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Nguyn liu:

The main ingredients are propylene, be separated from gas oil
cracking or petroleum products, depending on conditions (t, p,
xt..), we obtain propylene, ethylene.
Used cooling methods to separate and clean the propylene
&guy'n li(u ch)nh l* propylen, +,-c t/ kh) cracking d0u m1
ho2c t/ s3n ph4m d0u m1, t5y 6*o +k (t, p, xt..) ta thu +,-c
propylen, etylen. 75ng pp l*m l8nh +9 6* l*m s8ch propylen.
Ctct C
T)nh ch:t t
$%;<,< = t
2)H thng xc tc:
C%BCDE catalysts are Fiegler%&atta (F&) catalysts highly
optimiGed for the manufacture of polypropylene (PP) grades in a
6ariety of different process platforms. C%BCD catalysts enable PP
producers to manufacture their entire product range without
cumbersome catalyst changes. Hn addition, PP producers benefit
from an excellent morphology control during polymeriGation. C
process%optimiGed catalyst acti6ity le6el, in combination with
excellent isotacticity control, ensures globally competiti6e
operational costs while maintaining full flexibility of the process
to tailor%make PP products for di6erse application properties.
C%BCD catalysts are well%pro6en commercially in se6eral PP
production lines comprising the bulk, bulk loop and gas phase
processes. Customers appreciate the catalystsI outstanding
performance and benefit from the experience of our technical
ser6ice in all maJor PP process technologies.
b) th*nh ph0n
CKng dLng h8t T%BCMT
"8t phL gia T-MAST l* h-p ch:t cQ th*nh ph0n ch)nh l* Talc +,-c phRi trSn 6Ti nhUa nVn
PP, PW 6* c.c ch:t phL tr- kh.c.

7o c:u trXc +2c bi(t, "8t T-MAST giXp tYng c,Zng mSt sR t)nh ch:t c[ l\ ho. cho s3n ph4m
nh, tYng c,Zng +S tr[n bQng bV m2t, chRng d)nh khuKn, giXp chRng nhi]m t/, tYng kh3 nYng
h:p thL nhi(t. ^2c bi(t, "8t T-MAST c_n +,-c `ng dLng l* ch:t gia c,Zng, t8o +S c`ng, chRng
bian d8ng b nhi(t +S cao, tYng +S cn +dnh 6V k)ch th,Tc s3n ph4m,e
Ch:t xXc t.c C%Bax E l* Fiegler%&atta (Fn) ch:t xXc t.c tRi ,u hQa cao +9 s3n
xu:t polypropylene (PP) lTp trong mSt lo8t c.c nVn t3ng fu. tr gnh kh.c nhau. Ch:t
xXc t.c C%BCD cho phhp c.c nh* s3n xu:t PP +9 s3n xu:t to*n bS c.c d_ng s3n
ph4m cia hj m* khKng thay +ci ch:t xXc t.c r,Zm r*.&go*i ra, nh* s3n xu:t PP
+,-c h,bng l-i t/ mSt +iVu khi9n hgnh th.i tuy(t 6Zi trong tr5ng h-p.BSt m`c +S
ho8t +Sng ch:t xXc t.c fu. trgnh tRi ,u hQa, kat h-p 6Ti ki9m so.t isotacticity
tuy(t 6Zi, +3m b3o chi ph) ho8t +Sng c8nh tranh tr'n to*n c0u trong khi duy tr g sU
mVm dko cia fu. trgnh chlnh%l*m cho s3n ph4m PP cho c.c thuSc t)nh `ng dLng +a
Ch:t xXc t.c C%BCD +Vu +,-c ch`ng minh th,[ng m8i trong mSt sR dmy chuyVn
s3n xu:t PP, bao gnm sR l,-ng lTn, sR l,-ng lTn 6_ng l2p 6* fu. trgnh pha
kh). h*ng +.nh gi. cao hi(u su:t 6,-t trSi 6* l-i )ch cia c.c ch:t xXc t.c t/
kinh nghi(m cia c.c ddch 6L kp thuqt cia chXng tKi trong t:t c3 c.c cKng ngh( xr
l\ PP lTn.
o6er6iew pp( tcng fuan 6V PP)
Polypropylene is a polymer, a product of propylene polymeriGation
reaction. The molecular formula (C!"#) x
Percentage of amorphous PP is s.?@ g N cm ! , PP crystals is s.t# g N cm
! . Wlongation is A@s%<ss v = Tensile long as !s%;s & N mm A .
PP in the technical sense as molecular weight from ?ssss %Asssss 7wC
Polypropylen l* mSt lo8i polyme, l* s3n ph4m cia ph3n `ng tr5ng h-p
Propylen. CKng th`c phmn tr (C!"#)x
Tx trong PP 6K +dnh hgnh l* s,?@ gNcm!=PP tinh th9 l* s,t# gNcm!. ^S giyn
d*i l* A@s z <ssv= ^S bVn kho d*i l* !s z ;s &NmmA.
PP cQ \ ngh{a trong k{ thuqt khi cQ phmn tr l,-ng t/ ?ssss %Asssss +6C
poly (propene)
!ther nae"
Polypropylene= Polypropene=
Polipropene A@ |Usan}= Propene polymers=
Propylene polymers= >%Propene
CCM number
Bolecular formula
s.?@@ g N cm !, amorphous
s.t;# g N cm !, crystalline
Belting point
>!s%><> ~ C
poly (propene)
%n &hc
Polypropylene= Polypropene=
Polyme Propene= Polipropene A@ |Usan}=
Polyme propylen= >%Propene
'(nh #anh
%hu)c t*nh
CKng th`c phmn tr
Bqt +S
s,?@@ g N cm !, 6K +dnh hgnh
s,t;# g N cm !, tinh
^i9m nQng ch3y
>!s%><> ~ C
%heral propertie" o$ polypropylene+ PP
The thermal properties of polypropylene are displayed in the table below.
PP co,
Coe$$icient o$ linear theral
alpha >s
~ C @.? to >>.s A.t to @.A ?.s to >s.s
0peci$ic heat Cp
k N kg ~
>.?s to >.?s to >.?s to
%heral con#ucti1ity N ms ~ C s.>@ to s.>< s.>@ to s.!< s.>A
-la"" tran"ition teperature %
~ C %>? %>s
2elting point %

