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How to

interact with
ic narrations
Sheikh Atabek
How to
Interact with
ic Narrations:
Understanding the Prophetic
An Epistle by
Sheikh Atabek Shukurov An-
ranslated under his guidance and supervision by Ar!an
Atabek Shukurov and Ar!an Shah 2$$%
&irst edition 'uly 2$1$
Second edition Nove(ber 2$11
All rights reserved )ith the e*ception o! +!air use, )hich is defned
- .eproduction o! a !e) pages or less !or non-proft
educational purposes
- Scholarly revie)/ re!erence or citation
herea!ter no part o! this publication (ay be reproduced/ stored in a
retrieval syste(/ or trans(itted in any !or( or by any (eans/
electronic/ (echanical/ photocopying/ recording or other)ise/
)ithout the prior per(ission !ro( the copyright o)ner0
Contents page
ranslator,s 1ntroduction 12
Author,s 1ntroduction
6hapter one7 Acting upon narrations
6hapter t)o7 Prophetic practice and narration
6hapter three7 .eporting the te*t o! narration and its
6hapter !our7 their speech in !ollo)ing narrations
6hapter fve7 'urists and Prophetic narration e*perts
6hapter si*7 Level o! the true narrator #%
6hapter seven7 'udge(ents on Prophetic narration
6hapter eight7 Prophetic narrations a(ongst the 8urists
and the narration e*perts
6hapter nine7 9isagree(ent in ter(inology
6hapter ten7 Authentic Prophetic narrations
6hapter eleven7 :eak narrations
6hapter t)elve7 E*a(ples o! authentic narrations that
so(e o! the scholars re8ected
6hapter thirteen7 Prophetic narrations and Al-Nu(an
<Abu =ani!a> 1$$
6hapter !ourteen7 Narrations le!t by Abu =ani!a
6hapter f!teen7 Narrations le!t by 1(a( ?alik
6hapter si*teen7 Narrations le!t by 1(a( As-Sha!,1
6hapter seventeen7 E*a(ples o! the narrations le!t by
the 1(a(s
6hapter eighteen7 Narrations le!t by Ah(ed
6hapter nineteen7 Narrations le!t by the 1(a(s
6hapter t)enty7 Please note
6hapter t)enty one7 he @b8ectives
Translators Introduction
:e have arrived at a ti(e in )hich people
(isuse Auran and =adith thinking they have a
proo! but all )e see the( prove is their lack o!
his is a te*t ai(ed at people )ho
(isunderstand Auran and =adith then use their
(isunderstandings inappropriately0
his te*t ai(s to clari!y and e*plain the reasons
)hy so(e =adith are acted upon and others are not0
his is not a si(ple sub8ect as so(e )ould have us
believe/ it is in !act a co(plicated sub8ect )hich needs
scholarly clarity to e*plain0 Sheikh Atabek Shukurov is
such a scholar )ho can clari!y these issues and has
)ritten this epistle in order to help us understand so(e
vital issues in our religion0
his religion is taken !ro( those )ho are Bualifed
to teach and not !ro( those )ho pick up translations
and speakC
2e!ore you is a ne) revised second edition o! this
te*t0 he frst version )as an internet only version
published in 9ece(ber 2$1$0 :e have (ade so(e
i(prove(ents and a(end(ents to this )ork0
:e hope that the readers beneft !ro( this te*t
and that it clarifes (any issues that con!use us0 ?ay
Allah accept this )ork- !orgive us/ our teachers and all
the ?usli(s0 ?ay endless benedictions and salutations
be upon the fnal ?essenger ?uha((ad/ his oDspring
and co(panions0
In the name of God, the most merciful,
most generous
=o) to 1nteract )ith
=adithsE Prophetic
Authors Introduction
By Sheikh Atabek Shukuro An!Nasa"
All praise is !or Allah/ )e praise =i(/ )e seek =is
assistance/ )e seek =is !orgiveness/ )e seek re!uge in
Allah !ro( the evil o! ourselves and the evil o! our
)orks0 :hoever Allah guides cannot be (isguided-
)hoever Allah has caused to astray )ill not fnd a
protector or a guide0 @, Allah bless our (aster/ our
leader/ ?uha((ad/ the unlettered Prophet/ and upon
his pure !a(ily/ his co(panions and )hoever !ollo)s
their guidance ad(irably until the 9ay o! 'udge(ent0
his is an epistle that 1 considered co(posing !or a long
ti(e- 1 either ignored it or busied (ysel! !ro( it0 :hen 1
decided to )rite it a thought occurred to (e- )as 1
)riting this to satis!y the diseases o! (y ego or being
pretentious or ostentationF So 1 le!t it until 1 sa)
so(ething in (y drea( that scared (e so 1 asked Allah
!or help and asked (y spiritual guide )ho instructed
(e to )rite0 he indication o! a spiritual guide is an
obligation to be obeyed0 1 returned to )hat 1 le!t/ be!ore
1 had asked !or Allah,s assistance/ )ithout !ear o!
ostentation by the per(ission o! Allah0 As there is no
ostentation in per!or(ing obligations as (entioned by
1bn Nu8a(
o! the =anaf scholars
and the Scholar o!
1sla( Sha(s ud-9een Ad-9hahabi
o! the Sha!,is0 he
recognition o! )riting the epistle returns to Allah/ he
@ne )ithout co-sharer then to (y spiritual guide as 1
had prayed over it then buried it in the past0 1 e*hu(ed
and revived it because o! the indication o! (y spiritual
Erudite scholar/ Gaynudeen ibn 1brahi( ibn ?uha((ad ibn
2akr/ !a(ous as 1bn Nu8a(0 2orn in Al-Hhahira in the 1sla(ic
year ;240 =e took kno)ledge !ro( the scholars/ surpassed
his peers and beca(e !a(ous0 As-Sharani said/ I1
acco(panied hi( on pilgri(age and 1 did not see anything
distaste!ul !ro( hi(0J =e taught (any )ho beca(e scholars0
=e authored precious epistles/ so(e in volu(es/ and he is
seen as one o! the !ounders o! the reliable opinion o! the
=anaf School0 =e passed a)ay in the 1sla(ic year ;5$/ early
on :ednesday in the (onth o! .a8ab0
=e (entioned this in the book Al-Sabah An-Nazir in the
second principle in the f!th chapter on the e*planation o!
?uha((ad ibn Ah(ed ibn Uth(an ibn Aai(aK Ad-9hahabi/
Al-=afK/ the prophetic narration e*pert/ the historian/ the
leader0 2orn in .abia Al-Akhir in the 1sla(ic year 45" or
@ctober 125#0 @riginally urk(ani/ his !ather )orked as a
gold (iner )ho beca(e an e*pert until he )as distinguished
by the na(e Ad-9hahabi <the gold one>0 =e )as a righteous
(an )ho loved kno)ledge0 Ad-9hahabi travelled in search o!
kno)ledge into Syria and Arabia0 =e )as a Sha!,i in
8urisprudence- he authored i(portant books in history and
Prophetic narration0 Ad-9hahabi )as e*tre(ely active- he
taught prophetic narrations in given schools in 9a(ascus0 =e
continually )rote until his eye !aded in later li!e and until he
lost it co(pletely0 =e stayed like that until his death on the
!ourth o! 9hul-hi88ah in the 1sla(ic year 5#% or #th &ebruary
guide through the per(ission o! Allah/ the Protector/
and the Sustainer/ e*alted above all0
:e live in a ti(e )here there is little kno)ledge and
e*cessive ignorance0 rust is given to the deceivers and
the scholars are thro)n into the periphery and the
people have taken the ignorant as leaders0 Every group
clai(s that it is !ollo)ing the e*a(ple o! the
6o(panions and the others are astray0 he truth is
cheaper than the sno) in )inter0 he true scholars are
like strangers under the pressure o! the changing ti(es
and like a piece o! Lesh to the !ake scholars0 here are
(any out)ard signs that there is (ercy present but the
internal is a )asteland0 hey call to the doors o! evil
)ith an illu(inated invitation/ and )hoever accepts is
thro)n in0 :hoever has insight into the prophetic
narrations o! the ?essenger o! Allah <peace and
blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> )ith the (eanings
)hich are narrated in the te*ts/ kno)s the true clai(0
So kno) dear brother that you asked several Buestions
on diDerent occasions and subte*ts0 @nce you asked
about the e*cessive )eak narrations that the =anaf
scholars use and once you asked about the about the
speech/ I1! the narration is authentic it is (y )ay0J
hen you asked (e about the contradiction o! the
=anaf scholars over authentic narrations0 Although this
it is (ore than 8ust delving into these e*a(ples/ )ithout
sound intention0 9ue to the social condition o! the
people o! (y country/ de!ending the =anaf School o!
8urisprudence/ this (ade (e present (any e*a(ples0
his is not the frst ti(e that 1 have crossed this bridge0
Mour Buestion is benefcial not only to understand the
1bn Abideen in Al-=ashiya/ 1E4"0
=anaf School/ but also to understand ho) )e should be
acting )ith the narrations o! the Prophet <peace and
blessings o! Allah be upon hi(>0 1 a( not doing this to
de!end the Hreat 1(a(/
rather this is to realise the
i(portance o! the connection o! the Prophetic practice
and !ollo)ing narrations0 1 )ill try to in!or( you about
so(e i(portant points about this sub8ect/ i! Allah
assists and upon hi( )e rely0 his is not a ne) topic/
this is a topic that has been spoken about by (a8or
scholars and 1 a( a)are o! )hat 1 studied/ heard and
taught !ro( the(0
his Buestion has t)o parts7 the frst is acting upon
narrations/ and the second is Abu =ani!a
and his
narrations0 1 )ould like to !ocus on the
frst diNculty )hich is a proble( concealed in a lack o!
understanding0 :hen kno)ledge is attained then they
are !ree !ro( the frst diNculty to the second0 Also 1
advise to return the authors o! the =anaf School )ho
)ere Prophetic narration e*perts and )ho kne) the
=anaf rulings0
Abu =ani!a/ the one credited )ith beginning the =anaf
School o! 8urisprudence0
An-Nu(an ibn habit Abu =ani!a/ born in Ou!a in the 1sla(ic
year %$/ or 4;;6E0 =e sa) Anis 1bn ?alik during childhood0
=e began studying )ith his teacher =a((ad )hen he )as
t)enty-t)o years old and stayed )ith hi( !or eighteen years
)ithout a break0 Gu!ar said/ I1 sat )ith Abu =ani!a !or (ore
than t)enty years and 1 did not see anyone )ho desired good
and sy(pathised !or the people like hi(0 :hen he !elt death
co(ing to hi( he )ent into prostration and his soul )as
taken !ro( hi( )hilst prostrating0 =e died in the 1sla(ic year
13$0 he 6aliph Al-?ansoor replied )hen he kne) o! his
death/ I:ho )ill ad(onish (e like Abu =ani!a in li!e and
Chapter one
Acting upon narrations
&ollo)ing prophetic narrations is one o! the (ost
i(portant necessities o! the religion/ but the
e*planation o! )hat is necessary to !ollo) does not
return to the graduates o! the 1sla(ic universities/
rather it returns to the ?en o! narration0
:hoever is
not one o! the (en o! this science is sub8ect to re8ection
o! his speech/ as the religion is !ro( narration- i! it )as
not then they )ould say )hat )hatever )ould co(e to
1t is not per(issible to re8ect the authentication
o! the scholars because this is their science0 hey
e*plain )hat )e can act upon and )hat )e cannot/ this
is another science/ and both return to its people )ho
are rolled up in the scrolls o! history0 As !or those )ho
speak about these sciences in our ti(e/ they are either
so(eone )ho Buotes the(/ is erroneous/ a lying heretic
or o! the unin!or(ed0
hose scholars )ho )ere e*perts in Prophetic narrations0
his is si(ilar to the !a(ous saying o! the successor
Abdullah 1bn ?ubarak/ a noted student o! Abu =ani!a0
Chapter two
Prophetic practice and narration
&irstly/ it is necessary to e*plain the (eaning o!
prophetic practice and narration0 Practice/ linguistically/
can be good or bad and the sacred la) has diDerent
usages0 @ne o! the( is the 8uristic practice )hich is
)hat the ?essenger <peace and blessings o! Allah be
upon hi(> did )ithout a co((and !ro( Allah <(ighty
and (a8estic> and he did not order his nation to per!or(
it sternly0 1! it )as continuous then this is an
e(phasised practice/ and i! not/ then it is a desired
practice0 1 hope that 1 a( not (istaken )hen 1 say that
our scholar (entioned a third category )hich is 8ust
practice0 his is not e*plained by the( (entioning it
directly/ like the prophetic practices o! ablution/ )hich
are not e(phasised and not desired/ rather this is
bet)een the t)o0 1 hope that Allah guide (e to the
truth in this issue because 1 re(ain looking !or it0
As !or the (atter o! belie!- this is the )ay the
?essenger <peace and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(>/
his co(panions and their !ollo)ers in acts o! )orship/
custo(s and conduct0 his is the (ost i(portant use o!
the )ord Sunna is that it contains co(pulsory/
necessary and desired/ in contrast to innovation0 his is
the )idest ter( that contains all that )hich is
As !or the ter( Prophetic narration/ this is linguistically
a sentence )ith benefcial (eaning0
his is a legal e*pression o! that )hich is trans(itted
!ro( the Prophet <peace and blessings o! Allah be upon
hi(> o! speech/ action/ description or confr(ation0 his
narration is kno)n as elevated0
Si(ilarly/ )hen a
narration reaches a co(panion then is suspended
it reaches a successor/ then it is severed0
:ith this
understanding/ not every narration is Sunna and not
every narration is elevated0
As !or an e*a(ple o! the frst part/ it is narrated in An-
Nasai,s collection that the Prophet <peace and blessings
o! Allah be upon hi(> did not pass )aste )ater )hilst
standing0 Aisha the truth!ul <(ay Allah be pleased )ith
her> said/ I:hoever narrates that the ?essenger o!
Allah <peace and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> stood
passing )ater/ do not believe the(0 =e did not pass
)ater e*cept )hilst sitting0J .ecorded by An-Nisai0
#$ %&'($ %)*+,-. /01 23-. (45$
6-(7 #8 9:;+< => ?@A1 23-.
B3C 23-. 2D3$ 93AE ?(F (G'(7 HI
J@7+,K (8 =(L ?@M* NO P(Q-(R
2RST> /'(Q5-.
?ar!ua, P a narration ascribed to the Prophet <peace and
blessings o! Allah be upon hi(>0
?a)Bu! P a narration ascribed to a co(panion0
?aBtu, P a narration ascribed to a successor0
reports that the Prophet <peace and
blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> passed )ater standing0
#$ %U*V< /01 23-. 25$ =O ?@A1
23-. B3C 23-. 2D3$ E 93A ?(F
2RST> P(G'(7 W1(XM-.
1(a( Abu Abdullah ?uha((ad ibn 1s(ail ibn 1brahi( ibn
Al-?ugharia Al-2ukhari Al-'u,N/ born a!ter the &riday
congregation prayer on the thirteen o! Sha))al 1;# 1sla(ic
year or August #
%1$ 6E/ in the city o! 2ukhara/ UKbekistan0
=is !ather )as kno)ledgeable about prophetic narrations0 =e
)as kno)n/ a(ongst the people/ !or e*cellent character and
vast kno)ledge0 =is (other )as a righteous lady- she )as
not less pious or cautious than his !ather0 =e )as brought up
as an orphan because his !ather died young0 =is (e(ory )as
strong/ he did not !orget anything that he heard or read0 =e
)as not even si*teen years old )hen he had (e(orised the
books o! 1bn ?ubarak/ :aBiya, and other books o! the leaders
o! prophetic narrations0 =e travelled (any countries/ and he
spoke about his travels7 I1 )ent to Syria/ Egypt and Arabia
t)ice/ to Al-2asara !our ti(es/ 1 stayed in Arabia !or si* years/
1 cannot innu(erate the ti(es 1 )ent to Ou!a and 2aghdad0J
=e narrated !ro( (a8or scholars/ and he said/ I1 have
recorded !ro( (ore than one thousand trust)orthy scholars
and 1 do not have a narration )ithout its chain0J he scholars
o! his ti(e sa) ho) he preceded the( in the feld o!
narration and that they gave hi( the agno(en +leader o! the
believers, in prophetic narration0 his is the greatest level
attained by a scholar in the feld o! prophetic narration0 hey
poured praise upon hi( like rain0 1bn OhaKay(ah said/ Ihere
is no one under the heavens (ore kno)ledgeable about
Prophetic narration than ?uha((ad ibn 1s(ail Al-2ukhari0J
Aatada ibn Sa,ed said/ I1 have sat )ith the gnostics/ the
)orshippers/ the abstainers and 1 have not seen/ since
(aturity/ the like o! ?uha((ad ibn 1s(ail0 1n his ti(e he is
like the co(panion U(ar0J =e died in Ohatnak/ a village o!
Sa(arBand on the thirtieth o! .a(adan/ 234 1sla(ic year and
"1 August %4; 6E/ on the night o! the sacrifcial celebration0
=udhay!ah <(ay Allah be pleased )ith hi(> narrates
that the ?essenger o! Allah <peace and blessings o!
Allah be upon hi(> passed )ater standing0
he second narration indicates this happened in a
particular situation
and this )as not his Sunna <nor(al
he other e*a(ple is the report o! Abu 9a)ood/ !ro(
'afr/ that a thie! )as brought to the Prophet <peace and
blessings o! Allah be upon hi(>/ he said/ IOill hi(0J
So(eone said/ I@, ?essenger o! Allah he is 8ust a thie!0J
=e said/ ISever it0J =e ca(e back a second/ third and
!ourth ti(e and every ti(e he said/ IOill hi(0J So(eone
)ould say/ I=e is a thie!0J =e )ould reply/ ISever it0J =e
)as killed )hen he returned !or a fnal ti(e0

#$ SF(R /01 23-. 25$ => /M5-.
B3C 23-. 2D3$ E 93A /K> Y1(QF
?()I J@3Z7. [D)I (* ?@A1 23-.
2\]I YSA ^)I ?()I J@_`7.
.eported by 2ukhari !ro( Ohuda!a no0 2150 1(a( An-
Na)a)i said in his co((entary on this narration/ Ihe
reason that Al-2ayhaBi and others stated this )as that he/
peace and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(/ passed )ater
)hilst standing due to an ail(ent in the back o! his knees0
=is habit )as to pass )ater )hislt sitting0 he proo! to this is
a narration !ro( Aisha <(ay Allah be pleased )ith her>/ )hen
she said/ I:hoever reports that the Prophet/ peace and
blessings o! Allah be upon hi(/ passed )ater )hislt standing
do not believe hi(0 =e did not pass )ater e*cept in a sitting
position0J Narrated by 1(a( Ah(ed ibn =anbal/ At-ir(idhi/
An-NisaQi and others/ )ith an acceptable chain o! narration0
Abu 9a)ood !ro( 'abir No0 ##1$0
a/bI 2F (D\(; E (c-(; E (_F.1 E /I
[L dS8 ?@)* J@3Z7. ?()DI (G\]I
YSA ?@)DI J@_`7. J@3Z)I /I
dSG-. dSDTe. 2RST> @F>
his )as 8ust !or a specifc circu(stance and is not a
<nor(ative> legal practice- rather the practice is )hat
Allah <(ighty and (a8estic> said/ I6ut oD the hands o!
the (ale and !e(ale thie!0J
- E
%g 7
- E

TXYZ[\] ^_`] "%
his is an easy e*a(ple that (an can understand/ even
i! he is not learned/ but there are e*a(ples that are
diNcult to understand e*cept i! they are so(eone )ho
understands all o! the rules o! 8urisprudence and a
(a8or collection o! high level kno)ledge0
9istinguished is he !ollo)s the Practice <Sunna>/ and
others/ by returning to the correct understanding o! the
scholars and not )ith the understanding o! the )ord
scholar in our ti(e0 As the scholar in our ti(e/ is kno)n
!or )riting books and narrating !ro( here and there/
and i! he is a not a !ollo)er o! an innovator then he is
doing )ell0 @ther)ise he is a poor ignora(us0
Auran7 Sura ?aidah 37"%0
.hetoric/ verb con8ugation/ Arabic gra((ar/ principles o!
8urisprudence etc0
Chapter three
meporting the tent oo narration
and its peaning
No) kno) that the co(panions reported the )ords o!
narration as )ell as e*plaining the (eaning0 1t is not
per(issible to take the )ords o! the narrations and
leave the (eaning o! )hat they narrated0 As )e rely on
the te*t o! narration and e*planation o! its
discrepancies upon the trans(itters o! prophetic
narrations0 he sa(e )ay )e are relying on the
e*planation o! its (eaning o! narration upon the
narrators o! 8urisprudence/ those )ho are called
1t is !ashion in our ti(e to (ake a
scandalous (istake and yet he is attributed to
kno)ledgeC =e accepts the frst condition in receiving
but ignores the second condition <trans(ission>0 hey
are using their o)n )eak opinions to understand
prophetic narrations0 he e*a(ples o! )rong
understanding are (any/ like so(eone )ho used to
pray :itr
every ti(e he )ould use the toilet0 Using his
understanding o! the narration7

