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1his document concerns the structure and content o the course. I you hae questions about
procedures, please consult the School o Applied Social Science Oice

1his is an extensie inal year undergraduate course oer one semester. Lectures and readings
proide oeriews o core topics in the study o mental disorder, as well as the basis or more
detailed consideration o the selected topics. 1he seminars aim to stimulate and deelop your
skills in critical analysis o empirical work, working in groups to prepare oral presentations and
academic debate. \hilst the exam will test the breadth o your knowledge, the essay requirement
aims to deelop your skills in academic essay writing, and independent research.

<$=65+ <$.3-"3 H.'$6G-3*$.
1he coordinator or this course, and your main contact or all enquiries, is Dr Nichola Khan.
Location: Room 221, Mayield louse. L-mail:
,oice hours: \ednesdays 2-5pm,

N+"3=6+5 -., 5+G*.-65
Nichola Khan

(*G5 $' 3#+ "$=65+7
1o examine and compare ways in which anthropologists rom dierent theoretical and
epistemological perspecties ,psychological, psychiatric and medical, approach issues o
mental disorder and suering.
1o introduce critical perspecties which emphasise the cultural, historical, political,
economic and social contexts in which knowledge about mental disorder is produced,
understood and responded to.
1o encourage students to deelop in-depth knowledge o key debates and topics, and to
synthesise arguments and eidence adanced in topic-speciic literature through close
reading o academic texts.
1o deelop students` ability to ealuate modes o academic criticism and debate in the
anthropology o mental illness, and apply these techniques to a particular topic.

N+-6.*.8 K=3"$G+5
On successul completion o the course the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate understanding o a range o theoretical concepts and methods deployed by
psychological,psychiatric,medical anthropologists to approach issues o mental illness,
disorder and suering.
2. Critically examine and compare ways in which anthropologists rom dierent theoretical and
epistemological perspecties approach issues o mental health, illness and suering.
3. Synthesise the arguments and eidence adanced in topic-speciic literature.
4. Apply insights rom theory and research in anthropology to key topics.

<$=65+ '$6G-3
1wele weeks. Lach week will proide the context and ramework or a critical discussion o key
historical and contemporary approaches to a speciic topic.


H.36$,="3*$. 1his course introduces ways anthropologists rom dierent theoretical and
epistemological perspecties theorise and conduct research into mental disorder, treatment and
recoery. It relects a growing interest in anthropology`s encounter with the key psy` disciplines
and human and social sciences in the UK and internationally. Applications are in the areas o
transcultural psychiatry, medicine, neuropathology, law, deelopment, global health,
humanitarian politics and welare etc. 1he topic spans diuse literatures-inoling
anthropology`s historical and contemporary engagements with psychology, as well as with
emerging techniques and studies in biological and global psychiatry, neuroscience and global
mental health. 1he course also clariies the releance-or the topic-o paradigmatic historical
shits in anthropology rom a ocus on culture, to a subsequent interest in the contingency o
mental illness and suering on the entanglements o institutional power ,state, medical,
pedagogic etc, arising rom the orces o globalisation, through to recent concerns with the
increasing medicalization o psychiatry, and the orces o neo-liberalism.

Students are inited to think through the complex relationships between proessional and
academic categories o knowledge, clinical-mainly psychiatric-technologies and the
subjectiities o persons liing with diagnoses o mental disorder`. 1aking as gien the shiting
meanings and luid status o the term abnormality`, we prioritise the terms disorder` and illness
oer disease. \hereas illness is the eeling or interpretation o being unwell, disease reers to the
underlying criteria or causes attributed to those eelings, usually in proessional categories, usually
political, usually contested. Disorder, anthropologists hae argued, is a broader category which
on one hand, can link the madness o the state and o indiiduals, collectie and indiidual
memories, repressions and remembering. On the other it denotes that which is constructed as
threatening to order-and orces our attention to ways particular political moral, and epistemic
orders are established. 1he course aims to deelop students` ability to ealuate shiting debates
and modes o academic criticism, and apply these techniques to topic-speciic literature on
mental health, illness, normality and abnormality. 1hrough a series o dierse theoretical
ramings, case studies and regional oci, it explores what anthropologically inormed
psychology,psychiatry,medicine can tell us about ways mental disorder aries across social and
cultural settings, and is distributed geographically and historically across the globe.

!$G+ F+9 Q=+53*$.5
-low can we interpret suering in people whose experiences are radically dierent to our own
-In what ways do interpretations o mental illness ary across social and cultural settings low is
mental illness distributed geographically and historically across the globe
-\hat can the theories and methods o anthropology tell us about the place o culture` in
understandings o abnormality and mental illness
-Does mental disorder` ineitably inole suering
-low are experiences o suering shaped by psychiatry`s knowledge o their alictions
-Can traditional` and \estern` psychiatric approaches co-exist in people`s experiences o mental
health,illness and recoery
-\hat mechanisms are oered by culture or understanding symptom generation, liing with and
treating mental illness
-Len when classiicatory and treatment systems seem radically dierent ,e.g. spirit possession,
witchcrat, biomedical causes, psychiatry,, can we talk about equialences`
-\hat contribution do anthropological methods e.g. case studies, ethnography, long-term
ieldwork, participant-obseration make to representations o mental states,illness In what ways
do they add to,unsettle understandings deried rom psychiatry, psychology and anthropology
-low do representations o suering in ethnographic ilm dier rom those in text
-\hat cosmologies, cultural ideas and imagery are brought to interpretations o mental illness in
particular communities

-low do social categories o racialised, gendered and classed irrationality interplay with
interpretations o suering and mental health,illness

T#-3 '6-G+R$6F5 R+ R*%% ,6-R $. 3$ 3#*.F -E$=3 3#+5+ Q=+53*$.5U
- case studies which conceptually situate mental disorder and suering in the context o
anthropological, psychological, psychiatric, cross-cultural, psychoanalytic, postcolonial studies
and a range o other approaches,
- historic, diachronic or comparatie accounts o suering, these might explore the contingency
o power entanglements and institutions ,state, medical, pedagogic etc,, relect on ways to tackle
suering in communities, or explore mental health actiism, community organisations etc,
- deconstructions o essentialist,normatie notions o mental illness within the North,South
diide, Last,\est, core,periphery ramings o mental health, instances o the silenced Other`
within the modern nation-state, globalisation and respectie ideologies o hegemony and power,
- analyses o interconnected phenomena o mental illness, globalisation, political and economic
-cinematic, isual, literary, creatie non-iction, auto-ethnographic, autobiographical and
testimonial works about mental suering and illness,
- intersectional perspecties on ways mental illness impacts communities and indiiduals, the
permeability between the borders o moral imagination, bodily aect and social processes.

N+-6.*.8 -., O+-"#*.8
Most o the contact time on this course will take place in your seminar groups, which will meet
weekly in the second semester. 1he sessions are three hours and organised as a one hour lecture
ollowed by a two hour seminar. Attendance is compulsory ,see the timetable below or details,.
In the session, the lecture will introduce the debates around each topic. 1he seminars ,all
students, will be deoted to deeloping your ideas o how arguments are constructed and can be
analysed and critiqued. \ou are proided a list o key readings as well as additional readings or
each topic area. 1hese are designed to guide you in deeloping skills o close reading and
deeloping arious orms o critiques: theoretical, methodological and ethical. \ou are required
to attend all these sessions.

lor the second assessment you will be expected to construct a critical book reiew ater being
gien guidance, and a list o suitable books to select rom. \ou will be gien the opportunity in
the seminar, as well as outside o seminar times to meet with your tutor to reiew your work in
progress, and discuss how you can go about ordering the material into a coherent reiew.

@+9 V$=6.-%5
tbo.; tbvo.; Meaicat .vtbrootog,; Meaicat .vtbrootog, Qvartert,; Cvttvrat .vtbrootog,; Cvttvrat
P.,cbotog,; .vtbrootog, c Meaicive; Cvttvre, Meaicive ava P.,cbiatr,; 1rav.cvttvrat P.,cbiatr,; ]ovrvat of
tbe Ro,at .vtbrootogicat v.titvte; .vericav tbvotogi.t; .vericav .vtbrootogi.t

@+9 '*%G5
Robert Lemelson. 2010. .fftictiov.: Cvttvre ava Mevtat ttve.. iv vaove.ia. Documentary Lducational
Resources. Anthropology and Psychiatry ilm series.
Robert Lemelson. 2009. 10 Year. of itevce: .v vaove.iav 1ragea,. LlementalProductions.
Richard L. Robbins. 200. Oeratiov ovecovivg: !ritivg tbe !artive erievce.
Michael Palmieri and Donal Mosher. 2012. Off abet.
Karen Nakamura. 2013. etbet: Covvvvit, ava cbiobrevia iv ^ortberv ]aav!
Anya Bernstein. 2006. v Pvr.vit of tbe iberiav bavav. Documentary Lducational Resources
Katie Cadigan and Laura Murray. 2010. !bev Meaicive Cot it !rovg. Documentary Lducational

!$G+ F+9 R+E5*3+5WE%$85
http:,,, ,see ull resources list,

H.,+)+.,+.3 !3=,9
\ou are expected to spend 200 hours on this course, this includes 36 hours o lectures,
workshops, indiidual and group tutorials and 164 hours o independent study. \ou should
spend suicient time each week studying including reading, group work, planning your
assignments, and assessment work.


