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Vertical-Edge-Based Car-License-Plate

Detection Method
The projects presents that a fast method for car license plate detection by using three major
contributions such as vertical edge detection algorithm, car license plate detection method and
unwanted line elimination algorithm.
The car-license-plate (CL! recognition system is an image processing technology used to identify
vehicles by capturing their CLs. The CL recognition technology is "nown as automatic number-
plate recognition, automatic vehicle identification, CL recognition, or optical character
recognition for cars. #sually, a CL$%& consists of three parts: license-plate (L! detection
(L$!, character segmentation, and character recognition. 'mong these, L$ is the most important
part in the system because it affects the system(s accuracy. )n vehicle trac"ing systems, cameras are
used and installed in front of police cars to identify those vehicles. #sually, numerous vehicle
trac"ing and pursue systems use outstanding cameras , and this leads to cost increment of the
system in both hardware and software. &ince many methods have been proposed in various
intelligent transportation system applications, the CL$%& is usually based on an image ac*uired at
+,- . ,/- resolution 0/1. 'n enhancement of CL$ method performance such as reduction of
computation time and algorithm comple2ity, or even the build of the L recognition system with
lower cost of its hardware devices, will ma"e it more practical and usable than before. This paper
proposed a method for CL$, in which a web camera with 345 . 5// resolution is used instead of
a more sophisticated web camera. )n this paper, the web camera is used to capture the images, and
an off line process is performed to detect the plate from the whole scene image.
Existing system:
)n previous systems, some researchers have been wor"ing on L$ in comple2 conditions. The
proposed an L$ algorithm using both statistical features and L templates. 'fter the statistical
features were used to select the regions of interest (%6)s!, L templates were applied to match the
%6). )n many cases, general L templates are very difficult to be constructed. Their algorithm
used character regions as basic units of Ls, which ma"e the algorithm *uite robust to view point
and illumination. 7oreover, their algorithm can wor" on a fi2ed scale. 8ence, the application of
this algorithm is restricted. The most common and earliest edge detection algorithms are those
based on the gradient, such as the &obel operator and the %oberts operator. 9umerous previous
methods have used the &obel operator to e2tract the vertical edges in CL$&.
Proposed system:
This proposed system has three contributions: The :;$' is proposed and used for detecting
vertical edges< the proposed CL$ method processes low-*uality images produced by a web cam-
era, which has a resolution of 345 . 5// with 3- fps< and the computation time of the CL$
method is less than several methods. )n this paper, the color input image is converted to a gray
scale image, and then, adaptive thresholding ('T! is applied on the image to constitute the
binari=ed image. 'fter that, the #L;' is applied to remove noise and to enhance the binari=ed
image. 9e2t, the vertical edges are e2tracted by using the :;$'. The ne2t process is to detect the
L< the plate details are highlighted based on the pi2el value with the help of the :;$' output.
Then, some statistical and logical operations are used to detect candidate regions and to search for
the true candidate region. >inally, the true plate region is detected in the original image.
Bloc Diagram:
?C7 5/34
@eb cam

!lo" chart:
color input image

&:7 training and Classification of
9umber late

6utput $isplay

'daptive Threshold
Aray- )mage
Character %ecognition using
9eural 9etwor"
Pro#ect Modules:
Image capturing and pre-processing:
The video is captured by using web cam and the frames from the video is segregated and
undergone to the pre-processing.
%echni&ue o' A%: ( The idea in algorithm is that the pi2el is compared with an average of
neighboring pi2els. &pecifically, an appro2imate moving average of the last & pi2els seen is
calculated while traversing the image. )f the value of the current pi2el is T percent lower than the
average, then it is set to blac"< otherwise, it is set to white. This techni*ue is useful because
comparing a pi2el to the average of neighboring pi2els will "eep hard contrast lines and ignore soft
gradient changes. The advantage of this techni*ue is that only a single pass through the image is
Module ):
*VM training and classi'ication:
)t has the following steps in it.
B. *et up the training data
5. *et up *VM+s parameters
3. %rain the *VM.
,. ,egions classi'ied -y the *VM
4. *upport .ectors.
Module 3:
/eural net"or training and classi'ication:
$(Character training is used to train the characters (
)( %rained character are tested "ith the sample plates "hich consist o' characters( %he
samples plates are o-tained 'rom the pre.ious process(
System Requirement:
Software Requirement:
Language : Embedded C
Compiler : gcc.
OS : linux
Hardware Requirement:
BCM 2835
eb cam

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