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Norman Mhazo
, Brighton M. Mvumi
, Raymond M. Nazare
and Elijah Nyakudya
Development Tehnology !entre, "niver#ity o$ %im&a&'e, (. ). Bo* M( 1+,, Mt. (lea#ant -arare,
Email.mhazo1/, %im&a&'e
Department o$ 2oil 2iene and 3griultural Engineering, "niver#ity o$ %im&a&'e, (. ). Bo* M( 1+,, Mt.(lea#ant,
-arare, %im&a&'e.
Email#. B. M. Mvumi 4mvumi&'56 R. M. Nazare 4rnazare2//71yahoo.om56 E. Nyakudya'
The o&jetive# o$ thi# #tudy 'ere to develop and pre#ent a detailed and lear piture o$ 'hat #mall and
medium agro8proe##ing #y#tem# re9uire to e$$etively manu$ature and market proe##ed produt#6 and to
revie' agro8proe##ing #ervie provi#ion, re#earh and e*ten#ion linkage# in %im&a&'e. The #tudy 'a#
implemented through a de#k8revie' o$ literature $ou#ing on ommodity8#pei$i a#e# o$ agro8proe##ing
enterpri#e#. :n$ormal di#u##ion# 'ith key player# in agro8proe##ing 'ere al#o onduted.
(rior to %im&a&'e;# independene in 10</, manu$aturing, di#tri&ution and #ale# o$ agro8proe##ing
e9uipment a# 'ell a# proe##ing o$ ommerial agriultural produt# have &een a pre#erve o$ the large #ale
onglomerate ompanie#. :n the mid8100/#, there 'a# rapid gro'th o$ &oth $ormal and in$ormal #mall and
medium #ale manu$aturer# o$ e9uipment6 a trend that ould &e attri&uted to the Eonomi 2trutural
3dju#tment (rogramme =E23(> implemented &y the government then. Thi# 'a# harateri#ed &y a dramati
inrea#e in #mall and medium #ale agro8proe##ing enterpri#e#. 3 'ider variety o$ proe##ed $ood and non8
$ood produt# &eame availa&le on the market.
De#pite the re#ultant inrea#e in the num&er o$ agro8proe##or# and the employment opportunitie# there&y
reated, the urrent market $ore# and the prevailing eonomi environment tend to $avour more gro'th o$
medium #ale enterpri#e# &y do'n8#izing o$ large #ale proe##ing #y#tem# and upgrading o$ #mall #ale
proe##ing enterpri#e#. The lo## o$ &u#ine## &y large8#ale proe##or# ha# led to ma##ive retrenhment#
and even lo#ure o$ $atorie# 'hil#t 'omen lu&# got di#empo'ered &y lo## o$ individual and o8operative
agro8proe##ing enterpri#e#.
The %im&a&'e agro8proe##ing indu#try play# a vital role in the national eonomi development and ha#
potential to meet the loal need# and e*port re9uirement#. The #upporting in$ra#truture $or thi# indu#try in
term# o$ eletriity #upply, through the government8$unded rural eletri$iation programme, and road and
teleommuniation net'ork, i# 'ell e#ta&li#hed. There are al#o 'ell e#ta&li#hed #kill# training programme# in
manu$aturing =tool making, 'elding>, $or rural arti#an# and u#er#. -o'ever, the #etor urrently $ae# many
hallenge# emanating $rom the poor per$ormane o$ the national eonomy, unertaintie# that e*i#t over
ae## to &oth loal and $oreign $inane#, limited re#earh, limited tehnial advie, limited marketing
in$ormation and lak o$ relia&le market#.
?ey le##on# that emerged $rom the #tudy are that e9uipment o'ner#hip =individual#, $armer group# or
entrepreneur#> ha# &een le$t $or people to deide 'ithout ade9uate tehnial advie. E9uipment o#t# are
&eyond the reah o$ individual# and the prevailing eonomi environment $avour# tehnology ae## rather
than o'ner#hip. )ne #urvival #trategy &eing adopted &y many large8#ale proe##or# i# #u&8ontrating
medium8#ale proe##or# that meet the re9uired #tandard#, to #upply proe##ed produt# in &ulk $or large8
#ale ompanie# to pak and market.
@iterature on #mall and medium #ale agro8proe##ing o$ten leave# out meat, mopani 'orm, $i#h and non8
$ood produt# #uh a# hide# and #kin#, tim&er and mediinal plant#. -o'ever, #ome people may argue that
the area# o$ tim&er and mediinal plant# are more into natural re#oure# than agro8proe##ing. Doumented
#tudie# are ommodity8&a#ed #uh a# grain milling, vegeta&le oil pre##ing. The a#e #tudy helped to ollate
and #ynthe#i#e the #attered literature.
3 key (-:@3 proe## learning i# that there i# hidden agro8proe##ing in$ormation and e*perti#e among
tehnorat# that ha# &een deli&erately kept unpu&li#hed $or ommerial purpo#e# and people are relutant to
#hare thi# in$ormation. 2tudie# o$ thi# type re9uire good onnetivity to &e a&le to ae## relevant and up8to8
date in$ormation.
1. Itr!"#ct$!
)ne o$ the major poliie# o$ the Aovernment o$ %im&a&'e =Ao%> at independene in 10</ 'a#
BAro'th 'ith E9uityC aimed at eliminating previou# eonomi and #oial di#paritie# 'hih e*i#ted
along the raial divide. 3lthough on#idera&le e$$ort ha# &een made to'ard# #oial and eonomi
#ta&ili#ation over the year#, limited progre## ha# &een made in ahieving e9uita&le di#tri&ution and
gro'th in agro8indu#trial development. The $a#t trak land redi#tri&ution that the Ao% implemented
in 2///82, ha# &ene$ited thou#and# o$ indigenou# $armer# 'ho reeived land alloation# under the
re#ettlement model# 31
and 32.
The re#ettlement e*eri#e i# e*peted to inrea#e level# o$
agriultural prodution a# under8utili#ed land in large ommerial $arm# i# opened up $or $arming
ativitie#, ommunal area# are de8onge#ted and $arm #ize# are redued to managea&le #ize#.
The Dorld Eood (rogramme ha# reported that the area planted to ereal# inrea#ed &y 0F in the
2//GH/I #ea#on 'ith maize inrea#ing &y 1GF due to e*pan#ion o$ $arming land =Elih, 2//I>.
Though the ne' loal $armer# are urrently &attling to rai#e prodution amid lak o$ $unding,
agriultural input# and ommerial $arming #kill#, given enough time there #hould &e an inrea#e in
produtivity. Re#earh ha# e#ta&li#hed that produtivity inrea#e# e*ponentially 'ith derea#e in
$arm #ize in all natural region# o$ %im&a&'e =Elih, 2//I>.
3# inrea#ed agriultural prodution i# envi#aged, there i# need to have proportionate
improvement in the agro8proe##ing indu#try. 3gro8proe##ing indu#trie# re$er to tho#e ativitie#
that tran#$orm agriultural ommoditie# into di$$erent $orm# that add value to the produt. 3gro8
proe##ing indu#trie#, e#peially $ood manu$aturing, to&ao and te*tile proe##ing dominate the
ommerial indu#trial #etor o$ %im&a&'e. The#e are mainly o'ned &y multinational onglomerate
ompanie# 'ith intere#t in $arm produe #upplied &y large8#ale ommerial $armer#. Eor e*ample,
!airn# Eood# !ompany i# the large#t $ood proe##ing ompany in %im&a&'e. The ompany
re9uire# a minimum o$ 1// tonne# o$ groundnut# per year $or peanut &utter proe##ing and a #mall
proportion o$ that i# produed &y #mall8#ale $armer#. The ompany;# demand $or potatoe# and
$ruit# =guava, pineapple, mangoe# et> i# largely met &y large8#ale ommerial gro'er# =39uah,
100,>. 3t pre#ent, the #mall8#ale $armer# are not organi#ed or prepared to produe $or #uh large8
#ale proe##ing ompanie#. -o'ever, they are $or other ommoditie# #uh a# otton through the
!otton !ompany o$ %im&a&'e =!ott!o>.
2mall8#ale $arming in %im&a&'e rarely provide# #u$$iient mean# o$ #urvival in many rural area#. :t
i# there$ore imperative to e*plore alternative inome generating opportunitie# to #upport poor
$amilie# 'ho an no longer $end $or them#elve# $rom the land8&a#ed ativitie# alone. Reent
re#earh demon#trate# that rural hou#ehold# depend on a diver#e port$olio o$ ativitie# and inome
#oure#. 2ome hou#ehold# are looking to'ard# ativitie# #uh a# $ood proe##ing a# a mean# to
enhane the livelihood they an ahieve $rom a limited area o$ land =2imalenga, 100+>.
2mall8#ale $ood proe##ing ativitie# repre#ent a potential #oure o$ livelihood $or many poor
people in 2u&82aharan 3$ria. The overall potential o$ agro8proe##ing i# huge a# it an.
:nrea#e the value o$ rop# o$ poor $armer# and thu# yield higher return#6
E*pand marketing opportunitie#6
:mprove livelihood# o$ people6
E*tend #hel$8li$e o$ ommoditie#6
:mprove palata&ility o$ ommoditie#6
Enhane $ood #eurity6
)verome #ea#onality and peri#ha&ility on#traint#6 and
Empo'er 'omen 'ho are o$ten involved in agro8proe##ing.
The 31 model ha# plot# 'ith I8+ hetare# ara&le and in e*e## o$ + hetare# $or grazing.
The 32 model ha# $arm# ranging $rom 1I to I/ hetare# in the peri8ur&an area#, 1I to 2I/ hetare# in
3gro8eologial region 1 and 7I/ to 2/// hetare# in 3gro8eologial region J.
:n 2u& 2aharan 3$ria, it i# e#timated that +/F o$ the la&our $ore $ind part o$ it# 'ork in #mall8
#ale $ood proe##ing enterpri#e# and the majority are 'omen =:TDA, 2//I>. The greate#t
potential gro'th in #mall8#ale agro8indu#trie# i# in $ruit and vegeta&le proe##ing a# many
hortiultural produer# e*periene pro&lem# in marketing o$ $re#h produe #uh a# lak o$ readily
availa&le marketing in$ormation and lak o$ market integration, lak o$ data on #upply and demand
trend# and prie#, reliane on #pot or road8#ide market#, tran#port on#traint# and #poilage
=Mhazo et al., 2//7, Boyd et. al, 100,>. 3doption o$ improved and validated $ood proe##ing
tehnologie#, en$orement o$ good #tandard# o$ 9uality and hygiene and regulatory in#trument#
may a##i#t loal #mall8 and medium8#ale agro8indu#trie# to ompete $avoura&ly in the market
plae. 2mall to medium #ale enterpri#e# are tho#e organi#ation# 'ith a total $i*ed apital &a#e,
e*luding land, that doe# not e*eed $ive &illion %im&a&'e Dollar# =e9uivalent to "2K++ ++,> and
employ not more than ,I permanent employee# =(er#onal ommuniation6 2mall Enterpri#e
Development !orporation, %im&a&'e>.
