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Establishing a Comprehensive and Standardized Cell Type Characterization Platform 1-U01-MH105982-01 1604231

High-Density Recording and Stimulating Microelectrodes 1-U01-NS090454-01 603588

Combining genetics, genomics, and anatomy to classify cell types across mammals 1-U01-MH105949-01 1163776
Dissecting human brain circuits in vivo using ultrasonic neuromodulation 1-R24-MH106107-01 471884
Time-Reversal Optical Focusing for Noninvasive Optogenetics 1-U01-NS090577-01 707393
Integrative Functional Mapping of Sensory-Motor Pathways 1-U01-NS090514-01 1102838
Modular nanophotonic probes for dense neural recording at single-cell resolution 1-U01-NS090596-01 1424715
An optogenetic toolkit for the interrogation and control of single cells. 1-U01-MH106035-01 452400
Towards quantitative cell type-based mapping of the whole mouse brain 1-U01-MH105971-01 1287507
Developing drivers for neuron type-specific gene expression 1-U01-MH105924-01 626011
Optimization of 3-photon microscopy for Large Scale Recording in Mouse Brain 1-U01-NS090530-01 640264
Path Toward MRI with Direct Sensitivity to Neuro-Electro-Magnetic Oscillations 1-R24-MH106048-01 470998
In-vivo circuit activity measurement at single cell, sub-threshold resolution 1-U01-MH106027-01 504959
Large-Scale Electrophysiological Recording and Optogenetic Control System 1-U01-NS090557-01 585920
Neural circuits in zebrafish: form, function and plasticity 1-U01-NS090449-01 1724181
Comprehensive Classification Of Neuronal Subtypes By Single Cell Transcriptomics 1-U01-MH105960-01 1362489
Development of Protein-based Voltage Probes 1-U01-NS090565-01 525001
Imaging in vivo neurotransmitter modulation of brain network activity in realtime 1-R24-MH106083-01 497799
Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) for Functional Brain Imaging in Humans 1-R24-MH106053-01 523879
Mapping neuronal chloride microdomains 1-U01-MH106013-01 913294
Calcium sensors for molecular fMRI 1-U01-NS090451-01 389332
Vascular Interfaces for Brain Imaging and Stimulation1-R24-MH106075-01 468000
Next generation high-throughput random access imaging, in vivo 1-U01-NS090438-01 522182
Novel technologies for nontoxic transsynaptic tracing1-U01-MH106018-01 699916
Ultra-Multiplexed Nanoscale In Situ Proteomics for Understanding Synapse Types 1-U01-MH106011-01 753278
Cortical circuits and information flow during memory-guided perceptual decisions 1-U01-NS090473-01 809934
Neurotransmitter Absolute Concentration Determination with Diamond Electrode 1-U01-NS090455-01 800917
Behavioral readout of spatiotemporal codes dissected by holographic optogenetics 1-U01-NS090498-01 822572
Three Dimensional Holography for Parallel Multi-target Optogenetic Circuit Manipulation 1-U01-NS090501-01 427740
Mechanisms of neural circuit dynamics in working memory 1-U01-NS090541-01 1019003
Vertically integrated approach to visual neuroscience: microcircuits to behavior 1-U01-NS090562-01 1266225
Remote regulation of neural activity 1-U01-MH105941-01 419503
Epigenomic mapping approaches for cell-type classification in the brain 1-U01-MH105985-01 1182666
Protein voltage sensors: kilohertz imaging of neural dynamics in behaving animals 1-U01-NS090600-01 932439
Genetically encoded sensors for the biogenic amines: watching neuromodulation in action 1-U01-NS090604-01 381547
Genetically encoded reporters of integrated neural activity for functional mapping of neural circuitry 1-U01-NS090581-01 702145
Optical control of synaptic transmission for in vivo analysis of brain circuits and behavior 1-U01-NS090527-01 768849
