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# DWIM Perl Version 5.14.2.

1 v7 32 bit for Windows

# ===================================================
# DWIM Perl for Windows is a Perl distribution for Microsoft Windows.
# It is based on the Strawberry Perl distribution and includes several
# hundred additional modules from CPAN.
# The following describes the process as the package was created.
# It also lists all the additional packages with their respective
# version numbers. The order of the packages is the order as they
# were added to the distribution.
# Where ther are 2 version numbers this means the module was upgraded
# in the distribution.
# In some cases you'll see comments next the modules names after a # mark.
# You can safely ignore them.
# All the included packages are Copyright their respective authors.
# For detailed license information check out the individual packages.
# Download and install
# Open command prompt
# Check in the whole Strawberry directory to a fresh Git repository:
# c:\strawberry> git init .
# c:\strawberry> git add .
# c:\strawberry> git ci -m "initial version"
# Create a git repository called
# and follow the instructions to connect to the remote repository and push put t
he initial version to Github.
# Add c:\strawberry\.gitignore and add the following lines:
# perl/lib/CPAN/
# /cpan/
# c:\strawberry> git add .gitignore
# c:\strawberry> git ci -m "ignore cpan files"
# c:\strawberry> cpan
# cpan> o conf prerequisites_policy ask
# cpan> reload index
# cpan> q
# git add perl/lib/CPAN/
# git ci -m "configure CPAN"
# First thing is to install CPAN::Reporter
# ( c:\strawberry> perl \work\tools\ CPAN::Reporter )
Capture::Tiny 0.11 0.15
Config::Tiny 2.14
IO::CaptureOutput 1.1102
Devel::Autoflush 0.05
Test::Reporter 1.58
CPAN::Reporter 1.2003 # Test Failed. "notest
install CPAN::Reporer"
Data::UUID 1.217
Sub::Install 0.925
Data::OptList 0.107
Sub::Exporter 0.982
Data::GUID 0.046
Metabase::Fact::Hash 0.020
CPAN::Testers::Report 1.999001
Config::Perl::V 0.14
Metabase::Client::Simple 0.008
Test::Reporter::Transport::Metabase 1.999008
Mozilla::CA 20111025 20120118
# Net::HTTP 6.01 6.02 (reverted to 6.01 as test
reporting does not work with 6.02)
IPC::Cmd 0.72 0.76
# cpan> o conf test_report 1
Devel::StackTrace 1.27
Class::Data::Inheritable 0.08
Exception::Class 1.32
Test::Differences 0.61
PadWalker 1.93
Data::Dumper::Names 0.03
Test::Most 0.25
Devel::Symdump 2.08
Pod::Coverage 0.22
Test::Pod::Coverage 1.08
Test::Pod 1.45
Test::LeakTrace 0.14
Test::Requires 0.06
Test::SharedFork 0.19
Test::TCP 1.15
Test::DatabaseRow 2.02
UNIVERSAL::can 1.20110617
UNIVERSAL::isa 1.20110614
Test::MockObject 1.20110612
Test::Mock::LWP 0.06
Data::Dump 1.21
Test::Trap 0.2.1
Try::Tiny 0.11
Test::Fatal 0.008
Test::MockModule 0.05
Devel::Cycle 1.11
Test::Memory::Cycle 1.04
Test::Taint 1.04
HTML::TreeBuilder 4.2 # part of HTML::Tree
HTTP::Server::Simple 0.44
HTML::Form 6.00
WWW::Mechanize 1.72 # *
Carp::Assert 0.20
Carp::Assert::More 1.12
Test::LongString 0.15
HTML::Lint 2.10
Test::WWW::Mechanize 1.38
Win32::Event 1.09 # Win32-IPC
Test::HTTP::Server::Simple 0.11
HTML::Template 2.9
List::MoreUtils 0.33
Dist::CheckConflicts 0.02
Devel::GlobalDestruction 0.04
Eval::Closure 0.07
MRO::Compat 0.11
Package::DeprecationManager 0.11
Package::Stash::XS 0.25
Package::Stash 0.33
Sub::Name 0.05
Test::Output 1.01 # install earlier!
Params::Classify 0.013
Module::Runtime 0.011
Module::Implementation 0.04
Class::Load 0.15
Class::Load::XS 0.04
Test::Without::Module 0.17 # install earlier!
Moose 2.0402
Sub::Identify 0.04 # install earlier!
SUPER 1.17 # install earlier!
Algorithm::C3 0.08 # install earlier!
Path::Class 0.24 # install earlier!
Module::Refresh 0.17 # install earlier!
Carp::Clan 6.04 # install earlier!
aliased 0.30 # install earlier!
Declare::Constraints::Simple 0.03 # install earlier!
Test::use::ok 0.02 # install earlier!
Tie::ToObject 0.03 # install earlier!
Variable::Magic 0.47 # install earlier!