-o'ever, re#earh ha# #ho'n that a num&er o$ $ator# may on#train the a&ility o$ #mall8 and
medium8#ale agro8&a#ed enterpri#e# to e$$etively manu$ature and market proe##ed $ood
)n a maro level, many poliie# implemented &y government# have #erved to hinder the
development o$ #mall8#ale indu#trie# =Da'#on, 100G6 2imalenga, 100+>.
3t the $irm level, limited ae## to redit =!hak'era, 100+>6 limited ae## to $oreign
urreny =Nazare, 2//I>6 lak o$ appropriate tehnologie# =M(her#on, 100+6 Mugova,
100+>6 lak o$ tehnologial apa&ility6 the unrelia&le #upply o$ ra' material# =Mo#ha,
10<7>6 lak o$ management #kill# =)dun$a, 100I>6 poor produt 9uality ontrol =La$$ee,
1007>6 and poor market#, among#t other thing#, have on#trained the development o$
#mall8#ale indu#trie#.
The#e pro&lem# apply to many developing ountrie# and are partiularly applia&le to %im&a&'e.
The purpo#e o$ the urrent #tudy i# to develop and pre#ent a detailed &ut lear piture o$ 'hat the
pre#ent agro8proe##ing #y#tem# =#mall, medium and large 'ith empha#i# on the medium8#ale>
re9uire to e$$etively manu$ature and market proe##ed $ood produt#. The main area# o$ intere#t
inluded on#idering the #ervie provi#ion, linkage# 'ith re#earh and e*ten#ion, demand8led
#ervie#, agro8proe##ing tehnologie#, $armer empo'erment, poliy implementation, gender
i##ue# and government vi#ion.
%. A&r!-'r!c(ss$& D()$$t$!s
3gro8proe##ing ativitie# ompri#e t'o major ategorie#6 primary and #eondary operation#.
Primary processing operations involve ativitie# #uh a# rop drying, #hellingHthre#hing, leaning,
grading, and pakaging. The#e ativitie# are mainly arried out at the $arm and only tran#$orm the
ommodity into a #lightly di$$erent $orm prior to #torage, marketing or $urther proe##ing.
Secondary processing operations entail inrea#ing nutritional or market value o$ the ommodity
and the phy#ial $orm or appearane o$ the ommodity i# o$ten totally hanged $rom the original.
2ome e*ample# o$ #eondary proe##ing are milling grain into $lour, grinding groundnut# into
peanut &utter, pre##ing oil out o$ vegeta&le #eed#, pre##ing juie out o$ $ruit, making hee#e out o$
milk and manu$aturing o$ mine meat. Depending on type o$ ommodity, e9uipment needed $or
primary proe##ing i# ompletely di$$erent $rom that u#ed in #eondary proe##ing or major
adju#tment#Hmodi$iation# need to &e done to #uit either.
*. A&r!-'r!c(ss$& E+#$',(t S#''-. C/a$
-i#torially, $ormal manu$aturing, di#tri&ution and #ale# o$ agro8proe##ing e9uipment have &een
a pre#erve o$ onglomerate ompanie# #uh a# (rei#ion Arinder#, A. North and 2on =(vt> @td
and %implo' @imited. (roe##ing #y#tem# 'ere #plit into manual tool# and mahine# $or #mall8
#ale u#er# =mainly $or ommunal $armer#> and motori#ed e9uipment $or large8#ale proe##or#.
2ine the mid 100/#, many ne' #mall8 to medium8#ale $ormal and in$ormal manu$aturer#
entered the market re#ulting in a dramati inrea#e in medium8#ale motori#ed #y#tem# $or
proe##ing $ood rop#. :t i# no' po##i&le at medium8#ale level to proe## ereal# into variou#
$lour# and #tok $eed#, groundnut# into peanut &utter, #un$lo'er, otton and #oy&ean# into edi&le
oil and $ruit# and vegeta&le# into jam#, pulp#, juie#, pa#te#, #aue#, pikle#, and on$etionery
2ome o$ the major manu$aturer# o$ primary proe##ing e9uipment in %im&a&'e are pre#ented in
Ta&le 1. The range o$ proe##ing e9uipment i# limited to manual and motori#ed #heller#Hthre#her#
$or ereal# and pul#e#. Mo#t o$ the manu$aturing ativitie# are loated in -arare, Norton and
Bula'ayo 'ith di#tri&ution net'ork# in the major itie#, to'n# and Aro'th (oint# or Rural 2ervie
!entre# =R2!#>. The loal indu#trie# have the apaity to manu$ature omplete
#heller#Hthre#her#. -o'ever, $or motori#ed e9uipment, the #oure# o$ po'er =eletri motor# and
engine#> have to &e imported $rom 2outh 3$ria andHor 3#ia. Thi# o&viou#ly ha# a negative &earing
on the availa&ility and $inal o#t o$ motori#ed e9uipment a# $oreign urreny #upplie# in the ountry
are limited. The major on#umer# o$ primary proe##ing e9uipment are individual $armer# or $armer
group# and private ontrator#.
Ta&le 1. The major manu$aturer# and di#tri&utor# o$ primary proe##ing e9uipment in %im&a&'e.
C!,'a. L!cat$! R(ta$- !#t-(ts Pr!"#ct ra&( a"
P!0(r s!#rc(
(ratial 3tionM -arare -arare,
Manual and motori#ed
#heller#, thre#her#
A. North and 2on -arare -arare Manual and motori#ed
#heller#, thre#her#6
Tanroy Engineering -arare -arare, Mutare,
Motori#ed multi8rop
#heller# and thre#her#
%im&a&'e )il (re##
(rojet =%)((>
-arare -arare, Ru#ape,
Manual groundnut
the in$ormal
-a#tt %im&a&'e Norton -arare, Norton Trator (T)8driven rop
#heller# and thre#her#
(rei#ion Arinder# -arare -arare Motori#edH(T)8driven
multi8rop thre#her#,
manual #heller#.
and importation
%implo' @td. Bula'ayo -arare,
Manual groundnut
:n#titute o$ 3griultural
Engineering, Mini#try o$
-arare -arare Multi8rop thre#her#,
Manual groundnut
M$ormerly :ntermediate Tehnology Development Aroup =:TDA>
The gro'th o$ #eondary agro8proe##ing in %im&a&'e i# 9uite evident in the rapid ri#e in num&er#
o$ e9uipment manu$aturing ompanie#, dramati inrea#e in proe##ing enterpri#e# and the
'ide#pread availa&ility o$ variou# proe##ed $ood# on &oth the $ormal and in$ormal market. Aro'th
ha# &een greater in the #mall8 and medium8#ale enterpri#e# than the large8#ale #etor6 $or
e*ample there ha# &een a huge inrea#e in miller# o$ maize and other ereal#, proe##or# o$
peanut &utter, manu$aturer# o$ live#tok $eed# and #oy&ean produt#. Eive o$ the #even major
manu$aturer# o$ #eondary proe##ing e9uipment li#ted in Ta&le 2 'ere e#ta&li#hed in the la#t
Ta&le 2. The major manu$aturer# and di#tri&utor# o$ #eondary proe##ing e9uipment in
C!,'a. L!cat$! R(ta$- !#t-(ts Pr!"#ct ra&(
Reno* -arare -arare Jegeta&le oil mill#, ereal grinding mill#,
dehuller#, peanut &utter mill#
-arare -arare,
Jegeta&le oil mill#, ereal grinding mill#,
Manual and motori#ed peanut &utter
3ppropriate Tehnology
-arare -arare, Mutare Jegeta&le oil mill#, ereal grinding mill#,
dehuller#, manual and motori#ed peanut
&utter mill#, motori#ed juie e*trator
Tanroy Engineering -arare -arare, Mutare,
Jegeta&le oil mill#, ereal grinding mill#,
dehuller#, groundnut roa#ter#, Manual
and motori#ed peanut &utter mill#,
a##ava and #'eet potato hipper#.
%im&a&'e )il (re##
(rojet =%)((>
-arare -arare, Ru#ape,
Jegeta&le oil mill#, groundnut roa#ter#,
Manual and motori#ed peanut &utter
(rei#ion Arinder# -arare -arare !ereal grinding mill#, dehuller#, Manual
and motori#ed peanut &utter mill#, mi*er#
:n#titute o$ 3griultural
Engineering, Mini#try o$
-arare -arare !ereal grinding mill#, dehuller#,
Motori#ed peanut &utter mill#,
2tainle## 2teel
-arare -arare,
:ndu#trial pot#, #team pot#, pa#teurizer#,
meat miner#, #au#age maker#,
&lender#, &akery oven#, potato hipper#
and peeler#, mi*er#
There i# lear evidene o$ 'ide#pread ativitie# in manu$aturing o$ ereal $lour, peanut &utter and
animal $eed# a# indiated &y the inrea#ed num&er o$ manu$aturer# o$ related e9uipment. Thi#
development #hould in theory lead to a 'ider hoie o$ e9uipment and a level o$ ompetition that
'ould &ene$it the on#umer# =Nazare, 2//I>. :t i# ho'ever, important to point out that 'hile there
are many player# in the manu$aturing #etor6 variety in e9uipment de#ign i# very limited. Mo#t o$
the manu$aturer# rely heavily on prouring e9uipment andHor omponent# o$ e9uipment $rom 3#ia
a# 'ell a# the loal $ormal and in$ormal outlet#. Thi# approah may re#ult in poor e9uipment 9uality
ontrol and ertainly re#ult# in limited on#umer hoie. "ltimately, there are al#o o#t# a##oiated
'ith $i*ing poor 9uality mahine# 'hen they &reak do'n. Nonethele##, the po#itive #ide o$ it i# that
it redue# the o#t o$ tooling $or individual manu$aturer#, may guarantee inter8hangea&ility o$
#pare# among e9uipment $rom di$$erent manu$aturer# and reate# employment $or the loal#.
1. R(s(arc/ a" D(2(-!',(t
Development o$ agro8proe##ing e9uipment ha# not reeived the level o$ re#earh #upport it
de#erve#. There are limited and i#olated re#earh e$$ort# in the private #etor. :n the pu&li #etor,
&udget# $or Re#earh and Development have &een ut do'n dra#tially and $urthermore there i# a
ritial #hortage o$ 9uali$ied re#earh #ta$$ to arry out the 'ork. -o'ever, on#idera&le re#earh in
the development o$ rop #heller#, thre#her#, vegeta&le oil mill#, peanut &utter mill# and rop dryer#
ha# &een onduted &y the Mini#try o$ 3griulture =Mo3> through the :n#titute o$ 3griultural
Engineering, the "niver#ity o$ %im&a&'e ="%> and END3 %im&a&'e #ine 100/. "#e$ul re#earh
re#ult# have &een generated &ut e*ten#ion o$ the re#ult# to the private #etor =manu$aturer#> and
$armer# ha# generally &een poor.
