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Standard for the Installation of Standpipe, Private Hydrant, and Hose Systems
2000 Edition
Copyriht ! 2000 NFPA, All "ihts "eserved
#his edition of NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of Standpipe, Private Hydrant, and
Hose Systems, $as prepared %y the #e&hni&al Committee on Standpipes and a&ted on %y
the National Fire Prote&tion Asso&iation, In&', at its Novem%er (eetin held Novem%er
14)1*, 1+++, in Ne$ ,rleans, -A' It $as iss.ed %y the Standards Co.n&il on /an.ary 14,
2000, $ith an effe&tive date of Fe%r.ary 11, 2000, and s.persedes all previo.s editions'
#his edition of NFPA 14 $as approved as an Ameri&an National Standard on Fe%r.ary
11, 2000'
,riin and 0evelopment of NFPA 14
#his standard dates from 1+12, $hen an initial report $as made %y the Committee on
Standpipe and Hose Systems' #he report $as amended in 1+14 and adopted %y the
Asso&iation in 1+11' "evisions $ere adopted in 1+1*' Additional revisions $ere
s.%mitted %y the Committee on Field Pra&ti&e and adopted in 1+22, 1+2*, 1+31, 1+34
5in&l.ded a&tion %y the NFPA 6oard of 0ire&tors7, 1+41, and 1+41' #he Committee on
Standpipes re&ommended revisions adopted in 1+4+, 1+12, 1+23, 1+24, 1+2+, 1+*0,
1+*1, 1+*3, 1+*4, 1+*2, 1+*4, 1+40, 1+42, 1+41, and 1++0'
#he 1++3 edition of NFPA 14 $as a &omplete reorani8ation of the do&.ment' #he 9.ser
friendliness: of NFPA 14 $as eval.ated, and n.mero.s &hanes follo$ed' #he standard
$as arraned to provide for a loi&al system desin approa&h $here desinin and
installin a standpipe system'
S.%stantive &hanes to the 1++3 edition $ere the of re&ent e;perien&e $ith
standpipe systems .nder fire &onditions' Flo$ rates, press.res, and the spe&ifi& lo&ation
of the hose &onne&tions $ere st.died to determine optim.m &om%inations for ea&h fa&tor'
#he 1++2 edition of NFPA 14 $as a &ontin.ation of the &hanes that $ere initiated for the
1++3 edition' Some definitions $ere e;panded, and &ertain re<.irements for pipin
materials, pipe s.pport, $aterflo$ alarms, valves, fire department &onne&tions, system
testin, and $ater s.pplies $ere revised' In addition, a n.m%er of editorial &hanes $ere
made to improve the .ser friendliness of the do&.ment'
#he 2000 edition of NFPA 14 in&orporates re<.irements for hydrants, hose, and
master streams previo.sly &ontained in NFPA 24' Also in&l.ded in this revision are test
pro&ed.res for fire flo$ testin and mar=in of hydrants previo.sly &ontained in NFPA
#e&hni&al Committee on Standpipes
(a.ri&e (' Pilette, Chair
(e&hani&al 0esins -td, (A >SE?
@ary S' Andress, HP" Enr, AI >I?
"ep' #he Allian&e of Ameri&an Ins.rers
Aillis C' 6eard, Fire E<.ipment Co' In&', (I >(?
"ep' NatBl Assn' of Fire E<.ipment 0istri%.tors In&'
"i&hard A' 6onds, 0.&tile Iron Pipe "esear&h Assn', A- >(?
Antonio C' (' 6raa, Fa&tory ( "esear&h Corp', CA >I?
#homas C' 6ro$n, "olf /ensen C Asso&', In&', DA >SE?
-arry 6.&=ett, Dipond Fire Prote&tion, Canada >I(?
"ep' Canadian A.tomati& Sprin=ler Assn'
"oer -' Cham%erland, City of Ainnipe Fire 0ept', Canada >E?
#homas H' 0ale, Eemper NatBl Ins.ran&e Cos', PA >I?
Aalter A' 0amon, S&hirmer Enr Corp', I- >SE?
@ary S' /ensen, Ameri&an Emeren&y Servi&es Corp', I- >F?
Ed$in A' Eota=, /r', "o%ert A' S.llivan, In&', (A >SE?
@eore E' -averi&=, Fnder$riters -a%oratories In&', I- >"#?
/ohn C' -ivinston, /r', -ivinston Fire Prote&tion, In&', (0 >I(?
"aymond A' -ona%a.h, PIC, Enery Co', PA >F?