A6*,-95: B>J)G

N+"3=6+ B>X)G: 5+G*.-6 X>J)GS

4-3+ O+-"#*.8
N+"3=6+ 3#+G+5 -., 3$)*"5
06,02,15 1 Introduction to the topic
13,02. 2 Anthropological representations o culture and mental illness:
theory and methods
20,02 3 Beyond culture to the suering subject
2,02 4 Psychiatry, culture, and cultures of psychiatry
06,03 5 1he politics o trauma
13,03 6 1he big three`: schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorder
20,3 Globalisation, global culture and global mental health
2,3 8 O-F+ #$G+ +Y-G
P(!OPZ [ZP(@
24,04 9 \riting recoery- lilm. Operation lomecoming: writing the
wartime experience
1,05 10 Pharmaceuticals, recoery and therapeutic sel-making
08,5 11 Book reiew ,presentations and eedback,
15,05 12 Psychoanalysis and Anthropology, assessment tutorials
P55-9 ,=+ *.7 IISJ1)G A6*,-9 \ 2-9 BCIJ
O-F+ #$G+ +Y-G7 "$%%+"3 *. 5+G*.-6 A6*,-9 2-6"# BC

5=EG*3 3$ 3=3$6 E9 +G-*%: A6*,-9 2-6"# B]


See the week-by-week guide below or a detailed description o what you are required to prepare
or each lecture and seminar.


1here are two pieces o summatie assessment on this course.
1. A take-home exam ,2000 words max,.
2. A critical book reiew on a topic o research and theory on mental disorder ,max 2000
(55+55G+.3 I7 O#+ 3-F+ #$G+ +Y-G ^JC_`
1he irst assignment assesses learning outcomes 1 and 2.
1he exam will gie students the opportunity to:
Demonstrate your skills o close analytical reading o material on mental disorder related
to the course,
Situate mental disorder in the context o anthropological, psychological, psychiatric, and
a range o other approaches.
Demonstrate your ability to produce a detailed understanding o ways interpretations o
mental illness ary across social, cultural, geographical and historical settings.
Show your understanding o a range o critiques and apply them in a balanced and
coherent way to a speciic question,topic.
Demonstrate what contribution anthropological methods make to representations o
mental states,disorder deried rom anthropology, psychiatry and also psychology.

O#+ O-5F
\ou are required to produce an answer ,suggested length not more than 2000 words, to the
exam question proided by your tutor ,see below,. 1he question will be general enough that you
can interpret ia a critique o a particular topic on mental disorder, or a particular debate in the
ield. \ou are inited to apply dierent modes o critique i.e. each answer will be assessed or its
ability to engage theoretical, methodological, and ethical critiques. \ou should aim to discuss the
interrelation o these elements in constructing your answer. Although you will be expected to
eidence your argument by reerring to releant reading, the emphasis in this assessment is on
your own interpretation o the speciic material on the course, using the techniques discussed in
lectures and seminars, rather than introducing new work.

In addition to the generic marking criteria in the SASS Undergraduate landbook 2011,2012, the
take-home exam will be assessed against the ollowing criteria.

IS @.$R%+,8+ -., a.,+653-.,*.8 ^JC_`
Students will demonstrate clear, detailed knowledge and understanding o a selected
concept,topic,question on mental disorder, demonstrating their engagement with original works
when possible. Students may demonstrate their knowledge and understanding by identiying key
shits, debates, and dualisms within approaches to mental disorder in order to address its
releance and importance.
BS <6*3*"-% PM-%=-3*$. ^JC_`
Students will demonstrate the ability to manage and analyse a range o material on mental
disorder and will be rewarded or constructing an ealuation o the strengths and weaknesses o
an approach,concept,ethnography as they deelop a critical and supported argument. It is
expected that this will inole a comparison and contrast with other theoretical perspecties,
concepts and case studies, and a critical awareness o weaknesses and limitations.

1he take-home exam is weighted at 50 o the total course mark.
4+-,%*.+7 1he exam question will be distributed in the seminar ,week , on A6*,-9 2-6"# BC
\our answers must be submitted to me by email on A6*,-9 2-6"# B]

(55+55G+.3 B7 O#+ E$$F 6+M*+R ^JC_`
1he second assignment assesses learning outcomes 3 and 4.

1he reiew will gie students the opportunity to:
Apply insights rom theory and research on mental disorder to a key case study and
Reiew a ull-length ethnography which links the book to course readings and applies
releant theoretical, methodological and ethical critiques.
Show your ability to identiy central questions and themes in the book, synthesise the
arguments and the eidence adanced in relation to topic-speciic literature.
Demonstrate your ability to explore opposing iewpoints in the debate and integrate
them into your argument about the book, and where it stands in relation to the debates.
Show a broad understanding, and analyse and ealuate a speciic topic contribution to an
ongoing academic debate.
\rite in your own words and structure the material into a reasoned, coherent and
consistent argument.
O#+ O-5F
\ou are required to produce a critical book reiew o no more than 2000 words which gies an
accurate summing up o research and debate around an aspect o your chosen book within the
1he book reiew is explained more ully below, but it will be marked against these criteria.
1. 1he ability to set an appropriate title or your reiew.
2. 1he reiew demonstrates appropriate leels o F.$R%+,8+ -., =.,+653-.,*.8 o the
book`s core argument. It is recommended that reiews start with a concise synopsis
3. 1he reiew "%+-6%9 )%-"+5 3#+ E$$F R*3#*. *35 *.3+%%+"3=-%W
#*53$6*"-%W)$%*3*"-%W"=%3=6-%W5$"*-% "$.3+Y3. Good reiews will demonstrate student
knowledge and understanding o the book`s entry into identiied debates within topic-
speciic psychological,psychiatric anthropological theory and eidence on mental
disorder. Reiews may highlight seminal inluences upon the author, text and ,or
debates, tensions, impasses within theories and approaches to mental disorder
4. Good reiews will demonstrate a willingness to engage with theoretical, conceptual
complexity ,and ambiguity i appropriate,- and to apply insights rom theory and
research on mental disorder to key topics.
5. 1he reiew is presented with a %$8*"-% 536="3=6+ and be clear and concisely written.

1he generic criteria as detailed on the Assessment Report lorm also apply.
\ou must use the reerencing conention that is detailed in the School o Applied Social Science
,SASS, undergraduate programme handbook.

1he book reiew is weighted at 50 o the total course mark.


4+-,%*.+7 1he reiew must be submitted on A6*,-9 \ 2-9 BCIJ E9 IISJ1S
!+%+"3+, 3*3%+5 '$6 E$$F 6+M*+R
Biehl, J. 2005. 1ita: ife iv a Zove of ociat .bavaovvevt. Berkeley: Uniersity o Caliornia Press.
Dais, L. A. 2012. aa ovt.. Maave.. ava Re.ov.ibitit, iv Moaerv Creece. Duke Uniersity Press.
Lstro, S. 1992. Ma/ivg it Cra,. Berkeley: Uniersity o Caliornia Press.
lassin, D. and Rechtman, R. 2009. 1be vire of 1ravva. .v vqvir, ivto tbe Covaitiov of
1ictivbooa. Princeton Uniersity Press.
Garcia, A. 2010. 1be Pa.torat Ctivic. .aaictiov ava Di.o..e..iov atovg tbe Rio Cravae. Uniersity o
Caliornia Press.
Lurhmann, 1. 2011. Of 1ro Miva.: .v .vtbrootogi.t oo/. at .vericav P.,cbiatr, ,re. edn,. Knop
Doubleday Publishing
Kitanaka, J. 2011. Dere..iov iv ]aav: P.,cbiatric Cvre. for a ociet, iv Di.tre... Princeton Uniersity
Martin, L. 200. iotar eaitiov.: Mavia ava aere..iov iv .vericav Cvttvre. Princeton Uniersity
Scheper-lughes, N. 2001. aivt., cbotar., ava cbiobrevic.: Mevtat ttve.. iv Rvrat retava.
Uniersity o Caliornia Press.
Summerson Carr, L. 2012. critivg .aaictiov: 1be Potitic. of 1beraevtic 1at/ ava .vericav obriet,.
Princeton Uniersity Press.