"% u#ually 'ork# in partner#hip 'ith the private #etor in e9uipment manu$aturing. Tran#$er o$
tehnologie# to end8u#er# i# $ailitated &y the linkage# that e*i#t &et'een the univer#ity and the
pu&li #etor and NA)#. :nvolvement o$ #tudent# in variou# re#earh ativitie# al#o help# in the
di##emination o$ re#earh re#ult#. The development and e*ten#ion o$ the peanut &utter tehnology
ha# &een a major #ue## #tory $or the Development Tehnology !entre =DT!> at the "%.
Tehnology manu$aturing and marketing i# no' $ully market8driven. -o'ever, there are i##ue#
#urrounding intelletual property right# and patenting 'hih are not in plae. Many a time,
tehnology generated &y aademi or pu&li #etor re#earh organi#ation# end# up &eing u#ed $or
ommerial purpo#e# 'ithout due reognition o$ the people involved in kno'ledge development.
There i# no evidene o$ real &udget# $or re#earh and development in the private #etor #ave $or
(rei#ion Arinder#, -a#tt %im&a&'e and (ratial 3tion that have e#ta&li#hed re#earh and
development divi#ion#. )ther# depend on tehnology importation =plu# adaptation#> and re#earh
re#ult# $rom loal 'ork.
3. E4t(s$! a" tra$$&
Training in agro8proe##ing i# at three level#6 manu$aturer#, di#tri&utor# and end8u#er# 'ho are
either $armer# or entrepreneur#. Training in manu$aturing tehni9ue# i# not a limitation in
%im&a&'e. Training o$ arti#an# =tool maker#, 'elder#, $itter and turner#, #heet metal 'orker# et> i#
'ell e#ta&li#hed and o$ high #tandard. Training :n#titution# #uh a# 2ilveira -ou#e, Alen Eore#t,
-lek'eni Eriend#, the :n#titute o$ 3griultural Engineering o$ Mo3 o$$er training in &lak#mithing
targeted at rural arti#an#. Rural &lak#mith# arry out minor repair# on e9uipment at loal level.
-o'ever, mo#t o$ the#e in#titution# are operating &elo' normal apaity due to $inanial
on#traint# or high #ta$$ turn8over.
There i# very limited training o$$ered to di#tri&utor# a# &a#i kno'ledge a&out the operation# o$
e9uipment i# $re9uently mi##ing at point# o$ #ale. Thi# i# o$ten e*aer&ated &y lak o$ operational
manual# on #ome produt#. Dhere attempt# are made to provide manual#, they #ometime# lak
nee##ary a##em&ling and trou&le8#hooting detail#.
Jery $e' #mall8 and medium8#ale agro8proe##or# have reeived $ormal training in $ood
proe##ing tehni9ue#. Mo#t o$ the $ormal training #upport $or #mall8#ale $ood proe##or# ha#
&een provided &y Ranhe -ou#e !ollege 'ith $und# provided under a Duth8$unded programme
alled BEood (roe##ing a# a 2mall Bu#ine##C =Mhazo et al., 2//7>. The training inluded #olar
drying o$ $ruit# and vegeta&le#, tehnial and &u#ine## #kill#, and entrepreneur#hip and $inanial
ae## and management.
Mo3 ha# a mandate to di##eminate re#earh output# to $armer# and other lient# via the
Department o$ 3griultural Engineering and Tehnial 2ervie# 'hih i# repre#ented at provinial
level and more reently, in #ome di#trit#. -o'ever, overage at ground level i# not a# good a# the
Department o$ 3griultural Re#earh and E*ten#ion =3REN> 'hih i# re#pon#i&le $or the
onventional agriultural e*ten#ion. Mo#t 3ET2 #ta$$ have generally $ailed to keep a&rea#t o$
urrent tehnology development trend# in agro8proe##ing and their apaity to provide tehnial,
training and advi#ory #ervie# i# limited.
(rivate #etor manu$aturer# have their o'n marketing and e*ten#ion #trategie# driven mainly &y
their o'n #ta$$ partiularly at $orum# #uh a# agriultural #ho'# =at variou# level#> and the
%im&a&'e :nternational Trade Eair#. Training $or end8u#er# i# provided in a num&er o$ 'ay#
ompri#ing #hort duration demon#tration# o$$ered &y #ale# per#onnel, $ormal and in$ormal #kill#
training and tehnial training o$$ered during in#tallation and ommi##ioning o$ e9uipment.
5. C!stra$ts $ t/( a&r!-'r!c(ss$& $"#str.
%im&a&'e i# urrently going through a ritial eonomi ree##ion. :nternational development
a##i#tane to the ountry ha# delined in real term#. Aiven thi# #enario, it i# nee##ary $or
%im&a&'e to develop innovative #trategie# to omplement d'indling donor partiipation in
$o#tering indu#trial development.
Aro'th o$ the agro8proe##ing indu#try i# hampered &y variou# on#traint# that range $rom
e9uipment #upply to pro&lem# $aed &y on#umer# o$ the tehnologie#. :n the manu$aturing
#etor, progre## i# limited &y.
Di$$iultie# in ae##ing $oreign urreny6
Redued demand $or e9uipment a# mo#t lient# $ail to mo&ilize re#oure# to a9uire
@imited tran#$er o$ tehnology $rom re#earh6
@imited ae## to 'orking apital6
-igh duty and ta* on imported ra' material and #pare#. :n #ome a#e# the government
poliie# on duty and ta*e# harged on imported e9uipment di#ourage loal manu$aturing.
Eor e*ample indu#triali#t# are harged value added ta* =J3T> on imported material# u#ed in
the manu$aturing proe## yet the $ini#hed piee o$ e9uipment i# #old 'ithout J3T making it
impo##i&le to reover o#t#. The manu$aturer# get $ru#trated 'hen they pay high duty and
ta*e# on ra' material# 'hile the ompeting $ini#hed produt# are imported at lo' duty6 and
The manu$aturing #etor ha# al#o &een harateri#ed &y poor 9uality produt#, e#peially
$rom the in$ormal #etor, a# the en$orement o$ #tandard# ha# not &een e$$etive. The
prevalene o$ #u&#tandard e9uipment on the market at time# $ore# the government to
reate ondition# $or importation o$ high 9uality produt# to protet the on#umer#.
3gro8proe##or# $ae numerou# on#traint# inluding.
(oor e9uipment &ak8up #ervie rendered &y dealer#, #hortage# and high o#t o$
e9uipment and #pare#6
@imited ae## to in$ormation $rom e*ten#ion #ervie6
@imited ae## to appropriate pakaging material $or proe##ed produt#, lak o$ marketing
:nade9uate #upport #ervie# $rom training in#titution#, private #etor on#ultant#, #mall
enterpri#e advi#or#, re#earh in#titution# and engineering 'ork#hop#6
Errati #upply and inrea#ed o#t o$ $uel oupled 'ith $re9uent po'er ut#6
"nrelia&le #upply o$ ra' material#, redued demand $or proe##ed $ood produt#6
(oor a#h $lo' emanating $rom lo' volume# o$ ra' material# hene lo' inome i# reali#ed
$rom proe##ing6
Eailure to meet $ood proe##ing regulation# pertaining to $ood #a$ety and hygiene pratie#
'hih need to &e adhered to in the indu#try. 3ttention to hygiene and &a#i $ood #a$ety
proedure# i# $ound, at time#, to &e limited among in$ormal enterpri#e#. ?no'ledge o$
#pei$i regulation# and legi#lation governing $ood #a$ety and hygiene i##ue# i# only evident
among tho#e proe##or# 'ho market their produt through $ormal outlet#. The re9uired
o#t# o$ meeting the 2tandard 3##oiation o$ %im&a&'e regulation# are vie'ed &y the more
in$ormal proe##or# a# prohi&itive =Mhazo et al., 2//7>6
-igh o#t o$ proe##ing e9uipment6 and
@imited apaity to mo&ili#e apital $or e9uipment purha#e and 'orking apital.
!on#traint# $aed &y produer# o$ ra' material inlude.
Ere9uent drought# re#ulting in rop $ailure6
!urrent high o#t# o$ prodution input# =#eed, $ertilizer, hemial# et.> re#ulting in a deline
in the level# o$ prodution hene #hortage# o$ ra' material. Thi# $ator together 'ith the
preeding one ould have a ompound e$$et6
@ak o$ $unding and un$avoura&le &orro'ing ondition#6 and
@ak o$ ommerial $arming #kill#.
6. O''!rt#$t$(s $ t/( a&r!-'r!c(ss$& $"#str. "(2(-!',(t
3gro8proe##ing opportunitie# in %im&a&'e urrently tend to $avour gro'th and development o$
medium8#ale proe##ing indu#trie# that math the urrent prodution level# and the di#tortion# in
marketing o$ produe. Market $ore# and the prevailing eonomi environment $avour more do'n8
#izing o$ large8#ale proe##ing #y#tem# and upgrading #mall8#ale proe##ing indu#trie#. Thi# i#
mainly due to the $at that the demand $or ra' material# &y large8#ale manu$aturer# i# urrently
not &eing met due to lo' national prodution level# hene the enterpri#e# are operating &elo'
apaity. Thi# ha# re#ulted in #aling do'n o$ &u#ine##, ma##ive #ta$$ retrenhment# andHor
lo#ure o$ $atorie#. Eor e*ample 3roma Bakerie# in -arare #old their peanut &utter &u#ine##
=e9uipment and $ranhi#e> to a medium8#ale proe##or. 2ome large8#ale operator# ontemplate
#u&8ontrating #mall and medium proe##or# 'ho an meet their #et #tandard#. The ontrator
'ould provide pakaging material# and take re#pon#i&ilitie# $or tran#porting and marketing the
produt. Thi# arrangement #hi$t# ra' material #ouring and proe##ing ri#k# a'ay $rom the large8
#ale proe##or.
2mall8#ale enterpri#e# 'hih are harateri#ed &y u#e o$ manual e9uipment are lo#ing &u#ine##
to the medium8#ale a# the latter u#e motori#ed e9uipment 'hih have advantage# o$ &oth higher
apaity and e$$iieny. Manual e9uipment i# either a&andoned or upgraded to math the demand.
