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Morning Consult

National Tracking Poll #141001:

September 2014
Crosstabulation Results
This poll was conducted from October 3-5, 2014, among a national sample of 1587 registered voters.
The interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of
registered voters based on age, race/ethnicity, gender, educational attainment, region, annual house-
hold income, home ownership status and marital status. Results from the full survey have a margin of
error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.
1: How likely is it that you will vote in the November 2014 general election for United States Senate, Congress, and other
political oces?
certain to
Very likely About
Not too
Not likely
at all
Registered Voters 64 22 9 3 1 1587
Male 64 23 8 4 1 740
Female 64 21 11 3 1 847
Age: 18-29 41 37 15 7 1 251
Age: 30-44 59 27 10 3 2 399
Age: 45-64 67 19 10 3 1 599
Age: 65+ 81 11 5 2 0 339
Ethnicity - White 64 22 10 3 1 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 61 28 11 0 1 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 65 22 7 6 1 204
Democrats (no lean) 67 20 10 4 0 602
Independents (no lean) 56 26 12 3 2 491
Republicans (no lean) 68 21 7 3 1 494
Liberal (1-3) 62 27 7 4 0 435
Moderate (4) 64 18 13 3 2 472
Conservative (5-7) 69 21 7 2 0 582
Northeast 66 18 13 2 1 289
Midwest 60 24 11 4 1 375
South 64 23 7 4 1 590
West 66 21 9 3 1 333
New England 69 16 10 2 2 83
Mid-Atlantic 65 18 13 2 1 207
East North Central 65 20 12 3 1 256
West North Central 51 35 8 5 1 118
South Atlantic 63 25 7 4 1 317
East South Central 68 20 5 8 0 102
West South Central 65 21 11 0 3 170
Mountain 68 13 17 0 2 107
Pacic 64 25 5 5 1 226
Protestant 70 18 8 3 1 470
Roman Catholic 68 19 9 3 2 364
Ath./Agn./None 57 26 12 3 2 355
Something Else 58 27 9 5 1 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 71 21 5 3 0 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 60 23 12 3 2 994
1: How likely is it that you will vote in the November 2014 general election for United States Senate, Congress, and other
political oces?
certain to
Very likely About
Not too
Not likely
at all
Registered Voters 64 22 9 3 1 1587
Income: Under 50k 61 21 12 4 2 688
Income: 50k-100k 68 21 7 3 1 522
Income: 100k+ 63 25 8 3 1 377
Educ: < College 60 23 11 4 1 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 70 20 8 2 1 353
Educ: Post-grad 72 21 5 1 0 191
Military HH 78 16 6 0 0 272
Not Military HH 61 23 10 4 1 1315
Urban 63 22 10 3 1 382
Suburban 65 22 9 3 1 818
Rural 63 22 11 3 1 387
Democratic Men 66 24 7 2 0 285
Democratic Women 67 15 12 6 0 316
Republican Men 69 21 6 4 0 218
Republican Women 68 20 7 2 2 276
Independent Men 58 22 12 5 3 236
Independent Women 54 30 13 1 2 255
U.S. Right Direction 63 23 10 4 1 521
U.S. Wrong Track 65 22 9 3 1 1066
Obama: Approve 62 24 9 4 0 658
Obama: Disapprove 67 21 9 3 1 884
#1 Issue - Economy 58 21 11 8 1 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 56 20 18 4 1 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 80 14 2 2 1 88
#1 Issue - Health care 60 22 13 2 3 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 67 20 10 4 0 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 62 19 11 6 1 413
2: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty
seriously gotten o on the wrong track?
Right Direction Wrong Track N
Registered Voters 33 67 1587
Male 36 64 740
Female 30 70 847
Age: 18-29 44 56 251
Age: 30-44 33 67 399
Age: 45-64 31 69 599
Age: 65+ 28 72 339
Ethnicity - White 28 72 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 48 52 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 63 37 204
Democrats (no lean) 58 42 602
Independents (no lean) 26 74 491
Republicans (no lean) 9 91 494
Liberal (1-3) 54 46 435
Moderate (4) 36 64 472
Conservative (5-7) 15 85 582
Northeast 33 67 289
Midwest 37 63 375
South 31 69 590
West 32 68 333
New England 23 77 83
Mid-Atlantic 37 63 207
East North Central 35 65 256
West North Central 40 60 118
South Atlantic 36 64 317
East South Central 28 72 102
West South Central 22 78 170
Mountain 20 80 107
Pacic 38 62 226
Protestant 26 74 470
Roman Catholic 32 68 364
Ath./Agn./None 39 61 355
Something Else 35 65 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 32 68 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 33 67 994
2: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty
seriously gotten o on the wrong track?
Right Direction Wrong Track N
Registered Voters 33 67 1587
Income: Under 50k 31 69 688
Income: 50k-100k 33 67 522
Income: 100k+ 37 63 377
Educ: < College 31 69 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 34 66 353
Educ: Post-grad 43 57 191
Military HH 30 70 272
Not Military HH 33 67 1315
Urban 47 53 382
Suburban 29 71 818
Rural 27 73 387
Democratic Men 61 39 285
Democratic Women 56 44 316
Republican Men 14 86 218
Republican Women 5 95 276
Independent Men 27 73 236
Independent Women 24 76 255
U.S. Right Direction 100 0 521
U.S. Wrong Track 0 100 1066
Obama: Approve 70 30 658
Obama: Disapprove 5 95 884
#1 Issue - Economy 31 69 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 46 54 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 14 86 88
#1 Issue - Health care 32 68 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 38 62 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 31 69 413
3: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President?
Know /
Registered Voters 13 29 19 37 3 1587
Male 12 32 18 36 3 740
Female 13 26 20 38 3 847
Age: 18-29 13 42 18 23 3 251
Age: 30-44 12 32 20 32 4 399
Age: 45-64 14 24 20 40 3 599
Age: 65+ 11 23 17 47 2 339
Ethnicity - White 8 26 21 42 3 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 20 29 22 25 4 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 39 46 5 7 3 204
Democrats (no lean) 25 50 13 8 3 602
Independents (no lean) 5 26 25 38 5 491
Republicans (no lean) 4 5 20 70 1 494
Liberal (1-3) 26 48 16 8 2 435
Moderate (4) 12 34 24 27 4 472
Conservative (5-7) 4 13 18 65 0 582
Northeast 13 30 20 32 5 289
Midwest 9 37 22 29 3 375
South 14 24 16 44 2 590
West 14 27 19 37 3 333
New England 8 27 20 42 2 83
Mid-Atlantic 15 31 20 28 6 207
East North Central 9 38 20 29 4 256
West North Central 9 34 24 31 2 118
South Atlantic 15 29 15 41 1 317
East South Central 14 26 14 41 4 102
West South Central 12 14 21 52 2 170
Mountain 12 23 16 47 2 107
Pacic 15 29 20 33 4 226
Protestant 11 22 17 49 1 470
Roman Catholic 10 25 22 41 2 364
Ath./Agn./None 16 39 19 20 6 355
Something Else 14 31 18 33 4 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 16 24 15 43 2 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 11 32 21 33 3 994
3: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President?
Know /
Registered Voters 13 29 19 37 3 1587
Income: Under 50k 15 29 17 36 4 688
Income: 50k-100k 11 29 20 38 2 522
Income: 100k+ 11 29 22 36 2 377
Educ: < College 11 28 19 38 3 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 12 29 21 36 3 353
Educ: Post-grad 20 32 16 31 1 191
Military HH 15 24 15 44 3 272
Not Military HH 12 30 20 35 3 1315
Urban 18 38 15 26 3 382
Suburban 10 27 22 37 3 818
Rural 12 24 16 46 2 387
Democratic Men 24 54 8 10 3 285
Democratic Women 27 47 17 7 2 316
Republican Men 6 7 22 66 0 218
Republican Women 3 4 18 74 1 276
Independent Men 4 27 26 38 4 236
Independent Women 6 26 25 38 5 255
U.S. Right Direction 29 59 5 3 4 521
U.S. Wrong Track 4 14 25 54 2 1066
Obama: Approve 30 70 0 0 0 658
Obama: Disapprove 0 0 34 66 0 884
#1 Issue - Economy 13 27 22 36 1 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 15 37 28 19 1 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 5 13 20 62 0 88
#1 Issue - Health care 14 29 18 36 4 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 15 26 29 25 5 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 12 26 23 38 1 413
4: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President?
Approve Disapprove Dont Know /
No Opinion
Registered Voters 41 56 3 1587
Male 44 53 3 740
Female 39 58 3 847
Age: 18-29 55 41 3 251
Age: 30-44 44 52 4 399
Age: 45-64 38 60 3 599
Age: 65+ 34 64 2 339
Ethnicity - White 34 63 3 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 49 47 4 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 86 12 3 204
Democrats (no lean) 76 21 3 602
Independents (no lean) 31 64 5 491
Republicans (no lean) 10 90 1 494
Liberal (1-3) 73 24 2 435
Moderate (4) 46 51 4 472
Conservative (5-7) 16 83 0 582
Northeast 43 52 5 289
Midwest 46 51 3 375
South 38 60 2 590
West 41 56 3 333
New England 36 63 2 83
Mid-Atlantic 46 48 6 207
East North Central 47 49 4 256
West North Central 43 55 2 118
South Atlantic 44 55 1 317
East South Central 40 56 4 102
West South Central 25 73 2 170
Mountain 36 63 2 107
Pacic 44 52 4 226
Protestant 33 66 1 470
Roman Catholic 35 63 2 364
Ath./Agn./None 55 40 6 355
Something Else 45 51 4 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 40 58 2 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 42 54 3 994
4: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President?