Scholars like Abu =ani!a/ 1(a( ?alik/ 1(a( Sha!,i and
1(a( Ah(ed0
&inal necessaryE)a8ib prayer a!ter the 1sha prayer0
?usli(/ in the chapter o! purifcation no0 "3$ and 2ukhari/
in the chapter o! ablution no0 134/ both !ro( Abu =urayrah0
#$ /F> dS*Sq /01 23-. 25$ =>
?@A1 23-. B3C 23-. 2D3$ E 93A
:?(7 #8 SGbZA. SK@D3I P
abcd efgh
Abu =urayrah <(ay Allah be pleased )ith hi(> narrates
that the ?essenger o! Allah <(ay Allah besto) peace
and blessings upon hi(> said/ I:hoever uses stones
should use an odd nu(ber0J

his is the use o! stone a!ter relieving onesel! a!ter
using the privy0 he Prophet <peace and blessings o!
Allah be upon hi(> said/ IUse an odd nu(ber/J the
intention here is to use an odd nu(ber o! stones and
the (an understood it as/ IPer!or( an odd nu(ber0J =e
)ould pray :itrC 2ecause +:itr in Arabic language has
t)o (eanings it is an odd nu(ber and the :itr prayerC
Another narrator <o! =adith> prohibited his students to
cut the hair o! their heads on &riday because o! )hat he
#$ +M$ 23-. #F ESG$ #$ /M5-.
B3C 23-. 2D3$ E 93A 2\> B4\ #$
r3s-. t@* %_Gb-. 2RST> +G<>
:itr also (eans an odd nu(ber so he con!used this and
)ould pray every ti(e he le!t the toilet0
Abdullah 1bn U(ar reports that the Prophet <peace and
blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> prohibited cutting hair
on &ridays0

he narrator read +hilaB,/ as +halB, is the sa(e )ord but
)ith diDerent phonetics and diDerent (eanings0 <=alB
(eans shaving and =ilaB is a circle o! kno)ledge0> Any
scholar kno)s that it is per(issible to cut the hair on
the head )hich is not li(ited to any ti(e0 he reason
!or the prohibition o! circles o! kno)ledge and divine
re(e(brance is that it (ay put people oD !ro( arriving
at the (as8id early on &ridays to earn the pro(ised
Al-=afK ibn 'a)Ki
(entions (any e*a(ples o!
(isunderstandings o! the (eaning o! authentic
narrations in his book Ihe 9evils 9eception/J so look
the( up there0
.eported by 1(a( Ah(ed 4"%;/ Abu 9a)ood ;11/ U(ar
ibn Sha,ib !ro( his !ather and his grand!ather0
'alaludeen Abu &ara8 Abdurrah(an ibn Ali Al-2aghdadi/ the
8urist/ =anbali/ Al-=afK/ the Auranic co((entator/ the
ad(onisher/ the historian !ro( the oDspring o! ?uha((ad
ibn Abu 2akr As-SaddiB <(ay Allah be pleased )ith hi(>0 he
erudite scholar )as born in I2arab habibJ located in
2aghdad0 here are diDerences about his date o! birth being
the 1sla(ic year 311 or 11156E0 Ad-9hahabi states in his
biography o! ibn Al-'a)Ki/ I=e )as distinguished in Auranic
co((entary/ lecturing/ and history and average in his 8uristic
school0 1n Prophetic narration he )as )ell versed in the
te*ts0J =e died on &riday night/ the 12
o! .a(adan 3;5
1sla(ic year/ at 1sha ti(e and he )as )ashed during the pre-
!ast (eal0 he people o! 2aghdad gathered and his body )as
carried upon the heads o! the people- the gathering )as
e*tre(ely large0 hey did not arrive to the burial site until the
ti(e o! Guhur prayer0 he caller said/ IHod is the greatest0J
=e )as buried in the )ar section near the grave o! 1(a(
Ah(ed ibn =anbal0
@ne day 1 )as travelling on a plane headed !or ?ecca
and 1 )as )ith a !riend0 :hen lunch )as presented to
us/ he took a (orsel then stopped and said/ IAll praise
is !or Allah0J 1 )as con!used so 1 asked hi( ho) he )as/
he said/ IAllah the greatest )as true )hen he said/
u /I
- 9
$j @K
:y(*1V-. 22
IAnd in the heaven is your providence and that )hich ye are
All Praise is !or the apportioner o! intellectC
@nce so(eone asked (e about the (eaning to the
Auranic verse/
u /I
#DUU`G-. 23
ILet those )ho )ith aspirations aspire/J

1 said so let the co(petitors co(pete0 =e said no/ it
only (eans to breathe a beauti!ul pure s(ell using this
as a proo!7
u 2
Auran7 Sura Ad-9haryat 317220
Auran7 Sura ?uDa!een %"7240
P#DUU`G-. 23
I:hose seal is (usk0J
?usk is s(elt and not )restled !or0
@ne day in a lecture o! one o! the(/ in a ?osBue/ spoke
about blessings/ love/ the inclination o! Allah upon
(ankind/ and then he said that because o! Allah,s
e*tre(e love o! (ankind/ he apportioned the soul !ro(
his soul0 hen he recited/
u .{
Xk U
d1@A Sbs-. 2;
I:hen 1 have shaped hi(/ and breathed ?y spirit
hi(/ !all you do)n/ bo)ing be!ore hi(0J
?ay Allah guide us a)ay !ro( the darkness o! the
disbelie! a!ter has sho)n us the Light o! !aith0
his is kno)n as a possession o! honour/ or 1da!a As-shari!/
and this cannot be taken literallyC
Auran7 Sura =a8r 1372;0
Chapter oour
~heir speech in ooowing
he frst step in acting upon narration is to understand
the (eaning and kno)ing )hether the 6o(panions/
successors and scholars acted upon it or not0 1t is not
per(issible !or so(eone to open so(e Prophetic
narration <hadith> books and read/ and then act upon
)hat he !ound )ithout (aking sure0
?(7 9Dq.SFO /\O :/_X5-. +Re (c*+<
9; 2QD7> B3$ %8 *+<
1brahi( An-Nakh,i
said/ I1 do not act upon a narration
)ithout co(paring it to a hundred narrations0J
#$ #Qs-. #F +DM$ 23

-. /_X5-.
637 :?(7 [L> :9Dq.SF (8 z_GA>
/ZUK 2F 2Z_GA ?()I N :/- 637
/ZUK (GF 9- GQK :?()I
6_GA WV-. 6_GA /\a(RE (8 9-
D`X-. /I 2D)U-. 2)UZG-.E
he 1(a(/ a preserver/ 'urist o! 1raB/ !ather o! the t)o
U(ars/ 1brahi( 1bn MaKid 1bn Aais An-Nakh,i/ the Me(eni then
Ou!ui/ o! the scholars produced at the hands o! Aisha the
(other o! the believers/ <(ay Allah be pleased )ith her>0
9uring childhood he had insight into the kno)ledge o! 1bn
?as,ud/ an individual 8urist/ possessing a )eighty (atter and
e*cellent Bualities0 Al-+A(ash said/ I1brahi( )as absorbed in
prophetic narrations0J =e used to !ast one day and not the
ne*t0 =e died )hen he )as bet)een f!ty-one or f!ty-three
years old0 So(eone asked hi( )hy he had lost patience
during the pangs o! death/ he said/ I:ho else is in a greater
danger than )hat 1 a( in no)F he (essage has co(e !ro(
(y Lord/ a( 1 going to paradise or hellfre0 1 s)ear by Hod/
that i! 1 could stop (ysel! in (y throat 1 )ould do so until the
day o! 8udge(ent0J Sh,iyab ibn Al-=abhab said/ I1 )as there
)hen they )ere burying 1brahi( An-Nakh,i on the seven or
ninth0J As-Sha,bi said/ I=ave you buried your co(panionFJ 1
said/ IMes0J =e said/ Ihere is no one le!t (ore
kno)ledgeable than hi(/J or I(ore understanding than
reports in the Jurist and its follower that Al-
=assan Ubaydullah An-Nukhai stated that he said to
1brahi(/ I9o you issue a legal edict on everything you
hearFJ =e said/ INo0J 1 said/ I9o you issue an edict on
)hat you have not heardFCJ =e said/ I1 heard )hat 1
heard and )hat 1 have not heard co(es to (e then 1
)eight up that )ith )hat 1 heard0J
+< z-(8 #$ WSq-. 2\> ?(7
*f(<> 9- +<> ?(7 P(4F z-(8
637 2- (G- (* (F> +M$ ?(7 P23-. 9-
Al-Ohateeb/ Al-1(a(/ the erudite verdict-giver/ Al-=afK An-
NaBid/ prophetic narration giver o! his ti(e/ Abu 2akr/ Ah(ed
1bn Ali 1bn abit 1bn Ah(ed 1bn ?adhdi Al-2aghdadi/ author o!
co(positions and seal o! the preservers0 =e )as born in the
1sla(ic year ";20 =is !ather Abu Al-=assan )as a preacher in
the village o! I9ara8aanJ and he )as keen !or his son to hear
prophetic narrations and 8urisprudence0 =e began to listen at
the age o! eleven/ travelled to Al-2asra aged t)enty years
old/ to Naysabor aged t)enty-three/ to Syria aged thirty-three
and then to ?ecca and other places0 =e )rote (any )orks
and e*celled in this (atter0 =e beca(e (ore than the rest o!
the scholars o! his ti(e0 Al-?u(in As-Sa8ani said/ INo one
)ho ca(e !ro( 2aghdad a!ter Ad-9arButni )as better than
Abu 2akr Al-Ohateeb0J Abu Ali Al-2ardini said/ IPerhaps there
is no one like hi(0J ?akki Al-.a(ali said/ IAl-Ohateeb !ell ill
during the (iddle o! the (onth o! .a(adan/ until his
condition )orsened in the (onth o! 9hul-=i88ah0 =e (ade a
)ill )ith 1bn Oharoon and stopped )riting on his hand/ he le!t
his )ealth and his !ace )as cold0 =e passed a)ay on the
!ourth hour o! ?onday the seventh o! 9hul-=i88ah 4$20 1(a(
Abu Al-=ussain ibn Al-?uhtda-billah lead the !uneral prayer
and he )as buried near the grave o! 2ishir the bare!ooted/
because o! his )ill0
#:* [G_-. (4D3$ (4ZLSZI %D3<
a(D-Ee. /"22
narrates !ro( AK-Guhri
that he said/ Ihere are
narrations that 1 have not narrated0J ?alik said to hi(/
=e is the scholar o! 1sla(/ proo! o! the nation/ 1(a( o! the
place o! (igration/ Abu Abdullah ?alik 1bn Anas 1bn ?alik0 =e
)as born/ according to authentic sources/ ninety-three years
a!ter the death o! the servant o! the Prophet <peace and
blessings o! Allah be upon hi(>/ Anas0 ?,an/ Al-:aBdada and
?uha((ad ibn Ad-9ahka say/ I?alik,s (other bore hi( !or
three years0J Abu ?usa Al-Ashari narrates that the ?essenger
o! Allah/ peace and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(/ said/
IPeople )ill go to the East and the :est in search o!
kno)ledge but they )ill not fnd anyone (ore kno)ledgeable
than the scholar o! ?edina0J 1bn Uyyanna said/ I1 used to say
it )as Sa,ed ibn Al-?ussayb/ until 1 )as in the ti(e o!
Sulei(an ibn Masir/ Sali( ibn Abdullah and so on0 hen one
day 1 said/ I1t is ?alik/ and there did not re(ain opposition in
?edina0J 1bn Uyyana said/ I?alik is the scholar o! Arabia0J
1(a( As-Sha!,i said/ Irue/ he e*celled0J :hen the scholars
(ention ?alik they call hi( the star0J ?alik began studying
around ten years old and Bualifed early0 =e sat to beneft0 =e
)as t)enty one years old and a great nu(ber )ould narrate
!ro( hi( even though he )as very young0 People )ould
intend to study )ith hi( !ro( great distances/ so(e !ro(
other kingdo(s like Abu 'a!ar Al-?ansoor and those )ho
ca(e a!ter0 =e )as overcro)ded during the succession o! Ar-
.ashid <Abbasid khali!>0 1(a( Ah(ed said/ I1! 1 sa) a (an
)ho )ould fnd !ault )ith ?alik/ kno) he is an innovator0J
Abdullah ibn Al-?ubarak said/ I1 )as present )ith ?alik )hilst
he )as narrating the traditions o! the ?essenger o! Allah/
peace and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(/ )hen a scorpion
bit hi( si*teen ti(es0 ?alik,s co(ple*ion changed to a yello)
colour/ although he did not stop narrating the tradition o! the
?essenger o! Allah/ peace and blessings o! Allah be upon
hi(0 :hen he fnished his lesson 1 asked hi(/ Ioday 1 sa)
so(ething strange/J IMes/J he replied0 @ut o! respect to the
I:hy/ @, Abu AbdullahFJ =e replied/ I1t is not acted
upon so 1 le!t the(0J

Look (y brother ho) 1brahi( takes ti(e and checks the
issues !ro( every possible angle0 AK-Guhri leaves the
narrations due to the( not being accepted0 Not one o!
traditions o! the ?essenger o! Allah <peace and blessings o!
Allah be upon hi(>0 1! he )ould sit to teach prophetic
narration he )ould bathe/ )ear ne) clothes and apply
e*pensive per!u(e/ (ay Allah be pleased )ith hi(0 Ah(ed/ a
student o! As-Sha!,i/ said/ I?alik is one o! the (asters o! the
people o! kno)ledge and he is a leader in prophetic narration
and 8urisprudence0 ?alik lived eighty years and died in one
hundred and seventy nine 1sla(ic year and )as buried in Al-
2aBiah graveyard0
?uha((ad ibn ?usli( ibn Ubaydullah ibn Abdullah ibn
Shihab/ an 1(a( o! kno)ledge0 =e )as born in the f!tieth
1sla(ic year0 Abu Laith ibn Sa,ad said/ I1 have not seen a
scholar as co(plete as 1bn Shihab0J :hen he narrated about
virtues/ they )ould say/ Ihere is nothing better than this0J
:hen he narrated about Arabs and lineages/ they said/
Ihere is nothing better than this0J :hen he narrated about
the Auran and the Prophetic practice/ they say/ Ihere is
nothing better than this0J Su!yan said/ I1 sa) Al-Gahuri )ith a
red head and a !aded red beard/ he )ould sBuint/ he had long
hair and he ca(e to us in the 1sla(ic year o! one hundred
and t)enty three0 =e ca(e during the (onth o! .a8ab and 1
)as si*teen years old at the ti(e0J U(ar ibn 9inar said/ I1
have not seen anyone as )ell versed in prophetic narrations
than AK-Guhuri0 1 have not seen anyone )ho distances
hi(sel! !ro( silver coins like hi(0J Al-Laith said/ I=e used to
fnish his lessons )ith a group supplication/ he said/ I@, Allah/
1 ask you o! all the good that your kno)ledge enco(passes in
the )orld and the a!terli!e0 1 seek re!uge !ro( you !ro( the
evil that your kno)ledge enco(passes in the )orld and the
a!terli!e0J =e )as the (ost generous o! anyone seen/ )hen
he used up )hat he had/ he )ould borro) !ro( his servant0
=e )ould say/ I@, so and so/ loan (e as you kno) and 1 )ill
double it as you kno)0J =e )ould !eed people dry (eat and
the( thinks about !ollo)ing their )hi(s rather they are
the scholars o! the prophetic practice0
?(7 #F. %G*T 6Mb$ #G- N
Us* %8 -> *+< DL /ZU*
/I YH`-. SDA tH$e. E aHM5-.
/I %GRSK #F. %G*X-.
Buench their thirst )ith a honey drink0 =e used to converse
over honey like people )ho converse over drinks0 =e said/
I:e drink and )e narrate0J =e used to drink honey a lot and
did not eat any apples0 =e )as heard )eeping )ith his
tongue/ he said/ Ikno)ledge has gone !ro( (ost o! that )e
act upon0J =e said/ I1 s)ear by Allah/ no one )as e*panded
like (e/ there is no patience like (y patience0 :e )ere sat
)ith 1bn Al-?ussayib )hen so(eone asked hi( a Buestion
e*cept that he began )ith a prophetic narration0 AK-Guhuri
died in the 1sla(ic year one hundred and t)enty three/ aged
seventy eight0
Hilyah Al-Awliyah 4E"220
1bn OhuKay(ah
stated that/ I1 a( shocked at he )ho
has not (e(orised one hundred thousand narrations/
ho) can he give a legal edict on divorceCJ
So/ he did not say/ +,1 a( shocked about he )ho fnds
one narration or t)o on divorce that he does not act on
it/J rather that he is shocked by he )ho does not have
the co(plete understanding on a sub8ect/ ho) can he
act upon narrationsF
[A I(s-. @F> (M_-. #F d+)$
#$ *+< ?()I .@37> #8 JVq
*f(<e. (4\]I N 3,K NO #G- 93$
P(43*EK D`X-.
Wf.+M-. /I 2D)U-. rUZG-.E /13%
1bn OhuKay(ah/ ?uha((ad 1bn 1shaB 1bn =aK( 1bn Al-
?ughara 1bn Salah 1bn 2akr Al-=afK Al-=u88ah Al-&iBhi0 Abu
2akr As-Sula(i An-Naysaburi As-Sha!,i/ an author o! (any
)orks0 2orn in the 1sla(ic year t)o hundred and t)enty
three/ during his youth he studied prophetic narration and
8urisprudence0 Until he beca(e an e*a(ple in vast
kno)ledge and piety0 Abu 2akr ibn 1shaB said to hi(/ I:hy
don,t you cut your hair in the public bathsFJ =e replied/ I1
have not proved that the ?essenger o! Allah <peace and
blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> ever entered a public bath to
cut his hair0 1 only cut this hair )ith scissors0J Al-=aka( said/
I1 asked ?uha((ad ibn Al-&adal ibn ?uha((ad !ro( his
grand!ather to re(e(ber not to spare any eDort/ rather to
spend on the people o! kno)ledge0J Abu Al-=assan Ad-
9araButni said/ I1bn OhuKay(ah )as an aNr(ed leader/
)ithout peer0 1bn OhuKay(ah had a great spirit/ beauti!ul
heart !or kno)ledge and religion/ !ollo)ing the prophetic
practice0J =e died on the second o! 9hul-Aadiah in the
1sla(ic year three hundred and eleven/ aged eighty-nine0
Sira Al-Alama0
Al-=afK Abu l-Abbas ibn ABda
)as asked about a
nu(ber o! narrations/ I.e!rain yoursel! !ro( these
narrations as it is not proper/ e*cept !or he )ho kno)s
the correct interpretation0J
?(7E #F qE N@- : z-(8 #F |\>
D3-.E #F +_A 6:3q 65L #> =>
[L (8 a(R #$ /M5-. B3C 23-. 2D3$
93AE [_U* 2F P *1(K f.+F /5
Al-=afK ibn ABida Abu Al-Abbas Ah(ed ibn ?uha((ad ibn
Sa,yd Al-Ou!yi/ one o! the leaders o! prophetic narration0 =e
heard !ro( Al-=assan 1bn Ali ibn ADan and Mahya ibn Abu
alib and their ranks0 =e did not travel e*cept to Arabia and
2aghdad but he )as a great sign o! (e(orisation even Ad-
9araButni said/ IAll the people o! 2aghdad have not seen in
Ou!a since the ti(e o! 1bn ?as,ud <(ay Allah be pleased )ith
hi(> like 1bn ABida0J =e said/ I1 kno) thirteen thousand
prophetic narrations !ro( the people o! the prophetic
household and the tribe o! =ashi(0J 1bn ABida said/ I1
(e(orised one hundred thousand prophetic narrations )ith
their authorities and 1 re(e(ber one thousand three hundred
prophetic narrations0J Abu Sayed Al-?alini said/ I1bn ABida
used to have si* hundred ca(els carry his books0J =e died in
the 1sla(ic year three hundred and t)enty fve0
=ar(la ibn Mahya said he heard 1bn :ahab
say/ I1! it
)as not !or Al-Layth
and ?alik )e )ould be astray0J
Abu ahir Ah(ed ibn U(ar ibn As-Saarah narrates that
1bn :ahb said/ I1! it )as not !or ?alik and Al-Layth 1
)ould be destroyed as 1 used to think that everything
that ca(e !ro( the Prophet <peace and blessings o!
Allah be upon hi(> needed to be acted upon0J