E*ample# are. =i> the rapid o&#ole#ene o$ manual #un$lo'er oil pre##e# in the 100/# $ollo'ing
the importation o$ motori#ed multi8rop oil e*peller# $rom 3#ia and =ii> the urrent re9ue#t# &y
peanut &utter proe##or# to upgrade manual mill# &y in#talling motor#. 2mall8#ale proe##or# 'ho
annot a$$ord to improve their proe##ing #y#tem# are likely to get out o$ &u#ine##.
The merit# and de8merit# o$ the developmentHe*pan#ion o$ medium8#ale enterpri#e# are
#ummari#ed in Ta&le 7. Aenerally, it appear# that urrently, there are more merit# than demerit# in
going $or the medium8#ale enterpri#e#.
Ta&le 7. 2ummary o$ merit# and demerit# o$ the medium8#ale agro8proe##ing enterpri#e#.
M(r$ts D(,(r$ts
Empo'erment o$ 'omen;# lu&# through inrea#ed
Di#8empo'erment o$ individual 'omen through
lo## o$ &u#ine## opportunitie#
Deentrali#ation o$ indu#trie# re#ulting in employment
:mproved adherene to manu$aturing regulation# and
#tandardi#ation o$ e9uipment
(rovi#ion o$ #ervie proe##ing $ailitie# and relieving
#mall8#ale proe##or# o$ the &urden o$ e9uipment
operation and maintenane
Rapid o&#ole#ene o$ manual e9uipment leading
to lo## o$ apital inve#tment.
:mproved hane# o$ #tandardi#ation o$ e9uipment
:mprove planning and time management &y lient# 'ho
'ould other'i#e &udget time $or proe##ing ativitie#
@o## o$ &u#ine## &y large #ale proe##or#,
#aling do'n o$ operation#, ma##ive
retrenhment#, lo#ure o$ $atorie#
The poor may &e a&le to ae## u#tom proe##ing a#
even #mall 9uantitie# an #till &e #ervie proe##ed $or
hou#ehold on#umption 'ithout inve#ting into the
proe##ing e9uipment.
@o## o$ &u#ine## &y #mall #ale proe##or#
!reation o$ loal market# $or produer# o$ ra' material
'hih ould #timulate loal prodution
-igher hane# o$ $ormali#ation o$ &u#ine##e# and
ompetition among proe##or# 'hih ould lead to
improved revenue to entral government and redued
prie# $or on#umer# re#petively

There i# great potential in the development o$ medium8#ale grain milling, &read8making
enterpri#e#, live#tok $eed manu$aturing, peanut &utter and vegeta&le oil proe##ing a#
opportunitie# o$ market entry &y medium8#ale entrepreneur# inrea#e. Eruit and vegeta&le
proe##ing and pre#ervation o$$er a ne' via&le opportunity though more e$$ort need# to &e put into
produt promotion and marketing. Eor e*ample @amin and 2on in Nyanga #tarted proe##ing a
'ide range o$ $ruit# a# a pa#time &ut later e*panded into a medium8#ale $atory apa&le o$
produing hal$ a tonne o$ dried produt# per day $or &oth dome#ti and e*port market# =39uah,
100,>. There are 'ide#pread #hortage# o$ $ruit# and vegeta&le# in the drier part# o$ the ountry yet
during peak prodution period# there i# a glut and large amount# o$ $ruit# and vegeta&le# are put to
'a#te. Eruit# an &e proe##ed into pulp#Hjuie#, 'ine, jam#, jelly, marmalade, pikle#, dried
produt# and on$etionery item#.
2mall and medium8#ale agro8proe##ing indu#trie# at R2!# are #trategially loated to take
advantage o$ &oth ra' material and loal market#. The dominant ativitie# in R2!# are ereal
milling, peanut &utter milling, and vegeta&le oil proe##ing. There are al#o opportunitie# $or $ruit
and vegeta&le drying, anning, &ottling, juiing and $reezing in the R2!# =(rie Dater -ou#e,
100G>. E9uipment re9uired $or #mall8#ale $ruit proe##ing i# &a#ed on the u#ual home kithen
gadget# inluding #tove#, pot#, knive# and #poon# 'hih are 'idely availa&le in hard'are #hop#
around the ountry. Eor medium8#ale enterpri#e#, more #peiali#ed e9uipment #uh a# #tainle##
indu#trial &oiler#, pulper#, pa#teurizer# and anning mahine# &eome nee##ary. The#e are again
availa&le $rom 2tainle## 2teel :ndu#trie# and 3g8Jenture re#petively. The Development
Tehnology !entre o$ the "niver#ity o$ %im&a&'e reported limited a'arene## o$ the %im&a&'ean
market to dried $ruit produt# a# a on#traint to the uptake o$ #olar dryer# =Nazare, 2//I>.
)ne le## developed area and normally not addre##ed in po#t8harve#t di#u##ion# i# that o$
proe##ing o$ meat and $i#h $or pre#ervation and value addition. Dith the urrent high o#t# o$
ommerial produt#, on#umer# turn to in$ormal #oure# o$ &ee$, hiken, pork and $i#h. 2mall to
medium8#ale handling, proe##ing and pakaging o$ meat into value added produt# #uh a#
#au#age# and dried meat de#erve greater attention. Meat miner# and #au#age maker# are
availa&le in the ountry. 2laughtering o$ the animal# i# predominantly manual u#ing a*e# and
knive#. Mehanized pluking mahine# $or removing hiken $eather# are kno'n to e*i#t &ut are
rarely u#ed at #mall and medium8#ale.
!ommon utilitie# #uh a# road#Hrail, po'er, 'ater and ommuniation are vital to the development
o$ indu#trie# in &oth rural and ur&an area#. Mo#t o$ the#e are 'ell8developed in %im&a&'e.
-o'ever, eletriity 'hih i# an important element to agro8proe##ing and rural engineering i# not
yet readily availa&le in mo#t rural area# de#pite the Ao%8driven aelerated rural eletri$iation
programme urrently under'ay.
7. S'(c$)$c cas(s !) s,a--- t! ,("$#,-sca-( a&r!-'r!c(ss$& (t(r'r$s(s $ Z$,bab0(.
3 #ample o$ ommodity8#pei$i a#e #tudie# o$ agro8proe##ing enterpri#e# i# given in the
$ollo'ing #etion#.
Cas( 18 Pr!c(ss$& !) c(r(a-s
The hammer mill ha# revolutioni#ed ereal proe##ing into $lour in &oth rural and ur&an area#. The
tehnology an &e ea#ily om&ined 'ith a dehuller to produe pearl $lour pre$erred &y mo#t ur&an
d'eller# or to enhane palata&ility o$ #mall grain# 'idely produed in the #emi8arid area# o$ the ountry.
The introdution o$ dehuller# ha# &een largely pereived a# one intervention that an alleviate the
drudgery 'omen undergo 'hen proe##ing #mall grain# u#ing the traditional pe#tle and mortar to remove
the &ran $ollo'ed &y grinding on a #tone mill to produe the $lour. !on#idering the -:JH3:D2 pandemi
'hih ha# hit the ountry, and the general la&our #hortage in mo#t rural area#, traditional proe##ing o$
ereal#, e#peially #mall grain#, ha# &eome a $ormida&le hallenge.
Dith the per#i#tent #hortage# o$ $uel in the ountry, many people in rural area# have to 'alk a# $ar a#
2/km to ae## grinding mill# running on eletriity in#tead o$ the more u#ual die#el. Thi# i# partiularly
pro&lemati in area# not yet reahed &y the Ao%#; rural eletri$iation programme.
Cas( %8 O$- s((" 'r!c(ss$&
There i# ritial #hortage o$ vegeta&le oil in %im&a&'e. The little #tok that trikle# in i# too e*pen#ive $or
mo#t %im&a&'ean $amilie#. )il e*pre##ion ha# mainly &een $rom #un$lo'er #eed u#ing manual ram
pre##e# at the lo'e#t level or motori#ed #y#tem# at the medium8#ale level. 2un$lo'er i# a drought8
tolerant, lo' management rop, 'hih an &e gro'n &y many rural hou#ehold# to #upply rural
)ne entrepreneur an o'n #everal ram pre##e# operated &y people #pei$ially employed to pre## the
#eed and 'ho are paid &a#ed on the 9uantity o$ oil produed. Mehani#ed oil e*pre##ion i# &a#ed on the
Tiny Teh6 a tehnology imported $rom 3#ia &ut no' loally manu$atured &y #everal ompanie# inluding
Tanroy Engineering. Mo#t entrepreneur# are loated at Rural 2ervie !entre# =R2!#> #uh a# Aok'e,
2hurug'i, Murom&edzi, !hivi and Bikita
?ey hallenge# a##oiated 'ith thi# enterpri#e inlude.
1. @ak o$ &ak8up #ervie and #pare part# 'hen the#e mahine# &reakdo'n6
2. @imited ae## to #kill# training $or #ta$$6
7. The part# may &e availa&le &ut lak #tandardi#ation, making it di$$iult to ae## the ompati&le part#.
Rural entrepreneur# are $ored to travel &ak to the #oure o$ the mahine #ay in -arare6
G. There have &een I #ue##ive drought# in the ountry 'hih ha# #igni$iantly redued prodution6
thi# mean# that #ouring o$ the pre##ing #eed i# an enormou# hallenge 'hih re9uire#
entrepreneurial innovation6
I. @o' management apaity o$ entrepreneur#6 and
+. :non#i#tent #upply o$ ra' material# 'hih limit #y#tem apaity utili#ation.
3nother oil#eed 'ho#e prodution i# e*panding rapidly de#pite the drought# i# #oya&ean. The rop i#
high in protein and an &e proe##ed into numerou# produt# 'hih an #igni$iantly improve the
livelihood# o$ rural people. 2ome e*ample# inlude manu$ature o$ #oya mine meat, oil, #oya milk, #oya
yoghurt, &a&y $eed#, #tok $eed# et. -o'ever $or the oil e*tration proe##, hemial method# are
u#ually more e$$iient and need to &e introdued in R2!#.
Cas( *8 Pr!c(ss$& !) r!!t a" t#b(r cr!'s
2'eet potato utili#ation i# traditionally limited to on#umption a# a #nak, de##ert or a #u&#titute $or &read
at &reak$a#t, 'hen the root i# &oiled. -o'ever, the market i# o$ten $looded $or up to three month#,
there&y depre##ing the prie# and making the prodution o$ #'eet potatoe# a non8via&le enterpri#e. Mo#t
rural hou#ehold# are then $ored to &uy the onventional 'heat &read, 'hih i# &eoming inrea#ingly
una$$orda&le. 2ine #'eet potatoe# are 'idely produed in the ountry &y mo#t #mallholder $armer# and
the $lour $rom the potatoe# have &een demon#trated to have the potential to partially #u&#titute 'heat
$lour =Nyakudya et al, 2//G>, thi# an help ut do'n on the 'heat omponent 'hih make# &read
e*pen#ive. :n addition, Jitamin 3 de$iieny i# 'ide#pread in rural area# and yet ertain #'eet potato
varietie# are kno'n to &e rih in thi# nutrient. The introdution o$ #'eet potato $lour may enhane
ae##i&ility o$ the rural poor to &read, many o$ 'hom an no longer a$$ord the 'heat8&a#ed &read.