b=*,-."+7 c$=6 E$$F 6+M*+R
\ou may use the ollowing headings
Introduction 1his should clearly explain what aspect o the book you take up, how and why. It
should explain how you ealuate the text and the conclusion you reach.
Synposis: 1he book`s core argument 1his should oer a concise synopsis o the book`s main
argument. It might help i you see yoursel explaining the main point o the book to an academic
audience who may not hae read it. It is in this section that you could explain why the aspect you
want to explore warrants attention. \our marker is looking or eidence that you know and
understand the book.
1he book`s context lere you`ll explain where the book its` in terms o wider theoretical turns,
debates and studies in mental disorder-and releant disciplinary literature more widely. \hat
problems does the book hae with existing work and how does it seek to address these It may
be appropriate here to discuss key inluences, ,theorists, ethnographies, and or the social,
political, cultural, historical context etc. at the time o writing, as well as the ieldwork and kind
o ethnography that has been constructed. 1he key here is not just to list key inluences but to
demonstrate how they hae shaped the book in ways that are important or the argument you
want to take up. Don`t be tempted just to rely on the book to tell you what the debates,
problems are that it seeks to address- ind other eidence to support the book`s starting point.
,So ar you hae explained the book`s content and where the book its` in terms o theory
deelopment - now you get to the core` o the reiew,
1his is the main part o the essay and should be gien most o your word limit. lere you will be
assessing the weight o the book`s argument or the part o the argument you want to explore.
1his can mean that you hae to see what other authors hae used the book and how ,although,
this may not be possible or ery recent titles,. It cav mean that you take a
concept,theory,disorder and see how the author uses it in the book - perhaps showing how
they deelop it ,perhaps comparing it with the way similar work has been used elsewhere,. 1he
key here is to ealuate the book`s argument - just how useul is it in explaining mental disorder
etc \ou will be doing more than just outlining limitations- the key is to explain why, despite o
these limitations, the book`s argument is still important ,or not!,

Conclusion 1his should be a decent length - it should summarise your reiew in such ways that
reminds the marker o the importance o your ealuation.
D$R *5 G9 R$6F G-6F+,U
\e ollow a process o anonymous marking ,please do not write your name anywhere other than
on the oicial submission sheet,
A sample o the work produced rom this course is sent to an external examiner ,this helps us to
ensure we are marking to the same leel as other uniersities,.

O#+ *55=+ $' )%-8*-6*5G
Plagiarism is a dishonest act, whereby you pass o ideas or een expression, writing
style as your own. Not only is it dishonest but it deeats the ery purpose o
scholarship which is to challenge and critique existing knowledge using people`s ideas
and thoughts in creatie ways.
\ou must take great care to aoid any charge o plagiarism. 1here is an obious
temptation or some students to copy material direct rom a source, especially i this is
on the internet, but you should be aware that the penalties or so doing are seere. All
cases o suspected plagiarism are reerred to your lead o School under Uniersity o
Brighton regulations.
\ou can exercise caution by reising your note-taking practices. Lnsure that your notes
are in your own words and own expressions- i not make careul note o author, year&
page number. \hen you use ideas, concepts,theories, arguments which are not your
own ,which all essays do, AL\A\S acknowledge their source. \hen you use words,
phrases, expressions, lines o argument which are not your own but are direct quotes -
then place that material ery careully within speech marks and make sure that the
author`s name, year and page number ollows.
O course, i your essay is just a collection o quotes then it will struggle to meet the
marking criteria!
Please do not cite lecture notes. Lectures are intended to excite you to do your own
research. I you like a point - look it up!

<$=65+ +M-%=-3*$.
All SASS courses are ealuated by students. \our eedback helps us improe the course next
year. In the meantime any comments ,good and bad, can be directed to the course co-ordinator,
your seminar tutor or your Student Representatie. I you are worried or concerned about your
academic progress please arrange a meeting with your Learning Support and Guidance.

HG)6$M*.8 9$=6 +55-9 R6*3*.8:
\riting becomes easier the more you write ,it`s true!,
Good writers write regularly ,most, eeryday,.
\our writing doesn`t hae to be perect - see your work as deeloping and growing
It is helpul to see the writing process as problem soling ,how can I say this \hat
should come next Does this make my case Could this be more succinct,
Some problems take more working out than others.
Don`t coer too much ground. DLP1l not breadth is the secret to a good essay
I you can`t get started - just ree write ,3 minutes, and use 10 minutes to order and
expand on your ree writing. Short sharp bursts o writing can be ery useul

A6++ R6*3*.87
1. Set yoursel a question ,\hat do I understand about the term psychiatrisation o distress`, or
institutionalised suering` \hat do I want my reiew to argue` or \hat do I remember rom
the lecture`,.

T++F%9 O*G+3-E%+

T++F IS H.36$,="3$69 5+55*$.

T++F BS (.3#6$)$%$8*"-% 6+)6+5+.3-3*$.5 $' "=%3=6+ -., G+.3-% *%%.+557 3#+$69 -.,
1his week we reisit anthropological representations o culture. \hat is culture` \hat are the
origins o this concept Do we make culture or does culture make us, or both Does eerybody
hae culture, or just those peoples belonging to other cultures` Does culture een exist 1he
topic reiews anthropologists` eorts to represent ,describe, analyse, interpret, inent, products
ava processes o meaning-making through the concept o culture`. 1his process is oten
characterised by conlict and contestation, bearing on what Descola terms anthropology`s
imperialist arrogance` and incipient racism`. 1his discussion seres as a prelude to thinking
critically through perspecties that place ideas o culture` at the heart o mental illness`,
suering and recoery. \e will trace culture-biology` debates about mental illness dating
predominantly rom the 190s, through to anthropology`s current encounter with recent
deelopments in biological and transcultural psychiatry, and neuroscience. \e question the
extent to which this distinction is not only a product o a particularly \estern history o ideas
and a diision o labour between the natural and social sciences but also, perhaps, an impediment
to a truly comparatie anthropology \hat can the theories and methods o psychological and
medical anthropology tell us about the place o culture` in understandings o abnormality and
mental illness \e will examine classic anthropological texts, as well as some contemporary case
studies drawing on ethnographic examples to explore, unsettle and critique these questions.

@+9 Z+-,*.85
Benedict, R. 1934. Anthropology and the Abnormal,` pp. 262-283 o .v .vtbrootogi.t at
!or/; \ritings o Ruth Benedict, edited by M. Mead. New \ork: Aon Books.
Descola, P. 2013. e,ova ^atvre ava Cvttvre. Chicago: Uniersity o Chicago Press, Ch. 1.
lacking, I. 1999. Madness: biological or constructed` In I. lacking, 1be ociat Cov.trvctiov of
!bat. ,pp. 100-124,. Cambridge, MA: larard Uniersity Press.
Kaperer, B. 2013. low anthropologists think: conigurations o the exotic. ]ovrvat of tbe Ro,at
.vtbrootogicat v.titvte, 19,4,:813-83.
Kleinman, A. and Kleinman, J. 1991. Suering and its proessional transormation. 1oward
an ethnography o interpersonal experience. Cvttvre, Meaicive ava P.,cbiatr,, 15:25-301.
lorwitz, A. V. 2001. Creativg Mevtat ttve... Uniersity o Chicago Press.

O#+$69 *. <=%3=6+ -., 2+.3-% D+-%3#
Bock, P. K. 1999. Rethinking P.,cbotogicat .vtbrootog,, 2nd ed., New \ork.
Canguilhem, G. 2012. !ritivg. ov Meaicive. lordham Uniersity Press.
Canguilhem, G. 1966. e vorvate et te atbotogiqve. Paris: Presses Uniersitaire de lrance.
loucault, M. 2004. .bvorvat: ectvre. at tbe Cottege ae ravce, 111:. London: Picador.
lreud, S. 1913.1otev ava 1aboo: re.evbtavce. betreev tbe vevtat tire. of .arage. ava vevrotic.. New \ork:
Random louse.
Greeneld, L. 2013. Miva, Moaervit,, Maave... 1be vact of Cvttvre ov vvav erievce. larard
Uniersity Press.
Lindholm, C. 200. Cvttvre ava aevtit,: 1be i.tor,, 1beor,, ava Practice of P.,cbotogicat .vtbrootog,.
Oneworld Publications.
Good, B. J., and DelVecchio, M. 1986. 1he cultural context o diagnosis and therapy. Cvttvre,
Meaicive ava P.,cbiatr, 20,2,:
Kleinman, A. and Kleinman, J. 1996. 1he appeal o experience, the dismay o images: cultural

appropriations o suering in our times. Daeaatv., 125,1:1-24.
Metzl, J. 2012. Structural Competency. .vericav Qvartert,, 62,2 ,June,: 213-218.
Rabinow, P. 2009. Mar/ivg 1ive: Ov tbe .vtbrootog, of tbe Covtevorar,.Uniersity o Princeton
Rogler, L. 1999. Methodological sources o cultural insensitiity in mental health research.
.vericav P.,cbotogi.t, 54,2,:24-433.
Rosenberg, C. 200. Contested Boundaries: Psychiatry, Disease and Diagnosis. In Ovr Pre.evt
Covtaivt: .vericav Meaicive, 1bev ava ^or. Baltimore: Johns lopkins Uniersity.
Kleinman, A. 199. !ritivg at tbe Margiv: Di.covr.e etreev .vtbrootog, ava Meaicive. Uniersity o
Caliornia Press.
Cliord, J. 1988. listories o the tribal and the modern`, in his Preaicavevt of Cvttvre.
labian, J. 1983. 1ime and the emerging other`, Ch1 in 1ive ava tbe Otber: or .vtbrootog, Ma/e.
t. Ob;ect.
1aussig, M. 198. lilth and the magic o the modern`, Ch.16 in bavavi.v, Cotoviati.v ava tbe
!ita Mav: . tva, iv 1error ava eativg.
1aussig, M. 198. 1o become a healer`, and Ch.28 in bavavi.v, Cotoviati.v ava tbe !ita Mav: .
tva, iv 1error ava eativg.