Approve Disapprove Dont Know /
No Opinion
Registered Voters 41 56 3 1587
Income: Under 50k 43 53 4 688
Income: 50k-100k 40 58 2 522
Income: 100k+ 40 58 2 377
Educ: < College 40 57 3 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 40 57 3 353
Educ: Post-grad 52 47 1 191
Military HH 39 58 3 272
Not Military HH 42 55 3 1315
Urban 56 40 3 382
Suburban 37 60 3 818
Rural 36 62 2 387
Democratic Men 78 18 3 285
Democratic Women 74 24 2 316
Republican Men 13 87 0 218
Republican Women 7 91 1 276
Independent Men 31 64 4 236
Independent Women 32 63 5 255
U.S. Right Direction 88 8 4 521
U.S. Wrong Track 19 79 2 1066
Obama: Approve 100 0 0 658
Obama: Disapprove 0 100 0 884
#1 Issue - Economy 41 58 1 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 52 47 1 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 18 82 0 88
#1 Issue - Health care 42 54 4 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 41 55 5 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 38 61 1 413
5: Now, thinking about your vote in 2014 for federal oces such as U.S. Senate or Congress, what would you say is the top
issue that is motivating your vote? (Among Respondents in Sample A)
Other N
Registered Voters 27 11 10 13 6 7 12 1 3 6 5 848
Male 29 11 12 11 5 7 11 2 3 7 3 387
Female 26 11 9 14 6 7 12 0 3 6 6 462
Age: 18-29 31 12 5 10 5 4 3 4 7 18 2 127
Age: 30-44 31 13 7 18 2 9 5 1 3 7 4 217
Age: 45-64 29 13 11 13 5 6 9 0 2 3 7 330
Age: 65+ 16 4 17 7 12 8 30 0 1 2 2 174
Ethnicity - White 27 10 12 11 5 8 12 1 2 6 5 678
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 22 20 4 19 3 3 11 3 6 6 4 113
Democrats (no lean) 24 14 6 13 3 5 16 2 2 11 3 326
Independents (no lean) 31 10 10 13 6 4 13 0 4 4 5 254
Republicans (no lean) 28 8 17 12 8 12 4 1 2 2 6 268
Liberal (1-3) 28 9 7 11 4 6 11 2 5 13 3 224
Moderate (4) 24 15 6 13 9 5 16 1 3 4 4 265
Conservative (5-7) 31 10 16 11 4 10 7 0 1 3 6 324
Northeast 27 14 9 10 4 3 13 2 5 4 9 140
Midwest 25 11 8 20 4 4 14 0 1 8 5 208
South 26 13 14 12 5 10 8 1 2 5 3 323
West 31 5 8 8 11 8 14 1 4 9 2 177
Mid-Atlantic 23 18 6 13 4 3 15 3 7 4 4 103
East North Central 23 11 10 21 4 2 13 0 1 10 6 142
South Atlantic 30 14 14 13 5 6 8 2 3 2 4 178
West South Central 28 13 11 8 7 20 4 1 1 4 2 95
Pacic 27 6 5 10 12 8 15 1 4 11 1 119
Protestant 24 8 14 10 10 9 14 2 2 3 4 264
Roman Catholic 29 9 15 18 4 8 10 1 2 3 2 184
Ath./Agn./None 28 13 6 14 5 7 8 1 4 11 4 189
Something Else 28 16 7 10 2 4 12 0 4 9 7 210
Religiosity: Monthly+ 27 10 10 12 5 9 12 2 3 3 7 319
Religiosity: LT Monthly 27 12 10 13 6 6 11 1 2 8 3 530
5: Now, thinking about your vote in 2014 for federal oces such as U.S. Senate or Congress, what would you say is the top
issue that is motivating your vote? (Among Respondents in Sample A)
Other N
Registered Voters 27 11 10 13 6 7 12 1 3 6 5 848
Income: Under 50k 22 11 8 16 4 5 19 0 4 5 5 360
Income: 50k-100k 31 12 11 10 9 8 8 2 1 5 3 303
Income: 100k+ 30 9 14 11 4 9 4 1 2 11 5 185
Educ: < College 25 11 8 13 6 7 14 1 2 7 6 576
Educ: Bachelors degree 32 13 18 11 5 5 6 0 3 4 2 174
Educ: Post-grad 30 9 9 16 6 8 7 2 4 6 2 98
Military HH 19 6 15 9 12 7 16 3 2 8 4 149
Not Military HH 29 12 9 13 4 7 11 1 3 6 5 699
Urban 27 9 7 13 3 8 14 1 4 8 5 188
Suburban 28 9 12 12 8 6 11 1 2 6 5 459
Rural 26 17 10 15 3 7 9 1 2 6 4 202
Democratic Men 22 15 9 10 3 6 16 3 1 12 4 148
Democratic Women 26 13 3 16 3 4 17 1 4 11 3 178
Republican Men 34 7 15 11 7 13 4 2 2 3 3 110
Republican Women 24 9 19 12 9 12 4 1 1 2 8 158
Independent Men 33 10 13 13 5 2 11 0 5 5 2 129
Independent Women 28 10 6 13 7 6 16 0 3 3 8 126
U.S. Right Direction 26 16 5 13 4 4 13 2 3 10 5 274
U.S. Wrong Track 28 9 13 13 7 8 11 1 2 4 4 574
Obama: Approve 27 14 5 13 4 4 11 2 4 12 4 346
Obama: Disapprove 28 9 15 12 7 9 11 0 2 2 4 482
#1 Issue - Economy 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 88
#1 Issue - Health care 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 56 23 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 413
6: Do you think Internet service providers (ISPs), such as Comcast or AT&T, should or should not be able to charge
companies that provide content over the web, such as Facebook or Youtube, a higher price for faster Internet service?
Should Should not Dont Know /
No Opinion
Registered Voters 17 62 21 1587
Male 23 60 17 740
Female 12 63 24 847
Age: 18-29 19 71 10 251
Age: 30-44 21 61 18 399
Age: 45-64 15 63 23 599
Age: 65+ 18 54 28 339
Ethnicity - White 16 63 21 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 21 67 12 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 25 54 21 204
Democrats (no lean) 19 62 19 602
Independents (no lean) 12 64 24 491
Republicans (no lean) 20 59 20 494
Liberal (1-3) 19 65 16 435
Moderate (4) 17 62 22 472
Conservative (5-7) 18 60 22 582
Northeast 16 62 21 289
Midwest 14 65 21 375
South 20 60 20 590
West 18 61 21 333
New England 17 64 19 83
Mid-Atlantic 16 61 22 207
East North Central 15 65 21 256
West North Central 13 65 22 118
South Atlantic 25 55 20 317
East South Central 10 71 19 102
West South Central 16 63 21 170
Mountain 26 56 18 107
Pacic 14 63 23 226
Protestant 20 55 26 470
Roman Catholic 20 61 19 364
Ath./Agn./None 17 62 21 355
Something Else 13 70 17 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 23 56 21 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 14 65 21 994
6: Do you think Internet service providers (ISPs), such as Comcast or AT&T, should or should not be able to charge
companies that provide content over the web, such as Facebook or Youtube, a higher price for faster Internet service?
Should Should not Dont Know /
No Opinion
Registered Voters 17 62 21 1587
Income: Under 50k 16 61 22 688
Income: 50k-100k 18 62 20 522
Income: 100k+ 18 62 19 377
Educ: < College 15 62 22 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 20 63 17 353
Educ: Post-grad 26 55 19 191
Military HH 21 55 24 272
Not Military HH 17 63 20 1315
Urban 22 60 17 382
Suburban 17 60 22 818
Rural 12 67 21 387
Democratic Men 29 54 17 285
Democratic Women 11 69 21 316
Republican Men 25 61 14 218
Republican Women 17 58 25 276
Independent Men 14 66 20 236
Independent Women 10 63 27 255
U.S. Right Direction 19 58 22 521
U.S. Wrong Track 16 63 20 1066
Obama: Approve 21 59 20 658
Obama: Disapprove 15 64 20 884
#1 Issue - Economy 16 65 19 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 14 57 29 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 17 57 26 88
#1 Issue - Health care 12 66 22 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 12 61 28 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 16 61 23 413
7: Who, if anyone, do you think should regulate whether Internet service providers (ISPs), such as Comcast or ATT, can
charge a higher price for faster Internet service?
State gov-
over the
Know /
Registered Voters 32 11 15 13 30 1587
Male 36 13 16 14 22 740
Female 28 9 14 12 38 847
Age: 18-29 31 11 22 17 18 251
Age: 30-44 29 14 16 10 30 399
Age: 45-64 31 11 13 11 34 599
Age: 65+ 35 6 11 14 34 339
Ethnicity - White 31 10 15 12 31 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 44 11 13 9 23 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 31 15 11 14 30 204
Democrats (no lean) 37 11 14 10 29 602
Independents (no lean) 34 9 14 12 31 491
Republicans (no lean) 23 12 17 16 32 494
Liberal (1-3) 43 10 15 11 21 435
Moderate (4) 36 10 12 12 29 472
Conservative (5-7) 21 12 18 15 34 582
Northeast 30 8 12 13 36 289
Midwest 34 6 18 11 31 375
South 32 14 16 11 26 590
West 29 12 12 16 32 333
New England 31 3 13 12 41 83
Mid-Atlantic 30 10 12 14 34 207
East North Central 31 6 19 9 35 256
West North Central 40 5 16 16 23 118
South Atlantic 31 15 19 13 22 317
East South Central 34 9 16 2 38 102
West South Central 32 16 10 14 28 170
Mountain 19 11 15 22 33 107
Pacic 34 12 10 13 31 226
Protestant 30 9 15 11 35 470
Roman Catholic 28 9 18 17 27 364
Ath./Agn./None 40 9 11 11 29 355
Something Else 28 15 16 11 29 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 25 12 17 13 33 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 36 10 14 12 29 994
7: Who, if anyone, do you think should regulate whether Internet service providers (ISPs), such as Comcast or ATT, can
charge a higher price for faster Internet service?
State gov-
over the
Know /
Registered Voters 32 11 15 13 30 1587
Income: Under 50k 28 13 14 11 34 688
Income: 50k-100k 33 8 17 13 28 522
Income: 100k+ 36 9 14 14 27 377
Educ: < College 29 12 15 12 32 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 38 8 14 14 26 353
Educ: Post-grad 36 8 17 12 27 191
Military HH 32 15 18 10 25 272
Not Military HH 32 10 14 13 31 1315
Urban 35 11 16 14 25 382
Suburban 31 11 14 13 30 818
Rural 29 10 16 10 36 387
Democratic Men 40 13 15 12 20 285
Democratic Women 34 9 12 9 37 316
Republican Men 30 15 16 17 22 218
Republican Women 17 10 18 15 40 276
Independent Men 36 11 16 12 24 236
Independent Women 32 7 12 12 37 255
U.S. Right Direction 40 8 15 9 28 521
U.S. Wrong Track 27 12 15 14 32 1066
Obama: Approve 41 12 13 10 25 658
Obama: Disapprove 25 10 16 15 33 884
#1 Issue - Economy 25 12 19 12 31 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 29 9 15 9 38 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 30 6 9 29 26 88
#1 Issue - Health care 26 8 14 20 31 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 31 5 19 5 40 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 27 10 16 15 31 413
8: How much have you seen, read, or heard about a thermostat called Nest? (Among respondents in Sample A)
A Lot Some Not Much Nothing At
Registered Voters 6 14 15 66 787
Male 7 19 20 54 349
Female 5 10 10 75 437
Age: 18-29 13 20 21 47 116
Age: 30-44 7 20 19 54 197
Age: 45-64 5 12 12 72 306
Age: 65+ 2 6 11 81 167
Ethnicity - White 6 14 14 66 620
Ethnicity - Hispanic 14 17 8 61 76
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 7 14 17 62 114
Democrats (no lean) 8 16 13 64 310
Independents (no lean) 1 11 20 67 249
Republicans (no lean) 9 14 11 66 228
Liberal (1-3) 8 18 16 57 221
Moderate (4) 5 9 19 67 243
Conservative (5-7) 6 17 11 66 262
Northeast 7 13 15 66 128
Midwest 7 10 18 65 192
South 7 15 12 67 300
West 4 17 15 64 166
Mid-Atlantic 6 10 13 71 93
East North Central 6 10 13 72 130
South Atlantic 6 15 11 67 167
Pacic 5 14 16 65 109
Protestant 6 11 16 68 226
Roman Catholic 6 16 13 65 188
Ath./Agn./None 5 19 13 63 178
Something Else 8 10 17 66 192
Religiosity: Monthly+ 8 19 16 57 291
Religiosity: LT Monthly 5 11 14 70 495
8: How much have you seen, read, or heard about a thermostat called Nest? (Among respondents in Sample A)
A Lot Some Not Much Nothing At
Registered Voters 6 14 15 66 787
Income: Under 50k 5 9 14 72 334
Income: 50k-100k 7 18 11 64 259
Income: 100k+ 6 17 20 57 193
Educ: < College 7 11 13 69 511
Educ: Bachelors degree 4 20 19 57 171
Educ: Post-grad 7 18 13 62 105
Military HH 8 12 11 68 158
Not Military HH 5 14 15 65 629
Urban 8 17 16 59 193
Suburban 6 14 12 69 397
Rural 4 11 19 66 196
Democratic Men 11 21 14 54 141
Democratic Women 5 11 12 72 169
Republican Men 8 20 15 57 97
Republican Women 9 10 8 73 131
Independent Men 2 14 31 53 112
Independent Women 1 9 11 79 137
U.S. Right Direction 8 15 17 60 277
U.S. Wrong Track 5 13 13 69 510
Obama: Approve 9 15 17 59 336
Obama: Disapprove 4 13 13 70 424
#1 Issue - Economy 7 14 17 61 99
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 5 13 14 68 195