"ep' Edison Ele&tri& Inst'
#eren&e A' (annin, (annin Ele&tri&al Systems, In&', I- >I(?
"ep' Illinois Fire Prevention Assn' S' (ar%.rer, Fire Prote&tion Ind.stries, In&', PA >I(?
"ep' NatBl Fire Sprin=ler Assn'
/a&= A' (edovi&h, East Coast Fire Prote&tion, In&', (0 >(?
"ep' Ameri&an Fire Sprin=ler Assn', In&'
/ames A' Naylor, Savannah "iver Co', SC >F?
0o.las F' Nelson, HS6 Ind.strial "is= Ins.rers, PA >I?
/' 6rian Nolan, Nolan Fire System #estin, I- >(?
Sam 5Sat7 Sal$an, Environmental Systems 0esin In&', I- >SE?
/effrey (' Shapiro, IntBl Code Cons.ltants, #G >SE?
6r.&e A' Sil=, 6o&a "aton Fire 0ept', F- >E?
"i&hard H' Solomon, Fire Prote&tion Enr, I- >SE?
/effrey "', CI@NA -oss Control Servi&es, PA >I?
"ep' Ameri&an Ins.ran&e Servi&es @ro.p
/ames (' #rapp, El=hart 6rass (fr' Co', IN >(?
"ep' Fire E<.ipment (frs' Assn'
/ames 6' Diser, "oad Sprin=ler Fitters Fnion, AH >-?
"ep' Fnited Assn' of /o.rneymen and Apprenti&es of the Pl.m%in and Pipe Fittin
Ind.stry of the F'S' and Canada
#ari< 6sharat, NatBl Fire Sprin=ler Assn', NI >I(?
5Alt' to A' S' (ar%.rer7
-ee /' 0osedlo, Fnder$riters -a%oratories In&', I- >"#?
5Alt' to @' E' -averi&=7
/ohn @alt, Canadian A.tomati& Sprin=ler Assn', Canada >I(?
5Alt' to -' 6.&=ett7
/oseph 6' Han=ins, /r', Fa&tory ( "esear&h Corp', (A >I?
5Alt' to A' C' (' 6raa7
(erle H' Hittle, /r', S&hirmer Enr Corp', #G >SE?
5Alt' to A' A' 0amon7
Eenneth A' -inder, HS6 Ind.strial "is= Ins.rers, C# >I?
5Alt' to 0' F' Nelson7
E' Alan "eilly, Potter)"oemer In&', CA >(?
5Alt' to /' (' #rapp7
6ra&h S&hmidt, CI@NA -oss Control Servi&es, ,H >I?
5Alt' to /' "' St.mp7
Eenneth /' Carl, 6ald$in, NI
5(em%er Emerit.s7
/ames A' Nolan, /ames A' Nolan Co', I-
5(em%er Emerit.s7
0avid "' Ha.e,
NFPA Staff -iaison
#his list represents the mem%ership at the time the Committee $as %alloted on the final
te;t of this edition' Sin&e that time, &hanes in the mem%ership may have o&&.rred' A =ey
to &lassifi&ations is fo.nd at the %a&= of the do&.ment'
N,#EJ (em%ership on a &ommittee shall not in and of itself &onstit.te an endorsement
of the Asso&iation or any do&.ment developed %y the &ommittee on $hi&h the mem%er
Committee S&opeJ #his Committee shall have primary responsi%ility for do&.ments on
the installation of standpipe, private hydrant, and hose systems in %.ildins and
Standard for the Installation of
Standpipe, Private Hydrant, and Hose Systems
2000 Edition
N,#ICEJ An asteris= 5K7 follo$in the n.m%er or letter desinatin a pararaph indi&ates
that e;planatory material on the pararaph &an %e fo.nd in Appendi; A'
Information on referen&ed p.%li&ations &an %e fo.nd in Chapter 11 and Appendi; C'
Chapter 1 @eneral Information
1)1K S&ope'
#his standard &overs the minim.m re<.irements for the installation of standpipes, private
hydrants, monitor no88les, hose systems, and hose in&l.din methods and
pro&ed.res of $aterflo$ testin for the eval.ation of $ater s.pplies' #his standard does
not &over re<.irements for periodi& inspe&tion, testin, and maintenan&e of these systems'
1)2 P.rpose'
#he p.rpose of this standard is to provide a reasona%le deree of prote&tion for life and
property from fire thro.h installation re<.irements for standpipes, hydrants, and hose
systems %ased on so.nd enineerin prin&iples, test data, and field e;perien&e' Nothin in
this standard is intended to restri&t ne$ te&hnoloies or alternate arranements, provided
that the level of safety pres&ri%ed %y the standard is not lo$ered'
1)3 "etroa&tivity'
#he provisions of this do&.ment shall %e &onsidered ne&essary to provide a reasona%le