!=88+53+, '*%G5
Robert Lemelson. 2010. Shadows and Illuminations ,Alictions,
Rene Allio. 196. I, Pierre Riiere. ,lilm based on loucault`s book Pierre Ririere, arivg
tavgbterea M, Motber, M, i.ter, ava M, rotber: . Ca.e of Parriciae iv tbe 1tb Cevtvr,`. 195.

T++F XS [+9$., "=%3=6+ 3$ 3#+ 5=''+6*.8 5=EL+"3
1his topic begins by reisiting rationality debates critiques that emerged in the 1960s concerning
problematic concepts o culture` that deined anthropology`s iew o the world. Anthropologists
were claimed to too oten see culture as a monolithic, static system, and to pay insuicient
attention to the way ideas and meanings are rooted in relations o power. 1his partly inspired by
Said`s Orientalism and earlier critiques o anthropology`s role in colonialism. It led to a shit
away rom culture towards tbe .vfferivg .vb;ect as the discipline`s radical Other. Second, building on
subsequent critiques, we will reiew the work o authors who highlight aried linkages o mental
illness to the workings o global political, economic, cultural and institutional power in late
modernity. Joao Biehl`s classic book Vita explores Brazil`s urban zones o abandonment` where
the unwanted, the mentally ill, sick, and the homeless are let to die. Biehl`s story centres on a
young woman Catarina, reputedly mad, Biehl unraels the cryptic, poetic words that are part o
the dictionary` she is compiling, and therein traces the complex network o amily, medicine,
state, and economy in which her abandonment and pathology take orm. Additionally, the
chapter examines ways proessionalised categories and responses to suering become
pathologies o power` ,larmer,, or therapeutic regimes transorm illness into chronic lie-long
experiences o disorder ,Manderson,. 1hird, we draw on some prominent post-colonial critiques
o \estern humanitarianism rom the 1980s in order to oreground subsequent eorts by
anthropologists to identiy the gaps between`, as a way to resist the pathologies o too much`
categorisation-and to construct alternatie languages o illness and pain. 1hese include
intersectional perspecties on ways mental illness impacts particular communities and
indiiduals, the permeability between the borders o moral imagination, bodily aect and
suering ,1hroop,, what Arthur Kleinman and others hae ariegatedly described as contexts
and experiences o social suering`, and Veena Das` critique o the relation o iolence,
suering and words.


@+9 Z+-,*.85
Biehl, J. 2005. 1ita: ife iv a Zove of ociat .bavaovvevt. Uniersity o Caliornia Press.
Good, B. 2012. 1heorizing the subject` o medical and psychiatric anthropology. ]ovrvat of tbe
Ro,at .vtbrootogicat v.titvte, 18:515-535.
Robbins, J. 2013. Beyond the suering subject: toward an anthropology o the good. ]ovrvat of tbe
Ro,at .vtbrootogicat v.titvte, 19,3,:44-462.
Das V. 200. ife ava !ora.. 1iotevce ava tbe De.cevt ivto tbe Oraivar,. Berkeley: Uniersity o
Caliornia Press, Introduction.
Das, V. 1996. 1ransactions in the construction o pain. Daeaatv., 125,1:6-92.
Caell, S. 1996. Comments on Veena Das` essay Language and Body: 1ransactions in the
Construction o Pain.` Daeaatv., 125.1:92-98.
Daudet, A. v tbe ava of Paiv. New \ork: Random louse.
Desjarlais, R. 1994. Struggling along: the possibilities or experience among the homeless
mentally ill. .vericav .vtbrootogi.t 96: 886-901.
Gay y Blasco, P. 2011. Agata`s story. ]ovrvat of Ro,at .vtbrootogicat v.titvte 1,3,:445-461.
1hroop, J. 2010. vfferivg ava evtivevt: torivg tbe 1ici..itvae. of erievce ava Paiv iv Ya.
Uniersity o Caliornia Press.

(,,*3*$.-% Z+-,*.85
Raikhel, L. and Garriott, \. 2013. ,eds,. .aaictiov 1ra;ectorie.. Duke Uniersity Press.
Manderson, L. & Smith-Morris, C. 2010. ,eds,. Cbrovic Covaitiov., tvia tate.: Cbrovicit, ava tbe
.vtbrootog, of ttve... Rutgers Uniersity Press.
larmer, P. 2005. Patbotogie. of Porer. eattb, vvav Rigbt. ava tbe ^er !ar ov tbe Poor. Berkeley:
Uniersity o Caliornia Press.
Bourdieu, P. 1be !eigbt of tbe !orta.
Das V., Kleinman, A. Lock, M. Ramphele, M. and Reynolds, P. 2002. ,eds,. Reva/ivg a !orta:
1iotevce, ociat vfferivg ava Recorer,, Berkeley, CA: Uniersity o Caliornia Press.
larmer , P. 1996. On suering and structural iolence, a iew rom below. Daeaatv. 125: 261-83.
Duke, M.R. 2011. Lthnicity, well being, and the organization o labor among shade tobacco
workers. Meaicat .vtbrootog, 0,4,:409-424.
Garriott, \. 2011. Poticivg Metbavbetavive: ^arcootitic. iv Rvrat .verica. N\U Press.
lan, C. 2011. Symptoms o another lie: time, possibility and domestic relations in Chile`s credit
economy. Cvttvrat .vtbrootog,, 26,1,:-32.
Kleinman, A. 1988. 1be ttve.. ^arratire.: vfferivg, eativg c tbe vvav Covaitiov. New \ork:
Basic Books, pp.3-55.
Luhrmann, 1. 200. Social deeat and the culture o chronicity: or, why schizophrenia does so
well oer there and so badly here. Cvttvre, Meaicive ava P.,cbiatr,, 31,2,:135-2.
Manderson, L.l., 2012, Neglected diseases o poerty, Meaicat .vtbrootog,: Cro.. Cvttvrat tvaie.
iv eattb ava ttve.. P, ol 31, 4, 1aylor & lrancis Inc., Philadelphia United States, pp. 283-286.
Mohanty, C. 1988. Under \estern eyes. leminist scholarship and colonial discourses. evivi.t
Rerier, 30:61-88.
Schll, N. D. 2012. .aaictiov b, De.igv: Macbive Cavbtivg iv a. 1ega.. Princeton Uniersity Press.
Schweder. R. A. 1988. Suering in style. Cvttvre, Meaicive, ava P.,cbiatr,, 12, 49-49.
Lindquist, G., Barchunoa, 1., Keszegh, V., and lall, D. 200. Co.votogie. of .vfferivg: o.t
covvvvi.t trav.forvatiov, .acrat covvvvicatiov, ava beativg. Cambridge Scholars.
Poltorak, M. 2011. Comedy, stigma and akasesele: contesting mental illness` in Vaa`u. In Steen,
1 & Drescher, N & Daly, M. 1onga: ava, ea ava Peote. 1ongan Research Association. Vaa`u
Press, Nuku`aloa, 1onga, pp: 21-234.
Robert Lemelson. 2010. lamily Victim. |Alictions|.
Deborah lomann. 1994. Complaints o a Dutiul Daughter. PoV ilms.

