You are on page 1of 161



The content of this service document is the subect of inte!!ectu"! #ro#ert$ ri%hts reserved b$ Det Nors&e Verit"s AS 'DNV() The user
"cce#ts th"t it is #rohibited b$ "n$one e!se but DNV "nd*or its !icensees to offer "nd*or #erform c!"ssific"tion+ certific"tion "nd*or
verific"tion services+ inc!udin% the issu"nce of certific"tes "nd*or dec!"r"tions of conformit$+ ,ho!!$ or #"rt!$+ on the b"sis of "nd*or
#ursu"nt to this document ,hether free of ch"r%e or ch"r%e"b!e+ ,ithout DNV-s #rior ,ritten consent) DNV is not res#onsib!e for the
conse.uences "risin% from "n$ use of this document b$ others)
The electronic pdf version of this document found through is the officially binding version
Ru!es for C!"ssific"tion of
F!o"tin% Production+ Stor"%e "nd
3o"din% 4nits
5436 2107
8 Det Nors&e Verit"s AS 5u!$ 2107
An$ comments m"$ be sent b$ e/m"i! to
If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to
such person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount eual to ten times the fee charged for the service in uestion, provided that
the maximum compensation shall never exceed !"D # million.
In this provision $Det Norske Veritas$ shall mean the %oundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf
of Det Norske Veritas.
DNV is " %!ob"! #rovider of &no,!ed%e for m"n"%in% ris&) Tod"$+ s"fe "nd res#onsib!e business conduct is both " !icense
to o#er"te "nd " com#etitive "dv"nt"%e) Our core com#etence is to identif$+ "ssess+ "nd "dvise on ris& m"n"%ement) From
our !e"din% #osition in certific"tion+ c!"ssific"tion+ verific"tion+ "nd tr"inin%+ ,e deve!o# "nd "##!$ st"nd"rds "nd best
#r"ctices) This he!#s our customers s"fe!$ "nd res#onsib!$ im#rove their business #erform"nce) DNV is "n inde#endent
or%"nis"tion ,ith dedic"ted ris& #rofession"!s in more th"n 011 countries+ ,ith the #ur#ose of s"fe%u"rdin% !ife+ #ro#ert$
"nd the environment)
DNV service documents consist of "mon% others the fo!!o,in% t$#es of documents9
: Service Specifications. Procedur"! re.uirements)
: Standards. Technic"! re.uirements)
: Recommended Practices. ;uid"nce)
The St"nd"rds "nd Recommended Pr"ctices "re offered ,ithin the fo!!o,in% "re"s9
A( <u"!ific"tion+ <u"!it$ "nd S"fet$ =ethodo!o%$
>( ="teri"!s Techno!o%$
C( Structures
D( S$stems
E( S#eci"! F"ci!ities
F( Pi#e!ines "nd Risers
;( Asset O#er"tion
H( ="rine O#er"tions
5( C!e"ner Ener%$
O( Subse" S$stems
4( 4nconvention"! Oi! ? ;"s
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,H-N./" 0 ,!11/N2 0 3age 4
This document su#ersedes DNV/OSS/012+ A#ri! 2102)
Te@t "ffected b$ the m"in ch"n%es in this edition is hi%h!i%hted in red co!our) Ho,ever+ if the ch"n%es invo!ve
Det Nors&e Verit"s AS+ com#"n$ re%istr"tion number A7B C7D AE0+ h"s on 2C
November 210E ch"n%ed its
n"me to DNV ;3 AS) For further inform"tion+ see ,,,)dnv%!)com) An$ reference in this document to
FDet Nors&e Verit"s ASG or FDNVG sh"!! therefore "!so be " reference to FDNV ;3 ASG)
" ,ho!e ch"#ter+ section or sub/section+ norm"!!$ on!$ the tit!e ,i!! be in red co!our)
Main changes July 2!"# en$ering in$% &%rce ! January 2!'
( General
: ="in c!"ss surve$ re.uirements in %ener"! ,ith " focus on "%ein% units h"s been u#d"ted)
: The surve$ descri#tions for the #roduction "nd stor"%e service not"tions h"ve been com#!ete u#d"ted)
: Surve$ re.uirements for the PROD "nd POSMOOR not"tions h"ve been u#d"ted)
: FECG to F"##ro#ri"te "##rov"! bod$G h"s been ch"n%ed)
( Ch)! Sec)! *n$r%+uc$i%n
: H2)2I Ne, definitions on inter#ret"tions+ emer%enc$ "nd norm"! to,in%+ tem#or"r$ "nd #osition moorin%
"nd m"in hoistin% s$stem h"ve been inc!uded) Definitions for tem#or"r$ "nd #osition moorin% h"ve been
t"&en from 3e%"c$ ;3 ru!es)
( Ch)! Sec), Classi&ica$i%n sc%-e an+ n%$a$i%ns
: T"b!es on b"sic desi%n "nd service not"tions h"ve been u#d"ted)
: H2)DI Not"tion SELF-PROPELLED to com#!ete c!"ss s$stem"tics h"s been inc!uded)
: H2)AI Sub/section on service restrictions to com#!ete c!"ss s$stem"tics h"s been inc!uded)
( Ch)! Sec)" Assign.en$ %& class
: H0)2)JI ne, re.uirement for com#uter #ro%r"ms used for desi%n c"!cu!"tions "s t"&en from !e%"c$ ;3 ru!es)
( Ch)! Sec)' Re$en$i%n %& class
: H7)0I Condition for sus#ension of c!"ss h"s been "dded)
( Ch)! Sec) / Cer$i&ica$i%n %& .a$erials# c%.-%nen$s an+ sys$e.s
: H0)2I Re.uirement for s$stem m"nuf"cturer h"s been inc!uded)
: H2I C=C certific"te descri#tions h"s been u#d"ted)
( Ch)2 Sec) ! Design an+ c%ns$ruc$i%n re0uire.en$s &%r 1A1 MOU .ain class
: H0)0)2I 3ist b$ inc!udin% te!ecommunic"tion s$stems h"s been corrected)
: H7)0I C!"ss sco#e ,rt structur"! desi%n h"s been c!"rified)
: H7)2I The overvie, of 3RFD "nd KSD methods "nd re!ev"nt st"nd"rds h"ve been restructured)
: HCI ="in c!"ss re.uirements ,rt tem#or"r$ moorin% "nd to,in% inc!udin% h"ve been c!"rified)
: H0EI Com#!etion overvie, of reference st"nd"rds)
( Ch)2 Sec)2 Design an+ c%ns$ruc$i%n re0uire.en$s &%r OI FLOATING OFFSHORE INSTALLATION
.ain class
: H7)0I C!"ss sco#e ,rt structur"! desi%n h"s been c!"rified)
: H7)2I The overvie, of 3RFD "nd KSD methods "nd re!ev"nt st"nd"rds h"ve been restructured)
( Ch)2 Sec)" Su--le.en$ary re0uire.en$s &%r ser1ice n%$a$i%n OIL STORAGE UNIT %r OIL
: References to dedic"ted FSO sections in offshore st"nd"rds ,rt s"fet$ #rinci#!es "nd "rr"n%ements+
te!ecommunic"tion "nd fire s"fet$ 'inste"d of the o!d situ"tion in ,hich ,"s referred to "##!ic"b!e
re.uirements in st"nd"rds- FPSO section h"ve been "dded)
( Ch)2 Sec)/ O-$i%nal class n%$a$i%ns
: Com#!eted the descri#tions of sever"! o#tion"! c!"ss not"tions ,ith obective+ sco#e "nd "##!ic"tion to
im#rove overvie, "nd underst"ndin%)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,H-N./" 0 ,!11/N2 0 3age +
: H0CI Sub/section h"s been u#d"ted "nd restructured)
: H20)2I Not"tion SELF-PROPELLED to com#!ete c!"ss s$stem"tics h"s been inc!uded)
: H20)EI "nd T"b!e J/029 The historic not"tion COAT h"s been removed)
( Ch), Sec)! General -r%1isi%ns
: H0)EI "nd H0)7I References to "!tern"tive surve$ "rr"n%ements "nd surve$s b$ "##roved com#"nies h"ve
been inc!uded)
: H2)0)BI St"tement on reduction of surve$ interv"!s for nove! desi%ns h"s been inc!uded)
: H2)2I St"tement on #ost#onement of surve$s h"s been inc!uded)
: H2)7I ="&in% c!e"r th"t "nnu"! surve$ is e@ecuted "!so durin% rene,"! L t"&in% out re.uirements th"t
rene,"! inc!uded re.uirement for "nnu"! surve$)
: H2)7I "nd H2)BI Com#!eted descri#tions on surve$ schedu!es)
( Ch), Sec)2 General re0uire.en$s &%r s$ruc$ure an+ .achinery sur1eys
: Reduced our invo!vement for %"s turbine ins#ection+ "cce#tin% OE= ins#ection records "nd focusin% on
s"fet$ for the inst"!!"tion* unit)
: H2)0I ;ener"!iMed re.uirement for c!e"nin% of t"n&s "nd inc!uded re.uirement on remov"! of c"sin%+
cei!in%s etc)
: H2)2I Com#!eted re.uirements for c!ose/u# e@"min"tion "nd thic&ness me"surements inc!) re.uirement for
"n o,ner to &ee# records)
: H2)2)JI The descri#tion on thic&ness me"surements b$ surve$or h"s been removed)
: H2)2)01I Ne, section on corrosion "!!o,"nce)
: T"b!e 2/0 4#d"ted the descri#tion on corrosion #reventin% s$stems condition"! "!!o,in% for soft "nd semi/
h"rd co"tin%s "nd u#d"tin% b"!!"st t"n& ins#ection re.uirements for rene,"! surve$)
: HEI Section inc!) "mon% others remov"! on boi!er surve$ "s is no, covered in Ch)E+ Sec) 7 h"s been
: H7)2I "nd H7)EI Descri#tions for "%ein% units h"ve been u#d"ted)
( Ch), Sec), 2eri%+ical sur1ey e3$en$ &%r .ain class
: Reduced our invo!vement for %"s turbine ins#ection+ "cce#tin% OE= ins#ection records "nd focusin% on
s"fet$ for the inst"!!"tion* unit)
: T"b!e E/2 to T"b!e E/7 IIP t"b!es h"ve been u#d"ted)
: H0)2)2I "nd HE)2)JI "nd H7)EI Descri#tion on the re!ev"nce of E@tended Hu!! Surve$ Re.uirements 'EHSR(
or Enh"nced Surve$ Pro%r"ms '"s sho,n b$ the ESP c!"ss not"tion( to %uid"nce note h"ve been
: H0)2)BI Descri#tion ,ith re%"rd to thic&ness %"u%in%s fo!!o,in% the condition of the unit "nd the re!ev"nt
thic&ness me"surements t"b!e h"ve been u#d"ted)
: H2)0)2I "nd HE)0)EI Descri#tion for surve$ on !oc"tion h"s been u#d"ted)
: H2)2I Sever"! re.uirements im#rovin% consistenc$ "nd c!"rit$ h"ve been u#d"ted)
: T"b!e E/7 T"b!e for %uid"nce ic" subst"nti"! corrosion ,ith re!ev"nt references h"ve been inc!uded)
: H2)7I Sub/section h"s been u#d"ted "nd restructured)
: HE)2I Sub/section h"s been u#d"ted "nd restructured)
: HE)2I "nd H7)2I 4#d"ted the descri#tion on corrosion #reventin% s$stems condition"! "!!o,in% for soft "nd
semi/h"rd co"tin%s "nd u#d"tin% b"!!"st t"n& ins#ection re.uirements for rene,"! surve$
: H7)0)2IC!"use on rectific"tion of deficiencies h"s been inc!uded)
: H7)2I Sub/section h"s been u#d"ted "nd restructured)
: H7)2)0BI Inc!usion of " reference to the bottom surve$)
: H7)EI+ H7)7I "nd H7)BI Ne, sub sections coverin% thic&ness me"surements "nd s#ecific "re"s for ins#ection
: H7)7)EI Inter#ret"tions to =OD4 code !i%ht,ei%ht surve$ descri#tions h"ve been inc!uded)
: HBI Sub/section h"s been u#d"ted "nd restructured)
( Ch), Sec)" Miscellane%us .ain class sur1eys
: Ori%in"! sub/section on %"s turbine surve$s h"s been removed)
: Reduced our invo!vement for %"s turbine ins#ection+ "cce#tin% OE= ins#ection records "nd focusin% on
s"fet$ for the inst"!!"tion* unit)
: H2I Ne, re.uirement on dism"nt!in% of #ro#e!!ers)
: HBI Descri#tion ,rt sco#e of boi!er surve$s h"s been u#d"ted)
: HCI Section inc!) "mon% others remov"! on boi!er surve$ "s is no, covered in Ch)E+ Sec) 7 h"s been
: HC)BI Descri#tion of se!f/e!ev"tin% units- bottom surve$ h"s been u#d"ted)
: HDI Intermedi"te surve$ re.uirements for to,in% "nd 'tem#)( moorin% e.ui#ment for both m"in c!"ss "nd
POSMOOR h"ve been removed)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,H-N./" 0 ,!11/N2 0 3age 5
( Ch), Sec)' 2eri%+ical sur1ey e3$en$ &%r ser1ice n%$a$i%ns
: Se#"r"ted oi! stor"%e surve$ re.uirements from oi! #roduction re.uirements)
: 'sever"! sub sections( ="&in% c!e"r th"t "nnu"! surve$ is e@ecuted "!so durin% rene,"! L t"&in% out
re.uirements th"t rene,"! inc!uded re.uirement for "nnu"! surve$)
: H0I "nd H2I Com#!ete u#d"te on our surve$ re.uirements for F!o"tin% #roduction+ stor"%e "nd !o"din% units)
( Ch), Sec)/ O-$i%nal class n%$a$i%n sur1eys
: H2I 4#d"ted "nnu"! "nd rene,"! surve$ re.uirements for units ,ith POSMOOR not"tion ,ith " focus on
the AT* ATA .u"!ifiers)
: H2I Intermedi"te surve$ re.uirements for to,in% "nd 'tem#)( moorin% e.ui#ment for both m"in c!"ss "nd
POSMOOR h"ve been removed)
: H2)J)7I Ne, %uid"nce notes on 2/nec& me"surements "nd %o* no%o %"u%in%)
: HE)EI Re#!"cement of ori%in"! DP surve$ descri#tion b$ " reference to ru!es for shi#s)
: HJI Descri#tion ,rt concurrent e@ecution of Offshore >o, 3o"din% surve$s h"s been removed)
: HDI The surve$ descri#tions for the not"tion PROD h"ve been u#d"ted)
: H01)2I Te@t of !iftin% "##!i"nces surve$ h"ve been u#d"ted)
: H0J)2I Te@t for surve$ connected to VI>R+ "!i%ned ,ith Ru!es for Shi# h"s been u#d"ted)
: H0C)2I "nd H0C)EI Com#!ete ne, "nnu"! "nd rene,"! surve$ descri#tion)
: H0DI "nd H0AI Sub/sections h"ve been u#d"ted "nd restructured)
: H21)2I Not"tion SELF-PROPELLED to com#!ete c!"ss s$stem"tics h"s been inc!uded)
: H21)EI TMON surve$ descri#tions ,ith Ru!es for Shi#s h"ve been "!i%ned)
( Ch), Sec)4 Al$erna$i1e sur1ey arrange.en$s
: H2)EI "nd H2)7I Sub/sections h"ve been u#d"ted)
: HE)EI The term Hu!! P=S to Structur"! Inte%rit$ ="n"%ement h"s been u#d"ted)
( Ch), Sec)5 Sur1eys -er&%r.e+ 6y a--r%1e+ c%.-anies
: H0)2I The descri#tion on thic&ness me"surements b$ surve$or h"s been removed)
: H0)EI Descri#tion "!i%ned ,ith Ru!es from Shi#s h"s been u#d"ted)
In "ddition to the "bove st"ted m"in ch"n%es+ editori"! corrections m"$ h"ve been m"de)
E+i$%rial c%rrec$i%ns
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,ontents 0 3age 6
CHAN;ES N C4RRENT))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) E
CH) ! 2R*NC*27ES AND 2ROCEDURES FOR C7ASS*F*CAT*ON)))))))))))) !'
Sec) ! *n$r%+uc$i%n))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) !'
! *n$r%+uc$i%n))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) !'
0)0 ;ener"! ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 0B
0)2 Or%"nis"tion )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 0B
0)E Obects covered)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 0B
2 De&ini$i%ns )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) !'
2)0 Verb"! forms )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 0B
2)2 Definitions)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 0B
, N%r.a$i1e re&erences )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2
E)0 Norm"tive references ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 21
E)2 DNV reference documents))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 21
E)E Other references ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 21
" *n&%r.a$i1e re&erences)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2!
7)0 DNV inform"tive references)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 20
7)2 Other references ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 20
' A66re1ia$i%ns))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2!
B)0 ;ener"! ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 20
Sec) 2 Classi&ica$i%n -rinci-les ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 22
! The classi&ica$i%n c%nce-$ ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 22
0)0 Introduction)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 22
0)2 A##!ic"b!e ru!es ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 22
0)E >"sis for "ssi%nment of c!"ss ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2E
0)7 >"sis for m"inten"nce of c!"ss))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2E
0)B Document"tion))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2E
0)J Disc!osure of inform"tion )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 27
0)C Access )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2B
0)D C"!ibr"tion of e.ui#ment ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2B
0)A Service su##!iers )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2B
0)01 3imit"tion of DNV-s res#onsibi!it$)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2B
2 A--eals ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2'
2)0 Decisions t"&en b$ the societ$ )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2B
, S$a$u$%ry cer$i&ica$i%n))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2/
E)0 ;ener"! )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2J
E)2 Service su##!iers )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2J
Sec) , Classi&ica$i%n sc%-e an+ n%$a$i%ns))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 24
! Sc%-e %& classi&ica$i%n)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 24
0)0 ;ener"! ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2C
0)2 Ru!e #"rts ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2C
0)E Ru!e #"rticu!"rs )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2C
2 Class n%$a$i%ns))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 24
2)0 ;ener"! ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2C
2)2 Construction s$mbo!s))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2C
2)E ="in ch"r"cter of c!"ss )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2D
2)7 >"sic desi%n not"tions)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2D
2)B Service not"tions)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2D
2)J O#tion"! c!"ss not"tions re!"ted to s#eci"! e.ui#ment "nd s$stems))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2A
2)C O#tion"! c!"ss not"tions re!"ted to co!d c!im"te o#er"tion )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 2A
2)D S#eci"! fe"ture not"tions )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) E1
2)A Not"tions re!"ted to restrictions ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) E1
2)01 Com#!i"nce ,ith co"st"! st"te !e%is!"tion)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) E1
2)00 Combin"tion of not"tions))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) E0
Sec) " Assign.en$ %& class ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ,2
! Assign.en$ %& class 8 ne9 1essels))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ,2
0)0 ;ener"! ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) E2
0)2 Re.uirements for bui!der or desi%ner )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) E2
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,ontents 0 3age 7
0)E A##!ic"b!e ru!es ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) E2
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De#endin% on the c"te%oris"tion+ certific"tion m"$ inc!ude both #!"n "##rov"! "nd surve$ durin% #roduction
"nd*or of the fin"! #roduct)
2)2)5 Class: C!"ss is "ssi%ned to "nd ,i!! be ret"ined b$ vesse!s com#!$in% ,ith "##!ic"b!e re.uirements of the
Societ$-s ru!es)
2)2)< Classification: A service ,hich com#rises the deve!o#ment of inde#endent technic"! st"nd"rds for
vesse!s / c!"ss ru!es "nd st"nd"rds+ "nd to verif$ com#!i"nce ,ith the ru!es "nd st"nd"rds throu%hout the vesse!s-
2)2)! Close)up e*amination: An e@"min"tion ,here the det"i!s of structur"! com#onents "re ,ithin the c!ose
visu"! ins#ection r"n%e of the surve$or+ i)e) #refer"b!$ ,ithin re"ch of h"nd)
2)2)!! Coating conditions:
: F;OODG9 Condition ,ith on!$ minor s#ot rustin%)
: FFAIRG9 Condition ,ith !oc"! bre"&do,n "t ed%es of stiffeners "nd ,e!d connections "nd*or !i%ht rustin%
over 21Q or more of "re"s under consider"tion+ but !ess th"n "s defined for POOR condition)
: FPOORG9 Condition ,ith %ener"! bre"&do,n of co"tin% over 21Q or more of "re"s or h"rd sc"!e "t 01Q or
more of "re"s under consider"tion)
2)2)!2 Commissioning: A #rocess of "ssurin% th"t com#onents+ e.ui#ment "nd the s$stems "re functionin% in
"ccord"nce ,ith the function"! re.uirements)
2)2)!, Concurrent surveys:
Surve$s re.uired to be concurrent!$ com#!eted sh"!! h"ve the s"me d"te of com#!etion)
A surve$ re.uired to be c"rried out in conunction ,ith or c"rried out "s #"rt of "nother surve$ sh"!! be
com#!eted on or before the com#!etion of the other surve$+ ho,ever+ ,ithin the time ,indo, for th"t surve$)
2)2)!" Condition of Class 'CC(: Constitutes " re.uirement th"t s#ecific me"sures+ re#"irs or surve$s sh"!! be
c"rried out ,ithin " s#ecific time !imit in order to ret"in c!"ss)
2)2)!' Condition on behalf of the flag administration 'C#(:
Constitutes s#ecific me"sures+ re#"irs or surve$s th"t sh"!! be c"rried out ,ithin " s#ecific time !imit in order to
ret"in the st"tutor$ certific"te)
A CA ,i!! be issued on!$ ,hen the Societ$ h"s been "uthorised to c"rr$ out st"tutor$ surve$s on beh"!f of the f!"%
2)2)!/ Contract: The s#ecific "%reement bet,een DNV "nd the customer) It defines the e@tent of services
re.uested b$ the customer+ "nd is concerned ,ith9
: the c!"ssific"tion of vesse!s or inst"!!"tions+ both ne, bui!din%s "nd in o#er"tion
: st"tutor$ ,or& c"rried out on beh"!f of n"tion"! m"ritime "uthorities
: e.ui#ment "nd m"teri"!s)
2)2)!4 Critical structural areas: Are"s th"t h"ve been identified from c"!cu!"tions to re.uire monitorin% or
from the service histor$ of the subect vesse! or from simi!"r or sister vesse!s to be sensitive to cr"c&in%+
buc&!in% or corrosion ,hich ,ou!d im#"ir the structur"! inte%rit$ of the vesse!)
2)2)!5 Customer: Si%nifies the #"rt$ ,ho h"s re.uested the Societ$-s service)
2)2)!< %esigner: Si%nifies " #"rt$ ,ho cre"tes document"tion submitted to the Societ$ for "##rov"! or
2)2)2 %et +ors,e -eritas '%+-(: An "utonomous "nd inde#endent found"tion ,ith the #ur#ose of
s"fe%u"rdin% !ife+ #ro#ert$ "nd the environment)
The found"tion o#er"tes throu%h the !imited com#"n$ Det Nors&e Verit"s AS+ ,hich is re%istered in Nor,"$
"nd o#er"tes throu%h " ,or!d,ide net,or& of offices)
2)2)2! %P: Desi%n Pressure)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.( Introduction 0 3age (7
2)2)22 .S%: Emer%enc$ Shut Do,n)
2)2)2, .mergency towing9 to,in% re!"ted to "n emer%enc$ situ"tion norm"!!$ c"used b$ f"i!ure of the units
o,n #ro#u!sion 'com#"re ,ith norm"! to,in% "s defined in H2)2)D1I()
2)2)2" /.*ceptional circumstances0 me"ns un"v"i!"bi!it$ of dr$/doc&in% f"ci!itiesP un"v"i!"bi!it$ of re#"ir
f"ci!itiesP un"v"i!"bi!it$ of essenti"! m"teri"!s+ e.ui#ment or s#"re #"rtsP or de!"$s incurred b$ "ction t"&en to "void
severe ,e"ther conditions)
2)2)2' 1lag administration: The m"ritime "dministr"tion of " vesse!-s countr$ of re%istr$)
2)2)2/ 1&.C#: F"i!ure =ode Effect "nd Conse.uence An"!$sis)
2)2)24 1loating offshore installation9 A buo$"nt construction en%"%ed in offshore o#er"tions inc!udin%
dri!!in%+ #roduction+ stor"%e or su##ort functions+ "nd ,hich is desi%ned "nd bui!t for inst"!!"tion "t " #"rticu!"r
offshore !oc"tion)
2)2)25 123: F"ti%ue 4ti!is"tion Inde@)
2)2)2< 4uidance note: Cont"in "dvice ,hich is not m"nd"tor$ for the "ssi%nment or retention of c!"ss+ but ,ith
,hich the Societ$+ in !i%ht of %ener"! e@#erience+ "dvises com#!i"nce)
2)2), 3#CS: The Intern"tion"! Associ"tion of C!"ssific"tion Societies) 4nified ru!es+ inter#ret"tions+
%uide!ines "nd recommend"tions m"$ be found on ,,,)i"cs)or%)u&)
2)2),! 3#CS member society: A c!"ssific"tion societ$ bein% " member of IACS)
2)2),2 3&5: The Intern"tion"! ="ritime Or%"niM"tion)
2)2),, 3ndependent tan,: Se!f/su##ortin% t"n& ,hich does not form #"rt of the vesse!-s hu!! "nd does not
contribute to the hu!! stren%th)
3ndependent gravity t"n& is " t"n& ,ith desi%n v"#our #ressure not e@ceedin% 1)C b"r)
Pressure vessel is " t"n& ,ith desi%n %"s or v"#our #ressure e@ceedin% 1)C b"r)
2)2)," 3nterpretation: Norms for fu!fi!!in% the "ssoci"ted #rinci#!e re.uirements "s defined b$ other re%u!"tor$
bodies on m"tters ,hich "re !eft to the s"tisf"ction of the f!"% "dministr"tion or "re v"%ue!$ ,orded) These do
not #rec!ude the use of other "!tern"tive so!utions but these sh"!! be documented "nd "##roved for com#!i"nce
to the #rinci#"! re.uirement e.uiv"!ent to the ori%in"! inter#ret"tion)
2)2),' 3S5: Si%nifies the Intern"tion"! Or%"nis"tion for St"nd"rdiM"tion)
2)2),/ 6P: Hi%h Pressure)
2)2),4 7ay)up: A termino!o%$ used for vesse!s th"t "re out of commission) In this st"te the offshore vesse! m"$
be "t "nchor"%e or #erm"nent!$ moored in " s"fe h"rbour)
2)2),5 7R1% methodology: 3o"d "nd resist"nce f"ctor desi%n methodo!o%$)
2)2),< &anufacturer: Si%nifies the entit$ th"t m"nuf"ctures the m"teri"! or #roduct+ or c"rries out #"rt
#roduction th"t determines the .u"!it$ of the m"teri"! or #roduct+ or does the fin"! "ssemb!$ of the #roduct)
2)2)" &echanical Completion '&C(: Verific"tion th"t the com#onents+ e.ui#ment "nd the s$stems "re
constructed+ inst"!!ed "nd tested in "ccord"nce ,ith "##!ic"b!e dr",in%s "nd s#ecific"tions "nd "re re"d$ for
testin% "nd commissionin% in " s"fe m"nner)
2)2)"! &emorandum to 5wner '&5(: Constitutes inform"tion re!"ted to the shi#+ its m"chiner$ "nd e.ui#ment
or to ru!e re.uirements)
A =O ,i!! be issued in re!"tion to inform"tion th"t does not re.uire "n$ corrective "ction or surve$)
2)2)"2 &obile offshore unit: A buo$"nt construction en%"%ed in offshore o#er"tions inc!udin% dri!!in%+
#roduction+ stor"%e or su##ort functions+ not intended for service "t one #"rticu!"r offshore !oc"tion+ "nd ,hich
c"n be re!oc"ted ,ithout m"or dism"nt!in% or modific"tion)
2)2)", 5.&: Ori%in"! E.ui#ment ="nuf"cturer)
2)2)"" 5ffshore installation: A co!!ective term to cover "n$ construction+ buo$"nt or non/buo$"nt+ desi%ned
"nd bui!t for inst"!!"tion "t " #"rticu!"r offshore !oc"tion)
2)2)"' 5verall e*amination: An e@"min"tion intended to re#ort on the over"!! condition of the structure)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.( Introduction 0 3age (8
2)2)"/ 5wner: Si%nifies the re%istered o,ner or m"n"%er of the vesse! or "n$ other or%"niM"tion or #erson ,ho
h"s "ssumed the res#onsibi!it$ for o#er"tion of the vesse! "nd ,ho on "ssumin% such res#onsibi!it$ h"s "%reed
to t"&e over "!! the duties "nd res#onsibi!ities)
2)2)"4 Position mooring9 Anchorin% s$stem for #osition &ee#in% "t the unit-s ,or&in% !oc"tion)
2)2)"5 Plan approval: Si%nifies " s$stem"tic "nd inde#endent e@"min"tion of dr",in%s+ desi%n documents or
records in order to verif$ com#!i"nce ,ith the ru!es or st"tutor$ re.uirements)
P!"n "##rov"! ,i!! be c"rried out "t the discretion of the Societ$+ ,hich "!so decides the e@tent "nd method of
2)2)"< Plan approval staff: Personne! "uthoriMed to c"rr$ out #!"n "##rov"! "nd to conc!ude ,hether or not
com#!i"nce h"s been met)
2)2)' Prompt and thorough repair: A #erm"nent re#"ir com#!eted "t the time of surve$ to the s"tisf"ction of
the surve$or+ therein removin% the need for the im#osition of "n$ "ssoci"ted condition of c!"ss)
2)2)'! 8uality audit: A s$stem"tic "nd inde#endent e@"min"tion to determine ,hether est"b!ished ,or&
#rocesses "nd .u"!it$ s$stems "re "dhered to)
2)2)'2 8uality system: Si%nifies both the .u"!it$ m"n"%ement s$stem "nd est"b!ished #roduction "nd contro!
2)2)', 8uality Survey Plan '8SP(: A #!"n th"t s$stem"tic"!!$ identifies "ctivities re!"ted to the c!"ssific"tion
#roect 'e)%)+ Construction+ inst"!!"tion+ testin%+ mech"nic"! com#!etion+ #re/commissionin%+ testin% "nd
commissionin%( "nd the e@tent of invo!vement e"ch #"rt$ 'i)e)+ 6"rd-s <C+ 6"rds- <A+ DNV "nd O,ners Hif
desiredI( ,i!! undert"&e) Such " #!"n needs to be submitted to the Societ$ for "##rov"! #rior to commencement
of c!"ssific"tion #roects)
2)2)'" R$3: Ris& >"sed Ins#ection)
2)2)'' RC&: Re!i"bi!it$ Centred ="inten"nce)
2)2)'/ Recognised classification society: A c!"ssific"tion societ$ ,hich is " fu!! or "ssoci"te member of IACS)
2)2)'4 Reliability: The "bi!it$ of " com#onent or " s$stem to #erform its re.uired function under %iven
conditions for " %iven time interv"!)
2)2)'5 Representative tan,s: Those t"n&s ,hich "re e@#ected to ref!ect the condition of other t"n&s of simi!"r
t$#e "nd service "nd ,ith simi!"r corrosion #rotection s$stems) Khen se!ectin% re#resent"tive t"n&s "ccount
sh"!! be t"&en of the service "nd re#"ir histor$ on bo"rd "nd identifi"b!e critic"! "nd*or sus#ect "re"s)
2)2)'< Retroactive Re9uirement 'RR(: Constitutes " c!"ss or st"tutor$ re.uirement th"t ,i!! enter into force for
cert"in vesse!Os in o#er"tion "nd under construction "t " %iven d"te or "n u#comin% surve$) The RR ,i!! s#ecif$
the re.uired "ctions to be t"&en in order to ret"in c!"ss or st"tutor$ certific"tion)
RR re!"ted to st"tutor$ certific"tion ,i!! be issued on!$ if the Societ$ h"s been "uthorised to c"rr$ out st"tutor$
certific"tion on beh"!f of the f!"% "dministr"tion)
2)2)/ Review: Si%nifies " s$stem"tic e@"min"tion of dr",in%s+ desi%n documents or records in order to
ev"!u"te their "bi!it$ to meet re.uirements+ to identif$ "n$ #rob!ems "nd to #ro/#ose necess"r$ "ctions)
2)2)/! The Rules: A!! ru!e re.uirements "cce#ted b$ the "##ro#ri"te "##rov"! bod$ "s b"sis for c!"ssific"tion)
2)2)/2 Sighting survey: A surve$ to confirm th"t the re!ev"nt construction or the e.ui#ment is in " s"tisf"ctor$
condition "nd+ "s f"r "s c"n be ud%ed+ ,i!! rem"in so unti! the #ost#oned surve$ h"s been c"rried out)
2)2)/, Significant repair: A re#"ir ,here m"chiner$ is com#!ete!$ dism"nt!ed "nd re/"ssemb!ed) Si%nific"nt
re#"irs ,i!!+ furthermore+ be c"ses of re#"irs "fter serious d"m"%e to m"chiner$)
2)2)/" The Society: Si%nifies DNVAS)
2)2)/' Safety systems: S$stems+ inc!udin% re.uired uti!ities+ ,hich "re #rovided to #revent+ detect* ,"rn of "n
"ccident"! event*"bnorm"! conditions "nd*or miti%"te its effects)
0( The fo!!o,in% shou!d be considered "s s"fet$ s$stems9
: ESD+ inc!udin% b!o,do,n ,here re!ev"nt
: Fire ? %"s 'F?;( detection
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.( Introduction 0 3age (9
: PA*;A
: Fire/fi%htin% s$stems
: >OP inc!) contro! s$stem
: S"fet$ s$stems for essenti"! or im#ort"nt services
2( Ru!eS"fet$ s$stems "re norm"!!$ considered "s Fon/dem"ndG functions)
2)2)// Spaces: Se#"r"te com#"rtments inc!udin% ho!ds "nd t"n&s)
2)2)/4 Statement of compliance: A document confirmin% com#!i"nce ,ith s#ecified re.uirements) Such
documents m"$ be issued b$ the Societ$ in c"ses ,here it h"s not been "uthorised to certif$ com#!i"nce)
2)2)/5 Statutory certificates: I=O convention certific"tes issued on beh"!f of+ or b$+ n"tion"! "uthorities)
2)2)/< Statutory survey: Surve$ c"rried out b$ or on beh"!f of " f!"% "dministr"tion)
2)2)4 Substantial corrosion: E@tent of corrosion such th"t "ssessment of corrosion #"ttern indic"tes ,"st"%e
in e@cess of CBQ of "!!o,"b!e m"r%ins+ but ,ithin "cce#t"b!e !imits)
2)2)4! Survey: Si%nifies " s$stem"tic "nd inde#endent e@"min"tion of " vesse!+ m"teri"!s+ com#onents or s$stems
in order to verif$ com#!i"nce ,ith the ru!es "nd*or st"tutor$ re.uirements)
Surve$s ,i!! be c"rried out on the vesse!+ "t the construction or re#"ir site "s ,e!! "s "t sub/su##!iers "nd other
!oc"tions "t the discretion of the Societ$+ ,hich "!so decides the e@tent "nd method of contro!)
2)2)42 Survey staff: Personne! "uthoriMed to c"rr$ out surve$s "nd to conc!ude ,hether or not com#!i"nce h"s
been met)
2)2)4, Suspect areas: Are"s sho,in% subst"nti"! corrosion "nd*or "re considered b$ the surve$or to be #rone
to r"#id ,"st"%e)
2)2)4" S:7: S"fe Kor&in% 3o"d)
2)2)4' Temporary conditions: Desi%n conditions not covered b$ o#er"tin% conditions+ e)%) conditions durin%
f"bric"tion+ m"tin% "nd inst"!!"tion #h"ses+ dr$ tr"nsit #h"ses)
2)2)4/ Temporary e9uipment: e.ui#ment intended for use on inst"!!"tions "nd ,hich is covered b$ c!"ss+
re.uires hoo&/u# to s$stems covered b$ c!"ss "nd*or is " si%nific"nt dec& !o"d "nd*or m"$ #ose " ris& for fire+
e@#!osion "nd esc"#e routes)
2)2)44 Temporary mooring9 Anchorin% in she!tered ,"ters or h"rbours e@#osed to moder"te environment"!
2)2)45 Tentative rules and standards: A##!$ to ne, fie!ds to ,hich DNV reserves the ri%ht to m"&e
"dustments durin% " #eriod in order to obt"in the #ur#ose intended)
2)2)4< 'normal( Towing9 Dr",in% or #u!!in% the unit b$ " ch"in or !ine usin% " tu% bo"t) Norm"!!$ to,in% is
#erformed for units ,ithout "n$ #ro#u!sion for 're/(!oc"tion 'com#"re ,ith emer%enc$ to,in% "s defined in
2)2)5 Transit conditions: A!! ,et vesse! movements from one %eo%r"#hic"! !oc"tion to "nother)
2)2)5! Transverse section: Section ,hich inc!udes "!! !on%itudin"! members such "s #!"tin%+ !on%itudin"!s "nd
%irders "t the dec&+ side+ bottom+ inner bottom "nd ho##er side #!"tin%+ !on%itudin"! bu!&he"d "nd bottom
#!"tin% in to# ,in% t"n&s+ "s "##!ic"b!e)
For tr"nsverse!$ fr"med vesse!s+ " tr"nsverse section inc!udes "d"cent fr"mes "nd their end connections in ,"$
of tr"nsverse sections)
Gui+ance n%$eC
Ad"cent fr"mes inc!ude the fr"mes !oc"ted ust for,"rd "nd "ft of the tr"nsverse section)
2)2)52 2T: 4!tr"sonic Testin%)
2)2)5, -erification: A service th"t si%nifies " confirm"tion throu%h the #rovision of obective evidence
'"n"!$sis+ observ"tion+ me"surement+ test+ records or other evidence( th"t s#ecified re.uirements h"ve been met)
2)2)5" -ertical contract audit: An IACS "udit ,hich "ssesses the correct "##!ic"tion of the .u"!it$ s$stem
throu%h "udit of the #rocess for " s#ecific contr"ct) The IACS <SCS '<u"!it$ S$stem Certific"tion Scheme(
"udit te"m is res#onsib!e for c"rr$in% out these "udits)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.( Introduction 0 3age #)
2)2)5' -essel: In the conte@t of these ru!es me"n " mobi!e offshore unit '=O4()
2)2)5/ :itnessing: Si%nifies "ttendin% tests or me"surements ,here the surve$or verif$ com#!i"nce ,ith
"%reed test or me"surement #rocedures)
2)2)54 :S% methodology: Kor&in% stress desi%n methodo!o%$)
, N%r.a$i1e re&erences
,)! N%r.a$i1e re&erences
,)!)! DNV/OSS/012 inc!udes references to other DNV documents "nd reco%nised codes "nd st"nd"rds ,hich
sh"!! be used in conunction ,ith the re.uirements %iven in this document for "ssi%nment of c!"ss)
,)2 DN; re&erence +%cu.en$s
,)2)! A##!ic"b!e DNV reference documents "re !isted in T"b!e 0/0) See Sec)2 H0)2I for "##!ic"b!e editions)
,), O$her re&erences
,),)! Other norm"tive references "re %iven in T"b!e 0/2) See Sec)2 H0)2I for "##!ic"b!e editions)
Ta6le !8! DN; re&erence +%cu.en$s
Reference Title
DNV/OS/A010 S"fet$ Princi#!es "nd Arr"n%ement
DNV/OS/>010 =et"!!ic ="teri"!s
DNV/OS/C010 Desi%n of Offshore Stee! Structures+ ;ener"! '3RFD =ethod(
DNV/OS/C012 Structur"! Desi%n of Offshore Shi#s
DNV/OS/C01E Structur"! Desi%n of Co!umn St"bi!ised 4nits '3RFD method(
DNV/OS/C017 Structur"! Desi%n of Se!f/E!ev"tin% 4nits '3RFD method(
DNV/OS/C210 Structur"! Desi%n of Offshore 4nits 'KSD method(
DNV/OS/CE10 St"bi!it$ "nd K"terti%ht Inte%rit$
DNV/OS/C710 F"bric"tion "nd Testin% of Offshore Structures
DNV/OS/D010 ="rine "nd ="chiner$ S$stems "nd E.ui#ment
DNV/OS/D210 E!ectric"! Inst"!!"tions
DNV/OS/D212 Autom"tion+ S"fet$+ "nd Te!ecommunic"tion S$stems
DNV/OS/DE10 Fire Protection
DNV/OS/E010 Dri!!in% P!"nt
DNV/OS/E210 Oi! "nd ;"s Processin% S$stems
DNV/OS/EE10 Position =oorin%
DNV/OS/E710 He!ico#ter Dec&s
DNV/OS/5E10 Kind Turbine Inst"!!"tion 4nits
DNV/RP/A210 P!"n A##rov"! Document"tion T$#es N Definitions
DNV/RP/C010 A!!o,"b!e Thic&ness Diminution for Hu!! Structure
DNV St"nd"rds for Certific"tion No) 2)22 3iftin% A##!i"nces
DNV Ru!es for C!"ssific"tion of Shi#s DNV Ru!es for C!"ssific"tion of Shi#s 'Ru!es for Shi#s(
Ta6le !82 N%n8DN; n%r.a$i1e re&erences
Reference Title
IACS Shi#bui!din% "nd Re#"ir <u"!it$ St"nd"rd+ see ,,,)i"cs)or%)u&
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.( Introduction 0 3age #(
" *n&%r.a$i1e re&erences
")! DN; in&%r.a$i1e re&erences
")!)! The #ub!ic"tions !isted in T"b!e 0/E "re referenced in the te@t of this document+ "nd m"$ be used "s "
source of su##!ement"r$ services "nd inform"tion) See Sec)2 H0)2I for "##!ic"b!e editions)
")2 O$her re&erences
")2)! Other references "re %iven in T"b!e 0/7) See Sec)2 H0)2I for "##!ic"b!e editions)
' A66re1ia$i%ns
')! General
')!)! The "bbrevi"tions %iven in T"b!e 0/B "re used in this st"nd"rd)
Ta6le !8, DN; in&%r.a$i1e re&erences
Reference Title
DNV/OSS/010 Ru!es for C!"ssific"tion of F!o"tin% Production+ Stor"%e "nd 3o"din% 4nits
DNV/OSS/01E Ru!es for C!"ssific"tion of 3N;* 3P; F!o"tin% Production+ Stor"%e "nd 3o"din% 4nits
DNV/OSS/017 Ru!es for C!"ssific"tion of Se!f/E!ev"tin% 4nits
DNV/OSS/210 Verific"tion for Com#!i"nce ,ith Nor,e%i"n She!f Re%u!"tions
DNV/OSS/212 Verific"tion for Com#!i"nce ,ith 4K She!f Re%u!"tions
DNV;3/SE/11E Verific"tion for Com#!i"nce ,ith 4S Co"st"! She!f Re%u!"tions
C!"ssific"tion Note E1)C F"ti%ue Assessment of Shi# Structures
St"nd"rd for Certific"tion No) 0)2 T$#e A##rov"!
Ta6le !8" O$her re&erences
Reference Title
API RP D> Ins#ection+ m"inten"nce+ re#"ir+ "nd re/m"nuf"cture of hoistin% e.ui#ment
>S B7E1/0 Periodic ins#ection+ testin% "nd m"inten"nce of tr"ns#ort"b!e %"s cont"iners 'e@c!udin% disso!ved
"cet$!ene cont"iners() S#ecific"tion for se"m!ess stee! cont"iners of ,"ter c"#"cit$ 1)B !itres "nd "bove
ISO E0JJ Codes for the re#resent"tion of n"mes of countries "nd their subdivisions
ISO 7E1A Cr"nes / Kire ro#es / C"re+ m"inten"nce+ inst"!!"tion+ e@"min"tion "nd disc"rd
ISO A110 <u"!it$ m"n"%ement s$stems / Re.uirements
ISO 0CEBA Condition monitorin% "nd di"%nostics of m"chines / ;ener"! %uide!ines
'Previous >S BB11(
S#ecific"tion for unfired fusion ,e!ded #ressure vesse!s
Ta6le !8' A66re1ia$i%ns
#bbreviation 3n full
API Americ"n Petro!eum Institute
>S >ritish St"nd"rd 'issued b$ >ritish St"nd"rd Institution(
DFF Desi%n F"ti%ue F"ctors
DP D$n"mic Positionin%
EDP Emer%enc$ Disconnect P"c&"%e
IC Ins#ection C"te%or$
IIP In service Ins#ection Pro%r"m
ISO Intern"tion"! Or%"nis"tion for St"nd"rdis"tion
3RFD 3o"d "nd Resist"nce F"ctor Desi%n
3RP 3o,er Riser P"c&"%e
=PI ="%netic P"rtic!e Ins#ection
NDT Non/Destructive Testin%
OS Offshore St"nd"rd
OSS Offshore Service S#ecific"tion
RC= Re!i"bi!it$ C"ntered ="inten"nce
RP Recommended Pr"ctice
SCF Stress Concentr"tion F"ctor
KSD Kor&in% Stress Desi%n
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.# ,lassification principles 0 3age ##
! The classi&ica$i%n c%nce-$
!)! *n$r%+uc$i%n
!)!)! C!"ssific"tion #rovides "ssur"nce th"t " set of re.uirements !"id do,n in ru!es est"b!ished b$ DNV "re
met durin% desi%n "nd construction+ "nd m"int"ined durin% o#er"tion of " vesse!)
C!"ssific"tion h"s %"ined ,or!d,ide reco%nition "s re#resentin% "n "de.u"te !eve! of s"fet$ "nd .u"!it$)
!)!)2 C!"ssific"tion im#!ies "n "ctivit$+ in ,hich " vesse! is surve$ed durin% construction on the b"sis of desi%n
"##rov"!+ tested before bein% t"&en into service+ "nd surve$ed re%u!"r!$ durin% its ,ho!e o#er"tion"! !ife) The
"im is to verif$ th"t the re.uired s"fet$ st"nd"rd is bui!t in+ observed "nd m"int"ined)
!)!), H"vin% "ssi%ned c!"ss+ DNV ,i!! issue " c!"ssific"tion certific"te "nd enter the m"in #"rticu!"rs "nd
det"i!s of c!"ss in the FRe%ister of vesse!s c!"ssed ,ith DNVG)
!)2 A--lica6le rules
!)2)! Ru!es "nd "mendments "cce#ted b$ the "##ro#ri"te "##rov"! bod$ ,i!! come into force ,hen decided b$
the "##ro#ri"te "##rov"! bod$) 4n!ess st"ted other,ise+ the comin% into force d"te sh"!! be si@ 'J( months "fter
the d"te of #ub!ic"tion)
4n!ess st"ted other,ise+ the comin% into force d"te for documents referenced b$ this OSS "s technic"! b"sis for
c!"ssific"tion sh"!! be si@ 'J( months "fter the d"te of #ub!ic"tion)
!)2)2 The "##!ic"b!e ru!es for "ssi%nment of c!"ss to " ne, vesse! "re those in force "t the d"te '"s %iven to the
Societ$ b$ the customer( ,hen the contr"ct bet,een the o,ner "nd the bui!der is si%ned)
Subse.uent "mendments not m"de m"nd"tor$ "ccordin% to H0)2)7I m"$ be "##!ied to obects under construction
#rovided both bui!der "nd o,ner "%ree to such "##!ic"tion)
!)2), In e@ce#tion"! c"ses+ ,here un"cce#t"b!e service e@#erience "nd*or theoretic"! findin%s c!e"r!$ sho, th"t
s"fet$ h"M"rds m"$ "rise in connection ,ith items covered b$ the e@istin% ru!es+ DNV m"$ !"$ do,n
su##!ement"r$ re.uirements to m"int"in the over"!! s"fet$ st"nd"rd ref!ected b$ the ru!es)
!)2)" DNV ,i!! consider "!tern"tives found to re#resent "n over"!! s"fet$ st"nd"rd e.uiv"!ent to th"t of the ru!es)
The "!tern"tive so!ution sh"!! be "de.u"te!$ documented "nd ,i!! be revie,ed for "cce#t"nce on the b"sis of
re!ev"nt references set forth b$ DNV)
A##rov"! m"$ be revo&ed if subse.uent inform"tion indic"tes th"t the chosen "!tern"tive is not s"tisf"ctor$)
In c"ses ,here det"i!ed re.uirements "re not %iven in the ru!es+ s#ecific so!utions or decisions "##roved b$
DNV "nd its surve$ors sh"!! be b"sed on the #rinci#!es of the ru!es+ "nd sh"!! %ive " s"fet$ st"nd"rd e.uiv"!ent
to th"t of the ru!es)
!)2)' The "##rov"! "s re.uired in H0)2)7I sh"!! be b"sed on "n "%reed scheme of "n"!$sis th"t is se#"r"te!$
,or&ed out "nd "##roved)
Gui+ance n%$eC
For ne, techno!o%$+ Recommended Pr"ctice DNV/RP/A21E c"n be " suit"b!e b"sis for such scheme)
!)2)/ 4#on re.uest b$ the customer+ DNV m"$ consider the use of other reco%nised codes "nd st"nd"rds "s
#"rt of the b"sis for c!"ssific"tion) Such "%reed "!tern"tive "rr"n%ements sh"!! be s#ecified in the c!"ss
!)2)4 The Societ$ m"$ #ro#ose "n "##ro"ch to reso!ve the issue if det"i!ed re.uirements "re not %iven in the ru!es)
!)2)5 E@ce#tion"!!$+ if for some re"son+ it is im#ossib!e to com#!$ ,ith " ru!e re.uirement or to find " fu!!$
e.uiv"!ent so!ution+ then other so!utions m"$ be "cce#ted b$ DNV #rovided the #"rties to the c!"ssific"tion
contr"ct "!! "%ree+ "nd "!,"$s #rovided th"t over"!! s"fet$ !eve! is not eo#"rdised) The "!tern"tive so!ution sh"!!
be "de.u"te!$ documented "nd ,i!! be revie,ed for "cce#t"nce on the b"sis of re!ev"nt references set forth b$
DNV) The so!ution sh"!! be recorded in the FA##endi@ to the C!"ssific"tion Certific"teG)
!)2)< In "ccord"nce ,ith H0)2)7I+ DNV m"$ consider the use of re!i"bi!it$ methods "s " me"ns of documentin%
com#!i"nce to c!"ss re.uirements)
!)2)! The Societ$ reserves the e@c!usive ri%ht to inter#ret+ decide e.uiv"!ence or m"&e e@em#tions to the
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.# ,lassification principles 0 3age #4
!)2)!! The ru!es "re "n inte%r"! #"rt of the Societ$-s c!"ssific"tion service) The s"fet$ obectives inherent in the
ru!es "re "chieved in conunction ,ith this service)
4sin% the ru!es ,ithout the corres#ondin% c!"ssific"tion services m"$ h"ve the resu!t th"t s"fet$ obectives "re
not met)
!)2)!2 Periodic"! surve$ re%u!"tions for ret"inin% c!"ss sh"!! be "ccordin% to the ru!es in force "t the time of
surve$ '%iven in Ch)E()
!), Aasis &%r assign.en$ %& class
!),)! H"vin% "ssi%ned " s#ecific c!"ss im#!ies th"t DNV9
: h"s been s"tisfied th"t the obect meets the ru!e re.uirements for the #"rticu!"r c!"ss
: ,i!! verif$+ throu%h " s$stem of surve$s+ th"t the re.uirements sti#u!"ted for retention of c!"ss "re com#!ied
!),)2 Prior to "ssi%nin% c!"ss to "n e@istin% offshore obect+ it is in %ener"! to under%o "!! #eriodic"! surve$s
#ert"inin% to the "%e "nd t$#e of obect)
!),), Khen "ssi%nin% c!"ss to " vesse! ,hich h"s not been bui!t under su#ervision of DNV+ but b$ "nother
reco%nised c!"ssific"tion societ$+ DNV m"$ on the b"sis of "n over"!! s"fet$ consider"tion in connection ,ith
" desi%n revie, "nd surve$+ %ive e@em#tions from ru!e re.uirements)
!),)" Khen "ssi%nin% c!"ss to vesse!s of " series under construction to the c!"ssific"tion of+ or " desi%n
#revious!$ "cce#ted b$+ " reco%nised c!"ssific"tion societ$+ DNV m"$ on the b"sis of "n over"!! s"fet$
consider"tion in connection ,ith " desi%n revie, %ive e@em#tions from DNV ru!e re.uirements+ "nd b"se the
surve$ on the desi%n "##rov"! done b$ the other reco%nised societ$) A note to this effect m"$ be inc!uded in
the A##endi@ to the c!"ssific"tion certific"te)
!),)' Khen "ssi%nin% c!"ss to " vesse! re%istered in " f!"% st"te th"t undert"&es "##rov"! "nd surve$s of items
covered b$ the ru!es+ DNV m"$ "cce#t their decisions "s b"sis of "ssi%nin% c!"ss)
!),)/ DNV m"$ "!so "cce#t decisions b$ the n"tion"! "uthorit$ ,ith urisdiction over the ,"ters in ,hich the
vesse! or inst"!!"tion is to o#er"te 'she!f st"te( "s b"sis for "ssi%nin% c!"ss)
!),)4 Khen other reco%nised codes or st"nd"rds is used "s b"sis for "ssi%nment of c!"ss+ "n over"!! com#"rison
,ith DNV ru!es sh"!! be c"rried out to ensure th"t "!! "s#ects of s"fet$ "re covered b$ " defined code or
!)" Aasis &%r .ain$enance %& class
!)")! The re.uirements for retention of c!"ss "re found in Sec)7 H2I) In "ddition+ c!"ssific"tion is b"sed on the
-alid statutory certificates
For f!"%%ed vesse!s "nd inst"!!"tions the st"tutor$ certific"tes of the "##!ic"b!e intern"tion"! conventions sh"!!
be v"!id "t "!! times+ "nd the surve$s #rescribed in the conventions sh"!! be c"rried out ,ithin the time ,indo,s
&aintenance of the vessel or installation and its e9uipment
It is "ssumed th"t the vesse!+ m"chiner$ inst"!!"tions "nd e.ui#ment "re m"int"ined "t " st"nd"rd com#!$in%
,ith the re.uirements of the ru!es)
Inst"!!ed s$stems or e.ui#ment c"rried on bo"rd in e@cess of the ru!e re.uirements+ but other,ise covered b$
the ru!es+ sh"!! either be m"int"ined in "ccord"nce ,ith the ru!es+ or be removed or disconnected in such " ,"$
"s to ensure th"t the inst"!!ed s$stem or e.ui#ment c"nnot be used)
6andling of the vessel or installation
It is "ssumed th"t the vesse!+ m"chiner$ inst"!!"tions "nd e.ui#ment "re "de.u"te!$ m"nned "nd com#etent!$
h"nd!ed) C!"ss conditions re%"rdin% the use of the vesse! sh"!! be observed)
Recording of lightweight and centre of gravity
The d"t" for !i%ht,ei%ht "nd centre of %r"vit$ 'C)o);)( sh"!! be continuous!$ recorded "nd "dusted b$ the
m"ster for "n$ items t"&en onbo"rd or "shore durin% o#er"tion)
!)' D%cu.en$a$i%n
!)')! A!! inform"tion th"t m"$ inf!uence the ud%ement+ decisions "nd re.uirements of DNV for the #ur#ose
of c!"ssific"tion+ sh"!! be m"de "v"i!"b!e to DNV) It is the customer-s res#onsibi!it$ to document or demonstr"te
com#!i"nce ,ith the Societ$-s ru!es) Inform"tion m"$ be m"de "v"i!"b!e b$ submittin% documents to the
Societ$ or b$ #ermittin% surve$s #erformed b$ the Societ$ "t the customer-s #remises+ onbo"rd the vesse! or "t
the #remises of the customer-s sub/contr"ctors)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.# ,lassification principles 0 3age #+
!)')2 The document"tion formin% the b"sis for c!"ssific"tion is+ "t "!! times+ to ref!ect the true conditions)
Revisions of documents "re therefore to be submitted to DNV to the e@tent such revisions m"$ inf!uence
decisions "nd re.uirements re!"tin% to c!"ss)
!)'), The submitted document"tion sh"!! use SI/units 'Intern"tion"! S$stem of 4nits( un!ess other,ise "%reed)
!)/ Discl%sure %& in&%r.a$i%n
!)/)! DNV ,i!! not disc!ose "n$ inform"tion received or re#orts m"de in connection ,ith c!"ssific"tion to "n$
other th"n those entit!ed thereto or those h"vin% been %iven the ri%ht to receive inform"tion b$ !e%is!"tion+ court
decision or b$ ,ritten #ermission b$ the o,ner)
Gui+ance n%$eC
T"b!e 0/2 indic"tes ,hich #"rties ,i!! be entit!ed to v"rious &inds of inform"tion)
!)/)2 DNV ,i!! not disc!ose inform"tion th"t c"n be considered "s the #ro#ert$ of "nother #"rt$ e@ce#t ,hen
this #"rt$-s #ermission is %iven in ,ritin%)
!)/), Intern"! communic"tion+ notes+ c"!cu!"tions etc) #roduced ,ithin DNV in connection ,ith c!"ssific"tion
,i!! not be disc!osed to other #"rties)
!)/)" Not,ithst"ndin% H0)J)0I to H0)J)EI+ the fo!!o,in% #"rties ,i!! h"ve "ccess to such inform"tion9
: "uthorised re#resent"tives of the f!"% "dministr"tion
: "uthorised "udit te"ms #erformin% "udits in connection ,ith certific"tion of the Societ$)
!)/)' Not,ithst"ndin% H0)J)0I to H0)J)EI+ the Societ$ m"$ disc!ose inform"tion re.uested b$ " court order+
%overnment"! bod$ 'inc!udin% re%ion"! bodies( or other #ub!ic investi%"tion bodies th"t "re "uthorised b$ " decree)
!)/)/ Inform"tion recorded in the Societ$-s FRe%ister of Vesse!sG+ ,i!! be #ub!ished "nd*or re!e"sed to "n$
interested #"rt$)
!)/)4 The Societ$ m"$ "t its discretion re!e"se to other c!"ssific"tion societies inform"tion concernin% re!ev"nt
technic"! inform"tion on serious hu!! structur"!+ shi# m"chiner$ "nd s$stem f"i!ures for the #ur#ose of
im#rovin% shi# s"fet$ "nd #rotection of the m"rine environment) The o,ners ,i!! be informed "ccordin%!$)
Ta6le 28! Discl%sure %& in&%r.a$i%n
3nformation in 9uestion 5wner
Port state
Coastal state
$uilder or
A##roved structure
re!"ted dr",in%s
4#on re.uest No No 6es
A##roved s$stem "nd
com#onent dr",in%s
No No 6es
;essels in %-era$i%nC
C!"ss "nd st"tutor$
certific"tes issued b$
the Societ$
6es 6es 4#on re.uest
Condition on beh"!f of
the f!"% Administr"tion
6es 6es 6es 6es
Te@t of Conditions of
C!"ss 'CC(
6es 6es 6es 6es
Te@t of Condition on
beh"!f of the f!"%
Administr"tion 'CA(
6es 6es 6es 6es
Surve$ re#orts 6es 6es 6es
=emor"ndum to
O,ner '=O(
6es 6es 6es
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.# ,lassification principles 0 3age #5
!)4 Access
!)4)! For the #ur#ose of verif$in% com#!i"nce ,ith the ru!es+ the customer sh"!! ,henever necess"r$ #rovide
the Societ$-s surve$ors ,ith s"fe "ccess to the vesse! "nd*or to their #remises)
The #remises "nd obects to be ins#ected sh"!! "s "%reed be c!e"ned "nd #re#"red for ins#ection)
!)4)2 The customer sh"!! #rovide f!"% "uthorities "nd "uthorised "udit te"ms ,ith s"fe "ccess to the vesse! "nd*
or to their #remises in order to "udit the Societ$-s com#!i"nce ,ith "##!ic"b!e ru!es+ re%u!"tions "nd .u"!it$
!)4), The Societ$ reserves the ri%ht to dec!ine to #erform " re.uested service ,hen in"de.u"te "ccess is
#rovided or the s"fet$ of its surve$ors m"$ be com#romised)
!)5 Cali6ra$i%n %& e0ui-.en$
!)5)! =e"surin% "nd test e.ui#ment used b$ customers+ the resu!t of ,hich m"$ form the b"sis for the
surve$or-s decisions+ sh"!! h"ve " c"!ibr"tion st"tus to "n "##ro#ri"te "ccur"c$ "ccordin% to the ru!es or "s
"cce#ted b$ the surve$or)
!)< Ser1ice su--liers
!)<)! Su##!iers #rovidin% services on beh"!f of the customer+ such "s me"surements+ tests "nd m"inten"nce of
s"fet$ s$stems "nd e.ui#ment+ the resu!t of ,hich m"$ form the b"sis for the surve$or-s decisions+ sh"!! be
"##roved b$ the Societ$+ "ccordin% to criteri" est"b!ished b$ the Societ$)
!)! 7i.i$a$i%n %& DN;Bs res-%nsi6ili$y
!)!)! The c!"ssific"tion service is #erformed on the b"sic "ssum#tion th"t other #"rties invo!ved 'bui!din%
$"rd+ desi%ners+ m"nuf"cturers+ sub/contr"ctors+ o,ners+ etc)( fu!fi! their individu"! ob!i%"tions) The
c!"ssific"tion service is not #erformed in substitution of other #"rties- ro!e or ob!i%"tions) DNV Surve$ors ,i!!
not substitute the essenti"! ro!e of 6"rd or Subcontr"ctors <u"!it$ Contro! * <u"!it$ Assur"nce ins#ectors*
officers or other re!ev"nt #ersonne!) Nothin% cont"ined herein or in "n$ certific"te+ re#ort or document issued
in connection ,ith or #ursu"nt to these ru!es+ sh"!! re!ieve "n$ desi%ner+ en%ineer+ bui!der+ m"nuf"cturer+ $"rd+
se!!er+ su##!ier+ o,ner+ o#er"tor or other #"rties from "n$ ob!i%"tions or conse.uences of def"u!t ,h"tsoever)
In #"rticu!"r+ com#!i"nce ,ith the ru!es does not im#!$ "cce#t"nce or commissionin% of " vesse!) This is the
e@c!usive res#onsibi!it$ of the o,ner)
An$ document issued b$ DNV in re!"tion to surve$s #erformed ref!ects the condition of the vesse! "t the time
of surve$) It is the res#onsibi!it$ of the o,ner to m"int"in the condition of the vesse! "s re.uired b$ the ru!es
bet,een surve$s)
2 A--eals
2)! Decisi%ns $a>en 6y $he s%cie$y
2)!)! The customer m"$ re.uest in ,ritin% th"t " decision m"de b$ the Societ$ sh"!! be t"&en u# for
reconsider"tion) The e@#enses incurred sh"!! be #"id b$ the customer) Ho,ever+ if the e"r!ier decision is
revo&ed+ the Societ$Os e@#enses ,i!! be covered b$ the Societ$)
Re.uirement 'RR(
6es 6es 6es
O$her in&%r.a$i%nC
Corres#ondence ,ith
>ui!der or o,ner
No 6es
Khen "cce#ted in ,ritin% b$ o,ner+ bui!der or co#$ri%ht ho!der+ "s "##!ic"b!e
Khen "cce#ted in ,ritin% b$ o,ner or throu%h s#eci"! c!"use in insur"nce contr"ct
Surve$ re#orts #ert"inin% to " Port St"te Contro! 'PSC( rectific"tion surve$ c"n be %iven u#on re.uest from the
PSC "uthorit$
Overdue Conditions of C!"ss on!$
Insur"nce com#"n$ me"ns P?I C!ubs "nd Hu!! "nd ="chiner$ 4nder,riters
N*A Not "##!ic"b!e) Ho,ever+ certific"tes ,ith #ossib!e re!"ted CC "nd =O ,i!! norm"!!$ be received b$ the bui!der
u#on c!"ss "ssi%nment)
Ta6le 28! Discl%sure %& in&%r.a$i%n ?C%n$inue+@
3nformation in 9uestion 5wner
Port state
Coastal state
$uilder or
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.# ,lassification principles 0 3age #6
, S$a$u$%ry cer$i&ica$i%n
,)! General
,)!)! The Societ$ undert"&es st"tutor$ certific"tion on beh"!f of f!"% "dministr"tions ,hen "nd to the e@tent
the Societ$ h"s been "uthorised to do so b$ the individu"! f!"% "dministr"tion)
St"tutor$ certific"tion inc!udes inter "!i" "##rov"!+ surve$ "nd the issu"nce of st"tutor$ certific"tes)
Khen the Societ$ "cts on beh"!f of " f!"% "dministr"tion+ the Societ$ fo!!o,s intern"tion"! st"tutor$
instruments+ IACS 4nified Inter#ret"tions "nd DNV St"tutor$ Inter#ret"tions+ "nd %ener"!!$ fo!!o,s %uid"nce
issued b$ I=O in Circu!"rs etc) un!ess the f!"% "dministr"tion h"s instructed the Societ$ other,ise)
,)!)2 It is "ssumed b$ the Societ$ th"t re.uired st"tutor$ surve$s for vesse!s c!"ssed b$ the Societ$ ,i!! be
c"rried out b$ the Societ$ or b$ officers of the f!"% "dministr"tion itse!f "nd th"t st"tutor$ certific"tes ,i!! be
issued b$ the Societ$ or b$ the f!"% "dministr"tion ,ith the e@ce#tions mentioned in HE)0)EI to HE)0)JI) The
Societ$ "ssumes the ri%ht to ,ithdr", c!"ss if st"tutor$ certific"tes "re not issued "s described in this #"r"%r"#h)
,)!), The Societ$ m"$ "cce#t th"t S"fet$ ="n"%ement Certific"tes 'IS= Code( "re issued b$ " third #"rt$ th"t
h"s been "uthorised b$ the f!"% "dministr"tion "nd com#!ies ,ith I=O Reso!ution A)CEA'0D( "nd A)CDA'0A()
,)!)" The Societ$ m"$ "cce#t th"t Intern"tion"! Shi# Securit$ Certific"tes 'ISPS Code( "re issued b$ " third
#"rt$ th"t h"s been "uthorised b$ the f!"% "dministr"tion "nd com#!ies ,ith =SC*Circ)01C7)
,)!)' The Societ$ m"$ "cce#t th"t C"r%o Shi# S"fet$ R"dio Certific"tes 'SO3AS( "re issued b$ " third #"rt$
th"t h"s been "uthorised b$ the f!"% "dministr"tion)
,)!)/ For " du"!!$ c!"ssed vesse!+ ,here the Societ$ h"s not been "uthorised b$ the f!"% "dministr"tion to issue
st"tutor$ certific"tes+ the Societ$ m"$ "cce#t th"t such certific"tes "re issued b$ the du"! c!"ss societ$ #rovided
the other c!"ss societ$ is "uthorised b$ the f!"% "dministr"tion)
,)2 Ser1ice su--liers
,)2)! Khere surve$ors use the services of service su##!iers in m"&in% decisions "ffectin% st"tutor$
re.uirements+ the su##!iers sh"!! be "##roved b$ either9
: the re!ev"nt f!"% "dministr"tion
: du!$ "uthorised or%"nis"tions "ctin% on beh"!f of the f!"% "dministr"tion
: "n e.ui#ment su##!ier ,hen e@#!icit!$ described b$ I=O conventions+ reso!utions or circu!"rs+ or
: the Societ$)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.4 ,lassification scope and notations 0 3age #7
! Sc%-e %& classi&ica$i%n
!)! General
!)!)! The ru!es "nd referred st"nd"rds define "cce#t"nce criteri" for desi%n+ construction+ surve$ "nd testin%
of vesse!s+ their m"rine "nd m"chiner$ inst"!!"tions+ s$stems "nd e.ui#ment+ "##!ic"b!e to the ne,bui!din% "nd
o#er"tion"! #h"se)
!)2 Rule -ar$s
!)2)! The #resent offshore service s#ecific"tion st"tes terms "nd #rocedures for "ssi%nin% "nd m"int"inin%
c!"ss for oi! #roduction "nd*or stor"%e units+ "s ,e!! "s !istin% the "##!ic"b!e technic"! reference documents
sti#u!"tin% technic"! re.uirements for c!"ssific"tion) These m"$ be DNV offshore st"nd"rds+ other DNV
st"nd"rds "nd intern"tion"!!$ reco%nised codes)
!)2)2 Ad hoc combin"tion of codes or st"nd"rds+ different "s described in the ru!es+ shou!d on!$ be m"de "fter
#ro#er consider"tion of the com#"tibi!it$ of the documents+ "nd on!$ ,here s"fet$ "nd sound en%ineerin%
#r"ctice c"n be ustified) Such se!ective '#ieceme"!( "##!ic"tion of " code or st"nd"rd sh"!! be verified)
!), Rule -ar$iculars
!),)! The ru!es ,ith reference st"nd"rds %ive re.uirements in the fo!!o,in% "re"s9
2 Class n%$a$i%ns
2)! General
2)!)! C!"ssed units ,i!! be %iven " c!"ss desi%n"tion consistin% of9
: construction s$mbo!
: m"in ch"r"cter of c!"ss
: b"sic desi%n not"tion
: service not"tion
: s#eci"! e.ui#ment "nd s$stems not"tions '"s "##!ic"b!e(
: s#eci"! fe"ture not"tions '"s "##!ic"b!e()
2)2 C%ns$ruc$i%n sy.6%ls
2)2)! The s$mbo! ,i!! be %iven to units bui!t under the su#ervision of DNV)
2)2)2 The s$mbo! ,i!! be %iven to units bui!t under the su#ervision of " reco%nised c!"ssific"tion societ$ "nd
!"ter "ssi%ned c!"ss ,ith DNV)
Hull an+ .ain s$ruc$ure
: stren%th
: m"teri"!s "nd ,e!din%
: corrosion #rotection
: construction"! fire #rotection
: ,e"therti%ht "nd ,"terti%ht inte%rit$
: st"bi!it$ "nd f!o"t"bi!it$
: t"n& "rr"n%ement)
Marine an+ .achinery ins$alla$i%ns an+ e0ui-.en$
="chiner$ inst"!!"tions "nd e.ui#ment+ inc!udin% their re!"ted "u@i!i"r$ functions+ ,ith res#ect to stren%th "nd
#erform"nce "s "##!ic"b!e to the fo!!o,in% m"in functions9
: #o,er %ener"tion
: #osition &ee#in%
: #ro#u!sion '"s "##!ic"b!e(
: steerin% 'if "##!ic"b!e(
: fire "nd f!"mm"b!e %"s detection+ fire #rotection "nd e@tin%uishin%
: dr"in"%e "nd bi!%e #um#in%
: b"!!"stin%
: emer%enc$ shutdo,n s$stems '"s "##!ic"b!e()
Other m"chiner$ inst"!!"tions+ re%"rd!ess of their contribution to the m"in functions st"ted "bove+ ,hen !oc"ted in
enc!osed hu!! com#"rtments be!o, the d"m"%e ,"ter !ine)
Other inst"!!"tions st"ted in the ru!es)