So/ as )e have seen/ giants in the feld o! prophetic
narration do not kno) ho) to act upon )hat they have
narrated/ until ?alik or Al-Layth co(e )ith
understanding to teach hi( the correct (anner o!
acting upon narrations0
1bn :ahb said/ I1! it )as not !or ?alik and Al-Layth the
people )ould be astray0J 1t is also related that 1bn :ahb
said/ I1! it )as not !or ?alik and Al-Layth ibn Sa,ad/ 1
)ould be destroyed because 1 )ould think that
Abdullah ibn :ahab ibn ?usli( Abu ?uha((ad Al-&ahari0
2orn in the 1sla(ic year one hundred and t)enty fve0 =e )as
a storehouse o! kno)ledge/ a treasure o! action and he )as
one o! the narrators o! IAl-?u)attaJ0 Ah(ed ibn Salah Al-
=afK said/ I1bn :ahab kne) one thousand prophetic
narrations0 =e used to divide his ti(e into three7 a third to
protect the borders/ a third to teach the people o! Egypt and
a third !or pilgri(age0J =e died in the (onth o! Sh,aban/ in
the 1sla(ic year one one hundred and ninety seven- aged
seventy t)o0 1bn Abdul 2arr records !ro( Sahnun ibn Sa,yd
that he sa) Abdurrah(an ibn Al-Aasi( in a drea(0 =e asked
hi(/ I:hat did Allah do to youFJ =e said/ I1 !ound !ro( hi(
)hat 1 love0J =e said/ I:hich o! your )orks )as the (ost
superiorFJ =e replied/ I.eciting the Auran0J hen he asked
about the issues/ he indicated )ith fngers <as i! there )ere
dust there>0 hen 1 asked hi( about 1bn :ahab/ he said/ I=e
is )ith the up(ost that Allah sho)ed (ercy upon0J
Al-Layth ibn Sa,ad Al-?isri a noted successor0
The History of Baghdad 5-1"0
everything that ca(e about the Prophet <peace and
blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> had to be acted upon0J
?(7 9Dq.SFO /_X5-. @- :?(7 94Z*>1
=E0@Z* B-O #D$@:-. (8 (G4KwE(bK
(\>E (qS7> B-O rI.SG-.
t(:<. /I ?@C> t(:<e. #FN
t< ! 24"
1brahi( An-NakhQi said/ I1! 1 sa) the( (aking ablution
up to their )rist/ 1 )ould not say it,s per(issible
because 1 have read that it is up to the elbo)s0J
SL{ /MqV-. /I %GRSK t(8. D
%D_I(&-. @F> 9A()-. +M$ *_-. #F
+M$ 23-. #F +Gs8 #F +M$ *_-.
=(LE :/L1.+-. (GF1 1(ZX* /I
@ZU-. ?()DI 2- /I z-{ :?@)DI
9:s*E +< =HI #$ =HI #$
?@A1 23-. .V:F .VLE VTe.E
*+s-(F B-E> #8 VTe. ?@)F
/_I(&-. /F>E ['()-.!637 P%UD5<
@q .Vq !/MqV-. +DR #:- S&F =>
Al-Ahkam f Asul Al-Ahkam libn Hazm 2""-40
=@:* +7 ?(7 z-VF *+s-. t(8O #8
a.S\ #D8(8. [c8 z-(8 E> =(DUA
E> /$.wEe. =FE =@:* *+s-. (ZF(;
(G-(A #8 %3$ =FE N =@:* %b<
/F. %UD5< /_I(&-.E (c*+< (sDsC
(01(_8 ST- (8> #8 VT> *+sF
DsC +7E 2M:5K S'(A %G'> f(4ZR.
SDA tH$e. E aHM5-. ! #$4
Ad-9hahabi (entions in the biography o! the leader o!
Sha!,i school/ Abu Al-Aasi( Abdul-aKiK ibn Abdullah ibn
?uha((ad ibn Abdul-AKiK Ad-9araki/ that he used to
pick and choose legal verdicts0 So(eone asked hi(
about this and he said he 8udges the prophetic narration
by its narrators to the ?essenger o! Allah <peace and
blessings o! Allah be upon hi(>/ and using this (ethod
he )ould adopt narration above taking the speech o!
1(a( Sha!,i or 1(a( Abu =ani!a0 Ad-9hahabi
co((ented on this te*t/ Ihis is good but there are
conditions i! there is a co((ent on the narration or
so(ething si(ilar to the 1(a(s-
those t)o like ?alik/
and Al-A)Kai0 Also the narration has to be !ree
!ro( )eakness and the proo! o! Abu =ani!ah and Sha!,i
1(a( Sha!,i/ 1(a( Abu =ani!a/ 1(a( ?alik and 1(a(
Ah(ed ibn =anbal P these are the !our recognised 1(a(s in
Su!yan At-ha)ri0
should not be an authentic narration/
in opposition to
the others0 As !or he )ho adopts an unsound narration
has surely diverted hi(sel! !ro( all o! the nation,s
his is the scholar o! 1sla( and a leader o! the believers
in Prophetic narration0 Ad-9hahabi reports that fnding a
narration so(e)here does not necessitate acting upon
it/ rather there are conditions that need to be !ulflled to
Sahih P a prophetic narration )ith a reliable chain o!
trans(ission )hich reaches the Prophet <peace and blessings
o! Allah be upon hi(>0
Sira Al-Ala( 14-#$40
1bn Aayu(
reports so(ething strange in his book
Ighat ul-ahfan! a disagree(ent bet)een scholars/ is it
per(issible !or a (an )ith Al-Bukhari"s authenti#
#olle#tion to issue edicts or not0 =is speech indicates
that he accepts the per(issibility o! the opinion and the
strange thing is that there is no disagree(ent )ithin
the scholars that this is not per(issible0 here is no
disagree(ent i! a (an )ho o)ns nine books/
addition to all the books in the )orld on prophetic
narrations and 'urisprudence/ disagrees/ it is not
per(issible !or hi( to give edict i! he does not (eet the
reBuire(ents o! issuing edicts0
Sheikh o! 1sla(/ the Erudite Sha(sudeen ?uha((ad ibn
Abu 2akr ibn Ayyub Al-Gara,y/ 1bn Aayu(0 1bn Oathir says he
)as born in the 1sla(ic year si* hundred and ninety one0 =e
heard prophetic narrations and busied hi(sel! )ith
kno)ledge and surpassed in various kno)ledges/ especially
in the Auranic co((entary/ prophetic narrations and
principles0 :hen he returned to aBiudeen 1bn a(iyyah !ro(
the Egyptian houses in the 1sla(ic year seven hundred and
eleven/ he stayed )ith hi( until he died0 =e took a great
a(ount o! kno)ledge !ro( hi( )ith )hat he took be!ore- he
beca(e uniBue in the (any sciences o! kno)ledge0 =e
studied day and night )ith great eDort0 =e had beauti!ul
recitation/ a character (any loved/ he held no envy to
anyone/ he )ould not har( anyone/ and he )ould not
backbite/ nor hold a grudge against anyone0 =e )as person
he acco(panied the (ost and the (ost beloved to hi(0 =e
did not kno) anyone in this kno)ledge in our ti(e )ho
)orshipped (ore than hi(0 =is (anner o! prayer )as to
lengthen it a lot/ to lengthen the bo)ing and the prostration0
?any o! his co(panions used to bla(e hi( !or this/
so(eti(es0 =e did not go back or do (ore than this/ (ay
Allah sho) hi( (ercy0 =e has (any )orks that he has
authored/ big and s(all/ on (any sub8ects0 =e )rote the( in
beauti!ul calligraphy and he has )orks that no one but hi(
could do even a tenth o! the( be!ore or a!ter hi(0
Si* authentic books o! prophetic narration and three e*tra
=o) !ar he is !ro( )hat he reported-
=O HR1 ?A t(8. +G<> #$ [R1
Us* %8 -> *+< [q =@:*
(4D)I N :?()I ?QI /ZGI :
-> *+< N :?()I :?QI
%G;HcI -> *+< N :?()I
%G_F1I :?QI -> *+< ?()I
J+DF .V:q P
8(b-. YHTe WE.S-. .fE 8(Q-.
A (an asked 1(a( Ah(ed about a (an )ho
(e(orised a hundred thousand prophetic narrations/ is
he a 8uristF 1(a( Ah(ed said/ INo0J hen he asked
about t)o hundred thousand narrations/ he said/ INo0J
hen he asked about three hundred thousand/ he said/
INo0J hen he asked about !our hundred thousand
he indicated0

?eaning that it is per(issible to do this/ i! they
(e(orise that (uch narrations and reach the
additional levels o! 8urisprudence0 So the 1(a( o!
=anbali,s including 1bn Aayyu( sees the level )hich it
Al-Jam"a "Ikhala$ Al-%aawi wa l-Adab As-Sama"a by Al-
Al(ost like a shrug o! the shoulders/ like )hen so(eone
says 1 do not kno)0
is per(issible to issue legal verdict/ (ore than the
prophetic narrations in all the nine books0 So )here did
1bn Aayyu( fnd this disagree(ent o! the scholarsF
Chapter "e
urists and Prophetic narration
Allah has privileged our nation )ith chains o! narration/
given us honour by it/ subdued us to serve the chains o!
trans(ission to people- they are our superiors/ )ithout
those (e(oriKers o! chains and concise te*ts/ the
(eanings )ould be lost0 =e (ade these i(portant (en
the select o! the 1sla(ic nation0
?(7 ?@A1 23-. B3C 23-. 2D3$ E
93A .{O : f.1> 23-. t@)F .SDT ScL>
9qa(4)I E [7> 94-(4R .{]I 93:K
2D)U-. +RE (\.@$> E .{O 93:K
[q(b-. S47 E .{O f.1> 23-. t@)F
.S ScL> 94-(4R E [7> 9qa(4)I
.{]I 93:K [q(b-. +RE (\.@$> E .{O
93:K 2D)U-. S47 P
2RST> @F> S,\ WbQ-. /I %\(F.
#$ #F. SG$
he ?essenger o! Allah <peace and blessings o! Allah be
upon hi(> said/ I:hen Allah desires good !or a people-
=e increases the 8urists in the( and decreases the
nu(ber o! ignora(uses0 So i! the 8urist speaks he fnds
support and i! the ignora(us speaks he is silenced0 1!
Allah desires iniBuity !or a people/ then =e increases
the nu(ber o! ignora(us and decreases the nu(ber o!
8urists0 So/ i! the ignora(us speaks he fnds support and
i! the 8urist speaks/ he is silenced0J
Narrated by Abu
Nasr As-Sa8Ki in 1bana 1bn U(ar
#$ +M$ 23-. #F f@_Q8 /01 23-.
25$ ?(7 9:\O : /I =(8w SDcL
J(4)I [D37 J(M`T [D37
2-.A SDcL J@`_8 [G_-. 2DI
+'(7 @43- /KDAE #8 9L+_F
=(8w [D37 J(4)I SDcL J(M`T
SDcL 2-.A [D37 J@`_8 @4-.
2DI +'(7 [G_3- .@G3$. => #Q<
/I !W+4-. ST SDT !=(8-. #8
_F P[G_-. 2RST>
W1(XM-. /I (ZL fe. fSUG-.
As above0
Abdullah ibn ?asQud
<(ay Allah be pleased )ith hi(>
said/ IMou are in a ti(e )here the 8urists are (any and
there are !e) preachers/ !e) beggars and (any givers/
action is the chie! o! )hi(s0 here shall be a ti(e a!ter
you )here there )ill be !e) 8urists/ (any preachers/
(any beggars and !e) givers- )hi(s are the chie!s o!
action/ learning kno)ledge is better than guidance/ in
the fnal ti(es/ and better than so(e actions0J
#$ +M$ 23-. #F f@_Q8 ?(7 =(Q\
z\> : /I =(8w SDcL J(4)I [D37
J.S7 UsK 2DI fE+< =S)-.
Abdullah 1bn ?as,ud 1bn Hhafl0 =e )as one o! the frst
?usli(s )hen Gayd and his )i!e &ati(a/ the daughter o! Al-
Ohattab/ beca(e ?usli(0 his )as be!ore U(ar ibn Al-
Ohattab beca(e ?usli(0 =e )as the frst to recite the Auran
in ?ecca0 :hen Abdullah beca(e ?usli( the Prophet <peace
and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> took hi( as a servant
and he used to serve hi(0 =e said to hi(/ I1 give you
per(ission to co(e )hen you hear (y cloth and the veil is
li!ted0J =e used to co(e/ assist )ith clothes/ bring his shoes/
)alk in !ront o! hi(/ cover hi( i! he bathed and )ake hi( i!
he slept0 =e )as kno)n a(ongst the co(panions as the
keeper o! (is)ak0 =e (igrated t)ice/ once to Abyssinia and
once to ?edina- he prayed in both directions- he attended
2adr/ Uhud/ the trench- he sa) the oath o! acceptance/ and
all the events )ith the ?essenger o! Allah peace and
blessings o! Allah be upon0 =e attended Mara(uk a!ter the
passing o! the Prophet <peace and blessings o! Allah be upon
hi(>- he gave the death blo) to Abu 'ahl and )as seen )ith
the ?essenger o! Allah <peace and blessings o! Allah be upon
hi(> in Paradise0 =e died in ?edina in the 1sla(ic year thirty
t)o/ he gave his )ill to AK-Gubair <(ay Allah be pleased )ith
hi(>- he )as buried in Al-2aBiah and his !uneral prayer )as
lead by Uth(an- he )as si*ty years old0 Asad Al-&habah0
2ukhari on 'ti$uette of the indi(idual in the chapter on
guidance )ith a reliable chain0
DKE 2IES< [D37 #8 ?Q* SDcL
#8 /`_* =@3D`* 2DI dH,-.
=ES,)*E %M`X-. =E+M* 94-(G$>
[M7 94'.@q> /KDAE B3$ (5-.
=(8w [D37 J(4)I SDcL J.S7
Us* 2DI ES< =S)-. DKE
JfE+< SDcL #8 ?Q* [D37 #8
/`_* =@3D`* 2DI %M`X-.
=ES,)*E dH,-. =E+M* 2DI
9qa.@q> [M7 P94-(G$> @G-.
*+< 971 #15
Abdullah 1bn ?as,ud <(ay Allah pleased )ith hi(> said
to so(eone/ +,Mou are in a ti(e )ith (any 8urists and
!e) reciters preserving Auranic in8unctions/ !e)
reBuesters/ (any givers/ prolonged prayers/ concise
ser(ons/ reciting little/ actions overriding )hi(s0 A
ti(e )ill co(e upon a people )here the 8urists are !e)/
(any reciters/ they lost the practice o! the Auran and
its prohibitions/ (any people ask/ !e) give/ ser(ons
are prolonged/ prayers are short and )hi(s override

Al-?u)atta nu(ber #150
#$ |\> #F #*SDA 6DK> :?(7
%I@:-. 6*>SI (4DI %_F1> N
=@M3`* *+s-. %'(G_F1>E +7
@F> P.@4)I +Gs8
W8S48.S-. /I +sG-.
Abu ?uha((ad Al-.a(ahr(Ki
states that Anas ibn
Sireen said/ I1 ca(e to Ou!a and 1 sa) !our thousand
students o! prophetic narrations and !our hundred
students 8urists0J
Hlory belongs to Allah0 =o) strange/ this )as golden
age o! kno)ledge )here the nu(ber o! prophetic
narration e*perts )as ten ti(es (ore than the 8uristsC
?(7E G$e. =(L : 9Dq.SFO
/ISDC *+s-. 65:I .{O 6_GA
*+s-. #8 _F (5F(sC> 2Z0S$
1(a( Al-=afK Al-2ar,a/ prophetic narration e*pert o! the
non Arabs/ Abu ?uha((ad Al-=assan ibn Abdurrah(an ibn
Ohalad Al-&arsi Al-.a(ahru(Ki the 8urist0 :riter o! the book
)uhaddith Al-*asil on prophetic narration and )hat a
)onder!ul bookC 1t )as said that the book never le!t his
sleeve/ during (ost o! his li!e0 =is frst student !or this
kno)ledge )as in t)o hundred and ninety0 =e narrated then
)rote/ he gathered then authored0 =e )rote (any books and
ca(e !ro( a village near ?edina called .a(ahru(Ki0
2D3$P Al-+A(ash
said/ I1brahi(
)as a treasurer o! narrations0 1! 1 )ould hear a narration
!ro( one o! the narrators/ 1 )ould sho) it to hi( to
understand it0J
?(7 [U-. #F #DL
D t(8.
W1(XM-. 65L :?@)* S

8> B3$ !SIw

<(C /F> %UD5< t(8. @qE
Zs8 @cF (* :?@)DI ?@<> ?(_K
BZ< [FS> z- 2*1I Pzc*f(<> (8
+7 6_GA .Vq :?@)DI VT* 2F
.VqE N VT*
2F .VqE A(\ .VqE
?uha((ad 1bn ?ahran0 @riginally !ro( No)aha in .ai0 1t
)as stated that he )as born in A((u near abrastan/ in the
1sla(ic year si*ty one0 =e ca(e to Ou!a as a child and sa)
Anas ibn ?alik and spoke to hi( and narrated !ro( hi(- also
!ro( Abdullah ibn Abu A)!a0 :akiya ibn Al-'araha said/ IAl-
A(ash )as close to seventy years old and did not (iss the
opening (agnifcation0J Abdullah Al-Ohribi said/ INo one
supersedes Al-A(ash in )orship0J =isha( said/ I1 have not
seen in Ou!a )ho reads the book o! Allah or fnds prophetic
narrations better than Al-A(ash0J Mahya ibn Al-Aatan said
)hen Al-A(ash )as (entioned/ I=e )as an e*pert/ he
al)ays prayed in congregation/ in the frst ro) and he is one
o! the great scholars o! 1sla(0J Mahya inclined to the )all until
he reached the frst ro)0 =e heard hi( recite the Auran and
he )as leading0 =e )as eloBuent and kne) the la)s o!
inheritance0 +1sa ibn Munis said/ I:e have not seen anyone
like Al-A(ash0 Nor have 1 seen riches co(parable to anyone
e*cept hi(/ despite his poverty and need0J =e has (uch sel!
respect/ content(ent/ he )as given )age !ro( the public
!unds/ and he )as given fve gold coins per (onth0 =e died in
Ou!a in the 1sla(ic year one hundred and !orty eight0
2D)U-. P@Q58 2)UZG-.E D`X3-
Wf.+M-. 14"
&udail ibn 9ukayn/
teacher o! 1(a( 2ukhari/ said/ I1
used to co(e to Gu!ar
and he had )rapped hi(sel! in
a cloth/ so he used to say (e/ +@, Ah)al/
co(e so )e
ca(e si!t through the narrations0, And 1 )ould oDer
)hat 1 had heard0 =e )ould say/ +his is acceptable/ this
is not acceptable/ this abrogates and this is
Al-+A(ash and Al-&udail are (ountains o! (e(orisation
but even they sho)ed the narrations to 8urists so they
could kno) ho) to act upon the narrations that they
Abu Na,i( Al-&adal 1bn 9ukyan0 Salah ibn Ah(ed ibn
=anbal asked his !ather/ I:ith :aBiah/ Abdurrah(an/ MaKid
ibn =aroon )here does Abu Na,i( stand )ith thoseFJ =e
replied/ I=is narrations co(e !ro( hal! o! those/ e*cept he
intelligently checked the truth0J =e asked/ ISo is Abu Na,i(
(ore trust)orthy or :aBiahFJ =e replied/ IAbu Na,i( has
!e)er errors0J =e asked/ I:hat about Abu AbdullahFJ =e
replied/ IAbu Na,i( has better kno)ledge o! the scholars/ the
lineages and o! the (en o! narration0 :aBiah has (ore
8urisprudence0J Ah(ed ibn Al-=assan At-ir(idhi )as
in!or(ed that Abu Abdullah said/ I:hen Abu Na,i( died his
book ca(e to the !ore!ront so )hen the people diDered they
)ent back to it0J Abu Garah,a said/ I1 heard Ah(ed ibn Salah
say 1 have not seen a prophetic narration e*pert as truth!ul
as Abu Na,i(0J =e died on the doubt!ul days be!ore .a(adan
in the 1sla(ic year t)o hundred and nineteen0
1(a( Gu!ar )as one o! Abu =ani!a,s students0
=is nickna(e0
&ro( the 8urist and its !ollo)er by Al-Ohateeb Al-2aghdadi
?(7 D`X-. Wf.+M-. /I 2D)U-.
93_D-E :2)UZG-.E => 1(cL. #8

*+s-. 2Z*.E1E N SD,* (4F
RS-. (
4D)I (G\O 2)UZ* (M5ZA(F
2D\(_8 =(_8OE S:UZ-. 2DI P
Al-Ohateeb Al-2aghdadi states in The Jurist and its
*ollower/ IOno)/ that )riting (any prophetic narrations
and chains does not (ake hi( a 8urist0 1t is only by
e*tracting the (eanings and deep thought0J

So/ as you see brother/ narrating is so(ething and
understanding it and picking the legal opinion
so(ething totally diDerent0
1bid 2E13;0
Chapter sin
ee oo the true Narrator
hen do not think that the level o! prophetic narration
e*pert is attainable by anyoneC Never/ 1 s)ear by Allah/
this is only a!ter e*tensive study and anguish- it is not
attained e*cept rarely/ by the best o! the best0
?(7 t(8. +sG-. D`X-.
Wf.+M-. 2G<1 +7E :23-. 6*>1 ()3T
#8 [q> .Vq =(8-. =@MQZ5* B-O
*+s-. =E+_*E 94QU\> #8 23q>
#D,,XZG-. 2$(GQF 23)\E 9qE
+_F> (5-. (G8 =@$+* 9437>E
%IS_8 (GF 2D-O =@MQZ5* S*
+<.@-. 9458 .{O ZL .f+$ HD37 #8
a.Re. [Z.E (GQ-(F %qSF
dSDQ* #8 Sq+-. 2\> <(C *+<
B3$ YH. (G-E +4b* 2QU\
(4M_Z*E /I 2FH NE 2Z)s- %)&8
Us-. 2I@5,- 2F.@F>E P
1(a( Al-Ohateeb Al-2aghdadi/ (ay Allah sho) hi(
(ercy/ said/ I1 have seen (any people o! this ti(e
clai(ing to be an e*perts- considering the(selves as
hearers and trans(itters <o! hadith>0 hey are the
!urthest people !ro( )hat they are calling to- very !e)
o! the( kno) )hat they clai( to0 Mou see one o! the(
)ho )rites several s(all parts o! narration and he is
busied !or a short ti(e and no) he thinks that he is an
absolute e*pert0 Not yet/ has he e*erted hi(sel! and
suDered in his search/ nor did he receive the diNculties
o! (e(orising the books and chapters o! narration0J
Al-Ohateeb is speaking about his ti(e )hen the ?usli(
)orld )as !ull o! narration and support o! the chains o!
narration- so )hat do you think o! our ti(e )hen the
average person is ignorantF
[D7 +G<e .{O : ZL [RS-. #D;H;
-> *+< 9- 2U:* 6:QI 9; [D7
#DZA : (U-> %8 :[D)I 6:QI
-> ?()I V5D< S_* D P
#F. Ww@b-. /I 7(58 t(8. +G<>
So(eone asked 1(a( Ah(ed/ I1! a (an records thirty
thousand prophetic narrations/ does it suNce hi(FJ =e
)as silent0 hen he asked/ ISi*ty thousandFJ he
re(ained silent0 hen he asked I@ne hundred
thousandCJ =e replied/ IAt that ti(e he )ill kno)

