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Focused I am Meditation

Based on the teachings of Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Compiled by Pradeep Apte
1. The am! came "rst# it!s e$er present# e$er a$ailable# ref%se all tho%ghts
e&cept am!# stay there '%st stay p%t "rmly and establish yo%rself in the
am!# reject all that does not go (ith am!
). Consistently and (ith perse$erance separate the am! from this! or that!#
j%st *eep in mind the feeling am!
+. ,nly the am! is certain# it!s impersonal# all *no(ledge stems from it# it!s
the root# hold on to it and let all else go
-. .o% are s%re of the am!# it!s the totality of being# remember am! and it!s
eno%gh to heal yo%r mind and ta*e yo% beyond
/. The am! is# it!s e$er fresh# all else is inference# (hen the am! goes all
that remains is the Absol%te
0. 1i$e all yo% attention to the am!# (hich is timeless presence# the am!
applies to all# come bac* to it repeatedly
2. 3ang to the am! and go beyond it# (itho%t the am! yo% are at peace
and happy
4. 3old on to the am! to the e&cl%sion of e$erything else# the am! in
mo$ement creates the (orld# the am! at peace becomes the Absol%te
5. mmortality is freedom from the feeling am!# to ha$e that freedom
remain in the sense am!# its simple# its cr%de# yet it (or*s6 17
17. The am! is %nreal and real# %nreal (hen identi"ed (ith body# real (hen
(ordless and %sed to go beyond
11. The am! has bro%ght yo% in# the am! (ill ta*e yo% o%t# the am! is the
door# stay at it6 t!s open6
1). .o% ha$e to be there before yo% can say am!# the am! is the root of all
1+. The am! is the permanent lin* in the s%ccession of e$ents called life# be
at the lin* am! only and go beyond it
1-. The am! is the s%m total of all that yo% percei$e# it!s time8bo%nd# the
am! itself is an ill%sion# yo% are not the am! yo% are prior to it
1/. The am! is yo%r greatest foe and greatest friend# foe (hen binding to
the ill%sion as body# friend (hen ta*ing o%t of the ill%sion as body
10. The beginning and the end of *no(ledge is the am!# be attenti$e to the
am!# once yo% %nderstand it# yo% are apart from it
12. .o% m%st meditate on the am! (itho%t holding on to the body8mind# the
am! is the "rst ignorance# persist on it and yo% (ill go beyond it
14. .o%r 1%r%# yo%r 1od# is the am!# (ith its coming came d%ality and all
acti$ity# stay on the am!# yo% are before the am! appeared
15. The am! concept is the last o%t post of the ill%sion# hold on to it#
stabili9e in the am!# then yo% are no more and indi$id%al
)7. :itho%t doing anything yo% ha$e the *no(ledge am!# it has come
spontaneo%sly and %n(illingly on yo%# stay there and p%t an a& to the am!
)1. .o%r only capital is the am!# it!s the only tool yo% can %se to sol$e the
riddle of life# the am! is in all and mo$ement inherent in it
)). ,nly be the am!# j%st be# the am! has appeared on yo%r homogeno%s
state# the one free of the am! is liberated# yo% are prior to the am!
)+. :orship the ind(elling am! in yo%# it is the am! that is born# it is the
am! that (ill die# yo% are not that am!
)-. ;emain foc%sed on the am! till it goes into obli$ion# then the eternal is#
Absol%te is# Parabrahman is
)/. The *no(ledge am! is the birth principle# in$estigate it and yo%!ll "nally
stabili9e in the Absol%te Parabrahman
)0. All *no(ledge incl%ding the am! is formless# thro( o%t the am! and
stay p%t in <%iet%de )2
)2. Prior to birth (here (as the am!= >on!t contaminate the am! (ith the
body idea# as the Absol%te am not the am! )4
)4. n the absence of am! nothing is re<%ired# the am! (ill go (ith the
body# (hat remains is the Absol%te
)5. .o% m%st not only ha$e the con$iction that am! b%t also that yo% are
free from the am!