&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.4 ,lassification scope and notations 0 3age #8
2), Main charac$er %& class
2),)! The not"tion 1A1 ,i!! be %iven to units ,ith hu!! "nd m"rine m"chiner$ "nd e.ui#ment found to be in
com#!i"nce ,ith the b"sic 'common( re.uirements of the "##!ic"b!e DNV offshore st"nd"rds referred to in the ru!es)
2),)2 The not"tion OI ,i!! be %iven to non se!f/#ro#e!!ed offshore inst"!!"tions intended for !on% term service
"t one offshore !oc"tion ,ith m"in structure+ uti!it$ "nd s"fet$ s$stems found to be in com#!i"nce ,ith the b"sic
'common( re.uirements of the "##!ic"b!e DNV offshore st"nd"rds referred to in the ru!es)
2),), For OI m"in c!"ss there m"$ be c"ses ,here the customer ,ishes to !imit the sco#e of c!"ssific"tion to
se!ected "re"s "nd items on!$) Such s#eci"! c!"ss "rr"n%ements m"$ be "cce#t"b!e #rovided it c"n be
demonstr"ted th"t "re"s "nd items not covered b$ c!"ssific"tion h"ve+ or ,i!! be+ desi%ned+ constructed "nd
m"int"ined to "n "##ro#ri"te reco%nised st"nd"rd) The invo!vement b$ DNV ,i!! be s#ecified in the c!"ss
"%reement "nd ref!ected in the c!"ss not"tions for the inst"!!"tion)
2)" Aasic +esign n%$a$i%ns
2)")! The b"sic desi%n not"tion indic"tes the t$#e of structur"! desi%n) The not"tions current!$ in use "re %iven
in T"b!e E/0)
2)' Ser1ice n%$a$i%ns
2)')! 4nits constructed "ccordin% to DNV ru!es for offshore c!"ssific"tion+ "rr"n%ed for " #"rticu!"r service
"nd found to be in "ccord"nce ,ith the re!ev"nt re.uirements for such service+ ,i!! be %iven " corres#ondin%
service not"tion)
2)')2 Service not"tions current!$ in use "re defined in T"b!e E/2)
2)'), The service not"tions in T"b!e E/2 sh"!! be considered m"nd"tor$ for the re!ev"nt t$#es of units)
2)')" C!"ssific"tion services re!"ted to 3N;*3P; #roduction "nd stor"%e "re #resented in DNV/OSS/01E)
2)')' 4nits intended for both dri!!in% "nd #roduction service 'FDPSO( sh"!! com#!$ ,ith the re.uirements for
#roduction units in this service s#ecific"tion "nd for dri!!in% units in DNV/OSS/010 'in c"se of conf!ictin%
re.uirements+ the most strin%ent re.uirement ,i!! #rev"i!()
Ta6le ,8! Class n%$a$i%ns rela$e+ $% 6asic +esign
Class notation %escription
A structure de#endent on the buo$"nc$ of ,ide!$ s#"ced co!umns
for f!o"t"tion "nd st"bi!it$ in "!! modes of o#er"tion)
Ch)2 Sec)0
"nd Ch)2
Dee* Dra!ght
A f!o"tin% structure h"vin% " re!"tive!$ dee# dr"u%ht to obt"in
hi%h he"ve ei%en#eriod "voidin% reson"nce res#onses) The
structure c"n h"ve sin%!e or mu!ti/vertic"! co!umns+ ,ith or
,ithout moon#oo!s)
A structure ,ith hu!! of sufficient buo$"nc$ for s"fe tr"ns#ort
,hich is r"ised "bove se" surf"ce on !e%s su##orted b$ the se" bed
durin% o#er"tion)
Ch)2 Sec)0 Ch)E
=onohu!! shi# "nd b"r%e structures h"vin% dis#!"cement hu!!s
,ith or ,ithout #ro#u!sion m"chiner$)
Ch)2 Sec)0 Ch)E
Tension Leg A buo$"nt structure connected to " fi@ed found"tion b$
#retensioned tendons)
Ch)2 Sec)2 Ch)E
Mo)ile Offshore A structure not #ro#er!$ ch"r"cterised b$ the "bove not"tions) Ch)2 Sec)0 Ch)E
Floating Offshore A structure not #ro#er!$ ch"r"cterised b$ the "bove not"tions) Ch)2 Sec)2 Ch)E
Ta6le ,82 Class n%$a$i%ns rela$e+ $% ser1ice
Class notation %escription
8ualifier %escription %esign
Oil Pro!"tion
Vesse! #ur#ose #roduction
of oi!
Perm"nent!$ #!"ced
Ch)2 Sec)E Ch)E Sec)B H2I
4nit =obi!e offshore unit
Oil Storage
Vesse! #ur#ose stor"%e of
Inst"!!"tion Perm"nent!$ #!"ced
Ch)2 Sec)7 Ch)E Sec)B H2I
4nit =obi!e offshore unit
Oil Loaing
Vesse! #ur#ose !o"din% or
un!o"din% of oi!
Inst"!!"tion Perm"nent!$ #!"ced
Ch)2 Sec)7 Ch)E Sec)B HEI
4nit =obi!e offshore unit
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.4 ,lassification scope and notations 0 3age #9
2)/ O-$i%nal class n%$a$i%ns rela$e+ $% s-ecial e0ui-.en$ an+ sys$e.s
2)/)! 4nits h"vin% s#eci"! e.ui#ment or s$stems found to s"tisf$ s#ecified c!"ss re.uirements ,i!! be %iven "
corres#ondin% "ddition"! c!"ss not"tion) Not"tions current!$ in use "re %iven in T"b!e E/E)
2)4 O-$i%nal class n%$a$i%ns rela$e+ $% c%l+ cli.a$e %-era$i%n
2)4)! 4nits desi%ned or stren%thened for o#er"tion ,ithin #"rticu!"r %eo%r"#hic"! or environment"! "re"s
found to be in "ccord"nce ,ith re!ev"nt c!"ss ru!e re.uirements m"$ be "ssi%ned " corres#ondin% o#tion"! c!"ss
2)4)2 O#tion"! c!"ss not"tions re!"ted to co!d c!im"te service "re %iven in T"b!e E/7)
2)4), Further det"i!s on not"tion .u"!ifiers "nd "##!ic"tion for different vesse! t$#es is %iven in Ch)2 Sec)J H0CI)
Ta6le ,8, Class n%$a$i%ns rela$e+ $% e0ui-.en$ an+ sys$e.s
Class notation %escription
#o, Loaing Ch)2 Sec)J Ch)E Sec)J
#-M >"!!"st K"ter ="n"%ement Ch)2 Sec)J Ch)E Sec)J
Arr"n%ements for contro!!in% "nd !imitin% o#er"tion"!
emissions "nd disch"r%es
Ch)2 Sec)J Ch)E Sec)J
CO=F Confort c!"ss Ch)2 Sec)J N*A
$RANE Onbo"rd cr"ne Ch)2 Sec)J Ch)E Sec)J
DPS D$n"mic #ositionin% s$stem Ch)2 Sec)J Ch)E Sec)J
D/NPOS D$n"mic #ositionin% s$stem Ch)2 Sec)J Ch)E Sec)J
E0 Periodic"!!$ un"ttended m"chiner$ s#"ce Ch)2 Sec)J Ch)E Sec)J
E$O ="chiner$ centr"!ised o#er"ted Ch)2 Sec)J Ch)E Sec)J
ES1 Enh"nced S$stem Verific"tion Ch)2 Sec)J Ch)E Sec)J
F Addition"! fire #rotection Ch)2 Sec)J Ch)E Sec)J
FMS F"ti%ue methodo!o%$ for shi#/sh"#ed units Ch)2 Sec)J Ch)E Sec)J
HELD2 He!ico#ter dec& Ch)2 Sec)J Ch)E Sec)J
HMON Hu!! =onitorin% S$stem Ch)2 Sec)J Ch)E Sec)J
ISDS Inte%r"ted Soft,"re De#endent S$stem Ch)2 Sec)J Ch)E Sec)J
L$S 3o"din% com#uter s$stem Ch)2 Sec)J Ch)E Sec)J
OPP-F Oi! #o!!ution #revention / fue! s$stems Ch)2 Sec)J Ch)E Sec)J
OFFLOADING Crude Off!o"din% s$stem Ch)2 Sec)J Ch)E Sec)J
POSMOOR Position moorin% s$stem Ch)2 Sec)J Ch)E Sec)J
PROD H$droc"rbon #roduction #!"nt Ch)2 Sec)J Ch)E Sec)J
Re"3"la)le Inventor$ of H"M"rdous ="teri"!s P"rt 0 Ch)2 Sec)J Ch)E Sec)J
SPM Sin%!e Point =oorin% Ch)2 Sec)J N*A
STL Submer%ed Turret 3o"din% Ch)2 Sec)J N*A
1$S V"#our Contro! S$stems Ch)2 Sec)J Ch)E Sec)J
Vibr"tion !eve! criteri" for m"chiner$+ com#onents+
e.ui#ment "nd structure
Ch)2 Sec)J Ch)E Sec)J
Ta6le ,8" Class n%$a$i%ns rela$e+ $% c%l+ cli.a$e
Class notation %escription
Desi%n "mbient "ir tem#er"ture for m"teri"! se!ection
suit"b!e for re%u!"r service durin% ,inter to Arctic or
Ant"rctic ,"ters
Ch)2 Sec)J H0CI NA
I$E Structur"! stren%th for n"vi%"tion in ice Ch)2 Sec)J H0CI N*A
Po!"r C!"ss Nstructur"! stren%th for n"vi%"tion in ice/
infested #o!"r ,"ters
Ch)2 Sec)J H0CI NA
-INTERI4ED S$stems desi%ned for o#er"tion in co!d c!im"te Ch)2 Sec)J H0CI Ch)E Sec)J H0CI
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.4 ,lassification scope and notations 0 3age 4)
2)5 S-ecial &ea$ure n%$a$i%ns
2)5)! S#eci"! fe"ture not"tions #rovide inform"tion re%"rdin% s#eci"! desi%n "ssum#tions+ "rr"n%ements or
e.ui#ment ,hich is not covered b$ other c!"ss not"tions)
2)5)2 S#eci"! fe"ture not"tions current!$ in use "re !isted in T"b!e E/B)
2)5), Se!f/e!ev"tin% units "re considered to be non se!f/#ro#e!!ed un!ess s#ecified ,ith the s#eci"! fe"ture
2)< N%$a$i%ns rela$e+ $% res$ric$i%ns
2)<)! 7i.i$a$i%ns %& sc%-e
Khen+ under H2)E)EI+ the customer for "n OI c!"ssed inst"!!"tion ,ishes to !imit the sco#e of c!"ssific"tion to
se!ected "re"s "nd items on!$+ the #"rts of the inst"!!"tion ,hich "re covered b$ c!"ssific"tion ,i!! be indic"ted
in the c!"ssific"tion certific"te) The #ur#ose of the not"tion Li(itation of $lass is to indic"te such
!imit"tions+ if "##!ic"b!e)
Structure9 C!"ssific"tion is !imited to cover m"in structure)
2)<)2 Ser1ice res$ric$i%ns
Service restrictions or o#er"tion"! !imits inc!uded in the desi%n "ssum#tions of " unit ,i!! be st"ted in the
FA##endi@ to the c!"ssific"tion certific"teG+ "nd*or on s#eci"! si%nbo"rds onbo"rd)
2)<), Service restrictions "nd devi"tions from the ru!e re.uirements sh"!! be "ddressed in " memo for o,ners
'=O( informin% them "bout the "ssum#tion for the c!"ss not"tion if the unit sh"!! be o#er"ted outside the
%eo%r"#hic"! "re"s or other bound"ries "%reed in the c!"ssific"tion contr"ct)
2)! C%.-liance 9i$h c%as$al s$a$e legisla$i%n
2)!)! Khen DNV is re.uested to c"rr$ out verific"tion in "ccord"nce ,ith co"st"! st"te re%u!"tions for the
com#!ete unit or #"rts of the unit+ "n "ddition"! not"tion m"$ be "ssi%ned to the re!ev"nt c!"ss desi%n"tions+
consistin% of the re!ev"nt co"st"! st"te code "nd the issue of co"st"! st"te re%u!"tions used "s b"sis for
verific"tion in br"c&ets+ e)%)9
2)!)2 Co"st"! st"te code not"tions current!$ in use+ "re !isted in T"b!e E/J)
2)!), For further inform"tion on #rocedures "nd sco#e of verific"tion for co"st"! st"te re.uirements+ see DNV
Offshore Service S#ecific"tions for co"st"! st"te com#!i"nce services !isted in T"b!e 0/E)
Ta6le ,8' Class n%$a$i%ns rela$e+ $% s-ecial &ea$ures
Class notation %escription
#IS >ui!t for in/,"ter surve$ Ch)2 Sec)J H20I NA
INERT Inert %"s s$stem
Ru!es for Shi#s
Pt)B Ch)E Sec)00
To,in% "ssist"nce ,i!! be re.uired durin% tr"nsit Ch)2 Sec)J H20I Ch)E Sec)J H21I
4nits ,ith #ro#u!sion '"##!ic"b!e for se!f/
e!ev"tin% units on!$(
Ch)2 Sec)J H20I Ch)E Sec)J H21I
TMON T"i!sh"ft monitorin% Ch)2 Sec)J H20I Ch)E Sec)J H21I
Ta6le ,8/ N%$a$i%ns &%r c%as$al s$a$e 1eri&ica$i%n
+otation %escription
Pro!"tion Unit or
Verified for com#!i"nce ,ith DNV-s inter#ret"tion of re!ev"nt Nor,e%i"n she!f st"te
re.uirements nce ,ith DNV-s inter#ret"tion of re!ev"nt Nor,e%i"n co"st"! st"te
Storage Unit or
Pro!"tion Unit or
Verified for com#!i"nce to 4S Co"st ;u"rd re.uirements for ;u!f Of =e@ico Outer
Conentin"nt"! She!f
Storage Unit or
Verified for com#!i"nce ,ith DNVOs inter#ret"tion of re!ev"nt 4K co"st"! st"te
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.4 ,lassification scope and notations 0 3age 4(
2)!! C%.6ina$i%n %& n%$a$i%ns
2)!!)! C!"ss not"tions sh"!! be combined "s fo!!o,s9
1A1 S li(itation of "lass7 if an3TS)asi" esign notationT Sser+i"e notationT
8s*e"ial e9!i*(ent an s3ste(s notations:8s*e"ial feat!re notations:
1A1 $ol!(n-sta)ilise Pro!"tion Unit)
2)!!)2 Shi#/sh"#ed units m"$ "!so be "ssi%ned re!ev"nt c!"ss not"tions %iven in the DNV Ru!es for
C!"ssific"tion of Shi#s 'Ru!es for Shi#s()

&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.+ -ssignment of class 0 3age 4#
! Assign.en$ %& class 8 ne9 1essels
!)! General
!)!)! A re.uest for c!"ssific"tion of " ne, vesse! sh"!! be submitted in ,ritin% b$ the customer) The Societ$
reserves the ri%ht to dec!ine " re.uest for c!"ssific"tion)
!)2 Re0uire.en$s &%r 6uil+er %r +esigner
!)2)! >ui!ders or desi%ners unf"mi!i"r to the Societ$ sh"!! #rovide the Societ$ ,ith evidence of their c"#"bi!it$
to successfu!!$ m"n"%e c!"ssific"tion #roects)
Gui+ance n%$eC
Evidence m"$ incor#or"te successfu! outcome of c!"ssific"tion #roects c"rried out for "nother IACS member societ$
or successfu! outcome of desi%n #roects of simi!"r n"ture)
!)2)2 >ui!ders or desi%ners sh"!! instruct their subcontr"ctors "nd su##!iers of m"teri"!s+ com#onents "nd
s$stems th"t the Societ$-s ru!es "##!$ "nd th"t the Societ$-s certific"tes sh"!! be #rovided "s "nd ,hen re.uired
b$ the ru!es)
!)2), Ke!din% of im#ort"nt structures+ m"chiner$ inst"!!"tions "nd e.ui#ment sh"!! be c"rried out b$ "##roved
,e!ders+ ,ith "##roved ,e!din% consum"b!es "nd "t ,e!din% sho#s "##roved b$ the Societ$) Re.uirements for
"##rov"! of ,e!din% sho#s+ ,e!ders+ m"nuf"cturers of ,e!din% consum"b!es+ ,e!din% consum"b!es "nd
,e!din% #rocedures "re %iven in DNV/OS/C710 "nd b$ " series of det"i!ed "##rov"! #ro%r"mmes)
!)2)" The fo!!o,in% document"tion from the bui!der or desi%ner ',or&sho# "nd $"rd( "nd from subcontr"ctors
sh"!! be submitted ,hen re.uested b$ the Societ$9
: inform"tion re!"ted to the bui!derOs or desi%nerOs .u"!it$ contro! "nd .u"!it$ m"n"%ement s$stem
: inform"tion re!"ted to the bui!der-s #rocedures for m"n"%in% m"teri"!s th"t "re e@c!uded from use on bo"rd
b$ c!"ss "nd* or st"tutor$ re.uirements
: !ist of re!ev"nt subcontr"ctors to the bui!din% $"rd
: !ist of re!ev"nt subcontr"ctors to the m"nuf"cturer of s$stems "nd com#onents to be de!ivered for the
#roduct+ if "##!ic"b!e)
!)2)' To "ssess com#!i"nce ,ith the ru!es the Societ$ m"$ re.uire "ddition"! document"tion "nd c"rr$ out "n
"ssessment of $"rd-s #rocesses+ s$stems "nd #ersonne! re!"ted to c!"ssific"tion #roects) The resu!ts of the
"ssessment shou!d be used "s " b"sis to decide on the e@tent of the invo!vement of surve$ors of the Societ$)
The e@tent of verific"tion shou!d be c!e"r!$ ref!ected in the <u"!it$ Surve$ P!"n '<SP()
Gui+ance n%$eC
A %eneric version of <u"!it$ Surve$ P!"n '<SP( issued b$ the Societ$ c"n be used "s " mode! to deve!o# "n
"##ro#ri"te <u"!it$ Surve$ P!"n for s#ecific c!"ssific"tion #roects th"t shou!d be submitted to the Societ$ for
"##rov"! before commencin% "ctivities in the #roect)
!)2)/ C"!cu!"tions s#ecified in the re.uirements sh"!! be c"rried out b$ com#uter #ro%r"ms su##!ied b$+ or
reco%nised b$ the Societ$) Pro%r"ms "##!ied ,here re!i"b!e resu!ts h"ve been demonstr"ted to the s"tisf"ction
of the Societ$ "re re%"rded "s reco%nised #ro%r"ms) ;ener"!!$ v"!id "##rov"!s for com#uter #ro%r"ms "re+
ho,ever+ not %iven b$ the Societ$)
!), A--lica6le rules
!),)! The ru!es th"t "##!$ for "ssi%nment of c!"ss to " ne, vesse! "re %ener"!!$ those in force "t the d"te of
Fcontr"ct for constructionG)
The term date of /contract for construction0 sh"!! be construed "s fo!!o,s9
0( The d"te of Fcontr"ct for constructionG of " vesse! is the d"te on ,hich the contr"ct to bui!d the vesse! is
si%ned bet,een the #ros#ective o,ner "nd the shi#bui!der) This d"te "nd the construction numbers 'i)e) hu!!
numbers( of "!! the vesse!s inc!uded in the contr"ct "re to be dec!"red to the c!"ssific"tion societ$ b$ the
#"rt$ "##!$in% for the "ssi%nment of c!"ss to " ne,bui!din%)
2( The d"te of Fcontr"ct for constructionG of " series of vesse!s+ inc!udin% s#ecified o#tion"! vesse!s for ,hich
the o#tion is u!tim"te!$ e@ercised+ is the d"te on ,hich the contr"ct to bui!d the series is si%ned bet,een the
#ros#ective o,ner "nd the shi#bui!der)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.+ -ssignment of class 0 3age 44
Vesse!s bui!t under " sin%!e contr"ct for construction "re considered " Fseries of vesse!sG if the$ "re bui!t to
the s"me "##roved #!"ns for c!"ssific"tion #ur#oses) Ho,ever+ vesse!s ,ithin " series m"$ h"ve desi%n
"!ter"tions from the ori%in"! desi%n #rovided9
"( such "!ter"tions do not "ffect m"tters re!"ted to c!"ssific"tion+ or
b( if the "!ter"tions "re subect to c!"ssific"tion re.uirements+ these "!ter"tions "re to com#!$ ,ith the
c!"ssific"tion re.uirements in effect on the d"te on ,hich the "!ter"tions "re contr"cted bet,een the
#ros#ective o,ner "nd the shi#bui!der or+ in the "bsence of the "!ter"tion contr"ct+ com#!$ ,ith the
c!"ssific"tion re.uirements in effect on the d"te on ,hich the "!ter"tions "re submitted to the Societ$
for "##rov"!)
The o#tion"! vesse!s ,i!! be considered #"rt of the s"me series of vesse!s if the o#tion is e@ercised not !"ter
th"n 0 $e"r "fter the contr"ct to bui!d the series ,"s si%ned)
E( If " contr"ct for construction is !"ter "mended to inc!ude "ddition"! vesse!s or "ddition"! o#tions+ the d"te
of Fcontr"ct for constructionG for such vesse!s is the d"te on ,hich the "mendment to the contr"ct+ is si%ned
bet,een the #ros#ective o,ner "nd the shi#bui!der) The "mendment to the contr"ct is to be considered "s
" Fne, contr"ctG to ,hich 0 "nd 2 "bove "##!$)
7( If " contr"ct for construction is "mended to ch"n%e the shi# t$#e+ the d"te of Fcontr"ct for constructionG of
this modified vesse!+ or vesse!s+ is the d"te on ,hich revised contr"ct or ne, contr"ct is si%ned bet,een the
O,ner+ or O,ners+ "nd the shi#bui!der)
'see IACS PR 2A Rev)7(
The Societ$ m"$ u#on consider"tion "nd in "%reement ,ith the #"rties invo!ved decide on the ru!es to be
!),)2 For " vesse! in " series of identic"! vesse!s under construction to the c!"ss of+ or of " desi%n #revious!$
"##roved b$ "nother IACS member societ$+ the Societ$ m"$ "cce#t the desi%n "##roved b$ th"t IACS member
societ$ #rovided " revie, b$ the Societ$ h"s demonstr"ted th"t the desi%n in #rinci#!e meets the s"fet$ "nd
re!i"bi!it$ !eve! of the Societ$Os ru!e re.uirements for m"in c!"ss)
!),), Khere re.uirements from intern"tion"! m"ritime conventions h"ve been "do#ted in the Societ$-s ru!es+
com#!i"nce ,ith these re.uirements is m"nd"tor$)
!),)" For " vesse! ,here the f!"% "dministr"tion undert"&es "##rov"! "nd surve$s of items covered b$ the ru!es+
the Societ$ m"$ "cce#t their decisions "s b"sis for "ssi%nin% c!"ss+ #rovided the Societ$-s re.uirements for m"in
c!"ss "re com#!ied ,ith) Necess"r$ document"tion+ such "s co#ies of "##roved #!"ns+ re#orts "nd other
#"rticu!"rs "##roved b$ the f!"% "dministr"tion sh"!! be submitted)
!),)' Devi"tions from the ru!e re.uirements ,i!! not be "cce#ted for9
: re.uirements for structur"! stren%th+ int"ct st"bi!it$+ m"chiner$ inst"!!"tions+ steerin% "##!i"nces "nd
e!ectric"! s$stems "nd e.ui#ment covered b$ m"in c!"ss
: o#tion"! c!"ss not"tions)
!),)/ For " vesse! intended to be #erm"nent!$ moored on !oc"tion for #roduction "nd*or stor"%e of
h$droc"rbons+ the Societ$ m"$ "cce#t decisions b$ the n"tion"! "dministr"tion ,ith urisdiction over the ,"ters
in ,hich the vesse! sh"!! o#er"te 'the co"st"! or she!f st"te( "s b"sis for "ssi%nin% c!"ss)
!),)4 Khen c!"ss is "ssi%ned on the b"sis of " desi%n "##roved b$ "nother IACS member societ$+ the f!"%
"dministr"tion or "ccordin% to f!"% "dministr"tion re.uirements or decisions b$ n"tion"! "uthorities "ccordin%
to H0)E)7I+ H0)E)BI or H0)E)JI+ inform"tion to this effect sh"!! be inc!uded in the FA##endi@ to the C!"ss
Certific"teG 'see HE)0)JI()
In c"se of c!"ss bein% "ssi%ned on the b"sis of f!"% "dministr"tion re.uirements "ccordin% to HE)0)JI "n
=emor"ndum to O,ner sh"!! "!so be issued 'see H2)E)CI()
!)" 2lan a--r%1al
!)")! Document"tion for c!"ssific"tion sh"!! be in "ccord"nce ,ith the N"uticus Production S$stem 'NPS(
DocRe.) The DocRe. is " com#i!"tion of "!! DNV-s document"tion re.uirements re!"ted to #!"n "##rov"!) The
#ur#ose of the DocRe. is to #rovide " b"sis to verif$ th"t se!ected+ s"fet$ critic"! #"rts of the re.uirements of the
"##!ic"b!e DNV ru!es "nd st"nd"rds "re com#!ied ,ith in the desi%n of the vesse!) A s"tisf"ctor$ document revie,
is " #rere.uisite for "ssi%nment of DNV c!"ss "nd issue of st"tutor$ certific"tes) The document revie, sh"!! be
com#!emented b$ " revie, of the customer-s .u"!it$ s$stem "nd b$ surve$s b$ the Societ$) The document"tion
re.uirements "re b"sed on st"nd"rdiMed document"tion t$#es+ ,hich "re defined in DNV/RP/A210)
!)")2 Khere subcontr"ctors "nd su##!iers "re invo!ved+ the customer sh"!! co/ordin"te the submission of
re.uired #!"ns "nd documents+ "s ,e!! "s co/ordin"te "n$ "##rov"! comments %iven b$ the Societ$)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.+ -ssignment of class 0 3age 4+
!)"), Documents subect to "##rov"! ,i!! be e@"mined b$ the Societ$) The resu!ts of the e@"min"tion ,i!! be
st"ted in " !etter of "##rov"!) Comments+ conditions "nd !imit"tions m"$ be st"ted on the #!"ns returned or in
"n "ccom#"n$in% !etter)
!)")" The #!"n "##rov"! m"$ be revo&ed "t "n$ time if subse.uent inform"tion indic"tes th"t the so!ution ,"s
contr"r$ to the Ru!es)
!)' Sur1ey +uring c%ns$ruc$i%n
!)')! Khen " vesse! is bui!t under the su#ervision of the Societ$+ the Societ$ ,i!! surve$9
: th"t the construction "nd sc"nt!in%s com#!$ ,ith the ru!e re.uirements "nd the "##roved #!"ns+ "nd th"t the
re.uired m"teri"!s "re used+
: th"t the m"teri"!s+ com#onents "nd s$stems h"ve been certified in "ccord"nce ,ith the Ru!es
: th"t the ,or& is c"rried out in com#!i"nce ,ith the "##!ic"b!e ru!es "nd "cce#t"b!e st"nd"rds
: th"t s"tisf"ctor$ tests "re c"rried out to the e@tent "nd in the m"nner #rescribed b$ the Ru!es)
Gui+ance n%$eC
IACS Recommend"tion No) 7C FShi#bui!din% "nd Re#"ir <u"!it$ St"nd"rdG / P"rt A9 for Ne, Construction / is
re%"rded "s "n e@"m#!e of "n "cce#t"b!e st"nd"rd)
!)')2 The surve$ c"rried out "t the construction site "nd*or "t the sub/su##!iers ,i!! be "t the discretion of the
Societ$ "nd not intended to re#!"ce or substitute the essenti"! "ctivities b$ $"rds*m"nuf"cturers- <A*<C)
The sco#e of surve$ ,i!! be decided "s s#ecified in H0)2I)
The surve$ "t the customer-s #remises m"$ consist of " combin"tion of visu"! ins#ections+ tests+ me"surements
"nd revie, of records)
!)'), The Societ$ m"$ b"se its methods "nd e@tent of e@"min"tion on the .u"!it$ s$stem "s im#!emented in
the customer-s f"bric"tion #rocesses "nd "s "cce#ted b$ the Societ$ "nd+ if "##!ic"b!e+ in combin"tion ,ith "n
"%reed m"nuf"cturin% surve$ "rr"n%ement)
!)')" The customer sh"!! submit to the Societ$ certific"tes for m"teri"!s+ com#onents "nd s$stems inst"!!ed in
the vesse! "nd "s re.uired b$ the Ru!es)
!)/ *ns$alla$i%n %& sys$e.s an+ e0ui-.en$
!)/)! S$stems "nd e.ui#ment to be inst"!!ed on ne,bui!din%s+ ,hich serves "s " #"rt of the m"in functions+
sh"!! in %ener"! be ne,)
Gui+ance n%$eC
If second h"nd e.ui#ment com#!ies ,ith "##!ic"b!e ru!es for the ne,bui!din%+ it m"$ u#on s#eci"! consider"tion be
inst"!!ed on ne,bui!din%s+ #rovided the o,ner h"s %iven " ,ritten "cce#t"nce)
!)/)2 The e@tent of #"rtici#"tion in the mech"nic"! com#!etion "ctivities b$ the Societ$ shou!d be c!e"r!$
identified in the <u"!it$ Surve$ P!"n '<SP( submitted b$ the customer "nd "cce#ted b$ the Societ$) The e@tent
of #"rtici#"tion sh"!! be !imited to ensurin% com#!i"nce ,ith the re.uirement of C!"ssific"tion Ru!es "nd
"##!ic"b!e st"tutor$ re.uirements)
!)4 Tes$ing an+ c%..issi%ning
!)4)! Khere s#ecified b$ the ru!es+ testin% sh"!! be c"rried out in the #resence of " surve$or+ "nd re!"ted
re.uirements for test #ro%r"mmes sh"!! be observed)
!)4)2 A test #ro%r"mme for h"rbour "nd se" tri"!s sh"!! be #re#"red b$ the customer "nd "cce#ted b$ the
Societ$) The #ro%r"mme sh"!! s#ecif$ s$stems "nd com#onents to be tested+ "nd the testin% #rocedure)
The Societ$ m"$+ in order to verif$ ru!e com#!i"nce+ re.uest "ddition"! tests "nd*or d"t" to be recorded)
!)4), Procedures for Pre/commissionin%+ testin% "nd commissionin% for "!! the s$stems onbo"rd th"t "re
covered b$ the sco#e of c!"ssific"tion sh"!! be #re#"red b$ the customer "nd "cce#ted b$ the Societ$)
!)4)" The tests sh"!! %ive evidence "s to s"tisf"ctor$ o#er"tion "nd #erform"nce in "ccord"nce ,ith the ru!es)
Khen testin% contro! "nd s"fet$ s$stems+ f"i!ure modes sh"!! be simu!"ted "s re"!istic"!!$ "s #ossib!e)
!)4)' The e@tent of #"rtici#"tion b$ the Societ$ shou!d be c!e"r!$ identified in the <u"!it$ Surve$ P!"n '<SP(
submitted b$ the customer "nd "cce#ted b$ the Societ$ on!$ to ensure com#!i"nce ,ith the re.uirement of
C!"ssific"tion Ru!es "nd "##!ic"b!e st"tutor$ re.uirements)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.+ -ssignment of class 0 3age 45
2 Assign.en$ %& class 8 e3is$ing 1essels
2)! General
2)!)! A re.uest for c!"ss entr$ of "n e@istin% vesse! sh"!! be submitted in ,ritin% b$ the customer) The Societ$
reserves the ri%ht to "cce#t or dec!ine "n "##!ic"tion for c!"ss entr$)
2)2 A--lica6le rules
2)2)! A##!ic"b!e ru!es for vesse!s "t c!"ss entr$ "re %iven in Sec)B H2)0I)
2), Design a--r%1al
2),)! >efore " vesse!+ ,hich h"s not been bui!t under the su#ervision of the Societ$+ is surve$ed for "ssi%nment
of c!"ss+ the inform"tion re.uired in H0)7)0I sh"!!+ in %ener"!+ be submitted for #!"n "##rov"!)
For " vesse! c!"ssed ,ith "nother IACS member societ$+ the submitted inform"tion m"$ be reduced to #!"ns
sho,in% the m"in sc"nt!in%s "nd "rr"n%ements of the "ctu"! hu!! "nd m"chiner$ inst"!!"tions)
2),)2 The e@tent of #!"n "##rov"! for " vesse!+ ,hich h"s been c!"ssed+ or ,hich ,"s #revious!$ c!"ssed ,ith
" non/IACS member societ$+ ,i!! be s#ecified in e"ch c"se)
2),), For " vesse! th"t h"s been bui!t under the su#ervision of "nother IACS member societ$+ the Societ$ m"$
on the b"sis of "n over"!! consider"tion "nd surve$+ e@em#t the vesse! from ru!e re.uirements)
2)" Class en$ry sur1ey
2)")! Prior to "ssi%nin% c!"ss to "n e@istin% vesse!+ th"t vesse! sh"!!+ "s " minimum+ under%o the surve$s
#ert"inin% to the "%e "nd t$#e of the vesse!)
The sco#e of surve$ ,i!! in e"ch se#"r"te c"se be decided b$ the Societ$)
2)")2 >efore "ssi%nin% c!"ss+ the f!"% "dministr"tion ,i!! be notified "bout the c!"ss entr$) The f!"%
"dministr"tion m"$ decide th"t "n e@tended sco#e of surve$s h"s to be c"rried out)
, The class cer$i&ica$e
,)! General
,)!)! Khen s"tisfied th"t "!! re.uirements corres#ondin% to the c!"ss in .uestion h"ve been met+ the surve$or
,i!! recommend th"t c!"ss is "ssi%ned "nd issue "n interim c!"ss certific"te or the c!"ss certific"te)
,)!)2 C!"ss m"$ be "ssi%ned ,ith Conditions of C!"ss)
,)!), The interim certific"te ,i!! be re#!"ced b$ " fu!! term c!"ss certific"te ,hen the Societ$ h"s confirmed
th"t "##!ic"b!e re.uirements h"ve been met)
,)!)" The c!"ss certific"te is v"!id #rovided conditions for retention of c!"ss "re com#!ied ,ith+ "s fo!!o,s9
: for " ne, vesse!9 to " d"te not e@ceedin% B $e"rs from the d"te of c!"ss "ssi%nment
: for "n e@istin% vesse!9 to " d"te not e@ceedin% B $e"rs from the e@#ir$ d"te of the e@istin% certific"te
: for "n e@istin% vesse! t"&en into c!"ss9 to " d"te not e@ceedin% B $e"rs from the d"te of c!"ss "ssi%nment or+
if the Societ$ "cce#ts the #eriodic"! surve$s credited b$ the #revious c!"ssific"tion societ$+ unti! the e@#ir$
d"te of the c!"ss certific"te of the #revious c!"ssific"tion societ$
: for "n interim c!"ss certific"te9 to " d"te not e@ceedin% 0B months from "ssi%nment of c!"ss)
,)!)' 4#on re.uest+ dec!"r"tions confirmin% com#!i"nce ,ith the ru!es m"$ be issued for hu!!+ m"chiner$ or
s#ecific c!"ss not"tions #rovided the Societ$-s m"in c!"ss h"s been "ssi%ned)
,)!)/ An FA##endi@ to the C!"ss Certific"teG ,i!! be issued st"tin% "ssum#tions for the "ssi%nment of c!"ss "nd
restrictions re%"rdin% the use of the vesse! ,hich ,ere est"b!ished or "ssumed "t the time of "ssi%nment of
,)!)4 In c"se of c!"ssific"tion of "n e@istin% shi# not bui!t under the su#ervision of the Societ$+ or c!"ssific"tion
of "n e@istin% shi# #revious!$ c!"ssed b$ the Societ$+ the surve$or ,i!! issue the certific"te of interim c!"ss
,hen he is s"tisfied th"t the "##!ic"b!e surve$ re.uirements h"ve been met)
,)!)5 Khen the "dministr"tion of the Societ$ h"s e@"mined the surve$or-s re#ort "nd submitted document"tion+
"nd is s"tisfied th"t the re.uirements corres#ondin% to the c!"ss in .uestion h"ve been met+ the c!"ss ,i!! be
"ssi%ned "nd " c!"ssific"tion certific"te ,i!! be issued)
Provided the conditions for retention of c!"ss "re fu!fi!!ed "nd un!ess the c!"ss h"s been ,ithdr",n in ,ritin%
"t "n e"r!ier st"%e+ the c!"ss certific"te ,i!! be v"!id for B $e"rs)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.+ -ssignment of class 0 3age 46
,)2 7a$e c%..issi%ning
,)2)! If the vesse! is not immedi"te!$ commissioned u#on com#!etion of the construction+ but is !"id u# for "
#eriod+ the vesse! m"$ be "cce#ted for entr$ into service u#on "##!ic"tion b$ the o,ner) The vesse! m"$ be
subect to " condition surve$ before enterin% into service)
The e@tent "nd sco#e of surve$ ,i!! de#end on the time #eriod !"id u# "nd conserv"tion me"sures t"&en)
Provided the hu!! "nd m"chiner$ is found in "!! res#ects free from deterior"tion+ subse.uent #eriodic"! surve$s
,i!! d"te from the time of the condition surve$)
" The regis$er %& 1essels
")! General
")!)! Khen " vesse! h"s been "ssi%ned c!"ss+ its m"in #"rticu!"rs "nd det"i!s of the c!"ss "ssi%ned ,i!! be
entered in the Societ$Os FRe%ister of Vesse!sG) In "ddition to the c!"ss not"tions+ "##ro#ri"te d"t" re!"ted to
identific"tion+ f!"%+ o,nershi# "nd other #"rticu!"rs ,i!! "!so be entered)
")!)2 The c!"ss "ssi%nment d"te is entered in the FRe%ister of Vesse!sG) For vesse!s bui!t under the su#ervision
of the Societ$+ the due d"te for the #eriodic"! surve$s ,i!! be c"!cu!"ted from this d"te) For vesse!s bui!t under
the su#ervision of "nother c!"ssific"tion societ$+ the due d"te for the #eriodic"! surve$s ,i!! de#end u#on the
e@istin% #eriodic"! surve$ schedu!e defined b$ the #revious c!"ssific"tion societ$)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.5 1etention of class 0 3age 47
! C%n+i$i%ns &%r re$en$i%n %& class
!)! General re0uire.en$s
!)!)! The vesse! sh"!! be "de.u"te!$ m"nned+ "nd the hu!!+ m"chiner$+ s$stems "nd e.ui#ment sh"!! be
com#etent!$ h"nd!ed "t "!! times)
!)!)2 O#er"tion of the vesse! sh"!! com#!$ ,ith the "ssum#tions "nd conditions st"ted in the FA##endi@ to the
C!"ss Certific"teG "nd in "##!ic"b!e o#er"tin% m"nu"!s)
!)!), The vesse!+ its hu!! structure+ m"chiner$+ s$stems "nd e.ui#ment sh"!! be m"int"ined "t " st"nd"rd
com#!$in% ,ith the re.uirements of the ru!es 'see "!so H0)EI()
!)!)" Inst"!!ed s$stems "nd e.ui#ment c"rried onbo"rd in e@cess of the minimum re.uired for m"in c!"ss sh"!!
either be m"int"ined to "##!ic"b!e st"nd"rds+ or be removed or disconnected in such " ,"$ "s to ensure th"t the
inst"!!ed s$stem or e.ui#ment c"nnot be used)
Inst"!!ed divin% s$stems "re subect to s#eci"! #rovisions "s %iven in Pt)J Ch)0 Sec)7 "nd Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)J I in the
Ru!es for Shi#s) These #rovisions inc!ude tr"nsfer"b!e divin% s$stems inst"!!ed tem#or"ri!$)
!)!)' Tem#or"r$ s$stems "nd e.ui#ment sh"!! com#!$ ,ith re!ev"nt re.uirements in "ccord"nce ,ith the
"ssi%ned c!"ss not"tions of the unit)
!)!)/ The st"tutor$ certific"tes re.uired b$ "##!ic"b!e intern"tion"! conventions "nd*or n"tion"! !e%is!"tion
sh"!! be v"!id "t "!! times "nd sh"!! be issued b$ the Societ$+ the f!"% "dministr"tion itse!f+ or b$ " third #"rt$
"##roved b$ the f!"% "dministr"tion+ ,ithin the !imit"tions set out in Sec)2 HEI)
!)2 The cus$%.erDs %6liga$i%ns
!)2)! In order to ret"in " vesse!-s c!"ss ,ith the Societ$+ the customer sh"!!9
: "t "!! times+ ensure th"t the vesse! is m"int"ined to the ru!e st"nd"rd
: submit com#!ete "nd correct inform"tion re!"ted to the vesse! "nd its use+ ,hich is of si%nific"nce to the
Societ$ for its "ssessment of the condition of the vesse! in re!"tion to the ru!es
: ensure th"t the vesse! is com#etent!$ h"nd!ed
: subect the shi# to unschedu!ed surve$s ,hen deemed necess"r$ b$ the Societ$
: rectif$ deficiencies "nd c"rr$ out "n$ Conditions of C!"ss or Retro"ctive Re.uirement s#ecified b$ the
: subect the vesse! to surve$s "s re.uired b$ the ru!es+ "nd #rovide the necess"r$ f"ci!ities for s"fe e@ecution
of surve$s
: submit com#!ete "nd correct inform"tion on the o,nershi# "nd m"n"%ement of the vesse!+ "ddresses "nd
corres#ondin% "dministr"tive inform"tion #ertinent to the re%ister of vesse!s
: submit correct inform"tion on the re%istr"tion of the vesse!
: &ee# onbo"rd "nd "shore " set of "s/bui!t dr",in%s*document"tion inc!udin% subse.uent "!ter"tions*
: #"$ "!! fees "nd e@#enses due to the Societ$) The o,ner h"s+ to%ether ,ith m"n"%ers+ ch"rterers "nd
o#er"tors+ " oint "nd sever"! !i"bi!it$ for "n$ such fees "nd e@#enses) If " re.uest for services is m"de b$
"n$ other #"rt$ th"n the o,ner+ th"t #"rt$ ,i!!+ in "ddition to the o,ner+ be res#onsib!e for the #"$ment of
the re!ev"nt fees
: notif$ the Societ$ ,hen the vesse! is !"id u# or other,ise t"&en out of service for " #eriod of more th"n E
!)2)2 If the hu!! structure+ m"chiner$+ s$stems or e.ui#ment covered b$ c!"ssific"tion sust"in d"m"%e to such
"n e@tent th"t it m"$ be #resumed to !e"d to " Condition of C!"ss 'see H2)EI(+ the Societ$ sh"!! immedi"te!$ be
informed) The vesse! sh"!! be surve$ed in the first #ort of c"!! or "ccordin% to instructions from the Societ$)
The surve$ sh"!! be of "n e@tent considered necess"r$ b$ the "ttendin% surve$or for "scert"inin% the e@tent of
the d"m"%e)
!)2), In c"se ins#ections b$ #ort or f!"% "uthorities reve"! deficiencies re!"ted to certific"tes issued b$ DNV+
the customer sh"!! immedi"te!$ notif$ the Societ$)
!), Main$enance
!),)! The customer sh"!! ensure th"t the vesse!+ its hu!! structure+ m"chiner$+ s$stems "nd e.ui#ment "t "!!
times is #ro#er!$ m"int"ined)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.5 1etention of class 0 3age 48
Gui+ance n%$eC
="inten"nce of the hu!! structure+ m"chiner$+ s$stems "nd e.ui#ment is norm"!!$ to be in "ccord"nce ,ith "##!ic"b!e
reco%nised st"nd"rds in the industr$ or in "ccord"nce ,ith #rocedures recommended b$ the m"nuf"cturer)
!),)2 The vesse! sh"!! h"ve im#!emented " m"inten"nce s$stem) The m"inten"nce s$stem sh"!! ensure th"t9
: ins#ections "nd m"inten"nce "re c"rried out "t defined interv"!s
: "n$ defect is re#orted ,ith its #ossib!e c"use+ if &no,n
: "##ro#ri"te correction or re#"ir "ction is t"&en
: records of these "ctivities "re m"int"ined)
!),), Re#!"cement com#onents "nd s$stems sh"!! be de!ivered ,ith certific"tes "nd document"tion "s re.uired
b$ the ru!es for the ori%in"! com#onent or s$stem)
2 Classi&ica$i%n s%cie$y in1%l1e.en$
2)! A--lica6le rules
2)!)! Vesse!s bui!t under the su#ervision of the Societ$ sh"!! in %ener"! be m"int"ined "nd re#"ired in
com#!i"nce ,ith the ru!es to ,hich it ,"s constructed+ e@ce#t in c"ses mentioned in H2)J)2I)
2)!)2 For vesse!s bui!t under the su#ervision of "nother IACS member societ$+ the Societ$Os ru!es in force "t
the s"me d"te "s those enforced b$ the other societ$ ,i!! be "##!ied) If such d"te is not &no,n the Societ$Os
ru!es in force "t the Fd"te of bui!dG ,i!! be "##!ied)
2)!), For vesse!s other th"n those covered b$ H2)0)0I "nd H2)0)2I+ the Societ$-s ru!es for ne, vesse!s in force "t
the time of entr$ into c!"ss ,i!! be "##!ied)
2)!)" Amendments to the ru!es m"$ be m"de retro"ctive)
2)!)' In c"ses ,here ru!e "mendments "re m"de "##!ic"b!e to e@istin% vesse!s "t the first "nnu"!+ intermedi"te
or rene,"! surve$ "fter " s#ecified d"te+ or "fter the vesse! re"ches " s#ecified "%e+ the e@#ir$ d"te of the re!"ted
surve$ time ,indo, sh"!! determine ,hen the ru!e "mendments become effective)
2)2 Sur1eys
2)2)! The obective of " surve$ sh"!! be to "scert"in th"t the vesse!+ its hu!! structure+ m"chiner$+ s$stems "nd
e.ui#ment "re in com#!i"nce ,ith the ru!es "nd suit"b!e for continued s"fe "nd re!i"b!e o#er"tion)
2)2)2 A surve$ m"$ consist of " combin"tion of visu"! ins#ections+ "udits+ me"surements+ function"! testin%+
non/destructive testin% "nd revie, of m"inten"nce "nd other re!ev"nt records)
2)2), The minimum e@tent of #rescribed #eriodic"! surve$s "re %iven in Ch)E) The Societ$ m"$ incre"se the
e@tent of " surve$ ,hen deemed necess"r$ in order to "scert"in the condition of the vesse!)
2), C%n+i$i%ns an+ .e.%ran+a
2),)! A Condition of C!"ss 'CC( ,i!! be im#osed for the fo!!o,in%9
: re#"irs "nd*or rene,"!s re!"ted to d"m"%e+ defect or bre"&do,n th"t "re sufficient!$ serious to "ffect
C!"ssific"tion 'e)%) %roundin%+ structur"! d"m"%es+ m"chiner$ d"m"%es+ ,"st"%e over the "!!o,"b!e !imits etc)(
: su##!ement"r$ surve$ re.uirements
: tem#or"r$ re#"irs)
Gui+ance n%$eC
Khen the Societ$ h"s been "uthorised to c"rr$ out " st"tutor$ surve$+ " Condition on beh"!f of the f!"% Administr"tion
'CA( ,i!! be im#osed for s#ecific me"sures+ re#"irs or surve$s th"t shou!d be c"rried out ,ithin " s#ecific time !imit
in order to ret"in the st"tutor$ certific"te)
2),)2 The Societ$ ,i!! issue " CC ,hen deemed necess"r$ to c"rr$ out e@"min"tions in order to "scert"in
,hether d"m"%e+ " defect or " deficienc$ h"s been sust"ined or is imminent)
2),), A CC m"$ cont"in the fo!!o,in%9
: " descri#tion of the deficienc$+ defect+ d"m"%e or the e@"min"tion re.uired
: re.uired "ction
: due d"te for the re.uired "ction to be com#!eted
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.5 1etention of class 0 3age 49
: #ossib!e tem#or"r$ re.uirements im#osed unti! the re.uired "ction h"s been com#!eted)
A!tern"tive!$ the CC m"$ refer to " surve$ re#ort for "bove det"i!s)
An "##roved re#"ir method m"$ be recommended "s #"rt of the re.uired "ction)
2),)" If " CC serious!$ "ffects the vesse!Os s"fet$ "nd re!i"bi!it$+ immedi"te "ction ,i!! be re.uired) Other,ise
" time !imit ,i!! be %iven for the "ction to be com#!eted)
2),)' A CC ,i!! be de!eted ,hen the Societ$+ throu%h " surve$ or received inform"tion+ h"s been s"tisfied th"t
re.uested "ction h"s been s"tisf"ctor$ com#!eted)
2),)/ For inform"tion re!"ted to the shi#+ its m"chiner$ "nd e.ui#ment or to ru!e re.uirements+ the Societ$ m"$
issue "n =emor"ndum to O,ner '=O() A =O m"$ su##!ement inform"tion %iven other,ise+ e)%) in the
A##endi@ to the c!"ss certific"te or the Societ$Os FRe%ister of Vesse!sG)
2),)4 An =O m"$ be used in the fo!!o,in% c"ses9
: e@em#tions from ru!e re.uirements
: "cce#ted devi"tions from ru!e re.uirements
: !imit"tions on the use of the shi# or its e.ui#ment
: defects or deficiencies of no concern to c!"ss
: de!eted c!"ss not"tions
: e.ui#ment in e@cess of c!"ss re.uirements disused
: inform"tion re!"ted to "%reed surve$ "rr"n%ements)
2),)5 Outst"ndin% findin%s m"$ be recorded "s " CC or "n =O) The$ ,i!! be %iven in ,ritin% "t com#!etion of
surve$s) Findin%s m"$ "!so be communic"ted verb"!!$ durin% the course of surve$s) Findin%s th"t h"ve been
corrected before the surve$ h"s been com#!eted ,i!! not be recorded "s CC)
2),)< The Societ$ m"$ "t "n$ time modif$ " CC or =O if considered "##ro#ri"te) The o,ner ,i!! be notified
2),)! CC or =O "re recorded in the vesse!-s c!"ss st"tus from ,here the$ ,i!! be de!eted ,hen no !on%er v"!id)
The o,ner ,i!! be notified "ccordin%!$)
2),)!! The o,ner ,i!! be informed of Retro"ctive Re.uirements 'RR()
2)" Sur1ey re-%r$s an+ sur1ey s$a$us
2)")! The surve$or ,i!! #re#"re to the customer re#orts on surve$s c"rried out)
2)")2 Surve$ re#orts m"$ cont"in the fo!!o,in% inform"tion+ to the e@tent "##!ic"b!e in e"ch c"se9
: t$#es of surve$s c"rried out
: certific"tes issued+ endorsed or e@tended
: d"m"%e+ defects "nd*or deficiencies observed
: confirm"tion th"t re#"irs h"ve been com#!eted "nd "cce#ted b$ the surve$or
: CC issued or de!eted
: =O issued or de!eted
: RR issued or de!eted)
2)"), The Societ$ ,i!! m"&e c!"ss st"tus re#orts "v"i!"b!e to customers on the Societ$Os Internet ,ebsite+ see
Sec)2 H0)JI)
It is the customer-s res#onsibi!it$ to obt"in this inform"tion from the Societ$Os Internet ,ebsite) Surve$ "nd
certific"te st"tus re#orts+ on #"#er+ m"$ be distributed u#on re.uest)
2)")" An$ document issued b$ the Societ$ in re!"tion to surve$s #erformed ref!ects the condition of the vesse!
"t the time of the surve$ on!$)
2)' Da.age an+ re-airs
2)')! Re#"irs sh"!! in %ener"! be c"rried out in such " ,"$ th"t the ori%in"! desi%n "nd sc"nt!in%s "re restored)
Possib!e desi%n modific"tions or reduced sc"nt!in%s b"sed on current ru!es ,hich "re !ess strin%ent th"n those
ori%in"!!$ enforced+ sh"!! be "##roved b$ the Societ$ before the re#"irs "re c"rried out)
2)')2 Re#"irs to the hu!! structure+ m"chiner$+ s$stems or e.ui#ment covered b$ the ru!es sh"!! be c"rried out
b$ .u"!ified #ersonne! "nd in com#!i"nce ,ith "##!ic"b!e ru!es+ ,ith %ood en%ineerin% #r"ctice "nd under the
su#ervision of " surve$or)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.5 1etention of class 0 3age +)
Gui+ance n%$eC
;uide!ines for hu!! re#"irs c"n be found in C!"ssific"tion Note No) C2)0)
2)'), Re#"irs "s sti#u!"ted in H2)B)2I m"$ be c"rried out ,ithout the "ttend"nce of " surve$or 'e)%) durin%
vo$"%e( #rovided " re#"ir #!"n is "cce#ted b$ the Societ$ in "dv"nce) A surve$or sh"!! be c"!!ed for "cce#t"nce
of such re#"irs ,hen com#!eted)
2)/ C%n1ersi%ns an+ al$era$i%ns
2)/)! Conversions or "!ter"tions of vesse!s sh"!! in %ener"! com#!$ ,ith the ru!es "##!ic"b!e "t the time of c!"ss
"ssi%nment) If current ru!es "re !ess strin%ent th"n those ori%in"!!$ in force+ then the current ru!es m"$ be
2)/)2 Khen conversion or "!ter"tion invo!ves modific"tion ,hich9
: subst"nti"!!$ "!ters the dimensions or c"rr$in% c"#"cit$ of the vesse! 'e)%) BQ ch"n%e in the unit-s
dis#!"cement(+ or
: ch"n%es the t$#e of vesse!+ or
: ch"n%es the m"in c!"ss of the vesse!+
the Societ$ ,i!! decide on the ru!es to be "##!ied)
2)/), If the hu!! structure+ m"chiner$+ s$stems or e.ui#ment sh"!! be converted or "!tered+ the ch"n%es sh"!! be
documented "nd be "##roved in the s"me m"nner "s for ne, vesse!s)
Gui+ance n%$eC
A!ter"tions to the hu!! structure+ m"chiner$+ s$stems "nd e.ui#ment m"de #ossib!e b$ "mendments of the "##!ic"b!e
ru!es m"$ be undert"&en #rovided the %ener"! s"fet$ "nd re!i"bi!it$ !eve! re.uired for retention of c!"ss ,i!! be
2)/)" Conversion or "!ter"tions sh"!! t"&e #!"ce under the su#ervision of " surve$or)
2)4 Te.-%rary e0ui-.en$
2)4)! The Societ$ sh"!! be informed before the inst"!!"tion of tem#or"r$ e.ui#ment "s defined in Sec)0 H2)2I)
2)4)2 Tem#or"r$ e.ui#ment covered b$ c!"ss sco#e sh"!! be "##roved "nd certified in !ine ,ith H0)0)BI)
2)4), For tem#or"r$ e.ui#ment outside c!"ss sco#e+ it sh"!! be confirmed th"t #!"cement of this e.ui#ment on
bo"rd does not ne%"tive!$ "ffect the s"fet$ of the unit)
Gui+ance n%$eC
For the consider"tion+ the fo!!o,in% is t$#ic"!!$ to be considered9
: esc"#e ,"$s sh"!! not been b!oc&ed
: the fire "nd %"s s$stem covers the tem#or"r$ e.ui#ment+ the e.ui#ment is covered b$ the ESD !o%ic
: the e.ui#ment-s !o"d is ,ithin dec& !o"d !imits
: the definition of h"M"rdous "re"s t"&es into "ccount the tem#) e.ui#ment
: the interf"ce to other s$stems covered b$ m"in c!"ss does not ne%"tive!$ "ffect their "v"i!"bi!it$)
: the e.ui#ment h"s #ro#er se" f"stenin%
, En+%rse.en$ an+ rene9al %& $he class cer$i&ica$e
,)! En+%rse.en$ %& $he class cer$i&ica$e
,)!)! The c!"ss certific"te ,i!! be endorsed u#on s"tisf"ctor$ com#!etion of "nnu"!+ intermedi"te "nd rene,"!
surve$s for m"in c!"ss)
The c!"ss certific"te ,i!! not be endorsed un!ess the fo!!o,in% h"s been de"!t ,ith "nd "cce#ted b$ the Societ$9
: overdue #eriodic"! c!"ss surve$s
: overdue continuous surve$ items
: overdue Conditions of C!"ss
: overdue Retro"ctive Re.uirement)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.5 1etention of class 0 3age +(
Gui+ance n%$eC
In the c"se ,here "n overdue surve$ is re!"ted to "n o#tion"! c!"ss not"tion+ the c!"ss certific"te m"$ be endorsed
#rovided the re!ev"nt o#tion"! c!"ss not"tion is sus#ended)
,)!)2 Khen the c!"ss certific"te is endorsed "t com#!etion of rene,"! surve$s+ the surve$or m"$ e@tend its
v"!idit$ "s necess"r$ but not more th"n to " d"te B months "fter the com#!etion d"te+ or "fter the e@#ir$ d"te of
the c!"ss certific"te+ ,hichever comes first)
,)!), In the c"se ,here #ost#onement of the rene,"! surve$ h"s been %r"nted u#on the customerOs ,ritten
re.uest+ the surve$or ,i!! endorse the c!"ss certific"te "nd e@tend its v"!idit$+ but not more th"n E months
be$ond the e@#ir$ d"te of the c!"ss certific"te)
,)!)" In the c"se ,here the m"in c!"ss "nnu"! surve$ is commenced #rior to the defined time ,indo,+ the
surve$ must be com#!eted not more th"n J months "fter the d"te of commencement) In such c"ses the certific"te
,i!! be endorsed for "dv"ncement of "nnivers"r$ d"te 'due d"te( for the subse.uent "nnu"! surve$s)
Gui+ance n%$eC
E@#ir$ d"te of the c!"ss certific"te m"$ rem"in unch"n%ed+ but "ddition"! surve$s m"$ be re.uired so th"t the
#rescribed surve$ interv"!s "re not e@ceeded)
,)2 Rene9al %& $he class cer$i&ica$e
,)2)! A ne, c!"ss certific"te ,i!! re#!"ce the e@istin% c!"ss certific"te ,hen rene,"! surve$ h"s been
s"tisf"ctor$ com#!eted "nd the Societ$ is s"tisfied th"t the re.uirements for retention of c!"ss h"ve been met)
,)2)2 The ne, c!"ss certific"te ,i!! be v"!id to " d"te not e@ceedin% B $e"rs from9
: the e@#ir$ d"te of the e@istin% certific"te ,hen the rene,"! surve$ h"s been com#!eted ,ithin E months
before the e@#ir$ d"te of the e@istin% certific"te+ or
: the e@#ir$ d"te of the e@istin% certific"te ,hen the rene,"! surve$ h"s been com#!eted "fter the e@#ir$ d"te
of the e@istin% certific"te+ or
: the com#!etion d"te of the rene,"! surve$ ,hen the rene,"! surve$ h"s been com#!eted more th"n E months
before the e@#ir$ d"te of the e@istin% certific"te+ or
: the com#!etion d"te of the rene,"! surve$ ,hen the rene,"! surve$ h"s been commenced more th"n 0B
months before the e@#ir$ d"te of the e@istin% certific"te)
,)2), In c"ses ,here #ost#onement of " rene,"! surve$ h"s been %r"nted+ the ne, c!"ss certific"te ,i!! be v"!id
to " d"te not e@ceedin% B $e"rs from the e@#ir$ d"te of the e@istin% certific"te before the e@tension ,"s %r"nted)
,)2)" In c"ses ,here the rene,"! surve$ is c"rried out concurrent!$ ,ith " conversion "s defined in H2)J)2I+ the
v"!idit$ of the ne, certific"te ,i!! be B $e"rs from the d"te of com#!etion of the conversion+ if so decided b$
the Societ$)
,)2)' For cert"in vesse!s the certific"te v"!idit$ "nd surve$ interv"!s m"$ be reduced b$ the Societ$)
" Sus-ensi%n an+ 9i$h+ra9al %& class
")! General
")!)! C!"ss m"$ be ,ithdr",n "t "n$ time if the Societ$ finds it ustified)
")!)2 The Societ$ m"$ sus#end or ,ithdr", " vesse!-s c!"ss ,here the conditions for retention of c!"ss+ h"ve
been vio!"ted 'see H0I()
")!), The decision to sus#end or ,ithdr", " vesse!-s c!"ss is m"de b$ the Societ$) Ho,ever+ in c"ses of
"utom"tic sus#ension+ see H7)2)0I "nd H7)2)2I+ no individu"! ev"!u"tion is m"de)
Sus#ension or ,ithdr","! of c!"ss m"$ t"&e effect immedi"te!$ or "fter " s#ecified #eriod of time) In s#eci"!
c"ses+ the sus#ension or ,ithdr","! of c!"ss m"$ be m"de ,ith retro"ctive effect 'see H7)2)BI()
")!)" If the vio!"tion on!$ "ffects re.uirements re!"ted to o#tion"! c!"ss not"tions+ the sus#ension or ,ithdr","!
m"$ be !imited to these c!"ss not"tions on!$)
")!)' Khen c!"ss is sus#ended or ,ithdr",n the Societ$ ,i!!9
: notif$ the customer in ,ritin%
: notif$ the f!"% "dministr"tion
: m"&e "n entr$ to this effect in the Societ$Os FRe%ister of Vesse!sG
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.5 1etention of class 0 3age +#
: m"&e the inform"tion #ub!ic!$ "v"i!"b!e)
In the c"ses of c!"ss sus#ension+ " time !imit ,i!! be %iven for ,hen the c!"ss ,i!! be ,ithdr",n)
")2 Sus-ensi%n %& class
")2)! The c!"ss ,i!! "utom"tic"!!$ be sus#ended ,ith immedi"te effect if the rene,"! surve$s for hu!!+
m"chiner$+ s$stems "nd e.ui#ment re!"ted to m"in c!"ss "re not com#!eted before the e@#ir$ d"te of the c!"ss
certific"te+ "nd no #ost#onement h"s been %r"nted or un!ess the vesse! is under "ttend"nce for com#!etion of
the surve$)
")2)2 If the "nnu"! or intermedi"te surve$s for m"in c!"ss "re not com#!eted ,ithin E months from the
"nnivers"r$ d"te of the c!"ss certific"te+ the c!"ss is "utom"tic"!!$ sus#ended ,ith immedi"te effect+ un!ess the
vesse! is under "ttend"nce for com#!etion of the surve$)
")2), The Societ$ m"$ decide to sus#end " vesse!-s c!"ss if the vesse! is deemed to be un"b!e to continue s"fe
"nd re!i"b!e o#er"tion+ e)%) "s " resu!t of " m"or c"su"!t$)
")2)" If "n$ outst"ndin% debt o,ed to the Societ$ is not #"id ,ithin " notified d"te+ the Societ$ m"$ sus#end
the vesse!-s c!"ss ,ith immedi"te effect)
")2)' In "ddition to the conditions !"id do,n in H7)2)0I+ H7)2)2I "nd H7)2)EI+ " vesse!-s c!"ss m"$ be sus#ended
,ith immedi"te effect in c"ses ,here9
: re#"ir of deficiencies h"s not been c"rried out or other,ise de"!t ,ith in "n "##ro#ri"te m"nner+ or
: re#"ir of deficiencies h"s not been surve$ed "nd "cce#ted b$ the surve$or+
: other re.uirements im#osed b$ the Societ$)
")2)/ C!"ss ,i!! not be "utom"tic"!!$ sus#ended "ccordin% to H7)2)0I or H7)2)2I ,hi!st " vesse! is !"id u#+
#rovided the re.uirements in Ch)E for !"$/u# surve$s "re com#!ied ,ith)
"), Reins$a$e.en$ &%ll%9ing class sus-ensi%n
"),)! If the overdue surve$s !e"din% to c!"ss sus#ension "s %iven in H7)2)0I+ H7)2)2I "nd H7)2)EI or re.uirements
"s %iven in H7)2)BI "re c"rried out ,ithin the s#ecified time+ the c!"ss ,i!! be reinst"ted #rovided the fo!!o,in%
is met9
"( The resu!t of the surve$ is such th"t "!! observed deficiencies "re s"tisf"ctor$ rectified) The Societ$ m"$
"fter consider"tion "cce#t th"t minor deficiencies "re #endin% to be c"rried out)
b( No overdue #eriodic"! surve$s or overdue Conditions of C!"ss "t th"t time)
"),)2 The Societ$ reserves the ri%ht to dec!ine "n "##!ic"tion for reinst"tement of c!"ss)
"),), Khen the c!"ss is reinst"ted+ the Societ$ ,i!! confirm this in ,ritin% to the customer "nd to the f!"%
")" Wi$h+ra9al %& class
")")! The c!"ss ,i!! be ,ithdr",n "t the customer-s re.uest)
")")2 If the overdue surve$s s#ecified in H7)2)0I+ H7)2)2I "nd H7)2)EI or re.uired re#"irs "s %iven in H7)2)BI "re
not c"rried out ,ithin the s#ecified time "fter the c!"ss sus#ension+ the Societ$ ,i!! ,ithdr", the vesse!-s c!"ss)
")"), Khen " vesse! !e"ves #ort or st"rts o#er"tion ,ithout h"vin% rectified " condition of c!"ss ,hich ,"s
re.uired to be de"!t ,ith before !e"vin% #ort+ the c!"ss ,i!! be ,ithdr",n ,ith immedi"te effect)
")")" If the Societ$ becomes ","re th"t " vesse! continues o#er"tion ,ith serious d"m"%e or defects in
vio!"tion of c!"ss re.uirements+ the c!"ss m"$ be ,ithdr",n ,ith effect from the time this bec"me &no,n to
the Societ$) The c!"ss ,ithdr","! m"$ be m"de retro"ctive)
")")' Khen it is considered th"t " customer-s f"i!ure to com#!$ ,ith ru!e re.uirements is sufficient!$ serious
or fr"udu!ent the ,ithdr","! of c!"ss m"$+ "t the discretion of the Societ$+ be e@tended to inc!ude other vesse!s
contro!!ed or o#er"ted b$ the s"me customer)
")")/ If the outst"ndin% debt o,ed to the Societ$ is not #"id ,ithin " notified d"te+ the Societ$ m"$ ,ithdr",
the vesse!-s c!"ss ,ith one month-s ,ritten notice) This "!so "##!ies ,hen the ob!i%"tion to #"$ rests ,ith " $"rd
or ,ith the vesse!-s #revious o,ners) In s#eci"! c"ses " shorter notice m"$ be %iven)
")")4 If the customer m"&es " %ener"! "ssi%nment for the benefit of his creditors or if "n$ #roceedin%s "re
commenced in court or "n$ order or ud%ement is %iven b$ "n$ court for !i.uid"tion+ ,indin% u# of the
customer+ the Societ$ m"$ ,ithdr", the c!"ss ,ith immedi"te effect)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.5 1etention of class 0 3age +4
")")5 For vesse!s h"vin% st"tutor$ certific"tes issued b$ third #"rties+ e@ce#t in those c"ses defined in Sec)2
HE)0I+ the c!"ss m"$ be ,ithdr",n)
")' Re8assign.en$ %& class &%ll%9ing class 9i$h+ra9al
")')! In "!! other c"ses th"n th"t %iven in H7)7)0I+ "nd if the circumst"nces !e"din% to ,ithdr","! of c!"ss no
!on%er e@ist+ " vesse!-s m"$ be re/"ssi%ned c!"ss u#on ,ritten re.uest) The e@tent of surve$ ,i!! in such
inst"nces be decided b$ the Societ$)
")')2 The Societ$ reserves the ri%ht to dec!ine "n "##!ic"tion for re/"ssi%nment of c!"ss)
")'), A ne, c!"ss certific"te ,i!! be issued ,hen the surve$ h"s been s"tisf"ctor$ com#!eted "nd the Societ$
is s"tisfied th"t the re.uirements for retention of c!"ss h"ve been met)
")')" Khen the vesse! is re/"ssi%ned c!"ss+ the Societ$ ,i!! confirm this in ,ritin% to the customer "nd to the
f!"% "dministr"tion "nd m"&e the inform"tion #ub!ic!$ "v"i!"b!e)
' Change %& %9ner %r .anager
')! General
')!)! A vesse! sh"!! ret"in c!"ss ,hen tr"nsferred to "nother o,ner or m"n"%er) The #revious customer sh"!!
%ive the Societ$ immedi"te notice+ in ,ritin%+ of such tr"nsfers) Ob!i%"tions "ccordin% to the ru!es sh"!! rem"in
,ith the #revious customer unti! the Societ$ is in recei#t of such notice+ in ,ritin%) See H0)2I)
')!)2 C!"ss not"tions "nd surve$ "rr"n%ements b"sed on certific"tion of the m"n"%ement of o#er"tions ,i!! be
de!eted "utom"tic"!!$ ,hen the m"n"%ement of " vesse! is tr"nsferred)
/ F%rce .a:eure
/)! General
/)!)! If due to force m"eure+ the vesse! is not in #ort or in she!tered ,"ters ,hen surve$s become overdue the
Societ$ m"$ "!!o, the vesse! to s"i!+ in c!"ss+ direct!$ to "n "%reed disch"r%e #ort "nd then+ if necess"r$+ in
b"!!"st to "n "%reed re#"ir f"ci!it$ "t ,hich the surve$ c"n be com#!eted) In this conte@t the FForce ="eureG
me"ns d"m"%e to the vesse!+ unforeseen in"bi!it$ of surve$ors to "ttend the vesse! due to %overnment"!
restrictions on ri%ht of "ccess or movement of #ersonne!+ unforeseen de!"$s in #ort or in"bi!it$ to disch"r%e
c"r%o due to unusu"!!$ !en%th$ #eriods of severe ,e"ther+ stri&es+ civi! strife+ "cts of ,"r or other force m"eure)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.6 ,ertification of materials, components and systems 0 3age ++
! General
!)! General
!)!)! The sco#e of c!"ssific"tion re.uires th"t s#ecified m"teri"!s+ com#onents "nd s$stems intended for the
vesse! "re certified "ccordin% to the ru!es) The obective of certific"tion sh"!! ensure th"t m"teri"!s+ com#onents
"nd s$stems used in vesse!s to be c!"ssed b$ the Societ$ com#!$ ,ith the ru!e re.uirements)
Certific"tion norm"!!$ inc!udes both #!"n "##rov"! "nd surve$ durin% #roduction of the fin"! #roduct 'see H2)2I
"nd H2)EI()
!)!)2 The "##!ic"b!e ch"#ters of the ru!es define the e@tent of the certific"tion th"t is re.uired for c!"ssific"tion)
!)2 Re0uire.en$s &%r .anu&ac$urer
!)2)! ="nuf"cturers of m"teri"!s+ com#onents "nd s$stems of c"te%ories not covered b$ Sec)7 H0)2I sh"!! be
considered for "##rov"! "ccordin% to criteri" est"b!ished b$ the Societ$+ "s "##!ic"b!e)
!)2)2 <u"!it$ contro! of m"teri"!s+ com#onents "nd s$stems+ sh"!! be tr"ce"b!e "nd documented in ,ritin%)
Further+ .u"!it$ contro! sh"!! be c"rried out b$ .u"!ified #ersonne! "t f"ci!ities "nd ,ith e.ui#ment suit"b!e for
th"t contro!)
2 The classi&ica$i%n in1%l1e.en$
2)! General
2)!)! Certific"tion of m"teri"!s+ com#onents "nd s$stems ,i!! be documented b$ the fo!!o,in% t$#es of
( %et +ors,e -eritas Product Certificate '+-(:
A document si%ned b$ " surve$or of the Societ$ st"tin%9
: conformit$ ,ith ru!e re.uirements
: th"t tests "re c"rried out on the certified #roduct itse!f
: th"t tests "re m"de on s"m#!es t"&en from the certified #roduct itse!f
: th"t tests "re #erformed in #resence of the surve$or or in "ccord"nce ,ith s#eci"! "%reements)
!( %et +ors,e -eritas Type #pproval Certificate 'T#(:
A document v"!id"ted "nd si%ned b$ " surve$or of the Societ$ st"tin%9
: conformit$ ,ith ru!e desi%n re.uirements)
"( .2 &utual Recognition Type #pproval Certificate:
A document v"!id"ted "nd si%ned b$ " surve$or of " reco%nised or%"nis"tion 'RO( ,ithin E4 st"tin%9
: conformit$ ,ith the common!$ "%reed desi%n re.uirements for =utu"! Reco%nition "s !"id do,n in the
individu"! RO-s %overnin% documents)
Gui+ance n%$eC
These certific"tes "re norm"!!$ mutu"!!$ "cce#ted b$ "!! E4 RO-s)
Covers on!$ "%reed com#onents) These "re "t "n$ time !isted in the overvie, of T$#e A##rov"! for =utu"!
Reco%nition on the DNV Internet)
<( :or,s Certificate ':(
A document si%ned b$ the m"nuf"cturer st"tin%9
: conformit$ ,ith ru!e re.uirements
: th"t tests "re c"rried out on the certified #roduct itse!f
: th"t tests "re m"de on s"m#!es t"&en from the certified #roduct itse!f
: th"t tests "re ,itnessed "nd si%ned b$ " .u"!ified de#"rtment of the m"nuf"cturers)
=( Test Report 'TR(
A document si%ned b$ the m"nuf"cturer st"tin%9
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.6 ,ertification of materials, components and systems 0 3age +5
: conformit$ ,ith ru!e re.uirements
: th"t tests "re c"rried out on s"m#!es from the current #roduction)
The "##!ic"b!e ch"#ters "nd sections of the ru!es s#ecif$ ,hich of the "bove mentioned documents "re re.uired)
2)!)2 Khere the ru!es re.uire ,or&s certific"te or test re#ort+ the surve$or m"$ "t "n$ time re.uire the tests to
be c"rried out in his #resence "nd*or th"t the surve$or chec& e!ements of the #roduction contro!)
2)!), For identific"tion "nd tr"ce"bi!it$+ certified #roducts sh"!! be m"r&ed in "ccord"nce ,ith the descri#tion
%iven in the #roduct certific"te "nd "s s#ecified b$ the "##!ic"b!e ch"#ters of the ru!es)
2)!)" For cert"in com#onents "nd s$stems the certific"tion ,i!! be b"sed on defined intern"tion"!!$ "cce#t"b!e
st"nd"rds "nd certific"tion schemes "s defined in "##!ic"b!e ch"#ters of the ru!es) Com#!i"nce ,ith the
re.uirements of the st"nd"rd sh"!! be documented "s re.uired b$ th"t st"nd"rd)
2)!)' To ensure "n efficient+ cost effective "nd correct certific"tion #rocess+ " certific"tion "%reement sh"!!
norm"!!$ be est"b!ished bet,een the Societ$ "nd the m"nuf"cturer of NV certified #roducts) Such "%reement m"$
be #"rt of " m"nuf"cturin% surve$ "rr"n%ement 'see H2)BI( "nd sh"!! inc!ude inform"tion on the #rocedures for
#!"n "##rov"! "nd surve$ "nd to s#ecif$ inform"tion th"t sh"!! be tr"nsferred bet,een the customer "nd the
2)2 2lan a--r%1al
2)2)! The #!"n "##rov"! of m"teri"!s+ com#onents "nd s$stems sh"!! either be on " c"se b$ c"se b"sis or fo!!o,
the #rocedure for t$#e "##rov"!+ see H2)EI)
2)2)2 Khen the c"se b$ c"se #rocedure is used+ document"tion of the desi%n sh"!! be submitted for "##rov"!
for e"ch "##!ic"tion "s re.uired in the "##!ic"b!e ch"#ters of the ru!es)
2)2), A #!"n "##rov"! !etter or desi%n verific"tion re#ort ,i!! be issued b$ the Societ$ ,hen com#!i"nce ,ith
the re.uirements for the desi%n h"s been confirmed)
2), Ty-e a--r%1al
2),)! Type approval is " #rocedure for #!"n "##rov"!) T$#e "##rov"! c"n be "##!ied to9
: #roducts
: %rou#s of #roducts
: s$stems
: retention surve$)
This #rocedure shou!d norm"!!$ be used for "##rov"! of st"nd"rd desi%ns)
2),)2 The t$#e "##rov"! #rocedure m"$ consist of the fo!!o,in% e!ements9
: #!"n "##rov"!
: initi"! surve$
: t$#e testin%
: issue of " t$#e "##rov"! certific"te)
The t$#e "##rov"! #rocedure used b$ the Societ$ is described in St"nd"rd for Certific"tion No) 0)2)
2),), Khen the t$#e "##rov"! #rocedure is used+ the fo!!o,in% sh"!! be submitted for "##rov"! "s re.uired in
t$#e "##rov"! #ro%r"mmes "nd the "##!ic"b!e ch"#ters of the ru!es9
: document"tion of the desi%n
: resu!ts of t$#e testin% norm"!!$ ,itnessed b$ " surve$or)
A t$#e "##rov"! certific"te ,i!! be issued b$ the Societ$ ,hen com#!i"nce ,ith the desi%n re.uirements is
confirmed) The t$#e "##rov"! certific"te h"s " v"!idit$ of 2 or 7 $e"rs de#endin% on t$#e of m"teri"!+ com#onent
or s$stem for ,hich the certific"te is issued)
2),)" For cert"in #roducts "nd s$stems "s defined in "##!ic"b!e ch"#ters of the ru!es+ on!$ t$#e "##rov"! is
re.uired) For these #roducts "nd s$stems no surve$ is re.uired+ i)e) no #roduct certific"te is re.uired)
2),)' For cert"in #roducts "nd s$stems "s defined in the "##!ic"b!e ch"#ters of the ru!es+ t$#e "##rov"! is "
m"nd"tor$ #rocedure for #!"n "##rov"!)
2),)/ Products "nd s$stems m"nuf"ctured for stoc& sh"!! norm"!!$ be t$#e "##roved)
2),)4 For t$#e "##roved #roducts+ ,here the b"sis for "##rov"! is the ru!es of the Societ$+ #!"ns "nd technic"!
descri#tions of the #roduct need not be submitted for "##rov"! for e"ch vesse! un!ess other,ise st"ted "s "
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.6 ,ertification of materials, components and systems 0 3age +6
condition on the t$#e "##rov"! certific"te) In such c"ses on!$ the "rr"n%ement or s$stem #!"ns+ interf"ce #!"ns
"nd those #!"ns mentioned on the t$#e "##rov"! certific"te sh"!! be submitted for "##rov"!)
2)" Sur1ey
2)")! The surve$ of m"teri"!s+ com#onents "nd s$stems sh"!! either be on " c"se b$ c"se b"sis or on the b"sis
of "n est"b!ished m"nuf"cturin% surve$ "rr"n%ement '=SA(+ see H2)BI)
2)")2 Khen the c"se b$ c"se #rocedure is used+ the surve$ sh"!! be #erformed on the b"sis of "##roved desi%n
document"tion for the "ctu"! "##!ic"tion "nd "s re.uired in the "##!ic"b!e DNV Offshore St"nd"rds) Com#!i"nce
,ith the "##roved desi%n document"tion "nd "##!ic"b!e re.uirements ,i!! be documented b$ certific"tes "s
re.uired in the "##!ic"b!e ch"#ters of the ru!es)
2)"), Khen the surve$ is b"sed on "n =SA+ the surve$ sh"!! be #erformed on the b"sis of "##roved desi%n
document"tion+ "##!ic"b!e ru!e re.uirements "nd in "ccord"nce ,ith re.uirements "nd #rocedures !"id do,n
in the =SA) Com#!i"nce ,ith the "##roved desi%n document"tion "nd "##!ic"b!e re.uirements sh"!! be
documented b$ certific"tes "s s#ecified in the =SA "nd*or "s re.uired in the "##!ic"b!e ch"#ters of the ru!es)
2)' Manu&ac$uring sur1ey arrange.en$
2)')! Khen the #rocedures "nd #rocesses of " m"nuf"cturer-s .u"!it$ s$stem meet the re.uirements of the
ru!es+ " m"nuf"cturin% surve$ "rr"n%ement '=SA( m"$ be est"b!ished ,ith the m"nuf"cturer "s "n "!tern"tive
to the surve$ described in the "##!ic"b!e ru!e ch"#ters)
2)')2 The =SA sh"!! be described in " document st"tin% the re.uirements+ sco#e+ "cce#t"nce criteri"+
document"tion "nd the ro!es of the Societ$ "nd the m"nuf"cturer in connection ,ith the surve$)
2)'), Khen it is "%reed throu%h "n =SA th"t the m"orit$ of the re.uired surve$s "nd test "re com#!eted
,ithout the #resence of " surve$or+ it re.uired th"t the m"nuf"cturer h"s in o#er"tion " .u"!it$ s$stem certified
b$ "n "ccredited certific"tion bod$ to ISO A110+ or e.uiv"!ent)
2)')" Khen est"b!ishin% "n =SA+ "n initi"! "ssessment of the m"nuf"cturer-s "bi!it$ to contro! #roduct .u"!it$
"nd to com#!$ ,ith the sco#e+ re.uirements "nd criteri" !"id do,n in the =SA ,i!! be #erformed)
The e@tent "nd fre.uenc$ of #eriodic"! "ssessments of the m"nuf"cturer ,i!! be inc!uded in the =SA)
2)')' A =SA is norm"!!$ %iven " v"!idit$ of 7 $e"rs) Khen the =SA is b"sed on " certified .u"!it$ s$stem+
the =SA "utom"tic"!!$ becomes inv"!id if the .u"!it$ s$stem certific"te no !on%er is v"!id)
, Sus-ensi%n an+ 9i$h+ra9al %& cer$i&ica$es
,)! General
,)!)! A #roduct certific"te+ t$#e "##rov"! certific"te or "##rov"! of m"nuf"cturer certific"te m"$ be sus#ended
or ,ithdr",n "t "n$ time if the Societ$ finds it ustified)
,)!)2 The decision to sus#end or ,ithdr", " certific"te is m"de b$ the Societ$)
Sus#ension or ,ithdr","! of " certific"te m"$ t"&e effect immedi"te!$ or "fter " s#ecified #eriod of time) In
s#eci"! c"ses+ the ,ithdr","! of " certific"te m"$ be m"de ,ith retro"ctive effect)
,)!), Khen " certific"te is sus#ended or ,ithdr",n the Societ$ ,i!!9
: notif$ the customer in ,ritin%
: m"&e the inform"tion #ub!ic!$ "v"i!"b!e)
In the c"ses of sus#ension+ " time !imit ,i!! be %iven for ,hen the certific"te ,i!! be ,ithdr",n)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.( "ec.7 :egal provisions 0 3age +7
! 7ia6ili$y an+ :uris+ic$i%n
!)! 7i.i$e+ lia6ili$y
!)!)! If "n$ #erson suffers !oss or d"m"%e ,hich is #roven to h"ve been c"used b$ "n$ ne%!i%ent "ct or
omission of the Societ$+ then the Societ$ sh"!! #"$ com#ens"tion to such #erson for his #roven direct !oss or
d"m"%e) Ho,ever+ the com#ens"tion sh"!! not e@ceed "n "mount e.u"! to ten times the fee ch"r%ed for the
service in .uestion) The m"@imum com#ens"tion sh"!! never e@ceed 4SD 2 mi!!ion)
!)!)2 The "bove !imit"tion of !i"bi!it$ sh"!! "!so "##!$ to the re!ev"nt F!"% "dministr"tion+ for "n$ services
#rovided hereunder on beh"!f of such F!"% "dministr"tion+ to the s"me e@tent "s it "##!ies to the Societ$)
!)!), A #erson re!$in% on "n$ ,or& subect to the Ru!es c"nnot brin% "n$ c!"ims in e@cess of the "bove
!imit"tion of !i"bi!it$ "%"inst the Societ$ "nd*or the F!"% Administr"tion "nd nothin% herein sh"!! be construed
"s %r"ntin% " #"rt$ the ri%ht to cumu!"te or "%%re%"te this !imit"tion of !i"bi!it$) Further+ s"id #erson undert"&es
to #"$ to the Societ$ "n$ sums ","rded "%"inst the F!"% Administr"tion in res#ect of c!"ims+ !osses+ d"m"%es+
costs+ e@#enses "nd !i"bi!ities+ "nd sh"!! s"ve+ indemnif$+ defend "nd ho!d h"rm!ess the Societ$ in ever$ res#ect+
if " c!"im is brou%ht "%"inst the F!"% Administr"tion in bre"ch of this ob!i%"tion)
!)!)" In this #rovision the FSociet$G sh"!! me"n the Found"tion Det Nors&e Verit"s "s ,e!! "s "!! its
subsidi"ries+ directors+ officers+ em#!o$ees+ "%ents "nd "n$ other "ctin% on beh"!f of Det Nors&e Verit"s)
!)2 Use 6y %$her -ar$ies
!)2)! These ru!es "re under the so!e o,nershi# ri%hts "nd co#$/ri%hts of the Societ$) It is #rohibited b$ "n$one
e!se th"n the Societ$ to offer "nd*or #erform c!"ssific"tion or other services+ ,ho!!$ or #"rt!$+ on the b"sis of
"nd*or #ursu"nt to these ru!es) The Societ$ is not res#onsib!e for the conse.uences "risin% from the #ossib!e
un/"uthorised use of the Ru!es b$ others)
!), G%1erning la9
!),)! These ru!es+ the c!"ssific"tion of the vesse! "nd the re!"tionshi# bet,een DNV "nd other #"rties sh"!! be
%overned b$ Nor,e%i"n !",)
!)" ;enue
!)")! An$ dis#ute "risin% in re!"tion to or "s " conse.uence of these ru!es sh"!! on!$ be reso!ved b$ the courts
of Nor,"$+ the =unici#"! Court of Os!o bein% the #ro#er venue)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.( Design and construction reuirements for (-( ;&! main class 0 3age +8
! General
!)! *n$r%+uc$i%n
!)!)! This section identifies desi%n "nd construction re.uirements common to "!! t$#es of mobi!e offshore
units) 4nits com#!$in% ,ith these re.uirements ,i!! be "ssi%ned " m"in ch"r"cter of c!"ss 1A1 fo!!o,ed b$
" descri#tion of the b"sic desi%n conce#t of the unit+ e)%) co!umn/st"bi!ised unit)
!)!)2 The fo!!o,in% disci#!ine "re"s "re covered ,ithin m"in c!"ss9
: s"fet$ #rinci#!es "nd "rr"n%ement
: m"teri"!s
: hu!! desi%n "nd f"bric"tion
: tem#or"r$ moorin% "nd to,in%
: st"bi!it$+ ,"terti%ht "nd ,e"therti%ht inte%rit$
: m"rine "nd m"chiner$ s$stems "nd e.ui#ment
: e!ectric"! s$stems "nd e.ui#ment
: instrument"tion "nd te!ecommunic"tion s$stems
: fire #rotection)
!)!), S$stems "nd structures ,i!! be certified or c!"ssified b"sed on the fo!!o,in% m"in "ctivities9
: desi%n "##rov"!
: certific"tion of m"teri"!s "nd com#onents
: surve$ durin% construction "nd inst"!!"tion
: surve$ durin% commissionin%)
Further descri#tion of "ctivit$ #rocedures "re %iven in Ch)0 Sec)7)
!)!)" The re.uirements of this section "re %iven "s9
: references to st"nd"rds+ codes "nd ru!es cont"inin% technic"! re.uirements ,hich sh"!! be com#!ied ,ith
for "ssi%nment of m"in c!"ss
: su##!ement"r$ re.uirements ,hich sh"!! be "##!ied in conunction ,ith the technic"! reference documents
for "ssi%nment of c!"ss
: re.uirements for certific"tion of m"teri"!s "nd com#onents)
!)2 Technical re&erence +%cu.en$s
!)2)! Technic"! re.uirements "re %iven b$ reference to se!ected9
: DNV offshore st"nd"rds
: DNV recommended #r"ctices
: other DNV ru!es "nd st"nd"rds
: intern"tion"!!$ reco%nised codes "nd st"nd"rds)
!)2)2 The technic"! reference documents ,hich sh"!! be "##!ied "re %iven in the fo!!o,in% subsections "nd "re
summ"rised in T"b!e 0/2)
!), General assu.-$i%ns
!),)! An$ devi"tions+ e@ce#tions "nd modific"tions to the desi%n codes "nd st"nd"rds %iven "s reference
documents sh"!! be documented "nd "##roved b$ DNV)
!),)2 Khere referred codes "nd st"nd"rds c"!! for the e@tent of ins#ections "nd tests to be "%reed bet,een
contr"ctor+ m"nuf"cturer "nd customer+ the resu!tin% e@tent is to be "%reed ,ith DNV)
DNV m"$ "cce#t "!tern"tive so!utions found to re#resent "n over"!! s"fet$ !eve! e.uiv"!ent to th"t st"ted in the
re.uirements of this document or the referred st"nd"rds)