B::Hooks::EndOfScope 0.09 # install earlier!
namespace::clean 0.22 # install earlier!
Data::Visitor 0.27 # install earlier!
Alien::wxWidgets 0.54 # pulling in http://prdown
Spiffy 0.30
Test::Base 0.60
ExtUtils::XSpp 0.1602
Wx 0.9903
Clone 0.31
Test::Object 0.07
Hook::LexWrap 0.24
Test::SubCalls 1.09
PPI 1.215
Wx::Perl::ProcessStream 0.30
App::cpanminus 1.5007
Class::Adapter 1.08
Class::Unload 0.07
Class::XSAccessor 1.13
Debug::Client 0.16
Devel::Dumpvar 1.06
Devel::Refactor 0.05 # TODO: check the tests
File::Glob::Windows 0.1.4
Format::Human::Bytes 0.06
Locale::Msgfmt 0.15
Module::Manifest 1.08
ORLite 1.52
POD2::Base 0.043
PPIx::EditorTools 0.15
PPIx::Regexp 0.025
Pod::POM 0.27
Parse::ErrorString::Perl 0.15
Parse::ExuberantCTags 1.02
Pod::Abstract 0.20
Template::Tiny 1.12
Text::FindIndent 0.10
Win32::Shortcut 0.07 # no tests provided, small
test sent to Jan Dubois
DBD::SQLite 1.33 1.35
ORLite::Migrate 1.10
Text::Patch 1.8
Wx::Scintilla 0.36
Padre 0.94
App::cpanoutdated 0.20
Net::Telnet 3.03
Text::CSV_XS 0.86
Text::CSV 1.21
AppConfig 1.66
Template 2.24
Win32::SystemInfo 0.11 # TODO: check the tests
Win32::Daemon 20110117
App::pmuninstall 0.29
Params::Validate 1.05
Sys::Syslog 0.29
Log::Dispatch 2.29
Modern::Perl 1.20120130
Win32::Env 0.03
Win32::Env::Path 0.03
Crypt::RC4 2.02 # TODO: check tests
Digest::Perl::MD5 1.8
OLE::Storage_Lite 0.19
Spreadsheet::ParseExcel 0.59
Parse::RecDescent 1.967003
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel 2.37
Excel::Writer::XLSX 0.46
Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML 0.13
B::Keywords 1.12
Email::Address 1.895
Readonly 1.03
Readonly::XS 1.05
PPIx::Utilities::Node 1.001000
Perl::Tidy 20101217
Pod::Spell 1.01
String::Format 1.16
Perl::Critic 1.117
Padre::Plugin::PerlCritic 0.12
Padre::Plugin::PerlTidy 0.21
Module::ScanDeps 1.07
Module::Install 1.04
Class::Accessor::Grouped 0.10006
Class::C3 0.23
Hash::Merge 0.12
Class::C3::Componentised 1.001000
Config::Any 0.23
Context::Preserve 0.01
Data::Dumper::Concise 2.020
Class::Accessor 0.34
Class::Accessor::Chained 0.01 # was Class::Accessor::Cha
ined::Fast TODO: add version number to Fast module?
Data::Page 2.02
Module::Find 0.10
Getopt::Long::Descriptive 0.090
SQL::Abstract 1.72
Scope::Guard 0.20
DBIx::Class 0.08196
Class::Base 0.04
Class::MakeMethods 1.01
Class::Method::Modifiers 1.08
strictures 1.002002
Moo 0.009013
XML::Writer 0.615
SQL::Translator 0.11010 # install earlier! befor
e DBIx::Class
HTTP::Body 1.15
HTTP::Server::Simple::PSGI 0.14
MIME::Types 1.34
Dancer 1.3092
Devel::StackTrace::AsHTML 0.11
Filesys::Notify::Simple 0.08
Hash::MultiValue 0.10 # TODO some warnings durin
g testing
Module::Install::ReadmeFromPod 0.16
Plack 0.9985 # install before Dancer
DBIx::RunSQL 0.07
Date::Format 2.24 # supplied by TimeDate-1.
Mail::Address 2.08 # supplied by MailTools-2
Email::Valid 0.187
Email::Date::Format 1.002
MIME::Lite 3.028
String::Random 0.22
DateTime::Locale 0.45
Class::Singleton 1.4
DateTime::TimeZone 1.42
Math::Round 0.06
DateTime 0.72
# run test DateTime::TimeZone again as it also needs DateTime TODO and the tes
ts failed!, check them.
DateTime::Format::Mail 0.3001
DateTime::Format::W3CDTF 0.06
Feed::Find 0.07
URI::Fetch 0.09
XML::XPath 1.13
XML::Atom 0.41
DateTime::Format::RFC3339 1.0.5 # v in filename
DateTime::Format::Atom 1.0.2 # v in filename, install b
efore XML::Atom
XML::RSS 1.49
XML::Feed 0.46 # TODO test failed, instal
led using "notest install"
Win32::Console 0.09 # no tests supplied
Win32::Pipe 0.024 # no tests supplied
Task::Kensho::Toolchain 0.28
CSS::Tiny 1.19
PPI::HTML 1.08
# Pod::Coverage::CountParents has an undef version number and Devel::Cover is ch
ecking it sort of.
