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In a universe similar to our own, their Earth has superheroes and supervillains. However, in an attempt to remove all superheroes
from their universe, one supervillain came up with a master plan. The technology this villain created located all superheroes and some
supervillains and terminated them from their existence. However, since matter cant be created or destroyed, those superheroes and
supervillains were reformed into the team youre about to learn about. When they were reformed, their powers were recombined,
essentially birthing new superheroes, in a world without superheroes or supervillains. In a jest of cosmic humor, those superheroes that
were reborn were women, phenomenally gorgeous and anatomically enhanced women.
Once they found themselves on the Earth of the WOW universe, they realized they were unique. What was even more apparent was
they realized through team members like Sara Jean, that this world had governments and powerful people who cared nothing for the
common man. Sympathy overtook them, prompting them to create an island, invisible to the world. From there, despite knowing the
possible outcome, they offered the governments of the world the chance to reshape the planet, with their help, while also remaining invisible
to the citizens of the Earth. The governments and power brokers of the world rejected their offer, leading them to take direct action.
From their headquarters, they have taken on secret missions for defenseless groups of people and organizations. In addition, they
have been slowly infiltrating themselves into various countries, in an attempt to get help from organizations who feel as they do, that the
world needs to change. They utilize their powers to provide funds and resources to various organizations, some that existed and new ones,
that work to change the world and make the lives of the common man better. This of course isnt making those in power of any country very
happy, which is prompting them to join forces and create their version of supervillains; supervillains they hope will defeat these gods who
have come among them, gently forcing the Earth into a golden age of equality. While doing that, they are learning about themselves, along
with their new urges and the need for companionship.
Currently, its come to light that Aria Giovanni and Pilar Lustra have become an item, mixing with the populace from time to time,
to be certain their connection is real, but also for the occasional fling which Pilar seems to crave, but only with Aria along for the ride.

Table of Contents
Alana Campos aka Andromeda .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Anna Berglund aka Rogue .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Aria Giovanni aka Shadowcat .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Carmella Decesare aka Aurora ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Francesca Frigo aka Nova ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Heather Knox aka Canary ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Iryna Ivanova aka Dazzler ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 33
Isis Taylor aka Carnage .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Jaclyn Swedberg aka Mystique ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Jada ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Jennifer Lavoie aka Gia .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 57
Jessica Burciaga aka Firehawk ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 64
Kyra Milan aka Super Woman ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Pilar Lustra aka Titania ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 74
Qiana Chase aka Troia ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 77
Rachel Marteen aka Darkstar ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 81
Sara Jean Underwood aka Phoenix ................................................................................................................................................................................... 85
Sunny Leone aka Glory .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 93
Tailor James aka Polaris ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 99
Tamara Witmer aka Enchantress .................................................................................................................................................................................... 105
WOW Compound ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 111

Alana Campos aka Andromeda

Alana Camposs Desired Human Form

Intelligence: The ability to think and process information.
Strength: The Ability to lift weight.
Land Speed: The ability to move over land by running.
Flight Speed: The ability to move over land by flight.
Durability: The ability to resist or recover from bodily injury.
Energy Projection: The ability to discharge energy.
Fighting Ability: The proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.

Level 5: Genius
Level 6: Superhuman: 75-100 ton range
Level 2: Normal
Level 3: Superhuman: peak range: 700 MPH
Level 7: Virtually indestructible
Level 6: Able to discharge multiple forms of energy
Level 5: Master of a single form of combat
Ocean Master:
Poseidon Aegaeus:

Amphibian: Alana can breathe indefinitely underwater due to having gills located behind her ears. Alana can also breathe on land indefinitely as well
without the aid of breathing devices.
Amphibious Physiological Adaptation: Alana's body is specially developed for underwater conditions, granting her specialized blood circulation to
withstand freezing temperatures and highly developed vision to see clearly even in murky ocean depths. This means she can survive indefinitely
underwater or on land, though she would still needs occasional contact with water.
Aquatic Healing: If injured, Alana's body can heal damaged tissue faster and more extensively than an ordinary human. Alana's accelerated healing is at
its peak while she is immersed in water and is diminished the longer she is out of contact with water or if she is completely dry.
Aquatic Life Mimicry: *Alana has the ability to mimic the characteristics of all the undersea creatures. Some of the abilities she has demonstrated are:
Aquatic Life Mimicry: Bio-Electricity: Alana can discharge bio-electricity similar to an electric eel. She seems to be able to absorb certain energies
and convert them into bio-electricity; blasts similar to Pilar Lustra.
Aquatic Life Mimicry: Lateral Lines: Alana can detect subtle movement or vibrations around her, particularly underwater.
Aquatic Life Mimicry: Octopoid Camouflage: Alana has the ability to change her skin color as camouflage (the effect is so convincing it seems as
though she could actually turn invisible). She can also appear human when needed.

Aquatic Life Mimicry: Sonar: *Alana possesses a natural form of sonar

Aquatic Life Mimicry: Sonar: Hybrid Sense: She can follow radio beams.
Aquatic Telepathy: Alana possesses a telepathic rapport with all forms of marine life. She is able to mentally communicate with most forms of marine
life and can mentally persuade them to do her bidding. Alana can also mentally communicate with humans as well.
Atomkinesis: Alana has control over the weather. This power allows her to manipulate and exert influence with all the natural forces responsible for
weather. She can sense, create, shape and manipulate weather, ie. the meteorological patterns, creating rain, wind, hail, lightning, snow, sleet, fog and
temperature changes. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena or control the intensity of the weather in highly concentrated
(inside room) or vastly extended (continental) areas
Augmented Vision: Alana's enhanced vision enables her to penetrate the ocean's depths and see through murky water.
Energy Manipulation: Alana possesses powerful energy-wielding abilities. As such Alana's magical abilities surpass even that of Tamara Witmer. Alana
can fire powerful force bolts from her hands powerful enough to destroy a planet. She can create powerful electrical fields, erect powerful, nearly
impenetrable force fields, powerful enough to protect her from any attack. She has the power of flight, light absorption, electric disruption and astral
projection, temporarily increase her physical attributes, convert a handful of people into water-breathers, change her and others size, shape and form into
other people, animals and objects, create inter-dimensional apertures to enable her to transport herself from one dimension to another, mystically conceal
herself from anyone, and heal the injuries of other living beings.
Hydrokinesis: Alana has nearly omnipotent control over all forms of water. She can control, create and manipulate water such as making an entire ocean
into a puddle or creating tsunamis. She can use her control over water to create powerful water blasts at her opponents. she is the greatest swimmer on
the Earth. She can move at superhuman speeds while in water, and communicate with all the sea creatures. She can breathe under water for indefinitely
and can breathe oxygen as well. Alana possesses the ability to increase the density of water within her immediate vicinity for a wide variety of effects.
This ability allows her to create "hard water" objects, reshaping volumes of water into simple geometric shapes. Alana commonly uses this power to
create water missiles, which she projects towards a selected target.
Immortality: Alana is immune to the effects of aging. She has not aged since reaching adulthood. She cannot die by any conventional means, and is
immune to all known Earthly diseases and infections.
Limb Elongation: Alana has the ability to elongate her limbs to one and a half times their normal length. When doing so, the muscle tissue of her limbs
gorge with blood and swell to many times their normal size, thereby giving them the appearance of large snakes. Her limbs are capable of generating up
to 125 pounds of pressure per square inch, which is enough force to deform a steel tube two feet in diameter and one inch thick.
Marine Telepathy: *Alana has the ability to communicate directly with sea life and has done so throughout most of her life. She can actually force sea
creatures to obey her whim, despite requesting their assistance. Alana is also an accomplished telepath in general and can perform such telepathic feats as
mind to mind communication, mind probes, mental domination of a non-aquatic mind, and mental attacks.
Marine Telepathy: Access to the Clear: Alana has the ability to sense the primal emotions of aquatic creatures through "The Clear". The Clear seems
to function as a universal consciousness of all sea life. Via it she can communicate or command sea life on the other side of the planet. She can see
what they see and much more. She can also push her telepathic powers to reach out to the higher land creatures to find that element of their brains
that was once an aquatic dwelling creature. This may account for Alana's facility with language.
Offensive Secretion: Alana can secrete corrosive acid or paralyzing toxin from her hands.

Radiation Absorption: Alana can absorb certain levels of radiation.

Regenerative Healing Factor: If Alana sustains injury, her life-force will enable her to recover with superhuman levels of speed and efficiency. However,
she is incapable of regenerating missing limbs or organs without the aid of magic.
Sorcery: *Ability to manipulate magical energies. Alana is a master of magical manipulation and can utilize it for many effects including magical bolts
and telepathy. Alana can manipulate even larger amounts of magical energy.
Sorcery: Cold Generation: Alana has the ability to generate massive amounts of cold energy from her hands.
Sorcery: Energy Projection
Sorcery: Flight: Utilizing her magical talents, she has the ability to lift weights when flying, sufficient enough to carry a fifty ton anchor with one
hand without a discernible loss of speed/momentum.
Sorcery: Force Beams: She is able to project purple beams of mystical energy from her eyes.
Sorcery: Heat Generation: Alana has the ability to generate massive amounts of heat energy from her hands.
Sorcery: Mystical Detection: She is able to sense these changes in the fields around her, and make some estimations on the what and the why of the
things she senses.
Sorcery: Telepathy
Sorcery: Water Control: She inherited the ability to mystically control water and water-based solutions for a variety of effects. She can manipulate
water currents, create whirlpools and boil or freeze vast bodies of water.
Superhuman Agility: Alana's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest
human athlete. She can perform acrobatic feats in the air sufficient to enable her to easily evade/dodge most military aircraft.
Superhuman Durability: Alana's body is highly resistant to physical injury. She is capable of withstanding great impact forces, temperature and pressure
extremes, and powerful energy blasts without sustaining injury.
Superhuman Hearing: Alana has really sensitive hearing.
Superhuman Reflexes: While no speedster, Alana's reflexes are superior to even near metahumans, and her reflexes are on the order of 12-15 times faster
than a normal human. Alana is probably the greatest swimmer in the world.
Superhuman Sight: Her ability to see in the murky depths of the ocean allows her exceptional night vision while on land. Alana has excellent close range
vision and she can see particularly well in low light.
Superhuman Smell: several times more acute than human capacity.
Superhuman Speed: Alana's regular speed is approximately 100 knots swimming underwater, although slightly less on the surface. In times of distress
this has shown to drastically increase and she has reached 1,000 knots.
Superhuman Stamina: Alana's body produces almost no fatigue toxins during physical activity, granting her almost limitless physical stamina.
Superhuman Strength: Alana can lift about 100 tons without supplementing her strength with her other powers.
Superhuman Vision: Her ability to see in the murky depths of the ocean allows her exceptional night vision while on land. She has claimed that her eyes
are adapted to see at 6,000 fathoms (or 36,000 feet below the surface of the water).
Superhumanly Dense Tissue: The skin, muscle, and bone tissues of Alana's body, is about 3 times as dense as that of a human. This contributes,
somewhat, to Alana's superhuman strength and weight.

Telepathy: Alana possesses a limited degree of telepathy, which allows her to communicate with other beings beings.
Water Emission/"Sprinkler System": Alana has displayed the ability to extinguish herself when set alight, water spraying from her skin in a manner
explicitly likened to a sprinkler system.

Bold Diplomat: Alana is also a highly skilled leader and capable ruler.
Expert Combatant: Alana's extended lifespan and her involvement in numerous conflicts both under the sea and in human wars have granted her a great
deal of experience in hand to hand combat. Growing up, she demonstrated natural skill in both armed and unarmed combat and likely received extensive
training in both later on. She is a master swordsman, marksman, and is capable of wielding other weapons such as spears but rarely does so due to her
preference of hand to hand combat.
Expert Tactician She is a highly accomplished tactician.
Multilingual: Alana speaks virtually every language on Earth.
Skilled Engineer: She is adept at designing and improving technology.
Talented Business Executive: She has proved to be very adept in the field of business.

Anna Berglund aka Rogue

Intelligence: The ability to think and process information.
Strength: The Ability to lift weight.
Land Speed: The ability to move over land by running.
Flight Speed: The ability to move over land by flight.
Durability: The ability to resist or recover from bodily injury.
Energy Projection: The ability to discharge energy.
Fighting Ability: The proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.
Powers Obtained From:

Level 5: Genius
Level 7: Incalculable: in excess of 100 tons
Level 3: Superhuman: peak range: 700 MPH
Level 7: Warp speed: transcending light speed
Level 6: Superhuman
Level 5: Long range, long duration, single energy type
Level 4: Experienced fighter
Absorbing Man:
Jean Grey:
Professor X:
The Beast:
Wonder Man:

Electronic Surveillance Immunity: Its impossible for her image to be recorded by cameras or other means of surveillance, appearing as a blur.
Energy Manipulation: *Anna had the ability to emit Ion energy blasts of devastating force from her hands and eyes.
Energy Manipulation: Energy Blasts: She is able to fire energy blasts.
Energy Manipulation: Energy Constructs: She acquired the ability to create weapons out of pure solid energy like a sword.
Energy Resistance: Anna is resistant to the effects of her own optic powers.
Energy Vision: Anna can see beyond the usual spectrum visible to the human eye.
Essence Reading: Anna has the ability to see the true essence of whomever she looks upon. She can also use this ability to sense the life energy of other
living beings.
Flight: *
Flight: Flight with Wings: *Anna has a pair of large, white-feathered wings; which can also become techno-organic when needed; that grow out of
her upper back when she wants them. Its with her wings; whether feathered or techno-organic that allows her to travel in deep space. Only while
traveling through deep space, she is capable of travelling faster-than-light.
Flight: Flight with Wings: Enhanced Senses: Anna is a master tracker and can track life forms and objects across light years of distance and
through interstellar space. She can even use this ability while unconscious, asleep, under mind control, intoxicated and sensory blinded.

Flight: Flight with Wings: Interstellar Travel

Flight: Flight with Wings: Self-Sustenance: She can survive in deep space for long periods of time without a spacesuit or oxygen.
Flight: Flight with Wings: Techno-Organic Wings: Annas wings enable her to fly at approximately Mach 1 while in an earthly environment;
though she rarely uses them since she can fly faster without them. The techno-organic wings are razor-sharp and able to shield her body by
covering her up, if needed. The flechettes can be thrown as weapons, some of which are covered in a neurological agent that can stun a foe.
Flight: Flight with Wings: Tracking: Anna is a naturally gifted tracker. She is able to track, guide and chart specific persons or objects through
Flight: Flight without Wings: Anna is now able to fly through the air at great speeds, the exact limit of which isn't known. She can fly at speeds in
excess of 700 mph.
Heat Signature Sense: Anna has the ability to sense beings by the heat signature that they give off.
Immortality: Anna is functionally immortal. She no longer ages and is immune to disease and infection.
Ionic Energy Form: The tissue and bones of her entire body is comprised of ionic energy.
Ionic Regenerative Healing: Anna can heal herself from gunshot wounds, surgery, and even severed limbs. This allowed her to constantly survive death
more often.
Near-Invulnerability: Anna possessed a physiology that grants her a degree of immunity to toxins and poisons, as well as a virtually indestructible body.
Omni-morph Duplication: Anna possesses the ability to bodily duplicate at will the physical properties of anything she touches or that touches her. This
power extends to both animate and inanimate objects and certain forms of energy. The matter of Anna's body magically a material and physiological
change so that her body actually becomes composed of the matter or energy with which she is making contact. While she is in this altered state, she still
possesses her sentience despite the fact that her brain is now composed of the same material as the rest of her. Anna has learned through practice to only
absorb the properties of objects that she wishes to absorb. Originally she could be tricked into absorbing the properties of objects that would render her
relatively vulnerable. There appears to be no time limit to how long she can retain a given property. When she is rendered unconscious or in a coma, she
retains the form which she last consciously assumed. There would also not appear to be a minimum amount of time she must retain one form before
assuming another. She can even become more than one substance at once. Anna can also absorb specific properties relating to the form or mass of an
object she touches. Anna can alter the molecular structure of her body, and her clothes to mimic the properties of any material she touches. This process
also gives her enhanced strength, endurance, and in most cases, resistance to injury. If the object touched holds some form of energy, such as a battery or
a blast furnace, Anna absorbs these properties as well. She also has limited shape-changing abilities when absorbing certain objects, such as forming
hammer-like fists when touching a hammer or growing to enormous size when copying items of massive power or strength themselves.
Optic Blast: Anna possesses the ability to project a powerful beam of concussive, ruby-colored force from her eyes. The height and width, as well as the
force of Anna's eye-blasts seem to be focused by her mind's psionic field.
Pheromones: Anna has the ability to secrete pheromones to attract members of both sexes.
Photographic Reflexes: *Anna has photographic reflexes. She was able to duplicate almost any physical act she sees after seeing it done by someone else
only once.
Photographic Reflexes: Muscle Movement Precision: She can also copy the subtle muscle movements of others so precisely that she can at times do
things such as copying another persons voice so precisely as to fool voice recognition software.
Photographic Reflexes: Near-Superhuman Mimicry: Due to these reflexes, she can do things which border on superpowers, despite having them. For
instance Anna has discovered that after watching martial arts movies on fast-forward she is able to briefly duplicate the moves at a greatly increased
Photographic Reflexes: Physical Movement Prediction: She has often shown the ability to actually predict an opponents next move before they make
it if she has studied their fighting style enough. Opponents who are skilled at improvisational fighting styles, or who have a more random

unpredictable style are less likely to have their moves predicted by her.
Photographic Reflexes: Skill Mastery: She is also capable of using this ability to master complex gymnastics routines and play difficult pieces of
music. However, she typically prefers to use this ability to copy the combat skills, both armed and unarmed, of costumed crime-fighters and expert
martial artists from around the world, typically seen through watching videos of them in combat situations.
Photographic Reflexes: Sleight of Hand Comprehension: She can also do things such as figuring out the sleight of hand techniques of a master poker
cheater simply by watching them.
Power Absorption: Anna can absorb the powers, energies, memories, knowledge, talents, and physical abilities (whether superhuman or not) of another
human being (or members of some sentient alien races) through physical contact of her skin with the skin of the other person. She is not limited to
absorbing superhuman abilities: for example, she has absorbed the strength, agility, and sharp reflexes of an enhanced human. She can also absorb
psionic abilities. In absorbing another persons memories, Anna doesnt gain the emotional responses connected to them. For the transfer of abilities to
be accomplished, Annas skin must contact the skin of her victim; however, she has complete control of her powers when she does touch someone. Anna
can only absorb abilities and memories from living organic beings. She can possess the powers of several superhuman persons at once. No upper limit
has yet been determined for the number of superhuman beings whose power she can maintain simultaneously, or for the amount of power that she can
absorb. Her physical appearance does not change when she absorbs abilities and memories. Once she touches someone and activates her power, the
person falls asleep for 10 minutes, while she utilizes their power. She can never harm anyone when using this power. She prefers to use telepathy when
gaining memories or knowledge; therefore she uses this ability only to increase her powers when needed.
Seventh Sense: Anna is subconsciously able to anticipate the moves of her opponents.
Spatial Awareness: Anna possesses an uncanny sense of trigonometry, in this sense used to describe her observation of objects around herself and the
angles found between surfaces of these objects. Anna has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to cause her optic blasts to ricochet and/or reflect off those
objects in a trajectory to her liking. This is commonly called a "banked shot" when applied to this talent. Anna has been observed causing beams to
reflect from over a dozen surfaces in the course of one blast, and still hit her intended target accurately. It is her sense of superhumanly enhanced spatial
awareness that allows her to perform these feats as well.
Superhuman Agility: Anna's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest
human athlete
Superhuman Durability: Her bodily tissues are much harder and far more resistant to physical injury than the bodily tissues of a normal human. Anna is
highly resistant to penetration wounds, even from high caliber machine gun shells. She can also withstand tremendous impact forces, such as falling from
great heights or being repeatedly struck by superhumanly strong opponents, without being hurt. She is also resistant to extremes in temperature.
Superhuman Hearing: Her hearing has been enhanced to a superhuman degree.
Superhuman Reflexes: Her reflexes are heightened in a similar manner and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Senses: Anna possesses enhanced, acute senses that are comparable to those of certain animals, enabling her to see and hear distant objects
more clearly than a normal human, and identify and track someone purely by scent. She also possesses cat-like night-vision that also allows her to see
even in near-total darkness.
Superhuman Speed: She can run and move at speeds that are beyond the physical limits of the finest human athlete. She can run at speeds up to 40 miles
an hour over short distances.
Superhuman Stamina: Her ion body grants her unlimited stamina and is therefore immune to fatigue.
Superhuman Strength: Possesses vast superhuman strength, the limits of which aren't known, and she is listed above the class 100 limit. Her strength
extends into her legs, as she is capable of superhuman leaps covering several hundred feet.
Telekinesis: Projection of psychokinetic energy enables her to levitate objects, propel or manipulate them however she wishes, lift herself and move
through the air to simulate flight, stimulate individual molecules to create heat, generate concussive force as blasts or bursts, and create protective

Telepathic Resistance: Anna is resistant to telepathic probes from even the most powerful mind readers.
Telepathy: *Able to read minds and project her own thoughts into the minds of others within a radius of 250 miles (on Earth). With extreme effort she
can greatly extend that radius.
Telepathy: Absorb Information: ability to quickly process and store information, by mental transference.
Telepathy: Astral Projection: ability to Astral Travel and communicate with others astrally through her own will, or through contact with the thoughts
and memories of others. In the astral realm, she can use her powers to create "ectoplasmic" objects. She cannot engage in long range astral projection
on the earthly plane.
Telepathy: Mental Amnesia: ability to cause loss of particular memories and amnesia in another person or group of people.
Telepathy: Mental Detection: can sense the presence of another superhuman within a small but as yet undefined radius of herself by perceiving the
distinctive mental radiations emitted by such a being.
Telepathy: Mind Alteration: ability to alter the minds of others by force of will.
Telepathy: Mind Blast: ability to place large amounts of information in another's mind.
Telepathy: Mind Control: ability to control the minds of others upon mere concentration. This power can allow her to completely shut down several
people's minds, making it appear as if time has stopped.
Telepathy: Mind Possession: ability to possess the mind of another, and use that being's body as her own.
Telepathy: Psi Link: ability to develop a mental link with any person which remains as a connection to that individual.
Telepathy: Psionic Blasts: can project psionic force bolts which have no physical effects but which can affect a victim's mind so as to cause the
victim pain or unconsciousness and can even kill an adversary.
Telepathy: Psionic Shield: ability to erect a psychic shield for protection of herself and of other minds.
Telepathy: Telepathic Camouflage: ability to mask herself, and other peoples' presence from those around her. Can telepathically disguise herself,
making her appearance to those around her quite different (changing the appearance of clothing, as well as more involved disguising).
Telepathy: Telepathic Cloak: can mask her presence from being detected by others. Her abilities can at times go undetected or be counteracted by
other more powerful telepaths depending on their level of skill in using their own psi abilities. She can extend these defenses to others around her as
Telepathy: Telepathic Illusion: ability to create realistic telepathic illusions and cause people to experience events which are not actually occurring.
Template Recall : ability to recall any powers she had ever absorbed.
Thermo kinetic abilities: *
Thermo kinetic abilities: Cryokinesis: Anna can use her mutant ability to control moisture such as to freeze any air moisture into super-hard ice. This
ice can be formed into any object of her choosing: the only limitations are her own imagination, and the ambient air temperature which determines
how long her ice sculpture will stay icy. She does not have to hold the ice physically with her hands in order to shape it. Apparently she can simply
direct the waves of coldness she projects in certain ways so as to create ice in the shape she desires. Anna's control of her powers is so vast that it
extends to the molecular level, to the point that she can freeze all of the molecules of an object/being with a thought.
Thermo kinetic abilities: Hydrokinesis: Anna can use surrounding moisture to augment herself, allowing her to travel within large bodies of water
very quickly. She accomplishes this by breaking herself down to her base levels and reforming at the destination. She is able to convert her body to
gigantic proportions as well, through absorption of a body of water or water vapor in the air.
Thermo kinetic abilities: Ice Clone Generation: The ability to generate ice clones of herself. It is unknown how many ice clone she can create at once.
Thermo kinetic abilities: Molecular Moisture Conversion: The ability to transform organic matter, such as a human body, to organic ice and back

Thermo kinetic abilities: Molecular Moisture Inversion: The ability to freeze water molecules turning them into solid ice.
Thermo kinetic abilities: Organic-Ice Form: Ability to not only cover her body with ice, but to actually become organic ice. Though the appearance is
similar, Anna is actually translucent in her ice form. Anna is virtually indestructible in this form, allowing her to reform her body should it become
Thermo kinetic abilities: Thermal Vision: The ability to see beings due to the heat signature that others give off, because of the absence of heat
around her.

Expert Combatant: Anna is a skilled combatant, especially in aerial hand-to-hand combat.
Expert Martial Artist: Anna also has extensive training in martial arts and unarmed combat, holding black belts in judo and aikido. Her level of skill is
sufficient to defeat six normal men with her eyes closed.
Expert Pilot: Anna is an expert pilot of fixed-wing aircraft. It has also been implied that her trigonometric sense improves her abilities in the air.
Expert Tactician: She is a capable leader. She is also a great team player.
Expert Tactician: Anna is a master strategist and tactician.
Genius-level Intellect: A world-renowned biochemist, Anna's greatest asset is her keen scientific mind. She possesses a genius-level IQ, with
extraordinary expertise in genetics, biochemistry, electronics and other subjects. Anna is also an accomplished keyboard musician.
Indomitable Will: Anna's dedication to science is unwavering. She has great compassion.
Master Strategist and Tactician: Anna has developed exceptional leadership skills.
Multi-lingual: She is fluent in several languages including English, German, French, Latin, Spanish, Japanese, Arabic, and Russian as well as Latverian.
Olympic-Level Conditioning: Anna is an Olympic-level athlete and is possibly among the most formidable armed and unarmed combatant in the
Photographic Muscle Memory: Beside her photographic reflexes, she possessed photographic muscle memory that allows her to instinctively, instantly,
and completely learn and acquire new skills and abilities.
Swordsmanship: She aced in her fencing class without ever picking up a sword.
Telepathic Resistance: Anna has honed her mind to the point where she can resist telepathic intrusion and withhold certain information from high level


Aria Giovanni aka Shadowcat


Intelligence: The ability to think and process information.
Strength: The Ability to lift weight.
Land Speed: The ability to move over land by running.
Flight Speed: The ability to move over land by flight.
Durability: The ability to resist or recover from bodily injury.
Energy Projection: The ability to discharge energy.
Fighting Ability: The proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.
Powers Obtained From:

Level 4: Gifted
Level 5: Superhuman: 25-75 ton range
Level 3: Superhuman: peak range: 700 MPH
Level 3: Superhuman: peak range: 700 MPH
Level 6: Superhuman
Level 6: Able to discharge multiple forms of energy
Level 7: Master of all forms of combat

Animal Empathy: Aria has the ability to sense the emotional state of animals on a basic level such as fear, anger, happiness or pain. She can even
communicate with them to make the animal aware of her actions and or her intent.
Audio Sensitivity: Aria can adjust the sensitivity of her audio receptors to a point where she can detect the faintest of sounds.
Computer like Brain: Arias brain functions like a computer enabling her to wirelessly or directly interact with other computer systems to utilize or
extract data from them which can be stored in her brain. She can use these abilities to disable security systems and gain direct control of the world's
nuclear weapons systems, if needed. She is also able to receive transmissions from other computers if she establishes and maintains a connection with the
computers in the WOW base of operations.
Energy Manipulation: She is able to manipulate the electrical frequencies and solar radiation wavelengths that her body absorbs to utilize her powers.
Holographic Manipulation: Aria can generate holograms to disguise herself as another person, wearing other clothes or even render herself invisible.
Insulated Weather Adaptation: Aria's body is highly resistant to certain elemental extremes, particularly cold, to the extent that she can sleep nude in
subarctic conditions with no apparent injury.
Intangible Flight: When at a minimum mass, Aria can fly through the air weightlessly. She is able to maneuver and gain speed by drawing power from
the Earth's magnetic field to some degree. She can carry passengers while remaining solid on the outside, but she is not likely to fly as fast as she
normally does. It is either the weight of the passenger that prevents her from doing so or she simply views it as "unsafe" for the passenger. There does
not appear to be any limit to the time she can remain in any given altered state of density.
Metal Claws: Aria possesses six retractable 12-inch long metal claws, three in each arm, that are housed beneath the skin and muscle of her forearms.
Aria can, at will, release these slightly curved claws through her skin beneath the knuckles on each hand. The skin between the knuckles tears and bleeds,
but the blood loss is quickly halted by her healing factor. Aria can unsheathe any number of her claws at once, although she must keep her wrists straight
at the moment her claws pass from her forearms into her hands. When unsheathed, the claws are entirely within her hands, allowing her to bend her
wrists when they are extended.
Optical Scanners: She can scan life forms, energy sources and even objects detecting the substances that they are composed of and the energies that are
radiating from them.
Phasing/Intangibility: *Aria possessed the ability to pass through solid matter and objects by passing her atoms through the spaces between the atoms of

the object through which she was moving. In this way she and the object through which she was passing could temporarily merge without interacting,
and each was unharmed when Aria had finished passing through the object. This process was called "phasing." When Aria was phasing, she was, for all
intents and purposes, intangible. Hence, when attacked, she could shift into a "phasing" state (even if she was not at the time passing through an object)
so as to allow oncoming projectiles or energy blasts to pass through her harmlessly. Aria passed through objects at the same rate of speed at which she
was moving before she "entered" it.
Phasing/Intangibility: Air & Water Walking: Using her phasing/intangibility ability, Aria can freely walk on both air and water.
Phasing/Intangibility: Camouflage: Aria can easily bend into the colors of her immediate surroundings and environments, practically making her
invisible to anything seen to the naked eye.
Phasing/Intangibility: Cloaking: Aria can hide herself and others from any type of optical eyesight.
Phasing/Intangibility: Density Alteration: Aria is able to control her density and solidity. By shunting a non-critical portion of her body's molecules
away from her, she can become a weightless, transparent, intangible wraith, unable to be touched by solid matter. By accruing extradimensional mass
and fortifying her body with it, she can make her body extremely hard and durable to the point where it is immune to most types of damage.
Phasing/Intangibility: Electronic Disruption: She could phase through any material object, even living people. When she phased through an object
with an electrical system, the process disrupted the system's workings.
Phasing/Intangibility: Elemental Intangibility: Allows elemental attacks to pass harmlessly through her such as water, fire, earth, air, energy,
electricity, and even lightning.
Phasing/Intangibility: Non-Corporeal Physiology: Arias intangibility abilities make her practically untouchable.
Phasing/Intangibility: Phasing/Intangibility Extension: Aria is able to phase her clothing along with herself. She is also capable of phasing other
objects and people along with herself without harm to items or them. However, she has to maintain physical contact with the people or objects.
Phasing/Intangibility: Physical Disruption: Aria can easily damage tangible matter by passing right through it.
Phasing/Intangibility: Selective Intangibility: Allows others to become intangible and make other objects intangible by making them pass through
other massive solid objects easily such as buildings, planes, and trains.
Phasing/Intangibility: Shadow Camouflage: Aria can also become completely invisible and unseen in shadows.
Phasing/Intangibility: Telepathic Resistance: Her thoughts were highly erratic when phased as if there was no mind to telepathically affect.
Physical Disruption: Aria can use her density control offensively by attaining minimum density (intangibility). Passing a part of all of her body within
another living being and ever so slightly increasing her density (tangibility). Even increasing her density to one half ounce (14.25 grams) is sufficient to
cause the organism she passes through excruciating pain, a shock to the nervous system, and unconsciousness. Were she to become any more dense than
one half ounce the shock would probably kill the other organism if the organic damage was not extensive enough to kill the other organism in itself.
Accordingly, Aria employs this power with extreme caution.
Solar Energy Beams: She can channel limited amounts of solar energy through her eyes at will, creating a narrow hot beam of infrared and microwave
radiation. The beam can be controlled within a temperature range of 500 to 30,000 degrees Fahrenheit. At maximum temperature, Aria can melt through
a 1-inch plate of steel in 5 seconds. She can sustain a heat beam at maximum intensity for about 2 minutes before she begins to tax her supply of energy
for her other bodily functions.
Solar Radiation Absorption: Aria can absorb ambient solar energy that her body is able to convert directly into usable forms by a process not unlike
photosynthesis in plants, but with 99% efficiency. The solar ray absorption process occurs constantly (even at night to some degree) at a rate determined
by the expenditure of energy for her bodily needs.
Superhuman Durability: She can become extraordinary massive and hard as diamond. At maximum mass, Aria weighs about 90 tons.
Superhuman Intelligence: She has a vast amount of information (possibly a library's worth) stored in her computer like brain which she can refer to at
any time and also capable of rapid analysis of huge amounts of data.