&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.( Design and construction reuirements for (-( ;&! main class 0 3age +9
2 Sa&e$y -rinci-les an+ arrange.en$
2)! General
2)!)! S"fet$ #rinci#!es "nd "rr"n%ement inc!ude the fo!!o,in% disci#!ine "re"s9
: desi%n #rinci#!es+ inc!udin% %eneric "ccident"! !o"ds
: "rr"n%ementP inc!udin% se%re%"tion of "re"s "nd !oc"tion of #!"nts "nd e.ui#ment
: esc"#e "nd ev"cu"tion)
2)2 Design -rinci-les
2)2)! The re.uirements %iven in DNV/OS/A010 Ch)2 Sec)0+ sh"!! be com#!ied ,ith)
2), Arrange.en$
2),)! Arr"n%ement of the unit sh"!! be in "ccord"nce ,ith the re.uirements of DNV/OS/A010 Ch)2 Sec)2)
2)" Esca-e an+ e1acua$i%n
2)")! Esc"#e "nd ev"cu"tion sh"!! be in "ccord"nce ,ith DNV/OS/A010 Ch)2 Sec)B)
, Ma$erials
,)! Technical re0uire.en$s
,)!)! ="teri"!s for9
: ro!!ed stee! for structur"! "##!ic"tions+ boi!ers "nd #ressure vesse!s
: stee! tubes+ #i#es "nd fittin%s
: stee! for%in%s
: stee! c"stin%s
: "!uminium "!!o$s
sh"!! com#!$ ,ith the re.uirements %iven b$ DNV/OS/>010 un!ess other,ise st"ted in the re!ev"nt technic"! reference
,)2 Su--le.en$ary classi&ica$i%n re0uire.en$s
,)2)! Certific"tion re.uirements for m"teri"!s "re %iven in DNV/OS/>010 Ch)E)
,)2)2 Ro!!ed+ for%ed or c"st e!ements of stee! "nd "!uminium for structur"! "##!ic"tion sh"!! be su##!ied ,ith
DNV-s m"teri"! certific"tes in com#!i"nce ,ith the re.uirements %iven in DNV/OS/>010)
" S$ruc$ural +esign
")! Sc%-e
")!)! C!"ss sco#e on structur"! desi%n common to "!! t$#e of mobi!e offshore units "nd "!! services covers the
fo!!o,in% "s#ects9
: hu!! inc!) su#erstructure
: cr"ne #edest"!s 'Pedest"! be!o, s!e,in% rin%(
: "tt"chment of he!idec& su##ort structure
: found"tion "nd su##ort for he"v$ e.ui#ment 'e.ui#ment ,here the st"tic forces e@ceed B1 &N or resu!tin%
st"tic bendin% moments "t dec& e@ceed 011 &Nm()
Addition"! e!ements re!ev"nt for s#ecific service "re !isted in the subse.uent sections)
")!)2 E@c!uded from the sco#e "re
: ice "nd soi! conditions
: e"rth.u"&e "nd other environment"! events defined b$ "n "nnu"! #rob"bi!it$ e.u"! or !o,er th"n to 01
")!), Tr"nsit conditions "re inc!uded in the structur"! desi%n sco#e of ,or&) Tem#or"r$ conditions "re not
inc!uded un!ess s#ecific"!!$ s#ecified) See definitions in Ch)0 Sec)0 H2I)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.( Design and construction reuirements for (-( ;&! main class 0 3age 5)
")2 Technical re0uire.en$s
")2)! Structur"! desi%n sh"!! com#!$ ,ith the fo!!o,in% desi%n codes "nd "##roved either on the #rinci#!es of
the Kor&in% Stress Desi%n 'KSD( method or the 3RFD methodo!o%$ de#endin% on hu!! sh"#e "s !isted in
T"b!e 0/0)
' Fa6rica$i%n an+ $es$ing %& %&&sh%re s$ruc$ures
')! Technical re0uire.en$s
')!)! Re.uirements for9
: ,e!din% #rocedures "nd .u"!ific"tion of ,e!ders
: f"bric"tion "nd to!er"nces
: testin%
: corrosion #rotection s$stems
sh"!! be in "ccord"nce ,ith DNV/OS/C710)
Gui+ance n%$eC
The term FPurch"serG in this st"nd"rd shou!d be understood "s DNV)
')2 Su--le.en$ary classi&ica$i%n re0uire.en$s
')2)! C!"ssific"tion #rocedures s#ecific"!!$ re!"ted to f"bric"tion "nd testin% of offshore structures "re %iven
in DNV/OS/C710 Ch)E)
/ S$a6ili$y an+ 9a$er$igh$=9ea$her$igh$ in$egri$y
/)! Technical re0uire.en$s
/)!)! Re.uirements for9
: int"ct "nd d"m"%ed st"bi!it$
: ,"terti%ht inte%rit$
: freebo"rd
: ,e"therti%ht c!osin% "##!i"nces
sh"!! be in "ccord"nce ,ith DNV/OS/CE10)
/)!)2 If onbo"rd com#uters for st"bi!it$ c"!cu!"tions "re inst"!!ed+ these s$stems sh"!! be "##roved in
"ccord"nce ,ith re.uirements in Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)J Ch)A)
4 2%si$i%n >ee-ing an+ $%9ing
4)! General
4)!)! De#endin% on t$#e of unit+ m"in c!"ss sti#u!"tes re.uirements for9
: Position &ee#in%
: tem#or"r$ moorin%
: to,in%)
Gui+ance n%$eC
The "bove inc!udes both norm"! "nd emer%enc$ to,in%) For the definitions of these "nd tem#or"r$ moorin% '"s
o##osed to #ositionin% moorin%( see Ch)0 Sec)2)2)
Ta6le !8! O1er1ie9 %& s$ruc$ural +esign re0uire.en$s an+ .e$h%+s
:S% 7R1%
Shi# sh"#ed DNV/OS/C012 DNV/OS/C012+ Sec)0E
Co!umn st"b DNV/OS/C210 DNV/OS/C01E
Se!f/e!ev"tin% DNV/OS/C210 DNV/OS/C017
Tension !e% DNV/OS/C210 DNV/OS/C01B
Dee# dr"u%ht DNV/OS/C210 DNV/OS/C01J
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.( Design and construction reuirements for (-( ;&! main class 0 3age 5(
4)!)2 Khen re.uested b$ the O,ner or if re.uired b$ f!"% "dministr"tions+ DNV c"n #erform certific"tion of
the com#!ete moorin% e.ui#ment "ccordin% to the POSMOOR not"tion or the re!ev"nt n"tion"! re%u!"tions)
4)2 2%si$i%n >ee-ing
4)2)! For shi#/sh"#ed "nd co!umn/st"bi!ised units+ the "ddition"! c!"ss not"tion POSMOOR or D/NPOS-
AUTR is m"nd"tor$)
4)2)2 For dee# dr"u%ht t$#es+ the "ddition"! c!"ss not"tion POSMOOR is m"nd"tor$)
4)2), Certific"tion re.uirements for e.ui#ment sh"!! be "s %iven in DNV/OS/EE10 Ch)E)
4), Te.-%rary .%%ring
4),)! Se!f #ro#e!!ed units sh"!! h"ve "n "rr"n%ement for tem#or"r$ moorin%) Shi#/sh"#ed units sh"!! h"ve "n
"rr"n%ement com#!$in% ,ith the Ru!es for Shi#s+ Pt)E Ch)E Sec)E+ other structur"! desi%ns sh"!! h"ve "n
"rr"n%ement com#!$in% ,ith DNV/OS/EE10 Ch)E)
4),)2 For units ,ith the "ddition"! c!"ss not"tion POSMOOR+ the re.uirements for tem#or"r$ moorin% "re
norm"!!$ covered ,ithin this not"tion)
4),), For units ,ith the "ddition"! c!"ss not"tions D/NPOS-AUTR "nd D/NPOS-AUTRO "nd for non/se!f
#ro#e!!ed units+ the inst"!!"tion of tem#or"r$ moorin% "rr"n%ement is not re.uired "s " condition for
4)" T%9ing
4)")! Shi# sh"#ed units ,ith #ro#u!sion sh"!! h"ve to,in% "rr"n%ement "ccordin% to Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)E Ch)E
Sec)Bts+ other structur"! desi%ns sh"!! h"ve "n "rr"n%ement "ccordin% OS/EE10 Ch)2)
4)")2 The fittin%s for norm"! to,in% m"$ "!so be used for emer%enc$ to,in%)
4)"), For units ,ith the "ddition"! c!"ss not"tions D/NPOS-AUTR "nd D/NPOS-AUTRO+ to,in%
"rr"n%ements m"$ t"&e into "ccount the s#ecific thrust c"#"bi!ities of the units "s described in DNV/OS/EE10
Ch)2 Sec)7 H0JI)
4)' Su--le.en$ary classi&ica$i%n re0uire.en$s
4)')! C!"ssific"tion #rocedures s#ecific"!!$ re!"ted to moorin% "nd to,in% "re %iven in DNV/OS/EE10 Ch)E)
4)')2 Certific"tion re.uirements for e.ui#ment "re %iven in DNV/OS/EE10 Ch)E)
5 Marine an+ .achinery sys$e.s an+ e0ui-.en$
5)! Technical re0uire.en$s
5)!)! Re.uirements for m"rine "nd m"chiner$ s$stems "nd e.ui#ment inc!ude9
: %ener"! #i#in% desi%n+ f"bric"tion "nd testin%
: #um#s+ v"!ves "nd #i#e connections
: b"!!"st+ bi!%e "nd dr"in"%e s$stems
: "ir+ overf!o, "nd soundin% #i#es
: coo!in%+ feed ,"ter "nd condens"tion s$stems
: !ubric"tin% oi!+ fue! oi! "nd therm"! oi! s$stems
: h$dr"u!ic+ ste"m "nd #neum"tic s$stems
: he"tin%+ venti!"tion "nd "ir conditionin% s$stems
: #ro#u!sion "nd "u@i!i"r$ m"chiner$ inc!udin% thrusters
: boi!ers+ #ressure vesse!s "nd inciner"tors
: "nchorin% "nd moorin% e.ui#ment
: steerin%+ "c&in% %e"r "nd turret m"chiner$
"nd sh"!! be desi%ned+ m"nuf"ctured+ tested "nd inst"!!ed in "ccord"nce ,ith DNV/OS/D010)
5)2 Su--le.en$ary classi&ica$i%n re0uire.en$s
5)2)! C!"ssific"tion #rocedures s#ecific"!!$ re!"ted to m"rine "nd m"chiner$ s$stems "nd e.ui#ment "re %iven
in DNV/OS/D010 Ch)E)
5)2)2 Certific"tion re.uirements for e.ui#ment "re %iven in DNV/OS/D010 Ch)E)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.( Design and construction reuirements for (-( ;&! main class 0 3age 5#
< Elec$rical sys$e.s an+ e0ui-.en$
<)! Technical re0uire.en$s
<)!)! E!ectric"! s$stems "nd e.ui#ment inc!ude9
: s$stem desi%n
: s,itch%e"r "nd contro! %e"r "ssemb!ies
: rot"tin% m"chiner$
: st"tic converters
: c"b!es
: misce!!"neous e.ui#ment
: inst"!!"tion "nd testin%
: A)C) su##!$ s$stems
: e!ectric #ro#u!sion
"nd sh"!! be desi%ned+ m"nuf"ctured+ tested "nd inst"!!ed in "ccord"nce ,ith DNV/OS/D210)
<)2 Su--le.en$ary classi&ica$i%n re0uire.en$s
<)2)! C!"ssific"tion #rocedures s#ecific"!!$ re!"ted to e!ectric"! s$stems "nd e.ui#ment "re %iven in DNV/OS/D210)
<)2)2 Certific"tion re.uirements for e.ui#ment "re %iven in DNV/OS/D210)
! Au$%.a$i%n# sa&e$y an+ $elec%..unica$i%n sys$e.s
!)! Technical re0uire.en$s
!)!)! Instrument"tion "nd te!ecommunic"tion s$stems "nd e.ui#ment inc!ude9
: desi%n #rinci#!es "nd s$stem desi%n
: com#uter b"sed s$stems
: com#onent desi%n "nd inst"!!"tion
: environment"! conditions
: user interf"ce
"nd sh"!! be desi%ned+ m"nuf"ctured+ tested "nd inst"!!ed in "ccord"nce ,ith DNV/OS/D212)
!)2 Su--le.en$ary classi&ica$i%n re0uire.en$s
!)2)! C!"ssific"tion #rocedures s#ecific"!!$ re!"ted to instrument"tion "nd te!ecommunic"tion s$stems "re
%iven in DNV/OS/D212 Ch)E)
Certific"tion re.uirements for e.ui#ment "re %iven in DNV/OS/D212 Ch)E)
!! Fire -r%$ec$i%n
!!)! Technical re0uire.en$s
!!)!)! Fire #rotection inc!udes9
: #"ssive fire #rotection
: "ctive fire #rotection
: fire fi%htin% s$stems
: fire "nd %"s detection s$stems
"nd sh"!! be desi%ned+ m"nuf"ctured+ tested "nd inst"!!ed in "ccord"nce ,ith DNV/OS/DE10 Ch)2 Sec)0 to
!!)2 Su--le.en$ary classi&ica$i%n re0uire.en$s
!!)2)! C!"ssific"tion #rocedures s#ecific"!!$ re!"ted to fire #rotection "re %iven in DNV/OS/DE10 Ch)E)
!!)2)2 Certific"tion re.uirements for e.ui#ment "re %iven in DNV/OS/DE10 Ch)E)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.( Design and construction reuirements for (-( ;&! main class 0 3age 54
!2 2re-ara$i%n &%r sur1eys an+ ins-ec$i%ns %n l%ca$i%n
!2)! General
!2)!)! It is "dvised th"t o#er"tion"! surve$ "nd ins#ection "s#ects "re t"&en into consider"tion "t the desi%n
"nd construction st"%es)
!2)!)2 The fo!!o,in% m"tters ,i!! be t"&en into consider"tion for "cce#t"nce of surve$s to be c"rried out on
: "rr"n%ement for under,"ter ins#ection of hu!!+ #ro#e!!ers+ thrusters+ rudders "nd o#enin%s "ffectin%
: m"r&in% of the hu!!
: me"ns for b!"n&in% off "!! o#enin%s inc!udin% side thrusters
: use of corrosion resist"nt m"teri"!s for sh"fts
: use of %!"nds for #ro#e!!er "nd rudder
: "ccessibi!it$ of "!! t"n&s "nd s#"ces for ins#ection
: corrosion #rotection of hu!! or structure
: m"inten"nce "nd ins#ection of thrusters
: me"surement of ,e"r in the #ro#u!sion sh"ft "nd rudder be"rin%s
: testin% f"ci!ities of "!! im#ort"nt m"chiner$)
Gui+ance n%$eC
The under,"ter bod$ shou!d be m"r&ed in such " ,"$ th"t the surve$or c"n identif$ the !oc"tion of "n$ d"m"%es
found) One "cce#t"b!e ,"$ of #re#"rin% shi#/sh"#ed hu!!s for under,"ter ins#ection is described in the fo!!o,in%)
Tr"nsverse "nd !on%itudin"! reference !ines of minimum !en%th E11 mm "nd minimum ,idth 2B mm shou!d be "##!ied
"s m"r&in%) The m"r&s shou!d be m"de #erm"nent b$ ,e!din% or other,ise "nd #"inted in contr"st co!our)
="r&in%s shou!d norm"!!$ be #!"ced "s fo!!o,s9
: "t f!"t bottom in ,"$ of intersections of t"n& bu!&he"ds or ,"terti%ht f!oors "nd %irders
: "t unit-s sides in ,"$ of the #ositions of tr"nsverse bu!&he"ds 'the m"r&in% need not be e@tended more th"n 0 m
"bove the bi!%e #!"tin%(
: the intersection bet,een t"n& to# "nd ,"terti%ht f!oors in ,"$ of the unit-s sides
: "!! o#enin%s for se" suctions "nd disch"r%es)
: !etter*number codes m"$ convenient!$ be "##!ied on the she!! for identific"tion of t"n&s+ se" suctions "nd
="r&in%s shou!d be "de.u"te!$ documented)
!2)!), In "ddition to the "bove shi# sh"#ed units c"n "##!$ for the c!"ss not"tion #IS for in ,"ter surve$ of
the bottom 'see Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)E Ch)0 Sec)0 D()
!, Su..ary %& $echnical re&erence s$an+ar+s
!,)! General
!,)!)! Technic"! st"nd"rds ,hich sh"!! be "##!ied for "ssi%nment of m"in ch"r"cter of c!"ss for f!o"tin%
#roduction "nd stor"%e units "re summ"rised in T"b!e 0/2)
Ta6le !82 Technical re&erence s$an+ar+s &%r .ain charac$er %& class ?1A1 MOU@
Technical item Reference standard #pplicable parts or comments
Desi%n #rinci#!es
Ch)2 Sec)09 Desi%n Princi#!es "nd
Accident"! !o"ds
Arr"n%ement Ch)2 Sec)29 Arr"n%ement
Esc"#e "nd ev"cu"tion Ch)2 Sec)B9 Esc"#e "nd
=et"!!ic m"teri"!s DNV/OS/>010
STR4CT4RA3 DESI;N 'se!ect t$#e "s "##ro#ri"te(
Shi#/sh"#e structure DNV/OS/C012 3RFD "nd KSD methodo!o%$
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.( Design and construction reuirements for (-( ;&! main class 0 3age 5+
Co!umn/st"bi!ised t$#e structure
DNV/OS/C01E 3RFD methodo!o%$
DNV/OS/C210 KSD methodo!o%$
Se!f/e!ev"tin% t$#e structure
DNV/OS/C017 3RFD methodo!o%$
DNV/OS/C210 KSD methodo!o%$
F"bric"tion+ inc!udin% ,e!din% "nd NDT DNV/OS/C710
Ru!es for c!"ssific"tion shi#s
Pt)2 Ch)E Sec)C
For se!f/e!ev"tin% "nd
semi/submersib!e units
For shi#/sh"#ed units
St"bi!it$+ ,"terti%ht inte%rit$+ freebo"rd "nd
,e"therti%ht c!osin% "##!i"nces
DNV/OS/CE10 Covers "!! t$#es of structures
Tem#or"r$ moorin%+ to,in%
Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)E Ch)E
Shi#/sh"#ed units
DNV/OS/EE10 A!! other t$#es of units
Pi#in% desi%n+ m"nuf"cturin% "nd testin%P #!"tform
#i#in% s$stemsP m"chiner$ #i#in% s$stemsP
m"chiner$ "nd mech"nic"! e.ui#ment
DNV/OS/D010 A!! sections
E!ectric"! s$stems inc!udin% s,itch%e"r "nd
contro!%e"r "ssemb!ies+ rot"tin% m"chiner$+ st"tic
convertors+ c"b!es+ inst"!!"tion+ testin%+ "nd e!ectric
DNV/OS/D210 A!! sections
Instrument"tion s$stems inc!udin% desi%n
#rinci#!es+ s$stem desi%n+ com#uter b"sed
s$stems+ com#onent desi%n "nd inst"!!"tion+ "nd
user interf"ce
Sec) 09 Desi%n #rinci#!es
Sec) 29 S$stem desi%n
Sec) E9 Addition"! re.uirements for
com#uter b"sed s$stems
Sec) 79 Com#onent desi%n "nd
Sec) B9 4ser Interf"ce
Fire #rotection inc!udin% #"ssive fire #rotection+
"ctive fire #rotection+ fire fi%htin% s$stems+ fire
"nd %"s detection s$stems
Sec)09 P"ssive Fire Protection
Sec)29 Active Fire Protection of
S#ecific Are"s
Sec)E9 Fire Fi%htin% S$stems
Sec)79 Fire "nd ;"s Detection
Sec)B9 =isce!!"neous Items
Ta6le !82 Technical re&erence s$an+ar+s &%r .ain charac$er %& class ?1A1 MOU@ ?C%n$inue+@
Technical item Reference standard #pplicable parts or comments
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.# Design and construction reuirements for &I %loating &ffshore Installation main ,lass 0 3age 55
! General
!)! *n$r%+uc$i%n
!)!)! Perm"nent!$ #!"ced non se!f/#ro#e!!ed f!o"tin% offshore inst"!!"tions m"$ be c!"ssed "s offshore
inst"!!"tions "ccordin% to OI m"in c!"ss "s "n "!tern"tive to 1A1 MOU m"in c!"ss %iven in Sec)2)
!)!)2 A!! t$#es of f!o"tin% offshore inst"!!"tions com#!$in% ,ith the re.uirements of this section m"$ be
"ssi%ned " m"in ch"r"cter of c!"ss OI fo!!o,ed b$ " descri#tion of the b"sic desi%n conce#t of the
inst"!!"tions+ for e@"m#!e co!umn/st"bi!ised offshore inst"!!"tion)
!)!), The fo!!o,in% disci#!ine "re"s "re covered ,ithin m"in c!"ss9
: s"fet$ #rinci#!es "nd "rr"n%ement
: m"teri"!s
: hu!! desi%n "nd construction
: moorin%
: st"bi!it$+ ,"terti%ht "nd ,e"therti%ht inte%rit$
: uti!it$ s$stems "nd e.ui#ment re!"ted to m"rine "nd s"fet$ functions
: e!ectric"! s$stems "nd e.ui#ment re!"ted to m"rine "nd s"fet$ functions
: instrument"tion "nd te!ecommunic"tion s$stems re!"ted to m"rine "nd s"fet$ functions
: fire #rotection)
!)!)" S$stems "nd structures ,i!! be certified or c!"ssified b"sed on the fo!!o,in% m"in "ctivities9
: desi%n "##rov"!
: certific"tion of m"teri"!s "nd com#onents
: surve$ durin% construction "nd inst"!!"tion
: surve$ durin% commissionin% "nd st"rt/u#)
Further descri#tion of "ctivit$ #rocedures "re %iven in Ch)0 Sec)7)
!)!)' The re.uirements of this section "re %iven "s9
: references to st"nd"rds+ codes "nd ru!es cont"inin% technic"! re.uirements ,hich sh"!! be com#!ied ,ith
for "ssi%nment of m"in c!"ss
: su##!ement"r$ re.uirements ,hich sh"!! be "##!ied in conunction ,ith the technic"! reference documents
for "ssi%nment of c!"ss
: re.uirements for certific"tion of m"teri"!s "nd com#onents)
!)2 Technical re&erence +%cu.en$s
!)2)! Technic"! re.uirements "re %iven b$ reference to se!ected9
: DNV offshore st"nd"rds
: DNV recommended #r"ctices
: other DNV ru!es "nd st"nd"rds
: intern"tion"!!$ reco%nised codes "nd st"nd"rds)
!)2)2 The technic"! reference documents ,hich sh"!! be "##!ied "re %iven in the fo!!o,in% subsections "nd "re
summ"rised in T"b!e 2/2)
!)2), If the customer for s#ecific re"sons shou!d desire to em#!o$ codes "nd st"nd"rds other th"n those referred
to "nd recommended b$ DNV+ DNV is #re#"red to "cce#t such "!tern"tives b"sed on fitness for #ur#ose) Khen
"%reed such codes "nd st"nd"rds sh"!! be s#ecified in the c!"ss "%reement+ ,ith reference to the re!ev"nt
revision of the codes "nd st"nd"rds th"t sh"!! "##!$)
!), General assu.-$i%ns
!),)! An$ devi"tions+ e@em#tions "nd modific"tions to the desi%n codes "nd st"nd"rds %iven "s reference
documents sh"!! be documented "nd "##roved b$ DNV)
!),)2 Khere referred codes "nd st"nd"rds c"!! for the e@tent of ins#ections "nd tests to be "%reed bet,een
contr"ctor+ m"nuf"cturer "nd customer+ the resu!tin% e@tent is to be "%reed ,ith DNV)

&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.# Design and construction reuirements for &I %loating &ffshore Installation main ,lass 0 3age 56
!)" Cer$i&ica$i%n %& .a$erials an+ c%.-%nen$s
!)")! ="teri"!s "nd com#onents sh"!! be certified "ccordin% to their s"fet$ critic"!it$) Det"i!ed re.uirements
"re %iven in Ch)E of the re!ev"nt DNV offshore st"nd"rds)
!)")2 A!tern"tive!$+ DNV is #re#"red to "cce#t m"teri"!s "nd com#onents for OI m"in c!"ss b"sed on revie,
"nd "udits of documented verific"tion schemes "ccordin% to n"tion"! "uthorit$ re%u!"tions or reco%nised codes
"nd st"nd"rds coverin% the "re"s of c!"ssific"tion)
2 Sa&e$y -rinci-les an+ arrange.en$
2)! General
2)!)! S"fet$ #rinci#!es "nd "rr"n%ement inc!ude the fo!!o,in% disci#!ine "re"s9
: desi%n #rinci#!es+ inc!udin% %eneric "ccident"! !o"ds
: "rr"n%ementP inc!udin% se%re%"tion of "re"s "nd !oc"tion of #!"nts "nd e.ui#ment
: esc"#e "nd ev"cu"tion)
2)2 Design -rinci-les
2)2)! The re.uirements %iven in DNV/OS/A010 Ch)2 Sec)0 sh"!! be com#!ied ,ith)
2), Arrange.en$
2),)! Arr"n%ement of the inst"!!"tion sh"!! be in "ccord"nce ,ith the re.uirements of DNV/OS/A010 Ch)2
2)" Esca-e an+ e1acua$i%n
2)")! Esc"#e "nd ev"cu"tion sh"!! be in "ccord"nce ,ith DNV/OS/A010 Ch)2 Sec)B)
, Ma$erials
,)! Technical re0uire.en$s
,)!)! ="teri"!s for9
: ro!!ed stee! for structur"! "##!ic"tions+ boi!ers "nd #ressure vesse!s
: stee! tubes+ #i#es "nd fittin%s
: stee! for%in%s
: stee! c"stin%s
: "!uminium "!!o$s)
sh"!! com#!$ ,ith the re.uirements %iven b$ DNV/OS/>010 un!ess other,ise st"ted in the re!ev"nt technic"!
reference documents or s#eci"!!$ "%reed "ccordin% to H0)2)EI)
,)2 Su--le.en$ary classi&ica$i%n re0uire.en$s
,)2)! Certific"tion re.uirements for m"teri"!s "re %iven in DNV/OS/>010 Ch)E)
,)2)2 Ro!!ed+ for%ed or c"st e!ements of stee! "nd "!uminium for structur"! "##!ic"tion sh"!! be su##!ied ,ith
DNV-s m"teri"! certific"tes in com#!i"nce ,ith the re.uirements %iven in DNV/OS/>010)
" S$ruc$ural +esign
")! Sc%-e
")!)! C!"ss sco#e on structur"! desi%n common to "!! t$#e of mobi!e offshore units "nd "!! services covers the
fo!!o,in% "s#ects9
: hu!! inc!) su#erstructure
: cr"ne #edest"!s 'Pedest"! be!o, s!e,in% rin%(
: "tt"chment of he!idec& su##ort structure
: found"tion "nd su##ort for he"v$ e.ui#ment 'e.ui#ment ,here the st"tic forces e@ceed B1 &N or resu!tin%
st"tic bendin% moments "t dec& e@ceed 011 &Nm()
Addition"! e!ements re!ev"nt for s#ecific service "re !isted in the subse.uent sections)