Classification of Cortical Neurons by Single Cell Transcriptomics 1-U01-MH105991-01 875397
MRI Corticography (MRCoG): Micro-scale Human Cortical Imaging 1-R24-MH106096-01 496313
Novel Genetic Strategy for Sparse Labeling and Manipulation of Mammalian Neurons 1-U01-MH106008-01 592089
Defining cell types, lineage, and connectivity in developing human fetal cortex 1-U01-MH105991-01 875397
Optogenetic mapping of synaptic activity and control of intracellular signaling 1-U01-NS090590-01 387500
Classifying Cortical Neurons by Correlating Transcriptome with Function 1-U01-MH105959-01 491207
Revealing the connectivity and functionality of brain stem circuits 1-U01-NS090595-01 851597
Identification of enhancers whose activity defines cortical interneuron types 1-U01-MH105948-01 487159
Modular systems for measuring and manipulating brain activity 1-U01-NS090537-01 828048
Mapping the Developing Human Neocortex by Massively Parallel Single Cell Analysis 1-U01-MH105989-01 1605807
Towards a Complete Description of the Circuitry Underlying Memory replay. 1-U01-NS090583-01 645330
The role of patterned activity in neuronal codes for behavior 1-U01-NS090576-01 910528
Crowd coding in the brain:3D imaging and control of collective neuronal dynamics 1-U01-NS090569-01 505511
Modular High-Density Optoelectrodes for Local Circuit Analysis 1-U01-NS090526-01 655154
Imaging Brain Function in Real World Environments & Populations with Portable MRI 1-R24-MH105998-01 393751
Advancing MRI & MRS Technologies for Studying Human Brain Function and Energetics 1-R24-MH106049-01 468696
Dreadd2.0: An Enhanced Chemogenetic Toolkit 1-U01-MH105892-01 997398
Multi-area two-photon microscopy for revealing long-distance communication between multiple local brain circuits 1-U01-NS090475-01 365093
Fast High-Resolution Deep Photoacoustic Tomography of Action Potentials in Brains 1-U01-NS090579-01 1151158
Imaging the Brain in Motion: The Ambulatory Micro-Dose, Wearable PET Brain Imager 1-R24-MH106057-01 538996
A Novel Approach for Cell-Type Classification and Connectivity in the Human Brain 1-U01-MH105972-01 1892843
389332 471884
468000 707393
522182 1102838
699916 1424715
3642642 3706830
$1,604,231 Zeng, Hongkui (contact); Anderson, David J Allen Institute for Brain Science
$603,588 Gardner, Timothy James Boston University (Charles River Campus)
$1,163,776 Nelson, Sacha B (contact); Bejerano, Gill; Lois, Carlos; Mitra, Partha Pratim Brandeis University
$471,884 Tsao, Doris Ying (contact); Makeig, Scott; O'doherty, John P; Shapiro, Mikhail California Institute of Technology
$707,393 Yang, Changhuei (contact); Gradinaru, Viviana California Institute of Technology
$1,102,838 Dickinson, Michael H (contact); Holmes, Philip J; Mann, Richard S; Wilson, Rachel California Institute of Technology
$1,424,715 Roukes, Michael L (contact); Shepard, Kenneth L; Siapas, Athanassios G; Tolias, Andreas Savas California Institute of Technology
$452,400 Hannon, Gregory J Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
$1,287,507 Osten, Pavel Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
$626,021 Hobert, Oliver Columbia University
$640,264 Xu, Chris Cornell University
$470,998 Song, Allen W Duke University
504,959 Forest, Craig (contact); Stanley, Garrett B. Georgia Institute of Technology
$585,920 Goodell, Albert Baldwin Graymatter Research
$1,724,181 Engert, Florian Harvard University
$1,362,489 Sanes, Joshua R (contact); Regev, Aviv; Schier, Alexander F; Zhang, Yi Havard University
$525,001 Pieribone, Vincent A John B. Pierce Laboratory, Inc.