level of prote&tion from loss of life and property from fire' #hey refle&t sit.ations and the
state of the art at the time the standard $as iss.ed'
Fnless other$ise noted, it is not intended that the provisions of this do&.ment %e applied
to fa&ilities, e<.ipment, str.&t.res, or installations that $ere e;istin or approved for
&onstr.&tion or installation prior to the effe&tive date of the do&.ment'
E;&eptionJ #his standard shall apply to those &ases $here it is determined %y the
a.thority havin L.risdi&tion that the e;istin sit.ation involves a distin&t ha8ard to life or
1)4 0efinitions'
1)4'1K Approved' A&&epta%le to the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion'
1)4'2K A.thority Havin /.risdi&tion' #he orani8ation, offi&e, or responsi%le
for approvin e<.ipment, materials, an installation, or a pro&'
1)4'3 A.tomati& Standpipe System' A standpipe system that is atta&hed to a $ater s.pply
&apa%le of s.pplyin the system demand at all times and that re<.ires no a&tion other
than openin a hose valve to provide $ater at hose &onne&tions' 5See Chapter 3'7
1)4'4 6ran&h -ine' A pipin system, enerally in a hori8ontal plane, &onne&tin one or
more hose &onne&tions $ith a standpipe'
1)4'1 Com%ined System' A standpipe system havin pipin that s.pplies %oth hose
&onne&tions and a.tomati& sprin=lers'
1)4'2 Control Dalve' A valve .sed to &ontrol the $ater s.pply system of a standpipe
1)4'* 0ry Standpipe' A standpipe system desined to have pipin &ontain $ater only
$hen the system is %ein .tili8ed' 5See Chapter 3'7
1)4'4 Feed (ain' #hat portion of a standpipe system that s.pplies $ater to one or more
1)4'+ Fire 0epartment Conne&tion' A &onne&tion thro.h $hi&h the fire department &an s.pplemental $ater into the sprin=ler system, standpipe, or other system f.rnishin
$ater for fire e;tin.ishment to s.pplemental e;istin $ater s.pplies'
1)4'10 Hih)"ise 6.ildin' A %.ildin more than *1 ft 523 m7 in heiht' 6.ildin heiht
shall %e from the lo$est level of fire department vehi&le a&&ess to the floor of
the hihest o&&.pia%le story'
1)4'11 Hose Conne&tion' A &om%ination of e<.ipment provided for &onne&tion of a hose
to the standpipe system that in&l.des a hose valve $ith a threaded o.tlet'
1)4'12 Hose Station' A &om%ination of a hose ra&=, hose no88le, hose, and hose
1)4'13 Hose Dalve' #he valve to an hose &onne&tion'
1)4'14K -isted' E<.ipment, materials, or servi&es in&l.ded in a list p.%lished %y an
orani8ation that is a&&epta%le to the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion and &on&erned $ith
eval.ation of prod.&ts or servi&es, that maintains periodi& inspe&tion of prod.&tion of
listed e<.ipment or materials or periodi& eval.ation of servi&es, and $hose listin states
that either the e<.ipment, material, or servi&e meets appropriate desinated standards or
has %een tested and fo.nd s.ita%le for a spe&ified p.rpose'
1)4'11 ( Standpipe System' A standpipe system that relies e;&l.sively on the fire
department &onne&tion to s.pply the system demand' 5See Chapter 3'7
1)4'12, No88le' re<.ired at the inlet of a no88le to prod.&e the desired
$ater dis&hare &hara&teristi&s'
1)4'1*, "' a&tin on a point in the system $ith a flo$ %ein
1)4'14, Stati&' a&tin on a point in the system $ith no flo$ from the
1)4'1+ Control Dalve' A pilot)operated valve desined for the
p.rpose of red.&in the do$nstream $ater to a spe&ifi& val.e .nder %oth
flo$in 5resid.al7 and nonflo$in 5stati&7 &onditions'
1)4'20K"ed.&in Dalve' A valve desined for the p.rpose of red.&in the
do$nstream $ater .nder %oth flo$in 5resid.al7 and nonflo$in 5stati&7