&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.# Design and construction reuirements for &I %loating &ffshore Installation main ,lass 0 3age 57
")!)2 E@c!uded from the sco#e "re9
: ice "nd soi! conditions
: e"rth.u"&e "nd other environment"! events defined b$ "n "nnu"! #rob"bi!it$ e.u"! or !o,er th"n to 01
")!), Tr"nsit conditions "re inc!uded in the structur"! desi%n sco#e of ,or&) Tem#or"r$ conditions "re not
inc!uded un!ess s#ecific"!!$ s#ecified) See definitions in Ch)0 Sec)0 H2I)
")2 Technical re0uire.en$s
")2)! Structur"! desi%n sh"!! com#!$ ,ith the fo!!o,in% desi%n codes "nd "##roved either on the #rinci#!es of
the Kor&in% Stress Desi%n 'KSD( method or the !o"d resist"nce f"ctor desi%n '3RFD( methodo!o%$ de#endin%
on hu!! sh"#e "s !isted in T"b!e 0/0)
' Fa6rica$i%n an+ $es$ing %& %&&sh%re s$ruc$ures
')! Technical re0uire.en$s
')!)! Re.uirements for9
: ,e!din% #rocedures "nd .u"!ific"tion of ,e!ders
: f"bric"tion "nd to!er"nces
: testin%
: corrosion #rotection s$stems
sh"!! be in "ccord"nce ,ith DNV/OS/C710)
Gui+ance n%$eC
The term FPurch"serG in this st"nd"rd shou!d be understood "s DNV)
A##!ic"tion of co"tin%+ stee! surf"ce #re#"r"tion ,ith res#ect to "##!ic"tion of co"tin% "nd f"bric"tion+ inst"!!"tion of
s"crifici"! "nodes "nd im#ressed current s$stems "re not inc!uded in the Societ$-s sco#e of ,or& un!ess u#on s#eci"!
')2 Su--le.en$ary classi&ica$i%n re0uire.en$s
')2)! C!"ssific"tion #rocedures s#ecific"!!$ re!"ted to f"bric"tion "nd testin% of offshore structures "re %iven
in DNV/OS/C710 Ch)E)
/ S$a6ili$y an+ 9a$er$igh$ in$egri$y
/)! Technical re0uire.en$s
/)!)! Re.uirements for9
: int"ct "nd d"m"%ed st"bi!it$
: ,"terti%ht inte%rit$
: freebo"rd
: ,e"therti%ht c!osin% "##!i"nces
sh"!! be in "ccord"nce ,ith DNV/OS/CE10)
/)!)2 If onbo"rd com#uters for st"bi!it$ c"!cu!"tions "re inst"!!ed+ these s$stems sh"!! be "##roved in
"ccord"nce ,ith re.uirements in Ru!es for C!"ssific"tion of Shi#s Pt)J Ch)A)
Ta6le 28! O1er1ie9 %& s$ruc$ural +esign re0uire.en$s an+ .e$h%+s
:S% 7R1%
Shi# sh"#ed DNV/OS/C012 DNV/OS/C012+ Sec)0E
Co!umn st"b DNV/OS/C210 DNV/OS/C01E
Se!f/e!ev"tin% DNV/OS/C210 DNV/OS/C017
Tension !e% DNV/OS/C210 DNV/OS/C01B
Dee# dr"u%ht DNV/OS/C210 DNV/OS/C01J
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.# Design and construction reuirements for &I %loating &ffshore Installation main ,lass 0 3age 58
4 2%si$i%n >ee-ing an+ $%9ing
4)! General
4)!)! For f!o"tin% offshore inst"!!"tions of the shi#/sh"#ed+ co!umn/st"bi!ised "nd dee# dr"u%ht t$#es+ the
"ddition"! c!"ss not"tion POSMOOR is m"nd"tor$)
4)2 Su--le.en$ary classi&ica$i%n re0uire.en$s
4)2)! Certific"tion re.uirements for e.ui#ment sh"!! be "s %iven in DNV/OS/EE10 Ch)E)
5 U$ili$y sys$e.s an+ e0ui-.en$
5)! Technical re0uire.en$s
5)!)! Re.uirements for uti!it$ s$stems "nd e.ui#ment inc!ude9
: %ener"! #i#in% desi%n+ f"bric"tion "nd testin%
: #um#s+ v"!ves "nd #i#e connections
: b"!!"st+ bi!%e "nd dr"in"%e s$stems
: "ir+ overf!o, "nd soundin% #i#es
: h$dr"u!ic+ ste"m "nd #neum"tic s$stems
: he"tin%+ venti!"tion "nd "ir conditionin% s$stems
: #ressure vesse!s "nd inciner"tors
: turret m"chiner$+ "s "##!ic"b!e
"nd sh"!! be desi%ned+ m"nuf"ctured+ tested "nd inst"!!ed in "ccord"nce ,ith DNV/OS/D010)
Gui+ance n%$eC
Reco%nised codes "nd st"nd"rds ,hich c"n be "##!ied for #i#in% "nd e.ui#ment "re !isted in DNV/OS/D010)
5)2 Su--le.en$ary classi&ica$i%n re0uire.en$s
5)2)! C!"ssific"tion #rocedures s#ecific"!!$ re!"ted to uti!it$ s$stems "nd e.ui#ment "re %iven in DNV/OS/
D010 Ch)E)
5)2)2 Certific"tion re.uirements for e.ui#ment "re %iven in DNV/OS/D010 Ch)E)
< Elec$rical sys$e.s an+ e0ui-.en$
<)! Technical re0uire.en$s
<)!)! E!ectric"! s$stems "nd e.ui#ment inc!ude9
: s$stem desi%n
: s,itch%e"r "nd contro!%e"r "ssemb!ies
: rot"tin% m"chiner$
: st"tic converters
: c"b!es
: misce!!"neous e.ui#ment
: inst"!!"tion "nd testin%
: A)C) su##!$ s$stems
"s f"r "s re!ev"nt for su##!$in% m"rine 'e)%) b"!!"stin%+ bi!%e+ moorin%(+ fire fi%htin% "nd emer%enc$ services)
<)!)2 The e!ectric"! s$stems sh"!! be desi%ned+ m"nuf"ctured+ tested "nd inst"!!ed in "ccord"nce ,ith DNV/
<)2 Su--le.en$ary classi&ica$i%n re0uire.en$s
<)2)! C!"ssific"tion #rocedures s#ecific"!!$ re!"ted to e!ectric"! s$stems "nd e.ui#ment "re %iven in DNV/OS/D210)
<)2)2 Certific"tion re.uirements for e.ui#ment "re %iven in DNV/OS/D210)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.# Design and construction reuirements for &I %loating &ffshore Installation main ,lass 0 3age 59
! Au$%.a$i%n# sa&e$y an+ $elec%..unica$i%n sys$e.s
!)! Technical re0uire.en$s
!)!)! Instrument"tion "nd te!ecommunic"tion s$stems "nd e.ui#ment inc!ude9
: desi%n #rinci#!es "nd s$stem desi%n
: com#uter b"sed s$stems
: com#onent desi%n "nd inst"!!"tion
: environment"! conditions
: user interf"ce
"nd sh"!! be desi%ned+ m"nuf"ctured+ tested "nd inst"!!ed in "ccord"nce ,ith DNV/OS/D212 Ch)2 Sec)0 to B)
!)2 Su--le.en$ary classi&ica$i%n re0uire.en$s
!)2)! C!"ssific"tion #rocedures s#ecific"!!$ re!"ted to instrument"tion "nd te!ecommunic"tion s$stems "re
%iven in DNV/OS/D212 Ch)E)
Certific"tion re.uirements for e.ui#ment "re %iven in DNV/OS/D212 Ch)E)
!! Fire -r%$ec$i%n
!!)! Technical re0uire.en$s
!!)!)! Fire #rotection inc!udes9
: #"ssive fire #rotection
: "ctive fire #rotection
: fire fi%htin% s$stems
: fire "nd %"s detection s$stems
"nd sh"!! be desi%ned+ m"nuf"ctured+ tested "nd inst"!!ed in "ccord"nce ,ith DNV/OS/DE10 Ch)2 Sec)0 to Sec)B)
!!)2 Su--le.en$ary classi&ica$i%n re0uire.en$s
!!)2)! C!"ssific"tion #rocedures s#ecific"!!$ re!"ted to fire #rotection "re %iven in DNV/OS/DE10 Ch)E)
!!)2)2 Certific"tion re.uirements for e.ui#ment "re %iven in DNV/OS/DE10 Ch)E)
!2 2re-ara$i%n &%r sur1eys an+ ins-ec$i%ns %n l%ca$i%n
For #re#"r"tions for surve$s "nd ins#ections on !oc"tions see Sec)0 H02I)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.# Design and construction reuirements for &I %loating &ffshore Installation main ,lass 0 3age 6)
!, Su..ary %& $echnical re&erence s$an+ar+s
!,)! General
!,)!)! Technic"! st"nd"rds ,hich sh"!! be "##!ied for "ssi%nment of m"in ch"r"cter of c!"ss for f!o"tin%
offshore inst"!!"tions "re summ"rised in T"b!e 2/2)
Ta6le 282 Technical re&erence s$an+ar+s &%r O* .ain class ?Fl%a$ing O&&sh%re *ns$alla$i%n@
Technical item Reference
#pplicable parts or comments
Desi%n #rinci#!es
Ch)2 Sec)09 Desi%n Princi#!es "nd Accident"!
Arr"n%ement Ch)2 Sec)E9 Arr"n%ement
Esc"#e "nd ev"cu"tion Ch)2 Sec)B9 Esc"#e "nd Ev"cu"tion
=et"!!ic m"teri"!s DNV/OS/>010
STR4CT4RA3 DESI;N 'se!ect t$#e "s "##ro#ri"te(
Shi#/sh"#e structure DNV/OS/C010
Co!umn/st"bi!ised t$#e structure
3RFD methodo!o%$
DNV/OS/C210 KSD methodo!o%$
Se!f/e!ev"tin% t$#e structure
3RFD methodo!o%$
DNV/OS/C210 KSD methodo!o%$
F"bric"tion inc!udin% ,e!din% "nd NDT DNV/OS/C710 Covers "!! t$#es of structures
St"bi!it$+ ,"terti%ht inte%rit$+ freebo"rd "nd ,e"ther/
ti%ht c!osin% "##!i"nces
DNV/OS/CE10 Covers "!! t$#es of structures
Offshore moorin% s$stem
Shi#/sh"#ed+ co!umn/st"bi!ised "nd
dee#/dr"u%ht units or inst"!!"tions
E!ectric"! s$stems inc!udin% s,itch%e"r "nd contro!%e"r
"ssemb!ies+ rot"tin% m"chiner$+ st"tic convertors+
c"b!es+ inst"!!"tion+ testin%+ "nd e!ectric #ro#u!sion
DNV/OS/D210 A!! sections
Instrument"tion s$stems inc!udin% desi%n #rinci#!es+
s$stem desi%n+ com#uter b"sed s$stems+ com#onent
desi%n "nd inst"!!"tion+ "nd user interf"ce
Sec)09 Desi%n #rinci#!es
Sec)29 S$stem desi%n
Sec)E9 Addition"! re.uirements for
com#uter b"sed s$stems
Sec)79 Com#onent desi%n "nd inst"!!"tion
Sec)B9 4ser Interf"ce
Fire #rotection inc!udin% #"ssive fire #rotection+ "ctive
fire #rotection+ fire fi%htin% s$stems+ fire "nd %"s
detection s$stems
Sec)09 P"ssive Fire Protection
Sec)29 Active Fire Protection of S#ecific
Sec)E9 Fire Fi%htin% S$stems
Sec)79 Fire "nd ;"s Detection S$stems
Sec)B9 =isce!!"neous Items
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.4 "upplementary reuirements for service notation &il 3roduction !nit or &il 3roduction Installation 0 3age 6(
! General
!)! *n$r%+uc$i%n
!)!)! This section identifies desi%n "nd construction re.uirements for "ssi%nment of service not"tion Oil
Pro!"tion Unit or Oil Pro!"tion Installation)
!)!)2 The re.uirements in this section "re su##!ement"r$ to those for m"in c!"ss 1A1 "s st"ted in Sec)0 for
not"tion Oil Pro!"tion Unit "nd OI in Sec)2 for not"tion Oil Pro!"tion Installation)
2 Sa&e$y -rinci-les an+ arrange.en$
2)! General
Service not"tion Oil Pro!"tion Unit or Oil Pro!"tion Installation s#ecifies "ddition"! re.uirements
: "rr"n%ement
: "re" c!"ssific"tion
: shutdo,n
: esc"#e+ ev"cu"tion "nd communic"tion)
2)2 Arrange.en$
2)2)! Production units or inst"!!"tions sh"!! com#!$ ,ith DNV/OS/A010)
2), Area classi&ica$i%n
2),)! Production units or inst"!!"tions sh"!! com#!$ ,ith DNV/OS/A010 Ch)2 Sec)C)
2)" E.ergency shu$+%9n
2)")! Production units or inst"!!"tions sh"!! com#!$ ,ith DNV/OS/A010 Ch)2 Sec)C)
2)' Esca-e# e1acua$i%n an+ c%..unica$i%n
2)')! Production units or inst"!!"tions sh"!! com#!$ ,ith DNV/OS/A010 Ch)2 Sec)C)
, S$ruc$ural +esign
,)! General
,)!)! The structur"! stren%th sh"!! be "s re.uired for the m"in c!"ss t"&in% into "ccount necess"r$ stren%thenin%
of su##ortin% structures for e.ui#ment "##!ied in "nd forces introduced b$ the #roduction f"ci!ities "nd
o#er"tion) In "ddition to the e!ements "s !isted in Sec)0 H7)0I+ this inc!udes9
: #rocess "re" found"tions
: turret or submer%ed turret structures)
,)2 Su--le.en$ary $echnical re0uire.en$s
,)2)! The items !isted in HE)0I sh"!! com#!$ ,ith the re!ev"nt sections of DNV/OS/C010 "nd9
: DNV/OS/C012 for shi#/sh"#ed units or inst"!!"tions
: DNV/OS/C01E for co!umn/st"bi!ised units or inst"!!"tions
: DNV/OS/C017 for se!f/e!ev"tin% units or inst"!!"tions
: DNV/OS/C01J for dee# dr"u%ht units or inst"!!"tions)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.4 "upplementary reuirements for service notation &il 3roduction !nit or &il 3roduction Installation 0 3age 6#
" Marine an+ .achinery an+ u$ili$y sys$e.s
")! General
")!)! Service not"tion Oil Pro!"tion Unit or Oil Pro!"tion Installation s#ecifies "ddition"!
re.uirements for9
: #i#in% "rr"n%ements
: venti!"tion in h"M"rdous "re"s
: turret m"chiner$
: use of %"s "nd crude oi! for "u@i!i"r$ boi!ers "nd turbines)
")2 Su--le.en$ary $echnical re0uire.en$s
")2)! The items !isted in H7)0I sh"!! com#!$ ,ith the re!ev"nt sections of DNV/OS/D010)
' *ns$ru.en$a$i%n an+ $elec%..unica$i%n sys$e.s
')! Su--le.en$ary $echnical re0uire.en$s
')!)! Production units "nd inst"!!"tions sh"!! com#!$ ,ith DNV/OS/D212 Ch)2 SecC)
/ Fire 2r%$ec$i%n
/)! General
/)!)! Service not"tions Oil Pro!"tion Unit or Oil Pro!"tion Installation s#ecifies "ddition"!
re.uirements for9
: #"ssive fire #rotection
: fire ,"ter s$stems
: "ctive fire #rotection of s#ecific "re"s
: fire detection "nd "!"rm s$stems
: %"s detection)
/)2 Su--le.en$ary $echnical re0uire.en$s
/)2)! Production units or inst"!!"tions sh"!! com#!$ ,ith DNV/OS/DE10 Ch)2 Sec)C)
4 *n+us$rial e0ui-.en$
4)! General
4)!)! Production re!"ted s$stems "nd e.ui#ment ,hich "re inst"!!ed in enc!osed hu!! com#"rtments be!o, the
d"m"%e ,"ter !ine sh"!! be inc!uded in the sco#e of c!"ssific"tion)
4)!)2 The items s#ecified in HC)0)0I sh"!! com#!$ ,ith re!ev"nt re.uirements %iven in DNV/OS/E210)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.+ "upplementary reuirements for service notation &il "torage !nit or &il "torage Installation 0 3age 64
! General
!)! *n$r%+uc$i%n
!)!)! This section identifies desi%n "nd construction re.uirements for "ssi%nment of service not"tions Oil
Storage Unit or Oil Storage Installation)
!)!)2 The re.uirements in this section "re su##!ement"r$ to those for m"in c!"ss 1A1 "s st"ted in Sec)0 for
not"tion Oil Storage Unit "nd OI in Sec)2 for not"tion Oil Storage Installation)
!)!), Stor"%e units "!so intended for tr"ns#ort"tion of crude oi! sh"!! com#!$ ,ith the Ru!es for Shi#s+ Pt)B
2 Sa&e$y 2rinci-les an+ Arrange.en$
2)! General
Service not"tions Oil Storage Unit "nd Oil Storage Installation s#ecifies "ddition"! re.uirements for9
: "rr"n%ement
: "re" c!"ssific"tion
: shutdo,n
: esc"#e+ ev"cu"tion "nd communic"tion)
2)2 Su--le.en$ary $echnical re0uire.en$s
Su##!ement"r$ technic"! re.uirements "re %iven in DNV/OS/A010 Ch)2 Sec)D)
, S$ruc$ural Design
,)! General
The structur"! stren%th sh"!! be "s re.uired for the m"in c!"ss t"&in% into "ccount necess"r$ stren%thenin% of
su##ortin% structures for e.ui#ment "##!ied in "nd forces introduced b$ the #roduction f"ci!ities "nd o#er"tion)
In "ddition to the e!ements "s !isted in Sec)0 H7)0I+ this inc!udes9
: turret or submer%ed turret structures+ "s "##!ic"b!e)
,)2 Su--le.en$ary $echnical re0uire.en$s
,)2)! The items !isted in HE)0I sh"!! com#!$ ,ith the re!ev"nt sections of DNV/OS/C010 "nd9
: DNV/OS/C012 for shi#/sh"#ed units)
,)2)2 A !o"din% instrument suit"b!e for the intended service sh"!! be inst"!!ed on shi#/sh"#ed stor"%e units*
The instrument sh"!! be "##roved in "ccord"nce ,ith re.uirements in Ru!es for C!"ssific"tion of Shi#s Pt)J
" Marine an+ .achinery %r u$ili$y sys$e.s an+ e0ui-.en$
")! General
Service not"tions Oil Storage Unit "nd Oil Storage Installation s#ecifies "ddition"! re.uirements for9
: !i.uid c"r%o tr"nsfer "nd stri##in%
: !i.uid c"r%o storin%+ se%re%"tion "nd tre"tment
: ventin%+ inertin%+ %"s freein% "nd v"#our emission contro!
: oi! disch"r%e contro!
: crude oi! ,"shin% s$stem
: venti!"tion in h"M"rdous "re"s
: turret m"chiner$)
")2 Su--le.en$ary $echnical re0uire.en$s
The items !isted in H7)0I sh"!! com#!$ ,ith the re!ev"nt sections of DNV/OS/D010)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.+ "upplementary reuirements for service notation &il "torage !nit or &il "torage Installation 0 3age 6+
' Au$%.a$i%n# sa&e$y an+ $elec%..unica$i%n Sys$e.s
Su##!ement"r$ technic"! re.uirements "re %iven in DNV/OS/D212 Ch)2 Sec)D)
/ Fire 2r%$ec$i%n
/)! General
Service not"tions Oil Storage Unit or Oil Storage Installation s#ecifies "ddition"! re.uirements for9
: #"ssive fire #rotection
: fire ,"ter s$stems
: "ctive fire #rotection of s#ecific "re"s
: fire detection "nd "!"rm s$stems
: %"s detection)
/)2 Su--le.en$ary $echnical re0uire.en$s
Su##!ement"r$ technic"! re.uirements "re %iven in DNV/OS/DE10 Ch)2 Sec)D)
4 2re-ara$i%n &%r sur1eys an+ ins-ec$i%ns %n l%ca$i%n
It is "dvised th"t o#er"tion"! surve$ "nd ins#ection "s#ects "re t"&en into consider"tion "t the desi%n "nd
construction st"%es) See Ch)2 Sec)02 for det"i!s)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.5 "upplementary reuirements for service notation &il :oading !nit or Installation 0 3age 65
! General
!)! *n$r%+uc$i%n
!)!)! This section identifies desi%n "nd construction re.uirements for "ssi%nment of service not"tions Oil
Loaing Unit or Oil Loaing Installation)
!)!)2 The re.uirements in this section "re su##!ement"r$ to those for m"in c!"ss 1A1 "s st"ted in Sec)0 for
not"tion Oil Loaing Unit "nd OI in Sec)2 for not"tion Oil Loaing Installation)
!)2 Design re0uire.en$s
!)2)! To "chieve the service not"tion Oil Loaing Unit or Oil Loaing Installation+ the unit h"s to be
desi%ned+ constructed "nd documented "ccordin% to DNV/OS/E71E / Offshore 3o"din% >uo$s)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.6 &ptional class notations 0 3age 66
! *n$r%+uc$i%n
!)! General
!)!)! This section identifies desi%n "nd construction re.uirements for "ssi%nment of "ddition"! c!"ss not"tions
re!"tin% to s$stem+ e.ui#ment "nd s#eci"! f"ci!it$ inst"!!"tions)
!)!)2 4nits fitted ,ith s$stems "nd*or s#eci"! fe"tures com#!$in% ,ith re!ev"nt re.uirements of this section
m"$ be "ssi%ned c!"ss not"tions "s described)
!)2 Technical re&erence +%cu.en$s
!)2)! Technic"! re.uirements "re %iven b$ reference to se!ected9
: DNV offshore st"nd"rds
: DNV recommended #r"ctices
: other DNV ru!es "nd st"nd"rds
: intern"tion"!!$ reco%nised codes "nd st"nd"rds)
!)2)2 The technic"! reference documents ,hich sh"!! be "##!ied "re %iven in the fo!!o,in% subsections "nd
summ"rised in T"b!e J/02)
!), General assu.-$i%ns
!),)! DNV m"$ "cce#t "!tern"tive so!utions found to re#resent "n over"!! s"fet$ !eve! e.uiv"!ent to th"t st"ted
in the re.uirements of this document or referred st"nd"rds)
!),)2 The re.uirements st"ted in this section for "ddition"! c!"ss not"tions sh"!! be re%"rded "s su##!ement"r$
to those %iven for "ssi%nment of m"in c!"ss "nd re!ev"nt service not"tions)
2 2%si$i%n .%%ring sys$e.
2)! General
2)!)! POSMOOR not"tion m"$ be "ssi%ned to units fitted ,ith sin%!e or s#re"d #oint moorin% s$stems in
"ccord"nce ,ith the re.uirements of this section)
2)!)2 O6:ec$i1e
The not"tion ensures re!i"bi!it$ "nd s"fet$ of the moorin% s$stem "nd e.ui#ment)
2)!), Sc%-e
The not"tion covers the fo!!o,in% "s#ects9
: environment"! conditions "nd !o"ds
: moorin% s$stem "n"!$sis
: thruster "ssisted moorin%
: moorin% e.ui#ment
: tests)
2)2 A--lica$i%n
2)2)! The not"tion is com#!emented ,ith the .u"!ifiers "s described in T"b!e J/0)
Ta6le /8! POSMOOR class n%$a$i%ns
Class notation %escription 8ualifier %escription
Position moorin%
P"ssive #osition moorin% s$stem "ccordin% the technic"!
re.uirements of DNV/OS/EE10 Ch)2
=oorin% s$stem desi%ned for #ositionin% in vicinit$ of other
Thruster "ssisted moorin% s$stem de#endent on m"nu"! remote
thrust contro! s$stem
Thruster "ssisted moorin% s$stem de#endent on "utom"tic remote
thrust contro! s$stem
Rem"inin% thruster c"#"cit$ "fter !oss of most si%nific"nt
redund"nc$ %rou#
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.6 &ptional class notations 0 3age 67
2)2)2 The .u"!ifiers 5A6 or 516 c"n be combined ,ith the other .u"!ifiers)
2)2), The .u"!ifier R c"n be combined ,ith TA "nd ATA 'to res#) TAR "nd ATAR()
2), Technical re0uire.en$s
2! The technic"! re.uirements of DNV/OS/EE10 sh"!! be com#!ied ,ith for "ssi%nment of the POSMOOR
22 A!tern"tive!$ POSMOOR not"tions m"$ be %r"nted b"sed on com#!i"nce ,ith the s"fet$ f"ctors %iven
in API RP 2SK)
2)" Cer$i&ica$i%n %& .a$erials an+ c%.-%nen$s
2)")! Certific"tion of e.ui#ment sh"!! be in "ccord"nce ,ith DNV/OS/EE10 Ch)E)
, Dyna.ic -%si$i%ning sys$e.s
,)! General
,)!)! The fo!!o,in% not"tions m"$ be "ssi%ned to units ,ith d$n"mic #ositionin% s$stems9
,)!)2 O6:ec$i1e
The obective of the not"tions is to ensure the "v"i!"bi!it$ of d$n"mic #ositionin% ,ith v"rious %r"des of
redund"nc$ in !ine ,ith the I=O =SC*Circ)J7B F;uide!ines for vesse!s ,ith d$n"mic #ositionin% s$stemsG)
,)!), The t,o not"tion series differ in their s#ecific re.uirements "nd in %ener"! the D/NPOS/ series
not"tions "re re.uirin% " hi%her de%ree of "v"i!"bi!it$ "nd robustness "s com#"red to the DPS/ series not"tions)
The det"i!ed differences "re out!ined in the s#ecific re.uirements %iven in this ch"#ter)
,)!)" Sc%-e
The d$n"mic #ositionin% s$stem inc!udes re.uirements for the fo!!o,in% subs$stems+ contro! #"ne!s "nd b"c&/
u# s$stems ,hich "re necess"r$ to d$n"mic"!!$ #osition the unit9
: #o,er s$stem
: contro!!er
: me"surin% s$stem
: thruster s$stem
: remote thrust contro!
: contro! #"ne!s)
,)!)' These ru!es do not inc!ude re.uirements or recommend"tions in re%"rd to the vesse!s o#er"tion or other
Ta6le /82 Dyna.ic -%si$i%n class n%$a$i%ns
Class notation %escription 8ualifier %escription
#ositionin% s$stem
5A6 Annu"! surve$ re.uired
0 Kithout redund"nc$
Kith "n inde#endent o$stic& b"c&/u# "nd " #osition reference
Kith redund"nc$ in technic"! desi%n "nd ,ith "n inde#endent
o$stic& b"c&/u#
Kith redund"nc$ in technic"! desi%n "nd ,ith "n inde#endent
o$stic& b"c&/u#+ #!us " b"c&/u# DP/contro! s$stem in "n
emer%enc$ DP/contro! centre+ desi%ned ,ith #h$sic"! se#"r"tion
for com#onents th"t #rovide redund"nc$
#ositionin% s$stem
5A6 Annu"! surve$ re.uired
Kith "n inde#endent o$stic& b"c&/u# "nd " #osition reference
Kith redund"nc$ in technic"! desi%n "nd ,ith "n inde#endent
o$stic& b"c&/u#
Kith redund"nc$ in technic"! desi%n "nd ,ith "n inde#endent
o$stic& b"c&/u#+ #!us " b"c&/u# DP/contro! s$stem in "n
emer%enc$ DP/contro! centre+ desi%ned ,ith #h$sic"! se#"r"tion
for com#onents th"t #rovide redund"nc$
AUTS Kithout redund"nc$
ER Redund"nc$ in technic"! desi%n
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.6 &ptional class notations 0 3age 68
,)2 Technical re0uire.en$s
,)2)! Technic"! re.uirements for the d$n"mic #ositionin% not"tions sh"!! be in "ccord"nce ,ith the Ru!es for
Shi#s Pt)J Ch)C)
,)2)2 Technic"! re.uirements for D/NPOS-ER "re %iven in Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)J Ch)2J)
,)2), For DPS not"tions %r"nted throu%h c!"ss entries+ see Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)J Ch)C)
,), Cer$i&ica$i%n %& .a$erials an+ c%.-%nen$s
The certific"tion of e.ui#ment sh"!! be in "ccord"nce ,ith Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)J Ch)C)
" Single -%in$ .%%ring ?S2M@
")! General
")!)! General
he "ddition"! c!"ss not"tion SPM "##!ies to units fitted ,ith e.ui#ment en"b!in% them to be moored to sin%!e
#oint moorin%s)
")!)2 O6:ec$i1e
The obective of the not"tion is to document th"t the vesse! is e.ui##ed for sin%!e #oint moorin%)
")!), Sc%-e
The not"tion covers the fo!!o,in% e!ements9
: bo, ch"in sto##ers "nd f"ir!e"ds
: #osition of #edest"! ro!!ers
: ,inches
: m"teri"!s)
")!)" A--lica$i%n
The re.uirements cover the #"rts of OCI=F-s Recommend"tions for e.ui#ment em#!o$ed in the moorin% of
shi#s "t sin%!e #oint moorin%s+ "##!ic"b!e for shi#/sh"#ed offshore units or inst"!!"tions)
")2 Technical re0uire.en$s
The re.uirements of the Ru!es for Shi#s+ Pt)B Ch)E Sec)0B+ sh"!! be com#!ied ,ith)
"), Cer$i&ica$i%n %& .a$erials an+ c%.-%nen$s
A DNV #roduct certific"te sh"!! be #rovided for the bo, ch"in sto##er "nd bo, f"ir!e"d
"),)! Kich "nd c"#st"nd "nd #edest"! ro!!er 'if fitted( sh"!! be #rovided ,ith document"tion of m"@) SK3 from
m"nuf"cturer ',or&s certific"te(9
' Cru+e %&&l%a+ing sys$e.
')! General
')!)! General
4nits or inst"!!"tions e.ui##ed ,ith " crude off!o"din% s$stem in "ccord"nce ,ith the re.uirements of this
section+ m"$ be "ssi%ned " c!"ss not"tion OFFLOADING)
')!)2 O6:ec$i1e
The not"tionOs obective is to ensure s"fe "nd re!i"b!e o#er"tion of the off!o"din% s$stem+ in s#eci"! to #revent9
: #ersonne! inur$
: si%nific"nt re!e"se of h$droc"rbons
: si%nific"nt mech"nic"! d"m"%e)
')!), Sc%-e
The not"tion covers the fo!!o,in% e!ements9
: off!o"din% hose
: hose ree!s
: disconnect "nd re!e"se
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.6 &ptional class notations 0 3age 69
: re!ev"nt #i#in%
: contro! st"tion)
')!)" A--lica$i%n
The not"tion is "##!ic"b!e for "!! different units "s covered b$ this service s#ecific"tion)
')2 Technical re0uire.en$s
The technic"! re.uirements of DNV/OS/E210 Ch)2 Sec)02 sh"!! be fo!!o,ed)
'), Cer$i&ica$i%n %& .a$erials an+ c%.-%nen$s
Procedures "nd re.uirements for c!"ssific"tion inc!udin% certific"tion of e.ui#ment sh"!! be in "ccord"nce ,ith
DNV/OS/E210 Ch)E)
/ A%9 l%a+ing
/)! General
/)!)! General
The "ddition"! not"tion #O- LOADING "##!ies to units h"vin% " bo, !o"din% "rr"n%ement s"tisf$in% the
re.uirements of HJ)2I)
/)!)2 O6:ec$i1e
The not"tion-s obective is to ensure s"fe "nd re!i"b!e bo, !o"din% "rr"n%ements)
/)!), Sc%-e
The not"tion covers re.uirements for9
: m"teri"!s
: "rr"n%ement
The re.uirements cover the #"rts of OCI=F-s Recommend"tions for e.ui#ment
: contro! "nd monitorin%
: s"fet$ inst"!!"tions
: o#er"tion m"nu"!)
/)!)" A--lica$i%n
The not"tion is "##!ic"b!e for "!! different units "s covered b$ this service s#ecific"tion)
/)2 Technical re0uire.en$s
The re.uirements of the Ru!es for C!"ssific"tion of Shi#s+ Pt)B Ch)E Sec)07+ sh"!! be com#!ied ,ith "s
/), Cer$i&ica$i%n %& .a$erials an+ c%.-%nen$s
The re.uirements of the Ru!es for C!"ssific"tion of Shi#s+ Pt)B Ch)E Sec)07+ sh"!! be com#!ied ,ith "s
4 Su6.erge+ $urre$ l%a+ing
4)! General
4)!)! General
The "ddition"! not"tion ST3 "##!ies to units or inst"!!"tions h"vin% " submer%ed turret !o"din% "rr"n%ement
s"tisf$in% the re.uirements of HC)2I)
4)!)2 O6:ec$i1e
4)!), Sc%-e
The not"tion covers re.uirements for9
: m"teri"!s
: "rr"n%ement
: contro! "nd monitorin%
: s"fet$ inst"!!"tions
: o#er"tion m"nu"!)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.6 &ptional class notations 0 3age 7)
4)!)" A--lica$i%n
The not"tion is "##!ic"b!e for "!! different units "s covered b$ DNV/OS/012)
4)2 Technical re0uire.en$s
The re.uirements of the Ru!es for C!"ssific"tion of Shi#s+ Pt)B Ch)E Sec)07+ sh"!! be com#!ied ,ith "s
4), Cer$i&ica$i%n %& Ma$erials an+ c%.-%nen$s
The re.uirements of the Ru!es for C!"ssific"tion of Shi#s+ Pt)B Ch)E Sec)07+ sh"!! be com#!ied ,ith "s
5 Hy+r%car6%n -r%+uc$i%n -lan$
5)! General
4nits or inst"!!"tions fitted ,ith offshore h$droc"rbon #roduction f"ci!ities in com#!i"nce ,ith DNV
re.uirements m"$ be "ssi%ned c!"ss not"tion PROD)
5)2 Technical re0uire.en$s
The re.uirements for #roduction #!"nts "re st"ted in DNV/OS/E210)
5), Cer$i&ica$i%n %& .a$erials an+ c%.-%nen$s
5),)! Procedures "nd re.uirements for c!"ssific"tion inc!udin% certific"tion of e.ui#ment sh"!! be in
"ccord"nce ,ith DNV/OS/E210 Ch)E)
5),)2 ="nuf"cturers of m"teri"!s+ com#onents "nd e.ui#ment for PROD c!"ss sh"!!+ #rior to construction is
st"rted+ #rovide the Societ$ ,ith evidence of their c"#"bi!it$ to successfu!!$ c"rr$ out f"bric"tion ,ith "de.u"te
Gui+ance n%$eC
Evidence m"$ incor#or"te successfu! outcome of construction #roects of simi!"r n"ture)
< Helic%-$er +ec>s
<)! General
<)!)! 4nits fitted ,ith erected !"ndin% #!"tforms for he!ico#ters or !"ndin% "re"s "rr"n%ed direct!$ on dec&s or
to# of dec&houses m"$ be %iven the c!"ss not"tion HELD2 to%ether ,ith .u"!ifiers "s defined in T"b!e J/E)
<)!)2 O6:ec$i1e
The obective of the HELD2 not"tion is to ensure the s"fet$ "nd re!i"bi!it$ of he!ico#ter dec& structure "nd
shi# s"fet$ in re!"tion ,ith he!ico#ter o#er"tions "nd h"n%"r f"ci!ities)
<)!), Sc%-e
The sco#e of the not"tions is de#endent on the .u"!ifiers "s !isted tine T"b!e J/E)
<)!)" A--lica$i%n
The "##!ic"tion of the different .u"!ifiers is restricted "s fo!!o,s9
: The .u"!ifier H c"n on!$ be "##!ied to%ether ,ith the .u"!ifier S)
: The .u"!ifier F c"n on!$ be "##!ied to%ether ,ith the .u"!ifiers SH)
: The .u"!ifier 5N6 c"n on!$ be "##!ied to%ether ,ith .u"!ifiers SH or SHF)
Ta6le /8, HELD2 class n%$a$i%n
Class notation %escription 8ualifier %escription
HELD2 He!ico#ter dec&
SnoneT Structure
S Addition"! re.uirements to shi# s"fet$)
H Addition"! re.uirements to he!ico#ter s"fet$
F Addition"! re.uirements to he!ico#ter f"ci!ities
Ev"!u"ted ,ith res#ect to re.uirements for o#er"tion on the
Nor,e%i"n Continent"! She!f 'NCS(
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.6 &ptional class notations 0 3age 7(
<)2 Technical re0uire.en$s
Technic"! re.uirements for HELD2 sh"!! com#!$ ,ith DNV/OS/E710 Ch)2+ "s "##!ic"b!e9
: Sec)0 to Sec)7 for not"tion HELD2
: Sec)B Addition"! re.uirements for .u"!ifier S
: Sec)J Addition"! re.uirements for .u"!ifier H
: Sec)C Addition"! re.uirements for .u"!ifier F)
For "ddition"! re.uirements for .u"!ifier 5N6 see DNV/OSS/210 Ch)2 Sec)A)
<), Cer$i&ica$i%n %& .a$erials an+ c%.-%nen$s
There "re no "ddition"! re.uirements re%"rdin% certific"tion)
! Crane ins$alla$i%ns
!)! General
!)!)! O6:ec$i1e
The obective of the $RANE not"tion is to define technic"! re.uirements for on/bo"rd #erm"nent inst"!!ed
!)!)2 Sc%-e
In "ddition to certific"tion of the cr"ne+ the fo!!o,in% is covered9
: su##ortin% structure for the cr"ne+ 'stren%thenin% of dec& structure+ #edest"! etc)(
: devices for !oc&in% cr"ne in #"r&ed #osition 'unit "t se"(
: the cr"ne itse!f ,ith res#ect to s"fet$ "nd functionin%)
!)!), A--lica$i%n
The $RANE not"tion m"$ be %iven to units ,ith #erm"nent!$ inst"!!ed cr"nes
!)!)" For units intended for !iftin% "s m"in service reference is "!so m"de to the service not"tion $rane Unit
described in Sec)B)
!)2 Technical re0uire.en$s
The re.uirements %iven in the Ru!es for Shi#s+ Pt)J Ch)0 Sec)E+ sh"!! be com#!ied ,ith for "ssi%nment of c!"ss
not"tion $RANE)
!), Cer$i&ica$i%n %& .a$erials an+ c%.-%nen$s
The cr"ne's( covered b$ c!"ss not"tion $RANE sh"!! be de!ivered "s DNV certified in "ccord"nce ,ith DNV
St"nd"rds for Certific"tion No) 2)22 3iftin% A##!i"nces)
!! A++i$i%nal &ire -r%$ec$i%n
!!)! General
!!)!)! 4nits ,ith "ddition"! fire s"fet$ me"sures in "ccommod"tion s#"ces "nd m"chiner$ s#"ces m"$ be
"ssi%ned c!"ss not"tion F The v"rious .u"!ifiers "re re!"ted to "re"s subected to "ddition"! fire #rotection "s
%iven in T"b!e J/7)
!!)!)2 O6:ec$i1e
The F not"tion "ims "t incre"sed fire #rotection throu%h #reventive me"sures "s ,e!! "s me"sures for reducin%
the conse.uences of fire)
!!)!), Sc%-e
The sco#e of the not"tion covers "rr"n%ement+ structur"! "nd "ctive fire #rotection+ fire fi%htin% s$stems "nd
firefi%hterOs outfit)
Ta6le /8" Class n%$a$i%ns &%r a++i$i%nal &ire -r%$ec$i%n
Class notation %escription 8ualifier %escription
F Addition"! fire #rotection
A Accommod"tion s#"ce
M ="chiner$ s#"ce
$ C"r%o s#"ce
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.6 &ptional class notations 0 3age 7#
!!)!)" A--lica$i%n
The .u"!ifiers c"n be "##!ied individu"! or in combin"tion)
!!)2 Technical re0uire.en$s
The re.uirements "s st"ted in the Ru!es for Shi#s+ Pt)J Ch)7+ sh"!! be com#!ied ,ith for "ssi%nment of the c!"ss
!!), Cer$i&ica$i%n %& .a$erials an+ c%.-%nen$s
There "re no "ddition"! certific"tion re.uirements)
!2 7%a+ing c%.-u$er
!2)! General
!2)!)! 4nits h"vin% inst"!!ed " s$stem inte%r"ted s$stems deve!o#ed to "ssist the m"ster "s " decision "id ,hen
the shi# h"s been subected to d"m"%e "nd conse.uent f!oodin% m"$ be %iven the c!"ss not"tion L$S-D$)
The !etters "re denotin% Lo"din% $om#uter S$stem/D"m"%e $ontro!)
!2)!)2 O6:ec$i1e
The obective of the not"tion is to ensure the correct c"!cu!"tin% of d"m"%e st"bi!it$ fo!!o,in% " co!!ision+
%roundin% or other incidents c"usin% f!oodin%)
!2)!), Sc%-e
A !o"din% com#uter s$stem desi%ned for this #ur#ose is "ssumed to consist of the fo!!o,in% m"in #"rts9
: !eve! sensors in "!! s#"ces ,hich en"b!es soundin% of f!ooded com#"rtments
: dr"u%ht re"din%s sensors to re"d dr"u%hts of the shi# fore+ midshi# '#ort "nd st"rbo"rd( "nd "ft
: " !o"din% com#uter s$stem+ !oc"ted on the n"vi%"tion brid%e '"nd s"fet$ centre+ if !oc"ted in " se#"r"te
s#"ce from the n"vi%"tion brid%e(+ "b!e to c"!cu!"te the st"bi!it$ b"sed on the in#ut #rovided b$ the sensors)
!2)2 Technical re0uire.en$s
The re.uirements of the Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)J Ch)A Sec)7 sh"!! be com#!ied ,ith "s "##!ic"b!e)
!2), Cer$i&ica$i%n %& .a$erials an+ c%.-%nen$s
The certific"tion covers the !o"din% com#uter s$stem "nd the soft,"re inst"!!ed)
!, 2eri%+ically una$$en+e+ .achinery s-ace
!,)! General
!,)!)! 4nits ,here "!! m"chiner$ in the en%ine room necess"r$ for #erform"nce of m"in functions h"ve been
fitted ,ith instrument"tion "nd "utom"tion s$stems in com#!i"nce ,ith this sub/section+ m"$ be "ssi%ned c!"ss
not"tion E0 or E$O)
!,)!)2 O6:ec$i1e
The c!"ss not"tion E0 denotes th"t the s"fet$ of the shi# in "!! s"i!in% conditions+ inc!udin% ,hen m"noeuvrin%
"nd "!on%side+ is e.uiv"!ent to th"t of " shi# ,hose m"chiner$ s#"ces "re "ttended)
The c!"ss not"tion E$O denotes th"t the shi# is e.ui##ed ,ith instrument"tion "nd "utom"tion e.ui#ment "nd
s$stems en"b!in% the continuous su#ervision of its m"chiner$ from " centr"!ised contro! st"tion)
!,)!), Sc%-e
The sco#e of the not"tion covers9
: en%ine contro! s$stem
: "!"rm s$stem
: s"fet$ s$stem
: fire detection "nd "!"rm s$stem)
!,)2 Technical re0uire.en$s
!,)2)! Assi%nment of c!"ss not"tions E0 "nd E$O is b"sed on com#!i"nce ,ith the Ru!es for Shi#s+ Pt)J Ch)E+
,ith .u"!ific"tions %iven in H0E)2)2I)
!,)2)2 References to the Ru!es for Shi#s+ Pt)7 Ch)01 'fire #rotection( sh"!! be re#!"ced ,ith DNV/OS/DE10
for unit "##!ic"tion)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.6 &ptional class notations 0 3age 74
!,), Cer$i&ica$i%n %& .a$erials an+ c%.-%nen$s
Certific"tion re.uirements "re %iven in the Ru!es for Shi#s)
!" Hull .%ni$%ring sys$e.
!")! General
!")!)! 4nits e.ui##ed ,ith instrument"tion s$stem for monitorin% hu!! beh"viour in "ccord"nce ,ith the
re.uirements of this section m"$ be "ssi%ned c!"ss not"tion HMON "s %iven in the Ru!es for Shi#s+ Pt)J Ch)00)
!")!)2 O6:ec$i1e
The s$stem ,i!! %ive ,"rnin% ,hen stress !eve!s "nd the fre.uenc$ "nd m"%nitude of "cce!er"tions "##ro"ch
!eve!s ,hich re.uire corrective "ction)
!")!), Sc%-e
The o,ner sh"!! decide ho, the hu!! monitorin% s$stem shou!d be confi%ured+ i)e) ,hich fe"tures to be inc!uded
"nd ho, the me"sured "nd #rocessed d"t" sh"!! be used)
!")!)" A--lica$i%n
See Ru!es for Shi#s+ Pt)J Ch)00 for .u"!ifier definitions)
!")2 Technical re0uire.en$s
Assi%nment of HMON c!"ss not"tions is b"sed on com#!i"nce ,ith the Ru!es for Shi#s+ Pt)J Ch)00)
!' Fa$igue .e$h%+%l%gy &%r shi-8sha-e+ uni$s
!')! General
!')!)! Shi# sh"#ed units m"$ be "ssi%ned c!"ss not"tion FMS)
!')!)2 The re.uirement for FMS not"tion is "n "ddition to the f"ti%ue stren%th re.uirements for c!"ssific"tion)
The FMS not"tion h"s been introduced for o,ners or o#er"tors ,ho re.uire "ddition"! f"ti%ue s"fet$ b$ usin%
" det"i!ed f"ti%ue methodo!o%$ for the structures+ ,ith incre"sed focus of f"ti%ue critic"! det"i!s durin% ne,
bui!din% #h"se) The incre"sed s"fet$ !eve! ,i!! reduce the ris& of disru#tion durin% #roduction due to re#"ir of
f"ti%ue d"m"%e)
!')!), FMS not"tion is b"sed on minimum 21 $e"r desi%n f"ti%ue !ife "s def"u!t) If the desi%n f"ti%ue !ife is
s#ecified different!$+ the s#ecified desi%n f"ti%ue !ife ,i!! be inc!uded in br"c&ets+ e)%) F=S'E1() The
environment"! d"t" for the tr"nsit "nd offshore sites+ ,hich form the b"sis for the desi%n+ ,i!! be s#ecified in
the FA##endi@ to the C!"ssific"tion Certific"teG)
!')!)" The FMS not"tion covers desi%n+ f"bric"tion "nd o#er"tion of the unit) The s#ecific methodo!o%$ for
desi%n "nd f"bric"tion "re inc!uded in the DNV/RP/C21J FF"ti%ue =ethodo!o%$ for Offshore Shi#sG)
Ins#ection in the o#er"tion"! #h"se ,i!! be inc!uded in the in/service ins#ection #ro%r"m 'IIP() The IIP c"n be
b"sed on " ris& b"sed "##ro"ch)
!')2 Technical re0uire.en$s
Assi%nment of c!"ss not"tion FMS is b"sed on com#!i"nce ,ith re.uirements in DNV/RP/C21J)
!/ N%ise# 1i6ra$i%n an+ c%.&%r$ ra$ing n%$a$i%ns
!/)! General
!/)!)! 4nits "rr"n%ed "nd e.ui##ed ,ith the "im to reduce the im#"ct of noise or vibr"tion m"$ be "ssi%ned
for the fo!!o,in% "ddition"! c!"ss not"tions "s %iven be!o,)
Ta6le /8' Class n%$a$i%ns rela$e+ $% n%ise an+ 1i6ra$i%n
Class notation %escription 8ualifier %escription
Re.uirements for noise+ vibr"tion "nd
indoor c!im"te
$5"rn6 Indoor c!im"te
15"rn6 Noise "nd vibr"tion
"rn comfort r"tin% number+ 0+ 2 or E+ ,here 0 is best)
Vibr"tion !eve! criteri" for m"chiner$+
com#onents+ e.ui#ment "nd structure
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.6 &ptional class notations 0 3age 7+
!/)!)2 O6:ec$i1e
The obective of $OMF is to reduce the im#"ct of noise "nd vibr"tion re!"ted to comfort on bo"rd m"$ be
"ssi%ned for the fo!!o,in% "ddition"! c!"ss not"tions
!/)!), The obective of 1I#R is to reduce the ris& of f"i!ure in m"chiner$+ com#onents "nd structures onbo"rd
units+ c"used b$ e@cessive vibr"tion)
!/)!)" Sc%-e
The sco#e of $OMF covers noise+ vibr"tion "nd indoor c!im"te "s ref!ected b$ the .u"!ifiers !isted in T"b!e J/B)
!/)!)' The sco#e of 1I#R covers
: m"chiner$ com#onents "nd Ne.ui#ment
: structure in com#"rtments ,here m"chiner$+ com#onents "nd e.ui#ment "re situ"ted c!ose to the
!/)!)/ A--lica$i%n
4nits "rr"n%ed "nd e.ui##ed ,ith the "im to reduce the im#"ct of noise "nd vibr"tion re!"ted to comfort on
bo"rd m"$ be "ssi%ned for the fo!!o,in% "ddition"! c!"ss not"tions9
: $OMF-15"rn6+ ,here "rn is " comfort r"tin% number ,hich .u"ntifies the comfort r"tin% of noise "nd
vibr"tion for the unit
: $OMF-$5"rn6+ ,here "rn is " comfort r"tin% number ,hich .u"ntifies the comfort r"tin% of the indoor
c!im"te for the unit+ or
: $OMF-15"rn6$5"rn6)
!/)2 Technical re0uire.en$s
!/)2)! The re.uirements of the Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)J Ch)EE sh"!! be com#!ied ,ith "s "##!ic"b!e for the not"tion
!/)2)2 The re.uirements of the Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)J Ch)0B sh"!! be com#!ied ,ith "s "##!ic"b!e for the not"tion
!/), Cer$i&ica$i%n re0uire.en$s
There "re no "ddition"! re.uirements for certific"tion)
!4 C%l+ cli.a$e n%$a$i%ns
!4)! General
!4)!)! 4nits desi%ned or stren%thened for o#er"tion ,ithin #"rticu!"r %eo%r"#hic"! or environment"! "re"s
found to be in "ccord"nce ,ith re!ev"nt c!"ss ru!e re.uirements m"$ be "ssi%ned corres#ondin% o#tion"! c!"ss
not"tion "s s#ecified in det"i! in the rem"inin% of this sub/section)
!4)!)2 O6:ec$i1e
The obective of the not"tions I$E "nd P$ is to ensure enou%h stren%th for n"vi%"tion "nd o#er"tion in ice
infested ,"ters)
The obective of the not"tion -INTERI4ED is to ensure o#er"tion"! "v"i!"bi!it$ of m"rine s$stems in co!d
c!im"te conditions)
!4)!), Sc%-e
The not"tions I$E "nd P$ cover re.uirements re!"ted to structur"! stren%th "nd "re further det"i!ed in H0C)2I)
The not"tion -INTERI4ED inc!ude "ddition"! re.uirements for s$stems "s further det"i!ed in H0C)EI)
!4)!)" A--lica$i%n
The different not"tions "nd their re!"ted .u"!ifiers "re further det"i!ed in T"b!e J/J "nd T"b!e J/C)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.6 &ptional class notations 0 3age 75
!4)2 S$ruc$ural s$reng$h
!4)2)! C%lu.n s$a6ilise+ uni$s
Co!umn st"bi!ised units stren%thened for n"vi%"tion "nd*or o#er"tion in defined ice conditions in "ccord"nce
,ith this sub/section m"$ be "ssi%ned c!"ss not"tions "s described in T"b!e J/J)
!4)2)2 Technic"! re.uirements for I$E-T "re %iven in DNV/OS/C01E A##)E or DNV/OS/C210 A##)E)
!4)2), Technic"! re.uirements for I$E-L sh"!! "s f"r "s re!ev"nt "nd #r"ctic"b!e be b"sed on Ru!es for Shi#s+
Pt)B Ch)0 Sec)E Ice Stren%thenin% for the Nordic >"!tic "nd Pt)B Ch)0 Sec)D+ Po!"r C!"ss not"tions P$-' "nd
!4)2)" These ru!es do not consider "s#ects re!"ted to the o#er"tion of onbo"rd e.ui#ment in co!d c!im"te) It is
recommended th"t co!umn/st"bi!ised units intended to n"vi%"te "nd o#er"te in co!d c!im"te environments for
!on%er #eriods com#!$ ,ith the re.uirements "s %iven in DNV/OS/A210 on Co!d C!im"te 'see H0C)EI()
!4)2)' Shi-8sha-e+ uni$s
Shi#/sh"#ed units stren%thened for n"vi%"tion in defined ice conditions in "ccord"nce ,ith this sub/section
m"$ be "ssi%ned c!"ss not"tions "s described in T"b!e J/C)
!4)2)/ Technic"! re.uirements for DAT "re %iven in Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)B Ch)0 Sec)C)
!4)2)4 Technic"! re.uirements for I$E "re %iven in Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)B Ch)0 Sec)7)
!4)2)5 Technic"! re.uirements for P$ "re %iven in Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)B Ch)0 Sec)D)
Ta6le /8/ I$E class n%$a$i%ns &%r c%lu.n s$a6ilise+ uni$s
Class notation %escription 8ualifier %escription
N"vi%"tion in Ice ,ith the "ssist"nce of
icebre"&ers ,hen necess"r$
Intended for n"vi%"tin% in difficu!t ice
Intended for n"vi%"tin% in moder"te ice
51$6 Intended for n"vi%"tin% in !i%ht ice conditions
I$E-L O#er"tion in ice
Intended for o#er"tion in ice determined b"sed
on defined ice/conditions+ ice detection "nd ice
m"n"%ement s$stems+ o#er"tion"! "nd
emer%enc$ #rocedures
Ta6le /84 I$E class n%$a$i%ns &%r shi- sha-e+ uni$s)
Class notation %escription 8ualifier %escription
I$E N"vi%"tion in ice Nb"!tic ice c!"sses
norm"!!$ c"#"b!e of n"vi%"tin% in difficu!t ice
conditions ,ithout the "ssist"nce of
c"#"b!e of n"vi%"tin% in difficu!t ice conditions+
,ith the "ssist"nce of icebre"&ers ,hen
c"#"b!e of n"vi%"tin% in moder"te ice
conditions+ ,ith the "ssist"nce of icebre"&ers
,hen necess"r$
c"#"b!e of n"vi%"tin% in !i%ht ice conditions+
,ith the "ssist"nce of icebre"&ers ,hen
Po!"r C!"ss / n"vi%"tion in ice/infested
#o!"r ,"ters
1 6e"r/round o#er"tion in "!! #o!"r ,"ters
6e"r/round o#er"tion in moder"te mu!ti/$e"r
ice conditions
6e"r/round o#er"tion in second/$e"r ice ,hich
m"$ inc!ude mu!ti/$e"r ice inc!usions
6e"r/round o#er"tion in thic& first/$e"r ice
,hich m"$ inc!ude o!d ice inc!usions
6e"r/round o#er"tion in medium first/$e"r ice
,hich m"$ inc!ude o!d ice inc!usions
Summer * "utumn o#er"tion in medium first/
$e"r ice ,hich m"$ inc!ude o!d ice inc!usions
Summer * "utumn o#er"tion in thin first/$e"r ice
,hich m"$ inc!ude o!d ice inc!usions
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.6 &ptional class notations 0 3age 76
!4), Win$eriGe+
!4),)! The t"b!e be!o, !ist the different .u"!ifiers for the -INTERI4ED not"tion)
!4),)2 A--lica$i%n
For .u"!ifier #asi"+ " re!ev"nt I"e $lass not"tion is m"nd"tor$ if intended to o#er"te in ice/infested ,"ters)
!4),), For .u"!ifier $ol+ " re!ev"nt I"e $lass not"tion is m"nd"tor$ if intended to o#er"te in ice/infested
!4),)" For .u"!ifier Polar+ " re!ev"nt I"e $lass not"tion "nd c!"ss not"tion $lean "re m"nd"tor$)
!4),)' Addition"! det"i!s "re %iven in DNV/OS/A210 Ch)E)
!4),)/ Technical re0uire.en$s
The technic"! re.uirements "re %iven in DNV/OS/A210 Ch)2)
!4),)4 Cer$i&ica$i%n re0uire.en$s
The certific"tion re.uirements "re %iven in DNV/OS/A210 Ch)E Sec)2)
!5 En1ir%n.en$al n%$a$i%ns
!5)! General
!5)!)! T"b!e J/A #rovides "n overvie, of the environment"! re!"ted not"tions)
Ta6le /85 Class n%$a$i%n -interi@e
Class notation %escription 8ualifier %escription
-interi@e O#er"tion in co!d c!im"te
O#er"tion occ"sion"!!$ in co!d c!im"te for short
O#er"tion in co!d c!im"te re%u!"r!$ or for "n
e@tended #eriod of time+ thou%h not necess"ri!$
in ice/infested ,"ters
O#er"tion in e@treme co!d c!im"te of the #o!"r
re%ions $e"r/round+ t$#ic"!!$ in ice/infested
6 E@treme 3o, Ambient Air Tem#er"ture in C
Ta6le /8< Class n%$a$i%ns rela$e+ $% en1ir%n.en$
Class notation %escription 8ualifier %escription
#-M >"!!"st K"ter ="n"%ement
>"!!"st ,"ter m"n"%ement s$stem b"sed on
T >"!!"st ,"ter m"n"%ement s$stem on Tre"tment
Arr"n%ements for contro!!in% "nd
!imitin% o#er"tion"! emissions "nd
SnoneT >"sic o#er"tion"! re.uirements
Addition"! o#er"tion"! re.uirements) Desi%n
re.uirements for #rotection "%"inst "ccidents
"nd for !imitin% their conse.uences)
Tier III
For vesse!s com#!$in% ,ith the NO@ emission
re.uirements of Tier III "ccordin% to =ARPO3
Anne@ VI+ Re%u!"tion 0E
OPP Oi! Po!!ution Preventive s$stem F fue! oi! s$stem
S"fe "nd Environment"!!$ Sound
Rec$c!in% of Shi#s
Coverin% the deve!o#ment of Inventor$ of
H"M"rdous ="teri"!s P"rt 0
1$S V"#our contro! s$stems
>"sic inst"!!"tion 'meetin% I=O =SC*
VCS/0 L overfi!! "!"rm 'meetin% 4SC; CFR
7J #"rt EA(
VCS/2 L inst"!!"tion for onbo"rd v"#our
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.6 &ptional class notations 0 3age 77
!5)2 O6:ec$i1e
!5)2)! The c!"ss not"tion #-M describes " b"!!"st ,"ter m"n"%ement s$stem in !ine ,ith the Intern"tion"!
Convention for the Contro! "nd ="n"%ement of Shi#Os >"!!"st K"ter "nd Sediments "s "do#ted b$ I=O 0E
Febru"r$ 2117)
!5)2)2 The c!"ss not"tion $LEAN identifies the b"sic re.uirements for contro!!in% "nd !imitin% o#er"tion"!
emissions "nd disch"r%es) The c!"ss not"tion $LEAN DESIGN identifies "ddition"! re.uirements for
contro!!in% "nd !imitin% o#er"tion"! emissions "nd disch"r%es) In "ddition+ this not"tion s#ecifies desi%n
re.uirements for #rotection "%"inst "ccidents "nd for !imitin% their conse.uences)
!5)2), The obective of OPP-F is to #revent oi! #o!!ution b$ s#ecif$in% "ddition"! #reventive me"sures for the
fue! oi! s$stem)
!5)2)" The obective of RE$/$LA#LE is to document e"r!$ com#!i"nce ,ith the re.uirements for IH= set
forth b$ the I=O Hon% Kon% Convention for the S"fe "nd Environment"!!$ Sound Rec$c!in% of Shi#s)
!5)2)' The obective of 1$S is to define criteri" ,hich "##!$ to shi#bo"rd s$stems for contro! of v"#our
emissions from !i.uid c"r%oes)
!5), Technical re0uire.en$s
!5),)! #-M
The re.uirements %iven in the Ru!es for Shi#s+ Pt)J Ch)0D+ sh"!! be com#!ied ,ith for "ssi%nment of the c!"ss
not"tion #-M fo!!o,in% the different .u"!ifiers "s s#ecified)
The re.uirements %iven in the Ru!es for Shi#s+ Pt)J Ch)02+ sh"!! be com#!ied ,ith for "ssi%nment of the c!"ss
not"tions $LEAN.$LEAN DESIGN ,ith the devi"tions "s %iven in 0D)E)E)
!5),), For the "##!ic"tion of $LEAN DESIGN for offshore units+ the re.uirement for NAUT-A- or NAUT-
OS15A6 c"n %ener"!!$ be ,"ived b"sed on "n "ssum#tion of the !o,er n"vi%"tion"! ris& due to the o#er"tion"!
#"ttern of the unit 'i)e) most of time in " fi@ed !oc"tion()
The re.uirement to oi! t"n& #rotection "s " dist"nce to bottom she!! #!"tin% m"$ "!so be ,"ived under cert"in
conditions but sh"!! be ev"!u"ted on " c"se/b$/c"se b"sis)
!5),)" OPP-F
For OPP-F The re.uirements %iven in the Ru!es for Shi#s+ Pt)J Ch)0 Sec)B+ sh"!! be com#!ied ,ith for
"ssi%nment of the c!"ss not"tions)
!5),)' RE$/$A#LE
The re.uirements %iven in the Ru!es for Shi#s+ Pt)J Ch)2C+ sh"!! be com#!ied ,ith for "ssi%nment of the c!"ss
not"tion RE$/$LA#LE
!5),)/ 1$S
The re.uirements %iven in the Ru!es for Shi#s+ Pt)J Ch)01+ sh"!! be com#!ied ,ith for "ssi%nment of the c!"ss
not"tion 1$S)
!< Enhance+ sys$e. 1eri&ica$i%n
!<)! General
!<)!)! The not"tion ES1 indic"tes th"t s#ecified onbo"rd s$stem h"ve been subect to enh"nce s$stem
!<)!)2 O6:ec$i1e
The obective is to "n"!$se the s#ecified t"r%et s$stem b$ use of one or more verific"tion methods "s described
in these ru!es in order to #rovide obective evidence of "cce#t"b!e function"!it$ "nd .u"!it$ "ccordin% to st"ted
Gui+ance n%$eC
A##!ic"tion of "n$ enh"nced s$stem verific"tion shou!d #rovide "n "ddition"! bro"der "nd*or dee#er "nd*or e"r!ier
verific"tion of the "##!ic"b!e re.uirements ,hen com#"red to norm"! c!"ssific"tion test "ctivities re.uired for the
t"r%et s$stem's()
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.6 &ptional class notations 0 3age 78
!<)!), Sc%-e
The re.uirements "##!$ to m"rine "nd offshore s$stems "nd cover test "nd verific"tion methods th"t m"$ be
uti!iMed to "ssist in verific"tion of function"!it$ "nd #erform"nce of such s$stems)
!<)!)" A--lica$i%n
The t"r%et s$stems "v"i!"b!e for enh"nced s$stem verific"tion methods in the ES1 not"tion "re s#ecified in
T"b!e A0 of the Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)J Ch)22 Sec)0)
An$ combin"tion of se!ected s$stems c"n be m"de)
!<)!)' The ES1 not"tion c"n on!$ be "##!ied for s$stems covered b$ c!"ssific"tion throu%h m"in c!"ss "nd
"ddition"! c!"ss not"tion "ssi%ned the unit)
!<)!)/ The "##!ied verific"tion method is sho,ed in the not"tion strin% "s !isted in the t"b!e be!o,)
!<)!)4 The verific"tion methods "re "!i%ned to be "##!ied in conunction ,ith c!"ssific"tion "ctivities of
s$stems "t e)%) t$#e "##rov"!+ m"nuf"cturin% surve$+ onbo"rd testin%+ "nd on se" tri"! in order to #rovide
"ddition"! evidence of e@#ected "nd re.uired function"!it$)
!<)2 Technical re0uire.en$s
!<)2)! There "re not "ddition"! technic"! re.uirements to the t"r%et s$stem)
!<), Cer$i&ica$i%n re0uire.en$s
!<),)! There "re not "ddition"! certific"tion re.uirements to the t"r%et s$stem)
2 *n$egra$e+ s%&$9are +e-en+en$ sys$e.s
2)! General
2)!)! 4nits bui!t "nd tested in com#!i"nce ,ith the re.uirements of DNV/OS/D21E m"$ be "ssi%ned one of
the o#tion"! c!"ss not"tions for inte%r"ted soft,"re/de#endent s$stems sho,n in T"b!e J/00)
2)!)2 O6:ec$i1e
The obective of ISDS is to reduce the ris& for de!"$s in ne,/bui!d #roects "nd modific"tion #roects+ "s ,e!!
"s for do,ntime "nd "ccidents c"used b$ soft,"re in the o#er"tion #h"se)
2)!), Sc%-e
The s$stems covered b$ the not"tion "re to be s#ecified "nd "re "s sho,n b$ the %iven .u"!ifiers) The se!ection
of s$stems is !isted in DNV/OS/D21E Ch)E Sec)0 T"b!e >0)
The sco#e of DNVOs invo!vement de#ends on the confidence !eve! s#ecified)
2)!)" A--lica$i%n
An$ combin"tion of se!ected s$stems c"n be m"de)
2)!)' ISDS c"n on!$ be "##!ied for s$stems "s covered b$ c!"ssific"tion throu%h m"in c!"ss "nd other
"ddition"! c!"ss not"tions)
2)!)/ 4n!ess other,ise "%reed the confidence !eve!s of DNV/OS/D21E Ch)E Sec)0 T"b!e >0 "##!$)
2)2 Technical re0uire.en$s
2)2)! There "re no "ddition"! technic"! #roduct re.uirements)
Ta6le /8! Class n%$a$i%ns rela$e+ $% en1ir%n.en$
Class notation %escription 8ualifier %escription
ES1 Enh"nced S$stem verific"tion
H"rd,"re in the !oo#+ test #"c&"%e inc! simu!"tor
#rovided b$ inde#endent su##!ier
As "bove+ simu!"tor #rovided b$ su##!ier t"r%et
Ta6le /8!! ISDS Class n%$a$i%ns
+otation %escription
ISDS As3ste(17%%%7s3ste( nB
4nits h"vin% under%one enh"nced soft,"re/de#endent s$stem inte%r"tion
for the s$stem's( "ccordin% to DNV/OS/D21E
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.6 &ptional class notations 0 3age 79
2), Cer$i&ica$i%n re0uire.en$s
2),)! There "re no "ddition"! certific"tion re.uirements)
2! S-ecial &ea$ure n%$a$i%ns
2!)! General
2!)!)! S#eci"! fe"ture not"tions #rovide inform"tion re%"rdin% s#eci"! desi%n "ssum#tions+ "rr"n%ements or
e.ui#ment ,hich is not covered b$ other c!"ss not"tions) Re.uirements re!"ted to s#eci"! fe"ture not"tions
current!$ in use "re described in this sub/section)
2!)2 S-ecial &ea$ure n%$a$i%n NON-SELFPROPELLED
2!)2)! O6:ec$i1e
To indic"te the s#ecific #ro#u!sion "nd steerin% "rr"n%ements for inde#endent tr"nsits)
2!)2)2 Sc%-e
For NON-SELFPROPELLED units the desi%n sco#e for steerin% %e"r+ t"i!sh"ft "nd thrusters for #ro#u!sion
m"$ be "dusted in "ccord"nce ,ith the intended use 'e)%) for D/NPOS-AUTS+ POSMOOR+ "s "u@i!i"r$
inst"!!"tion+ or not used "t "!!()
For SELF PROPELLED units the desi%n sco#e inc!udes steerin% %e"r+ t"i!sh"ft "nd thrusters for #ro#u!sion)
2!)2), A--lica$i%n
The not"tion NON-SELFPROPELLED is "##!ic"b!e for "n$ vesse! t$#e "nd service obective e@em#t for se!f
/e!ev"tin% units) The not"tion is not "##!ic"b!e for units ,ith " m"in not"tion OI)
The SELF PROPELLED not"tion is "##!ic"b!e for se!f/e!ev"tin% units ,ith #ro#u!sion "nd steerin%)
2!), Tailsha&$ .%ni$%ring TMON
2!),)! O6:ec$i1e
The obective of TMON is to e@tend the sterntube "nd #ro#e!!er sh"ft surve$ interv"!
2!),)2 Sc%-e
The not"tion describes the monitorin% of the sterntube in order to %ive sufficient inform"tion to ev"!u"te the
o#er"tion conditions for be"rin%s+ se"!s "nd sh"ft)
2!),), A--lica$i%n
TMON is "##!ic"b!e for convention"! #ro#u!sion sh"fts ,ith oi! !ubric"ted sterntube be"rin%)
2!),)" Technical re0uire.en$s
The technic"! re.uirements from Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)7 Ch)7 Sec)0 EE11 "##!$)
2!),)' Cer$i&ica$i%n re0uire.en$s
There "re no s#ecific certific"tion re.uirements)
2!)" S-ecial &ea$ure n%$a$i%n #IS
2!)")! O6:ec$i1e
The #IS not"tion indic"tes th"t the shi# is #re#"red for in/,"ter surve$)
2!)")2 Sc%-e
The #IS not"tion covers9
: On bo"rd document"tion
: ="r&in% of shi#Os side "nd bottom
: Rudder+ t"i!sh"ft "nd thrusters
2!)"), A--lica$i%n
4nits #re#"red for in/,"ter surve$ durin% bui!din% m"$ be %iven the not"tion #IS)
2!)")" Technical re0uire.en$s
The technic"! re.uirements in the Ru!es for Shi#s+ Pt)E Ch)0 Sec)0 D+ sh"!! be com#!ied ,ith)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.# "ec.6 &ptional class notations 0 3age 8)
2!)")' Cer$i&ica$i%n re0uire.en$s
There "re no "ddition"! certific"tion re.uirements)
22 Su..ary %& re&erence +%cu.en$s &%r a++i$i%nal class n%$a$i%ns
22)! General
22)!)! Ru!es "nd st"nd"rds ,hich sh"!! be "##!ied for "ssi%nment of s$stem "nd s#eci"! f"ci!it$ c!"ss not"tions
"re summ"rised in T"b!e J/02)
Ta6le /8!2 Su..ary %& re&erence +%cu.en$s &%r sys$e. an+ s-ecial &acili$y n%$a$i%ns
+otation %escription
#O- LOADING Ru!es for Shi#s+ Pt)B Ch)E+ Sec) 07
#-M Ru!es for Shi#s+ Pt)J Ch)0D
$LEAN. $LEAN DESIGN Ru!es for Shi#s+ Pt)J Ch)02 Sec)0
$OMF Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)J Ch)EE
$RANE Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)J Ch)0 Sec)E
D/NPOS Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)J Ch)C
D/NPOS-ER Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)J Ch)2J
DPS Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)J Ch)C
ES1 Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)J Ch)22
E0 . E$O Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)J Ch)E
F Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)J Ch)7
FMS DNV/RP/C21J FF"ti%ue =ethodo!o%$ of Offshore Shi#sG
HMON 5%%%6 Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)J Ch)00
I$E Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)B Ch)0 Sec)E
L$S-D$ Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)J Ch)A Sec)7
OPP-F Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)J Ch)0 Sec)B
Re"3"la)le Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)J+ Ch)2C
SPM Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)B Ch)E Sec)0B
STL Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)B Ch)E Sec)07
1$S Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)J Ch)01 Sec)0
1I#R Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)J Ch)0B Sec)0
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.( .eneral provisions 0 3age 8(
! *n$r%+uc$i%n
!)! General
!)!)! This section st"tes the #rinci#!es "nd re.uirements for retention of c!"ss to units covered b$ the
#rovisions of DNV/OSS/012) Re.uirements "re "##!ic"b!e to m"in c!"ss+ service not"tions "nd "ddition"! c!"ss
not"tions un!ess other,ise st"ted)
!)!)2 The e@tent of #eriodic"! surve$in% is #resented in Sec)E "nd Sec)7 for m"in c!"ss+ Sec)B for "ddition"!
service not"tions "nd Sec)J for "ddition"! s$stem "nd f"ci!it$ not"tions)
!)!), Se!f/e!ev"tin% units "re to be surve$ed "s described in DNV/OSS/017 Pt)C) For those bein% se!f/
#ro#e!!ed+ the surve$ of the #ro#u!sion s$stems is "s %iven in this ch"#ter)
!)!)" A =emo to O,ner '=O( sh"!! be issued st"tin% "##roved ch"n%es to surve$ #rocedures "nd "cce#t"nce
criteri"+ if "n$) Technic"! b"sis for "##roved ch"n%es sh"!! be st"ted)
!)!)' DNV ,i!! deve!o# "nd m"int"in "n In/service Ins#ection Pro%r"m 'IIP( ,hich ,i!! cont"in the structur"!
items to be surve$ed to s"tisf$ the re.uirements of m"in c!"ss+ e@c!udin% "n$ "ddition"! c!"ss not"tions) The
IIP constitutes the form"! b"sis for surve$in% structur"! items under m"in c!"ss "nd sh"!! be com#!eted to the
s"tisf"ction of "ttendin% surve$or before rene,"! surve$ c"n be credited)
!)2 Sur1ey -re8-lanning an+ rec%r+ >ee-ing
!)2)! A s#ecific surve$ #ro%r"m for rene,"! surve$s "nd continuous surve$s must be ,or&ed out in "dv"nce
of the rene,"! surve$ b$ the o,ner in coo#er"tion ,ith the c!"ssific"tion societ$) The surve$ #ro%r"m in
,ritten form"t) The IIP is the structur"! #"rt of the #ro%r"m 'ref) Sec)E H0)2I()
!)2)2 P!"ns "nd #rocedures for under,"ter surve$s 'or under,"ter ins#ection in !ieu of dr$/doc&in% surve$ #er
DNV/RP/A210( "re to be submitted for revie, in "dv"nce of the surve$ "nd m"de "v"i!"b!e on bo"rd) These
shou!d inc!ude dr",in%s or forms for identif$in% the "re"s to be surve$ed+ the e@tent of hu!! c!e"nin%+ non/
destructive testin% !oc"tions 'inc!udin% NDT methods(+ nomenc!"ture+ "nd for the recordin% of "n$ d"m"%e or
deterior"tion found) Submitted d"t"+ "fter revie, b$ the Societ$+ ,i!! be subect to revision if found to be
necess"r$ in !i%ht of e@#erience)
!)2), Accessi6ili$y an+ &acili$ies &%r sur1eys %n l%ca$i%n
Annu"! "nd s#eci"! surve$s m"$ be c"rried out on !oc"tion b"sed on "##roved #rocedures out!ined in "
m"inten"nce s$stem "nd surve$ "rr"n%ement+ ,ithout interru#tin% the function of the unit or inst"!!"tion)
See Ch)2 Sec)02 for m"tters ,hich ,i!! be t"&en into consider"tion for "cce#t"nce of surve$s to be c"rried out
on !oc"tion)
!), Al$erna$i1e sur1ey arrange.en$s
!),)! A!tern"tive surve$ "rr"n%ements m"$ be "cce#ted "s "n o#tion to "##!ic"b!e #eriodic"! surve$s for m"in
c!"ss) =ore det"i!s "re %iven in Sec)C)
!)" Sur1eys -er&%r.e+ 6y a--r%1e+ c%.-anies
!)")! P"rts of the #eriodic"! surve$s m"$ be c"rried out b$ com#"nies "##roved b$ DNV) =ore det"i!s "re
%iven in Sec)D)
2 2eri%+ical sur1eys
2)! General
2)!)! A!! units sh"!! be subected to #eriodic"! surve$s in "ccord"nce ,ith re.uirements of this ch"#ter in order
to confirm th"t the hu!!+ m"chiner$+ e.ui#ment "nd s$stems rem"in in s"tisf"ctor$ condition "nd in com#!i"nce
,ith "##rov"! or "cce#ted st"nd"rds)
2)!)2 Periodic"! surve$s ,i!! be!on% to one of the fo!!o,in% c"te%ories "ccordin% to the !eve! of surve$
: "nnu"! surve$
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.( .eneral provisions 0 3age 8#
: intermedi"te surve$
: com#!ete surve$)
The surve$ re.uired in conunction ,ith issu"nce of " ne, c!"ss certific"te is denoted9
: rene,"! surve$
The fo!!o,in% s#ecific surve$s m"$ be schedu!ed "ccordin% to one or more of the "bove c"te%ories9
: bottom surve$
: #ro#u!sion*#ositionin% thruster surve$
: boi!er surve$ 'inc!udin% ste"m %ener"tor surve$(
: therm"! oi! he"ter surve$
: surve$ of o#tion"! c!"ss not"tions 'vo!unt"r$ c!"ss not"tions()
2)!), Periodic"! surve$s sh"!! be c"rried out "t #rescribed interv"!s "nd ,ithin "##!ic"b!e time ,indo,s)
A surve$ m"$ be s#!it in different #"rts+ commenced "nd #ro%ressed ,ithin the time ,indo, #rovided "!! the
re.uirements of the surve$ "re com#!eted b$ the end of the time ,indo,)
The m"in c!"ss intermedi"te surve$ c"nnot serve "s commencement of the ne@t rene,"! surve$)
For concurrent surve$s 'see T"b!e 0/0( the time ,indo, m"$ be !imited b$ th"t of the other surve$)
2)!)" The due d"te of " #eriodic"! surve$ ,i!! be est"b!ished de#endin% u#on the surve$ interv"!+ me"sured
from one of the fo!!o,in% events+ ,hichever is re!ev"nt9
: d"te of c!"ss "ssi%nment
: d"te of commissionin%
: due d"te of the #revious corres#ondin% surve$
: d"te of com#!etion of the #revious corres#ondin% surve$
: d"te of com#!etion of " m"or conversion)
A surve$ m"$ be commenced #rior to the defined time ,indo, "t o,ner-s re.uest) In such " c"se the due d"te
of subse.uent surve$s ,i!! be "dusted "ccordin%!$)
2)!)' For cert"in units the surve$ interv"!s m"$ be reduced+ e)%) for units ,ith ne, or nove! desi%n or ,ith
s$stems or items e@#osed to "bnorm"! r"te of ,e"r or f"i!ure)
2)!)/ The sco#e of surve$ m"$ be e@tended ,hen com#!i"nce ,ith "##!ic"b!e ru!es c"nnot be s"tisf"ctori!$
confirmed b"sed on e@tent of surve$s "s %iven+ or ,hen the surve$or sus#ects th"t the unit is not m"int"ined or
h"nd!ed in "ccord"nce ,ith the b"sis for retention of c!"ss)
2)2 2%s$-%ne.en$ %& -eri%+ical sur1eys
2)2)! E@ce#t for "nnu"! "nd intermedi"te surve$s for m"in c!"ss+ the Societ$ m"$ "cce#t to #ost#one #eriodic"!
surve$s u#on s#eci"! consider"tion in e"ch se#"r"te c"se) Post#onement of m"in c!"ss rene,"! surve$ m"$ be
considered on!$ in e@ce#tion"! circumst"nces)
2)2)2 Post#onement of m"in c!"ss rene,"! surve$ sh"!! not e@ceed E months) Post#onement of #eriodic"!
surve$s ,i!! not "ffect the surve$s ne@t due d"te)
2)2), Post#onement of the rene,"! surve$ m"$ be %r"nted on!$ u#on the o,ner-s ,ritten re.uest) Such "
re.uest sh"!! be received b$ the Societ$ ,e!! in "dv"nce of the e@#ir$ d"te of the c!"ssific"tion certific"te) A
#ost#onement of the rene,"! surve$ sh"!! norm"!!$ be b"sed on s"tisf"ctor$ resu!t from " si%htin% surve$)
2), Sur1ey %& uni$s %u$ %& c%..issi%n
2),)! 4nits ,hich h"ve been out of commission+ e)%) !"id u#+ for " #eriod of "t !e"st 02 months+ sh"!! be
surve$ed "nd tested before re/enterin% service) The e@tent of the surve$s "nd tests ,i!! be considered in e"ch
c"se de#endin% u#on9
: the time the unit h"s been out of commission
: the m"inten"nce "nd #reserv"tive me"sures t"&en durin% !"$/u#
: the e@tent of surve$s c"rried out durin% the time out of commission)
As " minimum+ function testin% to confirm the s"tisf"ctor$ o#er"tion of the m"chiner$ inst"!!"tion sh"!! be
c"rried out) A!! overdue surve$s sh"!! be com#!eted #rior to re/enterin% service)
2),)2 Durin% !"$/u#+ units sh"!! be subected to "nnu"! surve$)
The e@tent of the "nnu"! surve$ ,i!! be reduced com#"red to m"in c!"ss "nnu"! surve$+ but sh"!! cover
,"terti%ht inte%rit$+ bi!%e s$stem+ fire h"M"rd "nd e.ui#ment in use)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.( .eneral provisions 0 3age 84
2)" Sur1ey Sche+ules
2)")! Annu"! surve$ schedu!e is "s fo!!o,s9
: The due d"te in %ener"! corres#onds to the "nnivers"r$ d"te of the c!"ss "ssi%nment or the e@#ir$ of the
#revious c!"ssific"tion certific"te if different)
: The surve$ sh"!! norm"!!$ be c"rried out ,ithin " time ,indo, of E months on either side of the due d"te
: In c"se " m"in c!"ss "nnu"! surve$ is commenced #rior to the defined time ,indo,+ the surve$ must be
com#!eted not more th"n J months "fter the d"te of the surve$ commencement) In such c"ses the
"nnivers"r$ d"tes for the subse.uent "nnu"! surve$s ,i!! be "dv"nced+ corres#ondin% to " d"te not !"ter th"n
E months "fter the com#!etion d"te of the commencement surve$ ust c"rried out)
: An "ddition"! m"in c!"ss "nnu"! surve$ m"$ be re.uired ,hen the "nnivers"r$ d"te h"s been "dv"nced
Annu"! surve$s sh"!! be #erformed e"ch $e"r+ "!so those $e"rs ,here "n intermedi"te+ com#!ete or rene,"!
surve$ is #erformed) Surve$ re.uirements "##!ic"b!e for "nnu"! surve$s "re therefore not re#e"ted for
corres#ondin% intermedi"te+ com#!ete or rene,"! surve$s)
2)")2 Intermedi"te surve$ schedu!e is "s fo!!o,s9
: The due d"te sh"!! norm"!!$ corres#ond to the d"te 2)B $e"rs "fter the e@#ir$ d"te of the #revious c!"ss
: The surve$ sh"!! norm"!!$ be c"rried out ,ithin " time ,indo, of A months on either side of the due d"te)
: The m"in c!"ss intermedi"te surve$ sh"!! be com#!eted concurrent!$ ,ith the second or third m"in c!"ss
"nnu"! surve$ in e"ch #eriod of the c!"ssific"tion certific"te)
: The s"me surve$s "nd thic&ness me"surements of t"n&s or s#"ces c"nnot be credited to,"rds both
intermedi"te "nd rene,"! surve$) 4nits th"t "re re/commissioned "fter bein% !"id/u# m"$ be s#eci"!!$
2)"), Com#!ete surve$s "re denoted9
: Com#!ete surve$ '2)B $e"rs(+ or
: Com#!ete surve$ 'B $e"rs(+ or
: Com#!ete surve$ '0B $e"rs()
Com#!ete surve$ schedu!e is "s fo!!o,s9
: The due d"te corres#onds to 2)B $e"rs+ B $e"rs or 0B $e"rs interv"!)
: The surve$ sh"!! norm"!!$ be c"rried out ,ithin " time ,indo, of A months before "nd J months "fter the
due d"te)
: Surve$ re.uired to be concurrent ,ith the rene,"! surve$ sh"!! be com#!eted no !"ter th"n "t the com#!etion
of the rene,"! surve$)
2)")" Rene,"! surve$ schedu!e is "s fo!!o,s9
: The due d"te is set "t B $e"rs interv"! "nd corres#onds to the e@#ir$ d"te of the c!"ssific"tion certific"te)
: The surve$ sh"!! norm"!!$ be com#!eted ,ithin " time ,indo, of E months before the due d"te)
: The surve$ m"$ be commenced "t the fourth "nnu"! surve$ or bet,een the fourth "nd fifth "nnu"! surve$s)
: In c"se the surve$ is commenced more th"n 0B months before the e@#ir$ d"te of the c!"ssific"tion
certific"te+ the due d"te of the surve$ ,i!! be "dv"nced to " d"te not !"ter th"n 0B months "fter the
com#!etion d"te of the commencement surve$)
: The rene,"! surve$ sh"!! be com#!eted concurrent!$ ,ith the !"st m"in c!"ss "nnu"! surve$ in e"ch #eriod
of the c!"ssific"tion certific"te)
: The s"me surve$s "nd thic&ness me"surements of t"n&s or s#"ces c"n not be credited to,"rds both
intermedi"te "nd rene,"! surve$) 4nits th"t "re re/commissioned "fter bein% !"id/u# m"$ be s#eci"!!$
2)")' >ottom surve$ schedu!e is "s fo!!o,s9
"( The due d"te is set "t interv"!s in "ccord"nce ,ith the fo!!o,in%9
: t,o bottom surve$s "re re.uired durin% e"ch five/$e"r #eriod of the c!"ssific"tion certific"te
: the interv"! bet,een "n$ t,o successive bottom surve$s is in no c"se to e@ceed EJ months)
b( The surve$ sh"!! be c"rried out on or before the due d"te)
Time ,indo, is not "##!ic"b!e)
c( One bottom surve$ sh"!! be c"rried out in conunction ,ith the rene,"! surve$+ i)e) not more th"n 0B months
#rior to the e@#ir$ d"te of the c!"ssific"tion certific"te)
2)")/ Surve$ of %e"red "nd #odded thrusters for #ro#u!sion or d$n"mic #ositionin% "re schedu!ed "ccordin% to
com#!ete surve$ 'B $e"r() Podded thrusters sh"!! "!so h"ve "n "nnu"! surve$)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.( .eneral provisions 0 3age 8+
2)")4 >oi!er "nd ste"m drum*ste"m se#"r"tor surve$ schedu!e is "s fo!!o,s9
: The due d"te is set "t interv"!s in "ccord"nce ,ith the fo!!o,in%9
: T,o boi!er surve$s "re re.uired durin% e"ch five/$e"r #eriod of the c!"ssific"tion certific"te)
: The interv"! bet,een "n$ t,o successive boi!er surve$s is in no c"se to e@ceed EJ months)
Durin% e"ch boi!er intern"! surve$+ the "dustment of the s"fet$ v"!ves ,i!! be "ssessed b$ " DNV surve$or)
'see IACS 4R U0D(
: The surve$ sh"!! be c"rried out on or before the due d"te) Time ,indo, is not "##!ic"b!e)
: One boi!er surve$ sh"!! be c"rried out in conunction ,ith the rene,"! surve$+ i)e) not more th"n 0B months
#rior to the e@#ir$ d"te of the c!"ssific"tion certific"te)
4nits more th"n D $e"rs o!d "nd ret"inin% the ori%in"! fittin% of " sin%!e unit+ the m"in boi!er sh"!! be surve$ed
"nnu"!!$ 'fu!! sco#e( "nd ,ithin the "nnu"! surve$ schedu!e)
2)")5 Therm"! oi! he"ter surve$ schedu!e "s in H2)7)CI)
2)' Class n%$a$i%ns
2)')! O#tion"! c!"ss not"tions ,here s#ecific surve$s h"ve been defined "re !isted in T"b!e 0/0)
Ta6le !8! Sur1eys &%r %-$i%nal class n%$a$i%ns
Class notation %escription Survey type
Con>unction with main
class survey
Arr"n%ements for contro!!in% "nd
!imitin% o#er"tion"! emissions "nd
Annu"! Annu"! Sec)J H0DI
$RANE On bo"rd cr"ne
Annu"! N*A
Sec)J H01I
'B $e"rs(
D$n"mic #ositionin% s$stem Annu"! N*A
'B $e"rs(
D/NPOS D$n"mic #ositionin% s$stem
Annu"! N*A
'B $e"rs(
Periodic"!!$ un"ttended m"chiner$
Annu"! Annu"!
Sec)J H0EI
'B $e"rs(
E$O ="chiner$ centr"!ised o#er"tion
Annu"! Annu"!
'B $e"rs(
Com#!ete Rene,"!
F Addition"! fire #rotection
'2)B $e"rs(
Intermedi"te "nd
Sec)J H00I
F"ti%ue methodo!o%$ for shi#/
sh"#ed units
Annu"! Annu"!
Sec)J H0BI
'B $e"rs(
HELD2 He!ico#ter dec&
'B $e"rs(
Rene,"! Sec)J HAI
HMON Hu!! monitorin% s$stem Annu"! Rene,"! Sec)J H07I
Inte%r"ted Soft,"re De#endent
Annu"! Annu"!
Sec)J H0AI
'B $e"rs(
L$S 3o"din% com#uter s$stem Annu"! Annu"! Sec)J H02I
POSMOOR Position moorin% s$stem
Annu"! Annu"!
Sec)J H2I
'B $e"rs(
PROD Production s$stem
Annu"! N*A
Com#!ete Rene,"!
Inventor$ of H"M"rdous ="teri"!s
P"rt 0
'B $e"rs(
Rene,"! Sec)J H0DI
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.( .eneral provisions 0 3age 85
2)')2 C!"ss not"tions for ,hich no surve$ re.uirement is defined+ e)%) bec"use the c!"ss not"tion is desi%n
re!"ted on!$+ "re !isted in T"b!e 0/2)
TMON T"i!sh"ft monitorin% Annu"! Annu"! Sec)J H21I
1I#R Vibr"tion !eve! !imit"tion
'B $e"rs(
Rene,"! Sec)J H0JI
-interi@e O#er"tion in co!d c!im"te
Annu"! Annu"!
Sec)J H0CI
'B $e"rs(
Ta6le !82 Class n%$a$i%ns 9i$h%u$ sur1ey re0uire.en$s
Class notation %escription
$OMF Re.uirements for noise+ vibr"tion "nd indoor c!im"te
DAT Desi%n "mbient "ir tem#er"ture suit"b!e for re%u!"r service durin% ,inter to Arctic or Ant"rctic
I$E N"vi%"tion in ice
OPP-F Oi! #o!!ution #revention / fue! s$stems
P$ Po!"r C!"ss / n"vi%"tion in ice/infested #o!"r ,"ter
POLAR Arctic ice ru!es
SPM Sin%!e Point =oorin%
STL Submer%ed Turret 3o"din%
Ta6le !8! Sur1eys &%r %-$i%nal class n%$a$i%ns ?C%n$inue+@
Class notation %escription Survey type
Con>unction with main
class survey
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.# .eneral reuirements for structure and machinery surveys 0 3age 86
! General
!)! 2re-ara$i%n &%r sur1ey
!)!)! The o,ner sh"!! #rovide the necess"r$ f"ci!ities for s"fe e@ecution of surve$s)
!)!)2 For over"!! "nd c!ose/u# e@"min"tion+ me"ns sh"!! be #rovided to en"b!e the surve$or to e@"mine the
structure in " s"fe "nd #r"ctic"! ,"$+ see H2)0I)
2 Hull an+ e0ui-.en$
2)! C%n+i$i%ns &%r sur1ey an+ access $% s$ruc$ures
2)!)! In #re#"r"tion for surve$ "nd to "!!o, for " thorou%h e@"min"tion+ "!! s#"ces sh"!! be c!e"ned inc!udin%
remov"! from surf"ces of "!! !oose "ccumu!"ted corrosion sc"!e) In t"n&s ,here soft or semi/h"rd co"tin%s h"ve
been "##!ied+ re#resent"tive "re"s "nd those "re"s ,here it is obvious th"t further c!ose/u# e@"min"tion is
re.uired sh"!! be c!e"ned for ins#ection)
Gui+ance n%$eC
S#"ces shou!d be sufficient!$ c!e"n "nd free from ,"ter+ sc"!e+ dirt+ oi! residues etc) to reve"! corrosion+ deform"tion+
fr"ctures+ d"m"%e+ or other structur"! deterior"tion) Ho,ever+ those "re"s of structure ,hose rene,"! h"s "!re"d$ been
decided need on!$ be c!e"ned "nd desc"!ed to the e@tent necess"r$ to determine the !imits of the rene,ed "re"s) For
more det"i!ed inform"tion ,ith re%"rd to " t"n& ,here soft co"tin%s h"ve been "##!ied+ see IACS recommend"tion
No) 77)
2)!)2 C"sin%s+ cei!in%s or !inin%s+ "nd !oose insu!"tion+ ,here fitted+ sh"!! be removed+ "s re.uired b$ the
surve$or+ for e@"min"tion of #!"tin% "nd fr"min%) Com#ositions on #!"tin% sh"!! be e@"mined "nd sounded+ but
need not be disturbed if found "dherin% s"tisf"ctori!$ to the #!"tin%)
2)!), A!! s#"ces sh"!! be m"de s"fe for "ccess+ i)e) %"s freed+ venti!"ted "nd i!!umin"ted+ "nd #re#"red for the
surve$or to e@"mine the structure in " s"fe "nd #r"ctic"! ,"$) One or more of the fo!!o,in% me"ns for "ccess+
"cce#t"b!e to the surve$or+ sh"!! be #rovided9
: #erm"nent st"%in% "nd #"ss"%es throu%h structures
: tem#or"r$ st"%in% "nd #"ss"%es throu%h structures
: !ifts "nd move"b!e #!"tforms
: h$dr"u!ic "rm vehic!es such "s convention"! cherr$ #ic&ers
: bo"ts or r"fts
: #ort"b!e !"dder
: other e.uiv"!ent me"ns)
2)!)" R"fts or bo"ts "!one m"$ be "!!o,ed for surve$ of the under dec& "re"s for t"n&s or s#"ces+ if the de#th
of the ,ebs is 0)B m or !ess)
If the de#th of the ,ebs is more th"n 0)B m+ r"fts or bo"ts "!one m"$ be "!!o,ed on!$9
"( ,hen the co"tin% of the under dec& structure is in ;OOD condition "nd there is no evidence of ,"st"%e or
b( if " #erm"nent me"ns of "ccess is #rovided in e"ch b"$ to "!!o, s"fe entr$ "nd e@it) This me"ns9
: "ccess direct from the dec& vi" " vertic"! !"dder "nd " sm"!! #!"tform fitted "##ro@im"te!$ 2 m be!o,
the dec& in e"ch b"$ or
: "ccess to dec& from " !on%itudin"! #erm"nent #!"tform h"vin% !"dders to dec& in e"ch end of the t"n&)
The #!"tform sh"!!+ for the fu!! !en%th of the t"n&+ be "rr"n%ed in !eve! ,ith+ or "bove+ the m"@imum
,"ter !eve! needed for r"ftin% of under dec& structure) For this #ur#ose+ the u!!"%e corres#ondin% to the
m"@imum ,"ter !eve! sh"!! be "ssumed not more th"n E m from the dec& #!"te me"sured "t the mids#"n
of dec& tr"nsverses "nd in the midd!e !en%th of the t"n&)
If neither of the "bove conditions "re met+ then st"%in% or Fother e.uiv"!ent me"nsG of "ccess sh"!! be #rovided
for the surve$ of the under dec& "re"s)
The use of r"fts or bo"ts "!one does not #rec!ude the use of bo"ts or r"fts to move "bout ,ithin " t"n& durin% "
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.# .eneral reuirements for structure and machinery surveys 0 3age 87
Gui+ance n%$eC
Reference is m"de to IACS Recommend"tion No) EA N ;uide!ines for the use of >o"ts or R"fts for C!ose/u# surve$s)
Gui+ance n%$eC
4se of remote ins#ection techni.ue methods to f"ci!it"te the re.uired intern"! e@"min"tions+ inc!udin% c!ose/u#
e@"min"tions "nd thic&ness me"surements+ m"$ be s#eci"!!$ considered b$ the Societ$) The methods "##!ied sh"!!
#rovide the inform"tion norm"!!$ obt"ined from " surve$ c"rried out b$ the surve$or)
In order to verif$ the resu!ts+ confirm"tor$ c!ose/u# e@"min"tions "nd thic&ness me"surements "t se!ected !oc"tions
sh"!! be c"rried out b$ the surve$or+ not usin% the remote ins#ection techni.ue method)
Pro#os"!s for use of remote ins#ection techni.ue methods sh"!! be submitted to the Societ$ for "cce#t"nce in "dv"nce
of the surve$)
2)!)' A surve$ #!"nnin% meetin% sh"!! be he!d #rior to the commencement of "n$ rene,"! "nd intermedi"te
surve$s bet,een the "ttendin% surve$or's(+ the o,ner-s re#resent"tive in "ttend"nce "nd the thic&ness
me"surement * NDT com#"n$ re#resent"tive+ ,here invo!ved)
2)2 Sur1ey e3$en$
2)2)! The surve$ consists of e@"min"tion+ me"surements "nd testin% "s re.uired for different surve$ c"te%ories
,ith the "im to ensure th"t the hu!! structure+ hu!! e.ui#ment "nd #i#in% "re in s"tisf"ctor$ condition ,ith
res#ect to corrosion+ deform"tion+ fr"ctures+ d"m"%e or other structur"! deterior"tion)
2)2)2 Khen e@"min"tion or over"!! e@"min"tion is re.uired the structure or obect is visu"!!$ e@"mined from
" si%nific"nt dist"nce) In such c"ses the %ener"! m"inten"nce+ the condition of #rotective co"tin%+ rust de#osits+
!e"&"%es "nd structur"! det"chments "nd d"m"%e m"$ be observed "nd the surve$or m"$ e@tend the surve$ "s
considered necess"r$)
2)2), Khen c!ose/u# e@"min"tion is s#ecified b$ the ru!es or re.uired b$ the surve$or the structure or obect
is visu"!!$ e@"mined from " dist"nce norm"!!$ ,ithin re"ch of h"nd) The surve$or m"$ e@tend the c!ose/u#
e@"min"tion "s deemed necess"r$ t"&in% into "ccount the m"inten"nce of the s#"ces under surve$+ the
condition of the corrosion #revention s$stem "nd ,here s#"ces h"ve structur"! "rr"n%ements or det"i!s ,hich
h"ve suffered defects in simi!"r s#"ces or on simi!"r units "ccordin% to "v"i!"b!e inform"tion)
2)2)" Thic>ness .easure.en$s
Thic&ness me"surements+ for %ener"! "ssessment "nd recordin% of corrosion #"ttern+ sh"!! be t"&en of those
structur"! members subect to c!ose/u# e@"min"tion "s s#ecified b$ the re.uirements re!ev"nt for the surve$ or
"s %iven in H2)2)BI)
2)2)' The surve$or m"$ re.uire thic&ness me"surements in "n$ #ortion of the structure ,here si%ns of ,"st"%e
"re evident or in "re"s ,here ,"st"%e is norm"!!$ found) The surve$or m"$ e@tend the sco#e of the thic&ness
me"surements if considered necess"r$)
2)2)/ Khen thic&ness me"surements "re s#ecified b$ the ru!es or re.uired b$ the surve$or the me"surements
sh"!! be c"rried out to "n e@tent sufficient to determine both %ener"! "nd !oc"! corrosion !eve!s)
Thic&ness me"surements sh"!! be c"rried out b$ " .u"!ified com#"n$ "##roved b$ the Societ$ "nd ,itnessed
b$ " surve$or 'see "!so Sec)D on Services b$ "##roved com#"nies() This re.uires the surve$or to be on bo"rd+
,hi!e the me"surements "re t"&en+ to the e@tent necess"r$ to contro! the #rocess)
Khere it is re.uired to c"rr$ out thic&ness me"surements of structures subect to c!ose/u# e@"min"tion+ these
me"surements sh"!! be c"rried out simu!t"neous!$ ,ith the c!ose/u# e@"min"tion)
The surve$or sh"!! revie, the fin"! thic&ness me"surement re#ort "nd countersi%n the cover #"%e)
2)2)4 Khere subst"nti"! corrosion+ "s defined in Ch)0 Sec)0 H2I is found+ "ddition"! thic&ness me"surements
sh"!! be t"&en to confirm the e@tent of subst"nti"! corrosion)
2)2)5 The e@"min"tion m"$ be e@tended "!so in c"ses ,hen9
: inform"tion is "v"i!"b!e of defects suffered on simi!"r structure or det"i!s in simi!"r t"n&s*ho!ds or on
simi!"r units
: the structure under surve$ h"s been "##roved ,ith reduced sc"nt!in%s due to "n "##roved corrosion contro!
2)2)< The o,ner sh"!! &ee# " com#!ete record of "!! the thic&ness me"surements "nd #re#"re " thic&ness
me"surement re#ort inc!udin%9
: !oc"tions of the me"surements
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.# .eneral reuirements for structure and machinery surveys 0 3age 88
: thic&ness me"sured "nd corres#ondin% ori%in"! thic&ness
: the d"te ,hen the me"surements ,ere c"rried out
: t$#e of me"surin% e.ui#ment
: #ersonne! #erformin% the me"surin% "nd their .u"!ific"tions)
: the re#ort sh"!! be si%ned b$ the o#er"tor)
These "ddition"! thic&ness me"surements sh"!! be c"rried out before the surve$ is considered "s com#!eted)
2)2)! C%rr%si%n all%9ance
In the desi%n of co!umn/st"bi!ised "nd "c&/u# units corrosion "!!o,"nce is norm"!!$ not inc!uded "s the
structure is considered "de.u"te!$ #rotected "%"inst corrosion+ e)%) b$ s"crifici"! "nodes+ im#ressed current "nd
For shi#/sh"#e units corrosion "ddition is inc!uded "s #"rt of the Ru!es for Shi#s+ but for hu!! %irder %!ob"!
stren%th %ross thic&ness is used combined ,ith " corrosion #rotection s$stem simi!"r for co!umn/st"bi!ised "nd
"c&/u# units)
The corrosion diminution criteri" "s %iven in DNV/RP/C010+ sh"!! be "##!ied) A!tern"tive methods m"$ be
"cce#ted in "%reement ,ith the Societ$)
2)2)!! C%n+i$i%ns %& -r%$ec$i1e c%a$ing
Khere #rovided+ the condition of #rotective co"tin% of c"r%o ho!ds+ c"r%o t"n&s "nd b"!!"st t"n&s sh"!! be
The condition ,i!! be r"ted ;OOD+ FAIR or POOR "s defined in T"b!e 2/0)
2)2)!2 For structures ,here ori%in"! #rotective co"tin%s "re in ;OOD condition+ the e@tent of c!ose/u#
e@"min"tion "nd thic&ness me"surements m"$ be s#eci"!!$ considered)
S#eci"! consider"tion "s used in this conte@t is t"&en to me"n+ "s " minimum+ th"t sufficient c!ose/u#
e@"min"tion "nd thic&ness me"surements "re c"rried out to confirm the "ctu"! "ver"%e condition of the
structure under the #rotective co"tin%)
For "re"s ,ith %ener"! bre"&do,n of the #rotective co"tin%+ c!ose/u# e@"min"tion "nd thic&ness me"surements
sh"!! be c"rried out to "n e@tent sufficient to determine both "ver"%e "nd !oc"! corrosion !eve!s)
2)2)!, The "bove "!so "##!ies to t"n&s of st"in!ess stee!) If not other,ise s#ecified+ the s"me "##!ies for re/
co"ted structures 'b$ e#o@$ co"tin% or e.uiv"!ent+ "!tern"tive!$ " t$#e "##roved co"tin%+ e)%) semi/h"rd(+
#rovided th"t the condition of the #rotective co"tin% is in ;OOD condition "nd th"t document"tion is "v"i!"b!e
st"tin% th"t9
: the sc"nt!in%s ,ere "ssessed "nd found s"tisf"ctor$ b$ " surve$or #rior to re/co"tin%
: the co"tin% ,"s "##!ied "ccordin% to the m"nuf"cturer-s recommend"tions)
2), Re-air %& s$ruc$ural +a.age %r +e$eri%ra$i%n
2),)! A #rom#t "nd thorou%h re#"ir is " #erm"nent re#"ir com#!eted "t the time of surve$ to the s"tisf"ction
of the surve$or+ therein removin% the need for the im#osition of "n$ "ssoci"ted condition of c!"ss)
Gui+ance n%$eC
There "re situ"tions th"t com#osite re#"irs c"n be "cce#ted on " c"se b$ c"se b"sis) For the #rocedure to be fo!!o,ed
,e refer to RP/CE10) C!"ss is invo!ved before the "##!ic"tion)
2),)2 An$ d"m"%e in "ssoci"tion ,ith ,"st"%e over the "!!o,"b!e !imits 'inc!udin% buc&!in%+ %roovin%+
Ta6le 28! C%n+i$i%ns %& -r%$ec$i1e c%a$ing
Corrosion #revention s$stem Norm"!!$ " fu!! h"rd co"tin%+ usu"!!$ to be e#o@$ co"tin% or e.uiv"!ent) Other co"tin%
s$stems+ ,hich "re neither soft nor semi/h"rd co"tin%s+ m"$ be "cce#ted #rovided the$
"re "##!ied "nd m"int"ined in com#!i"nce ,ith the m"nuf"cturer-s s#ecific"tion)
'Ref) IACS 4R UC(
Ho,ever+ for soft "nd semi h"rd co"tin%s+ if "!re"d$ "##!ied+ m"$ be "cce#ted "s resu!t
of " condition b"sed "ssessment sho,in% correct or%"niM"tion"! set/u# to m"int"in
"de.u"te corrosion #rotection)
Co"tin% condition F;OODG Condition ,ith on!$ minor s#ot rustin%)
Co"tin% condition FFAIRG Condition ,ith !oc"! bre"&do,n "t ed%es of stiffeners "nd ,e!d connections "nd*or !i%ht
rustin% over 21Q or more of "re"s under consider"tion+ but !ess th"n "s defined for
POOR condition)
Co"tin% condition FPOORG Condition ,ith %ener"! bre"&do,n of co"tin% over 21Q or more of "re"s or h"rd sc"!e
"t 01Q or more of "re"s under consider"tion)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.# .eneral reuirements for structure and machinery surveys 0 3age 89
det"chment or fr"cture(+ or e@tensive "re"s of ,"st"%e over the "!!o,"b!e !imits+ ,hich "ffects or+ in the o#inion
of the surve$or+ ,i!! "ffect the unit-s structur"!+ ,"terti%ht or ,e"therti%ht inte%rit$+ sh"!! be #rom#t!$ "nd
thorou%h!$ re#"ired)
2),), For !oc"tions ,here "de.u"te re#"ir f"ci!ities "re not "v"i!"b!e+ consider"tion m"$ be %iven to "!!o, the
unit to #roceed direct!$ to " re#"ir f"ci!it$)
2),)" Addition"!!$+ ,hen " surve$ resu!ts in the identific"tion of si%nific"nt corrosion or structur"! defects+
either of ,hich+ in the o#inion of the surve$or+ ,i!! im#"ir the unit-s fitness for continued service+ remedi"!
me"sures sh"!! be im#!emented before the unit continues in service)
, Machinery an+ sys$e.s
,)! Main$enance an+ -re-ara$i%n &%r sur1ey
,)!)! Ever$ unit sh"!! h"ve im#!emented " m"inten"nce s$stem inc!udin% m"chiner$ s$stem "nd e.ui#ment
subect to c!"ss 'see T"b!e C/0()
The m"inten"nce s$stem sh"!! ensure th"t9
: ins#ections "nd m"inten"nce "re c"rried out "t defined interv"!s
: "n$ non/conformit$ is re#orted ,ith its #ossib!e c"use+ if &no,n
: "##ro#ri"te corrective "ction is t"&en
: records of these "ctivities "re m"int"ined)
The m"chiner$ "nd s$stems subect to c!"ss sh"!! be m"int"ined in "ccord"nce ,ith the m"inten"nce s$stem
Gui+ance n%$eC
The m"inten"nce s$stem m"$ be #"#er b"sed or in " e!ectronic form"t)
,)!)2 In #re#"r"tion for surve$ "nd to "!!o, for " thorou%h e@"min"tion+ m"chiner$ com#onents "nd re!"ted
s#"ces sh"!! be c!e"ned+ inc!udin% remov"! from surf"ces of !oose "ccumu!"ted corrosion sc"!e+ mud "nd oi!/
residues) The s#"ces "nd com#onents of "ttention sh"!! h"ve #ro#er "ccess inc!udin% dism"nt!in% "s necess"r$)
,)2 Machinery 1eri&ica$i%n
,)2)! If si%nific"nt re#"irs "re c"rried out to m"in or "u@i!i"r$ m"chiner$+ " doc& "nd*or se" tri"! sh"!! be c"rried
out "s re.uired b$ the "ttendin% surve$or)
,)2)2 For #ro#u!sion s$stems ,here sh"ft "!i%nment c"!cu!"tions h"ve been re.uired+ the "!i%nment sh"!! be
confirmed b$ suit"b!e me"surements ,hen the s$stem h"s been dism"nt!ed "nd or ,hen e@tern"! forces 'e)%)
%roundin%+ ,e!din% ,or&( m"$ h"ve inf!uenced the "!i%nment)
The me"surements sh"!! be c"rried out ,ith the shi# "f!o"t "nd be #resented to the "ttendin% surve$or)
S$stems ,hich re.uire sh"ft "!i%nment "re s#ecified in Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)7 Ch)7 Sec)0 A71E "nd F711)
Gui+ance n%$eC
For inst"!!"tion "nd testin% refer to Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)7 Ch)7 Sec)0 HE11 "nd I011)
,)2), As "n "!tern"tive to o#enin% u# for ins#ection+ me"surements m"$ be c"rried on cert"in com#onents such
"s vibr"tion d"m#ers+ e!"stic cou#!in%s+ s#eed %overnor "nd .uic& #"ssin% throu%h device)
" S-ecial -r%1isi%ns &%r ageing %&&sh%re uni$s
")! General
")!)! =obi!e Offshore 4nits ,ith "%e e@ceedin% their initi"! desi%n !ife 'in m"n$ c"ses 21 $e"rs( sh"!! be
subect to ev"!u"tion for s#eci"! #rovisions)
")!)2 The s#eci"! #rovisions for m"int"inin% re.uired s"fet$ !eve! is re!"ted to f"ti%ue "nd corrosion condition
of the hu!! "nd su##ortin% structure) De%r"d"tion mech"nisms due to "%ein% effects re!"ted to other "s#ects such
"s m"rine s$stems h"ve "!so to be %iven due consider"tion b$ o,ner throu%h m"inten"nce+ "nd b$ DNV
surve$ors throu%h re%u!"r surve$s)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.# .eneral reuirements for structure and machinery surveys 0 3age 9)
")2 C%rr%si%n .easure.en$s an+ c%n+i$i%n %& -r%$ec$i1e c%a$ing
")2)! The s#eci"! #rovisions ,ith re%"rd to condition of #rotection co"tin% s$stem "nd minimum
me"surements "re inc!uded in the descri#tions for the rene,"! surve$ "s s#ecified in Sec)E H7I) In "ddition is
referred to H2)2I ,ith re%"rd to thic&ness me"surements "nd ins#ection of #rotective co"tin%s in %ener"!)
"), Fa$igue u$iliGa$i%n in+e3 ?FU*@
"),)! The F4I is defined "s the r"tio bet,een the effective o#er"tion"! time "nd the initi"!!$ documented
f"ti%ue !ife)
"),)2 Khen the "ctu"! "%e of the unit e@ceeds the documented f"ti%ue !ife+ the f"ti%ue uti!is"tion inde@ 'F4I(
sh"!! be c"!cu!"ted for the fo!!o,in% t$#e of units9
: co!umn/st"bi!ised
: se!f/e!ev"tin%)
"),), F4I c"!cu!"tion is not re.uired for shi#/sh"#ed units) These units h"ve " more robust f"ti%ue redund"nc$
"nd "re considered "de.u"te!$ covered b$ st"nd"rd surve$ "rr"n%ements)
"),)" If f"ti%ue cr"c&s h"ve been found in " unit #rior to the F4I re"chin% 0)1+ "nd the findin%s "re !oc"ted
,ithin f"ti%ue sensitive "re"s of the unit+ the o,ner sh"!! "ssess structur"! det"i!s in these "re"s "t !"test #rior
to the rene,"! surve$ for the B/$e"r #eriod)
"),)' C"!cu!"tion of effective o#er"tion"! time sh"!! be b"sed on the recorded o#er"tion histor$) For the
#ur#ose of c"!cu!"tin% the F4I+ the fo!!o,in% m"$ be "ssumed9
: contribution from o#er"tion in h"rsh environment+ e)%) North Se"+ North At!"ntic "nd C"n"d"+ e.u"!s "ctu"!
o#er"tin% time in such environment
: contribution from o#er"tion in other environments e.u"!s one third '0*E( of "ctu"! o#er"tin% time in such
: #eriods of !"$/u# "nd $"rd st"$ m"$ be disre%"rded
: for se!f/e!ev"tin% unitsP contribution from tr"nsit o#er"tion)
"),)/ The o,ner sh"!! submit F4I "s #"rt of the #!"nnin% #rocess #rior to rene,"! surve$+ see H7)E)2I "bove)
"),)4 O#er"tion of the unit m"$ continue ,hen F4I T 0)1 #rovided9
: the re.uired s"fet$ !eve! of the vesse! is m"int"ined
: no f"ti%ue cr"c&s h"ve been found in critic"! "re"s of the unit
: the ins#ection #ro%r"m is e@tended)
"),)5 Khen the F4I T 0)1+ the fo!!o,in% me"sures ,i!! in %ener"! be t"&en9
: The Societ$ ,i!! issue " =O '=emo to O,ner( st"tin% the "ctu"! F4I)
: The inst"!!ed !e"& detection s$stem for co!umn st"bi!iMed units sh"!! be e@"mined for !e"&"%e t,o times
e"ch month "nd sh"!! be confirmed "t e"ch "nnu"! surve$)
Gui+ance n%$eC
For "ddition"! ins#ections to se!f/e!ev"tin% units+ see OSS/017 Pt) C Ch)2+ Sec)E
"),)< For " unit ,ith F4I T 0)1 "nd ,here cr"c&s h"ve been detected in f"ti%ue sensitive "re"s+ the re.uired
s"fet$ !eve! is in %ener"! considered s"tisfied either b$9
Incre"sin% or doub!e the ins#ection fre.uenc$ "nd e@tend the e@istin% ins#ection #ro%r"m
Gui+ance n%$eC
For "ddition"! ins#ections to se!f/e!ev"tin% units+ see OSS/017 Pt) C Ch)2 Sec) E)
Introduce condition b"sed "ssessment for the unit+ b"sed on "%reed com#ens"tin% me"sures #rior to the rene,"!
surve$ for the ne@t B/$e"r #eriod)
Gui+ance n%$eC
A condition b"sed ins#ection #!"nnin% is #erformed b$ ud%in% the vesse! b"sed on the "ctu"! condition r"ther th"n
on "%e in order to m"int"in the re.uired s"fet$ !eve!) In this conte@t " sco#e im#!ementin% "!! or #"rts of the fo!!o,in%
#rocedure c"n*shou!d be #erformed9
: A##!$ the resu!ts from " f"ti%ue "n"!$sis) The det"i! !eve! of the "n"!$sis ,i!! inf!uence the resu!ts) Hi%her det"i!
!eve! reduces the uncert"inties "nd incre"ses the confidence in the resu!ts "nd hence reduces the ins#ection
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.# .eneral reuirements for structure and machinery surveys 0 3age 9(
: ="##in% of critic"! connections ,ith re%"rd to f"ti%ue c"#"cit$+ i)e) r"n&in% of f"ti%ue sensitive det"i!s)
: Identif$ det"i!s to be modified*u#%r"ded ,ith re%"rd to f"ti%ue stren%th)
: Determine re.uired s"fet$ !eve! / de#endent on conse.uence "nd "ccess for ins#ection)
: A##!$ the f"ti%ue resu!ts in " ris& b"sed "n"!$sis 'R>I( inc!udin% historic"! d"t" from ins#ections*findin%s "nd
ins#ection .u"!it$ for #re#"rin% the ins#ection #ro%r"m)
: Ev"!u"te the resu!t from ins#ections 'findin%s( "nd*or "n"!$sis "nd #erform modific"tions*im#rovements ensurin%
th"t the "ssoci"ted ris&s "re "de.u"te!$ contro!!ed)
: Perform " continuous u#d"tin% of the ins#ection #!"n b"sed on ins#ection resu!ts)
The ins#ection #!"n obt"ined from " condition b"sed "##ro"ch de#ends on the method "nd #rocedure "##!ied+
inc!udin% the confidence !eve! of the #"r"meters considered) 3ess confidence incre"ses the #rob"bi!it$ of f"i!ure 'PoF(
"nd hence the ins#ection fre.uenc$ ,i!! incre"se)
"),)! Previous cr"c&s !oc"ted in f"ti%ue sensitive "re"s sh"!! be subect to "ddition"! NDE "t intermedi"te
surve$s corres#ondin% to the e@tent of the NDE ins#ection re.uired for the rene,"! surve$s
"),)!! Associ"ted #!"ns "nd #rocedures+ i)e) condition b"sed ins#ection #!"ns "##!$in% ris& b"sed "##ro"ch+
sh"!! be "##roved b$ the Societ$) The sco#e of the im#rovement #ro%r"m ,i!! de#end on the initi"! "ssessment
"nd o,ner-s #!"ns for further use of the unit) 4nits ,hich h"ve under%one "n "ssessment "nd im#rovement
#ro%r"m to the Societ$-s s"tisf"ction ,i!! be surve$ed b"sed on the modified ins#ection #ro%r"m)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.4 3eriodical survey extent for main class 0 3age 9#
! General
!)! *n$r%+uc$i%n
!)!)! This section "nd Sec)7 #resents the st"nd"rd e@tent of surve$s for retention of m"in c!"ss '1A1( for
mobi!e offshore units "nd OI for f!o"tin% offshore inst"!!"tions "s "##!ic"b!e for "!! service not"tions)
The descri#tions for the different surve$s cover first re.uirements re!ev"nt for "!! vesse! t$#es fo!!o,ed b$
vesse! t$#e s#ecific descri#tions for subse.uent!$ shi#/sh"#ed+ co!umn/st"bi!ised "nd se!f/e!ev"tin% units)
!)!)2 ="in c!"ss #eriodic"! surve$ sco#e inc!udes the "##!ic"b!e service not"tion surve$ re.uirements "s !isted
in Sec)B)
!)!), Addition"! s$stem "nd s#eci"! f"ci!it$ covered b$ m"in c!"ss "re %iven in Sec)B) Subsections for t"i!sh"ft
'Sec)7 H0I( "nd thrusters for #ro#u!sion 'Sec)7 HEI( "re not "##!ic"b!e for OI c!"ss)
!)!)" For units "nd inst"!!"tions ,ith s#eci"! fe"ture not"tion NON-SELFPROPELLED the surve$ sco#es
for steerin% %e"r+ t"i!sh"ft "nd thrusters for #ro#u!sion m"$ be "dusted to be in "ccord"nce ,ith the intended
use 'e)%) for D/NPOS-AUTS+ POSMOOR+ "s "u@i!i"r$ inst"!!"tion+ or not used()
!)!)' The e@tent of the #eriodic"! surve$ is further det"i!ed b$ the In/service Ins#ection Pro%r"m 'IIP( "s
described in H0)2I)
!)2 *n8ser1ice ins-ec$i%n -r%gra. ?**2@
!)2)! The In/service Ins#ection Pro%r"m 'IIP( 'see Sec)0 H2)0)BI( is deve!o#ed on the b"sis of " %ener"!+
e@#erience/b"sed sco#e in combin"tion ,ith desi%n "nd f"bric"tion #"rticu!"rs for the "ctu"! unit "s ,e!! "s
e@#erience from in/service surve$s of units of simi!"r t$#e)
!)2)2 Re!ev"nt surve$ re.uirements for units of shi#/sh"#ed t$#es "ddition"! to those st"ted in the Ru!es for
Shi#s "re summ"rised in T"b!e E/0)
Gui+ance n%$eC
For c!e"rness it is under!ined th"t shi#/sh"#ed offshore units "re not subect to E@tended Hu!! Surve$ Re.uirements
'EHSR( or Enh"nced Surve$ Pro%r"ms '"s sho,n b$ the ESP c!"ss not"tion( "s defined in the Ru!es for Shi#s)
!)2), The b"sic sco#e for deve!o#ment of IIP for units of co!umn/st"bi!ised t$#e is %iven in T"b!e E/2)
!)2)" The b"sic sco#e for deve!o#ment of IIP for units of se!f/e!ev"tin% t$#e is %iven in T"b!e E/E)
!)2)' Det"i!ed !oc"tions for thic&ness %"u%in%s ,i!! be #re#"red b"sed on the condition of the unit "nd
fo!!o,in% the "##!ic"b!e t"b!e of H7I) =e"surements "re to be recorded "nd stored in DNVOs Structure Inte%rit$
="n"%ement 'SI=( too!)
!)2)/ The e@tent of e@"min"tion s#ecified in the referred t"b!es m"$ be modified b"sed on desi%n
document"tion ev"!u"tion+ ins#ection resu!ts * cr"c& histor$ "nd e@#erience ,ith simi!"r units *det"i!s)
!)2)4 The e@tent of e@"min"tion s#ecified in the referred t"b!es m"$ be refined b$ use of R>I * RC=
Gui+ance n%$eC
At the 0st Annu"! or intermedi"te surve$ "fter construction+ co!umn/st"bi!ised "nd se!f/e!ev"tin% units m"$ be subect
to e@"min"tion of m"or structur"! com#onents inc!udin% non/destructive testin%+ "s deemed necess"r$ b$ the Societ$)
If the Societ$ deems such surve$ to be necess"r$+ the e@tent shou!d be "%reed to b$ the Societ$ "nd the o,ner or
customer #rior to commencement of the Surve$)
For further %uid"nce on R>I see "!so DNV/RP/CE12 Ris& >"sed Corrosion ="n"%ement)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.4 3eriodical survey extent for main class 0 3age 94
Ta6le ,8! Aasis sc%-e &%r +e1el%-.en$ %& **2 &%r shi-8sha-e+ uni$s
T?P. 51 S2R-.?
#S 3S RS
3+T .@T 3+T .@T 3+T .@T
- +%T - +%T - +%T - +%T - +%T - +%T
Special #reas for 3nspection

