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Analysis Based on Size of Letters.

The size of the letters is indicative of the

a. Very Small Writing:- Tiny writing indicates the artistic nature of the
writer. People with this style go into the details of whatever they are
doing. Generally they specialise in a particular eld. They have an
ai! in life and do not waste either ti!e or energy.
". Small Size Writing:- This indicates an intellectual and scholarly
person with a #een sense of o"servation. These people are
!eticulous and !ethodical and are destined to do well in life.
c. Medium / Average Sized Letters:- This is characteristic of a
!ethodical and well-"alanced person with a healthy !ind. They are
suited to "usiness rather than service. $orldly-wise% they can grasp
things &uic#ly and well despite "eing relatively less educated.
d. Large Sized Letters:- They show an active and restless !ind.
People with this handwriting are large hearted% self reliant and can
in'uence others &uic#ly. (ery tal#ative% if they concentrate !ore on
the!selves% they can succeed easily.
e. Very Large or Huge Lettering:- People li#e these feel that they
are i!portant. They cannot face criticis! and therefore are denitely
f. Constant / Same Size of Letters:- This is indicative of a
!ethodical !ind.
g. Decrease in Size of Letters:- $riting li#e this indicates a great
level of cunning.
h. ncrease in Size of Letters:- )andwriting that gets larger indicates
great fran#ness.
Analysis Based on Level of $riting
a. Straig!t Lines : *f lines are straight% the person has will power and
deter!ination. *f they are a"solutely straight% the person could "e
rigid. *f a little irregular% the person has s#ill in !any elds or has the
capa"ility to ac&uire one or !ore.
". Do"n"ard Slant : A downward slant is indicative of a dis!al
outloo#. These people are pessi!istic% !oody and gets discouraged
easily. *f the writing has a pro!inent down ward slant% then they
should "e cautious "ecause they can "e foolish. They !ay try to get
others sy!pathy "y e+pressing this &uality. *f a person is not well
physically and his or her writing has an e+tre!e downward slant% it is
not a good sign. *t should "e ta#en as a warning.
c. #$"ard Slant : People who write this way are usually a!"itious.
They are also opti!istic. *f your handwriting has an upward slant% you
pro"a"ly can tal# a lot% could "e over-condent and so!eti!es
unrelia"le. *f the slant has a slight upward trend% then it is a good
sign. *f the slant is very steep% all these &ualities are e+aggerated.
d. rregular Lines : *f the lines go upwards% "ut only towards the end of
a sentence% particularly near the "otto! of the page% they indicate a
strong personality. Such people are courageous even in adversity.
e. %alling Lines : *f at the end of a line and at the "otto! of a page%
your lines fall% it !eans you get irritated and worried easily. ,ou are
wea# and prone to stress.
f. Di$$ed Lines : Lines which dip in the centre and rise again later
indicate a half-hearted approach to wor#. People with such a hand
start on wor# half-heartedly% with no purpose. Later they get
enthusiastic and nish the tas# well.
g. Hum$ed Lines : These are lines that rise in the centre li#e a hu!p
and then dip once again. These people start wor# enthusiastically "ut
soon get discouraged and leave the tas# !id way.