1)4'21"e.latin 0evi&e' A devi&e desined for the p.rpose of red.&in,
re.latin, &ontrollin, or restri&tin $ater' E;amples in&
valves, &ontrol valves, and devi&es'
1)4'22"estri&tin 0evi&e' A valve or devi&e desined for the p.rpose of
red.&in the do$nstream $ater .nder flo$in 5resid.al7 &onditions only'
1)4'23 "ated Capa&ity' #he flo$ availa%le from a devi&e, at the desinated either or &al&.lated'
1)4'24 Semia.tomati& Standpipe System' A standpipe system that is atta&hed to a $ater
s.pply &apa%le of s.pplyin the system demand at all times and that re<.ires a&tivation of
a &ontrol devi&e to provide $ater at hose &onne&tions' 5See Chapter 3'7
1)4'21 Shall' Indi&ates a mandatory re<.irement'
1)4'22 Sho.ld' Indi&ates a re&ommendation or that $hi&h is advised %.t not re<.ired'
1)4'2* Standpipe' #he riser portion of the system pipin that delivers the $ater s.pply for
hose &onne&tions, and sprin=lers on &om%ined systems, verti&ally from floor to floor'
1)4'24 Standpipe System' An arranement of pipin, valves, hose &onne&tions, and allied
e<.ipment installed in a %.ildin or str.&, $ith the hose &onne&tions lo&ated in s.&h a
manner that $ater &an %e dis&hared in streams or spray patterns thro.h atta&hed hose
and no88les, for the p.rpose of e;tin.ishin a fire, there%y prote&tin a %.ildin or
str.& and its &ontents in addition to prote&tin the o&&.pants' #his is a&&omplished %y
means of &onne&tions to $ater s.pply systems or %y means of p.mps, tan=s, and other
e<.ipment ne&essary to provide an ade<.ate s.pply of $ater to the hose &onne&tions'
1)4'2+ Standpipe System Hone' A verti&al s.%division of a standpipe system %y heiht'
1)4'30 System 0emand' #he flo$ rate and re<.ired from a $ater
s.pply, at the point of &onne&tion of a $ater s.pply to a standpipe system, to
deliver the total $aterflo$ rate re<.ired for a standpipe system esta%lished in Se&tion 1)+,
the minim.m press.res esta%lished %y Se&tion 1)* at the most
remote hose, and the minim.m $aterflo$ rate for sprin=ler &onne&tions, on &om%ined
1)4'31 #ype 5of System7' See Chapter 3'
1)4'32 Aet Standpipe' A standpipe system havin pipin &ontainin $ater at all times'
5See Chapter 3'7
1)1 Fnits'
(etri& .nits of meas.rement in this standard are in a&&ordan&e $ith the moderni8ed
metri& system =no$n as the International System of Fnits 5SI7' -iter and %ar .nits, $hi&h
are o.tside of %.t re&oni8ed %y SI, are &ommonly .sed in international fire prote&tion'
#hese .nits and their &onversion fa&tors are provided in #a%le 1)1'1'
#a%le 1)1'1 (etri& Fnits of (
Name of Fnit Fnit Sym%ol Conversion Fa&tor
meter m 1 ft M 0'3044 m
millimeter mm 1 in' M 21'4 mm
liter - 1 al M 3'*41 -
&.%i& de&imeter dm3 1 al M 3'*41 dm3
Pas&al Pa 1 psi M 24+4'*1* Pa
%ar %ar 1 psi M 0'024+ %ar
%ar %ar 1 %ar M 101 Pa
NoteJ For additional &onversion and information, see AS#( E 340, Standard Pra&ti&e for
Fse of the International System of Fnits 5SI7'
If a val.e for meas.rement provided in this standard is follo$ed %y an e<.ivalent val.e in
other .nits, the first val.e stated shall %e rearded as the re<.irement' An e<.ivalent
val.e &o.ld %e appro;imate'
Chapter 2 System Components and Hard$are
2)1K @eneral'
Standpipe system &omponents and hard$are shall %e in a&&ordan&e $ith this &hapter' All
devi&es and materials .sed in standpipe systems shall %e of an approved type' System
&omponents shall %e rated for $or=in press.res not less than the ma;im.m to
%e developed at their &orrespondin lo&ations $ithin the system .nder any &ondition,
in&l.din the that o&&.rs $hen a permanently installed fire is operatin at
2)2 Pipe and #.%e'
