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Ridgecrest Christian Church April 13 1971 j PreJ Boylots
5300 Eostern Avenue S. E. 5300 Eastern Avenue S. E.
Albuquerque, N. M. 87108 , f V i Albuquerque, N. M. 87108
Dear Christian Friends:
Throng your help and prayers and Gk)d*s guidance for so many years, ve*re about half
way throu^ our 12th year here. It*s a great place to work! Ve*d rather be here than
anywhere else to work for Christ. We are thankful for your faithfulness in keeping us
going here. Inflation has hit us hard! Continued and even increased gifts are necessary
and a real blessing in this Work for the Lord in Brazil.
The Agulha church, with which we*ve been working over a year, has had baptisms or
confessions of faith, or rarely a transfer, every week since September 1st, last year,
except for two we^cs. The Bible school classes have been divided and redivided. Next
Sunday we're dividing the adult class. Attendance has reached 106; average around 86.
Norman Maddux's wife began having fever about 8 months ago, and after every test was
made here that could be made, with no positive results, the Hadduxes left for the United
States about 3 weeks ago. Thus I inherited the church in Harambaia, which he had been
working with. It is very weak has had a missionary since its beginning 15 years ago.
We hope that with a lot of personal evangelism it will grow and develop a leadership.
Every Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons, I visit prospects with members of
the Agulha church. The women make other visits, too, on Friday afternoons. This has"kept
the church growing. On Monday ni^ts, I teach future and present leaders of the church; meet
with the men on alternate Wednesday ni^ts; and with the Bible school teachers once a month.
Saturday nights are with the youth groups, which have about 20 regular members.
Since our Printer, Norman Maddux, left I'm in charge of the Print Shop. We recently
printed a few thousand colorful tracts which offer a correspondence course at the end. They
have been well received, and we plan soon to print 30,000 more. Some will be used by the
missionaries in other parts of Brazil. We need more support for the Iint Shop work.
In our Correspondence Bible Course we have around 900 enrolled. A few have been
converted. We're trying to steer graduates into our second course before visiting them,
unless they request it first. By this time they have a good knowledge of the Bible.
The Annijfti Conference of Missionaries from the Christian Churches and Churches of
Christ, instrumental and non-, elected me president of next year's conference. We hope to
hold it out at an Atlantic Ocean resort, not far from Belem, in early 1972.
John is getting pretty big! He's 9 months old and has 3 teeth. He doesn't try to
crawl yet, but turns around and around on the floor. His feet are not pointed straight
ahead, but by sleeping with them in a brace they are straightening out. Joanne will staid;
to school this year. She helps us a lot with John. Paul dreams of dump trucks and road
graders! His favorite foods are spaghetti, collards, cereal, azid rice. All of us are in
good health and keep busy.
Write to us! Come see us, too!
Faithfully yours in Christ,
Ridgecrest Christian Church December 1971 j Bayiess
5300 Eastern Avenue S. E.
Albuquerque, N. M. 87108
Bear Friends in the Lord:
Here is your 1972 Mission Calendar with a new picture of the Bayiess faniily. '.'e ask
your prayers thru the coming year, and your financial support as you are able. Because you
Friends care and share, we are able to continue in the Lord's work here. Our Thanlts to
all of you! And our Prayers are with you now and in the days to come.
Afew vfeeks ago Printej Norman Maddux (now in States; returning this month to Belem)
found just the Composing Machine we need, A concerned Christian sold us this o5000.00
machine for only ^i3500,0G, One supporting Church gave SHOO; Ozark Bible College Chapel
group gave S400; we borrowed -32000 to complete payment. Noxf we are turning to other con
cerned Christians asking them to help pay this loan as they can share. You may know some
who would help if they knew about it. In a few days Brother Maddu: will be shipping the
machine to Brazil, hoping it will be there by the time they return. The Print Shop is one
of the best investments we have ever made in this work! Some of you helped purchase the
original equipnent. Your gift now for this would be a real blessing.
Almost every vreek there are responses to the Gospel preaching, teaching, witnessing.
V/e rejoice as many people are being baptised and entering into the Lord's work in Brazil.
There are so many more we should reach for Christ! So we pray that we will be faithful!
Prayerfully yours in Chj-ist^

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