!ommerial proe##ing o$ #'eet potatoe# into &aking $lour an #timulate prodution o$ the rop, inrea#e
inome#, improve $ood and nutritional #eurity, and reate employment opportunitie#, there&y helping to
alleviate poverty in rural area#. :n the long term, thi# might al#o &e a #trategi intervention at national level
in that the muh8needed $oreign urreny re9uired to import #upplementary 'heat ould &e redued. :t
an al#o inrea#e rural inome# through marketing o$ the ra' material 'hen the proe##ing enterpri#e
reate# a loal demand $or the #'eet potatoe#.
3ppropriate proe##ing #y#tem# at #mall8#ale level have not yet &een $ully developed. There are variou#
option# o$ 'a#hing, peeling, #liing, drying and grinding the dried #'eet potato hip#. There are, ho'ever,
#till a num&er o$ 9ue#tion# regarding the#e proe##ing tehni9ue#. (reviou# re#earher# have noted a
lak o$ in$ormation on #'eet potato $lour 9uality =Jan -al, 2///>. The 9uality o$ $lour i# a $untion o$ the
variety o$ the ra' material u#ed and proe##ing #y#tem employed.
Mutungamiri et al. =2//1> demon#trated that #'eet potatoe# an &e proe##ed into jam. )ther &y8
produt# that an &e derived $rom #'eet potatoe# inlude juie, kethup and $re#h hip#.
Cas( 18 P(a#t b#tt(r 'r!c(ss$&
(roe##ing o$ groundnut# into peanut &utter i# a very important hou#ehold ativity in the rural area# o$
%im&a&'e. (eanut &utter i# u#ed a# a #pread on &read, a# an ingredient in #oup# or eaten a# a #nak
and i# an e##ential #oure o$ protein and $at# in the diet o$ mo#t %im&a&'ean $amilie#. There i# no need
to add pre#ervative# &eau#e heat produed during proe##ing, de#troy# enzyme# and miro&ial
ontaminant#, and &eau#e o$ it# relatively lo' moi#ture ontent, reontamination i# inhi&ited =Eello'#,
100,>. The traditional proe##ing method o$ $ir#t pounding roa#ted nut# 'ith a pe#tle and mortar then $ine
grinding on a #tone mill i# harateri#ed &y high la&our input, lo' throughput =Mhazo et al., 2//2> and i#
o$ten vie'ed a# unhygieni. The pro&lem# a##oiated 'ith $ood 9uality, #a$ety and hygiene limit the
appeal o$ traditionally proe##ed peanut &utter partiularly to the $ormal market#6 hene reduing the
inome reali#ed &y proe##or#.
The Development Tehnology !entre =DT!> introdued mehani#ed #y#tem# $or peanut &utter proe##ing
in 100+ and ha# #ine &een 'orking to'ard# improvement o$ the #y#tem#. Both manual and motori#ed
peanut &utter mill# and roa#ter# are no' loally manu$atured and readily availa&le on the market.
(rodution #y#tem# $or mahine#, pakaging material# and the related ae##orie# have &een
e#ta&li#hed and guideline# $or e9uipment di#tri&ution and operation have &een developed. Tehni9ue#
have &een developed $or produing high 9uality and #a$e peanut &utter. 3# the produt i# o$ten not re8
heated &e$ore on#umption and #ine it i# a lo'8aid produt, #trit hygiene rule# $or #a$e $ood handling
#hould &e o&#erved. The ne' #y#tem# have tremendou#ly inrea#ed the level# o$ prodution and 9uality
o$ peanut &utter &y #mall and medium8#ale entrepreneur#, even in ur&an area#. The groundnut# #hould
&e ompletely and uni$ormly roa#ted &e$ore grinding to produe a good 9uality peanut &utter. "nder8
roa#ting produe# a poor $lavour, 'herea# over8roa#ting re#ult# in a darkened produt and &urnt $lavour.
The degree o$ grinding and #ize o$ the partile# o$ the produt depend# on on#umer pre$erene# and in
%im&a&'e a #mooth pa#te ha# a higher market value. 3 great num&er o$ 'omen group# are no' a&le to
#upply the $ormal market# a$ter meeting the high #a$ety and 9uality #tandard# #et &y the 2tandard
3##oiation o$ %im&a&'e =23%>. 3 $e' enterpri#e# have met e*port re9uirement# to neigh&ouring
ountrie#. 3 om&ination o$ adoption o$ the medium8#ale proe##ing tehnologie# and lo' groundnut
prodution level# ha# re#ulted in a #hortage o$ the ra' material $or #mall8#ale proe##or#.
The major hallenge# in mehani#ation o$ peanut &utter proe##ing are.
1. The inrea#e in o#t o$ ne' mahine# and #pare#6 e#peially &urr# and eletri motor#6
2. @ak o$ en$orement o$ manu$aturing #tandard# $or proe##ing e9uipment. Thi# ha# re#ulted in
on#umer# ae##ing #u&#tandard mahine# a# the#e are normally lo' pried6
7. @ak o$ e9uipment de#ign patent# hene unlien#ed manu$aturing6
G. Redued #upply o$ groundnut# due to $re9uent drought#6
I. Di$$iultie# in attaining 23% areditation #o a# to ae## $ormal market#6 and
,. :nrea#e in o#t o$ pakaging material.
Aro'th in the peanut &utter medium enterpri#e# i# evidened &y the numerou# &rand# $ound on the
#helve# o$ mo#t loal #upermarket#.
Cas( 38 Fr#$t a" 2(&(tab-( "r.$&
Eruit# and vegeta&le# play an important role in providing the &ody 'ith e##ential vitamin# and mineral#
'hih 'hen de$iient, an au#e malnutrition ="tete and Tem&o, 100+>. :n the #mallholder #etor o$
%im&a&'e, $re#h vegeta&le# are availa&le in large 9uantitie# in the dry #ea#on 'hile $ruit# are a&undant in
the 'et #ea#on. Dhen prodution e*eed# the $amily on#umption need# and demand level# o$ the loal
market#, produer# $ae huge pro&lem# in trying to ae## ur&an market#. The#e inlude lak o$ market
in$ormation and marketing intelligene, high peri#ha&ility o$ hortiultural ommoditie# and lak o$
re$rigerated tran#port #ervie# and poor road net'ork#. More o$ten than not, high value produe i# put to
3 'ide variety o$ vegeta&le# and $ruit# are proe##ed into dried produt# and the majority o$ vegeta&le#
proe##ed are indigenou# varietie#. (re#ervation relie# on the removal o$ moi#ture &y drying. 3n aid dip
#ulphur dio*ide may al#o &e u#ed to redue the num&er o$ ontaminating miro8organi#m# =Eello'#,
100,> &ut thi# i# not ommonly prati#ed in %im&a&'e. Dried produt# are o&tained $rom apple, mango,
guava, &anana, pa'8pa', tomatoe#, onion#, a&&age#, rape, covo, o'pea leave#, pumpkin leave#,
mu#tard leave# and okra. :t i# more ommon to $ind dried vegeta&le# rather than $ruit# on the vendor#
market. Eor a #igni$iant num&er o$ proe##or#, proe##ing i# a traditional ativity adopted to enhane
hou#ehold $ood #eurity during the agriultural o$$8#ea#on 'hen ae## to $re#h produe i# limited. 2ome
#urplu# may &e #old loally to generate inome. The $e' enterpri#e# that produe the dried produt# at
medium8#ale, #ell their produt# in the up8market #hop# and loal touri#t re#ort area#. The Mure'a Eood
(roe##or#; 3##oiation i# one o$ the $e' enterpri#e# 'hih e*port# #mall volume# o$ dried $ruit#, &ut it
doe# not have $irm ontrat# in e*port market#.
Mo#t o$ the e*i#ting $ruit and vegeta&le proe##or# are in$ormal in nature and range in #ize $rom #mall to
medium. They are normally re$erred to a# ottage indu#trie# a# they operate $rom re#idential home#.
Drying o$ $ruit# i# #till a novel idea among &oth proe##or# and loal on#umer#. -o'ever, there i#
evident inrea#e in the #upply o$ proe##ed $ruit# and vegeta&le# a# variou# #uh ommoditie# are no'
availa&le in the up8market #hop# in to'n# and touri#t re#ort area# &ut in &etter 9uality.
There are, ho'ever, many on#traint# that may hinder development o$ #mall and medium8#ale $ruit and
vegeta&le proe##ing enterpri#e#. The#e inlude.
1. Redued rop prodution level# a# the o#t# o$ #eed, $ertilizer# and hemial# have gone up. 2mall8
#ale produer# al#o have limited ae## to $ertile land and irrigation $ailitie#.
2. @ak o$ appropriate proe##ing tehnology. Mo#t o$ the proe##or# u#e the u#ual home kithen
uten#il# a# their &a#i e9uipment and #un8dry their $ruit# and vegeta&le#. Arading, peeling and utting
are done &y &a#i hand tool#. The vegeta&le# are dried &y #preading out ut and &lanhedHpar8&oiled
piee# in thin layer# on $lat #ur$ae#. There i# lak o$ old #torage $ailitie# to #tore ra' or #emi8
proe##ed produt# $or u#e in the o$$ #ea#on.
7. @ak o$ ae## to appropriate pakaging material $or proe##ed produt# e#peially $or tho#e
enterpri#e# 'ho 'i#h to market their produt# through the $ormal market#. 2ome enterpri#e# re#ort to
u#ing reyled pakaging material# &ut thi# rai#e# $ood #a$ety and hygiene onern#.
G. (oor marketing o$ produt#. Marketing o$ #mall8#ale proe##ed $ood produt# i# largely in$ormal.
Enterpri#e# loated in rural area# rely on demand $rom loal in$ormal market#, 'hih are #mall and
unrelia&le. There i# a general lak o$ marketing #kill# and in$ormation.
I. @ak o$ appropriate training in $ood proe##ing. 3 $e' proe##or# have reeived $ormal training in
$ood proe##ing tehni9ue#.
+. Eailure to adhere to the general $ood #a$ety re9uirement# and hygiene pratie# a# re9uired &y the
$ood #a$ety regulation#.
,. @ak o$ 'orking apital a# mo#t proe##or# e*periene poor a#h $lo'#.
There i# ho'ever, potential to reate via&le &u#ine## venture# in $ruit and vegeta&le proe##ing a# long
a# appropriate proe##ing e9uipment, proe##ing #kill#, pakaging material, and marketing in$ormation
are made availa&le.