T++F 0S ;59"#*-369: "=%3=6+: -., "=%3=6+5 $' )59"#*-369
1his week we explore theorisations o abnormality and subjectiity in psychiatric anthropology,
and raise questions concerning anthropology`s role in psychiatric interention as a critical site o
inquiry. \e explore trends in the history o cultural psychiatry, tracing the origins o cultural
psychiatry in colonialism, through to the legacy o colonialism in contemporary global and
cultural psychiatry. Culture is reerred to in its broadest sense, to include cultures o psychiatry,
and the cultural assumptions that underpin the psy` and mental health proessions. 1he point is
not to speciy characteristics o particular groups, which would be to risk reiterating racist
generalisations about or example the natie` mind, but to think through the cultural and social
history o anthropological thinking about psychiatric illness in order to identiy what in
psychiatric classiications may be generally applicable, what is not, and to open up a critical
dialogue beyond the discipline. Second, we pay particular attention to critiques and ormulations
o culture and culture-bound syndromes within successie editions o the psychiatric diagnostic
manual, the DSM. \e query the prioritisation o culture as an epistemological lens, and ask i
there are alternaties Students are inited to query the ormation o the subject o interention
within particular cultures o psychiatry`, to think about how anthropologists can contribute to
culturalist understandings in order to assist thinking through problems o conceptual
translation-and to question how anthropologists can assist mental health proessionals working
with minorities, marginalised communities etc, especially where there is recognised oppression,
when issues o mental illness are brought to the ore ia ideas o pathologised culture-and
when, or many reugee and immigrant communities, longstanding waes o inlux hae built
ideas about mental health into collectie identity

@+9 Z+-,*.85
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual o Mental Disorders. lourth and lith Lditions ,APA 1994,
2013,. Appendix i. Glossary o culture-bound syndromes.
Dick, L. 1995. Pibloktoq` ,Arctic lysteria,: A Construction o Luropean-Inuit Relations .rctic
.vtbrootog,, Vol. 32,2: pp.1-42.
lanon l. 1963. 1be !retcbea of tbe artb. London: Penguin. Ch 5, Colonial \ar and Mental
linton, D. and Good, B. ,eds,. Cvttvre ava Pavic Di.oraer. Stanord: Stanord Uniersity Press.
Keller, R. 200. Cotoviat Maave..: P.,cbiatr, iv revcb ^ortb .frica. Uniersity o Chicago Press.
Kirmayer, L. and Ban, L. 2013. Cultural psychiatry: research strategies and uture directions.
.aravce. iv P.,cbo.ovatic Meaicive, 33:9-114.
Lurhmann, 1. 2011. Of 1ro Miva.: .v .vtbrootogi.t oo/. at .vericav P.,cbiatr, ,re. edn,. Knop
Doubleday Publishing, Introduction.
Patai, R. 2002. 1be .rab Miva. latherleigh Press.
Scheper-lughes, N. 2001. aivt., cbotar., ava cbiobrevic.: Mevtat ttve.. iv Rvrat retava. Berkeley:
Uniersity o Caliornia Press.

(,,*3*$.-% Z+-,*.85
Lopez, S. and Guarnaccia, P. 2000. Cultural psychopathology: Uncoering the social
world o mental illness. .vvvat Rerier of P.,cbotog, 51:51-598.
Aggarwal, N.K, Nicasio, A. V., DeSila, R., Boiler, M. and Lewis-lernandez, R. 2013.
Barriers to implementing the DSM-V Cultural lormulation Interiew: a qualitatie study. Cvttvre,
Meaicive ava P.,cbiatr,, 3:505-533.

Brodwin, P. 2013. rer,aa, tbic.: 1oice. frov tbe rovt ive of Covvvvit, P.,cbiatry. Uniersity o
Caliornia Press.
DelVecchio, M-J., Good, M., lyde, S., Pinto, S. and Good, B. 2008. Po.tcotoviat Di.oraer..
Uniersity o Caliornia Press.
Dais, L. A. 2012. aa ovt.. Duke Uniersity Press.
Ldgar, R. and Sapire, l. 2000. .fricav .ocat,.e: 1be tor, of ^ovtetba ^/rev/re, . 1revtietb
Cevtvr, ovtb .fricav Probet. Johannesburg: \itwatersrand Uniersity Press.
Kirmayer, L. Lemelson, R. and Cummings, C. ,eds., ,in press,. Reri.iovivg P.,cbiatr, vtegrativg
iotogicat, Ctivicat ava Cvttvrat Per.ectire.. Cambridge Uniersity Press.
Kleinman, A.1988. Retbiv/ivg P.,cbiatr,: rov Cvttvrat Categor, to Per.ovat erievce. lree Press.
Knox, R. 1850. Race. of Mev. Philadelphia: Lea and Blanchard.
Kraepelin, L. 1904. Covaratire P.,cbiatr,.
McCulloch, J. 2006. Colonial Psychiatry and 1he Arican Mind`. Cambridge: Cambridge
Uniersity Press.
Nichter, M. 2010. Idioms o Distress reisited. Cvttvre, Meaicive ava P.,cbiatr,, 34:401-416.
Parle, J. 200. tate. of Miva: earcbivg for Mevtat eattb iv ^atat ava Zvtvtava, 111.
lughes, C. 1998. 1he glossary o culture-bound` syndromes in DSM-IV: A Critique.6
1rav.cvttvrat P.,cbiatr, 35,3,:413-421.
Littlewood, R. 2002. Pathologies o the west. Ch. 1 Psychiatry`s Culture. Ithaca: Cornell
Uniersity. OR: Int J Soc Psychiatry 1996 42 ,4,: 245-268.
loucault, M., & Khala, J. 2006. i.tor, of Maave... 1aylor & lrancis Routledge.
loucault, M. Maave.. ava Ciriti.atiov
Good, B., Subandi, and Delecchio, M-J., Good, M. 200. 1he subject o mental illness:
psychosis, mad iolence, and subjectiity in Indonesia. v vb;ectirit,: tbvograbic ivre.tigatiov.. J.
Good, B. and A. Kleinman ,eds,. Berkeley: Uniersity o Caliornia Press, pp:243-22.
lorwitz, A. 2002.1he Biological loundations o Diagnostic Psychiatry. In Creativg Mevtat ttve...
Uniersity o Chicago Press.
Langlitz, N. 2012. ^evro.,cboaetia. Berkeley: Uniersity o Caliornia Press.
Lester, R. J. 2009. Brokering authenticity: borderline personality disorder and the ethics o care in
an American eating disorder clinic. Cvrrevt .vtbrootog, 50,3:281-302.
Leader, D. 2012. !bat i. Maave... London: Penguin..
Sadowsky, J. 1999. veriat eatav: v.titvtiov. of Maave.. iv Cotoviat ovtbre.t ^igeria. Berkeley:
Uniersity o Caliornia Press.
Simons, Ronald C. 1996. oo! Cvttvre, erievce, ava tbe tartte Refte. Oxord Uniersity Press.
Vaughan, M. 1991. Cvrivg 1beir tt.: Cotoviat Porer ava .fricav ttve... London: Polity Press.
\oods, A. 2011. 1be vbtive Ob;ect of P.,cbiatr,: cbiobrevia iv Ctivicat ava Cvttvrat 1beor,. Chicago
Uniersity Press.

T++F JS O#+ )$%*3*"5 $' 36-=G-
Anthropologists hae long seen analytic alue or trauma in terms o understanding eents that
push people to the edges o their own existence, in the process o unmaking and remaking
worlds` ,Scarry 1985,. 1he means people use to re-attach themseles to the world may inole
culturally aailable rituals, practices and symbols that can also assist theorisations o the way
culture operates. 1his topic explores the social and cultural mechanisms at play in ways
experiences are recognised as traumatic, made sense o morally, and healed. \e ask how trauma
aries locally, and across contexts, and queries the alue o anthropological research on local
ariations or clinical or therapeutic practice. Next, post-traumatic stress disorder ,P1SD, has
been subject to critiques by anthropologists since its incorporation into the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual o Mental Disorders-1hird Ldition in 1980. 1hese are releant to ways P1SD
is used heuristically to ,1, construct trauma as the norm rather than the exception, ,2, prioritize

war-related trauma at the expense o ways in which suering is normatiely produced within the
complex dynamics o political-economic regimes and ideologies, ,3, priilege the indiidual oer
the social context as the locus or interention, ,4, oeremphasize negatie cultural` actors.
Last, traumatic illness and subjectiity challenge us to reconceptualize political and medical
spaces o power. Via readings o ways trauma operates in the goernance o state borders,
international law, war, humanitarianism and immigration, we can expand the horizons o classic`
ields o medical anthropology, including the study o migrant psychologies or subjectiities. 1his
can shed light on conditions o productie lie at stake in conjunctions o transnational labour,
and ways racialized discourses o anachronism sustain diagnoses o abnormality.

@+9 Z+-,*.85
lassin, D. and R. Rechtman. 2009. 1be vire of 1ravva. .v vqvir, ivto tbe Covaitiov of 1ictivbooa.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton Uniersity Press.
lassin, D. and D`lalluin, L. 2005. 1he truth rom the body: medical certiicates as ultimate
eidence or asylum seekers. .vericav .vtbrootogi.t, 10,4,:59-608.
Kirmayer, L., Lemelson, R. and Barad, M. 2008. |vaer.tavaivg 1ravva. vtegrativg iotogicat, Ctivicat,
ava Cvttvrat Per.ectire.. Cambridge: Cambridge Uniersity Press.
Lester, R. 2013. Back rom the edge o existence: A critical anthropology o trauma. 1rav.cvttvrat
P.,cbiatr, 50,5,:53-62.
Malabou, C. 2012. 1be ^er !ovvaea: rov ^evro.i. to raiv Davage. 1rans. S. Miller. lordham
Uniersity Press.
Rosaldo, R. 2014. 1be Da, of bett,`. Deatb: 1be Poetr, ava tbvograb, of Crief. Duke Uniersity
Scheper-lughes, N. 2008. A talent or lie: relections on human ulnerability and resistance.
tbvo. 3,1,:25-56.