9: How much have you seen, read, or heard about a thermostat called Nest? (Among respondents in Sample A)
A Lot / Some Not Much / Nothing
At All
Registered Voters 20 80 787
Male 26 74 349
Female 15 85 437
Age: 18-29 32 68 116
Age: 30-44 27 73 197
Age: 45-64 16 84 306
Age: 65+ 9 91 167
Ethnicity - White 20 80 620
Ethnicity - Hispanic 31 69 76
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 21 79 114
Democrats (no lean) 23 77 310
Independents (no lean) 13 87 249
Republicans (no lean) 23 77 228
Liberal (1-3) 27 73 221
Moderate (4) 15 85 243
Conservative (5-7) 23 77 262
Northeast 20 80 128
Midwest 17 83 192
South 21 79 300
West 21 79 166
Mid-Atlantic 15 85 93
East North Central 15 85 130
South Atlantic 22 78 167
Pacic 20 80 109
Protestant 16 84 226
Roman Catholic 22 78 188
Ath./Agn./None 24 76 178
Something Else 18 82 192
Religiosity: Monthly+ 27 73 291
Religiosity: LT Monthly 16 84 495
9: How much have you seen, read, or heard about a thermostat called Nest? (Among respondents in Sample A)
A Lot / Some Not Much / Nothing
At All
Registered Voters 20 80 787
Income: Under 50k 14 86 334
Income: 50k-100k 25 75 259
Income: 100k+ 22 78 193
Educ: < College 18 82 511
Educ: Bachelors degree 24 76 171
Educ: Post-grad 25 75 105
Military HH 21 79 158
Not Military HH 20 80 629
Urban 25 75 193
Suburban 20 80 397
Rural 15 85 196
Democratic Men 32 68 141
Democratic Women 15 85 169
Republican Men 28 72 97
Republican Women 19 81 131
Independent Men 16 84 112
Independent Women 11 89 137
U.S. Right Direction 23 77 277
U.S. Wrong Track 18 82 510
Obama: Approve 24 76 336
Obama: Disapprove 17 83 424
#1 Issue - Economy 22 78 99
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 18 82 195
10: How much have you seen, read, or heard about a smart thermostat that automatically programs itself to match your
regular routine and preferred temperatures? (Among respondents in Sample B)
A Lot Some Not Much Nothing At
Registered Voters 14 34 26 26 801
Male 18 37 23 22 391
Female 11 31 28 30 410
Age: 18-29 12 23 35 29 134
Age: 30-44 20 46 17 17 201
Age: 45-64 14 35 27 24 293
Age: 65+ 10 27 25 38 172
Ethnicity - White 15 36 24 25 672
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 12 21 35 32 90
Democrats (no lean) 13 31 26 29 292
Independents (no lean) 13 35 27 25 242
Republicans (no lean) 17 36 23 23 266
Liberal (1-3) 16 37 24 23 214
Moderate (4) 8 35 29 28 228
Conservative (5-7) 19 33 26 21 320
Northeast 19 29 24 28 161
Midwest 12 32 25 31 182
South 16 39 25 20 290
West 11 33 28 28 167
Mid-Atlantic 12 35 27 26 114
East North Central 10 33 26 32 126
South Atlantic 16 36 27 21 150
West South Central 15 40 26 18 96
Pacic 10 35 25 30 118
Protestant 15 28 24 33 244
Roman Catholic 18 40 23 20 176
Ath./Agn./None 11 41 24 25 176
Something Else 14 30 32 24 204
Religiosity: Monthly+ 20 32 23 26 302
Religiosity: LT Monthly 11 36 28 26 499
10: How much have you seen, read, or heard about a smart thermostat that automatically programs itself to match your
regular routine and preferred temperatures? (Among respondents in Sample B)
A Lot Some Not Much Nothing At
Registered Voters 14 34 26 26 801
Income: Under 50k 12 33 26 30 354
Income: 50k-100k 13 32 29 25 263
Income: 100k+ 20 39 21 19 184
Educ: < College 12 33 27 29 532
Educ: Bachelors degree 17 35 28 20 182
Educ: Post-grad 22 42 16 20 87
Military HH 16 28 33 23 115
Not Military HH 14 35 24 26 686
Urban 12 36 28 24 189
Suburban 15 33 27 24 420
Rural 15 34 20 31 191
Democratic Men 17 35 23 25 145
Democratic Women 9 28 30 33 148
Republican Men 23 40 15 22 122
Republican Women 12 33 30 24 144
Independent Men 15 36 31 18 125
Independent Women 10 35 24 32 118
U.S. Right Direction 16 32 26 27 245
U.S. Wrong Track 14 35 26 25 556
Obama: Approve 15 33 25 27 322
Obama: Disapprove 14 35 26 25 460
#1 Issue - Economy 11 21 34 33 131
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 13 30 31 26 218
11: How much have you seen, read, or heard about a smart thermostat that automatically programs itself to match your
regular routine and preferred temperatures? (Among respondents in Sample B)
A Lot / Some Not Much / Nothing
At All
Registered Voters 48 52 801
Male 55 45 391
Female 42 58 410
Age: 18-29 35 65 134
Age: 30-44 66 34 201
Age: 45-64 49 51 293
Age: 65+ 37 63 172
Ethnicity - White 50 50 672
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 33 67 90
Democrats (no lean) 44 56 292
Independents (no lean) 48 52 242
Republicans (no lean) 53 47 266
Liberal (1-3) 53 47 214
Moderate (4) 43 57 228
Conservative (5-7) 53 47 320
Northeast 48 52 161
Midwest 44 56 182
South 54 46 290
West 44 56 167
Mid-Atlantic 47 53 114
East North Central 42 58 126
South Atlantic 52 48 150
West South Central 55 45 96
Pacic 45 55 118
Protestant 43 57 244
Roman Catholic 58 42 176
Ath./Agn./None 51 49 176
Something Else 44 56 204
Religiosity: Monthly+ 52 48 302
Religiosity: LT Monthly 46 54 499
11: How much have you seen, read, or heard about a smart thermostat that automatically programs itself to match your
regular routine and preferred temperatures? (Among respondents in Sample B)
A Lot / Some Not Much / Nothing
At All
Registered Voters 48 52 801
Income: Under 50k 44 56 354
Income: 50k-100k 46 54 263
Income: 100k+ 60 40 184
Educ: < College 45 55 532
Educ: Bachelors degree 52 48 182
Educ: Post-grad 64 36 87
Military HH 44 56 115
Not Military HH 49 51 686
Urban 48 52 189
Suburban 48 52 420
Rural 49 51 191
Democratic Men 52 48 145
Democratic Women 37 63 148
Republican Men 63 37 122
Republican Women 45 55 144
Independent Men 51 49 125
Independent Women 45 55 118
U.S. Right Direction 47 53 245
U.S. Wrong Track 49 51 556
Obama: Approve 48 52 322
Obama: Disapprove 50 50 460
#1 Issue - Economy 32 68 131
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 43 57 218
12: How interested are you in purchasing a smart thermostat that automatically programs itself to match your regular
routine and preferred temperatures?
Not very
I already
own a
Know /
Registered Voters 13 35 36 6 11 1587
Male 14 34 36 5 10 740
Female 11 35 36 7 12 847
Age: 18-29 20 38 27 4 10 251
Age: 30-44 15 45 23 5 12 399
Age: 45-64 12 30 39 6 13 599
Age: 65+ 6 27 51 9 7 339
Ethnicity - White 11 34 38 6 10 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 22 28 34 3 13 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 21 38 24 2 15 204
Democrats (no lean) 17 33 33 2 14 602
Independents (no lean) 8 35 41 5 11 491
Republicans (no lean) 12 36 34 11 7 494
Liberal (1-3) 17 35 34 4 11 435
Moderate (4) 12 38 34 4 11 472
Conservative (5-7) 11 33 40 9 7 582
Northeast 11 35 29 10 15 289
Midwest 11 36 38 4 10 375
South 15 35 37 4 8 590
West 10 32 37 8 13 333
New England 12 32 20 18 18 83
Mid-Atlantic 11 36 33 6 14 207
East North Central 13 34 36 4 12 256
West North Central 7 39 43 5 6 118
South Atlantic 16 38 33 5 9 317
East South Central 13 36 36 2 13 102
West South Central 16 30 45 4 5 170
Mountain 9 44 33 4 10 107
Pacic 11 26 39 10 14 226
Protestant 12 26 44 8 9 470
Roman Catholic 13 35 36 5 11 364
Ath./Agn./None 16 39 32 3 11 355
Something Else 11 40 29 6 14 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 16 34 35 6 9 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 10 35 36 6 13 994
12: How interested are you in purchasing a smart thermostat that automatically programs itself to match your regular
routine and preferred temperatures?
Not very
I already
own a
Know /
Registered Voters 13 35 36 6 11 1587
Income: Under 50k 12 31 38 4 16 688
Income: 50k-100k 12 35 36 7 9 522
Income: 100k+ 15 40 32 8 5 377
Educ: < College 11 34 36 5 13 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 15 36 36 6 7 353
Educ: Post-grad 15 35 33 9 8 191
Military HH 9 34 41 9 7 272
Not Military HH 13 35 35 5 12 1315
Urban 17 35 32 2 13 382
Suburban 13 35 35 8 10 818
Rural 8 33 41 6 12 387
Democratic Men 18 34 33 1 14 285
Democratic Women 15 33 34 3 14 316
Republican Men 15 32 35 10 8 218
Republican Women 10 39 33 12 6 276
Independent Men 10 37 40 5 8 236
Independent Women 7 33 41 5 14 255
U.S. Right Direction 19 37 28 4 13 521
U.S. Wrong Track 10 33 40 7 10 1066
Obama: Approve 17 38 30 3 12 658
Obama: Disapprove 9 33 41 8 9 884
#1 Issue - Economy 14 33 38 4 11 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 19 34 32 5 9 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 12 42 34 5 7 88
#1 Issue - Health care 14 38 31 1 16 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 10 21 52 4 13 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 14 35 36 5 10 413
13: Please pick the statement that most closely matches your opinion:
I would like
on when I
use the most
energy for
heating or
cooling my
home so I
can save
I would like
on when I
use the most
energy for
heating or
cooling my
home so I
can help
improve the
I am not
interested in
on when I
use the most
energy for
heating or
cooling my
Dont Know
/ No
Registered Voters 53 16 22 10 1587
Male 52 16 22 10 740
Female 53 15 22 9 847
Age: 18-29 51 19 18 12 251
Age: 30-44 58 19 15 8 399
Age: 45-64 53 11 27 9 599
Age: 65+ 47 16 25 12 339
Ethnicity - White 50 15 23 11 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 61 11 20 7 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 70 12 13 4 204
Democrats (no lean) 58 15 17 11 602
Independents (no lean) 44 18 25 12 491
Republicans (no lean) 55 13 25 6 494
Liberal (1-3) 56 20 15 8 435
Moderate (4) 50 18 21 11 472
Conservative (5-7) 55 11 28 6 582
Northeast 49 17 22 12 289
Midwest 51 18 23 7 375
South 58 12 21 9 590
West 48 17 24 11 333
New England 50 18 19 13 83
Mid-Atlantic 48 17 23 11 207
East North Central 56 14 21 8 256
West North Central 41 27 26 6 118
South Atlantic 60 14 20 6 317
East South Central 62 12 12 15 102
West South Central 52 10 26 12 170
Mountain 50 15 27 9 107
Pacic 48 19 22 12 226
Protestant 52 14 25 9 470
Roman Catholic 57 14 20 9 364
Ath./Agn./None 53 15 21 11 355
Something Else 51 20 21 9 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 53 15 23 9 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 52 16 22 10 994
13: Please pick the statement that most closely matches your opinion:
I would like
on when I
use the most
energy for
heating or
cooling my
home so I
can save
I would like
on when I
use the most
energy for
heating or
cooling my
home so I
can help
improve the
I am not
interested in
on when I
use the most
energy for
heating or
cooling my
Dont Know
/ No
Registered Voters 53 16 22 10 1587
Income: Under 50k 50 14 22 14 688
Income: 50k-100k 51 15 25 8 522
Income: 100k+ 59 18 19 4 377
Educ: < College 51 15 22 13 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 55 15 25 4 353
Educ: Post-grad 60 22 16 3 191
Military HH 53 13 23 11 272
Not Military HH 53 16 22 9 1315
Urban 51 18 20 11 382
Suburban 56 15 22 8 818
Rural 49 16 25 11 387
Democratic Men 58 17 12 13 285
Democratic Women 57 14 21 8 316
Republican Men 53 12 30 5 218
Republican Women 57 14 22 7 276
Independent Men 44 18 26 11 236
Independent Women 44 18 24 14 255
U.S. Right Direction 55 20 16 9 521
U.S. Wrong Track 52 13 25 10 1066
Obama: Approve 56 20 16 8 658
Obama: Disapprove 52 12 26 9 884
#1 Issue - Economy 48 21 25 6 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 54 13 18 16 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 69 6 19 6 88
#1 Issue - Health care 52 15 25 8 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 48 13 28 11 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 54 16 22 8 413
14: What is your age?