Cas( 58 9#$c( (4tract$!
De#pite the high level o$ $ruit prodution in many di#trit# o$ %im&a&'e, there i# $ood in#eurity, poverty,
hunger and malnutrition at hou#ehold level. There i# little proe##ing o$ $ruit# at #mall or medium8#ale
level and $armer# are lo#ing out a# they o$ten #ell their $re#h $ruit# 'ithin a $e' 'eek# o$ harve#ting at
give8a'ay prie#. Reent a#e #tudie# &y the DT! =Mhazo et. al 2//7> #ugge#t that #mall8#ale $ruit and
vegeta&le proe##ing ha# potential to provide improved return# to hortiultural produer# a# long a#
appropriate proe##ing e9uipment, proe##ing #kill#, pakaging material# and marketing in$ormation are
made availa&le.
(ulp#Hjuie# an &e made $rom almo#t any $ully ripened $ruit, &ut ommon type# inlude apple, pineapple,
orange, grape$ruit, pa##ion8$ruit, guava and mango. The pulping, $iltering and pa#teuri#ing #tage# o$ the
proe## #hould &e monitored and ontrolled to produe a on#i#tent produt 9uality. 3# the produt i#
aidi there i# little ri#k o$ $ood poi#oning, &ut normal hygiene pratie# #hould &e en$ored =Eello'#,
100,>. !urrently juie e*tration i# &eing done &y large ompanie# #uh a# Mazoe !itru# E#tate#. The#e
&ig ompanie# produe a juie onentrate 'hih they #ell to other ompanie# $or juie8making.
Mo#t ompanie# that produe the ready8to8drink juie# operate at medium8#ale level and do not proure
the $ruit# diretly $or proe##ing. They proure mo#t o$ their juie onentrate $rom Mazoe !itru# E#tate#
and &lend it 'ith ingredient# like #ugar, pre#ervative#, itri aid, 'ater, olorant# and #ome $lavour#. Thi#
operation doe# not re9uire heavy inve#tment in e9uipment. The e9uipment that i# needed i# mainly old
room#, #torage tank# and mi*ing tank#. (rodut# $rom the#e enterpri#e# inlude Mr Luie, Let Luie and
!a#ade. The hallenge# &eing $aed &y the#e medium8#ale enterpri#e# are the #hortage o$ the juie
onentrate, high di#tri&ution o#t# and high o#t o$ pakaging.
Cas( 68 F((" 'r!c(ss$&
The ountry i# e*periening a ritial #hortage o$ live#tok $eed in the ountry mainly due to #arity o$
#oya&ean#. During the 2//GH/I agriultural #ea#on, prodution 'a# a&out G/,///mt yet the total market
demand =inluding oil e*tration> i# in e*e## o$ 2//,///mt. 2oya&ean# i# an important protein #oure $or
live#tok. Beau#e o$ thi# #hortage, the %im&a&'e Aovernment, through the Re#erve Bank o$ %im&a&'e,
ha# availed $und# to the National 2oya&ean (romotion (rogramme, #pei$ially to &oo#t #oya&ean
prodution in the ountry.
E9uipment $or live#tok $eed manu$aturing at medium8#ale level i# 'idely availa&le. The addition o$ a
mi*er and a &ag #titherH#e'ing mahine to an ordinary grinding mill i# all that i# re9uired. -o'ever,
there i# lak o$ in$ormation on $eed ingredient# and limited $le*i&ility in #u&#titute# o$ ra' material.
Mapho#a et al. =2//2> #ho'ed that dried #'eet potato hip# an &e u#ed a# a partial #u&#titute $or maize
in manu$aturing o$ &roiler hiken $eed.
Pr!c(ss$& !) a$,a- 'r!"#cts
Meat, $i#h and dairy produt# are highly peri#ha&le and have a high ri#k o$ $ood poi#oning a# they are lo'
aid $ood# that an #upport the gro'th o$ a 'ide range o$ &ateria. (roe##ing o$ the#e produt# #hould
&e done 9uikly and properly and #hould not &e arried out &y ine*periened people, and training to deal
'ith the ri#k# a##oiated 'ith the#e produt# #hould &e given =Eello'#, 100,>.
Dairy Products
Milk i# al'ay# in high demand &eau#e o$ it# nutritional value and plea#ant $lavour. :t i# u#ed $or dome#ti
on#umption, $or u#e 'ith other produt# like tea and porridge and an &e proe##ed into &utter, hee#e
and yoghurt. :n %im&a&'e there are very $e' #mall8and medium8#ale proe##or# &eau#e milk i#
relatively di$$iult to proe##, re9uiring are$ul ontrol over hygiene, relatively high apital e*penditure and
#hort di#tri&ution hannel# to market# a# the #hel$8li$e i# #hort =three to $ive day#>. Dairi&ord %im&a&'e
=@td> i# the major ompany that i# involved in milk proe##ing. The ompany inve#ted heavily in apital
e9uipment like hiller#, #torage tank#, pa#teuri#er, line #eparator#, homogeni#er#, #terilizer#, and
pakaging e9uipment. -o'ever, urrently they are not operating at $ull apaity &eau#e o$ the #hortage
o$ ra' milk. Their milk produt# inlude ie8ream, yoghurt, #our milk =lato> and pa#teuri#ed and
#terili#ed milk. The $e' #mall and medium8#ale proe##or# 'ho are &a#ed on $arm# mainly produe
pa#teuri#ed milk and #our milk &eau#e the#e produt# re9uire relatively le## #ophi#tiated apital
e9uipment. They get mo#t o$ their proe##ing e9uipment $rom 2tainle## 2teel (rodut# =(vt>,
%im&a&'ean ompany. There are no milk proe##or# at gro'th point# in %im&a&'e.
Meat Products
Butherie# are $ound in to'n# and at almo#t al: Rural 2ervie !entre# in %im&a&'e. Buther# in to'n#
proure mo#t o$ their meat $rom !old 2torage !ommi##ion =a %im&a&'ean ompany &a#ed in to'n#> or
a&attoir# loated on peri8ur&an $arm#. The meat i# #tored in old #torage room# or re$rigerator# and the
meat i# #lied u#ing eletri &lade# ju#t &e$ore #ale. Buther# at gro'th point# proure mo#t o$ their meat
$rom the #urrounding village# and the #laughtering i# u#ually done 'ith an a*e. The villager# #ell their
&ea#t# to generate inome $or $ood, #hool $ee#, to pay &ride prie et. Dhere eletriity i# ae##i&le
#torage o$ the meat i# done in re$rigerator#H$reezer#. Tho#e 'ithout ae## to eletriity pre#erve the meat
&y #un8drying.
Fish Products
Ei#h i# an important #oure o$ protein and mineral#. Many 'omen in %im&a&'e depend on &uying and
#elling $i#h. 2ome travel to plae# over 7// km a'ay to proure thi# produt $or #ale in to'n#. Mo#t o$ the
$i#h ome# $rom $re#h 'ater dam# and lake#. Ei#h i# pre#erved &y treating it 'ith #alt and laying it on
rai#ed plat$orm# under the #un $or 2 O 1/ day#. The dried $i#h i# then paked in polythene &ag#. The key
hallenge in $i#h proe##ing i# to redue the drying time &y developing appropriate hy&rid drier#.
(rolonged drying period# o$ten promote the rotting o$ $i#h hene 'a#tage and an au#e $ood poi#oning.
3 typial 2ME onern i# pro$iled in the $ollo'ing #etion to highlight the real #ituation in the
Cas( :8 Tar!. E&$((r$&
Tanroy Engineering i# a medium8#ale manu$aturing operation &a#ed in the M#a#a :ndu#trial area o$
-arare. The ompany i# 'ell8e9uipped and ade9uately #ta$$ed to handle manu$aturing o$ #mall and
medium8#ale agro8proe##ing e9uipment that inlude maize mill#, dehuller#, peanut &utter mill#, peanut
roa#ter#, #heller#, hipper# and grater#. Many o$ their produt# have &oth manual and motori#ed ver#ion#
and tailor8made #ize# an &e $a&riated to #uit di$$erent on#umer pre$erene#. The motori#ed ver#ion# o$
their produt# are po'ered &y eletri motor# or die#el engine#. 3ll their produt# &ear the &rand name
BT3N T3NC and thi# i# already a hou#ehold name in 2outhern 3$ria. @oally the T3N T3N produt# are
retailed in -arare, Mutare and Bula'ayo and there are plan# to open a &ranh in Ma#vingo.
Though the ompany ha# made #u&#tantial progre## in e#ta&li#hing it#el$ in light engineering, there are
urrently di$$iultie# in #ouring eletri motor# and engine#. Eletri motor# are #oured $rom loal
importer# #uh a# REN)N and 3ppropriate Tehnology 3$ria. -o'ever, they have diret import
arrangement# $or die#el engine# $rom 3#ia. The urrent #hortage o$ $oreign e*hange in the ountry &oth
diretly and indiretly a$$et# Tanroy a# thi# hinder# the #upply o$ engine# and eletri motor#.
Cas( 1;8 M#c/$<$=( A&r$c#-t#ra- D(2(-!',(t O$-s((" Pr!c(ss$& Pr!<(ct> M#r(0a D$str$ct>
Z$,bab0(8 a !2(- a&r!-'r!c(ss$& b#s$(ss ,!"(-.
:n 2//2, the 3vondale Rotary !lu& o$ -arare, introdued a uni9ue rop prodution and proe##ing
innovation in the Muhinjike !ommunal 3rea o$ Mure'a Di#trit in Ma#honalnd Ea#t provine o$
%im&a&'e. Muhinjike i# 1I kilometre# to the north8'e#t o$ Mure'a Rural 2ervie !entre =R2!>. The
innovation i# a partiipatory rural development onept &a#ed on the hypothe#i# that i$ ommunal $armer#
pool their land re#oure# together to on#titute the #ize o$ a ommerial $arm, have entrali#ed tehnial
planning and management, are provided 'ith ade9uate prodution input# and mehani#ation e9uipment,
their produtivity 'ill improve to ommerial level. The argument &ehind it i# that produtivity in ommunal
area# i# poor &eau#e o$ =i> lak o$ good planning, =ii> poor management, =iii> lo' mehani#ation input#,
=iv> limited prodution input# =#eed, $ertili#er, hemial# et.> and =v> lak o$ rop value addition option#.