(,,*3*$.-% Z+-,*.85
Crapanzano, V. 1985. 1vbavi. Portrait of a Moroccav. Chicago, Il: Uniersity o Chicago Press.
Das, V. 200. Commentary: trauma and testimony, between law and discipline. Lthos 35,3,:330-
De Jong, J. and Reis, R. 2013. Collectie trauma processing: dissociation as a way o processing
postwar traumatic stress in Guinea Bissau. 1rav.cvttvrat P.,cbiatr, 50,5,:644-661.
Desjarlais, R. 1989. lealing through images: the magical light and healing geography o Nepali
shamanism. tbo. 1:289-30.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual o Mental Disorders. lith Ldition ,DSM-V,. American
Psychiatric Association.
Dow, J. 1986. Uniersal aspects o symbolic healing. A theoretical synthesis. .vericav
.vtbrootogi.t 88:56-69.
lassin, D. 2011. . Critiqve of vvavitariav Rea.ov: . Morat i.tor, of tbe Pre.evt. Princeton
Uniersity Press.
linton, D. and Lewis-lernandez, R. 2011. 1he cross-cultural alidity o posttraumatic stress
disorder: implications or DSM-5. Dere..iov ava .viet,,28:83-801.
linton, D. and Kirmayer, L. 2013. Local responses to trauma: symptom, aect, and healing.
1rav.cvttvrat P.,cbiatr, 50,5,:60-621.
James, L. 2010. Devocratic v.ecvritie.: 1iotevce, 1ravva, ava vterrevtiov iv aiti. Berkeley: Uniersity
o Caliornia Press.
Kirmayer, L. J. 1996. Landscapes o memory: 1rauma, narratie and dissociation. In Antze, P.,
and Lambek, M. ,eds,. 1ev.e a.t: cvttvrat e..a,. iv travva ava vevor,. N\: Routledge, pp:13-198.
Kirmayer, L. 1993 lealing and the inention o metaphor: the eectieness o symbols reisited.
Cvttvre, Meaicive ava P.,cbiatr, 1,2,:161-195.

Kleinman, A. 1980. Patievt. ava eater. iv tbe Covtet of Cvttvre: .v toratiov of tbe oraertava
etreev .vtbrootog,, Meaicive ava P.,cbiatry. Uniersity o Caliornia Press.
Luhrmann, 1-M. 2013. Making God real and making God good: some mechanisms through
which prayer may contribute to healing. 1rav.cvttvrat P.,cbiatr, 50,5,:0-25.
Nations, M. 2013. Dead-baby dreams, transiguration and recoery rom inant death trauma in
northeast Brazil. 1rav.cvttvrat P.,cbiatr, 50,5,:662-682.
Rosaldo, R. 1989. Cvttvre ava 1rvtb. 1be Reva/ivg of ociat .vat,.i.. New \ork: Basic Books.
Scarry, L. 1985. 1be oa, iv Paiv: 1be Ma/ivg ava |vva/ivg of tbe !orta. New \ork: Oxord
Uniersity Press.
Scheper-lughes, N. 1992. Deatb !itbovt !eeivg: 1be 1iotevce of rer,aa, ife iv rait. Uniersity
o Caliornia Press.
\oung, A. 2002. 1he Sel-traumatized perpetrator as a transient mental illness. rotvtiov
P.,cbiatriqve, 6,4,:630-650.
\oung, A. 1996. arvov, of ttv.iov.: vrevtivg Po.t1ravvatic tre.. Di.oraer. Berkeley: Uniersity o
Caliornia Press.

Other books,articles by Didier lassin
lassin, D. 2011. vvavitariav Rea.ov: . Morat i.tor, of tbe Pre.evt. Berkeley: Uniersity o
Caliornia Press.
lassin, D. 2008. 1he humanitarian politics o testimony: subjectiication through trauma in the
Israeli-Palestinian conlict. Cvttvrat .vtbrootog,, 23,3,:531-538.
lassin, D. 200. !bev oaie. Revevber: erievce. ava Potitic. of .ia. iv ovtb .frica.
lassin, D. 200. lumanitarianism as politics o lie, Pvbtic Cvttvre, 19,3,.
lassin, D. and L. D`lalluin, L. 200. Critical eidence: 1he politics o trauma in lrench asylum
policies. tbo., 35:300-329.
lassin, D. and Vasquez, P. 2005. lumanitarian exception as the rule. 1he political theology o
the 1999 1ragedia` in Venezuela, .vericav tbvotogi.t, 32,3,:389-405.
lassin, D. 2005. Compassion and repression. 1he moral economy o immigration policies in
lrance, Cvttvrat .vtbrootog,, 20,3,:362-38.
lassin, D. 2004. Public health as culture. 1he social construction o the childhood lead
poisoning epidemic in lrance, riti.b Meaicat vttetiv, 69:16-1.
lassin, D. 2003. 1he South Arican politics o AIDS. Beyond the controersies ,aec l.
Schneider,, riti.b Meaicat ]ovrvat, 326:495-49.
lassin, Didier. Podcast 1he Vanishing 1ruth o Reugees` ,lecture, 15 June 2011, Reugee
Studies Centre, Oxord,. http:,,,podcasts,eed.xml

A*%G -., ,*5"=55*$.S
Robert Lemelson. 2009. 40 \ears o Silence: An Indonesian 1ragedy. LlementalProductions.

T++F /S 1he big three': 5"#*d$)#6+.*-: ,+)6+55*$. -., E*)$%-6 ,*5$6,+6
1his chapter addresses the big three` most commonly diagnosed psychiatric disorders:
schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorder. Although these hae dierent underlying causes
,psychosis, neurosis,, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder hae oerlapping symptomologies,
especially in terms o depression. All three share a history o misunderstanding, assumptions o
poor prognosis, clinical ariations in cultural understandings, and raise questions regarding links
to modernity, religious institutions and cosmologies, global capitalism etc, and to ways lie in
some societies is organised to protect members rom mental illness. Students are guided through
the close reading o key texts: Lxamples include Scheper-lughes` account o schizophrenia in
rural Ireland in the 190s, medical journalist \hitaker`s reealing account that schizophrenics in
the US are worse than in many o the world`s poorest countries, worse possibly than asylum

patients in the nineteenth-century. Next, Kitanaka`s historical ethnography o depression in
Japan traces its progress through debates in the early twentieth century about neurasthenia as a
disorder o oerwork or deectie ,weak`, personality. She links understandings o depression to
the hardworking Japanese man who has oer-internalized the Japanese ethic o productiity and
corporate loyalty. Depression thus becomes a disease o atigue, but is treated by
pharmaceuticals rather than ia the social structures that determine discourses o oer-work.
Lmily Martin links the history o manic-depression in the U.S. to problematic ormations o
moement and immobility in modernity in the criteria o bipolar disorder where the indiidual is
too energised, or too immobilised`. She argues mania is an asset with market alue` in American
culture: manic depression epitomizes the ital energy, ound in the psyche rather than the
labouring body, that the market veea. to keep expanding.

@+9 Z+-,*.85
Dais, L. A. 2012. aa ovt.. Maave.. ava Re.ov.ibitit, iv Moaerv Creece. Duke Uniersity Press.
Nakamura, K. 2013. . Di.abitit, of tbe ovt. .v tbvograb, of cbiobrevia ava Mevtat ttve.. iv
]aav. Ithaca and London: Cornell Uniersity Press.
Kitanaka, J. 2011. Dere..iov iv ]aav: P.,cbiatric Cvre. for a ociet, iv Di.tre... Princeton U. Press.
Martin, L. 200. iotar eaitiov.: Mavia ava aere..iov iv .vericav Cvttvre. Princeton U. Press.
Scheper-lughes, N. 2001. aivt., cbotar., ava cbiobrevic.: Mevtat ttve.. iv Rvrat retava. UCal.
\hitaker, R. 2003. Maa iv .verica. Perseus Publications.