Superhuman Reflexes
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Strength: Her base strength is 50 tons, increasing her density will increase her strength, to a maximum of 90 tons.
Superhumanly Acute Senses: Aria possesses superhumanly acute senses that are comparable to those of certain animals. She can see at far greater
distances, with perfect clarity, than an ordinary human. She retains this same level of clarity even in near total darkness. Her hearing is enhanced in a
similar manner, allowing her to detect sounds ordinary humans couldn't hear at greater distances, enough to hear a teardrop in another room that has thick
walls with enough focus. She is able to recognize people and objects by scent, even if they are well hidden. She can track a target by scent, even if the
scent has been greatly eroded by time and weather factors, with an extraordinary degree of success. Aria can also use her keen sense of smell to detect
lies due to chemical changes within a person's scent. These senses stem from, at least partially, her constant cellular regeneration, as are her enhanced
physical capabilities.

Advanced Covert Ops Expert: Aria is also a trained expert in multiple types of weapons, vehicles, computer systems, explosives, and assassination
Dance Training: Aria is trained in ballet and modern dance.
Expert Marksman: She is an expert marksman skilled in throwing weapons and firearms, but operates more efficiently without them.
Expert Martial Artist: Aria possesses expertise in the martial arts of the Japanese ninja and samurai. She also has the knowledge of Japanese martial arts,
as well as street-fighting methods.
Expert Swordsman: Aria is proficient in Japanese sword fighting.
Genius-level Computer Expert: Aria is an expert in the field of computer science, demonstrating genius-level aptitude for programming, modifying, and
diagnosing almost any computer system: even those of unfamiliar human and extraterrestrial origin.
Master Martial Artist: Due to her extensive training, Anna is an exceptional martial artist, with expertise in Japanese martial arts, and has mastered 15
forms of martial arts. Her extraordinary hand-to-hand combat ability makes her one of the finest combatants on Earth.
Master Tactician: Anna is highly intelligent. Anna's physical and mental state is "equivalent to an Olympic-level gymnast performing a Gold-medalwinning routine whilst simultaneously beating four chess computers in his head", which gives something of an idea of the level of sophistication and
tactical processing Anna is capable of utilizing while in combat.
Multi-lingual: A polyglot; Anna is fluent in many languages including English, Arabic, Japanese, Russian, Gaelic, Hebrew, German, Skrullos, Chinese,
Cheyenne, Lakota, Spanish; French, Thai, Vietnamese, Farsi and Portuguese. Her exploits have further endowed him with vast awareness of literature
and philosophy.
Skilled Acrobat: She is skilled in gymnastics, acrobatics and aerials.
Skilled Mechanic: Anna is an excellent mechanic.


Carmella Decesare aka Aurora


Intelligence: The ability to think and process information.
Strength: The Ability to lift weight.
Land Speed: The ability to move over land by running.
Flight Speed: The ability to move over land by flight.
Durability: The ability to resist or recover from bodily injury.
Energy Projection: The ability to discharge energy.
Fighting Ability: The proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.
Powers Obtained From:

Level 3: Learned
Level 5: Superhuman: 25-75 ton range
Level 7: Warp speed: transcending light speed
Level 1: Apparatus: peak range: 100 MPH
Level 4: Regenerative
Level 5: Long range, long duration, single energy type
Level 4: Experienced fighter
The Flash:

Accelerated Healing: Carmella is not invulnerable nor durable enough to sustain damage however if she is harmed she will heal at high speeds. Any
normal wear and tear damage to her body is almost instantly healed.
Decelerated Aging: Carmella has a slowed aging process. This power can be imparted on her most intimate loved ones by extended contact rather than
Energy Construct Creation: Carmella can use the matter generated by her speed to create solid objects such as walls or bridges. This power requires
constant concentration and reapplication of the construct for it to remain stable. Carmella's after images are also construct creations.
Flight: Carmella can rotate her arms and spin her body like a top to achieve something of a kind of helicopter flight. However, with practice she can even
achieve controllable flight if launched at high speeds. Despite her flight abilities she is always faster on her feet.
Increased Perceptions: While Carmella travels at the speed of sound she may miss important events as she runs by. Carmella has been grant with
enhanced senses that allows her to see, hear, smell, touch and/or taste at an increased speed and understand it as it is processed.
Infinite Mass Punch: Carmella has an increased level of strength added to her body which she can impart in different ways. Carmella can strengthen each
and every move she makes however this requires attention and stress for each movement and therefore is almost never used. In most cases she can focus
the Speed Force's extra-dimensional energies into one massive punch.
Phasing: Carmella can vibrate her molecules so quickly that she can achieve intangibility for short bursts allowing her to phase through objects.
Photokinesis: *Carmella can generate from her body a bright white light equivalent at maximum intensity to half million-foot candles. She does so by
varying the rate of acceleration of the molecules of her body out of phase with one another, thereby generating a cascade of photonic discharges.
Photokinesis: Calming Light: ability to send out a calming light that the target feels emotions and memories that make them at peace. It can even be
used to break telepathic control.

Photokinesis: Concussive Blasts: ability to send out powerful concussive blasts that can do considerable damage. She can project these from her hand
and out from her body in a series of concussive bursts.
Photokinesis: Lightning: ability to project lighting blasts with devastating results.
Precognitive Immunity: Immunity to precognitive behavior.
Self-Sustenance: Carmella travels at incredible speeds which causes her body to work overtime. In situations where her body may be too fast for her to
breathe she may impart on the Speed Force for sustenance. However, this almost always results in her having an increased metabolism at all times
requiring her to constantly refill her energy supplies.
Sharing the Force: Carmella can allow her friends or family members to run along side her at her equaled speeds.
Speed Force Aura: As Carmella is propelled during high speed situations she can survive the harsh conditions associated with mach speeds. When she
must rescue an individual from a burning building these individuals will be protected while within the aura.
Steal Speed: Carmella can steal the accelerated motion or momentum from objects or people to reduce her speed or even virtually stop them. Conduits
may also steal the speed from other Speedsters or other fast moving people.
Strength level: Carmella can lift (press) about 30 tons under optimal conditions.
Supercharged Brain Activity: Carmella can operate at superhuman speeds and never slow down enough to understand her full potential; she can access
superhuman levels in her brain further when processing information. She can test theories, understand difficult equations and run trial and error in her
brain at superhuman speeds.
Superhuman Speed: *Carmella is connected to the barrier and accumulation of all Speed known in the universe. It is possible for Carmella to travel much
faster than the speed of light however such levels require an incredible amount of stress.
Superhuman Speed: Accelerated Metabolism: possesses a boosted metabolism that can be used to heal wounds quickly.
Superhuman Speed: Enhanced Durability: as a side effect of partially robbing her molecules of their atomic motion, the binding forces within and
between the molecules increase. This enhances the sheer toughness of Carmella's entire body. This effect gives her skin enough durability to
withstand the ravages of wind, friction and air turbulence.
Superhuman Speed: Flight: ability to propel herself through the air. To hover in mid-air Carmella applies thrust downward in a carefully controlled
manner. When carrying another, unprotected human being aloft, Carmella does not move faster than 60 miles per hour in order that her "passenger"
may be able to breathe easily (Carmella herself can breathe at somewhat higher rates due to training) and so that the "passenger" will not suffer harm
from wind, friction, or air turbulence.
Superhuman Speed: G-Force Compensation: ability to use her super speed to automatically compensate for any G-Force difference.
Superhuman Speed: Heightened Reflexes: possesses reflexes far above the average human.
Superhuman Speed: Invisibility to Technological Detection:
Superhuman Speed: Molecular Acceleration: ability to accelerate the molecules within an inanimate object or a living being by touch, causing the
target to tear itself apart from the subsequent stress generated upon it.
Superhuman Stamina: Carmella has access to the Speed Force for a number of different tasks. She can use her superhuman speed and react at
superhuman speeds; therefore, she can run for extended periods or operate for a large amount of time. Her body can handle the stresses of superhuman
racing without noticeable distress.
Vortex Creations: Carmella can plant herself on the ground and rotate her extremities causing an incredible amount of wind to burst through her focused
funnel. She can use this ability automatically when she runs reducing the air currents around her body to low enough levels to no longer inhibit her
speed. Creatively, she can create tornadoes and gusts with her arms.


Quick Intellect: Carmella is able to think at great speeds, contrary to her impulsiveness. Because Carmella has a high speed of perception, telepaths often
have difficulty using their abilities against her.
Skilled Combatant: She has been trained in martial arts and other forms of combat, making her an excellent fighter.
Super Speed Reading: She is capable of speed-reading at superhuman rates, accumulating mass amounts of knowledge in seconds. The knowledge does
stay in her memory, and doesnt disappear.
Chemistry knowledge.


Francesca Frigo aka Nova


Intelligence: The ability to think and process information.
Strength: The Ability to lift weight.
Land Speed: The ability to move over land by running.
Flight Speed: The ability to move over land by flight.
Durability: The ability to resist or recover from bodily injury.
Energy Projection: The ability to discharge energy.
Fighting Ability: The proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.
Powers Obtained From:

Level 4: Gifted
Level 7: Incalculable: in excess of 100 tons
Level 3: Superhuman: peak range: 700 MPH
Level 7: Warp speed: transcending light speed
Level 6: Superhuman
Level 7: Virtually unlimited command of all forms of energy
Level 4: Experienced fighter
Fallen One:
Morg, the Executioner:
Silver Surfer:
Terrax the Tamer:

Cosmic Energy Manipulation: Francesca is able to manipulate cosmic energy in the form of stellar fire. Her entire organic carbon-based body was
transformed to accommodate the nuclear energies that course through her. These energies make her the humanoid equivalent of a miniature sun.
Projected from any point on her body at mental command, Francescas energies encompass the entire electromagnetic spectrum possessed by a star: heat,
light, gravity, radio waves, and charged particles. The maximum amount of energy she can produce at once is determined by her mass. When all the
atoms of her body are in fusion, her energy level is equivalent to the outer layers of a small star. By the slightest manifestation of her stellar powers, she
can burn through any Earthly substance. She can project a stream of fire resembling a solar flare for distances measured in the hundreds of miles.
Francesca can control the path of her cosmic fire to such an extent that she can project a sustained ring at a fixed distance around a person or object.
Cosmic Knowledge: Along with the Power Cosmic comes great knowledge of the Universe. Francesca possesses the knowledge of the stars in space as
easily as she knows the back of her hand.
Cosmic Self-Sustenance: Francesca does not need to eat or breathe since he absorbs life-maintaining cosmic energy directly through his skin.
Cosmic Senses: Francesca has certain cosmic-energy enhanced perceptions which enable her, through concentration, to become aware of the patterns of
energy anywhere in the world. These abilities allow her far-ranging vision (in space she can see people clearly over a light year away), the ability to see
sub-atomic particles, superhuman hearing, the ability to detect fields, traces, and concentrations of pure forms of energy and discern their natures.
Earth Manipulation: Francesca's telekinetic/psionic ability to manipulate all forms of rock and earthly substances and materials. Francesca can fully
control the dirt and earth she controls and manipulates. There is no set limit to how far or how close she needs to be to the earth for this power and ability
to work. She has been able to be completely off the ground and still control the earth. She has created tremors, earthquakes, sharpened rocks to a needle

point, and has control over these elements for as long as she can physically maintain them. Francesca can move planetary masses up to 100 miles in
diameter. She can move asteroids of 10 miles in diameter at speeds of up to thousands of miles per hour. She can control the direction of a swarm of
meteors within 100 miles of her person. Through concentration, she can affect a small piece of matter 1000 miles away from herself. The farther the
distance, however, the less mass she is able to affect. Standing on a planetary surface, she can affect tectonic plates sufficiently to cause earthquakes and
create chasms in the surface thousands of feet deep or wide. Deploying her powers to the maximum extent, she can separate a landmass the size of
Manhattan Island and levitate it miles off the Earth's surface. On worlds with lesser gravity, she can lift even greater masses.
Energy Absorption and Manipulation: The absorption of electromagnetic energy is the base of the Francesca's life and power. Francesca has complete
control of the four fundamental forces of the universe, reaching nearly any effect she desires. As a result, she can absorb, manipulate and discharge
energy of the entire electromagnetic spectrum at incredible levels, and with sufficient destructive force to destroy planets. Additional abilities include
erecting force fields, phasing through solid matter, accelerating the evolution of life forms on a planet-wide scale, seeing the past by peeling back the
layers of time, time travel, trans dimensional travel, bestowing limited cosmic powers to others, reading minds, casting illusions, and influencing human
emotion and sensation. Francesca also possesses the ability to suppress or absorb the powers of other beings, making them temporarily or permanently
unable to use them. She can heal living beings, even if they are near-death. She cannot, however, raise the dead.
Flight Speed: Francesca can travel at speeds faster than light. Her mind and body can be used at these speeds as well, making Francesca extremely
reactive and agile
Godlike Stamina: Francescas highly enhanced musculature generates no fatigue toxins, body stress, or even sweat, granting her inexhaustible physical
stamina, which allows her to fight other beings for prolonged periods of time before tiring, if she even gets tired.
Invulnerability: Francesca can easily withstand the rigors of deep-space travel, and thus far, she has proven herself to be virtually indestructible; which
can include simple blunt force. Francesca can withstand even the most extreme conditions, like the crushing pressures of a black hole. She is not
bothered by the friction associated with atmospheric re-entry, and has withstood plunges into stars and supernovas unharmed. She also routinely
weathers the stresses associated with high-speed travel through space and hyperspace.
Matter Manipulation: Francesca can rearrange matter to create other objects of importance by rearranging molecules. She can also change the state of
matter, such as changing solids into gas. Transmutation helps Francesca escape traps and prisons, and can also be used to make an enemy's weapons
Power Cosmic: She could manipulate great amounts of cosmic energy for various effects including projecting powerful blasts of concussive force or
heat, manipulating the molecular structure of most forms of matter, and augmenting her own physical attributes. Francesca has control of black matter,
the "binding halo by which galaxies are made solvent". She can use this matter to augment strength, reflexes and durability, project energy, control the
electromagnetic spectrum, manipulate matter and allow total immunity to the rigors of space. Francesca can utilize her cosmic power for a variety of
effects: heat, concussive force, magnetism, electricity, etc.
Regenerative Healing Factor: Francesca isnt truly immortal. She can be injured or killed, though it was beyond the capability of most beings or weapons
to do so. If injured, her body possessed tremendous regenerative capabilities allowing her to fully regenerate most damaged or destroyed bodily tissues.
Francesca can fully regenerate severed limbs.
Superhuman Agility: Francescas agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest
human athlete.

Superhuman Durability: Francesca is virtually invulnerable to most forms of physical harm. Her body automatically incinerates most projectiles before it
reaches the surface of her "skin." Francesca is also functionally immortal in the sense that she is immune to disease and to the effects of aging. She no
longer needs to eat since her body takes its nourishment from the carbon-carbon cycle of solar fusion. She no longer needs to breathe air and hence can
exist indefinitely in the hard vacuum of space. She can withstand the blazing heat of the stars in the universe. Francesca can withstand penetration
wounds from all but the most advanced and powerful forms of weaponry. She can withstand tremendous impact forces, falls from orbital heights,
exposure to temperatures as hot as the interior of a star, and powerful energy blasts without being injured. Francesca is also functionally immortal in the
sense that she is immune to all known diseases and to the effects of aging. Francesca's body can withstand exposure to temperature extremes from 50
degrees above absolute zero to the interior of a small sun and the pressure up to 100 Earth atmospheres. Her body is also capable of withstanding
powerful energy blasts and concussive force up to a fall at terminal velocity from the limit of Earth's exosphere.
Superhuman Reflexes: Francesca's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Senses: Francesca can senses can detect a speck of dust in motion a million miles away and also scan the vastness of space to locate a
specific object.
Superhuman Speed: Francesca run and move at speeds beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Stamina: Francesca's enhanced musculature is vastly more efficient than the musculature of a human being. During physical activity,
Francesca's muscles produce no fatigue toxins, granting her almost limitless physical stamina.
Superhuman Strength: Francesca possesses enormous superhuman strength. Though the exact magnitude remains vague, she has often been shown to
fight evenly with people who can lift far in excess of 100 tons. She can also use the Power Cosmic to increase her strength to incalculable levels.
Superhumanly Dense Tissue: Francescas bodily tissues possessed many times the density the tissues that a human body possesses. Although Francesca
possessed a powerful, heavily muscled build, the increased density of her tissues resulted in her being much heavier than she actually appeared.

Francesca is a scientist, a dreamer, and something of a philosopher, skills which she sometimes finds quite useful. Francesca, however, is only an
experienced hand-to-hand combatant.
Francesca speaks several languages, fluently.


Heather Knox aka Canary


Intelligence: The ability to think and process information.
Strength: The Ability to lift weight.
Land Speed: The ability to move over land by running.
Flight Speed: The ability to move over land by flight.
Durability: The ability to resist or recover from bodily injury.
Energy Projection: The ability to discharge energy.
Fighting Ability: The proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.
Powers Obtained From:

Level 5: Genius
Level 4: Superhuman: 800 lbs-25 ton range
Level 3: Superhuman: peak range: 700 MPH
Level 4: Speed of sound: Mach-1
Level 7: Virtually indestructible
Level 5: Long range, long duration, single energy type
Level 6: Master of several forms of combat
Angar the Screamer:
Black Bolt:
Black Canary:
Captain America:
Iron Fist:
Silver Banshee:
Silver Swan:
Spider-Man Otto Octavius:
Spider-Man 2099:

Accelerated Decoy: Allows Heather to move so fast that she can leave behind a body double for enemies to attack.
Accelerated Healing Factor: If injured, Heather is able to recover from mild to moderate injuries somewhat faster and more efficiently than an ordinary
human. She is capable of fully healing on her own in a matter of days that would require an ordinary human to undergo surgery. Heather is also
physically immune to all known types of poisons.
Accelerated Vision: Heather's visual acuity is considerably beyond that of a normal human. Heather can see objects at much greater distances, with
perfect clarity, relative to an ordinary human. Heather possesses this same level of clarity at night, enabling her to see in near-complete darkness. It is
possible that she is able to see into the infra-red end of the electromagnetic spectrum, enabling her to see a person's body heat. The flicker-fusion horizon
(the speed at which some objects appear as a blur) in her eyes is superior to other people. What appears as a blur to most people, she can see perfectly. It

also acts as a type of early warning.

Ambient Particle & Electron Harnessing: *Heather's ability is the power to harness electrons. The speech center of her brain contains a unique organic
mechanism that's able to generate an unknown particle that interacts with the electrons she absorbs to create certain phenomena that are determined by
her mental control.
Ambient Particle & Electron Harnessing: Anti-Gravitational Flight: Heather can interact with electrons to create anti-gravitons that enable her to defy
gravity. By emitting a jet of rapidly moving particle/electron interaction by-product while enveloped by anti-gravitons, Heather has been shown to fly
faster than 1000 miles per hour for a period of 10 hours, and to fly beyond escape velocity. The anti-graviton field also serves to protect Heather from
the detrimental effects of rapid movement through the atmosphere although it's not needed.
Ambient Particle & Electron Harnessing: Particle & Electron Manipulation: Heather can route the particles through her arms and create small yet
vastly powerful blasts of concussive force. She can also form a field of highly active electrons around her body with a wave of her hand. This field
can deflect projectiles. Heather can also create enough iteration between the electron and particle energies to generate fields solid enough for him to
travel over.
Ambient Particle & Electron Harnessing: Telepathy: Heather has strong psychic resistance.
Audiokinesis: *Heather has the ability to create various powerful sonic effects through the combined action of her vocal cords and specific psionic
powers which can only be used in conjunction with the sounds she produces.
Audiokinesis: Sonar: Heather can use her sonic powers as a form of sonar (Sound Navigation and Ranging). By sending out a precise, pure note and
listening to the returning, altered wave-front of the note, she can evaluate her surroundings in total darkness with varying degrees of resolution. By
sending out a precise, pure note and listening to the returning, altered wavefront of the note, she can evaluate her surroundings in total darkness with
varying degrees of resolution.
Audiokinesis: Sonic Scream: Heather has the ability to shatter solid objects with an incredibly loud and destructive sonic scream. Depending on the
level needed, she can level a city, cause distant dormant volcanoes to become active once more, shake entire continents apart and generate tremors on
the far side of the planet. A strong enough scream has been said to generate enough force to destroy planets.
Audiokinesis: Sonic Shield: Heather can tighten sound waves around herself or others near her, making a barrier against outside attack.
Audiokinesis: Sound Immunity: Heather's hearing and equilibrium are unaffected by her abilities or other similar sound/sonic-based abilities.
Audiokinesis: Vocal Disorientation: Heather has the ability to change someones balance, by affecting their equilibrium using her sonic scream.
Certain levels can also create hallucinogenic effects in those who hear them. Her screams stimulate the chemicals of the brain creating natural toxins
that induce hallucinations and sometimes amnesia. Heather can control the specific content of her victim's hallucinations. They are products of the
victim's own subconscious. Her power does tend to induce psychotic and nightmarish fantasies however. Heather's scream will affect anyone within
the sound of her voice to some degree. The closer one is to the source, the longer one will hallucinate. Recovery time for the average human being
standing fifty feet from her scream is approximately one hour. Recovery time for the average human being at three feet from her is approximately
twelve hours. She can cause permanent hearing damage to those standing too close to her. Heather is immune to the toxic effects of her own power.
Her vocal cords have more stamina than a normal human's. She can scream at maximum power for over an hour, pausing only for breath.
Audiokinesis: Vocal Trance: Heather has the ability to subtly influence people's subconscious mind by changing the tones and vibrations of her voice
using hypersonic suggestions and persuasive abilities.
Audiokinesis: Vocal Unconsciousness: She has the ability to affect the fluid in someones ear causing the person to go unconscious.
Biological/Organic Webbing Generation: She has the ability to organically produce her own silk webbing from glands within her forearms, limited by
her body's health and nutrition. The silk is released through a spinneret near each wrist containing a central web spigot orifice used for web-slinging and
drag lines, supplemented by several radial minor spigots for other types of webs connected to specialized glands.
Chi Manipulation: *Heather has many abilities, such as the following:

Chi Manipulation: Dimensional Travel: Under certain circumstances, she can even focus her chi to create nexus points between dimensions.
Chi Manipulation: Empathy: Heather has the ability to sense the emotions/feelings of people and animals, can broadcast her own feelings in order to
influence other people and/or animals emotions psionically.
Chi Manipulation: Energy Absorption: At times, Heather has absorbed energy directed at herself and channeled it to augment her own power.
Chi Manipulation: Energy Detection: Capable of detecting energy signatures.
Chi Manipulation: Energy Generation: Heather can project her Chi into a ranged attack, sort of like an energy blast. Heather can also transfer her Chi
into other objects to accelerate them or give them more power.
Chi Manipulation: Energy Manipulation: Ability to psionically tap and manipulate energy fields, most notable the electromagnetic field.
Chi Manipulation: Enhanced Durability: Heather can generate a chi-based "aura" radiating from her body to protect herself from energy based attacks
to a varied degree, and make herself more resilient against physical damage.
Chi Manipulation: Enhanced Healing: If she sustains injury or illness, Heather can focus her chi for the purposes of healing her injuries. By focusing
enough she can even purge her own body of poison. Recently she has proven capable of healing herself almost unconsciously and does not feel
drained in doing so. Heather can also channel this energy into other people.
Chi Manipulation: Enhanced Senses: Heather has unusually keen eyesight, but it is unclear if it extends to superhuman level. She can focus her
hearing so intensely that she can hear sweat rolling down someones face.
Chi Manipulation: Enhanced Speed & Reflexes: She can increase her speed allowing her to dodge or catch bullets. Without the use of chi, she can
run up to 35 mph.
Chi Manipulation: Environmental Adaptation: her entire body is oriented to combat, enabling her to adapt to any environment with minimal
Chi Manipulation: Heightened Awareness: Demonstrated the ability to detect a threat to her well-being in her immediate vicinity before they commit
the action.
Chi Manipulation: Hypnotism: Heather has learned to create various illusions and make her foes see what she wants them to see.
Chi Manipulation: Iron Fist Punch: By summoning her chi and focusing it into her hand, she can draw upon the superhuman energy to make her fist
inhumanly powerful and super humanly resistant to injury and pain on a superhuman scale. This "iron fist" technique does not involve a physical
transformation of any kind, simply a psychic channeling of concentrated natural energy. With her fist in this state, Heather can shatter wood and
brick, rip through steel, and punch her opponents with extraordinary concussive force without sustaining injury to herself.
Chi Manipulation: Mind Fusion: She can use her power to temporarily fuse her consciousness with another person, resulting in a sharing of
knowledge, emotions, and memories.
Chi Manipulation: Nervous System Control: Heather has complete control over her nervous system enabling her to deaden herself to pain, resist the
effects of drugs or poisons, and slow down the rate at which she bleeds. She also is able to pass lie detector tests.
Chi Manipulation: Superhuman Longevity: Possibility of a slowed aging process.
Contaminant Immunity: Heather creates powerful immunities to all forms of toxins, poisons and drugs. Her body is totally immune to radiation.
Death Stare: Heather is able to kill any being by just knowing their name. Specifically, it must be their real name however she has killed certain beings
by just knowing their alias. Her victims must remain in her line of sight during the duration of the stare.
Enhanced Resilience: Heather has a level of resilience far greater than most humans.
ESP: *Heather possesses the following powers:
ESP: Astral Projection: ability to project her consciousness outside her body and travel.
ESP: Clairvoyance: sensitivity to psychic energies in her environment allows her to see her immediate area and events taking place far away.
ESP: Prescience: ability to perceive aspects of the future.