'SP( A connections:
SP0 =oon#oo! o#enin%s C A A A A A A
SP2 Turret A A A A A A A
#ttachments of:
SPB Cr"ne #edest"!s "nd to# f!"n%e A A A V A V A A A A
SPJ Anchor ,ind!"sses V A V A A A V
SPC Anchor ch"in f"ir!e"ds C > C A A C
SPD He!idec&+ derric& "nd dri!!/f!oor
SPA Other "tt"chment*su##ort
connections e)%) s#onsons+ !ife/bo"t
su##ort structure
Primary #reas for 3nspection 'PR(:
PR7 Dec& structure "nd Turret V V A A V
PRJ Cr"ne #edest"! V A A A A A
PRC 3ifebo"t #!"tforms su##ort A A A V
PRD He!idec& "nd f!"re su##ort structure V V V A A A V
PRA Other su##ort structures V V V V A A
A W 011Q
> W B1Q

V W S#ot chec& 2/BQ
V W Visu"! Ins#ection inc!udin% C!ose Visu"! Ins#ection of S#eci"! Are"s)
NDT W Non/destructive Testin%+ norm"!!$ ="%netic P"rtic!e Ins#ection '=PI( "nd*or Edd$ Current 'ECI( of se!ected
stress concentr"tions "nd f"ti%ue sensitive det"i!s)
0( S#eci"! Are"s for Ins#ection 'SP( "re those sections of the structure ,hich "re in ,"$ of critic"! !o"d tr"nsfer #oint+
stress concentr"tions+ often s#eci"! stee! se!ection etc) see !istin% in H7)E)2I
2( Prim"r$ Are"s for Ins#ection 'PR( "re e!ements ,hich "re essenti"! to the over"!! structur"! inte%rit$ of the unit) See
!istin% in H7)E)2I
E( / of the tot"! number of these #"rts)
7( The ins#ection e@tent mi%ht be reduced 'be !ess th"n 011Q( if b"sed on desi%n document"tion+ see H0)2)JI '"bove()
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.4 3eriodical survey extent for main class 0 3age 9+
Ta6le ,82 Aasis sc%-e &%r +e1el%-.en$ %& **2 &%r c%lu.n8s$a6ilise+ uni$s
T?P. 51 S2R-.?
#S 3S RS or 3S for units with
123 B
3+T .@T 3+T .@T 3+T .@T
- +%T - +%T - +%T - +%T - +%T - +%T
Special #reas for Ins#ection
'SP( A ConnectionsC
SP0 HoriMont"! br"cin% A A A
Pontoon to #ontoon A A A A A A
SP2 Vertic"! di"%on"! br"cin% > A A A A A
SPE Co!umns to #ontoon V C A V A C
Co!umn to dec& V C A V A C
SP7 ="in >"r%e %irder*bu!&he"d) V V V V A A V
Att"chments of9
SPB Cr"ne #edest"!s "nd to# f!"n%e A A A V A V A A A A
SPJ Anchor ,ind!"sses V A V A A A C
SPC Anchor ch"in f"ir!e"ds "nd "nchor
C V > C A A C
SPD He!idec&+ derric& "nd dri!!/f!oor
SPA Other "tt"chment*su##ort
connections+ e)%) f!"re "nd !ife bo"t
su##ort structures
Primary #reas for 3nspection 'PR(C
PR0 HoriMont"! br"cin%s A A A A
PR2 Vertic"! di"%on"! br"cin%s C C A A
PRE Co!umn "nd #ontoon she!! V C A A
PR7 4##er hu!! %irders*bu!&he"ds V V V V A A
PRJ Cr"ne*%"n%,"$ #edest"! V A A A A A
PRC 3ifebo"t #!"tforms su##ort A A A V
PRD He!idec& su##ort structure V V V A A A V
PRA Other su##ort structures V V V V A A
A W 011Q
> W B1Q
V W S#ot chec& 2/BQ
V W Visu"! Ins#ection inc!udin% C!ose Visu"! Ins#ection of S#eci"! Are"s
NDT W Non/destructive Testin%+ norm"!!$ ="%netic P"rtic!e Ins#ection '=PI( "nd*or Edd$ Current 'ECI( of se!ected
stress concentr"tions "nd f"ti%ue sensitive det"i!s
0( Special #rea for 3nspection 'SP( is those sections of the Structure ,hich "re in ,"$ of critic"! !o"d tr"nsfer #oint+
stress concentr"tions+ often s#eci"! stee! se!ection etc) see !istin% in H7)E)2I)
2( Primary #rea for 3nspection 'PR( "re e!ements ,hich "re essenti"! to the over"!! structur"! inte%rit$ of the unit) See
!istin% in H7)E)2I)
E( As " minimum centre bu!&he"ds "nd corners to be covered)
7( ="$ be ,"ived if unit o#er"tin% on DP)
B( / of the tot"! number of these #"rts)
J( The ins#ection e@tent mi%ht be reduced 'be !ess th"n 011Q( if b"sed on desi%n document"tion+ see H0)2)JI "bove)
C( E@tern"! NDT m"$ be ,"ived "t IS if the unit h"s "n "##roved !e"&"%e detection s$stem "ccordin% to %uide!ines
issued b$ the Societ$)
D( Are" "d"cent to co!umn connection to dec&)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.4 3eriodical survey extent for main class 0 3age 95
Ta6le ,8, Aasic sc%-e &%r +e1el%-.en$ %& **2 &%r sel&8ele1a$ing uni$s
T?P. 51 S2R-.?
#S 'see IACS M0B E)E)B 3S RS or 3S for units with
123 B
3+T .@T 3+T .@T 3+T .@T
- +%T - +%T - +%T - +%T - +%T - +%T
Special #reas for 3nspection
'SP( A connections:
SP0 3e% to S#udc"nJ( A A A A A A
SP2 3e% Nodes "bove the ,"ter!ine V A A A V
SP2 3e% Nodes be!o, ,"tern!ine "nd
be!o, u#er %uide in tr"nsit J(
SPE Connections of #rim"r$ members
in 5"c& House
3e% %uides 'IACS U0B E)E)B( V A A
SP7 ="in >"r%e %irder*bu!&he"d
P!"tin% in ,"$ of !e% ,e!! 'IACS
U0B E)E)B(
#ttachments of:
SPB Cr"ne*%"n%,"$ #edest"!s "nd to#
SPJ Su##ort of Dri!! F!oor "nd
SPC Kind!"ss "nd Anchor ch"in*,ire
C > C A A C
SPD He!idec& "nd derric& su##ort V V V C A A C
SPA Other "tt"chment*su##ort
connections+ e)%) f!"re "nd !ife bo"t
su##ort structures)
Primary #reas for 3nspection 'PR(:
PR0 S#udc"nsJ( A A A
PR2 3e%s
PRE 5"c& Houses A A A V
PR7 ="in >"r%e 'dec& structure(
PRJ Cr"ne*%"n%,"$ #edest"! V A A A A A
PRC 3ifebo"t #!"tform structure A A A V
PRD He!idec& "nd f!"re su##ort
PRA Other su##ort structures V V V V A A
A W 011Q
> W B1Q

V W S#ot chec& 2/BQ
V W Visu"! Ins#ection inc!udin% C!ose Visu"! Ins#ection of S#eci"! Are"s)
NDT W Non/destructive Testin%+ norm"!!$ ="%netic P"rtic!e Ins#ection '=PI( "nd*or Edd$ Current 'ET( of se!ected
stress concentr"tions "nd f"ti%ue sensitive det"i!s)
0( Special #reas for 3nspection 'SP( "re those sections of the structure ,hich "re in ,"$ of critic"! !o"d tr"nsfer #oint+
stress concentr"tions+ often s#eci"! stee! se!ection etc) see !istin% in H7)B)2I
2( Primary #reas for 3nspection 'PR( "re e!ements ,hich "re essenti"! to the over"!! structur"! inte%rit$ of the unit)
See !istin% in H7)B)2I
E( At !eve!s ,hich h"ve been in ,"$ of !o,er %uided in o#er"tion
7( / of the tot"! number of these #"rts)
B( The ins#ection e@tent mi%ht be reduced 'be !ess th"n 011Q( if b"sed on desi%n document"tion+ see H0)2)JI '"bove()
J( Ins#ection e@ecuted "s #"rt of the X!o,er !e% "nd s#udc"nO surve$ 'ref DNV/OSS/017+ Pt)C Ch)B(
C( For #!"te t$#e !e%s+ s.u"re or circu!"r) e@"mine "!so the #in ho!es IACS U0B 2)E)E()
D( ="$ be ,"ived if unit #erm"nent!$ o#er"tin% on the fie!d)
A( S#eci"! "ttention to nodes in ,"$ of s#udc"n)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.4 3eriodical survey extent for main class 0 3age 96
2 Annual sur1ey
2)! Sur1ey e3$en$
Annu"! surve$ is " %ener"! surve$ of the hu!! "nd e.ui#ment+ m"chiner$ "nd s$stems to confirm th"t the unit
com#!ies ,ith the re!ev"nt ru!e re.uirements "nd is in s"tisf"ctori!$ m"int"ined condition)
2)!)! The surve$ ,i!! norm"!!$ cover s$stems "nd #"rts for9
: structure "nd e.ui#ment
: m"chiner$ "nd s"fet$ s$stems
: tem#or"r$ e.ui#ment "s defined in Ch)0 Sec)0 H2)2I)
The surve$ for the tem#or"r$ e.ui#ment sh"!! on!$ confirm c!"ss invo!vement "s s#ecified in Ch)0 Sec)B H2)CI)
Gui+ance n%$eC
The surve$ e@tent ,ith re%"rd to structure sh"!! fo!!o, the unit s#ecific IIP "s desribed in H0)2I)
2)!)2 The surve$ m"$ be #erformed on !oc"tion #rovided th"t the structure+ inc!udin% submer%ed #"rts+ c"n be
thorou%h!$ ins#ected "s s#ecified in the in/service ins#ection #ro%r"mme) If re.uired+ under,"ter ins#ection
sh"!! be in "ccord"nce ,ith "n "##roved #rocedure+ "nd usin% "##roved #ersonne! "nd e.ui#ment)
2)!), An$ m"teri"! "!ter"tions to the unit 'its structur"! "rr"n%ements+ subdivision+ su#erstructure+ fittin%s+ "nd
c!osin% "##!i"nces u#on ,hich the st"bi!it$ c"!cu!"tions or the !o"d !ine "ssi%nment is b"sed() "re to be surve$ed
"nd the re!ev"nt document"tion to be revie,ed)
'see IACS U0B E)E)2(
2)2 S$ruc$ure an+ e0ui-.en$# general
2)2)! The fo!!o,in% re.uirements "re "##!ic"b!e for "!! t$#es of structur"! desi%n) S#ecific t$#e re.uirements+
e)%) se!f/e!ev"tin%+ shi#/sh"#ed+ co!umn st"bi!iMed+ "re %iven in H2)EI)
2)2)2 An$ m"teri"! "!ter"tions to the unit 'its structur"! "rr"n%ements+ subdivision+ su#erstructure+ fittin%s+ "nd
c!osin% "##!i"nces u#on ,hich the st"bi!it$ c"!cu!"tions or the !o"d !ine "ssi%nment is b"sed() "re to be surve$ed
"nd the re!ev"nt document"tion to be revie,ed)
'see IACS U0B E)E)2(
2)2), If " !o"din% instrument or !o"din% com#uter s$stem is "v"i!"b!e onbo"rd it sh"!! be verified th"t the
s$stem h"s " v"!id certific"te)
It sh"!! be documented th"t "n "nnu"! chec& of the !o"din% instrument*com#uter b$ runnin% one of the test
conditions h"s been c"rried out) If not+ the surve$or sh"!! verif$ the runnin% of the test condition onbo"rd)
A##roved !o"din% "nd st"bi!it$ inform"tion sh"!! be verified "v"i!"b!e onbo"rd) This inform"tion sh"!! be the
s"me "s re.uired ,hen the unit ,"s "ssi%ned c!"ss ,ith the Societ$ or "t " !"ter conversion of the unit+ in
"ccord"nce ,ith the ru!e re.uirements "##!ic"b!e in e"ch c"se)
2)2)" The s$stem for recordin% ch"n%es to the !i%ht,ei%ht of the unit is to be e@"mined)
'Ref) =OD4 code E)0)7(
2)2)' The s$stem for t"n& !eve! me"surement sh"!! be e@"mined ,ith re%"rd to "ccur"c$+ o#er"bi!it$ "nd
2)2)/ Dec& houses "ccommod"tin% cre, "re to be e@"mined)
'see IACS U0B E)E)E(
2)2)4 Items ,hich "re im#ort"nt for the reserve buo$"nc$ in connection ,ith st"bi!it$ of the unit sh"!! be
surve$ed) The surve$ sh"!! inc!ude ins#ection of e@tern"! "nd intern"! c!osin% "##!i"nces+ venti!"tors+ "ir #i#es
"nd f!"me screens+ side scutt!es etc)+ "s ,e!! "s "n e@tern"! ins#ection of scu##er v"!ves "nd s"nit"r$ v"!ves)
'see IACS U0B E)E)E(
2)2)5 Remote contro!s "nd "!"rm s$stems for e@tern"! "nd intern"! ,"terti%ht doors+ h"tches "nd ,"terti%ht
d"m#ers sh"!! be e@"mined "nd function tested)
2)2)< Remote contro! s$stem for v"!ves in bi!%e+ b"!!"st "nd coo!in% ,"ter s$stems sh"!! be surve$ed "nd
2)2)! =e"ns of #rotection of the cre,+ such "s %u"rd r"i!s+ bu!,"r&s+ ,"!&,"$s "nd !ife!ines to be e@"mined)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.4 3eriodical survey extent for main class 0 3age 97
Gui+ance n%$eC
For units or inst"!!"tions subected to "nnu"! !o"d !ine surve$ b$ DNV+ the re.uirements in H2)2)DI "nd H2)2)01I "re
covered b$ this surve$)
'see IACS U0B E)E)E(
2)2)!! The YA##endi@ to the c!"ssific"tion certific"teZ "nd the documents referred to therein+ sh"!! be verified
"s &e#t "v"i!"b!e onbo"rd the unit)
2)2)!2 The to,in% "rr"n%ement '#erm"nent "nd emer%enc$( of the unit sh"!! be e@"mined)
Gui+ance n%$eC
Khere the unit h"s the =OD4 Code this re.uirement is considered covered)
2)2)!, Accessib!e "nd visib!e #"rts of the unit-s tem#or"r$ moorin% s$stem sh"!! be ins#ected) If the tem#or"r$
moorin% s$stem is #"rt of the moorin% s$stem for #osition &ee#in% on !oc"tion+ then "ccessib!e "nd visib!e #"rts
of the #osition moorin% s$stem sh"!! "!so be ins#ected)
'see IACS U0B E)E)E(
2)2)!" It is to be confirmed th"t the unit is o#er"tin% ,ithin its "##roved desi%n enve!o#e
2)2)!' C%rr%si%n
Khere the unit h"s "n im#ressed current c"thodic #rotection s$stem+ the "nnu"! overvie, re"din%s from the
s$stem "re to be e@"mined)
2)2)!/ Condition of #rotective co"tin% to be re#orted on "ccordin% Sec)2 H2)2)AI) For "re"s ,ith %ener"!
bre"&do,n of the #rotective co"tin%+ c!ose/u# e@"min"tion "nd thic&ness me"surements sh"!! be c"rried out to
"n e@tent sufficient to determine both %ener"! "nd !oc"! corrosion !eve!s)
2)2)!4 Are"s ,here subst"nti"! corrosion is found "t the surve$ bein% c"rried out+ sh"!! h"ve thic&ness
me"surements t"&en or e@tended fo!!o,in% T"b!e E/7 "s %uid"nce)
Gui+ance n%$eC
See Sec)2 H2)2I for the e@tend of thic&ness me"surements)
See Sec)2 H7I for s#eci"! #rovisions for "%ein% units)
2)2)!5 Means %& esca-e
=e"ns of esc"#e from ,or&in% "nd "ccommod"tion s#"ces to muster !oc"tion+ he!idec& "nd !ifebo"t
emb"r&"tion dec& sh"!! be verified in order)
2)2)!< For units ,ith bo, or stern !o"din% "rr"n%ement emer%enc$ esc"#e routes from bo, contro! st"tion
sh"!! be verified in order)
2)2)2 Sa&e$y .anage.en$ cer$i&ica$e
For units th"t sh"!! com#!$ ,ith SO3AS Re%) IV*2+ irres#ective of the issuin% "uthorit$ for the S"fet$
="n"%ement Certific"te 'S=C(+ the surve$or ,i!! com#!ete " !ist of evidence of #ossib!e s"fet$ m"n"%ement
s$stem f"i!ures recorded on the occ"sion of the "nnu"! surve$) The !ist ,i!! be submitted ,ith the "nnu"! surve$
2), S$ruc$ure an+ e0ui-.en$# $y-e s-eci&ic
2),)! A++i$i%nal re0uire.en$s &%r shi-8sha-e+ uni$s
There "re no "ddition"! re.uirements)
2),)2 A++i$i%nal re0uire.en$s &%r c%lu.n8s$a6ilise+ uni$s
4nits or inst"!!"tions ,ith submer%ed #rim"r$ structur"! members "!!o,in% intern"! "ccess for ins#ection m"$
be omitted from e@tern"! surve$+ subect to s"tisf"ctor$ resu!ts from the intern"! surve$)
Ta6le ,8" Thic>ness .easure.en$s# e3$en$ an+ -a$$ern in 9ay %& areas 9i$h su6s$an$ial c%rr%si%n
#rea/ Structural &ember .*tent of measurement Pattern of measurement
P!"tin% Sus#ect "re" "nd "d"cent #!"tes B #oints over 0 m2
Stiffeners Sus#ect "re"
E #oints in !ine "cross ,eb
E #oints in !ine "cross f!"n%e
Ref9 IACS 4R UC T"b!e 2
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.4 3eriodical survey extent for main class 0 3age 98
2),), Prim"r$ structur"! members ,hich "re f!ooded sh"!! be subect to e@tern"! surve$ un!ess other,ise
"%reed) The e@tent of surve$ is %iven in the in/service ins#ection #ro%r"m+ "nd ,i!! com#rise visu"! ins#ection
of vit"! #"rts "nd m"$ inc!ude non/destructive testin% of hi%h!$ stressed "re"s)
2),)" The me"ns for !e"&"%e detection of dr$ br"cin%s sh"!! be function tested) Records of o,nerOs routine
testin% "nd ins#ection of the "re" sh"!! be revie,ed) If o,ners routines "re not du!$ fo!!o,ed u#+ e@tern"! NDT
of the co!umn to br"ce connections m"$ be re.uired to be c"rried out)
2),)' A++i$i%nal re0uire.en$s &%r sel&8ele1a$ing uni$s
A com#!ete overvie, of the re.uirements is %iven in DNV/OSS/017 Pt)C Ch)7 Sec)0)
2),)/ A++i$i%nal re0uire.en$s &%r uni$s %& %$her sha-e
The re.uirements for shi#/sh"#ed units "re to be "##!ied "s f"r "s #r"ctic"!)
2)" Machinery an+ sa&e$y sys$e.s
2)")! All uni$s
The surve$ sh"!! inc!ude e@"min"tion of s#"ces for m"chiner$+ boi!ers "nd inciner"tors+ "nd e.ui#ment !oc"ted
therein+ ,ith #"rticu!"r "ttention to %ener"! c!e"n!iness "nd m"inten"nce ,ith s#eci"! "ttention to fire*e@#!osion
2)")2 The m"in "nd "u@i!i"r$ steerin% %e"r "rr"n%ement 'inc!udin% "Mimuth "rr"n%ements of thrusters( sh"!! be
tested for #ro#er functionin% inc!udin% test of "!"rm "nd s"fet$ functions)
2)"), As the DNV surve$or deems necess"r$+ runnin% tests "nd*or o#enin% of m"chiner$+ tests of s"fet$
devices "nd e.ui#ment ,ith verific"tion of inte%rit$* function of9
: "c&eted hi%h #ressure fue! inection #i#in% s$stem
: shie!din% of f!"mm"b!e oi! #i#in% s$stem
: insu!"tion of hot surf"ces e@ceedin% 221[C
: oi! burnin% e.ui#ment on boi!ers+ hot ,"ter he"ters+ inciner"tors "nd inert %"s %ener"tors)
2)")" <uic& c!osin% v"!ves on t"n&s for fue!+ !ubric"tion oi! "nd other f!"mm"b!e oi!s sh"!! be tested)
2)")' He!ifue! s$stems sh"!! be e@"mined ,ith "ttention to %ener"! c!e"n!iness+ m"inten"nce "nd fire*e@#!osion
2)")/ >oi!ers sh"!! be e@tern"!!$ surve$ed) The %ener"! condition of the boi!er inc!udin% mountin%s+ #i#in% "nd
insu!"tion sh"!! be "scert"ined "nd the surve$or m"$ re.uire o#enin%+ remov"! of insu!"tion etc) if found
necess"r$) S"fet$ v"!ves+ instrument"tion "nd "utom"tion s$stems sh"!! be tested in o#er"tin% condition ,hen
found necess"r$ b$ the surve$or)
2)")4 The bi!%e "nd b"!!"stin% s$stem "nd re!"ted subs$stems+ such "s remote v"!ve o#er"tion "nd t"n& !eve!
indic"tions sh"!! be visu"!!$ surve$ed "nd tested)
2)")5 For fire e@tin%uishin% s$stems the surve$ sh"!! inc!ude9
: testin% of the ,"ter fire fi%htin% s$stem i)e) fire #um#s+ fire m"ins+ h$dr"nts "nd hoses "s deemed necess"r$
: verific"tion of the intern"tion"! shore connection
: verific"tion of the non/#ort"b!e "nd #ort"b!e fire e@tin%uishers "nd #ort"b!e fo"m "##!ic"tors
: e@"min"tion of the firem"n-s outfit
: e@"min"tion of the fi@ed fire e@tin%uishin% s$stems)
2)")< The fo!!o,in% s$stems sh"!! be surve$ed "nd tested for correct functionin%9
: fire detection s$stem
: fi@ed %"s detection s$stem+ both f!"mm"b!e "nd to@ic
: %ener"! "!"rm s$stem "nd communic"tion bet,een contro! st"tions)
'see IACS 4R U0B E)B "nd E)C(
2)")! For e!ectric"! inst"!!"tions the surve$ sh"!! inc!ude9
: e@"min"tion of m"in source of e!ectric"! #o,er ,ith res#ect to %ener"! condition+ fire h"M"rd "nd #ersonne!
s"fet$+ i)e) %ener"tors+ m"in s,itchbo"rds+ distribution bo"rds+ contro! %e"r+ consumers+ ch"r%ers "nd
b"tter$*4PS s$stems
: test of "utom"tic st"rt "nd connection to the s,itchbo"rd of the st"nd/b$ %ener"tor set b$ initi"tin%
shutdo,n of the runnin% diese! %ener"tor c"usin% b!"c&/out)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.4 3eriodical survey extent for main class 0 3age 99
Gui+ance n%$eC
Durin% this test+ the emer%enc$ %ener"tor sh"!! be dis"b!ed) The test is "##!ic"b!e for "!! E0*E$O vesse!s 'bui!t "t "n$
time( "nd "!! vesse!s constructed on or "fter 0 5u!$ 0AAD+ ,here e!ectricit$ is necess"r$ for #ro#u!sion "nd steerin%)
For DPE ri%s ,ith inde#endent en%ine rooms "nd s,itchbo"rd rooms+ " tot"! b!"c&out is not re.uired for this test+ but
" test of individu"! en%ine rooms is "cce#t"b!e)
A##!ic"b!e test records m"$ re#!"ce the re.uired testin%)
: ins#ection of insu!"tion monitorin% devices for "!! distribution s$stems) If in doubt of correct re"din% 'e@)
if the re"din% is infinit$(+ the device sh"!! be tested
: e@"min"tion of c"b!e inst"!!"tions ,ith res#ect to %ener"! condition+ su##ort "nd #h$sic"! #rotection
: e@"min"tion of emer%enc$ source of e!ectric"! #o,er ,ith res#ect to %ener"! condition+ fire h"M"rd+
#ersonne! s"fet$ "nd function+ i)e) %ener"tor+ emer%enc$ s,itchbo"rd+ emer%enc$ distribution bo"rds+
contro! %e"r+ ch"r%ers+ emer%enc$ consumers "nd b"tter$* 4PS s$stems
: chec& if "n$ modific"tions "re done in the e!ectric"! s$stem
: test of emer%enc$ #o,er s$stem+ i)e) m"nu"! "nd "utom"tic connection of %ener"tor*b"tteries to emer%enc$
s,itchbo"rds+ "!tern"tive st"rt methods
: It sh"!! be verified th"t records of ins#ections "nd m"inten"nce of E@/ inst"!!"tions in "ccord"nce ,ith the
im#!emented m"inten"nce s$stem "re &e#t "v"i!"b!e onbo"rd)
: Verif$ th"t the document FSchedu!e of b"tteriesG is &e#t u# to d"te)
2)")!! Contro! "nd monitorin% s$stems for m"in "nd "u@i!i"r$ m"chiner$ sh"!! be surve$ed inc!udin%9
: #ro#u!sion m"chiner$
: e!ectric #o,er %ener"tion "nd distribution
: ste"m %ener"tion
: therm"! oi! he"tin%
: oi! or %"s burnin% e.ui#ment on inciner"tors+ inert %"s %ener"tors "nd hot ,"ter he"ters)
The surve$ sh"!! inc!ude9
: "!"rm functions
: s"fet$ functions
: remote contro! functions
: "utom"tic contro! functions
: e!ectric"! "nd mech"nic"! condition+ !"be!s+ si%nbo"rds etc)
: contro! #"ne!s "nd !oc"! indic"tin% instruments
: emer%enc$ !i%htin% in en%ine room
: communic"tion s$stems
: fire "!"rm "nd fire #rotection s$stems)
: verific"tion of the ch"n%e h"nd!in% #rocess for contro! "nd monitorin% s$stems+ see DNV/OS/D212 Ch)2
Gui+ance n%$eC
For units ,ith not"tion E0 or E$O+ see Sec)J H0EI)
2)")!2 A++i$i%nal re0uire.en$s shi-8sha-e+ uni$s
No "ddition"! re.uirements)
2)")!, A++i$i%nal re0uire.en$s &%r c%lu.n s$a6ilise+ uni$s
No "ddition"! re.uirements)
2)")!" A++i$i%nal re0uire.en$s &%r sel&8ele1a$ing uni$s
A tot"! overvie, of "!! re!ev"nt re.uirements is %iven in DNV/OSS/017 Pt)C Ch)7 Sec)0)
2)")!' A++i$i%nal re0uire.en$s &%r uni$s %& %$her sha-e
No "ddition"! re.uirements)
, *n$er.e+ia$e sur1ey
,)! General
,)!)! Intermedi"te surve$ is " surve$ inc!udin% visu"! e@"min"tions+ me"surements "nd testin% "s "##!ic"b!e+
of the hu!! "nd e.ui#ment+ m"chiner$ "nd s$stems+ in order to confirm th"t the offshore unit com#!ies ,ith the
re!ev"nt ru!e re.uirements "nd is in s"tisf"ctori!$ m"int"ined condition)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.4 3eriodical survey extent for main class 0 3age ())
The re.uired e@"min"tions+ me"surements "nd testin% sh"!! be c"rried out before the intermedi"te surve$ is
re%"rded "s com#!eted)
,)!)2 The surve$ sh"!!+ in %ener"!+ be c"rried out "s the "nnu"! surve$+ but ,ith e@tended visu"! ins#ection "nd
non/destructive testin% of the structure "s %iven in re!ev"nt ru!es "nd in/service ins#ection #ro%r"mme ',here
re!ev"nt(+ see H0)2I)
,)!), The surve$ m"$ be #erformed on !oc"tion #rovided th"t the structure+ inc!udin% submer%ed #"rts+ c"n be
thorou%h!$ ins#ected "s s#ecified in the in/service ins#ection #ro%r"mme) If re.uired+ under,"ter ins#ection
sh"!! be in "ccord"nce ,ith "n "##roved #rocedure+ "nd usin% "##roved #ersonne! "nd e.ui#ment)
'Ref) IACS U0B E)E)0(
,)2 S$ruc$ure an+ e0ui-.en$
,)2)! All uni$s
If the tem#or"r$ moorin% s$stem is #"rt of the moorin% s$stem for #osition &ee#in% on !oc"tion+ then the
#osition moorin% s$stem sh"!! "!so be ins#ected) The moorin% s$stem sh"!! be function tested durin% t$#ic"!
"nchor h"nd!in% o#er"tions)
,)2)2 For units over B $e"rs of "%e+ the unit s#ecific b"!!"st s#"ces "s s#ecified in HE)2)JI to HE)2)DI"re to be
intern"!!$ e@"mined+ thic&ness %"u%ed+ #!"ced in s"tisf"ctor$ condition "s found necess"r$+ "nd re#orted u#on)
If such e@"min"tions reve"! no visib!e structur"! defects+ the e@"min"tion m"$ be !imited to " verific"tion th"t
the corrosion #revention s$stem rem"ins effective)
'Ref IACS U0B 7)E(
,)2), For units over 01 $e"rs of "%e+ e@"min"tion sh"!! be c"rried out in "ccord"nce ,ith the #revious rene,"!
surve$ in "ccord"nce ,ith T"b!e E/D+ T"b!e E/A "nd T"b!e E/01 for res#ective!$ shi#/sh"#ed+ co!umn st"bi!iMed
"nd se!f/e!ev"tin% units)
,)2)" For units over 01 $e"rs of "%e the surve$ of se,"%e 'b!"c& ,"ter( t"n&s "nd ,"ste,"ter '%re$ ,"ter( t"n&s
sh"!! inc!ude9
: for inte%r"! t"n&s intern"! e@"min"tion)
: T"n&s ,ith h"rd co"tin% of intern"! structures recorded in ;OOD condition "t the #revious rene,"!
surve$ m"$ be s#eci"!!$ considered b"sed on " s"tisf"ctor$ e@tern"! e@"min"tion)
The intern"! e@"min"tion of t"n&s used in "ssoci"tion ,ith se,"%e tre"tment m"$ be s#eci"!!$
considered b"sed on " s"tisf"ctor$ e@tern"! e@"min"tion "nd #rovided th"t "n intern"! ins#ection h"s
been c"rried out in "ccord"nce ,ith onbo"rd m"inten"nce s$stem durin% the !"st 02 months "nd re!ev"nt
records "re #rovided "nd confirmed)
: for inde#endent t"n&s e@tern"! e@"min"tion inc!udin% the t"n& su##ortin% structures)
: thic&ness me"surements sh"!! be c"rried out "s deemed necess"r$)
,)2)' Are"s ,here subst"nti"! corrosion is found "t the surve$ bein% c"rried out+ sh"!! h"ve thic&ness
me"surements e@tended fo!!o,in% T"b!e E/7 "s %uid"nce)
,)2)/ A++i$i%nal re0uire.en$s &%r shi-8sha-e+ uni$s
The s#ecific "re"s "s mentioned in HE)2)2I+ "re one #e"& t"n& "nd "t !e"st t,o other re#resent"tive b"!!"st t"n&s
bet,een the #e"& bu!&he"ds used #rim"ri!$ for ,"ter b"!!"st)
'see IACS U0B 7)E)2(
,)2)4 A++i$i%nal re0uire.en$s &%r c%lu.n8s$a6ilise+ uni$s
The s#ecific "re"s "s mentioned in HE)2)2I "re re#resent"tive b"!!"st t"n&s in footin%s+ !o,er hu!!s+ or free/
f!oodin% com#"rtments "s "ccessib!e+ "nd "t !e"st t,o b"!!"st t"n&s in co!umns or #ontoons+ "s "##!ic"b!e)
'see IACS U0B 7)E)7(
,)2)5 A++i$i%nal re0uire.en$s &%r sel&8ele1a$ing uni$s
A com#!ete overvie, is %iven in DNV/OSS/017 Pt)C Ch)7 Sec)2)
,)2)< A++i$i%nal re0uire.en$s &%r uni$s %& %$her sha-e
Re.uirements for shi#/sh"#ed units "re to be "##!ied "s f"r "s #r"ctic"!)
,), Machinery an+ sa&e$y sys$e.s 8 all uni$s
There "re no "ddition"! surve$ re.uirements)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.4 3eriodical survey extent for main class 0 3age ()(
" Rene9al sur1ey# s$ruc$ure an+ e0ui-.en$
")! General
")!)! Rene,"! surve$ is " m"or surve$ inc!udin% visu"! e@"min"tions+ me"surements "nd testin% of the hu!!
"nd e.ui#ment+ m"chiner$ "nd s$stems+ in order to confirm th"t the unit com#!ies ,ith the re!ev"nt ru!e
re.uirements "nd is in s"tisf"ctori!$ m"int"ined condition)
The re.uired e@"min"tions+ me"surements "nd tests sh"!! be c"rried out before the rene,"! surve$ is re%"rded
"s com#!eted)
")!)2 Possib!e deficiencies sh"!! norm"!!$ be rectified before the rene,"! surve$ is re%"rded "s com#!eted) The
Societ$ m"$ "cce#t th"t minor deficiencies+ recorded "s condition of c!"ss+ "re rectified ,ithin " s#ecified time
!imit+ norm"!!$ not e@ceedin% E months "fter the surve$ com#!etion d"te)
")!), Sur1eys %n l%ca$i%n
Rene,"! surve$s m"$ be c"rried out on !oc"tion ,ithout interru#tin% the function of the unit+ #rovided th"t the$
"re b"sed on "##roved #rocedures out!ined in " m"inten"nce s$stem "nd surve$ "rr"n%ement)
")!)" See "!so Ch)2 Sec)0 H02I for m"tters th"t ,i!! be t"&en into consider"tion for "cce#t"nce of surve$s on
")!)' Provisions re%"rdin% f"ti%ue s"fet$ f"ctors "nd corrosion #rotection sh"!! be in "ccord"nce ,ith the
fo!!o,in% re.uirements9
: DNV/OS/C012 for shi#/sh"#ed units)
: DNV/OS/C01E A##endi@ A for co!umn/st"bi!ised units
: DNV/OS/C017 A##endi@ A for se!f/e!ev"tin% units)
")2 All uni$s
")2)! The rene,"! surve$ inc!udes the re.uirements %iven in HEI) The e@tent of the surve$ is %iven in the IIP
"s described in H0)2I+ "nd ,i!! "ddition"!!$ inc!ude the re.uirements %iven in the rem"inin% of this section)
")2)2 Thic>ness .easure.en$s
Thic&ness me"surements sh"!! "s " minimum be c"rried "s s#ecified in H7)EI+ H7)7I "nd H7)BI for res#ective!$
shi# sh"#ed+ co!umn st"bi!iMed "nd se!f/e!ev"tin% units)
")2), Are"s ,here subst"nti"! corrosion is found "t the surve$ bein% c"rried out+ sh"!! h"ve thic&ness
me"surements e@tended fo!!o,in% T"b!e E/7)
")2)" Air #i#e he"ds on e@#osed dec&s sh"!! be e@tern"!!$ "nd intern"!!$ e@"mined fo!!o,in% T"b!e E/B be!o,)
Accordin% to the resu!ts of the e@"min"tion+ the surve$or m"$ re.uire e@"min"tion of other "ir #i#e he"ds)
")2)' An intern"! over"!! e@"min"tion of "!! com#"rtments "nd t"n&s+ e@ce#t fue! oi!+ !ube oi! "nd fresh ,"ter
t"n&s+ sh"!! inc!ude "!! structures+ #i#in% s$stems outside m"chiner$ "re" "nd se" connections in m"chiner$
"re"+ i)e) #!"tin% "nd fr"min%+ v"!ves+ cou#!in%+ "nodes+ e.ui#ment for !eve! indic"tion+ bi!%es "nd dr"in ,e!!s+
soundin%+ ventin%+ #um#in% "nd dr"in"%e "rr"n%ements)
The ti%htness of the t"n&s sh"!! be verified ,ith " he"d of !i.uid to the overf!o, or b$ "n "##ro#ri"te #rocedure)
'Ref) IACS UC 2)2)B "nd U0B 2)E)0(
")2)/ For se,"%e 'b!"c& ,"ter( t"n&s "nd ,"ste,"ter '%re$ ,"ter( t"n&s the surve$ sh"!! inc!ude9
: For inte%r"! t"n&s intern"! e@"min"tion)
For units not e@ceedin% 01 $e"rs of "%e the intern"! e@"min"tion of t"n&s used in "ssoci"tion ,ith se,"%e
Ta6le ,8' E3a.ina$i%n %& air -i-es
-essel type st renewal survey !nd renewal survey "rd renewal survey
Shi# sh"#ed Prefer"b!$ servin% b"!!"st t"n&s
"s fo!!o,s9
: one #ort "nd one st"rbo"rd+
: one #ort "nd one st"rbo"rd+
servin% s#"ces "ft)
: "!! ,ithin 1)2B 3 from the for,"rd
: "t !e"st 21Q of those servin%
s#"ces "ft+ #refer"b!$ servin%
b"!!"st t"n&s
"!! "ir #i#e
he"ds)E@em#tion m"$ be
considered for "ir #i#e
he"ds ,here there is
subst"nti"ted evidence of
re#!"cement ,ithin the
#revious five $e"rs)
"nd se!f/
Four r"ndom!$ chosen+
#refer"b!$ servin% b"!!"st t"n&s
2BQ of "!! the "ir #i#es r"ndom!$
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.4 3eriodical survey extent for main class 0 3age ()#
tre"tment m"$ be s#eci"!!$ considered b"sed on " s"tisf"ctor$ e@tern"! e@"min"tion "nd #rovided th"t "n
intern"! ins#ection h"s been c"rried out in "ccord"nce ,ith onbo"rd m"inten"nce s$stem durin% the !"st 02
months "nd re!ev"nt records "re #rovided "nd confirmed)
: For inde#endent t"n&s e@tern"! e@"min"tion inc!udin% the t"n& su##ortin% structures)
Thic&ness me"surements sh"!! be c"rried out "s deemed necess"r$)
")2)4 Khere #rovided+ the condition of the corrosion #revention s$stem of c"r%o oi! t"n&s sh"!! be e@"mined)
")2)5 E@"min"tion of fue! oi!+ !ube oi! "nd fresh ,"ter t"n&s sh"!! be in "ccord"nce ,ith T"b!e E/J)
Inde#endent t"n&s in m"chiner$ s#"ces sh"!! be e@tern"!!$ e@"mined inc!udin% the t"n& su##ortin% structures)
")2)< The ,"terti%ht inte%rit$ of intern"! bu!&he"ds "nd dec&s sh"!! be verified)
S#eci"! "rr"n%ements re!"ted to st"bi!it$ such "s ,"terti%ht c!osin% "##!i"nces for o#enin%s in intern"!
bu!&he"ds "nd dec&s+ cross/f!oodin%+ counter/f!oodin% etc)+ sh"!! be e@"mined "nd tested if necess"r$)
>u!&he"d sh"ft se"!s sh"!! be verified) Dism"nt!in% sh"!! be c"rried out ,here necess"r$ to e@"mine condition
of the bu!&he"d se"!)
Gui+ance n%$eC
Documented m"inten"nce m"$ be considered "s " b"se for e@tent of dism"nt!in%)
")2)! Testin% of structures formin% bound"ries of doub!e bottom+ dee# t"n&s+ #e"& t"n&s "nd other t"n&s+
inc!udin% ho!ds "d"#ted for the c"rri"%e of ,"ter b"!!"st+ sh"!! be in "ccord"nce ,ith T"b!e E/C) The surve$or
m"$ re.uire further testin%)
Testin% of doub!e bottoms "nd other s#"ces not desi%ned for the c"rri"%e of !i.uid m"$ be omitted+ #rovided "
s"tisf"ctor$ intern"! e@"min"tion to%ether ,ith "n e@"min"tion of the t"n&to# is c"rried out)
Inde#endent t"n&s in m"chiner$ s#"ces sh"!! be tested "s deemed necess"r$)
Ta6le ,8/ Mini.u. re0uire.en$s &%r in$ernal e3a.ina$i%n %& &uel %il# lu6e %il an+ &resh 9a$er $an>s
2@ ,@

Tan, #ge of shipD years
E to = = to E E to = above =
Fue! oi!* diese! oi!
: en%ine room*m"chiner$ s#"ce None None One One
: "re" outside en%ine room*m"chiner$ s#"ce

None One T,o
H"!f+ minimum t,o

3ube oi! None None None One
Fresh ,"ter
None One A!! A!!
0( T"n&s of inte%r"! 'structur"!( t$#e)
2( If " se!ection of t"n&s "re "cce#ted to be e@"mined+ then different t"n&s sh"!!+ "s f"r "s #r"ctic"b!e+ be e@"mined "t
e"ch rene,"! surve$+ on " rot"tion"! b"sis)
E( Pe"& t"n&s '"!! uses( "re subect to intern"! e@"min"tion "t e"ch rene,"! surve$)
7( At rene,"! surve$s no E "nd subse.uent surve$s+ one dee# t"n& for fue! oi! outside en%ine room is to be inc!uded+
if fitted)
B( T"n&s for c!e"n fresh ,"ter+ i)e) #ot"b!e ,"ter+ boi!er ,"ter "nd other ho!din% t"n&s for c!e"n fresh ,"ter) T"n&s for
m"in!$ cont"min"ted fresh ,"ter "s ,"ste ,"ter '%r"$ ,"ter( "nd se,"%e 'b!"c& ,"ter( sh"!! be subect to intern"!
e@"min"tion "s %iven in H7)2)JI)
'see IACS 4R UC(
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.4 3eriodical survey extent for main class 0 3age ()4
")2)!! Remote !eve! indic"tin% s$stems for b"!!"st t"n&s sh"!! be surve$ed "nd function tested)
")2)!2 Te.-%rary .%%ring
Khere the tem#or"r$ moorin% s$stems is inde#endent of the moorin% s$stem for #osition &ee#in% on !oc"tion+
Kind!"ss+ inc!udin% #i#in% s$stem "nd found"tions sh"!! be e@"mined)
The "nchors "nd ch"in c"b!es sh"!! be r"n%ed+ e@"mined "nd the re.uired com#!ement "nd condition verified)
The ch"in !oc&ers+ ho!df"sts+ h",se #i#es "nd ch"in sto##ers sh"!! be e@"mined "nd dr"in"%e "rr"n%ement of
the ch"in !oc&ers tested)
At the second "nd subse.uent rene,"! surve$s+ ch"in c"b!es sh"!! be %"u%ed) An$ !en%th of ch"in c"b!e sh"!!
be rene,ed if the me"n di"meter "t "n$ cross/section is ,orn be$ond 02Q of its ori%in"! di"meter)
Gui+ance n%$eC
The me"n di"meter of " cross/section m"$ be t"&en "s the "ver"%e of the minimum di"meter "nd the di"meter
me"sured #er#endicu!"r to this)
")2)!, Khere the tem#or"r$ moorin% s$stems "re #"rt of the moorin% s$stem for #osition &ee#in% on !oc"tion+
the com#!ete moorin% s$stem for #osition &ee#in% sh"!! be subect to " com#rehensive surve$) This ,i!! inc!ude
thorou%h visu"! e@"min"tion "nd e@tensive non/destructive testin% of moorin% ch"in or ,ire ro#e) This
ins#ection sh"!! inc!ude dism"nt!in% "nd non/destructive testin% of "!! oinin% sh"c&!es th"t h"ve been in service
for more th"n B $e"rs
: "!! ch"in !oc&ers "nd "nchor sto,"%e "rr"n%ements sh"!! be surve$ed) P"rticu!"r "ttention is to #"id to
"nchor bo!sters on co!umn/st"bi!ised units)
: Function testin% of the moorin% s$stems sh"!! be #erformed)
: 3ine tension s$stems "re to be c"!ibr"ted
: >ro&en !ine ,"rnin% s$stems "re to be confirmed to be in order ',here fitted(
: Emer%enc$ re!e"se s$stems "re to be confirmed*tested ',here fitted(
: Emer%enc$ re!e"se !oc"! de!u%e s$stems "re to be tested ',here fitted(
: For units ,ith thruster "ssist 'TA or ATA( the inter"ction ,ith "nd the o#er"tion of the thruster "ssist is to
be tested
")2)!" The to,in% "rr"n%ement '#erm"nent "nd emer%enc$( of the unit sh"!! be surve$ed) Khere the unit h"s
the =OD4 Code this re.uirement is considered covered
Ta6le ,84 Mini.u. re0uire.en$s &%r $es$ing %& $an>s
to be tested Test head or pressure Remar,
>"!!"st t"n&s To# of "ir #i#e
C"r%o ho!ds "d"#ted for c"rri"%e
of b"!!"st
Ne"r the to# of c"r%o ho!d h"tch co"min%

>i!%e ,"ter ho!din% t"n&s To# of "ir #i#e
"!tern"tive!$ "s for fue! oi!
Fue! oi! t"n&s He"d of !i.uid to the hi%hest #oint th"t !i.uid ,i!! rise
under service conditions
2(+ E(

3ub) Oi! t"n&s He"d of !i.uid to the hi%hest #oint th"t !i.uid ,i!! rise
under service conditions

Fresh ,"ter t"n&s He"d of !i.uid to the hi%hest #oint th"t !i.uid ,i!! rise
under service conditions
2(+ E(