+7. ;emember the *no(ledge am! only and gi$e %p the rest# staying in the
am! yo% (o%ld reali9e that it is %nreal
+1. ?nderstand that the *no(ledge am! has da(ned on yo% and all are its
manifestations# in this %nderstanding yo% reali9e yo% are not the am!
+). :hen this concept am! departs there (o%ld be no memory left that
(as! and had! those e&periences# the $ery memory (ill be erased
++. :ith the arri$al of the primary concept am!# time began# (ith its
depart%re time (o%ld end@ yo% the Absol%te are not the primary concept
+-. :hen yo% *no( both the am! and the am not! then yo% are the
Absol%te (hich transcends both *no(ingness and no8*no(ingness
+/. Appearance and disappearance# birth and death these are <%alities of
am!# they do not belong to yo%# the Absol%te
+0. ,%t of the nothingness# the am! or beingness has come# there is no
indi$id%al# the *no(ledge am!8 not the indi$id%al A has to go bac* to its
+2. By meditating on the *no(ledge am! it grad%ally settles do(n at its
so%rce and disappears# then# yo% are the Absol%te
+4. 1o on to *no( the am! (itho%t (ords# yo% m%st be that and not de$iate
from it for e$en a moment# and then it (o%ld disappear
+5. :ith the dropping oB of the primary e&perience am! all e&periences
(o%ld $anish and only the Absol%te remains
-7. ,n yo%r tr%e state has arisen this s%btle principle am!# (hich is the
ca%se of all mischief# no am!# and no <%estion of mischief
-1. :hate$er yo% try to become that is not yo%# before e$en the (ords am!
(ere said# that is yo%
-). The root habit is the am! and it has arisen from the domain "$e
elements and three <%alities (hich are %nreal
-+. Abide in the *no(ledge am! (itho%t identifying (ith the body# ho( did
yo% f%nction before the arri$al of the *no(ledge am!=
--. The state of being# that is the message am!# (itho%t (ords# is common
to all# change begins only (ith the mind8Co(
-/. The belief in the am! to be something as a body# as an indi$id%al is the
ca%se of all fear# in the absence of the am!# (ho is to fear (hat=
-0. Try to stabili9e in the primary concept am! in order to lose that and be
free from all other concepts# in %nderstating the %nreality of the am! yo%
are totally free
-2. Sitting <%ietly# being one (ith the *no(ledge am!# yo% (o%ld lose all
concern (ith the (orld# then the am! (o%ld also go# lea$ing yo% as the
-4. P%tting aside e$erything# stabili9e in the am! A as yo% contin%e (ith this
practice A in the process yo% (ill transcend the am!
-5. The $ery core of this conscio%sness is the <%ality am!# there is no
personality or indi$id%al there# reside there and transcend it
/7. :orship the *no(ledge am! as 1od# as yo%r 1%r%# the message am! is
there# the mind8Co( is there# stay in the am! reali9e yo% are neither
/1. Presently yo% are s%staining the memory am!# yo% are not that am!#
yo% are the Absol%te prior to that am!
/). .o% feel the am! d%e to the "$e elements and three <%alities# they gone
the am! goes b%t yo% are still there
/+. Deep foc%sed on the am! till yo% become a (itness to it# then yo% stand
apart# yo% ha$e reached the highest
/-. This *no(ledge am! has come o%t of the state prior to it and no( is the
ca%se of all s%Bering# before the am! came yo% (ere happy# so re$ert
//. :hen yo% remain in the am! yo% (ill reali9e e$erything else is %seless#
and then yo% are Parabrahman# the Absol%te
/0. The ,ne (ho abides in that principle by (hich he *no(s am! *no(s all
and does not re<%ire anything
/2. '%st sit and *no( that yo% are!# the am! (itho%t (ords# nothing else has
to be done@ shortly yo% (ill arri$e to yo%r nat%ral Absol%te state
/4. Erroneo%sly yo% ha$e handed o$er this *no(ledge am! to the body
thereby red%ced the limitless to the limited@ hence yo% are afraid of dying
/5. .o% ha$e to reali9e that yo% are not the body or the *no(ledge am!# yo%
as the Absol%te are neither# nor do yo% re<%ire them
07. n<%ire into the $alidity of the f%ndamental concept of yo% indi$id%ality
the am! and it (ill disappear# then yo% are Parabrahman# the Absol%te
01. The essential thing to be con$inced abo%t is that the original concept
am! is false# only accept that (hich is cond%ci$e to this de$elopment
0). Before yo% occ%rred to yo%rself as am! yo% (ere the highest A
Parabrahman A no(# %ntil the imp%rity of am the body! goes stay p%t in the
am! <%iet%de
0+. .o%r fall started (ith the appearance of am!# then yo% bl%ndered by
embracing the body as am!# all that gathered thereafter is %nreal
0-. This is no jo*e# b%t yo% can become Parabrahman right no(6 .o% are
Parabrahman right no(6 '%st foc%s yo%r attention on the am!