ESP: Telepathy: ability to read minds and project thoughts.

ESP: Teleportation: she can teleport herself to any location.
Force Field: By emitting a low-level hum, Heather can use her powers to generate a sonic shield around her body that protects her from most forms of
conventional attack, including energy attacks. The sonic shield can also generate a power surge, feeding energy backwards upon an attacker.
Pheromone Secretion: Her metabolism generates certain types of pheromones that can create fear, elicit attraction and/or repulsion on others, depending
on unknown factors which might include gender and mood.
Psionic Powers: *Heather possesses certain latent psionic capabilities, such as:
Psionic Powers: Psychokinetic Webbing: ability to utilize psionic-based webbing (psi-webs), although it requires a lot of concentration to manifest.
By using psychokinetic energy, she can bind ambient free-floating molecules into strands of solid force. Her psi-webs can be used to wrap enemies,
or focused into narrow web-lines that she can swing from. Due to its psychic nature, her psi-webs can be used in ways her biological/organic
webbing could, such as causing webs to form from a distance, or controlling the movement of her webbing mentally. She can create webs of psionic
energy able to hold up to 10 tons. The web must be anchored by at least two surfaces.
Psionic Powers: Wall Crawling: She can stick to walls, however, her ability is psionically based.
Regenerative Healing Factor: *Heather has a limited healing factor. It isnt sufficiently powerful enough to recover from severe injuries like broken
bones and large amounts of tissue damage in a matter of days.
Regenerative Healing Factor: Contaminant Immunity: Due to her accelerated metabolism, Heather has a higher tolerance for drugs and diseases than
normal humans, and she can recover from the effects of larger doses rapidly. Her resistance and recovery time to other toxins and diseases varies, but
is typically significantly higher than normal.
Shadow Camouflage: She is able to hide in shadows and go completely undetected by most people.
Siren's Song: ability to influence human beings with a certain pitch of her voice, causing them to fall in love with her without regard to gender or sexual
Sonic Amplification: can amplify sound carrier waves allowing her to hear conversations or noises from far off.
Sonic Lance: By focusing her sonic vibrations while screaming into an intense beam. This is used as a sort of "battering ram" that can stun or even
destroy most solid objects.
Sonic Null Field: can project a field of silence in an area making no sound reach outside the area or no sound outside the area in.
Sound Generation: Heather can bodily transform ambient sound for a variety of uses through her hands. She can project waves of intense, high-volume
sound, capable of deafening anyone within a .6 mile radius. She can convert sound into controlled blasts of concussive force with a maximum force
equivalent to 3,000 pounds of TNT. She can also create 3-dimensional, mobile sound/mass constructs possessing such complex forms as those of
animals. She shapes and animates these constructs by mental command and they only remain in existence for as long as she wills them. Not possessed of
the sentient life force that her own sonic form is, the constructs are not nearly as invulnerable. The constructs also can be used to fuse with a human body
and be able to survive for a longer period of time and command other sound constructs, though it also causes the host's body to also deteriorate when
they do.
Sound Immunity: Heather's hearing and equilibrium are unaffected by the effects of her scream and similar abilities.
Spinnerets: Both of Heather's forearms contain a set of spinnerets that release a very strong and sticky web-like substance from the back of her wrists.
Heather can use this webbing to swing from building to building with or as a means of restraining an individual. Heather's webs are organic and are
chemically identical to real spider silk.
Superhuman Agility: Heather's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are far beyond the natural physical limits of the
finest human athlete. Heather is extraordinarily limber and her tendons and connective tissues are twice as elastic as the average human being's, despite
their enhanced strength. She has the combined agility and acrobatic prowess of the most accomplished circus aerialists and acrobats. She can also

perform any complicated sequence of gymnastic stunts such as flips, rolls, and springs. She can easily match or top any Olympic record at gymnastics
apparatus such as flying rings, climbing ropes, horizontal bars, trampolines.
Superhuman Durability: Heather's body is physically tougher and more resistant to some types of injury than the body of a normal human. Her body is
more resistant to impact forces than anything else. She can withstand great impacts, such as falling from a height of several stories or being struck by an
opponent with super strength, that would severely injure or kill a normal human with little to no discomfort.
Superhuman Equilibrium: Heather possesses the ability to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable. She seems able to adjust her
position by instinct, which enables her to balance herself on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow.
Superhuman Flexibility: Heather's body is extraordinarily limber and her tendons and connective tissues are twice as flexible as the average human
being's, despite the augmented musculature and its enhanced strength.
Superhuman Hearing: Heather's hearing is superhumanly acute and enables her to detect sound at virtually any frequency, and she's been known to
detect, sort out, and correctly identify sounds through thick steel doors, and across considerable distances.
Superhuman Reflexes: Heather's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are currently about 40 times greater than those of an ordinary human. In
combination with her senses, the speed of her reflexes allows her to dodge almost any attack, or even gunfire, if she is far enough away. Heather has
even been shown in some cases, to be able to dodge gunfire using just her reflexes without her senses.
Superhuman Sense of Touch: Heather's sense of touch is developed to the point that she can sense vibration like a spider on its webs. Her senses are so
sharp, that she can detect a hollow area under a solid steel floor by walking over it.
Superhuman Speed: Heather can run and move at speeds that are beyond the physical limits of the finest human athlete. She is ultimately capable of
running at speeds in excess of 30 miles per hour.
Superhuman Stamina: Heather's advanced musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than an ordinary human. This allows her to
exert herself physically for much longer periods of time before fatigue begins to impair her. At his peak, Heather can physically exert herself at her peak
capacity for several hours before the buildup of fatigue toxins in her blood begins to impair her. Several accounts depict Heather as able to hold her
breath for eight minutes or more.
Superhuman Strength: Spider-Man possesses superhuman strength enabling her to press lift many tons. Originally, Heather can lift 20 tons.
Superhuman Vocal Stamina: Her vocal cords are tremendously strong, so that she can produce sonic effects through screaming constantly for hours at a
time without noticeably tiring or injuring her vocal apparatus. Heathers vocal cords and the interiors of her throat and mouth are also superhumanly
tough, so that the intense pressures and constrictions that she produces do not cause her any injury.
Super-Sense: Heather possesses an extrasensory sense which warns her of potential immediate danger by the manifestation of a tingling sensation in the
back of her skull, and links with her superhuman kinesthetics, enabling her to evade most any injuries, unless she cognitively overrides her automatic
reflexes. The precise nature of this sense is unknown. It appears to be a simultaneous clairvoyant response to a wide variety of phenomena (everything
from falling safes to speeding bullets to thrown punches), which has given several hundredths of a second warning, which is sufficient time for her
reflexes to allow her to avoid injury. The sense also can create a general response on the order of several minutes: she cannot discern the nature of the
threat by the sensation. She can, however, discern the severity of the danger by the strength of her response to it. Heather's senses are directional and can
guide her to or away from hidden weapons and enemies. Sudden and extreme threats can cause her senses to react with painful intensity. Heather can
also sense and dodge attacks directed randomly or by an artificial intelligence. Using her senses to time her enhanced reflexes, Heather can casually
dodge attacks up to and including automatic-weapons fire, provided there is sufficient distance. Her senses are sufficiently well-linked to her reflexes to
the point that a threat can trigger them even when Heather is asleep or stunned. Heather's fighting style incorporates the advantage that her senses
Talons and Fangs: Heather possesses elongated canine teeth that secrete a paralyzing, though non-toxic, venom. She also possesses short, retractable
talons at the tips of her fingers that she uses to dig into surfaced, enabling her to crawl along as a spider might. The talons are also razor sharp and,

coupled with her great strength, are able to rend materials as durable as cinder block.
Teleportation: Heather can seemingly evaporate and reappear at will. She's traveled small distances in rapid succession as well as international travel
without any stress.
Venom Blasts: Her body possesses an inordinate amount of bio-electricity that she has learned to channel and discharge through her hands, in controlled
bursts of what she calls "Venom Blasts". These energy projections vary in power; they mostly affect the nervous system in humans. Heather can regulate
them from simply a stun to potent enough to kill an average-sized man in the same way that a lightning bolt could kill him.
Vocal Disorientation: ability to change someones balance, by affecting their equilibrium using her sonic scream.
Vocal Trance: ability to subtly influence peoples subconscious mind by changing the tones and vibrations of her voice using sonics, the effects tend
towards blatant hypnosis.
Vocal Unconsciousness: ability to affect the fluid in someones ear causing the person to go unconscious.
Wall-Crawling: Heather's limbs can adhere to surfaces via electrostatic attraction. Heather can hold and carry a considerable amount of extra weight
while sticking to walls without falling off; it's safe to assume that the weight she can carry is dozens of times her own, and the limits of how long she can
do this before fatigue sets in are still unknown.

Advanced Military Operator: She is well-versed in all Armed force disciplines including intelligence gathering, escape arts, assassination, demolition,
survival tactics, hunting, swimming, mountaineering, march/drill skills, map making and reading, decoding cipher and other secret code messages,
reading and making wood craft signs and other secret code languages, disguising, interrogation, computers, explosives, communication systems, vehicles
and electronic appliances used in armed forces.
Computer Hacking: As Oracle, Barbara is an expert computer hacker. With her computer hacking skills, she is able to breach the highest security
systems. Her skills are rivaled by none.
Computer Operation: Heather is extremely proficient with computers. She is by far the most computer literate of anyone and one of the most efficient
users of computers world-wide.
Eidetic Memory, also known as photographic memory.
Engineering: Heather is a brilliant engineer and inventor.
Expert Marksman: She can throw most projectile weaponry with great aim and is well-versed in the use of firearms, though she prefers not to use them.
Expert Swordsman: Heather is proficient with swords and staffs, but is extremely comfortable with a shield.
Expert Vehicular driver: She is proficient in driving cars, motorcycles, trucks, jets, tankers, helicopters, motorboats, submarines, and some types of trains
and utility vehicles.
Genius-Level Intellect: Academically gifted, Heather displays an uncanny affinity for science that is nothing short of genius, whos IQ is north of 250.
Indomitable Will: Heather is a very strong-willed person. She is able to overcome most forms of temptation and resist the effects of extreme pain, drugs
and toxins to a great extent. Heather accepts her own mortality, and refuses to rob any sentient creature of its freedom. Heather is also capable of
resisting all forms of mind control; only the strongest willed individuals have a chance of enslaving her.
Investigation: Heather is a great detective.
Leadership: Heather is a superb strategist and a charismatic leader.
Master Acrobat: Thanks to her great strength and phenomenal equilibrium, Heather is an excellent athlete, excelling in all gymnastic fields and being
able to perform every acrobatic stunt ever performed, including others that can never be performed by even an Olympic acrobat.

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Heather is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant utilizing a fighting style that directly complements her superhuman
abilities. Her methods are volatile, enabling her to rival practically all types of combatants. She is very skilled in her fighting style. Heather is
untouchable because of her superhuman senses.
Master Martial Artist: Heather is a master martial artist, including but not limited to: Kunlunquan, Shaolinquan, Judo, Aikido, Ninjutsu, Karate, Boxing
and even loose street fighting tactics. She is also skilled in unique chi based techniques, such as the "Drunken style" that masks her from such things as
her senses and other telepathic reflexes.
Master Shieldmanship: Her years of training and experience with her unique shield, as well as its physical properties, allow her to accomplish amazing
feats with the item. Aside from bashing foes and blocking incoming attacks, she is able to throw it with nearly perfect aim. Heather can hit multiple
targets with the same throw by means of ricochet, and could even achieve a boomerang-like return effect, allowing her to strike enemies from behind or
retrieve the shield without objects to ricochet from.
Master Tactician and Strategist: Heather is an accomplished strategist. She had been widely considered one of, if not the greatest, tacticians on the planet,
both on and off the battlefield. She is able to formulate battle strategies and her brilliant tactical sense allows her to alter any strategy to fit the changing
need of the situation.
Meditation: Heather is a master of meditation and relaxation techniques. She can enter a trance-like state to ignore pain and slow her heart rate.
Multilingual: Due to her training, she is fluent in several languages, including English, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese,
Korean and German.
Pressure point locator: Heather can locate different pressure points on a human's body; incapacitate, paralyze, severely injure, or kill a person. She has
shown herself to be capable of landing pressure point attacks on anyone.
Professional Sketch Artist: She has great artistic skill which she developed from childhood.
Radiation Specialist: Heather is one of the world's leading authorities on nuclear radiation and its effect on animal physiology. She also has expertise in
applied science, chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, and mechanics. She is an accomplished chemist and physicist.
Skeletal Flexibility: A skilled gymnast Heather has developed her body's muscles and bones to an extraordinary point allowing her to compress/contort
into small cavities, similarly against high impacts to soften the blows.
Skilled Acrobat: She is a superb athlete and an Olympic-level gymnast.
Skilled Inventor: Heather has been able to use her amazing intellect and resources to create many inventions.
Skilled Photographer: Heather is a very skilled photographer.
Skilled Spy: She is also extensively trained in espionage, covert operations and stealth.
Weapons Master: She has been trained in the use of almost all martial arts weapons.
Weapons Proficiency: She does not typically utilize weapons, but in desperate situations she wields swords, daggers, throwing knifes, staffs, sticks,
tonfa, axes, maces, firearms, and even her shield.


Iryna Ivanova aka Dazzler


Intelligence: The ability to think and process information.
Strength: The Ability to lift weight.
Land Speed: The ability to move over land by running.
Flight Speed: The ability to move over land by flight.
Durability: The ability to resist or recover from bodily injury.
Energy Projection: The ability to discharge energy.
Fighting Ability: The proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.
Powers Obtained From:

Level 4: Gifted
Level 5: Superhuman: 25-75 ton range
Level 2: Normal
Level 7: Warp speed: transcending light speed
Level 4: Regenerative
Level 6: Able to discharge multiple forms of energy
Level 4: Experienced fighter
Captain Marvel:
Doctor Spectrum:
Emerald Empress:
Spectrum: (
The Ray:

Cosmic Awareness: Iryna's most impressive power is her Cosmic Awareness. This ability allows her to know exactly what she needs to know at any
moment. This could range from what her current location is to discovering an opponents weakness.
Energy Absorption: She is capable of absorbing energy given her own energy form is at the right wavelength.
Energy Blasts: She mentally controls both type and quantity of energy she wishes to transmit. It is not known the maximum amount of energy she can
transmit at a given time. Iryna can also divert small amounts of various energies for employment as force beams, which have the equivalent to 300 tons
of TNT of explosive force.
Energy Constructs: *Iryna can manipulate light to create concussive force blasts of photonic energy, heat, and solid-light constructs. By tapping into
Iryna's powers, she can also generate solid constructs of light. These solid energy constructs are made out of the element of plasma in simple forms such
as protective shields, ropes, daggers, and battering rams.

Energy Constructs: Energy Projection: On occasion she's shown the ability to project her plasma energy outwards to push and offensively attack
opponents with whips, bursts, plasma bolts, waves, and beams of her elemental plasma energy.
Energy Constructs: Force Field: Another application of Iryna's plasma generation is that she can create solid shields, barriers and force-fields that she
can project over herself or others.
Energy Duplication: When she encounters a new or unfamiliar energy, Iryna can often duplicate it given enough time for analysis.
Energy Form: Due to bombardment by extra-dimensional energies, Iryna can transform herself into any form of energy within the electromagnetic
spectrum. Among the many energy forms she has assumed and is able to control are cosmic rays, gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light,
electricity, infrared radiation, microwaves, radio waves and neutrinos. She apparently accomplished this transformation by mentally shunting the matter
of her body into the dimension from which she draws her energy, and replacing it with a corresponding amount of energy. Her mind remains in the
dimension to control the energy-parcel that has taken the place of her body. By assuming an energy-form, she gains all of that energy's properties. Iryna
is apparently unlimited by the amount of time that she can remain in her energy-form. She can seemingly only transform herself into one wavelength of
energy at a time, but she can transform between one energy-state and another in a fraction of a second. As noted above, the limit to the amount of energy
she can transmit through her body at a given time is not known. Extensive energy transformation and manipulation can be physically taxing once she
returns to her physical form.
Energy Plasmoids/Lumikinetic Explosive Light Blasting: Iryna possessed the ability to generate what she calls her "fireworks, or "Lumikinetic Explosive
Light Blasts": energy globules that varied in degrees of power and intensity. The globules obeyed her mental control, traveling where she directed them,
arranging themselves in balls, streamers, and other shapes, and exploding when she wished. These combinations could result in anything from a
multitude of colorful sparkles capable of temporarily blinding a person to a fairly powerful detonation, capable of smashing tree trunks or metal objects.
Iryna could absorb the fireworks back into her own body without harm. Iryna has the potential to detonate matter at a sub-atomic level.
Enhanced Senses: Her natural senses, especially eyesight, are enhanced to a superhuman degree; in addition, her powers give her extrasensory sensitivity
to energy patterns and fluctuations in her environment, and she can track energy trails across intergalactic distances.
Flight: Surrounding herself with intermingled photons and anti-gravitons, Iryna can fly at great speeds, even exceeding the speed of light (although she
never does so within a planetary atmosphere). Harnessing light waves and photonic particles from solar winds to augment her powers, they make her
flights easier and faster
Heat Resistance: Iryna was, by nature of her powers, resistant to most heat attacks.
Immortality: For all intents and purposes, Iryna is functionally immortal. Because she no longer ages and she is immune to disease and infection. This
same energy sustains her physical vitality far more efficiently than the biochemical process that sustain ordinary human life.
Intangibility: She can make herself and other persons intangible by reducing her or the person's body's specific gravity. She can phase through solid
matter and certain energy fields depending on its wavelength.
Invisibility: She is often invisible in most of her forms but can make herself appear visible.
Kinetic Duplication: *Iryna creates an identical physical living duplicate of herself. While she can create multiple duplicates, the duplicates themselves
cannot. She can produce no more than forty duplicates. The duplicates think, feel, and act independently, though usually guided by the original. Iryna is
telepathically and em pathetically linked to her duplicates, suffering severe, potentially fatal, trauma if one dies. If Iryna herself were killed, the
duplicated disappear. It is virtually impossible to distinguish the original from the duplicates.

Kinetic Duplication: Duplication Absorption: Iryna can absorb them back into herself at will, at the same time absorbing the memories, skills and
experiences of the duplicate. The only limit to this power is she can't absorb a dead dupe.
Kinetic Duplication: Duplication Experience Transference: Iryna merges back; she retains memories, knowledge, and experiences of the dupe. Iryna
doesn't have to absorb her duplicates to absorb information from them; she automatically absorbs information from any of her dupes if it kills itself.
Kinetic Duplication: Duplication Healing: she also uses merging as a form of healing.
Light Absorption: *Iryna has the ability to absorb light, storing it for later uses. Once her body absorbs sunlight, she can direct the energy to rearrange
molecules into any form, matter or energy.
Light Absorption: Light Processing: *She can also produce light from her own body which powers light projection and flight.
Light Absorption: Light Processing: Hard Light Constructs: A power to create constructs out of pure light. It requires only minimum power and
subliminal thought. Larger and more complicated manipulations of energy and matter require extended meditation and more power.
Light Absorption: Light Processing: Illusions: Iryna can 'bend' light to create illusions.
Light Absorption: Light Processing: Invisibility: The ability to 'bend' light around himself, rendering her invisible to the naked eye.
Light Absorption: Light Processing: Light Rays: The ability to project rays, beams, and bolts of destructive light. Require only minimum power
and subliminal thought.
Light Auras: *Iryna can generate various colored aura around herself which have different effects. Each color corresponds to a different effect, certain
colors can be mixed and multiple colors can be used at the same time.
Light Auras: Blue Halo: Iryna can produce distorting holographic effects to confuse or disturb enemies.
Light Auras: Green Halo: Iryna can produce halting stasis beams to stop and manipulate enemies.
Light Auras: Indigo Halo: Iryna can produce physical tractor beams that can pull or push enemies.
Light Auras: Orange Halo: Iryna can produce powerful concussive force beams to knock back enemies.
Light Auras: Red Halo: Iryna can produce destructive heat beams to melt or burn enemies.
Light Auras: Violet Halo: Iryna can produce empowering mental effects that can give her previous body's consciousness control of their shared body.
Light Auras: Yellow Halo: Iryna can produce brilliant flashing lights to stun or blind enemies.
Light Energy Conversion: *Capable of converting her body completely into light energy.
Light Energy Conversion: Light Energy Healing: This process can be used to heal damage that her physical form has already sustained.
Light Energy Conversion: Light Energy Manipulation: No physical harm can come to her in this form.
Light Energy Conversion: Light Speed Flight: As pure energy, she can travel at the speed of light and cross space unassisted.
Light Immunity: her body, especially her eyes, shields itself against any injurious effects of her light transducing abilities, and against those of bright
lights in general
Light Projection: *Irynas light will radiate from her body in all directions, producing regular flashes of white light (white light is a mixture of all
portions of the visible spectrum). By conscious control over the light she produces, she can control its direction, frequency (color), amplitude (intensity),
and duration. Apparently, Iryna must consciously or subconsciously will the light to leave her body. She can produce numerous effects with the light she
converts from sonic vibrations. She can simply cause a bright glow all about her body. She can create very simple patterns out of rays of light like
circles, squares, triangles, and stars. She can create a pulse of light on the order of several thousand watts seconds of power, which temporarily blinds

people with its brilliance. She can create a chaotic cascade of sparkling lights and colors that severely upsets other peoples equilibrium, or a pulsating
strobe-light effect. She has learned to manifest her light as:
Light Projection: Dazzle: ability to release a chaotic burst of color and light.
Light Projection: Destructive Shield: ability to create a destructive shield of light around herself with laser light that can vaporize small, oncoming
Light Projection: Holograms: with effort, she can even create holograms of human beings and other three-dimensional beings and objects.
Light Projection: Illumination
Light Projection: Lasers: By concentrating, Iryna can generate a coherent beam of light, approximating a laser beam, with which she can cut through
virtually anything. The field thus operates in a similar fashion as the process that creates a laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of
Radiation) and apparently has the same efficiency as a laser (99.9 percent).
Light Projection: Light Mist: A glowing or hazy almost fog like effect that obscures the surrounding area
Light Projection: Photon Blasts
Light Projection: Rocket Burst: ability to gain vertical altitude by direction a quick column of light beneath her.
Light Projection: Strobes
Living Light Generation: *Iryna generates a form of 'living light' which is actually lifeforce. She produces much more than normal humans do, but is
usually conservative in the use of her powers. Iryna generates and stores this lifeforce energy automatically.
Living Light Generation: Light Daggers: Iryna can form 6-inch 'light daggers' which she can throw from her fingertips. Her daggers may
automatically form under certain conditions, such as another person in danger. The maximum effective range is unknown, but the daggers seem to
weaken with further distance. Iryna has a limited ability to control their flight and reinforce them by compelling them to seek targets. They can track
a being. Those hit by these knives have their own lifeforce disrupted. Iryna can then drain a portion of their lifeforce; enough to kill if she wishes.
Normally she chooses to leave them in a state of shock where they will see a vision of how their life might be different. The experience is powerful
enough to make most individuals rethink their choices, although a hardened criminal or evil being is unlikely to change their ways.
Living Light Generation: Living Light Detoxification: Iryna's energy can also 'purge' a person, removing toxins, drugs, and other malignant
substances from their system. It also has the capacity to cure certain persons of drug addictions.
Living Light Generation: Living Light Manipulation: Sometimes Iryna can redirect the daggers after they ricochet, other times the daggers are
dispersed if they hit a non-living thing. She can project her lifeforce energy in a diffused manner, allowing her to illuminate dark areas as if by
natural light.
Minor Molecular Control: She can instantaneously change into/alter her costume.
Psionic Flash: Iryna possesses the superhuman ability to project a flash of blinding white light from her body. This light renders her opponents blind for
approximately one minute. For some unknown reason, her power only affects victims she chooses, and not everyone within range. She is also able to
blind individuals who cannot be blinded by brightness (such as those with bionic eyes that could instantly adjust to any intensity of light). This may
occur because the power is psionic in nature, but this is only speculation. The maximum range and intensity of her power is as yet unknown.
Resurrection Factor: presently afflicted with a mysterious resurrection factor which prevents her from being killed by conventional methods.
Solar Manipulation: Iryna has the ability to absorb, store, and manipulate large amounts of energy from light, especially direct sunlight. She could use it

to project heat blasts or blinding flashes. She could also use her powers to create heat-based mirages, such as a giant version of herself.
Sound Conversion: Ability to transduce sonic vibrations, which she can use to intensify her powers. This ability seems to operate over a great range of
frequencies, including the audible spectrum (35 to 16,500 cycles per second), and a great variation of sound pressure levels regardless of the complexity,
dissonance, or randomness of the sound. For example, a car crash and a symphonic passage of equal duration will both produce usable music incoming
acoustic vibrations. Iryna, however, does prefer the sound of music, particularly that which is rhythmically sustained. Not only is music more pleasant to
her ears, but the steady beat of popular music provides a more constant source of sound to convert. However, she cannot use any sound produced by her
own body.
Sound Conversion: Sound Release: Ability to release the absorbed sound in one burst.
Sound Immunity: her ability to transduce sound also protects her from being deafened by loud noises.
Superhuman Agility: Iryna's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest
human athlete.
Superhuman Durability: Irynas bodily tissues are much harder and far more resistant to physical injury than the bodily tissues of a normal human. She is
able to withstand great impact forces, such as being repeatedly struck with superhuman force, powerful energy blasts or falls from great heights, that
would severely injure or kill an ordinary human though she would suffer little to no injury herself. She is highly resistant to penetration wounds, even
from high caliber machine gun shells. She can also withstand tremendous impact forces, such as falling from great heights or being repeatedly struck by
superhumanly strong opponents, without being hurt.
Superhuman Reflexes: Her reflexes are heightened in a similar manner and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Speed: Iryna is capable of running and moving at speeds that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. She is cable
of moving and reacting at superhuman speeds ranging from the speed of sound to lightspeed.
Superhuman Stamina: Iryna's musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human.
Her body grants her unlimited stamina and is therefore immune to fatigue.
Superhuman Strength: Iryna possesses vast superhuman strength, the limits of which aren't known, and she can lift well in excess of 100 tons easily.

Lavender Eye of Light: Iryna commands and controls the mystical Lavender Eye of Light, an approximately 2' diameter sphere through mental
commands. Its also capable of defending Iryna, without any commands from her. The Eye can reform itself if shattered. It can fly and create force
fields. Its capable of firing lavender energy which causes enough pain to knock its opponents unconscious. It can also create illusions and its also selfsufficient.

Expert Psychologist: Iryna is a trained psychiatrist.

Expert Hypnotist: She is particularly skilled in using hypnosis. Iryna has perfect pitch and modulation in her voice, and was even able to use these talents
to cause people to suffer a complete nervous breakdown.
Skilled Leader: Iryna has strong leadership skills and law enforcement experience.
Expert Combatant: She is an excellent marksman and unarmed combatant.
Skilled Detective
Strong Swimmer
Archaeology: Iryna has knowledge of archaeology. She also has extensive knowledge of various civilizations throughout the Milky Way Galaxy.