(,,*3*$.-% Z+-,*.85
Boyle, Mary. 1990. Schizophrenia. ,also Mary Boyle 2002. 200,.
Cetkoich, A. 2012. Dere..iov: . Pvbtic eetivg. Durham: Duke Uniersity Press.
Kleinman, A. & Good, B. 1985. Cvttvre ava Dere..iov: tvaie. iv tbe .vtbrootog, ava Cro..cvttvrat
P.,cbiatr, of .ffect ava Di.oraer. Berkeley: Uniersity o Caliornia Press. Chs 3 ,pp.101-133,, 13
,pp. 429-490,, & Lpilogue ,pp. 491-505,.
Lawlor, C. 2012. rov Metavcbotia to Proac: . i.tor, of Dere..iov. Oxord Uniersity Press.
Obeyesekere, G. 1985. Depression, Buddhism, and the work o culture in Sri Lanka.` In
Kleinman, A. & Good, B. 1985. ,eds,. Cvttvre ava Dere..iov, ,pp. 134-152,. Berkeley: UCal Press
Mendenhall, L. 2012. ,vaevic vfferivg: ociat Di.tre.., Dere..iov ava Diabete. .vovg Meicav
vvigravt !ovev. Let Coast Press Inc.
O`Nell, 1. 1996. Di.citivea eart.: i.tor,, iaevtit, ava aere..iov iv av .vericav vaiav covvvvit,.
Uniersity o Caliornia Press.
Sharpe, K. 2012. Covivg of .ge ov Zotoft: or .vtiaere..avt. Cbeerea |. |, et |. Dorv, ava
Cbavgea !bo !e .re. larperCollins.
Duke, M.R., B. Bourdeau, and J.D. loey. 2010. Day laborers and occupational stress: 1esting
the Migrant larmworker Stress Inentory with a Latino day laborer population. Cvttvrat,
ava tbvic Mivorit, P.,cbotog,, 16,2,:166-22.

A*%G5 Karen Nakamura. 2013. etbet: Covvvvit, ava cbiobrevia iv ^ortberv ]aav. Robert
Lemelson. 2010. Ritvat vraev.. Also Kite. ava Mov.ter. |Alictions|.

T++F ]S b%$E-%*5-3*$.: 8%$E-% "=%3=6+ -., 8%$E-% G+.3-% #+-%3#
1his week we examine ways mental health and illness are dispersed ia dierent ideologies and
politics through time, and across the globe. lirst, this inoles a historicised critique o
anthropology`s participation in, and encounter with, the iolence o colonialism. lrantz lanon`s
work in 1960s with patients in an Algerian psychiatric hospital or example links mental disorder,
colonial oppression, dehumanising iolence, and the striing or a new national consciousness.
1he work o lanon and other colonial psychiatrists has been oundational or more recent

research onto the globalisation o post-colonial disorders. Second, we explore some recent
technological deelopments in global mental health-and eorts by anthropologists ,e.g.
larmer, Kleinman, to create historically deep and geographically broad perspecties on the
interconnected phenomena o mental health, mental illness, neoliberalism, globalisation, political
and economic crises, and ideas o global citizenship. 1hird, we examine some detailed
ethnographic analyses in text and ilm-o ways, or example, global politics, \estern psychiatric
diagnostics, psychotic symptoms, pharmaceuticals, religious participation and the social alues o
work, marriage and community may co-exist ,or contradict one another, in experiences o
mental illness and recoery. 1his includes an examination o the moement or global mental
health, the notion o the psychotropic childhood` and the uncomortable question o whether it
should be eery child`s right

@+9 Z+-,*.85
DelVecchio, M-J., lyde, S., Pinto, S. and Good, B. 2008. ,eds,. Po.tcotoviat Di.oraer.. Uniersity o
Caliornia Press.
larmer, P., Kleinman, A., Kim, J., Basilico, M. 2013. ,eds,. Reivagivivg Ctobat eattb. Uniersity
o Caliornia Press, Introduction.
larmer, P., Kim, J., Kleinman, A., Basilico, M. 2013. Reivagivivg Ctobat Mevtat eattb ,eds,.
Chapter 3, Colonial Medicine and Its Legacies
\atters, L. 2010. Cra, i/e |.. 1be Ctobatiatiov of tbe .vericav P.,cbe. lree Press.
Becker, A., and Kleinman, A. 2013. Mental lealth and the Global Agenda. ^er vgtava ]ovrvat of
Meaicive, 369:66-3. http:,,,doi,pd,10.1056,NLJMra111082
Rylko-Bauer, B., \hiteord, L. and larmer, P. 2009. Ctobat eattb iv 1ive. of 1iotevce. Santa le,
CA: School or Adanced Research Press.

(,,*3*$.-% Z+-,*.85
lanon, l. 1961,2001. Colonial wars and mental disorders. In 1be !retcbea of tbe artb, Ch. 5,
pp:200-250. London: Penguin.
larmer, P. and \eigel, J. 2013. 1o Reair tbe !orta: Pavt arver ea/. to tbe ^et Ceveratiov.
Uniersity o Caliornia Press.
C. Campbell and R. Burgess ,2012,. Special issue: Communities and Global Mental lealth.
1ranscultural Psychiatry, 49,3-4,.
lan, C. 2012. ife iv Debt: 1ive. of Care ava 1iotevce iv ^eotiberat Cbite. Uniersity o Caliornia
Kleinman, A. 2013. Implementing global mental health. Dere..iov ava .viet,, 30:503-505.
Mills, C. 2013. Decotoviivg Ctobat Mevtat eattb: tbe P.,cbiatriatiov of tbe Ma;orit, !orta.
N\,London: Routledge.
Patel, V., l. Minas, A. Cohen and M. Prince. 2013. ,eds,. Ctobat Mevtat eattb: Privcite. ava
Practice. Oxord Uniersity Press.
Read, U., Adiibokah, L. & Nyame, S. 2009. Local suering and the global discourse o mental
health and human rights: an ethnographic study o responses to mental illness in rural Ghana,
Ctobati.atiov ava eattb, ::13
Pandolo, S. 2008. 1he Knot o the Soul: Postcolonial Conundrums, Madness, and the
Imagination. In Po.tcotoviat Di.oraer.. Uniersity o Caliornia Press, pp:329-358.
lernando, S. 2010. Mevtat eattb, Race ava Cvttvre ,3
Ld., Basingstoke: Palgrae.
Summerield, D. 2008. low scientiically alid is the knowledge base o global mental health
riti.b Meaicat ]ovrvat: 992-994.
1icktin, M. 2013. 1be !aitivg Roov. http:,,,2013,10,the-waiting-room.html
1icktin, M. 2011. Ca.vattie. of Care: vvigratiov ava tbe Potitic. of vvavitariavi.v iv ravce. Berkeley:
Uniersity o Caliornia Press.

1icktin, M. and leldman, I. 2010. ,eds,. v tbe ^ave of vvavit,: 1be Corervvevt of 1breat ava Care.
Duke Uniersity Press.

Global mental health ideos- http:,,
Lawrence Kirmayer. 2012. Reisioning Psychiatry: Cultural Phenomenology, Critical
Neuroscience, and Global Mental lealth http:,,
Dir. Anya Bernstein. 2006. v Pvr.vit of tbe iberiav bavav. Documentary Lducational Resources

T++F \S O-F+ #$G+ +Y-G

T++F 1S T6*3*.8 6+"$M+69

A*%G -., ,*5"=55*$.
Richard L. Robbins. 200. Oeratiov ovecovivg: !ritivg tbe !artive erievce.

Z+-,*.85 $. R6*3*.8
Abu-Lughod, L. 1991. \riting against culture. In lox, R ,eds,. Recatvrivg .vtbrootog,.
Aunger, R. 1995. On ethnography: storytelling or science Cvrrevt .vtbrootog,, 36,1,, Special
Issue: ethnographic authority and cultural explanation, pp. 9-130.
Cliord, J. 1986. Partial 1ruths ,Introduction,. In Cliord, J. and Marcus, G. ,eds,. !ritivg
Cvttvre: 1be oetic. ava otitic. of etbvograb, ,see also article by Crapanzano,
Cooter, R. 2013. !ritivg i.tor, iv tbe .ge of ioveaicive. \ale Uniersity Press.
Geertz, C. 1988. eivg 1bere. Chapter 1 in \orks and Lies.
lunt, C. 2004. Reading Ourseles: Imagining the Reader in the \riting Process`, in G. Bolton
et al ,eds,. ,!ritivg Cvre.: .v vtroavctor, avaboo/ of !ritivg iv Covv.ettivg ava 1bera,,,
Brunner,Routledge, pp.35-43.
Kleinman, A. \riting on the margins.
Poewe, K. 1996. \riting culture and writing ieldwork: the prolieration o experimental and
experiential ethnographies` tbvo. 61: 3-4.
Spencer, J. 1989. Anthropology as a Kind o \riting. Mav 24: 145-165
Street, B. 1993. Culture is a Verb, in Graddol, 1hompson and Byram ,eds,. avgvage ava Cvttvre.
Ong, \. 198. 1he \riter's Audience is Always a liction`, in V. Lambropoulos & D. Miller
,eds,. 1revtietb Cevtvr, iterar, 1beor,. 1he State Uniersity o New \ork Press, pp.401-422.
Bakhtin, M. 1986. Speech Genres,and Other Late Lssays. Uniersity o 1exas Press ,1he
Problem o Speech Genres` and,or 1he Problem o the 1ext`,
Bollas, C. 2002. ree ...ociatiov.