?entioned by 1bn 'a)Ki in )una$ib Al-Imam Ahmed page
here are t)o i(portant issues here7
he level o! the prophetic narration e*pert is high
and its aDair dangerous- it is not attained by the
(ere )ish o! so(eone sitting on his so!a0 .ather it is
necessary to record one hundred thousand prophetic
narrations by hand to change his level until it can be
said/ I=e kno)s so(ething0J
he level o! the 8urist is higher than the level o! the
prophetic narration e*pert by !our Bualities0 his is
realiKed i! )e co(pare this story to the previous one
)hich occurred to 1(a( Ah(ed )hen he said that
+,@ne has to (e(orise !our hundred thousand
narrations i! he )ant to beco(e a 'urist0,, :e do not
(ean the level o! the 8urist )ho studies the books o!
8urisprudence and beco(es ?u!ti/ rather/ )e (ean
the person )ho can derive rulings !ro( the Auran
and Prophetic narrations <directly>0
Chapter seen
udgepents on Prophetic
?(7E 1@,58 #F (5L :%G3A +5$
z-(8 ?()I 2- /\O :[R1 6G7>
#D_MA (8@* 6MZ:I #DZA P(c*+<
?()I =@ZA :z-(8 (c*+< (qSc:ZQK
?()I (G\O :[RS-. (GF1 (q(5MZL
%I@:-(F E> Y.S_-(F /I ?(7 P|3b8
DL :z-(8 (5- Y.S_-(F z3K (4F 1.f
S-. S* [D3-(F rU5*E P1(45-(F
(_AO `MG-. ?(RSF @G-.
?unsoor ibn Sala(a
said/ I:e )ere )ith ?alik )hen a
(an said/ +1 have stayed here seventy days and only
)ritten si*ty narrations0, ?alik said/ +Si*ty narrations/ is
that e*cessiveF, he (an said/ +Perhaps/ in Ou!a or 1raB
)e )ould )rite that in one gathering0, ?alik said/ +:hat
has 1raB got to do )ith usF hat is a place o! fghting/
)here they strike during the night and give charity
during the day0,J
Hlory be to Allah/ ho) strange is it to re(ain seventy
days and 8ust receive si*ty narrationsF .eceiving
narrations is easier than (aking a 8udge(ent upon
the(0 1n our ti(e )e fnd those )ho delude the(selves
by )riting books in seventy days and (ake 8udge(ents
on hundreds o! narrations/ clai(ing to kno) their
strengths and )eaknesses0 :e are not talking about
those )ho trans(it the authentications o! At-ir(idhi or
the validations o! Ad-9hahabi/ the proble( is he )ho
criticises the chain or the te*t itsel! <)ithout
kno)ledge> and co(pares the opinions o! the scholars
1bn AbdulaKiK ibn Salih0 2orn a!ter the 1sla(ic year one
hundred and !orty0 =e heard prophetic narration !ro(7 ibn
Abu Sala(a/ =a((ad ibn Sala(a/ ?alik ibn Anas/ Layth ibn
Sa,ad and others0 Ah(ed 1bn =anbal )as one )ho narrated
!ro( hi(0 =e )as a leader in prophetic narration/ authentic
authority/ insight into the narrators o! prophetic narration and
there discrepancies0 Ah(ed ibn Abu 6hita said/ I(y !ather
said to (e/ I:e returned to Abu Sala(a Al-OhKa,ai/ today )e
)rote an honoured la(b0J Ad-9araButni said/ I=e is one o!
the elevated (e(orisers )ho used to Buestion the
kno)ledge o! narrators0 =is opinion )as adopted0 1bn Sa,ad
said/ I=e is trust)orthy/ gathering prophetic narrations/ then
teaching the(/ then doing to the ene(y borders0J =e died in
the 1sla(ic year t)o hundred and ten0
1s,a! Al-?abta bi .i8al al-?u)atta o! Suyuti0
#$ dSDG-. 2\> : B3C 23-. 2D3$
93AE Q8 H$> X-. 23UA>E 9;
=O +G<> =(L 2U_* ?@)*E 2KSL{
+M_- #G<S-. #F W+48 ?()I #$
#F. 1(MG-. #$ 1@; 6;+< #$ a(R1
#$ K(L dSDG-. 9-E SLV* dSDG-.
?(7 +G<> +7E =(L 9D_\ #F f(G<
/5;+< 2F #$ #F 1(MG-. (GL
/5;+< Xf\V\] #F 93Q8 2F #$ 1@;
63)I 2- (G\O ?@)* .Vq Xf\V\] (8I
#F 1(MG-. ?@)DI 6;+< #$ a(R1
NE SLV* dSDG-. ?()I /- 9D_\ .Vq
/c*+< WV-. ?A> 25$ STI /-O
2F(ZL 9*+)-. ^XF rDZ$ .{]I 2DI
rs38 #DF #*S`Q-. ^XF |D-
9*+)-(F #$ dSDG-. 2ZU7EI 2D3$
2KSMT>E => JVq df(*w /I f(5A. N
[C> (4- [_bI ?@)* (53- +_F
(\>E GA> .@FS0. B3$ .Vq P*+s-.
ifj klWm] no] pqr stluvw\] sx
yfzg{ pf|}\]
narrates that the Prophet/
peace and
blessings o! Allah be upon hi(/ )ipes the top o! his
leather sock and the botto(0
hen 1(a( Ah(ed (ade
it )eak and (entioned it to Abdurrah(an ibn ?ahdi
Al-?ughara 1bn Sh,iaba/ Al-A(ir Abu +1sa0 @ne o! the senior
co(panions courageous and intelligent/ he sa) the oath o!
content(ent0 =e had broad shoulders and lost an eye in the
battle o! Mara(uk0 1bn Sa,ad said/ IAl-?ughara had very red
hair/ he had !our partings/ big lips/ large head/ )eighty aDair/
large ar(s/ broad shoulders and )as s(art0J 1t )as said o!
hi(/ I?ughara Al-.ayi died as the prince o! Ou!a in the
1sla(ic year f!ty/ in the (onth o! Shabban/ aged seventy
years old0J =e has t)o narrations in 1(a( ?usli(,s authentic
he Prophet ?uha((ad <peace and blessings o! Allah be
upon hi(>0
1(a( Ah(ed/ Abu 9a)ood/ ir(idhi/ 1bn ?a8ah/ Ad-
9araButni and 2ayhaBi0
Abdurrah(an ibn ?ahda/ Al-1(a(/ Al-NaBd/ Al-?a8ud0
?aster o! (e(orisation Abu Sa,id Al-+Anbra0 2orn 1sla(ic
year one hundred and thirty fve0 =e studied prophetic
narration )hen he )as f!teen years old0 =e )as an e*a(ple
in kno)ledge and action0 As-Sha!,i said/ I1 do not kno) a
si(ilar e*a(ple in this aDair0J ?uha((ad ibn Abu 2akr Al-
?uBBadi(a said/ I1 have not seen anyone )ho (asters )hat
he heard and )hat he did not hear than Abdurrah(an ibn
?ahda/ a trust)orthy leader0J Abu 9a)ood As-Sa8astani said/
I:aBiah and Abdurrah(an (et in ?ecca a!ter the night
prayer and discussed until the call !or the da)n prayer
ca(e0J 1bn ?ahda said/ I1! 1 did not hate to disobey Allah/ 1
)ish that no one )ould re(ain in this city e*cept Aghtabani0J
?eaning anythingC Abdurrah(an ibn ?ahad said/ I=is !ather
used to pray in the night and Mahya used to pray the )hole
night0J =e said/ I@nce/ )hen true da)n ca(e/ he thre)
hi(sel! on his bed and stayed there until sunrise0 =e did not
pray the da)n prayer/ so he punished hi(sel! by not putting
)ho said that 1bn ?ubarak narrated !ro( ha)r !ro(
.a8ah !ro( the scribe o! Al-?ughara/ )ho did not
(ention Al-?ughara0 1(a( Ah(ed said Nayi( ibn
=a(d in!or(ed (e that 1bn ?ubarak as Al-:aleed ibn
?usli( did/ !ro( ha)r0 1 said/ Ihis only co(es !ro(
Al-:aleed as 1bn ?ubarak narrates !ro( .a8ah and does
not (ention Al-?ughara0J =e said/ INayi( narrated this
to (e and 1 asked hi( to bring out the old book )hich
had ancient )riting on it then 1 sa) an appendi*
bet)een the lines )ith )riting that )as not old/ !ro( Al-
?ughara0 So 1 checked it and in!or(ed hi( that this
)as an addition in the chain )hich has no source0 hen
he began to say to the people/ a!ter/ 1 heard this then
they ignored this narration0J

his is 1(a( Ah(ed/ the 1(a( o! the East and the
:est in trans(itting Prophetic narration )ith the
<correct> ruling o! the narration- !ollo)ing the
trust)orthy opinions )ithout adding his o)n opinion/ as
you see he asked !or the old book to be brought out/
)here there )as ne) )riting and so changed his
anything bet)een hi(sel! and the earth !or t)o (onths0 =is
thighs opened and spilt0J 1bn ?adani said/ I1 )ent to the
)ido) o! Abdurrahan ibn ?ahda/ 1 used to visit her a!ter his
death0 1 !ound a black (ark upon the prayer niche/ so 1
asked/ I:hat is thisFJ She replied/ IPlace Abdurrah(an
rested0 =e )ould pray the night and i! sleep overca(e hi(/
he )ould put his !orehead there0 =e used recite hal! the
Auran every night0J ?uha((ad ibn Mahya Ad-9hahli said/ I1
never sa) a book in the hand o! Aburrah(an ibn ?ahda0J
?eaning he (e(orised all that he narrated0 1bn ?ahda
passed a)ay in Al-2asara in the (onth o! 'a(ada Al-Akhir/ in
the 1sla(ic year one hundred and ninety eight0 =is !ather
lived a!ter his death0
1bn =a8ar Al-AsBalani in Takhlis Al-Habir0
1! you !ollo) the speech o! the leader o! prophetic
narrations like 1bn Al-?adani/
1bn ?u,een/
OhuKay(ah/ you )ould fnd the( shun the 8udge(ent
o! the narrations0 Allah took their souls and they did not
8udge the(/ e*cept a !e) o! the narrations !or their
authentication or !abrication0
Ali ibn ?adani/ leader o! the believer in the feld o!
Prophetic narration/ Abu =assan ibn Abdullah As-Sa,da0 2orn
in the 1sla(ic year one hundred and si*ty one/ in the city o!
Al-2asara0 Abu =ati( Al-.aKi said/ I1bn ?adini is a scholar
a(ongst people in the kno)ledge o! prophetic narrations and
discrepancies0J Ah(ed ibn =anbal used to only call hi( by
his agno(en in respect !or hi(0 Ah(ed never called hi( by
his na(e0 1t )as said/ IAli 1bn ?adini )as (ost
kno)ledgeable about the narrations o! the ?essenger o!
Allah <peace and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(>0J Abu
Audda(a said/ I=e reached a degree that no one reached in
prophetic narrations0J
Al-2ukhari said/ I1 did not !eel s(all )ith anyone e*cept )ith
Ali ibn ?adini0J Ali 1bn Al-?adini said/ I1 )rote Al-)usnad and
le!t in (y ho(e then )ent on a 8ourney0 he Earth consu(ed
it and 1 )as not able to )rite it again0J Abdul(u(in An-Nasaf
said/ I1 asked Salah ibn ?uha((ad/ I1s Mahya ibn ?u,een
betterFJ =e said/ INo/ he understands )ell0J 1 asked/
I.eallyFJ =e replied/ I=e is better in (e(orisation and
understanding0J =e died in the 1sla(ic year one hundred and
seventy eight0
=e is Al-1(a( Al-=afK/ uniBue/ prophetic narration
co((entator/ Abu Gakariah Mahya ibn ?u,een ibn +U)an0
2orn in the 1sla(ic year one hundred and f!ty eight0 =e
began studying aged t)enty0 So(eone asked 1(a( Ah(ed/
I9ear Abu Abdullah/ e*a(ine these prophetic narrations/
there are errors there0J =e replied/ IHo to Abu Gakariah as he
)ill kno) the errors0J AbdulOhaliB ibn ?ansoor said to 1bn Ar-
.u(i/ I1 heard so(e people taking about the narrations that
reached Mahya0 =e said/ Iell (e )ho is better than hi( that
the sun has risen overFJ =e said/ INo surprise0J Ali ibn Al-
?adini said/ I1 have not seen any o! the people better than
hi(0J Ah(ed ibn +ABaba asked Mahya ibn ?u,een/ I=o) (any
1n our ti(e you fnd one o! the( )ho has yet to reach
!orty years o! age and he has 8udged that thousands
narrations are unacceptable0 =o) )ill he !ace the
Prophet <peace and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> on
the day o! doo( )hen he has re8ected his proven
@, Allah/ everything is easy e*cept to destroy Mour signs
and re8ect Mour Prophet upon hi( is the (ost superior
invocations and pure blessings0
prophetic narrations have you )rittenFJ =e replied/ Ihis
hand o! (ine has )ritten si* thousand prophetic narrations0J
?uhab ibn Sali( Al-2ukhari narrated !ro( ?uha((ad ibn
Musu! Al-2ukhari Al-=afK that he said/ I:e )ere )ith Mahya
ibn ?u,een on pilgri(age and entered ?edina on &riday
night/ he died during the night0 :hen the (orning ca(e the
voices o! the people could be heard about his death0 he
tribe o! =isha( ca(e and said/ I:e )ill bring the utensils
that the ?essenger o! Allah <peace and blessings o! Allah be
upon hi(> )ashed )ith0J he people thought this and spoke
about it0 he tribe said to the(/ I:e have the (ost right to
the Prophet <peace and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> and
he has the right to be )ashed0J So they )ashed hi( and
buried hi( on &riday/ in the (onth o! 9hul-Aaidah/ in the
1sla(ic year t)o hundred and thirty-three0
Chapter eight
Prophetic narrations apongst
~he urists and the narration
Ono) that the point o! vie) o! the prophetic narration
e*perts to)ards narration diDers !ro( the 8urists o!
principles0 hat is because the research o! the narration
e*pert is directed to)ard the chain o! the narration-
!ro( the criticis( o! the narrators/ did they (eet )ho
they narrated !ro(F And the te*t in ter(s o! the
standpoint o! the grades and co(parison bet)een it
and bet)een other narrations0
As !or the point o! vie) o! the 8urist and the prophetic
narrations/ this is !ro( the (eaning o! the legal ruling-
is it clear/ general/ a(biguous/ specifc/ absolute or
As )ell as this/ the 8urists disagree on
several points on authentication o! narrations and
)eakness0 o e*plain this !urther/
1bn Oathir (entions
in %a+id %esear#h
hese are ter(s !a(iliar in the science kno)n as Usul Al-
&iBhEprinciples o! 'urisprudence0
he frst point0
A book by 1bn Oathir on (ethodology o! prophetic
O f



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I:hen an individual narrator has an addition to a
narration that others )ho )ere taught by the sa(e
teacher do not0 his is considered as an addition to
those )ho are trust)orthy- is this acceptable or notF
he disagree(ent on this is )ell kno)n0 Al-Ohateeb
trans(its that (ost o! the 8urists accept/ and (ost o!
the prophetic narration e*perts re!use0,,
As you see there is a diDerence bet)een the prophetic
narration e*perts and 8urists on acceptance o! the
addition o! a trust)orthy person/ )ith the 8urists
accepting and (ost o! the narration e*perts re!using0
1ts acceptance needs rethinking as several e*perts have
he second diDerence is about the delegated report
although it is a proo! according to all the 8urists/
Ono)n as (ursal P a report (issing a successor0
a(ongst the( Abu =ani!a/ 1(a( ?alik and 1(a(
?(7 @F> fE.f <(C #5Q-. /I
2Z-(A1 B-O [q> %:8 (8>E :
[DA.SG-. +)I =(L Zs* (4F
a(G3_-. (GDI B8 [c8 =(DUA
W1@c-. z-(8E #F |\> /$.wEe.E
BZ< a(R /_I(&-. 93:ZI 2DI
Abu 9a)ood/
co(piler o! the Sunnan said in his letter
)ritten to the people o! ?ecca/ IAs !or the delegated
report/ it )as a proo! )ith the scholars/ in the past such
as7 Su!yan Al-ha)ri/
?alik ibn Anas/ Al-A)Kai
As-Sha!,i ca(e and spoke about it0J

Sule(an ibn As-Sa,ath/ Sheikh o! the prophetic )ay/ reader
!or Abu 9a)ood/ Al-AKadi/ As-Sa8astani0 2orn in the 1sla(ic
year t)o hundred and t)enty0 =e 8ourneyed !or kno)ledge/
he gathered/ he authored and he e*celled in this feld0 he
frst place he )ent to )as 2aghdad )hislt he )as eighteen
years old0 Al-Ohateeb Abu 2akr said/ Ihe authored the book
As-Sunnan then oDered it to 1(a( Ah(ed ibn =anbal- he
selected and i(proved it0J Abu 2akr 9arusa said/ I1 heard
Abu 9a)ood say that he had )ritten fve hundred thousand
prophetic narrations/ he selected !ro( the( )hat he included
in this book0J 1n other )ords As-Sunan of Abu ,awood- =e
gathered !our thousand eight hundred prophetic narrations
(entioned as one o! the authentic collections0 &or (ankind/
!or prophetic narrations suNce !or his )orldly e*istence/ !ro(
his speech <peace and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> are
!our narrations7 1> IActions are co((ensurate to
intentions000J 2> I1t is !ro( the e*cellence o! one,s 1sla( to
leave that )hich does not concern hi(0J "> IA believer is not
co(plete until he loves !or his brother )hat he loves !or
hi(sel!0J #> Ihe per(itted is clear and the prohibited is
clear- bet)een these t)o are doubt!ul (atters0J Abu 2akr
?uha((ad ibn 1shaB As-Saghni and 1brahi( Al-=arbi say/
I:hen Abu 9a)ood authored IAs-SunanJ it )as (ade
palpable !or hi( as iron )as (ade palpable !or the Prophet
9a)ood <upon hi( peace>0J Abu 9a)ood )as able to
re(e(ber one thousand narrations )hen he authored the
book As-Sunan- =e recited !or the people- his students used it
as the Auran/ !ollo)ed it and did not go against it0 Abu
9a)ood passed a)ay on the si*teenth o! Sha))al in the year
t)o hundred and seventy fve0
Su!yan ibn Sa,ed ibn ?asruB/ Sheikh o! 1sla(/ 1(a( Al-
=afK/ (aster o! the scholars )ho acted upon kno)ledge in
his ti(e/ Abu Abdullah At-ha)ri Al-Ouf Al-?u8tahid0 2orn in
As-Sha!,i accepted the( also i! they (et fve
?(7E +Gs8 #F S*SR 9- :WSM`-.
?* (5-. B3$ [G_-. [ASG-(F
the 1sla(ic year o! ninety-seven/ by consensus0 =e sought
kno)ledge under the supervision o! his !ather )ho )as a
prophetic narration e*pert called Sa,ed ibn ?asruB At-ha)ri0
Abu ?uthana said/ I1 heard several ti(es/ +Su!yan ca(e/
Su!yan ca(e0, So 1 )ent to hi( and 1 sa) a boy )ith hairs
sprouting hairs !ro( his chin0J his )as because o! his
intelligence during his childhood and he began to narrate to
during his adolescence0 Ad-9hahabi said/ Ihe best chain o!
authority o! the (en o! Allah is7 Su!yan/ !ro( ?ansur/ !ro(
1brahi(/ !ro( ,AlBa(ah !ro( Abdullah0J 1bn ?ahda said/ I1
have not seen !our better or si(ilar to !our- 1 have not seen
anyone )ho (e(orised (ore narrations than Su!yan/ no one
stronger in abstinence than Sh,uba/ no one (ore intelligent
than ?alik and no one )ho benefted the people like ibn
?ubarak0J 1bn Salah said/ ISu!yan is a scholar o! the nation
and its servant0J 1bn Abu 9hab said/ I1 have not seen anyone
)ho rese(bles the successors like Su!yan At-ha)ri0J =e
passed a)ay in the frst part o! the year one hundred and
Abdurrah(an ibn U(ar ibn Mah(du/ scholar o! 1sla(/
scholar o! the people o! Syria/ Abu U(ar Al-A)Kai0 =e lived in
an area called Al-A)Kai )hich is close to the gate o! &irdous in
9a(ascus0 hen he (oved to 2eirut and stayed there until
his death0 =e )as born during the li!eti(es o! the
co(panions- he )as born in eighty-eight0 Al-Abbas ibn Al-
:alid said/ I1 did not see (y !ather be astounded by anything
in the )orld as he )as astounded by Al-A)Kai0J Al-A)Kai )as
a poor orphan in the lap o! his (other/ they travelled !ro(
city to city/ he attained )isdo( and this )as seen during
(aturity0 Oings )ere incapable o! disciplining the(selves like
Al-A)Kai disciplined hi(sel!0 =e )as did not speak
e*cessively )ithout need/ unless he had to/ and he did not
laugh unless he coughed0 1! he talked about the day o! doo(/
2-@M7E BZ< +< +_F #DZ'(G-.
?@)-. JfSF t(:<>
[DA.SG-. H,3- /'H_-.
there )ould not be anyone )ho did not cry0 ?uha((ad ibn
Abdurrah(an As-Sula(i said/ IAl-A)Kai )as (ore o! a talker
than average/ sli(/ bro)n/ he used to apply henna0J Abu
1shaB Al-&aKri said/ I1 have not seen the like o! Al-A)Kai and
Su!yan0 Al-A)Kai is a nor(al person and At-ha)ri has a
precious soul0 1! 1 )ould chose one !or this nation 1 )ould
chose Al-A)Kai0J 1shaB ibn .ah)a said/ I1! At-ha)ri/ Al-A)Kai
and ?alik agreed on an issue then that is correct0J Al-:alid
ibn ?usli( said/ I1 )as not concerned to hear prophetic
narrations !ro( Al-A)Kai until 1 sa) the ?essenger o! Allah
<peace and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> in a drea( and
Al-A)Kai )as ne*t to hi(0 1 asked/ +@, ?essenger o! Allah/
!ro( )ho( shall 1 take kno)ledge !ro(F, =e replied/ +&ro(
hi(0, =e indicated to Al-A)Kai0J 2ishir ibn Al-?udhir said/ I1
sa) Al-A)Kai and it )as as i! he )as blind !ro( hu(bleness0J
Al-A)Kai died in the 1sla(ic year o! one hundred and f!ty
Abu 9a)ood,s letter to the people o! ?ecca p02#0
?uha((ad 1bn 'arir At-abari
said/ IPeople kept
accepting the action on delegated reports/ accepting
the(/ until the year t)o hundred )hen the acceptance
)as re8ected0J
As !or the prophetic narration e*perts/ they consider
the delegated report as a type o! severed )eak report0
?uha((ad ibn 'arir ibn MaKid ibn Oathir/ 1(a( Al-Ala( Al-
?u8tahid/ scholar o! his era Abu 'a!ar At-abari0 =e is )riter o!
groundbreaking )orks0 =e is !ro( the people o! abarstan0 =e
)as born in the 1sla(ic year o! t)o hundred and t)enty-!our0
=e travelled !ro( A(al )here he had (e(orised the Auran0
=e used to (ove !ro( city to city and his !ather used to send
hi( (oney0 =e said/ ISo(eti(es the (oney ca(e late and 1
)as !orced to sell (y sleeves0J =e travelled !reBuently and
)ould (eet the elite (en0 =e )as an e*a(ple o! his ti(e
about kno)ledge/ intelligence and (any )orks0 Al-Ohateeb
said/ I1 heard Ali ibn Ubydullah Al-Lagh)ai say/ I?uha((ad
ibn 'arir stayed !or !orty years and )rote !orty pages/
everyday0J Al-=aki( said/ I1 heard =usnayk ibn Ali said/ Ihe
frst Buestion that 1bn OhuKai(a asked (e )as did you study
)ith ?uha((ad ibn 'arir At-abariF 1 said/ INo0 :hyF =e did
not co(e out and the =anbalis prevented (e0J =e replied/
I:hat a terrible thing that you did0 Mou did not 8ust study )ith
hi(- you did not study )ith those he did0 1 heard !ro( Abu
'a!ar/ )ho said that death )as upon hi( and a party )as
there/ one o! the( )as Abu 2akr ibn Oa(il0 =e said be!ore his
spirit le!t hi(/ I@ Abu 'a!ar/ Mou are a proo! that bet)een us
and bet)een Allah in )hat )e o)e0 1s there so(ething than 1
can leave in (y )ill !or the aDair o! the religionF E*plain to us
so )e hope to leave in peace0J =e replied/ Ihat )hich 1
pro!ess to Allah )ith0 1 leave in (y )ill to you (y )orks that
)hich 1 aNr(ed in (y books- so act upon and it is !or you0J
@r speech to that eDect0 =e pro!essed the !aith o! 1sla(/
)iped his !ace )ith his hands and closed his eyes )ith his
hands a!ter his soul le!t his body0 1bn 'arir died Sunday )ith
t)o days re(aining until Sha))al in the year three hundred
and ten0 he people at his !uneral procession are unkno)n
e*cept to Allah the e*alted0 =e )as prayed over !or a nu(ber
o! (onths/ night and day0 Poets )rote obituaries about hi(/
?(7 t(8. 93Q8 2G<1 23-. /I
%8+)8 2sDsC ?(7 [ASG-. : /I
[C> (5-@7 ?@7E [q> 93_-. 1(MTe(F
|D- %bsF P
1(a( ?usli(/
(ay Allah sho) hi( (ercy/ states in
the introduction o! his authentic collection/ Ihe
delegated report is a source/ to us and the people o!
kno)ledge/ a report not a proo!0J
as did the religious !olk0
.ulings o! the delegated reports o! Salah Al-Alaya0
1(a( Al-Oabir/ Al-=afK/ Al-?a8ud/ Al-=u88ah/ As-SadiB/ Abu
Al-=assan/ ?usli( ibn =a88a8/ Al-Aushari/ An-Naisaburi0 Author
o! one to )orks to be considered as the authentic collection0
=e )as born in t)o hundred and !our0 =e frst started to listen
to Mahya ibn Mahya Al-a(i(i )as )hen he )as eighteen0 =e
)ent on pilgri(age )hen t)enty/ he )as beardless- he heard
in ?ecca/ he heard in Ou!a and then returned to his
ho(eland0 9uring his thirties he )ent to 1raB/ ?ecca/ ?edina
and Egypt0 =e said that he had authored Al-)unsad As-Sahih
!ro( three thousand prophetic narrations that he had heard0
Ah(ed ibn Sala(a said/ I1 )as )ith ?usli( )hen he
authored it/ it took hi( f!teen years0J =e lived !or f!ty-fve
years and he )as buried in the city o! Naysabur in the year
t)o hundred and si*ty-one0
As confr(ed by 1bn Abdul-2arr
!ro( the )riters o!
prophetic narration0
Ali Al-Aari in .+en ,oor of /are states/ Ihe delegated
report is a proo! according to the (a8ority/ one o! the(
is 1(a( ?alik0J
he conclusion is/ Al-=afK Abu &ara8 ibn Al-'a)Ki in The
Authenti#ation !ro( 1(a( Ah(ed narrating !ro( Al-
Ohateeb in the book The /om+rehensi(e that he said/
IPerhaps the delegated report is stronger than ground
1(a( Al-1(a(/ =afK Al-?aghrib/ Sheikh o! 1sla(/ Abu
U(ar/ Musu! 1bn Abdullah 1bn ?uha((ad 1bn Abdul 2arr 1bn
Asi( An-Na(ri/ Al-Andulusi/ Al-Aurtabi/ Al-?aliki/ the )riter o!
nu(erous )orks on 8urisprudence0 =e )as born in 1sla(ic
year three hundred and si*ty-eight in the (onth o! .ab,i Al-
Akhir0 =e (et (a8or scholars- he attained a high chain o!
narration- he collected kno)ledge- he authored- trust)orthy/
riders )ould carry his books- the scholars o! his ti(e )ere
sub(issive to hi(0 =e died listening to prophetic narration
!ro( his !ather Al-1(a( Abu ?uha((ad in the year three
hundred and eighty/ aged f!ty years0 Al-=a((idi said/ IAbu
U(ar is a 8urist- Al-hafK ?ukhar- scholar in the (odes o!
Auranic recitation and their diDerences- kno)ledgeable about
the science o! prophetic narrations and narrators- high chain-
inclining to the school o! As-Sha!,i- )riter o! prophetic
practice and ho) to !ollo) it- he )as a Gahari then he
beca(e a ?aliki )ith an inclination to 1(a( As-Sha!,i in so(e
issues- there is no denying this- he reached a level o!
?u8tahid0 :hoever looks into his )orks can see clearly that
he arrived at vast kno)ledge and strong understanding0J Abu
:alid Al-2a8i said/ Ihere is no one in Al-Andulus like Abu
U(ar ibn Abdul2arr in the science o! prophetic narration0 =e
is the =afK o! the people o! North :est A!rica0J 1bn =aKa(
said/ I1 do not kno) the like o! hi( in speech on
8urisprudence and prophetic narrations- so )ho is betterFJ
Abu U(ar died during &riday night/ in the last )eek o! .abi,a
Al-Akhir/ in the year !our hundred and si*ty-three0 =e lived !or
ninety-fve years and fve days- (ay Allah sho) hi( (ercy0
1sa ibn Aban/ one o! our scholars/ and a
group o! ?alik,s students con!or(ed/ Ihe 9elegated
report has priority over the grounded report0J his is
directed at those )ho narrated it to you thus giving you
the responsibility to test it- )hoever reports it to the
leaders o! prophetic narration )ithout kno)ledge/
religion and truth!ulness/ has severed you !ro( the
authentication and suNces as a conclusion0 2ut a group
o! our scholars and group o! the students o! 1(a( ?alik
said/ I:e do not say/ that the delegated report is
stronger than the grounded report but they are the
sa(e )hen it co(es to a proo!0J he evidence is that
the righteous predecessors used it as evidence/ so and
so said so and narrated so- not one o! the( o! the
co(panions said anything on it0
As-Sha!,i re!used the delegated report e*cept i! he
received it !ro( another source/ grounded or a
delegated report received !ro( other than the frst
narrator/ or the opinion o! a predecessor on this/ or )ith
the opinion o! (ost o! the people o! kno)ledge/ or the
narrator o! the delegated report only narrates !ro( the
upright- this is like the te*t that 1(a( &akhrudeen and
Al-A(idi agreed upon0
No) kno)/ the ter(inology o! the later scholars divided
the prophetic narrations !ro( authentic/
1n Arabic ?usnad P a report raised by a co(panion to the
Prophet <peace and blessings o! Allah be upon>0
Sahih/ in Arabic/ his is a narration )ith an uninterrupted
chain/ )here each narrator is reliable and accurate )ho
relates !ro( a si(ilar authority/ !ree !ro( de!ects or
=asan - Al-Ohattabi states/ I1t is the one )here its source is
kno)n and its reporters are una(biguous0J 2y this he (eans
that the trans(itters o! the narration should not be o! a
delegated/ severed/
puKKling report
other kinds o! kno)n ter(inology on the source o!
prophetic narration as )e authenticated in our
e*planation on the co((entary o! Ihe 6hosenJ
o! Al-
=afK 1bn =a8ar Al-AsBalani7 Ihen they re!used !ro( the
delegated report and anything a!ter it0J
As !or the early scholars o! the predecessors/ they did
not re8ect anything like that/ as 1(a( ?alik did in Al-
)uwatta that )as because o! the lack o! diDerence/
)ith the(/ bet)een delegated report/ authentic and
sound- thus the delegated report is relegated to the
severed and puKKling reports0 1! they sa) a diDerence
that )e have used a delegated report as evidence/ they
)ould criticise that it is )eak according to their
ter(inology and clai( )e act upon )eak narrations in
opposition to authentic or sound ones0 <:ith s(all
Even )ith that/ there )as a large group o! prophetic
narrations !ro( the successor generation- one o! the(
is Sa,id ibn ?ussayib0

