into another application
Deleting an object

Command reference
File menu
New (File menu)
Open (File menu)
Close (File menu)
Save (File menu)
Save As (File menu)
Save as Storyboard Template
Update Storyboard Template...
Send Mail (File menu)
Properties (File menu)
Print (File menu)
Print Preview (File menu)
Print Setup (File menu)
Save Picture (File menu)
Saving to PDF
1, 2, 3, 4 (File menu)
Exit (File menu)
Edit menu
Undo (Edit menu)
Redo (Edit menu)
Cut (Edit menu) Copy (Edit menu) Paste (Edit menu)
Paste Special (Edit menu)
Paste Link (Edit menu)
Delete (Edit Menu)
Links (Edit menu)
Refresh All Links
Object (Edit menu)
View menu
Zoom (View menu)
Zoom In (View menu) Zoom Out (View menu)
Toolbar (View menu)
Status Bar (View menu)
Search Toolbar (View menu)
Pages List
Option Templates
Header & Footer
Object menu
Refresh (Object menu)
Reset Size (Object menu)

List of Topics
Move to Front (Object menu)
Move to Back (Object menu)
Display (Object menu)
Rotate (Object menu)
Format (Object menu)
Open (Object menu)
Open Store Shape (Object menu)
Properties (Object menu)
Save Option Template (Object menu)
Insert menu
Inserting Pages
Label (Insert menu)
e-Sample (Insert menu)
Image (Insert menu)
Voice Note (Insert menu)
New Object (Insert menu)
Layout menu
Grid snap (Layout menu)
Tools menu
Move (Tools menu)
Label (Tools menu)
Line (Tools menu)
Preferences menu
Preferences (Preferences menu)
Starting at a different page number
Window menu
New Window (Window menu)
Cascade (Window menu)
Tile (Window menu)
1, 2, 3, ... (Window menu)
Help menu
Contents and Index (Help menu)
About Visual Storyboard (Help menu)

Glossary of terms
Anti-ailiasing - A software process that smoothes the edges of images
Aspect Ratio - The proportions of a rectangular object, ie the ratio of the width to the height.
Changing this proportion may distort the contents of the rectangle, e.g. an image.
e-Sample - A file containing the store shape data, plus other Option details, taken from a
visualretailing database so that it can be sent elsewhere. The file has the extension .tog and may
sometimes also be referred to as a Tog file.
Image - General term for a picture (sketch, photograph, etc) captured onto a computer.
Mask - A shape drawn on top of an image, which hides unwanted detail, such as the background.
The image itself is not affected by the mask.
Object - A general term used in Microsoft Windows for all types of things such as pictures, blocks of
text, spreadsheets and so on.
Option - A garment, usually the colour variant of a Style. The Option is the most important object
within the visualretailing suite, each Option has a record in the database.
Option Template - A template format that can be applied to an Option placed on the storyboard or
on an Option Placeholder. Configuration settings that are applied with the template include; size,
formatting, data labels and any associated objects such as bitmaps and lines etc.
PDF - Adobe Acrobat "Portable Document Format" file format. Generates high and low resolution
versions of the Storyboard. Ideal for e-mailing and for sending to professional printers.
Placeholder - A rectangular object used for page layout. When Options, 2D planograms or 3D store
views are dropped on to a Placeholder they inherit specific settings such as scaling and Option
Template formatting.
Store Shape (or just "Shape") - The collection of objects that makes up the requirements for
drawing a 3D Option model in visualstore or a masked picture in visualstoryboard. This includes at
least an image, an outline, a mask, an insertion point, and three dimension values. visualshape is
the application that allows you to create the Store Shape.
Storyboard Template - A layout of a single page that can be applied to any page within the current
storyboard document. Storyboard Templates can include any Windows object such as a linked Word
file, Placeholders, graphics, text etc.
visualstore - The visualretailing application for creating three dimensional virtual reality stores.

Check for updated help and tutorial files


Using Visual Storyboard

Page layout
Page setup
Before commencing work on visualstoryboard set the page size and orientation to suit the purpose
of the document. These changes are saved in the document. The size of the and orientation
(landscape or portrait), is defined by the printer setup, see Print Setup (File menu).

This may be changed at any time, however, if the paper size is reduced or the orientation changed
after inserting objects, the objects may appear outside of the print page area.
Use the Preferences (Preferences menu) to set up the grid system, and set the size scaling for
inserted Option objects. The grid system is very useful for aligning objects, and getting objects such
as labels to be a consistent size. It is possible to change spacing, and whether the grid should be
shown as dots, lines or not shown at all.
Use the command Grid Snap (Layout menu) to turn the grid snapping on and off. When grid snap is
on, all vertices (corners or ends of objects) will be forced onto the nearest grid point whenever an
object is moved, drawn or re-sized.
Previewing pages in presentation mode
The Storyboard can be previewed as a presentation by pressing the F5 key. Moving up
and down the pages is achieved by pressing either the "Page Up" and "Page Down" keys
or the Up and Down cursor keys on the keyboard.
Headers and Footers
Viewing headers and footers


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Headers and Footers are accessed by selecting "Header & Footer" from the "View" menu
or by clicking on the

tool bar button.

The "Header" area becomes active as soon as the menu option is selected.
See also:
Changing the size of the header or footer
Moving between header and footer
Different first page header & footer
Different headers and footers on odd and even pages
Page numbers
Starting at a different page number
Date & Time
Adding graphics and other objects
Changing the size of the header or footer
Headers and Footers have "Handles" at each corner and line midpoint. To alter the size
grab and drag a handle.

Moving between header and footer

There are two ways to move between a Header and Footer. The first is to use the right
hand menu.


Using Visual Storyboard

The second method is to scroll to the Header/Footer and click inside the area
below/above the dotted line.

These functions are only active when the Headers & Footers have been activated from
the "View" menu command or by clicking on the
toolbar icon.
Different first page header & footer
The "Headers & Footers" in visualstoryboard can be configured to be unique on the first


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

To configure the Storyboard, use the right hand mouse button.

Creating a unique First page:

To create a first page that is different from the rest of the Storyboard please follow these
Go to the "Insert" menu and add more pages to the Storyboard.


Using Visual Storyboard

Make the "Headers & Footers" visible by selecting them from the "View" menu or by
clicking on the

tool bar icon.

Add some content to the first page and then configure the Headers & Footers using the
right hand mouse menu.

Select "Close and apply Header & Footer" from the right hand mouse menu to confirm
the changes.
Navigate to page 2 and select "Headers & Footers" from the "View" menu. Add content
and close the Header. The content appears in all of the other pages.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Different headers and footers on odd and even pages

The odd and even pages of visualstoryboard can be configured to show different
content. To configure this feature, select "Different Odd and Even Pages" from the right
hand mouse menu.


Using Visual Storyboard

With this feature selected, layout the content in an odd and even page.

How to insert and format a label

Label objects may be inserted into a Storyboard document. The labels may be attached to other
objects (so that they move together) or they may be free floating. Labels that are attached to
visualrange objects may contain data items taken from the attributes of the Option, e.g. its
Description, Price, Colour etc. There are three ways to insert a label into visualstoryboard;


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Use the command Label (Insert Menu).

As the Label is inserted the "Format toolbar" appears to provide for fast access to the most common

Use the Add Label command from the context menu of any valid object. The resulting label will be
attached to the selected object.


Using Visual Storyboard

Draw the label with the mouse using the Label tool, See Label (Tools menu).
After creating the label you may then enter some text in it, and format it as you wish. The "Format"
and "Edit Label" functions are available from the right hand menu.

How to enter and change the text in a label
Format (Object menu).
How to enter and change the text in a label
After inserting a label you can put some text in it, and you may change the text at any time. Either
double click on the label object, or use the Edit Label command on the context menu. The Label
dialog appears, into which you may type or edit the text for the label. You may enter multiple lines.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

If the label is attached to an Option object you will see an additional button called "Add Data". This
allows you to pick items from the visualretailing database which relate to the Option. The item will
be placed into the label text.
Note that in the Label dialog you will just see a marker for the data label. This will look something like
<%=option.option_name%> and this will be replaced with the actual data from the database
when you OK the dialog.
You may mix data label text and plain text in the same label object, for example you may want to
produce a label that says "The name of this option is Leather Jacket" which combines a piece of plain
text "The name of this option is" with the data label for the Option Name.
After entering the text you may then format it using the command Format (Object menu). This is also
on the object context menu. You may also format the label container from here, e.g. border and
background colour, line thickness, and so on.


Using Visual Storyboard

Also see Using text from other applications for better formatting
Page numbers
PLEASE NOTE: Following the release of Version 4.40 "Page Numbers" are no longer added from the
Insert menu.
The introduction of "Headers & Footers" in version 4.40 has altered the way Page Numbers are added
to Storyboards. Page Numbers are now added via the "Label" object. Labels can be placed anywhere
on a Storyboard and, therefore, it is possible to add a random page number by simply adding a Label
and specifying "Page number" as the data. However, adding the same Label to a Header or Footer
will mean that the page number appears on every page.
To add a Page Number to the Footer follow these steps:
Open the Footer by selecting "Headers & Footers" from the "View" menu or by clicking on the
tool bar button. By default the focus moves to the Header, either scroll to the Footer or choose "Go to
Footer" from the right hand mouse menu.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Add a "Label" by clicking on the

tool bar button.

