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September 2014
Madam Speaker,
Honorable members
I wish to take on this opportunity to thank you Madam Speaker and
Honorable Members in approving my appointment as rime Minister!
I wish to also thank His "#$ellen$y the resident %or the trust and
$on&den$e in appointing me as rime Minister!
'et me take this opportunity to thank my prede$essor, (dugu )mama
Mbaba*i, who has served very well as rime Minister o% the +epubli$ o%
,ganda %or the last 3 years!
)s you well know, the duties o% the -.$e o% the rime Minister are well
I will be %o$using on implementation o% the Movement Mani%esto, the
(ational /evelopment lan and the $oordination o% 0overnment
programs as approved by arliament!
-ur %o$us will be on implementation o% the many in%rastru$tural
pro1e$ts underway and we will $ontinue to prioriti*e improved servi$e
delivery to the people! 2o that end, I wish to reiterate that it is our
$olle$tive responsibility to ensure that our population a$$ess the
essential servi$es that they are duly entitled to su$h as health and
edu$ation among others!
In order to address the problem o% poverty and youth unemployment,
promotion o% private se$tor investments and 1ob $reation must remain
a top priority! 3e must also %o$us on moderni*ation o% agri$ulture,
industriali*ation and value addition as key pillars o% our trans%ormation
'et us intensi%y our $olle$tive e4ort to $ombat $orruption, a vi$e that
has plagued our so$iety and still remains a $hallenge! 0reater
emphasis will be pla$ed on a$$ountability and transparen$y in
managing publi$ a4airs! 2his is a responsibility o% 0overnment, the
-pposition and o% every ,gandan $iti*en!
-ur $ountry has had a di.$ult history5 one s$arred with wars, disease
and natural $alamities, to whi$h so many lives have been lost!
2hrough struggle and sa$ri&$e, ,ganda has sin$e emerged out o% this
di.$ult period and is now playing a vanguard role in promoting
regional se$urity and so$io6e$onomi$ development!
)s I take on this new responsibility, I take it on %ully aware o% the hard
times, struggle and sa$ri&$e that ,gandans have gone through,
however, -ur nation has also attained signi&$ant a$hievements,
promising great opportunities and bright %uture!
I $all upon all honorable members o% this this )ugust house and our
%ellow $iti*ens, to $olle$tively $onsolidate these a$hievements as we
work together in advan$ing ,ganda7s trans%ormation agenda!
I thank you Madam Speaker, and I say this %or 0od and my $ountry!

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