~ C >#s%>#? >#?
3icat 0o$tening Point %
~ C >;#%>@s >@@%>#@ >@s%>@?
Heat #e$lection teperature %
~ C @s%#s #s%>;@ @s%<s
%eperature in#ex 5U6) %
~ C ?s%>>@ >s@%>>@ @s%>>@
7rittlene"" teperature %
~ C %;s %>s %>s
ax8 continuou" "er1ice
~ C ts%>As ts%>As ?s%>As
ax8 continuou" "er1ice
~ C ts%>ss >ss ts%>ss
%*nh ch:t nhit c;a PP+ PP
C.c t)nh ch:t nhi(t cia polypropylene +,-c hi9n thd trong b3ng d,Ti +my.
'<n 1(
PP =>ng
t?ng c@Ang
H " giBn nC nhit tuyDn t*nh alpha ~ C >s
@,?%>>,s A,t%@,A ?,s%>s,s
Nhit #ung ring Cp
k N kg ~
>,?s%A,ss >,?s%A,ss >,?s%A,ss
') #En nhit N ms ~ C s,>@%s,>< s,>@%s,!< s,>A
Nhit =) chuyFn tiDp th;y tinh %
~ C %>? %>s
'iF nGng chHy %

~ C >#s%>#? >#?
3icat =iF lI J %
~ C >;#%>@s >@@%>#@ >@s%>@?
Nhit =) lch nhit %
~ C @s%#s #s%>;@ @s%<s
ChK " nhit =) 5U6) %
~ C ?s%>>@ >s@%>>@ @s%>>@
Nhit =) giLn %
~ C %;s %>s %>s
ti =a8 nhit =) lin tMc
&hNng &h*
~ C ts%>As ts%>As ?s%>As
ti =a8 nhit =) lin tMc
~ C ts%>ss >ss ts%>ss
Bembrane properties of polypropylene
aterproofing highly pneumatic , solid , well
such as high heat resistance than some kind of
other plastics .
There may stretch horiGontally , but relaxing factor
not high .
Throughout , high% gloss surface for the possibility
enhanced printing , print clear definition .
%PP has a low coefficient on share ( s.??@ s.ts@ ( g N cm ! ) ) .
PP fuite durable heat temperatures melted t nc $
>!A >;t ~ C , t min $ %>? ~ C , t $ >;s ~ C solder
PP colorless , odorless , tasteless , non%
toxic . PP lighted with blue flames
ight , flexible flow , burning smell near
smells like rubber .
PP films with high mechanical strength properties , fuite hard
firm , not soft like PW , not being pulled
Wlongation therefore be made into yarn , wo6en
the food packaging containers
un the use of the materials from the PP will be denoted by number @ is placed in
an isosceles triangle.
Tr'n s3n ph4m sr dLng nguy'n li(u ch)nh t/ PP s +,-c k\ hi(u bng sR @ +,-c
+2t trong mSt hgnh tam gi.c cmn
PP P Polypropylene P 2anu$acturing proce"" o$ PP 5Polypropylene) :
Polypropylene is currently one of the fastest growing polymers. Buch of this
growth is attributed to polypropyleneIs ability to displace con6entional materials
(wood, glass, metal) and other thermoplastics at lower
cost. Polypropylene (PP) is a tough, rigid plastic and produced in a 6ariety of
molecular weights and crystallinities.
Polypropylene is made from the polymeriGation of propylene gas in the presence
of a catalyst system, usually Fiegler%&atta or metallocene catalyst. PolymeriGation
conditions (temperature, pressure and reactant concentrations) are set by the
polymer grade to be produced.
warious production processes exist with some general similarities. They are taking
place either in a gas%phase (fluidiGed bed or stirred reactor) or a lifuid%phase
process (slurry or solution). Cn example of flow diagram corresponding to each of
the two types of processes is illustrated in figure > bellow. The gas%phase
polymeriGation is economical and flexible and can accommodate a large 6ariety of
catalysts. Ht is the most common technology in modern polypropylene production
plants. ele6ant technologies are &o6olenE, UnipolE (gas%phase processes),
orstarE and MpheripolE (lifuid%phase processes).
The obtained powder is finally con6eyed to powder silos and then con6erted into
pellets that incorporate a full range of
well%dispersed additi6es.
"omo PP is manufactured from propylene as the main raw material. Ht is possible
to produce grades ha6ing different characteristics, such as random PP and block
PP, by adding ethylene.
PP is classified into homopolymer (single PP polymer), random copolymer and
block copolymer according to its composition.
enerally, homopolymer has the characteristics of high rigidity, random polymer
high transparency and block polymer higher impact strength than that of
Propylene Production and Banufacturing Process
The two main sources of propylene are as a byproduct from the steam cracking of
lifuid feedstocks such as naphtha as well as Ps, and from off%gases produced in
fluid catalytic cracking (CC) units in refineries. The remainder of propylene is
produced using on%purpose technologies such as propane dehydrogenation (P7")
and metathesis.