Age: 18-29 Age: 30-44 Age: 45-64 Age: 65+ N
Registered Voters 16 25 38 21 1587
Male 18 27 36 19 740
Female 14 24 39 24 847
Age: 18-29 100 0 0 0 251
Age: 30-44 0 100 0 0 399
Age: 45-64 0 0 100 0 599
Age: 65+ 0 0 0 100 339
Ethnicity - White 15 23 39 23 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 21 32 37 10 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 18 35 37 10 204
Democrats (no lean) 17 27 36 19 602
Independents (no lean) 18 25 36 21 491
Republicans (no lean) 12 22 42 24 494
Liberal (1-3) 24 30 29 16 435
Moderate (4) 15 22 38 25 472
Conservative (5-7) 10 23 45 22 582
Northeast 14 22 44 20 289
Midwest 19 27 35 19 375
South 14 28 38 21 590
West 17 21 36 26 333
New England 11 22 54 12 83
Mid-Atlantic 15 22 40 23 207
East North Central 17 31 32 21 256
West North Central 23 19 43 16 118
South Atlantic 14 27 37 22 317
East South Central 17 35 38 10 102
West South Central 12 25 38 26 170
Mountain 15 22 34 29 107
Pacic 18 20 36 25 226
Protestant 10 15 40 34 470
Roman Catholic 8 26 40 25 364
Ath./Agn./None 26 33 32 9 355
Something Else 20 29 37 14 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 14 26 34 26 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 17 25 40 18 994
14: What is your age?
Age: 18-29 Age: 30-44 Age: 45-64 Age: 65+ N
Registered Voters 16 25 38 21 1587
Income: Under 50k 17 24 32 27 688
Income: 50k-100k 15 27 38 20 522
Income: 100k+ 13 25 48 14 377
Educ: < College 18 23 38 21 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 14 27 39 20 353
Educ: Post-grad 10 32 34 24 191
Military HH 10 15 39 36 272
Not Military HH 17 27 37 18 1315
Urban 20 31 27 22 382
Suburban 13 25 39 23 818
Rural 17 20 47 16 387
Democratic Men 21 33 30 17 285
Democratic Women 14 23 41 22 316
Republican Men 11 23 46 20 218
Republican Women 13 21 39 27 276
Independent Men 22 23 34 20 236
Independent Women 14 27 37 22 255
U.S. Right Direction 21 25 35 18 521
U.S. Wrong Track 13 25 39 23 1066
Obama: Approve 21 27 35 18 658
Obama: Disapprove 12 23 40 25 884
#1 Issue - Economy 17 29 41 12 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 16 30 47 7 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 7 18 41 34 88
#1 Issue - Health care 11 36 41 12 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 4 11 31 54 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 15 27 43 16 413
15: What is your gender?
Male Female N
Registered Voters 47 53 1587
Male 100 0 740
Female 0 100 847
Age: 18-29 54 46 251
Age: 30-44 50 50 399
Age: 45-64 44 56 599
Age: 65+ 41 59 339
Ethnicity - White 47 53 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 62 38 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 44 56 204
Democrats (no lean) 47 53 602
Independents (no lean) 48 52 491
Republicans (no lean) 44 56 494
Liberal (1-3) 49 51 435
Moderate (4) 45 55 472
Conservative (5-7) 49 51 582
Northeast 49 51 289
Midwest 46 54 375
South 46 54 590
West 47 53 333
New England 46 54 83
Mid-Atlantic 50 50 207
East North Central 44 56 256
West North Central 51 49 118
South Atlantic 45 55 317
East South Central 44 56 102
West South Central 47 53 170
Mountain 54 46 107
Pacic 44 56 226
Protestant 44 56 470
Roman Catholic 54 46 364
Ath./Agn./None 51 49 355
Something Else 40 60 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 44 56 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 48 52 994
15: What is your gender?
Male Female N
Registered Voters 47 53 1587
Income: Under 50k 45 55 688
Income: 50k-100k 49 51 522
Income: 100k+ 46 54 377
Educ: < College 49 51 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 44 56 353
Educ: Post-grad 41 59 191
Military HH 53 47 272
Not Military HH 45 55 1315
Urban 52 48 382
Suburban 46 54 818
Rural 43 57 387
Democratic Men 100 0 285
Democratic Women 0 100 316
Republican Men 100 0 218
Republican Women 0 100 276
Independent Men 100 0 236
Independent Women 0 100 255
U.S. Right Direction 51 49 521
U.S. Wrong Track 44 56 1066
Obama: Approve 49 51 658
Obama: Disapprove 45 55 884
#1 Issue - Economy 49 51 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 46 54 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 52 48 88
#1 Issue - Health care 41 59 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 43 57 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 49 51 413
16: What is the last grade or class you completed in school?
Registered Voters 0 7 27 3 20 9 22 3 9 1587
Male 0 6 33 2 21 7 21 2 8 740
Female 0 8 22 4 18 10 23 3 10 847
Age: 18-29 1 13 27 2 25 6 19 2 6 251
Age: 30-44 0 5 27 2 18 10 24 3 12 399
Age: 45-64 0 5 28 5 20 9 23 2 9 599
Age: 65+ 0 9 27 3 18 8 21 5 8 339
Ethnicity - White 0 6 29 4 19 8 22 3 9 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 0 9 15 2 19 14 26 3 12 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 12 25 1 23 11 17 4 7 204
Democrats (no lean) 0 6 30 3 19 10 18 3 11 602
Independents (no lean) 0 7 26 4 19 9 24 3 8 491
Republicans (no lean) 0 8 25 3 20 6 25 3 9 494
Liberal (1-3) 0 5 23 3 19 10 23 4 13 435
Moderate (4) 0 9 30 3 19 9 20 3 7 472
Conservative (5-7) 0 6 25 4 20 8 25 3 9 582
Northeast 0 5 29 2 17 6 24 3 14 289
Midwest 0 11 30 3 19 6 22 3 6 375
South 0 6 30 3 19 11 21 3 8 590
West 0 7 19 4 24 9 23 3 10 333
New England 0 10 31 3 11 6 26 4 10 83
Mid-Atlantic 0 3 28 2 19 6 23 3 15 207
East North Central 0 11 32 3 19 5 21 3 6 256
West North Central 0 10 25 3 19 7 24 5 6 118
South Atlantic 0 5 26 2 20 13 23 3 9 317
East South Central 0 4 39 4 17 10 20 1 4 102
West South Central 1 7 32 4 18 7 18 3 9 170
Mountain 0 4 17 8 24 11 23 1 11 107
Pacic 0 9 19 3 24 8 23 3 10 226
Protestant 0 7 22 4 20 8 25 5 8 470
Roman Catholic 0 3 28 2 18 7 26 3 13 364
Ath./Agn./None 0 6 26 2 24 9 22 2 9 355
Something Else 1 11 33 4 17 10 16 2 7 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 0 7 21 3 19 9 26 4 11 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 7 31 3 20 8 20 2 8 994
16: What is the last grade or class you completed in school?
Registered Voters 0 7 27 3 20 9 22 3 9 1587
Income: Under 50k 0 10 36 5 22 9 12 3 3 688
Income: 50k-100k 0 3 23 2 23 9 27 3 10 522
Income: 100k+ 0 8 18 2 12 6 33 3 19 377
Educ: < College 0 11 41 5 30 13 0 0 0 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 353
Educ: Post-grad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 75 191
Military HH 0 7 25 4 23 13 16 4 8 272
Not Military HH 0 7 28 3 19 8 23 3 9 1315
Urban 0 7 26 3 20 9 23 2 10 382
Suburban 0 7 25 3 19 8 24 4 11 818
Rural 1 8 33 4 20 9 18 2 5 387
Democratic Men 0 7 36 2 19 7 18 2 9 285
Democratic Women 0 5 24 3 20 13 19 4 12 316
Republican Men 0 3 28 2 24 7 24 3 10 218
Republican Women 1 13 24 4 17 5 26 2 8 276
Independent Men 0 7 34 3 21 6 22 2 6 236
Independent Women 0 7 19 5 18 12 26 5 9 255
U.S. Right Direction 0 6 23 3 19 10 23 3 13 521
U.S. Wrong Track 0 7 29 3 20 8 22 3 7 1066
Obama: Approve 0 9 23 2 19 9 22 3 12 658
Obama: Disapprove 0 5 30 4 20 8 23 3 7 884
#1 Issue - Economy 1 6 27 2 19 8 24 4 9 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 0 7 37 1 12 10 23 4 6 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 0 0 24 6 18 6 36 4 6 88
#1 Issue - Health care 0 8 30 5 17 9 18 1 13 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 0 4 41 4 22 10 10 4 3 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 1 5 28 3 17 8 27 4 7 413
17: Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as..
Republican Democrat Independent Something
Registered Voters 31 38 26 5 1587
Male 30 39 27 5 740
Female 33 37 26 5 847
Age: 18-29 23 42 29 7 251
Age: 30-44 28 42 27 4 399
Age: 45-64 35 36 24 5 599
Age: 65+ 35 34 27 3 339
Ethnicity - White 35 32 28 5 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 29 45 24 1 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 6 73 19 3 204
Democrats (no lean) 0 100 0 0 602
Independents (no lean) 0 0 85 15 491
Republicans (no lean) 100 0 0 0 494
Liberal (1-3) 8 68 20 4 435
Moderate (4) 19 41 34 5 472
Conservative (5-7) 61 14 22 3 582
Northeast 28 43 26 3 289
Midwest 24 37 32 7 375
South 34 37 24 5 590
West 36 37 23 4 333
New England 29 27 41 4 83
Mid-Atlantic 28 49 20 3 207
East North Central 21 43 31 6 256
West North Central 29 26 36 9 118
South Atlantic 34 39 23 4 317
East South Central 23 49 21 8 102
West South Central 43 24 29 5 170
Mountain 43 27 26 4 107
Pacic 33 42 21 4 226
Protestant 43 29 26 2 470
Roman Catholic 33 39 25 3 364
Ath./Agn./None 17 46 28 9 355
Something Else 29 40 26 5 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 40 35 23 2 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 26 39 28 6 994
17: Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as..