Ei$ty hou#ehold# $rom in Muhinjike 'ere #eleted $or the initial regi#tration o$ the projet. The#e and
other unregi#tered $armer# pooled together a&out 2// hetare# $rom their piee# o$ land a# their
#hareholding ontri&ution. The Rotary !lu& provided $und# to implement the projet. The money 'a#
u#ed to hire a manager, purha#e a 1// hor#epo'er trator, a 2.Im Rome harro', a 78di# plough, a I
tonne dou&le a*le trailer, a -eli* </ motori#ed oil pre##, planting #eed, $ertili#er and hemial#. The &ulk
o$ the planting #eed input 'a# hy&rid #un$lo'er #eed a# thi# 'a# #een to &e the mo#t via&le a#h rop.
-y&rid #eed have a #o$t hull and there$ore ea#ier to pre## ompared to open pollinated varietie#. :n
addition, the oil yield o$ the $ormer i# higher than the latter. 2un$lo'er #eed 'a# planted on 1// hetare#
in the $ir#t #ea#on and thi# 'a# oneived to &e ade9uate to provide pre##ing #eed $or the oil pre##.
The oil pre## i# temporarily loated at rented premi#e# provided &y a loal &u#ine##man at Mure'a R2!
a# the projet area i# not yet eletri$ied. :n the $ir#t harve#t #ea#on in 2//7 ='hih 'a# a drought year>,
a&out 1Imt o$ #un$lo'er 'ere produed &y the projet and G/mt 'ere #oured $rom loal $armer#.
-o'ever, the 9uantitie# 'ere too little to math the oil pre## apaity o$ 2.Imt per day. Typially the
mahine operated at &et'een +// and ,//kg per day $or a limited period o$ time in the year.
3 ritial partiipatory evaluation o$ the projet onduted in 2//G revealed that it 'a# more pro$ita&le $or
the projet to #oure #un$lo'er #eed $rom the loal $armer# than produing it# o'n. 2ervie pre##ing
al#o #ho'n to &e a via&le inome generating 'indo'. Ba#ed on the $inding#, the projet i# thi# #ea#on
reduing the #un$lo'er hetarage to 1/ hetare# $or the #ole purpo#e o$ produing #upplementary #eed to
the out#oured #upply #o a# $ill mahine time. The projet ha# al#o opened a #un$lo'er planting #eed and
$ertili#er #hop that #ell# the ommoditie# to loal $armer# at ommerial rate#. Though the o&jetive i# to
promote #un$lo'er prodution to en#ure via&ility o$ the oil pre## &u#ine##, the ne' venture on#titute# a
via&le &u#ine## line on it# o'n &ut 'ithout any o&ligation# to the &uyer# to'ard# the projet. The demand
$or the #un$lo'er #eed i# impre##ive indiating loal $armer#; reali#ation o$ the pro$ita&ility o$ value
addition to the rop. 3# the num&er o$ gro'er# $rom out#ide the projet area inrea#e#, permanent iting
o$ the oil pre## at Mure'a R2! &eome# $avoura&le &eau#e the R2! i# entral and 'ell8#ervied 'ith
good road and teleommuniation net'ork#.
The #un$lo'er oil produed i# more vi#ou# than ommerial &rand# o$ vegeta&le oil and i# pereived &y
the loal on#umer# to ook &etter 'hen the #ame 9uantitie# are u#ed hene #un$lo'er old pre##ed oil
la#t# longer in the home.
The advantage# re#ulting $rom thi# model are.
1. :t ha# allo'ed $armer# to add value to their produe 'ithout nee##arily needing to inve#t in
proe##ing e9uipment6
2. :t ha# $reed up $armer time 'hih 'ould other'i#e &e 'a#ted u#ing the manual oil#eed proe##ing
method# 'hih are #lo'6
7. :t ha# opened up loal market opportunitie# 'ith potential $or &ulk #elling e.g. to &oarding #hool# or
ho#pital#6 hene inrea#ing hou#ehold inome level#6
G. :n it# pre#ent $orm, the model doe# not all $or produt erti$iation &eau#e the oil &elong# to the
$armer#, and not to the entrepreneur6
I. :nentive# $or inrea#ed prodution o$ #un$lo'er and diver#i$iation o$ ropping enterpri#e# 'hih
have previou#ly &een dominated &y maize and no a#h rop#6 and
2ervie pre##ing involve# $armer# &ringing their o'n pre##ing #eed, they get the #eed pre##ed and the
re#ultant rude oil $iltered all at a $ee. The $armer then arrie# a'ay the oil. No pakaging o#t# are inurred
a# the $armer# &ring their o'n pakaging material. The $armer# then have the option to #ell the oil 'ithin the
ommunity or on#ume it.
+. The ommunitie# no' have improved diet# $rom the ooking oil ='hih i# hole#terol8$ree6 'ith no
arti$iial additive#> or through purha#e o$ $ood u#ing the inome generated $rom #un$lo'er oil #ale#.
:n thi# a#e it i# a 'in8'in #ituation &et'een the entrepreneur 'ho generate# inome through #ervie
provi#ion at a $ee and through #elling the ake6 'hile the $armer# get the oil. The &igge#t hallenge $aing
the entrepreneur i# that la#t year AMB re$u#ed to #ell pre##ing #eed to them6 yet they are the &igge#t
&uyer and #eller o$ grain in %im&a&'e. AMB, loated 'ithin the #ame R2!, are no' #etting8up their o'n
plant $or proe##ing #un$lo'er oil, #etting the #ene $or po##i&le market ompetition. -o'ever, the
$le*i&ility in8&uilt in the medium8#ale enterpri#e, 'here&y $armer# an &ring in any 9uantity $or proe##ing
and arry a'ay their o'n oil, oupled 'ith eonomie# o$ #ale might arry the day $or the (rojet.
:. R(c!,,("at$!s
The agro8proe##ing indu#try in %im&a&'e ha# potential to meet the loal need# and e*port
re9uirement#. Medium8#ale enterpri#e# have potential to reate employment opportunitie#
e#peially i$ the enterpri#e# are nurtured to produe $or &oth dome#ti and e*port market#.
-o'ever, the #etor urrently $ae# many pro&lem# that emanate $rom variou# negative a#pet# o$
the national eonomy, unertainty that e*i#t# over ae## to $inane, advie, in$ormation and
relia&le market# . The major area# that need improvement in the indu#try are.
The re#pon#e o$ the agro8proe##ing indu#try to the hange# in the agrarian #etor. Dith
the redued $arm #ize# and inrea#ed num&er o$ $armer#, there i# need to develop #mall8
and medium8#ale proe##ing e9uipment that ater $or the $ull #petrum o$ agriultural
ommoditie# produed in the ountry. Empha#i# #hould then #hi$t $rom #mall8#ale $armer#
a#piring to o'n the proe##ing tehnology to improving ae## to the tehnology #uh a#
the u#tom milling a#e. Thi# an &e ahieved &y reating ondition# that $avour
e#ta&li#hment o$ agro8enterpri#e# to enompa## proe##ing o$ meat, milk and the related
produt#, a# 'ell.
There i# no lak o$ lear government poliy on agro8proe##ing yet it ha# potential to drive
the eonomy. Aovernment poliie# that enhane per$ormane o$ medium grain milling
enterpri#e#, live#tok $eed# manu$aturer#, peanut &utter and vegeta&le oil proe##or#
need to &e put in plae a# a tool $or empo'ering indigenou# entrepreneur#. The in#titutional
$rame'ork to #upport and ena&le trade initiative# i# provided &y organi#ation# #uh a#
%imtrade, %im&a&'e :nve#tment !entre and the E*port (roe##ing %one.
Eruit and vegeta&le proe##ing i# a via&le &u#ine## venture given that there i# a high level
o$ prodution o$ the produt# and a 'ide range o$ #mall8 and medium8#ale proe##ing
e9uipment availa&le in the ountry and in the region. E#ta&li#hment o$ medium8#ale $ruit
and vegeta&le proe##ing enterpri#e# 'ill help redue heavy lo##e# e*periened &y
produer# and en#ure produt availa&ility on the market. Entrepreneur# need to &e
e*po#ed to availa&le tehnologie# and the range o$ produt# that an &e manu$atured to
enourage uptake o$ thi# ne' &u#ine##.
There i# need to en$ore $ood #a$ety and hygiene #tandard# a# 'ell a# protet on#umer#
again#t nutrient in#eurity and unde#ira&le ta#te#.
The urrent $arming pratie# re9uire higher level# o$ mehani#ation and a 'ider diver#ity
o$ e9uipment de#ign# #o a# to keep pae 'ith hange# in prodution tehni9ue# a# ne'
rop# are introdued. :t may no longer &e via&le no' $or individual $armer# to o'n primary
proe##ing e9uipment a# the redued $arm #ize# may not ju#ti$y #uh inve#tment.
Enouraging e#ta&li#hment o$ proe##ing #ervie provider# may lead to optimum utili#ation
o$ e9uipment and 'ill take a'ay $rom the $armer the 'orrie# a##oiated 'ith repair# and
maintenane o$ e9uipment.
Re#earh in agro8proe##ing e9uipment doe# not meet national e*petation#. The pu&li
and private #etor# mu#t &e mandated to undertake olla&orative re#earh 'ith the $ormal
e9uipment manu$aturer# and o$$er re#earh and te#ting #ervie# to the in$ormal #etor
'hih doe# not have the apaity to ondut #eriou# and meaning$ul re#earh.
Training o$$ered to agro8proe##or# need# to inlude &u#ine## management #kill# a# the#e
are laking in mo#t &u#ine## people. Thi# entail# that training in agriultural ollege# and
univer#itie# #hould al#o enompa## the #ame to en#ure ompetene o$ e*ten#ion o$$ier# in
the #u&jet.
The Department o$ 3griultural Engineering and Tehnial 2ervie# in the Mini#try o$
3griulture #hould &roaden their kno'ledge and apaity to o$$er tehnial a##i#tane and
advie, #upport and e*ten#ion #ervie# that over a muh &igger range o$ e9uipment,
o'ner#hip modalitie# and $inaning model#.
The mo#t ritial limiting $ator in e9uipment manu$aturing i# limited ae## to $oreign
urreny. Thi# ha# led to delayed delivery o$ order# or omplete $ailure to do #o. 3gro8
proe##ing e9uipment manu$aturing ha# a #trong &earing on the #ue## o$ the agrarian
re$orm hene the manu$aturer# need to make a olletive pre#entation to the government
$or them to &e la##i$ied a# a #peial $aility &y the Re#erve Bank o$ %im&a&'e.
The limited apaity o$ proe##or# to purha#e e9uipment an &e alleviated in a num&er o$
'ay# that inlude onduting re#earh on ho' o#t# o$ prodution an &e redued,
advoating $or removal o$ J3T on imported material# u#ed in manu$aturing, introduing lo'
o#t $inane# $or &oth manu$aturer# and proe##or#, and pre$erential alloation o$ $oreign
urreny to manu$aturer# and promotion o$ #ervie provider#.