0/. :ho has the *no(ledge am!= Somebody in yo% *no(s the *no(ledge
am!# yo% are!# (ho is it=
00. :ho can *no( the ill%sory state am!= ,nly a non8ill%sory state can do
so# it!s the A(areness# the Parabrahman# or the Absol%te
02. The primary concept am! is dishonest# a cheat# it has decei$ed yo%# into
belie$ing (hat is not# sharply foc%s on the am! and it!ll disappear
04. Finally yo% ha$e to transcend the am! to enter the concept8free
Parabrahman state# (here yo% do not e$en *no( yo% are6
05. The Absol%te or the Parabrahman is prior to the am!# it!s the %nborn
state# so ho( can it ha$e the *no(ledge am!=
27. Presently (hate$er yo% *no( is the am! (hich is a prod%ct of the "$e
elements# three <%alities or the food body# b%t yo% are none of these
21. ,ne (ho has reali9ed the *no(ledge am! (hich means transcending it
as (ell# for him there is no birth or death nor any *arma
2). The primary ill%sion is only this *no(ingness am!@ it is liberation (hen
the *no(ingness is transformed to non*no(ingness
2+. .o% are e$en before e$en yo% co%ld say the (ords am!# (itnessing
happens to the state prior to yo%r saying the (ords am!
2-. :hen the body dies the am! goes into obli$ion# only the Absol%te
remains# stay p%t there# nothing happens to yo% the Absol%te
2/. From non8being to being# ho( is it *no(n= t!s by the *no(ledge am!#
stay there in the am!# then yo%!ll re$ert from being to non8being
20. ;ight no(# here# yo% are the Absol%te# the Parabrahman# $ery "rmly hold
on to the am!# e$er abide in it and it!ll dissol$e# then yo% are as yo% are
22. ,n the state of non8beingness# beingness as the am! has occ%rred# (ho
that is not important# the am! is important# stay there
24. First came the aham! as am!# then aham8a*ar! Gidenti"cation (ith
body# egoH# no( re$ert bac* to aham!# d(elling there reali9e
25. .o% are neither the am! nor the acti$ities carried o%t by the beingness#
yo% as the Absol%te are none of these
47. :ith the transcendence of the *no(ledge am!# the Absol%te pre$ails.
The state is called Parabrahman# (hile the *no(ledge am! is Brahman
41. 3o( (ere yo% prior to the message am!= n the absence of the message
am! only my eternal Absol%te state pre$ails
4). :ho (o%ld ha$e (itnessed the message am!# if yo%r prior state of non8
beingness (ere not there=
4+. A tr%e de$otee# by abiding in the *no(ledge am!# transcends the
e&perience of death and attains immortality
4-. 3old on to this *no(ingness am! (itho%t (ords and e$ery secret of yo%r
e&istence (o%ld be re$ealed to yo%
4/. :hat is it in yo% that %nderstands this *no(ledge am! (itho%t a name#
title or (ord= S%bside in that innermost center and (itness the *no(ledge
40. Totally accept the *no(ledge am! as oneself and (ith f%ll con$iction and
faith and "rmly belie$e in the dict%m am that by (hich *no( am!