Republican Democrat Independent Something
Registered Voters 31 38 26 5 1587
Income: Under 50k 27 41 26 6 688
Income: 50k-100k 31 39 25 4 522
Income: 100k+ 39 31 27 4 377
Educ: < College 30 39 25 5 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 35 32 30 3 353
Educ: Post-grad 29 43 23 5 191
Military HH 36 36 23 5 272
Not Military HH 30 38 27 5 1315
Urban 20 50 26 4 382
Suburban 36 36 24 4 818
Rural 33 30 31 6 387
Democratic Men 0 100 0 0 285
Democratic Women 0 100 0 0 316
Republican Men 100 0 0 0 218
Republican Women 100 0 0 0 276
Independent Men 0 0 84 16 236
Independent Women 0 0 85 15 255
U.S. Right Direction 9 67 21 3 521
U.S. Wrong Track 42 24 29 6 1066
Obama: Approve 7 69 20 3 658
Obama: Disapprove 50 14 30 5 884
#1 Issue - Economy 32 34 28 5 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 23 49 18 9 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 52 21 25 3 88
#1 Issue - Health care 29 40 24 6 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 10 55 30 5 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 34 34 25 6 413
18: Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party Movement, or are you not a supporter of the Tea Party
Supporter Not a supporter N
Registered Voters 30 70 1578
Male 34 66 733
Female 26 74 845
Age: 18-29 40 60 249
Age: 30-44 32 68 397
Age: 45-64 29 71 594
Age: 65+ 20 80 338
Ethnicity - White 31 69 1286
Ethnicity - Hispanic 32 68 138
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 19 81 203
Democrats (no lean) 18 82 600
Independents (no lean) 20 80 486
Republicans (no lean) 53 47 491
Liberal (1-3) 19 81 430
Moderate (4) 18 82 472
Conservative (5-7) 50 50 578
Northeast 24 76 289
Midwest 27 73 371
South 35 65 585
West 29 71 333
New England 29 71 83
Mid-Atlantic 21 79 207
East North Central 22 78 255
West North Central 37 63 117
South Atlantic 32 68 315
East South Central 39 61 102
West South Central 37 63 168
Mountain 31 69 107
Pacic 28 72 226
Protestant 34 66 464
Roman Catholic 30 70 362
Ath./Agn./None 20 80 354
Something Else 34 66 394
Religiosity: Monthly+ 39 61 589
Religiosity: LT Monthly 24 76 989
18: Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party Movement, or are you not a supporter of the Tea Party
Supporter Not a supporter N
Registered Voters 30 70 1578
Income: Under 50k 29 71 684
Income: 50k-100k 29 71 521
Income: 100k+ 32 68 374
Educ: < College 31 69 1037
Educ: Bachelors degree 29 71 351
Educ: Post-grad 26 74 190
Military HH 34 66 268
Not Military HH 29 71 1310
Urban 26 74 378
Suburban 30 70 815
Rural 33 67 385
Democratic Men 25 75 284
Democratic Women 11 89 316
Republican Men 55 45 216
Republican Women 52 48 276
Independent Men 26 74 233
Independent Women 15 85 253
U.S. Right Direction 19 81 516
U.S. Wrong Track 35 65 1062
Obama: Approve 19 81 650
Obama: Disapprove 39 61 883
#1 Issue - Economy 33 67 228
#1 Issue - Jobs 22 78 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 37 63 88
#1 Issue - Health care 37 63 106
#1 Issue - Med/SS 15 85 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 31 69 410
19: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal Slightly
Moderate Slightly
Conservative Very
Registered Voters 8 12 8 30 10 16 11 6 1587
Male 9 12 8 28 9 19 11 4 740
Female 6 12 8 31 11 13 11 8 847
Age: 18-29 16 18 8 29 7 8 8 6 251
Age: 30-44 10 12 11 26 9 17 7 8 399
Age: 45-64 5 10 7 30 12 19 13 5 599
Age: 65+ 4 11 6 34 10 16 13 6 339
Ethnicity - White 7 11 8 28 10 18 13 6 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 19 11 9 29 9 11 8 4 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 11 16 5 41 10 8 2 7 204
Democrats (no lean) 15 23 12 32 7 5 1 5 602
Independents (no lean) 5 6 10 38 12 11 7 11 491
Republicans (no lean) 2 4 2 18 11 34 26 2 494
Liberal (1-3) 27 43 30 0 0 0 0 0 435
Moderate (4) 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 472
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 0 0 27 44 29 0 582
Northeast 7 10 12 29 11 14 10 7 289
Midwest 6 12 8 32 12 16 7 7 375
South 7 11 5 29 9 19 13 7 590
West 10 13 11 29 9 12 12 4 333
New England 4 8 14 24 14 15 13 8 83
Mid-Atlantic 9 11 11 31 9 14 9 7 207
East North Central 7 15 8 30 12 14 8 6 256
West North Central 5 7 9 35 11 21 5 7 118
South Atlantic 5 11 6 28 10 22 14 4 317
East South Central 8 13 4 37 4 17 6 11 102
West South Central 9 10 3 26 8 17 17 9 170
Mountain 5 12 11 23 9 21 13 5 107
Pacic 13 14 11 31 9 7 11 4 226
Protestant 3 10 4 31 11 21 16 5 470
Roman Catholic 4 11 10 27 10 22 12 4 364
Ath./Agn./None 17 18 12 31 9 5 1 6 355
Something Else 8 10 8 29 9 15 13 9 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 4 9 6 30 9 18 20 6 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 10 14 9 30 11 15 6 7 994
19: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal Slightly
Moderate Slightly
Conservative Very
Registered Voters 8 12 8 30 10 16 11 6 1587
Income: Under 50k 7 13 6 31 10 14 10 9 688
Income: 50k-100k 7 12 9 33 11 14 11 5 522
Income: 100k+ 9 9 12 23 8 23 12 3 377
Educ: < College 8 10 7 32 10 14 11 8 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 7 11 10 27 10 20 12 3 353
Educ: Post-grad 9 19 10 25 8 18 9 2 191
Military HH 6 11 9 31 9 16 15 4 272
Not Military HH 8 12 8 29 10 16 10 7 1315
Urban 13 17 11 26 8 8 6 11 382
Suburban 6 11 9 29 11 19 11 4 818
Rural 5 7 4 34 10 18 15 7 387
Democratic Men 19 23 13 27 3 9 2 4 285
Democratic Women 11 22 11 37 10 2 1 6 316
Republican Men 3 4 2 17 10 39 24 1 218
Republican Women 1 4 2 20 12 31 28 3 276
Independent Men 4 5 8 41 14 12 9 7 236
Independent Women 6 8 11 36 11 9 5 15 255
U.S. Right Direction 13 19 12 32 9 7 2 6 521
U.S. Wrong Track 5 8 6 29 10 20 15 6 1066
Obama: Approve 15 23 11 33 7 6 2 4 658
Obama: Disapprove 2 4 6 27 12 25 18 6 884
#1 Issue - Economy 5 10 12 28 10 20 13 2 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 3 7 9 43 14 12 6 3 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 2 9 7 18 9 36 14 5 88
#1 Issue - Health care 3 9 11 32 12 12 10 9 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 5 14 6 44 15 10 0 5 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 4 9 10 29 11 22 12 3 413
20: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-3) Moderate (4) Conservative
Registered Voters 29 32 39 1489
Male 30 30 40 709
Female 28 34 38 779
Age: 18-29 45 31 24 236
Age: 30-44 36 29 36 366
Age: 45-64 22 31 46 569
Age: 65+ 22 37 41 317
Ethnicity - White 28 29 43 1213
Ethnicity - Hispanic 41 30 29 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 34 45 22 190
Democrats (no lean) 52 34 14 571
Independents (no lean) 24 43 34 436
Republicans (no lean) 8 19 74 482
Liberal (1-3) 100 0 0 435
Moderate (4) 0 100 0 472
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 100 582
Northeast 31 31 37 269
Midwest 29 34 37 350
South 24 31 44 550
West 36 30 34 319
New England 28 26 45 76
Mid-Atlantic 33 33 34 193
East North Central 32 32 36 240
West North Central 22 38 40 110
South Atlantic 23 30 47 304
East South Central 28 42 30 91
West South Central 24 29 47 155
Mountain 30 25 46 102
Pacic 39 33 29 218
Protestant 17 33 50 447
Roman Catholic 26 28 45 348
Ath./Agn./None 50 33 17 332
Something Else 29 32 40 359
Religiosity: Monthly+ 20 31 49 560
Religiosity: LT Monthly 35 32 33 928
20: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-3) Moderate (4) Conservative
Registered Voters 29 32 39 1489
Income: Under 50k 29 34 37 628
Income: 50k-100k 29 34 37 496
Income: 100k+ 30 24 45 365
Educ: < College 27 34 38 958
Educ: Bachelors degree 29 28 43 343
Educ: Post-grad 39 25 36 188
Military HH 26 32 42 262
Not Military HH 30 32 39 1227
Urban 46 29 25 342
Suburban 27 30 42 786
Rural 18 36 46 361
Democratic Men 56 28 15 275
Democratic Women 47 39 13 296
Republican Men 9 17 74 216
Republican Women 6 21 73 266
Independent Men 18 44 38 219
Independent Women 29 42 29 217
U.S. Right Direction 47 34 18 490
U.S. Wrong Track 20 30 49 998
Obama: Approve 51 34 15 631
Obama: Disapprove 13 29 58 829
#1 Issue - Economy 28 28 44 225
#1 Issue - Jobs 21 45 34 91
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 18 19 62 84
#1 Issue - Health care 26 36 38 98
#1 Issue - Med/SS 27 47 26 93
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 24 30 46 401
21: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-2) Moderate (3-5) Conservative
Registered Voters 21 51 29 1489
Male 22 47 31 709
Female 20 54 26 779
Age: 18-29 36 47 17 236
Age: 30-44 23 51 26 366
Age: 45-64 15 51 34 569
Age: 65+ 16 54 30 317
Ethnicity - White 19 48 32 1213
Ethnicity - Hispanic 31 48 20 136
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 28 61 10 190
Democrats (no lean) 39 54 7 571
Independents (no lean) 13 68 20 436
Republicans (no lean) 6 32 62 482
Liberal (1-3) 70 30 0 435
Moderate (4) 0 100 0 472
Conservative (5-7) 0 27 73 582
Northeast 19 56 26 269
Midwest 20 56 24 350
South 19 46 35 550
West 25 51 24 319
New England 13 57 30 76
Mid-Atlantic 21 55 24 193
East North Central 24 53 23 240
West North Central 12 60 28 110
South Atlantic 17 46 37 304
East South Central 24 51 25 91
West South Central 21 42 37 155
Mountain 18 46 36 102
Pacic 28 53 19 218
Protestant 13 49 38 447
Roman Catholic 16 49 35 348
Ath./Agn./None 37 56 7 332
Something Else 20 50 30 359
Religiosity: Monthly+ 14 47 39 560
Religiosity: LT Monthly 25 53 22 928
21: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-2) Moderate (3-5) Conservative
Registered Voters 21 51 29 1489
Income: Under 50k 22 51 26 628
Income: 50k-100k 20 55 25 496
Income: 100k+ 18 45 37 365
Educ: < College 20 53 27 958
Educ: Bachelors degree 19 49 33 343
Educ: Post-grad 28 44 28 188
Military HH 17 51 32 262
Not Military HH 21 51 28 1227
Urban 34 51 16 342
Suburban 18 51 31 786
Rural 13 52 35 361
Democratic Men 43 45 12 275
Democratic Women 36 61 3 296
Republican Men 7 30 64 216
Republican Women 5 35 61 266
Independent Men 9 68 23 219
Independent Women 16 68 16 217
U.S. Right Direction 35 56 9 490
U.S. Wrong Track 13 48 38 998
Obama: Approve 39 54 7 631
Obama: Disapprove 6 48 46 829
#1 Issue - Economy 15 51 33 225
#1 Issue - Jobs 11 69 20 91
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 11 35 53 84
#1 Issue - Health care 14 61 25 98
#1 Issue - Med/SS 20 69 10 93
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 14 52 34 401
22: Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish back-
Yes No N
Registered Voters 9 91 1587
Male 12 88 740
Female 6 94 847
Age: 18-29 12 88 251
Age: 30-44 11 89 399
Age: 45-64 9 91 599
Age: 65+ 4 96 339
Ethnicity - White 9 91 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 100 0 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 5 95 204
Democrats (no lean) 11 89 602
Independents (no lean) 7 93 491
Republicans (no lean) 8 92 494
Liberal (1-3) 13 87 435
Moderate (4) 9 91 472
Conservative (5-7) 7 93 582
Northeast 7 93 289
Midwest 4 96 375
South 10 90 590
West 14 86 333
New England 8 92 83
Mid-Atlantic 7 93 207
East North Central 3 97 256
West North Central 5 95 118
South Atlantic 11 89 317
East South Central 3 97 102
West South Central 13 87 170
Mountain 8 92 107
Pacic 16 84 226
Protestant 5 95 470
Roman Catholic 18 82 364
Ath./Agn./None 8 92 355
Something Else 6 94 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 10 90 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 8 92 994
22: Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish back-
Yes No N
Registered Voters 9 91 1587
Income: Under 50k 6 94 688
Income: 50k-100k 8 92 522
Income: 100k+ 14 86 377
Educ: < College 8 92 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 11 89 353
Educ: Post-grad 11 89 191
Military HH 11 89 272
Not Military HH 8 92 1315
Urban 14 86 382
Suburban 8 92 818
Rural 6 94 387
Democratic Men 13 87 285
Democratic Women 9 91 316
Republican Men 13 87 218
Republican Women 4 96 276
Independent Men 9 91 236
Independent Women 5 95 255
U.S. Right Direction 13 87 521
U.S. Wrong Track 7 93 1066
Obama: Approve 11 89 658
Obama: Disapprove 8 92 884
#1 Issue - Economy 6 94 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 9 91 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 7 93 88
#1 Issue - Health care 8 92 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 6 94 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 7 93 413
23: Which term below best describes your race or background?
