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From: Noble, Ryan, NMSA <Ryan.Noble@spaceportamerica.

Date: Wed, Sep 10, 201 at !:01 "#
S$b%ect: R&: '"R( ) &*penses and "lans Re+ardin+ ,'S'-.R &/"&R'&N0& 0&N-&R
-o: (riel Do$+1erty <>
I have provided answers to your requests below. If you have any follow-up requests I will be happy to
respond to them.

1) Payments --with dates and amounts-- made to IDEA GROUP and or other contractors developin plans !or
the "I#I$OR E%PERIE&'E 'enter(
$he contract with IDEA# )ean in *uly o! +,11( $he total value o! that contract is presently -./0++/122(3,(
O! that amount -./111/314(03 has )een spent which leaves a remainin )alance o! -+11/,11(,3 unspent
as o! Auust +,10( IDEA# is the prime contractor developin the "isitor E5perience and so our aency
ma6es payments only to IDEA# which then sel!-per!orms some o! the contract wor6 and su)contracts
some o! the contract wor6( IDEA# invoices our aency as wor6 is completed and so the e5act payment
dates are appro5imately monthly e5tendin )ac6 to +,11( I! you need the precise dates and amounts o!
each invoice I can produce that/ )ut it will ta6e a sini!icant e!!ort to produce( #o here I provide the total
contract value/ remainin )alance/ and start date( Please indicate i! this response is insu!!icient(

+) $he proposed plan/ desin and intention o! the "I#I$OR E%PERIE&'E 'enter(
$he intention o! the #paceport "isitor 'enter is to inspire and deliht !amilies and students with the
e5citement o! the commercial space industry and to promote interest in mathematics and the sciences(
$he desin o! the 'enter )uildin is attached(

2) 7udet !or )uildin the "I#I$OR E%PERIE&'E 'enter with pro8ected sources o! revenue/ and its location(
$he construction )udet !or the 'enter is -3/+,,/,,,(,,( $oether with the purchase o! the real property
on which to )uild the 'enter the total )udet is -1/+00/00,(,,( $he location is o!! e5it 4, !rom I-+3/ near
the 9almart( Please see the attached map showin the precise location( Pro8ected sources o! revenue
!rom the 'enter are tic6et sales/ merchandise sales/ !ood and )everae sales(

0) $imeline !or the e5ecution o! all aspects o! the "I#I$OR E%PERIE&'E 'enter: where the &;#A is at on that
timeline: how much has )een spent to date< and pro8ected attendance/ and e5pected revenue and e5penses !or
"E' operation in the !uture/ throuh +,1=(
$he 'enter will ta6e appro5imately one year to construct and appro5imately 2 months to )ecome !ully
operational( $he #paceport Authority intends to solicit construction contractors throuh a pu)lic R>P per
the &; procurement code and will )ein the R>P process when !inancin !or the pro8ect is !inali?ed(
$here!ore/ the e5act start date o! construction is un6nown at this time( $o date -./111/314(03 has )een
spent( Pro8ected attendance o! the #"' is appro5imately ++,/,,, visitors annually( Revenue and
e5penses !or the 'enter throuh +,1= are attached(

-Ryan $( &o)le
G('( &; #paceport Authority

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