Isis Taylor aka Carnage


Isis Taylors Desired Human Form


Intelligence: The ability to think and process information.
Strength: The Ability to lift weight.
Land Speed: The ability to move over land by running.
Flight Speed: The ability to move over land by flight.
Durability: The ability to resist or recover from bodily injury.
Energy Projection: The ability to discharge energy.
Fighting Ability: The proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.
Powers Obtained From:

Level 5: Genius
Level 4: Superhuman: 800 lbs-25 ton range
Level 3: Superhuman: peak range: 700 MPH
Level 3: Superhuman: peak range: 700 MPH
Level 6: Superhuman
Level 6: Able to discharge multiple forms of energy
Level 4: Experienced fighter
Ghost Rider:

Fangs & Claws: Isis possesses elongated canines that she uses to pierce the flesh of other beings, allowing her to use her fangs as weapons in very close
combat situations. She also possesses a single retractable claw at the tip of each finger. The claws are very sharp, capable of rending human flesh and
bone with ease.
Hypnotism: Isis is able to hypnotize others by gazing into their eyes for a short period of time. Isis can compel other vampires to follow her orders unless
their willpower is strong enough to resist her.
Immortality: Isis is functionally immortal in the sense that she is immune to the effects of aging and is immune to all known Earthly diseases. Isis can
resurrect herself under the proper conditions.
Immunity to mystical attacks.
Mind Control: Isis is able to be influenced by him through a sort of empathic link. Only beings of exceptionally strong wills are capable of resisting her.
Night Vision: She can see in total darkness.
Penance Stare: Isis possesses the supernatural ability to cause any individual who stares into her eyes to see and feel every bit of pain they have ever
inflicted on anyone in their entire lifetime for all eternity.
Psionic Gliding: Through mental concentration, Isis is able to glide through the air over short distances. However, Isis can only glide at speeds of about
35 miles an hour. While she can run faster than that, Isis can use this ability while flying over rooftops.
Regenerative Healing Factor: Isis is capable of regenerating damaged or destroyed tissue to an extent much greater than an ordinary human. Injuries such
as gunshots, slashes, and severe burns, within a matter of minutes, however she cannot regenerate missing limbs or organs.
Shapeshifting: Isis is able to shape shift into bats, rats, a wolf, and mist. She can also turn into human-sized or larger wolfen and bat-like forms.
Sorcery: Isis is a very powerful magician. She is able to summon and command the undead, packs of wild dogs, bats, and rats.
Superhuman Acute Senses: Isis' senses of sight and smell are enhanced to levels well beyond that of normal humans. Isis is able to detect objects with
perfect clarity at much greater distances than a normal human. She retains this clarity, even in near-total darkness. She is also able to see into the infrared end of the electromagnetic spectrum, allowing her to see individuals at night by their body heat. Her sense of smell is similarly enhanced, able to
detect the scent of blood in the air from miles away.

Superhuman Agility: Isis's ability, balance, and body coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural limits of the human body. Her
superhuman agility allowed her to perform impressive gymnastic feats, jump high in the air with great flexibility, and scale the sides of buildings.
Superhuman Reflexes: Isis's natural reaction time is enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural limits of the human body.
Superhuman Senses: She can see cross long distances. She also possesses an enhanced sense of smell.
Superhuman Speed: Isis is capable of running and moving at speeds greater than even the finest human athlete. She can move with instant speed,
disappearing from the scene and climb onto the top of a building in an instant without a trace.
Superhuman Stamina: Isis's body is more resistant to the fatigue toxins generated by her muscles during physical activity. She can exert herself at peak
capacity for several hours before fatigue begins to affect him.
Superhuman Strength: Isis can lift about 4 tons under optimum conditions.
Telepathy: She was able to hear telepathic voices.
Weather Manipulation: She has considerable control over the elements and weather, enough to oppose Qiana. However, Isis is severely weakened for an
extend period of time afterward.

Isis is an accomplished swordsman and magician.
She possesses a gifted intellect.
Isis is extremely intelligent, having won the Nobel Prize for biochemistry.


Jaclyn Swedberg aka Mystique


Jaclyn Swedbergs Desired Human Form


Intelligence: The ability to think and process information.
Strength: The Ability to lift weight.
Land Speed: The ability to move over land by running.
Flight Speed: The ability to move over land by flight.
Durability: The ability to resist or recover from bodily injury.
Energy Projection: The ability to discharge energy.
Fighting Ability: The proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.
Powers Obtained From:

Level 4: Gifted
Level 6: Superhuman: 75-100 ton range
Level 2: Normal
Level 5: Supersonic: Mach-2 through Orbital Velocity
Level 6: Superhuman
Level 6: Able to discharge multiple forms of energy
Level 7: Master of all forms of combat
Chameleon Boy:
Emperor Klrt:
Power Skrull:
Super Skrull:

Bio-Electrical Projection: Jaclyn possesses the ability to bodily generate electrostatic energy which she can release or harness for a number of effects.
Bone Claws: Jaclyn's skeleton includes six retractable 12-inch long bone claws, three in each arm, that are housed beneath the skin and muscle of her
forearms. Jaclyn can, at will, release these slightly curved claws through her skin beneath the knuckles on each hand. The skin between the knuckles
tears and bleeds, but the blood loss is quickly halted by her healing factor. Jaclyn can unsheathe any number of her claws at once, although she must keep
her wrists straight at the moment her claws pass from her forearms into her hands. When unsheathed, the claws are entirely within her hands, allowing
her to bend her wrists when they are extended.
Cosmic Energy Power-Receptors: Her body has been surgically implanted with numerous power-receptors that enable her to gather cosmic energy that
enable the function of her powers.
Elasticity: Jaclyn can stretch, bounce, elongated, control, and reshape her body as if it were made of rubber or plastic.
Elementalist: *In her true form, Jaclyn can manipulate, absorb or release elemental energy - this includes earth, fire, water, air and even ether (energy).

Thanks to Jaclyn's empathy, she has a psionic link to the natural forces of the Earth. By "speaking" to the elements, Jaclyn can command the
environment around her. She can extinguish forest fires with a thought, summon gale force winds or part the waters of a lake with wave of her hand, or
even cause earthquakes in a flash. Jaclyn has even been observed causing electromagnetic pulses by commanding the magnetic fields around her,
freezing opponents by rapidly dropping the air temperature around them, or increasing the powers of elemental mutants. Jaclyn has used her elemental
powers to affect man-made objects, such as actually making the atoms in a building's roof move apart, creating a hole in the roof that resealed itself
(without a trace of ever having had a hole in it) once Jaclyn had passed though it (which suggests that Jaclyn's elemental powers may have a Telekinetic
Elementalist: Earth Energy Absorption: Jaclyn has the ability to draw energy from the Earth. She can use this power to augment her abilities to shape
change, generate bio-blasts.
Elementalist: Energy Blasts: Jaclyn can focus the elemental energies around her into devastating energy blasts. When she absorbs power, she begins
to glow.
Elongation: *Jaclyn can extend her limbs, torso, or neck to great distances.
Elongation: Grappling: Jaclyn may restrain opponents very efficiently by using her elastic form to entangle them.
Elongation: Movement: Jaclyn can move at great speeds by stretching to her destination.
Empathic Metamorph: *A shapeshifter who can assume the form of any living creature, even those who only exist in legends. Jaclyn can assume the
form of other people as well. Thanks to her empathic ability, Jaclyn's body will actually change in response to the emotions around her, becoming
beautiful when she feels loved, or hideous when she feels fear or anger. She has also demonstrated the abilities to turn into sentient sand or water.
Empathic Metamorph: Multilingual Comprehensive Adaptation: She was able to understand various dialects.
Empathic Metamorph: Power Duplication: If she takes on the appearance of another superhuman, Jaclyn can also gain their powers.
Empathy: A telepathic talent which enables Jaclyn to sense the emotions and feelings of all living creatures (from people, to animals, to plants) and can
broadcast her own feelings in order to influence other people's emotions.
Enhanced Durability: The nature of Jaclyn's body provides her with natural body armor offering damage resistance from blunt attacks and energy attacks.
Enhanced Senses: Jaclyn can scan objects and/or living forms and store their shape into her brain. Scanning takes only a few moments, allowing her to
take that form at any time.
Environmental Immunity: Jaclyn can adapt to her physical environment, becoming impervious to cold without changing shape to adapt.
Fire Manipulation: Jaclyn can generate shapes composed of fire from any point on her body, such as long streams of fire.
Flight: Jaclyn with mental stimulation of her flame can form a jet of fire from her feet, directed behind her, which allows him to achieve flight. Jaclyn
also possesses the ability to fly; either by the use of shape-shifted wings or becoming an being who has wings.
Heat Absorption: Jaclyn can absorb infinite amounts of heat.
Hypnotic Gaze: Jaclyn possesses hypnotic abilities; she requires direct-eye-contact to utilize this ability.
Ice Generation: Jaclyn possesses the ability to freeze any air moisture into super-hard ice. Jaclyn is also able to shape the ice into certain constructs; such
as pillars, or as blasts of solid ice from her hands.
Intangibility: Jaclyn can become intangible and pass through solid objects.
Invisibility: Jaclyn possesses the mental ability to manipulate ambient cosmic energy for a variety of effects, including the rendering of herself and other

objects invisible, and the construction of solid, invisible force fields.

Magical Affinity: Jaclyn's powers grow more fluid and manageable and stronger while she is in magical realms.
Magical Energy Manipulation: In her true form, Jaclyn can manipulate magical energy, i.e. deflecting spells.
Metallic Transformation: Jaclyn possesses the ability to convert the tissue of her entire body into an metallic-like substance.
Metamorph: *Can psionically alter the formation of her biological cells at will. As a result she can cause herself to look and sound like an exact duplicate
of any human, humanoid, or semi-humanoid being of either sex, wearing virtually any kind of clothing. Her control is so exact that she can precisely
duplicate another persons retina pattern in her own eyes, finger, palm and skin-pore patterns on her own hands and skin, and vocal cords to match voices
to the point of corresponding voice prints. While she can make herself look exactly like a person who is physically bigger than herself, she will not weigh
as much as the real person does. Although she can maintain the form of a person of her height, weight, and build indefinitely, the longer that she
maintains the form of a person physically bigger than herself, the greater the strain she feels. She can fool super-humanly acute senses. In addition,
Jaclyn possesses the ability to transform her body's size, shape and color to mimic any person, creature or object in the universe.
Metamorph: Accelerated Healing: Jaclyn's nature allows her to repair and regenerate herself from minor to near death injuries in a short span of time,
much faster than an ordinary human.
Metamorph: Enhance Physical Attributes: Able to enhance her strength, speed, agility, reflexes, and senses.
Metamorph: Metamorphic Adaptation: She was able to adapt her body in order to camouflage according to her surroundings, shift her organs into her
lower extremities, heal from numerous bullet wounds in at least a few minutes, and mimic the textures of metals.
Metamorph: Metamorphosis: Jaclyn can also shape parts and portions of her body instead of the whole. She can form such complex shapes as a tank
and a bicycle and such simple forms as a cloud or a spring.
Metamorph: Psychic Defence: Jaclyn's nature also provides her with a natural defence against telepathic intrusion.
Metamorph: Retarded Aging: Her metamorphic powers have retarded the degenerative effects of her aging process.
Metamorph: Toxin & Disease Resistance: She is also able to develop resistance and immunities to toxins and diseases.
Molecular Reconstruction: Jaclyn can transmute her body to any of a wide variety of liquid, gas or metallic elemental compounds and form it to her will.
Originally, she was limited to the elements which occur naturally in the human body. She can alter the shapes and consistencies of these elements and
combine them to form complex compounds. Jaclyn can assume forms of gas, liquid or solid states.
Natural Perception: Jaclyn has the ability to See and hear natural/biological patterns of forces in the world around her. This power links her with
natural/biological patterns of forces in the world around her. This power links with her own empathy/shapeshifting. Jaclyn can sense electromagnetic
forces, air currents, chemical reactions and even detect visibly telepathic communications. Jaclyn can also see and sometimes talk to ghosts.
Optic Blast: Jaclyn possesses the ability to project a powerful beam of concussive, ruby-colored force from her eyes.
Organic Steel Transformation: Jaclyn is has the ability to convert the tissue of her entire body into an organic steel-like substance.
Photographic Reflexes: *Jaclyn's possesses the abilities of photographic reflexes. She is able to duplicate almost any physical act she sees after seeing it
done by someone else only once.
Photographic Reflexes: Muscle Movement Precision: She can also copy the subtle muscle movements of others so precisely that she can at times do
things such as copying another persons voice so precisely as to fool voice recognition software.
Photographic Reflexes: Near-Superhuman Mimicry: Due to these reflexes, she can do things which border on superpowers. For instance Jaclyn has

discovered that after watching martial arts movies on fast-forward she is able to briefly duplicate the moves at a greatly increased velocity,
effectively giving her a limited form of super-speed.
Photographic Reflexes: Physical Movement Prediction: She has often shown the ability to actually predict an opponents next move before they make
it if she has studied their fighting style enough. Opponents who are skilled at improvisational fighting styles, or who have a more random
unpredictable style are less likely to have their moves predicted by Jaclyn.
Photographic Reflexes: Skill Mastery: She is also capable of using this ability to master complex gymnastics routines and play difficult pieces of
music. However, she typically prefers to use this ability to copy the combat skills, both armed and unarmed, of costumed crime-fighters and expert
martial artists from around the world, typically seen through watching videos of them in combat situations.
Photographic Reflexes: Sleight of Hand Comprehension: She can also do things such as figuring out the sleight of hand techniques of a master poker
cheater simply by watching them. She can even duplicate the nearly superhuman abilities with thrown projectiles, or approximate the agility of
someone, at least up to a point that doesn't require superhuman effort.
Plasma Form: Jaclyn possesses the physical ability to envelop her entire body or portions of her body with an invisible fiery plasma without harm to
Plasticity: Jaclyn possesses the ability to convert the mass of her entire body into a highly malleable state at will.
Psionic Force Fields: Jaclyn, through concentration, is able to project a field of psionic force which she can manipulate into a number of relatively simple
forms; rectangular planes, cylinders, globes, domes, cones, etc.
Pyrokinesis: Jaclyn possesses the mental ability to control ambient heat energy and the physical ability to transform her entire body, or portions of her
body into an invisible fiery, plasma-like state of will.
Reality Warp Resistance: Because of her shapechanging power, Jaclyn has some resistance to the reality-warping powers of others.
Spatial Awareness: Jaclyn possesses an uncanny sense of trigonometry, in this sense used to describe her observation of objects around herself and the
angles found between surfaces of these objects.
Superhuman Agility: Jaclyn's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels beyond the natural physical limits of the finest ahtlete.
Superhuman Durability: In her armored form Jaclyn is invulnerable to most forms of bodily harm. Her armor is capable of withstanding ballistic
penetration, including that of a 155 millimeter Howitzer shell. He can survive extremes of temperature from 70 degrees above absolute zero (-390
degrees Fahrenheit) to approximately 9000 degrees Fahrenheit. He can survive a collision with a loaded, ten-ton flatbed truck at 100 miles per hour or an
explosion of 4500 pounds of TNT. He can also survive falls from great heights while in his armored body.
Superhuman Speed: Jaclyn can run and move at speeds beyond the natural physical limits of the finest athlete.
Superhuman Stamina: Also, while in armored form, Jaclyn' musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins than the musculature of a normal
human. At her peak, she can physically exert herself at peak capacity for several days before the buildup of fatigue toxins in her blood begins to impair
Superhuman Strength: Jaclyn possesses superhuman strength sufficient enough to lift approximately 85 tons. However, in her armored state, Jaclyn
possesses vast superhuman strength, giving her the ability to lift approximately 100 tons.
Superhumanly Acute Senses: Jaclyn possesses superhumanly acute senses that are comparable to those of certain animals. She can see at far greater
distances, with perfect clarity, than an ordinary human. She retains this same level of clarity even in near total darkness. Her hearing is enhanced in a

similar manner, allowing her to detect sounds ordinary humans couldn't hear at a greater distances, enough to hear a teardrop in another room that have
thick walls with enough focus. She is able to recognize people and objects by scent, even if they are well hidden. She can track a target by scent, even if
the scent has been greatly eroded by time and weather factors, with an extraordinary degree of success. Jaclyn can also use her keen sense of smell to
detect lies due to chemical changes within a person's scent.
Teleportation: Ability to teleport herself, the clothes she is wearing, and within limits a certain amount of additional mass which is in contact with her.
Under optimal conditions, Jaclyn can displace himself a distance of about 2 miles east-to-west, and up to 3 miles north-to-south. Making a vertical
teleportation upwards is difficult and dangerous.

Advanced Covert Ops Expert: Jaclyn is a trained expert in multiple types of weapons, vehicles, computer systems, explosives, and assassination
Covert Operative: Strategist in terrorist and commando operations.
Expert Combatant: Jaclyn is a highly skilled combatant.
Expert Marksman: She is an expert marksman skilled in throwing weapons and firearms, but operates more efficiently without them.
Expert Pilot: Jaclyn is an expert pilot of fixed-wing aircraft.
Expert Swordsman: Jaclyn is proficient in Japanese sword fighting.
Expert Tactician: Jaclyn is a master strategist and tactician.
Master Martial Artist: Jaclyn is an exceptional martial artist, with expertise in Japanese martial arts, and has mastered 15 forms of martial arts. Her
extraordinary hand-to-hand combat ability makes her one of the finest combatants on Earth.
Master Tactician: Jaclyn is highly intelligent. Jaclyn's physical and mental state is "equivalent to an Olympic-level gymnast performing a Gold-medalwinning routine whilst simultaneously beating four chess computers in his head", which gives something of an idea of the level of sophistication and
tactical processing Jaclyn is capable of utilizing while in combat.
Multi-lingual: Jaclyn is fluent in many languages including English, Arabic, Japanese, Russian, Chinese, Cheyenne, Lakota, Spanish, French, German,
Thai, Vietnamese, Farsi and Portuguese.
Olympic-Level Conditioning: Jaclyn is an Olympic-level athlete and is possibly among the most formidable armed and unarmed combatants.
Photographic Muscle Memory: Beside her photographic reflexes, she possessed photographic muscle memory that allows her to instinctively, instantly,
and completely learn and acquire new skills and abilities. While not having any superhuman physical, mental, or energy manipulative abilities, Jaclyn is
able to routinely battle super-human powered foes with an impressive degree of success.
Skilled Acrobat: She is skilled in gymnastics, acrobatics and aerials.
Skilled Hypnotist: Jaclyn is a skilled hypnotist.
Skilled Mechanic: Jaclyn is an excellent mechanic.
Telepathic Resistance: She can resist telepathic intrusion and withhold certain information from high level telepaths.
Trained Actress



Jadas Desired Human Form


Intelligence: The ability to think and process information.
Strength: The Ability to lift weight.
Land Speed: The ability to move over land by running.
Flight Speed: The ability to move over land by flight.
Durability: The ability to resist or recover from bodily injury.
Energy Projection: The ability to discharge energy.
Fighting Ability: The proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.
Powers Obtained From:

Level 6: Super-Genius
Level 6: Superhuman: 75-100 ton range
Level 3: Superhuman: peak range: 700 MPH
Level 5: Supersonic: Mach-2 through Orbital Velocity
Level 7: Virtually indestructible
Level 6: Able to discharge multiple forms of energy
Level 4: Experienced fighter
Iron Man:
Tomorrow Woman:

Anti-Magnetism: Jada can negate the effects of magnetism.
Audio Sensitivity: Jada can adjust the sensitivity of her audio receptors to a point where she can detect the faintest of sounds.
Computer Integration: Jada can detect energy patterns and track them to their source. She is hyper-intelligent and can communicate through an
incalculable number of mediums. Jada can communicate and interact with other computer systems.
Concussion Blasters: Laser channeled plasma beam with high and low density plasma options.
Dimensional Travel
Durability: body is composed of titanium steel with remarkable strength which can withstand most physical and energy attacks.
Electron Charge
EMP: Jada can generate electromagnetic pulses by mentally manipulating the Earth's geomagnetic field.
Encephalo-beam: Located in the head cavity, the encephalo ray plunges its victims into a deathlike coma. It also allows Jada to mesmerize and outright
control her victims, or implant subliminal hypnotic commands within their minds to be enacted at a later time.
Energy Absorption: Multi-spectrum resonating inducting antenna array convert electromagnetic radiation into electric energy for use or storage.
Energy Blade: This laser sword, emitted from her right arm, could also be flattened into a shield on her hands, or spread over the entire body to encase
her in a protective covering.

Energy Conversion Power Recharge: Jada can absorb and convert nearby or far away energy sources, such as heat, solar, electrical, magnetic, geothermal or kinetic energy or energy from the planet itself into electricity, or even drain energy directly into the batteries for recharge.
Energy Shield: Energy shielding that can protect the user from harm. It is also capable of reflecting attacks and staying mobile. At 2% power, the shield
is strong enough to withstand a nuclear explosion.
Enhanced Durability: She is very durable, capable of withstanding tremendous amounts of punishment. It can withstand high caliber bullets with ease.
She can also withstand rockets, missiles, torpedoes, high powered lasers, and such, taking little to no damage. Jada is fully resistant against electricity,
fire, heavy impacts, energy blasts, take zero Kelvin and up to the Suns temperatures, even some of Qiana's attacks. Jada can withstand almost unlimited
kinetic and thermal impact, as well as most forms of radiation thanks to its refractory coating. Jada can survive anything short of a nuclear explosion at
ground zero, any intrinsically hostile environment, such as outer space or deep sea. Jada has specialized circuitry that guards against telepathic attacks.
Enhanced Senses
Eye Blasters: able to shoot blasts of energy from her eyes.
Flight: Jada can typically reach speeds in excess of Mach 10, however shes able to reach orbital escape velocities (5 miles per second) and up to speeds
that can outrun black holes. Use of the jets provides enough power to lift a load of about 500 tons.
Force Field: Jada can erect a force field around herself to protect her from incoming attacks
Hyper-velocity Impact: Hyper-velocity allows Jada to think and move at a much faster time frame than everyone else, allowing for quicker attacks. Also,
it could create an electrical bubble if Jada is going fast enough.
Intangibility: She can also turn others intangible.
Lasers: Standard lasers that can be used as weapons or for welding, including UV laser to penetrate light-permeable shields.
Magnetism: Jada can generate magnetic fields to pull or push metal objects at will.
Mimicry: Jada can copy the powers, appearance, and equipment of any super powered being in close proximity to it. It then becomes a duplicate of that
being, visually indistinguishable from it. Given the opportunity, it can copy up to eight different beings at one time, combining their attributes in a
seemingly random fashion.
Multi-beam: As the name implies, the Multi-beam can fire multiple energies at the same time.
Neutron Shield
Omnibeam: Rather than only firing beam type attacks, the Omnibeam can generate heats at 25,232 degrees Fahrenheit, extremely powerful lights causing
irreversible blindness in the enemy, and emit ultrasonic attacks capable of stunning even superhumanly durable foes and even causing disintegration. The
other way the Omnibeam is fired is by absorbing or draining any energy in the vicinity, drawing and converting it into billions of petawatts and firing it.
Override: When required, Jadas armor systems including strength amplification, durability amplification, and repulsor intensity can be greatly increased,
by bypassing safety circuits and limiters. However, there is a chance that this can result in a complete system failure of the armor. The range of the
Override can be controlled as only reaching her very limit and staying at it for a long time will cause a system failure. This range goes from a safe 800%
to 3200%, up to a very dangerous 5000%.
Pentabeam: The Pentabeam has microwave lensing projector that allows for directed beams of ultra-high multi mega-joule electrons, protons, acoustic
energy, and neutrons.
Plasma Discharge: A plasma discharge is given off when Jada comes into contact with Vibranium.
Program Transmitter: Located in head cavity, the program transmitter can project Jadas entire personality system into some computer systems by means
of a collimated, high bit-rate magnetic inductance beam. She can beam part or all of her programming into remote locations such as computers or
alternate robotic bodies. Jada can often control other machines remotely even if she has not transplanted her consciousness into them.
Pulse Barrage: Pulse Barrage is one of Jada's standard long range attacks. Because of its extremely low energy consumption, Pulse Barrage can be a very
effective attack. An upgraded Red Pulse Barrage has the ability to penetrate through foes hitting others behind them, and the ability to ricochet off walls

hitting more targets.

Pulse Bolts: Extremely powerful plasma discharges that propagate in strength over distance, but implode if they get overloaded.
Radiation Emitters
Reality Alteration:
Repulsor Rays: Jada's primary energy weapon. A particle beam weapon, standard equipment in the palms; can repel physical and energy-based attacks,
traveling as a single stream or as wide-field dispersal. Its damage potential is extremely lethal, from being able to go through 2 inches of steel like paper
to blasting a hole through a mountain. They can be powered up to make a larger beam or a Full Form repulsor Ray, which does 360 degrees of attacks.
Resurrection: She can use her electron charge to reanimate people.
Self-Contained Life-Support System & Environmental Protection: Jada can be completely sealed for operations in vacuum or underwater, providing its
own life support, and is shielded against radiation, biological, chemical, corrosive, kinetic, and electrical attacks as well.
Sensor Apparatus: High-resolution optical sensing devices, computer-assisted dexterity and limb position sensor network.
Sensor Array: Known sensors include radar/lidar, night vision, and physiological/medical scanners that allow Jada to take and monitor the vitals of other
people, including heart and brain scans. These scans also provide Jada with real-time personal physiological data. They are also capable of an allenvironmental scan for atmospheric content or life forms--including astral energy projections.
Sensor Systems: Cyborg has optic, thermal and motion sensors just to name a few.
Shape-Change: She can reshape parts of her body into various weapons and technological equipment. Her arsenal included a finger laser attachment,
telescopic eyepiece, sonic disruptor, electric shockers, grappling hooks, and winches.
Smart Missiles: The Smart Missile is one that can target the weak points of a structure, object, or foe to inflict maximum damage with a minimal
Superhuman Agility: Jada's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest
human athlete.
Superhuman Durability: Jada's outer shell is usually composed of Cosmotium, rendering it almost totally impervious to damage; however, her internal
mechanisms are generally less durable and more easily damaged. Her skin composition is about (.5 inches thick), neck, knee, ankle, elbow, shoulder,
wrist, and finger joints are finely tessellated titanium alloy to permit flexing. She is able to withstand concussive blasts and heat of a 100 megaton atomic
Superhuman Intelligence: Jada is capable of rapid analysis of huge amounts of data.
Superhuman Senses: possesses a heightened sense of sight, smell, and hearing.
Superhuman Speed: Jada possesses greater speed than the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Stamina: Jada can exert itself well beyond the human limit as long as she has sufficient power.
Superhuman Strength: Jada is incredibly strong and can lift at least 100 tons.
Telekinesis: *Her telekinetic power level is high enough to psionically lift objects as large and heavy as automobiles into the air with minimal effort.
Telekinesis: Telekinesis Psionic Blasts: She can fire bolts of telekinetic energy that at their lowest level can stun a person, and at their highest can
shatter steel.
Telepathic Microscopic Tasers: Once inhaled by a telepath, the more he/she tries to sue his/her psychic powers, the higher the voltage of an electric
current released in his/her body. It can be lethal if the telepath doesn't stop trying to use his/her powers.
Telepathy: *Her telepathy allows her to read minds and project her thoughts into the minds of others. She can free people from psionic possession and
purify corrupted minds when a virus caused children around the world to become homicidal.
Telepathy: Telepathy Inhibitor: Jada is capable of blocking telepathic signals.
Telepathy: Telepathy Precognition: She also has some form of limited precognition, as shown when she foresaw her own death.

Tractor Beams: High frequency pulsed magnetic graviton particle containment fields. Computer-assisted field control configures gravitons into various
shapes which alter the local effects of gravity.
Unibeam: A powerful searchlight, capable of projecting beams in virtually every light spectrum. Also used as a powerful weapon that can destroy
anything in its path. It fires a boosted form of the Monobeam with some energy backing it up.
Visual Scanners: Jada is capable of scanning life forms, energy sources and other objects detecting the substances that they are composed of.
Vocal Imitation: Jada is capable of replicating and mimicking the voices of other people enabling him to impersonate them and even create her own.

Expert Engineer: She is an excellent engineer and mechanic capable of fixing almost any, if not all machinery.
Expert Tactician: She is a brilliant tactician capable of quickly formulating battle strategies and new plans if the situation changes, like being able to
elaborate different complex plans in order to defeat different enemies in difficult situations, and be victorious.
Genius Level Intellect: In addition to her mechanical enhancements, Jada possesses an "exceptionally gifted" level of intelligence; her IQ has been
measured at 370.
Historiography: Jada has relevant data about the present and past.
Indomitable Will: Jada is possessed of tremendous strength of will, never giving up and often emerging from defeat even stronger.
Skilled Combatant: Jada is trained in unarmed combat and has become quite physically formidable on her own when the situation demands it.
Slightly-Trained Acrobat: Jada has learned to increase her agility and perform acrobatics, which are superior to the average human.


