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This is the part of my article (draft):

The term "adhara" is the most well-known so we may take it as basic. Some teache
rs consider adharas, chakras and dvadashanta systems to have close interconnecti
on; 16 adharas are mentioned as knots (granthis) in such texts as Manthanabhaira
va tantra, Mahakalasamhita where they are called "sthanas" and are depicted in t
he quantity of 18 sthanas through which pratiahara is practised. Prana and the g
oddess Hamsagamini are passing over them. In Kaulajnananirnaja they are noted in
the quantity of 11. With reference to Sammohana tantra and Yogasvaroda 16 adhar
as are depicted as the chakras inside of the body and out of the body, located a
bove the head (sukshma-chakras). They are stated as following:
Muladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddhi, Ajna-chakra, Bindu, Kalap
ada, Nirodhika, Adrdhendu, Nada, Nadanta, Vishnuvaktra. Dhruvamandala and Shiva.
In Sharadatilaka tantra we may also meet mentioned above names of 16 adharas but
there Unmani is placed after Nadanta, which is unusual for lots of other scheme
s, then Dhruvamandala follows it and so on. In Sharadatilaka 16 adharas are repr
esented in the following way:
Muladhara, Swadhisthana, Nabhi (manipura), Anahata, throat (kanhta), eyebrows, B
indu, Kalapada, Adrdhendu, Nibodhika,Nada, Nadanta, Unmani, Vishnuvaktra, Dhruva
mandala and Shiva.
There is the order and names of 16 adharas according to Gautamya tantra:
Padangushta, Gulfa, Janu (knees), Uru (hips), Sivni, Linga, Nabhi, Hridaya, Griv
a (neck), Kantha (throat), Lambika, Nasika, Bhrumadhiaya, Mastak (head) and Murd
In Yogasvaroda the next names are stated in the methods of concentration on 16 a
1. Padangushta; 2. Padamula; 3. Gudadhara; 4. Lingadhara; 5. Jatharadhara; 6. Na
bhiyadhara; 7. Hridayadhara; 8. Kanthadhara; 9.Ghantikadhara; 10. Taluadhara; 11
. Jihva taladhara (tip of the tongue); 12. Dantadhara (the teeth); 13. Nasikadha
ra; 14. Nasaput adhara; 15. Bhrumadhiya; 16. Netradhara.
In jalandhara bandha, these receptors are artificially compressed. This tends t
o prevent a sudden rise in blood pressure which would be expected when the breat
h is held for some time. This increases the duration of breath retention and so
increases the effectiveness of practices such as nadi shodana pranayama. These c
arotid sinuses were well known in ancient times, as were also the sinus nerves.
In the Shiva Samhita it says: Stop the flow of the vijnana nadis (sinus nerves) w
ith the second fingers (that is press the side of your neck with your fingers).
This gives siddhi (perfecion) in the form of happiness and bliss. (55,56) We do n
ot suggest you try this for you will more than likely become unconscious if you
are not careful. This is caused by reducing or preventing the blood flow to the
brain. But the implications of the above verses are obvious; if you gently press
these carotid sinuses then you will become very relaxed and perhaps a little fa
int. This can be a help in various other yogic practices that lead to meditation
al experience.
These carotid sinuses are widely known in modern times. Many people have fainted
by mere pressure of these bodies. Some people seem to be more sensitive than ot
hers; a slight pressure is enough to put some people on their back. It is also w
idely known in wrestling, boxing, etc. where through discreet pressure on the op
ponents neck, it is possible to almost instantly finish the match. This is regar
ded as foul play.
It is also interesting to note that these carotid sinuses can be pressed to prev
ent or counteract tachycardia (fast heartbeat beyond the normal limit) This is o
ften used in medical circles. A gentle massage of the carotid sinuses slows down
the heart rate and brings about a faster normalization. However this is not alw
ays the case. It depends on the ability to select exactly the right place for ma
ssage and to do it gently enough to prevent an increase in tension. That is, ove
rpressuraization of the caroitid bodies could easily bring into mobilizaton the
emergency activities of the body to induce greater flow of blood to the brain. T
his will tend to increase the heartbeat again which is exactly the opposite to t
hat which is required. So care must be taken. We have not discussed the carotid
sinuses to encourage you to tamper with them. We have discussed them to show how
jalandhara bandha acts directly on the physical body, and how one must be caref
ul of overexertion during the practice.

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