doubt!ul nature0
9a,i! P is a narration )ith a discontinued chain o! narrators0
?aBtu P a narration )here so(eone belo) the co(panion
is (issing0
?usal P a narration )ith a gap in the chain o! narrators0
he !ull title is Nukhbat Al-*ikar P a te*t on Prophetic
narration (ethodology0
Sa,id 1bn ?ussayib 1bn =aKan/ Abu ?uha((ad Al-Aarshi
Al-?ukhKa(i0 Scholar o! the people o! ?edina/ (aster o! the
successors in his ti(e0 =e )as born during the khaliphate o!
U(ar/ he heard !ro(7 Uth(an and Ali/ Gaid ibn habit/ Abu
?usa/ Sa,id/ Aisha/ Abu =urayra/ 1bn Abbas/ ?uha((ad ibn
Sala(a/ U(( Sala(a and others <(ay Allah be pleased )ith
the( all>0 ?ost o! his narrations are !ro( Abu =urayra/ he
(arried one his oDspring0 =e heard !ro( the co(panions o!
?(7 (4sC>E :9L(s-. [DA.S8 #F.
DQG-. 2\e #8 fNE> %F(s,-.
1f>E dS&_-. 2D)IE w(bs-.
94DZU8E ?E>E a(4)U-. %_MQ-.
#*V-. +Z_* z-(8 94$(GR]F (GR]L
%I(L (5-.
%IS_8 t@3$ *+s-. P 24
U(ar and Uth(an0 1t )as stated/ INo one kno)s better than
)hat passed by U(ar and Uth(an0J Auda(a ibn ?usa said/
I1bn ?ussayib used to issue legal edicts during the li!eti(es
o! the co(panions0J ?alik said/ IU(ar ibn AbdulaKiK did not
issue a verdict/ he )as the prince o! ?edina/ until he had
consulted Sa,id ibn ?ussayib0 =e sent a (essenger to hi(/
)ho called hi(/ he ca(e and U(ar said that courier had
(ade a (istake and that he had only sent to ask hi( in his
gatherings0 Al-:aBda said/ I=e had the highest narrations o!
the people0 =e took !ro( As(a ibn Abu 2akr As-SaddiB as
she took !ro( her !ather0J ?usli( ibn Al-=ata said/ IA (an
ca(e to 1bn ?ussayib saying that he had seen hi(sel!
urinating into his hand0 =e said/ I&ear Allah/ as belo) this is
so(ething prohibited0J he (an looked into his )i!e and
!ound that they had breast !ed !ro( the sa(e )o(an0 =e
died in the 1sla(ic year o! ninety-!our0
said/ Ihe delegated reports o! 1bn ?ussayib
are authentic because he )as one o! the children o! the
successors0 =e sa) one o! the ten pro(ised paradise/
'urist o! Al-=i8aK/ their (u!ti/ he )as the frst o! the
seven 8urist o! ?edina )ho taught ?alik/ their
agree(ent is like the agree(ent o! all o! the people0J
@ne o! the narrators o! delegated reports is As-Sha,bi-

?uha((ad ibn Abdullah/ Al-1(a( Al-=afK/ An-NaBd Al-
Alla(a/ scholar o! the prophetic narration scholars/ Abu
Abdullah ibn Al-2ay,a Ad-9abi At-ah(ani An-Naysaburi/ As-
Sha!,i and author o! (any )orks0 2orn on ?onday the third o!
.abi,a Al-A))al/ in the year three hundred and t)enty-one0
=e began studying as a child under the supervision o! his
!ather and aunt0 =e began to studying in the year three
hundred and thirty0 =e studied to Abu =ati( ibn =ibban in the
year three hundred and thirty-!our- he )as thirteen0 =e )as
attached to his teacher,s high narration in Ohursan/ 1raB and
transo*iana0 =e heard !ro( one thousand scholars/ (ore or
less0 1n Naysabur he heard !ro( one thousand teachers/ then
)ent to 1raB aged t)enty years old0 =e narrates !ro( his
!ather- his !ather had seen 1(a( ?usli( author o! the IAs-
Sunan0J =e )as an ocean o! kno)ledge0 =e said/ I1 drank
Ga( Ga( and asked Allah to give (e the best )orks0J =e
)rote a co((entary on Al-=ika( in the year three hundred
and thirty-seven0 2y consensus his )orks reach a nu(ber
close to one thousand0 =e passed into the (ercy o! Allah in
the year !our hundred and fve0
Al-=aki( Ono)n sciences o! narration p0240
As-Sha,bi A(ar ibn Sharhil ibn Abd ibn 9hi-kibar0 =e )as
born during the !ourth year o! U(ar ibn Al-Ohattab,s
khaliphate0 =e said/ I1 have (et fve thousand o! the
co(panions o! the Prophet <peace and blessings o! Allah be
upon hi(0J Abu ?i8laK said/ I1 have not seen anyone )ho
understands 8urisprudence better than As-Sha,bi/ not Sa,id
ibn ?ussayib/ not a)as/ not +Atta/ not Al-=assan and not 1bn
Sirren0 And 1 have seen the( all0 1bn Sa,id said As-Sha,bi )as/
I:eak- sli(- he )as born and his brother )as his t)in0J 1bn
Shabri(a said that he heard As-Sha,bi say/ I1 did not black
onto )hite/ up to this day/ no (an taught a prophetic
?()I +G<> [AS8 :/3b_-. /M_&-.
DsC N f(:* [AS* NO P(sDsC
dSLVK :/MqV-. P(Us-.
Ah(ed Al-+A8ali
said/ Ihe delegated reports !ro( As-
Sha,bi are authentic as he never narrates e*cept it )as
narration e*cept that 1 (e(orised it0J As-Sha,bi died in the
year one hundred and !our aged eighty-t)o0
Al-1(a( Al-=afK Al-A)had AK-Gahid/ Abu l,=assan Ah(ed
ibn Abdullah ibn Salah ibn ?usli( Al-+18ali Al-Ouf0 =e (oved
!ro( the city o! 1tarabulas Al-?aghrib to Ou!a in the year one
hundred and eighty-t)o0 1t )as (entioned to Abbas ibn
?uha((ad Ad-9a)ri/ he said/ Ihat )as )ho )e used to
consider like Ah(ed ibn =anbal and Mahya ibn ?u,een0J
So(e o! the scholars said/ IAccording to us there does not
rese(ble anyone like Abu l,=assan Ah(ed ibn Abdullah in Al-
?aghrib0 No eBual in his ti(e in the kno)ledge o! strange
)ords/ by consensus0 And in abstinence and caution0 Mahya
ibn ?u,een )as asked about Ah(ed ibn Abdullah ibn Salah/
he said/ I=e is a sound source and son o! a sound source0J
So(e o! the( said/ IAh(ed ibn Abdullah only lived in
1tarabulas to be alone and )orship0J =is grave is there on the
beach- the grave o! his son is ne*t to his0 Ah(ed ibn Al-+18ali
said/ I:e )ent to visit Abu 9a)ood At-aylasi and he died the
day be!ore )e reached Al-2asra0J Ah(ed died in the year t)o
hundred and si*ty-one0
Ad-9hahbi akira Al-=afK 1E5;0
Also the delegated narrations o! Al-=assan/
are acceptable0
?()I #F. yHAS8 :/5*+G-.
#Qs-. /Z-. (q.E1 25$ y()c-.
Al-=assan 1bn Abu l,=assan Masir Abu Sa,id0 &reed slave o!
Gaid ibn habit Al-Ansari0 =e )as born in ?edina- U(( Sala(
used to send U(( Al-=assan !or her needs- he )ould cry
even though he )as a child and she )ould hold hi( to
co(!ort hi(0 =e used to go to co(panions o! ?essenger o!
Allah <peace and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> )hen he
)as very young0 hey used to supplicate !or hi(0 @nce he
)ent to U(ar )ho prayed/ I@ Allah/ give hi( understanding
o! the religion and (ake hi( beloved to the people0J =e )as
the (aster o! his peers in his ti(e/ in kno)ledge and action0
?u,tar ibn Sulay(an said/ I?y !ather used to say he is the
scholar o! the people o! Al-2asara0J ?uha((ad ibn Sa,ad
said/ IAl-=assan <(ay Allah sho) hi( (ercy> is an
encyclopaedia o! kno)ledge/ high understanding o!
8urisprudence/ trust)orthy/ constantly in )orship/
kno)ledgeable/ eloBuent/ handso(e/ per!ectly proportioned/
attractive and he is kno)n !or braveness0J Abu 2adra said/ I1
have not seen anyone )ho rese(bles the co(panions o!
?uha((ad <peace and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> than
hi(0J ?atar Al-:ariB said/ I:hen Al-=assan )ould co(e- it
)ould be as i! he is in the a!terli!e- describing )hat he has
seen0J Aatada said/ Ihe kno)ledge o! Al-=assan )as not
gathered into one o! the scholars e*cept that he is indebted
to hi(- )ithout )ho( he )ould have diNculty0J =e )rote to
Sa,id ibn ?ussayib a Buestion0 No 8urist has sat ever e*cept
that he is indebted to Al-=assan0 Al-=assan died in the (onth
o! .a8ab/ one hundred and ten- like his !ather )ho died on the
frst o! .a8ab0 =is !uneral procession )as seen and prayed
upon by a great nu(ber !ro( Al-2asra- (any people ca(e
and overcro)ded the area0 Until there )as no place to pray
the a!ternoon prayer in the (as8id0 1t )as narrated that
be!ore he died/ he )as unconscious and said/ IMou have
)oken (e !ro( gardens/ springs and honoured place0J
(sC (8 [7> (8 ^)Q* P(458
*1+K :B@DQ-. WE.S-.
1bn Al-?adini said/ Ihe delegated reports narrated by
Al-=assan are proven and authenticated/ e*cept a !e)
o! the( that are not0J

Another delegated reporter is 1brahi( An-NakhQi )ho is
authentic e*cept !or the narrations o!/ Ihe ?erchant o!
2ahrainJ and Ihe Narration o! Laughter0J

@thers )ho narrated/ o! the trusted successors/ are7
Sa,id ibn 'ubair/ ?u8ahid/ ara)ash/ U(ar ibn 9inar/ and
the delegated reports o! ?alik ibn Anis are
authenticated0 here is disagree(ent on the delegated
reports o! AK-Guhuri but (ost o! the narration e*perts
see the( as )eak0 Mahya ibn ?u,in said/ Ihe delegated
reports o! AK-Guhuri are nothing and this is As-Sha!Qi,s
opinion also0J
?any (istakes have occurred !ro( those attributed
)ith kno)ledge
in our ti(e/ !ro( taking the prophetic
narration ter(inology then applying the( on 8uristic
issues/ then accusing the scholars o! not kno)ing the
authentic narration or the )eak narrationsC Also/ do not
rely on the speech o! narration e*perts )hen they do
not accept the delegated reports because they do )hen
there is no grounded report0
As-Suyuti adrib Al-.aa)i 1E12#0
Al-Galai in Nasb al-.ayya 1E320
Al-Aliya in Jamia At-Takhlis f Ahkam al-)arasil p0#10
=adith e*perts in our ti(e0
?(7 @F> fE.f /I 2Z-(A1 B-O [q>
%:8 .{]I : 9- #:* +5Q8 SD
[DA.SG-. 9-E +R@* +5QG-.
[ASG-(I Zs* 2F |D-E @q [c8
[,ZG-. /I d@)-. P
Abu 9a)ood states in his letter to the people o! ?ecca/
I1! there is no grounded report that is not delegated and
the grounded report cannot be !ound/ then the
delegated is accepted and it is not lo)er than a
he ne*t diDerence bet)een the prophetic narration
e*perts and the 8urists )hen accepting narration/ is
)hat scholar o! 1sla(/ Ad-9hahabi/ said in his Sermons
on the defnition o! authentic/ )hich is as !ollo)s/
g *+s-. Ds,-. @q (8 1
B3$ ?

.E J+
=]I P =(L H
/UI (bZ<N. 2F HZT. f.wE P [
*+s-. 2
8HA : #8 {
EV&-. %3
2DIE S\ B3$ BZ)8 S\
a(4)U-. =
]I .
SDcL #8 [3
?utasil P a narration )ith an uninterrupted chain o!
narrators and they kne) each other0
As note ;4 Page 230
IAn authentic narration is )hat co(es !ro( an upright
narrator and its chain is connected0 1! it is a delegated
report used as proo!/ then there is disagree(ent0J he
people o! narration added/ I&ree !ro( irregularity/
discrepancy and in the vie) other than the 'urists- as
(any )ith discrepancies are re!used0J
So this is una(biguous te*t in )hat )e e*plained/
adding the condition that the narration should be
authentic and it is a narration !ree !ro( irregularity and
discrepancy0 hen (ost o! the 8urist (entioned re8ect its
discrepancy0 :e do not consider it a cause o! the
authentic narration/ as this is another issue0 6larifed !or
you there is disagree(ent bet)een narration e*perts
and 8urists )hen accepting prophetic narrations and
re!using the(0 he e*a(ples o! this chapter are (any
and )ell kno)n0
#0 he direct narration is stronger according to the
prophetic narration e*perts/ this is )hen a co(panion
does so(ething in disagree(ent to a reported
narration/ )hat is narrated is in opposition according to
(ost o! the 8urists0 Like )ashing a container containing
saliva o! a dog seven ti(es/
as narrated by Abu
=urayra then )ashed it action three ti(es0

&or e*a(ple
#$ #F. (M$ /01 23-. (G45$
ya(R :?(7 d>S8. B-O ?@A1 23-.
2ukhari and ?usli(0
Ad-9arButni 1E440
B3C 23-. 2D3$ 93AE (* :6-()I
?@A1 23-. =O /8> 6K(8 (4D3$E
t@C 1V\ t@CI> (45$ 6*>1> :?(7
@- =(L B3$ z8> #*f 2DZD)I
=(L> Wf* z-{ (45$ P9_\ :6-(7
/8@,I :?(7 #$ J.E1 Pz8> 93Q8
E W1(XM-.
?usli( narrates that 1bn Abbas/ (ay Allah be pleased
)ith hi(/ said that a lady ca(e to the ?essenger o!
Allah <peace and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(>0 =e
asked/ I@, ?essenger o! Allah (y (other has died and
had (ade an oath to !ast/ do 1 !ast !or herFJ =e replied/
I1! you kne) that your (other had a debt )ould you
pay it oDFJ She said/ IMes0J =e said/ I&ast !or your

?(7 #F. N :(M$ /3,* +<> #$
+<> NE t@,* +<> #$ +<> #:-E
9_`* 25$ =(:8 [L t@* +8 #8
J.E1 P%`5< /)4DM-.
E WE(s`-.
?usli( in chapter o! !asting 1;"%/ 2ukhari 1%150
1bn Abbas/ the narrator/ says that no one can per!or(
prayers !or so(eone else or !ast !or so(eone else but
he can !eed so(eone three kilos o! )heat every day0

30 he narration o! the 'urist has priority )hen
co(paring to the narration o! a non-'urist narrator/
according to so(e 'urists0
#$ DLE #F .Sb-. D /_I(&-.
2\> ?(7 2F(sCe G$e. : <>
9:D-O #$ /F> ['.E #$ +M$ 23-. #F
f@_Q8 E> =(DUA W1@c-. #$
1@,58 #$ 9Dq.SFO #$ %G)3$
#$ +M$ 23-. G$e. :(53)I #$
/F> ['.E ?()I PS7> G$e. :
D @F>E ['.E D =(DUAE #$
1@,58 #$ 9Dq.SFO #$ %G)3$ #$
+M$ 23-. %D)I #$ 2D)I #$ 2D)I
#$ 2D)I P
Al-'ahar Al-NaBa 235/ Sunna al-Oubra #E235/ proble(s o!
inheritance o! aha)i "E1#1 and 1bn ar(ani said its chain is
authentic according to ?usli( and 2ukhari/ 1bn Abdulali said
it (eets the criteria o! ?usli(0
(qSL{ W8
.S-. /I +sG-.
:ak,i ibn Al-'arah/
the teacher o! 1(a( As-Sha!,i/
said to his students/ I:hich one o! these t)o chains o!
narrations is betterF Al-A(ash narrating !ro( Abu :ail
he is !ro( Abdullah ibn ?asQud/ or Su!yan/ Al-ha)r
narrating !ro( ?anor he is !ro( 1brahi( is !ro(
+AlBa(ah he is AbdullahFJ :e said/ IAl-A(ash !ro( ibn
Abu :ail is closer0J =e replied/ IAl-A(ash is a scholar/
Abu :ail is a scholar0 2ut Su!yan !ro( ?ansoor- he is
!ro( 1brahi( he is !ro( AlBa(ah he is !ro( Abdullah0 A
8urist to a 'urist to a 8urist to a 8urist0J