Jennifer Lavoie aka Gia


Jennifer Lavoies Desired Human Form


Intelligence: The ability to think and process information.
Strength: The Ability to lift weight.
Land Speed: The ability to move over land by running.
Flight Speed: The ability to move over land by flight.
Durability: The ability to resist or recover from bodily injury.
Energy Projection: The ability to discharge energy.
Fighting Ability: The proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.
Powers Obtained From:

Level 6: Super-Genius
Level 7: Incalculable: in excess of 100 tons
Level 3: Superhuman: peak range: 700 MPH
Level 5: Supersonic: Mach-2 through Orbital Velocity
Level 7: Virtually indestructible
Level 6: Able to discharge multiple forms of energy
Level 6: Master of several forms of combat
Poison Ivy:
Power Princess:
The Hulk:
Wonder Woman:
Wonder Woman:

Ageless: Jennifer does not age beyond her prime, allowing her to retain her physical prowess, health, vitality and youthful appearance indefinitely. This
ultimately makes her immune to natural death.
Animal Empathy: Jennifer has the ability to communicate with all forms of animals (including dinosaurs) and her presence alone can bring a raging beast
to a calm standstill. She is also able to directly command wild animals when needed.
Dimensional Teleportation: Jennifer can literally leave the planet through meditation.
Empathy: Jennifer has increased insight. For example, Jennifer can often detect others' emotions.
Enhanced Healing Factor: Jennifer is constantly renewing herself, allowing her to quickly heal mild to moderate injuries at an amazing rate. Her normal
regenerative abilities allow her to recover from injury within seconds to minutes. She possesses an incredible immunity from poisons, toxins, as well as
Enhanced Senses: *
Enhanced Senses: Enhanced Hearing

Enhanced Senses: Enhanced Sense of Smell

Enhanced Senses: Enhanced Vision: She also possesses the "Hunters Eye" which allows her to always hit her mark. She can see to far greater
distances than any normal human.
Flight: Isis can also mystically fly through the atmosphere through sure act of will, enabling her to soar through the atmosphere at sub-orbital levels and
travel across the planet.
Healing: Jennifer can heal wounds of the flesh. She has repaired minor and major wounds alike without any seeming digression. However, she was not
able to repair deep tissue damage or nerve damage.
Immortality: *
Immortality: Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite her great resilience, it is possible to injure Jennifer. However, she is capable of recovering from
injuries with superhuman speed and efficiency. However, she is unable to regenerate missing limbs or organs and would require magical assistance to
do so. Jennifer is also immune to all known Earthly diseases and infections. She is highly resistant to most drugs and toxins but can be affected if
exposed to great quantities.
Immortality: Suspended Aging: Jennifer is immune to the effects of aging and has not aged since reaching adulthood. Despite being thousands of
years old, Jennifer possesses the appearance and vitality of a woman in her physical prime.
Invulnerability: In addition to immense strength, Jennifer's body possesses a high degree of resistance to physical injury. Jennifer can survive tremendous
amounts of punishment. Jennifer's skin is impervious to conventional blades, grenade shrapnel, high caliber bullets, ultra-powerful energy blasts,
pressures extremes, falls from orbital heights, maximized heat without blistering, maximized cold without freezing, and also powerful impacts. Jennifer
has withstood several times the impact of ground zero nuclear explosions, nova blasts, with a maximum temperature of one million degrees Fahrenheit,
and the crushing pressures of 100Gs without suffering damage or harm. Jennifer was also able to withstand a planet-devastating impact, and a planetshattering impact at point blank range.
Oneness With Fire: Apparently making her a focus of truth.
Protection Spell: Jennifer has a protective ability that actually renders her completely undetectable to others when she appears completely human, from
those who recognize her more powerful form.
Regenerative Healing Factor: *Despite Jennifer's high resistance to physical harm, it is possible to cause her injury. However, Jennifer is capable of
regenerating damaged or destroyed areas of her body (even her limbs) with much greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. In fact, Jennifer
was able to systematically regenerate her internal organs and tissues in an alternate reality.
Regenerative Healing Factor: Decelerated Aging: For all intents and purposes Jennifer lives indefinitely. Because of an enhanced regenerative
healing factor, Jennifer has an extended lifespan.
Superhuman Agility: Jennifer's agility, balance and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest
Olympian athlete, as is her balance and coordination.
Superhuman Durability: Jennifer possesses a high resistance to damage and magical attacks. Jennifer's body is highly resistant to all forms of
conventional injury. Her skin is capable of withstanding tremendous pressures and temperatures, falls from great heights, field-artillery canon shells, and
powerful energy blasts without sustaining any injury.
Superhuman Reflexes: Jennifer's reflexes are far beyond the limitations of the finest human athletes. She has been able to react to a barrage of gunfire
from multiple opponents at once unharmed.
Superhuman Speed: *Jennifer's superhumanly strong legs allow her to run at speeds that are well beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest
human athlete. Jennifer has once spun around like a tornado. In a notorious display of speed, Jennifer can even surpass an aircraft's speed while on land.
Jennifer also possesses immense swimming speeds as well. She has been clocked to be swimming at 80 knots.
Superhuman Speed: Superhuman Agility

Superhuman Speed: Superhuman Reflexes

Superhuman Stamina: Jennifer's body counteracts fatigue poisons that build up in her muscles during physical activity. Jennifer is capable of exerting
herself at peak physical capacity for several days before fatigue begins to affect him. However, much like her vast physical strength, Jennifer's stamina
does increase as she becomes angrier. Jennifer's stamina has even been described as "almost unlimited".
Superhuman Strength: *Jennifer possesses incredible superhuman strength, the likes of which allows her to lift far in excess of 100 tons. Jennifer
possesses the capacity for virtually limitless physical strength.
Superhuman Strength: Superhuman Leaping: Jennifer is able to use her highly developed leg muscles to leap great distances. As Jennifer becomes
enraged, his strength increases considerably, which means she can jump farther than usual. Jennifer has transposed 1,000 miles with a single leap. On
more than one occasion, Jennifer has nearly jumped into the Earth's orbit. Jennifer also shows incredible precision with her ability to aim her jumps
and landings. She grabbed missiles on multiple occasions and landed on islands barely visible from the height she fell from. Jennifer's super leap has
also been measured as reaching 473 mph.
Superhuman Strength: Superhuman Lung Capacity: Jennifer can inhale great quantities of air for several effects. Jennifer can expel the air at great
speeds to knock down forests and even armed troops.


Aerokinesis: She can also control oxygen atoms and oxygen-containing molecules to create atmospheric disturbances of various kinds. By intermingling
air with earth she can cause a dust storm, air with water a typhoon, and air with fire a firestorm. She is able to create a wind of tornado intensity,
approximately 115 miles per hour.
Body Switch: Jennifer can exchange her physical characteristics and powers with the physical characteristics and powers of another being by simply
focusing on a mental image of the person and willing the transfer to take place.
Chlorokinesis: *Her natural heritage is to be able to mold and weave plants to her liking. She has the ability to tap directly into the power of plant life.
She has the power to commune with plant life to a variety of effects such as controlling its growth or form. She can command plants to do their bidding
such as ensnaring opponents or producing poisonous thorn bushes.
Chlorokinesis: Pheromone Control: Jennifer is known to be able to seduce men and women alike, often using pheromones to do so, but even without
the pheromones, her beauty is still an asset that can she can use to seduce.
Elemental Control: *Jennifer has the ability to control various aspects of nature. For example, she can summon a mighty wind to sweep across the land,
control the weather, create vegetation or cause geysers of molten lava to spontaneously rise from the ground.
Elemental Control: Aerokinesis: Jennifer can control the winds and they react to her will. She has created a tornado to rip open a military base with
Elemental Control: Chlorokinesis: Jennifer can manipulate and control plant life. She's created many different kinds of plants, some unknown even to
her. She has used her powers to create a large tree to catch a falling individual; it grew to full size in mere seconds.
Elemental Control: Electrokinesis: Jennifer can control the thundering clouds and crackling lightning. She has used this to create elaborate lightning
Qianas and bathe her opponents in it.
Elemental Control: Geokinesis
Elemental Control: Pyrokinesis: Jennifer can control the flow of lava within the earth's crust. She has directed the flow to erupt through the surface
and engulf an enemy.

Elemental Control: Weather Manipulation: Jennifer can control weather patterns not directed by her atmokinesis. Her ability to control weather is
attuned to her emotions as well.
Extrasensory Perception: *
Extrasensory Perception: Astral Form Perception: Jennifer has the unique ability of being able to see "astral forms"--or ghosts-- and even physically
interact with them.
Extrasensory Perception: Homing Ability: Jennifer also has a seemingly mystical homing ability that enables her to locate any area in the world or in
other dimensions. This homing ability has also been used to find people on rare occasions.
Gamma Radiation/Energy Manipulation and Emission: Jennifer possesses at least a limited ability to manipulate forms of energy, particularly gamma
radiation. Jennifer's body works like a "gamma battery" by creating and radiating gamma energy.
Geokinesis: She can psionically control the movement of the tectonic plates within the Earth's crust within limited areas, probably no less than a radius of
a few city blocks. Within this area she can create small or large earthquakes by psionically affecting the Earth's crust. She can control the various
substances that make up common bedrock (earth: iron, granite, shale, limestone, etc.), creating seismic tremors of up to 6.7 on the Richter scale (greater
if tectonic plate fault lines are nearby) by causing a sudden shifting of the earth. The observed maximum volume she can affect at once is 1.8 x 10" cubic
feet (approximately 1/800 of a cubic mile). She can control and manipulate all forms of rock and earthly substances and materials. There is no set limit to
how far or how close she needs to be to the earth for this power and ability to work. She has been able to be completely off the ground and still control
the earth. She has created tremors, earthquakes, sharpen rocks to a needle point, and has control over these elements for as long as she can physically
maintain them. She can psionically cause magma, or molten rock, from far beneath Earth's surface to rise to and break through the surface, forming
miniature volcanoes. She can also telekinetically project fiery blasts of magma at targets.
Hydrokinesis: She can join hydrogen and oxygen molecules to create water, summoning these molecules from a volume of atmosphere within a radius of
approximately two miles. Further, she can control the movement of water to a certain extent, via manipulation of inter-atomic van der Wall's forces
controlling surface tension, divining water from the ground and causing it to flow in designated directions. The observed maximum volume of water she
can control is approximately 2,000 cubic feet (about 15,000 gallons). Thus, she cannot change the course of rivers or cause the sea to part.
Increased Psionic Resistance: In many instances Jennifer has demonstrated great psychic resistance. In normal conditions it is virtually impossible to
mentally enslave Jennifer.
Magic: *Jennifer became the Keeper of Magic and the Living Lightning. She can control electricity and can use various spells and enchantments.
Magic: Electrokinesis: *Jennifer has the ability to control electricity in a multitude of ways:
Magic: Electrokinesis: Electro-Blast: She can discharge a powerful blast of electricity from her body and attack foes with it.
Pyrokinesis: By controlling oxygen molecules she can cause fire to spontaneously ignite or she can douse any oxidizing flame by altering the ionization
potential of the outer electron shells of oxygen atoms. (Thus, she can only affect valent bonding properties and not inner nuclear forces, rendering her
unable to initiate or affect fission or fusion).
Reactive Adaptation: *There have been several events in the past where Jennifer has not only faced extended periods of time in oxygen-less outer space
without suffocating, but she has also repeatedly spoken in these inhospitable habitats.
Reactive Adaptation: Underwater Breathing: Jennifer has been on the ocean floor a number of times. Jennifer is able to breathe due to her body
developing a gland which creates an oxygenated perfluorocarbon emulsion which fills her lungs and equalizes the pressure. She is therefore able to
breathe fluid and avoid decompression and nitrogen narcosis.
Telekinesis: Jennifer is able to use the power of her mind to manipulate objects with her telekinesis. It is likely that she is able to form shields of
telekinetic energy and fire telekinetic force blasts as well.
Teleportation: Jennifer can travel through reflective surfaces to any desired location.
Toxikinesis: *A deliberate overdose of plant and animal based toxins into her blood stream that make her touch deadly. Jennifer can create the most

potently powerful floral toxins, when needed. Often these are secreted from her lips and administered via a kiss. They come in a number of varieties,
from mind controlling drugs to instantly fatal necrotics. Her skin is toxic as well, although contact with it is usually not fatal.
Toxikinesis: Toxic Immunity: Immunity to all toxins, bacteria, and viruses.

Bilingual: She can speak Greek and English.
Botany: *Jennifer is a renowned scientist. Her knowledge of botany allows her to better manipulate her plants.
Botany: Toxicology: Jennifer's specialization in Botany was Toxicology. At first, she used her knowledge for perfumes, make-up and medicine. She
has used her knowledge to grow thorny plants and poisonous traps for her enemies.
Expert Archer: Jennifer is an expert archer.
Expert Attorney: Extremely intelligent, Jennifer is a skilled and experienced lawyer.
Expert Combatant: Jennifer is a formidable hand-to-hand combatant. Jennifer is highly trained in the use of weapons and battle tactics and strategies.
Expert Marksman: Jennifer is able to throw javelins and throwing discs with great aim and overall accuracy.
Gifted Intellect: In spite of the character's party-girl image, she is a bona fide intellectual.
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): Jennifer is the finest warrior ever born. She is a master of armed and unarmed combat, proficient with nearly every
weapon ever made (especially the bow and the javelin) and exotic martial arts styles.
Master combatant: *
Master combatant: Archery
Master combatant: Lassoing
Master combatant: Swordsmanship
Master combatant: Throwing: Jennifer is an expert at using her tiara as a boomerang.
Seduction: Jennifer has always been a beautiful woman but she never used her looks or talents for personal gain. She taunts her trapped opponents with
their human desires and can even infatuate thugs to her cause through her plants or her own means.
Weapons Proficiency: Jennifer is experienced with various forms of weaponry.
Wisdom: *Jennifer possesses great wisdom and intelligence. She is the smartest and wisest.
Wisdom: Diplomacy
Wisdom: Master Tactician and Strategist: Jennifer is an accomplished strategist and tactician, trained in the arts of leadership, persuasion and
diplomacy, and possesses a great deal of courage as well. She is a gifted leader.
Wisdom: Multilingualism: Jennifer has exhibited heightened proficiency with languages, being able to speak Ancient and Modern Greek, English,
Spanish, Portuguese, French, Mandarin Chinese, Russian and Hindi. Plus, through precise muscle control, she can mimic other people's voices for
short conversations. It is more difficult, for her to mimic a mans voice than another woman's voice.


Jessica Burciaga aka Firehawk


Intelligence: The ability to think and process information.
Strength: The Ability to lift weight.
Land Speed: The ability to move over land by running.
Flight Speed: The ability to move over land by flight.
Durability: The ability to resist or recover from bodily injury.
Energy Projection: The ability to discharge energy.
Fighting Ability: The proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.
Powers Obtained From:

Level 4: Gifted
Level 5: Superhuman: 25-75 ton range
Level 3: Superhuman: peak range: 700 MPH
Level 7: Warp speed: transcending light speed
Level 6: Superhuman
Level 7: Virtually unlimited command of all forms of energy
Level 2: Normal
Adam Warlock:
Chemical King:
Molecule Man:

Chemical Reaction Control: Jessica possesses the ability to act as a catalyst, that is, speed up, slow down, or otherwise alter chemical reactions. For
example, she can increase the speed of oxidization from a slow rust to a burst of flame. Her powers can affect the chemical reactions in the human body,
rendering an opponent unconscious from shock.
Cosmic Awareness: *Jessica has the ability to detect or produce wormholes and other irregularities in space on a cosmic scale. She also has the ability to
sense whenever someone is teleporting. In addition, it is revealed Jessica exists beyond the realm of Chaos and Order and is outside the Influence of the
Cosmic entity, Eternity.
Cosmic Awareness: Reality Warp Resistance: Due to her firm grasp on reality, Jessica is highly resistant to Reality Warping.
Cosmic Awareness: Space-warps Locator: She can locate and enter natural space-warps, discontinuities in the fabric of space, in order to traverse
interstellar space.
Cosmic Energy Manipulation: *She has the ability to tap and manipulate great amounts of ambient cosmic energy for various purposes. The organic cells
of her body essentially function as energy receptors and as storage batteries. Since there is ambient cosmic energy essentially everywhere and in every
type of environment, she has a potentially limitless source of power. She can use this energy for a number of effects, including the augmentation of her
body's physical attributes. She has also gained the ability to rearrange matter on a molecular level through great concentration. She can manipulate the
molecular structure of most substances in a maximum volume of roughly 3 cubic feet at a time. She can also channel the cosmic energy and propel it in
the form of non-radioactive and heat-less concussive force. Though the maximum impact of such energy blasts aren't known, she can blast opponites a
distance of 7/10s of a mile with a single blast. She is also capable of projecting her cosmic life force into beings who have died, thus reanimating dead
tissue. However, if a being's soul, or astral self, has passed from its body, she is unable to restore it.
Cosmic Energy Projection: Jessica is able to project blasts of cosmic energy from her hands or eyes.
Density Control: Jessica has complete control over molecules and as such can change the density of solids, liquids and gases to as light as hydrogen or as
heavy as uranium.

Energy Absorbtion: Jessica can absorb massive amounts of energy as well as being able to absorb many different types of energy.
Energy Projection: Jessica can project massive amounts of different amount of energies.
Enhanced Vision: Jessica has access to enhanced vision. Different visions experienced are X-Ray Vision, Microscopic Vision, and Thermal Vision.
Flight: She can also use cosmic energy to interact with gravitons, particles of gravitational attraction, to enable her to fly. She can attain a maximum
speed through an Earth-like atmosphere of Mach 10, roughly ten times the speed of sound, 7,800 miles her hour. However, it is possible for her to use
her cosmic powers to create rifts into hyperspace. So, while the maximum speed she can travel is unknown, it is ultimately greater than the speed of light,
which is roughly 186,000 miles per second.
Immortality: For all practical purposes, Jessica is essentially immortal. She is completely immune to the effects of aging and to all known diseases.
However, this does not mean that she is fully immortal as it is possible for her to sustain injuries that are beyond her ability to heal. As a result, it is
possible for her to die via unnatural causes.
Matter Transmutation: Jessica is able to transmute nearly any item or being into almost whatever she wishes (turning a man into a pig).
Molecular Manipulation: Jessica possesses the ability to mentally control, transform, and manipulate the molecules of all matter and energy. Through
concentration, she projects a psionic-manipulative energy, the precise nature of which is unknown, that alters the arrangement of molecules according to
any visualized pattern. She can animate inanimate materials by causing constant mass movement of molecules: for example, she can make a brick
building walk. She can rearrange molecules so radically, she can use her power to reconfigure all forms of matter and them into different substances and
forms (such as, for example, turning air into glass), and can change matter into energy and back again. She can create force fields and energy blasts, and
also open up wormholes through hyperspace and traverse them, thus travelling faster than light. The maximum area she can affect at a single time is not
yet known. Once she effects a change in the arrangement of molecules in a quantity of matter, it remains in its new configuration until she consciously
changes it back. Even if rendered unconscious, the transformed substances remain. Jessica can even affect the molecules of matter with mystical
properties, matter fashioned by vast cosmic power, and matter composed of the most impervious materials devised by man.
Molecular Reconstruction: Jessica can break down and reapply subatomic particles as well as break up the molecular structure of elements and rearrange
them. To do this the element must know the exact elemental make-up of the object or human.
Nervous System Control: She can control her nervous system deadening herself to pain, and control certain body functions to work more efficiently than
Phasing: Jessica can phase her body through solid objects.
Regenerative Healing Factor: In spite of her body's great resilience, Jessica is not completely immune to physical harm and can be injured. Her
cosmically-enhanced metabolism enables her to rapidly heal damaged bodily tissues on a level well beyond human capability. Injuries that would cause
bruising or lacerations can fully mend within a matter of seconds. If she sustains more severe injuries such as broken bones, internal injuries or a severed
limb, she is actually able to generate a solid cocoon around herself created entirely out of cosmic energy. While in this cocoon, her body rests and the
cosmic energy stored within her cells repairs the damage done, even to the point of regrowing severed limbs.
Self-Sustenance: Jessica can survive in space unaided, never need to eat to sustain life and never truly need another element to be processed or broken
down by their bodies. Although users may feel these needs and would enjoy producing such bodily functions it is unnecessary.
Superhuman Agility: Jessica's agility, balance and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits and capabilities
of the finest human specimen.
Superhuman Durability: Jessica's bodily tissues are much harder and more resistant to injury than those of a human. She is capable of withstanding
tremendous impact forces, falls from great heights, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, the vacuum of space, and powerful energy blasts
without sustaining injury. Her body is also specially adapted to withstand the physiologically debilitating effects of moving and running at high rates of
speed without sustaining injury.
Superhuman Reflexes: Jessica's reaction time is similarly enhanced, enabling her to react at a level that is beyond the natural physical limits of the finest

human athlete.
Superhuman Speed: Jessica is capable of running and moving at speeds greater than 150 MPH.
Superhuman Stamina: Jessica's musculature generates less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a human being. Jessica can
physically exert herself at peak capacity for several hours before fatigue begins to impair her.
Superhuman Strength: The cosmic energy stored in Jessica's body grants her physical strength that is far superior to that of a human being. Her
musculature, connective tissues and skeletal structure are augmented to far superior levels. At her peak, she possesses sufficient superhuman strength to
lift approximately 70 tons.
Telekinesis: She can mentally move and control objects, living creatures, and fly.
Telepathy: Jessica can psychically communicate, read minds, project her thoughts into other people, and is skilled in the use of illusions. Her illusions
affect all five senses and are virtually indistinguishable from the 'real thing'.
Teleportation: She can teleport herself and others across vast distances.

Master Strategist and Tactician: Jessica is an accomplished strategist and tactician.
Multilingual: She is lingual in many ancient/dead languages.
Skilled Martial Artist: She also is well-versed in martial arts and wrestling.


Kyra Milan aka Super Woman


Intelligence: The ability to think and process information.
Strength: The Ability to lift weight.
Land Speed: The ability to move over land by running.
Flight Speed: The ability to move over land by flight.
Durability: The ability to resist or recover from bodily injury.
Energy Projection: The ability to discharge energy.
Fighting Ability: The proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.
Powers Obtained From:

Level 5: Genius
Level 7: Incalculable: in excess of 100 tons
Level 7: Warp speed: transcending light speed
Level 7: Warp speed: transcending light speed
Level 7: Virtually indestructible
Level 7: Virtually unlimited command of all forms of energy
Level 7: Master of all forms of combat
Martian Manhunter:

Accelerated Healing Factor: If injured, Kyra's accelerated healing factor can heal her to accelerated degrees. Her healing factor enables her to repair
cells, body tissues and bones that have been damaged regardless of severity with much greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. Her healing
factor can even regenerate cells and body tissues that have been destroyed but are limited in the sense that it cannot regenerate missing organs or limbs.
Kyra's healing factor also keeps her in optimal health.
Chronokinesis: Kyra can move and transverse through time at ease.
Energy Manipulation: *Kyra possesses vast energy manipulation abilities, ranging from being able to absorb, convert and release various forms of
energy as powerful blasts from her hands or eyes.
Energy Manipulation: Cybernetic Awareness: Kyra possesses a programming that makes it possible for her to be more aware of her surroundings.
She can sense beings and gateways from alternate realities.
Energy Manipulation: Enhanced Intellect: Kyra is extremely intelligent, while having the ability to compute and process information at incredible
Energy Manipulation: Mechanokinesis: As a sentient supercomputer, Kyra has limitless cybrenized interactive capability, being able to control and
operate the vastly more advanced crystal based nanotech computers of the WOW compound along with lower level technologies.
Energy Manipulation: Telepathy: Kyra has vast mental abilities of her own design, able to influence if not outright manipulate the thoughts of beings.
Enhanced Vision: *Kyras vision processes the entire electromagnetic spectrum as well as allowing vast control over selective perception and focus. This

umbrella ability includes the following:

Enhanced Vision: Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision: Kyra can see well into most of the electromagnetic spectrum. She can see and identify radio and
television signals as well as all other broadcast or transmitted frequencies. Using this ability, she can avoid detection by radar or satellite monitoring
methods. This also allows her to see the aura generated by living thing.
Enhanced Vision: Infrared Vision: Kyra can see with better acuity in darkness and to a degree in total darkness.
Enhanced Vision: Microscopic Vision: This is the ability to see extremely small objects and images down to the atomic level.
Enhanced Vision: Telescopic Vision: This is the ability to see something at a great distance, without violating the laws of physics. Though limited,
the exact extent of the ability is undetermined. In function, it is similar to the zoom lens on a camera.
Enhanced Vision: X-Ray Vision: This is the ability to see through any volume of matter except lead. Kyra can see things behind a solid, opaque
object as if it were not there. She can focus this ability to "peel back" layers of an object, allowing hidden image or inner workings to be observed.
The exact type of energy perceived - such as x-rays, cosmic rays, or some other energy invisible to normal humans - is unclear. This ability perceives
an ambient energy source though; it does not involve the eye projecting a concentrated, possibly toxic, beam to be reflected back from objects.
Erosion Blasts: Kyra is able to project energy from her hands as well as her eyes. To this effect, the blasts can sustain damages from eradication to
withering in effect, using both aspects to a devastating degree.
Flight: Kyra is able to manipulate graviton particles, in an unknown and apparently unconscious manner, to defy the forces of gravity. She is capable of
speeds of multi-Mach speeds in Earth's atmosphere. Her control of her flight is very precise and she can perform aerobatic feats such as hovering, flying
backwards and even lifting great weights while flying.
Force-Field: Kyra is capable of generating a personal force field around herself, which greatly enhances her physical durability.
Heat Vision: Kyra can, as a conscious act, fire beams of intense heat at a target by looking at it. Typically, the power is seen as two beams of red light
emanating from the eyes. These beams can be made invisible, allowing the power to be undetectable. The maximum temperature of the heat vision is
said to be around that of a nuclear detonation. She can also consciously determine the area affected, down to the microscopic level.
Invisibility: By deflecting lightwaves and sound waves with her aura, she could become invisible and inaudible, even to someone with super hearing.
With more increased concentration, she can render herself completely invisible along the electromagnetic spectrum, including the infrared and the
ultraviolet ranges of the spectrum. This invisibility does not affect every other sense and she could still be detected by touch.
Invulnerability: Kyra is nigh-invulnerable to extreme energy forces. In addition, her immune systems protects them from toxins and diseases.
Irresistible Force Embodiment: Once she begins to advance in a certain direction, it is virtually impossible to halt her movement. Some obstacles such as
many tons of rocks and plasma-discharge cannons have slowed her pace but can't completely halt her.
Matter Manipulation: *Kyra can transmute and manipulate matter, and in extension atoms, at will; she can destroy humans with a mere thought. Also,
Kyra can cause organisms to degrade and de-evolve.
Matter Manipulation: Molecular Dispersion: She is also able to dissipate and disperse the molecules of an object or organism, effectively erasing
them from existence.
Mind Control: *Kyra can control the actions, thoughts and speech of humans just by thinking. In the scope of this ability, she can apparently, control and
take over 100 individuals at once, indicating the capacity potential her brain can achieve.
Mind Control: Psionic Possession: Kyra's psychic abilities allow her to possess an individual and negate any superhuman abilities they may have.
Omega Beam: Kyra focuses this power as a form of energy that she shoots from her eyes. This effect is not only a relentless attack, but it is capable of
teleporting the target to any location Kyra chooses and recall them later or erase the target from the universe and similarly reform them. Capable of
destroying entire planets, these beams are among most deadly attacks ever recorded. Kyra emits a beam from each eye and can target one or two
opponents. Impossible to avoid, the beams lock onto their target and are able to snake around corners and up and down buildings, and at high speeds.
Omega Effect: Kyra wields a cosmic energy field called "Omega Effect", which proves integral, as it is the core from which her other abilities manifest

from. This effect allows her to transverse through time and space, also enabling her to break barriers and force-fields.
Phasing: Kyra can phase through solid matter. No explanation of this power has been given, but it might possibly be an aspect of her psionic powers,
perhaps shifting her mass into another dimension or out of vibrational phase with other objects in this dimension.
Power Distribution: Kyra could endow lesser individuals with enormous powers, either granting them new abilities, increasing old ones they already
possess or restoring lost powers to others at higher levels.
Psi Resistance: Kyra is capable of causing a counter-force against telepathic assaults and probes. However, telepaths of sufficient power are capable of
penetrating her psionic defenses to an extent.
Psychokinesis: the ability of some characters to use their mind to manipulate matter, time, space and/or energy without any physical means.
Shape-Shifting, Malleability, Plasticity, Elongation: The most incredible of the powers of Kyra is the ability to shape-shift. She is able to literally control
the molecular structure of her body's bio-polymer and make it resemble anything she wants. She can form clothing and weapons with non-moving or
non-functioning parts. There does not seem to be any limit to the number of people Kyra can imitate and has stood in as a double for many famous
people. Her ability to imitate people and their mannerisms has stood her in good stead for her disguises. She has recently been seen to shape-shift into the
size and shape of a common house fly and to enormous sizes comparable to skyscrapers. She is also able to change colors.
Shape-Shifting: Minor changes in coloration and facial features were relatively effortless, but significant changes in size, build or gender.
Size Alteration: Kyra can easily manipulate her size, density and mass just by thinking, enabling her to become any size she wants.
Solar Energy Absorption: Under optimal conditions, this is the main source of her super powers. Her biological make up includes a number of organs
which lack analogues in humans and whose functions are unknown. It is believed that between one or more of these and their bio-cellular matrix, solar
energy is stored for later use.
Super-Breath: Kyra is able to create hurricane force winds by exhaling air from her lungs. She can chill the air as it leaves her lungs to freeze targets in a
variation sometimes called "freeze" or "arctic breath". She can also reverse the process and pull large volumes of air or vapor into her lungs.
Super-Hearing: Kyras hearing is sensitive enough to hear any sound at any volume or pitch. With skill, practice, and concentration, she can block out
ambient sounds to focus on a specific source or frequency. As such, she can identify a person by their heartbeat, or pick out a single voice in an entire
Superhuman Speed: *Kyras able to move at incredible speeds by sheer force of will. She can match Carmella in super-fast movements, reactions, and
processes. She can use this power to disarm opponents without heightened reflexes, catch bullets or shrapnel or cross vast distances in seconds. This also
Superhuman Speed: Superhuman Agility
Superhuman Speed: Superhuman Reflexes
Superhuman Stamina: Kyra has the ability to maintain continuous strenuous physical action for an indefinite period of time. In theory she can have
unlimited stamina as her enhanced nourishment is produced from the solar energy her cells process, which also provides the majority of the power for
her superhuman abilities. However, her base physical structure needs to process food stuffs and she has a psychological need to eat and drink just as
Earth humans do. She also requires sleep on occasion so that she can dream. She can also hold her breath for an indefinite period of time.
Superhuman Strength: Kyra has developed enhanced physical strength after absorbing a sufficient amount of solar radiation. This radiation interacts with
the greater than human density, resilience and biological efficiency of her musculature to trigger superhuman levels. While the exact magnitude of her
strength is unknown, it is generally accepted that it is sufficient to lift 100 tons or more.
Telekinesis: *Kyra possesses a telekinetic force field that surrounds her body as a protective shield and allows her to enhance speed, strength, and
invulnerability. The TK field also lets Kyra break free of an opponent's grip by pushing the field outward to force the opponent away. Other creative uses
include rendering an opponent immobile by extending the TK field as long as they are both standing on the same ground.
Telekinesis: Telekinetic Disassemble: By touching an object, Kyra may cause that object to literally fall to pieces. It can be assumed that she could

conceivably put an object back together, if she understood how the object functioned in the first place. She can also manipulate aggregate solid
masses such as volumes of sand or dust in the same way, causing the individual particles to fly apart in an explosive manner to create particle clouds
or a forceful attack.
Telekinesis: Telekinetic Force Blasts: Kyra can project bursts of raw psionic energy bolts. She mostly projects the energy from her hands but it is
assumed that she could project them from anywhere since her TK field permeates from her entire body. The blasts she emits have concussive force
equivalent to 5,000 pounds of TNT.
Telekinesis: Telekinetic Force-Field: By creating a field around her body, she is able to resist or reduce injury from non-energy based attacks by
causing the object to be deflected from her personal force field.
Telepathy: *Kyra can easily read minds of others anywhere on the planet. In this ability, she can also attack or invade someone's mind with images. Kyra
is a powerful telepath. She is able to read the mind of any human with no difficulties. Kyra can even read their subconscious mind as well. She can scan
the mind of every person on Earth within a matter of moments. She can read a mind over great distances. In addition to reading minds, Kyra has a
multitude of other telepathic capabilities, one of which allows her to literally reprogram the mind of a subject into believing whatever she wants them to.
She can use this ability to help subjects forget things that she does not want them to remember as well as set up post-hypnotic suggestions.
Telepathy: Astral Projection
Telepathy: Download Information
Telepathy: Illusions
Telepathy: Induce Sleep
Telepathy: Mental Shield: She can prevent other telepaths from reading her mind. She can expand this ability and shield other people from telepathy.
Telepathy: Mind Control: Kyra can also control other beings minds.
Telepathy: Mind Scans
Telepathy: Mind Wipes
Telepathy: Possession
Telepathy: Telepathic Assault: Kyra can also use her telepathic abilities in an offensive manner. She has the ability to cause mental shutdown in a
target using her mental powers. Kyra does not use this power often due to the invasive nature and harshness of such a telepathic attack.
Telepathy: Telepathic Relay: Other wise known as a telepathic link. As a Class 3 telepath, Kyra is able to use her telepathic prowess as a relay station
for a group of minds, who can then "speak" to each other through her. This relaying ability seems to be limited to the same range as Kyras normal
telepathic range.
Telepathy: Thought Sensing: Kyra can use the mental signature of a being to track it and can detect lifeforms by their empathic as well as telepathic
signatures. She can detect whether a being is intelligent and can communicate with it empathically if it does not have a communication driven frame
of reference for normal telepathy to function with. She can also detect various states of mind from anywhere in the world.
Teleportation: Kyra can teleport herself and other beings anywhere in the entire Universe even through other dimensions at a mere thought.