Pipe or t.%e .sed in standpipe systems shall meet or e;&eed one of the standards in #a%le
2)2'1 or shall %e in a&&ordan&e $ith 2)2'2 thro.h 2)2'2'
#a%le 2)2'1 Pipe or #.%e (aterials and 0imensions
(aterial and 0imensions 5Spe&ifi&ations7 Standard
Ferro.s Pipin
0.&tile)Iron Pipe, Cast, for Aater or ,ther -i<.ids AAAA C111
Ele&tri&)"esistan&e Aelded Steel Pipe
Standard Spe&ifi&ation for Ele&tri&)"esistan&e)Aelded Steel Pipe AS#( A 131
Aelded and Seamless Steel
Standard Spe&ifi&ation for 6la&= and Hot)0ipped Hin&)Coated 5@alvani8ed7 Aelded and
Seamless Steel Pipe for Fire Prote&tion Fse AS#( A *+1
Aelded and Seamless Steel Pipe
Standard Spe&ifi&ation for Pipe, Steel, 6la&= and Hot)0ipped, Hin&)Coated, Aelded and
Seamless AS#( A 13
Aelded and Seamless Steel Pipe ANSI 632'10(
Copper #.%e 50ra$n, Seamless7
Standard Spe&ifi&ation for Seamless Copper #.%e AS#( 6 *1
Standard Spe&ifi&ation for Seamless Copper Aater #.%e AS#( 6 44
Standard Spe&ifi&ation for @eneral "e<.irements for Seamless Copper and
Copper)Alloy #.%e AS#( 6 211
6ra8in Filler (etal 5Classifi&ations 6C.P)3 or 6C.P)47
Spe&ifi&ation for Filler (etals for 6ra8in and 6ra8e Aeldin AAS A1'4
Ahere d.&tile iron pipe is installed in a&&ordan&e $ith #a%le 2)2'1, it shall %e lined in
a&&ordan&e $ith AAAA C104, Cement)(ortar -inin for 0.&tile)Iron Pipe and Fittins
for Aater'
Ahere steel pipe spe&ified in #a%le 2)2'1 is .sed and Loined %y $eldin as spe&ified in
Se&tion 2)4 or %y roll)rooved pipe and fittins as spe&ified in Se&tion 2)4, the minim.m
nominal $all thi&=ness for press.res .p to 300 psi 520'* %ar7 shall %e in a&&ordan&e $ith
S&hed.le 10 for pipe si8es .p to 1 in' 512* mm7, 0'134 in' 53'40 mm7 for 2)in' 5112)mm7
pipe, and 0'144 in' 54'*4 mm7 for 4)in' and 10)in' 5203)mm and 214)mm7 pipe'
E;&eptionJ limitations and $all thi&=ness for steel pipe listed in a&&ordan&e
$ith 2)2'2 shall %e in a&&ordan&e $ith the listin re<.irements'
Ahere steel pipe spe&ified in #a%le 2)2'1 is Loined %y threaded fittins as spe&ified in
Se&tion 2)4 or %y fittins .sed $ith pipe havin &.t rooves, the minim.m $all thi&=ness
shall %e in a&&ordan&e $ith S&hed.le 30 >si8es 4 in' 5203 mm7 and larer? or S&hed.le 40
>si8es less than 4 in' 5203 mm7? pipe for press.res .p to 300 psi 520'* %ar7'
E;&eptionJ limitations and $all thi&=nesses for steel pipe spe&ially listed in
a&&ordan&e $ith 2)2'2 shall %e in a&&ordan&e $ith the listin re<.irements'
Copper t.%e as spe&ified in the standards referen&ed in #a%le 2)2'1 shall have a $all
thi&=ness of #ype E, -, or ( $here .sed in standpipe systems'
,ther types of pipe or t.%e investiated for s.ita%ility in standpipe installations and listed
for this servi&e, in&l.din, %.t not limited to, steel differin from that provided in #a%le 2)
2'1, shall %e permitted $here installed in a&&ordan&e $ith their listin limitations,
in&l.din installation instr.&tions' Pipe or t.%e shall not %e listed for portions of an
o&&.pan&y &lassifi&ation'
6endin of S&hed.le 40 steel pipe and #ypes E and - &opper t.%e shall %e permitted
$here %ends are made $ith no =in=s, ripples, distortions, red.&tions in diameter, or any
noti&ea%le deviations from a ro.nd shape' #he minim.m radi.s of a %end shall %e si;
pipe diameters for pipe si8es 2 in' 511 mm7 and smaller, and five pipe diameters for pipe
si8es 21N2 in' 524 mm7 and larer'
2)3 Fittins'
Fittins .sed in standpipe systems shall meet or e;&eed the standards in #a%le 2)3'1 or
shall %e in a&&ordan&e $ith 2)3'2'
,ther types of fittins investiated for s.ita%ility in standpipe installations and listed for
