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Global Chalice Lighting for October 2014

ICUU announces the 134th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are
invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the
ICUU Global Chalice Lighting for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the
Unitarian Universalist Society of Spain and is suggested for use in October 2014.

We light this chalice in remembrance of our forebear Michael Servetus, who died in the month
of October, more than 460 years ago, defending his right to think and believe independently.
He said: "I wish that everybody was freely allowed to speak in our churches", and so we
recognize in the free expression of thought and the diversity of opinions the basis of our liberal
J aume de Marcos

Encenem aquest calze en memria de'n Miquel Servet, que va morir a l'octubre fa ms de 450
anys, defensant el seu dret de pensar i creure de manera independent.
Ell va dir: "Tant de b que totspuguessin parlar lliurement en les nostres esglsies", i aix
reconeixem en la lliure expressi del pensament i en la diversitat d'opinions la
base de la nostra fe liberal.
Jaume de Marcos

Wir entznden diesen Flammenkelch in Erinnerung an unseren Vorfahren Michael Sevetus, der
im Oktober vor ber 460 J ahren starb, weil er sein Recht unabhngig zu denken und zu glauben
verteidigte. Er sagte: ' Ich wnsche, dass es jedem gestattet ist, frei in unseren Kirchen zu
sprechen.' Wir erkennen in der Mglichkeit, offen Gedanken zu uern und in der Vielfalt der
Meinungen die Grundlage unseres freiheitlichen Glaubens.
J aume de Marcos

Nous allumons ce calice en souvenir de notre anctre Michel Servet, dcd un mois d'octobre, il
y a de cela plus de 460 ans, en dfendant son droit de penser et de croire de faon indpendante.
Il a dit : J e veux que tout le monde soit autoris parler librement dans nos glises", et cest
ainsi que nous reconnaissons dans la libre expression de la pense et la diversit des opinions la
base de notre foi librale.
J aume de Marcos

Office of the Secretariat
345 Addiscombe Road
Croydon, Surrey
+44 20 8407 2866

Council of
Unitarians and

Encendemos este cliz en memoria de Miguel Servet, que muri en octubre hace ms de 450
aos,defendiendo su derecho a pensar y creer de manera independiente.
El dijo: "Ojal todos pudieran hablar libremente en nuestras iglesias", y as reconocemos en la
libreexpresin del pensamiento y la diversidad de opiniones la base de nuestra fe liberal.
J aume de Marcos

Accendiamo questo calice in memoria del nostro antenato Michele Serveto, che mor nel mese di
Ottobre, p di 460 anni fa, difendendo il proprio diritto di pensare e credere in modo
Egli disse: Vorrei ce a tutti fosse permesso di parlare liberamente nelle nostre chiese.". Per
questo noi riconosciamo nella libera espressione del pensiero e nella diversit di opinioni, la base
della fede liberale.
J aume de Marcos

(With many thanks to our volunteer translators: Jean-Claude Barbier (French),
Freya Bednarski-Stelling (German), Paola Ferrari (Italian) and Jaume de Marcos (Spanish).)

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