$497,799 Wong, Dean Foster (contact); Rahmim, Arman Johns Hopkins University
$523,879 Wald, Lawrence L (contact); Conolly, Steven M; Griswold, Mark Massachusetts General Hospital
$913,294 Staley, Kevin J. Massachusetts General Hospital
$389,332 Jasanoff, Alan Massachusetts Institute of Technology
$468,000 Desimone, Robert Massachusetts Institute of Technology
$522,182 Nedivi, Elly (contact); So, Peter T. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
$699,916 Wickersham, Ian R Massachusetts Institute of Technology
$735,278 Boyden, Edwards S. (contact); Bathe, Mark; Yin, Peng Massachusetts Institute of Technology
$809,934 Sur, Mriganka Massachusetts Institute of Technology
$800,917 Lee, Kendall H (contact); Manciu, Felicia S.; Tomshine, Johnathan R Mayo Clinic Rochester
$822,572 Rinberg, Dmitry (contact); Shoham, Shy New York University School of Medicine
$427,740 Picaud, Serge Pierre and Marie Curie University
$1,019,003 Brody, Carlos D (contact); Bialek, William; Seung, Hyunjune Sebastian; Tank, David W; Wang, Samuel Sheng-Hung; Witten, Ilana Princeton University
$1,266,225 Seung, Hyunjune Sebastian Princeton University
$419,503 Stanley, Sarah Amy Rockefeller University
$1,182,666 Ecker, Joseph R (contact); Behrens, M Margarita Salk Institute for Biological Studies
$932,439 Schnitzer, Mark J (contact); Lin, Michael Z. Stanford University
$381,547 Tian, Lin University of California at Davis
$702,145 Lam, Kit S (contact); Trimmer, James S University of California at Davis
$768,849 Kramer, Richard (contact); Isacoff, Ehud University of California Berkeley
$875,397 Ngai, John J. University of California Berkeley
$496,313 Feinberg, David Alan (contact); Liu, Chunlei; Mukherjee, Pratik; Setsompop, Kawin University of California Berkley
$592,089 Yang, Xiangdong William University of California Los Angeles
$875,397 Geschwind, Daniel H University of California Los Angeles
$387,500 Lin, John Yu-Luen University of California San Diego
$491,207 Scanziani, Massimo University of California San Diego
$851,597 Kleinfeld, David (contact); Berg, Darwin K; Deschenes, Martin; Freund, Yoav Shai; Goulding, Martyn D; Knutsen, Per M University of California San Diego
$487,159 Rubenstein, John L. R. (contact); Sohal, Vikaas Singh University of California, San Francisco
$828,048 Frank, Loren M (contact); Harrison, Reid; Tolosa, Vanessa University of California, San Francisco
$1,605,807 Kriegstein, Arnold University of California, San Francisco
$645,330 Soltesz, Ivan University of California-Irvine
$910,528 Maunsell, John Hr University of Chicago
$505,511 Kanold, Patrick O (contact); Losert, Wolfgang; Plenz, Dietmar University of Maryland College PK Campus
$655,154 Yoon, Euisik (contact); Buzsaki, Gyorgy; Wise, Kensall David University Of Michigan
$393,751 Garwood, Michael G (contact); Vaughan, John T University of Minnesota
$468,696 Chen, Wei (contact); Yang, Qing X University of Minnesota
$997,398 Roth, Bryan L (contact); Jin, Jian; Kash, Thomas L University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
$365,093 Helmchen, Fritjof University of Zurich
$1,151,158 Wang, Lihong Washington University
$538,996 Julie Brefczynski-Lewis West Virginia University
$1,892,843 Sestan, Nenad Yale University
$389,332 0
$468,000 $468,000
$522,182 $522,182
$699,916 $699,916
$735,278 $735,278
$809,934 $809,934
Dr. Zeng's group will characterize cell types in brain circuits controlling sensations, such as vision and emotions, as a first step to better understand information processing across circuits. The data generated will be posted as a public online resource for the scientific community.
Dr. Gardner and his colleagues will develop ultrathin electrodes that minimize tissue damage and are designed for long-term recording of neural electrical activity.
To gain a deeper understanding of how cells have evolved specialized features, Dr. Nelson and colleagues will create transgenic strains of rats and mice that carry identical genetic modifications in many different cell types and see how the properties of these cells diverge across species.
In rodents, monkeys and eventually humans, Dr. Tsao's team will explore use of non-invasive, high resolution ultrasound to impact neural activity deep in the brain and modify behavior.
Dr. Yang's team plans to develop a light and sound system that will noninvasively shine lasers on individual cells deep within the brain and activate light-sensitive molecules to precisely guide neuronal firing.
Dr. Dickinson will lead an interdisciplinary team to study how the brain uses sensory information to guide movements, by recording the activity of individual neurons from across the brain in fruit flies, as they walk on a treadmill and see and smell a variety of sights and odors.
Dr. Roukes and his team propose to build ultra-dense, light-emitting and -sensing probes for optogenetics, which could simultaneously record the electrical activity of thousands of neurons in any given region of the brain.
Dr. Hannon's group will develop optogenetic techniques that use pulses of light to control genes and isolate proteins in specific cell types in the brain for molecular studies.
The Osten team will develop an automated system to image different types of brain cells and their connections in mice, to pinpoint differences between males and females, across the lifespan.
Dr. Hobert and colleagues will create a highly selective technology for experimentally manipulating genes in neurons, by tapping into the regulatory machinery of individual cell types.
Dr. Xu and his collaborators will build new lasers and lenses to use three-photon microscopy to watch neuronal activity far deeper inside the brain than currently possible.
Dr. Song's group will develop a scanner technology sensitive enough to image brain activity in high resolution by directly tuning in the electromagnetic signals broadcast by neurons.
Dr. Forest's team will detect subtle disruptions in neuron-to-neuron communications as occur in brain disorders using a newly developed robot-guided technique.