Black White Other N
Registered Voters 1 3 13 81 2 1587
Male 1 2 12 82 2 740
Female 0 4 14 81 1 847
Age: 18-29 1 5 15 77 2 251
Age: 30-44 1 4 18 75 2 399
Age: 45-64 1 2 12 83 1 599
Age: 65+ 0 3 6 89 1 339
Ethnicity - White 0 0 0 100 0 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 3 1 7 80 10 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 0 100 0 0 204
Democrats (no lean) 1 3 25 69 2 602
Independents (no lean) 1 3 9 86 1 491
Republicans (no lean) 1 4 2 92 1 494
Liberal (1-3) 0 4 15 78 2 435
Moderate (4) 1 4 18 76 1 472
Conservative (5-7) 1 2 7 89 2 582
Northeast 0 2 11 86 1 289
Midwest 1 3 12 84 1 375
South 1 2 17 80 1 590
West 2 8 8 78 3 333
New England 0 2 3 94 1 83
Mid-Atlantic 0 2 14 82 1 207
East North Central 1 2 15 81 1 256
West North Central 0 3 4 91 2 118
South Atlantic 1 2 21 75 1 317
East South Central 0 2 19 78 0 102
West South Central 0 0 10 88 2 170
Mountain 3 1 7 87 2 107
Pacic 2 12 9 74 4 226
Protestant 1 3 10 85 1 470
Roman Catholic 0 2 7 89 2 364
Ath./Agn./None 1 6 13 79 1 355
Something Else 1 3 22 72 2 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 1 2 20 76 2 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 4 9 85 1 994
23: Which term below best describes your race or background?
Black White Other N
Registered Voters 1 3 13 81 2 1587
Income: Under 50k 1 2 16 80 2 688
Income: 50k-100k 1 5 13 80 1 522
Income: 100k+ 1 4 7 86 2 377
Educ: < College 1 2 14 82 1 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 1 6 10 82 1 353
Educ: Post-grad 0 5 12 79 3 191
Military HH 1 5 12 80 2 272
Not Military HH 1 3 13 82 1 1315
Urban 2 5 20 70 3 382
Suburban 0 4 11 83 1 818
Rural 1 1 9 89 1 387
Democratic Men 1 3 22 71 2 285
Democratic Women 1 3 27 68 2 316
Republican Men 2 2 4 91 2 218
Republican Women 0 5 1 92 1 276
Independent Men 0 1 7 89 2 236
Independent Women 1 4 11 84 1 255
U.S. Right Direction 1 4 25 69 2 521
U.S. Wrong Track 1 3 7 88 1 1066
Obama: Approve 1 4 27 67 1 658
Obama: Disapprove 1 3 3 92 2 884
#1 Issue - Economy 2 6 11 80 1 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 1 4 24 69 2 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 1 1 5 93 0 88
#1 Issue - Health care 1 3 20 71 4 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 1 0 12 85 1 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 2 4 12 80 1 413
24: Are you a member of a labor union?
Public Sector
Private Sector
Not in Labor
Registered Voters 5 3 92 1586
Male 5 4 91 739
Female 5 1 94 847
Age: 18-29 2 1 96 251
Age: 30-44 5 4 92 399
Age: 45-64 6 3 91 598
Age: 65+ 5 2 93 339
Ethnicity - White 5 2 93 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 10 4 86 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 7 6 87 204
Democrats (no lean) 6 4 90 602
Independents (no lean) 3 3 94 491
Republicans (no lean) 5 1 94 493
Liberal (1-3) 7 4 90 435
Moderate (4) 5 2 93 471
Conservative (5-7) 4 2 94 582
Northeast 9 5 87 289
Midwest 4 2 94 375
South 3 2 95 590
West 6 2 91 332
New England 6 4 89 83
Mid-Atlantic 9 5 86 207
East North Central 6 2 92 256
West North Central 0 1 99 118
South Atlantic 4 2 94 317
East South Central 0 3 97 102
West South Central 4 2 93 170
Mountain 3 1 96 107
Pacic 8 3 89 225
Protestant 6 1 93 470
Roman Catholic 6 3 91 364
Ath./Agn./None 5 2 93 355
Something Else 4 4 93 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 3 92 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 5 2 93 993
24: Are you a member of a labor union?
Public Sector
Private Sector
Not in Labor
Registered Voters 5 3 92 1586
Income: Under 50k 4 2 94 688
Income: 50k-100k 6 3 91 522
Income: 100k+ 5 3 93 376
Educ: < College 4 3 93 1042
Educ: Bachelors degree 6 2 92 353
Educ: Post-grad 8 4 89 191
Military HH 7 3 90 271
Not Military HH 5 3 93 1315
Urban 5 4 90 381
Suburban 5 2 93 818
Rural 4 3 93 387
Democratic Men 6 6 88 285
Democratic Women 7 2 91 316
Republican Men 6 2 92 218
Republican Women 4 0 95 276
Independent Men 3 4 93 236
Independent Women 3 1 96 255
U.S. Right Direction 7 4 89 521
U.S. Wrong Track 4 2 94 1065
Obama: Approve 6 4 90 658
Obama: Disapprove 4 2 94 883
#1 Issue - Economy 2 3 95 229
#1 Issue - Jobs 1 6 94 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 3 3 94 88
#1 Issue - Health care 6 2 92 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 0 5 95 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 2 4 95 412
25: What is your current marital status?
Married Separated Divorced Widowed Living
with a
Registered Voters 19 58 2 11 7 4 1587
Male 24 59 2 8 3 4 740
Female 15 57 2 13 10 4 847
Age: 18-29 60 31 0 1 0 7 251
Age: 30-44 22 63 1 9 0 5 399
Age: 45-64 9 62 4 17 4 3 599
Age: 65+ 3 63 0 9 24 1 339
Ethnicity - White 16 60 1 11 8 4 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 27 57 2 10 2 3 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 34 42 5 13 3 4 204
Democrats (no lean) 22 53 3 12 6 4 602
Independents (no lean) 24 53 1 10 8 4 491
Republicans (no lean) 12 68 1 10 6 3 494
Liberal (1-3) 28 51 2 10 4 6 435
Moderate (4) 21 54 2 12 8 3 472
Conservative (5-7) 11 66 3 11 6 3 582
Northeast 17 61 2 10 5 4 289
Midwest 23 54 1 12 5 5 375
South 16 62 2 10 8 3 590
West 23 52 2 11 7 5 333
New England 15 67 0 10 3 5 83
Mid-Atlantic 18 58 3 10 6 4 207
East North Central 24 54 1 13 4 4 256
West North Central 22 54 0 11 6 6 118
South Atlantic 14 63 3 10 6 4 317
East South Central 15 65 3 9 4 3 102
West South Central 19 57 1 10 12 1 170
Mountain 21 55 0 10 10 4 107
Pacic 24 50 4 11 6 5 226
Protestant 11 62 3 9 13 2 470
Roman Catholic 14 65 1 11 6 3 364
Ath./Agn./None 32 46 2 12 2 7 355
Something Else 22 56 2 11 4 4 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 14 64 2 9 9 3 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 22 54 2 12 5 5 994
25: What is your current marital status?
Married Separated Divorced Widowed Living
with a
Registered Voters 19 58 2 11 7 4 1587
Income: Under 50k 26 40 3 16 11 4 688
Income: 50k-100k 14 67 1 8 5 5 522
Income: 100k+ 14 76 1 5 1 3 377
Educ: < College 22 54 3 11 7 4 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 15 66 1 10 5 3 353
Educ: Post-grad 11 65 0 12 9 4 191
Military HH 11 76 1 7 2 3 272
Not Military HH 21 54 2 11 7 4 1315
Urban 25 53 2 8 7 5 382
Suburban 17 58 2 13 7 4 818
Rural 17 61 3 10 6 4 387
Democratic Men 27 59 3 6 2 4 285
Democratic Women 17 49 3 18 9 4 316
Republican Men 17 62 2 11 4 4 218
Republican Women 8 72 1 9 8 3 276
Independent Men 28 55 1 8 4 4 236
Independent Women 20 51 1 11 12 5 255
U.S. Right Direction 24 54 2 11 6 3 521
U.S. Wrong Track 17 59 2 11 7 4 1066
Obama: Approve 25 52 3 10 6 4 658
Obama: Disapprove 14 63 1 11 7 4 884
#1 Issue - Economy 17 59 4 9 5 5 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 19 57 0 17 3 5 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 12 66 2 7 11 2 88
#1 Issue - Health care 27 51 4 12 4 2 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 8 57 1 17 16 2 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 17 60 3 10 6 5 413
26: Thinking about your religion, are you ..
Protestant Roman
Ath./Agn./None Something
Registered Voters 30 23 22 25 1584
Male 28 26 25 21 738
Female 31 20 21 28 847
Age: 18-29 19 12 37 32 251
Age: 30-44 18 24 29 29 399
Age: 45-64 32 24 19 25 596
Age: 65+ 48 27 9 16 339
Ethnicity - White 31 25 22 22 1290
Ethnicity - Hispanic 17 47 21 15 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 24 12 22 42 204
Democrats (no lean) 23 24 27 26 599
Independents (no lean) 27 21 27 25 491
Republicans (no lean) 41 24 12 23 494
Liberal (1-3) 17 21 38 24 435
Moderate (4) 31 21 23 24 469
Conservative (5-7) 39 27 10 24 582
Northeast 19 38 19 23 289
Midwest 32 22 23 22 375
South 33 20 18 29 587
West 30 16 32 23 333
New England 14 37 24 26 83
Mid-Atlantic 22 38 18 22 207
East North Central 30 23 27 20 256
West North Central 38 21 15 26 118
South Atlantic 34 23 18 25 317
East South Central 32 6 22 40 100
West South Central 33 23 15 29 170
Mountain 30 12 30 28 107
Pacic 29 18 32 21 226
Protestant 100 0 0 0 470
Roman Catholic 0 100 0 0 364
Ath./Agn./None 0 0 100 0 355
Something Else 0 0 0 100 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 42 25 3 29 592
Religiosity: LT Monthly 22 22 34 22 992
26: Thinking about your religion, are you ..