The signicance of spacing
a. Line S$acing : This is an i!portant aspect of hand writing analysis.
*t proves how i!portant it is for the analyst to have a nu!"er of
sa!ples of a person-s writing to provide an accurate .udg!ent of an
individual-s personality traits.
". Close S$acing : *f the lines are very close to each other and have no
space in "etween% they show a confused personality with diverse
thoughts crowding the !ind.
c. Average S$acing : These people are never in a hurry. They are
casual and clear in thought% and in their day- to -day "ehaviour. They
are well "alanced and fair in their dealings.
d. Wide S$acing : /any fa!ous personalities possess this type of
spacing. They are !ethodical careful and intelligent. 0verall these
are people with strong character.
e. Connected Writing : $hen the letters of each word are connected it
is called connected writing. These people are r!% "old% clear% and
are positive attitude. They wor# in a rened way and are
perfectionists. *t is the !ar# of an outright sceptic.
f. &ro'en Writing : )ere% a few letters are disconnected. This type of
writing indicates an a"ility to .udge hu!an character. Their writing
loo#s rhyth!ic and signies a ne 'ow of thought and interspersed
with &uic# inspirational touches. *t is indeed the writing of intelligent
g. Disconnected Writing : )ere every letter is separate. These people
live in drea!s and have a poetic !ind. *nevita"ly% this is a person
who loves art and nature. 1o not confuse this handwriting with
printed letters.
h. Cram$ed Writing : $hen the words are cra!ped they indicate
people who are e+tre!ely e+pressive. Those with this type of writing
are cautions a"out !oney !atters% "argain a great deal and are
suspicious "y nature.
i. S$aced Writing : $hen words are very far apart% they "elong to
people who e+pressive "ut e+travagant. 2+hi"itionists% they are
socially active and fond of good life. They can never "e syste!atic
and are usually spend thrift. They forget things easily and should "e
careful in !oney !atters.
So!e 3iner Points of 4udge!ent 5 Analysis Based 0n Letter 3or!ation.
a. (ounded Letter : $riting of this type has rounded for!ations. *t
see!s as if the writer has written in co!fort and at leisure. These
people are lazy% lu+urious% and hate to do hard wor#. They have all
the ti!e in the world to chat "ut still thin# that they are "usy.
)owever% they are also peace- loving% law-a"iding and crave the
"etter things in life.
". &loc' Writing : These letters are plain si!ple and unadorned. The
writing is straight. People of this type are hard-wor#ing% !eticulous
and practical. They are generally "usy and are reserved "y nature.
c. Angular Writing : This is distinguished fro! -Bloc#- and -6ound-
types of writing. People who write this way are full of energy and life.
They want to lead people "ut are aggressive and desire &uic# results.
They do not ta#e criticis! well. *f the writing is too angular it shows a
person as !oney-!inded. *f !oderately angular the writer could "e
wise% loving and e+perienced.
d. Single Letters : *f the size of the letter does not change% it indicates
that a person is very careful and conscious. These people never
neglect their duties and are careful to nish whatever tas# is
assigned to the!. They are usually a"sor"ed in the !inutest details
of any wor# that they underta#e.
e. rregular Letters : $riting of this type is full of large and s!all
letters. These people are rarely relia"le and could "e c#le. They
ta#e the !ost convenient route to anything.
f. Small to Large Letters : $riting of this type indicates restrained
"ehaviour. These people are eager to e+press the!selves% wor# hard
and want to get success through honest !eans.
g. Large to Small Letters : This shows a tactful and friendly nature.
People li#e this !a#e good use of their connections. They are fair in
all their dealings.

3iner Signicance of Angle5 Slant
0ne of the !ost i!portant aspects of graphology is the angle or slant of a
person-s writing. This needs special study since the variations though
!ini!al% are signicant.

a. *f a slant is at 78 to 98 degrees% it shows the person as sensitive%
e!otional and i!aginative. They get aggressive at the slightest
provocation and have an intense nature. 0ne should "e very careful
when dealing with the!% since they get e+cited very &uic#ly.
". *f the slant is at 98 to :8 degrees% these people are very generous
and very #ind. They can !a#e others happy and this helps the!
"uild careers. They share their happiness with others.
c. A slant of :8 to ;8 degrees is very co!!on. This style is widely used
and has a slight tilt towards the right. *t indicates a cordial nature
and a friendly attitude towards others. These people are genuine and
usually ta#e things easy. *t is not di<cult to !anage people of this
d. *f the slant is right-angled at ;8 degrees% it shows a selsh nature.
These people are analytic and une!otional% "ut could also "e sincere
and relia"le. They always recognise o"ligations and hence prove
good friends.
e. *f the slant is at =88 degrees% it indicates that the person re!e!"ers
all the good and "ad things that have happened in the past. *t shows
a nature that is suppressed and controlled% and which therefore could
collapse when faced with pro"le!s and di<culty.
f. *f the slant is at =>8 degrees% the person is cold and self-centred% and
has no respect or regard towards others.

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