Dr. Goodell and his colleagues aim to develop optrodes, which are implantable columns of lights and wires for simultaneous electrical recording of neurons and delivery of light flashes to multiple brain areas.
Dr. Engert's team will combine a wide array of cutting-edge neuroscience techniques to watch the entire brain activity of a see-through fish while it swims, and to make detailed maps of its brain circuitry.
Dr. Sanes and colleagues will use new methods of genetic screening to comprehensively catalog and distinguish different kinds of cells across species and brain regions.
Dr. Pieribone and his team will optimize fluorescent voltage probe technology, to allow scientists to measure the activity of thousands of neurons using only a camera and a microscope.
Dr. Wong and colleagues will explore the possibility that newly developed infrared chemical tags may be used for minimally invasive imaging of rapidly changing human brain chemical messenger activity with greater time resolution.
The Wald team plans to use an iron-oxide contrast agent to track blood volume, which will permit dramatically more sensitive imaging of human brain activity than existing methods.
Using protein engineering technology to monitor the movement of chloride through inhibitory neurotransmitter receptor channels, Dr. Staley's group aims to understand the role of chloride microdomains in memory.
Dr. Jasanoff's team will synthesize calcium-sensing contrast agents that will allow functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans to reveal activity of individual brain cells.
Dr. Desimone's project will access the brain through its network of blood vessels to less invasively image, stimulate and monitor electrical and molecular activity than existing methods.
Dr. Nedivi's team proposes a new imaging technology to simultaneously record activity at each of the thousands of synapses, or communication points, on a single neuron.
Dr. Wickersham and colleagues will develop nontoxic viral tracers to assist in the study of neural circuitry underlying complex behaviors.
Dr. Boyden's team will simultaneously image both the identities and locations of multiple proteins within individual synapses made possible by a new technique called DNA-PAINT.
Dr. Sur and his team will combine a number of cutting-edge, large-scale imaging and computational techniques to determine the exact brain circuits involved in generating short term memories that influence decisions.
Dr. Kendall and his colleagues will develop diamond-coated electrodes to measure concentrations of the brain chemical dopamine more accurately and over long periods of time in the brain.
Dr. Rinberg's team aims to understand how the brain turns odors into nerve signals by activating and recording neurons in the olfactory bulbs of mice as they detect a variety of odors.
Dr. Picaud's team will continue its development of holographic imaging to use lasers to induce the natural electrical activity of neurons and test theories of how circuits produce behaviors in a range of animal models.
Dr. Brody and his colleagues will study the underlying neuronal circuitry that contributes to short-term "working" memory, using tools to record circuit activity across many brain areas simultaneously while rodents run on a track-ball through virtual mazes projected onto a screen.
With the help of "citizen scientists" via an online video game called EyeWire, Dr. Seung and his colleagues will thoroughly map how light is transformed into nerve signals by the circuits of the retina, the light-sensing tissue in the eye.
The Stanley team will focus on the development of tools to instantly and precisely target cell activity deep in the brain using radio waves, nanoparticles and genetically modified viruses.
Dr. Ecker's group will use signatures of epigenetics, the switching on-and-off of genes in response to experience, in mouse frontal cortex to help identify different classes of cells and understand their function.
Dr. Schnitzer and his team have created a new system for developing optical voltage sensors, which will allow scientists to simultaneously record firing of large groups of neurons or electrical activity in precise locations inside of neurons, such as synapses.
Dr. Tian and her colleagues will create sensors that will allow researchers to see how molecules like dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin regulate activity of neural circuits and behavior in living animals.
Dr. Lam's team plans to develop fluorescent sensors that will mark ion channels, molecules that help control information flow in the brain, and enable scientists to observe the neurons that are activated during a specific behavior, such as running.
Dr. Kramer's team will develop light-triggered chemical compounds that selectively activate or inhibit neurotransmitter receptors on neurons, to precisely control the signals sent between brain cells in behaving animals.
To understand what makes neurons distinct, Dr. Ngai's team will explore one major type of mouse brain cell, pinpointing genes responsible for differentiating them into subtypes and will also test whether each subtype has unique functions, using a new technique that labels them with tagged genes.
To image the activity and connections of the brain's cortex on a micro scale with dramatically higher resolution than existing scanners Dr. Feinberg's group will employ high sensitivity MRI coils that focus exclusively on the brain's surface.
Dr. Yang's team will develop a new way to genetically target specific neurons, incorporating streamlined imaging and mapping methods that will enable the detection of sparse populations of cells that often elude existing methods.