this servi&e, in&l.din, %.t not limited to, steel differin from that provided in #a%le 2)
3'1, shall %e permitted $here installed in a&&ordan&e $ith their listin limitations,
in&l.din installation instr.&tions'
Fittins shall %e e;tra)heavy pattern $here press.res e;&eed 1*1 psi 512'1 %ar7'
E;&eption No' 1J Standard $eiht pattern &ast)iron fittins 2 in' 511 mm7 in si8e and
smaller shall %e permitted $here press.res do not e;&eed 300 psi 520'* %ar7'
E;&eption No' 2J Standard $eiht pattern mallea%le)iron fittins 2 in' 5112 mm7 in si8e
and smaller shall %e permitted $here press.res do not e;&eed 300 psi 520'* %ar7'
E;&eption No' 3J Fittins shall %e permitted for system press.res .p to the limits
spe&ified in their listins'
S&re$ed .nions shall not %e .sed on pipe larer than 2 in' 511 mm7' Co.plins and
.nions of other than the s&re$ed type shall %e of the types listed spe&ifi&ally for .se in
standpipe systems'
A one)pie&e red.&in fittin shall %e .sed $herever a &hane is made in the si8e of the
E;&eptionJ He;aonal or fa&e %.shins shall %e permitted for red.&in the si8e of
openins of fittins $here standard fittins of the re<.ired si8e are not availa%le'
#a%le 2)3'1 Fittins (aterials and 0imensions
(aterials and 0imensions Standard
Cast Iron
@ray Iron #hreaded Fittins ANSI 612'4
Cast Iron Pipe Flanes and Flaned Fittins ANSI 612'1
(allea%le Iron
(allea%le Iron #hreaded Fittins ANSI 612'3
0.&tile Iron
0.&tile)Iron Fittins and @ray)Iron Fittins,
3 in' #hro.h 44 in' 5*1 mm #hro.h 1200 mm7 for Aater and ,ther -i<.ids
Fa&tory)(ade Steel$eldin Fittins ANSI 612'+$eldin End ANSI 612'21
Standard Spe&ifi&ation for Pipin Fittins of Car%on Steel and Alloy Steel for
(oderate and Elevated #emperat.resAS#( A 234
Pipe Flanes and Flaned Fittins ANSI 612'1
Fored Fittins, So&=et)Aeldin and #hreaded ANSI 612'11
Copper Copper and Copper Alloy Solder /oint Fittins ANSI 612'22
Cast Copper Alloy Solder /oint Fittins ANSI 612'14
2)4 /oinin of Pipe and Fittins'
/oinin, hanin, and %ra&in of pipe and fittins shall %e in a&&ordan&e $ith NFPA 13,
Standard for the Installation of Sprin=ler Systems'
2)1 Dalves'
All valves &ontrollin &onne&tions to $ater s.pplies and standpipes shall %e listed
indi&atin valves'
S.&h valves shall not &lose in less than 1 se&onds $hen operated at ma;im.m possi%le
speed from the f.lly open position'
E;&eption No' 1J A listed .nderro.nd ate valve e<.ipped $ith a listed indi&ator post
shall %e permitted'
E;&eption No' 2J A listed $ater &ontrol valve assem%ly $ith a relia%le position indi&ation
&onne&ted to a remote s.pervisory station shall %e permitted'
E;&eption No' 3J A nonindi&atin valve, s.&h as an .nderro.nd ate valve $ith
approved road$ay %o; &omplete $ith #)$ren&h, a&&epta%le to the a.thority havin
L.risdi&tion, shall %e permitted'
2)2 Hose Stations'
2)2'1 Closets and Ca%inets'
Closets and &a%inets .sed to &ontain fire hose shall %e of a s.ffi&ient si8e to allo$ the
installation of the ne&essary e<.ipment at hose stations and desined so they do not
interfere $ith the prompt .se of the hose &onne&tion, the hose, and other e<.ipment at the
time of fire' Aithin the &a%inet, the hose &onne&tions shall %e lo&ated so that there is at
least 1 in' 521'4 mm7 %et$een any part of the &a%inet and the handle of the valve $hen
the valve is in any position ranin from f.lly open to f.lly &losed' #he &a%inet shall %e
.sed for fire e<.ipment only, and ea&h &a%inet shall %e &onspi&.o.sly identified'
Ahere a 9%rea= lass:)type prote&tive &over for a lat&hin devi&e is provided, the devi&e
provided to %rea= the lass panel shall %e atta&hed se&.rely in the immediate area of the
