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V`sdqF`rshmf Shor `mc menql `shnm

Water fasting is the complete abstinence from all forms of nourishment other than water for a
period of time.
We all fast every time we go to sleep, which is why we refer to the first meal of the day as breakfast,
we are breaking the fast with our first meal.
While many people tend to refer to periods on juices as fasts, these are not actually fasts and
should rather be called juice feasts.
Vgx F`rshmf hr nesdmbnmrhcdqdc ` f nnc sghmf
When you fast, you give your body a chance to clear out the accumulated toxins that have built up
over your lifetime.
Digestion takes up most of the body's energy and when there are more toxins coming in than the
body can immediately eliminate, the body stores these toxins to 'deal with later'.
The only problem is that unless you radically improve your lifestyle, later may never come.
For people following a healthy raw food lifestyle and eating lots of raw fruits and vegetables, the
body is able to gradually release all these stored toxins.
VgdmSn F`rs
A great time to fast is whenever you feel a complete loss of appetite. This seems like a no brainer,
but you'd be amazed at how often society at large tries to force-feed someone who has lost
appetite, by feeding them things to 'stimulate their appetite' as it is largely believed that we need
to 'eat to get our strength up.'
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If you have lost your appetite, this is a clear signal that the body is too busy dealing with other
things, such as an impending illness and would rather not have to deal with digestion right now.
This would be a perfect time to rest and allow your body to do its work and return to eating when
your appetite comes back. However, this should just be a very short period, and the moment you
feel like eating - EAT.
Hnv Knmf Sn F`rs?
It is perfectly safe to water fast for a short period (up to 3 days) on your own, but generally if you
are planning to fast for longer it is recommended that you do so under the guidance of a medical
This is not because fasting is necessarily dangerous (though it can be), but rather because people
sometimes do dangerous things when left to their own devices.
I've read some scary stories of folks who say they're water fasting for 30 days all by themselves (a
CRAZY idea), then later on you read, oh well it's not just water, they're also having some black
coffee here and there and a little bit of protein powder now and again, and next thing they're
breaking the fast on a piece of bread and yes, that is all VERY dangerous.
During an extended water fast over a few weeks, if you're under medical supervision, regular blood
tests to monitor levels of potassium and electrolytes and other essential nutrients are crucial to
make sure that none of the levels are dropping too low. If you are ever considering a supervised
fast, make sure that the clinic you choose will be doing regular blood work and other testing.
Vg`s H`oodmr Dtqhmf A F`rs?
During a fast your body will initially use up all the glycogen reserves in your liver. After a period of
roughly 48 hours in women and 72 hours in men, the body realizes that a fast is taking place and
will then enter what is known as the 'protein sparing' phase of the fast.
The body enters ketosis and preferentially breaks down fat reserves to use as the primary source
of fuel rather than muscle mass.
Therefore, on an extended water fast, you would lose less muscle mass then you would on a very
calorie restricted diet for the same amount of time. However, definitely don't take this as an
endorsement for fasting for weight loss. Your metabolism will still become VERY slow. So slow
you'll barely be able to eat at all post fast without gaining weight, so never do this for weight loss.
Vg`s Sn Dn Dtqhmf A F`rs
During a fast, you should plan to rest as much as possible, and remove all distractions such as
work, phones, computers etc and take a complete break, resting in bed as much as possible.
This will allow the most healing to take place.
Drink ONLY pure water. Do not drink anything else, especially not caffeinated zero calorie drinks.
You should drink lots of water, preferably upwards of 2 liters per day.
Vg`s Sn Ewodbs Dtqhmf Sgd F`rs
You will generally lose a fair bit of weight early in the fast but this will taper off as the fast
continues. Weight Loss may be a few pounds per day in the early days but usually averages out at
a pound per day.
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However, a lot of this initial weight loss is water weight as the glycogen stores are depleted, so
weight gain can definitely be expected once eating starts again.
The average weight loss is around 11 pounds the first week, 7 pounds the second week and 3
pounds the third week, which would average out at a pound per day for a 21 day fast. However,
this comes back VERY quickly post fast and usually with a lot extra. So it is my advice NOT TO fast
unless it is for a serious health issue that has been very carefully considered. If you need to lose
weight - a fast is probably one of the worst things you could do for that.
If you need to lose some excess fat then you need to EAT and you need to recover your metabolic
function completely.
Bqd`j hmf Sgd F`rs
Water fasts should be broken on juicy fruits, such as oranges or watermelon in very small
quantities, i.e. half an orange or a fist sized piece of watermelon every 2 hours on the first day.
On the second day every four hours a slightly larger juicy fruit meal can be eaten, and on the third
day, three juicy fruit meals.
On the fourth day some lettuce can be added to the fruit meals and by the fifth day some lightly
steamed vegetables.
It is advisable however to try to eat low fat raw foods exclusively for at least the same amount of
time after the fast as the length of the fast.
So if you fasted for a week, eat 100%low fat fruits and vegetables exclusively for at least a week
For water fasts of 3 days or less break the fast with any simple fruit meal you choose, you don't
have to eat very small meals as 3 days is not long enough for your digestive system to have
completely shut down as in a longer fast.
However, you must break the fast on FRUIT, do not break it on other foods as this will be very hard
for your body and will undo much of the good you have done by fasting.
If you eat exclusively raw fruits and vegetables for at least 3 days following the fast, you will
continue to detoxify and will benefit all the more.
AesdqSgd F`rs
If you fasted for an extended period, you will gradually regain your full strength and should go
easy on yourself, eating very well and exercising gently until you regain your vigor.
Do not try to jump straight back into an exercise routine, build up to this over a couple of weeks or
even months, depending on the length of your fast.
If you fasted for only a few days, take it easy for the few days immediately after the fast before you
get back to exercise, but let your body guide you and take it easy.
msdql hssdms F`rshmf
Intermittent fasting is an idea that has become very popular in recent years. It generally refers to
short periods of fasting up to 24 hours at a time. So this means that you could eat dinner tonight
at 8pm and then fast until dinner tomorrow night at 8pm. This way you eat every day and just take
these little 'mini-breaks' from eating once or twice per week. The purpose of this is to create a
small weekly calorie deficit which leads to weight loss.
Hnl d Aants Bnnj r +Gthcdr Bknf
Oqnctbsr Q`v Fnnc Hnv-Sn VdhfgsKnrr Qdbhodr mrohq`shnmr MnRg`l onn
Other forms of intermittent fasting are to eat during a specific 'window'. For example you would eat
between noon and 8pm every day instead of eating your meals spaced out over a longer period.
I prefer to call this simply 'delaying breakfast'. To call it a 'fast' is, in my view, an exaggeration. I
enjoy delaying breakfast, and most days do not eat my first meal until past noon, and I don't like to
eat too late at night, so most of my meals take place in an 8 or 9 hour 'window'. I do like this way of
eating and do believe there are some great benefits too.
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Water Fasting Weight Loss How much weight do you lose on a water fast? More importantly how
do you keep it off once you start eating again? This article answers all your questions.
Water Fasting Diaries The water fasting diaries contain the full details of my two ten day water
fasts, the first in 2006 and the second in 2008. These are the daily entries, the trials and the tears,
it's all here.
Lemonade Master Cleanse Is the lemonade diet master cleanse a healthy detox program or just a
crash diet? Find out all about it here.
Mono Diet A mono diet is consuming one type of food only for a period of time. Also known as
mono island. Find out all about this kind of cleanse.
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