Artistry: Kyra is extremely artistic.
Computer Operation: Kyra can utilize any computer system, virtually interfacing with them.
Genius Level Intellect: Kyra possesses intelligence that surpasses even the greatest minds in the universe. With this she is an excellent strategist, and has
proven that not only sheer force of strength and power has aided her in battles. She has shown incredible intelligence and computational abilities; her

mind works sharply and with extreme speed relative to that of Sunny Leone. Kyra's analytical powers enable her to read information directly from
machines (and, with careful usage of her heat vision, she can even reprogram machines).
Hand-to-Hand Combat: She has advanced martial arts techniques.
Indomitable Will: Kyra has a powerful spirit, free of corruption and temptation. She is very optimistic and never gives up, even when things look bad.
Kyra has learned how to place mental inhibitors on her own power so that she doesn't accidentally "flex and cause the tectonic plates to shift." To her,
they are the barriers that allow her to feel human enough to live a healthy life, and she only ever releases one of them when fighting a particularly
powerful opponent or performing a difficult task.
Investigation: She possesses the investigative skills of a seasoned detective.
Leadership: Kyra has proven many times over her ability to command respect and inspire others with her charisma, ardor, and idealism.
Medicine: She is a skilled physician.
Multilingualism: Kyra speaks a multitude of languages fluently. She knows all of Earth's languages. She can learn to speak any language with ease.
Through precise muscle control, she can mimic other peoples voices.
Tactical Analysis: She is a master planner and strategist.
Torquasm Rao: Allows her to tap into her instincts and separate herself from her body. Makes her able to prevent others from manipulating her mind and
allows her to fight on the astral plane.
Torquasm Vo: Torquasm Vo is a means of focusing ones mental discipline to help fight adverse effects such as mental domination. It can be used to
manipulate someone's mind.
Ventriloquism: Used to practice in high school.


Pilar Lustra aka Titania


Intelligence: The ability to think and process information.
Strength: The Ability to lift weight.
Land Speed: The ability to move over land by running.
Flight Speed: The ability to move over land by flight.
Durability: The ability to resist or recover from bodily injury.
Energy Projection: The ability to discharge energy.
Fighting Ability: The proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.
Powers Obtained From:

Level 6: Super-Genius
Level 7: Incalculable: in excess of 100 tons
Level 2: Normal
Level 3: Superhuman: peak range: 700 MPH
Level 7: Virtually indestructible
Level 6: Able to discharge multiple forms of energy
Level 4: Experienced fighter
Hank Pym:
The Atom:
The Wasp:

Durability: Pilar is virtually immortal. Her perceptions and reflexes are also well above those of a normal human's.
Energy Blasts: Pilar can generate powerful bio-electric blasts from her hand that have been shown to be capable of blasting through high-density
structures and is able to cause extreme pain to superhumanly strong and highly durable beings.
Flight: Due to small implanted insect wings, Pilar could fly at incredibly fast speeds. These are functional when she reduced herself in height, and can
remain so until reaching a height that is a nearly a foot shorter than her normal height. She can also reduce the wings beneath her skin, when shorter than
her height
Insect Communication and Control: Pilar can communicate with and control certain higher insects.
Intangibility: Pilar has the ability to become untouchable, while also making it possible for her to phase through constructs.
Mass Alteration: Shes able to instantly alter her molecular density to whatever degree she desires. Pilar can also assume any weight at any height.
Size Alteration: Pilar can grow significantly in size to a height of 100 feet.
Size Control: She has equipment, weapons and vehicles in her gauntlets which are reduced to sub-microscopic size and diminished mass. She can see
everything in the gauntlets through a cybernetic connection with the gauntlets, allowing her to retrieve them with ease. Once retrieved, she can increase
them to normal size. She can also return them to the gauntlets. She can also increase or decrease the size of other objects or individuals for as long as
they need to stay that size.
Size Reduction: Pilar can reduce herself in size to sub-microscopic, although she generally assumes roughly 1/2 inch in height.
Strength level: In excess of 100 Tons (at height of 100 feet); 20-30 Tons at normal height. Additionally, her strength is doubled when reduced in size.

Athletics: Pilar is an exceptional athlete.
Aviation: Pilar is also a skilled pilot and mechanic.

Multilingual: Pilar can speak fluent English and Spanish.

Physics: Pilar has a Ph.D. in physics.
Scientific Genius-Level Intellect: Pilar is one of the world's foremost biochemists and also possesses considerable expertise in numerous scientific fields
such as subatomic physics, robotics, cybernetics, programming, emergency medicine, optics and entomology.
Skilled Combatant: Pilar is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant using special styles of unarmed combat depending on her size. If she is small, she takes
advantage of the opponent's larger form by assaulting points of his/her body that they would not expect and move to another before they detected her. If
was was giant, she would take advantage of her own massive form and use attacks that would either throw them off balance or render them unconscious
before they could concoct a better strategy against her. Has had training in judo, karate and wrestling.
Swordsmanship: Pilar used a long sword as a weapon, gaining considerable skill in its use.


Qiana Chase aka Troia


Intelligence: The ability to think and process information.
Strength: The Ability to lift weight.
Land Speed: The ability to move over land by running.
Flight Speed: The ability to move over land by flight.
Durability: The ability to resist or recover from bodily injury.
Energy Projection: The ability to discharge energy.
Fighting Ability: The proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.
Powers Obtained From:

Level 2: Normal
Level 7: Incalculable: in excess of 100 tons
Level 3: Superhuman: peak range: 700 MPH
Level 7: Warp speed: transcending light speed
Level 6: Superhuman
Level 6: Able to discharge multiple forms of energy
Level 5: Master of a single form of combat
Beta Ray Bill:

All-Tongue: When Qiana speaks with the All-Tongue anyone who hears her will hear her speak their native language in their hearts.
Atmokinesis: Qiana possesses the psionic ability to control all forms of Weather Manipulation. She has been able to control both Earthly and
extraterrestrial ecosystems on several occasions. She can modify the temperature of the environment, control all forms of precipitation, humidity and
moisture (at a molecular level), generate lightning and other electromagnetic atmospheric phenomena, and has demonstrated excellent control over
atmospheric pressure. She can incite all forms of meteorological tempests, such as tornadoes, thunderstorm, blizzards, and hurricanes, as well as mist.
She can dissipate such weather to form clear skies as well. Her precise control over the atmosphere allows her to create special weather effects. She can
create precipitation at higher or lower altitudes than normal, make whirlwinds travel pointing lengthwise in any direction, channel ambient
electromagnetism through her body to generate electric blasts, flash freeze objects and people, coalesce atmospheric pollutants into acid rain or toxic fog,
and, along with her natural ability of flight, summon wind currents strong enough to support her weight to elevate herself (or others) to fly at high
altitudes and speeds. Her control is so great that she can even manipulate the air in a person's lungs. She can also control the pressure inside the human
inner ear, an ability she uses to cause intense pain. She can also bend light using moisture in the air and her manipulation of mist and fog to appear
partially transparent, and nearly invisible. Qiana has also demonstrated the ability to control natural forces that include Qianas, solar wind, ocean
currents, and the electromagnetic energy. She has demonstrated the ability to separate water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen via electrolysis,
allowing her to breathe underwater. While in outer space, she is able to affect and manipulate the interstellar and intergalactic mediums. Qiana can alter
her visual perceptions so as to see the universe in terms of energy patterns, detecting the flow of kinetic, thermal and electromagnetic energy behind
weather phenomena and can bend this energy to her will. Qiana has been shown to be sensitive to the dynamics of the natural world, and her psionic
powers over weather are affected by her emotions. One consequence of this connection to nature is that she often suppresses extreme feelings to prevent
her emotional state from resulting in violent weather. She has once sensed a diseased and dying tree, detected objects within various atmospheric
mediumsincluding water, and sensed the incorrect motion of a hurricane in the Northern Hemisphere and the gravitational stress on the tides by the
Moon and Sun as well as the distortion of a planet's magnetosphere. Qiana can view the Earth as weather patterns, and is able to precisely recognize her
geographic position through interpretations of these patterns.

Earth Control: Qiana has the ability to control the Earth. She has demonstrated this ability by being able to create continental-spanning chasms and
earthquakes that are off the Richter Scale in the Earth itself. He can control landslides and avalanches.
Earth Link: Qiana has a psychic bond between herself and the primal life force of Earth's biosphere. This bond with the Earth and apparently the entire
universe, gives Qiana spiritual and material sustenance with an almost empathic sense towards living thing. Qiana also possesses the ability to sense and
detect life force. She can sense any natural phenomena including earthquakes, Qianas, etc.. Qiana can sense movements in the air or water mediums.
Energy Manipulation: Sharur does afford powers and abilities that she would not normally have, but Sharur is a tool, and Qiana has natural energy
manipulation abilities without Sharur. She can always projects omni-directional blasts.
Energy Vision: With a blink, Qiana can see the physical world around her as energy, including the human body's nervous system, which in turn allows
her to counter all but the fastest attack. Added to her already formidable hand-to-hand abilities, this makes her a very tough opponent. Qiana has also
shown the ability to see in almost complete darkness.
Flight: Qiana has shown the ability to fly and levitate without her hammer.
Healing Factor: Qiana is not invulnerable to all harm and it is possible to injure her. But due to Qianas unique physiology she is able to heal from most
injuries much faster than a human being could. Qiana has displayed the ability to regenerate her liver when it was vitrified, and was able to heal her two
broken wrists in a matter of hours. With the use of Sharur, Qiana can also regenerate her clothes. However, Qiana cannot regenerate lost limbs.
Life-Force: The godlike energies that fuel all of Qiana's godlike powers are known as the God-Force. Qiana's immortal life-force is more powerful than
the mystical properties of Sharur.
Lightning/Electrokinesis: Qiana usually uses Sharur to channel her storm abilities but she is capable of discharging lightning bolts from her hands.
Longevity: Qiana does age but at a rate so slow that to other beings they give the appearance of immortality.
Magical Potential: Qiana has the ability to use basic magic and witchcraft.
Memory Alteration: Qiana has the 'Gift of Forgetfulness'; removing memories from people who request it.
Rain: Qiana can summon rain without the use of Sharur; despite the weather patterns
Resistance: Qiana has a resistance to extreme temperatures, meaning she is able to withstand extreme heat and cold to an as yet unknown degree.
Self Sustenance: She is capable of surviving in the vacuum of space unaided and does not need air, food, water, or sleep.
Super Breath: Qiana can use her breath to create hurricane force winds.
Superhuman Durability: Qiana has virtual invulnerability and immunity to such human ailments as diseases, toxins, poisons, corrosives, fire,
electrocution, asphyxiation, and lead and radiation poisoning. Qiana can drink alcohol all day long and not get drunk. Qiana has flown through the heart
of stars. Qiana can even survive absolute zero temperatures.
Superhuman Senses: Qiana's superhuman sense's allow her to see objects as far out as the edge of the Solar System, allow her to track objects traveling
faster than light, and hear cries from the other side of the planet.
Superhuman Speed: Qiana can move at extreme speeds. Qiana can fly to the sun in a matter of minutes. It has been established that the speed of Qiana's
hammer transcends both time & space. In addition, Qiana can appear anywhere across the Universe or other dimensions in just seconds. Qiana can
visually detect objects that move at fantastic speeds.
Superhuman Stamina: Qiana's advanced musculature is considerably more efficient than that of a human. Her virtually inexhaustible stamina enables her
to hold her breath for an undefined period of time, and exert himself at peak capacity for months without tiring at all.
Superhuman Strength: Kyra has developed enhanced physical strength after absorbing a sufficient amount of solar radiation. This radiation interacts with
the greater than human density, resilience and biological efficiency of her musculature to trigger superhuman levels. While the exact magnitude of her
strength is unknown, it is generally accepted that it is sufficient to lift 100 tons or more.
Transcend Dimensions: Qiana can transcend every dimension.
Willpower/Telepathic Resistance: Qiana has one of the most powerful wills of them all and is a powerful opponent against telepathy in battle. Her

resistance is further enhanced by the electrical forces she controls.


Aviation: Qiana has skill in piloting advanced aircraft.

Expert Combatant: She has shown proficiency in hand-to-hand combat, aerial combat, swordsmanship, mace wielding, hammer throwing, and wrestling.
Expert Gardener: Qiana is also an excellent gardener owing to her supernatural abilities and has her own botanical gardens.
Expert Tactician: Qiana has strong natural leadership skills. She is a highly accomplished and skilled strategist, tactician, and field commander.
Gifted Intellect: Qiana possessed and retains medical knowledge of a skilled surgeon. She also possesses scientific knowledge enabling her to build an
android with an IQ of 375. She also has great knowledge of complex Earthly systems of electronics and the ability to modify the systems for her own
Indomitable Will: Qiana has shown to have a powerful force of will. She does not back down from any foe, does not give into a fight and is willing to lay
down her own life in defense of others. Qiana has an exceptionally strong will, thanks to years of practice to control the weather. She has shown the
strength of will to effectively resist the world's most powerful telepaths.
Leadership: Qiana serves as an exceptional leader.
Master Thief: Extraordinary ability at picking locks and pockets, getting past advanced security systems, and escape artistry; She is very stealthy, and has
the same degree of dexterity in her toes and mouth as she does with her hands.
Mind Resistance: Qiana has the ability to resist the mental influence of powerful beings.
Multi-lingual: Qiana is fluent in every earthly dialect, with skills to learn any other langue with ease.
Skilled Tactician: Qiana has great leadership skills and easily employees strategies and tactics.
Some Knowledge of Magic: Qiana is able to cast illusions.
Weapon Proficiency: She is an excellent marksman with handguns and is experienced in the use of various firearms. Qiana is also highly skilled with
wielding knives, experienced in the use of the bo staff, and trained in sword fighting.


Rachel Marteen aka Darkstar


Intelligence: The ability to think and process information.
Strength: The Ability to lift weight.
Land Speed: The ability to move over land by running.
Flight Speed: The ability to move over land by flight.
Durability: The ability to resist or recover from bodily injury.
Energy Projection: The ability to discharge energy.
Fighting Ability: The proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.
Powers Obtained From:

Level 2: Normal
Level 5: Superhuman: 25-75 ton range
Level 2: Normal
Level 2: Normal: peak range: 150 MPH
Level 5: Bulletproof
Level 5: Long range, long duration, single energy type
Level 4: Experienced fighter
Black Mamba:
Mister Negative:
Shadow Lass:

Astral Projection: Through the use of her soul-self, Rachel can project her consciousness into the mind, for therapeutic purposes (to aid in her own
meditation, or to help calm an agitated ally), or for offensive attacks, rendering her enemies unconscious.
Chronokinesis: Using her soul-self in conjunction with her demonic abilities she can force herself through the time-stream and even bring passengers.
Darkforce Channeling: Rachel can channel Darkforce to create a field of darkness in her general vicinity. People enveloped by Rachel's darkness feel
numbing cold and crippling fear, sometimes seeing disturbing visions. Overlong exposure to the darkness can drive people insane. Unprotected victims
trapped in Rachel's dark realm are gradually drained of their life force, and presumably die unless Rachel releases them.
Darkforce Conduit: Rachel's soul-self is a portal to the "Darkforce Dimension," a world of strange ebony energy.
Darkforce Connection: Rachel has various shadow-based powers from her connect to the Darkforce, a dimension of primordial, quasi-sentient darkness.
Darkforce Constructs: Rachel can project the Darkforce into simple mentally controlled forms such as pincers, rings, columns, spheres, and so on. She

can form objects with a maximum density of 175 pounds per cubic inch, and resistance to concussive forces of up to 320 pounds per square inch (500
pounds of TNT at 20 feet). She can form objects with a maximum volume of approximately 750 cubic feet, sufficient to encompass ten human beings
comfortably. These objects are solid and well defined while she consciously wills them to be. If shes rendered unconscious, they dissipate. Rachel can
also project a beam of solid force, capable of impacting an object with sufficient power to rupture 3-inch solid hard carbon steel or tip over an average,
loaded railroad boxcar (15 tons).
Darkforce Flight: Rachel can utilize the attractive force of the Darkforce dimension to fly. By generating an invisible, intangible portal into the
dimension in the contour of her body, she balances its attractive force upon her against that of Earths gravity without passing through the portal. In order
to increase its counterbalance with gravity and wind resistance, she has to angle the portal more steeply as she accelerates so that the attractive force does
not leave her center of gravity (and her moment of inertia) behind as it draws her long. She can fly at speeds up to 120 miles per hour, the maximum
velocity at which she is still able to breath. She cannot support the weight of anyone other than herself while in flight.
Darkforce Form: Rachel can turn into a living, three-dimensional shadow by merging with her own shadow, turning it completely black. If she wished
she could merge whatever she is wearing with her shadow as well. She can turn any part or all of her body two-dimensional.
Darkforce Homunculi: Rachel is able to create shadow creatures and constructs. She pulls these objects and beings from her shadowy realm and controls
them without error.
Darkforce Manipulation: Rachel has the ability to tap into and manipulate an intense-black form of extradimensional energy called the Darkforce. This
energy, which appears to be related to the extradimensional black gas-like substance, possessing mass and form. Rachel possesses the ability to project
her Darkforce to surround, constrict, and suffocate her opponents. The maximum amount of pressure she can generate through her Darkforce-projection
is not known. She can alter its appearance to disguise herself as someone else. Rachel can project the Darkforce as concussive energy with tremendous
force, the limits of which are unknown. Rachel can cause the Darkforce to take on simple mentally controlled forms such as discs, cubes, cylinders, and
so on. She could form objects with a maximum volume of approximately 150 cubic feet, sufficient to encompass two average human beings. The objects
that Rachel created from Darkforce were solid and well-defined when she consciously willed them to be. Rachel could exercise control over her
Darkforce constructs within a range of about 1,000 feet from her person. A fully-formed object that she ceased to control consciously would remain solid
for about five minutes before it began to lose its solidity and shape. Within about two minutes, the object would have totally dissipated; Rachel can
dissipate at will an object she has formed from Darkforce. Rachel can mentally open apertures into the Darkforce Dimension, which remain open as long
as she maintains mental control over them. She could also envelop a person or object with Darkforce and then project that entrapped person or object into
the Darkforce dimension. The Darkforce is apparently unaffected by gravity. Hence, Rachel's Darkforce-constructs remain in the air (in their relative
positions to the Earth's surface) unsupported, and only move at her mental command. By standing on a disc of Darkforce and making it move through the
air, Rachel this other method to fly. She can travel at any speed and height at which she can still breathe (about 50 miles per hour and 10,000 feet above
sea level).
Darkforce Possession: Rachel can take control of people, by controlling their shadows.
Darkforce Teleportation: Rachel can create dimensional portals to teleport herself and others through the Darkforce.
Darkforce Transformation: Rachel can become a living two-dimensional tangible shadow. This effect gives her enhanced abilities as well as a change in
her physiology.
Darkness Manipulation: Raven can generate darkness from herself and project it forward to attack her enemies. This darkness normally takes the form of
a giant raven. She can cast dark-fields preventing all light from reaching an area from outside. These can either be complete, effectively rendering useless
all light sources within the area, or hollow to allow the interior to be lit. She can also solidify these fields, to use as a more direct weapon. Rachel has the
power to create darkness 100 times darker than a moonless night. Her black shadows are impenetrable by light.
Darkside View: Rachel also has limited telepathic abilities and by coming in contact with a victim's shadow she can cause them emotional agony by
subjecting them to their innermost fears.

Emotion Negation: She can also use her empathy to steal emotions from others, rendering them emotionally "numb".
Empathic Healing: She can absorb the pain of injured people to ease their suffering, and induce rapid healing. This cannot be done to major injuries.
Empathy: Raven can sense the feelings of others with no filter. She constantly feels all the emotions of others and must learn to control them or they will
overwhelm her.
Hypnosis: Rachel also possesses some form of hypnotic ability, enabling her to mesmerize her opponents into perceiving her Darkforce projection in the
image of someone they love or trust. As part of the hypnotic illusion, her opponent imagines him or herself in the embrace of his or her self-chosen loved
one, and the implausibility of the loved one's sudden materialization and provocative behavior is overwhelmed by the sensation of euphoria she triggers
in most human brains, if one remains in the grip of her illusory Darkforce projection for too long, he or she will succumb to suffocation. The amount of
time this takes varies according to the stamina and breath control of her opponent. The victim dies, however, overwhelmed by ecstasy. Rachel may need
to be within line of sight of her opponent not to direct the Darkforce, but to use it in conjunction with her hypnotic power.
Illusion Casting: Illusion Casting is the ability to create illusions in reality with no visual boundaries. These illusions can be generated from the user's
mind or from the victim's. These illusions can affect more than just sight; they can resemble touch, smell taste and hearing.
Intangibility: Becoming pure darkness, she can move through barriers and can prevent harm to herself.
Limited Precognition: Sometimes called "divination" or "Time-Vision", Precognition is the ability to perceive information about future places or events
before they happen. Rachel can view many alternative futures and then decide on the right one with some accuracy, or being given glimpses of the future
to understand it's danger. Some are just given prophetic nightmares which they can never awake from unless they're confronted.
Phasing: Rachel can phase through physical contact, allowing her to avoid hits or bullets. This does not stop her from attacking her opponents.
Shadow-Sight: She has shadow-sensitive eyes that give her the ability to see in darkness. She can draw strength from the slightest shadow or dark corner.
She can also build up her power by wrapping her face in the folds of her cape and shielding her eyes from glare. As she expands her shadow nearer to
light sources the pressure becomes greater, her mind feeling like it's on fire.
Size Alteration: Within her shadow form, she is capable of increasing her size either half an inch to 60 feet in size
Soul-Self: Rachel can manifest her "Soul-Self" through astral projection. It normally takes the form of either her human shape or a giant raven.
Strength level: Rachel's strength allows her to lift 25 tons..
Superhuman Stamina
Telekinesis: Rachel has the ability to move objects with the mind.
Umbrakinesis: First and foremost her abilities come from a magical source allowing her to tap into a shadowy realm to create dimensional forces of pure
darkness. She has gained experience over time allowing for creative uses of her abilities.

Rachel is a fair hand-to-hand combatant.
She is fluent in both Russian and English.


Sara Jean Underwood aka Phoenix


Intelligence: The ability to think and process information.
Strength: The Ability to lift weight.
Land Speed: The ability to move over land by running.
Flight Speed: The ability to move over land by flight.
Durability: The ability to resist or recover from bodily injury.
Energy Projection: The ability to discharge energy.
Fighting Ability: The proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.
Powers Obtained From:

Level 6: Super-Genius
Level 7: Incalculable: in excess of 100 tons
Level 4: Speed of sound: Mach-1
Level 7: Warp speed: transcending light speed
Level 7: Virtually indestructible
Level 7: Virtually unlimited command of all forms of energy
Level 6: Master of several forms of combat
White Queen:

Amnesia: Can erase any awareness of particular memories or cause total amnesia.
Astral Plane Tap: *Ability to Tap into the enormous psychic resources of the astral plane in order to manipulate matter and energy.
Astral Plane Tap: Astral Travel: Capable of forging psi-links to travel in astral form.
Astral Plane Tap: Dimensional Sense: Capable of sensing dimensional rifts or anomalies.
Astral Plane Tap: Material Astral Projection: Give substance to astral energy to solidify psychic forms or forge protective psi-armor and even pull the
astral projections of other telepaths into the physical world.
Astral Plane Tap: Psychometry: Can read residual thought imprints left on objects touched by people.
Astral Projection: Can project her astral form from her body onto astral planes or the physical planes. In the astral plane, she can mentally create psionic
objects and manipulate the aspects of her environment.
Cosmic Pyrokinesis: Sara Jean can create 'cosmic' flames under any conditions even the impossible ones such as vacuum space or underwater. These
flames do not require oxygen to burn, and burn so intensely that matter is consumed without by-products such as ash. Sara Jean has perfect control over
these flames, and they only consume what she wills. Typically they manifest as a raptor or part of a raptor such as a claw or wings.
Electromagnetic *Spectrum Manipulation: Sara Jean has some ability to project or manipulate any form of energy that is related to the electromagnetic
spectrum. She can fire and absorb bolts of electricity and magnetic force, reverse lasers and other forms of radiation or energy, create enough intense
heat as infrared radiation to level a city, and become invisible by deflecting visible light around her body. Heat or infrared radiation, is part of the
electromagnetic spectrum, which also includes visible light, radio waves, ultraviolet light, gamma rays, and x-rays. Sara Jean can project any of these.
She can maintain total control of an entire planet's electromagnetic field and can manipulate it accordingly.
Electromagnetic Electromagnetic Pulses: She has creative uses of her powers such as using her telekinesis to channel the Earth's magnetic field
through the electro-current of her brain and generate devastating electromagnetic pulses.

