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A Junior Scout's uniform consists of a short-sleeve (girls wear long sleeves) grey shirt, with two

pockets with buttons on the left and right breast, the official neckerchief, the forage cap, navy-
blue pants, the official bronze belt, navy-blue socks and black canvas shoes with laces. A
miniature Malaysian flag is stitched on the right breast pocket and the Tenderfoot badge
(analogous to the same-named first rank in U.S. scouting) stitched on the left one. The
neckerchief, with red, white and blue stripes, is worn about the collar, fastened with the
official woggle. The forage cap has a badge with the Malaysian Scout emblem on one side.
On the left sleeve are one's patrol's name and merit badges. On the right sleeve is one's state,
district, and troop number. The advancement badge is sewn below the troop number when a
Junior Scout earns it. Depending on a Junior Scout's rank and/or badges, he/she may be allowed
to wear a lanyard.
A Senior Scout's uniform is the same as the Junior Scout's except for the position of badges.
The King's Scout badge is worn on the left sleeve, five centimetres below the patrol badge. On
the left sleeve is one's patrol's name, and one's advancement badges. The Senior Scout's have
up to five advancement badges. Once taken, the Senior Scout will go on to become a King's
Scout. The King's Scout badge is worn five centimeters below the patrol badge in place of all five
Senior Badges.
A Leader's (Rovers/Scoutmasters) uniform is the same as the Junior Scouts with the exception
of the badges sewn and the epaulets worn. Rovers wear red epaulets while Assistant
Scoutmasters through the Chief Scout wear blue epaulets bearing different symbols. A Rover
Crew may make its own Crew emblem and the one can sew it on the right sleeve below the Crew
Letter. The advancement badges for Rovers are worn on the left breast, below the Rover badge,
while the miniature King's Scout Badge is worn on the left sleeve.
The Scout emblem incorporates elements of the coat of arms of Malaysia.
Regardless of which unit one is a member of, one must pass the Keahlian (Tenderfoot) test
before being eligible for any other badges. This test examines one on one's qualifications to
become a Scout, testing one on the Scout uniform, Scout emblems, Scout oath, Scout laws,
Scout salute and sign, the history of Scouting, and basic knot-tying, such as tying a reef knot.
For Pengakap Kanak-Kanak (Cub Scouts), one may receive the Keris Gangsa (Bronze Dagger)
badge, Keris Perak (Silver Dagger) badge and Keris Emas (Gold Dagger) badge. The dagger
or Keris is a Malay dagger used as an official weapon by the royalty. One must attain all
preceding badges before qualifying for the next one. Besides that, one may also receive various
merit badges throughout the course of receiving the three Keris badges. Someone who has
achieved the Keris Emas badge with certain merit badges is entitled to wear the Rambu
Pengakap Kanak-Kanak (Cub Scout Lanyard), which is blue in colour.
For Pengakap Muda (Scout), one may receive the Usaha (Third Class) badge, Maju (Second
Class) badge and Jaya (First Class) badge. One must attain all preceding badges before
qualifying for the next one. Same as the previous stage, one can also receive a total of eight
merit badges; two for hobbies, three for knowledge, and another three for service. Someone who
achieves the First Class badge with the eight other merit badges is entitled to wear the Rambu
Pengakap Muda (Junior Scout Lanyard), which is green in colour.
For Pengakap Remaja (Senior Scout), one may receive Jaya Diri (Independence)
badge, Kemahiran (Skills) badge, Kegiatan (Activities) badge, Ekspedisi (Expedition) badge
andPerkhidmatan (Service) badge. These badges are often known as the five senior badges
(Lima Lencana Tertinggi) after the King's Scout badge, for a scout who achieves these badges
has earned all the badges available, and is eligible to become a King's Scout, as well as entitled
to the Rambu Pengakap Remaja (Senior Scout Lanyard), which is yellow in colour.

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