T++F ICS ;#-6G-"+=3*"-%5: 6+"$M+69 -., 3#+6-)+=3*" 5+%'>G-F*.8
1his topic examines practices and ideas o recoery, and ways aried therapeutic techniques
shape new orders out o disordered` realities. \e consider writing, irst as a mode o
anthropological representation and second, as a therapeutic tool. 1he debate about writing
culture` queries what anthropology as a way o knowing, but more especially as a way o writing,
does to the subject o inestigation. \e will explore associated issues in relation to language as a
mode o representing personal experience and o recoery. Summerson Carr`s ethnography
examines why addiction counsellors in the U.S. seek to reconcile drug users` relationship to

language in order to reconigure their relationship to drugs. 1anya Lurhmann queries whether, i
you do not enision schizophrenia as a lie sentence, you increase opportunities or patients to
discoer their own resilience 1hese examples contrast with Joe Dumit who explores the
expansion o markets or prescription drugs alongside perceptions o ourseles as inherently and
permanently ill. 1he chapter additionally considers ways companies producing pharmaceuticals
or mental health problems market their products in a global setting. 1his bears on the diiculty
,impossibility, o addressing the underlying social causes o distress, the proiteering o
multinationals, and ways both legal and illegal drugs are used to manage seere mental distress.

@+9 6+-,*.85 $. 6+"$M+69
Good, B. J. et al. 2010. Is chronicity` ineitable or psychotic illness Studying heterogeneity in
the course o schizophrenia in \ogyakarta, Indonesia. v Manderson & Smith-Morris ,eds,.
Cbrovic covaitiov., ftvia .tate.: gtobatiatiov ava tbe avtbrootog, of ittve... Rutgers Uniersity Press.
Dumit, J. 2012. Drvg. for ife. or Pbarvacevticat Covavie. Defive Ovr eattb.
Lstro, S. 1992. Ma/ivg it Cra,. Berkeley: Uniersity o Caliornia Press.
Luhrmann, 1. Liing with oices,` American Scholar Summer 2012.
Summerson Carr, L. 2012. critivg .aaictiov: 1be Potitic. of 1beraevtic 1at/ ava .vericav obriet,..

(,,*3*$.-% 6+-,*.85 $. 6+"$M+69
Charland, L. 2004. A madness or identity: psychiatric labels, consumer autonomy, and the perils
o the internet` Pbito.ob,, P.,cbiatr,, c P.,cbotog,, 11:335-349.
Martin, L. 2010. Sel-making and the brain. vb;ectirit, 3,4,:366-381.
Summerson Carr, L. 2013. Signs o Sobriety: Rescripting American Addiction Counselling. In
.aaictiov 1ra;ectorie., L. Raikhel & \. Garriott ,eds,. Durham & London: Duke Uniersity Press.
Dumit, J. 2002. Drugs or Lie. Motecvtar vterrevtiov., 2,124.
Kelly A. McKinney and Brian G. Greenield. 2010. Sel-compliance at Prozac campus.
.vtbrootog, c Meaicive 1,2:13-185.
Meyers, 1. 2013. 1be Ctivic ava t.erbere: .aaictiov, .aote.cevt., ava tbe .ftertife of 1bera,.
\ashington U. Press.
Parish, S. 2008. vb;ectirit, ava vfferivg iv .vericav Cvttvre: Po..ibte etre.. Palgrae Macmillan.
louse, R., & Loewenthal, D. 2012. 1he rise o therapeutic education: beneicent, uncertain or
dangerous etf ava ociet,, AlPB.
Larsson, P, Loewenthal, D., Brooks, O. 2012. Counselling psychology and schizophrenia: a
critical discursie account. Covv.ettivg P.,cbotog, Qvartert,
Gee, J. and Loewenthal, D. 2011. \orking with despair: a phenomenological inestigation.
Psychology and Psychotherapy: 1beor,, Re.earcb ava Practice.
Unantenne, N., \arren, N.L., Canaway, R.L., Manderson, L.l. 2013. 1he strength to cope:
spirituality and aith in chronic disease, ]ovrvat Of Retigiov c eattb P, ol 52,4, Springer New
\ork LLC, United States, pp. 114-1161.
\aldram, J. B. 2012. ovva Povva ^arratire: evat Offevaer abititatiov ava tbe .vtbrootog, of
1beraevtic vterrevtiov. Berkeley: Uniersity o Caliornia Press.

Dir. Donal and Palmieiri, Off abet,
K3#+6 6+5$=6"+5
C Raaio 1. 1biv/ivg .ttorea. 11 March 2013. Interiew with Joe Dumit. Drugs or lie,
subcultural identity. http:,,,programmes,b01r0h4r

T++F5 IIS [$$F 6+M*+R ^)6+5+.3-3*$.5 -., '++,E-"F`


T++F IBS ;59"#$-.-%95*5 -., (.3#6$)$%$89 ^-., -55+55G+.3 3=3$6*-%5`
1his topic examines the complementary historical, geographical and methodological relationship
between anthropology and psychoanalysis. lirst, it proides an oeriew o some dierse ways
anthropologists hae engaged a range o psychoanalytic theories and practices in ethnographic
research and writing. Recent ormulations include social, political and material landscapes o
mourning and melancholia ,lansen, Naaro-\ashin,, the split between psychoanalysis and
science in psychiatry training in the U.S. ,Lurhmann,, Good`s call, drawing on the experience o
seere psychosis, or theorising a hauntology` in psychological anthropology that can capture
what is largely unspeakable and unspoken, and other work on indiidual and ,political,-cultural
continuities between pathological modes o dissociation and psychosis in the study o iolence.
Second, we pay attention to ways both the theory and practice o psychoanalytic therapies hae
been adapted and shaped in,by non-Luropean cultures.

@+9 Z+-,*.85
Borneman, J. 2011. Daydreaming, intimacy, and the intersubjectie third in ieldwork encounters
in Syria. .vericav tbvotogi.t, 38,2,:234-248.
Ctio`. P.,cbe. 2014. eciat .vtbrootog, ava P.,cboavat,.i.: vter.ectiov. of tbe vtra.,cbic ava ociat.
Good, B. 2012. Phenomenology, psychoanalysis and subjectiity in Jaa. tbo., 40:24-36.
Kirmayer, L. 200. Psychotherapy and the cultural concept o the person. 1rav.cvttvrat
P.,cbiatr, 44,2,:232-25.
Lurhmann, 1. Of 1ro Miva.. Ch.4, 1he psychiatric scientist and the psychoanalyst`, pp:158-202.
Larsson, P, Loewenthal, D., Brooks, O. 2012. Counselling psychology and schizophrenia: a
critical discursie account. Covv.ettivg P.,cbotog, Qvartert,
Crapanzano, V. 2006. 1he Scene: Shadowing the Real. .vtbrootogicat 1beor, 6,4,:38-405.
lollan, D. 2012. On the arieties and particularities o cultural experience. tbo., 40,1,:3-53.
lansen, 1. B. 2012. Metavcbotia of freeaov. Princeton Uniersity Press.
Obeyesekere, G.1990 1be !or/ of Cvttvre. ,vbotic 1rav.forvatiov iv P.,cboavat,.i. ava .vtbrootog,.
Chicago, Il: Uniersity o Chicago Press.
Phillips, A. 2013. v Prai.e of tbe |vtirea ife. Ch. Superiorities. London: Penguin.
Paul, R. 1989. Psychoanalytic Anthropology. .vvvat Rerier of .vtbrootog,, 18:1-202.

(,,*3*$.-% Z+-,*.85
lreud, S. 1930,2010. Ciriti.atiov ava it. Di.covtevt.. London: Pober.
lreud, S. 1913.1otev ava 1aboo: Re.evbtavce. betreev tbe Mevtat tire. of arage. ava ^evrotic..
Naaro-\ashin, \. 2009 Aectie spaces, melancholic objects: ruination and the production o
anthropological knowledge. ]ovrvat of tbe Ro,at .vtbrootogicat v.titvte 15,1,:1-19.
Kakar, S. 1996. 1be Cotor. of 1iotevce: Cvttvrat aevtitie., Retigiov, ava Covftict. U Chicago Press.
Kirmayer, L. 200. Psychotherapy and the cultural concept o the person. 1rav.cvttvrat
P.,cbiatr, 44,2,:232-25.
Mitchell, J. 194. P.,cboavat,.i. ava fevivi.v. Conclusion, 1he holy amily and emininity`, pp:364-
382. New \ork: Basic Books.
Obeyesekere, G. 1990. 1be !or/ of Cvttvre: ,vbotic 1rav.forvatiov iv P.,cboavat,.i. ava .vtbrootog,.
Uniersity o Caliornia Press.
Paul, R. 1989. Psychoanalytic Anthropology. .vvvat Rerier of .vtbrootog,, 18:1-202.
Parish, S. 2008. vb;ectirit, ava vfferivg iv .vericav Cvttvre: Po..ibte etre.. Palgrae Macmillan.
louse, R., & Loewenthal, D. 2012. 1he rise o therapeutic education: beneicent, uncertain or
dangerous etf ava ociet,, AlPB
Gee, J. and Loewenthal, D. 2011. \orking with despair: a phenomenological inestigation.
Psychology and Psychotherapy: 1beor,, Re.earcb ava Practice.

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