Electromagnetic Electromagnetic Sight: Sara Jean can perceive the world around herself as patterns of magnetic and electrical energy. She can
perceive the natural magnetic auras surrounding living beings.
Electromagnetic Magnetokinesis: *Sara Jean has the power to shape and manipulate magnetic fields that exist naturally or artificially. She can draw
magnetic force from outside herself, or can also generate magnetic force within herself. Sara Jean's power is psionic and physiological in nature. She
can lift, move, and alter objects. Sara Jean can project metal at an unparalleled velocity and place tremendous pressure on metallic substances to
liquefy and reshape them, manipulate the iron-enriched blood-flow to one's brain to induce aneurysms or unconsciousness, redirect the flow of blood
through one's brain to alter thoughts and perceptions or blank a person's mind completely, levitate a person or control a person's actions by
manipulating the iron in their bloodstream, remove the iron from the bloodstream entirely through a person's skin, control ferrous particles in the
atmosphere, alter the Earth's magnetic field which extends into space, increasing her own strength to superhuman levels, and achieve a wide range of
other effects.
Electromagnetic Magnetokinesis: Magnetic Force-Fields: Sara Jean usually protects herself with a personal force field that she can quickly
expand to protect large areas. Her force field has withstood the effects of multiple nuclear weapons, volcanic eruption, the depths of space and
attacks from other superhumans.
Electromagnetic Magnetokinesis: Organic Iron Manipulation: Sara Jean can control the iron within any organic matter which allows her to have
full control over an opponent's body. Sara Jean has also demonstrated the ability to control the blood flow within one's body thus causing them to
die a painful or even quick death.
Empathy: On many occasions, Sara Jean has shown to have incredibly strong empathic powers that enable her to empathically control, manipulate and
alter the feelings, sensations, and emotions of others.
Existence Mastery: She can bring anything into existence, freely manipulate all existing things, and return them to nothingness when their purpose is
Immortality: Sara Jean can never truly die. Sara Jean's body can be restored following her death.
Interstellar Travel: Sara Jean can fly unaided through the vacuum of space, and can travel interstellar distances faster than the speed of light
Mental Paralysis: Ability to induce temporary mental or physical paralysis
Mind Control: Capable of controlling the minds of others.
Organic Diamond Form: Sara Jean possesses the ability to transform her body into a flexible organic diamond form.
Precognition: Sara Jean possess the psionic power of precognition: the ability to perceive in her mind's eye the events of possible futures. Sara Jean can
mentally scan the probability spectrum of alternate futures and mentally perceive sounds and sights of events that distinguish them. By concentrating she
could focus on only the most probable alternate futures. The accuracy of Sara Jeans ability to foresee future events decreased in direct proportion to the
number of alternate futures to scan. She could comfortably scan the alternate futures that exist from one second away up until those that exist fifteen
minutes away. Hence, she could be 97% accurate in her predictions of the future ten seconds away or less. Despite the limited extent to her certainty, her
long-range scanning could be of great use in the early detection of possible random factors that could disrupt her to her partners plans. The more likely
that a particular alternate future would manifest itself in her reality, the clearer and more distinct her mental impression of it would be. Less likely
alternate futures would appear hazy and indistinct. If she left her precognitive perceptions fully open, she would "see" an overlapping succession of
images drift in and out of focus as probabilities shifted and further elements transpired. By active participation in the events around her, she could help

shift the probabilities toward desired ends. Her personal phenomenal field, that area with which she could not scan the future for events that might take
place on the other side of the world or even a mile away.
Psionic Blasts: Can project psionic force bolts which have no physical effects, but which can affect a victim's mind so as to cause the victim pain,
unconsciousness, or even death.
Psionic Immunity: Sara Jean has been shown to have immunity to certain psionic attacks such as; mind reading, illusions, and telepathy.
Psionic Knife: Described as "the focused totality of her psychic powers," by intensely channeling and focusing her psionic powers to her hands to create
psychic blades, razor-sharp edges of pure mental energy which are said to be the ultimate physical manifestation of her powers which she plunges into
the minds of her targets directly. She often uses them to disrupt the neurons of her foes by driving the glowing "blade" of mental energy into their skulls.
It is able to kill.
Psionic Shadow: She is able to mask her presence from others. Her abilities can go undetected and are very difficult to track, even by very powerful
telepaths. She can extend these defenses to others around her as well.
Reality Manipulation: Ability to manipulate reality itself. Reality warping powers on a potentially cosmic scale. Her abilities are so powerful that she can
create "pocket" universes in alternate realities (A pocket universe is a cosmos that does not equal our own in size). Utilizing this power she is able to
effectively create a second sun from nothing, something only high level cosmic entities have been able to perform.
Resurrection: Sara Jean has the ability to resurrect others after they have died.
Superhuman Durability: Sara Jean's diamond form renders her highly resistant to most forms of physical injury. She is able to resist great impact forces,
such as being repeatedly struck with superhuman force, without being injured. Her body is also resistant to temperature extremes, able to withstand
temperatures as cold as -320 degrees Fahrenheit or as hot as approximately 7,362 degrees Fahrenheit before her form begins to melt. Sara Jean is also
self-sustained while transformed, requiring no food, water or oxygen.
Superhuman Stamina: While transformed, Sara Jean's muscle tissue becomes infinitely more efficient than the organic musculature of normal humans, or
most other organic beings for that matter. Her muscles produce almost no fatigue toxins during physical activity, granting her almost limitless
superhuman stamina, or at least until or unless she is forced to resume her normal state.
Superhuman Strength: Sara Jean possesses vast superhuman strength of unknown limits. Sara jean can lift well in excess of 100 tons easily without using
her psionic, magnetic, telekinetic or reality altering powers to increase her strength. While using those powers to enhance her strength, the upper limits of
Sara Jean's strength are unimaginable.
Telekinesis: *Projection of psychokinetic energy enables her to levitate objects, propel or manipulate them however she wishes, lift herself and move
through the air to simulate flight, stimulate individual molecules to create heat, generate concussive force as blasts or bursts, and create protective
shields. She is able to manipulate matter and energy on a sub-atomic scale using her telekinesis. She can even change her clothes into a set of street
clothes, and lift multiple heavy objects at once without having any difficulties. Telekinetically, Sara Jean is capable of very fine control over objects; she
can disassemble complex devices explosively (separating every last component, such as screws, nuts, circuit boards, etc.), and just as quickly and easily
assemble complex devices. This also has enabled her to even attain awareness and control over objects as small as individual electrons in an atom.
Telekinesis: Concussive Blasts: Can project her telekinetic energies as powerful blast beams directed from her brain that could apparently affect
matter with concussive force.
Telekinesis: Flight: By levitating herself, he can fly at incredible speeds.

Telekinesis: Force-Fields: Ability to create protective force shields that could deflect even the most powerful of attacks (even filter bacteria from the
air). The upper limits of this ability remain unknown, but it is believed that she could probably protect herself from harm at the ground zero
detonation of a 1 kiloton nuclear warhead (4.18 terajoules of energy from the heat, concussion, and radiation effects) with ease. Sara Jean has also
displayed such control over the fields as to shape them precisely, even to conform very closely to her bodys form. There does not appear to be any
correlation between field strength and the thickness of the telekinetic fields.
Telekinesis: Intangibility: Can phase through solid matter by mentally shifting her molecules around another object's as she moves forward.
Telekinesis: Psionic Spikes: Ability to create destructive psionic spikes that destroy the physical objects that the spikes come into contact with.
Telekinesis: Tactile Telekinesis: Uses her telekinesis to enhance her speed, strength, agility and other fighting skills to super-human levels.
Telekinesis: Telekinetic Holograms: Her mental fine motor skills are so acute that he can mentally manipulate dust particles and water vapor to
refract light-waves and create holograms.
Telekinesis: Telekinetic Sensitivity: That lets her feel the texture of objects she has a telekinetic hold on, feel when other objects come into contact
with them, and probe them at a molecular level to identify if they contain alien materials or feel when two things which she has a telekinetic hold
upon are similarly composed.
Telekinesis: Telekinetic Weapons: Sara Jean can manifest a telekinetic katana blade composed of raw psi-energy at will, which at its lowest intensity,
functions to disrupt neural pathways and at its highest level, her katanas can slice an armored opponent and cut through the armor, but leave the
attacker physically unharmed. She can also use her swords to shatter telepathic power-inhibitors imposed on others. Sara Jean's telekinetic
manifestations produce visible radiance in the physical world. Thus, she can use her psychic katana as a makeshift light source in areas of darkness.
Her telekinetic katana is strong enough to harm other beings more powerful than herself. She has been seen creating psi-bows and arrows. She has
created psi-crossbows with a rope attached bolt that allows not just her to swing on it, but other people as well. She has even been just using her raw
psi-energy for energy blasts. She has also created a large ninety pound spiked flail.
Telepathy: *Jean is able to read thoughts, project and broadcast her own thoughts, as well as affect the minds of humans and animals with higher order
intelligence (such as dolphins, ravens or dogs). Sara Jean has displayed the telepathic standards of broadcasting and receiving thoughts, mind-control,
altering perceptions and memories, projection of offensive blasts of psionic energy causing mental pain or unconsciousness, astral projection, mind
switching, brain engram modification, mental sedation of unconscious victims, induction of mental pain by touch and limited psychometry. She has
demonstrated the following specialized uses:
Telepathy: Absorb Information: The ability to quickly process and store information, by mental transference.
Telepathy: Astral Projection: She can project her astral form from her body onto Astral Plane or the physical plane. In the physical plane she can
travel in astral form over vast distances. In the astral plane, she can mentally create psionic objects and manipulate the aspects of her environment.
She can communicate with others astrally through her own will, or through contact with the thoughts and memories of others.
Telepathy: Cloak Mind: The ability to rearrange the mental engrams of superhumans so her distinctive thought patterns cannot be detected by other
Telepathy: Dilate Power: The ability to place "psychic inhibitors" in the minds of adversaries to prevent them from using their powers.
Telepathy: Download Information: The ability to place large amounts of information in another's mind.
Telepathy: Heal Trauma: The ability to erase a persons memories and to heal mental trauma through psychic surgery, the power to stimulate or
deaden the pain and pleasure centers in a person's brain.

Telepathy: Induce Pain: The ability to induce mental pain merely by touching the brow of the victim.
Telepathy: Intuitive Multilingual: The ability to intuitively translating new languages.
Telepathy: Light Spears: Sara Jean possessed the skill to create spears/blades of pure psionic energy which can disrupt the molecular structure of
anything in cases that it melts or dissolves in thin air.
Telepathy: Limited Psychometry: It is said that Sara Jean possesses a form a psychometric powers, but she has yet to show them as they still could be
a growth of her powerful telepathic abilities.
Telepathy: Mental Amnesia: Ability to cause loss of particular memories, and amnesia in another person or even in a group of people. Powerful
enough to make a person have total mental paralysis. Telepathy: Mental Amnesia: She can erase any awareness of particular memories or cause total
Telepathy: Mental Detection: The ability to sense the presence of another superhuman within a small but as yet undefined radius of oneself by
perceiving the distinctive mental radiations emitted by such a being.
Telepathy: Mental Paralysis: The ability to induce temporary mental or physical paralysis.
Telepathy: Mental Sedating: Can telepathically "sedate" her victims so that, if already rendered unconscious, they remain so for as long as she
continues to "sedate" them.
Telepathy: Mind Alteration: Ability to alter the minds of others by force of will.
Telepathy: Mind Blast: Ability to place large amounts of information in another mind.
Telepathy: Mind Control: Ability to control the minds of others upon mere concentration. This power can allow her to completely shut down several
peoples' minds, making it appear as if time has stopped. She can control the thoughts and actions of others.
Telepathy: Mind Link: Ability to develop a mental link with any person which remains as a connection to that individual.
Telepathy: Mind Possession: Ability to possess the mind of another, and use that being's body as his own.
Telepathy: Mind Transferal: The ability to transfer both the mind and powers of the user into other host bodies should their own physical body
somehow be killed.
Telepathy: Neural Jumpstart: She can increase the speed of neural signals in the brain, she could increase anothers powers to incredible levels, but
the effect was only temporary.
Telepathy: Personality Alteration: She can alter the minds of others by force of will, thus permanently changing their personality partially or entirely.
Telepathy: Possession: The ability to possess the mind of another, and use that being's body, and any powers it may possess, as one's own.
Telepathy: Psionic Blasts: Can project psionic force bolts or blast waves which have no physical effects but which can affect a victim's mind so as to
cause the victim pain or unconsciousness and can even kill an adversary.
Telepathy: Psionic Shield: Ability to erect a psychic shield for protection of herself and of others minds and is sufficient to protect herself from other
psychics on the Omega-level.
Telepathy: Psychic Blast: She can project psychic force bolts which have no physical effects but which can affect a victim's mind so as to cause the
victim pain or unconsciousness and turning someone brain-dead.
Telepathy: Psychic Firebird: She can manifest her telepathy as a psychic firebird; whose claws could inflict both physical and mental damage.
Telepathy: Psychic Shield: Ability to erect a psychic shield for protection of herself and of others minds.
Telepathy: Psychic Surgery: the utilization of pin-pointed psionic energy to exert absolute control over individual brain functions such that the
physical form can be manipulated (i.e., injuries healed, disabilities repaired, the nervous system, etc), a sub-skill of telepathy unusual for even the

most powerful of telepaths, but one that Sara Jean is keen to utilize whenever the occasion benefits her.
Telepathy: Psychic Wave Manipulation: The ability to generate and manipulate thought waves. The user can manipulate their thought waves and
utilize them either in a telepathic manner or materialize the waves into powerful energy for physical purposes; further compression of such psychic
waves could become physical matter. It can create a barrier composed of compressed waves, materialized waves into appendages to manipulate
objects and project mind waves into whatever is imagined'.
Telepathy: Telepathic Camouflage: She can alter the apparent physical appearance of herself and other people by altering the perceptions of those
around her. This can go so far as to make other people believe that the camouflaged people are not there (invisible). A limit, if one exists, is only
imposed by the number of people she is trying to fool, not the number of people she is camouflaging.
Telepathy: Telepathic Cloak: She can mask her presence and the use of her abilities from being detected by other psions and psychic entities. She can
extend these defenses to others around her as well. Cloaking via telepathy is not perfect and powerful psis may notice and 'see' through this ability.
Telepathy: Telepathic Defense: She can manifest her telepathy in a number of defensive ways.
Telepathy: Telepathic Illusion: Ability to create realistic telepathic illusions and cause people to experience events which are not actually occurring.
Telepathy: Telepathic Immunity: Her mind is immune to all traces of telepathy, her mind cannot be manipulated nor can it be read.
Telepathy: Telepathic Manipulation: She can manipulate other people's minds easily, achieving a variety of effects.
Telepathy: Telepathic Scanning: She can scan large areas of land with her mind. She can also scan the psyches of the inhabitants of a city to learn of
their condition.
Telepathy: Telepathic Tracking: Enhanced psionic senses enable a telepath to detect and track other sentient beings by their unique psionic
emanations (thought patterns contained in the psionic portion of the spectrum), especially if they pose a threat to one's well-being in their immediate
Telepathy: Transferring the ability to become telepathically invisible to other psychics.

Temporal Manipulation: Sara Jean can manipulate the past across large temporal distances and with a profound knowledge of the causal effect her
actions will have.

Advanced Telekinetic Combatant: As a telekinetic, she often uses her powers to augment her strength and speed, which made her fighting skills so strong
that she was able to match and even outmatch other superhumanly strong opponents.
Defense Training: Sara Jean is an above average athlete and has had some training in hand-to-hand combat.
Expert Technician: Sara Jean is highly skilled in electronic theory and electronics and has learned how to build devices that can amplify psionic energy
and utilize psionic energy for various effects.
Formidable hand-to-hand combatant
Genius-level Intellect
Master Astral Combatant: Sara Jean is trained and excels in astral combat.
Master Martial Artist: Sara Jean has been classified as a master martial artist, though the specific fighting arts she has mastered have never been revealed.
Presumably, as a ninja, she is skilled in various Ninjutsu techniques such as Taijutsu and Kenpo. Sara Jean is also very well versed in the use of all Ninja
weapons, stealth methods, silent movement, infiltration, concealment, escape & evasion, covert methods, Ninja espionage, and Ninja acrobatics.

Master Telepathic Combatant: As a telepath, Sara Jean takes advantage of her powers in a fight by reading her opponents' movements seconds before
they make them, giving her the opportunity to counter-attack faster, and she can also use her telepathy to mask her presence from other people, humans
and super-humans alike. She also creates telepathic illusions to distract her enemies while fighting them and as a ninja, she uses her psychic knife to
incapacitate her opponents without killing them, though she has less inhibitions about doing so and will if necessary.
Strategist: Sara Jean is particularly adept at using all of her powers in combat situations, typically preferring to combine certain aspects of different
abilities for different situations. She is a skilled manipulator with and without her powers. She has tricked her enemies into doing exactly what she
wished to do multiple times.


Sunny Leone aka Glory


Intelligence: The ability to think and process information.
Strength: The Ability to lift weight.
Land Speed: The ability to move over land by running.
Flight Speed: The ability to move over land by flight.
Durability: The ability to resist or recover from bodily injury.
Energy Projection: The ability to discharge energy.
Fighting Ability: The proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.
Powers Obtained From:

Level 7: Omniscient
Level 6: Superhuman: 75-100 ton range
Level 2: Normal
Level 5: Supersonic: Mach-2 through Orbital Velocity
Level 6: Superhuman
Level 5: Long range, long duration, single energy type
Level 5: Master of a single form of combat
Brainiac 5:
Invisible Kid:
Invisible Woman:
Mister Fantastic:
The Human Torch:
The Leader:
The Thing:

Dense Flesh: *Due to the great malleability and elasticity of her molecular structure, Sunny is able to absorb the impact of any type of man-made
ballistic projectile by deforming her body along the path of the projectile's trajectory at the point of initial impact.
Dense Flesh: Contain Explosions: Sunny may use her elastic form to contain explosions by enveloping them and allowing their force to expand her.
She can enclose and absorb the energy of a large explosive, on the order of 8 to 12 pounds of TNT (excluding exotic, high density explosives). Such
shocks to her system are physically exhausting.
Dense Flesh: Redirect Projectiles: After her body absorbs the kinetic energy of a ballistic projectile's impact, Sunny can expel the object back along
its trajectory by flexing her body like a trampoline if she is adequately braced.
Elongation: *Sunny can extend her limbs, torso, or neck to great distances: the maximum length she can distend before her body segments become
painful is about 1,500 feet. (Although she can extend discrete body parts, such as a single finger, an ear, or an eye, she seldom if ever isolates such parts
in her elongations.)
Elongation: Grappling: Sunny may restrain opponents very efficiently by using her elastic form to entangle them.
Elongation: Movement: Sunny can move at great speeds by stretching to her destination.
Fire Manipulation: Sunny can generate shapes composed of fire from any point on her body. (She usually employs her hands to "sculpt" the flames,
occasionally as a lasso to ensnare enemies.) She can form fire into long streams, spheres, or even more complex shapes like letters in skywriting. These
flames-objects will only remain their shapes as long as she concentrates upon them. The objects will only burn about 3 minutes before expiring unless

Sunny continues to infuse them with energy. The temperature of these fiery projections is generally around 2,800 F (near the melting point of iron).
Flight: Sunnys plasma has a high hydrogen content, and is surrounded by an exuded cloud of mono-atmoic hydrogen atoms. The hot cloud provides
sufficient positive buoyancy for her to float. With mental stimulation of her flame, she can provide enough lift to carry around 180 pounds. By forming a
jet from her feet, directed behind her, she can achieve a normal flight speed of 140 miles per hour, and accelerate up to supersonic speeds capable of
catching up with faster beings such as her team members. She can also discharge concussive blasts of heat most notably in the case of her human candle
Highly Resilient Hair: Sunny possesses hair, in which every strand of which has greater tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, and shear resistance than
an iron wire of the same thickness, as well as the psychokinetic ability to animate her hair for a number of feats. Her hair, can elongate to almost six
times its normal length with only about a 25% loss of overall tensile strength. One strand of hair, 2-feet long, can support 6.4 pounds, a list-sized lock of
hair can support about 750 pounds and her whole head of hair can lift about 3,200 pounds (1.6 tons). A portion of her hair must be used to anchor the rest
at these greater weights, so that more than her scalp/skull is used as a brace.
Immortality: Sunny cannot age.
Immunity to Fire & Heat: Sunny is unaffected by heat and flames, including her own, even when part of her is aflame and the rest of her is not. Her flesh
cannot be scalded or burned by any heat source whose level is below that of her maximum output.
Invisibility: Sunny has the mental ability to manipulate ambient cosmic energy for a variety of effects, including the rendering of herself and other
objects invisible, and the construction of solid, invisible force fields. By a simple act of concentration, she can cause all wavelengths of visible, infrared,
and ultraviolet light to bend around her without distortion; she also somehow directs enough undistorted light to her eyes to retain her full range of vision
while invisible. An observer, unaware of the peculiar path light takes around her body, would have the sensation of seeing through her. Sunny can also
mentally project the invisible energy produced within the cells of her body in order to render other people or objects invisible. The largest volume she
can as yet turn invisible at a single time is approximately 40,000 cubic feet of volume (1,133 cubic meters), equivalent to a small swimming pool. She
has sufficient control over her power that she can turn parts of her body selectively invisible. She is also able to make objects that have been turned
invisible by other sources visible by letting her own energy projection interfere with that other method of invisibility. Further, she can make energy that
is not in the visual portion of the electromagnetic spectrum visible by a similar interaction. Sunny can also sense something made invisible by physical
means (such as a machine) but not by magical or psionic means.
Nova Flame: Sunny refers to her highest, hottest levels of plasma that she can create as her "nova flame." The exact temperatures that her "nova flame"
can attain are not known. At an average rate of expenditure of energy, Sunny can stay aflame for about 16.8 hours. In her younger days, she could only
maintain her flame for much briefer periods, and sometimes exhausted it while in combat. She cannot maintain her "nova flame" for as long a time as she
can maintain her ordinary flame. Sunny can release all of her body's stored energy in one intense, omni-directional "nova-burst," which can reach about
1,000,000 F, and which is similar to the heat-pulse of a nuclear warhead detonation, with an area of total devastation of about 900 feet in diameter and
the power of a super nova. (Sunny has claimed that she can destroy a small moon with her nova-flame.) This violent discharge uses her entire reserve of
energy (except for the necessary to keep her alive) at once, entirely exhausting her flame power. She generally requires at least 12 hours to recover
entirely from such a feat.
Plasma Form: Sunny possesses the physical ability to envelop her entire body or portions of her body with fiery plasma without harm to herself. (Plasma
is a super-heated state of matter such as exists in the atmosphere of stars.) Ordinarily, when aflame, Sunny is enveloped by a low intensity flame of low
level plasma (reddish, approximately 780 Fahrenheit), which ranges from 1 to 5 inches from her body. She can, however, generate much higher levels
and flames about herself. The energy used to support her low-level plasma is small; only when Sunny wills her flame to a higher level does the majority
of surplus energy with the AR-HP complex become involved. In its plasma state, Sunny's body is no longer solid; projectiles that are not melted pass
harmlessly through her body.
Plasticity: Sunny possesses the ability to convert the mass of her entire body into a highly malleable state at will. How her body's respiration and

circulatory systems function at these distorted extremes is as yet unknown. Sunny can alter her form in a matter of seconds, often much less (depending
on the complexity of the shape), and revert to her normal humanoid shape within a similar time. The greater the distance she stretches or the more
extended the size of the object she becomes, the weaker her overall strength becomes. Sunny's transformation to a malleable state is reflexive and nearly
instantaneous: if she was at her normal form and taken unaware by machine gun fire, her body would still absorb the bullets' impact through radical
deformation. Sunny's skin is virtually impervious to laceration or punctures unless she willfully relaxes her reflexive control over small areas of her
body. In that case, scalpels and ordinary needles can penetrate her skin.
Psionic Force Fields: *While the cells of Sunny's body produce a certain energy manifestation, the cells of her brain produce a different, more potent
manifestation. Through concentration, she is able to project a field of psionic force which she can manipulate into a number of relatively simple forms:
rectangular planes, cylinders, globes, domes, cones, etc. The complexity of the shape is limited by her ability to imagine (mentally visualize) a particular
form and keep it in sharp mental focus: not even she is able to see the forms she creates. The size of a given psionic force projection is also limited by her
ability to imagine. The smallest force projection she can visualize (and maintain the visualization) is the size of a marble. The largest solid force
projection she can visualize and maintain is about 100 feet in diameter. She can project larger force-objects if they are hollow. For instance, she could
visualize and project a dome 1 foot thick about a mile in diameter (5,280 feet) and a dome 1 inch in thickness she can project for about 3.2 miles. Small
objects at high speeds become missiles; large objects at slow speeds become rams. She can make these objects grow or shrink as desired. Sunny is able to
use the projection of her psionic force to travel through the air. By projecting a rising column beneath her feet and simultaneously causing it to expand
and topple at the same time, then creating another column that catches her, shrinks, rights itself and then repeating the process, she is able to effect a zigzag flight path. She is able to reach an average speed of about 25 miles per hour, until she becomes fatigued by the concentration, after about 4 hours.
Sunny's force fields have also prevented telekinesis from passing through them. Since her power is an extension of her mind and body, Sunny is affected
by inertial forces acting upon her projections. Sunny is able to control the surface of the fields rigidity to a certain extent. She can cause the surface of the
field to be very hard, depending on its thickness (steel-like at about 2.5 feet), or as resilient as foam rubber. By making the field more resilient she is able
to absorb more of the inertia of impacts within the field without having them transmitted to her body. She is also, through training, able to alter the
shapes she creates while utilizing those shapes, often to absorb or deflect the force of impacts. When she creates objects of fields that are at the limit of
her ability to mentally visualize, they tend to be resilient rather than rigid. Currently these fields can withstand impacts of Class 100 strength.
Psionic Force Fields: Shock Waves: Sunny is capable of using her force fields as shock waves hitting her opponent.
Psychokinetic Hair Manipulation: Sunny can control the movement of her hair as if it were countless thin appendages growing from her head. A psionic
field permeates her altered hair-cells, causing mutual attraction across the gaps between strands. These relatively small forces operate in conjunction to
develop larger forces. Through concentration, she can psionically move her hair in any manner imaginable. She can snap the length of it through the air
like a whip (the tip of which moves faster than the speed of sound), or rotate it in a fan-like manner. She can bind persons or objects with it as if it were
rope or use it to lift objects which weigh more than she could lift with her arms. (Her scalp, skull, and neck do not support the weight of an object that
she lifts: it is held aloft by the psionic force coursing through the hair.) Sunny can also perform delicate manipulations with her hair such as lock picking
or threading a needle, and such complex acts of coordination as typing or shuffling a deck of cards. Although she has no nerve endings in her hair, she
can "feel" sensations on all parts of her hair by a form of mental feedback from her psionic field.
Repulsion Field: Sunny possesses an invisible psionic field around herself. This field can deflect and stop objects or projectiles. She can also use this
field to move or push people or things. She can mentally control the field and make it as thick or as thin as she wished. She can even open a portion of
the field to grab items or hit people.
Shape Changing: *Sunny can stretch, deform, expand, or compress her entire body or parts thereof into any contiguous shape she can imagine for a
variety of uses:
Shape Changing: Bouncing Ball: Sunny can transform herself into any of a number of resilient shapes, such as balls or springs that allow her to leap
or bounce great distances.

Shape Changing: Canopy, Parachute or Sheath: Sunny can extend her body in two directions, creating a canopy, parachute, or sheath, its thickness
determined by the extent of its distention.
Shape Changing: Cushion: Sunny may form her elastic form into a trampoline and other cushion-like objects, allowing her to safely catch falling
people and objects.
Shape Changing: Fist Weapons: Sunny may form her fists into large hammers, maces, etc., which improve her physical effectiveness in hand-to-hand
Shape Changing: Geometric Shapes: Sunny has compressed her body into the shape of a solid sphere, a cylinder, a cube, a toroid, and a rectangular
prism: she can assume the shape of any solid that she can envision clearly, of a volume no greater than 1.7 cubic feet (a sphere about 18 inches in
diameter). She can generate thin-walled shapes that enclose great volumes of space.
Shape Changing: Gliding: Sunny can transform herself into aerodynamic shapes such as parachutes or hang-gliders. In this form she can support an
additional 1000 pounds.
Shape Changing: Imitation: Sunny may alter her basic physical features, allowing her to take on the appearance of any other woman with similar hair
and skin tone.
Shape Changing: Infiltration: Sunny can lower her bodys cohesion to such an extent that she can actually flow through minute openings.
Shape Changing: Open Locks: Sunny may form her fingers into various types of keys, allowing her to open most forms of mechanical locks.
Shape Changing: Semi-Solid Liquid State: Sunny can willfully reduce her body into an almost liquid state in order to flow out of small cracks or
passages, even through needle-sized holes.
Shape Changing: Sling Shot: Sunny may use her elastic form as a slingshot to hurl objects with great force.
Shape Changing: Two-Dimensionality: Sunny can flatten herself to the thickness of an average sheet of typing paper (.0035 inch) or narrow herself
to a diameter small enough to pass through the eye of a #10 beading needle (about .045 x .06 inches).
Shape Changing: Wind Generation: Sunny may form her hands into fans, allowing her to generate wind by twirling them at great speeds.
Superhuman Durability: Sunnys body is highly resistant to physical injury. Sunny's body can resist extremely powerful impact forces, such as the force
from a punch by someone who is far above class 100. She can also withstand exposure to high levels of explosives, such as being struck full with
bazooka shells, without sustaining injury. Her body can also withstand extreme temperatures.
Superhuman Sensory Adaptation: Though her senses aren't superhumanly acute, her five senses can withstand greater amounts of sensory stimuli.
Superhuman Stamina: Sunny's advanced musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a normal
human. At her peak, she can exert himself for about 24 hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in her blood begins to affect her. Incidentally, Sunny's
lungs are of greater volume and efficiency than a normal person, enabling her to hold her breath underwater for up to 9 minutes.
Superhuman Strength: Sunny's physical strength is somewhere between class 75 and exactly class 100.
Supernatural Intelligence: She possesses enhanced intuition, pattern solving, information storage and retrieval, logical and philosophical structuring,
superhuman calculation skills, amazing memory and exceptional technical know-how. This increased intellect gives her superior calculating abilities, an
encyclopedic memory and innovating scientific knowledge. The potential of her intelligence is nearly unlimited. It is assumed (in theory) she is capable
of knowledge and comprehension above and beyond the normal human spectrum of thought. She is potentially capable of mastering every worldly
subject and capable of adopting concepts completely foreign to her environment. Her ability to predict probable outcomes of tactical and strategic
scenarios is so advanced that it borders on clairvoyance. Her intuition is heightened to the degree that her hunches are almost always correct. Sunny has a
perfect memory with the ability to recall every moment since the accident that gave her her powers.
Telekinesis: Psychokinesis, among other telekinetic abilities.
Telepathy: In addition to her extraordinary intelligence, Sunny has some psionic powers that enable her to mentally control certain individuals (provided
they are weak minded).