Draw the Label in the Footer area as shown above and then select "Edit Label" from the right hand
mouse menu. To add the "Page Number" click on the "Add data..." button and select the required
format from the list. This will insert the page number as either a number or a word. If you wish to
prefix the number, type "Page" before the opening < of the data string. The Page number appears as
shown below:


Using Visual Storyboard

The default Page Number is a simple number in a small font size. This can be re-formatted using the
same tools as used with Storyboard Labels. How to insert and format a label

Starting at a different page number

Date & Time
The "Date and Time" can be added to a Storyboard document as data in a Label. To add
the Date and Time to the Storyboard first add a Label. If the Date is to be placed in the
Header or Footer, the Label must be placed in the Header or Footer. See Viewing
headers and footers


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Please note: The date and time do NOT update automatically within the same working
session. To update, please select the Date Label and choose "Refresh Date & Time. If the
Date Label is in a Header or Footer, all pages are updated.

The Date and Time do update when a file is opened.

Adding graphics and other objects
Adding graphics or other objects to the Header & Footer is simply a case of drag & drop.


Using Visual Storyboard

visualstoryboard is a multiple page document.
By selecting and clicking on "Insert Page" an extra page will be added to your storyboard.
Copying pages
Entire pages can be copied and pasted using the "Pages list" viewer. To copy, simply
select a page, right click and choose "Copy".


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

To paste the page, right click on the page you want to paste after.


Using Visual Storyboard

Deleting pages
Right click on the page in the "Pages list" and select "Delete" from the menu.

A warning is issued to make sure you really did want to delete the page.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Placeholders provide the ability to plan a page layout and reserve space before knowing exactly which
content to use. A Placeholder is a rectangular object designed to accommodate; Options, 3D Store
views and 2D store planograms.

When an Option, Store view or Planogram object is dropped on to the Placeholder, the object is
aligned with the Anchor point on the Placeholder.
The Object is scaled to either fit inside the rectangle or to use the Anchor point and scale to a pre-set
scale factor. (See Option Placeholder or Store View Placeholders)
To insert a Placeholder


Using Visual Storyboard

Option Placeholder
Store View Placeholders
Option Placeholders
The Option Placeholder is specifically designed for Option objects and can be associated with an
Option Template. This provides an incredible degree of flexibility and power when creating page
Default settings
By default the Option Placeholder is set to constrain the Option within the Placeholder

The results are highly predictable use of the page space with all garments being scaled to fit the
Placeholders as shown below.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Relative Scaling
By setting the Placeholder to Relative scaling, the images will be scaled relative to the garments
"Real" size. e.g. A garment that is 1 metre high (3' 3") when set to 10% relative scale will be drawn
at 10cm (3.9") high on the visualstoryboard.

The results are relatively scaled garments that have been attached to the Placeholder Anchor point.
This provides both predictable use of the page space and garments that can be viewed at the same
scale as shown below.


Using Visual Storyboard

Associating Option Templates

Option Templates provide the ability to format and style an Option. more... By associating an Option
Template with a Placeholder, visualstoryboard provides predictable page layout and presentation
The Option Template must be created before it can be associated with an Option Placeholder. The
association is made via the right-hand mouse menu as shown below.

When the association is made, the Placeholder Properties are automatically replaced by the scaling
settings that form part of the option Template style details.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

The results are Options positioned on the Placeholder Anchor point and styled as per the definition of
the Option Template.

Store View Placeholders

3D Store view and Planogram placeholders are designed to make it easier to create page layout
templates for the store merchandising guidelines. Both Placeholders work in the same way but have
different colours for easy visualisation.
Using a Constrained scale Placeholder
The constrained scaling method is an ideal tool when page space is at a premium. It fits the 3D view
in to the placeholder and preserves the page layout. However, this style is not recommended for
planograms as it may make the descriptive text impossible to read.


Using Visual Storyboard

Using a Relatively scaled Placeholder

The relative scale factor is ideal when absolute clarity is required, such as with 2D planograms that
involve a lot of text. The Placeholder in this mode sets the scale relative to the size set when the view
was created in visualstore. It also sets the position of the Anchor point which maintains the page
It is recommended that 2D planogram Placeholders use 100% relative scaling.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Detaching a 3D view

The objects can be detached from the placeholder using the right-hand mouse menu. When
detached, the object appears on top of the Placeholder and preserves the scale settings inherited
from the Placeholder. To restore the object to its normal state, select "Refresh" from the right-hand
mouse menu.
Objects may also be deleted using the "Del" key. Deleting the object preserves the Placeholder.
Saving and Applying Storyboard Templates
Storyboard Templates are individual page layouts that can contain virtually anything; images,
spreadsheets, videos, words, Placeholders, Store views, etc. They are created within
visualstoryboard and stored in visuallibrary.
Creating and Saving a Storyboard Template
Build a storyboard to look like the template required. Insert Placeholders, graphics, labels or any
other objects that may be required. Format objects such as Placeholders by defining parameters such
as associated Option Templates etc.


Using Visual Storyboard

When complete, select Save as Storyboard template from the File menu.

Enter details to describe the Template into the visuallibrary record.

Applying Storyboard Templates to a document

Templates are applied on to the pages of the storyboard by dragging from visuallibrary. The righthand mouse menu provides access to visuallibrary.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Browsing Storyboard Templates

Storyboard templates are stored within the visualretailing database and are accessed via

Applying background fills

Solid colours or bitmaps can be applied to visualstoryboard pages as background fills by
right hand clicking on the page and selecting the appropriate menu option.


Using Visual Storyboard

Solid Fill:

Picture Fill
To assign a bitmap to a page background, select the file by clicking on the "File..." button. Please
note: you may need to alter the file type selection to see the file you want.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

By default the image is positioned in the top left hand corner of the page and is displayed at 100% of
its original size. There are a number of options available to adjust the layout and appearance of the
Stretching and positioning the image:


Using Visual Storyboard


visualStoryboard Reference Manual


Using Visual Storyboard

Tiling the image

Option templates
How to make every inserted Option look the same
visualretailing Options can be styled with labels, lines, boxes and images using the Option Template
feature. This provides that ability to apply common styles to Options with a single click.
Creating an Option Template


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Option Templates are created by building an example of the style which is then saved into the
visualretailing database. The following steps outline the process:
Set the grid snap settings if required
Insert the Option on to the storyboard
Set the scale factor
Add the data labels
Format the labels
Add other objects, such as bitmaps
Set the "scale with Option or fixed size" properties
Save the Option Template
Drag the Option on to the storyboard and set the scale factor

Add data to the Option using the storyboard labels that access the visualretailing database


Using Visual Storyboard

Format the label background, lines and text

Add other items to define the style such as images, lines and additional labels.
Objects can be set to scale with the Option or can be a fixed size.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

The results of object scaling

Objects are scaled and moved relative to the Anchor Point and it is possible to have both scaled and
fixed objects in the same Option Template. It is recommended that objects that are not set to scale,
should be positioned relatively close to the Option Anchor Point.
To save the Option Template, select all of the objects by dragging a Window around them. Choose
Save Option Template from the right-hand mouse menu, or from the Object menu.


Using Visual Storyboard

Browsing Option Templates

Option templates are stored in the visualretailing database and are accessible via visuallibrary. In
common with visualretailing objects, the library of Option templates can be organised by Type,
Category and Department.

Applying Option Templates

There are three methods of applying Option Templates to Options; from the right-hand mouse menu,
from the drop-down list and by dropping Options on to Option Placeholders that have been
associated with an Option Template.
Right-hand mouse menu


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Drop-down list

Option Placeholder

Associate an Option Template with an Option Placeholder


Using Visual Storyboard

Drag & Drop the Option to apply the template settings

XS, S, M L, XL Size Settings for Options
Scaling Options within visualstoryboard is made quick and easy with a series of default scales that
are accessed from the right-hand mouse button. The scale factors are relative to the real world sizes
of the Option that have been entered into the visualretailing database.

By default Options that are placed on a storyboard are inserted at a default scale. This default and
the other scale factors are entered in visualadministrator.
To apply a different scale factor, right-hand click on the Option and select the desired scale factor.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Custom Size settings for Options

In addition to the "Default" Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large sizes that are based
upon a percentage of actual garment size, it is also possible to set specific sizes for
To set a custom size, select it from the right hand menu

There are two ways of setting a custom size; Relative scaling and Container size.


Using Visual Storyboard

Option Labels and Lines

How to insert and format a label
Label objects may be inserted into a Storyboard document. The labels may be attached to other
objects (so that they move together) or they may be free floating. Labels that are attached to
visualrange objects may contain data items taken from the attributes of the Option, e.g. its
Description, Price, Colour etc. There are three ways to insert a label into visualstoryboard;

Use the command Label (Insert Menu).