%rea= lass panel and shall %e arraned so that the devi&e &annot %e .sed to %rea= other
lass panels in the &a%inet door'
Ahere a fire)resistive assem%ly is penetrated %y a &a%inet, the fire resistan&e of the
assem%ly shall %e maintained as re<.ired %y the lo&al %.ildin &ode'
2)2'2 Hose and E<.ipment'
A s.pply of hose and e<.ipment shall %e provided $hen hydrants are intended for .se %y
plant personnel or a fire %riade' #he <.antity and type of hose and e<.ipment $ill
depend .pon the n.m%er and lo&ation of hydrants relative to the prote&ted property, the
e;tent of the ha8ard, and the fire)fihtin &apa%ilities of the potential .sers' #he a.thority
havin L.risdi&tion shall %e &ons.lted'
Hose shall %e stored so it is readily a&&essi%le and is prote&ted from the $eather'
Hose shall %e of s.%stantial &onstr.&tion on fo.ndations' #he &onstr.&tion shall %e
s.&h as to prote&t the hose from $eather and vermin, and desined so that hose lines &an
%e into .se' Clearan&e shall %e provided for operation of the hydrant $ren&h'
Dentilation shall %e provided' #he e;terior shall %e painted or other$ise s.ita%ly
prote&ted aainst deterioration'
Hose shall %e of a si8e and arranement to provide shelves or ra&=s for the hose
and e<.ipment' 5For e<.ipment details of hose, see 2)2'2'2'7
Hose shall %e plainly identified'
2)2'2'2 @eneral E<.ipment'
Ahen hose are .sed in addition to the hose, ea&h shall %e e<.ipped $ith the
517 #$o approved adL.sta%le spray)solid stream no88les e<.ipped $ith sh.toffs for
ea&h si8e of hose provided
527 ,ne hydrant $ren&h 5in addition to $ren&h on hydrant7
537 Fo.r &o.plin spanners for ea&h si8e hose provided
547 #$o hose &o.plin as=ets for ea&h si8e hose
Ahere t$o si8es of hose and no88les are provided, red.&ers or ated $yes shall %e
in&l.ded in the hose e<.ipment'
#he .se of hydrants and hose for p.rposes other than fire)related servi&es shall %e
2)2'3 Hose'
Ea&h hose &onne&tion provided for .se %y %.ildin o&&.pants 5Class II and Class III
systems7 shall %e e<.ipped $ith not more than 100 ft 530'1 m7 of listed, 11N2)in' 534'1)
mm7, lined, &ollapsi%le or non&ollapsi%le fire hose atta&hed and ready for .se'
E;&eptionJ Ahere hose less than 11N2 in' 534'1 mm7 is .sed for 11N2)in' 534'1)mm7 hose
stations in a&&ordan&e $ith 3)3'2 and 3)3'3, listed non&ollapsi%le hose shall %e .sed'
2)2'4 Hose "a&=s'
Ea&h 11N2)in' 534'1)mm7 hose station provided $ith 11N2)in' 534'1)mm7 hose shall %e
e<.ipped $ith a listed ra&= or other approved storae fa&ility'
Ea&h 11N2)in' 534'1)mm7 hose station provided $ith hose less than 11N2 in' 534'1 mm7 in
a&&ordan&e $ith 3)3'2 and 3)3'3 shall %e e<.ipped $ith a listed &ontin.o.s flo$ reel'
2)2'1 No88les'
No88les provided for Class II servi&e shall %e listed'
2)2'2 -a%el'
Ea&h ra&= or storae fa&ility for 11N2)in' 534'1)mm7 or smaller hose shall %e provided
$ith a la%el that in&l.des the $ordin 9fire hose for .se %y o&&.pants: and operatin
2)* Hose Conne&tions'
Hose &onne&tions shall have e;ternal National Hose Standard 5NHS7 threads, for the
valve si8e spe&ified, in a&&ordan&e $ith NFPA 1+23, Standard for Fire Hose Conne&tions'
Hose &onne&tions shall %e e<.ipped $ith &aps to prote&t the hose threads'
E;&eptionJ Ahere lo&al fire department hose threads do not &onform to NFPA 1+23, the
a.thority havin L.risdi&tion shall desinate the hose threads that shall %e .sed'
2)4K Fire 0epartment Conne&tions'
Fire department &onne&tions shall %e listed for a $or=in e<.al to or reater than
the re<.irement of the system demand'
Ea&h fire department &onne&tion shall have at least t$o 21N2)in' 523'1)mm7 internal