:aB,i ibn Al-'arah/ 1(a( Al-=afK/ prophetic narrator o!
1raB/ Abu Su!yan Ar-.a)asi/ Al-Ouf0 2orn in the year one
hundred and t)enty-nine0 =e busied hi(sel! since young0 =is
!ather )as an overseer !or the public !unds in Ou!a0 =e had a
presence and greatness and/ according to Mahya ibn Ayyub
Al-?aBabari/ I:aB,i inherited !ro( his (other one thousand
gold coins0J 1t )as stated/ I:hen Su!yan At-ha)ri died/
:aB,i sat in his position0J Al-Aa,nabi said/ I:e )ere )ith
=a((ad 1bn Gaid )hen :aB,i le!t/ )e said/ Ihis is the
narrator o! Su!yan0J Mahya ibn Aktta( said/ I1 acco(panied
:aB,i during his presence and attendance- he used to !ast a
day and fnish the Auran every night0J Mahya ibn ?u,een said/
I:aB,i in his ti(e is like Al-A)Kai in his ti(e0J 1(a( Ah(ed
ibn =anbal said/ I:aB,i- so cease0J :aB,i said/ I:hoever
seeks prophetic narrations as they are/ is a bearer o! Sunna-
)hoever seeks prophetic narrations to strengthen his opinion/
is a bearer o! innovation0J :aB,i )ent to pilgri(age aged
Al-.a(ahraKi in superiority o! narration 2"%0
#$ =(DUA #F %5DD$ ?(7 GZR. :
@F> %UD5< /$.wEe.E (G4G<1 23-.
/I 1.f #D(DX-. ?()I %:GF
/$.wEe. /Fe %UD5< (8 9:- N
=@_ISK 9:*+*> /I @LS-. +5$E
IS-. 258 ?()I @F> %UD5< [Re :
2\> 9- ,* #$ ?@A1 23-. B3C
23-. 2D3$ 93AE 2\> =(L IS* 2*+*
.{O ZZI. dH,-. +5$E @LS-. +5$E
IS-. =(LE t(8. Us* *f(<>
IS-. #:-E (q.S* ?()I %T@Q58 :
DL +7E /5;+< WSq-. #$ 9-(A
#$ 2DF> #$ ?@A1 23-. B3C 23-.
2D3$ 93AE 2\> =(L IS* 2*+* .{O
ZZI. dH,-. @LS-.+5$E +5$E
IS-. ?()I @F> %UD5< (5;+< :
f(G< #$ 9Dq.SFO #$ %G)3$
f@Ae.E #$ #F. f@_Q8 /01 23-.
25$ => ?@A1 23-. B3C 23-. 2D3$
93AE =(L IS* 2*+* +5$ (ZZI.
dH,-. 9; N f@_* /-O a/ #8 z-{
?(7 /$.wEe. z;+
<> : #$ WSq-.
9-(AE 2DF>E ?@)KE (5;+< f(G< #$
9Dq.SFO ?()I @F> %UD5< =(L :
f(G< 2)I> #8 WSq-. =(LE
9Dq.SFO 2)I> #8 9-(A 2G)3$E
|D- =E+F #F. =OE SG$ =(L #FN
SG$ f@Ae(I %MsC 2- [I SDML
+M$E 23-. @q +M$ 23-. 6:QI
%b< 23-. %-(M-. t(8- W@3q+-. :
Su!yan 1bn Uyana
narrates/ IAbu =ani!a and 1(a( Al-
A)Kai/ (ay Allah sho) the( (ercy/ (et in a tailors,
(arket in ?ecca0 So 1(a( Al-A)Kai asked Abu =ani!a/
I:hy don,t you raise your hands )hen bo)ing and
co(ing up !ro( itFJ Abu =ani!a replied/ I1t is not
authenticated that the Prophet <peace and blessing o!
Allah be upon hi(> raised his hands )hen beginning the
prayer/ )hen bo)ing and )hen co(ing up0J <=e kne)
the narrations o! the raising the hands but considered
the( abrogated0> =e said/ I=o)F :hen AK-Guhuri
1(a( Al-Oabir/ =afK Al-+Asr/ Sheikh o! 1sla(/ Abu
?uha((ad Al-=alli Al-Ouf then Al-?akki0 2orn in Ou!a in the
year one hundred and seven0 =e sought prophetic narration
and narrated as a boy- he (et (a8or scholars- he took
copious kno)ledge !ro( the(- he e*celled- he gathered- he
authored- people ca(e to hi(- overcro)ded hi(- he had a
high chain o! narration and he also travelled !or kno)ledge0
As-Sha!,i said/ I1 have not seen anyone )ho has the tools o!
kno)ledge than )hat Su!yan ibn Uyana has0 1 have not seen
anyone )ho re!rains !ro( issuing legal opinions like hi(0J =e
said/ I1 have not seen anyone )ho gives better co((entary
on prophetic narration than hi(0J Abdullah ibn :ahb said/ I1
do not kno) anyone (ore kno)ledgeable on Auranic
co((entary than 1bn Uyana0J 1bn ?ahda said/ I1bn Uyana
possesses kno)ledge o! Auran and co((entary o! prophetic
narrations/ )hat Su!yan At-ha)ri did not possess0J @ne o!
the sayings o! 1bn Uyana )as/ IPatience is )aiting !or death0J
I1! kno)ledge does not beneft/ it har(s0J Sh,aba ibn Al-
=a8ah said/ I1 sa) ibn Uyana as a child/ he had a long tablet
)ith hi(0J Ah(ed ibn Abu Al-=a)ari asked Su!yan ibn Uyana/
I:hat is abstinenceFJ =e replied/ I1! you are blessed then be
grate!ul- i! you are tried by a tribulation be patient- that is
abstinence0J Al-?ussayib ibn :adah asked 1bn Uyana about
abstinence/ he replied/ IAbstinence is !ro( the prohibitions o!
Allah0 As !or )hat Allah has per(itted and Allah (ade
per(issible !or you- to clari!y this/ (arry/ ride/ )ear clothes/
eat but not !ro( the prohibitions o! Allah0J =e died the year
one hundred and ninety-eight/ aged ninety-one0
narrated to (e/ !ro( Sali( !ro( his !ather/ that he
used to raise his hands )hen he began praying/ )hen
bo)ing and co(ing up !ro( it0J Abu =ani!a said/
I=a(ad narrated to us !ro( 1brahi(/ !ro( AlBa(a and
Al-As)ad !ro( 1bn ?as,ud/ (ay Allah be pleased )ith
hi(/ the ?essenger o! Allah/ peace and blessings o!
Allah be upon hi(/ raised his hands )hen he began
praying then did not do (ore than that0J 1(a( Al-A)Kai
said/ I1 trans(it !ro( AK-Guhri/ Sali( and his !ather and
you are trans(itting !ro( =a((ad and 1brahi(FJ Abu
=ani!a replied/ I=a((ad kne) 8urisprudence better
than AK-Guhuri/ 1brahi( kne) 8urisprudence better than
Sali( and AlBa(ah is not less than 1bn U(ar0 Even i!
1bn U(ar is a co(panion/ Al-As)ad
has great
superiority and Abdullah is Abdullah0J his silenced Al-

Abu =ani!a gave priority to his narration over the
narration o! Al-A)Kai because o! the 8urisprudence o! its
trans(itters0 Hiving )eight to the trans(itters to the
8urists o! Prophetic narrations over others is )hat 1sa
ibn Abban and so(e group o! the =anaf scholars rely
?(7E #F. S\ :qE z-(8 B-O
=(`_-. #F +-(T /53F :?()I 9:\>
=EVTK #8 .Vq B3F :63)I
(8 :?()I (5L VT\ *+s-. NO #8
he Prophet <peace and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(>0
Al-As)ad ibn MaKid An-Nakhi0
Hu00atullah Al-Ballgah o! 1(a( Ad-9ahlu)ai 1E2"10
Pa(4)U-. (_AO `MG-. ?(RSF
@G-. /@DQ3-
1bn :ahb said/ I?alik looked to)ards Al-+Ataan ibn
Ohalid and said/ I1 have been in!or(ed that you take
narrations !ro( hi(0J 1 replied/ I@! course0J =e said/
I:e did not accept prophetic narrations e*cept !ro(
the 8urists0J
?(7E Y(sAO #F [A :WESU-.
z-(8 VT*> 93_-. #G$ |D- 2-
3 NE %Q-(b8 N :?()I [D)I
VT*> #G8 @q DsC %); SD 2\> N
Us* NE 94U* (8 +s* N :?()I
Z:* 93_-. NO #G8 Us* =@:*E
+7 3 |-(RE (5-. S$E
[G$E =@:*E 2_8 P1E (_AO
`MG-. ?(RSF @G-.
1shaB 1bn Al-&ar)i
said/ ISo(eone asked 1(a( ?alik/
+9o you take kno)ledge !ro( he )ho did not study nor
As-Suyuti,s book on Al-?u)atta p0#0
Al-1(a(/ Al-?uhadith/ the scholar/ Abu MaBub/ 1shaB ibn
?uha((ad 1bn 1s(ail ibn Abdullah ibn Abu &ar)a ibn 2ilal0
Al-2ukhari/ Abu 2akr Al-Athara( narrated !ro( hi(0 Abu
=ati( said/ I=e is e*tre(ely truth!ul but his eyesight has
gone0J =e authored a book called Sahiha- Al-2ukhari said/ IAl-
&ar)ri died in t)o hundred and t)enty-si*0
sat )ith the scholarsF, =e replied/ +No0, So he asked/
+9o you take !ro( he )ho is a trust)orthy source
)ithout (e(orising or understanding )hat he
narratesF, =e said/ +9o not record kno)ledge e*cept
!ro( those )ho (e(orise it0 hey sought it/ sat )ith
people/ understood it/ applied it and are cautious as
?alik applied the condition that understanding the
narration/ )hen accepting the Prophetic narration0
?(7 #_8 #F =(L :BQD$ z-(8
?@)* N VT* 93_-. #8 %_F1>
VT*E #8 @A N Pz-{ VT* #8
2DUA NE VT* #8 <(C @q
@$+* (5-. B-O J.@q E N #8 .VL
V:* /I *f(<> (5-. =OE =(L N
94Z* B3$ *f(<> ?@A1 23-.
B3C 23-. 2D3$ NE !93AE #8 D
2- [I HCE df(M$E .{O =(L N
S_* (8 (_AO P+s* `MG-.
?(RSF @G-. /@DQ3-
As 1120
?a,an 1bn 1sa
said/ I1(a( ?alik used to say do not
take kno)ledge !ro( !our people but take !ro( any
other than these0 9o not take !ro( the !oolish- do not
take !ro( the !ollo)er o! his passions calling the people
to his )hi(s- do not take !ro( he )ho lies about the
peoples events/ even i! he is not accused about it on
narrations o! the ?essenger o! Allah/ peace and
blessings o! Allah be upon hi(- do not take !ro( a
scholar )ho is superior/ righteous and practicing even
though he does not kno) )hat he trans(its0J
40 Accepting scholars above chains o! narration0 A
narration )ith )eakness in its chain that is agreed upon
by the i(a(s has strength greater than an authentic
?a,an 1bn 1sa 1bn 9inar/ Al-1(a(/ Al-=afK/ At-abit Abu
Mahya Al-?adni Al-AaKaK0 2orn a!ter the year one hundred
and thirty0 ?a,an said/ I1 have heard all the prophetic
narrations o! Al-)uwatta !ro( ?alik e*cept that )hich 1
oDered to hi(0J Abu =ati( said/ I=e is a confr(ed
co(panion o! ?alik and one o! the trust)orthy ones is ?a,an
ibn 1sa0J 1bn :ahb said/ I=e is e*tre(ely trust)orthy0J Abu
1shaB states in IAt-abaBat/J I?a,an put his head into the
hands o! ?alik/ )ho said nothing e*cept he )rote- he guided
hi(0 =e is the one )ho recited Al-)uwatta to Ar-.ashid0J Ali
ibn Al-?adini said/ I?a,an ibn 1sa gave out to us !orty
thousand epistles that he heard !ro( ?alik <(ay Allah sho)
hi( (ercy>0J ?uha((ad ibn Sa,ad said/ I?a,an )orked on
silk eggs in ?edina/ sell the(/ he had t)o )orkers0 =e used
to buy the( and give the( it0 =e died in ?edina in Sha))al/
in the year one hundred and ninety-eight0
As 1120
?(7 I(s-.E #F. Sb< 2G<1 23-.
B-(_K /I %q\ /)3K :S5-. %8e.
*+s3- ?@M)-(F @7> #8 fSb8
dScL YS`-.
Al-=afK ibn =a8ar/
(ay Allah the e*alted sho) hi(
(ercy/ in the '1ertion of 2ision said/ IAcceptance o! the
1(a(s o! so(e narration has a greater priority than
others o! (any chains <paths> o! narration0J
E +7 SL{ +Gs8 #D8> SD8> ((F /I
SDQDK S*SsZ-. *+< {(_8 E @q
2RST> +G<> @F>E fE.f WV8SZ-.E 25$
Ah(ed ibn Ali ibn ?uha((ad ibn ?uha((ad ibn Ali ibn
Ah(ed Abu Al-&adal Al-Oanani Al-AsBalani Al-?isri/ hen Al-
Aahari As-Sha!,i0 2orn in seven hundred and seventy-three/ in
the (onth o! Shaban/ in old Egypt0 =e )as brought up as an
orphan and he (e(orised the Auran at the age o! nine- he
e*celled in the (any arts- the kno)ledge o! prophetic
narration beca(e beloved to hi(- he !orced hi(sel! to recite
and read- then he authored and spread0 =e )as seen as a
spring o! his ti(e/ )ith (e(orisation/ until he beca(e the
absolute agno(en o! Al-=afK/ by consensus0 =e )ent to
diDerent places to study and he continued to )rite during his
li!e and disse(inated the( in his li!e0 he kings )rote !ro(
area to area !or this reason0 =e )as (et by delegations that
ca(e to hear hi( until the heads o! the scholars o! all the
schools )ere his students0 =e )as praised by (any scholars
and they testifed to his high chain o! narration and his
advance(ent in prophetic narration0 =e passed into the
(ercy o! Allah in the fnal days o! 9hul-=i88ah in the year
eight hundred and f!ty-t)o0 he people gathered/ as did the
leaders and scholars/ !or his !uneral/ (ay Allah sho) hi( a
vast (ercy0
=> /M5-. B3C 23-. 2D3$ 93AE (G-
2c_F B-O #GD-. ?(7 : DL /)K
.{O S$ z- S8> ?(7 /7> (GF
/I (ZL 23-. ?(7 =]I 9- #:*
/I (ZL 23-. ?(7 %5QMI ?@A1
23-. ?(7 =]I 9- #:* /I %5A
?@A1 23-. ?(7 +4ZR> /*>1 HI
@- ?(7 : SI /I W1+C ?(7E
+Gs-. 23- WV-. rIE ?@A1 ?@A1
23-. (G- B0S* ?@A1 23-. ?(7
WV8SZ-. 2DI *S Jf(5AOE |D-
W+5$ ?(7E P[,ZGF W1(XM-. N
#:- P,* 2KS4 B)3KE a(G3_-. 2-
?@M)-(F N J+_)* #$ %R1f %Dbs-.
#8E 9; r3> %$(GR #8 a(4)U-.
/\H7(M-(L WSM`-.E t(8OE #D8Ss-.
2D3$ %s,-. P
?uha((ad A(een A(ir 2asha
(entions in 'ase of
a narration o! ?u,adh reported by 1(a(
Ah(ed/ Abu 9a)ood/ and At-ir(idhi that the Prophet/
peace and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(/ )hen he sent
hi( to Me(en said/ I=o) )ill you 8udge i! an issue
arisesFJ =e replied/ I1 )ill 8udge )ith the book o! Allah0J
=e said/ I1! you do not fnd it in the book o! AllahFJ =e
said/ Ihen )ith the practice o! the ?essenger o!
Allah0J =e responded/ IAnd i! you do not fnd in the
practice o! the ?essenger o! AllahFJ =e replied/ I1 )ill
e*ert (y up(ost and not tire0J =e put his hand on (y
chest and said/ IAll praise due to Allah- )ho gave
success to the ?essenger0 2y )hat he ?essenger o!
Allah is pleased )ith0J At-ir(idhi says it is strange and
its chain is connected/ and 2ukhari said it is not
Although it is !a(ous and accepted by the scholars it is
not considered !ro( its level0 hen the (a8ority o! the
Sheikh ?uha((ad A(ir kno)n as A(ir 2adshah Al-
=assani Al-2ukhari0 =e )ent to ?ecca and passed a)ay in
nine hundred and seventy-t)o0
A book on the principles o! 8urisprudence0
8urist like Al-2aBalani/
abari/ 1(a( 'u)anyni
consider it authentic0
his e*plains that the acceptance o! the )eak narration
is raised to a level used as a proo!0
1(a( Al-+Ala(a/ uniBue theologian/ Al-Aadi Abu 2akr/
?uha((ad ibn At-ayyab ibn ?uha((ad ibn 'a!ar ibn
Aasi(/ Al-2asri then 2aghdadi/ 1bn 2aBalani0 =e )as a
shining e*a(ple o! understanding and intelligence0 =e )as
an outstanding/ trust)orthy leader0 =e authored re!utations
upon the Shia/ the ?utaKilites/ the Oha)ari8/ the 'aha(iyyah/
the Oara(iyyah/ by e*plaining the )ay o! Abu l,=assan As-
Ashari0 Al-Aadi +1yad (entioned in Al-Taba$at Al-)alikiyyah
he said/ I=e )as given the agno(en IS)ord o! the SunnaJ/
the tongue o! the nation/ he )as a theologian on the tongue
o! the prophetic narrators0 =e )as the leader o! the ?aliki,s in
his ti(e0 =e had a large gathering in the grand (as8id o! Al-
2asara0 Ali ibn ?uha((ad Al-=arbi said/ IAll o! )hat Abu
2akr Al-2aBalani/ !ro( the disagree(ents )ith the people- he
authored by (e(ory0 No one authored a disagree(ent
e*cept he needed to read a book on disagree(ents/ e*cept
Al-2aBalani0J Al-Ohateeb said that he heard Abu 2akr Al-
OhuaarKa(i say/ IAny author in 2aghdad only sourced !ro(
the books o! people e*cept Al-Aadi Abu 2akr0 As his chest
contained his kno)ledge and the kno)ledge o! people0JAbu
?uha((ad Al-2a!a said/ I1! 1 )ould )ill a third o! (y )ealth
to so(eone !or their eloBuence then it )ould be necessary to
give it to Abu 2akr Al-Ansari0J =e passed a)ay in 9hul-
Aaidah in the year !our hundred and three0 =e )as prayed
over by the oDspring o! Al-=assan and his !uneral )as seen
by (any0 =e )as a s)ord against the ?utaKilites/ Ar-.afda
and the Al-?ushabahat- based on the principles o! the
prophetic practice0 Sheikh o! the =anbali,s/ Abu Al-&adal Al-
a(i(i ordered a caller to say o! the deceased/ Ihis is the
supporter o! the prophetic )ay/ religion and de!ender o! the
sacred la)0 his is )ho authored seventy thousand pages0J
hen every group paid their respects to his grave0
Chapter nine
isagreepent in terpinoogy
No) kno) that the ter( IAcceptable narrationJ has t)o
uses7 the usage o! the narration e*perts/ and the usage
o! the 'urists0 1t is indisputable in ter(inology but )e
point it out so as to not (i* the ter(s0 1n ter(s o! the
prophetic narrations/ it (eans every authentic narration
is !ree !ro( de!ective discrepancy0 he 8uristic ter(
(eans every prophetic narration acted upon !ro( the
8urists0 1bn =a8ar (entions in IE*ertion o! ~isionJ
; ?
-. 9
)5* B-O ?

DE ?

