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Lesson Plan Template

Mark Riedl
Subject /Course:
Science in the Physical Setting
Student /Class %&er&ie' (class com)osition/descri)tion o* unit+:
! students in the class, %ne student has -DD, -nother student has a reading
.esson %bjecti&e(s+:
Students 'ill be able to describe the *our sim)le machines and understand that
a com)le/ machine is com)osed o* sim)le machines,
Students 'ill be able to demonstrate that machines change the amount o*
*orce re0uired to do 'ork at the cost o* increasing the energy re0uired1 due to
Ne' 2ork State .earning Standards/ Common Core .earning Standards/%ther:
Standard " 3he Physical Setting 4ey 5dea 6: 7nergy and matter interact through
*orces that result in changes in motion,
6,* Machines can change the direction or amount o* *orce1 or the distance or
s)eed o*
*orce re0uired to do 'ork,
6,g Sim)le machines include a le&er1 a )ulley1 a 'heel and a/le1 and an
inclined )lane,
- com)le/ machine uses a combination o* interacting sim)le machines1 e,g,1 a
8riting utensils
5nclined )lanes
8eights and hangers
9orce sensor
-ntici)atory Set:
3eacher 'ill lea&e a )roblem on the board that reads: 2ou are a trainer at
the :oo, 2ou are re0uired to mo&e an ele)hant that 'as taken out o* its
community into its ne' habitat at the :oo, ;o' 'ould you do it<
Students record res)onse in their notebooks and discuss )ossible
strategies 'ith classmates around them,
.esson Deli&ery:
3ransition to lecture:
3eacher 'ill hand out guided notes to class
Students 'ill =ll out guided notes and ask 0uestions 'here a))licable
3eacher 'ill use 'hite board to re&ie' 'ork and energy
-sk students to recall 'hat 'ork and energy is
#i&e time *or students to contem)late and *ormulate ideas
-sk students to 'rite 'rite do'n 'ork *ormula > )otential energy
8ork ? 9orce / distance (8 ? 9d+
Potential 7nergy ? mass / acceleration due to gra&ity / height (P7
? mgh+
3eacher 'ill introduce sim)le machines and demonstrate ho' they are
3eacher can ask students to demonstrate in *ront o* the class i*
beha&ior is acce)table
@se the *orce sensor to determine *orce re0uired 'ith/'ithout
3eacher 'ill use a *ulcrum and le&er to li*t a 'eight
7/)lain ho' *riction at the *ulcrum 'ill aAect energy in)ut
7/)lain and demonstrate ho' the distance *rom *ulcrum
aAects the tor0ue o* the le&er (*orce re0uired+
3eacher 'ill use an inclined )lane to )ush/)ull a 'eight u) a slo)e
7/)lain ho' kinetic *riction causes energy loss
3eacher 'ill use a 'heel and a/le to )ush a 'eight
7/)lain ho' *riction in the a/le causes energy loss
7/)lain and demonstrate ho' rolling *riction is less than kinetic
3eacher 'ill use a )ulley to li*t a 'eight
7/)lain and demonstrate ho' the number o* )ulleys aAects
the *orce re0uired
7/)lain ho' *riction in the a/le causes energy loss
3eacher 'ill algebraically sho' ho' sim)le machines re0uire less *orce
but more energy (or &ice &ersa+ using 'ork e0uation and )otential
energy e0uation
P7 ? mgh
BheightC is BdistanceC in 8 ? 9d
3eacher 'ill ask students to rethink the original 0uestion (ele)hant at the
Students 'ill use the ne' in*ormation about sim)le machines to
create a ne' ans'er
3eacher 'ill ask students to share res)onses 'ith the class
Make sure the discussion stays on to)ic
Pro&ide )ositi&e *eedback *or each res)onse
3eacher 'ill use some student res)onses to create a com)le/ machine
3eacher 'ill demonstrate a com)le/ machine 'ith the inclined )lane
and 'heel > a/le to )ull a 'eight u) the inclined )lane
@se the *orce sensor to measure *orce re0uired
3eacher 'ill assign sim)le machine )roject (;andout+
Students 'ill ha&e to create a com)le/ machine using sim)le
machines1 research i* itDs used in real li*e1 build it (or model it+1 do
some *orm o* 'ork 'ith it (or e/)lain ho' it does 'ork+1 and 'rite a
