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Industrial Relations Management

Assignment # 03
Reviewed and submitted by: Mansoor Ali Seelro (BBA VIII)

Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) Law in Pakistan
EQUAL employment opportunity (EEO) is the assurance that all employment-related actions are
based on objective, non-discriminatory criteria. tate and !ederal la"s and re#ulations prohibit
employment discrimination on the basis o! race, color, reli#ion, national ori#in, citi$enship, se%,
a#e, disability, etc. E&ual employment opportunity prohibits discrimination a#ainst anyone on
any prete%t. 'he EEO spea(s o! the e&uality o! every human bein# "hile considerin# a candidate
be!ore, durin# and a!ter employment. 'he EEO anti-discrimination protections apply to all o!
the terms and conditions o! employment, includin# but not limited to recruitment and
selection, promotions, testin#, trainin# and development opportunities, hirin#, trans!ers, "or(
assi#nments, discipline, compensation, dischar#e, per!ormance evaluation, "or(in#
environment and other conditions o! service. A!!irmative action is an e!!ort to undo the un!air
practices o! the past in various or#ani$ations. )t is a means to level the playin# !ield !or "omen,
individuals "ith disabilities, underprivile#ed classes and minorities as a lo#ical step to"ards
e&ual employment.
*elo" points hi#hli#ht some o! the provisions in +a(istani la" that discoura#e rather, prohibit
any sort o! discrimination in Employment Opportunities o!!ered in all industries. 'he very basis
o! la" in +a(istan is the ,-./ constitution.
According to the Constitution of 1!"#
Article $% says no person other"ise &uali!ied can be discriminated a#ainst in the
matter o! employment on the basis o! race, reli#ion, caste, #ender, residence or
place o! birth (E%ceptions0 speci!ic services can be reserved !or members o!
either se% i! such posts1services re&uire duties "hich cannot be ade&uately
per!ormed by the members o! other se%, e.#. Lady 2ealth 3isitor)

Industrial Relations Management
Assignment # 03
Reviewed and submitted by: Mansoor Ali Seelro (BBA VIII)

Article $! puts complete ban on discrimination on the basis o! #ender in
appointment in 4the service in +a(istan4, provided that the per!ormance and
!unctions o! the job can be carried out by, and is deemed suitable !or, both
Article "$ o! the constitution says that special representation shall be #iven to
"omen in local #overnment institutions (i.e., local bodies).
5ith unemployment rate hoverin# at around ,/6, and most o! them not "ell educated7
considerin# the socio economic !actors, discrimination is common and has to be reduced or
eliminated by creatin# a"areness amon# people. 'he !irst step to protect your ri#hts is to (no"
them. 8ost o! the labor !orce loo(in# !or jobs in +a(istan is not a"are o! their ri#hts and hence
a lar#e number o! people searchin# !or "or( are a victim o! discrimination. 9or your ne%t job
search, ma(e sure you raise your voice a#ainst any sort o! discrimination be it racial, reli#ious,
ethnic or o! any sort. :onstitution o! +a(istan #uarantees your ri#ht !or E&ual Employment
Opportunity. ;no" your ri#hts, don<t be a victim o! discrimination. 'he role o! recruitment
companies and on line job portals is vital in this re#ard. 'hey should not only discoura#e
discrimination, but try to ensure that the hirin# made throu#h them does not violate the e&ual
employment opportunity provisions laid do"n in ,-./ constitution o! +a(istan.
On line =ob portals in +a(istan should help promotin# e&ual employment opportunities by
restrictin# Employers not to use any discriminatory lan#ua#e i.e. racial, se%ual, and reli#ious or
a#eism "hile postin# jobs online. 'hou#h it does not ensure ,>>6 e&ual employment
opportunities, still it<s a commendable step to"ards achievin# e&ual employment opportunity

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