Protestant Roman
Ath./Agn./None Something
Registered Voters 30 23 22 25 1584
Income: Under 50k 31 18 23 27 688
Income: 50k-100k 32 23 22 23 519
Income: 100k+ 24 32 21 24 377
Educ: < College 28 20 23 29 1040
Educ: Bachelors degree 34 27 22 17 353
Educ: Post-grad 31 30 20 19 191
Military HH 43 24 15 18 270
Not Military HH 27 23 24 26 1314
Urban 24 25 23 29 382
Suburban 29 24 25 21 815
Rural 36 19 16 29 387
Democratic Men 21 29 29 21 283
Democratic Women 24 19 25 31 316
Republican Men 40 29 14 17 218
Republican Women 41 20 10 29 276
Independent Men 25 21 28 26 236
Independent Women 30 20 26 24 255
U.S. Right Direction 24 23 27 27 519
U.S. Wrong Track 33 23 20 24 1065
Obama: Approve 24 19 30 27 655
Obama: Disapprove 35 26 16 23 883
#1 Issue - Economy 28 23 23 26 229
#1 Issue - Jobs 23 17 26 35 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 41 30 13 16 88
#1 Issue - Health care 25 31 24 20 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 39 19 16 26 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 30 23 22 26 412
27: Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not? (Among Protestants)
Yes No N
Registered Voters 40 60 1096
Male 40 60 505
Female 39 61 591
Age: 18-29 49 51 127
Age: 30-44 41 59 248
Age: 45-64 38 62 444
Age: 65+ 36 64 277
Ethnicity - White 34 66 893
Ethnicity - Hispanic 37 63 97
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 72 28 150
Democrats (no lean) 37 63 387
Independents (no lean) 39 61 321
Republicans (no lean) 43 57 389
Liberal (1-3) 29 71 234
Moderate (4) 37 63 324
Conservative (5-7) 45 55 469
Northeast 16 84 191
Midwest 37 63 264
South 52 48 447
West 38 62 194
Mid-Atlantic 20 80 142
East North Central 33 67 166
West North Central 44 56 98
South Atlantic 48 52 234
East South Central 57 43 76
West South Central 55 45 136
Pacic 38 62 132
Protestant 50 50 466
Roman Catholic 11 89 358
Something Else 59 41 271
Religiosity: Monthly+ 57 43 514
Religiosity: LT Monthly 24 76 582
27: Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not? (Among Protestants)
Yes No N
Registered Voters 40 60 1096
Income: Under 50k 46 54 482
Income: 50k-100k 38 62 358
Income: 100k+ 29 71 257
Educ: < College 43 57 716
Educ: Bachelors degree 29 71 246
Educ: Post-grad 37 63 134
Military HH 44 56 214
Not Military HH 38 62 882
Urban 46 54 265
Suburban 35 65 518
Rural 42 58 312
Democratic Men 36 64 177
Democratic Women 37 63 210
Republican Men 41 59 177
Republican Women 45 55 212
Independent Men 43 57 151
Independent Women 34 66 169
U.S. Right Direction 45 55 340
U.S. Wrong Track 37 63 756
Obama: Approve 40 60 418
Obama: Disapprove 39 61 661
#1 Issue - Economy 36 64 159
#1 Issue - Health care 35 65 76
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 38 62 294
28: Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious servicesmore than once a week, once a week, once
or twice a month, a few times a year, seldom, or never?
once a
Once a
Once or
twice a
A few
times a
Seldom Never N
Registered Voters 9 19 9 16 25 21 1587
Male 9 19 8 16 24 24 740
Female 9 19 11 16 26 19 847
Age: 18-29 10 18 6 20 18 28 251
Age: 30-44 5 22 11 19 22 21 399
Age: 45-64 7 15 11 15 29 23 599
Age: 65+ 14 25 7 12 26 16 339
Ethnicity - White 7 18 10 17 26 22 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 11 20 10 21 20 18 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 16 33 8 13 17 13 204
Democrats (no lean) 7 19 9 14 25 25 602
Independents (no lean) 7 15 8 18 27 26 491
Republicans (no lean) 12 24 12 17 22 13 494
Liberal (1-3) 6 12 8 14 24 37 435
Moderate (4) 5 21 11 19 24 19 472
Conservative (5-7) 12 24 11 16 25 12 582
Northeast 5 13 14 16 29 24 289
Midwest 4 19 10 16 26 25 375
South 15 24 9 15 23 14 590
West 6 17 6 18 25 28 333
New England 1 8 19 17 30 25 83
Mid-Atlantic 6 15 11 15 29 23 207
East North Central 4 18 7 15 27 28 256
West North Central 3 21 17 18 22 19 118
South Atlantic 13 24 8 17 22 15 317
East South Central 6 24 11 19 26 14 102
West South Central 24 24 9 9 21 13 170
Mountain 7 24 4 17 25 23 107
Pacic 5 14 6 19 26 30 226
Protestant 14 26 13 16 21 9 470
Roman Catholic 5 23 11 19 29 12 364
Ath./Agn./None 1 3 2 8 27 60 355
Something Else 12 23 10 21 25 10 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 23 52 25 0 0 0 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 0 0 26 40 34 994
28: Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious servicesmore than once a week, once a week, once
or twice a month, a few times a year, seldom, or never?
once a
Once a
Once or
twice a
A few
times a
Seldom Never N
Registered Voters 9 19 9 16 25 21 1587
Income: Under 50k 10 21 8 13 26 23 688
Income: 50k-100k 8 18 11 18 24 20 522
Income: 100k+ 6 19 10 21 25 21 377
Educ: < College 9 17 8 17 26 23 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 8 22 13 13 24 20 353
Educ: Post-grad 8 27 11 17 19 18 191
Military HH 10 22 10 16 22 20 272
Not Military HH 8 19 9 16 26 22 1315
Urban 13 18 11 17 23 19 382
Suburban 6 20 9 15 24 25 818
Rural 10 19 9 17 30 15 387
Democratic Men 6 17 8 14 26 29 285
Democratic Women 8 20 10 15 25 22 316
Republican Men 16 25 10 17 20 12 218
Republican Women 10 23 13 16 25 13 276
Independent Men 5 16 6 18 25 30 236
Independent Women 8 14 10 17 29 22 255
U.S. Right Direction 8 19 9 18 21 24 521
U.S. Wrong Track 9 19 9 15 27 20 1066
Obama: Approve 8 19 9 17 22 25 658
Obama: Disapprove 9 20 10 15 27 18 884
#1 Issue - Economy 8 20 9 18 26 19 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 7 15 12 12 26 27 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 10 23 5 19 26 18 88
#1 Issue - Health care 5 21 9 10 31 24 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 6 27 7 15 26 18 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 8 20 9 17 26 21 413
29: Are you the parent or guardian of any children under 18 now living in your household?
Yes No N
Registered Voters 30 70 1587
Male 30 70 740
Female 31 69 847
Age: 18-29 29 71 251
Age: 30-44 66 34 399
Age: 45-64 23 77 599
Age: 65+ 2 98 339
Ethnicity - White 28 72 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 45 55 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 40 60 204
Democrats (no lean) 31 69 602
Independents (no lean) 29 71 491
Republicans (no lean) 31 69 494
Liberal (1-3) 34 66 435
Moderate (4) 30 70 472
Conservative (5-7) 28 72 582
Northeast 30 70 289
Midwest 30 70 375
South 33 67 590
West 26 74 333
New England 28 72 83
Mid-Atlantic 32 68 207
East North Central 30 70 256
West North Central 32 68 118
South Atlantic 33 67 317
East South Central 32 68 102
West South Central 32 68 170
Mountain 28 72 107
Pacic 24 76 226
Protestant 26 74 470
Roman Catholic 32 68 364
Ath./Agn./None 32 68 355
Something Else 32 68 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 36 64 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 27 73 994
29: Are you the parent or guardian of any children under 18 now living in your household?
Yes No N
Registered Voters 30 70 1587
Income: Under 50k 24 76 688
Income: 50k-100k 37 63 522
Income: 100k+ 33 67 377
Educ: < College 26 74 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 38 62 353
Educ: Post-grad 37 63 191
Military HH 27 73 272
Not Military HH 31 69 1315
Urban 36 64 382
Suburban 27 73 818
Rural 31 69 387
Democratic Men 30 70 285
Democratic Women 31 69 316
Republican Men 32 68 218
Republican Women 31 69 276
Independent Men 28 72 236
Independent Women 29 71 255
U.S. Right Direction 32 68 521
U.S. Wrong Track 29 71 1066
Obama: Approve 30 70 658
Obama: Disapprove 30 70 884
#1 Issue - Economy 35 65 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 37 63 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 14 86 88
#1 Issue - Health care 31 69 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 10 90 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 31 69 413
30: Would you consider where you live
an urban area a suburban area a rural area N
Registered Voters 24 52 24 1587
Male 27 51 23 740
Female 22 52 26 847
Age: 18-29 31 43 26 251
Age: 30-44 30 51 20 399
Age: 45-64 17 53 30 599
Age: 65+ 25 57 18 339
Ethnicity - White 21 53 27 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 37 47 16 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 38 45 17 204
Democrats (no lean) 32 49 19 602
Independents (no lean) 23 48 29 491
Republicans (no lean) 15 59 26 494
Liberal (1-3) 36 49 15 435
Moderate (4) 21 51 28 472
Conservative (5-7) 14 57 28 582
Northeast 20 58 21 289
Midwest 25 45 30 375
South 21 51 28 590
West 31 54 15 333
New England 9 64 26 83
Mid-Atlantic 25 56 19 207
East North Central 25 49 26 256
West North Central 26 35 38 118
South Atlantic 17 57 26 317
East South Central 20 32 48 102
West South Central 29 52 19 170
Mountain 25 55 20 107
Pacic 34 54 13 226
Protestant 19 51 30 470
Roman Catholic 26 54 20 364
Ath./Agn./None 25 58 18 355
Something Else 28 44 29 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 26 49 25 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 23 53 24 994
30: Would you consider where you live
an urban area a suburban area a rural area N
Registered Voters 24 52 24 1587
Income: Under 50k 25 44 31 688
Income: 50k-100k 25 55 20 522
Income: 100k+ 21 61 19 377
Educ: < College 23 49 28 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 25 55 20 353
Educ: Post-grad 26 61 13 191
Military HH 19 52 29 272
Not Military HH 25 51 24 1315
Urban 100 0 0 382
Suburban 0 100 0 818
Rural 0 0 100 387
Democratic Men 35 49 16 285
Democratic Women 30 48 22 316
Republican Men 18 60 22 218
Republican Women 13 58 29 276
Independent Men 25 43 32 236
Independent Women 22 51 27 255
U.S. Right Direction 35 45 20 521
U.S. Wrong Track 19 55 26 1066
Obama: Approve 33 46 21 658
Obama: Disapprove 17 55 27 884
#1 Issue - Economy 22 55 23 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 18 46 36 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 15 63 22 88
#1 Issue - Health care 22 50 28 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 28 54 19 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 20 55 26 413
31: How would you describe your present employment situation?
Job in
Job in
Student Retired Un -
Other N
Registered Voters 32 6 9 9 6 25 9 4 1587
Male 39 5 11 2 6 23 10 3 740
Female 25 6 7 15 6 27 8 5 847
Age: 18-29 28 4 8 9 36 0 13 2 251
Age: 30-44 49 9 10 14 1 2 7 8 399
Age: 45-64 36 7 11 8 0 20 12 5 599
Age: 65+ 7 0 4 4 0 79 4 1 339
Ethnicity - White 32 5 9 9 6 26 8 4 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 39 8 10 8 9 15 6 5 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 27 6 8 9 6 18 18 7 204
Democrats (no lean) 30 6 10 7 5 25 12 4 602
Independents (no lean) 32 5 9 9 9 24 7 6 491
Republicans (no lean) 34 6 8 11 4 26 8 3 494
Liberal (1-3) 34 6 12 6 9 19 10 3 435
Moderate (4) 29 6 7 9 6 27 11 5 472
Conservative (5-7) 33 5 9 10 4 27 7 5 582
Northeast 41 6 9 8 4 23 6 5 289
Midwest 29 3 10 8 9 23 11 5 375
South 30 7 9 10 4 26 10 5 590
West 29 5 10 8 8 28 9 2 333
New England 40 8 13 10 2 15 7 6 83
Mid-Atlantic 41 5 7 8 4 26 5 4 207
East North Central 28 4 9 10 8 24 12 6 256
West North Central 33 3 12 5 12 22 10 3 118
South Atlantic 29 6 7 10 5 26 10 6 317
East South Central 41 9 10 6 4 16 10 5 102
West South Central 26 8 10 11 2 31 9 4 170
Mountain 34 3 8 11 4 24 12 2 107
Pacic 27 6 11 7 10 29 8 2 226
Protestant 28 6 8 8 2 37 8 3 470
Roman Catholic 35 7 9 6 3 28 7 4 364
Ath./Agn./None 34 5 10 10 10 14 11 6 355
Something Else 31 5 10 11 10 18 11 4 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 29 6 11 11 4 28 8 4 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 34 5 8 8 7 23 10 5 994
31: How would you describe your present employment situation?
