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Our solution

8rlng tunctlonal ano amblent llgbtlng togetber

Clearly oene tbe llvlng ano olnlng spaces wltb llgbt
Lnbance tbe olnlng area wltb tbe rlgbt llgbt tor a olnner party
|nject some colortul (ano Nelble) mooo llgbtlng to enbance tbelr bome
clnema eperlence
Provloe oeolcateo task llgbtlng tor tbelr large bookcase
The problem
A general lack ot amblent ano tunctlonal llgbtlng
No clear separatlon between tbe llvlng ano olnlng areas
No oeolcateo llgbt above tbelr large olnlng table
No Nelble llgbtlng ln tbe Tv area to belp create a clnematlc mooo
Pblllp 8ooe ano Marlna Wolt,
8erlln, Germany
Creating a modern entertaining center with Philips LED lighting
Philip and Marina have been living together in their Berlin apartment for more than three years. Philip
works in advertising and Marina is an editor at a publishing house. They both share a passion for books
aoo |ave a oac'eo boo'case to oove |t' o.eve t|ee |s a |ac' o soc|eot |||t|o to soooot t|e|
needs during those regular visits to their bookcase. Also like many young professional couples they love
to entertain their friends in their contemporary open-plan living and dining room. They have a huge
long dining table thats great for lively dinner parties and a comfy sofa in front of an old-school TV
where they enjoy watching movies after a good meal. The current lighting doesnt really provide the
kind of ambience they would like for either of these activities.
See what light did for Philip and Marina
Our lighting plan
See ln oetall bow our llgbtover team bas useo Pblllps solutlons to transtorm Pblllp ano
Marlna's llvlng ano olnlng room lnto a mooern entertalnlng center.
3) Pblllps LlvlngColors |rls 1) Pblllps Leolno wall llgbt 2) Pblllps Naturelle
TeaLlgbts (set ot 3)
4) Pblllps LlvlngColors
5) Llrlo by Pblllps
Dollnea penoant
6) Pblllps 835 LLD canoles
lnsloe a Pblllps |nStyle
Flnn table lamp
8) 7) Pblllps |nStyle Luclano
Llrlo by Pblllps Clelo
9) Pblllps LlgbtStrlp Curve
olnlng area
entertalnmen area otce space
See what light did for Philip and Marina
Product overview
Our solutlon
1) 1) 1)
1) 1) 1)
See what light did for Philip and Marina
Our solution
Flno out more about our solutlon ano prooucts useo ln Pblllp ano Marlna's llvlng room llgbtover.
Creating the perfect atmosphere
for good dining
Lirio by Philips Dolinea pendant
8atblng a olnlng table ln rlcb, lntlmate llgbt
tbat enables people to enjoy tbelr tooo
more can be as easy as lntroouclng a sleek
penoant wltb lntegrateo LLD llgbts.
Accenting a corner with warm
ambient light
Philips B35 LED candles inside a
Philips InStyle Finn table lamp
Denlng tbe perlmeter ot a large room
wltb warm amblent llgbt can be as easy
as aoolng a styllsb table lamp ano
screwlng ln LLD canole bulb.
5) 6)
2) 3) Making movie nights more
Philips Naturelle TeaLights
Creatlng tbe rlgbt canole-llt mooo to
accompany a gooo lm wltbout tbe
orawbacks ot uslng real canoles can be
as easy as aoolng some LLD tea llgbts
on a table or wlnoowslll.
Changing the mood to match the
Philips LivingColors Iris
|njectlng some playtul color to enbance
your bome clnema eperlence can be
as easy as lntroouclng a kalelooscoplc
LLD mooo llgbt to palnt tbe wall beblno
your Tv.
Pertect replacement
|nstant, warm LLD
Natural canolellgbt
No open Name, bot
wa or smoke
Slmply tllt tbe canole
to turn on ano ott
|eo|o a |oe c|oea soace
with light accents
Philips Ledino wall light
Creatlng tbe pertect settlng to enjoy a
gooo movle can be as easy as aoolng two
olmmable oeslgner llgbts tbat graze
beautltully warm LLD llgbt up your walls.
Mlnlmallst oeslgn
8eautltul, warm LLD
Turning a DVD shelf into a
colorful feature
Philips LivingColors Micro
Hlgbllgbtlng tbe tblngs you're passlonate
about can be as easy as lntegratlng a
color-cbanglng llgbt on a sbelt to oraw
attentlon to tbem.
Up to 16 mllllon
Lasy to use remote
Tlmeless, olstlnctlve
Up to 64 colors
|ntultlve on-proouct
Compact ano tun
proouct oeslgn tbat
ts your bano
Tetureo black
tabrlc or matt
wblte nlsblng
complement tbe
mooern oeslgn
Warm wblte,
olmmable llgbt
Penoant wltb a
total belgbt ot 3m
Dlttuseo, warm llgbt
Styllsb curveo
Comes ln wooo
veneer or glossy
See what light did for Philip and Marina
8) 9) Creating the ideal working space

Lirio by Philips Cielo pendant
Denlng a oeolcateo worklng area wltbln
a room can be as easy as lntroouclng tbe
net level ln llgbtlng eperlence a mooern,
olmmable penoant wltb lntegrateo LLDs.
Accentuating the need for playful
Philips LightStrip Curve Color
|llumlnatlng a mlrror to turn lt lnto an
eye-catcblng teature can be as easy as
attacblng coloreo llgbt strlps arouno
tbe trame.
Illuminating the bookcase for
better use
Philips InStyle Luciano spot
Maklng lt easler to reter to books on a
well-useo bookcase can be as easy as
lnstalllng a serles ot aojustable spotllgbts
on tbe celllng above.
Powertul, warm llgbt
Spotbeaos are tully
moveable to olrect
llgbt wbere you
neeo lt
Lmlttlng llgbt wltbout
a bulb, tbe LLDs are
lntegrateo ln tbe
Warm wblte,
olmmable llgbt
lF ano reo oot oeslgn
awaro wlnner 2012
Flelble ano easy to
lnstall LLD llgbt strlp
Cboose among 16
colors, lncluolng
Create a unlque
amblence arouno
any sbape or object
2012 Konlnklljke Pblllps Llectronlcs N.v.
All rlgbts reserveo.
See what light can do for you
Get started yourself

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