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xAND 3D Lducat|on Wh|te aper

noLhlng capLures Lhe aLLenLlon of sLudenLs llke 3u!!! As we all have seen over Lhe pasL couple of years, 3u Lechnology ls becomlng a
blgger parL of Lhe enLerLalnmenL experlence, wheLher lL's aL Lhe movle LheaLer, ln Lhe home, or ln gamlng envlronmenLs. Powever,
Lhe beneflLs of 3u exLend much furLher Lhan provldlng enLerLalnmenL value. When conslderlng Lhe lmpacL of 3u Lechnology on
educaLlon, lL's no surprlse LhaL more and more schools and unlverslLles are beglnnlng Lo lncorporaLe 3u lnLo Lhelr classrooms. WlLh a
3u currlculum, Leachers can creaLe a compleLely lmmerslve envlronmenL ln whlch sLudenLs can learn more complex concepLs,
lncrease Lhelr LesL scores & reLaln lnformaLlon for much longer perlods.
Sect|on A - 3D 1echno|ogy
3u (or sLereoscoplc) vlewlng works by presenLlng Lwo dlfferenL lmages Lo
Lhe lefL and rlghL eye, slmulaLlng whaL our eyes see ln real llfe. 1he braln
comblnes Lhe Lwo lmages Lo creaLe Lhe percepLlon of 3u depLh.
AcLlve 3u sysLems work by alLernaLely dlsplaylng Lhe lmages for Lhe lefL and
rlghL eye ln rapld successlon - Loo qulckly Lo see Lhe lmages separaLely. 1o
separaLe Lhe lmages, acLlve shuLLer glasses are worn, whlch block Lhe rlghL
eye aL Lhe momenL Lhe lefL lmage ls shown and vlce versa. 1he glasses are
synchronlzed wlLh Lhe pro[ecLor or 1v screen LhaL sends slgnals Lo Lhe
glasses conLrolllng when each lens opens and closes. AcLlve 3u sysLems offer
brlghLer, clearer lmages wlLh Lhe wldesL vlewlng angle, even wlLh large
Sect|on 8 - 8enef|ts of 3D |n Lducat|on
1est kesu|ts
Accordlng Lo sLudles conducLed by 1exas lnsLrumenLs, whlch provldes Lhe uL

(ulglLal LlghL rocesslng) chlps used ln a number of 3u

and sLandard (2u) pro[ecLors, uslng 3u as a classroom learnlng Lool resulLs ln hlgher average LesL scores compared Lo presenLlng Lhe
maLerlal vla 2u pro[ecLlon or from books.
1he 8ock-lsland-Mllan School ulsLrlcL of 8ock lsland, lL conducLed a sLudy ln whlch Lwo
groups of slxLh-grade sLudenLs recelved a nlnLh-grade-level earLh sclence lesson, one wlLh
2u and Lhe oLher uslng 3u pro[ecLlon. 1he sLudenLs were LesLed before and afLer Lhe
lesson. 1he 2u conLrol group LesL scores lncreased 9.7 percenL, whlle Lhe scores of Lhe
sLudenLs who saw Lhe lesson ln 3u lncreased 3S percenL.
ln a sLudy conducLed aL 1he Abbey School ln 8eadlng, uk, four classes were glven a lesson
ln Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe human eye uslng 2u lllusLraLlons and vla a 3u pro[ecLor. ln mulLlple-
cholce LesLs glven afLer Lhe lessons, Lhe mean score for Lhe 3u-LaughL sLudenLs was 8.33
ouL of a posslble 10, whlle Lhe LradlLlonally LaughL chlldren had a mean score of 7.00.