As the Label is inserted the "Format toolbar" appears to provide for fast access to the most common


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Use the Add Label command from the context menu of any valid object. The resulting label will be
attached to the selected object.

Draw the label with the mouse using the Label tool, See Label (Tools menu).
After creating the label you may then enter some text in it, and format it as you wish. The "Format"
and "Edit Label" functions are available from the right hand menu.


Using Visual Storyboard

How to enter and change the text in a label
Format (Object menu).
How to enter and change the text in a label
After inserting a label you can put some text in it, and you may change the text at any time. Either
double click on the label object, or use the Edit Label command on the context menu. The Label
dialog appears, into which you may type or edit the text for the label. You may enter multiple lines.

If the label is attached to an Option object you will see an additional button called "Add Data". This
allows you to pick items from the visualretailing database which relate to the Option. The item will
be placed into the label text.
Note that in the Label dialog you will just see a marker for the data label. This will look something like
<%=option.option_name%> and this will be replaced with the actual data from the database
when you OK the dialog.
You may mix data label text and plain text in the same label object, for example you may want to
produce a label that says "The name of this option is Leather Jacket" which combines a piece of plain
text "The name of this option is" with the data label for the Option Name.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

After entering the text you may then format it using the command Format (Object menu). This is also
on the object context menu. You may also format the label container from here, e.g. border and
background colour, line thickness, and so on.

Also see Using text from other applications for better formatting
Rotating text
Text and virtually every other type of object can be rotated in visualstoryboard. To
rotate, select the object and grab and drag the handle at the top of the object.


Using Visual Storyboard

Alternatively is a greater degree of accuracy is required select the "Rotate" command

from the right hand menu.

And specify the angle

Using text from other applications for better formatting

The "Label" tool in visualstoryboard was designed for displaying data that is stored in
the visualretailing database and, therefore, it does not have formatting that is as
sophisticated as Microsoft Word, for example. This is not a drawback for
visualstoryboard users as it is simple to add text from Microsoft Word or any other fully
compliant Windows application.
To do this select "New Object" from the "Insert" menu.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Choose the application you want to use.

The application loads inside visualstoryboard if it is proper Windows OLE application.

(Some applications such as Adobe Illustrator do not work properly. In those instances,
create the file you want and then drag and drop the file on to the storyboard.)


Using Visual Storyboard

How to draw and format a line

Draw lines with the mouse using the Line tool, See Line (Tools menu) After drawing a line, you can
manipulate it by either moving the entire line in the usual way, or by moving the grips at either end.
You need to select the line before the grips will appear.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

When the mouse pointer is over the line end grips you will see a cross hair cursor, different to the
normal Move cursor. If you move an end grip onto another object, that end of the line will become
attached to that object. This does not happen when you move the entire line. To detach the end
simply move it off the object.
After creating the line you may then format it as you wish using the command Format (Object menu).
How to draw and format a box
You can use labels without any text as simple rectangular box shapes. These can be coloured, and
have various thickness borders etc.

Using Visual Storyboard

As the Label is inserted the "Format toolbar" appears to provide for fast access to the most common

To produce a shadowed box, place one label box on top of another as shown below:

Place on label on top of another. Use the "Move to back / Move to front"
the labels correctly.

functions to arrange

Format the uppermost label with a white fill and thin line border. Format the rear label with a grey fill
and no line.
When complete select both labels and choose "Group" from the right hand menu.
See How to insert and format a label.

How to create, open and save Storyboards


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

visualstoryboard behaves like a typical Microsoft Office application, in that each Storyboard is saved
as a separate file (or "document") on disk. When visualstoryboard is started, a new document is
created called Storyboard1 (based on the Blank Document Template). To create a new Storyboard
document use the command New (File menu).
You may open as many Storyboard documents as you wish, each will appear in a different tab inside
the main application window. To open an existing Storyboard use the command Open (File menu) or
if it has been in use recently you may be able to select it from the bottom of the File menu, where
your last four files are listed.
You may also open multiple views onto the same Storyboard with command New Window (Window
Use the command Save (File menu) to save your Storyboard.

It is a good idea to save your document at regular intervals, to protect your work from unexpected
failures in your hardware.
To close the currently active Storyboard use the command Close (File menu).
How to insert a visualrange object
visualrange objects (Referred to as "Options" or "shapes") are the images and other data stored in
the visualrange database to allow a 3D Store model and masked 2D image to be created for each
Option. They are captured and processed using the visualshape application.
To get an Option object into visualstoryboard you can simply drag and drop the image object from
visualrange (from either the embedded or the floating filmroll, or the tree browser) straight across to
the Storyboard document.

Note that the picture stays inside the database. If you save a Storyboard document the file may
contain only a link to the picture in the database, and any changes made in the database will be
reflected next time you open the Storyboard. You may change this by resetting the embedding
preferences using the command Preferences (Preferences menu).


Using Visual Storyboard

To change how the shape is displayed use the command Display (Object menu), or the context
menu, which allows you to choose the image quality, and whether to use the background mask or
Search Toolbar
Finding Option records has been made fast and easy directly from within visualstoryboard. The
Search toolbar is turned on and off from the View menu.

Search criteria can be keyed into any or all of the available fields. The search fields available from the
Toolbar include:
Option name
Option number
Style number
Criteria can include the * wild card. Where the * equals any character or number. more...
How to reverse a mistake
If you make a mistake in visualstoryboard you can correct it using the command Undo (Edit menu)
which reverses the previous operation.
This stores a long list of previous operations so you can keep undoing again and again. You can also
"undo an undo" by using the command Redo (Edit menu) which reverses the previous Undo.
Previewing pages in presentation mode
The Storyboard can be previewed as a presentation by pressing the F5 key. Moving up
and down the pages is achieved by pressing either the "Page Up" and "Page Down" keys
or the Up and Down cursor keys on the keyboard.
How to print a Storyboard Document
You should have selected the printer that you intend to print to, and defined the page size and
orientation, before inserting the first object on the page, as the size and shape of the Storyboard
page is defined by the printer settings for the current document.
If you did not do so, then use the command Print Setup (File menu) to do it now. If the page shape
changes after accepting any print setup changes, then you may have to make some changes to the
layout of the objects on your page.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Note that the print setup details are stored in the current document, so you should only have to do
this once for each document.
Use the command Print Preview (File menu) to view the Storyboard as it will appear on the paper.
Use the command Print on the File menu, or the Print button on the Print Preview window, to initiate
the actual printing to paper. See Print (File menu)
Saving to PDF
To save the Storyboard in PDF format, select "Save to PDF" from the "File" menu.

The PDF file can be saved in two quality modes. The "Low quality" is best for small files
that will be viewed on a PC monitor. For files that are to be printed on high resolution
printers, the "High quality" mode should be used. However, please note that this quality
mode produces much larger files.


Using Visual Storyboard

Once the "OK" button is clicked, a file save dialogue box appears.
Sample Quality Output:


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

How to send a Storyboard to another user

You may send a visualstoryboard document (cws file) to another user either by saving the file and
passing to them (on disk or by e-mail) or by using the command Send Mail (File menu).
If the other user is not connected to the same visualretailing database as you are (or not connected
to any database), then you must ensure that the Option shapes shown on your Storyboard are
embedded within the saved or sent file. Use the Embedding tab from the command Preferences
(Preferences menu).

How to insert an e-Sample


Using Visual Storyboard

An "e-Sample" is similar to an Option shape object from your visualrange database, but is contained
as a file on disk that may have come from an outside source, e.g. a supplier's internet site.
To insert an e-Sample use the command e-Sample (Insert menu).
Alternatively simply double click on the e-Sample and it will load visualstoryboard.
How to put an e-Sample file into a different database
Users of visualretailing may transfer images and data between each other by sending e-Samples
which may be separate files, or may be embedded into visualstoryboard documents. They may also
be downloaded from Internet sites.
If you have received your Storyboard document or e-Sample file from a source outside your own
database then you will be given the ability to save the image and data into your database when you
use the Open command from the Object menu.
How to duplicate existing objects
Copy and Paste allows you to copy (or move) objects from one application to another, or from one
document window to another, or to create another copy of the same object in the current document.
First select the source object, then use the Copy command on the Edit menu (or the context menu)
to put a copy of the object onto the clipboard (a temporary storage area available to all Microsoft
Windows users).
Then change to the destination application or document window, and use the Paste command on the
Edit menu to insert the copy of the object. The new object will appear overlapping the existing one,
and you can then move it to the desired position.
Instead of the Copy command, you can use the Cut command (also on the Edit menu, and context
menu), but this removes the object being copied. It is, in effect, a move rather than a copy.
How to copy an object from another document
You cannot drag and drop objects from one document window to another. You must instead use the
copy and paste technique, see How to duplicate existing objects.
How to select objects with the mouse
Move the mouse pointer until it is over the object you want to select then click the left mouse button.
A focus rectangle will appear around the object you selected, removing the focus rectangle from any
previously selected object (if any). You may select multiple objects (a multiple selection) in two
different ways;
Use the Ctrl key as you click on objects, and each object you click on will then be selected.
Using the Ctrl key to click on an object that is already in the selection will remove it from the
Note that the last object that you click on will appear with a green border, whereas the
others in the multiple selection will appear with a blue border. The green one is defined as
having the focus in the selection. Sometimes the object having the focus in a selection has
special properties. If you need to switch the focus to another object in the selection, click on
it TWICE with the Ctrl key depressed.
Use the rubber band selection by pressing and holding down the mouse in an area of the
page where there is no object to select and then dragging the mouse across the required
objects. You will see a box appear as you drag the mouse. Any objects that have a corner or
an end inside the box when you release the mouse will become selected. NOTE: If you do not
have much empty space between objects then this technique becomes difficult to use.
How to move objects with the mouse


