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Tay sachs disease (kromosom 15) disebut juga GM 2 gangliosidises

Accumulation uprocessed gangliosides (likoprtein erve in brain)
2. Hibridoma 00> fusi normal sel (eg. Sel B) dengan immortal cell line (myeloma)
3. Exon struktur gen yang mengkod eprotein
4. Intron regio yang sering ditemukn pada gen eukariot yang dibuang saaat splicing proccess
5. Non-coding DNA pita DNA di gen yang tidak membawa informasi produk gen yang dipakai
6. Gen regulation gen yang megatur sel untuk bereaksi cepat terhadap perubahan
7. DNA A,G,T,C RNA A,G,U,C A+G = T+C
8. GC punya melting point lebih dari AT karena punya 3 ikatan hidrogen
9. Selama transkripsi, template stand dibaca dari arah 3-5
10. Reverse transcriptase: DNA diprduksi dari RNA
11. Tudung 5 : Bahan yang ditambahkan ke RNA selama proses modifikasi mRNA selama
Ekor Poli A : tidak ditranskripsikan menjadi protein, melindungi mRNA dari degradasi, ekspor
dari nukleus
12. Transkripsi dan translasi di sel prokariotik terjadi terus menerus karena tidak ada membran
13. Mengapa protein yg diproduksi? Karena main molecule for metabolism
14. Primer product of translation is polipeptdes
15. Destinasi produk translasi tidak akan salah karena memiliki primer sequence
16. UV light : base excision repair (SER) DNA repair in mutation that caused by UV light
Hydrolitic dan oxidatve deamination: nitrosamines
Oxidatives kerusakan : G 8-oxo-G deoxyribose ribose
T 5-formyl-T
Alkilasi : putusin ikatan hidrogen
17. Point mutation pindah di satu titik ATTCGGTGA
18. The natural form or condition of a gene is called wild type
19. Base excision repair:
Replication stops before mutation and continues after it
Gap repaired by DNA frgment from sister molecule
Mutation is not repaired but is not replicated
20. Rate mutation humn (3000 nukleotida/min) is lower than acteria (30.000 nukleotida/min),
because one generation in bactera only in a few minutes
21. S phase cycle cell replikasi DNA supaya sel bisa dibagi 2
22. Cdks (cyclin defendant kinases) are activated by fosforilation after binding to cyclins as
players in control of the cell cycle
In early part of G1 phase, type D cycline bind to CDK4 and CDK6
Cyclin helps the cell move from G1 to S
CDK inhibitors include p21, p27, dan p57
23. P53 recognizes and stops the abnormal cell to grow/tell the cell kill itself
24. Necrosis form of cell death that caused by cellular metabolic colapse
25. Cystic fibrosis (kromosom 7), excessive secretion of mucus and lung infection
26. Phenylketonuria (PKU) (kromosom 12) 1:12000, genetic autosomal ressessive disorder
27. Sckle cell anemia (kromosom 11) 1:12 in US black
28. Deficiency of G6PD get hemolytic anemia if eat primaquin/sulpha medicine
29. Cell lysis main principle of extraction of DNA
30. Function EDT inhibiting protease
31. Function Detergent (PBS) break a cell membrane
32. Centrifugation separate DNA from other molecules after cell lysis
33. Alkohol (Et OH) recipitate the DNA
34. PCR is an amplification of DNA molecule in vitro (klo di i n vivo mirip replikasi)
35. Annealing attachment of dnpts (deoxynucleid triple phosphate; A,,C,G) in PCR
36. In electrophoresis of PCR (amplicon), the DNA will run from katoda (-) to anoda (+)
37. Visualization of amplicon is used UV light and Et Bromida
38. Gene therapy of insulin dependnt DM able to improve and stimulae beta cell pancreas
39. Gene therapy of SCID stem cells produce T-cells indefinitely
40. RNA virus vector retrovirus and lent virus, DNA virus adenoviruses and
41. Benefit Liposome vector no potent antibody response
42. Retrovirus which consist of RnA (HIVE) can synthesis DNA from an RNA template as part of
their life cycle
43. Property of ideal vector that lead to expression of the therapeutic protein, but not of viral
protein is.....
44. Vector that often used to develop new vaccine is....
45. Reources of embryonic germ cell such as....
46. Not all genes are switched on all the time, because our bodies have many different types of
47. Profase kromatin DNA kondens jadi kromosom
48. G2 phase the cell grows and synthesize protein, prepaing to devide
49. Neoplastic transformation could occur by one of the following:....
50. Centrifugation process in DNA extraction is to separate molecule based on rotein and non
protein (pake chelex)
51. DNA extraction is separating RNA from the specimen by adding DNAase
52. Base substitution : transversion
53. Frame shift muattion might caused by: ....
54. DNA ligase joined the DNA segments tof orm DNA recombinant
55. A method to detect chromosome using a probe is called hybridization
56. Genome all the genetic material in an rganism
57. Allele
58. Taylor medicine treatment of patient is based on genetic characteristic
59. Lipoprotein is a structured protein
60. Proteins that helps DNA stay coiled is called histone

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