42. ;eality pre$ails prior to the *no(ledge am!@ yo% m%st stay p%t at the
so%rce of yo%r creation# at the beginning of the *no(ledge am!
44. :hen one is established in the "nal free Absol%te state# the *no(ledge
am! becomes non8*no(ledge!
45. The "rst (itnessing is that of am!# the primary prere<%isite for all
f%rther (itnessing# b%t to (hom is the "rst (itnessing of am! occ%rring=
57. The borderline of am! GbeingnessH and am not! Gnon8beingnessI is the
precise location (here the intellect s%bsides# its! the maha8yoga! state# be
51. ;ecogni9e the Atman by %nderstanding the *no(ledge am!# the Atma8
jnana# (hich is all per$ading# limitless and in"nite
5). To abide in the *no(ledge am! is one!s tr%e religion# gi$e the highest
honor d%e to it# doing so yo% (ill not %ndergo s%Bering or death
5+. :ho says (as not! and (o%ld not be! li*e the present am!= 3e is the
one (ho (as# is# and (o%ld be fore$er
5-. :hen yo% say (as not prior to conception! yo% act%ally mean not li*e
the present am!# b%t the one to discern the absence of the present am!
(as there
5/. Catch hold of the *no(ledge am! in meditation and the reali9ation
(o%ld occ%r that ! the Absol%te am not the g%na! am!
50. >o nothing b%t stay in the *no(ledge am! A the moolmaya! A the
primary ill%sion# and then it (ill release its stranglehold on yo% and get lost
52. n deep meditation# inf%sed only (ith the *no(ledge am!# it (o%ld be
int%iti$ely re$ealed to yo% as to ho( this amness! came to be
54. The *no(ledge am! means conscio%sness# 1od# 1%r%# sh(ara# b%t yo%
the Absol%te are none of these
55. ,M
177. .o% ha$e to %nderstand that the am! is e$en before the arising of any
(ords# tho%ghts or feelings
171. The ind(elling principle am! is common to all and has no attrib%tes@ it
is the principle of the (hole f%nctioning
17). dentify yo%rself (ith the highest principle in yo% (hich is the *no(ledge
am! This (ill ele$ate yo% to the stat%s of Brihaspati! A the g%r% of gods
17+. This *no(ingness am! that came spontaneo%sly and yo% felt grad%ally
is the ignorant8child8principle# the Bal*rishna! state
17-. This am! or Bal*rishna state has great potential. 3ere Bal! means the
child food body and Drishna! means non*no(ing!
17/. To do a(ay (ith body8mind sense or identity# imbibe or d(ell in the
am!# later the am! (o%ld merge in the %ltimate nat%re
170. The highest type of rest is (hen am! and am not! both are forgotten.
t is called Param Jishranti!# (hich means %ltimately forget e$erything in the
172. 3a$ing ac<%ired and %nderstood the *no(ledge am! stay there in
secl%sion and don!t (ander aro%nd here and there
174. ,nce yo% stabili9e in the am! yo% (ill reali9e that it is not the eternal
state. B%t yo% are eternal and ancient
175. The se<%ence is am!8 the (itness A to the (hole manifestation# it
occ%rs sim%ltaneo%sly. The am! s%bsiding# (hat remains= .o% are That!
117. :hat say is simple# (hen the am! arises# e$erything appears# (hen
am! s%bsides e$erything disappears
111. .o% (ant me to say something abo%t the post8 am!8 manifestation#
(hile am dri$ing yo% to the pre8 am!8 Absol%te
11). am not telling yo% (hat the real is# beca%se (ords negate that.
:hate$er am telling yo% is not the tr%th beca%se it has come from the am!