Dr. Geschwind's group will explore the diversity of cell types in the developing human brain, and will bring to bear state-of-the-art genetic and cellular visualization technology to map and trace the relationship between cell types across the cortex.
Dr. Lin's team will create molecules that, when they are triggered by a pulse of light, allow scientists to test for communication between neurons in specific circuits of the brain.
Dr. Scanziani's team will record neuronal responses to different visual stimuli to discover how individual brain cell activity is linked to expression of specific genes.
Dr. Kleinfeld and his colleagues will use a variety of tools and techniques to create detailed maps of circuits in the brainstem, the region that regulates many life-sustaining functions such as breathing and swallowing, and match the circuits to actions they control.
Dr. Rubenstein and colleagues plan to identify enhancer molecules specific to particular types of interneurons that relay neural signals and use this information to profile distinct cell types and new ways to manipulate genes.
Dr. Frank and his colleagues will engineer a next-generation, all-in-one neural recording and stimulating system, which can simultaneously monitor thousands of neurons in the brain for several months while also delivering drugs, light or electrical pulses.
By combining genetic, molecular and physiological techniques at the single cell level, Dr. Kriegstein and colleagues will classify diverse cell types in the prefrontal cortex of developing human brain tissue.
Dr. Soltesz's team will combine computer brain modeling and large-scale recordings of hundreds of neurons to understand how the brain generates sharp-wave-ripples, a neuronal activity pattern essential for learning and memory.
Dr. Maunsell's team will explore how large populations of neurons process visual information, using a newly developed light stimulation technique to induce brain cell activity in the visual cortex of mice.
Dr. Kanold and his team propose cutting edge methods to stimulate neurons at different depths in the auditory cortex, and will use new computational methods to understand complex interactions between neurons in mice while testing their ability to hear different sounds.
In this project, Dr. Yoon's team will make optogenetics, a technique that enables scientists to turn neurons on and off with flashes of light, more precise and diverse by creating light sources that will enable control of specific neuronal circuits with a variety of lasers.
By employing smaller, less cumbersome magnets than used in existing MRI, Dr. Garwood and colleagues will create a downsized, portable, less expensive brain scanner.
Dr. Chen's team will achieve unprecedented higher resolution magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy scanning by integrating ultra-high dielectric constant material and ultra-high-field techniques.
Dr. Roth and colleagues will build second generation technology that uses artificial neurotransmitters and receptors to manipulate brain activity simultaneously across select cells and pathways to understand their functions and potentially treat brain disorders.
Dr. Helmchen and his colleagues propose a system to simultaneously record neuronal activity in four different areas of the neocortex and discover how brain cells in different regions interact during specific behaviors.
Dr. Wang and his collaborators will test a way to image the electrical activity of neurons deep inside the brain, using a variation on ultrasound imaging he invented called photoacoustic tomography.
Dr. Brefczynski-Lewis and co-workers will engineer a wearable PET scanner that images activity of the human brain in motion for example, while taking a walk in the park.
Dr. Sestan's group will substantially advance the profiling of cell types their molecular identities and connections made possible by a new method of better preserving brain tissue to maintain cell integrity.
Dr. Zeng's group will characterize cell types in brain circuits controlling sensations, such as vision and emotions, as a first step to better understand information processing across circuits. The data generated will be posted as a public online resource for the scientific community.
Dr. Gardner and his colleagues will develop ultrathin electrodes that minimize tissue damage and are designed for long-term recording of neural electrical activity.
To gain a deeper understanding of how cells have evolved specialized features, Dr. Nelson and colleagues will create transgenic strains of rats and mice that carry identical genetic modifications in many different cell types and see how the properties of these cells diverge across species.
In rodents, monkeys and eventually humans, Dr. Tsao's team will explore use of non-invasive, high resolution ultrasound to impact neural activity deep in the brain and modify behavior.
Dr. Yang's team plans to develop a light and sound system that will noninvasively shine lasers on individual cells deep within the brain and activate light-sensitive molecules to precisely guide neuronal firing.
Dr. Dickinson will lead an interdisciplinary team to study how the brain uses sensory information to guide movements, by recording the activity of individual neurons from across the brain in fruit flies, as they walk on a treadmill and see and smell a variety of sights and odors.
Dr. Roukes and his team propose to build ultra-dense, light-emitting and -sensing probes for optogenetics, which could simultaneously record the electrical activity of thousands of neurons in any given region of the brain.
Dr. Hannon's group will develop optogenetic techniques that use pulses of light to control genes and isolate proteins in specific cell types in the brain for molecular studies.