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Objects (or multiple selections of objects) can be moved simply by dragging and dropping. Press and
hold the left mouse button whilst the mouse pointer is over the object. Drag the object by moving the
mouse to wherever you want to move it to. Release the mouse button when the object is in the
correct place. Note that any objects attached to the object that you move will also move e.g.
attached labels, or line ends.
To move a multiple selection of objects, simply drag any one of the objects in the selection.
The move operation can be cancelled by pressing the Esc key before releasing the mouse button.
If you cannot see the entire page, then you may still drag an object into the unseen area as the
window will scroll as you move beyond it.
If the grid snapping feature is turned on, see Grid Snap (Layout menu), then the top left corner of
the object will be forced onto a grid point.
Moving objects with the cursor keys
Objects such as Option images, spreadsheets and bitmaps can be moved around on the
Storyboard using the keyboard cursor keys.

To move an Object, select it with the mouse and then use the Right, Left, Up and Down
cursor keys to move it.
How to resize objects with the mouse
Select an Object (this must be a single object, you cannot re-size a multiple selection of objects using
the mouse).
Each Object has eight grab handles or "grips" (little squares) around the focus rectangle.


Using Visual Storyboard

The grips in the middle of the top and bottom edge change the height of the image, and the grips in
the middle of the left and right edge change the width of the object. Note that use of these middle

grips will change the aspect ratio of the object (i.e. distort it by changing its proportions).

The grips in the corners can resize both the width and height of the object, and will maintain the
aspect ratio (unless you hold down the Ctrl key at the same time). This is the best way to resize a
picture without distorting it.
Point with the mouse to the grips that you want to move then press and hold the left mouse button.
Drag the grip by moving the mouse to wherever you want to move it to. Release the mouse button
when the object is the correct size.
Note: the size operation can be cancelled by pressing the Esc key before releasing the mouse button.
If the grid snapping feature is turned on, see Grid Snap (Layout menu), then the grips will be forced
onto a grid point.
How to rotate objects with the mouse
Virtually all objects may be rotated on a Storyboard. To rotate an object, grab and drag the handle
that appears at the top of the object.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Note: the rotate operation can be cancelled by pressing the Esc key before releasing the mouse
You can also rotate using the command Rotate (Object menu) which allows you to directly enter an
angle in degrees.
Note that you cannot rotate a multiple selection of objects using the mouse, you must use the Rotate
Cropping objects
Objects, other than Options, are cropped on the Storyboard by selecting the "Crop" tool

When the "Crop" tool is selected the cursor changes shape when it hovers over the
"handles" at each corner and midpoint of an object.


Using Visual Storyboard

To crop the image simply drag the "Handle" to the desired location. As can be seen from
the illustration below, objects may be cropped after they have been rotated.

How to see an object that is covered by another

Objects in the Storyboard may overlap each other, or one may completely cover another. To control
this useful feature you can use the commands Move to Front and Move to Back on the Object menu,
or the context menu.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

How to use the object context menus

Every object that you insert into a Storyboard document has a context menu. This contains most of
the commands that are relevant to that object. To access the "Context" menu right click on the

It is quicker and easier to use the context menu than hunt for commands on the main menu, and you
may even prefer it to using the toolbar. To use a context menu simply click on the object with the
right mouse button, then click on the required command (with either button). To cancel the menu
without any action click anywhere outside the context menu.
How to insert an image
Use the command Image (Insert menu) to insert a copy of image files other than Option shapes and
Alternatively, simply drag and drop the file from Windows explorer.


Using Visual Storyboard

How to insert a sound recording

If your machine has a sound system and a microphone then you can record and insert voice notes or
other sound bites into the Storyboard using the command Voice Note (Insert menu).
How to insert other OLE objects
Other OLE objects that are installed on your computer can be inserted and manipulated using the
command New Object (Insert menu).
How to manipulate objects
Objects on the visualstoryboard page can be manipulated in many ways, mostly through use of the
mouse. The mouse can be used with the left button to;
select objects
move objects
rotate objects
resize objects
draw lines
draw labels
It can also be used with the right button to display a context menu, (i.e. commands relating to the
object under the mouse pointer).
To rotate an object without use of the mouse, select the object, then use the
Rotate command on the object's context menu.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

To reset the size of an object to the original full size, use the Reset Size
command on the object's context menu.
To move an object to the front or back use the Move to Front and Move to
Back commands on the object's context menu (or the toolbar).
By double-clicking on an object you will often get access to the Properties of
the object.
How to insert a Storyboard into another application
You may save the entire Storyboard page as an image file that can be inserted into other
applications, or sent to people who do not use visualstoryboard
Use the command Save Picture (File menu) to do this.
How to remove an object
An object may be removed (deleted) in 3 different ways;
Select the object by clicking with the mouse, then use the command Delete (Edit
Select the object by clicking with the mouse, then press the Delete key on the
Click on the object with the right mouse button, and use the Delete command on
the context sensitive menu.
Note that this will remove the object from your Storyboard document, but will not affect the original
source object, in other words, by deleting an Option object you are not deleting it from the
visualretailing database, only removing it from the current document.
Creating a Catalogue
Storyboard can be automatically filled with a range of Options that have been defined in
a Selection Set or a File Set to create a Catalogue.
Select "Create Catalogue" from the "File" menu.

To create a Catalogue you need to specify the Selection/File Set and you must have preprepared Storyboard Templates that have Option Placeholders already in position. If you


Using Visual Storyboard

want to see both Option images and data, the Option Placeholders must have an Option
Template associated.

Saving a Option File Set

"File Sets" provide the ability to save and recall a list of Options that have been added to
either a Store or Storyboard file. To create a "File list" click on the toolbar icon.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

The dialogue box that appears requires a name for the "File list"

Choose which users groups need to have access to the "File list" by selecting the group
names in the "Publish to..." area. If the "File list" is only to be used by you, deselect all
of the tick boxes.


Command Reference
File menu

Creates a new empty visualstoryboard document.

The New dialog will appear, from where you must choose a Document Template for your new
Storyboard document then click OK. Use Blank Document in the General folder if you do not want
to use any of the other templates.
See also How to use Document Templates

Open an existing visualstoryboard document from a disk file.

Close the current visualstoryboard document. If the document has changed you will be asked if you
want to save it.
Saves the current visualstoryboard document to disk overwriting the previous copy on
disk. If the document has not been saved before you will be taken to the Save As dialog.
Save As
Saves the current visualstoryboard document on disk to a location and name that you specify. This
uses the standard Microsoft Windows Save As dialog. You should ensure that you are familiar with
this before operating visualretailing. Enter a File name that is suitably descriptive, for example:
Winter Coats Storyboard Choose a suitable folder from the Save in selector. You may create new
folders from here if you wish.
Save as Storyboard Template
To save a specific page as a "Storyboard Template" choose "Save as Storyboard
Template..." from the "File" menu.

visualstoryboard asks you to identify which page to save as the Template. Key in the
page number.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

A dialogue box provides the ability to see the Template and enter descriptive attributes.


Command Reference

Update Storyboard Template...


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

To update an existing "Storyboard Template" first of all create a page that contains the
new layout. When this page is available to be saved, select "Update Storyboard
Template" from the "File" menu.

visualstoryboard asks you to identify the Template that is to be overwritten with a new
Template layout.

The second step is to identify which page in the current Storyboard contains the new


Command Reference

Once this page is selected, the Template is updated.

Create Catalogue (File menu)

Storyboard can be automatically filled with a range of Options that have been defined in
a Selection Set or a File Set to create a Catalogue.
Select "Create Catalogue" from the "File" menu.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

To create a Catalogue you need to specify the Selection/File Set and you must have preprepared Storyboard Templates that have Option Placeholders already in position. If you
want to see both Option images and data, the Option Placeholders must have an Option
Template associated.


Command Reference

This can now be sorted by any level of the hierarchy.