11+. ta*e yo% to the so%rce am! again and again# on reaching and
stabili9ing there yo% reali9e there is no am!6 11-
11-. There is no e&planation ho( this seed# this conscio%sness or the
*no(ledge am! has arisen. B%t once come it *eeps h%mming thro%gh the
11/. .o% m%st *no( ho( this am! came abo%t as it is the only thing by
(hich yo% can %nra$el the (hole mystery
110. ,n yo%r p%re Absol%teness (hich is (itho%t form or shape# came this
*no(ledge am!# (hich is also (itho%t shape and form
112. This *no(ledge am! has spontaneo%sly appeared! on yo%r Absol%te
state# therefore it is an ill%sion
114. This *no(ledge am!# the satt$a! cannot tolerate itself# so it needs the
rajas!GdoingH and tamas!Gclaiming doershipH for s%stenance
115. The only sadhana! GpracticeH is to thin*K am not the body# b%t am the
formless# nameless *no(ledge am! ind(elling in this body
1)7. :hen yo% abide for a s%Lciently long time in the am!# the *no(ledge
am! itself (ill ma*e e$erything clear to yo%. No e&ternal *no(ledge (ill be
1)1. Con$iction is the only techni<%e and the only initiation by the g%r% isK
yo% are not the body b%t only the am! (itho%t (ords
1)). :hen yo% clearly see that it is the am! that is born# yo% stand apart
from it as the %nborn
1)+. ,nce the am! goes (hat remains is the ,riginal (hich is
%nconditioned# (itho%t attrib%tes or identity# it is called Parabrahma# or the
1)-. The absence of am! is not e&perienced by someone!@ it has to be
%nderstood in a manner as the e&periencer and e&perience are one
1)/. The *no(ledge am! that appeared in childhood is a cheat as it made
yo% belie$e the ill%sion to be tr%e
1)0. This *no(ledge am! has da(ned on yo%# thereafter (itnessing began.
That ,ne! to (hom the (itnessing ta*es place is separate from the
1)2. Meditation is this *no(ledge am!# this conscio%sness# meditating on
itself and %nfolding its o(n meaning
1)4. :hen yo% meditate on the *no(ledge am!# ho( can there be any
<%estions at this point= As it is the beginning of *no(ledge
1)5. ?se name# form and design only for (orldly acti$ities@ other(ise j%st
hold on to the *no(ledge am! (itho%t body sense A beyond name# form or
1+7. There are no techni<%es e&cept the techni<%e that am! the "rm
con$iction that am! means am! only
1+1. This con$iction can be strengthened by meditation and meditation
means (hen the *no(ledge am! remains in that *no(ledge
1+). The greatest miracle is that yo% got the ne(s am!# it!s self8e$ident.
Prior to *no(ing that yo% are! (hat *no(ledge did yo% ha$e=
1++. Meditation means to ha$e an objecti$e or hold something# yo% are that
something. '%st being the being am!
1+-. t is not (ith the body identi"cation that yo% sho%ld sit for meditation. t
is the *no(ledge am! that is meditating on itself
1+/. :hen this am! or conscio%s presence merges in itself and disappears
the state of Samadhi! ens%es
1+0. n the (omb the *no(ledge am! is in a dormant condition. t is the
birth principle (hich contains e$erything
1+2. The birth principle is T%riya! Gthe fo%rth stateH (hich means (here the
conscio%sness is 1+4
1+4. The e&perience that am! or yo% e&ist is T%riya!. ,ne (ho *no(s
T%riya! is T%riyatita! Gbeyond the fo%rth stateH# (hich is my state
1+5. T%riya! or am! is (ithin the conscio%sness (hich is the prod%ct of "$e
1-7. n order to stabili9e in the am! or T%riya! yo% m%st %nderstand this
birth principle
1-1. T%riya! or am! is al(ays described as the (itness state that sees
thro%gh the (a*ing# dreaming and sleeping. And T%riyatita! is e$en beyond
1-). n the absence of the basic concept am!# there is no tho%ght# no
a(areness# and no conscio%sness of one!s e&istence
1-+. Together (ith the body and the ind(elling principle am! e$erything is.
Prior to that (hat (as there=
1--. 3ang on to the am! (hich is yo%r only capital# meditate on it# and let
that %nfold all the *no(ledge that has to come
1-/. .o% sho%ld identify yo%rself only (ith this ind(elling *no(ledge am!.