The Osten team will develop an automated system to image different types of brain cells and their connections in mice, to pinpoint differences between males and females, across the lifespan.
Dr. Hobert and colleagues will create a highly selective technology for experimentally manipulating genes in neurons, by tapping into the regulatory machinery of individual cell types.
Dr. Xu and his collaborators will build new lasers and lenses to use three-photon microscopy to watch neuronal activity far deeper inside the brain than currently possible.
Dr. Song's group will develop a scanner technology sensitive enough to image brain activity in high resolution by directly tuning in the electromagnetic signals broadcast by neurons.
Dr. Forest's team will detect subtle disruptions in neuron-to-neuron communications as occur in brain disorders using a newly developed robot-guided technique.
Dr. Goodell and his colleagues aim to develop optrodes, which are implantable columns of lights and wires for simultaneous electrical recording of neurons and delivery of light flashes to multiple brain areas.
Dr. Engert's team will combine a wide array of cutting-edge neuroscience techniques to watch the entire brain activity of a see-through fish while it swims, and to make detailed maps of its brain circuitry.
Dr. Sanes and colleagues will use new methods of genetic screening to comprehensively catalog and distinguish different kinds of cells across species and brain regions.
Dr. Pieribone and his team will optimize fluorescent voltage probe technology, to allow scientists to measure the activity of thousands of neurons using only a camera and a microscope.
Dr. Wong and colleagues will explore the possibility that newly developed infrared chemical tags may be used for minimally invasive imaging of rapidly changing human brain chemical messenger activity with greater time resolution.
The Wald team plans to use an iron-oxide contrast agent to track blood volume, which will permit dramatically more sensitive imaging of human brain activity than existing methods.
Using protein engineering technology to monitor the movement of chloride through inhibitory neurotransmitter receptor channels, Dr. Staley's group aims to understand the role of chloride microdomains in memory.
Dr. Jasanoff's team will synthesize calcium-sensing contrast agents that will allow functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans to reveal activity of individual brain cells.
Dr. Desimone's project will access the brain through its network of blood vessels to less invasively image, stimulate and monitor electrical and molecular activity than existing methods.
Dr. Nedivi's team proposes a new imaging technology to simultaneously record activity at each of the thousands of synapses, or communication points, on a single neuron.
Dr. Wickersham and colleagues will develop nontoxic viral tracers to assist in the study of neural circuitry underlying complex behaviors.
Dr. Boyden's team will simultaneously image both the identities and locations of multiple proteins within individual synapses made possible by a new technique called DNA-PAINT.
Dr. Sur and his team will combine a number of cutting-edge, large-scale imaging and computational techniques to determine the exact brain circuits involved in generating short term memories that influence decisions.
Dr. Kendall and his colleagues will develop diamond-coated electrodes to measure concentrations of the brain chemical dopamine more accurately and over long periods of time in the brain.
Dr. Rinberg's team aims to understand how the brain turns odors into nerve signals by activating and recording neurons in the olfactory bulbs of mice as they detect a variety of odors.
Dr. Picaud's team will continue its development of holographic imaging to use lasers to induce the natural electrical activity of neurons and test theories of how circuits produce behaviors in a range of animal models.
Dr. Brody and his colleagues will study the underlying neuronal circuitry that contributes to short-term "working" memory, using tools to record circuit activity across many brain areas simultaneously while rodents run on a track-ball through virtual mazes projected onto a screen.
With the help of "citizen scientists" via an online video game called EyeWire, Dr. Seung and his colleagues will thoroughly map how light is transformed into nerve signals by the circuits of the retina, the light-sensing tissue in the eye.
The Stanley team will focus on the development of tools to instantly and precisely target cell activity deep in the brain using radio waves, nanoparticles and genetically modified viruses.
Dr. Ecker's group will use signatures of epigenetics, the switching on-and-off of genes in response to experience, in mouse frontal cortex to help identify different classes of cells and understand their function.
Dr. Schnitzer and his team have created a new system for developing optical voltage sensors, which will allow scientists to simultaneously record firing of large groups of neurons or electrical activity in precise locations inside of neurons, such as synapses.
Dr. Tian and her colleagues will create sensors that will allow researchers to see how molecules like dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin regulate activity of neural circuits and behavior in living animals.
Dr. Lam's team plans to develop fluorescent sensors that will mark ion channels, molecules that help control information flow in the brain, and enable scientists to observe the neurons that are activated during a specific behavior, such as running.
Dr. Kramer's team will develop light-triggered chemical compounds that selectively activate or inhibit neurotransmitter receptors on neurons, to precisely control the signals sent between brain cells in behaving animals.