n|gher ketent|on kate
SLudenLs who recelve 3u learnlng remember more of whaL Lhey were LaughL. A sLudenL aL
Lhe Lmmbrook School ln Lhe uk sald, l was LaughL Lhe anaLomy of Lhe human eye uslng
Lhe 3u pro[ecLlon models, and l feel l remember more now - slx monLhs laLer - Lhan lf l had
been LaughL uslng a LexLbook." Lauren Sanders, a maLh Leacher aL ShelLon School, Lhe
largesL school ln Lhe u.S. for learnlng-dlfferenL sLudenLs, Cur school has many sLudenLs
wlLh AuPu, buL l found LhaL my class was much more focused when we lnLroduced Lhe 3u
lessons. usually, l geL loLs of quesLlons Lhrough whlch Lhey conflrm Lhelr undersLandlng of
Lhe maLerlal.buL Lhls Llme, l recelved far fewer quesLlons.Lhey were more paLlenL and
eager Lo explore Lhe conLenL."
Lnhanced Learn|ng Lxper|ence and Lxc|tement
SLudenLs who parLlclpaLed ln 3u learnlng were more engaged wlLh Lhe maLerlal, and more
exclLed abouL Lhe experlence. ln a 3u lesson abouL Lhe anaLomy of Lhe human ear glven aL
8ock lsland, lL, sLudenLs reached ouL lnLo Lhe alr Lo Lry Lo Louch Lhe parLs of Lhe ear as Lhey
seemlngly floaLed ln fronL of Lhem. kaLhryn Macaulay, uepuLy PeadmlsLress aL 1he Abbey
School ln Lhe uk noLed, 1he way.3u pro[ecLors help every chlld engage ln Lhelr sub[ecL ls
lnvaluable. lL llLerally geLs Lhem off Lhelr seaLs and grabs Lhelr aLLenLlon." A sLudenL added,
3u wlll always be exclLlng. lL's dlfferenL Lo a LexLbook because lL adds so many layers and
brlngs so much depLh Lo whaL we are learnlng."
rlnclpal Megan 1lmme of PamllLon ark aceseLLer MagneL of uallas polnLed ouL, l belleve Lhe klds are more engaged because Lhey
are able Lo Lake absLracL concepLs and make Lhem more concreLe ln Lhelr mlnds. An engaged chlld ls a successful chlld."
AfLer an exLenslve reporL produced by vlslon researchers and speclallsLs advlsors from across Lhe 3u lndusLry, Lhe Amerlcan
CpLomeLrlc AssoclaLlon (ACA) has explalned how Lhe 3u approach Lo learnlng serves as a fulcrum for enhanced Leachlng and
lmproved assurance of school readlness.
1he ablllLy Lo percelve 3u and learn ln 3u requlres preclse elemenLs of vlslon flLness." 1hls deals wlLh eye allgnmenL, and eye
Lracklng. 1he recenL emergence of lnnovaLlve 3u presenLaLlon Lechnologles and 3u conLenL ln movle LheaLers, ln Lhe home, ln vldeo
games and now ln classrooms, all help Lo lncrease Lhe flLness" of Lhe human eye. 1he ablllLy of Lhe eye Lo respond Lo Lhls Lechnology
lncreases Lhe healLh of Lhe eye.
When an lndlvldual experlences any of Lhe 3 'u's' of 3u - dlscomforL, dlzzlness, and lack of depLh percepLlon - Lhese slgnals can serve
as an early lndlcaLor of some measure of vlslon lmpalrmenL. Cnce ldenLlfled, LreaLmenL can help cure Lhese lmpalrmenLs, lncreaslng
Lhe vlslon flLness of Lhe chlld durlng lmporLanL developmenLal sLages. WlLh Lhe new use of acLlve 3u sysLems, lL ellmlnaLes Lhe sLress
caused on Lhe eye and braln and ls, Lherefore, safer and easler Lo use for all lndlvlduals.

Sect|on C - So|ut|on - xAND 3D Lducat|on Network (an Lcosystem w|th the
1he xAnu 3u LducaLlon neLwork soluLlon provldes everyLhlng needed Lo make
lmplemenLlng 3u ln Lhe classroom a breeze, lncludlng: CompuLer, 3u 8eady ro[ecLor, 30
xAnu 3u glasses, a carrylng case, and access Lo xAnu 3u's LducaLlonal ConLenL Llbrary, a
one-sLop-shop for all your 3u conLenL needs.
xAND 3D G|asses
xAnu's x102 uL Llnk AcLlve ShuLLer 3u glasses are speclflcally deslgned Lo work wlLh 3u-ready uL pro[ecLors and provlde Lhe
brlghLesL lmages avallable wlLh no fllcker or vlewlng arLlfacLs.
no lnsLallaLlon ls requlred - Lhey Lurn on wlLh a slmply Louch Lo Lhe rlghL Lemple where Lhe surface ls a Louch sensor and Lhey Lurn off
auLomaLlcally when noL ln use. xAnu 3u x102 uL glasses are known as Lhe mosL rugged, durable and washable glasses englneered
Lo wlLhsLand repeaLed use.
xAnu 3u also offers a varleLy of glasses LhaL communlcaLe across mulLlple plaLforms, such as,
lnfrared (l8) and 8adlo lrequency (8l) Lechnology. 1hls allows schools Lo choose xAnu 3u glasses
LhaL work wlLh LCu pro[ecLors, plasma and LCu Lelevlslons, eLc. dependlng on Lhe school's preferred
medlum of vlewlng 3u.
3D Lducat|ona| Content
LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons are conLlnulng Lo adopL 3u Lechnology lnLo Lhelr classrooms dally as 3u learnlng can have a profound lmpacL
on knowledge reLenLlon among sLudenLs.
xAnu 3u has Leamed wlLh lndusLry leaders Lo supply Lhelr neLwork members wlLh hlgh-quallLy
educaLlonal 3u conLenL. Cnce a school [olns Lhe xAnu 3u LducaLlon neLwork, lL ls glven
access Lo xAnu's 3u LducaLlonal ConLenL Llbrary, whlch lncludes conLrlbuLlons from educaLors
around Lhe world. lL wlll become an onllne daLabase shared by many educaLors, maklng Lhe
sharlng and learnlng envlronmenL far more enLerLalnlng. xAnu ls a one-sLop-shop Lo make 3u
conLenL easy Lo obLaln.

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