F -O P
1(a( al-Oabir/ Sheikh o! the Sha!,is/ 1(a( Al-=ara(ayn
Abu Al-?aali/ Abdul-?alik ibn 1(a( Abu ?uha((ad
Abdullah0 2orn in !our hundred and t)enty-nine0 Abu 1shaB Al-
&ayruKabadi said/ I:e benefted !ro( this 1(a( as he is the
attraction o! this ti(e0J ?eaning Abu Al-?aali Al-'u)ayni0 his
1(a( )as/ because o! his vast intelligence/ a leader in
branches/ principles o! the school/ strong debating skills0 1! he
)ould present the kno)ledge o! the Hnostics and a
co((entary on the states/ those present )ould )eep0 =e
passed a)ay on the t)enty-f!th o! .abi,a Al-Akhir/ in the year
!our hundred and seventy-eight0 =e )as buried in his house/
and then he )as (oved to the Al-=assayni graveyard )here
he )as buried ne*t to his !ather0 Pulpits )ere broken/ (arkets
shut and odes )ritten0 =e had around !our hundred students-
they broke their inkpots and pens/ they put to)els over their
heads until no one )as brave enough to uncover their heads0
=is students gathered in the city and )ailed over hi(0
Ease o! )riting 1E"2"0
=e said/ Ihen the accepted is divided into acted upon
and not acted upon000J
he accepted narration o! the 'urists is lesser that the
narration/ is that it is not acted upon0 So this is the
diDerence bet)een prophetic narration e*perts and the
8urists in ter(inology0
Chapter ten
Authentic Prophetic narrations
No) kno) that an authentic narration does not (ean
acting upon it0 .ather there are conditions that )e need
to consider be!ore accepting the narration0 hese
conditions are kno)n to those great scholars0 =o)
(any an authentic narration has been le!t0
&or e*a(ple7
10 Abu 9a)ood reports
#$ /F> dS*Sq ?(7 ?(7 ?@A1 23-.
B3C 23-. 2D3$ E #8 :93A [Q
(ZD8 [QZD3I E #8 [G< 0@ZD3I P
J.E1 @F> fE.f
Abu =urayrah
narrates that the ?essenger o! Hod
<peace and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> said/
Abu =urayrah Abdurrah(an ibn Shkhir al 9ausi/
co(panion o! the Prophet <peace and blessings be upon hi(>
narrated the (ost hadiths0 =e said/ I9uring the ti(es o!
ignorance/ (y na(e )as Abdul-sha(s then the Prophet
<peace and blessings be upon hi(> na(ed (e Abdurrah(an0
1 )as called Abu =urayra because 1 used to keep kittens up
(y sleeve0 hen so(eone said to (e/ IMou are Abu =urayra0J
=e passed a)ay in 3; =i8ri/ he )as 5% years old0 <Asad Al-
I:hoever )ashes a corpse should bathe hi(sel! and
)hoever carries should per!or( ablution0J

?(7 /F(`X-. N 93$> .+<> #8
a(G3_-. ?(7 @R@F z-{ P Al-
Ohatabi said/ I1 do not kno) any scholar )ho has stated
this is necessary0J
20 Abu 9a)ood reports
#$ 1(G$ /01 23-. 25$ =O /M5-.
B3C 23-. 2D3$ E 93A 2G3$ .{O 9GDK
=> QG* 24RE E J.E1 P2DUL @F>
A((ar narrates that the Prophet <peace and blessings
o! Allah be upon hi(> )ould (ake dry ablution by
)iping his !ace and hands0
his is not acted upon despite its authentication0
"0 he t)o scholars
Abu 9a)ood in chapter on !unerals no 25#;0
Abu 9a)ood in the chapter on purifcation "210
1n the feld o! prophetic narration this (eans 1(a( ?usli(
and 1(a( 2ukhari0
#$ /F> dS*Sq /01 23-. 25$ =>
/M5-. B3C 23-. 2D3$ E 93A :?(7
#_- 23-. Y1(Q-. YSQ* %DM-.
`)ZI J+* E YSQ* [Ms-. `)ZI
rUZ8 PJ+* 2D3$
Abu =urayrah <(ay Allah be pleased )ith hi(> narrates
that the Prophet <peace and blessings o! Allah be upon
hi(> said/ IHod,s curse is upon the thie! )ho steals an
egg- cut his hand oD/ and he )ho steals thread- cut oD
his hand0J

Not one o! the scholars states this0
#0 ?usli( reports
#$ ['.E => /M5-. B3C 23-. 2D3$ E
93A ?(7 /I [R1 [Z7 (T> 2- #D<
a(R /ZUZQ* ?@A1 23-. B3C 23-.
2D3$ E 93A =O 23Z7 @4I 23c8 J.E1
2ukhari in the chapter o! punish(ents 42%3 and ?usli(
narrates that the Prophet <peace and blessings
o! Allah be upon hi(> said/ there )as a (an )ho killed
so(eone,s brother/ and then the brother ca(e asking
!or an edict/ I1! he kills hi(/ he is like hi(0J
narration is authentic but is not acted upon on0 he
e*a(ples o! this are (any and there are (any to
30 1(a( At-ir(idhi narrates in his collection7

#$ #F. (M$ f1 :?(7 /M5-. B3C
-. 2D3$ 93AE 2Z5F. 5*w B3$ /F>
/C(_-. #F DFS-. +_F 6A #D5A
(:5-(F ?Ee. 9-E +s* J.E1 P(<(:\
:ail ibn =a8ar ibn Sa,ad Abu =unida Al-=adar(i- he )as a
leader o! his people- he (oved to 1raB )hen ?ua)iyah
entered Al-Ou!a0 =e )as seen on the side o! Ali at the battle
o! Sa!een0 he ?essenger o! Allah <peace and blessings o!
Allah be upon hi(> sent hi( as a delegation )ith ?u,a)iyah
1bn Abu Su!yan0 ?u,a)iyah said to hi(/ ILet (e sit behind
you0J =e replied/ IMou are a rider o! a king0J =e said/ IHive
(e your sandal0J =e replied/ I2e in the shado) o! the
ca(el0J :hen ?u,a)iyah beca(e the leader/ he re(inded
(e o! this event )hislt 1 )as sat on a (attress )ith hi(0 1
said to (ysel!/ i! only 1 had sat hi( in !ront o! (e0 =e has
narrations in all the si* books o! ISahihJ/ e*cept Al-2ukhari0
?usli( 14%$0
1kra(a narrates !ro( 1bn Abbas
that the Prophet
<peace and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> returned his
daughter Gaynab to Abu Al-A,ass ibn Ar-.abiyya,/ si*
years a!ter the frst (arriage/ )ithout per!or(ing the
(arriage again0 Abu 1sa said there is no proble( )ith
this narration0
his narration/ despite its authenticity/ is not acted
upon by any o! the 8urists/ rather the consensus believe
i! a lady beco(es ?usli( and her husband re(ains a
disbeliever/ then separation occurs bet)een the(
because the E*alted said/ Ihey are not la)!ul !or the(
<the disbelievers>/ nor are they <the disbelievers> la)!ul
!or the(0J
Abdullah ibn Abbas ibn Abdul(uttalib/ the cousin o! the
?essenger o! Allah <peace and blessings o! Allah be upon
hi(>0 2orn three years be!ore the (igration0 =e )as called
the sea and ink o! the nation due to his vast kno)ledge0 =e
)as tall/ handso(e/ )hite co(ple*ion and eloBuent0 =e )as
thirteen years old )hen the Prophet <peace and blessings o!
Allah be upon hi(> passed a)ay- he died at the age o! si*ty-
Auran7 Al-?u(tahanah 4$71$0
Chapter eeen
eak narrations
@n the other hand 8ust because it is )eak narration
does not necessitate leaving it0 =o) (any a )eak
narration has been acceptedF
hese are e*a(ples !or that7
10 At-ir(idhi reports7
#$ d+DQ-. %&'($ [A :6-(7
?@A1 23-. B3C 23-. 2D3$ E 93A
#$ [RS-. +b* [3M-. E N SLV*
E P[QZ* :?(7 (8HZ<. #$
[RS-. S* 2\> +7 93Z<. E 9- +b*
H3F N :?(7 [Q t> :6-(7 P2D3$
%G3A (* ?@A1 23-. [q B3$
d>SG-. SK z-{ [Q 9_\ :?(7
=O a(Q5-. r'() J.E1 P?(RS-.
@ur Lady Aisha said that the ?essenger o! Hod <peace
and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> )as asked about a
(an )ho fnds )etness and does not re(e(ber a )et
drea(0 =e said/ I:ash yoursel!0J Also he )as asked
about a (an )ho kno)s that he sa) so(ething but did
not fnd )etness/ =e said/ INo need to )ash0J U((
Sala(a asked/ I@, ?essenger o! Hod/ i! this happens to
a )o(an does she batheFJ =e <peace and blessings o!
Allah be upon hi(> said/ IMes as )o(en are the siblings
o! (en0J
Abu 1sa said that the narrator o! this narration is
Abdullah ibn U(ar ibn Ubaydullah ibn U(ar )ho is an
unreliable trans(itter0
?(7 GR> :W1V5G-. [L #8 U<>
25$ #8 [q> 93_-. B3$ => [RS-.
.{O >1 /I 28@\ 2\> 93Z<. E> 8(R
E 9- +b* H3F 2\> N [Q 2D3$ P
said/ Ihe prophetic narrations e*perts
and the people o! kno)ledge agree that i! a (an sees a
1(a( Al-Alla(a/ Al-=afK/ Al-?uhaBiB/ Sheikh o! 1sla(/
Gakaudeen/ Abu ?uha((ad/ Abdul-AKi( ibn AbdulAa)i Al-
?unKari As-Sha!,1- Syrian originally Egyptian0 2orn in the
beginning o! Sha,ban in the year fve hundred and eighty-
one0 Al-=afK 1KKudeen Al-=assani/ he studied )ith our sheikh
in the (as8id o! IAK-Ga!ari0J hen he )as the patron o! the
scholars o! IAd-9ar Al-Oa(ilaJ/ then he le!t clinging to
kno)ledge- he had superior skills in prophetic narrations )ith
the diDerent sciences0 =e )as kno)n !or )orship/ piety/
cautiousness/ etiBuette and beauty0J As-Shari! 1KKudeen also
said/ I@ur sheikh Gakaudeen kne) the authentic narrations
and their illnesses/ their discrepancies/ their )ays0 A sea in
understanding their rulings/ (eanings and diNculties0 =e
kne) the strange ones/ their vo)el structure and diDerent
)ords0 =e passed a)ay on the !ourth o! 9hul-Aaidah in the
year si* hundred and f!ty-si*0 @des )ere )ritten into
beauti!ul songs about hi(0
drea( during his sleep that causes arousal and does
not fnd )etness then he does not need to bathe0J
20 At-ir(idhi reports7
#$ /F> => :dS*Sq ?@A1 23-. B3C
23-. 2D3$ E 93A #8 :?(7 2$1{
a/)-. |D3I 2D3$ a(7 E #8
a()ZA. .+G$ P)D3I
J.E1 WV8SZ-.
Abu =urayrah narrates that the Prophet <peace and
blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> said/ I:hoever vo(its
has no e*piation to (ake up and )hoever (akes
the(selves vo(it on purpose has an e*piation to

Abu 1sa and 1(a( 2ukhari say this narration is )eak0
?(7 /F(`X-. N 93$> (IHT #DF [q>
93_-. /I => #8 2$1{ D)-. 2\]I N
a(7 2D3$ E N /I => #8 a()ZA.
At-ir(idhi 43"0
.+8($ 2D3$ a()-. E #:- .@U3ZT.
/I d1(U:-. P
said/ I1 a( not a)are o! the disagree(ent
o! the people o! kno)ledge in the person )ho vo(its
that they have no e*piation but )hoever (akes
the(selves vo(it on purpose has an e*piation to
"0 At-ir(idhi reports7
#$ #F. => :SG$ =HD #F %G3A
/U)c-. 93A> E 2- S&$ d@Q\
/I %D3q(b-. #G3AI 2_8 JS8I
/M5-. B3C 23-. 2D3$ E 93A =>
SDXZ* (_F1> #458 P
J.E1 WV8SZ-.
1(a( Al-Alla(a/ Al-=afK Al-Laghu)i Abu Sulay(an =a(d
ibn ?uha((ad ibn 1brahi( ibn Ohattab Al-2asti Al-Ohatabi-
author o! (any )orks0 =e )as born in the year three hundred
and f!teen0 =e 8ourneyed !or prophetic narration and
studying kno)ledge0 =e then )rote on (any sciences o! the
religion0 =e had (any teachers- one o! his books called
I6o((entary on Abu 9a)ood0J =e has a book o! rare
prophetic narration- he (entioned )hat Abu Ubayid did not/
nor )hat 1bn Aatiba recorded in his book- this is a benefcial
book0 Al-Ohatabi died in 2ust in the (onth o! .abi, Al-Akhir/ in
the year three hundred and eighty-eight0
1bn U(ar
narrates that Aylan ibn Sala(a Al-aBaf
beca(e ?usli( and he had ten )ives in the ti(e o!
ignorance- they beca(e ?usli( )ith hi(0 he Prophet
<peace and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> ordered hi(
to chose !our o! the(0
Abu 1sa said he heard ?uha((ad ibn 1s(ail say this
narration is not preserved0
E ?(7 t(8. +G<> .Vq *+s-. |D-
Ds,F E [G_-. 2D3$ P
1(a( Ah(ed said/ Ihis narration is not authentic but it
is acted upon0J
#0 At-ir(idhi reports7
#$ /F> dS*Sq ?(7 ?(7 ?@A1
23-. B3C 23-. 2D3$ E [L :93A
YH '(R NO YH J@Z_G-.
@3G-. B3$ J.E1 P23)$
Abdullah ibn U(ar leader o! the believers ibn Al-Ohattab/
)ho beca(e ?usli( )ith his !ather be!ore (aturity- he
(igrated be!ore his !ather and the frst )itness o! the battle
o! the trench0 =e passed a)ay aged eighty-three years old-
he )as born one year be!ore the beginning o! the call to
1sla(0 Asad Al-Hhabah "E"#0
At-ir(idhi in the chapter o! (arriage 1$#50
Abu =urayrah narrates that the ?essenger o! Allah
<peace and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> said/ IEvery
divorce is valid e*cept the (entally ill )hose intellect is
Abu 1sa said that this narration,s chain does not reach
the Prophet <peace and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(>
e*cept by the chain )ith Ata ibn A8lann0 Ata 1bn A8lann
is a )eak narrator according the scholars o! narration
but it is acted upon by the people o! kno)ledge !ro(
the 6o(panions o! the ?essenger o! Allah <peace and
blessings o! Allah be upon hi(>0

?(7 W1V5G-. .@_GR> B3$ =>
=@5bG-. E J@Z_G-. N w@b* 27H P
Al-?unKari said there is a consensus that the insane or
(entally ill,s divorce is not valid0
30 At-ir(idhi reports7
#$ /3$ #F /F> -( => /M5-.
B3C 23-. 2D3$ E 93A B7
#*+-(F [M7 %DC@-. E 9Z\> =ES)K
%DC@-. [M7 J.E1 P#*+-.
At-ir(idhi in the chapter o! divorce and cursing 11120
Ali 1bn Abu alib
narrates that the Prophet <peace and
blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> )ould pay oD debts
be!ore the distribution o! the )ill and you are
distributing the )ill then paying the debts0J
1bn =a8ar and Al-=arith <one o! the narrators> said even
though it is )eak/ the consensus has agreed on )hat
)as trans(itted0
So these narrations are )eak and they have been
agreed0 No one re!used- rather it )as accepted as
received0 So kno) that )eak narrations do not
necessitate re8ection0
Ali ibn Abu alib )as the cousin o! the Prophet <peace and
blessings be upon hi(> and/ according to so(e o! the
scholars/ he )as the frst ?usli(0 he Prophet <peace and
blessing be upon hi(> said/ IMou are (y brother in the )orld
and in =eaven0J =e passed a)ay on the 1;th o! .a(adan/ in
the 1sla(ic year !orty0 <Asad Al-&habah>0
At-ir(idhi in the chapter o! )ills 2$#%0
Chapter ~wee
nappes oo authentic narrations
that sope oo the schoars reected
:e shall see that there are (any authentic narrations
that have been le!t by consensus and )eak narrations
that are accepted by consensus0
1 )ould like to
supple(ent the beneft by (entioning the authentic
prophetic narrations le!t by so(e scholars0
6onsensus o! the scholars o! the !our Sunni schools0
Chapter thirteen
Prophetic narrations and A!
Nupan Abu Hanioa
1t is !a(ous/ in our ti(e/ )ith !eeble people attributed
)ith kno)ledge/ that prophetic narrations are not
!ound0 =o) (any narrations have they clai(ed that
Abu =ani!a disagrees nor did not they reach hi(0 1! )e
)ere to gather this speech )e could garner volu(e yet
)e should think )hich average student has (ore
kno)ledge than hi( <(ay Allah sho) hi( (ercy>0
Praise be to Allah/ divider o! intellectC
1 challenge any person/ )ith his ignorance/ to aDect the
scholars like his opinions as Al-Nu(an eDected0 =o)
(any students
did he have and they )ere (a8or
scholars o! hadithF his speech/ )ith its (eaning/ is not
correct and it is a (a8or sin0 According to us it is slander
and/ as !or the(/ this is backbiting based on their
Al-Oardri relates !ro( Abu Musu! that/ I1 used to study
8urisprudence )ith Abu =ani!a and !ollo) this up )ith
the narrations !ro( the people o! Ou!a/ to support his
opinion0 =e )ould say that this is )eak/ there )as no
support there then he said/ +9ear Abu Musu!/ do not
!ollo) the narrations o! the Ou!ans because 1 have
=is (ain students )ere 1(a( ?uha((ad/ the 'urist Abu
Musu!/ 1(a( Gu!ur/ Abdullah 1bn Al-?ubarak/ &udail 1bn 1yyad/
9a)ood Al-a,1 <(ay Allah sho) the( all (ercy> etc0
(e(orised the( all0,J <his )as the trans(itted
?(7 t(8. +M$ 23-. #F ESI
/A1(U-. /\.ESD)-. 6`)A : dSR
#8 B3$> 1.f /F> %UD5< E (\> J+5$
B3$ /A>1 /8fI SZT. :?()I
1e. t> H; %8 *+< 637
*+s-. P/5;+sI
SL{ /0()-. (D$ /I DKSK
1.+G-. 11$
1(a( Abdullah ibn &arrukh Al-&arsi Al-Ayro)ani said/ IA
brick !ell !ro( the highest part o! Abu =ani!a,s house
and it struck (y head and then 1 bled0 =e said/ I6hoose
bet)een co(pensation or three hundred prophetic
narrations0J 1 said/ IProphetic narrations0J So he
narrated the( to (e <straight a)ay in the sa(e

Aadi 1yad (entioned this in Taratib Al-)udarik "E11$
re!erencing Sheikh Abu Hhudas, book on I9escription o! the
patience o! the scholarsJ page 320
Chapter ourteen
Narrations eot by Abu Hanioa
10 ?usli( reports
#$ %G(I 65F |D7 => /M5-.
B3C 23-. 2D3$ E 93A B7 => N
%)U\ E N B5:A %)3`G3- P(;H;
J.E1 93Q8
&ati(ah/ daughter o! Aais/ narrates that the Prophet
<peace and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> said that
there is no e*penditure or housing !or the one )ho has
(ade three pronounce(ents o! divorce0
he Hreat 1(a( stated there is e*penditure and
housing because Allah said/ ILet the( live as you live-
according to your (eans0J
?(7 SG$ /01 23-. N :25$ +\
(ZL 23-. E N %5A 2-@A1 ?@)-
d>S8. N W1+\ 6U<> t> P6DQ\
J.E1 WV8SZ-.
?usli( in the chapter o! divorce 25150
Auran7 9ivorce 34740
U(ar <(ay Allah be pleased )ith hi(> said/ I:e do not
leave the book o! Allah nor the Practice o! his
?essenger !or the speech o! a )o(an0 :e do not kno)
i! she (e(orised it or !orgot0J
20 Al-2ukhari reports
#$ #F. SG$ 6*>1 :?(7 ?@A1
23-. B3C 23-. 2D3$ 93AE .{O
t(7 /I dH,-. I1 2*+* BZ<
(\@:* EV< 2DM:58 =(LE [_U*
z-{ #D< SM:* @LS3- [_U*E z-{
.{O I1 2A>1 #8 @LS-. ?@)*E
GA 23-. #G- J+G< NE [_U*
z-{ /I J.E1E Pf@bQ-. W1(XM-.
1bn U(ar narrates that the Prophet <peace and
blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> began to pray by
raising his hands to the level o! his shoulders0 =e )ould
do the sa(e )hen saying (agnifcation and bo)ing/
and he )ould do the sa(e )hen raising hi(sel! !ro(
bo)ing and say/ IAllah hears )ho praises hi(0J And he
)ould not do that during prostration0

Abu =ani!a said/ I1t is not prophetic practice to raise the
hands e*cept in the opening (agnifcation0J According
Sunan At-Tirmidhi 2ook o! (arriage p011%$0
2ukhari chapter on the call to prayer 4;#0
to Abu =urayra and the students o! the practice o! 1bn
that the Prophet <peace and blessings o! Allah
be upon hi(> did not raise his hands0
Abdullah ibn ?as,ud ibn Hafl Abu Abdulrahi( Al-=aKi0 =e
)as a(ongst the frst ?usli(s0 =e )as like a servant to the
Prophet <peace and blessings be upon hi(> because o! his
love0 =e used to help hi( put on his shoes/ he )ould )alk in
!ront o! hi(/ cover hi( )hen he )ashed/ )ake hi( i! he )as
asleep and he used keep the si)ak !or hi(0 =e )as seen in
heaven )ith the Prophet <peace and blessings be upon hi(>0
=e passed a)ay in "2 =i8ri/ ?edina0 =e )as in his 4$s )hen
he passed a)ay0
Chapter "oteen
Narrations eot by Ipap aik
?(7 D3-. #F +7 :+_A 6D,<> B3$
z-(8 #D_MA %-Q8 (43L %U-(X8
%5Q- /M5-. (G8 ?(7 z-(8 (4DI
2*>SF 8(R =(DF
93_-. / 1#%
Al-Layth ibn Sa,ad said/ I1 enu(erated seventy issues
in )hich ?alik diDers !ro( the Prophetic practice/ and
he had an opinion on the( all0J
No one accused ?alik o! re!using prophetic narrations
because o! his opinion or !ollo)ing his )hi(s/ rather he
is one o! the (ountains o! the scholars and an 1(a( o!
our nation0 :e do not leave a sound narration )ith a
proven evidence/ according to hi(/ and )ithout a
reason !or that/ to say it did not reach hi( is beyond
belie! as he is the one )ho authored Al-)uwatta and
flled the )orld )ith prophetic narrations0
#$ DM< Y.1@-. K(L [_R :z-(8
/- Wf1E.1+-. #F.E /F> tw(< #F.E
%\(5L .1(5*f B3$ => ?A> (:-(8 #$
Jam"a Bayn Al-Ilm 2E1#%0
%;H; ?(R1 9- ES* 945$ 2Z-QI
YSI 9; I1 2A>1 (8 :?(7E
a( 23-. N d@7 NO =(LE P23-(F .SDcL
(8 (4-@)* 9; ?(7 (* 6L1f> :DM<
.Vq +bQG-. 2DIE =@_MA (XD
#G8 1f> (sC> /M5-. B3C 23-.
2D3$ E1E !93AE #$ #D_F(Z-. ?(7
9-E [Gs\ 93_-. NO #$ P23q>
ZwW |[\] Zpo V[\] sVfvg\
Ali ibn Al-?adani reports !ro( =abib ibn Al-:araB/ the
scribe o! 1(a( ?alik/ that Ad-9ara)ardi/ 1bn Abu =aKi(
and 1bn Oinana oDered hi( a silver coin i! he )ould ask
)hy 1(a( ?alik did not narrate !ro( three (en0 So
)hen he asked/ he put his head do)n then raised it up
then said/ I:hat Allah )ills/ there is no po)er e*cept
by Allah0J =e used to say this a lot/ then he said/
I@,=abib/ 9o you kno) in this (as8id there are seventy
scholars )ho (et the co(panions o! the Prophet/ peace
and blessings o! Allah be upon hi(/ and narrate !ro(
the successors0J =e said/ I:e bear not kno)ledge
e*cept !ro( its people0J