To understand what makes neurons distinct, Dr. Ngai's team will explore one major type of mouse brain cell, pinpointing genes responsible for differentiating them into subtypes and will also test whether each subtype has unique functions, using a new technique that labels them with tagged genes.
To image the activity and connections of the brain's cortex on a micro scale with dramatically higher resolution than existing scanners Dr. Feinberg's group will employ high sensitivity MRI coils that focus exclusively on the brain's surface.
Dr. Yang's team will develop a new way to genetically target specific neurons, incorporating streamlined imaging and mapping methods that will enable the detection of sparse populations of cells that often elude existing methods.
Dr. Geschwind's group will explore the diversity of cell types in the developing human brain, and will bring to bear state-of-the-art genetic and cellular visualization technology to map and trace the relationship between cell types across the cortex.
Dr. Lin's team will create molecules that, when they are triggered by a pulse of light, allow scientists to test for communication between neurons in specific circuits of the brain.
Dr. Scanziani's team will record neuronal responses to different visual stimuli to discover how individual brain cell activity is linked to expression of specific genes.
Dr. Kleinfeld and his colleagues will use a variety of tools and techniques to create detailed maps of circuits in the brainstem, the region that regulates many life-sustaining functions such as breathing and swallowing, and match the circuits to actions they control.
Dr. Rubenstein and colleagues plan to identify enhancer molecules specific to particular types of interneurons that relay neural signals and use this information to profile distinct cell types and new ways to manipulate genes.
Dr. Frank and his colleagues will engineer a next-generation, all-in-one neural recording and stimulating system, which can simultaneously monitor thousands of neurons in the brain for several months while also delivering drugs, light or electrical pulses.
By combining genetic, molecular and physiological techniques at the single cell level, Dr. Kriegstein and colleagues will classify diverse cell types in the prefrontal cortex of developing human brain tissue.
Dr. Soltesz's team will combine computer brain modeling and large-scale recordings of hundreds of neurons to understand how the brain generates sharp-wave-ripples, a neuronal activity pattern essential for learning and memory.
Dr. Maunsell's team will explore how large populations of neurons process visual information, using a newly developed light stimulation technique to induce brain cell activity in the visual cortex of mice.
Dr. Kanold and his team propose cutting edge methods to stimulate neurons at different depths in the auditory cortex, and will use new computational methods to understand complex interactions between neurons in mice while testing their ability to hear different sounds.
In this project, Dr. Yoon's team will make optogenetics, a technique that enables scientists to turn neurons on and off with flashes of light, more precise and diverse by creating light sources that will enable control of specific neuronal circuits with a variety of lasers.
By employing smaller, less cumbersome magnets than used in existing MRI, Dr. Garwood and colleagues will create a downsized, portable, less expensive brain scanner.
Dr. Chen's team will achieve unprecedented higher resolution magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy scanning by integrating ultra-high dielectric constant material and ultra-high-field techniques.
Dr. Roth and colleagues will build second generation technology that uses artificial neurotransmitters and receptors to manipulate brain activity simultaneously across select cells and pathways to understand their functions and potentially treat brain disorders.
Dr. Helmchen and his colleagues propose a system to simultaneously record neuronal activity in four different areas of the neocortex and discover how brain cells in different regions interact during specific behaviors.
Dr. Wang and his collaborators will test a way to image the electrical activity of neurons deep inside the brain, using a variation on ultrasound imaging he invented called photoacoustic tomography.
Dr. Brefczynski-Lewis and co-workers will engineer a wearable PET scanner that images activity of the human brain in motion for example, while taking a walk in the park.
Dr. Sestan's group will substantially advance the profiling of cell types their molecular identities and connections made possible by a new method of better preserving brain tissue to maintain cell integrity.
Dr. Zeng's group will characterize cell types in brain circuits controlling sensations, such as vision and emotions, as a first step to better understand information processing across circuits. The data generated will be posted as a public online resource for the scientific community.
To gain a deeper understanding of how cells have evolved specialized features, Dr. Nelson and colleagues will create transgenic strains of rats and mice that carry identical genetic modifications in many different cell types and see how the properties of these cells diverge across species.
Dr. Dickinson will lead an interdisciplinary team to study how the brain uses sensory information to guide movements, by recording the activity of individual neurons from across the brain in fruit flies, as they walk on a treadmill and see and smell a variety of sights and odors.
Dr. Roukes and his team propose to build ultra-dense, light-emitting and -sensing probes for optogenetics, which could simultaneously record the electrical activity of thousands of neurons in any given region of the brain.
