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Self Esteem Repertory

Lecture Outline
1. Self Esteem: Definitions
2. Lack of Self Esteem: Major Causative Factors
3. Low Self Esteem: Energy Cycles
3. Lack of Self Esteem: Major Rubrics
4. Lack of Self Confidence: Primary Rubric
5. Lack of Self Esteem: Major Remedies
6. Increased Self Esteem: Major Remedies
7. Self Esteem Summary
Robin Murphy, N.D.
Monday, March 31,
Self Esteem Repertory
Monday, March 31,
Self Esteem: Definitions
In psychology, self-esteem reflects a
person's overall self-appraisal of his
or her own self worth.
The Positive self-esteem is viewing
yourself as a competent and worthy
person, and feeling good about
yourself. Confidence in one's own
worth or abilities; self-respect.
The Negative lack of self-esteem is
often associated with poor self image,
low self confidence and insecurity.
Monday, March 31,
Self Esteem: Definitions
Nathaniel Branden in 1969 briefly defined self-esteem as "...the
experience of being competent to cope with the basic challenges of
life and being worthy of happiness".
This two-factor approach, as some have also called it, provides a
balanced definition that seems to be capable of dealing with limits of
defining self-esteem primarily in terms of competence or worth alone.
Monday, March 31,
Self Esteem: Definitions
Abraham Maslow in his book Motivation and Personality (1943)
Monday, March 31,
Self Esteem: Major Causative Factors
Low Self Esteem
Homeopathic Case Taking: Look for the causes of low self esteem
Monday, March 31,
Self Esteem: Major Causative Factors
Humiliation Lack of self-esteem is often associated with a history of being
humiliated, abused, dominated, criticized, etc. Put down constantly and made
fun of, verbal abuse. Mortification.
Failure History of failure which caused a trauma to their self esteem and
self confidence. Feelings of deep self doubt.
Disappointment In others, society, religion, relationships, academic,
expectations, etc.
Rejection - especially by a loved ones, by parents, and by romantic society.
Feels unworthy and unloved.
Embarrassment History of an embarrassing incidence, no self confidence
Fright - Ailments due to fright which lead to deep insecurities, anxieties and
Insecurities - Sense of not being accepted, isolated, alienation. It deals with
appearance, birthmarks, race, physical appearance, handicapped. Religion, and
economic class, etc.

Homeopathic Case Taking: Look for the causes of low self esteem
Monday, March 31,
Low Self Esteems Energy Cycles
Low Self-Esteem can be the underlying cause of other conditions.
Monday, March 31,
1. ABANDONED, forsaken feelings, (see Estranged,
Helplessness, Isolation, Loneliness).
2. ABUSE, ailments from, (see Domination, Humiliation)
3. BASHFUL, behavior, (see Timid, Yielding)
4. CONFIDENCE, lacking, no self esteem.
5. EMBARRASSMENT, feelings, (see Timidity)
6. ESTRANGED, feels
7. FAILURE, ailments from
8. FRIGHT, ailments from, (see Fears, phobias)
9. HELPLESSNESS, feelings
10.HUMILIATION, mortification, (see Abused).
11.INDECISION, irresolution
13.ISOLATION, feelings, (see Abandoned, Loneliness)
14. REPROACHES, ailments, from, (see Abused, Humiliation)
15.TIMID, (see Bashful, Mild, Yielding)
Lack of Self Esteem: Major Rubrics
Homeopathic Repertory: common rubrics reflecting low self esteem.
Monday, March 31,
CONFIDENCE, lacking, no self esteem - agn., alco., alum.,
am-br., am-c., am-m., AMBR., aml-n., ANAC., anan., ang.,
anh., aq-mar., arg-n., arist-cl., ars., AUR., aur-i., aur-s.,
bamb-a., bar-acet., BAR-C., bell., bry., buth-aust., calc.,
CALC-F., calc-sil., cand-a., canth., carb-an., carb-v.,
CARC., caust., chin., chlor., choc., cob., cocc., dros., dys-co.,
ferr., foll., gall-ac., gels., germ., graph., hydrog., hyos., ign.,
iod., kali-c., kali-n., KALI-P., kali-s., kali-sil., lac-c., LAC-
H., lach., lap-gr-m., LYC., manc., med., merc., mur-ac.,
naja, nat-c., nat-m., nat-s., nat-sil., nit-ac., nitro-o., nux-v.,
olnd., op., ozone, pall., PETR., ph-ac., phos., pic-ac., plb.,
prot., PSOR., puls., ran-b., rhus-t., ruta, sac-alb., sant., SIL.,
STAPH., stram., sul-ac., sul-i., sulph., sumb., syph., tab.,
ther., thuj., verat., verb., viol-t., zinc.
Lack of Self Confidence: Primary Rubric
Homeopathic Clinical Repertory, 3
Monday, March 31,
Lack of Self Esteem: Major Remedies
Lycopodium Lack of self confidence dealing with society, self
appearance, performance anxiety. Inferiority complex. Full of self
doubt. Mortification, humiliation in the past.
Staphysagria Lack of self-confidence is often associated with
humiliation, abuse, grief, feelings of worthlessness. Mortification,
humiliation in the past
Silica Lack of self-esteem is due feelings of weakness, fatigue,
fragility, old age. Not up to face the challenges of life, no stamina.
Pulsatilla Low self esteem due to feelings of being unloved,
loneliness, etc.
Ignatia - Low self esteem due to disappointment, grief, failures,
especially in idealistic and perfectionistic people, etc.
Natrum Mur. Low self esteem due to grief, dwells on past
disagreeable experiences. Fear of rejection, of getting hurt.

Monday, March 31,
Lack of Self Esteem: Major Remedies
Anacardium Lack of self confidence dealing with society, humiliation,
physical and sexual abuse. Religious failure, sinner, Inferiority
complex. Full of self doubt. Split personality.
Carcinosin Lack of self-confidence associated with grief,
disappointments, failures in life, humiliation, physical and sexual
Arg. Nit. Lack of self-confidence associated with performance
anxiety. Feelings of fears, anxieties, anticipation.
Thuja Lack of self-confidence associated with feeling alienated,
isolated, and different. Feelings of being dirty, worthless.
Aurum met. Lack of self-confidence is often associated with failures
in life, grief, financial losses, religious failure, sinner, feelings of
depression, worthlessness.

Monday, March 31,
1. BRAGGART, boaster
2. CONFIDENT, exessive, self-esteem.
3. EGOTISM, general, (see Haughty)
4. HAUGHTY, behavior, (see Egotism)
Increased Self Esteem: Major Rubrics
Homeopathic Clinical Repertory, 3
EGOTISM, general, (see Haughty) - acon., act-sp., agar.,
alco., alum., anac., androc., anh., arn., asar., aur., aur-m-n.,
aur-s., bell., bufo, calc., cann-i., cann-s., CAUST., chin., cic.,
cich., cimic., cina, con., croto-t., cupr., cur., des-ac., dulc.,
ferr., ferr-ma., fl-ac., gran., grat., guai., ham., hell., hyos.,
hydrog., ign., ip., kali-i., lac-leo., lach., lil-t., LYC., marb-w.,
med., merc., nat-m., nitro-o., nux-v., PALL., par., phos.,
PLAT., plb., puls., rob., sabad., sec., sil., squil., staph., stram.,
stront-c., SULPH., thuj., VERAT.
Monday, March 31,
Self Esteem Summary
Monday, March 31,
Self Esteem Summary
Homeopathic remedies can have a transforming and healing affect
on the self esteem of those who lack a healthy self image.
Monday, March 31,
Monday, March 31,

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