Send Mail
Send the visualstoryboard document through electronic mail to another mail user. See also How to
send a Storyboard to another user
Display or enter information about the current visualstoryboard document, and allow the document
to be password protected.
Print the current visualstoryboard document to a printer. From the Print dialog you may
select a printer, and change the Properties for the printer (e.g. paper size and orientation). You may
also select the number of copies to print.
Print Preview
Preview on the screen what would be printed on paper if the Print command is used. Whilst the
normal working view in visualstoryboard does represent fairly closely how the document will print,
there may be some differences. For example, the working window shows the printable area of your
printer, and may exclude some areas around the edge of the paper, that your particular printer may
not be able to print onto.
To close the preview use the Close button at the top. To initiate the actual printing to paper use the
Print button at the top. See Print (File menu)
Print Setup
Set up the printer for the current document. As well as which printer to use, you can also use this to
select paper Size and Orientation, and change any of the Properties for the selected printer
driver. The printer setup is saved within the current document.
You may change this at any time, but if you make the paper smaller, or change its orientation after
inserting objects, the objects may appear outside of the print page area. You will have to move them


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

back inside the page, re-size them etc. For that reason you should set up your printer first, before
starting to create your Storyboard.
Save Picture
Allows the entire Storyboard page to be saved as an image file on disk. First set the size of the
required file (in pixels). If you choose to Keep Aspect Ratio then you will only be able to change
one of the dimensions. The other will change automatically.
Note: The Aspect Ratio is the proportions of the rectangular image. You would normally ensure this
box is ticked, otherwise your image will be distorted.
The proportions refer to the page size. If you are currently set up for A4 portrait format printing, then
the resulting bitmap will be in those proportions. After accepting the size, the usual file Save As
dialog will appear. Select a folder, and enter a file name as usual. Then select a Save as type from
the given list. You may use any image format supported by visualretailing.
Saving to PDF
To save the Storyboard in PDF format, select "Save to PDF" from the "File" menu.

The PDF file can be saved in two quality modes. The "Low quality" is best for small files
that will be viewed on a PC monitor. For files that are to be printed on high resolution
printers, the "High quality" mode should be used. However, please note that this quality
mode produces much larger files.


Command Reference

Once the "OK" button is clicked, a file save dialogue box appears.
Sample Quality Output:


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Shutdown the visualstoryboard application. You will be prompted to save any unsaved documents.

Edit menu
Undo Move
Reverses the previous operation.

Reverses the previous Undo operation.


Cut (delete) the selection from the document and place on the clipboard.


Copy the selection to the clipboard.


Paste the contents of the clipboard into the current visualstoryboard document.

Paste Special
This command uses a dialog to allow you to choose one of several data formats available on the
clipboard, then inserts the chosen clipboard data into the document.


Command Reference

Paste Link (Edit menu)

Paste Link
Linked objects provide storyboard with content that automatically updates. visualstore's 3D Store
Views and Planograms and visualrange's merchandise Options are embedded in visualstoryboard
using Microsoft's Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) technology. "Paste Link" is the common
command used to establish a link between the OLE applications
To establish a link into visualstoryboard use Paste Link as shown in the following example where a
spreadsheet and visualstoryboard are linked together.
Open Excel, select the data and Copy to the Windows Clipboard.

Select Paste Link from the Edit menu in visualstoryboard.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Remove the current Object(s) from the document.
Edit the Links to OLE Objects that have been placed in the storyboard. The feature is used to reestablish a link when a file has been moved, or if the same template is being used with various
source files. For example; when 3 different store grades are feeding one store merchandising

Select the alternative file


Command Reference

The OLE Object view is updated from the new linked file as shown below.

Refresh All Links

Linked files need to be refreshed from time to time. This can be achieved from the Links or Refresh
All Links functions on the Edit menu, or, alternatively it can be done with a single click on the
toolbar button.
Update all Option Placeholder Templates
This will enable you to update all of your Placeholder Templates.
Refresh date & time in Labels
Choosing this enables you to update all labels.

View menu
This brings up a sub-menu with a list of zoom factors which can be used to set the workspace
magnification factor.
Zoom In

Set the zoom magnification to the next highest factor.

Zoom Out
Set the zoom magnification to the next lowest factor.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Turns the toolbar on and off.
Search Toolbar
Searching for Options has been made more convenient and faster with the Search Toolbar. The
toolbar is turned on / off from the View menu. more..

Status Bar
Turns the status bar on and off.
Filmroll Toolbar [View menu]
Type topic text here.
Pages list
The "Pages List" shows thumbnails of the pages in a convenient dockable panel which is
turned on and off from the "Views" menu.

The panel can be detached so that it floats around the page.


Command Reference

The "Page List" can be used for various other operations such as copying, moving and
deleting pages.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Option templates
The selection of "Option Templates" can be selected from the right hand mouse menu on
an Option or, it can be selected from the pull down list available from the toolbar.


Command Reference

Turn the toolbar on and off from the "View" menu.

Ruler [View menu]
New rulers and guides can be selected from the drop down menu to view.



visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Guides give you the opportunity to set perameters for placing options in your

Shapes Toolbar [View menu]

This gives you the opportunity to view the Shapes you can draw.
Tools Toolbar [View menu]
This gives you the opportunity to view Tools available.
Header & Footer [View menu]
Headers and Footers are accessed by selecting them from the "View" menu.
To de-select, double click on the storyboard.
You can add fill-in colour by right-clicking on the header/footer and selecting "format

You will then be given the options available.

Object menu
Reloads a visualrange Option object from the database, but does not re-set its size.
Reset Size
Reset the size of the object to its size as originally inserted.
Move to Front


Command Reference

Move the selected object to the "front" of the display, making the whole of the selected
object visible (except for parts that are outside the window) and possibly obscuring other objects.
Move to Back
Move the selected object to the "back" of the display, possibly obscuring some or all of
the object by other objects that were originally behind it.
Lock [Object menu]
This locks the object in position.
This means it now cannot be moved unless you de-select this from the drop down list.
Grouping [Object menu]
Type topic text here.
Use this menu to select the required method for displaying the current visualrange object.
Shows a dialog so you can specify the rotation angle in degrees of the selected object. An object can
also be rotated by using the mouse, with the Shift key. See How to rotate objects with the mouse.
Not all objects can be rotated, but Option objects, and inserted image objects can be.
Changes the visual appearance of the selected object. All similar new objects inserted after changing
the format of one will inherit the new format. The possible changes vary with the type of object
selected, and may include the following;
Colours and Lines
Changes the appearance of the lines and backgrounds associated with the selected object. This could
be a rectangular border, or a single line.
The Fill Style refers to the solid colour background of a rectangular object. You may select a
Colour, or by ticking the Transparent checkbox you may make the object transparent, so that only
the border is drawn, and other objects can be see through it. Fill Style is not applicable to Line
The Line Style refers to the appearance of borders or lines. You may change the Colour, The
Style, or the Width.
The Arrow Style refers to arrowheads that may be placed at either the beginning or end of a Line
object. You may change the Style and Size of each end. Arrow Style is not applicable to Label
The Preview at the bottom of the dialog shows how the line(s) will look.
Text Appearance
Changes the appearance of all the text associated with the selected object. You may change the Font
details using the Other button. This brings up the Microsoft Windows Font dialog, from where you
can select the Font, the Style, the Size, the Colour and so on. You can also select the Vertical and
Horizontal alignment to position the text within the object, and decide whether the text should
Wrap onto multiple lines.
You can add shadows to any object.
Select the object and select format.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

This gives you the opportunity to select shadow styles.


Opens the selected object in its registered viewer application.

For an Option object opens visualrange Viewer showing full details of the object, and allowing you to
change those details (if you have suitable permissions).
Open Store Shape
Opens the visualshape application, which allows you to modify the Store Shape. The Store Shape
includes the image of the Option, plus the mask which removes the background.
Shows the properties of the object, and may allow you to change some of them.
Save Option Template
Saves the current Option and associated objects in to the visualretailing database. more...

Insert menu
visualstoryboard is a multiple page document.
By selecting and clicking on "Insert Page" an extra page will be added to your storyboard.
Insert Multiple Pages
To insert multiple pages, simply choose this option and choose the number of pages you want to


Command Reference

Placeholders provide the ability to plan a page layout and reserve space before knowing exactly which
content to use. A Placeholder is a rectangular object designed to accommodate; Options, 3D Store
views and 2D store planograms.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

When an Option, Store view or Planogram object is dropped on to the Placeholder, the object is
aligned with the Anchor point on the Placeholder.
The Object is scaled to either fit inside the rectangle or to use the Anchor point and scale to a pre-set
scale factor. (See Option Placeholder or Store View Placeholders)
To insert a Placeholder

Option Placeholder
Store View Placeholders
Inserts a label. If a single object in the Storyboard is selected then the label becomes attached to that
object, and will move with it.
When a label is attached to a visualrange object, the labels may contain data from the
visualretailing database.
If nothing is selected (or multiple objects are selected) then a free floating label is inserted at the top
left of the document. This is not attached to another object, and cannot contain Option data from the

See also How to insert a label.

Allows an "e-Sample" object to be inserted. This is similar to an Option object from your
visualrange database, but is contained as a file on disk that may have come from an outside source,
eg downloaded from a supplier's internet site.

Allows you to select an image file from disk to insert into visualstoryboard.

New Object
Insert a new OLE object. You will be presented with a dialog so that you can select which type of OLE
object to insert, and whether or not to create from a file.
Insert Template Anchor Point


Command Reference
When inserting an option, this gives you the opportunity to anchor that option to a certain point,
using the positioning star.