)a)er about their =ndings
Students 'ill be able to use the rest o* the time to B)layC 'ith the sim)le
machines (i* a))licable+
Su)er&ision is re0uired by the teacher
Describe ho' students 'ill be engaged in this lesson:
3his lesson 'ill kee) students engaged in multi)le 'ays, 3he =rst 'ay students
'ill be engaged is the initial )roblem )osed at the start o* class, 3he students
'ill come u) 'ith all sorts o* ridiculous ans'ers that e/tend beyond my
imagination, 3his gets the students thinking creati&ely and being able to talk to
a )artner allo's them to share ideas and build oA o* one another,
3he second 'ay students 'ill be engaged is through 0uestions being asked
(along 'ith the e/)ectation o* a res)onse+, 3hroughout the lecture1 the teacher
should be asking 0uestions to the students that reach just outside the :one o*
)ro/imal de&elo)ment,
3he third 'ay students 'ill be engaged is through the demonstrations that may
or may not be handsEon *or them, 5* they are ca)able o* handling the machines
res)onsibly and 'ith a mature attitude1 then the students 'ill be able to
acti&ely demonstrate the )rinci)les o* the sim)le machines, 5* they are not able
to )artici)ate1 then the demonstrations alone 'ould be enough to kee)
students engaged,
3he =nal 'ay students 'ill be engaged is the regression back to the initial
0uestion about the ele)hant1 but this time ha&ing kno'ledge o* sim)le
machines *resh in their head, 3heir creati&ity can still take them to
unimaginable (to me+ )laces1 but they 'ill most likely utili:e a sim)le machine
some'here along the 'ay, Discussion 'ith a )artner 'ill also )ro&ide
5denti*y ho' you 'ill diAerentiate your instruction:
Pro&ide o))ortunities to creati&ely ans'er a 0uestion
-llo' *or discussion 'ith )eers
;andsEon demonstrations *or kinesthetic learners(i* a))licable+
3eacher demonstrations
.ecture *or &isual > auditory learners
#uided notes
Pro&ide immediate *eedback
Choice o* )roject *or assessment
@tili:ed &ocabulary ()hysics and nonE)hysics+ to strengthen reading
Describe ho' you 'ill monitor the success o* your lesson/students:
3he success o* my lesson 'ill be determined through a &ariety o* means, %ne
'ay is utili:ing )rom)ts to recall in*ormation in *uture classes (much like ho' 5
asked to recall 'ork and energy in this lesson+, 5* the students can easily recall
the in*ormation1 then some success has been achie&ed, 5 'ill also be able to
monitor success by analy:ing the attention the students are gi&ing me during
the )resentation, 5* there are a lot o* blank *aces and da:ed stares then 5 kno' 5
'ill need to try something else, Fut i* students are )aying attention and asking
0uestions then they are at least interested in the )resentation, -nother 'ay o*
measuring success is based on the res)onses to the original 0uestion about the
ele)hant, 5* the studentsD res)onses changed to incor)orate machines in a
logical manner1 then they accommodated the in*ormation in their brain, 3he
last 'ay 5 'ill measure success is 'ith the sim)le machines )roject that is
assigned to them at the end o* the class, 3he )roject 'ill be graded on their
eAort1 a))lication o* )hysics conce)ts1 ability to do 'ork (or e/)lain ho' the
'ork 'ould be done+1 and )resentation, 3he )roject isnDt intended to be a
major research )a)er1 but an alternati&e to a test,
Closure(Related to objecti&e+:
3he 0uestion about the ele)hant is su))osed to indirectly tackle the second
objecti&e ha&ing the students think about the a))lications o* machines, 3he
demonstrations achie&e the second objecti&e directly1 'hile achie&ing some o*
the =rst objecti&e, 3he machine )roject is 'hat allo's the =rst objecti&e to be
com)leted by allo'ing students to create com)le/ machines out o* sim)le

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