Dr. Goodell and his colleagues aim to develop optrodes, which are implantable columns of lights and wires for simultaneous electrical recording of neurons and delivery of light flashes to multiple brain areas.
Dr. Wong and colleagues will explore the possibility that newly developed infrared chemical tags may be used for minimally invasive imaging of rapidly changing human brain chemical messenger activity with greater time resolution.
Using protein engineering technology to monitor the movement of chloride through inhibitory neurotransmitter receptor channels, Dr. Staley's group aims to understand the role of chloride microdomains in memory.
Dr. Sur and his team will combine a number of cutting-edge, large-scale imaging and computational techniques to determine the exact brain circuits involved in generating short term memories that influence decisions.
Dr. Picaud's team will continue its development of holographic imaging to use lasers to induce the natural electrical activity of neurons and test theories of how circuits produce behaviors in a range of animal models.
Dr. Brody and his colleagues will study the underlying neuronal circuitry that contributes to short-term "working" memory, using tools to record circuit activity across many brain areas simultaneously while rodents run on a track-ball through virtual mazes projected onto a screen.
With the help of "citizen scientists" via an online video game called EyeWire, Dr. Seung and his colleagues will thoroughly map how light is transformed into nerve signals by the circuits of the retina, the light-sensing tissue in the eye.
Dr. Ecker's group will use signatures of epigenetics, the switching on-and-off of genes in response to experience, in mouse frontal cortex to help identify different classes of cells and understand their function.
Dr. Schnitzer and his team have created a new system for developing optical voltage sensors, which will allow scientists to simultaneously record firing of large groups of neurons or electrical activity in precise locations inside of neurons, such as synapses.
Dr. Lam's team plans to develop fluorescent sensors that will mark ion channels, molecules that help control information flow in the brain, and enable scientists to observe the neurons that are activated during a specific behavior, such as running.
Dr. Kramer's team will develop light-triggered chemical compounds that selectively activate or inhibit neurotransmitter receptors on neurons, to precisely control the signals sent between brain cells in behaving animals.
To understand what makes neurons distinct, Dr. Ngai's team will explore one major type of mouse brain cell, pinpointing genes responsible for differentiating them into subtypes and will also test whether each subtype has unique functions, using a new technique that labels them with tagged genes.
To image the activity and connections of the brain's cortex on a micro scale with dramatically higher resolution than existing scanners Dr. Feinberg's group will employ high sensitivity MRI coils that focus exclusively on the brain's surface.
Dr. Yang's team will develop a new way to genetically target specific neurons, incorporating streamlined imaging and mapping methods that will enable the detection of sparse populations of cells that often elude existing methods.
Dr. Geschwind's group will explore the diversity of cell types in the developing human brain, and will bring to bear state-of-the-art genetic and cellular visualization technology to map and trace the relationship between cell types across the cortex.
Dr. Kleinfeld and his colleagues will use a variety of tools and techniques to create detailed maps of circuits in the brainstem, the region that regulates many life-sustaining functions such as breathing and swallowing, and match the circuits to actions they control.
Dr. Rubenstein and colleagues plan to identify enhancer molecules specific to particular types of interneurons that relay neural signals and use this information to profile distinct cell types and new ways to manipulate genes.
Dr. Frank and his colleagues will engineer a next-generation, all-in-one neural recording and stimulating system, which can simultaneously monitor thousands of neurons in the brain for several months while also delivering drugs, light or electrical pulses.
Dr. Soltesz's team will combine computer brain modeling and large-scale recordings of hundreds of neurons to understand how the brain generates sharp-wave-ripples, a neuronal activity pattern essential for learning and memory.
Dr. Kanold and his team propose cutting edge methods to stimulate neurons at different depths in the auditory cortex, and will use new computational methods to understand complex interactions between neurons in mice while testing their ability to hear different sounds.
In this project, Dr. Yoon's team will make optogenetics, a technique that enables scientists to turn neurons on and off with flashes of light, more precise and diverse by creating light sources that will enable control of specific neuronal circuits with a variety of lasers.
Dr. Roth and colleagues will build second generation technology that uses artificial neurotransmitters and receptors to manipulate brain activity simultaneously across select cells and pathways to understand their functions and potentially treat brain disorders.
Dr. Helmchen and his colleagues propose a system to simultaneously record neuronal activity in four different areas of the neocortex and discover how brain cells in different regions interact during specific behaviors.
Dr. Sestan's group will substantially advance the profiling of cell types their molecular identities and connections made possible by a new method of better preserving brain tissue to maintain cell integrity.

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