6ould there be a (ore kno)ledgeable 1(a( than heFC
As )e can see/ not every trust)orthy person )ho
trans(its prophetic narration is blessed by acting upon
As-Suyuti,s book on Al-?u)atta0
?(7E #F. 6_GA :qE (:-(8 ?@)*
+)- 6L1f> %5*+G-(F (8.@7> @-
/)QZA. 94F S`G-. .@)Q- +7E
.@_GA #8 93_-. *+s-.E (D
.SDcL (8E yVT> #$ +<.E 9458
z-{E 94\> .@\(L +7 .@8-> 94QU\>
@T 23-. +q-.E .VqE =&-. /5_*
*+s-. (DZU-.E (Zs* B-O [R1 2_8
B)K 1EE %\(DCE =()KOE 93$E
94IE 93_*E (8 SX* #8 2A>1 (8E
[,* 2D-O .+ /I %8(D)-. (8I +qw
HF =()KO NE %IS_8 HI UZ5* 2F
|D-E @q %bsF E N [Gs* 945$
P93_-. ZwW |[\]
Zpo V[\] sVfvg\
1bn :ahb said/ I1 heard ?alik say/ +1 kno) in ?edina
people i! they )ould pray !or rain it )ould !all0 1 have
heard (uch kno)ledge and prophetic narrations !ro(
the( but 1 have not taken !ro( a single one o! the(0
hat is because they have co(pelled the(selves to
!ear Allah and abstained0, his order/ (eaning
prophetic narrations and issuing legal edicts/ needs
(en )ith piety/ cautiousness/ protection/ (astery/
kno)ledge/ understanding and kno)ing )hat co(es
out o! their (ouths/ and they )ill arrive to to(orro) on
the day o! 'udge(ent0 As !or the abstainer )ithout
(astery/ )ithout kno)ledge he )ill not beneft us/ it is
not evidence and )e do not take kno)ledge !ro( it0J

his is another chapter that is necessary to be clarifed/
and his )orship does not necessitate the (an being an
acceptable trans(itter0
?(7 #_8 #F 6_GA :BQD$ (:-(8
9L :?@)* > /- %5*+G-(F @R1>
2K@$f NE DR> P2Kf(4
ZwW |[\] Zpo V[\] sVfvg\
?u,an 1bn 1sa said/ I1 heard ?alik say/ +=o) (any a
brother 1 have in ?edina that 1 hope !or their
supplication yet their testi(ony )ould !ail0,J
?(7 t(8. z-(8 7 SDcL #8 JVq
*f(<e. %-H0 +)- 6RST /58
*f(<> yff@- /\O 6FS0 [:F
*+< (458 #D@A /\OE 9- +<>
2F 23_-E ?@`* JSG$ ?5ZI 2F
%-w(\ /I 25*f (Zs* => ?Q* (45$
2D)I 2Z7E BQ$E => =@:* 2D)U-.
*+< #Q-. 2D)U-. P/sZQDI
2)UZG-.E D`X3- ! 13%
1(a( ?alik said/ I?any prophetic narrations cause
con!usion0 Narrations ca(e !ro( (e that 1 )ished that 1
)ould be beaten t)ice !or or that 1 had not narrated
the(0 Perhaps it )ill re(ain !or a )hile and reach a
place in the religion- that )ould cause a 8urist o! that
ti(e- perhaps he )ill be ine*perienced and beco(e

?ay Allah bless this 1(a(- he said little but cured and
Buenched us (uch0 So understand this speech that
every narration is not taken as it is0 Also that it is not
per(issible !or so(eone to read narrations and issue
an edict based upon his understanding alone0
#$ z-(8 2\> ?(7 /5FN 2ZT> @F> S:F
E [D$(GAO /5F. /F> (GL.1> :|*E>
=(MsK *+s-. N(7 ?()I P9_\ .{O
(GKf1> => U5* 23-. (G:F H7I 258 E
D`X-. Wf.+M-. /I 2D)U-.
2)UZG-.E /
Al-Ohatabi Al-2aghdadi (entioned that ?alik said to his
nephe) Abu 2akr and his son 1s(ail/ I9o you love
Al-*ai$hi wa Al-)utf$a o! Al-Ohateeb 2E13%0
prophetic narrationsFJ hey said/ IMes0J =e replied/ I1!
you )ant Allah to beneft you by the( then study
?ay Allah bless ?alik !or the advice he gave to his son
and nephe) and the leaders o! the 1sla(0 And look ho)
Allah taught us and you0 9o you think that he is (iserly
about the kno)ledge o! prophetic narrations or said this
on a )hi(FF No/ 1 s)ear by Allah that this but the
speech o! a sincere scholar0 =e advised his nephe) and
son not to take Prophetic narrations as they are/ as the
narration is not sound )ithout its (eaning and
1 shall (ention (ore e*a(ples !or you about the hadith
that 1(a( ?alik le!t7
SM:I W> /M5-. B3C 23-. 2D3$
93AE 9; VT> 2-(G P25DGDF J.E1
@F> fE.f
=e praised Allah/ the Prophet <peace and blessings o!
Allah be upon hi(>/ then put his right hand over the
back o! his le!t hand at the !orear( and )rist0
1bid 2E13;0
?usli( in the chapter o! !aith no01140
1t )as 1(a( ?alik,s opinion to have the hands by the
sides and not held0
#$ /F> @*> W1(,\e. /01 23-.
25$ ?(7 ?@A1 23-. B3C 23-. 2D3$
E 93A : #8 t(C =(81 9; 2_MK>
ZA #8 ?.@ =(L t(D,L PSq+-.
DsC 93Q8 /I (F t(D,-.
Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari <(ay Allah be pleased )ith hi(>
narrates that the ?essenger o! Allah <peace and
blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> said/ I:hoever !asts
.a(adan then !ollo)s it )ith si* in Sha))al/ it is as i!
he has !asted all year0J

1(a( ?alik stated in IAl-?u)atta/J I1 have not seen
any o! the people o! kno)ledge !ast it0J
Like)ise Abu
=ani!a said that it is Sunna0

?usli( in the chapter o! !asting !ro( Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari
<(ay Allah be pleased )ith hi(>0
&ast the days (entioned0
1n diDerence to his students <Abu Musu! and 1(a(
?uha((ad>/ )ho considered it prophetic practice/ and this is
the chosen position o! the =anaf school/ although it is better
to !ast separate days0
Chapter sinteen
Narrations eot by Ipap As!Shaoi
?(7 /_I(&-. :+G<> 2)I> (5-.
/I (Z:-. E %5Q-. E =(L [D37
3`-. *+s3-
1(a( Ah(ed said/ IAs-Sha!,i is the (ost )ell versed o!
the people concerning the Auran and the Prophetic
practice- he used to do little seeking o! narration0J he
(eaning o!/ ISeeking so(e kno)ledge/J does not (ean
like a student o! kno)ledge o! our ti(e/ as he kne)
(ore0 =e is one o! the narrators o! Al-)uwatta- he has a
collection o! books !ull o! Prophetic narrations0 here
are so(e issues o! his school that he did not confr(
be!ore he passed a)ay- instead he tied these to
authentic narrations that his co(panions (entioned0 So
this re!utes any notion that he did not co(plete the
narrations )ith the conditions o! acceptance be!ore he
fnished0 =e is a leader o! the believers in prophetic
narrations and one o! the leaders o! the !our Sunni
+< +Gs8 #F [U-. 1.M-. ?(7
6_GA /F> ?@)* 6bb< : 8 +G<>
#F [M5< 6-\E /I =(:8 +<.E
2_8 E> /I 1.f /5_* %:GF STE
@F> +M$ 23-. +G<> #F [M5< .
6RSTE (\> J+_F (G3I 6D3C M,-.
y1f +bQG-. 6bI B-O |3b8
=(DUA #F %5DM$ 65LE 1Ef> (
(M3 /Fe +M$ 23-. +G<> #F
[M5< BZ< y+RE +G<> #F [M5<
+5$ ( /F.S$> 2D3$ (D;
%@M,8 B3$E 2A>1 %GR
2ZG<.I BZ< y+_7 +5$ +G<> #F
[M5< 63)I (* (F> +M$ 23-. 6LSK
#F. %5DM$ J+5$E #8 Sq-. ESG$E
#F 1(5*f f(*wE #F %7H$ #D_F(Z-.E
(8 23-. 2F 9D3$ ?()I /- 6:A. :
=]I zK(I *+< @3_F J+bK ?E5F
NE S* /I z5*f NE /I z3)$
=OE zK(I S8> .Vq BZU-. (T> =>
N J+bK B-O t@* %8(D)-. (8 6*>1
+<> 2)I> /I (ZL 23-. #8 .Vq
BZU-. 637 #8 : .Vq ?(7 +Gs8 :
#F |*1fO /_I(&-. P
?uha((ad ibn Al-&adal Al-2aKara said he heard his
!ather say/ I1 )ent to pilgri(age )ith Ah(ed ibn
=anbal/ so )e reached a house in that place i0e0 ?ecca0
Abu Abdullah <Ah(ed ibn =anbal> le!t early and 1 le!t
a!ter hi(0 A!ter praying the pre-sunrise prayer/ 1
searched the (as8id !or hi(0 1 ca(e to the gathering o!
Su!yan ibn Uyana and 1 barged (y )ay into the
gathering in search o! Abu Abdullah <Ah(ed ibn
=anbal>/ until 1 !ound Ah(ed ibn =anbal )ith a young
bedouin/ )earing dyed clothes and long hair tied on his
head0 hen 1 (oved until 1 could sit )ith Ah(ed ibn
=anbal and 1 asked/ I9ear Abu Abdullah/ you have le!t
1bn Uyana )ho is )ith Al-Guhri/ U(ar ibn 9inar/ Gayad
ibn A,llaBa and the successors0 :hat by Allah/ do you
kno) o! hi(FJ =e said/ I2e Buiet/ as his chains are the
highest that you )ill fnd and this does not har( your
religion or your intellect0 And i! 1 leave this youngster 1
)ill not fnd/ until the 9ay o! 'udge(ent/ so(eone as
learned in the book o! Allah/ and neither have 1 seen
anyone like this youngster0J
I:ho is heFJ
=e replied/ I?uha((ad ibn 1dress As-Sha!,i0J
=o) great )as this eraC o be alive in a ti(e )here
seeking kno)ledge took place in the (as8id0 1n the
gatherings o! 1bn Uyana and As-Sha!,i0 And )here you can
fnd 1(a( Ah(ed setting an e*a(ple !or the students0 he
?essenger o! Allah <peace and blessings o! Allah be upon
hi(> spoke the truth )hen he said the best century is his-
then those )ho !ollo)/ until the third or !ourth0
Chapter seenteen
nappes oo the narrations eot by
the Ipaps
#$ SF(R 6_GA /M5-. B3C 23-.
2D3$ 93AE =O :?@)* #DF [RS-.
#DFE S&-. SU:-.E SK PdH,-.
J.E1 93Q8
'abir narrates that he heard the Prophet <peace and
blessings o! Allah be upon hi(> say/ Ihe diDerence o!
a (an bet)een polytheis( and disbelie! is leaving the
his is not acted upon by As-Sha!,i/ ?alik and Abu
#$ #F. (M$ /01 23-. 25$ =>
?@A1 23-. B3C 23-. 2D3$ E 93A
Narrated by ?usli(/ 1(a( Ah(ed/ At-ir(idhi/ An-Nisa,i
!ro( 2arida ibn Al-=asaib <(ay Allah be pleased )ith hi(>0
(G*> :?(7 (qO Ff +)I PS4
J.E1 WV8SZ-.
1bn Abbas <(ay Allah be pleased )ith the(> narrates
that the ?essenger o! Allah <(ay Allah besto) peace
and blessings upon hi(> said/ I:hichever hide is
tanned is cleansed0J
1(a( As-Sha!,i said/ IA dead hide is not pure even i!
tanned0J Abu =ani!a acted upon this narration0
.eported by ?usli( 114/ Ah(ed in Al-)usnad/ At-ir(idhi/
An-Nisa,i and 1bn ?a8ah !ro( 1bn Abbas0
Chapter eighteen
Narrations eot by Ahped
?(7 #F. #D_8 -(,- #F +G<> #F
[M5< (8 : /sZQ* @F> 2Z*>1 8
/_I(&-. /_I(&-.E L.1 @qE
[R.1 2Z*>1E +7E VT> 2F(LSF ?(7
-(C 63)I ?()I P/Fe /- [7 : 2-
=O : yf1> => 2)UZK VXI 2F(LSF
1bn ?u,in said to Salah ibn Ah(ed ibn =anbal/ I1s your
!ather not asha(edF 1 sa) hi( )ith As-Sha!,i and As-
Sha!,i )as riding and he )as )alkingC 1 sa) hi( holding
his stirrupCJ Salah told his !ather )hat he said0 Ah(ed
said/ Iell hi( that i! he )ishes to understand
8urisprudence then he should take the other stirrup0J
?ay Allah sho) the( all (ercy0
?(7 (8 :(*> 6IS$ A(\ *+s-.
#8 2T@Q58 BZ< 6Q-(R /_I(&-.
=e also said/ I1 did not kno) the science o! abrogation
in narration until 1 sat )ith As-Sha!,i0J Ah(ed )ould sit
)ith As-Sha!,i/ )hen As-Sha!,i )ould co(e to 1raB/ a!ter
Ah(ed had co(pleted his search !or prophetic
narration0 =e co(pleted his studies in prophetic
narrations )hen he )as !orty years old- he had sought
narrations close to t)enty years0 he least student o!
narration/ in our ti(e/ studies !or !our years then leaves
)ith the relied upon opinions on narrations0 =o) vast is
the gap bet)een the t)o0
Chapter nineteen
Narrations eot by the Ipaps
-. t@b
J.E1 +G<>
Ihe cupper and the cupped have broken their
his narration has been narrated by t)enty-fve
co(panions and it is authentic0 1(a( Ah(ed/ Abu
=ani!a/ As-Sha!,i and ?alik re!used it/ and 1shaB/ Al-
=assan/ 1bn al-?uKdr and the rest o! the co(panions0
#8 y(8 2D3$E t@C t(C 25$ 2D-E P
J.E1 W1(XM-.
I:hoever dies and o)es !ast/ it is !asted by his

1(a( Ah(ed !ro( Aisha 2#51# and Abu =urayra %"%$0
Al-2ukhari in the chapter o! !asting !ro( Aisha 1%31 and
?usli( 11#50
Al-=afK ibn =a8ar/ (ay Allah sho) hi( (ercy/ said that
Al-Layth/ 1(a( Ah(ed/ 1shaB/ Abu Ubayd stated there
is no !ast !or the( e*cept oath0
#$ /F> dS*Sq /01 23-. 25$ #$
/M5-. B3C 23-. 2D3$ 93AE N :?(7
#8+)Z* 9L+<> =(81 t@,F t@* E>
#D8@* NO => =@:* [R1 =(L t@,*
28@C 9,D3I z-{ t@D-. P
J.E1 W1(XM-.
Abu =urayrah/ (ay Allah be pleased )ith hi(/ narrates
that the Prophet/ peace and blessings be upon hi(/
said/ I9o not any o! you precede .a(adan/ by !asting a
day or t)o e*cept he )ho habitually !asts that day/
then let hi( !ast0J
1(a( Ah(ed said it is necessary to !ast in the days o!
going against proven evidence0
1bid0 15%1 and ?usli( 1%120
:hen it is not clear that the (onth o! .a(adan has begun
or not0
Chapter twenty
Pease note
9o not think that (e(orising authentic narrations
)hich the scholars le!t and the )eak ones that they
relied upon/ that you have taken the books o! prophetic
narrations0 @! course not/ 1 s)ear by Allah that there
are (any (ore narrations/ and )e took so(e to shed
so(e light here0
&or e*a(ple7
(G*> d>S8. 6REw (4QU\ SDF
={O (4D-E (4<(:5I P[(F
J.E1 @F> fE.f
I:hichever )o(an (arries hersel!/ )ithout the
per(ission o! her guardian/ then her (arriage is

here are !our kinds o! )ays to understand the )ord/
10 ~irgin belo) (aturity
20 9ivorced belo) (aturity
1(a( Ah(ed and Abu 9a)ood !ro( Aisha 2$%"0
"0 A (ature virgin
#0 A (ature divorcee0
So so(e o! the scholars said this )as virgin belo)
(aturity or divorced0 So(e )ent )ith the (eaning/ a
(ature ~irgin or belo) (ature0 @thers (ade the ruling
on intellect so this is the sa(e as these !our kinds0 As
)e see that the scholars do not take all the (eanings o!
the )ord I)o(anJ )hich they relate in narration/ rather
each one takes a (eaning0
?(7 ?@A1 23-. B3C 23-. 2D3$ E
N :93A a@0E #G- 9- SLV* 9A.
23-. 2D3$ P
J.E1 @F> fE.f
he ?essenger o! Allah <(ay Allah besto) peace and
blessings upon hi(> said/ Ihere is no purifcation !or
the one )ho does not (ention the na(e Allah0J
he )ord IlaJ <no> is a negation o! any type in apparent
(eaning/ concerning all the types o! co(plete or
inco(plete purifcation0 he (a8ority considered this !or
per!ect ablution <or to attain the highest rank o!
Abu 9a)ood !ro( Abu =urayrah in the chapter o!
purifcation ;20
ablution>- 1(a( Ah(ed said that )e take the apparent
(eaning0 9o not think that they chose the (eanings
rando(ly !ro( their o)n egos/ rather that they had
te*tual evidence/ and each o! the( dre) out !ro( the
sentence )hat )as apparent0 his action is because
Allah said/ I9o you believe in so(e o! the book and
re8ect another part- there is no re)ard !or )hoever does
this e*cept in the )orld and on the 9ay o! 'udge(ent
they receive the )orst punish(ent0J

So )hoever fnds narrations and then issues an edict
)ithout (aking a co(parison in all that )as related in
that chapter o! hadith/ Auranic in8unctions/ Speech o!
the co(panions/ and opinions o! the scholars/ is
included in the above verse0 ?ay Allah protect us !ro(
(isguidance a!ter being guided0
?(7 ?@A1 23-. B3C 23-. 2D3$
qV-. :93AE qV-(F %U
%U-(F S

-.E S

-(F SD_&-.E
SD_&-(F SGZ-.E SGZ-(F 3G-.E
3G-(F H
c8 [cGF a.@A a.@QF .+
+DF =]I 6U3ZT. JVq (5Ce.
.@_DMI DL 9Z .{O =(L .+
* +DF P
J.E1 93Q8
Sura 2aBarah 27%30
Ubayd ibn As-Sa(it <(ay Allah be pleased )ith hi(>
reports that the ?essenger o! Allah <(ay Allah besto)
upon hi( peace and blessings> said/ IHold !or gold-
Silver !or silver- )heat !or )heat- barley !or barley-
dates !or dates- salt !or salt- sa(e !or sa(e/ si(ilar !or
si(ilar/ hand over hand/ and i! it is diDerent !ro( these
types then sell as you )ish 000J

he narration deals )ith si* types o! interest0 he
(a8ority say that this is not taken as out)ardly rather
the interest enters into other than these types0 hen
this disagree(ent is in the e*planation o! the
discrepancies o! interest0 So(e say that it is the )eight
o! the type- others say its price and goods- others say
that the discrepancy is the price and the !oodstuDs0
1! )e )ere to give a presentation o! this chapter/ a
larger volu(e )ould be necessary0 So to this e*tent/
8ust an indication suNces !or the intelligent0
9o not think that 8ust by reading this chapter or the
previous chapter that the apparent (eaning is le!t then
he adopts a )ay to the books o! the SunnaC .ather the
chapters o! this are nu(erous0 @ne o! the kno)ledge
<present here> are- ?akhus (in ul-2add/ ?utaB )a
?uBayad/ (uskil )a (u!asir/ =aBiBa (aBusura/ (a8aK
)a a,(( al-?a8aK/ Sarih )a Oinyat/ Nasikh )a
and the re(inder concerning these
.eported by 1(a( ?usli( 2;5$0
hese are ter(s used in the science o! the principles o!
8urisprudence or Usul Al-&iBh so please look the( up there as
it is too (uch to e*plain each one here0
9o not think you can contain all these chapters then
end up )ith narrations0 1! you )ish to do this then (ay
Allah bless your ti(e and aspirations because this is the
initial stages o! seeking sacred kno)ledge0 :e are
students )hen )e begin seeking sacred kno)ledge0 :e
hope that you ponder about )hat )e arrived at in ter(s
o! understanding narrations- a true understanding
)ithout innovation or crookedness0 1! you sure o! this
then you have adopted the best (anner o! seeking
kno)ledge- begin )ith the Arabic language/ then
8urisprudence/ then narrations and fnally Auranic
e*egesis0 9o not ignore this order as Allah said/ I1t is
not righteousness that you go to houses by the backs
thereo! <as do the idolaters at certain seasons>/ but the
righteous (an is he )ho )ards oD <evil>0 So go to
houses by the gates thereo!/ and observe your duty to
Allah/ that ye (ay be success!ul0J
Auran7 Sura 2aBarah 271%;0
Chapter twenty one
~he becties
he (ain ob8ectives )ere to clari!y the !ollo)ing7
10 1t is necessary to take the (eaning o! the narration
!ro( scholars as they received its )ords through
narration0 he co(panions/ the successors and the
?u8tahid scholars le!t hadith and did not act upon the(
until they authenticated its chain o! narration0
20 1t is not per(issible !or so(eone to fnd an authentic
narration/ to act upon it and issue legal edict on it0
"0 Authentic narrations according to the e*perts and
acceptance o! the narration/ according to the scholars/
are not synony(ous0
#0 :eak narrations according to the e*perts and not
acting upon it/ according to the 8urists/ are not
30 Eligibility o! the narrator o! the narration does not
Buali!y his peers to distinguish )hat is acted upon and
)hat is not acted upon0
40 Narration is one instruction and this depends on the
50 1! it is le!t by one o! the 1(a(s o! narration then it is
not by obeying )hi(s or because he did not receive it0
%0 :hoever has all the books o! narration and
8urisprudence cannot issue legal edict i! they do not
(eet the conditions o! issuing edicts0
;0 As )e scrutinise the (en )ho narrate/ so do )e can
clari!y its (eaning !ro( (en0 As )e receive the chain o!
narration/ and the te*t !ro( (en/ like)ise )e receive
its (eaning !ro( (en0
1! this is diNcult upon you/ )hat 1 have said/ do not
s)a(p (e )ith correspondence0 9o not in!or( (e that
1 neglected your Buestions concerning theological belie!
because 1 )ill ask !or per(ission !ro( (y spiritual
(aster to allo) (e to co(pose it/ and )hen per(ission
)ill be given/ 1 )ill place the epistle in !ront o! you and
it )ill represent the introduction to the science o!
his )as )ritten by Sheikh Atabek Shukurov Al-Oashi on
the tenth night o! 'a(da At-hani in the year one
thousand/ !our hundred and t)enty nine since the
e(igration o! the ?essenger o! Allah/ peace and
blessings o! Allah be upon hi(0
he translation )as co(pleted on the t)enty !ourth o!
.a(adan/ 1#2; by Ar!an Shah <Oeighley>0
All praise is only )orthy !or Allah ?ighty and ?a8estic/
and (ay benedictions and salutations/ in innu(erable
I?enJ (eaning people )ho are Bualifed to narrate0
(ultitudes/ be upon the Prophet ?uha((ad/ his !a(ily/
his co(panions and those )ho !ollo) his path/ until the
day o! 8udg(ent0

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