That is all
1-0. Sit for meditation by identifying (ith the am!# d(ell only on the am!8
not merely the (ords am!
1-2. Forget all abo%t physical disciplines in this connection and j%st be (ith
that *no(ledge am!
1-4. >o yo% re<%ire any special eBort to *no( that yo% are!= The am!
(itho%t (ords itself is 1od
1-5. .o% m%st f%l"ll the $o( that am not the body b%t the ind(elling
principle am! only
1/7. ,nce yo% become the am! it (ill re$eal all the *no(ledge and yo%
need not go to anybody
1/1. The primary concept am! appears spontaneo%sly and is the so%rce of
all concepts# so e$erything is mental entertainment
1/). This memory am! is neither tr%e nor false# it is (itho%t these t(o
attrib%tes. That memory of beingness only appears to e&ist
1/+. The am! itself is the (orld# go to the so%rce and "nd o%t ho( it
appeared and (hen
1/-. The con$iction that the am! and the (orld ne$er e&isted can happen
only to Parabrahman! GThe Absol%teH
1//. To stabili9e in the am! (hich has no name and form is itself liberation
1/0. The *no(ledge that is prior to tho%ght A am! A is co$ered by a h%man
body (hich food (ith the $ital breath and *no(ledge of the Self GPrana and
1/2. ,nce yo% reach the state of am! and are a(are of that only yo% (ill
ha$e transcended all the tendencies GJasanas!H
1/4. Be one (ith the Self# the am!# if necessary discard the (ords am!#
e$en (itho%t them yo% *no( yo% are!
1/5. The am! is the a(areness before tho%ghts it cannot be p%t into (ords@
yo% ha$e to j%st be!
107. The am! in yo% came from the am! in yo%r parents b%t only then
co%ld they be called parents6
101. The am! is the di$inity in yo% and ca%se of the sacred repetition
G'apa!H in yo% breath of So 3%m! G am That!H
10). The Absol%te doesn!t *no( that t is!# only (hen the *no(ledge am!
spontaneo%sly appeared it *ne( t is!
10+. Become initiated into the %nderstanding of (hat am e&po%nding to
yo%@ am telling abo%t the seed of Brahman! or am! that am planting in
10-. That Brahman! or am! state alone embraces e$erything and is all the
manifestation. .o% ha$e to forget e$erything and merge (ith Brahman!
10/. :hate$er is created is created by the *no(ledge am!# there is no other
path# only this con$iction. This is it6 The name and body arise from the am!
100. Abiding in the am! G(hich is 1odH yo% (o%ldn!t (ant to lea$e it# and
then it (o%ldn!t lea$e yo%6
102. The am! is there e$en (itho%t yo%r saying so. ,nce yo% %nderstand
the am!# there is nothing f%rther to %nderstand
104. :hen yo% are established in the am! there are no tho%ghts or (ords#
yo% are e$erything and e$erything is yo%@ later e$en that goes
105. The am! is (itho%t ego# yo% can become its (atcher only by getting
established in it
127. :atching happens to the Absol%te (ith the appearance of am!# only
then it *no(s that it is!
121. :a*ing# dreaming and deep sleep states pertain only to the am!# yo%
are abo$e these
12). :hen yo% go deep inside# nothing is there# no am!@ the am! merges
in the Absol%te
12+. ?nderstand this am! b%siness and stand apart from it# transcend it.
'%st be
12-. The story of all of %s begins (ith the am!# it is the starting point of
both misery and happiness
12/. Prior to the appearance of form in the (omb# the food st%Bs ta*e the
form am! and that appears in nine months
120. Stabili9e in the Bind%! GPointH am! and transcend it. Bind%! means
(itho%t d%ality GBinM(itho%t# >%Mt(oH
122. t is the am! that in$estigates the am!# disposes it oB and stabili9es
in Eternity
124. The *no(ledge am! is 1od# if presently yo% are %nable to %nderstand it
then j%st (orship it
125. f yo% li*e ta*e the am! as yo%r prarabdha! GdestinyH# become one (ith
it# then yo% can transcend it
147. Along (ith the *no(ledge am! appears the space and (orld. :hen the
*no(ledge am! sets the (orld is li<%idated
141. 3ammer it into yo%rself that the am! or beingness! is the parent of the
entire manifestation# then the am! itself (ill help yo% stabili9e in the am!