1;. L(ss!s -(art
E9uipment o'ner#hip =individual#, $armer group# or entrepreneur#> ha# &een le$t $or people
to deide 'ithout proper tehnial advie
E9uipment o#t i# &eyond the reah o$ individual#6 hene tehnology ae## through
#ervie provi#ion rather than o'ner#hip o$ the hard'are i# more $avoura&le
There i# hidden agro8proe##ing in$ormation and e*perti#e among tehnorat# that ha#
&een deli&erately kept unpu&li#hed $or ommerial purpo#e#
@iterature on #mall8 and medium8#ale agro8proe##ing o$ten leave# out meat, mopani
'orm, $i#h and non8$ood produt# #uh a# hide# and #kin#, tim&er and mediinal plant#.
-o'ever it may&e argued that the la#t t'o ould &e regarded a# more inlined to'ard# the
area o$ natural re#oure#.
Doumented #tudie# are ommodityH#etor8&a#ed e.g. grain milling, vegeta&le oil pre##ing.
Thi# e*eri#e ha# helped to #ynthe#ize i#olated literature.
!urrently, one #urvival #trategy $or large8#ale proe##or# i# &y #u&8ontrating medium8
#ale proe##or#, that meet the re9uired #tandard#. The medium8#ale enterpri#e# 'ould
then #upply proe##ed produt# in &ulk $or large8#ale entrepreneur# to pak and market.
11. C!c-#s$!
2mall8 and medium8#ale agro8proe##ing enterpri#e# play a vital role in the national eonomi
development o$ %im&a&'e yet they do not reeive due attention $rom the government. There i# a
need to ritially look at ho' e9uipment manu$aturer# an &e a##i#ted in the manu$ature o$ good
9uality mahine# that are a$$orda&le to proe##or#. Thi# may all $or pre$erential treatment o$ the
#etor &y the !entral Bank in term# o$ $oreign urreny alloation. Re#earh ould al#o ontri&ute
&y inve#tigating ho' e9uipment prodution o#t# an &e redued. Bu#ine## via&ility i# enhaned
&y good training, #ervie &ak8up, attrative $inanial pakage# and #trategi e9uipment o'ner#hip
arrangement#. Training in#titution# and e*ten#ion #ervie# #hould develop &u#ine## model# that
an &e adopted &y entrepreneur#. E9uipment manu$aturer# and proe##or# need to oordinate
'ith $armer organi#ation# and organi#e them#elve# into a lo&&y group in order to alleviate the
on#traint# $aed in the #etor.
There i# need to revie' the tehnology #upply hain $or a 'ide range o$ ommoditie# produed in
the ountry. The revie'# help to identi$y hain on#traint# 'hih need addre##ing. The dynami
nature o$ the agro8proe##ing indu#try nee##itate $re9uent and periodi revie'#.
Ba#ed on thi# revie' o$ the agro8proe##ing indu#try in %im&a&'e, it i# onluded that the ountry
i# #el$ reliant 'ith regard# to manu$aturing o$ ereal mill#, dehuller#, mi*er#, rop dryer#, oil
pre##e# and peanut &utter mill#. The $ollo'ing are the major #u&8#etor# that have &een identi$ied
a# having potential to &oo#t indigenou# #mall and medium agro8 indu#trie# in the ountry.
E#ta&li#hment o$ medium8#ale grain milling enterpri#e#
Manu$aturing o$ live#tok $eed# at loal level
(roe##ing and marketing o$ peanut &utter
(roe##ing and marketing o$ proe##ed $ruit# and vegeta&le produt#
Manu$aturing o$ medium8#ale vegeta&le oil proe##ing e9uipment
Eeed proe##ing.
Dith initial #upport to medium8#ale entrepreneur# in R2!#, the livelihood# o$ #mall8holder $armer#
an &e greatly enhaned through loal value addition re#ulting in improved inome# and diet# a#
'ell a# relea#ing $armer#; time $or other ativitie# 'hen motori#ed #y#tem# are introdued
ompared to the onventional manual method#.
The author# are grate$ul to Tirivangani ?oza, Department o$ 3griultural Engineering and Tehnial
2ervie# in the Mini#try o$ 3griulture $or ritially revie'ing a dra$t o$ thi# doument. 2mall
Enterpri#e Development !orporation i# al#o thanked $or providing de$inition# o$ 2ME# in the
%im&a&'e onte*t.
39uah, E.T., Ma#anzu, E.M. =100,>. 2timulating :ndigenou# 3gri&u#ine## Development in
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Boyd, !., Turner, 3., Nengu'o, N. and Bokett, A =100,>. (o#t8-arve#t !on#traint# Eaing
2mallholder# Aro'ing -ortiultural !rop#. 3 Need# 3##e##ment o$ Three Di#trit# o$
%im&a&'e. (rojet report #u&mitted to DE:D under the Rene'a&le Natural Re#oure#
Re#earh 2trategy 100I82//I. GIpp.
!hak'era, N. B. =100+> Einaning 2mall82ale 3gro8:ndu#try. (aper pre#ented at the P2mall82ale
Deentrali#ed 3gro8:ndu#try 2eminar,P -arare.
Da'#on, L. =100G>. Re#pon#e# to adju#tment. the marginali#ation o$ #mall enterpri#e# in Nigeria.
Small Enterprise Development, I, 2821.
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Eello'#, (. =100,>. Traditional Eood#. (roe##ing $or pro$it. :ntermediate Tehnology (u&liation#,
-anyani8Mlam&o, B.T., Mhazo, N., (rotor, 2. and -en#on, 2.= 2//2>. Eailitating the E$$etive
(rodution and Marketing o$ (roe##ed Eood (rodut# &y 2mall82ale (roduer# in %im&a&'e.
)utput G.1. Report on (roduerH(roe##or !a#e 2tudie#. The "niver#ity o$ Reading, Reading, "?.
:TDA =2//I>, 3gro8proe##ing (ratial 3n#'er# to (overtyH'''.itdg.orgHagroproe##ing
La$$ee, 2. =1007>. Exporting high-value food commodities: Success stories from developing
countries. Da#hington D.!. Dorld Bank.
Mapho#a, T., Aunduza, ?. T., ?u#ina, L. and Mutungamiri, 3. =2//2> Evaluation o$ #'eetpotato
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$ural Development, 1I, 181/.
M(her#on, M. =1001>. Miro and #mall8#ale enterpri#e# in %im&a&'e. Re#ult# o$ a ountry'ide
#urvey. AEM:N: Tehnial Report No. 2I.
Mhazo, N., Nyakudya, E., Nazare, R. M. and Mvumi B. M. =2//2> Ergonomi evaluation o$
manually8operated peanut &utter mill#. %ournal of &pplied Science in Southern &frica, ', ()-
Mhazo, N., -anyani8Mlam&o, B.T., (rotor, 2., Mupanda, ?. and Nazare, R. 2//7. !on#traint# to
2mall82ale (rodution and Marketing o$ (roe##ed Eood (rodut# in %im&a&'e. The
!a#e o$ Eruit# and Jegeta&le#. (aper pre#ented at the Eood 3$ria :nternational Dorking
Meeting, I80 May 2//7, (alai# de# !ongrQ#, Raounde, !ameroon.
Mo#ha, 3.!. =10<7>. :ntegrated $ood proe##ing indu#try development in 3$ria. !on#traint# and
promotional mea#ure#. E*port group meeting on mea#ure# and $orm# in promoting integrated
development o$ the vegeta&le oil# and $at# indu#try 'ith the $ood proe##ing indu#try,
3le*andria, Egypt.
Mugova, 3. =100+>. The poliy environment $or the reation and gro'th o$ #mall8#ale
deentrali#ed agro8proe##ing indu#trie#. (aper pre#ented at the P2mall82ale Deentrali#ed
3gro8:ndu#try 2eminarP, -arare.
Mutungamiri, 3., %ingoni, ! and Rukuni, T. =2//1> Evaluation o$ #'eetpotato varietie# and petin
$rom $ruit #oure $or aepta&ility o$ jam. &frican. *rop Science *onference Proceedings, I.
Nazare, R.M. =2//I>. The 2tatu# o$ 3griultural Mehani#ation :nput 2upply !hain# in %im&a&'e
and 2trategie# $or :mproving :nput 2upply. 3##e##ment Mi##ion Report prepared $or the
Department o$ 3griultural Engineering and Tehnial 2ervie# and Eood and 3griultural
)rgani#ation o$ the "nited Nation#.
Nyakudya, E., Mvumi, B. M., Mpo$u, 3, Mupanda, ?.,

Manzungu, E. and Rukuni, T. =2//G>
2'eetpotato proe##ing into &aking $lour at #emi8ommerial level in !hipinge di#trit o$
%im&a&'e. (aper pre#ented at the 0th Triennial 2ympo#ium o$ :nternational 2oiety $or
Tropial Root !rop#83$ria Branh6 71 )t8I Nov 2//G, 2and#tone -otel, Mom&a#a, ?enya.
)dun$a, 3. =100I>. 2truture, potential and on#traint# o$ #mall8#ale $ood proe##ing in 3$ria, :n.
Rihter, L., Ba#ler, 3. and -. Eranzen =ed#>. 2mall8#ale $ood proe##ing ontri&uting to $ood
#eurity. Eood and 3griulture Development !entre =%E@H3T23EHD2E>.
Rihter, L., Ba#ler, 3. and -. Eranzen =ed#> =100+>. 2mall82ale $ood proe##ing ontri&uting to
$ood #eurity. Eood and 3griulture Development !entre =%E@H3T23EHD2E>.
2imalenga, T.E. =100+>. 2mall8#ale deentrali#ed agro8proe##ing. (aper pre#ented at P2mall8
2ale Deentrali#ed 3gro8:ndu#try 2eminarP, -arare.
2tandard# 3##oiation o$ %im&a&'e =100,>. 23%2 12+. %im&a&'e #tandard #pei$iation $or $ood
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"tete, D. and Tem&o, E =100+> (rodution and (roe##ing o$ vegeta&le# and $ruit# in %im&a&'e.
Trend# and #tatu#. (aper pre#ented at a 'ork#hop on Bmproving food supplies and nutrition
through household and village level processing and preservation of vegeta!les and fruits in
Eastern and Southern &frica+, ,--,) Fe!ruary ,..), &m!assador /otel, /arare, 0im!a!1e,
Jan -al =2///> Suality o$ #'eetpotato $lour during proe##ing and #torage. Food $evie1s
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"23:D. =100<>. (otential $or #mall8#ale $ood proe##ing in %im&a&'e. -arare. "23:D.
%im&a&'e E*port (roe##ing %one# 3uthority =%E(%3>. =100<>. (romotion o$ integrated rural
&a#ed e*port oriented projet. -arare. %im&a&'e E*port (roe##ing %one# 3uthority.

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