The primary source of propylene is from cracking naphtha and other lifuids such
as gas oil and condensates to produce ethylene. y altering the cracking se6erity
and the feedstock slate, the propyleneethylene ratio can 6ary from s.;> to s.<@>.
Mmaller amounts of propylene can be obtained from cracking propane and butane.
The cracking of lifuid feedstocks is carried out predominately in Wurope and Csia
but less so in the Biddle Wast and &orth Cmerica.

C growing source of propylene, particularly in the UM, is from refineries where
splitters reco6er the propylene from the off%gases produced by CCs. "owe6er,
refinery propylene needs to be purified for chemical and polymer use. &ew
catalysts are now a6ailable that increase propylene output from the CCs.

ith propylene demand growing faster than ethylene, combined with the building
of moreethane crackers (which produce no propylene) rather than naphtha
crackers, on%purpose technologies are being employed increasingly to make
propylene. The main on%purpose process used is propane dehydrogenation (P7")
but it is only economically 6iable in cases where low%cost Ps are a6ailable.
Propane is con6erted to propylene at @ss%<ssoC in a reactor containing a nobel
metal catalyst.

Clthough P7" technology is reasonably well established, the main criticisms of
this route are relati6ely high capital costs and the need for a long%term, low%cost
supply of propane such as a6ailable in the Biddle Wast. &ew processes are being
de6eloped that claim to lower both capital and operating costs.

Buch effort is being put into increasing propylene output from lifuid steam
crackers and CC units. or example, the CM%ina cracker at Port
Crthur, Texas, employs a metathesis unit to boost propylene output. Betathesis is
the catalytic con6ersion of ethylene and butene%A into propylene. "owe6er, these
units need access to large C; streams that are free of isobutylene and butadiene.

The Muperflex process, originally de6eloped by Crco Chemical and licensed by
oellogg rown P oot, con6erts light hydrocarbons in the C; to C? range into a
propylene%rich stream. 7eep catalytic cracking (7CC), de6eloped by Chinas
Minopec and offered by Mtone P ebster, produces light olefins from hea6y
6acuum gas oils and de%asphalted oils.

WxxonBobil has de6eloped an olefins intercon6ersion (BuH) technology that uses
the FMB%@ Geolite catalyst to con6ert C;s, light pygas and light naphtha into
propylene and ethylene using a fluidised bed. y contrast, urgi employs a fixed
bed catalytic reactor that con6erts C; and C@ olefins into propylene and ethylene.

hile the methanol%to%olefins (BTu) process is normally seen as a way of
boosting ethylene output, the flexibility of the process allows for propylene
production to increase to ;@v of total output.

Total in conJunction with UuP has further boosted propylene output by de6eloping
an olefin cracking process (uCP) which takes the hea6ier olefins from the BTu
unit and con6erts them into lighter olefins, in particular propylene. The integrated
BTuNuCP process, which is being tested in a pilot plant in eluy, elgium,
produces significantly more propylene than ethylene.

urgi is de6eloping a process that con6erts methanol to propylene (BTP) and, in
conJunction with Mtatoil, operates a pilot plant in &orway. The BTP process is
expected to be used in Chinacon6erting methanol produced from coal into
propylene and in Trinidad where the methanol will ultimately be used to
make polypropylene.

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