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What you believe, sense, feel, know inside of YOU is everything. Be passionate about whatever it is that you are
Understand that your message is about THEM, your audience. Are they deriving support, inspiration, upliftment?
If this is a yes, you have done your part. This is the ultimate goal.
Why? There are quite a few reasons why your believing is tied into your receiving. You are a beacon of energy
transmitting, broadcasting, energetic thought waves to whomever you are speaking to, or writing for. At the sub-
conscious level they know innately, especially when your belief level is unshakeable.
Secondly, being congruent and happy about what you are doing is a big plus. If you want to lift your life, lift your
spirits. If you want to lift your spirits, put good things into your mentality, they permeate and radiate out into your
When your message serves the needs, solves the pain, leads the way, and delivers useable, actionable, value, you
have again done your part! Believing is key!

Building the foundation of your belief in this cyclic process comes first. Break it down, its really very simple, you
This entry was posted in everythinginternet marketingmarketingMLSPpersonal development onAugust 15, 2014
by Beth Culbertson.
set upon a belief, then you reinforce the belief, until its as if, it was written in stone.
This phase of reinforcement happens by going back to the well and repeating the activities that help you grasp
your belief and take it to heart. An example would be to join a group that focuses daily on inspiration and motiva-
tion with an eye towards your particular and specific goal.
Next, what you hear lots about is, using images, pictures, vision boards and all of those kinds of tools. And you
should use them. Why? They bring the intangible into the tangible, touchable realm. If all thoughts are things
and they truly are, then it follows that, if you put your focus and attention on that thing, it will eventually manifest
in your world, in tangible, touchable form.
Try this simple exercise, or routine, if you like. Center on what it is you want to produce or manifest. Stand outside
with your bare feet firmly planted in the earth, do some simple breathing, in from the earth on up to the sky, and
exhaling. Use your arms as you gather in the breath and earth energy, and bring it up through your body, to the sky
and release/exhale.
As you do that in/out breathing a few times, once daily, feet firmly planted in the earth, you mentally picture what
it is that you want to see happen. Hold a thought for just 17 seconds and the Law of Attraction kicks in. Hold a
thought for 68 seconds and things move; manifestation has begun. Abraham Hicks
Take the action steps to move toward that goal, now your tangible body is congruent with your mental focus, and
the twain shall meet.

Let alone, set aside, the receiving aspect of this process. It will come of its own accord. Do not focus on it. Set it
aside. Focus on strengthening your belief. Know that you will arrive. It is the logical outcome of your congruent
activity. Busy yourself with the work of serving the needs, solving the pain, leading the way, and delivering use-
able, actionable, value to your audience.
Do the things that ought to be done by you. Nevermind whats in someone elses backyard. Hows your backyard?
How is your performance? Are you delivering value, are you serving, are you solving, are you leading by exam-
From deep, down inside, is your intent to serve and be, of service? Examine this within yourself, it is critical.
Realign yourself if necessary, simply by acknowledging and correcting your intent. Only you know what your in-
ternal motivation is. Let your outer activity align with your inner intent.
Perfect your own techniques for strengthening your belief, refine your own processes, those that reinforce your
belief in yourself and lifes purpose.
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