Layout menu
Grid snap
Turns the Grid Snap feature on or off.
With grid snap turned on the positioning of all vertices (e.g. the end of a line, the corner of a
rectangle) is forced to the nearest grid point. This is very useful for lining up objects, and setting
them to the same size.
Note that when moving or re-sizing an Option object, the top left corner will be forced onto a grid
point, but the bottom right will not be, because to do so could distort the image, by changing the
aspect ratio.
To vary the spacing of the grid, and to decide how to display it, use the Grid Snap tab on the
Preferences dialog. See Preferences (Preferences menu).
With grid snap turned off, you may position the vertices anywhere.
Guide Snap
As with grid snap, this gives control to ensure that all guides can have objects snapped to the guide

Tools menu

This is the normal, or default tool, available when visualstoryboard is first started.

When this tool mode is selected, you are able to use the mouse to select, move, resize, and rotate

Starts the Label tool, which allows you to draw a label with the mouse.

Hold down the mouse to define the first corner, then drag and release to define the opposite corner.
The Label tool automatically reverts to the Move tool after drawing a line. If the first corner is inside
another object then the resulting label will be attached to that object.
You can now change individual labels in vrStoryboard, formatting them with font, size, bold, italic,


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Once you have selected your Label, right click and you will be able to enter your text.
You can then format your text by highlighting and formatting with the options available.

Starts the Line tool, which allows you to draw a line with the mouse.

Hold down the mouse to define the beginning, then drag and release to define the end. The Line tool
automatically reverts to the Move tool after drawing a line.
If either end is inside another object then the line end will be attached to that object, and will move
with it. It will be obvious when attachment is going to occur, because the object boundary will
change to blue, and a "drawing pin" cursor will appear.
To detach a line end from an object, simply move it outside of the object's boundary rectangle.
If the grid snapping feature is turned on, see Grid Snap (Layout menu), then the line ends will be
forced onto a grid point.
We now have many variations to choose when drawing a line:


Command Reference

Preferences menu
This dialog box allows various parameters to be set defining how visualstoryboard should work on
your workstation. It is divided into several tabs.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Embedding tab

The settings on this tab only need to be changed once to suit your computer and printer. They are
saved in one place on your computer (the registry), not in individual Storyboard documents.
Defines when to embed the Option objects within the document, as opposed to just keeping a link
pointer in the document.
Insertion tab

The settings on this tab may be changed to suit each and every Storyboard document. They are
saved in each and every document, including the template documents.
Allows you to decide which Option image to use when you first insert an Option into Visual
You may also set the scaling here. This defines at what percentage of the size of the real garment
should the Storyboard representation be when first inserted. If set to 10% for example, then a
garment with a real height of 650 mm will appear in Visual Storyboard with a height of 65 mm,
when printed onto paper.
Grid Snap tab

The settings on this tab may be changed to suit each and every Storyboard document. They are
saved in each and every document, including the template documents.
Defines the grid used for aligning objects on the page.
Use the Show as settings to draw the grid as Dots or Lines, or make it invisible (Off).
Use the Grid Spacing to set the spacing of the grid. The horizontal and vertical spacing may be


Command Reference
When the Grid Snap is switched on using the command Grid Snap (Layout menu) the objects on the
page can only be moved and sized to exact multiples of the grid spacing.
Should you experience issues when printing to a Postscript printer, such as black backgrounds to
Option images, tick the "Use Print Buffer" box.

Page numbering:
If a Storyboard file is part of a sequence of documents, and the first page needs to be
something different to "1", a new starting page can be set in the "Preferences" dialogue

The page number is now displayed when using this in multiple page.

Window menu
New Window
Open another window containing the same document as the current window. This is useful if you
wish to view two different areas of the same large document.
The second view window will appear with its own tab, and will have a numeric suffix on the end to
identify the two views, for example, MyDoc:1 and MyDoc:2
Use this command to arrange multiple opened document windows in an overlapped fashion.


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

To return to the maximised view either click on a tab control (just under the toolbar), or click the
maximise button on the top right of the document window.
Use this command to arrange multiple opened document windows in a non-overlapped fashion. To
return to the maximised view either click on a tab control (just under the toolbar), or click the
maximise button on the top right of the document window.

Help menu
Contents and Index (Help menu)
Start visualstoryboard help.
About visualstoryboard
Display information about the visualstoryboard application including copyright and the
full version number.



Anti-ailiasing ...............................................9

1 5

Applying .................................... 5, 36, 39, 52


background fills ..................................... 39

set ..................................................... 110

Option Templates................................... 52

Storyboard Templates ............................ 36

2D .................................................... 30, 106

Applying Storyboard Templates .................. 36

2D planogram Placeholders ........................ 34

Arrow Style ............................................. 104

2D planograms ......................................... 34

Arrow Style refers ................................... 104

Aspect Ratio ................................... 9, 72, 91

3D ....................................................1, 9, 34

Associate ...................... 9, 31, 52, 78, 87, 104

Detaching ............................................. 34

Option Template .............................. 31, 52

fits ....................................................... 34

Attributes ...................................... 19, 56, 83

3D Store ................................. 9, 30, 34, 106

Option............................................. 19, 56

A file .......................................................... 9

Back........................................ 5, 75, 77, 103

A visualretailing .......................................... 9

Move ................................... 5, 75, 77, 103

About Visual Storyboard .............................. 5

Background fills ......................................... 39

Access ................................... 13, 36, 81, 102

Applying ................................................ 39

visuallibrary........................................... 36

Better formatting....................................... 61

Activate headers and footers ...................... 13

other applications................................... 61

Add Data ................................. 21, 23, 48, 58

Between ................................................... 14

Add Label ............................................19, 56

Moving .................................................. 14

Use .................................................19, 56

Bitmap ...................................... 9, 39, 48, 91

Adding ..................................................... 26

Blank Document Template ......................... 65

graphics ................................................ 26

Both Placeholders ...................................... 34

Adobe .................................................. 9, 61

Box ............. 5, 25, 48, 64, 68, 81, 83, 91, 110

Adobe Acrobat ............................................ 9

format................................................... 64

Adobe Illustrator ....................................... 61

Box provides ............................................. 83

Anchor ................................... 30, 34, 48, 106

Browsing ............................................ 38, 52

Anchor Point ........................... 30, 34, 48, 106

Option Templates................................... 52

Another...................................................... 5

Storyboard Templates ............................ 38


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Build ........................................................ 36

Copy an Object from another document .. 5, 71

storyboard ............................................ 36

Copying ............................... 5, 27, 71, 94, 98

object from another document ..................5

Cascade ................................................. 112

Copying pages .......................................... 27

Cascade (Window menu) ......................... 112

Covered................................................ 5, 75

Catalogue ............................................78, 87

Create Catalogue................................. 78, 87

create ................................................... 87

Create, open and save Storyboards ............. 65

Creating ................................................ 78

How ...................................................... 65

Category .................................................. 52

Creating ............................................. 78, 87

Change . 5, 9, 14, 15, 21, 58, 71, 74, 104, 109,


Catalogue ........................................ 78, 87

Colour ................................................ 104

Font ................................................... 104
Style ................................................... 104
text .................................................21, 58
Change spacing ........................................ 13
Document ............................................. 83
Close .............................................. 5, 15, 83
Option Anchor Point ............................... 48
Colour .......................... 1, 19, 21, 56, 58, 104
change ............................................... 104
select ................................................. 104
Coloured ..................................... 39, 64, 104
Colours .......................... 1, 9, 21, 34, 58, 104
Constrained .........................................31, 34
Constrained scaling ................................... 34
Contain .................... 1, 9, 19, 56, 70, 85, 107
Option .................................................... 1
Container size ........................................... 55
Contents ................................................ 113
Copy ......................................... 5, 27, 95, 98
Windows Clipboard ................................ 95


Option Template .................................... 48

Crop ......................................................... 74
Ctrl key .............................................. 71, 72
Cursor keys............................................... 72
Custom size .......................................... 5, 55
Custom Size settings.................................. 55
Options ................................................. 55
Cut .................................................... 71, 94
Cut and Paste ........................................... 71
Cws file .................................................... 70
Data that .................................................. 61
Date & Time .................................. 5, 13, 102
Default .................................... 23, 31, 54, 55
Option Placeholder ................................. 31
Del ........................................................... 34
Delete ........................................... 29, 78, 96
pages.................................................... 29
Delete key ................................................ 78
Department .............................................. 52
Describe ............................................... 1, 36
Template ............................................... 36
Description ..................................... 1, 19, 56