Se,"%e 'b!"c& "nd %re$ ,"ter(
To# of "ir #i#e As deemed necess"r$ b$ the
T"n&s cont"inin% other !i.uids He"d of !i.uid to the hi%hest #oint th"t !i.uid ,i!! rise
under service conditions
As deemed necess"r$ b$ the
0( ;r"vit$ t"n&s of inte%r"! t$#e
2( T"n&s ,ithin m"chiner$ s#"ces m"$ be s#eci"!!$ considered b"sed on e@tern"! e@"min"tion of the t"n& bound"ries
"nd " confirm"tion from the ="ster st"tin% th"t no !e"&"%es or other defects h"ve been observed durin% o#er"tion of
the vesse!)
E( T"n&s ,ithin the c"r%o "re" m"$ be s#eci"!!$ considered b"sed on " s"tisf"ctor$ e@tern"! e@"min"tion of the t"n&
bound"ries "nd " confirm"tion from the ="ster st"tin% th"t the #ressure testin% h"s been c"rried out "ccordin% to the
re.uirements ,ith s"tisf"ctor$ resu!ts)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.4 3eriodical survey extent for main class 0 3age ()+
")2)!' A%$$%. sur1ey
A bottom surve$ sh"!! be c"rried out in "ccord"nce ,ith Sec)7 HCI("s #"rt of the rene,"! surve$)
'Ref) IACS U0B 2)2)0(
")2)!/ O$her i$e.s
Se" chests "nd other se" in!ets "nd disch"r%es '"bove "nd be!o, the ,"ter!ine( ,ith v"!ves+ inc!udin% s"nit"r$
v"!ves "nd scu##er v"!ves+ sh"!! be o#ened for surve$)
A!tern"tive surve$ methods m"$ be "cce#ted u#on s#eci"! consider"tion "nd "##roved #rocedures)
")2)!4 The #resence of re.uired si%nbo"rds sh"!! be verified)
")2)!5 The c"thodic #rotection s$stem of the submer%ed Mone sh"!! be surve$ed b$ visu"! ins#ection) The
efficienc$ of the s$stem for the forthcomin% B/$e"r #eriod sh"!! be confirmed) Corrosion in ,e!ds of vit"! #"rts
,hich m"$ be subect to f"ti%ue sh"!! be #"rticu!"r!$ considered)
")2)!< Fi@"tion of m"or "##urten"nces to the m"in structure sh"!! be surve$ed) These m"$ t$#ic"!!$ inc!ude
cr"ne #edest"!s+ he!ico#ter dec&s+ !ifebo"t #!"tforms "nd he"v$ dec& modu!es or s&ids)
")2)2 Remote contro!s "nd "!"rm s$stems for doors+ h"tches "nd ,"terti%ht d"m#ers sh"!! be surve$ed "nd
function tested) S#ot chec&s sh"!! be c"rried out to verif$ the #osition indic"tion in the contro! in situ)
"), S-eci&ic re0uire.en$s &%r shi-8sha-e+ uni$s
"),)! Thic&ness me"surements sh"!! "s " minimum be c"rried out "s sho,n in T"b!e E/D for shi#/sh"#ed units)
Ta6le ,85 Mini.u. re0uire.en$s &%r $hic>ness .easure.en$s &%r shi-8sha-e+ uni$s a$ rene9al
Renewal survey
#ge E)= years
Renewal survey
#ge =)E years
Renewal survey
#ge E)= years
Renewal survey
+o.< and subse9uent
#ge B= years
0( Sus#ect "re"s
throu%hout the
0( Sus#ect "re"s
throu%hout the unit)
2( One tr"nsverse
section of dec&
#!"tin% "bre"st the
moon #oo! o#enin%
,ithin the "midshi#s
1)J3+ to%ether ,ith
intern"!s in ,"$ "s
deemed necess"r$)
Khere the unit is
confi%ured ,ith side
b"!!"st t"n&s+ the
#!"tin% "nd intern"!s
of the t"n&s "re "!so
to be %"u%ed in ,"$
of the section chosen)
E( =oon #oo! bound"r$
bu!&he"d #!"tin%)
0( Sus#ect "re"s
the unit)
2( T,o Tr"nsverse
Sections ';irth >e!ts(
of dec&+ bottom "nd
side #!"tin% "bre"st
the moon #oo! "nd one
h"tch o#enin% ,ithin
the "midshi#s 1)J3
to%ether ,ith intern"!s
in ,"$ "s deemed
necess"r$) Khere unit
is confi%ured ,ith side
b"!!"st t"n&s+ the
#!"tin% "nd intern"!s
of the t"n&s to be
%"u%ed in ,"$ of the
re.uired be!ts+
Rem"inin% intern"!s in
b"!!"st t"n&s to be
%"u%ed "s deemed
E( =oon #oo! bound"r$
bu!&he"d #!"tin%)
7( Intern"! in fore#e"&
t"n& "s deemed
0( Sus#ect "re"s throu%hout
the 4nit
2( A minimum of three Tr"nsverse
Sections ';irth >e!ts( of dec&+ bottom+
side+ "nd !on%itudin"!/bu!&he"d #!"tin%
in ,"$ of the moon #oo! "nd other "re"s
,ithin the "midshi#s 1)J3+ to%ether
,ith intern"!s in ,"$ 'inc!udin% in
#erimeter b"!!"st t"n&s+ ,here fitted in
,"$ of be!ts()
E( =oon #oo! bound"r$ bu!&he"d #!"tin%)
7( Intern"!s in fore#e"& "nd "fter #e"&
t"n&s "s deemed necess"r$)
B( 3o,est str"&e of "!! tr"nsverse
bu!&he"ds in ho!d s#"ces) Rem"inin%
bu!&he"d #!"tin% to be %"u%ed "s
deemed necess"r$)
J( A!! #!"tes in t,o ,ind "nd ,"ter
str"&es+ #ort "nd st"rbo"rd+ fu!! !en%th)
C( A!! e@#osed m"in dec& #!"tin% fu!!
!en%th "nd "!! e@#osed first/tier su#er/
structure dec& #!"tin% '#oo#+ brid%e
"nd forec"st!e dec&s()
D( A!! &ee! #!"tes fu!! !en%th #!us
"ddition"! bottom #!"tin% "s deemed
necess"r$ b$ the Surve$or+ #"rticu!"r!$
in ,"$ of cofferd"ms "nd m"chiner$
A( Duct &ee! or #i#e tunne! #!"tin% or #i#e
tunne! #!"tin% "nd intern"!s "s deemed
0( if considered necess"r$ b$ the "ttendin% surve$or)
2( to A( m"nd"tor$ thic&ness me"surements+ number "nd e@tent of thic&ness me"surement re.uirements m"$ be modified
b$ the surve$or considerin% the corrosion #rotection condition "nd "rr"n%ements)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.4 3eriodical survey extent for main class 0 3age ()5
"),)2 *ns-ec$i%n area ca$eg%risa$i%n
A##!ic"tion c"te%ories for structur"! com#onents to be ins#ected referred in T"b!e E/D+ "re defined in Sec)E
T"b!e E/0)
Special areas for inspection:
: Connections of bu!&he"ds+ stiffeners+ f!"ts or dec&s in the moon#oo! "re") =oon#oo! corners "nd
: Turret N connections ,ithin structure "t su##ort)
: E@tern"! br"c&ets+ #ortions of bu!&he"ds+ "nd fr"mes ,hich "re desi%ned to receive concentr"ted !o"ds "t
intersections of m"or structur"! members)
: Su##ort connections for he!idec&+ derric& "nd dri!!/f!oor etc)
: Hi%h!$ uti!ised "re"s su##ortin% "nchor !ine f"ir!e"ds "nd ,inches+ cr"ne #edest"!s+ f!"re to,ers*booms etc)
: Other su##ort "re"s N !ifebo"t #!"tform su##orts etc)
Primary areas for 3nspection:
: Structur"! members of bu!&he"ds+ stiffeners+ f!"ts or dec&s "nd %irders in dec& structure "nd turret)
: Dec& #!"tin%+ he"v$ f!"n%es+ "nd bu!&he"ds ,ithin the u##er hu!! or #!"tform ,hich form Fbo@G or FIG t$#e
su##ortin% structure)
: >u!&he"ds+ dec&s+ stiffeners "nd %irders ,hich #rovide !oc"! reinforcement or continuit$ of structure in ,"$
of intersections+ e@ce#t "re"s ,here the structure is considered for s#eci"! "##!ic"tion)
: ="in su##ort structure of he"v$ sub/structures "nd e.ui#ment+ e)%) "nchor !ine f"ir!e"ds+ cr"nes+ dri!!/f!oor
substructure+ !ife bo"t #!"tform+ thruster found"tion "nd he!ico#ter dec&)
5ther areas for 3nspection:
: 4##er #!"tform dec&s+ or dec&s of u##er hu!!s e@ce#t "re"s ,here the structure is considered #rim"r$ or
s#eci"! "re"s for ins#ection)
: Dec&houses)
: Other structures not c"te%orised "s s#eci"! or #rim"r$
")" S-eci&ic re0uire.en$s &%r c%lu.n s$a6ilise+ uni$s
")")! Thic&ness me"surements sh"!! be c"rried out "s sho,n in T"b!e E/A)
Ta6le ,8< Mini.u. re0uire.en$s &%r $hic>ness .easure.en$s 8 C%lu.n8s$a6ilise+ uni$s
3d. #rea Renewal survey
#ge E)= years
Renewal survey
#ge =)E years
Renewal survey
#ge E)= years
Renewal survey
+o.< and subse9uent
#ge B= years
0 A!! Sus#ect "re"s Sus#ect "re"s Sus#ect "re"s Sus#ect "re"s
2 Structur"! com#onents
of S#eci"! "nd Prim"r$
"re"s for ins#ection
Are"s ,ith
indic"tion of
Are"s ,ith
indic"tion of
Are"s ,ith
indic"tion of
Are"s ,ith indic"tion of
E >r"cin%s Re#resent"tive
#!"tes in s#!"sh
Mone) Intern"!s "s
deemed necess"r$)
Re#resent"tive #!"tes
"nd intern"!s in
s#!"sh Mone)
Re#resent"tive #!"tes
"nd stiffeners "t the
connection to
co!umn*#ontoon "nd
br"cin%s '&/nodes()
Re#resent"tive #!"tes "nd
intern"!s in s#!"sh Mone)
Re#resent"tive #!"tes "nd
stiffeners "t the
connection to co!umn*
#ontoon "nd br"cin%s '&/
7 Co!umns Re#resent"tive
#!"tes in s#!"sh
Mone) Intern"!s "s
deemed necess"r$)
Re#resent"tive #!"tes
"nd intern"!s in
s#!"sh Mone)
Se!ective #!"tes "nd
stiffeners of se!ective
se","ter t"n&s)
Re#resent"tive #!"tes "nd
intern"!s in s#!"sh Mone)
Se!ective #!"tes "nd
stiffeners of se!ective
se","ter t"n&s)
B) Pontoons One %irth be!t of e"ch
Se!ective t"n& to#
#!"tes of se!ective
se","ter t"n&s)
T,o %irth be!ts of e"ch
Se!ective t"n& to# #!"tes
of "!! se","ter t"n&s)
J Co!umn "nd*or
Pontoon se","ter t"n&s
used for trimmin% the
Re#resent"tive #!"tes
"nd stiffeners)
Re#resent"tive #!"tes "nd
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.4 3eriodical survey extent for main class 0 3age ()6
Gui+ance n%$eC
S"m#!e of structures #rone to r"#id ,"st"%e9
: Are"s of co!umns "nd br"cin%s ,ithout "n efficient*int"ct h"rd e#o@$ co"tin% s$stem in ,"$ of the s#!"sh Mone)
: Co!umn "nd #ontoon se","ter t"n&s ,ithout "n efficient*int"ct h"rd e#o@$ co"tin% s$stem)
: Ch"in !oc&ers)
")")2 *ns-ec$i%n area ca$eg%risa$i%n
A##!ic"tion c"te%ories for structur"! com#onents to be ins#ected referred in T"b!e E/A+ "re defined in Sec)E
T"b!e E/2)
Special areas for inspection:
: Connections of bu!&he"ds+ stiffeners+ f!"ts or dec&s "nd %irders in vertic"! co!umns+ dec&s+ !o,er hu!!s
: Portions of dec& #!"tin%+ he"v$ f!"n%es+ "nd bu!&he"ds ,ithin the u##er hu!! or #!"tform ,hich form Fbo@G
or FIG t$#e su##ortin% structure ,hich receive m"or concentr"ted !o"ds)
: E@tern"! she!! structure in ,"$ of intersections of vertic"! co!umns+ dec&s "nd !o,er hu!!s)
: ="or intersections of br"cin% members)
: FThrou%hG m"teri"! used "t connections of vertic"! co!umns+ u##er #!"tform dec&s "nd u##er or !o,er hu!!s
,hich "re desi%ned to #rovide #ro#er "!i%nment "nd "de.u"te !o"d tr"nsfer)
: E@tern"! br"c&ets+ #ortions of bu!&he"ds+ "nd fr"mes ,hich "re desi%ned to receive concentr"ted !o"ds "t
intersections of m"or structur"! members)
: Hi%h!$ uti!ised "re"s su##ortin% "nchor !ine f"ir!e"ds "nd ,inches+ cr"ne #edest"!s+ f!"re etc)
Primary areas for inspection:
: >u!&he"ds+ stiffeners+ f!"ts or dec&s "nd %irders in vertic"! co!umns+ dec&s+ !o,er hu!!s di"%on"!s)
: Dec& #!"tin%+ he"v$ f!"n%es+ "nd bu!&he"ds ,ithin the u##er hu!! or #!"tform ,hich form Fbo@G or FIG t$#e
su##ortin% structure ,hich do not receive m"or concentr"ted !o"ds)
: E@tern"! she!! structure of vertic"! co!umns+ !o,er "nd u##er hu!!s+ "nd di"%on"! "nd horiMont"! br"ces)
: >u!&he"ds+ dec&s+ stiffeners "nd %irders ,hich #rovide !oc"! reinforcement or continuit$ of structure in ,"$
of intersections+ e@ce#t "re"s ,here the structure is considered for s#eci"! "##!ic"tion)
: ="in su##ort structure of he"v$ substructures "nd e.ui#ment+ e)%) "nchor !ine f"ir!e"ds+ cr"nes+ dri!!f!oor
substructure+ !ife bo"t #!"tform+ thruster found"tion "nd he!ico#ter dec&)
C) Ch"in !oc&ers Re#resent"tive #!"tes
"nd stiffeners)
Re#resent"tive #!"tes "nd
D) E@#osed u##er hu!!
,here Fbo@G or FIG
be"ms receive m"or
concentr"ted !o"ds
Re#resent"tive #!"tes
"nd stiffeners)
Re#resent"tive #!"tes "nd
A) ="in su##ortin%
structure of he"v$
substructures "nd
e.ui#ment) e)%) cr"ne
#edest"!+ dri!! f!oor
substructure+ !ifebo"t
#!"tform "nd he!ico#ter
Re#resent"tive #!"tes
"nd stiffeners)
Re#resent"tive #!"tes "nd
01) Structur"! com#onents
of S#eci"! c"te%or$
other th"n under E/A
'These "re"s "re
norm"!!$ identified in
the IIP(
Re#resent"tive #!"tes
"nd stiffeners)
Re#resent"tive #!"tes "nd
0( "nd 2( if considered necess"r$ b$ the "ttendin% surve$or
E( to 01( m"nd"tor$ thic&ness me"surements+ number "nd e@tent of thic&ness me"surement re.uirements m"$ be
modified b$ the surve$or considerin% the corrosion #rotection condition "nd "rr"n%ements)
Ta6le ,8< Mini.u. re0uire.en$s &%r $hic>ness .easure.en$s 8 C%lu.n8s$a6ilise+ uni$s
3d. #rea Renewal survey
#ge E)= years
Renewal survey
#ge =)E years
Renewal survey
#ge E)= years
Renewal survey
+o.< and subse9uent
#ge B= years
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.4 3eriodical survey extent for main class 0 3age ()7
5ther areas for inspection:
: 4##er #!"tform dec&s+ or dec&s of u##er hu!!s e@ce#t "re"s ,here the structure is considered "s #rim"r$ or
s#eci"! "re"s for ins#ection)
: >u!&he"ds+ stiffeners+ f!"ts or dec&s "nd %irders in vertic"! co!umns+ dec&s+ !o,er hu!!s+ di"%on"! "nd
horiMont"! br"cin%+ ,hich "re not considered "s #rim"r$ or s#eci"! "##!ic"tion)
: Dec&houses)
: Other structures not c"te%orised "s s#eci"! or #rim"r$)
")"), 7igh$9eigh$ sur1ey
A !i%ht,ei%ht surve$ or inc!inin% test sh"!! be conducted "t the first rene,"! surve$) If " !i%ht,ei%ht surve$ is
conducted "nd it indic"tes " ch"n%e from the c"!cu!"ted !i%ht shi# dis#!"cement in e@cess of 0Q of the o#er"tin%
dis#!"cement+ "n inc!inin% test sh"!! be conducted+ or the difference in ,ei%ht sh"!! be #!"ced in "n indis#ut"b!$
conserv"tive vertic"! centre of %r"vit$ "nd "##roved b$ the Administr"tion)
'See =OD4 code E)0)B)0(
A !i%ht,ei%ht surve$ or inc!inin% test+ in "ccord"nce ,ith "n "##roved #rocedure+ shou!d be c"rried out in
#rotected ,"ters+ "nd in #resence of "nd to the s"tisf"ction of the "ttendin% Surve$or) The re#ort+ endorsed
b$ the Surve$or+ is to be submitted for "##rov"! immedi"te!$ "fter the test)
An indis#ut"b!$ conserv"tive vertic"! centre of %r"vit$ ,i!! norm"!!$ be "t the dri!! f!oor !eve!)
")")" If the surve$ or test "t the first rene,"! surve$ demonstr"ted th"t the unit ,"s m"int"inin% "n effective
,ei%ht contro! #ro%r"mme+ "nd "t succeedin% rene,"! surve$s this is confirmed b$ the records under #"r"%r"#h
H2)2)7I+ !i%ht shi# dis#!"cement m"$ be verified in o#er"tion b$ com#"rison of the c"!cu!"ted "nd observed
dr"u%ht) Khere the difference bet,een the e@#ected dis#!"cement "nd the "ctu"! dis#!"cement b"sed u#on
dr"u%ht re"din%s e@ceed 0Q of the o#er"tin% dis#!"cement+ " !i%ht,ei%ht surve$ sh"!! be com#!eted in
"ccord"nce ,ith #"r"%r"#h H7)7)EI)
'See =OD4 code E)0)B)2(
The dis#!"cement verific"tion shou!d be understood "s " !i%ht,ei%ht surve$ c"rried out "t !oc"tion under
f"vour"b!e conditions)
Gui+ance n%$eC
The "bove "##!ies for units bui!d under the =OD4 code 211A edition) E@istin% units m"$ fo!!o, "n identic"!
"##ro"ch+ #rovided f!"% "cce#t"nce "nd " Xbenchm"r&O inc!inin% te@t) The dis#!"cement verific"tion m"$ "t the
e"r!iest+ be "cce#ted "t the ne@t rene,"!)
The "ccur"c$ of " !i%ht,ei%ht surve$ c"rried out "t !oc"tion m"$ be si%nific"nt!$ im#"ired b$ environment"! effects
!i&e e)%) s,e!!) Hence+ it is stron%!$ recommended to c"rr$ out the !i%ht,ei%ht surve$ in #rotected ,"ters)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.4 3eriodical survey extent for main class 0 3age ()8
")' S-eci&ic re0uire.en$s &%r sel&8ele1a$ing uni$s
")')! For se!f/e!ev"tin% units thic&ness me"surements sh"!! in %ener"! be c"rried out "s #resented in T"b!e E/
Ta6le ,8! Mini.u. Re0uire.en$s &%r $hic>ness .easure.en$s 8 Sel& ele1a$ing uni$s
3d. #rea Renewal survey
#ge E)= years
Renewal survey
#ge =)E years
Renewal survey
#ge E)= years
Renewal survey
+o.< and subse9uent
#ge B= years
0 A!! Sus#ect "re"s Sus#ect "re"s Sus#ect "re"s Sus#ect "re"s
2 Structur"! com#onents of
S#eci"! "nd Prim"r$
Are"s ,ith
indic"tion of
Are"s ,ith
indic"tion of
Are"s ,ith indic"tion
of ,"st"%e)
Are"s ,ith indic"tion
of ,"st"%e)
E 3e%s Re#resent"tive
chords "nd
br"cin%s* #!"te
"nd stiffeners in
,"$ of s#!"sh
chords "nd br"cin%s*
#!"te "nd stiffeners in
,"$ of s#!"sh Mone
"nd "t connections to
m"t* s#udc"n)
Re#resent"tive chords
"nd br"cin%s* #!"te "nd
stiffeners in ,"$ of
s#!"sh Mone "nd "t
connections to m"t*
Re#resent"tive chords
"nd br"cin%s* #!"te "nd
stiffeners in other
7 ="t or s#udc"n
connections to !e%s "nd
m"in structur"! bu!&he"ds
of m"t or s#udc"n)
#!"tes+ bu!&he"ds
"nd stiffeners)
Re#resent"tive #!"tes+
bu!&he"ds "nd
A!! #!"tes+ bu!&he"ds
"nd stiffeners
B 5"c&house "nd !o"d
tr"nsfer "re" 'e@tern"! "nd
in ,"$ of #re!o"d t"n&s(
inc!udin% !e% ,e!!s "nd
!o,er %uides)
#!"tes "nd
Re#resent"tive #!"tes
"nd stiffeners
A!! #!"tes "nd
J 4##er Hu!! e@#osed dec&
"nd bottom #!"tin%)
Re#resent"tive #!"tes A!! #!"tes)
C 4##er hu!!
F>o@G or FIG t$#e sections
="in su##ortin%
Re#resent"tive #!"tes
"nd stiffeners)
Re#resent"tive #!"tes
"nd stiffeners)
D Pre!o"d t"n&s Re#resent"tive
structure of one
'se","ter( t"n&)
structure of t,o
#re!o"d 'se","ter(
structure of "!! #re!o"d
'se","ter( t"n&s)
A ="in su##ortin% structure
of he"v$ substructures
"nd e.ui#ment) e)%) cr"ne
#edest"!+ c"nti!ever "nd
dri!! f!oor substructure+
!ifebo"t #!"tform "nd
he!ico#ter dec&)
#!"tin% "nd stiffeners)
Re#resent"tive #!"tin%
"nd stiffeners)
01 Structur"! com#onents of
S#eci"! or Prim"r$
c"te%or$ other th"n under
E/C "bove)
'These "re"s "re norm"!!$
identified in the
#!"tin% "nd stiffeners)
Re#resent"tive #!"tin%
"nd stiffeners)
00 Air #i#es "nd venti!"tors Se!ected "ir #i#es "nd
venti!"tor co"min%s
on e@#osed m"in
A!! "ir #i#es "nd
venti!"tor co"min%s on
e@#osed m"in dec&)
02 P!"tin% of se" chest) A!! #!"tin% of se" chest
0( "nd 2( if considered necess"r$ b$ the "ttendin% surve$or)
E( to 02( m"nd"tor$ thic&ness me"surements+ number "nd e@tent of thic&ness me"surement re.uirements m"$ be
modified b$ the surve$or considerin% the corrosion #rotection condition "nd "rr"n%ements)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.4 3eriodical survey extent for main class 0 3age ()9
Gui+ance n%$eC
S"m#!e of structures #rone to r"#id ,"st"%e9
: Are"s of !e%s ,ithout "n efficient*int"ct h"rd e#o@$ co"tin% s$stem in ,"$ of the s#!"sh Mone)
: 4##er hu!! se","ter t"n&s ,ithout "n efficient*int"ct h"rd e#o@$ co"tin% s$stem)
")')2 A##!ic"tion c"te%ories for structur"! com#onents to be ins#ected referred in T"b!e E/01 "re defined in
T"b!e E/E)
Special areas for inspection:
: Vertic"! co!umns in ,"$ of intersection ,ith the m"t structure 's#udc"n()
: Hi%h!$ stressed e!ements of bottom of !e%+ inc!udin% !e% connection to s#udc"n or m"t)
: Intersections of !"ttice t$#e !e% structure+ ,hich incor#or"tes nove! construction+ inc!udin% the use of stee!
: Hi%h!$ stressed e!ements of %uide structures+ "c&in% "nd !oc&in% s$stem's(+ "c&house "nd su##ort
: Hi%h!$ stressed e!ements of cr"ne #edest"!s+ etc) "nd their su##ortin% structure)
Primary areas for inspection:
: Combin"tion of bu!&he"d+ dec&+ side "nd bottom #!"tin% ,ithin the hu!! ,hich form F>o@G or FIG t$#e m"in
su##ortin% structure)
: A!! com#onents of !"ttice t$#e !e%s "nd e@tern"! #!"tin% of c$!indric"! !e%s)
: 5"c&house su##ortin% structure "nd bottom footin% structure+ ,hich receives initi"! tr"nsfer of !o"d from
: Intern"! bu!&he"ds+ she!! "nd dec& of s#udc"n or bottom m"t su##ortin% structures ,hich "re desi%ned to
distribute m"or !o"ds+ either uniform or concentr"ted+ into the m"t structure)
: ="in su##ort structure of he"v$ substructures "nd e.ui#ment+ e)%) cr"nes+ dri!! f!oor substructure+ !ife bo"t
#!"tform "nd he!ico#ter dec&)
5ther areas for inspection:
: Dec&+ side "nd bottom #!"tin% of hu!! e@ce#t "re"s ,here the structure is considered #rim"r$ or s#eci"!
: >u!&he"ds+ stiffeners+ dec&s "nd %irders in hu!! th"t "re not considered "s #rim"r$ or s#eci"! "##!ic"tion)
: Intern"! bu!&he"ds "nd %irders in c$!indric"! !e%s)
: Intern"! bu!&he"ds+ stiffeners "nd %irders of s#udc"n or bottom m"t su##ortin% structures e@ce#t ,here the
structures "re considered #rim"r$ or s#eci"! "re"s for ins#ection)
")'), A com#!ete overvie, is %iven in OSS/017+ Pt)C Ch)E)
")/ S-eci&ic re0uire.en$s &%r uni$s %& %$her sha-e
")/)! The re.uirements for shi# sh"#ed units "re to be "##!ied "s f"r "s #r"ctic"!)
' Rene9al sur1ey# .achinery an+ sys$e.s
')! General
')!)! ="chiner$ s$stems "nd e.ui#ment "re covered b$ the rene,"! surve$ "s described in HB)2I "nd se#"r"te
surve$s "s !isted be!o,)
: T"i!sh"ft surve$ / see Sec)7 H0I)
: Pro#e!!er connection surve$ / see Sec)7 H2I)
: Surve$ of Thrusters for m"in #ro#u!sion or d$n"mic #ositionin%N see Sec)7 HEI "nd Sec)7 H7I
: >oi!er surve$+ inc!udin% ste"m %ener"tor+ see Sec)7 HBI
: Therm"! oi! he"ter+ see Sec)7 HJI
The rene,"! surve$ m"$ be re#!"ced b$ "!tern"tive surve$ "rr"n%ements "s discussed in Sec)C)
')!)2 Tem#or"r$ e.ui#ment is inc!uded "s !on% "s it is #"rt of the "re"s "nd s$stems covered b$ c!"ss sco#e
"nd det"i!ed in the rem"inin% of this ch"#ter) Other,ise the surve$ sh"!! on!$ confirm c!"ss invo!vement "s
s#ecified in Ch)0 Sec)B H2)CI)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.4 3eriodical survey extent for main class 0 3age (()
')2 Machinery
')2)! ="chiner$ s$stems sh"!! be e@"mined "nd tested "ccordin% to Sec)C T"b!e C/0) The fo!!o,in% surve$s
sh"!! be c"rried out in conunction ,ith the rene,"! surve$9
: >oi!er surve$ 'boi!ers+ su#erhe"ters+ economisers "nd "ir #rehe"ters or ste"m he"ted ste"m %ener"tor(+ see
Sec)7 HBI
: Therm"! oi! he"ter surve$+ see Sec)7 HJI)
')2)2 Sett!in% t"n& "nd d"i!$ service t"n&s for he"v$ fue! oi! "nd diese! oi! "s ,e!! "s !ubric"tion oi! circu!"tion
t"n&s "ssessed ,ith res#ect to t"n& c!e"n!iness)
If ins#ection "nd c!e"nin% h"ve been c"rried out b$ the cre, durin% the !"st 02 months "nd re!ev"nt !o% e@tr"cts
"re #rovided "nd confirmed+ this m"$ be credited "s surve$ed "t the surve$or-s discretion)
O#enin% u# of t"n&s m"$ be re.uired "s found necess"r$ b$ the surve$or)
')2), Au@i!i"r$ thrusters sh"!! be e@"mined "nd tested "s fo!!o,s9
: oi! "n"!$sis of %e"r house oi! "nd oi! for the CP mech"nism
: e@"min"tion of %e"r "nd be"rin%s throu%h ins#ection o#enin%s or b$ other me"ns
: e@"min"tion of e@tern"! #i#in% s$stems
: e@"min"tion of be"rin%s+ %e"r "nd sh"fts "nd other re!ev"nt #"rts if "n$ indic"tions of "bnorm"!ities "re
observed) S"tisf"ctor$ m"inten"nce "ccordin% to m"nuf"cturer-s recommend"tions to be documented "nd
considered "s " b"se for e@tent of #ossib!e o#enin%)
O#enin% to be c"rried out norm"!!$ "t !e"st ever$ 01 $e"rs) An$ o#enin% u# of " thruster sh"!! be ,itnessed
b$ " surve$or of the Societ$
: function testin% of se"!in% "rr"n%ements
: function testin% of !ubric"tion "nd h$dr"u!ic oi! s$stem
: function testin% of CP mech"nism
: function testin% of thruster unit inc!udin% "!"rm s$stem)
Gui+ance n%$eC
It is "dvised to t"&e oi! "n"!$sis "t re%u!"r interv"!s "nd "!,"$s #rior to doc&in% in order to ensure th"t there is no need
for o#enin% of the thruster 'e)%) ,"ter in the oi!()
')2)" For shi#s ,ith %"s turbine inst"!!"tions the surve$ sh"!! inc!ude verific"tion of records "nd m"or
overh"u! re#orts onbo"rd)
="or overh"u! on ;"s turbines sh"!! be #erformed b$ either the ori%in"! e.ui#ment m"nuf"cturer 'OE=( or
"n OE= "uthoriMed com#"n$)
')2)' For non se!f/#ro#e!!ed units 'e)%) most "c& u#s or semis ,here the vesse! is not intended to do " ri% move
under its o,n #o,er( ,ith #ro#e!!ers or thrusters+ the rene,"! surve$ sh"!! ensure the ,"terti%ht inte%rit$ of
the 'sh"ft( se"!in% of the hu!!)
'), Elec$rical ins$alla$i%ns
'),)! The surve$ sh"!! com#rise e@"min"tion of the e!ectric"! inst"!!"tions ,ith re%"rd to fire "nd e@#!osion
h"M"rds "nd inur$ from "ccident"! touchin%) The surve$ is "!so to inc!ude testin% of correct functionin% of
e.ui#ment covered b$ c!"ss re.uirements)
'),)2 As f"r "s #r"ctic"b!e+ the fo!!o,in% e.ui#ment sh"!! be e@"mined for s"tisf"ctor$ condition9
: m"in "nd emer%enc$ s,itchbo"rds
: %ener"tors
: distribution bo"rds
: motor st"rters
: e!ectric"! motors
: converters 'e)%) tr"nsformers+ rectifiers+ ch"r%ers(
: c"b!e inst"!!"tions
: enc!osures for e!ectric"! e.ui#ment
: !i%htin% e.ui#ment
: he"tin% e.ui#ment
: b"tter$ inst"!!"tions)
'),), The fo!!o,in% tests sh"!! be c"rried out to the e@tent deemed necess"r$ b$ the surve$or to "scert"in the
#ro#er functionin% of the e.ui#ment9
: %ener"tor fu!! !o"d test
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.4 3eriodical survey extent for main class 0 3age (((
: %ener"tor #"r"!!e! o#er"tion
: %ener"tor #rotection re!"$s inc!udin% non/im#ort"nt !o"d tri#+ if fitted
: %ener"tor remote s#eed contro!
: %ener"tor s$nchronisin% e.ui#ment
: #o,er #!"nt inter!oc&in% s$stems
: insu!"tion resist"nce indic"tin% device
: emer%enc$ %ener"tor inc!udin% s,itchbo"rds
: b"tter$ ch"r%ers
: mech"nic"! venti!"tion of b"tter$ rooms "nd !oc&ers
: n"vi%"tion !i%hts+ ,ith contro!!ers inc!udin% "!"rms
: e!ectric"! motors for essenti"! "nd im#ort"nt use
: inter!oc&in% "nd*or "!"rms for #ressurised rooms "nd e.ui#ment
: emer%enc$ %ener"tor / "uto st"rt fo!!o,in% !oss of m"in su##!$)
Protection re!"$s in %ener"tor "nd bus tie circuit bre"&ers sh"!! be tested ,ith second"r$ current inection+ or
,ith suit"b!e "##"r"tus m"de for testin% of the inst"!!ed #rotection units)
'),)" Records of insu!"tion test sh"!! be sho,n to the surve$or) This re.uirement m"$ be ,"ived if9
: testin% of "!! individu"! motors is inc!uded "nd !o%%ed in the #!"nned m"inten"nce s$stem+ "nd
: the insu!"tion monitorin% "!"rms re.uired b$ OS/D212 Ch)2 Sec) 2 "re inte%r"ted in the m"chiner$ "!"rm
Gui+ance n%$eC
=e%%er testin% m"$ invo!ve ris& of e@#!osion due to s#"r&s) Therefore "##ro#ri"te #rocedures for such ,or& shou!d
be fo!!o,ed "s re!ev"nt e)%)+ F%"s free certific"teG)
E@ e.ui#ment to inc!ude E@ motors "nd E@ unction bo@es "nd E@ enc!osures)
')" Sa&e$y an+ c%n$r%l sys$e.s
')")! Correct functionin% of the v"rious #"rts of the fo!!o,in% s$stems sh"!!+ "s f"r "s "##!ic"b!e+ be verified9
: "!"rm "nd s"fet$ s$stem
: m"nu"! contro! of m"chiner$
: remote contro! of #ro#u!sion m"chiner$
: remote contro! of #osition &ee#in% m"chiner$)
Gui+ance n%$eC
For units ,ith not"tion E0 or E$O+ see Sec)J H0EI)
')")2 Khen c"nce!!in% of "utom"tic !o"d reduction "nd*or "utom"tic sto# of en%ine "re #rovided+ these
functions sh"!! be demonstr"ted to the s"tisf"ction of the surve$or)
')"), Remote shutdo,n for fue!/oi! tr"nsfer service #um#s "nd venti!"tin% e.ui#ment+ to%ether ,ith oi! t"n&
out!et v"!ves ,here re.uired to be c"#"b!e of bein% remote!$ c!osed "re to be #roved s"tisf"ctor$)
'see IACS 4R U0B+ 2)D)2(
')")" Emer%enc$ s,itch'es( for "!! e!ectric"! e.ui#ment inc!udin% m"in "nd emer%enc$ %ener"tors+ e@ce#t
"!"rm "nd communic"tion s$stems "nd !i%htin% in vit"! "re"s such "s esc"#e routes "nd !"ndin% #!"tforms+ "re
to be #roved s"tisf"ctor$ 'b$ " combin"tion of testin% "nd revie, of m"inten"nce records()
'see IACS 4R U0B+ 2)D)2(
Gui+ance n%$eC
The "bove im#!ies " com#!ete test of the ESD s$stem in the #resence of DNV) A##roved C"use "nd effect Di"%r"ms
shou!d be "v"i!"b!e if #ossib!e)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.+ ;iscellaneous main class surveys 0 3age ((#
! 2r%-eller sha&$ sur1ey
!)! General
!)!)! The #ro#e!!er sh"ft sh"!! be dr",n to #ermit e@"min"tion of the sh"ft "nd the fo!!o,in% #"rts9
: #ro#e!!er sh"ft be"rin% "re"s
: stern bushes or be"rin%s
: sh"ft se"!in% "rr"n%ement+ inc!udin% !ubric"tin% oi! s$stem
: "ft be"rin% c!e"r"nces to be me"sured*c"!cu!"ted "nd recorded
: oi! !eve! monitorin% of !ubric"tin% oi! s$stem)
Gui+ance n%$eC
>e"rin% c!e"r"nces to be me"sured or c"!cu!"ted from ,e"r do,n me"surements "nd c!e"r"nce from ne, bui!din% or
!"st sh"ft ,ithdr","!)
!)!)2 For oi! !ubric"ted #ro#e!!er sh"fts ,ith t$#e "##roved se"!in% %!"nds+ the ,ithdr","! of the #ro#e!!er
sh"ft m"$ be e@em#ted "t "!tern"te surve$s+ i)e) e@tended to 01 $e"rs interv"!s+ #rovided the fo!!o,in% items
h"ve been e@"mined ,ith s"tisf"ctor$ resu!t 'Reduced sco#e(9
: ne, oi! se"!s shou!d be fitted
: oi! se"!in% cont"ct surf"ces in order
: "ft be"rin% c!e"r"nces me"sured*c"!cu!"ted "nd recorded
: oi! !eve! monitorin% of !ubric"tin% oi! s$stem
: oi! "n"!$sis 'not o!der th"n E months( in order)
Gui+ance n%$eC
>e"rin% c!e"r"nces to be me"sured or c"!cu!"ted from ,e"r do,n me"surements "nd c!e"r"nce from ne, bui!din% or
!"st sh"ft ,ithdr","!)
In "ddition to the "bove+ " #ro#e!!er connection surve$ in "ccord"nce ,ith H2)0)0I sh"!! be c"rried out for
#ro#e!!er sh"fts ,ith " &e$,"$)
Gui+ance n%$eC
The !ubric"tin% oi! "n"!$sis shou!d inc!ude the minimum #"r"meters9
: ,"ter content
: ch!orides content 'sodium "nd m"%nesium(
: content of be"rin% met"! #"rtic!es 'iron+ "!uminium+ nic&e!+ chromium+ co##er+ tin+ "nd !e"d(
: content of other #"rtic!es 'si!icon(
: oi! "%in%+ resist"nce to o@id"tion 'TAN+ T>N()
Oi! s"m#!e shou!d be t"&en under service conditions)
2 2r%-eller c%nnec$i%n sur1ey
2)! General
2)!)! For "rr"n%ements ,here the #ro#e!!er is mounted on " &e$ed t"#er the fo!!o,in% sh"!! be e@"mined "fter
the #ro#e!!er is b"c&ed off9
: #ro#e!!er sh"ft thre"ded end
: #ro#e!!er sh"ft t"#er "nd &e$,"$
: #ro#e!!er hub t"#er "nd &e$,"$
: &e$
: NDT of fore #"rt of the sh"ft t"#er "nd sh"ft &e$,"$ b$ "n "##roved cr"c& detection method)
2)!)2 For "rr"n%ements ,here the #ro#e!!er is mounted on " &e$!ess t"#er+ or b$ me"ns of " c$!indric"!*conic"!
s!eeve the fo!!o,in% sh"!! be e@"mined "fter the #ro#e!!er is b"c&ed off9
: #ro#e!!er sh"ft thre"ded end
: #ro#e!!er sh"ft t"#ered or c$!indric"! section
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.+ ;iscellaneous main class surveys 0 3age ((4
: #ro#e!!er hub t"#er
: NDT of the fore #"rt of the sh"ft t"#er+ or sh"ft c$!inder+ b$ "n "##roved cr"c& detection method)
2)!), For "rr"n%ements ,here the #ro#e!!er hub is fitted to " f!"n%e cou#!in% or " for%ed #ro#e!!er sh"ft f!"n%e
the fo!!o,in% sh"!! be e@"mined9
: visu"! ins#ection of the f!"n%e "nd its fittin%s
: ti%htness of bo!ts or nuts
: NDT of the f!"n%e fi!!et r"dius+ b$ "n "##roved cr"c& detection method+ m"$ be re.uired if the visu"!
e@"min"tion of the "re" is not s"tisf"ctor$)
Gui+ance n%$eC
For t"i!sh"ft condition monitorin% see Sec)J H21)EI)
2)2$ling %& -r%-ellers
Dism"nt!in% of &e$ed #ro#e!!ers ,i!! be re.uired "t interv"!s of m"@imum B $e"rs+ "nd &e$!ess #ro#e!!ers ever$
0B $e"rs) The fo!!o,in% #"rts sh"!! be surve$ed "s "##!ic"b!e9
: #ro#e!!er nut
: t"i!sh"ft thre"ded end
: &e$ "nd cone inc!udin% e@"min"tion of the &e$,"$ "nd the fore #"rt of the t"#er b$ "n "##roved cr"c&
detection method)
, Sur1ey %& geare+ $hrus$ers &%r .ain -r%-ulsi%n an+ -%si$i%ning
,)! De&ini$i%ns
,)!)! Thrusters for d$n"mic #ositionin% "re thrusters incor#or"ted in s$stems for d$n"mic #ositionin% of units+
,here the unit h"s been %r"nted the "ddition"! c!"ss not"tion D/NPOS or DPS)
,)!)2 Thrusters for #osition moorin% "re thrusters incor#or"ted in s$stems for thruster "ssisted #osition
moorin% of units+ ,here the unit h"s been %r"nted the "ddition"! c!"ss not"tion POSMOOR-TA or
,)!), Thrusters for #ro#u!sion "re defined "s thrusters ,hich "re intended for #ro#u!sion or #ro#u!sion "nd
steerin% of the unit durin% se" vo$"%e)
,)2 Sur1ey e3$en$
See Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)B D)
" Sur1ey %& -%++e+ $hrus$ers &%r .ain -r%-ulsi%n an+ -%si$i%ning
")! General
")!)! The re.uirements in this sub/section "##!$ to thrusters of #odded desi%n+ here "fter denoted #ods+ for
#ro#u!sion "nd #ositionin% of the unit)
")!)2 Pod surve$ im#!ies " surve$ of the #od-s intern"! #o,er tr"nsmission e!ements "nd drivin% motor
enc!osed in the #od+ strut "nd steerin% co!umn)
Pods h"ve t,o schedu!ed surve$s9
: "nnu"!
: com#!ete)
For some #od siMes it ,i!! be !imited "ccess from inside the unit "nd "nnu"! surve$ shou!d be done to the e@tent
th"t is #r"ctic"!!$ #ossib!$) Com#!ete surve$ mi%ht re.uire some dism"nt!in%)
")!), P"rts of the surve$ m"$ be re#!"ced b$ "n "##roved condition monitorin% "rr"n%ement+ see C!"ssific"tion
Note 01)2)
")!)" At e"ch overh"u!+ "!! re!ev"nt #"rts of the com#onents m"de "ccessib!e sh"!! be #resented for surve$ b$
the Societ$+ see Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)B E211)
Assemb!$ "nd mountin% on bo"rd sh"!! be verified "nd tested)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.+ ;iscellaneous main class surveys 0 3age ((+
")2 Sche+ule+ sur1eys
See Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)B E)
' A%iler sur1ey
Surve$ of boi!ers 'oi!*%"s fired+ e@h"ust he"ted+ com#osite+ e!ectric he"ted "nd ste"m %ener"tors( sh"!! be
c"rried out "ccordin% to the Ru!es for Shi#s+ Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)B F)
These re.uirements "re "!so "##!ic"b!e to ste"m*therm"! oi! he"ted ste"m %ener"tors)
/ %il hea$er sur1ey
Surve$ of therm"! oi! he"ters sh"!! be c"rried out "ccordin% to the Ru!es for Shi#s+ Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)B ;)
4 Sur1ey %& $he uni$Bs 6%$$%. an+ rela$e+ i$e.s
4)! Sche+ule
4)!)! The outside of the unit-s bottom "nd re!"ted items "re to be e@"mined t,o times in "n$ five 'B( $e"r
#eriod+ ,ith "n interv"! not e@ceedin% three 'E( $e"rs bet,een e@"min"tions)
4)!)2 Consider"tion m"$ be %iven "t the discretion of the Societ$+ to "n$ s#eci"! circumst"nces ustif$in% "n
e@tension of the interv"!)
4)2 Sur1ey -lanning an+ rec%r+ >ee-ing
P!"ns "nd #rocedures for under,"ter ins#ection sh"!! be submitted for revie, in "dv"nce of the surve$ "nd
m"de "v"i!"b!e on bo"rd) Submitted d"t"+ "fter revie, b$ the Societ$+ ,i!! be subect to revision if found to be
necess"r$ in !i%ht of e@#erience)
Gui+ance n%$eC
The Societ$ m"$ consider "!tern"tive methods for #rovidin% "de.u"te "ssur"nce th"t " unit-s bottom is in " s"tisf"ctor$
condition "t the mid/term c!"ss #eriod surve$)
A surve$ b"sed on such "!tern"tive methods is subect to "cce#t"nce b$ the re!ev"nt f!"% "dministr"tion)
4), Shi-8sha-e+ uni$s ?shi- %r 6arge $y-e uni$s@
4),)! E@tern"! surf"ces of the hu!!+ &ee!+ stem+ stern fr"me+ rudder+ noMM!es+ "nd se" str"iners "re to be
se!ective!$ c!e"ned to the s"tisf"ction of the "ttendin% surve$or "nd e@"mined to%ether ,ith "##end"%es+ the
#ro#e!!er+ e@#osed #"rts of stern be"rin% "ssemb!$+ rudder #int!e "nd %ud%eon securin% "rr"n%ements+ se" chest
"nd str"iners+ "nd their f"stenin%s '"s "##!ic"b!e()
4),)2 Pro#e!!er sh"ft be"rin%+ rudder be"rin%+ "nd steerin% noMM!e c!e"r"nces '"s "##!ic"b!e( "re to be
"scert"ined "nd re#orted u#on)
4)" C%lu.n8s$a6ilise+ uni$s
E@tern"! surf"ces of under,"ter "re"s of co!umns+ se" chests+ "nd #ro#u!sion units "s "##!ic"b!e+ sh"!! be
4)' Sel&8ele1a$ing uni$s
For se!f/e!ev"tin% units o#er"tin% for !on%er #eriods on !oc"tion 'e)%) dri!!in% "nd "ccomod"tion units(+ the
!o,er !e% "nd s#udc"ns "re schedu!ed se#"r"te!$ from the bottom in " s#udc"n "nd !e% surve$ "s described in
DNV/OSS/017 Pt)C Ch)B)
Gui+ance n%$eC
The described s#!it of the bottom surve$ sco#e is in !ine ,ith the "ccessibi!it$ of the se#"r"te #"rts in e!ev"ted
res#ective!$ tr"nsit mode/
The s#!it is not "##!ied for units fre.uent!$ ch"n%in% from !oc"tion+ e)%) ,ind turbine inst"!!"tion vesse!s) For these+
the com#!ete bottom surve$ "##!ies)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.+ ;iscellaneous main class surveys 0 3age ((5
5 Sur1ey %& $%9ing# $e.-%rary an+ -%si$i%n .%%ring e0ui-.en$
5)! Ty-es %& sur1ey
5)!)! #nnual survey is " visu"! e@"min"tion to "scert"in the %ener"! condition of the re!ev"nt items) The surve$
is norm"!!$ c"rried out on !oc"tion ,ith the unit "t o#er"tion"! dr"ft "nd the moorin% s$stem in use) No s#eci"!
ins#ection "ids "re re.uired "nd no disru#tion to the unitOs o#er"tion is intended)
5)!)2 Renewal survey ,i!! re.uire "##ro#ri"te c!e"nin% ,ith %ood "ccess "nd "de.u"te !i%htin%+ i)e) the s#eci"!
ins#ection "ids "nd f"ci!ities usu"!!$ "ssoci"ted ,ith " she!tered ,"ter visit)
5)!), Continuous survey) A!tern"tive!$+ the o,ner m"$ o#t for " continuous surve$ b$ #rovidin% "n e@tr"
moorin% !ine ,hich is re%u!"r!$ ins#ected in s#eci"! f"ci!ities onshore "nd e@ch"n%ed ,ith !ines inst"!!ed on the
unit) This "rr"n%ement is norm"!!$ noted b$ "n =O ,hich %ives the !"st*ne@t surve$ d"te of e"ch moorin% !ine)
Gui+ance n%$eC
For "cce#t"nce criteri" for ch"in+ ,ire "nd fibre moorin% see A##)>)
5)2 Annual sur1ey
5)2)! To,in% "nd tem#or"r$ moorin% e.ui#ment "re to be subect to visu"! ins#ection)
5)2)2 Position moorin% e.ui#ment is to be ins#ected "s fo!!o,s9
There is to be c"rried out visu"! ins#ection of the "ccessib!e #"rt of the moorin% !ines+ on or "d"cent to the
,ind!"ss) P"rticu!"r "ttention to be #"id to9
: the #ro#er su##ort of !in&s in the #oc&ets+ i)e) cont"ct is m"de "t on!$ the four shou!der "re"s of the !in& to
"void critic"! bendin% stresses in the !in&
: ,e"r on the ch"in shou!ders in ,"$ of the ch"in sto##er "nd ,ind!"ss #oc&ets
: condition of ,ire or fibre ro#e
: condition of "nchors "nd "nchor bo!sters)
Khere severe d"m"%e or ne%!ect of m"inten"nce is observed+ e)%) missin% studs+ ,orn c"b!e !ifters c"usin%
d"m"%e to the "nchor ch"in+ d"m"%e to ,ire or fibre ro#e+ " more e@tensive surve$ shou!d be re.uired+ ref)
rene,"! surve$)
The surve$or sh"!! "scert"in if "n$ #rob!ems h"ve been e@#erienced in the #revious 02 months #eriod ,ith the
moorin% s$stem+ e)%) ch"in bre"&s+ um#in%+ mech"nic"! d"m"%es+ !oose oinin% sh"c&!es)
If "v"i!"b!e+ visu"! ins#ection of the "nchors sh"!! be c"rried out) If "nchors h"ve e@#erienced "n$ #rob!ems
"nd*or been re#!"ced+ the "nchor certific"te sh"!! confirm suit"bi!it$)
5), Rene9al sur1ey
5),)! General Re0uire.en$s
The to,in% "nd moorin% e.ui#ment sh"!! be surve$ed "s fo!!o,s9
: "!! ch"in !oc&ers "nd "nchor sto,"%e "rr"n%ements sh"!! be surve$ed
: the #erm"nent to,in% "rr"n%ement of the unit sh"!! be surve$ed
: the tem#or"r$ moorin% s$stems sh"!! be surve$ed
: if the tem#or"r$ moorin% s$stems "re #"rt of the moorin% s$stem for #osition &ee#in% on !oc"tion+ "nd
covered b$ POSMOOR or f!"% st"te/re.uirements '=OD4/code(+ the com#!ete moorin% s$stem for
#osition &ee#in% sh"!! be subect to " com#rehensive surve$) This ,i!! inc!ude thorou%h visu"! e@"min"tion
"nd e@tensive non/destructive testin% of moorin% ch"in or ,ire ro#e "nd ins#ection*"ssessment testin% of
fibre ro#es) This ins#ection sh"!! inc!ude dism"nt!in% "nd non/destructive testin% of "!! oinin% sh"c&!es th"t
h"ve been in service for more th"n B $e"rs)
: function testin% of the moorin% s$stems sh"!! be #erformed
: the "nchor sh"c&!e or s,ive!+ "nchor he"d+ f!u&es "nd sh"n& sh"!! under%o c!ose visu"! ins#ection) If found
necess"r$+ NDT sh"!! be c"rried out ,ith #"rticu!"r "ttention to the bo!ts fitted to cert"in desi%ns for "!terin%
the f!u&e "n%!e)
: In ,"ter ins#ection of moorin% !ines b$ ROV m"$ be used "s "n "!tern"tive to visu"! ins#ection) Ins#ection
b$ ROV sh"!! be c"rried out b$ " reco%nised firm)
5),)2 Chain
For ch"in ,hich is !ess th"n 21 $e"rs o!d ,ith #ro#er document"tion "nd service histor$+ "nd no #revious
f"i!ures the e@tent of e@"min"tion sh"!! be9
: 011Q visu"! e@"min"tion
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.+ ;iscellaneous main class surveys 0 3age ((6
: BQ NDT on %ener"! ch"in
: 21Q NDT on ch"in ,hich h"s been in ,"$ of f"ir!e"ds over !"st B $e"rs
: 21Q NDT on ch"in ,hich ,i!! be in ,"$ of f"ir!e"ds over ne@t B $e"rs)
5),), If no document"tion or histor$ is "v"i!"b!e+ the e@"min"tion sh"!! be incre"sed to inc!ude mech"nic"!
testin% of e"ch !en%th of ch"in "nd NDT incre"sed to cover 21Q of the ,ho!e ch"in)
5),)" A!! oinin% sh"c&!es of Kenter or simi!"r desi%n ,hich h"ve been in service for more th"n five $e"rs+ "re
to be dism"nt!ed "nd m"%netic #"rtic!e '=T( or !i.uid #enetr"nt testin% 'PT( is to be c"rried out on "!! the
m"chined surf"ces)
Gui+ance n%$eC
Abr"sive b!"stin% #rior to =T or PT) m"$ d"m"%e the m"chined surf"ces "nd shou!d be "voided) A!tern"tive methods
of c!e"nin% shou!d be used+ e)%) hi%h #ressure ,"ter ,"shin%)
5),)' >"c&%round inform"tion to be su##!ied for the rene,"! surve$9
The service histor$ of the ch"in shou!d be su##!ied beforeh"nd to the "ttendin% surve$or) The fo!!o,in%
inform"tion is to be #rovided9
: DNV ch"in certific"te
: $e"r enterin% service
: b"r ch"rtP !en%th of ch"in out versus time
: inform"tion on ch"in bre"&"%es+ e)%) #osition+ $e"r enterin% service+ certific"te
: identific"tion m"r&s on ch"in
: summ"r$ of #revious re#"irs
: summ"r$ of #revious surve$ findin%s
: inform"tion on the !i&e!$ future service of the ch"in+ e)%) if #!"ns to he"d/to/t"i! ch"in+ e@#ected !en%th to
be over f"ir!e"ds "nd ,ind!"ss+ !i&e!$ "re" of o#er"tions)
5),)/ For " ch"in ,hich is more th"n 21 $e"rs o!d the fo!!o,in% "##!$9
: If "!! document"tion is "v"i!"b!e+ "nd historic"! inform"tion inc!udin% #revious re#orts sho,in% no f"i!ures
"nd on!$ minor re#"irs+ then surve$ e@tent %iven in HD)E)2I c"n rem"in in #!"ce)
: If no document"tion is "v"i!"b!e 'i)e) no certific"tes+ un"b!e to identif$ the ch"in+ un"b!e to "scert"in
orient"tion of the ch"in+ ,hich #"rts h"ve been over the f"ir!e"ds etc)( then the ch"in sh"!! be subected to
minimum 21Q NDT "nd mech"nic"! testin% of "!! !en%ths
: If document"tion revie, reve"!s histor$ of defects+ then NDT sh"!! be incre"sed to 011Q in the "re"s ,here
defects "re found)
5),)4 S$eel 9ire r%-e
The surve$ of stee! ,ire ro#es consists of " 011Q visu"! contro!+ "nd the fo!!o,in% items sh"!! be covered9
: the n"ture "nd number of ,ire bre"&s
: ,ire bre"&s "t the termin"tion
: !oc"!ised %rou#in% of ,ire bre"&s
: fr"cture of str"nds
: reduction of ro#e di"meter inc!udin% bre"&in% of core
: e@tern"! ,e"r "nd corrosion
: deform"tion
: termin"tion "re")
5),)5 It is "dvised th"t chec&#oints "re m"de for ever$ 011 m) If "re"s of s#eci"! interest "re detected+ the
dist"nce shou!d be si%nific"nt!$ reduced)
5),)< Re/certific"tion of str"nded ,ire ro#es sh"!! be c"rried out) It sh"!! be b"sed on " visu"! e@"min"tion of
the ,ire ro#e "nd " condition "ssessment "nd*or " section sh"!! be cut from the end of the ro#e "nd ins#ected)
5),)! Fi6re r%-e
On the surve$ of the fibre ro#es consists of " 011Q visu"! e@"min"tion of the ro#e coverin% the fo!!o,in% items9
: e@tern"! ,e"r
: deform"tion
: termin"tion "re")
5),)!! In "ddition to HD)E)01I the in/service !o"d histor$ sh"!! be "ssessed or+ if this inform"tion is not "v"i!"b!e+
" cut/off section from the end of the ro#e sh"!! be tested)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.+ ;iscellaneous main class surveys 0 3age ((7
5),)!2 Winches an+ &airlea+s
The f"ir!e"ds sh"!! be ins#ected visu"!!$ "nd b$ ROV "s f"r "s #ossib!e) A!! f"ir!e"ds "re to be ins#ected)
5),)!, Visu"! ins#ection of ,ind!"ss "nd f"ir!e"d #oc&ets sh"!! be c"rried out) P"rticu!"r "ttention sh"!! be #"id
: r"te of ,e"r on #oc&ets+ inc!udin% re!"tive r"te of ,e"r bet,een !in&s "nd #oc&ets
: mism"tch bet,een !in&s "nd #oc&ets+ inc!udin% im#ro#er su##ort of the !in&s in the #oc&ets)
5),)!" S#eci"! "ttention sh"!! be %iven to the ho!din% "bi!it$ of the ,ind!"ss) The ch"in sto##er "nd the
resu!t"nt !o"d #"th to the unit-s structure shou!d be ins#ected "nd its soundness verified)
5),)!' S#eci"! "ttention sh"!! be %iven to the ho!din% "bi!it$ of the ,inch "nd the s"tisf"ctor$ o#er"tion of the
#",!s+ r"tchets "nd br"&in% e.ui#ment) The soundness of the resu!t"nt !o"d #"th to the unit-s structure sh"!! be
5),)!/ Pro#er s#oo!in% of the ,ire on the ,inch drum sh"!! be verified "nd drums "nd s#oo!in% %e"r
"dustments m"de if re.uired)
5),)!4 The s$stem for emer%enc$ re!e"se of the ,inch br"&e is to be tested) The visu"! "nd "udib!e "!"rm is to
be confirmed) The "ctiv"tion of the de!u%e s$stem over the "nchor ,ind!"sses is to be tested
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.5 3eriodical survey extent for service notations 0 3age ((8
! General
!)! *n$r%+uc$i%n
!)!)! This section #resents the st"nd"rd e@tent of surve$s for retention of service not"tions "##!ic"b!e to oi!
#roduction "nd stor"%e units "nd inst"!!"tions)
!)!)2 The re.uirements sh"!! be "##!ied in "ddition to those for m"in c!"ss not"tion '1A1 or OI( #resented in
Sec)7) The det"i!ed sco#e is %iven in the fo!!o,in% sub/sections)
2 Oil 2r%+uc$i%n uni$s an+ ins$alla$i%ns
2)! A--lica$i%n
2)!)! The re.uirements in this sub/section "##!$ to units or inst"!!"tions ,ith c!"ss not"tions9
Oil Pro!"tion Unit or Oil Pro!"tion Installation)
2)!)2 For units ,ith both #roduction "nd stor"%e f"ci!ities 'e)%) FPSOs(+ the re.uirements of this sub/section
sh"!! be su##!emented ,ith the re.uirements of sub section E)
2)2 Sur1ey arrange.en$
Annu"! "nd com#!ete #eriodic"! surve$s m"$ t"&e "dv"nt"%e of "n "##roved #!"nned m"inten"nce s$stem+ thus
minimisin% interru#tion of the function of the unit or inst"!!"tion)
2), Annual sur1ey
2),)! S$ruc$ure
The fo!!o,in% structure issues sh"!! be subected to " %ener"! surve$9
: structure re!"ted to #rocess "nd uti!it$ modu!es found"tion 'hu!! reinforcements()
: "ccessib!e #"rts of the turret structure+ "nd submer%ed turret structure 'inc!udin% STP buo$( sh"!! be
surve$ed to confirm structur"! inte%rit$ "nd condition of securin% "rr"n%ement
2),)2 Arrange.en$
The fo!!o,in% "rr"n%ement issues sh"!! be subected to " %ener"! surve$9
: condition of me"sures #reventin% esc"!"tion of #rocess incidents to the c"r%o t"n& "re"+ e)%) re!"ted to
o#enin%s*#enetr"tions in #rocess dec&
: condition of "ddition"! s"fet$ me"sures t"&en for "n$ "##roved #rocess e.ui#ment !oc"ted be!o, #rocess
dec&) T$#ic"! me"sures ,ou!d be oi! s#i!!"%e co!!ection+ "ddition"! fire detectors+ fire ,"ter s$stem+ #"ssive
fire #rotection of structure+ #i#in%+ "nd c"b!es+
: condition of dr"in"%e "nd bundin% for s#i!!"%e co!!ection "t #rocess dec& for #revention of esc"!"tion to
!o,er dec&)
: "n$ d"m"%e from %reen se" on structures+ riser ESD v"!ves+ "nd e.ui#ment covered b$ the c!"ss)
: condition of "ccess for ins#ection+ m"inten"nce "nd fire fi%htin% in the s#"ce bet,een #rocess*uti!it$ dec&
"nd stor"%e t"n& dec& 'FPSO(
: #ersonne! #rotection "%"inst movin% m"chiner$ #"rts+ or hot surf"ces) A!so "n$ f!"re r"di"tion shie!din%
sh"!! be surve$ed)
: !"$do,n "re"s ,)r)t #rotection "%"inst im#"ct from dro##ed items or other cr"ne incidents "ssoci"ted ,ith
their us"%e) An$ ne, !"$do,n "re"s bein% observed sh"!! be subect to desi%n "##rov"!)
2),), HaGar+e%us area classi&ica$i%n
The fo!!o,in% H"M"rdous Are" C!"ssific"tion issues sh"!! be subected to " %ener"! surve$9
: condition of entr"nces "nd o#enin%s bet,een h"M"rdous "re"s "nd "ccommod"tion+ m"chiner$+ "nd service
s#"ces ,)r)t ti%htness+ "!"rms+ "nd m"r&in%)
: condition of e@#!osion #rotected e.ui#ment in non/h"M"rdous "re"s bein% intended for o#er"tion in ESD
: condition of instrumented i%nition source contro!
: condition of i%nition #rotection of "n$ hot surf"ces
: condition of venti!"tion s$stem "nd "ssoci"ted "!"rms+ door ti%htness etc in rooms &e#t non/h"M"rdous b$
over#ressure venti!"tion
: condition of i%nition #revention me"sures for "n$ combustion en%ine*boi!er "##roved for o#er"tion in
h"M"rdous "re")
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.5 3eriodical survey extent for service notations 0 3age ((9
2),)" E!ectric"! e.ui#ment in h"M"rdous "re"s sh"!! be e@"mined ,ith res#ect to9
: corrosion
: f!"me#roof enc!osure*in%ress
: no un"uthorised modific"tion
: correct r"tin% of !"m#s
: e"rthin% 's#ot chec&(
: function testin% of #ressurised e.ui#ment "nd of "ssoci"ted "!"rms
: testin% of insu!"tion resist"nce of #o,er circuits 'E@ #+ E@ e "nd E@ n() Khere #ro#er records of testin% "re
m"int"ined consider"tion m"$ be %iven to "cce#tin% recent re"din%s 'm"@imum 02 months( b$ the shi#-s
: insu!"tion monitors ,ith "!"rms sh"!! be function tested+ if inst"!!ed
: for rooms #rotected b$ "ir !oc&s+ inter!oc&in% ,ith venti!"tion of e!ectric"! su##!$ to non/e@#!osion
#rotected e.ui#ment "nd de/ener%isin% of such e.ui#ment in c"se of venti!"tion f"i!ure sh"!! be e@"mined
"nd function tested "s "##!ic"b!e)
Gui+ance n%$eC
=e%%er testin% m"$ invo!ve ris& of e@#!osion due to s#"r&s) Therefore "##ro#ri"te #rocedures
for such ,or& shou!d be fo!!o,ed "s re!ev"nt e)%)+ F%"s free certific"teG)
E@ e.ui#ment to inc!ude E@ motors "nd E@ unction bo@es "nd E@ enc!osures)
2),)' ESD
The Emer%enc$ Shutdo,n S$stem sh"!! be subected to surve$ "nd function testin%9
: the #roduction unit sh"!! be confirmed bein% in s"fe o#er"tin% condition before "n$ testin%
: " s$stem st"tus re%"rdin% m"inten"nce "nd "n$ modific"tions*ch"n%es sh"!! be surve$ed
: " visu"! surve$ of contro! room s"fet$ screens+ mimics+ critic"! "!"rm #"ne! "nd m"nu"! ESD "ctiv"tion
sh"!! be done
: surve$ of bound"r$ ESD v"!ves+ "ctu"tors "nd "ccessories
: surve$ "nd testin% of #o,er su##!$+ inc!udin% 4PS+ "nd "ssoci"ted s$stem "!"rms
: communic"tion*interf"ces bet,een v"rious sections "nd s$stems 'e)% F?; detection+ PSD( "nd "ssoci"ted
"!"rms sh"!! be demonstr"ted
: test of the hi%hest ESD !eve!+ sho,in% "!"rms "nd st"tus in contro! room+ "nd correct "ctions "nd "!"rms in
fie!d) It sh"!! be confirmed th"t the "##!ied !o%ic is the !"test "##roved revision of the c"use "nd effect
di"%r"ms) The test sh"!! be c"rried out to the e@tent deemed necess"r$ b$ the surve$or)
Gui+ance n%$eC
If o#er"tions m"&e it difficu!t to c"rr$ out testin%+ " !o, !eve! ESD is sufficient to com#!$ to the "bove) As "n
"!tern"tive+ " revie, of ESD test records c"n be done)
2),)/ Fire an+ gas +e$ec$i%n
The fire "nd %"s detection s$stem sh"!! be surve$ed "nd function tested9
: the #roduction unit sh"!! be confirmed bein% in s"fe o#er"tin% condition before "n$ testin%
: " s$stem st"tus re%"rdin% m"inten"nce "nd "n$ modific"tions*ch"n%es sh"!! be surve$ed '0A0(
: " visu"! surve$ of contro! room s"fet$ screens+ mimics+ critic"! "!"rm #"ne! sh"!! be done '0A0(
: " %ener"! surve$ of condition of fire "nd %"s detectors in h"M"rdous "re"s+ "nd their c"b!es)
: " test of shutdo,n "ctions b$ fire "nd %"s detection s$stem to "n e@tent "s re.uired b$ the surve$or) This
norm"!!$ "##!ies to venti!"tion shutdo,n '0A0()
2),)4 2assi1e &ire -r%$ec$i%n
: Condition of fire division in #roduction "re" sh"!! be surve$ed)
: Condition of #"ssive fire #rotection on !o"d/be"rin% structure sh"!! be surve$ed) This "##!ies to #rocess "nd
uti!it$ modu!es su##ort structure) For #"ssive #rotection ,ithin #rocess #!"nt refer to PROD not"tion)
2),)5 Fire 9a$er an+ &%a. sys$e.s
The fire ,"ter "nd fo"m s$stems sh"!! be surve$ed "nd tested in !ine ,ith the re.uirements for 0A0* OI ,ith
the fo!!o,in% s#ecific focus9
: A!! fire #um#s sh"!! be confirmed "v"i!"b!e for dut$) St"rt se.uence of fire #um#s from fire detection or
m"nu"! #ush button from m"in contro! room sh"!! be tested) Pum# st"tus %iven in contro! room sh"!! be
verified) '0A0()
: Pressure sur%e #revention me"sures sh"!! be surve$ed '0A0()
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.5 3eriodical survey extent for service notations 0 3age (#)
: ="rine %ro,in% condition in fire ,"ter s$stem) A!so #rotective me"sures sh"!! be surve$ed)
: Condition inc!udin% o#er"tion of section"! v"!ves in rin% m"in+ "nd for the t,o su##!ies to de!u%es v"!ve
: =onitors+ h$dr"nts "nd hose e.ui#ment sh"!! be visu"!!$ surve$ed in %ener"! '0A0()
: The function of fire ,"ter s$stems in "!! turret "nd #rocess "re"s+ "s deemed necess"r$ b$ the surve$or)
: It sh"!! be verified th"t the fire ,"ter rin% m"in is not in use for other th"n fire/fi%htin% #ur#oses)
: The function of de!u%e v"!ves+ inc!udin% their "ctiv"tion) Test sh"!! be c"rried out)
: The de!u%e noMM!es sh"!! be surve$ed "s deemed necess"r$ b$ the surve$or+ "nd their c!e"nness sh"!! be
verified b$ " ,"ter disch"r%e test) In this res#ect s$stems usin% c"rbon stee! #i#in%+ "!so %"!v"nised+ m"$
re.uire e@tended testin%)
: Surve$ "nd testin% of dec& fo"m s$stem)
: Verif$ certific"tes confirmin% the #h$sic"! "nd chemic"! condition of the fo"m concentr"te)
2),)< Fi3e+ &ire e3$inguishing sys$e.s
: Condition of fi@ed fire e@tin%uishin% s$stem in turbine enc!osure+ in "n$ en%ine "nd*or boi!er room not
inc!uded in m"in c!"ss+ "nd in "n$ turret enc!osure sh"!! be verified "s deemed necess"r$ b$ the surve$or)
2),)! Marine sys$e.s
Khere "n$ cross connection bet,een m"rine s$stems 'non/h"M"rdous( "nd #roduction s$stems 'h"M"rdous(
e@ist+ me"sures t"&en to #revent cont"min"tion of the non/h"M"rdous s$stems sh"!! be surve$ed)
#ny turret m"chiner$ sh"!! be surve$ed "nd function tested
2),)!! *ns$ru.en$a$i%n an+ $elec%..unica$i%n sys$e.
Function test of over"!! unit s"fet$ re!"ted "!"rms sh"!! be done 'typical fireD gasD .S%D musteringD evacuation
2),)!2 2%si$i%n >ee-ing
As described for the POSMOOR not"tion in Sec)J H2I)
2)" C%.-le$e -eri%+ical sur1ey
2)")! S$ruc$ure
As b"sis for the surve$ of s#eci"! "nd #rim"r$ structure " #ro%r"m for NDT of structur"! com#onents sh"!! be
2)")2 ESD
The ESD test re.uired for "nnu"! surve$ sh"!! be e@tended to inc!ude " re#resent"tive number of hi%her "nd
!o,er ESD !eve!s "s deemed necess"r$ b$ the surve$or)
2)"), Cru+e &uelle+ 6%ilers in encl%se+ s-aces
For units or inst"!!"tion h"vin% boi!ers in enc!osed s#"ces in hu!! or to#sides+ burnin% crude oi! or s!o#+ surve$
"nd testin% of contro! e.ui#ment inc!udin% monitorin% s$stems "nd shutdo,n functions re!"ted to the fo!!o,in%
s$stems sh"!! be c"rried out9
: venti!"tion "nd %"s/ti%htness+ fue! su##!$ !ine "nd boi!er ,ith boi!er front !"%%in%
: fue! #um#s "nd he"tin% "rr"n%ement
: dr"in #i#e ducts "nd "utom"tic c!osin% dr"in tr"#s
: inert "nd #ur%in% s$stems
: m"nu"! "nd "utom"tic .uic& c!osin% v"!ves "nd shutdo,n s$stems
: boi!er hood venti!"tion s$stem
: boi!er com#"rtment venti!"tion
: boi!er front e@tin%uishin% s$stem
: #i!ot burner "rr"n%ement
: %"sti%ht bu!&he"d #enetr"tions
: %"s detection s$stem
: fue! he"ter
: boi!ers !oc"ted outdoor in to#sides fo!!o, s"fet$ #rinci#!es of PROD+ ref DNV/OS/210)
2)")" Gas &uelle+ .achinery in encl%se+ s-aces
For units or inst"!!"tions h"vin% turbines+ en%ines or boi!ers in enc!osed s#"ces in hu!! or to#sides+ burnin% %"s+
surve$ "nd testin% of the s"fet$ "nd contro! e.ui#ment "nd "!"rm "nd shutdo,n functions re!"ted to the
fo!!o,in% s$stems sh"!! be c"rried out9
: %"s he"tin% "rr"n%ement
: venti!"tion "rr"n%ement
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.5 3eriodical survey extent for service notations 0 3age (#(
: #rotection "nd f!"me screens
: %"s freein% "nd #ur%in% s$stems
: m"nu"! "nd "utom"tic shutdo,n s$stem
: %"s detection s$stem
: #i!ot f!"me burner or Ffue! f!oorG "rr"n%ement
: %overnor st"bi!it$ s,itchin% from %"s fue! to oi!+ or vice vers"
: boi!ers !oc"ted outdoor in to#sides fo!!o, s"fet$ #rinci#!es of PROD+ ref DNV/OS/210)
2)")' Hy+r%car6%n -r%cessing e0ui-.en$ in hull c%.-ar$.en$s
Production s$stems "nd e.ui#ment inst"!!ed in hu!! com#"rtments be!o, d"m"%e ,"ter !ine sh"!! be surve$ed
"s #er PROD re.uirements) Thic&ness chec&in% of #i#e,or& sh"!! be c"rried out "nd records revie,ed b$ the
surve$or+ "s "##!ic"b!e) H$drost"tic testin% m"$ be re.uested b$ the surve$or) Attention is to be #"id to fire
"nd other h"M"rds)
2)")/ Gas $ur6ines
4#on com#!etion of onbo"rd overh"u!+ or inst"!!"tion of overh"u!ed unit or modu!e+ the %"s turbine sh"!! be
tested) The testin% sh"!! cover "!"rms+ !oc"! fire fi%htin% s$stems "nd shutdo,n function"!it$ "s re.uired in
Sec)E "nd H2)7)2I)
Gui+ance n%$eC
Ori%in"! o#er"tions document"tion ret"ined on bo"rd ,i!! ref!ect the ori%in"! m"nuf"cturer "!"rm or "cce#t"nce !imits
"nd set #oints "s est"b!ished throu%h the t$#e "##rov"!)
, Oil s$%rage uni$s an+ ins$alla$i%ns
,)! A--lica$i%n
,)!)! The re.uirements in this sub/section "##!$ to units or inst"!!"tions ,ith c!"ss not"tions9
Oil Storage Unit or Oil Storage Installation)
,)2 Sur1ey arrange.en$
,)2)! Annu"! "nd com#!ete #eriodic"! surve$s m"$ t"&e "dv"nt"%e of "n "##roved #!"nned m"inten"nce
s$stem+ thus minimisin% interru#tion of the function of the unit or inst"!!"tion)
,), Annual Sur1ey
,),)! S$ruc$ure an+ e0ui-.en$
For sin%!e hu!! oi! stor"%e units ,ith doub!e bottom or doub!e side s#"ces 'for ,"ter b"!!"st+ or void s#"ces(+
the surve$ re.uirements for doub!e hu!! oi! t"n&ers sh"!! be "##!ied in ,"$ of the doub!e bottom or the doub!e
,),)2 E@tended c!ose/u# e@"min"tion sh"!! be c"rried out "ccordin% to the fo!!o,in% t"b!es from the Ru!es for
Shi#s+ Pt)C Ch)0+ Sec) 79
: T"b!e DB)0 for sin%!e hu!! oi! stor"%e units
: T"b!e DJ)0 for doub!e hu!! oi! stor"%e units)
,),), The surve$ of st"in!ess stee! t"n&s m"$ be c"rried out "s "n over"!! e@"min"tion su##!emented b$ c!ose/
u# e@"min"tion "s deemed necess"r$ b$ the surve$or)
,),)" Thic&ness me"surement+ e@tent "nd #"ttern in ,"$ of "re"s of subst"nti"! corrosion+ sin%!e hu!! oi!
Stor"%e units "re %iven in Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)C+ Ch)0 Sec)7 T"b!e DB)E)
,),)' Thic&ness me"surements sh"!! be c"rried out in "ccord"nce ,ith the fo!!o,in% t"b!es from the Ru!es for
Shi#s+ Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)79
: T"b!e DB)2 for sin%!e hu!! oi! stor"%e units
: T"b!e DJ)2 for doub!e hu!! oi! stor"%e units)
,),)/ Thic&ness me"surement of st"in!ess stee! hu!! structure "nd #i#in% m"$ be ,"ived+ e@ce#t for c!"d stee!
,),)4 Thic&ness me"surement+ e@tent "nd #"ttern in ,"$ of "re"s of subst"nti"! corrosion+ doub!e hu!! oi!
stor"%e units "re %iven in Ru!es for Shi#s+ Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)7 T"b!e DJ)E)
,),)5 C"r%o t"n& bound"ries f"cin% b"!!"st t"n&s+ void s#"ces+ #i#e tunne!s+ #um# rooms or cofferd"ms sh"!!
be #ressure tested)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.5 3eriodical survey extent for service notations 0 3age (##
,),)< 2ressure $es$ing
A!! c"r%o t"n& bu!&he"ds sh"!! be #ressure tested "t the 2nd "nd subse.uent rene,"! surve$s)
The #ressure sh"!!+ in %ener"!+ corres#ond to " he"d of !i.uid to the hi%hest #oint th"t !i.uid ,i!! rise under
service conditions)
Pressure testin% of c"r%o t"n&s m"$ be "cce#ted b"sed on confirm"tion from the ="ster+ st"tin% th"t the
#ressure testin% h"s been c"rried out "ccordin% to the re.uirements+ ,ith " s"tisf"ctor$ resu!t)
,),)! The testin% of bound"ries f"cin% doub!e bottom t"n&s "nd other s#"ces not desi%ned for the c"rri"%e of
!i.uid m"$ be omitted+ #rovided " s"tisf"ctor$ intern"! e@"min"tion to%ether ,ith "n e@"min"tion of the t"n&to#
is c"rried out)
,),)!! The surve$or m"$ e@tend the t"n& testin% "s deemed necess"r$)
,),)!2 FU* +escri-$i%n
F!o"tin% '#roduction( "nd stor"%e units 'FPSO-s( sh"!! fo!!o, the #rinci#!es for !ife time e@tension "s %iven in
DNV/OS/C012 A##) > ,hen the unit-s desi%n !ife is e@ceeded)
,),)!, Rec%r+ &%r e3a.ina$i%n
A b"!!"st t"n& sh"!! be recorded for e@"min"tion "t subse.uent "nnu"! surve$s ,here+ in "ddition to the
conditions %iven in 017 "nd 00D the h"rd #rotective co"tin% is found to be !ess th"n ;OOD condition "nd is not
re#"ired to the s"tisf"ction of the surve$or)
,),)!" Arrange.en$
!"$do,n "re"s sh"!! be surve$ed ,)r)t #rotection "%"inst im#"ct from dro##ed items or other cr"ne incidents
"ssoci"ted ,ith their us"%e) An$ ne, !"$do,n "re"s bein% observed sh"!! be subect to desi%n "##rov"!)
,),)!' HaGar+%us area
The fo!!o,in% H"M"rdous Are" C!"ssific"tion issues sh"!! be subected to " %ener"! surve$9
: condition of entr"nces "nd o#enin%s bet,een h"M"rdous "re"s "nd "ccommod"tion+ m"chiner$+ "nd service
s#"ces ,)r)t ti%htness+ "!"rms "nd m"r&in%
: ,hee!house doors "nd ,indo,s+ side scutt!es "nd ,indo,s in su#erstructure "nd dec&house bu!&he"ds
f"cin% the c"r%o "re" "nd #ossib!e bo, or stern !o"din% "nd un!o"din% "rr"n%ements sh"!! be surve$ed for
%"s "nd v"#our ti%htness
: condition of e!ectric"! e.ui#ment in h"M"rdous "re"s
: condition of e@#!osion #rotected e.ui#ment in non/h"M"rdous "re"s bein% intended for o#er"tion in ESD
: condition of instrumented i%nition source contro!)
,),)!/ E!ectric"! e.ui#ment in h"M"rdous "re"s sh"!! be e@"mined ,ith res#ect to9
: corrosion
: f!"me#roof enc!osure*in%ress
: no un"uthorised modific"tion
: correct r"tin% of !"m#s
: e"rthin% 's#ot chec&(
: function testin% of #ressurised e.ui#ment "nd of "ssoci"ted "!"rms
: testin% of insu!"tion resist"nce of #o,er circuits 'E@ #+ E@ e "nd E@ n() Khere #ro#er records of testin% "re
m"int"ined consider"tion m"$ be %iven to "cce#tin% recent re"din%s 'm"@imum 02 months( b$ the shi#-s
: insu!"tion monitors ,ith "!"rms sh"!! be function tested+ if inst"!!ed
: for rooms #rotected b$ "ir !oc&s+ inter!oc&in% ,ith venti!"tion of e!ectric"! su##!$ to non/e@#!osion
#rotected e.ui#ment "nd de/ener%isin% of such e.ui#ment in c"se of venti!"tion f"i!ure sh"!! be e@"mined
"nd function tested "s "##!ic"b!e)
Gui+ance n%$eC
=e%%er testin% m"$ invo!ve ris& of e@#!osion due to s#"r&s) Therefore "##ro#ri"te #rocedures for such ,or& shou!d
be fo!!o,ed "s re!ev"nt e)%)+ F%"s free certific"teG)
E@ e.ui#ment to inc!ude E@ motors "nd E@ unction bo@es "nd E@ enc!osures)
,),)!4 ESD
The Emer%enc$ Shutdo,n S$stem sh"!! be surve$ed "nd function tested9
: the stor"%e unit sh"!! be confirmed bein% in s"fe o#er"tin% condition before "n$ testin%
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.5 3eriodical survey extent for service notations 0 3age (#4
: " s$stem st"tus re%"rdin% m"inten"nce "nd "n$ modific"tions*ch"n%es sh"!! be surve$ed
: " visu"! surve$ of contro! room s"fet$ screens+ mimics+ critic"! "!"rm #"ne! "nd m"nu"! ESD "ctiv"tion
sh"!! be done
: surve$ of bound"r$ ESD v"!ves+ "ctu"tors "nd "ccessories
: surve$ "nd testin% of #o,er su##!$+ inc!udin% 4PS+ "nd "ssoci"ted s$stem "!"rms
: communic"tion*interf"ces bet,een v"rious sections "nd s$stems 'e)% F?; detection+ PSD( "nd "ssoci"ted
"!"rms sh"!! be demonstr"ted
: test of the hi%hest ESD !eve!+ sho,in% "!"rms "nd st"tus in contro! room+ "nd correct "ctions "nd "!"rms in
fie!d) It sh"!! be confirmed th"t the "##!ied !o%ic is the !"test "##roved revision of the c"use "nd effect
di"%r"ms) The test sh"!! be c"rried out to the e@tent deemed necess"r$ b$ the surve$or)
Gui+ance n%$eC
If o#er"tions m"&e it difficu!t to c"rr$ out testin%+ " !o, !eve! ESD is sufficient to com#!$ to the "bove) As "n
"!tern"tive+ " revie, of ESD test records c"n be done)
,),)!5 Fire an+ gas +e$ec$i%n
The fire "nd %"s detection s$stem sh"!! be surve$ed "nd function tested9
: the stor"%e unit sh"!! be confirmed bein% in s"fe o#er"tin% condition before "n$ testin%
: " s$stem st"tus re%"rdin% m"inten"nce "nd "n$ modific"tions*ch"n%es sh"!! be surve$ed
: " visu"! surve$ of contro! room s"fet$ screens+ mimics+ critic"! "!"rm #"ne! sh"!! be done
: " %ener"! surve$ of condition of fire "nd %"s detectors in h"M"rdous "re"s+ "nd their c"b!es+ sh"!! be done
: e@"min"tion "nd testin% of %"s detection s$stem in c"r%o #um# rooms
: " test of shutdo,n "ctions b$ fire "nd %"s detection s$stem sh"!! be demonstr"ted to "n e@tent "s re.uired
b$ the surve$or) This norm"!!$ "##!ies to venti!"tion shutdo,n '0A0()
,),)!< Fire 9a$er sys$e.s
: A!! fire #um#s sh"!! be confirmed "v"i!"b!e for dut$) St"rt se.uence of fire #um#s from fire detection or
m"nu"! #ush button from m"in contro! room sh"!! be tested) Pum# st"tus %iven in contro! room sh"!! be
: ="rine %ro,in% condition in fire ,"ter s$stem sh"!! be confirmed) Protective me"sures sh"!! be surve$ed)
: O#er"tion of section"! v"!ves in fire m"in+ sh"!! be surve$ed)
: =onitors+ h$dr"nts "nd hose e.ui#ment sh"!! be visu"!!$ surve$ed in %ener"!)
: Surve$ "nd testin% of dec& fo"m s$stem)
: Verif$ certific"tes confirmin% the #h$sic"! "nd chemic"! condition of the fo"m concentr"te)
,),)2 Carg% sys$e.s
The fo!!o,in% c"r%o s$stem "nd com#onents sh"!! be surve$ed "nd tested "s sho,n9
: surve$ of c"r%o tr"nsfer "nd stri##in% #um#s
: testin% of remote o#er"tion "nd shut/do,n devices for the c"r%o s$stem
: surve$ of tem#er"ture sensors in bu!&he"d sh"ft %!"nds be"rin%s for #um#s inst"!!ed in c"r%o #um# rooms
: surve$ "nd testin% of %"s detection*s"m#!in% s$stem in t"n&s*s#"ces "d"cent to c"r%o t"n&s) The
e@"min"tion sh"!! inc!ude verific"tion of inte%rit$ of the suction !ines bet,een suction #oints "nd "n"!$sin%
: surve$ of #ressure %"u%es on c"r%o*co, disch"r%e !ines
: surve$ of tem#er"ture sensors for c"r%o+ t"n& ,"shin% "nd b"!!"st #um#s
: surve$ of oi!$ ,"ter interf"ce detector
: surve$ of oi! disch"r%e monitorin% s$stem
: "!! #i#in% on dec& sh"!! be over"!! surve$ed) Pressure testin% "nd thic&ness me"surements of "n$ #i#in%
s$stem m"$ be re.uired if found necess"r$ b$ the surve$or
: surve$ of #rovisions for dr"in"%e of c"r%o t"n& vent !ines
: se%re%"tion bet,een c"r%o "nd se%re%"ted b"!!"st s$stem sh"!! be confirmed+ if "##!ic"b!e
: crude oi! ,"shin% s$stem
: #um# rooms sh"!! be surve$ed ,ith s#eci"! "ttention to #i#in% "nd #um#s+ bu!&he"ds for si%ns of oi!
!e"&"%e or fr"ctures "nd+ in #"rticu!"r+ the se"!in% "rr"n%ements of "!! #enetr"tions of c"r%o #um# room
bu!&he"ds+ "nd "ccess !"dders
: condition of #rotection me"sures "%"inst over#ressure in s!o# t"n& from "n$ #i#e connection ,ith #rocess
#!"nt sh"!! be surve$ed
: for shi#s ,ith %"s detection s$stem+ the e@"min"tion sh"!! inc!ude verific"tion of inte%rit$ of the suction
!ines bet,een suction #oints "nd "n"!$sin% units ',here "##!ic"b!e()
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.5 3eriodical survey extent for service notations 0 3age (#+
,),)2! *ner$ an+ $an> 1en$ sys$e.s
The fo!!o,in% c"r%o t"n& vent items sh"!! be surve$ed "nd tested "s deemed necess"r$ b$ the surve$or9
: the inert %"s %ener"tor+ inc!uded oi! burnin% e.ui#ment+ b!o,ers+ scrubber+ dec& ,"ter se"!+ "ssoci"ted
contro! "nd s"fet$ s$stems+ P* V bre"&er "nd non/return v"!ve
: testin% of remote!$ o#er"ted or "utom"tic"!!$ contro!!ed v"!ves+ inter!oc& fe"tures of soot b!o,ers+ "nd
"!"rms "nd s"fet$ devices
: inert %"s #i#in% sh"!! be surve$ed ,ith "ttention to %"s or eff!uent !e"&"%e
: the #ressure*v"cuum monitorin% "rr"n%ement for c"r%o t"n&s
: c"r%o t"n& o#enin%s ,ith #ressure* v"cuum v"!ves
: ventin%* %"s freein% "rr"n%ements inc!udin% m"sts "nd risers ,ith f!"me screens* f!"me "rrestors
: v"!ve securin% s$stem)
,),)22 *ns$ru.en$a$i%n an+ $elec%..unica$i%n sys$e.
Function test of over"!! unit s"fet$ re!"ted "!"rms sh"!! be done 't$#ic"! fire+ %"s+ ESD+ musterin%+ ev"cu"tion
,),)2, 2%si$i%n >ee-ing
As described for the POSMOOR not"tion in Sec)J H2I)
,)" C%.-le$e -eri%+ical
There "re no "ddition"! re.uirements)
,)' Oil l%a+ing uni$s an+ ins$alla$i%ns
,)')! A##!ic"tion The re.uirements in this sub/section "##!$ to units or inst"!!"tions ,ith c!"ss not"tions9
Oil Loaing Unit or Oil Loaing Installation)
,)')2 Sur1ey arrange.en$
Annu"! "nd com#!ete #eriodic"! surve$s m"$ be c"rried out on !oc"tion b"sed on "n "##roved o#er"tion
="nu"! ,ith instructions for o#er"tion "nd* or m"inten"nce sh"!! be verified for9
: inert %"s s$stem
: oi! disch"r%e monitorin% s$stem
: crude oi! ,"shin% s$stem
: v"#our emission contro! s$stem
: #rotected co"tin% for dedic"ted se","ter b"!!"st t"n&s+ doub!e/side s&in s#"ces "nd void s#"ces+ 'inc!udin%
shi#s ,ith c!"ss not"tion $OAT-PSP$(
: offshore bo, !o"din% "rr"n%ement+ 'inc!udin% shi#s
: ,ith c!"ss not"tion #O- LOADING(
: "rr"n%ement for c"rri"%e of !o, f!"sh#oint !i.uids+ 'inc!udin% shi#s ,ith c!"ss not"tion LFL(
: %"s fue!!ed en%ine inst"!!"tions+ 'inc!udin% shi#s ,ith c!"ss not"tion GAS FUELLED()
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.6 &ptional class notation surveys 0 3age (#5
! *n$r%+uc$i%n
!)! General
!)!)! This section #resents the st"nd"rd e@tent of surve$s for retention of o#tion"! c!"ss not"tions "##!ic"b!e
to oi! #roduction "nd*or stor"%e units)
!)!)2 4n!ess other,ise noted+ the interv"! of the com#!ete surve$s "s !isted in this section is B $e"rs)
2 2%si$i%n .%%ring e0ui-.en$
2)! A--lica$i%n
2)!)! The re.uirements in this sub/section "##!$ to units ,ith c!"ss not"tion
2)!)2 If the unit is in DP mode "nd not in POS=OOR mode "t time of surve$ "nd hence e.ui#ment-s
function"!it$ re!"ted to the POSMOOR not"tion is not "v"i!"b!e for surve$*testin% " reduced surve$ sco#e m"$
be "cce#ted) Annu"! or com#!ete surve$ de#endin% on time since !"st surve$ is to be c"rried out before the mode
is t"&in% into use)
2)2 Ty-es %& sur1eys
2)2)! #nnual surveys m"$ be c"rried out ,ith the unit "t o#er"tion"! dr"ft "nd the moorin% s$stem in use) No
s#eci"! ins#ection "ids "re re.uired "nd no disru#tion to the unit-s o#er"tion is intended)
2)2)2 Renewal survey ,i!! re.uire "##ro#ri"te c!e"nin% ,ith %ood "ccess "nd "de.u"te !i%htin%)
The com#!ete moorin% s$stem for #osition &ee#in% on !oc"tion is subect to com#rehensive surve$+ inc!udin%
o#enin% u# "nd NDT of se!ected #"rts of ,ind!"sses "nd ,inches "nd f"ir!e"ds)
Critic"! #"rts of "!! moorin% ch"ins or ,ires "nd "ccessories ,i!! be thorou%h!$ visu"!!$ e@"mined "nd subected
to e@tensive NDT ,hen re.uired) The e@tent "nd t$#e of surve$ is de#endent on the desi%n such "s corrosion
#rotection * "!!o,"nce "nd f"ti%ue+ see H2)7I+ H2)BI "nd H2)JI)
For units ,ith #erm"nent!$ !oc&ed off ch"in "rr"n%ement+ #"rticu!"r "ttention ,i!! be #"id to the h"n%in% off
2)2), &ooring lines:
A!tern"tive!$+ the o,ner m"$ o#t for " continuous surve$ b$ #rovidin% "n e@tr" moorin% !ine+ ,hich is re%u!"r!$
ins#ected in s#eci"! f"ci!ities onshore "nd e@ch"n%ed ,ith !ines inst"!!ed on the unit) This "rr"n%ement is
norm"!!$ noted b$ "n =O ,hich %ives the !"st*ne@t surve$ d"te of e"ch moorin% !ine) At e"ch rene,"! surve$
for the hu!!+ the "ttendin% surve$or sh"!! c"rr$ out the e.uiv"!ent of the intermedi"te surve$ on e"ch moorin%
!ine "nd rene,"! surve$ e@tent on the other #"rts of the moorin% s$stem+ i)e) ,ind!"ss+ f"ir!e"ds+ "nchors+ etc)
,hich "re not covered b$ the continuous surve$ c$c!e)
2)2)" O,ners "re to ensure th"t the moorin% s$stem c"n be "de.u"te!$ surve$ed) An ins#ection "nd surve$ #!"n
sh"!! be submitted to the Societ$ for "##rov"! "t the commencement of the in/service #h"se)
The fo!!o,in% inform"tion sh"!! be submitted to the Societ$9
: s"m#!e ch"in*,ire*fibre ro#e certific"te
: s"m#!e oinin% sh"c&!e certific"te 'one of e"ch t$#e of sh"c&!e used(
: desi%n f"ti%ue !ife
: f"ti%ue !ife used since ne, * !"st ins#ection
: !"test ins#ection re#orts
: histor$ of ch"in*,ire*fibre ro#e+ e)%) ins#ections+ ch"in* ,ire *fibre ro#e bre"&s+ oinin% sh"c&!es
: #!"nned rem"inin% fie!d !ife
: future ins#ection #!"ns)
2), Annual sur1ey
2),)! Accessib!e "nd visib!e #"rts of the unit-s moorin% s$stem for #osition &ee#in% on !oc"tion sh"!! be
ins#ected) In "ddition+ Sec)7 HD)2I "##!ies)
2),)2 The =oorin% An"!$sis "s re.uired in DNV/OS/EE10 Ch)E Sec)0 D211 to be verified on bo"rd) It sh"!!
"!so be verified th"t the unit o#er"tes ,ithin the !imits st"ted in the moorin% "n"!$sis)The moorin% !ine records
sh"!! "!so be revie,ed)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.6 &ptional class notation surveys 0 3age (#6
2),), The c"!ibr"tion certific"tes for the !o"d ce!!s to be verified on bo"rd)
'Ref OS/EE10 Ch)2 Sec)7 H07I()
2),)" Kinch contro! to be verified from "!! o#er"tor st"tions)
2),)' A++i$i%nal re0uire.en$s &%r uni$s 9i$h sys$e. n%$a$i%n le$$ersC POSMOOR-TA or POSMOOR-
S$stem m"inten"nce document"tion+ inc!udin% inform"tion re%"rdin% h"rd,"re "nd soft,"re ch"n%es+ sh"!! be
Gui+ance n%$eC
This re.uirement inc!udes+ in "ddition to the POS=OOR contro! s$stem "nd other s$stems necess"r$ for #erformin%
#osition &ee#in%+ e)%) thruster contro! s$stem)
2),)/ The e!ectric"! inst"!!"tion in e@cess of the m"in c!"ss re.uirements sh"!! be visu"!!$ ins#ected+ i)e)
inst"!!"tions com#risin% the #osition moorin% s$stem+ e)%) contro!!ers "nd o#er"tin% st"tions for POS=OOR
"nd references s$stems+ sensors "nd mode ch"n%e s$stem)
2),)4 The technic"! condition of the POS=OOR s$stem sh"!! be verified durin% the surve$)
Gui+ance n%$eC
Verific"tion of the technic"! condition of the POS=OOR s$stem denotes testin% to verif$ th"t the POS=OOR s$stem
is c"#"b!e of #ositionin% the unit+ "nd thus v"!id"tin% th"t s$stem function"!it$ is in #!"ce)
2),)5 If the surve$ is c"rried out ,hen the unit is under%oin% re%u!"r o#er"tions+ then tests th"t #ossib!$ c"n
introduce un"cce#t"b!e ris&s sh"!! not be #erformed)
2),)< C"#"cit$ of 4PSs "nd other b"tter$ s$stems servin% the POS=OOR contro! s$stem+ inc!udin% its
#eri#her"!s+ sh"!! be verified)
2),)! The "!"rm for !oss of ch"r%in% #o,er sh"!! be verified)
Gui+ance n%$eC
If the surve$ is c"rried out durin% re%u!"r o#er"tions+ then the c"#"cit$ of the b"tteries need not be #roven b$ testin%)
2),)!! Emer%enc$ sto# of thrusters from the POS=OOR contro! centre sh"!! be tested) If the surve$ is c"rried
out ,hen the unit is under%oin% re%u!"r o#er"tions+ then testin% sh"!! not be #erformed if there is "n$ #ossibi!it$
of introducin% un"cce#t"b!e ris&s)
2),)!2 The Simu!"tion f"ci!it$ sh"!! be verified "s f"r "s #ossib!e)
2)" C%.-le$e -eri%+ical sur1ey
2)")! A--lica$i%n
The re.uirements %iven in H2)2I "##!$ ,ith the "dditions %iven in this sub/section)
2)")2 The sco#e of the com#!ete #eriodic"! surve$ is com#!emented de#endin% on "v"i!"bi!it$ of f"ti%ue
"n"!$sis "nd corrosion" "!!o,"nce "s s#ecified in H2)BI to H2)CI) Section H2)DI subse.uent!$ s#ecifies "ddition"!
re.uirements for thruster "ssited s$stems)
2)"), Fairlea+s an+ 9inches irres-ec$i1e %& &a$igue li&e &ac$%rs
The f"ir!e"ds sh"!! be ins#ected visu"!!$ "nd b$ ROV "s f"r "s #ossib!e) A!! f"ir!e"ds "re to be ins#ected ,ith
s#eci"! "ttention to ,e"r "nd te"r of f"ir!e"d ,hee!s "nd m"!functionin%)
2)")" Visu"! ins#ection of ,ind!"ss "nd f"ir!e"d #oc&ets sh"!! be c"rried out) P"rticu!"r "ttention sh"!! be #"id
0( R"te of ,e"r on #oc&ets+ inc!udin% re!"tive r"te of ,e"r bet,een !in&s "nd #oc&ets)
2( =ism"tch bet,een !in&s "nd #oc&ets+ inc!udin% im#ro#er su##ort of the !in&s in the #oc&ets)
2)")' S#eci"! "ttention sh"!! be %iven to the ho!din% "bi!it$ of the ,ind!"ss) The ch"in sto##er "nd the resu!t"nt
!o"d #"th to the unit-s structure shou!d be ins#ected "nd its soundness verified)
2)")/ S#eci"! "ttention sh"!! be %iven to the ho!din% "bi!it$ of the ,inch "nd the s"tisf"ctor$ o#er"tion of the
#",!s+ r"tchets "nd br"&in% e.ui#ment) The soundness of the resu!t"nt !o"d #"th to the unit-s structure sh"!! be
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.6 &ptional class notation surveys 0 3age (#7
2)")4 Pro#er s#oo!in% of the ,ire on the ,inch drum sh"!! be verified "nd drums "nd s#oo!in% %e"r "dustments
m"de if re.uired)
2)' C%.-le$e -eri%+ical sur1ey 8 sys$e.s +esigne+ 6e&%re !<</ ?n% &a$igue analysis an+
c%rr%si%n all%9ance@
2)')! For moorin% s$stems desi%ned ,ithout corrosion #rotection*"!!o,"nce "nd not desi%ned ,ith res#ect to
f"ti%ue the fo!!o,in% sh"!! be c"rried out in "ddition to H2)7I9
: ins#ection of the unitOs !o% "nd "nchor !ine records
: dism"nt!in% "nd non/destructive testin% of "!! oinin% sh"c&!es ,hich h"ve been in service for more th"n B
$e"rs+ e@ce#t for 3T= sh"c&!es
: function testin% of ,ind!"sses*,inches "nd f"ir!e"ds+ inc!udin% testin% of br"&e tor.ue
: com#!ete ins#ection of moorin% s$stem inc!udin%9
: visu"! e@"min"tion "nd e@tensive non/destructive testin% of critic"! #"rts of "!! "nchor ch"ins+ ,ire "nd
fibre ro#es "nd "ccessories
: dimension contro! of ch"in "nd connection e!ements
: ins#ection of c"thodic #rotection s$stem of soc&ets)
2)')2 The surve$ of stee! ,ire ro#es consists of " 011Q visu"! contro!+ "nd the fo!!o,in% items sh"!! be
: the n"ture "nd number of ,ire bre"&s
: ,ire bre"&s "t the termin"tion
: !oc"!ised %rou#in% of ,ire bre"&s
: fr"cture of str"nds
: reduction of ro#e di"meter inc!udin% bre"&in% of core
: e@tern"! ,e"r "nd corrosion
: deform"tion
: termin"tion "re")
2)'), It is "dvised th"t chec&#oints "re m"de for ever$ 011 m) If "re"s of s#eci"! interest "re detected+ the
dist"nce shou!d be si%nific"nt!$ reduced)
2)')" For "cce#t"nce*reection criteri" the fo!!o,in% st"nd"rds sh"!! be used "s %uide!ine9
: for ,ire ro#e9 ISO St"nd"rd 7E1A/2117+ API RP 2I
: for fibre ro#e9 DNV/RP/EE17
: for ch"in9 Sec)7 HD)E)2I "nd API RP 2I ,ith the fo!!o,in% "ddition9 the "nchor ch"ins sh"!! be re#!"ced if
the di"meter of the ch"in ,ith the bre"&in% stren%th used in the desi%n is reduced b$ 2Q)
2)/ C%.-le$e -eri%+ical sur1ey &a$igue +esign li&e &ac$%r ,
2)/)! A surve$ scheme "s out!ined herein ,i!! on!$ "##!$ for moorin% s$stems ,ith recommended connection
e!ements) The scheme "##!ies to "!! #roduction "nd*or stor"%e units desi%ned "ccordin% to9
: DNV =O4 Ru!es Pt)J Ch)2 Position &ooring 'P5S&55R(+ d"ted 5"nu"r$ 0AAJ 'Desi%n !ife f"ctor E(
: API RP2SK Third Edition+ October 211B 'Desi%n !ife f"ctor E(
: DNV/OS/EE10 Position &ooring+ d"ted 5une 2110 'Desi%n !ife f"ctor E()
2)/)2 Recommended connection e!ements in !on% term moorin% s$stems sh"!! be #ur#ose m"de e!ements such
"s tri#!"tes "nd D/sh"c&!es of 3on% Term =oorin% '3T=( t$#e)
2)/), Assum#tions "nd conditions for "cce#t"nce of "##ro"ch9
: the rem"inin% f"ti%ue !ife e@ceeds the e@#ected fie!d !ife b$ " f"ctor of E
: !oss of one !ine ,i!! not !e"d to " critic"! situ"tion for the inst"!!"tion
: if "n$ defects "re found on the ch"in*,ire durin% visu"! ins#ection+ "!! ch"ins*,ires "re to be #u!!ed for
visu"! ins#ections
: ch"in*,ire ins#ection is c"rried out under su#ervision b$ DNV surve$ors resu!ts of ROV ins#ection to be
verified b$ DNV surve$ors
: "!! studs found !oose "re to be #ressed ti%ht
: the most he"vi!$ !o"ded 'e@treme tension( !ine is to be ins#ected) If " different !ine is most he"vi!$ uti!ised
in f"ti%ue+ then this !ine is "!so to be ins#ected
: no t,ist sh"!! e@ist bet,een u##er "nd !o,er f"ir!e"d) An$ t,ists sh"!! be removed
: f"ir!e"d "nd ,inches surve$ed "ccordin% to H2)7I)
2)/)" A!! moorin% !ines sh"!! be ins#ected offshore b$ use of ROV ,ithin B $e"rs)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.6 &ptional class notation surveys 0 3age (#8
At !e"st 2 out of ever$ D ch"in !ines '2BQ( sh"!! be inc!uded in visu"! *=PI ins#ection "t " suit"b!e offshore or
onshore f"ci!it$ "s fo!!o,s9
: 011Q visu"!
: 011Q =PI of oinin% !in&s
: 01Q of the !in&s "re to h"ve over"!! =PI 'm"$ be reduced for beni%n ,"ters(
: di"meter me"surements of the ch"in !in& ever$ 011th !in&) The "nchor ch"ins sh"!! be re#!"ced if the
di"meter of the ch"in ,ith the bre"&in% stren%th used in the desi%n is reduced b$ 2Q
: 2/nec& me"surement v"!ues to be noted ever$ 011th !in& 'me"surement of the t,o di"meters t"&en "t the
nec& of the !in& "t the m"tin% surf"ce()
Gui+ance n%$eC
Khen considerin% 2 nec& me"surements 'inter%ri#(+ ,here !oss of di"meter e@ceedin% 2Q is indic"ted) the o,ner sh"!!
c"rr$ out " det"i!ed "ssessment of the rem"inin% me"n bre"&in% !o"d t"&in% into "ccount the m"nuf"cturin% to!er"nces
"nd "!!o,"b!e ov"!it$) Khen considerin% inter%ri# ,e"r+ the surve$or shou!d "!so consider the %ener"! corrosion !eve!
found out ,ith the inter%ri# "re")
2)/)' A!! the rem"inin% ch"in*,ires sh"!! be ROV ins#ected ,ith res#ect to the fo!!o,in%9
: over"!! visu"! ins#ection 'inc!udin% c!e"nin% if necess"r$(
: %o*no %o %"u%e on 2 !in& ,e"r ever$ 011th !in&
: ,e"r "nd scourin% in touch do,n "re"
: "nchors "nd "nchor e,e!!er$
: ch"in*,ire "tt"chments to the hu!! sh"!! be surve$ed visu"!!$ "s f"r "s #ossib!e+ if not "ccessib!e b$ ROV
: ,e"r "nd te"r in ch"in !in&s ,here the moorin% !ine is !oc&ed of in the ch"in sto##er
: ch"in !in&s in the f"ir!e"d #oc&ets "nd c!ose to f"ir!e"ds sh"!! be %iven s#eci"! "ttention
: si@ str"nd ,ire ro#es sh"!! be ins#ected "ccordin% to H2)B)2I)
2)/)/ If the ROV ins#ection reve"!s defects th"t "re considered "s critic"!+ i)e) cr"c&s+ severe #ittin% "nd ,e"r
"nd te"r+ " more det"i!ed ins#ection inc!udin% =PI ,i!! be re.uired)
2)/)4 Norm"!!$ connection e!ements such "s Kenter sh"c&!es+ #e"r !in&s+ C/!in&s "nd D/sh"c&!e ,ith !oc&in%
#in throu%h bo, "nd bo!t+ "nd s,ive!s "re not "cce#ted in !on% term moorin% s$stems) Ho,ever+ if such
e.ui#ment is "cce#ted inst"!!ed the$ sh"!! either be dism"nt!ed "nd subected to non/destructive testin% of "!!
m"chined surf"ces+ or be re#!"ced ,ith ne, e!ements "t !e"st ever$ B $e"rs)
2)4 C%.-le$e -eri%+ical sur1ey &a$igue li&e &ac$%r '85 %r grea$er
2)4)! The re.uirements in H2)CI "re v"!id for moorin% s$stem desi%n "ccordin% to9
: DNV =O4 Ru!es Pt)J Ch)2 Position &ooring 'P5S&55R( d"ted 5"nu"r$ 0AAJ 'desi%n !ife f"ctor 01(
: API RP2SK Third Edition+ October 211B 'desi%n !ife f"ctor 01(
: DNV/OS/EE10 Position &ooring+ d"ted 5une 2110 'desi%n !ife f"ctors B / D()
2)4)2 For "ssum#tions "nd conditions for "cce#t"nce of "##ro"ch+ see H2)J)7I)
2)4), A!! moorin% !ines sh"!! be ins#ected offshore b$ use of ROV durin% " B $e"rs #eriod "s fo!!o,s9
: 011Q over"!! visu"! ins#ection 'inc!udin% c!e"nin% if necess"r$(
: di"meter me"surements of the ch"in !in& ever$ 011th !in& of "t !e"st 0 out of D ch"ins !ines '02)BQ()
The "nchor ch"ins sh"!! be re#!"ced ,hen the di"meter of the ch"in ,ith the bre"&in% stren%th used in the desi%n
is reduced b$ 2Q) If une@#ected ,e"r "nd te"r or corrosion reve"!s+ the di"meter me"surements sh"!! be
e@tended) The #!"n for the e@tended ins#ection sh"!! be "##roved b$ the surve$or)
: 2/nec& me"surement v"!ues to be noted ever$ 011th !in& 'me"surement of the t,o di"meters t"&en "t the
nec& of the !in& "t the m"tin% surf"ce(
: %o*no %o %"u%e on 2 !in& ,e"r ever$ 011th !in&
: ,e"r "nd scourin% in touch do,n "re"
: "nchors "nd "nchor e,e!!er$ if "v"i!"b!e
: ch"in*,ire *fibre ro#e "tt"chments to the hu!! sh"!! be surve$ed visu"!!$ "s f"r "s #ossib!e)
Gui+ance n%$eC
Khen considerin% %o/no%o %"u%in% resu!ts for st"nd"rd ch"in+ ch"in sh"!! be considered for re#!"cement ,hen the
!in& !en%th e@ceeds J)0B\di"meter) For none st"nd"rd ch"ins s#eci"! "ssessment sh"!! be c"rried out) Khen
considerin% %o*no%o %"u%in% resu!ts+ the surve$or shou!d underst"nd th"t f"i!ure m"$ be " combin"tion of inter%ri#
,e"r "nd !in& e!on%"tion)
2)4)" S#eci"! "ttention sh"!! b$ #"id to connection e!ements such "s9
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.6 &ptional class notation surveys 0 3age (#9
: 3T= sh"c&!es "nd their bo!ts "nd !oc&in% devices
: ,e"r "nd te"r of connection e!ements
: corrosion ,ith "ttention to severe #ittin%
: stee! ,ire ro#e soc&ets "nd their c"thodic #rotection s$stem
: ch"in sto##ers
: ,e"r "nd te"r of ch"in !in&s in ch"in sto##ers "nd f"ir!e"ds
: d"m"%e to the #rotection 'she"thin%( of stee! ,ire ro#e)
2)4)' If the ROV ins#ection reve"!s defects th"t "re considered "s critic"!+ i)e) cr"c&s+ severe #ittin% "nd ,e"r
"nd te"r+ " more det"i!ed ins#ection inc!udin% =PI ,i!! be re.uired)
2)4)/ Norm"!!$ connection e!ements such "s &enter sh"c&!es+ #e"r !in&s+ C/!in&s "nd D/sh"c&!e ,ith !oc&in%
#in throu%h bo, "nd bo!t+ "nd s,ive!s "re not "cce#ted in !on% term moorin% s$stems) Ho,ever+ if such
e.ui#ment is "cce#ted inst"!!ed the$ sh"!! either be dism"nt!ed "nd subected to non/destructive testin% of "!!
m"chined surf"ces+ or be re#!"ced ,ith ne, e!ements "t !e"st ever$ B $e"rs)
2)5 C%.-le$e -eri%+ical 8 a++i$i%nal re0uire.en$s &%r $hrus$er assis$e+ sys$e.s
2)5)! The re.uirements %iven in H2)2I "##!$ ,ith the "dditions %iven in this sub/section)
2)5)2 Kith the unit in POS=OOR mode+ " se" tri"! sh"!! be #erformed)
The com#!ete s$stem sh"!! be tested in "!! o#er"tion"! modes) The testin% sh"!! inc!ude simu!"tion of different
f"i!ure conditions to verif$ s,itchin% of modes+ b"c&/u# s$stems "nd the "!"rm s$stem)
2)5), The different modes of thruster contro! from the DP contro! centre's( sh"!! be tested9
: m"nu"! contro!
: o$stic& contro! 'if inst"!!ed(
: POSMOOR contro!
: tr"nsfer of contro!)
="nu"! override sh"!! be demonstr"ted durin% norm"! o#er"tion "nd durin% f"i!ure conditions)
2)5)" Emer%enc$ sto# of POSMOOR thrusters from POSMOOR contro! centre to be tested)
2)5)' A!! sensors+ #eri#her"! e.ui#ment "nd reference s$stems sh"!! be tested9
: verif$ correct o#er"tion "nd "de.u"te "ccur"c$
: f"i!ure of sensors "nd reference s$stems sh"!! be simu!"ted to chec& the "!"rm s$stem "nd the s,itchin%
: s,itch/over bet,een reference s$stems "s in#ut to contro!!er sh"!! be c"rried out to "ssure th"t ,"rnin%s+
"!"rms "nd inform"tion to o#er"tor "re s"tisf"ctor$)
Gui+ance n%$eC
Due to #r"ctic"!ities some reference s$stems m"$ be un"v"i!"b!e durin% the tests) In such c"ses the testin% c"n be
#erformed b$ the cre, "s soon "s #ossib!e "fter surve$) Khen testin% is !eft to the cre, this must be recorded in the
surve$ re#ort+ "nd " condition of c!"ss or memo to o,ner must be issued) The condition of c!"ss or memo to o,ner
c"n be de!eted b"sed on " si%ned test re#ort from the m"ster)
The surve$ of the thruster unit sh"!! be c"rried out "s for thrusters for #ro#u!sion "nd d$n"mic #ositionin%) Surve$s
of the thrusters "re se#"r"te surve$ e!ements "nd these surve$s do not need to t"&e #!"ce "t the s"me time "s the
POSMOOR surve$)
2)5)/ A!"rm for !oss of #osition "nd he"din% out of !imit sh"!! be demonstr"ted)
2)5)4 The e!ectric"! inst"!!"tion in e@cess of the m"in c!"ss re.uirements sh"!! be visu"!!$ ins#ected+ i)e)
inst"!!"tions com#risin% the #osition moorin% s$stem+ e)%) contro!!ers "nd o#er"tin% st"tions for POSMOOR
"nd references s$stems+ sensors "nd mode ch"n%e s$stem)
2)5)5 Sin%!e f"i!ures in thruster contro! s$stems inc!udin% si%n"! ,ire bre"&s of thruster comm"nd "nd
feedb"c& si%n"!s sh"!! be tested in order to verif$ s"fe res#onse on the thrust out#ut) E.uiv"!ent testin% m"$
"!so be re.uired for rudders contro!!ed b$ the DP contro! s$stem)
2)5)< Over!o"d #revention sh"!! be tested)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.6 &ptional class notation surveys 0 3age (4)
Gui+ance n%$eC
If it is #ossib!e to induce over!o"d b$ settin% out thrust comm"nd from the DP contro! s$stem 'e)%) b$ use of o$stic&
function( then the over!o"d #rotection function 'e)%) #itch reduction( sh"!! be tested) S$stem confi%ur"tion "nd*or
"v"i!"b!e #o,er consider"tions m"$ !e"d to this test bein% omitted)
2)5)! C"#"cit$ of 4PSs "nd other b"tter$ s$stems servin% the POSMOOR contro! s$stem inc!udin% its
#eri#her"!s sh"!! be verified b$ testin%) A!"rm for !oss of ch"r%in% #o,er sh"!! "!so be verified)
2)5)!! For units ,here the desi%n c"#"cit$ is de#endent on cert"in thrusters to rem"in int"ct "fter f"i!ure+
re.uired redund"nc$ sh"!! be documented throu%h "n F=EA test) The F=EA re#ort "nd F=EA test #ro%r"m
sh"!! be verified to ensure th"t the$ h"ve been u#d"ted ,hen "!ter"tions h"ve been done)
Gui+ance n%$eC
This re.uirement is on!$ v"!id for units ,ith c!"ss re.uest "fter 0) 5u!$ 2117)
2)5)!2 Correct functionin% of the Conse.uence An"!$sis f"ci!it$ sh"!! be verified "s f"r "s #ossib!e)
2)5)!, The Simu!"tion f"ci!it$ sh"!! be verified "s f"r "s #ossib!e)
, Dyna.ic -%si$i%ning sys$e.s
,)! General
,)!)! These ru!es do not inc!ude verific"tion of re.uirements or recommend"tions in re%"rd to the vesse!s
o#er"tion or other ch"r"cteristics)
,)!)2 The re.uirements in this sub/section "##!$ to units ,ith c!"ss not"tion9
,)2 S-eci&ic re0uire.en$s
,)2)! Fuali&ier 5A6
For units ,ith .u"!ifier 5A6 %iven "s
not"tion+ the "nnu"! surve$ sh"!! be c"rried out in "ccord"nce ,ith the re.uirement for com#!ete surve$)
,)2)2 An u#d"ted F=EA re#ort ,ith " corres#ondin% F=EA test #ro%r"m sh"!! be &e#t onbo"rd+ "nd sh"!! be
used "s b"sis for the testin%)
,)2), F%r uni$s in POSMOOR
If the unit is in moored #osition "nd not in d$n"mic #ositionin% mode "t time of surve$ "nd hence the
e.ui#ment-s or function"!it$ re!"ted the d$n"mic #ositionin% is not "v"i!"b!e for surve$*testin% " reduced surve$
sco#e m"$ be "cce#ted) Annu"! or com#!ete surve$ de#endin% on time since !"st surve$ is to be c"rried out
before the mode is t"&in% into use)
,), Annual an+ c%.-le$e sur1ey
See Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)J 3)
" Single -%in$ .%%ring
")! A--lica$i%n
The re.uirement in this sub/section "##!ies to units ,ith c!"ss not"tion9
")2 Annual sur1ey
The "nnu"! surve$ sh"!! be c"rried out in concurrent!$ ,ith the "nnu"! surve$ for m"in c!"ss)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.6 &ptional class notation surveys 0 3age (4(
' 7%a+ing c%.-u$ers &%r +a.age c%n$r%l
')! A--lica$i%n
The re.uirement in this sub/section "##!ies to units ,ith c!"ss not"tion9
')2 Annual sur1ey
')2)! The surve$ re.uired in the fo!!o,in% sh"!! be c"rried out concurrent!$ ,ith the "nnu"! surve$ for m"in
')2)2 It sh"!! be chec&ed th"t the "##roved in/service test #ro%r"mme for "!! sensors h"s been fo!!o,ed)
/ O&&sh%re 6%9 l%a+ing
/)! A--lica$i%n
The re.uirements in this sub/section "##!$ to units or inst"!!"tions ,ith c!"ss not"tion9
/)2 C%.-le$e -eri%+ical sur1ey
/)2)! S#"ces "nd Mones used in connection ,ith bo, !o"din% sh"!! be surve$ed ,ith res#ect to %ener"!
c!e"n!iness "nd m"inten"nce)
/)2)2 V"!ves "nd #i#in%+ inc!udin% inert %"s #ur%e #i#es sh"!! be e@tern"!!$ surve$ed) O#enin% u# "nd*or
#ressure testin% m"$ be re.uired if found necess"r$ b$ the surve$or) Condition of s#r"$/shie!d "nd co!!ectin%
tr"$ in ,"$ of connector sh"!! be in order)
/)2), Instrument"tion+ "utom"tion "nd communic"tion e.ui#ment in bo, contro! st"tion sh"!! be surve$ed+
tested "nd verified to be in order)
/)2)" Venti!"tion of %"s/free s#"ces sh"!! be verified to be in order)
/)2)' E!ectric"! e.ui#ment in %"s/d"n%erous s#"ces sh"!! be surve$ed)
/)2)/ Emer%enc$ disconnection s$stems+ "utom"tic "nd m"nu"!+ sh"!! be surve$ed "nd tested "s f"r "s #ossib!e)
The bo, !o"din% "re" sh"!! be surve$ed ,ith res#ect to fire "nd e@#!osion h"M"rds "nd is to inc!ude surve$ of9
fire e@tin%uishin% e.ui#ment #rotective me"sures #reventin% structur"! e!ements initi"tin% s#"r&s venti!"tion
of bo, contro! st"tion "nd bo, !o"din% connector room emer%enc$ esc"#e routes from bo, contro! st"tion
inter!oc& functions for the moorin% "nd !o"din% s$stems)
/)2)4 It sh"!! be verified th"t the re.uired o#er"tion m"nu"! is in order)
4 Cru+e %&&l%a+ing sys$e.
4)! A--lica$i%n
The re.uirement in this sub/section "##!ies to units "nd inst"!!"tions ,ith c!"ss not"tion9
4)2 Sur1ey arrange.en$
A m"inten"nce s$stem sh"!! be im#!emented for s$stems "nd e.ui#ment covered b$ the OFFLOADING
not"tion) The surve$ m"$ t"&e "dv"nt"%e from records therein)
4), Rene9al sur1ey
4),)! General
: Verif$ th"t the -Off!o"din% m"nu"!- for o#er"tion "nd m"inten"nce is in order
: Surve$ s#"ces "nd "re"s used in connection ,ith offshore off!o"din% ,ith res#ect to %ener"! house&ee#in%*
c!e"n!iness+ s#i!!"%e dr"in "nd bunds "rr"n%ement+ "nd s#r"$/shie!d "nd co!!ectin% tr"$ in ,"$ of connector)
Surve$ %ener"! condition of "ccess ,ithin "re" "nd to m"in esc"#e routes)
4),)2 Verif$9
: condition of venti!"tion of off!o"din% contro! st"tion
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.6 &ptional class notation surveys 0 3age (4#
: condition of venti!"tion s$stem "nd "ssoci"ted "!"rms+ door ti%htness etc in "n$ room &e#t non/h"M"rdous
b$ over#ressure venti!"tion)
4),), 2i-ing an+ 1al1es
: Surve$ v"!ves "nd #i#in% e@tern"!!$)O#en u# "nd #erform #ressure testin% of v"!ves "nd #i#in% "s deemed
: Surve$ condition of #i#in% s$stem for inert %"s #ur%in% "nd dr"in !ines)
4),)" C%n$r%l an+ sa&e$y sys$e.s
: Test contro! "nd monitorin% s$stem+ inc!udin% fie!d instrument"tion for #ressure "nd tension v"!ues)
4),)' Test iso!"tion v"!ve immedi"te u#stre"m hose ree! "nd its "ctiv"tion from contro!+ s$stem+ emer%enc$
disconnect s$stem "nd over"!! ESD s$stem Communic"tion s$stems)
: Test communic"tion bet,een remote "nd !oc"! contro! st"tions)
: Test+ if #ossib!e+ communic"tion bet,een the off!o"din% contro! st"tion "nd the receivin% shutt!e t"n&er)
4),)/ Disc%nnec$i%n
: Surve$ "nd test the moorin% !ine "nd hose emer%enc$ disconnection s$stems+ "utom"tic "nd m"nu"! "s f"r
"s #ossib!e)
: Test th"t "utom"tic disconnection inc!udes c!osin% of end cou#!er v"!ve "nd shut do,n the crude oi! tr"nsfer
: Test the m"nu"! b"c& u# emer%enc$ disconnection s$stem)
4),)4 H%se an+ ha9ser
: surve$ %ener"! condition of hose "nd h",ser
: surve$ hose ree! !oc&in% mech"nism
: surve$ inter!oc& functions for the moorin% "nd !o"din% s$stems)
4),)5 *gni$i%n -re1en$i%n
: Surve$ #rotective me"sures #reventin% structur"! e!ements initi"tin% s#"r&s)
5 2r%+uc$i%n -lan$
5)! A--lica$i%n
The re.uirements in this sub/section "##!$ to units or inst"!!"tions ,ith c!"ss not"tion9
5)2 Sur1ey arrange.en$
A m"inten"nce s$stem sh"!! be im#!emented for s$stems "nd e.ui#ment covered b$ the PROD not"tion)
5), Annual sur1ey
5),)! An over"!! surve$ of #roduction re!"ted e.ui#ment+ structures "nd s$stems ,ith #"rticu!"r "ttention to
structur"! inte%rit$+ fire or e@#!osion h"M"rds+ s"fet$ s$stems "nd #ersonne! #rotection sh"!! be c"rried out) If
deemed necess"r$ b$ the surve$or runnin% test+ NDT+ "nd*or o#enin% u# of e.ui#ment m"$ be re.uired)
5),)2 Riser s$stem sh"!! be visu"!!$ surve$ed "s f"r "s "ccessib!e) Refer to DNV/OS/F210 Sec)A)
5),), Pressure vesse!s+ he"t e@ch"n%ers+ hi%h #ressure or c"#"cit$ #um#s+ "nd com#ressors sh"!! be e@tern"!!$
surve$ed) S"fet$ v"!ves "nd instrument"tion s$stems sh"!! be surve$ed "nd tested in o#er"tin% condition "s
found necess"r$ b$ the surve$or)
Gui+ance n%$eC
O##ortunities to c"rr$ out surve$ "nd testin% durin% o,ner-s schedu!ed shutdo,ns m"$ "!so be uti!ised)
5),)" Pi#in% s$stems inc!udin% f!e@ib!e #i#es sh"!! be surve$ed)
5),)' Pressure re!ief "nd de#ressurisin% v"!ves sh"!! be surve$ed "nd tested)
5),)/ Surve$ of "ccessib!e #"rts of the fo!!o,in% structures sh"!! be c"rried out to confirm structur"! inte%rit$
"nd condition of securin% "rr"n%ement9
: m"in structur"! e!ements "nd !o"d tr"nsfer #oints in !"r%e su##ort structures+ modu!es or s&ids
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.6 &ptional class notation surveys 0 3age (44
: b"se fr"mes for e.ui#ment
: f!"re or venti!"tion structures
: su##ort for f!"re structure
: su##orts for conductors "nd risers
: #i#e r"c&s "nd #i#e su##orts)
5),)4 The #rocess "nd uti!it$ s"fet$ s$stems "nd the subse" contro! s$stem for ,e!!he"d shutdo,n sh"!! be
surve$ed durin% o#er"tion "nd tested for correct functionin% "s found necess"r$ b$ the surve$or ,ith #"rticu!"r
em#h"sis on9
: shutdo,n v"!ves
: shutdo,n instrument"tion
: shutdo,n se.uence "nd !o%ic
: interconnection ,ith emer%enc$ shutdo,n s$stem
: re%u!"tion or contro! s$stem
: "!"rm s$stem)
A revie, of the m"inten"nce m"nu"! or test !o% m"$ be "n "cce#t"b!e surve$ method #rovided " s"tisf"ctor$
recordin% s$stem "nd "n "cce#t"b!e m"inten"nce #rocedure e@ist)
5),)5 Dr"in"%e s$stem for #roduced !i.uids for h"M"rdous "re"s sh"!! be surve$ed)
5)" C%.-le$e -eri%+ical sur1ey
5)")! For riser be!o, ,"ter com#onents " revie, of the m"inten"nce s$stem records is "n "cce#t"b!e surve$
method #rovided " s"tisf"ctor$ recordin% s$stem "nd "cce#t"b!e m"inten"nce #rocedure e@ist Refer to DNV/
OS/F210 Sec) A
5)")2 Pressure vesse!s "nd he"t e@ch"n%ers sh"!! be subected to intern"! surve$s) E@"min"tion of re!"ted
e.ui#ment such "s v"!ves+ #i#in% "nd fittin%s sh"!! be c"rried out)
5)"), Hi%h #ressure or c"#"cit$ #um#s "nd com#ressors sh"!! be visu"!!$ surve$ed ,ithout dism"nt!in%)
O#enin% u# to be c"rried out if found necess"r$) Revie, of the m"inten"nce s$stem records is "n "cce#t"b!e
surve$ method #rovided " s"tisf"ctor$ recordin% s$stem "nd "cce#t"b!e m"inten"nce #rocedure e@ist)
5)")" As b"sis for the surve$ of s#eci"! "nd #rim"r$ structure " #ro%r"m for NDT of structur"! com#onents
sh"!! be est"b!ished)
5)")' Function test of s"fet$ devices "nd instrument"tion !isted in HD)E)CI sh"!! be c"rried out)
< Helic%-$er +ec>
<)! A--lica$i%n
<)!)! The re.uirements in this sub/section "##!$ to units ,ith c!"ss not"tion HELD2)
For the "ddition"! surve$ re.uirements for this not"tion ,ith the .u"!ifier 5N6 "s re.uired b$ the Nor,e%i"n
"uthorities is referred to DNV/OSS/210 Ch)E)
<)2 C%.-le$e sur1ey
See Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)J H)
! Crane
!)! A--lica$i%n
!)!)! The re.uirements in this sub/section "##!$ to units ,ith c!"ss not"tion9
!)!)2 For the "ddition"! surve$ re.uirements in $RANE5N6 "s re.uired b$ the Nor,e%i"n "uthorities is
referred to DNV/OSS/210 Ch)E)
!)2 Annual an+ c%.-le$e sur1eys
For "nnu"! "nd com#!ete surve$ see Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)J F)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.6 &ptional class notation surveys 0 3age (4+
!! A++i$i%nal &ire -r%$ec$i%n arrange.en$s
!!)! General
The re.uirements in this sub/section "##!$ to shi#s ,ith c!"ss not"tion F)
!!)2 C%.-le$e sur1ey
Com#!ete surve$s "t "n interv"! of 2)B $e"rs sh"!! be i)"),) Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)J K)
!2 7%a+ing c%.-u$ers &%r +a.age c%n$r%l
!2)! A--lica$i%n
The re.uirement in this sub/section "##!ies to units ,ith c!"ss not"tion9
!2)2 Annual sur1ey an+ c%.-le$e sur1eys
It sh"!! be chec&ed th"t the "##roved in/service test #ro%r"mme for "!! sensors h"s been fo!!o,ed)
!, 2eri%+ically una$$en+e+ .achinery s-ace an+ .achinery cen$rally %-era$e+
!,)! A--lica$i%n
The re.uirements in this sub/section "##!$ to units ,ith c!"ss not"tions9
!,)2 Annual an+ c%.-le$e sur1eys
Annu"! "nd com#!ete surve$s sh"!! be i)"),) Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)J 6)
!" Hull .%ni$%ring sys$e.
!")! A--lica$i%n
The re.uirements in this sub/section "##!$ to units ,ith c!"ss not"tion
!")2 O6:ec$i1e
The #ur#ose of the surve$ is to ensure the m"inten"nce of the hu!! monitorin% s$stem "s s#ecified for the c!"ss
!"), Annual sur1ey
See Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)J N)
!' Fa$igue .e$h%+%l%gy &%r shi-8sha-e+ .%6ile %&&sh%re uni$s
!')! A--lica$i%n
The re.uirement in this sub/section "##!$ to shi#/sh"#ed units ,ith c!"ss not"tion FMS)
!')2 General
!')2)! The #ur#ose for the surve$ is to ensure th"t the f"ti%ue critic"! det"i!s h"ve no indic"tions of f"ti%ue
!')2)2 The f"ti%ue critic"! "re"s %iven in the dr",in%s of f"ti%ue critic"! "re"s or in "ccord"nce ,ith the
ins#ection #ro%r"m sh"!! be surve$ed)
!'), Sur1ey
The e@tent of ins#ections sh"!! be in "ccord"nce ,ith the In/service Ins#ection Pro%r"m)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.6 &ptional class notation surveys 0 3age (45
!/ N%ise# 1i6ra$i%n an+ c%.&%r$ ra$ing
!/)! A--lica$i%n
The re.uirements in this sub/section "##!$ to units ,ith the c!"ss not"tions 1I#R)
!/)2 General
>efore the not"tion c"n be issued+ vibr"tion me"surements "t the different #ositions "nd com#onents+ "s
described in the Protoco!+ sh"!! be c"rried out) The Protoco! is " t"b!e of #ositions to be me"sured ,or&ed out
#rior to the me"surements b"sed on " ris& ev"!u"tion "nd e@#erience) If minor e@cessive vibr"tion !eve!s "re
found for non/critic"! com#onents or #ositions+ dis#ens"tion m"$ be %iven+ ,hich m"$ "!so inc!ude "
re.uirement for ne, me"surements+ "fter " !imited #eriod) This ,i!! be decided b$ the Societ$)
!/), C%.-le$e
Com#!ete me"surements "t the different #ositions+ "s described in the Protoco!+ sh"!! be c"rried out b$ or under
the su#ervision of " surve$or of the Societ$)
!4 C%l+ cli.a$e n%$a$i%ns
!4)! Win$eriGa$i%n
!4)!)! A--lica$i%n
These re.uirements "##!$ to units ,ith the fo!!o,in% c!"ss not"tion -INTERI4ED)
!4)2 Annual sur1ey
!4)2)! The Anti/Icin%+ De/Icin% "nd Anti/FreeMin% me"sures "##!ied onbo"rd sh"!! be subect to " %ener"!
surve$ to confirm continued s"tisf"ctor$ #erform"nce+ inc!udin% the revie, of the onbo"rd records coverin%
"n$ #eriods of severe co!d c!im"te ,e"ther conditions since the !"st "nnu"! surve$) The surve$ sh"!! "!so "ssess
the effectiveness of the mech"nic"! #rotection #rovided "%"inst mech"nic"!*,"ter d"m"%e for e.ui#ment
subected to fre.uent de/icin% "ctivities)
!4)2)2 The therm"! insu!"tion "rr"n%ements re!ev"nt to co!d c!im"te o#er"tions sh"!! be surve$ed+ ,ith
#"rticu!"r "ttention to the therm"! insu!"tion for #i#in% "nd #ressure vesse! insu!"tion in "re"s e@#osed to
,e"ther or de!u%e) The vesse!-s Fcorrosion under insu!"tionG m"n"%ement #ro%r"m sh"!! be revie,ed "nd re/
"ssessed b"sed on the surve$ findin%s)
!4)2), The st"bi!it$ records onbo"rd sh"!! be revie,ed to confirm th"t vesse! is "de.u"te!$ monitorin%*
"ccountin% for #otenti"! "nd "ctu"! ice !o"din%s on "n on%oin% b"sis)
!4)2)" The fire fi%htin% e.ui#ment e@#osed to co!d c!im"te conditions sh"!! be surve$ed+ ,ith #"rticu!"r
"ttention th"t the e@tin%uishin% "%ents "re "##ro#ri"te for co!d c!im"te conditions)
!4)2)' The e!ectric"! he"t tr"cin% s$stems sh"!! be %ener"!!$ surve$ed+ ,ith #"rticu!"r "ttention to the
insu!"tion resist"nce v"!ues)
!4)2)/ The "nti/s&id co"tin% on e@#osed dec& surf"ces sh"!! be surve$ed)
!4)2)4 The dr"in"%e "rr"n%ements for me!t,"ter* ,"shdo,n ,"ter on e@#osed dec&s sh"!! be surve$ed+ ,ith
#"rticu!"r "ttention to the "nti/freeMin% "rr"n%ements for the dr"ins)
!4)2)5 The dr$in% "rr"n%ements for the com#ressed "ir s$stems sh"!! be surve$ed)
!4)2)< The Person"! 3ifes"vin% A##!i"nces sh"!! be subect to %ener"! surve$ed to confirm th"t their stor"%e
"rr"n%ements "re suit"b!e for co!d/c!im"te conditions)
!4)2)! The inform"tion onbo"rd re!"ted to sno,*ice Fdro##ed obectG incidents*ne"r misses since the !"st
"nnu"! surve$ sh"!! be #resented to the "ttendin% surve$or for "ssessment)
!4)2)!! The inform"tion onbo"rd re!"ted to the continuin% effectiveness of the !i%htin% 'f!ood!i%hts+
emer%enc$ !i%hts+ n"vi%"tion !i%hts+ he!idec& !i%hts+ he!ico#ter obst"c!e !i%htin%+ ice se"rch!i%ht( sh"!! be
#resented to the "ttendin% surve$or for "ssessment)
!4)2)!2 For units ,ith the .u"!ifier POLAR+ the ice se"rch!i%ht sh"!! be function tested)
!4)2)!, For units ,ith the .u"!ifier POLAR+ the "nnu"! surve$ re.uirements for c!"ss not"tion $LEAN sh"!!
be c"rried out+ "s "##!ic"b!e)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.6 &ptional class notation surveys 0 3age (46
!4), C%.-le$e sur1ey
!4),)! The he"t tr"cin% s$stems sh"!! be e@"mined)
E!ectric"! he"t tr"cin% s$stems sh"!! be e@"mined ,ith #"rticu!"r "ttention for d"m"%e*deterior"tion to the he"t
tr"cin% c"b!in%+ recent me%%er/test resu!ts sh"!! be #resented to "ttendin% surve$or)
He"t tr"cin% s$stems usin% f!uids "s the he"tin% medium sh"!! be subect to #ressure test to m"@imum ,or&in%
!5 En1ir%n.en$al n%$a$i%ns
!5)! Aallas$ 9a$er .anage.en$ sys$e.s
!5)!)! A--lica$i%n
The re.uirements in H0D)0I "##!$ for vesse!s ,ith the not"tion #-M+ $LEAN "nd*or $LEAN DESIGN)
!5)!)2 Annual# in$er.e+ia$e an+ c%.-le$e sur1eys
Annu"!+ intermedi"te "nd com#!ete surve$s sh"!! be c"rried out i)"),) Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)J V)
!5)2)! A--lica$i%n
The re.uirements in H0D)2I "##!$ to units ,ith c!"ss not"tions $LEAN or $LEAN DESIGN)
!5)2)2 Annual sur1ey
Annu"! surve$s sh"!! be c"rried out i)"),) Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)J P)
!5), Recycling
!5),)! A--lica$i%n
These re.uirements "##!$ for units ,ith the c!"ss not"tion RE$/$LING)
!5),)2 Annual sur1ey
Com#!ete surve$s sh"!! be c"rried out in !ine ,ith Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)C)
!5),), At re#!"cement+ or si%nific"nt re#"ir of the structure+ e.ui#ment+ s$stems+ fittin%s+ "rr"n%ements "nd
m"teri"!+ the o,ner m"$ re.uest "n occ"sion"! surve$ "s described in Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)C)
!5)" ;a-%ur c%n$r%l sys$e.s ?;CS@
!5)")! A--lica$i%n
These re.uirements "##!$ for units ,ith the c!"ss not"tion 1$S)
!5)")2 Rene9al sur1eys
Rene,"! surve$s sh"!! be c"rried out i)"),) Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)J O)
!< *n$egra$e+ s%&$9are +e-en+en$ sys$e.s
!<)! General
!<)!)! A--lica$i%n
The re.uirements in this sub/section "##!$ to units ,ith the c!"ss not"tion ISDS)
!<)!)2 O6:ec$i1e
The #ur#ose of the surve$ is to ensure the confidence th"t h"s been bui!t into the unit is "ctu"!!$ m"int"ined)
!<)!), M%+i&ica$i%ns
The o,ner is to inform DNV ,henever " s$stem ,ith the ISDS not"tion is modified) For m"or u#%r"des or
conversions of the unit in o#er"tion the fu!! set of re.uirements in DNV/OS/D21E m"$ "##!$)
!<)2 Annual sur1ey
!<)2)! The effective im#!ement"tion "nd continuous m"inten"nce of the "ctivities re.uired DNV/OS/D21E
#h"se E+ o#er"tion+ sh"!! be "ssessed)
!<)2)2 An$ ch"n%es+ introduced "fter the !"test "ssessment+ to the s$stems ,ithin ISDS sco#e "re to be
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.6 &ptional class notation surveys 0 3age (47
"ddressed) An im#"ct "n"!$sis of ch"n%es sh"!! be revie,ed "nd confirmed) An$ fo!!o, u# "ctivities sh"!! be
!<)2), 4#d"ted records "re to be &e#t "nd m"de "v"i!"b!e for revie, b$ the "ttendin% surve$or i)"),) DNV/
OS/D21E Ch)E Sec)0 HE)2I)
!<), C%.-le$e sur1ey
The com#!ete "ssessment ,i!! h"ve " s#ecific focus on identified #rocess "re"s or "ctivities) These "re"s or
"ctivities "re to be se!ected b"sed on " discussion ,ith o,ner of s#ecific focus "re"s "nd shou!d "!so be b"sed
on im#ort"nt or fre.uent findin%s from the "nnu"! "ssessments c"rried out since the !"st com#!ete surve$)
2 S-ecial &ea$ure n%$a$i%ns
2)! N%n sel&8-r%-elle+ uni$s
2)!)! The re.uirements in H21)0I "##!$ to units ,ith s#eci"! fe"ture not"tion NON-SELF PROPELLED)
2)!)2 E@tent of surve$s of the fo!!o,in% items ,i!! be restricted to the m"in s"fet$ f"cets9
: t"i!sh"fts
: thrusters
: motors "nd other e.ui#ment for #ro#u!sion
: steerin% %e"r)
2)!), For these items the sco#e of c!"ssific"tion is to ensure th"t the e.ui#ment does not #ose " thre"t to the
unit b$ its #resence onbo"rd ,hen in use) This me"ns the ,"terti%htness shou!d be considered "nd the s"fet$
of the e.ui#ment for #eo#!e ,or&in% in the vicinit$ must be t"&en c"re of) The o#er"tion of the e.ui#ment is
of second"r$ im#ort"nce)
2)2 Sel&8-r%-elle+ sel&8ele1a$ing uni$s
2)2)! The re.uirements in H21)2I "##!$ to se!f/e!ev"tin% units ,ith s#eci"! fe"ture not"tion SELF
2)2)2 The e@tent of the surve$ sh"!! cover t"i!sh"fts+ thrusters+ motors "nd other e.ui#ment for #ro#u!sions
"nd steerin% %e"r "s defined for m"in c!"ss in Sec)E)
2), Tailsha&$ .%ni$%ring
2),)! A--lica$i%n
The re.uirements in H21)EI "##!$ to units ,ith c!"ss not"tion TMON)
2),)2 General
A t"i!sh"ft condition monitorin% "rr"n%ement 'c!"ss not"tion TMON( ,i!! be %r"nted for oi! !ubric"ted
t"i!sh"fts th"t "re monitored to "scert"in the condition of the t"i!sh"ft s$stem durin% o#er"tion+ "nd th"t fu!fi!s
the desi%n re.uirements in Shi# ru!es Pt)7 Ch)7 Sec)0 EE11 #rovided " successfu! initi"! surve$ is c"rried out)
In such c"ses DNV ,i!! not re.uire "n$ s#ecific time interv"! bet,een #ro#e!!er sh"ft ,ithdr","! surve$s)
4nits ,ith more th"n E $e"rs since the !"st #ro#e!!er sh"ft ,ithdr","! "re norm"!!$ to c"rr$ out "#ro#e!!er sh"ft
surve$ in connection ,ith the TMON initi"! surve$ "s described in Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)B >)
Gui+ance n%$eC
The re.uirement for " #ro#e!!er sh"ft ,ithdr","! "t TMON initi"! surve$ m"$ be ,"ived on " c"se b$ c"se b"sis+
#rovided th"t document"tion sho,in% s"tisf"ctor$ condition of the stern tube "rr"n%ement is #resented to the Societ$)
Such document"tion+ norm"!!$ coverin% the !"st E $e"rs+ shou!d inc!ude9
: month!$ me"surements of stern tube be"rin% tem#er"tures ,ith corres#ondin% se" ,"ter tem#er"tures+ oi!
consum#tion+ ,"ter content in oi!
: for vesse!s ,ith "!tern"tive ,"ter in oi! "n"!$sis #erformed b$ "n "ccredited !"bor"tor$+ resu!ts from E month!$
"n"!$sis c"n be "cce#ted
: !ub) oi! "n"!$sis re#orts from "ccredited !"bor"tor$ ,ith conc!usion+ ,here "v"i!"b!e 'ref) H21)E)EI d()
2),), Annual sur1ey
The surve$ sh"!! inc!ude9
"( e@"min"tion of the TMON record fi!e9)
: verific"tion th"t the on bo"rd oi! "n"!$sis for chec&in% of ,"ter content in the stern tube !ubric"tin% oi!
h"s been #erformed month!$ "nd recorded in the fi!e b$ the Chief En%ineer)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.6 &ptional class notation surveys 0 3age (48
Gui+ance n%$eC
As "n "!tern"tive to the month!$ onbo"rd chec&in% of the ,"ter content in the oi!+ submitted !ubric"tin% oi!
s"m#!es to "n "ccredited !"bor"tor$ ever$ E months is "cce#t"b!e 'ref) H21)E)EI d( be!o,()
: verific"tion th"t the stern tube be"rin% tem#er"tures h"ve been recorded ever$ month ,ith hi%hest "nd
!o,est tem#er"tures+ ,ith corres#ondin% se","ter tem#er"tures
: verific"tion th"t the consum#tion of stern tube !ubric"tin% oi! h"s been recorded for ever$ month b$ the
Chief En%ineer
: if there "re #erformed "n$ overh"u!s+ com#!ete oi! ch"n%es or simi!"r+ this sh"!! be recorded in the
T=ON record fi!e on the overh"u! #"%e
: verif$ function"!it$ of t"i!sh"ft %roundin% device+ ,here "##!ic"b!e
: verific"tion th"t ,e"r do,n me"surements h"ve be t"&en "t ever$ dr$/doc&in%)
b( testin% of stern tube "ft be"rin% "!"rm
c( visu"! ins#ection of inner "nd outer sh"ft se"! for !e"&"%e+ "s f"r "s #r"ctic"b!e)
d( verific"tion th"t document"tion of !"bor"tor$ "n"!$sis is &e#t on bo"rd9
: "t !e"st t,o oi! s"m#!es #er $e"r sh"!! be submitted to "n "ccredited !"bor"tor$ for "n"!$sis testin% of
,"ter content+ iron+ chromium+ co##er+ tin+ si!icon+ N" 'sodium( "nd m"%nesium
: the document"tion sh"!! cont"in " conc!usion re%"rdin% the condition of the oi! "nd its suit"bi!it$ for
further use
: the re#ort from the !"test oi! "n"!$sis sh"!! be !ess th"n three months o!d)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.7 -lternative survey arrangements 0 3age (49
! General
!)! General
A!tern"tive surve$ "rr"n%ements m"$ be "cce#ted "s "n o#tion to "##!ic"b!e #eriodic"! surve$s for m"in c!"ss)
A!tern"tive surve$ "rr"n%ements "re defined for the fo!!o,in% "re"s9
: ="chiner$ e.ui#ment+ see H2I
: Structure+ see HEI)
!)!)! ="chiner$ s$stems !isted in T"b!e C/0 sh"!! be surve$ed "ccordin% to one of the !isted surve$
"rr"n%ements if not #"rt of " se#"r"te surve$)
Ta6le 48! Machinery an+ +rilling -lan$ sur1eys
3tem &achinery
and &achinery
5ffshore C& P&S RC&
Survey method