Job in
Job in
Student Retired Un -
Other N
Registered Voters 32 6 9 9 6 25 9 4 1587
Income: Under 50k 22 3 8 9 6 30 16 6 688
Income: 50k-100k 35 9 8 9 5 25 5 4 522
Income: 100k+ 45 6 12 8 8 16 4 1 377
Educ: < College 27 4 8 10 8 26 13 5 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 41 7 13 9 2 23 3 3 353
Educ: Post-grad 39 12 11 5 2 25 3 3 191
Military HH 27 4 7 8 2 39 9 5 272
Not Military HH 33 6 10 9 7 22 9 4 1315
Urban 36 5 11 5 6 27 7 3 382
Suburban 33 6 10 8 5 25 9 4 818
Rural 25 6 5 14 7 23 13 6 387
Democratic Men 35 5 14 1 6 23 14 2 285
Democratic Women 24 8 6 13 5 27 11 6 316
Republican Men 47 8 8 2 3 22 9 2 218
Republican Women 23 4 8 19 4 29 7 5 276
Independent Men 37 3 11 1 10 24 7 6 236
Independent Women 28 6 8 15 8 23 7 5 255
U.S. Right Direction 33 5 12 6 7 24 8 4 521
U.S. Wrong Track 31 6 8 10 5 25 10 5 1066
Obama: Approve 29 6 11 6 9 23 12 4 658
Obama: Disapprove 33 6 8 11 4 27 7 5 884
#1 Issue - Economy 38 5 11 12 4 15 10 6 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 47 8 6 14 5 10 9 0 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 32 2 3 8 1 42 10 2 88
#1 Issue - Health care 35 2 4 7 3 21 15 14 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 15 2 3 5 1 54 12 8 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 39 5 8 12 3 20 10 4 413
32: Many people werent able to vote in the election for President and other oces in 2012. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2012 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 86 14 1587
Male 83 17 740
Female 89 11 847
Age: 18-29 66 34 251
Age: 30-44 86 14 399
Age: 45-64 90 10 599
Age: 65+ 97 3 339
Ethnicity - White 87 13 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 84 16 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 85 15 204
Democrats (no lean) 90 10 602
Independents (no lean) 80 20 491
Republicans (no lean) 89 11 494
Liberal (1-3) 89 11 435
Moderate (4) 85 15 472
Conservative (5-7) 89 11 582
Northeast 86 14 289
Midwest 88 12 375
South 88 12 590
West 84 16 333
New England 90 10 83
Mid-Atlantic 84 16 207
East North Central 89 11 256
West North Central 86 14 118
South Atlantic 90 10 317
East South Central 82 18 102
West South Central 86 14 170
Mountain 85 15 107
Pacic 83 17 226
Protestant 93 7 470
Roman Catholic 88 12 364
Ath./Agn./None 84 16 355
Something Else 79 21 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 91 9 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 84 16 994
32: Many people werent able to vote in the election for President and other oces in 2012. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2012 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 86 14 1587
Income: Under 50k 84 16 688
Income: 50k-100k 89 11 522
Income: 100k+ 87 13 377
Educ: < College 83 17 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 93 7 353
Educ: Post-grad 94 6 191
Military HH 91 9 272
Not Military HH 85 15 1315
Urban 84 16 382
Suburban 89 11 818
Rural 84 16 387
Democratic Men 88 12 285
Democratic Women 91 9 316
Republican Men 89 11 218
Republican Women 89 11 276
Independent Men 73 27 236
Independent Women 87 13 255
U.S. Right Direction 87 13 521
U.S. Wrong Track 86 14 1066
Obama: Approve 87 13 658
Obama: Disapprove 87 13 884
#1 Issue - Economy 87 13 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 80 20 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 90 10 88
#1 Issue - Health care 84 16 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 92 8 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 86 14 413
33: In the 2012 election for President, did you vote for Democrat Barack Obama or Republican Mitt Romney?
Barack Obama
Republican Mitt
Someone else N
Registered Voters 52 42 6 1364
Male 52 42 6 613
Female 52 42 5 751
Age: 18-29 62 29 8 163
Age: 30-44 59 35 5 341
Age: 45-64 49 45 6 533
Age: 65+ 45 51 4 327
Ethnicity - White 45 48 6 1114
Ethnicity - Hispanic 60 32 8 119
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 93 3 4 172
Democrats (no lean) 91 7 2 534
Independents (no lean) 49 36 15 392
Republicans (no lean) 7 91 2 438
Liberal (1-3) 88 8 4 385
Moderate (4) 61 32 7 393
Conservative (5-7) 19 76 5 516
Northeast 59 38 3 247
Midwest 60 34 6 326
South 45 50 5 514
West 50 42 8 277
Mid-Atlantic 62 34 4 173
East North Central 61 31 7 227
West North Central 56 40 4 99
South Atlantic 49 47 5 285
East South Central 56 36 8 83
West South Central 31 63 6 145
Mountain 43 52 5 90
Pacic 54 37 9 187
Protestant 39 55 5 438
Roman Catholic 52 45 3 318
Ath./Agn./None 67 22 10 293
Something Else 56 40 4 312
Religiosity: Monthly+ 45 51 4 536
Religiosity: LT Monthly 57 37 6 828
33: In the 2012 election for President, did you vote for Democrat Barack Obama or Republican Mitt Romney?
Barack Obama
Republican Mitt
Someone else N
Registered Voters 52 42 6 1364
Income: Under 50k 54 39 6 573
Income: 50k-100k 52 43 5 462
Income: 100k+ 49 46 5 328
Educ: < College 51 43 6 860
Educ: Bachelors degree 50 45 6 325
Educ: Post-grad 60 36 4 179
Military HH 46 46 9 246
Not Military HH 54 41 5 1118
Urban 67 28 5 319
Suburban 48 46 6 719
Rural 47 48 5 327
Democratic Men 87 10 3 248
Democratic Women 94 5 2 286
Republican Men 10 88 2 194
Republican Women 5 93 2 244
Independent Men 47 37 17 170
Independent Women 51 35 14 221
U.S. Right Direction 88 8 3 447
U.S. Wrong Track 34 59 7 917
Obama: Approve 93 5 3 567
Obama: Disapprove 21 71 7 766
#1 Issue - Economy 53 40 6 200
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 23 72 6 79
#1 Issue - Health care 50 44 6 91
#1 Issue - Med/SS 71 23 6 90
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 49 44 7 351
34: Many people werent able to vote in the election for Congress and other oces in 2010. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2010 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 77 23 1587
Male 78 22 740
Female 77 23 847
Age: 18-29 41 59 251
Age: 30-44 80 20 399
Age: 45-64 83 17 599
Age: 65+ 91 9 339
Ethnicity - White 78 22 1293
Ethnicity - Hispanic 77 23 141
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 80 20 204
Democrats (no lean) 80 20 602
Independents (no lean) 70 30 491
Republicans (no lean) 81 19 494
Liberal (1-3) 77 23 435
Moderate (4) 74 26 472
Conservative (5-7) 83 17 582
Northeast 80 20 289
Midwest 76 24 375
South 77 23 590
West 76 24 333
New England 85 15 83
Mid-Atlantic 78 22 207
East North Central 74 26 256
West North Central 81 19 118
South Atlantic 77 23 317
East South Central 71 29 102
West South Central 81 19 170
Mountain 73 27 107
Pacic 77 23 226
Protestant 85 15 470
Roman Catholic 84 16 364
Ath./Agn./None 70 30 355
Something Else 68 32 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 84 16 593
Religiosity: LT Monthly 73 27 994
34: Many people werent able to vote in the election for Congress and other oces in 2010. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2010 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 77 23 1587
Income: Under 50k 72 28 688
Income: 50k-100k 82 18 522
Income: 100k+ 81 19 377
Educ: < College 73 27 1043
Educ: Bachelors degree 83 17 353
Educ: Post-grad 90 10 191
Military HH 88 12 272
Not Military HH 75 25 1315
Urban 78 22 382
Suburban 79 21 818
Rural 73 27 387
Democratic Men 81 19 285
Democratic Women 79 21 316
Republican Men 86 14 218
Republican Women 77 23 276
Independent Men 67 33 236
Independent Women 73 27 255
U.S. Right Direction 76 24 521
U.S. Wrong Track 78 22 1066
Obama: Approve 75 25 658
Obama: Disapprove 80 20 884
#1 Issue - Economy 75 25 230
#1 Issue - Jobs 73 27 94
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 89 11 88
#1 Issue - Health care 81 19 108
#1 Issue - Med/SS 89 11 98
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 77 23 413
35: In the 2010 election for U.S. House, did you vote for the Democratic U.S. House candidate, the Republican U.S. House
candidate or someone else?
Democratic U.S.
House candidate
Republican U.S.
House candidate
Someone else N
Registered Voters 49 43 8 1224
Male 50 45 5 576
Female 49 41 10 648
Age: 18-29 63 31 6 103
Age: 30-44 54 38 8 318
Age: 45-64 46 46 8 494
Age: 65+ 44 47 9 309
Ethnicity - White 44 48 8 1000
Ethnicity - Hispanic 54 39 7 108
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 84 9 7 163
Democrats (no lean) 93 7 1 480
Independents (no lean) 42 32 26 345
Republicans (no lean) 3 96 1 399
Liberal (1-3) 83 12 5 332
Moderate (4) 62 29 9 348
Conservative (5-7) 17 78 5 484
Northeast 52 40 8 232
Midwest 58 34 9 285
South 44 48 8 456
West 47 47 6 250
Mid-Atlantic 55 39 6 162
East North Central 62 31 7 189
West North Central 50 38 12 96
South Atlantic 44 48 8 245
West South Central 34 55 11 138
Mountain 40 52 8 78
Pacic 50 44 6 172
Protestant 39 53 8 398
Roman Catholic 48 47 5 306
Ath./Agn./None 65 24 11 248
Something Else 51 41 8 269
Religiosity: Monthly+ 42 50 8 497
Religiosity: LT Monthly 54 38 8 726
35: In the 2010 election for U.S. House, did you vote for the Democratic U.S. House candidate, the Republican U.S. House
candidate or someone else?
Democratic U.S.
House candidate
Republican U.S.
House candidate
Someone else N
Registered Voters 49 43 8 1224
Income: Under 50k 52 37 10 494
Income: 50k-100k 50 43 7 425
Income: 100k+ 42 52 5 304
Educ: < College 49 42 9 759
Educ: Bachelors degree 46 48 6 292
Educ: Post-grad 54 40 6 172
Military HH 47 44 8 239
Not Military HH 50 43 8 985
Urban 64 26 11 296
Suburban 44 50 6 646
Rural 45 44 10 282
Democratic Men 90 8 1 231
Democratic Women 95 5 0 249
Republican Men 5 95 0 188
Republican Women 1 97 1 211
Independent Men 44 40 16 157
Independent Women 41 25 34 187
U.S. Right Direction 84 12 4 395
U.S. Wrong Track 32 58 10 829
Obama: Approve 87 10 4 494
Obama: Disapprove 22 67 10 707
#1 Issue - Economy 43 49 8 172
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 24 70 6 78
#1 Issue - Health care 47 42 12 87
#1 Issue - Med/SS 77 16 7 87
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 45 49 6 318

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