Detaching................................................. 34

Line .................................................... 104

3D ........................................................ 34

E-Sample .......................................... 70, 108

Dialog ......................................... 21, 58, 108

insert .................................................... 70

Different database ................................ 5, 71

E-Sample file............................................. 71

Different headers ...................................... 18

E-Sample file into ...................................... 71

Different Odd ........................................... 18

put ....................................................... 71

Display ................................................... 104

E-samples ............................ 5, 9, 71, 76, 108

Display (Object menu) ............................. 104

sending ................................................. 71

Dockable .................................................. 98


Document ................................................ 83

Esc key..................................................... 72

Does not have formatting that is ................ 61

Even pages ............................................... 18

Dots ........................................... 13, 14, 110

Exit ............................................................5

Down ....................................................... 72

Extra Large sizes ....................................... 55

Draw ................ 5, 9, 23, 63, 64, 77, 108, 109

Drop Options .............................................. 5

F5 key ................................................ 13, 67

Duplicate.............................................. 5, 71

File Close .................................................. 83

Duplicating existing objects .................... 5, 71

File Exit .................................................... 94

File Info.................................................... 90

Edit................................ 5, 23, 67, 94, 96, 97

File list ..................................................... 81

Links .................................................... 96

File menu 5, 36, 65, 67, 68, 78, 83, 85, 87, 91

Edit Copy ................................................. 94

File New ................................................... 83

Edit Cut.................................................... 94

File Open .................................................. 83

Edit Delete ............................................... 96

File Print ................................................... 90

Edit Insert New Object ............................ 108

File Print Preview....................................... 91

Edit Label ........................... 19, 21, 23, 56, 58

File Print Setup ......................................... 91

Edit Links ................................................. 96

File Save........................................ 68, 83, 91

Edit menu ...................... 5, 67, 71, 94, 95, 97

File Save As ........................................ 83, 91

Edit Paste ................................................. 94

File Send Mail ........................................... 90

Edit Paste Link .......................................... 95

File Set ............................................... 78, 87

Edit Paste Special...................................... 94

File Zoom In ............................................. 97

Embedding .................................. 70, 95, 110

Fill Style ................................................. 104

Option ................................................ 110

Fill Style refers ........................................ 104

End...................................... 13, 63, 104, 109

Filmroll ..................................................... 66


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Finding..................................................... 66
Option .................................................. 66

Use ..................................................... 110


Fits .....................................................31, 34

Handle ............................................... 14, 74

3D ........................................................ 34

Header ........ 5, 13, 14, 15, 18, 23, 25, 26, 102

Placeholders .......................................... 31

Help About Visual Storyboard ................... 113

Floating.................................................... 66

Help Help Topics ..................................... 113

filmroll .................................................. 66

High ................................................... 68, 91

Font.................................................. 23, 104

Horizontal ............................................... 104

change ............................................... 104

How ......................................................... 65

select ................................................. 104

create, open and save Storyboards .......... 65

Footer ..........5, 13, 14, 15, 18, 23, 25, 26, 102

insert other OLE objects ......................... 77

Footers ........................ 5, 13, 14, 15, 23, 102

use Document Templates ....................... 83

Footers on odd ......................................... 18

How to attach labels to every option ........... 48

Format 5, 9, 19, 21, 23, 31, 36, 56, 58, 61, 63,
64, 68, 91, 94, 104

How to configure label text .................. 21, 58

box....................................................... 64
label ................................................19, 56
line ....................................................... 63
Formatted using ....................................... 23
From the .................................................. 98
Front ...................................... 5, 75, 77, 103
Move ................................... 5, 75, 77, 103
Glossary ................................................. 5, 9

How to create open and save Storyboards ... 65

How to draw boxes.................................... 64
How to draw lines ..................................... 63
How to insert a sound recording ................. 77
How to insert a TOG file............................. 70
How to insert a Visual Shape object ............ 66
How to insert an image .............................. 76
How to insert other OLE objects ................. 77
How to print a Storyboard Document .......... 67

terms.................................................. 5, 9

How to Put a Picture object back into a

different database .................................. 71

Glossary of terms .................................... 5, 9

How to put one object on top of another ..... 75


How to remove an Object .......................... 78

Footer .................................................. 23

How to reverse a mistake........................... 67

Graphics................................................... 26

How to Send a Storyboard to another user . 70,


Adding .................................................. 26
Grid snap ............ 5, 13, 71, 72, 108, 109, 110

How to set up page size and orientation ...... 13

Grid snap (Layout menu) ......................... 108

How to use the mouse with Visual Storyboard

............................................................ 77

Grid Spacing ........................................... 110

How to use the object context menus ......... 76



format................................................... 63

Ie 9

Line (Tools menu) ................................... 109

Image ............................................... 76, 108

Line Style ............................................... 104

Image - General ......................................... 9

Line Style refers ...................................... 104

Image (Insert menu) ............................... 108

Line tool ........................................... 63, 109

Including .................................................... 1

Linked Word file ..........................................9

visualretailing Options .............................. 1

Links .............................. 5, 9, 95, 96, 97, 110

Index ......................................................... 5

Edit....................................................... 96

Insert 5, 15, 19, 23, 36, 56, 61, 66, 70, 76, 77,
78, 94, 108, 110

Low.................................................... 68, 91

e-Sample .............................................. 70
Option ................................................ 110
Placeholder .................................... 30, 106
Storyboard into another application ......... 78
Insert Menu.........................................19, 56
Insert other OLE objects ........................ 5, 77
Insert Placeholders ................................... 36
Inserting Pages........................................... 5
Internet ............................................ 71, 108
Keep Aspect Ratio ..................................... 91
Label .... 1, 5, 9, 13, 19, 21, 23, 25, 36, 48, 56,
58, 61, 64, 71, 77, 104, 107, 108

M L .......................................................... 54
Manipulate objects .................................... 77
Maximised .............................................. 112
Medium .................................................... 55
Microsoft .......................................... 1, 9, 61
Microsoft Windows .................................. 1, 9
Microsoft Windows Font dialog ................. 104
Microsoft Word,......................................... 61
Microsoft's Object Linking........................... 95
Store Shape......................................... 105
Mouse ........................................... 71, 72, 73
Move (Tools menu) ................................. 108

format .............................................19, 56

Move objects ............................................ 71

Option Name ....................................21, 58

Move tool ........................................ 108, 109

Label (Tools menu) ................................. 108

reverts ......................................... 108, 109

Label dialog .........................................21, 58

Moving ..................5, 14, 63, 75, 77, 103, 108

Label tool ............................... 19, 56, 61, 108

Back .................................... 5, 75, 77, 103

Large ....................................................... 55

between ................................................ 14

Left.......................................................... 72

Front.......................................... 5, 75, 103

Line .... 5, 9, 13, 14, 21, 48, 58, 63, 64, 71, 77,
104, 108, 109, 110
end .................................................... 104

New ......................................................... 83
New dialog ............................................... 83


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

New layout ............................................... 85
New Object ................................. 61, 77, 108

Option .. 1, 5, 9, 13, 19, 30, 31, 36, 39, 52, 54,

55, 56, 66, 72, 74, 78, 81, 87, 95, 98, 100,
104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110

New Window .......................................5, 112

attributes ........................................ 19, 56


Object ..... 31, 36, 59, 71, 72, 75, 95, 103, 105,

Custom Size settings .............................. 55

objects attached .................................... 71

see ....................................................... 75
Object context menus ...................... 5, 76, 77
Object from another document .................... 5
Copying .................................................. 5
Object having ........................................... 71
Object menu ............................. 5, 48, 71, 75
Object Move to Back ............................... 103
Object Move to Front .............................. 103
Object Properties .................................... 105
Object Reset Size .................................... 103

embed ................................................ 110

Finding .................................................. 66
insert .................................................. 110
Scaling .................................................. 54
Searching .............................................. 98
XL Size Settings ................................. 5, 54
Option Anchor Point .................................. 48
Option File Set .......................................... 81
Option look .................................................5
Option Name ................................. 21, 58, 66
label ............................................... 21, 58

Object Rotate ......................................... 104

Option Placeholders .... 5, 9, 30, 31, 52, 78, 87,


Object scaling ........................................... 48

default .................................................. 31

Object used ................................................ 9

Option shape object .................................. 70

Objects . 1, 5, 9, 23, 26, 48, 59, 61, 71, 72, 73,

74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 96, 103, 104, 107, 108,

Option Template .. 5, 9, 31, 36, 48, 52, 66, 78,

87, 100

Objects attached ....................................... 71

object ................................................... 71
Objects using ......................................72, 73
OLE ....................................... 61, 95, 96, 108
type ................................................... 108
OLE Objects ...................................... 96, 108
Open (Object menu) ............................... 105
Open Excel ............................................... 95
Open Store Shape (Object menu) ............. 105
Opens .................................. 5, 23, 25, 83, 95
visualshape application......................... 105

Applying ................................................ 52
Associate ......................................... 31, 52
Browsing ............................................... 52
Creating ................................................ 48
Save ..................................................... 48
Option Templates provide .......................... 31
Option, 2D .............................................. 1, 9
Option, e-Sample ...................................... 73
Organised ................................................. 52
Orientation .............................. 13, 67, 90, 91
Other applications ..................................... 61
better formatting ................................... 61