Devel::Cover 0.79
Task::Kensho::Testing 0.28
Log::Log4perl 1.35
Fennec::Lite 0.004
Meta::Builder 0.003
Exporter::Declare 0.105
Log::Contextual 0.004001
Task::Kensho::Logging 0.01
ExtUtils::Depends 0.304
B::Hooks::OP::Check 0.19
B::Hooks::OP::PPAddr 0.03
Devel::Declare 0.006010
MooseX::Types 0.31
namespace::autoclean 0.13
MooseX::Traits 0.11
Devel::PartialDump 0.15
MooseX::Types::DateTime 0.07
MooseX::Types::Structured 0.28
Parse::Method::Signatures 1.003014
Scope::Upper 0.18
TryCatch 1.003000
Task::Kensho::Exceptions 0.28
MooseX::StrictConstructor 0.19
Devel::Caller 2.05
MooseX::Params::Validate 0.16
MooseX::Role::TraitConstructor 0.01
MooseX::Object::Pluggable 0.0011
MooseX::Role::Parameterized 1.00
Test::Unit::Lite 0.12
Exception::Base 0.2401
Symbol::Util 0.0202 # deprecation warnings du
ring testing
constant::boolean 0.02
Test::Assert 0.0504
MooseX::GlobRef 0.0701
Hash::Util::FieldHash::Compat 0.03
MooseX::InsideOut 0.106
MooseX::Singleton 0.29
MooseX::NonMoose 0.22
MooseX::LazyRequire 0.07
MooseX::Meta::Method::Authorized undef # provided by MooseX-Aut
MooseX::Meta::Method::Transactional undef # provided by MooseX-Tra
MooseX::Meta::TypeConstraint::ForceCoercion 0.01
Test::Perl::Critic 1.02
Mouse 0.97
Any::Moose 0.18
Win32::GuiTest 1.58
# GD 2.46 already installed
SVG 2.50
Log::Dispatch::Configurator 1.00
MooseX::LogDispatch 1.2002
String::RewritePrefix 0.006
MooseX::Storage 0.30
syntax 0.003
Syntax::Keyword::Gather 1.001000
warnings::illegalproto 0.001000
Web::Simple 0.012
File::ShareDir::Install 0.04
IO::TieCombine 1.001
CPAN::Meta::Requirements 2.120351
CPAN::Uploader 0.103000
Mixin::Linewise::Readers 0.003 # Mixin-Linewise-0.003
Config::INI::Reader 0.019 # supplied by Config-INI-0
Tie::IxHash 1.22
MooseX::OneArgNew 0.002
StackTrace::Auto 0.102080
Role::Identifiable::HasIdent 0.005 # provided by Role-Identif
String::Formatter 0.102082
String::Errf 0.006
Role::HasMessage 0.005
Config::MVP::Assembler 2.200001 # provided by Config-M
Data::Section 0.101621
Hash::Merge::Simple 0.051
Log::Dispatch::Array 1.001
String::Flogger 1.101241
Config::MVP::Reader::INI 2.101461
Sub::Exporter::GlobExporter 0.002
Log::Dispatchouli 2.005
Perl6::Junction 1.400000
autobox 2.75
Moose::Autobox 0.11
MooseX::SetOnce 0.200001
MooseX::Types::Path::Class 0.05
MooseX::Types::Perl 0.101341
Perl::PrereqScanner 1.009
Perl::Version 1.011
Pod::Eventual 0.093330
Text::Template 1.45
Software::License 0.103004
Sub::Exporter::ForMethods 0.100050
POE::Test::Loops 1.350
Win32::Job 0.04 # no tests
# Curses 1.28 ??? Could these be really i
nstalled on Windows?
# IO::Pty 1.10 ???
POE 1.350
Task::Kensho::Async 0.28
Email::Simple 2.101
Email::Abstract 3.004
Email::Sender 0.110003
Email::MIME::ContentType 1.015
Email::MIME::Encodings 1.313
Email::MessageID 1.402
Email::MIME 1.910
YAML::XS 0.38 # YAML-LibYAML-0.38
Email::MIME::Kit 2.102010
Task::Kensho::Email 0.28
Config::General 2.50
Task::Kensho::Config 0.28
WWW::Mechanize::TreeBuilder 1.10003
HTTP::Lite 2.3
Task::Kensho::WebCrawling 0.28
App::Cmd::Setup 0.316
Dist::Zilla 4.300007
# *) Configure the CPAN client again:
# cpan> o conf prerequisites_policy follow
# cpan> o conf test_report 0
# In dwimperl.iss
# Update AppVersion
# git tag -a v7 -m "v7 released"

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