Teleportation: Sunny has the ability to teleport short distances, roughly 5 miles.
Thermokinesis: Sunny has the ability to mentally control the ambient heat energy within her immediate environment, even when she herself is not
aflame. She can reduce objects' temperatures (if they are in a normal range for existing on Earth's surface) to about 30 F, raise them to several hundred
degrees, or extinguish open flames. Her radius of influence is about 80 feet. The heat energy she takes from the environment is absorbed into her own
body. If he takes in a critical amount while she is not aflame, she will become aflame. There are unknown limits to the amount of flame she can absorb
into her own body harmlessly while she is herself aflame.


Experienced Astronaut: Sunny is a trained as an astronaut.

Expert Mechanic: An expert mechanic.
Expert Pilot: Sunny is an exceptionally skilled and experienced pilot, proficient with many varieties of both conventional and exotic aircraft.
Hypnotism: Sunny is trained in hypnosis.
Indomitable Will: Sunny has an extremely strong willpower. Whatever obstacles may come, she would try until she overcomes them or dies.
Master Combatant: She is uniquely gifted in the art of hand-to-hand combat, though her fighting style tends to be a rather loose brawling technique all
her own. This style often incorporates collegiate wrestling techniques, boxing, and on at least one occasion even Jujutsu.
Super-Genius class Intelligence: Sunny is one of the most intelligent beings on the planet. Sunny possesses a mastery of electrical, mechanical and
aerospace engineering, electronics, chemistry, all levels of physics, and human and alien biology. A visionary theoretician and inspired machine smith,
she has made breakthroughs in such varied fields as space travel, time travel, extra-dimensional travel, biochemistry, robotics, computers, synthetic
polymers, communications, mutations, transportation, holography, energy generation, spectral analysis and more. She is one of the few people on Earth
to be an expert on other dimensions and the methods by which to travel to and through them. Not only has Sunny proven herself to be a genius in
virtually every science native to Earth, she has shown herself to be more knowledgeable than even some of the most highly advanced alien civilizations
in the known universe as well.

Her choker is capable of projecting a force field around herself, powerful enough to protect her against a level five force blast. Something that is long range,
long duration, single energy type.


Tailor James aka Polaris


Intelligence: The ability to think and process information.
Strength: The Ability to lift weight.
Land Speed: The ability to move over land by running.
Flight Speed: The ability to move over land by flight.
Durability: The ability to resist or recover from bodily injury.
Energy Projection: The ability to discharge energy.
Fighting Ability: The proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.
Powers Obtained From:

Level 5: Genius
Level 5: Superhuman: 25-75 ton range
Level 2: Normal
Level 6: Speed of light: 186,000 miles per second
Level 6: Superhuman
Level 7: Virtually unlimited command of all forms of energy
Level 4: Experienced fighter
Black King:
Captain Atom:
Cosmic Boy:
Star Boy:

Accelerated Healing: Tailor heals from minor injuries in seconds, taking longer for more extreme injuries. She can also immerse herself in the earth and
waves of lava to heal herself from grave wounds.
Ambient Energy Conversion: *Tailor absorbs ambient cosmic energy into the cells of her body and processes it into plasma. This results in control over
an extremely powerful sort of destructive force. She can absorb cosmic energies from her environment (such as starlight, x-rays, and gamma radiation)
and store them within her body cells, metabolizing the energy in order to generate plasma wave discharges that super-heat and disintegrate objects or
create concussion bursts by violently displacing air molecules in her path.
Ambient Energy Conversion: Energy Absorption: Tailor not only can passively absorb cosmic energy from her environment but has shown she can
willingly absorb, store and re-process various other energies from other sources through conscious force of will.
Ambient Energy Conversion: Plasma Emanation: Ability to shoot or emanate plasma in the form of a blast or discharge, with a tell-tale concentric
circle pattern. These waves will emanate from her body in all directions unless she purposefully channels them in a single direction, usually along the
length of her arms. This results in control over an extremely powerful sort of destructive force. When Tailor strikes an object with the waves of
intensity of hot plasma, the sudden vast jump in temperature will often cause objects to shatter, explode, or seemingly disintegrate. Should Tailor

direct her energy at the lowest level, she can project it towards a human being and her target will suffer a severe headache but will not burn up.
Animal Empathy: Aquarian possesses the ability to communicate with and control animals.
Black Hole Creation: She can create a black hole by using a simple object as a central point. Though the black hole is apparently dependent upon her
powers to remain active; these black holes seem to act as wormholes to the alternate realities or the multiverse.
Chronokinesis: Captain Tailor has shown time-traveling capabilities without quantum jumping. Through concentration, she can travel ahead in time. The
process is exhausting and the period she can interact in the future appears to be limited to a few minutes before she returns to the present.
Contaminant Immunity: Tailor possesses an amalgamated physiology that grants her immunity to toxins and poisons.
Density Manipulation: Tailor has the power to draw mass from the stars and induce them into objects and sometimes people. Doing so increases the mass
of the object, not increasing the gravity around it; making the object heavy. She can also reverse this effect and make objects extremely light making
them float away, unrestricted by gravity.
Electromagnetic Sight: By concentrating, Tailor can perceive the world around herself solely as patterns of magnetic and electrical energy. She can
perceive the natural magnetic auras surrounding living beings, as well.
Energy Absorption: Her body is capable of absorbing various types of energy for the purpose of temporarily enhancing her own physical attributes. She
can augment her strength and energy projection up to the force of an exploding nuclear weapon.
Flash Precognition: Tailor is subconsciously able to anticipate the moves of her opponents, though this power was not exactly reliable and activated
Flight: Tailor is capable of propelling herself through the air and the vacuum of space at tremendous speeds. Although her top speed is unknown, she has
been shown to fly light years through space in short amounts of time.
Geokinesis: Tailor is able to manipulate the Earth itself by vibrating and transforming it's crust (the ground). She can use this power to create
earthquakes, tap into lava flows, and levitate or create shapes out of solid rock.
Gravikinesis: *Tailor possesses the ability to mentally manipulate gravitons (that carry the attractive, gravitational force between atomic nuclei),
enabling her to control gravity. She can surround any object or person including herself with gravitons and anti-gravitons (particles similar to gravitons
but with opposite charge and spin), thus increasing or decreasing the Earth's pull of gravity upon it.
Gravikinesis: Graviton Blast and Force Field Generation: By rapidly projecting gravitons in a cohesive beam, she can generate a force blast with a
maximum concussive force equivalent to the primary shock wave of an explosion of 20,000 pounds of TNT. If concentrated enough Tailor can exert
power to level a whole city. She can also create a gravitational force field around herself capable of protecting her from any concussive force up to
and including a small nuclear weapon.
Gravikinesis: Graviton Manipulation: Graviton can exert her gravitational control over a maximum distance of 2.36 miles from her body. Thus, the
maximum volume of matter she could influence at once is 55.0585 cubic miles. She once exercised this control by lifting into the air an inverted
conic frustum-shaped land mass whose uppermost area was 4 miles across, and causing it to fly as though it were a dirigible. She can also erect a
gravitational force-field of similar proportions. Tailor can perform as many as four separate tasks simultaneously. Tailor can use her power at
maximum capacity for up to eight hours before mental fatigue significantly impairs her performance, and considerably longer (up to eighteen hours)
if she conserves her energy during that time.
Gravikinesis: Movement Impairment and Graviton Attraction By increasing the pull of gravity beneath her opponents, she can pin them to the
ground, having made them too heavy to move, or cause sufficient gravitational stress to impair the normal functioning of the human cardiovascular
system. She can also cause an inanimate object (such as a 1-foot diameter rock) to radiate enough gravitons to give it its own gravitational field, able
to attract nearby matter and energy.
Gravikinesis: Density Control: *She can increase the gravity around and within an object to make it extremely heavy or she can decease the gravity
around or within an object to make it extremely light.

Gravikinesis: Density Control: Superhuman Durability: While her feet are planted on the ground she can give herself an immense amount of
boosted durability.
Gravikinesis: Density Control: Superhuman Strength: While her feet are planted on the ground she can give herself an immense amount of
boosted strength.
Gravikinesis: Force Field: She can create a gravitational field around people or a wall of gravity in front of an area to make it impassable. She also
uses this ability to create bridges or a separating force.
Heat Immunity: Tailor is virtually immune to the effects of most forms of heat.
Invulnerability: *Tailors' body is surrounded by a special inhibitor field that protects her from physical and energy based attacks.
Invulnerability: Energy Resistance
Invulnerability: Interstellar Travel
Kinetic Metabolism: Tailor can forgo sleep if she receives enough kinetic energy.
Knowledge: She has unimaginable knowledge which she calls "Everything and Nothing". She appears to have strong grasp on the properties of life and
death, as well as peace and discourse. She is sometimes shown transmitting (through touch) this knowledge to other beings, often in order to create
Limited Telepathy: She has also shown some telepathic ability.
Lingustic Assimilation: She is capable of assimilating other languages through physical contact with another person.
Magnetokinesis: *Tailor has comprehensive control over all forms of magnetism and utilizes that control to manipulate ferrous metals and achieve a
variety of effects. She can use her magnetic powers in more than one way simultaneously. She can completely assemble a complicated machine within
seconds through her powers. It is unclear whether Tailor's power is psionic or purely physiological in nature.
Magnetokinesis: Electromagnetic Sight: By concentrating, Tailor can perceive the world around herself as patterns of magnetic and electrical energy.
She can perceive the natural electromagnetic auras given off by living beings.
Magnetokinesis: Electromagnetic Spectrum Manipulation: Although Tailor's primary power is magnetism, she can also project or manipulate any
form of energy within the electromagnetic spectrum, though this is extremely tiring for her so she primarily sticks to magnetism. She can potentially
shoot and absorb bolts of electricity and other forms of electromagnetic radiation or energy, create intense heat as infrared radiation, and become
invisible by deflecting visible light around her body. Infrared radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, which also includes visible light,
radio waves, ultraviolet light, gamma rays, and x-rays -- Tailor can project any of these to some extent, though doing so would dramatically tire her.
Magnetokinesis: Geomagnetic Link: Tailor is tied very closely to Earth's EM Field. As it is effected, so is she. She knows instinctively all that
happens to it.
Magnetokinesis: Gravity Reduction: Tailor's control over the magnetic and electromagnetic force is so refined that she can shut off gravity within a
limited radius of herself by reversing the polarity of the earth's own magnetic field.
Magnetokinesis: Magnetic Force-Fields: Tailor usually protects herself with a personal force field that she can quickly expand to protect large areas.
Her force field has withstood the effects of multiple nuclear weapons, volcanic eruptions, and the depths of space. Tailor can also use her force fields
to hit or trap an enemy, and also levitate objects and beings in the air.
Magnetokinesis: Magnetic Rays: Tailor has the ability to shoot powerful rays and electromagnetic pulses, and has shown this ability to destroy both
metallic and nonmetallic objects. Tailor can also use this ability to seriously injure her enemies.
Magnetokinesis: Metal/Matter Manipulation: Tailor can manipulate metal at the atomic level and make it take different forms. Tailor also
demonstrated the ability to indirectly manipulate non-metallic objects via metal ores they may contain. Tailor is also capable of creating powerful
electromagnetic fields capable of levitating nonmetallic objects, she can also do this via force fields.
Magnetokinesis: Metallic Bonding: Tailor has recently displayed the power to atomically bond metallic substances. This technique allows Tailor to

blend metallic alloys with earth, water, and air (HoM).

Magnetokinesis: Organic Iron Manipulation: Tailor can control the traces of iron within organic matter and can manipulate the iron-enriched bloodflow to one's brain to potentially induce very limited effects. There are only 2.5 grams of iron in the bloodstream of a healthy human body and
perhaps a gram at most in the rest of the body. As a reference, a penny weighs 2.5 grams.
Matter Generation: Tailor can also create matter in the same manner she creates energy. In the same way, she can absorb and manipulate matter at a basic
Microwave Emission Heat: Tailor can use her microwave energy to generate intense heat. She can melt a metal object the size of a cannon almost
instantly. She has flown towards a thick wall of solid rock and melted through it so quickly that she could continue flying right through the hole she had
melted without pausing.
Minor Molecular Control: She can use absorbed energy to transform her regular clothing into her costume and vice-versa.
Partial Microwave Emission Immunity: Tailor is immune to most of the damaging effects of microwave radiation.
Photonic Blasts: Tailor can fire powerful concussion blasts of photon and stellar light energy from her hands and fingertips.
Psionic Disruption: Tailor has demonstrated the ability to disrupt the psionic powers of others using her own power.
Pyrokinesis: Tailor is able to manipulate fire and lava from it's source within the Earth.
Radiation Immunity: Tailor is virtually immune to the effects of most forms of radiation.
Sonic Shock Waves: Tailor possessed sonic powers that enable her to project shock waves from her hands that could shatter concrete and steel.
Superhuman Agility: Tailor's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest
human athlete.
Superhuman Durability: The tissues of her body are considerably harder and more resistant to physical injury than those of an ordinary human. Tailor is
capable of withstanding high caliber bullets, great impact forces, falls from great heights, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, and powerful
energy blasts without sustaining any injury. While channeling the energy she has absorbed, her body's resilience is extended to an even greater degree.
She is also capable of surviving and fighting in the vacuum of space.
Superhuman Reflexes: Her reflexes are heightened in a similar manner and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Speed: She is capable of running and accelerating to high speeds which a human could never achieve.
Superhuman Stamina: Tailor's musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human.
She can physically exert herself at peak capacity for about 24 hours before fatigue begins to impair her. However, she is capable of channeling absorbed
energy to further increase her stamina to higher levels.
Superhuman Strength: Carol is super humanly strong, capable of lifting 75 tons without the need to absorb various types of energy. When absorbing
various types of energy, she can use this energy to temporarily increase her physical strength to lift up more than 100 tons.
Techno Interface: She has also shown the ability to telepathically interface with computer networks.


Dancing: Tailor was an accomplished break dancer.

Excellent Strategist: Tailor is an excellent strategist, tactician, and skilled leader.
Experienced Spy: Tailor is an experienced spy, having worked various undercover operations for NASA.
Expert Combatant: She is extensively trained in armed and unarmed combat through Military Combatives.
Expert Pilot: Tailor is an accomplished pilot, having extensive experience with USAF planes as well as alien starships.

Genius-level Intellect: A mastermind, Tailor is a genius in various scientific fields. She is an expert in genetic engineering and mutation, with knowledge
easily on par with contemporary experts in the same fields. She has created artificial living beings, mutated humans in order to give them superhuman
powers, instilled genetic mind-control, created adult clones of human beings and manipulated the genetic structures of those clones during their
development. Her discoveries in particle physics would revolutionize the field and place her among the giants of scientific history if they were to be
revealed. She has designed magnetically-powered aircraft and spacecraft, space stations, an underground complex said to be a masterpiece of automated
technology, complex robots and computers, magnetically-powered generators, and machines capable of nullifying mutant powers within a radius of
several miles.
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): Tailor is also an extremely proficient in armed and unarmed combat.
Indomitable Will: Tailor will strive to complete her tasks, no matter what it takes.
Leadership: Tailor is a charismatic and effective leader. She is a skilled leader of teams, and military forces.
Multilingual: Tailor is fluent in any language she desires to learn.
Politician: Tailor is knowledgeable about political institutions and about global markets, as well as more trivial matters.
Talented Journalist: Tailor is a talented journalist excelling as a freelance writer and magazine editor.


Tamara Witmer aka Enchantress


Intelligence: The ability to think and process information.
Strength: The Ability to lift weight.
Land Speed: The ability to move over land by running.
Flight Speed: The ability to move over land by flight.
Durability: The ability to resist or recover from bodily injury.
Energy Projection: The ability to discharge energy.
Fighting Ability: The proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.
Powers Obtained From:

Level 4: Gifted
Level 7: Incalculable: in excess of 100 tons
Level 3: Superhuman: peak range: 700 MP
Level 3: Superhuman: peak range: 700 MP
Level 7: Virtually indestructible
Level 7: Virtually unlimited command of all forms of energy
Level 6: Master of several forms of combat
Amora, The Enchantress:
Doctor Strange:
Madame Xanadu:
The Phantom Stranger:
The Scarlet Witch:

Limbo Control: Tamaras Limbo, also known as Otherplace, is not a void as such, but rather a small pocket dimension that is tenuously connected to
True Limbo, where time does not pass in a physical sense and as a result no one can age or die. The matter within Tamaras Limbo is shaped and
transformed by her thoughts and emotions.
Magic: *Tamara is the sorceress supreme of her Limbo dimension. The extent of her powers while in limbo is all powerful and without limit. Tamara's
sorcery is a unique mix of black magic, white magic, and Chaos magic. Tamara uses words, mixed with her hex bolts; derived from Chaos energy within
Limbo. With the use of her magics, she is capable of the following:
Magic: Alter Minds: She can alter minds and control them utterly.
Magic: Antipathy: Tamara can reverse physical trauma so all damage that comes to her will hit her target instead.
Magic: Astral Projection: Tamara is able to travel about in her astral form anywhere she wants. She does not have any limitation on the amount of
time she can spend out of her physical form, which means she is able to stay in her astral form beyond 24 hours.
Magic: Banishment: Tamara has banished many types of creatures and humans to other dimensions, with ease.
Magic: Chronokinesis: Tamara can move time fowards or backwards or even stops time in demand.
Magic: Clairvoyance: Tamara seems to have limited clairvoyant potential, mostly demonstrating a mystical awareness of individuals who enter limbo
without her permission.
Magic: Conjuring of Objects

Magic: Deflection: Tamara can return energy projections sent to her back to their source without loss of momentum or power.
Magic: Dimensional Travel: Tamara can travel through dimensions through portals she opened with magic.
Magic: Dispel: She can dispel magic and sorcery, especially magic of mental control or illusion and deception.
Magic: Eldritch Blast: Tamara can blast enemies with mystical energy.
Magic: Elemental Control: *Tamara can manipulate magical elements such as:
Magic: Elemental Control: Aerokinesis: Generate and manipulate magical wind.
Magic: Elemental Control: Cryokinesis: Generate cold and manipulate magical ice crystals.
Magic: Elemental Control: Electrokinesis: Generate electricity and manipulate magical lightning.
Magic: Elemental Control: Geokinesis: Generate and manipulate magical rocks.
Magic: Elemental Control: Hydrokinesis: Generate and manipulate magical water.
Magic: Elemental Control: Photokinesis: Generate and manipulate magic lights.
Magic: Elemental Control: Pyrokinesis: Generate heat and manipulate magical fire.
Magic: Elemental Control: Umbrakinesis: Generate and manipulate magic shadows.
Magic: Elemental Manipulation: Tamara can manipulate and control the elemental forces.
Magic: Energy Blasts
Magic: Energy Construct Creation: Tamara can use her magical energies to create inanimate objects such as traps or devices to suit her needs.
Magic: Flight: Tamara can fly using magical energy.
Magic: Force Field: Tamara can create magical shields to withstand bullets, blasts, blows and explosions. The greater the size or density of the shield
the more effort it takes Tamara to hold.
Magic: Healing: Tamara can heal herself or whoever she'd like from most injuries.
Magic: Hex Bolts: Her hex bolts destabilizing probabilities by inducing chaos and altering probabilities. These hexes could manifest "bad luck"
effects. She can use her hexes to light flammable objects, contain or remove air from a particular volume, deflect objects, stop the momentum of
projectiles, open doors, explode objects, create force fields and deflect magical attacks.
Magic: Illusion Casting
Magic: Immunity: Tamara is immune to harmful magic.
Magic: Intangibility: The ability of Invisibility or Near-Invisibility and Phasing through solid material.
Magic: Levitation: Tamara can levitate objects as well as herself.
Magic: Magic Blasts: Can fire destructive magical energy blasts.
Magic: Magical Shields: Able to erect physical barriers of magical energy of great durability and strength.
Magic: Matter Transmogrification: She can transform objects and beings into whatever form she desires.
Magic: Mental Awareness: She has at least some telepathic abilities, and can ordinarily perceive truth and deception, good and evil.
Magic: Mystic Bolts
Magic: Necromancy: She can manipulate the dead to do her bidding.
Magic: Oneiromancy: She can send dreams of omen, warning, or information to anyone she wishes.
Magic: Organic Disintegration

Magic: Paralysis
Magic: Phasing: Tamara can make herself into her "phantom form" and become intangible.
Magic: Precognition: She is able to interpret what she senses and tell the future of others.
Magic: Protective Shields: Tamara can shield herself or her allies.
Magic: Reality Alteration: Her sorcery allows her to manipulate reality to a degree. She can also manipulate reality at will to inflict confusion and
mental trauma on her target.
Magic: Reality Manipulation
Magic: Seductress: Tamara has a natural beauty and allure so that men, mortal or otherwise, are overwhelmed with desire for her. She has enchanted
her lips so that a single kiss is sufficient to make virtually any man a slave to her will, obedient to her every command, for about a week. Subsequent
kisses enable her to enthrall someone's will indefinitely.
Magic: Size Alteration: Tamara can increase or decrease her size or the size of others to any conceivable size.
Magic: Spectral Sight: She can see spiritual entities and travelers invisible to normal sight; he can perceive magical events at a great distance.
Magic: Telekinesis: Tamara can move/obtain objects at a distance with her spells.
Magic: Telepathy: Tamara can also read minds, view and erase memories of others with or without the person's consent.
Magic: Teleportation: She can send herself and/or anyone to anyplace she/they wish to visit without any space/time restrictions.Capable of tapping
even cosmic energies, providing her another means to teleport between dimensions.
Magic: Time Manipulation: Tamara has frozen, slowed, and traveled through time. This magic is enacted only through extreme concentration.
Magic: Transformation: She can also alter her appearance, taking the shape of other humanoid beings or teleport herself and others across great
distances. She can also turn anything into anything else, essentially. For instance, she has turned bullets into paper airplanes as well changing her
clothes instantly. Most often she changes violent objects into harmless things.
Magic: Transmutation: She can perform some feats of transmutation, such as turning fired bullets into flowers and sticks into snakes and back.
Magic: Various other spells: Tamara is capable of casting binding spells, energy blasts, and scrying. Tamara has also been shown to amass as much
wealth/gold as she desires using magic, as she has done to pay debts she owed. She can use her sorcery to generate powerful blasts of concussive
force, heat, or light. Among the many spells she has employed temporary paralysis, deflection of matter and energy, and elemental conversion.
Magic: Weather Manipulation: Tamara can control and affects the weather in a certain area.
Psionic Shields: She has impenetrable psionic shields. As such even powerful telepaths cant read her thoughts or sense her psionically.
Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite her body's high resistance to injury, it is possible to injure her. However, Tamara's body is capable of healing itself
with high levels of superhuman speed and efficiency.
Shape-shifting: Tamara possesses highly developed shape-shifting capabilities. She is able to adopt almost any form imaginable whether it be animals,
other humanoid beings, or even inanimate objects. While she can take on any likeness, she does not necessarily gain their powers, if they have any.
Tamara can also transform external objects into other forms and substances by magic.
Stepping Discs: Tamara has the ability to mentally control "stepping discs", which allows her and others to teleport across interstellar distances or
through time. The discs are part of the dimension known as Limbo. However, when Tamara mentally calls for a Stepping Disc she must use Limbo as a
midway point before she can teleport to an alternate location. Tamara has succeeded in teleporting herself across continents, from one continent to
another, and even interplanetary and intergalactic distances on occasion. Apparently, she can mentally scan Limbo while on Earth in order to locate

whoever she wishes to teleport from Limbo down to her, on Earth. Unlike most other teleporters, Tamara could teleport through time as well as space.
She has teleported moments, days or centuries into the past or future.
Superhuman Agility: Tamara's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human
Superhuman Durability: Tamara's body is considerably more resistant to physical injury than the bodies of human beings, and most other in her team.
Tamara is capable of withstanding great impact forces, temperature and pressure extremes, high caliber bullets, and powerful energy blasts without
sustaining injury.
Superhuman Longevity: Tamara is not completely immune to aging but she does age at a rate much slower than that of a human being. She is also
immune to all known Earthly diseases and infections.
Superhuman Reflexes: Tamara's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Speed: Tamara is capable of running and moving at speeds much greater than even the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Stamina: Tamara's body produces considerably less fatigue toxins than the bodies of human beings, or most others for that matter, during
physical activity. As a result, Tamara possesses almost limitless physical stamina.
Superhuman Strength: Tamara possesses vast superhuman strength considerably greater than most others. Hence, she is capable of lifting well in excess
of 100 tons.
Superhumanly Dense Tissue: Tamara's bodily tissues possess roughly three times the density of human bodily tissues. This contributes somewhat to her
superhuman strength, her durability and her weight.

Alchemy: She can create potions to transform individuals or to grant power comparable to that of the gods.
Astral Projection: Tamara can release her astral form from her body, instantaneously and at will. In this form she does not need to breathe, eat, drink or
sleep, is unrestricted by physical laws, is invisible (though can be seen by any if she wished it so), intangible, and incapable of being harmed by all but
the most powerful and rigorous of mystic means. As physical laws are meaningless on the astral plane, Tamara is able to use it to traverse at virtually any
speed desirable.
Charisma: She has the ability to seduce others with her natural charm.
Expert Combatant: Tamara has also been trained in hand-to-hand combat.
Expert Knowledge of Sorcery: Tamara was trained in witchcraft. Her sorceress training has not given her a set of powers separate from her abilities, but
only honed her control over her existing abilities. She has, however, a special affinity for the natural elements and materials that witches utilize in their
spells: the four alchemical elements, wood, organic substances, etc.
Expert Tactician: When sane, the experience and leadership skills that come from years of experience.
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic): She is a moderately skilled hand-to-hand combatant, often surprising with a punch someone who smugly thought their
protection against magic rendered them untouchable.
Hypnosis: Tamara can hypnotize anyone and command them to do anything she pleases.
Infinite Longevity/Fearlessness: Tamara's lifespan has been extended and her fear of dying subsided. Though she can still be killed and even physically
wounded she cannot succumb to any medical diseases, nor does she age. However, she still requires food, water, oxygen, and sleep, same as a normal

Intelligence: Tamara has a genius level intellect and possesses a great deal of knowledge of the mystic arts. She is also extremely cunning and skilled, an
expert battle strategist, and highly skilled and charismatic manipulator, which is evident by the ease how Tamara repeatedly succeeded to regain the trust
of others.
Multilingualism: Able to speak English and many other languages.
Occultism: As a chronicler of magic she possesses an extensive understanding of occult lore due to her mystic background. She also has increased
understanding in all things supernatural.
Other Psychic Abilities
Prestidigitation: Tamara is a greatly skilled magician and an expert illusionist, therefore performing extraordinary (real)tricks and incredible illusions on
stage is super simple to her.
Seduction: With her ability to seduce others with her natural beauty, Tamara is an excellent master manipulator.
Skilled Combatant: Tamara is a formidable combatant in her own right, particularly as a swordsman or in the use of her various energy manipulative
powers in combat situations, enough to hold her own against others.
Tarot Reading: She is highly skilled at tarot card reading, which she uses to determine the nature and truth of what she perceives magically.
Universal Awareness: By performing mediation Tamara has sensed anomalies in time and space allowing her to protect against time travelers, extra
dimensional invaders, space aliens, Ect.


WOW Compound


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