Other button .......................................... 104

Preferences dialog ................................... 108

Other objects............................................ 26

Presentation mode .............................. 13, 67

Other OLE ................................................ 77

Preserves ................................................. 34

Placeholder............................................ 34

Page ............................................. 23, 29, 85

Pressing ............................................. 13, 67

Deleting ................................................ 29

F5 key............................................. 13, 67

Page Down ..........................................13, 67

Preview ............................. 5, 13, 67, 91, 104

Page numbers ....... 5, 13, 23, 25, 83, 102, 110

Previewing pages ................................ 13, 67

Page setup ........................................... 5, 13

Price .................................................. 19, 56

Page Up ..............................................13, 67

Print ....................... 5, 13, 67, 68, 90, 91, 110

Pages List.................................. 5, 27, 29, 98

Print Buffer ............................................. 110

Paste ..................................................71, 94

Print button ........................................ 67, 91

Paste Link ....................................... 5, 94, 95

Print Preview window ............................. 67

Paste Special ........................................ 5, 94

Print dialog ............................................... 90

PDF ............................................ 5, 9, 68, 91

Print Preview .................................. 5, 67, 91

PDF file ...............................................68, 91

Print Preview window ................................ 67

Picture Fill ................................................ 39

Print button ........................................... 67

Placeholder Anchor ................................... 31

Print Setup ................................ 5, 13, 67, 91

Placeholder Properties ............................... 31

Properties ..................... 5, 48, 77, 90, 91, 105

Placeholder using ...................................... 34

Publish ..................................................... 81

Placeholders ............. 5, 9, 30, 31, 34, 36, 106

Put ........................................................... 71

fit 31

e-Sample file into ................................... 71

preserves .............................................. 34

setting .................................................. 31

Real ............................................ 31, 54, 110

Placeholders provide .......................... 30, 106

Re-colouring ...............................................1

Planogram ...................... 1, 9, 30, 34, 95, 106

Recommended .......................................... 34

Planograms ............................ 30, 34, 95, 106

planograms ........................................... 34

recommended ....................................... 34

Redo .................................................... 5, 67

Please Note ............................... 1, 25, 68, 91

Refresh ............................. 5, 25, 34, 97, 103

Portable Document Format .......................... 9

Refresh (Object menu) ............................ 103

Postscript ............................................... 110

Refresh All Links.................................... 5, 97

Preferences ................ 5, 13, 25, 70, 108, 110

Refresh Date............................................. 25

Preferences (File menu)........................... 110

Relative ............................. 31, 34, 48, 54, 55


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Relative Scaling ............................. 31, 34, 55

Storyboard Template .............................. 36

Relatively ...................................... 31, 34, 48

visualstoryboards .....................................1

Reset Size ..................................... 5, 77, 103

Scaling ..................................................... 54

Resize ............................................... 72, 108

Options ................................................. 54

Resize objects......................................72, 77

Search Toolbar ................................ 5, 66, 98

Re-sizing ................................................ 108

Searching ................................................. 98

Option ................................................ 108

Options ................................................. 98

Resizing objects .......................................... 5

See ........5, 13, 19, 25, 56, 75, 78, 83, 87, 102

Reverses .................................................. 94

object ................................................... 75

Reverts ........................................... 108, 109

Move tool ..................................... 108, 109

Select 5, 13, 15, 18, 23, 25, 27, 29, 55, 59, 61,
68, 71, 72, 74, 77, 78, 81, 85, 87, 91, 100,
102, 103, 104, 107, 108

Right ....................................................... 72

Colour ................................................. 104

Right-hand mouse menu ........................... 52

Font .................................................... 104

Rotate................... 5, 59, 73, 74, 77, 104, 108

Vertical ............................................... 104

Rotate objects .................. 5, 73, 77, 104, 108

Select Paste Link ....................................... 95

Rotate using ............................................. 73

Selection ............................................ 78, 87

Selection Set ....................................... 78, 87

S 54

Send ..................................... 5, 9, 70, 71, 90


e-Samples ............................................. 71

Option look ........................................... 48

visualstoryboard..................................... 90

Sample ......................................... 5, 71, 108

Send Mail ....................................... 5, 70, 90

Sample file ............................................... 71

Set ........................................................... 97

Sample file into ......................................... 71

zoom .................................................... 97

Sample Quality Output .........................68, 91

Sets ................................................... 81, 97

Save ........................ 5, 68, 70, 81, 83, 85, 91

Shadowed label ......................................... 64

Option Template .................................... 48

Shape ....................................... 9, 64, 67, 74

Save As ................................................ 5, 83

Storyboard ............................................ 67

Save As dialog .......................................... 83

Shift key ................................................... 73

Save Option Template .................... 5, 48, 105

Show................................... 18, 98, 104, 110

Save Option Template (Object menu) ....... 105

Use ..................................................... 110

Save Picture .................................... 5, 78, 91

Size.....5, 9, 13, 14, 23, 31, 48, 54, 55, 72, 77,
90, 91, 103, 104

Save Picture (File menu) ............................ 91

Saving ................................................. 1, 36


Small........................................................ 55

Solid Fill ................................................... 39

Text Appearance ..................................... 104

Sound ...................................................... 77

Text formatting ......................................... 61

Starts ..................................................... 108

That smoothes ............................................9

Status Bar ............................................ 5, 98

The Style .......................................... 48, 104

Store ....................... 5, 9, 30, 36, 61, 81, 106

The visualretailing application .......................9

Store merchandising ................................. 34

Ticking ................................................... 104

Store Shape .................................... 5, 9, 105

Transparent checkbox .......................... 104

Store Shape includes ............................... 105

Tile (Window menu) ................................ 113

Store View Placeholders............ 5, 30, 34, 106

Time ........................................................ 25

Storyboard . 1, 5, 9, 13, 15, 19, 23, 25, 36, 48,

56, 67, 68, 70, 72, 74, 75, 78, 83, 85, 87,
91, 110

Storyboard ............................................ 25
To update ................................................. 85

Build ..................................................... 36

Tog file.......................................................9

shape ................................................... 67

TOG File (Insert menu) ............................ 108

Time..................................................... 25

Tool in visualstoryboard ............................. 61

view ..................................................... 67

Topics ........................................................5

Storyboard Documents ................................ 5

Transparent checkbox.............................. 104

Storyboard file .......................................... 81

ticking ................................................. 104

Storyboard into another application ............ 78

Turns .................................... 72, 97, 98, 100

Storyboard Templates 5, 9, 36, 38, 78, 83, 85,


Grid Snap ............................................ 108

Applying ............................................... 36
Browsing............................................... 38
Saving .................................................. 36
Style ............................ 9, 31, 34, 48, 66, 104
change ............................................... 104
Such as copying ........................................ 98

Type ........... 1, 9, 21, 23, 52, 58, 59, 104, 108

Undo .................................................. 67, 94
Update ..................................................... 85
Use ........... 14, 15, 19, 56, 61, 70, 71, 72, 110
Add Label ........................................ 19, 56
Ctrl key ................................................. 71
Embedding ............................................ 70

Template.....9, 31, 34, 36, 52, 83, 85, 96, 100,

describe ................................................ 36
Terms .................................................... 5, 9
Glossary.............................................. 5, 9
Text ..... 1, 5, 9, 19, 21, 34, 56, 58, 59, 61, 104
change ............................................21, 58

Grid Snap ............................................ 108

Grid Spacing ........................................ 110
Show .................................................. 110
Use Blank Document ................................. 83
Use Document Templates .......................... 83
Used for ................................................... 98


visualStoryboard Reference Manual

Using text ................................................ 61

Visualshape ........................................ 9, 105

Using the mouse to move an item .............. 71

Visualshape application ...................... 66, 105

Using the mouse to resize an item .............. 72

Visualstore ...................................... 9, 34, 95

Using the mouse to rotate an item ............. 73

Visualstore's 3D Store Views ....................... 95

Using the mouse to select an item .............. 71

Visualstoryboard .1, 15, 18, 19, 56, 59, 61, 70,

83, 85, 90

send ............................................... 70, 90

Vertical ........................................... 104, 110

select ................................................. 104

Visualstoryboards ................................ 1, 5, 9
saving .....................................................1

Vertical spacing ...................................... 110

View 1, 5, 9, 13, 14, 15, 23, 25, 67, 68, 91, 98,
100, 102

Voice Note ............................................ 5, 77


Storyboard ............................................ 67

Width ............................................ 9, 72, 104

View Status Bar ........................................ 98

Window New Window .............................. 112

View Toolbar ............................................ 97

Windows application .................................. 61

View Zoom ............................................... 97

Windows Clipboard .................................... 95

View Zoom Out ......................................... 97

Copy ..................................................... 95

Viewing Pages ............................... 5, 27, 105

Windows object...........................................9

Visual Storyboard ........................................ 5

Windows OLE application ........................... 61

Visualisation ............................................. 34

Wrap ...................................................... 104

Visuallibrary................................... 36, 38, 52

access .................................................. 36

XL Size Settings .................................... 5, 54

Visualrange .......................... 1, 19, 56, 66, 95

Options ...................................................5

Visualrange object .................................... 66

XS ........................................................ 5, 54

Visualrange Options .................................... 1

Visualrange Viewer.................................. 105

Zoom ................................................... 5, 97

Visualrange's merchandise Options ............. 95

Set ....................................................... 97

Visualretailing ....................................1, 9, 61

Zoom In ............................................... 5, 97

Visualretailing Options ................................. 1

Zoom Out ............................................. 5, 97

including ................................................. 1


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