14). The am! is obser$ed by the Absol%te# it has no senses or eyes#
(itnessing j%st happens
14+. am introd%cing yo% to yo%r am!# the "rst stage is to meditate on the
am! and stabili9e in it
14-. Carry the con$iction in yo%rself that the *no(ledge am! (ithin yo% is
14/. The ,ne (ho meditates on the *no(ledge am!# e$erything in the
realm of Conscio%sness becomes clear to him
140. 1o any(here b%t ne$er forget that the *no(ledge am! is 1od
142. >ay by day by constant meditation this con$iction (ill gro(
144. >on!t bother abo%t anything# j%st contin%e abiding in the am!# a
moment (ill come (hen it (ill be pleased and re$eal all the secrets
145. The trap of birth and death is beca%se of the am!# d(ell on it# reali9e it
and transcend it
157. 1et established in the am! (itho%t (ords# the Para$ani!# b%t yo% the
Absol%te are not that .o%r tr%e identity A The Absol%te A is prior to the am!.
3o( can yo% pro$ide a %niform to it= 151
151. My 1%r% ta%ght me (hat am!# pondered only on that. My original
state is to be in that state (here there is no am!
15). The am! happened and the (orld (as coo*ed %p. Prior to that yo% did
not ha$e the message am!# yo% e&isted# b%t yo% did not *no(
15+. n the in"nite state# the am! state is temporary@ don!t gi$e %p yo%r tr%e
standpoint# other(ise yo% (ill be fooled
15-. Catch hold of the am! and all obstacles (ill e$aporate# yo% (ill be
beyond the realm of body8mind
15/. All <%estions e&ist beca%se the am! is there# the am! disappearing no
<%estions (ill arise
150. ?nderstand the am!# transcend it and concl%de that beingness!# the
(orld and Brahman are %nreal
152. The So 3%m! japa GrecitationH is incessantly going on in yo%r p%lse
indicating am!@ get in t%ne (ith it by recitation
154. The recitation of So 3%m!# indicating am!# m%st be for a $ery long
time# it is prior to (ords
155. The am! is the only 1od to be pleased and if pleased it (ill lead yo% to
the so%rce
)77. A 'nani! is one (ho has come to a concl%sion abo%t the ra( material
am! and stands apart from it
)71. That so%ndless so%nd# the h%mming am! is a reminder that yo% are
1od. To %nderstand and reali9e it meditate on it
)7). .o% are in the am! (itho%t any eBort# so be there. >on!t try to interpret
the am!
)7+. The am! in body form can reach the highest state# if yo% accept it and
d(ell there yo% escape birth and death
)7-. The am! is an ad$ertisement of the Absol%te# an ill%sion# temporary#
the one (ho *no(s this *no(s the eternal principle. n the (omb the am! is
dormant# at three years it arises spontaneo%sly@ it clima&es at middle age
and diminishes in old age and "nally it disappears
)7/. ;emember this# if yo% (ant to remember me or this $isit here#
remember the *no(ledge am!
)70. The body identity cannot get this *no(ledge# the *no(ledge am! m%st
get this *no(ledge@ (hen *no(ledge abides in *no(ledge there is
transcendence of *no(ledge
)72. This am! (hene$er enjoyed beyond the body is yo%r destiny# d(ell in it
and itself it (ill tell yo% its o(n story
)74. :hen yo% d(ell in destiny as am!# yo% reali9e that it is not yo%r death#
b%t the disappearance of amness!
)75. ?nderstand the am!# transcend it and reali9e the Absol%te
)17. n s%ch a simpli"ed (ay nobody has e&po%nded this profo%nd teaching

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