&ain propulsion and D/NPOS
Diese! en%ine 0 E E "nd 7 B
Ste"m turbines
0 0 7
;"s turbines See Sec)E
See Sec)E
See Sec)E
See Sec)E
E!ectric"! m"in motors+ inc!udin%
fre.uenc$ converters
2 E E or 7 B
Sh"ftin% Thrust/"nd intermedi"te sh"ft
inc!udin% be"rin%s+ c!utch+
cou#!in%s "nd torsion"! "nd "@i"!
vibr"tion d"m#er
2 E E "nd 7 B
T"i!sh"ft Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 H0I
Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 H0I
Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 H0I
Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 H0I
Sh"fts+ #inions+ %e"r ,hee!s+
cou#!in%s "nd be"rin%s+ c!utch)
0 E E "nd 7 B
Po,er T"&e Off *In 'PTO*PTI( 0 E 7 B
Pro#e!!er Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 H2I
Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 H2I
Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 H2I
Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 H2I
Thruster+ Pods Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 HEI *
Sec)7 H7I
Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 HEI *
Sec)7 H7I
Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 HEI *
Sec)7 H7I
Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 HEI *
Sec)7 H7I
Actu"tor 2 E E or 7 B
H$dr"u!ic #um#s 2 E E or 7 B
E!ectric motors 2 E E or 7 B
Pi#es+ v"!ves "nd fi!ters 2 E E B
#u*iliary machinery
Diese! en%ine 0 E E "nd 7 B
0 E 7 B
E!ectric"! motors+ inc!udin%
fre.uenc$ converters
2 E E or 7 B
H$dr"u!ic motors 2 E E B
Thruster Sh"fts+ #inions+ %e"r ,hee!s+
cou#!in%s "nd be"rin%s




Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 HEI *
Sec)7 H7I
Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 HEI *
Sec)7 H7I
Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 HEI *
Sec)7 H7I
Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 HEI *
Sec)7 H7I
;ener"tors 2 E E or 7 B
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.7 -lternative survey arrangements 0 3age (+)
Sh"ftin% Sh"ft+ cou#!in%s+ c!utch) "nd
torsion"! "nd "@i"! vibr"tion
2 E E B
Sh"fts+ #inions+ %e"r ,hee!s+
cou#!in%s "nd be"rin%s
2 E 7 B
Po,er T"&e Off 'PTO( 2 E 7 B
Se" ,"ter
Pum#s+ E!ectric"! motor "nd
0 E 7 B
He"t e@ch"n%ers 0 E E or 7 B
Pi#es+ v"!ves "nd fi!ters

2 E E B
Fresh ,"ter
coo!in% s$stem
Pum#s+ e!ectric"! motor "nd
2 E 7 B
He"t e@ch"n%ers 0 E E or 7 B
Pi#es+ v"!ves "nd fi!ters
2 E E B
3ubric"tin% oi!
Pum#s+ e!ectric"! motor "nd
2 E 7 B
He"t e@ch"n%ers 0 E E or 7 B
Pi#es+ v"!ves "nd fi!ters


2 E E B
Fue! oi!
Pum#s+ e!ectric"! motor "nd
2 E 7 B
He"t e@ch"n%ers 0 E E or 7 B
Pi#es+ v"!ves "nd fi!ters

2 E E B
>i!%e "nd
Pum#s+ E!ectric"! motor "nd
0 or 2 E 7 B
Eectors* Adductors 0 E E B
Pi#es+ v"!ves "nd fi!ters inside
m"chiner$ s#"ce


01( AA(

2 E E B
>oi!er+ m"in "nd "u@i!i"r$ Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 HBI
Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 HBI
Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 HBI
Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 HBI
Therm"! oi! Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 HJI
Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 HJI
Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 HJI
Se#"r"te surve$
Sec)7 HJI
He"t e@ch"n%ers 0 E E or 7 B
Pi#es+ v"!ves "nd fi!ters inside
m"chiner$ s#"ce


2 E E B
Feed ,"ter "nd
Pum#s+ e!ectric"! motors "nd
2 E 7 B
0 0 7 0
Ev"#or"tors "nd condensers ,ith
0 E E B
He"t e@ch"n%ers 0 E E or 7 B
Pi#es+ v"!ves "nd fi!ters
2 E E B
Com#ressed "ir
Air com#ressors+ #iston 2 E E or 7 B
Air com#ressors+ scre, 2 E E or 7 B
Emer%enc$ com#ressors 2 E E or 7 B
Com#ressed "ir receivers
0 E E B
Pi#es+ v"!ves "nd fi!ters inside
m"chiner$ s#"ce

2 E E B
Ta6le 48! Machinery an+ +rilling -lan$ sur1eys ?C%n$inue+@
3tem &achinery
and &achinery
5ffshore C& P&S RC&
Survey method

&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.7 -lternative survey arrangements 0 3age (+(
Pum#s+ e!ectric"! motor "nd
2 E 7 B
Pi#es+ v"!ves "nd fi!ters inside
m"chiner$ s#"ce

2 E E B
Contro!!"b!e #itch #ro#e!!er oi!
distribution bo@
2 E E B
Contro!!"b!e #itch #ro#e!!er
inbo"rd "ctu"tors
2 E E B
H$dr"u!ic motors 2 E E or 7 B
Cargo 6andling
Piston #um#s
Centrifu%"! #um#s
Scre, #um#s
E!ectric"! motors "nd st"rters 2 E E "nd 7 B
0 0 7 0
He"t e@ch"n%ers 0 E E or 7 B
Pi#es+ v"!ves "nd fi!ters
2 E E B
;"s com#ressors 0 E E or 7 B
Diese! en%ine 0 E E "nd 7 B
Pro#u!sion 2 E E B
Steerin% 2 E E B
Au@i!i"r$ m"chiner$ 2 E E B
C"r%o h"nd!in% s$stems 2 E E B
A!"rms Pro#u!sion 2 E E B
Steerin% 2 E E B
Au@i!i"r$ m"chiner$ 2 E E B
C"r%o h"nd!in% s$stems 2 E E B
Pro#u!sion 2 E E B
Steerin% 2 E E B
Au@i!i"r$ m"chiner$ 2 E E B
C"r%o h"nd!in% s$stems 2 E E B
Pro#u!sion 2 E E B
Steerin% 2 E E B
Au@i!i"r$ m"chiner$ 2 E E B
C"r%o h"nd!in% s$stems 2 E E B
S,itchbo"rds 2 E E B
Distribution bo"rd 2 E E B
E!ectric"! e.ui#ment 2 E E B
C"b!e inst"!!"tions 2 E E B
N"vi%"tion !i%ht contro!!ers 2 E E B
=ech"nic"! venti!"tion of b"tter$
!oc&ers or rooms
2 E E B
Ta6le 48! Machinery an+ +rilling -lan$ sur1eys ?C%n$inue+@
3tem &achinery
and &achinery
5ffshore C& P&S RC&
Survey method

&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.7 -lternative survey arrangements 0 3age (+#
Forced dr"u%ht f"n 2 E 7 B
Other turbines
0 0 7 0
Se" "nd s"nit"r$ v"!ves 0 0 0 0
Inciner"tor "rr"n%ement 0 E E B
Inert "rr"n%ement for vesse!s
,ithout not"tion INERT
0 E E B
Instrument"tion "nd "utom"tion
for vesse!s ,ithout not"tion E0 or
2 E E B
N%$es $% Ta6le 48!
0( The surve$ methods "re defined "s fo!!o,s9
Survey method +o. 9 Visu"! ins#ection b$ o#enin% u# fu!!$ or #"rt!$) Function testin% "nd or #ressure testin% to be
c"rried out ,hen re!ev"nt "nd found necess"r$ b$ the surve$or)
Survey method +o. !9 Visu"! ins#ection ,ithout dism"nt!in% "nd #erform"nce test to be c"rried out) O#enin% u# if
found necess"r$) 3"st overh"u! to be verified)
Survey method +o. ": Audit of m"inten"nce histor$ in the #!"nned m"inten"nce s$stem "nd se!ected s#ot chec&s)
Survey method +o. <: Audit of condition monitorin% resu!ts)
Survey method +o. =: Verific"tion of m"inten"nce records+ "ssessment of m"inten"nce h"nd!in%+ revie, of
m"n"%ement+ s"fet$ incidents "nd continuous im#rovement #rocesses "nd fu!!$ or #"rt!$ o#enin% of e.ui#ment+ if
found necess"r$ b$ surve$or)
2( As "n "!tern"tive to Surve$ method No)0+ " #erform"nce test "nd " condition "n"!$sis m"$ be c"rried out)
E( Se!ected be"rin%s sh"!! be e@"mined) ;e"rs "nd ro!!er be"rin%s m"$ "s f"r "s #r"ctic"b!e be ins#ected ,ithout
dism"nt!in% com#!ic"ted "ssemb!ies)
7( Str"iners to be o#ened) Se!ected #i#es "nd m"in en%ine's( s$stem t"n&s to be surve$ed for s!ud%e)
B( V"!ves+ coc&s "nd str"iners to be o#ened)
J( For ste"m #i#es ,ith tem#er"ture 7B1]C "nd "bove9 Cr"c& detection "nd*or thic&ness e@"min"tion m"$ be re.uired)
Se!ected #i#es to be #ressure tested to 0)B times ,or&in% #ressure) Ste"m #i#es of co##er to be #ressure tested to 2
times ,or&in% #ressure
C( To be #ressure tested to 0)2 times ,or&in% #ressure if intern"! surve$ not #ossib!e)
D( For #i#in% s$stems outside m"chiner$ s#"ces+ see Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)7 >007)
A( Sett!in% t"n& "nd d"i!$ service t"n&s for both he"v$ fue! oi! "nd diese! oi! "s ,e!! "s !ubric"tion oi! circu!"tion t"n&s
sh"!! be intern"!!$ surve$ed for "ssessment of t"n& condition "nd #resence of s!ud%e) If ins#ection "nd c!e"nin% of
"bove mentioned t"n&s h"ve been c"rried out b$ the cre, durin% the !"st 02 months "nd re!ev"nt !o% e@tr"cts "re
#rovided "nd confirmed+ this m"$ be credited "s surve$ed "t the surve$or-s discretion)
01( V"!ves ,here the function in the #i#in% s$stem is not evident "re to be "de.u"te!$ "nd re"d"b!$ m"r&ed)
00( Fi!ters to be o#ened "nd s$stem oi! t"n&s intern"!!$ surve$ed for #resence of s!ud%e+ dirt "nd #"rtic!es)
02( It is "dvised to t"&e oi! "n"!$sis "t re%u!"r interv"!s "nd "!,"$s #rior to doc&in% in order to ensure th"t there is no
need for o#enin% of the thruster 'e)%) ,"ter in the oi!()
0E( Surve$ of %e"r "nd be"rin%s throu%h ins#ection o#enin%s or b$ other me"ns 'm"$ be c"rried out concurrent ,ith
bottom surve$()
07( O#enin% u# "nd Surve$ of be"rin%s+ %e"r "nd sh"fts "nd other re!ev"nt #"rts if "n$ indic"tions of "bnorm"!ities "re
observed) S"tisf"ctor$ m"inten"nce "ccordin% to m"nuf"cturer-s recommend"tions to be documented "nd
considered "s " b"se for e@tent of #ossib!e o#enin%) An$ o#enin% u# of " thruster to be ,itnessed b$ " DNV surve$or)
0B( H$dr"u!ic oi!+ !ubric"tion oi!+ "!"rm "nd s"fet$ s$stems "re to be surve$ed "s "##!ic"b!e for res#ective s$stems)
0J( In "ddition to the "nnu"! surve$ for Offshore C=+ " !imited intern"! ins#ection sh"!! be c"rried out on m"in ste"m
turbines)'see CN 01)2 Ch)E)0(
0C( Fresh ,"ter %ener"tor 'on!$ for ste"m turbine #ro#u!sion()
0D( NDT "nd !o"d testin% on !o"dbe"rin% structures*com#onents to be c"rried out) Pressure test #i#in%+ v"!ves+ #ressure
vesse!s "nd other #ressure r"ted e.ui#ment to the m"@imum "!!o,"b!e ,or&in% #ressure "s re!ev"nt)
0A( Test of s"fet$ functions to be c"rried out)
21( For #i#e s$stems ,ith com#ression cou#!in%s ,ith rubber se"!s the condition of the se"!s is to be confirmed)
Ta6le 48! Machinery an+ +rilling -lan$ sur1eys ?C%n$inue+@
3tem &achinery
and &achinery
5ffshore C& P&S RC&
Survey method

&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.7 -lternative survey arrangements 0 3age (+4
2 Machinery sur1ey arrange.en$s
2)! General
2)!)! The different m"chiner$ surve$ "rr"n%ements "re b"sed on the inventor$ !ist est"b!ished for the vesse!)
The difference is the conditions for obt"inin% "nd m"int"inin% the surve$ "rr"n%ement) If " surve$ "rr"n%ement
is not s#ecified+ the #eriodic"! surve$ re.uirements "s det"i!ed in Sec)7 sh"!! be fo!!o,ed)
2)!)2 The fo!!o,in% "!tern"tive surve$ "rr"n%ements "re "v"i!"b!e9
: ="chiner$ Continuous+ see H2)2I
: ="chiner$ P=S 'P!"nned ="inten"nce S$stem(+ see H2)EI
: P=S RC= 'Re!i"bi!it$ Centred ="inten"nce(+ see H2)BI
: Offshore C= 'Condition =onitorin%(+ see H2)BI)
2)2 Machinery c%n$inu%us
2)2)! ="chiner$ Continuous is " surve$ "rr"n%ement ,here the com#onents in the m"chiner$ !ist est"b!ished
for the vesse! "re subect to se#"r"te surve$s ,ith surve$ interv"! B $e"rs)
The due d"tes sh"!! norm"!!$ be distributed ,ith 21Q of the surve$s e"ch $e"r "nd the se#"r"te surve$s sh"!!
in "!! c"ses be c"rried out once in e"ch B $e"r #eriod of the c!"ss certific"te)
The time ,indo, for surve$s to be c"rried out "re %ener"!!$ set "s J months before the due d"tes "s distributed)
2)2)2 A fo!!o,/u# s$stem coverin% the Societ$Os m"chiner$ !ist in "ccord"nce ,ith T"b!e 0/0 sh"!! be
est"b!ished on bo"rd the vesse!)
2)2), ="chiner$ com#onent surve$s m"$ be credited b"sed on documented m"inten"nce histor$ #resented b$
the Chief En%ineer* =ech"nic"! Su#ervisor)
2)2)" Re.uirements for ="chiner$ Continuous Surve$ Arr"n%ement "re %iven in the Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)C Ch)0
Sec)D C)
2)2)' Annual sur1ey
Annu"! surve$ of the m"chiner$ "nd s"fet$ s$stems "re c"rried out "ccordin% to Sec)E H2)7I)
2)2)/ Rene9al sur1ey
Rene,"! surve$ is not " #"rt of this surve$ "rr"n%ement)
2), Machinery 2MS ?-lanne+ .ain$enance sys$e.@
2),)! General
="chiner$ P=S is " surve$ "rr"n%ement b"sed on "udits of "n "##roved "nd im#!emented #!"nned
m"inten"nce s$stem onbo"rd ,hich sh"!! cover "!! com#onent surve$s in the m"chiner$ !ist for the vesse!)
2),)2 The "udits sh"!! be #"rt of the m"in c!"ss "nnu"! surve$)
2),), The O,ner*="n"%er is res#onsib!e for ensurin% th"t the Chief En%ineer* =ech"nic"! Su#ervisor is
.u"!ified to re%ister "nd c"rr$ out m"inten"nce on "!! c!"ss re!"ted m"chiner$ items)
2),)" 5ob interv"!s sh"!! be b"sed on m"&erOs recommend"tions+ "dusted for #rev"i!in% o#er"tion"! conditions)
2),)' The "##rov"! #rocess is " t,o/ste# #rocess9 The first ste# F="n"%ement A##rov"!G is " revie, of the
#!"nned m"inten"nce s$stem #rior to the initi"! surve$ onbo"rd) F="n"%ement A##rov"!G ,i!! on!$ be
"##!ic"b!e to the first vesse! in " f!eet) The fin"! ste# is "n initi"! surve$ onbo"rd e"ch vesse!)
2),)/ If the conditions for the surve$ "rr"n%ement "re not com#!ied ,ith+ or in c"se of ch"n%e of technic"!
m"n"%ement of the vesse!+ the Surve$ Arr"n%ement ="chiner$ P=S ,i!! be c"nce!!ed)
Re.uirements for ="chiner$ P=S Surve$ Arr"n%ement "re %iven in the Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)D C)
2),)4 Annual sur1ey
To #ro!on% the v"!idit$ of the surve$ "rr"n%ement "n "nnu"! surve$ of the im#!emented P=S s$stem onbo"rd
is re.uired) The #ur#ose of this surve$ is to revie, "nd ev"!u"te the #revious #eriod-s m"inten"nce "ctivities
"nd e@#erience) If found necess"r$ b$ the surve$or+ o#enin% or testin% of m"chiner$ m"$ be re.uired)
2),)5 Annu"! surve$ of the m"chiner$ "nd s"fet$ s$stems "re c"rried out "ccordin% to Sec)E H2)7I)
2),)< Rene9al sur1ey
Rene,"! surve$ is not " #"rt of this surve$ "rr"n%ement)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.7 -lternative survey arrangements 0 3age (++
2)" 2MS RCM ?relia6ili$y cen$re+ .ain$enance@
2)")! General
P=S RC= "!!o,s the o,ner to "rr"n%e surve$s "s #"rt of his #!"nned m"inten"nce s$stem+ b"sed on "n"!$sis
of "##!ic"b!e functions onbo"rd the vesse!) P=S RC= is " surve$ "rr"n%ement b"sed on revie, of the com#"n$
m"n"%ement+ the RC= "n"!$sis "nd the im#!emented m"inten"nce s$stem) It is re.uired to be o#er"tin%
"ccordin% to "n RC= "n"!$sis or e.uiv"!ent m"inten"nce str"te%$ "nd to com#!$ ,ith the ="chiner$ P=S
before enterin% P=S RC=) Condition =onitorin% m"$ be im#!emented) P=S RC= surve$ "rr"n%ement is
"##!ic"b!e to m"in c!"ss m"chiner$)
2)")2 The fo!!o,in% conditions must be fu!fi!!ed before the surve$ "rr"n%ement is v"!id9
: "##roved RC= "n"!$sis
: successfu! m"n"%ement revie,
: successfu! im#!ement"tion surve$)
2)"), ="chiner$ s$stems "nd e.ui#ment ,ith corres#ondin% surve$ method for this "rr"n%ement see T"b!e C/
2)")" If the conditions for the surve$ "rr"n%ement "re not com#!ied ,ith or in c"se of ch"n%e of technic"!
m"n"%er of the vesse!+ the surve$ "rr"n%ement ,i!! be "utom"tic"!!$ c"nce!!ed)
Gui+ance n%$eC
Khen deve!o#in% the m"inten"nce s$stem it is recommended to "##!$ st"nd"rd m"inten"nce termino!o%$ ref) NS/EN
0EE1J9 ="inten"nce termino!o%$)
To m"&e it #ossib!e to co!!ect+ e@ch"n%e "nd "n"!$se re!i"bi!it$*m"inten"nce d"t" b"sed on common vie,#oints "nd
en"b!e industr$ co/o#er"tion it is recommended to use " st"nd"rdiM"tion of m"inten"nce #"r"meters "nd d"t" ref) NS/
EN ISO 072279 Co!!ection "nd e@ch"n%e of re!i"bi!it$ "nd m"inten"nce d"t" for e.ui#ment)
2)")' A--r%1al %& RCM 6ase+ .ain$enance -r%gra..e
The fo!!o,in% conditions must be fu!fi!!ed before "##!$in%9
: com#!i"nce ,ith the s#ecific"tions for ="chiner$ P=S+ e@ce#t H2)E)BI '="n"%ement "##rov"!(
: m"n"%ement "nd or%"nis"tion in #!"ce to su##ort continuous im#rovement "nd m"inten"nce of " hi%h
s"fet$ !eve!
: #rocedures "nd s$stems for #erformin% the RC= "n"!$sis)
Gui+ance n%$eC
It is recommended to "##!$ NS/EN 0EE1J ="inten"nce / ="inten"nce termino!o%$ in deve!o#ment of "n
m"inten"nce s$stem)
2)")/ The fo!!o,in% is to be verified durin% m"n"%ement revie,9
: o#er"tion"! "nd m"inten"nce #hi!oso#h$ "nd or%"nis"tion su##ortin% "n P=S RC= surve$ conce#t)
: or%"nis"tion"! ch"rt h"s the necess"r$ resources "nd res#onsibi!ities defined for "n P=S RC= str"te%$ to
be su##orted "de.u"te!$
: " continuous im#rovement methodo!o%$ is im#!emented
: "de.u"te s&i!! !eve! on invo!ved #ersonne!
: se!ected methods of me"surin% the m"inten"nce #erform"nce in the or%"nis"tion 'Ke$ Perform"nce
Gui+ance n%$eC
Khen se!ectin% KPI-s it is recommended to use NS/EN 0BE70 ="inten"nce Perform"nce Indic"tors)
2)")4 A##rov"! of the "n"!$sis is b"sed on the fo!!o,in%9
: " Re!i"bi!it$ Centred m"inten"nce "n"!$sis must h"ve been #erformed "ccordin% to IEC J1E11/E/00+
A##!ic"tion ;uide Re!i"bi!it$ Centred ="inten"nce or "!i&e
: the RC= te"m must consist of e@#erienced #eo#!e re!"ted to the "sset th"t is "n"!$sed) If the "sset "n"!$sed
is " ne, "sset+ the "n"!$sis #rocess shou!d be #erformed b$ the use of substitution of e@#erience from
com#"r"b!e "ssets
: te"m members re#resentin% "!! re!ev"nt o#er"tion"! "nd m"inten"nce disci#!ine 'e!ectric"!+ e!ectronic+
mech"nic"!( shou!d h"ve been invo!ved
: e@#erienced RC= f"ci!it"tor comin% from outside the "sset or%"nis"tion shou!d h"ve been used
: " documented "nd "##roved RC= methodo!o%$ is in #!"ce describin% the RC= "n"!$sis methodo!o%$
"##!ied+ re!ev"nt in#ut d"t"+ decision !o%ic "nd ris& m"tri@
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.7 -lternative survey arrangements 0 3age (+5
: references to document"tion used "re #rovided
: methodo!o%$ used for se!ectin% s$stems
: "n inventor$ !ist+ sorted "fter unit no or t"% no th"t sho,s the critic"!it$ of "!! units sh"!! be #roduced)
Gui+ance n%$eC
It is recommended th"t the "n"!$sis is #erformed on " !eve! in the e.ui#ment hier"rch$ ,here it is #ossib!e to identif$
" suit"b!e f"i!ure m"n"%ement #o!ic$) For most s$stem this ,i!! t$#ic"!!$ im#!$ th"t most of the "n"!$sis is #erformed
"t the !eve! ,here individu"! #um#s+ r"c&in% "rms+ motors etc c"n be found)
2)")5 If condition monitorin% of e.ui#ment is to be c"rried out "s #"rt of the RC= s$stem+ this is to be c"rried
out in "ccord"nce ,ith "n "##roved #ro%r"mme) See H2)BI for further det"i!s) Condition monitorin% of
e.ui#ment ,i!! norm"!!$ be "##roved on "n individu"! e.ui#ment)
2)")< *.-le.en$a$i%n sur1ey
A surve$ of the m"inten"nce s$stem is c"rried out ,hen the RC= b"sed #reventive m"inten"nce routines h"ve
been im#!emented) After "##ro@im"te!$ J months of o#er"tion the #ro#er o#er"tion of the s$stem is surve$ed
onbo"rd) In order to verif$ the cre,-s %ener"! &no,!ed%e+ the im#!ement"tion surve$ is to be c"rried out durin%
norm"! o#er"tion 'vo$"%e surve$() Provided " successfu! im#!ement"tion surve$+ " certific"te for the
="chiner$ P=S RC= ,i!! be issued st"tin% conditions for the surve$ "rr"n%ement)
2)")! To m"int"in the v"!idit$ of the surve$ "rr"n%ement P=S RC=+ "n "nnu"! surve$ of the im#!emented
m"inten"nce #ro%r"mme is re.uired+ #refer"b!$ durin% norm"! o#er"tion) This surve$ re#!"ces the "nnu"! "nd
rene,"! surve$s of m"chiner$ for com#onents inc!uded in the P=S RC= scheme) The #ur#ose of this surve$
is to revie, "nd ev"!u"te the #revious #eriod-s m"inten"nce "ctivities "nd to ensure th"t the s$stem is o#er"ted
The "nnu"! surve$ sh"!! consist of9
: s#ot chec& of e.ui#ment inc!uded in the scheme
: verific"tion of m"inten"nce records
: "ssessment of m"inten"nce h"nd!in% onbo"rd)
If found necess"r$ b$ the surve$or+ o#enin% or testin% of m"chiner$ m"$ be re.uired)
2)")!! Rene9al sur1ey
To #ro!on% the v"!idit$ of the surve$ "rr"n%ement " rene,"! surve$ of the im#!emented P=S RC= surve$
"rr"n%ement is re.uired) This c"n be done durin% norm"! o#er"tion or durin% rene,"! surve$) The #ur#ose of
the surve$ is to ensure th"t the conditions for "##rov"! of the s$stem "re sti!! "dhered to "nd th"t the resu!ts of
the m"inten"nce ,or& "chieve "cce#t"b!e resu!ts) The fo!!o,in% ,i!! norm"!!$ be revie,ed+ in "ddition to sco#e
of "nnu"! surve$9
: m"n"%ement
: s"fet$ incidents
: continuous im#rovement #rocesses
: function"! testin% of critic"! e.ui#ment
: verific"tion of critic"! #i#in% "nd structures)
The surve$ sco#e of e"ch of these to#ics is out!ined in H2)7)02I to H2)7)0CI)
2)")!2 The m"n"%ement of the unit is to be surve$ed durin% rene,"! surve$ in order to verif$ th"t the b"sis of
the surve$ "rr"n%ement is sti!! int"ct) This ,i!! inc!ude revie, of #rocedures+ verific"tion of cre, tr"inin% "nd
Gui+ance n%$eC
Durin% the im#!ement"tion of P=S RC= " revie, h"s been m"de of sever"! #"rts of the o,ner-s or%"niM"tion) Durin%
rene,"! surve$ the s"me to#ics ,i!! norm"!!$ be covered "s s#ot chec&s) Ho,ever m"or ch"n%es of the or%"niM"tion
cou!d %ive rise to "n incre"se in the surve$ sco#e)
2)")!, The revie, of s"fet$ incidents is conducted on " s#ot chec& b"sis) It is to be ensured th"t m"inten"nce
re!"ted incidents resu!t in tr"ce"b!e im#rovement "ctions "nd th"t the m"inten"nce ,or& itse!f is conducted in
" s"fe m"nner)
2)")!" The s$stem"tic continuous im#rovement effort is to be ev"!u"ted durin% the rene,"! surve$) It is to be
verified th"t the com#"n$ #rocedures "re com#!ied ,ith) Addition"!!$ it must be verified th"t the effort "ctu"!!$
c"uses tr"ce"b!e im#rovements in the #reventive m"inten"nce s$stem)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.7 -lternative survey arrangements 0 3age (+6
Gui+ance n%$eC
It is re.uired th"t the continuous im#rovement ,or& uti!iMes in#ut from s"fet$ re#orts+ feedb"c& from m"inten"nce
#ersonne! "nd "n"!$sis of re!ev"nt s$stems) Furthermore the resu!ts of the im#rovement "ctions sh"!! be ev"!u"ted b$
the o,ner in order to ensure th"t re"! im#rovements "re "chieved)
2)")!' The function"! testin% is intended to verif$ the #h$sic"! resu!ts of the m"inten"nce ,or& b$ observin%
the function of the e.ui#ment)
2)")!/ The critic"! structures "re verified b$ revie, of NDT obs in the m"inten"nce s$stem) Ho,ever+ if other
t"s&s h"ve been identified b$ the RC= "n"!$sis for the re!ev"nt f"i!ure modes+ these t"s&s ,i!! norm"!!$ be
"cce#ted "s "n "!tern"tive to NDT)
2)")!4 W%r> sur1ey
Khen C"te%or$ 0 e.ui#ment 'see T"b!e E/0 in DNV/OS/E010 Ch)E Sec)E( is overh"u!ed the DNV surve$or
sh"!! be cont"cted in order to "%ree the e@tent of his #"rtici#"tion durin% the ,or&)
2)' O&&sh%re CM ?c%n+i$i%n .%ni$%ring@
2)')! General
Offshore C= is " surve$ "rr"n%ement b"sed on use of "n "##roved service su##!ier for e@ecution of condition
monitorin% on rot"tin% m"chiner$ "nd dri!!in% e.ui#ment) A com#rehensive "##rov"! #rocess of the service
su##!ier is conducted in order to verif$ the #rocedures+ com#etence "nd resources of the com#"n$) The
im#!ement"tion surve$ "nd the "nnu"! surve$ of this "rr"n%ement t"&e #!"ce onshore or offshore)
2)')2 The surve$ "rr"n%ement is b"sed on com#!i"nce ,ith ISO 0CEBA 'vibr"tion me"surements( "nd c"n be
"##!ied to m"in c!"ss m"chiner$ "nd e.ui#ment "s covered b$ the DRILL not"tion)
2)'), The fo!!o,in% conditions must be fu!fi!!ed before the surve$ "rr"n%ement is v"!id9
: "##roved service su##!ier 'see Sec)D(
: successfu! im#!ement"tion surve$ 'see H2)B)AI(
: "##roved surve$ "rr"n%ement P=S 'see H2)EI()
2)')" ="chiner$ s$stems "nd dri!!in% e.ui#ment ,ith corres#ondin% surve$ method for this "rr"n%ement see
T"b!e 0/0)
2)')' A!! "##!ic"b!e C= document"tion inc!udin% C= #ro%r"mme+ #rocedures "nd re#orts sh"!! be in En%!ish)
2)')/ A##rov"! of the C= #ro%r"mme is b"sed on " descri#tion of the fo!!o,in%9
: m"inten"nce str"te%$
: monitorin% methods inc!udin% vibr"tion "nd !ubric"tion 'see H2)7)01I(
: im#!ement"tion of condition monitorin% in the #!"nned m"inten"nce s$stem
: tr"inin% #ro%r"mme*#!"n for invo!ved cre,) The o#er"tor c"rr$in% out condition monitorin% sh"!! be
.u"!ified "nd certified to the "##ro#ri"te !eve! for their sco#e of ,or&+ minimum C"te%or$ 0 in "ccord"nce
,ith ISO 0D7EJ/2
: n"me "nd "ddress of the "##ointed service su##!ier
: " !ist of the m"chiner$ s$stems "nd*or dri!!in% e.ui#ment inc!uded in the "rr"n%ement
: dr",in%s th"t sho, the me"surin% #oints "nd "n overvie, of the inst"!!ed e.ui#ment
: me"surin% #oints sh"!! be c!e"r!$ m"r&ed on the e.ui#ment ,ith uni.ue ID
: communic"tions #!"n th"t out!ines the o,nerOs communic"tion ,ith DNV "nd the service su##!ier
: EV certific"tes "re to be #rovided if e.ui#ment is inst"!!ed in h"M"rdous "re"s)
Gui+ance n%$eC
The choice of conditionin% monitorin% str"te%$ h"s subst"nti"! inf!uence on the sco#e of ,or& of the cre,) For
inst"nce "n on!ine s$stem re.uires "nother !eve! of invo!vement th"n use of h"ndhe!d me"surin% e.ui#ment) This must
be ref!ected in the m"inten"nce s$stem+ tr"inin% m"nu"!s etc) It sh"!! be verified th"t the #rocess com#!ies ,ith
2)')4 D"m"%e to m"chiner$ s$stems or e.ui#ment covered b$ c!"ssific"tion sh"!! "!,"$s be re#orted to the
Societ$ "nd into the #!"nned m"inten"nce s$stem "s " corrective "ction)
2)')5 If the conditions for the surve$ "rr"n%ement "re not com#!ied ,ith or in c"se of ch"n%e of technic"!
m"n"%er of the vesse!+ the surve$ "rr"n%ement ,i!! be "utom"tic"!!$ c"nce!!ed) The "rr"n%ement is "!so
c"nce!!ed if the service su##!ier !oses his "##rov"!)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.7 -lternative survey arrangements 0 3age (+7
Gui+ance n%$eC
;ener"!!$ it is necess"r$ to com#!$ ,ith ISO0CEBA or simi!"r!$ reco%nised st"nd"rd)
2)')< *.-le.en$a$i%n sur1ey
An im#!ement"tion surve$ is re.uired in order to verif$ th"t the C= #ro%r"mme is #ro#er!$ im#!emented "nd
o#er"ted) It sh"!! be demonstr"ted th"t the onshore "nd offshore m"inten"nce "nd "dministr"tive s$stems ensure
" #ro#er o#er"tion of the surve$ "rr"n%ement) The surve$ norm"!!$ consists of "n offshore #"rt "nd "n onshore
#"rt) The surve$ shou!d t"&e #!"ce ,hen the s$stem h"s been o#er"tin% for "##ro@im"te!$ J months) >"sed on
simi!"r recent surve$ ,ith the s"me o,ner the onshore or offshore surve$ m"$ be omitted)
2)')! 7u6rica$ing an+ hy+raulic %il analysis
The b"sic re.uirements to the !ubric"tin%*h$dr"u!ic oi! s"m#!es "re "s fo!!o,s9
: Oi! s"m#!es sh"!! be submitted for "n"!$sis on " re%u!"r b"sis "s recommended b$ the "##roved service
: 3"bor"tor$ "n"!$sis re#orts "nd document"tion of fo!!o,/u# of recommended "ctions sh"!! be "v"i!"b!e)
: The oi! s"m#!in% #oint shou!d be c!e"r!$ identified "nd #ositioned to ensure th"t the s"m#!e is t"&en "t the
s"me #osition e"ch time)
: If #ossib!e+ s"m#!es shou!d be "c.uired from the return f!o,+ usu"!!$ this ,i!! me"n immedi"te!$
do,nstre"m from the com#onent in .uestion)
: Oi! s"m#!es "re "!,"$s to be "c.uired ,hi!e the e.ui#ment is o#er"tin% "nd the oi! is circu!"tin%)
: >efore s"m#!in%+ " sufficient dr"inin% is re.uired to ensure re#resent"tive oi! s"m#!es)
: Kherever s"m#!es intended for #"rtic!e countin% "re "c.uired+ s#eci"! u!tr"/c!e"n #"rtic!e free e.ui#ment
"nd bott!es "re to be used) >oth the s"m#!in% #oint "nd the #rocedure "re to be desi%ned so "s to minimiMe
the ris& of cont"min"tion)
3ubric"tin% "nd h$dr"u!ic oi! s"m#!es sh"!! be submitted to the de!iverin% oi! com#"n$ or "n inde#endent
"ccredited oi! "n"!$sis !"bor"tor$)
For !ubric"tin% oi!s the sco#e of ,or& shou!d+ "s " minimum+ be9
: ,"ter content
: sodium content 's"!t(
: f!"sh #oint
: ,e"r #"rtic!es
: viscosit$
: b"se number
: inso!ub!e m"teri"!)
For h$dr"u!ic oi!s the sco#e of ,or& shou!d+ "s " minimum+ be9
: ,"ter content
: viscosit$
: ,e"r #"rtic!es
: "cid number)
For h$dr"u!ic s$stems ,ith hi%h c!e"n!iness dem"nds s#ecified b$ m"nuf"cturer+ #"rtic!e countin% shou!d be
2)')!! Annual sur1ey
To m"int"in the v"!idit$ of the surve$ "rr"n%ement Offshore C=+ "n "nnu"! surve$ of the im#!emented
condition monitorin% #ro%r"mme is re.uired) Norm"!!$ the surve$ t"&es #!"ce onshore+ b"sed on submitted
document"tion from the o,ner) This surve$ re#!"ces the "nnu"! "nd rene,"! surve$ of m"chiner$ "nd
com#onents inc!uded in the condition monitorin% scheme) The #ur#ose of this surve$ is to ensure th"t the
s$stem is o#er"ted correct!$ "nd th"t the s"fet$ inte%rit$ !eve! of the vesse! is &e#t int"ct) Khere more th"n one
vesse! fo!!o, the s"me scheme+ the "nnu"! surve$ c"n be b"sed on s#ot chec&s of " re#resent"tive se!ection of
2)')!2 The "nnu"! surve$ sh"!! consist of e@"min"tion of9
: condition monitorin% records
: m"inten"nce records
: C= h"nd!in% onbo"rd+ for inst"nce co!!ection of d"t" "nd res#onse to recommend"tions from service
: re#orts "nd m"inten"nce records from bre"&do,ns)
If it is not #ro#er!$ demonstr"ted th"t the s$stem is correct!$ o#er"ted "nd th"t it serves to ensure the technic"!
inte%rit$ !eve! of the "sset+ o#enin% or testin% of m"chiner$ m"$ be re.uired)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.7 -lternative survey arrangements 0 3age (+8
2)')!, A--r%1al %& ser1ice su--lier
The "##roved service su##!ier is %r"nted " %ener"! "uthoris"tion to c"rr$ out condition monitorin% in order to
cover the sco#e of "nnu"! "nd rene,"! surve$ of m"chiner$ "nd e.ui#ment) This "uthoris"tion is v"!id for three
$e"rs "nd the "##rov"! fo!!o,s St"nd"rd for Certific"tion No) 2)A+ A##rov"! Pro%r"mme No) 70J+ see Sec)D)
2)')!" Thrus$er CM ?c%n+i$i%n .%ni$%ring@
Thrusters m"$ be inc!uded "s #"rt of "n Offshore C= "rr"n%ement) As "n "!tern"tive to use of "n "##roved
service su##!ier for C= on thrusters+ " c"se b$ c"se "##rov"! c"n be c"rried out)
2)')!' The "##rov"! sh"!! verif$ the #rocedures+ com#etence "nd resources of " com#"n$ invo!ved in
e@ecution of condition monitorin%)
2)')!/ A##rov"! ,i!! on!$ be %r"nted for one o,ner "nd*or com#"n$ "nd ,i!! fo!!o, the s"me "##rov"! #rocess
"s out!ined in St"nd"rd for Certific"tion No) 2)A+ A##rov"! Pro%r"mme No) 70J ,ithout the com#"n$ "udit)
The sco#e of the "udit ,i!! #"rti"!!$ be covered durin% the im#!ement"tion surve$)
, S$ruc$ural sur1ey arrange.en$s
,)! General
The different hu!! surve$ "rr"n%ements "re b"sed on the s"me inventor$ !ist est"b!ished for the vesse!) The
difference is the conditions for obt"inin% "nd m"int"inin% the surve$ "rr"n%ement) If " surve$ "rr"n%ement is
not s#ecified+ the #eriodic"! surve$ re.uirements "s det"i!ed in Sec)7 sh"!! be fo!!o,ed)
The fo!!o,in% surve$ "rr"n%ements "re "v"i!"b!e9
: Structur"! Continuous surve$ "rr"n%ement+ see HE)2I
: Structur"! inte%rit$ m"n"%ement 'SI=(+ see HE)EI)
,)2 S$ruc$ural c%n$inu%us sur1ey arrange.en$
,)2)! Structur"! Continuous is " surve$ "rr"n%ement ,hereb$ the surve$ items in the hu!! !ist est"b!ished for
the unit "re subect to se#"r"te surve$s ,ith interv"! B $e"rs) The "rr"n%ement sh"!! #rovide for surve$ of
"##ro@im"te!$ 21Q of the tot"! number of surve$ items durin% e"ch $e"r of the five/$e"r c!"ss #eriod)
,)2)2 For shi#/sh"#ed units over 01 $e"rs of "%e+ "s s#ecified b$ Ru!es for Shi#s Pt)C Ch)0 Sec)E >01E9
: "!! b"!!"st t"n&s "nd t"n&s used for se,"%e 'b!"c& ,"ter( "nd*or ,"ste,"ter '%re$ ,"ter(+ sh"!! be e@"mined
t,ice in e"ch five/$e"r c!"ss #eriod "nd the "rr"n%ement sh"!! #rovide for "##ro@im"te!$ 71Q of the tot"!
number of surve$ items for such t"n&s durin% e"ch $e"r of the five/$e"r c!"ss #eriod)
,), S$ruc$ural in$egri$y .anage.en$ ?S*M@
,),)! SI= is " surve$ "rr"n%ement offered "s "n inte%r"! #"rt of c!"ssific"tion com#!i"nce for the hu!! structure
throu%h the "!i%nment "nd inte%r"tion of c!"ssific"tion re.uirements ,ith "n "##roved "nd im#!emented
ins#ection s$stem) The s$stem #erform"nce "nd condition of hu!! structure "nd m"inten"nce ,or& c"rried out
sh"!! be verified b$ the Societ$ durin% "nnu"! surve$ "nd in connection ,ith rene,"! surve$ of the unit)
,),)2 SI= surve$ "rr"n%ement "!!o,s for u# to h"!f of the hu!! items covered b$ the unitOs ins#ection #ro%r"m
'SI=( to be ins#ected b$ the o,ner) >"sed on this ins#ection+ the societ$ c"n credit the re!ev"nt hu!! items "t
"nnu"! surve$)
,),), A##rov"! of the "rr"n%ement sh"!! inc!ude " document"tion revie, coverin% " descri#tion of the
: ins#ection res#onsibi!ities "nd functions 'SI= res#onsib!e #erson on bo"rd(
: tr"inin% #ro%r"mme*#!"n for invo!ved #ersonne!
: ins#ection m"nu"!*instruction inc!udin% r"tin%s "nd "cce#t"nce criteri"
: communic"tions #!"n th"t out!ines the o,nerOs communic"tion ,ith DNV)
,),)" Ins#ection b$ the o,ner sh"!! be #erformed b$ .u"!ified #ersonne!) <u"!ific"tion "ccordin% to9
: NS 70B/0 3eve! 0 certific"tion orP
: SI= tr"inin% "rr"n%ed b$ the societ$)
,),)' If the conditions for the surve$ "rr"n%ement "re not com#!ied ,ith or in c"se of ch"n%e of technic"!
m"n"%ement of the unit+ the surve$ "rr"n%ement ,i!! be c"nce!!ed "nd substituted b$ Hu!! Continuous surve$
,),)/ The DNV surve$or c"n+ if found necess"r$+ re.uire " re/surve$ of hu!! items ins#ected b$ the o,ner)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.7 -lternative survey arrangements 0 3age (+9
,),)4 The fo!!o,in% conditions must be fu!fi!!ed before the surve$ "rr"n%ement is v"!id9
: "##roved ins#ection #ro%r"m "nd re#ortin% s$stem
: certified ins#ection #ersonne!
: successfu! im#!ement"tion surve$ 'see HE)E)AI()
,),)5 In c"se of ch"n%e of m"n"%er*o,ner+ the surve$ "rr"n%ement is "utom"tic"!!$ c"nce!!ed) The
"rr"n%ement is "!so c"nce!!ed if it is evident th"t the conditions of the "rr"n%ement "re not com#!ied ,ith) An$
ch"n%es to the "rr"n%ement ,i!! be subect to c!"ss "##rov"!)
,),)< *.-le.en$a$i%n sur1ey
An im#!ement"tion surve$ sh"!! be c"rried out on bo"rd the unit in order to verif$ th"t the s$stem h"s been
im#!emented in "ccord"nce ,ith the "##roved document"tion "nd th"t the s$stem is used "s intended) It is
re.uired th"t the SI= s$stem h"s been o#er"ted for "t !e"st J months "nd*or minimum E ins#ection h"ve been
#erformed before the im#!ement"tion surve$ is c"rried out)
,),)! The surve$ ,i!! inc!ude the fo!!o,in%9
: correct use "ccordin% to "##roved ins#ection #ro%r"m "nd re#ortin% s$stem
: ins#ection #erformed on!$ b$ certified ins#ection #ersonne!
: certific"tion of ins#ectors "v"i!"b!e
: ins#ection res#onsibi!ities "nd functions
: tr"inin% #ro%r"mme*#!"n for invo!ved #ersonne!
: ins#ection m"nu"!*instruction on/bo"rd "nd th"t invo!ved #ersonne! is f"mi!i"r ,ith the s$stem)
: communic"tions #!"n th"t out!ines the o,nerOs communic"tion ,ith DNV)
,),)!! Annual sur1ey
To m"int"in the v"!idit$ of the SI= surve$ "rr"n%ement+ "n "nnu"! surve$ of the "rr"n%ement is re.uired) The
#ur#ose of this surve$ is to ensure #ro#er use of the "rr"n%ement "nd th"t the s"fet$ inte%rit$ !eve! of the unit
is &e#t int"ct)
,),)!2 Rene9al sur1ey
Rene,"! surve$ is not " #"rt of this surve$ "rr"n%ement)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.8 "urveys performed by approved companies 0 3age (5)
! Sur1eys 6y a--r%1e+ c%.-anies
!)! General
!)!)! P"rts of the #eriodic"! surve$s m"$ be c"rried out b$ com#"nies "##roved b$ DNV) The fo!!o,in% surve$
#"rts m"$ be #erformed b$ such com#"nies9
: thic&ness me"surements
: bottom surve$ "f!o"t
: %ener"! NDT
: moorin% !ine surve$
: condition monitorin%)
!)2 Thic>ness .easure.en$s
!)2)! Thic&ness me"surements "s #"rt of the #eriodic"! surve$s sh"!! be c"rried out b$ " .u"!ified com#"n$
"##roved b$ the Societ$)
!)2)2 Thic&ness me"surements sh"!! norm"!!$ be c"rried out b$ me"ns of u!tr"sonic test e.ui#ment) The
"ccur"c$ of the e.ui#ment sh"!! be #roven to the surve$or "s re.uired)
!)2), A thic&ness me"surement re#ort sh"!! be #re#"red) The re#ort sh"!! %ive the !oc"tion of the
me"surements+ the thic&ness me"sured "nd the corres#ondin% ori%in"! thic&ness) Furthermore+ the re#ort sh"!!
%ive the d"te ,hen the me"surements ,ere c"rried out+ t$#e of me"surin% e.ui#ment+ n"mes of #ersonne! "nd
their .u"!ific"tions) The re#ort sh"!! be si%ned b$ the o#er"tor)
Gui+ance n%$eC
For more inform"tion+ see St"nd"rd for Certific"tion No) 2)A * A##rov"! Pro%r"mme No) 712A9 FFirms En%"%ed in
4!tr"sonic Thic&ness =e"surements of Shi#-s StructureG)
!), A%$$%. sur1ey a&l%a$
An "##roved com#"n$ sh"!! be used) The surve$ sh"!! be ,itnessed b$ " surve$or of the Societ$) The diver
sh"!! use #ictori"! e.ui#ment of such .u"!it$ th"t the surve$or is fu!!$ s"tisfied ,ith the inform"tion re!"$ed)
Gui+ance n%$eC
For more inform"tion+ see St"nd"rd for Certific"tion No) 2)A * A##rov"! Pro%r"mme No) 7179 FService Su##!iers
C"rr$in% Out In/,"ter Surve$ of Shi#s+ Hi%h S#eed "nd 3i%ht Cr"ft "nd =obi!e Offshore 4nitsG)
!)" N%n8+es$ruc$i1e $es$ing
Non/destructive testin% "s #"rt of the #eriodic"! surve$s sh"!! be c"rried out b$ " .u"!ified com#"n$ "##roved
b$ the Societ$)
Gui+ance n%$eC
For more inform"tion+ see St"nd"rd for Certific"tion No) 2)A * A##rov"! Pro%r"mme No) 712>9 FFirms En%"%ed in
Non/Destructive Testin% 'NDT( on Offshore Proects "nd Offshore 4nits*Com#onentsG)
!)' M%%ring chain ins-ec$i%ns
Dr$ ins#ection of moorin% !ines "s #"rt of the #eriodic"! surve$s sh"!! be c"rried out b$ " .u"!ified com#"n$
"##roved b$ the Societ$)
Gui+ance n%$eC
For more inform"tion+ see St"nd"rd for Certific"tion No) 2)A * A##rov"! Pro%r"mme No) 70E9 FService Su##!iers
En%"%ed in Rene,"! Surve$ E@"min"tion of =oorin% Ch"in Intended for =obi!e Offshore 4nitsG)
!)/ C%n+i$i%n .%ni$%ring
Condition monitorin% "s #"rt of DNV-s #eriodic"! surve$s of m"chiner$ com#onents "nd e.ui#ment inc!)
dri!!in% e.ui#ment+ c"n be c"rried out b$ " com#"n$ "##roved b$ the Societ$)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,h.4 "ec.8 "urveys performed by approved companies 0 3age (5(
Gui+ance n%$eC
For more inform"tion+ see St"nd"rd for Certific"tion No) 2)A * A##rov"! Pro%r"mme No) 70J FService Su##!iers
En%"%ed in condition monitorin% of m"chiner$ onbo"rd =obi!e Offshore 4nitsG)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
-pp.- "pecial considerations for conversions 0 3age (5#
A)! Aasic -rinci-les
A)!)! *n$r%+uc$i%n
This "##endi@ h"s been #re#"red to m"&e "v"i!"b!e DNV-s "##ro"ch for "n efficient tr"nsfer of e@istin% %"s
c"rriers to offshore #roduction "nd stor"%e units or inst"!!"tions)
A)!)2 Assu.-$i%ns
DNV "ssumes th"t the c"rrier bein% #ro#osed for conversion9
: ho!ds " v"!id c!"ss certific"te from " reco%nised c!"ssific"tion societ$
: h"s been "ssessed "nd considered suit"b!e for the intended ne, dut$ "nd service !ife "t " s#ecified !oc"tion)
A)!), Main -rinci-les
#..". A!! ne, s$stems sh"!! com#!$ ,ith the !"test DNV Ru!es or st"nd"rds or reco%nised intern"tion"!
st"nd"rds) =odified s$stems ,i!! norm"!!$ be "cce#ted b"sed on Ru!es or st"nd"rds "##!ic"b!e "t the time of
construction) A!tern"tive so!utions ,i!! be considered b"sed on sound en%ineerin% #rinci#!es)
#..".! St"nd"rd "nd -fie!d #roven- e.ui#ment m"$ be "cce#ted ,ithout bein% subected to re/certific"tion+
,hen e.ui#ment certific"te 'e)%) from " reco%nised c!"ssific"tion societ$( or other su##ortin% document"tion
#rovides evidence of suit"bi!it$ for intended use)
Gui+ance n%$eC
Evidence of suit"bi!it$ for intended use of fie!d #roven e.ui#ment m"$ be documented throu%h records of s"tisf"ctor$
o#er"tion ,ith identic"! e.ui#ment "t simi!"r c!im"tic conditions+ environment"! "nd o#er"tin% #"r"meters for "
re#resent"tive number of inst"!!"tions 'indic"tion T 01( "nd #eriod of time 'indic"tion T 2 $e"rs()
#.."." Devi"tions from re.uirements "##!ic"b!e to unrestricted ,or!d,ide o#er"tion ,i!! be "ccommod"ted+
b$ ev"!u"tin% fitness for #ur#ose "t the s#ecific !oc"tion) The criteri" "nd !imit"tions for the unit or inst"!!"tion+
s$stems or com#onents ,i!! be st"ted in the FA##endi@ to the c!"ssific"tion certific"teG)
#..".< A##rov"! schemes ,ith terms of reference other th"n DNV ru!es or st"nd"rds ,i!! be "!!o,ed for
s#ecific s$stems+ ,hen such references "re found to %ive "n "cce#t"b!e s"fet$ !eve! e.uiv"!ent to the ru!es or
#..".= Rene,"! surve$s on !oc"tion+ "voidin% dr$/doc&in%+ ,i!! be "ccommod"ted to the e@tent fe"sib!e)
Gui+ance n%$eC
O,ners "re encour"%ed to consider "t the conversion st"%e the in/service ins#ection "s#ects of the unit on !oc"tion)
The fo!!o,in% "re "re"s ,here sm"!! ch"n%es m"de "t the conversion st"%e c"n contribute to better "nd more cost/
effective fo!!o,/u# in service9
5verboard valves
Consider fittin% borosco#e fittin%s do,nstre"m of the v"!ves)
Consider ho, o#enin%*re#!"cin% v"!ves c"n be s"fe!$ c"rried out offshore) Attention to be #"id to the effect of c!osin%
" se" chest+ or !osin% the use of " v"!ve)
Ins#ection on !oc"tion+ remov"! if d"m"%e is found)
Survey of bottom
Consider m"r&in%s to "!!o, identific"tion of !oc"tion of ROV*diver 'see Ch)2 Sec)0 H02I()
Consider fittin% of hin%ed se" chest %rids)
Surve$ of t"i!sh"ft s$stems "nd rudder s$stems+ e)%) ,"ter !ubric"ted rudder be"rin%s shou!d be "rr"n%ed to "!!o,
c!e"r"nces t"&en on !oc"tion)
&ooring systems
Ho, to surve$ the #"rt of the s$stem th"t is c!ose to the hu!! or the unit)
Ho, to surve$ the "re" #"st the thr"sh Mone)
Surve$ of the S3P*ST3 connections to the hu!! "nd the intern"!s in the hu!! o#enin%s)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
-pp.- "pecial considerations for conversions 0 3age (54
A)2 Class n%$a$i%ns
A)2)! C%n1ersi%ns
C!"ss not"tions "##!ic"b!e to conversions ,i!! be "s %iven for #roduction "nd stor"%e units in Ch)0 Sec)E)
A), Technical gui+ance &%r classi&ica$i%n
A),)! General
#.".. A!! ne, or modified structures+ s$stems "nd com#onents sh"!! com#!$ ,ith the current c!"ss Ru!es in
force "t the time of si%nin% the c!"ssific"tion contr"ct)
#."..! A!! other structures+ s$stems "nd com#onents ,i!! in #rinci#!e be "cce#ted b"sed on Ru!es "##!ic"b!e
"t the time of construction ',hen the t"n&er ,"s first c!"ssed(+ if suit"b!e for the intended #ur#ose)
A)" Hull an+ $%-si+e s$ruc$ures
A)")! M%%ring
Kith fe, e@ce#tions+ the usu"! st"tion/&ee#in% conce#ts "re s#re"d moorin% for re!"tive!$ sh"!!o, to
intermedi"te ,"ter de#ths+ "nd sin%!e/#oint moorin% for dee#er ,"ters)
There "re b"sic"!!$ t,o "##ro"ches for certific"tion of the moorin% s$stem desi%n9
: in "ccord"nce ,ith c!"ss ru!esP or "!tern"tive!$
: in "ccord"nce ,ith reco%nised intern"tion"! st"nd"rds 'e)%) API RP 2SK()
A)")2 Marine sys$e.s an+ e0ui-.en$
The m"rine s$stem #i#in% "nd e.ui#ment "re c"te%orised in three %rou#s b"sed on the sco#e of the conversion
a( +ot sub>ected to any alterationD or any effect from the modification of the related systems
These s$stems "nd e.ui#ment ,i!! be "cce#ted b"sed on re.uirements for rene,"! surve$)
b( Sub>ected to alteration and modifications
These s$stems ,i!! be "cce#ted "s !on% "s the modific"tion of the e.ui#ment "nd s$stem is c"rried out in
"ccord"nce ,ith Ru!es+ or reco%nised intern"tion"! st"nd"rds) =odific"tion to s$stems "nd com#onents
,hich "re identified "s s"fet$ critic"! sh"!! be subect to "##rov"!) The modified s$stem sh"!! "!so under%o
s"tisf"ctor$ #ressure or function testin% "s re.uired b$ the Ru!es for C!"ssific"tion of Shi#s+ Pt)C+ "s
"##!ic"b!e for rene,"! surve$)
c( +ew systems and e9uipment
Ne, s$stems "nd e.ui#ment th"t "re covered b$ the c!"ss sco#e ,i!! be subect to "##rov"! b"sed on c!"ss
ru!es "nd*or intern"tion"! st"nd"rds "nd sh"!! under%o s"tisf"ctor$ #ressure or function testin% "s "##!ic"b!e
b"sed on the Ru!es for C!"ssific"tion of Shi#s+ Pt)7 "nd Pt)C+ for "cce#t"nce)
A)"), Elec$rical an+ ins$ru.en$a$i%n
T$#ic"! conse.uences of conversions ,i!! be incre"sed #o,er dem"nd "nd h"M"rdous Mone "!ter"tions) This
re.uires incor#or"tion of ne, e!ements to the e@istin% s$stems+ "nd obt"inin% un"mbi%uous "re" c!"ssific"tion
,ith m"tchin% e.ui#ment re.uirements) Inte%r"tion of instrument"tion for m"rine "##!ic"tions ,ith ne,
#rocess "nd off!o"din% functions need to be im#!emented b"sed on " consistent "##ro"ch) C!"ss re.uirements
"re b"sed on IEC st"nd"rds 'J0DA2 / series()
In c"se of incor#or"tin% 4S b"sed e.ui#ment+ the h"M"rdous "re" definitions ,i!! need s#ecific "ttention ,ith
#"rticu!"r focus on Div 0 "nd fu!fi!ment of Uone 1 "nd 0 re.uirements) DNV "cce#t e!ectric"! e.ui#ment for
h"M"rdous "re"s #rovided t$#e test certific"tes issued b$ " reco%nised test !"bor"tor$ or institution su##ort
these) This "!so "##!ies to 4S b"sed 43 * F= !isted e!ectric"! e.ui#ment u#on ev"!u"tion of #remises for use
"nd sco#e of testin%) Re.uirements to e!ectric"! inst"!!"tion "s #er the SO3AS convention "##!ic"b!e to
F3i.uefied ;"s T"n&ersG m"$ be re/ev"!u"ted+ t"&in% into "ccount the ne, intended dut$ "nd service)
A)")" Sa&e$y sys$e.s an+ arrange.en$
#.<.<. S"fet$ s$stems ,i!! be subect to "##rov"! irres#ective of the c!"ss sco#e chosen) The focus ,i!! m"in!$
be on s$stems th"t h"ve %!ob"! im#"ct on the s"fet$ of the vesse!+ "nd the effect from s"fet$ "nd contro! s$stems
be$ond the individu"! #rocess s&id or modu!e)
The s"fet$ s$stems inc!ude the fo!!o,in%9
: h"M"rdous "re" c!"ssific"tion
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
-pp.- "pecial considerations for conversions 0 3age (5+
: i%nition #revention 'revie, of -e@- e.ui#ment suit"b!e for h"M"rdous "re"(
: fire "nd %"s detection s$stem
: fi@ed fire fi%htin% s$stem
: emer%enc$ shutdo,n s$stem)
#.<.<.! Interf"ce bet,een s"fet$ "nd m"rine s$stems ,i!! be ev"!u"ted to ensure th"t "ddition of the
h$droc"rbon #rocess #!"nt h"s not com#romised the s"fet$ "nd function"!it$ of the m"rine s$stems)
#.<.<." The "rr"n%ement "nd !"$/out of the #rocessin% #!"nt shou!d be considered in vie, of fire "nd e@#!osion
h"M"rds+ de#endin% on siMe "nd com#!e@it$ of the #!"nt+ "s ,e!! "s !oc"tion in re!"tion to "ccommod"tion+
esc"#e+ she!ter "nd ev"cu"tion f"ci!ities) Protection of e.ui#ment from o#er"tion of the #!"nt shou!d be
considered+ e)%) cr"nes "nd !"$ do,n "re"s to be in !oc"tions "voidin% !iftin% o#er"tions over #ressurised
#.<.<.< Due re%"rds shou!d be %iven to the "!re"d$ bui!t/in s"fet$ fe"tures re.uired to fu!fi! the IC33+ SO3AS
"nd =ARPO3 re.uirements)
#.<.<.= In "ddition+ s#eci"! consider"tions sh"!! be m"de in c"se of o#er"tion"! conditions devi"tin% from the
desi%n conditions+ for e@"m#!e o#er"tion in co!d c!im"te mi%ht c"!! for "ddition"! he"t tr"cin%)
A)' A++i$i%nal ser1ices
A)')! General
Descri#tion of "ddition"! DNV services re!"ted to conversion #roects ,ithin the "re"s of #re/conversion+ c!"ss
tr"nsfer+ subse" inst"!!"tions+ #roduction f"ci!ities "nd in/service su##ort c"n be found "t the DNV ,eb site
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
-pp.< Introduction to offshore classification 0 3age (55
A)! *n$r%+uc$i%n
A)!)! 2ur-%se
$... This "##endi@ is inform"tive "nd shou!d not be understood "s ru!e re.uirements) The "##endi@
e@#!"ins the s$stem of c!"ssific"tion+ ho, it ,or&s+ conditions of v"!idit$+ "nd its inter"ction ,ith st"tutor$
contro!) This inform"tion is to " !"r%e e@tent im#!ied b$ the ru!es+ but " brief c!"rific"tion of the essenti"! #oints
in one #!"ce is considered usefu!)
A)2 The classi&ica$i%n sys$e.
A)2)! The classi&ica$i%n -r%cess an+ i$s li.i$a$i%ns
$.!.. C!"ssific"tion is " s$stem for s"fe%u"rdin% !ife "nd #ro#ert$ "t se"+ "nd the environment due to
o#er"tion"! conse.uences) It im#!ies " #rocess of verif$in% offshore obects "%"inst " set of re.uirements) The
re.uirements "re !"id do,n in the ru!es "nd st"nd"rds est"b!ished b$ DNV) C!"ssific"tion h"s %"ined ,or!d,ide
reco%nition "s "n "de.u"te !eve! of s"fet$ "nd .u"!it$)
$.!..! C!"ssific"tion im#!ies "n "ctivit$+ in ,hich " unit is surve$ed durin% construction b"sed on desi%n
"##rov"!+ tested before bein% t"&en into service+ "nd surve$ed re%u!"r!$ durin% its ,ho!e o#er"tion"! !ife unti!
it is scr"##ed) The "im is to verif$ th"t the re.uired ru!e st"nd"rd is bui!t in+ observed "nd m"int"ined)
$.!.." C!"ssific"tion is not #erformed "s " substitute for the customer-s o,n .u"!it$ "nd s"fet$ contro! "nd
re!"ted duties+ or the customer-s ob!i%"tions to third #"rties+ nor to re!ieve the customer of "n$ conse.uences of
def"u!t) C!"ssific"tion im#!ies th"t ru!e re.uirements "re verified "t re%u!"r interv"!s) It is the o,ner-s
res#onsibi!it$ to m"int"in the unit so "s to com#!$ ,ith the ru!es "t "!! times)
$.!..< DNV &ee#s com#!ete fi!es on "!! c!"ssed shi#s "nd units coverin% the document"tion re.uired b$ the
ru!es) Re#orts ,i!! not be disc!osed to "n$ #"rt$+ "#"rt from the n"tion"! "uthorities invo!ved+ ,ithout the
o,ner-s consent) DNV "!so undert"&es "!! re#ortin% to n"tion"! "uthorities re.uired in connection ,ith the
s"fet$ certific"tes)
A)2)2 Wh% nee+s classi&ica$i%nI
$.!.!. C!"ssific"tion serves "s verific"tion s$stem for " number of #"rties ,ho h"ve s#eci"! interest in the
s"fet$ "nd .u"!it$ of units+ such "s9
: N"tion"! "uthorities+ ,ho "cce#t units for re%istr$+ or !et units into their territori"! ,"ters+ need "ssur"nce
th"t the$ "re s"fe "nd re#resent " minimum h"M"rd to their surroundin%s)
: Insur"nce under,riters re.uire units to be c!"ssed in order to %ive insur"nce)
: O,ners+ ,ho need the technic"! st"nd"rd of the ru!es "s b"sis for bui!din% contr"cts "nd to document the
unit-s st"nd"rd ,hen see&in% insur"nce or fin"ncin%+ or ,hen hirin% out or se!!in% the unit)
: >ui!din% $"rds "nd sub/contr"ctors use the ru!es "s " too! for desi%n "nd construction+ "s re.uired b$ their
: Fin"nce institutions use c!"ssific"tion "s " documented indic"tor of the unit-s v"!ue)
: Ch"rterers re.uire confirm"tion of the unit-s st"nd"rd before hire)
A)2), Rec%gni$i%n %& DN;
$.!.". DNV is reco%nised "s "n intern"tion"! c!"ssific"tion societ$ b$ virtue of its #osition in the m"rine
industr$+ founded on the fo!!o,in% criteri"9
: >$ c!"ssin% " subst"nti"! sh"re of the ,or!d f!eet "nd throu%h hi%h e.uit$ "nd fin"nci"! inde#endence+ the
economic b"sis for inde#endent decisions in c!"ssific"tion m"tters is ensured)
6igh technical competence
: E@tensive rese"rch "nd deve!o#ment in c!"ss re!"ted fie!ds sust"in " #rocess ,here the ru!es "nd st"nd"rds
"re continuous!$ e@tended "nd im#roved in #"ce ,ith ne, techno!o%$ "nd e@#erience %"ined) Rese"rch "nd
deve!o#ment "!so contributes to " hi%h !eve! of st"ff com#etence)
: Continuous monitorin% of " !"r%e c!"ssed f!eet ensures v"!u"b!e feedb"c& from c"su"!ties+ d"m"%e incidents
"nd o#er"tion"! e@#erience in %ener"!) An"!$ses of these d"t" "re one im#ort"nt source of im#rovements of
the ru!es)
: DNV runs " scheme for tr"inin% "nd .u"!ific"tion of its technic"! #ersonne! to ensure correct+ uniform
.u"!it$ of "##rov"! "nd surve$ ,or& throu%hout the or%"nis"tion)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
-pp.< Introduction to offshore classification 0 3age (56
:orldwide survey station networ,
: DNV o#er"tes surve$ st"tions "!! over the ,or!d) Efficient re#ortin% "nd inform"tion s$stems su##ort the
o#er"tions+ "nd #rovide service to customers "nd n"tion"! "uthorities)
A)2)" Res-%nsi6ili$y &%r sa&e$y a$ sea
$.!.<. N"tion"! !", institutes n"tion"! "uthorities- res#onsibi!it$ for the tot"! s"fet$ contro! of units f!$in% the
n"tion"! f!"%) C!"ssific"tion c"nnot in "n$ ,"$ re!ieve the n"tion"! "uthorities of th"t res#onsibi!it$)
$.!.<.! N"tion"! "uthorities m"$ use the c!"ssific"tion s$stem "nd DNV-s ,or!d,ide surve$ st"tion net,or&
"s their e@ecutive br"nch for s"fet$ contro!) The convenience of this "rr"n%ement is #roved b$ the f"ct th"t
DNV h"s been de!e%"ted e@tensive "uthoris"tion to ,or& "nd certif$ on beh"!f of the m"orit$ of the m"ritime
n"tions of the ,or!d)
$.!.<." The c!"ssific"tion s$stem "##!ied to de!e%"ted+ st"tutor$ ,or& offers the n"tion"! "uthorities re%u!"r
monitorin% of surve$ "nd certific"te st"tus of units f!$in% their f!"%) Verific"tion of DNV-s ,or& #rocess "nd
.u"!it$ s$stems m"$ "!so be c"rried out) In this ,"$+ n"tion"! contro! is ret"ined "t the discretion of the "uthorit$
A)2)' Classi&ica$i%n %& ne96uil+ings
$.!.=. The bui!der initi"tes the #rocess b$ submittin% " re.uest for c!"ssific"tion to DNV) In res#onse to " !ist
of document"tion issued b$ DNV for the s#ecific c!"ss not"tions re.uested+ the bui!der "nd sub/su##!iers
submit dr",in%s+ s#ecific"tions+ re!"ted technic"! descri#tions "nd d"t"+ inc!udin% s#ecific"tion of m"teri"!s "s
re.uired b$ c!"ss+ for "##rov"!)
$.!.=.! After e@"minin% the "bove documents+ DNV informs the bui!der "nd sub/su##!ier ,hether the desi%n
"nd "rr"n%ement of structure+ m"chiner$ "nd e.ui#ment is "cce#t"b!e) If not+ DNV m"$ #ro#ose modific"tions
needed to meet the c!"ssific"tion re.uirements)
$.!.=." Durin% the bui!din% #eriod DNV c"rries out surve$s "t the bui!din% $"rd "nd its su##!iers) To "ssess
com#!i"nce ,ith the ru!es the Societ$ m"$ re.uire "ddition"! document"tion "nd c"rr$ out "n "ssessment of
$"rd-s #rocesses+ s$stems "nd #ersonne! re!"ted to c!"ssific"tion #roects) The resu!ts of the "ssessment shou!d
be used "s " b"sis to decide on the e@tent of the invo!vement of surve$ors of the Societ$) The$ shou!d be c!e"r!$
ref!ected in the <u"!it$ Surve$ P!"n '<SP()
$.!.=.< The #ur#ose of the surve$s is to verif$ th"t the construction+ com#onents "nd e.ui#ment s"tisf$ the
ru!e re.uirements "nd "re in "ccord"nce ,ith the "##roved #!"ns+ th"t re.uired m"teri"!s "re used+ "nd th"t
function"! tests "re c"rried out "s #rescribed b$ the ru!es)
$.!.=.= Khen DNV is s"tisfied th"t the re.uirements s#ecified for the unit in .uestion h"ve been met+ the
"##ro#ri"te c!"ss not"tion ,i!! be "ssi%ned "nd confirmed b$ the issu"nce of " c!"ssific"tion certific"te)
Provided the re.uirements for retention of c!"ss "re com#!ied ,ith+ the certific"te ,i!! norm"!!$ h"ve " v"!idit$
of five $e"rs)
A)2)/ Classi&ica$i%n in $he %-era$i%nal -hase
$.!.F. Com#!i"nce ,ith the ru!e re.uirements in the o#er"tion"! #h"se is verified b$ DNV throu%h " s$stem
of #eriodic"! surve$s) The most com#rehensive surve$ is the one c"rried out in connection ,ith the rene,"! of
the five/$e"r!$ c!"ssific"tion certific"te) Durin% the five $e"r #eriod the unit under%oes "nnu"! "nd intermedi"te
surve$s coverin% v"rious #"rts+ e.ui#ment "nd s$stems+ de#endin% on the c!"ss "ssi%ned)
$.!.F.! In order to confirm ret"ined v"!idit$ of c!"ss+ DNV ev"!u"tes the e@tent of #ossib!e sust"ined d"m"%e
"nd verifies ensuin% re#"irs) Deferred re#"irs m"$ be "cce#ted b$ DNV+ but "!,"$s "ssoci"ted ,ith " m"@imum
time !imit)
$.!.F." The Ru!es "!!o, #eriodic"! surve$s to cont"in "n e!ement of s"m#!in%) This s"m#!in% must be
sufficient to en"b!e the surve$or to obt"in " #ro#er "ssessment of the condition of the unit) This "ssessment is
b"sed "mon%st other thin%s on t$#e+ "%e "nd technic"! histor$ of the unit)
$.!.F.< Resu!ts of the surve$s "re re#orted to the o,ners "nd to DNV-s centr"! office for u#d"tin% records)
S#eci"! findin%s "re "!so recorded "nd used "s b"sis for u#d"tin% "nd deve!o#ment of the Ru!es)
$.!.F.= FThe re%ister of vesse!s c!"ssed ,ith DNVG is "v"i!"b!e for su##!$in% inform"tion on shi#-s "nd unit-s
m"in #"rticu!"rs "nd det"i!s of their c!"ssific"tion)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
-pp.< Introduction to offshore classification 0 3age (57
A)2)4 O9nerBs +u$ies
$.!.G. In order to m"int"in v"!id c!"ss the c!"ssific"tion s$stem s#ecifies the fo!!o,in% to be observed b$ the
: The unit h"s to be com#etent!$ h"nd!ed in "ccord"nce ,ith the Ru!es)
: The unit h"s to be m"int"ined to ru!e st"nd"rd "t "!! times) An$ conditions of c!"ss h"ve to be c"rried out
"s s#ecified)
: The unit h"s to under%o #rescribed #eriodic"! "nd rene,"! surve$s+ "s ,e!! "s surve$s of d"m"%e+ re#"irs+
conversions "nd "!ter"tions)
: DNV must be furnished ,ith "!! inform"tion th"t m"$ inf!uence its decisions in connection ,ith
$.!.G.! F"i!ure to meet "n$ of these re.uirements m"$ !e"d to termin"tion of v"!id c!"ss "nd ,ithdr","! of "!!
c!"ss "nd st"tutor$ certific"tes)
$.!.G." To "ssist the o,ner in this re%"rd DNV su##!ies re%u!"r st"tus re#orts on certific"tes+ surve$s c"rried
out "nd becomin% due+ "nd #ossib!e conditions of c!"ss)
A), Re.unera$i%n
A),)! Fee sys$e.
$.".. Remuner"tion is norm"!!$ b"sed on " fee s$stem+ in ,hich DNV invoices e"ch t$#e of surve$
"ccordin% to " b"sic sc"!e of fees) The b"sic sc"!e of fees is deve!o#ed b$ t"&in% into consider"tion the "mount
of ,or& needed to e@ecute+ #rocess "nd fo!!o, u# the surve$ in .uestion+ "s ,e!! "s the items surve$ed) The
fees "!so cover investment "nd deve!o#ment costs of the Ru!es "s ,e!! "s m"inten"nce of " ,or!d,ide surve$
net,or&+ centr"! service su##ort s$stem+ etc) Price !eve! "nd costs v"r$ from countr$ to countr$ "nd "re
therefore ref!ected in the fees ch"r%ed)
A)" Classi&ica$i%n su--%r$
A)")! General
$.<.. The st"ff of DNV re#resents " si%nific"nt "ccumu!"tion of &no,!ed%e "nd #r"ctic"! e@#erience in
offshore/re!"ted technic"! fie!ds) This is "n "sset often dr",n on b$ the industr$ in m"tters re!"ted to
$.<..! The e@#ertise of DNV is "v"i!"b!e to the o,ner "t "n$ time ,hen needed in connection ,ith o#er"tin%
#rob!ems+ d"m"%e "nd c"su"!ties)
A)")2 2re8c%n$rac$ su--%r$
$.<.!. Co/o#er"tion ,ith DNV e"r!$ in the desi%n st"%e+ before c!"ssific"tion is re.uested "nd "n$ contr"ct
is si%ned+ is usu"!!$ ver$ benefici"! to both $"rd "nd o,ner) Different technic"! so!utions m"$ be ev"!u"ted+
thus contributin% to " more efficient unit+ "nd ensurin% th"t "!! s"fet$ "s#ects "s s#ecified b$ the Ru!es "re t"&en
c"re of) In this ,"$+ e@#ensive ch"n%es !"te in " #roect m"$ be "voided)
A)"), *n8ser1ice su--%r$
$.<.". Simi!"r services "re %iven in connection ,ith units in o#er"tion) A!tern"tive ,"$s of re#"irs m"$ be
indic"ted+ "cce#t"b!e distributions of crude c"r%o "nd b"!!"st to "!!evi"te overstressin% m"$ be com#uted in c"se
of d"m"%e+ st"bi!it$ m"$ be investi%"ted+ etc) These "re t$#ic"! e@"m#!es)
A)")" 7i.i$a$i%ns
$.<.<. T,o m"in restrictions #rev"i! on DNV ,hen undert"&in% c!"ssific"tion su##ort ,or&9
: DNV does not c"rr$ out com#!ete+ conce#tu"! desi%n of units) In c"ses ,here DNV h"s been invo!ved in
desi%n su##ort+ the #!"ns "nd c"!cu!"tions must sti!! be inde#endent!$ ev"!u"ted b$ DNV before bein%
"cce#ted for c!"ssific"tion #ur#oses)
: Inform"tion received from customers in connection ,ith "ssi%nment of c!"ss is not disc!osed "nd used in
c!"ssific"tion su##ort ,or&)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
-pp., ;ooring euipment acceptance standard guidance 0 3age (58
C)! General
C)!)! General
C... The fo!!o,in% "cce#t"nce*reection criteri" the fo!!o,in% st"nd"rds m"$ be used "s %uide!ine9
: for ,ire ro#e9 ISO St"nd"rd 7E1A/2117 'E(+ API RP 2I
: for fibre ro#e9 DNV/RP/EE17
: for ch"in9 "s st"ted in HC)2)7I)
C)2 Anch%r chainsJ rene9al sur1ey e3a.ina$i%n gui+e
C)2)! General
C.!.. ="%netic #"rtic!e testin% '=T( sh"!! b"sic"!!$ cover the ,ho!e !in&+ but concentr"te on the fo!!o,in%
: shou!ders of !in& ,here mech"nic"! d"m"%e m"$ occur
: f!"sh butt ,e!d for defects in ,"$ of ,e!d
: ends of stud for cr"c&s #ro#"%"tin% into m"in #"rt of !in&
: inner bend re%ion ,here "d"cent !in&s be"r on e"ch other stud !ess ch"in9 outer bend re%ion "t the cro,n
"nd inner surf"ces ,here the !in&s st"rt to bend
: "n$ other "re" ,here there h"ve been ch"in bre"&s or mech"nic"! d"m"%e)
C.!..! The di"meter in ,"$ of the bend re%ion "nd "n$ "re" ,ith e@cessive ,e"r or %ou%in% is to be me"sured
on "##ro@im"te!$ 0Q of the !in&s distributed throu%h the ,or&in% !en%th) The !in&s "re se!ected b$ the
"ttendin% surve$or b"sed on the findin%s of the visu"! ins#ection) The #ercent"%e m"$ be incre"sed or
decre"sed if the visu"! ins#ection indic"tes e@cessive or minim"! deterior"tion)
C.!.." The !en%th over five !in&s shou!d be me"sured "##ro@im"te!$ once ever$ 011 m) Ho,ever+
me"surements c"n be ,"ived b$ the "ttendin% surve$or #rovided9
: it is confirmed th"t there h"ve been no in/service #rob!ems ,ith ch"in t,istin%*um#in% or mism"tch)
bet,een !in&s "nd ,ind!"ss*f"ir!e"d #oc&ets
: no indic"tions of stretched !in&s observed durin% the visu"! ins#ection)
C.!..< Su##!ement"r$ re.uirements for =T "nd di"meter me"surements "re to be "##!ied to those !en%ths of
e"ch ch"in+ ,hich h"ve been in cont"ct ,ith the ,ind!"ss "nd f"ir!e"ds ,hen the moorin% s$stem ,"s in
C.!..= =T is to be c"rried out on "##ro@im"te!$ 21Q of the !in&s "nd the di"meter is to be me"sured on
"##ro@im"te!$ EQ of the !in&s distributed throu%h the 0B1 m !en%th)
C.!..F A##ro#ri"te identific"tion m"r&s "re to be #!"ced on the surve$ed !en%ths of ch"ins) The identific"tion
m"r&s "re to9
: uni.ue!$ identif$ e"ch individu"! !en%th of ch"in
: identif$ the common !in&s ,hich "re fitted "d"cent to oinin% sh"c&!es)
A!tern"tive!$+ "ccur"te re!i"b!e records e.uiv"!ent to the "bove m"r&in%s "re to be "v"i!"b!e onbo"rd)Anchor
ch"insP "cce#t"nce criteri" "nd re#"ir
C)2)2 Dia.e$er l%ss +ue $% a6rasi%n an+ c%rr%si%n
C.!.!. Temporary &ooring .9uipment: 3in&s or oinin% sh"c&!es ,ith minimum cross/section"! "re" !ess
th"n D0Q of the ori%in"! nomin"! "re" "re to be reected) The e.uiv"!ent reduction in di"meter is 01Q) T,o
#er#endicu!"r me"surements "re to be t"&en "nd the "ver"%e com#"red to the "!!o,"b!e 01Q reduction)
C.!.!.! Position &ooring .9uipment: 3in&s or oinin% sh"c&!es ,ith minimum cross/section"! "re" !ess th"n
A1Q of the ori%in"! nomin"! "re" "re to be reected) The e.uiv"!ent reduction in di"meter is BQ) T,o
#er#endicu!"r me"surements "re to be t"&en "nd the "ver"%e com#"red to the "!!o,"b!e BQ reduction)
3en%ths over five !in&s shou!d be 2E)2B D "s " m"@imum)
: =issin% studs
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
-pp., ;ooring euipment acceptance standard guidance 0 3age (59
=issin% studs on stud !in& ch"ins "re not "cce#t"b!e) 3in&s "re to be removed or studs "re to be refitted+ usin%
"n "##roved #rocedure)
: Corroded studs
As %uid"nce+ if the me"sured stud cross/section"! "re" is !ess th"n 71Q of the nomin"! !in& 'b"r( cross/section"!
"re"+ !in&s shou!d be removed or studs shou!d be refitted usin% "n "##roved #rocedure)
: Studs secured b$ fi!!et ,e!ds
;r"de E ch"ins "re sometimes fitted ,ith studs secured b$ fi!!et ,e!ds) In service the ,e!ds m"$ cr"c&) The
fo!!o,in% "##!ies9
: "n$ "@i"! or !"ter"! movement is un"cce#t"b!e) 3in&s "re be removed or studs "re to be re/,e!ded usin% "n
"##roved #rocedure
: !in&s ,ith int"ct fi!!et ,e!ds but ,ith %"#s e@ceedin% E mm bet,een the stud "nd the !in& shou!d be removed
or re#"ired usin% "n "##roved #rocedure) This bec"use the stud ,e!ds ,i!! eventu"!!$ cr"c& due to
vibr"tions ,hen ch"in is runnin% over f"ir!e"d "t s#eed durin% "nchor h"nd!in%
: e@istin% !in&s ,hich "re found to h"ve the stud fi!!et ,e!ded "t both ends "re subect to s#eci"!
: Studs secured b$ #ress fittin% "nd mech"nic"! !oc&in%
Kith this desi%n of stud there is !itt!e #ros#ect of the stud f"!!in% out even if it is !oose) Ho,ever+ !oose studs
h"ve c"used f"ti%ue "t the ed%e of im#rints) The fo!!o,in% "##!ies9
: "@i"! stud movement u# to 0 mm is "cce#t"b!e
: "@i"! stud movement %re"ter th"n 2 mm is un"cce#t"b!e) 3in&s "re to be removed or studs "re to be #ressed
usin% "n "##roved #rocedure
: "cce#t"nce of "@i"! stud movement from 0 to 2 mm must be ev"!u"ted b"sed on the environment"!
conditions of the unitOs !oc"tion "nd e@#ected #eriod of time before the ch"in is "%"in "v"i!"b!e for
: !"ter"! movement u# to 7 mm is "cce#t"b!e #rovided there is no re"!istic #ros#ect of the stud f"!!in% out
: ,e!din% of studs is not "cce#t"b!e)
C.!.!." Crac,sD gougesD and other surface defects
Defects m"$ be removed b$ %rindin% to " de#th of CQ of ori%in"! nomin"! di"meter #rovided the resu!tin%
cross/section"! "re" is "t !e"st D0Q 'A1Q for Position =oorin% E.ui#ment( of the ori%in"! nomin"! "re")
The resu!tin% %rooves "re to h"ve " !en%th "!on% the !in& of "##ro@im"te!$ si@ times the de#th "nd " bottom
r"dius of "##ro@im"te!$ three times the de#th) ;rooves "re to be b!ended into the surroundin% surf"ce to "void
"n$ sh"r# contours)
Com#!ete e!imin"tion of defects is to be verified b$ =T or PT)
C.!.!.< 4ross)distortion
3in&s sho,in% distortion* miss/sh"#e "re to be reected)
C)2), J%ining shac>le +e&ec$s an+ re-air
C.!.". E@#erience h"s sho,n " number of "nchors "nd ch"ins !ost due to oinin% sh"c&!e f"i!ure) 5oinin%
sh"c&!e is to be reected if cr"c&s "nd other defects "re found on the m"chined surf"ces) In "ddition+ "!! oinin%
sh"c&!es on th"t ch"in ,hich "re of the s"me desi%n "nd ,hich h"ve "n e.u"! or %re"ter service !ife "re "!so to
be considered c"refu!!$ ,ith " vie, to reection)Cr"c&s "nd other defects on the rem"inin% surf"ce m"$ be
removed b$ %rindin%)
C.!.".! %istortion
Sh"c&!es sho,in% distortion* miss/sh"#e "re to be reected)
C.!."." Tapered pins
T"#ered #ins ho!din% the #"rts of oinin% sh"c&!es to%ether must m"&e %ood cont"ct "t both ends "nd the recess
of counter/bore "t the !"r%e end of the #in ho!der shou!d be so!id!$ #!u%%ed ,ith " #eened !e"d s!u% to #revent
the #in from ,or&in% out)
C.!.".< Replacement of lin,s and >oining shac,les
3in&s or sh"c&!es be$ond re#"ir "re to be re#!"ced ,ith oinin% sh"c&!es in com#!i"nce ,ith current Ru!es "nd
%uided b$ the fo!!o,in% %ood m"rine #r"ctice9
: oinin% sh"c&!es shou!d #"ss throu%h f"ir!e"ds "nd ,ind!"sses in the horiMont"! #!"ne
: since oinin% sh"c&!es h"ve much !o,er f"ti%ue !ives th"n ordin"r$ ch"in !in&s "s fe, "s #ossib!e shou!d be used
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
-pp., ;ooring euipment acceptance standard guidance 0 3age (6)
: if " !"r%e number of !in&s meet the disc"rd criteri" "nd these !in&s "re distributed in the ,ho!e !en%th+ the
ch"in shou!d be re#!"ced ,ith ne, ch"in)
An$ other t$#e of re#!"cement !in&s "re subect to s#eci"! "##rov"!)
C)2)" Anch%rs acce-$ance cri$eria an+ re-air
C.!.<. The "nchor sh"c&!e #in sh"!! be rene,ed if e@cessive!$ ,orn or bent)
C.!.<.! >ent f!u&es or sh"n&s m"$ be he"ted "nd "c&ed b"c& in #!"ce "ccordin% to "n "##roved #rocedure+
fo!!o,ed b$ m"%netic #"rtic!e testin%)
C.!.<." If s,ive!s "re fitted to the "nchor+ the thre"ds en%"%in% the s,ive! nut sh"!! be e@"mined) If si%nific"nt
corrosion is found+ the s,ive! shou!d be removed or re#!"ced)
&ffshore "ervice "pecification DNV'&""'()#, *uly #)(+
,H-N./" 0 HI"2&1I, 0 3age (6(
Note th"t historic ch"n%es o!der th"n the editions sho,n be!o, h"ve not been inc!uded) O!der historic ch"n%es
'if "n$( m"$ be retrieved throu%h htt#9**,,,)dnv)com)
A-ril 2!2 e+i$i%n
Main changes in$% &%rce ! Oc$%6er 2!2
( General
: Inc!uded references for the ne,* u#d"ted not"tions9
: HELD2 .u"!ifiers i)e) SHF "nd N
: ISDS .u"!ifiers
: Inc!uded document"tion "s e@#ected for "sbestos in !ine ,ith =OD4 code*SO3AS u#d"te
: C!"rified sco#e for PROD not"tion
: H"nd!in% of POSMOOR.DP not"tions for vesse!s in o#er"tion
: Some reference errors h"ve been corrected)
( Ch)!
: Sec)E T"b!e >E "mended)
: Sec)7 A217+ ne, !ist item)
: Sec)B+ ne, >C11 Tem#or"r$ e.ui#ment)
: Sec)C A011 F3imited !i"bi!it$G "mended)
( Ch)2
: Sec)0+ ne, Sub/section 3) FPre#"r"tion for Surve$s "nd Ins#ections on 3oc"tionG 'moved from Sec)E I()
: Sec)0 T"b!e =0 '#revious T"b!e 30( h"s been "mended)
: Sec)J sub/section I) FHe!ico#ter Dec&sG "mended "nd " ne, sub/section =) FCrude Off!o"din% S$stemG
: Sec)J T"b!es S0 "nd 40 h"ve been "mended)
( Ch),
: Sec)0+ T"b!e >2 "mended)
: Sec)7 >010 "mended+ " ne, #"r"%r"#h h"s been "dded in E01E "nd " ne, !ist item "dded in ;21B)
: Sec)J+ ne, items >012 "nd C01B "dded+ "nd item I010 "mended)
: Sec)C+ sub/section e!ement ;B11 FRene,"! surve$G h"s been "mended)
Oc$%6er 2!! e+i$i%n
Main Changes
( Ch)!
: 4#d"ted Sec)E T"b!e >E)
( Ch)2
: 4#d"te of Sec)J > FPosition =oorin% S$stemG)

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