threaded s$ivel fittins havin NHS threads, as spe&ified in NFPA 1+23, Standard for
Fire Hose Conne&tions' Fire department &onne&tions shall %e e<.ipped $ith &aps to
prote&t the system from the entry of de%ris'
E;&eptionJ Ahere the lo&al fire department .ses fittins that differ from those spe&ified,
fittins &ompati%le $ith lo&al fire department e<.ipment shall %e .sed and their minim.m
si8e shall %e 21N2 in' 522 mm7'
2)+K @eneral'
Hydrants shall %e of approved type and have not less than a 2)in' 5112)mm7 diameter
&onne&tion $ith the mains' A valve shall %e installed in the hydrant &onne&tion' #he
n.m%er, si8e, and arranement of o.tlets, the si8e of the main valve openin, and the si8e
of the %arrel shall %e s.ita%le for the prote&tion to %e provided and shall %e approved %y
the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion' Independent ate valves on 21N2)in' 524)mm7 o.tlets are
permitted' 5See Se&tion 2)2'7
Hydrant o.tlet threads shall have the NHS e;ternal threads for the si8e o.tlet5s7 s.pplied
as spe&ified in NFPA 1+23, Standard for Fire Hose Conne&tions'
E;&eptionJ Ahere lo&al fire department &onne&tions do not &onform to NFPA 1+23, the
a.thority havin L.risdi&tion shall desinate the &onne&tion to %e .sed'
Hydrants on private servi&e mains shall not %e e<.ipped $ith p.mper o.tlets .nless the
&al&.lated demand for lare hose 53'1 in' and larer7 is added to the atta&= hose and
sprin=ler system demands in determinin the total demand on the fire prote&tion $ater
2)10 Sins'
Sins shall %e permanently mar=ed and shall %e &onstr.&ted of $eather)resistant metal or
riid plasti& materials'
Chapter 3 System "e<.irements
3)1 @eneral'
#he n.m%er and arranement of standpipe e<.ipment ne&essary for proper prote&tion is
overned %y lo&al &onditions s.&h as the o&&.pan&y, &hara&ter, and &onstr.&tion of the
%.ildin and its a&&essi%ility' #he a.thority havin L.risdi&tion shall %e &ons.lted
reardin the re<.ired type of system, &lass of system, and spe&ial re<.irements'
#he spa&in and lo&ation of standpipes and hose &onne&tions shall %e in a&&ordan&e $ith
Chapter 1'
Standpipe and hose systems not re<.ired %y the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion and not
meetin the re<.irements of this standard shall %e mar=ed $ith a sin that reads 9F,"
FI"E 6"I@A0E FSE ,N-I':
3)2 #ypes of Standpipe Systems'
3)2'1 A.tomati&)0ry'
An a.tomati&)dry standpipe system shall %e a dry standpipe system, normally filled $ith
press.ri8ed air, that is arraned thro.h the .se of a devi&e, s.&h as a dry pipe valve, to
admit $ater into the system pipin a.tomati&ally .pon the openin of a hose valve' #he
$ater s.pply for an a.tomati&)dry standpipe system shall %e &apa%le of s.pplyin the
system demand'
3)2'1'1K Permanently Inoperative Hydrants'
Fire hydrants that are permanently inoperative or sho.ld have %arrels, no88le
&aps, tops, and all visi%le parts painted %la&='
3)2'1'2K #emporarily Inoperative Hydrants'
Fire hydrants that are temporarily inoperative or sho.ld %e $rapped or
other$ise provided $ith temporary indi&ation of their &ondition'
3)2'2 A.tomati&)Aet'
An a.tomati&)$et standpipe system shall %e a $et standpipe system that has a $ater
s.pply that is &apa%le of s.pplyin the system demand a.tomati&ally'
3)2'3 Semia.tomati&)0ry'
A semia.tomati&)dry standpipe system shall %e a dry standpipe system that is arraned
thro.h the .se of a devi&e, s.&h as a del.e valve, to admit $ater into the system pipin
.pon a&tivation of a remote &ontrol devi&e lo&ated at a hose &onne&tion' A remote &ontrol
a&tivation devi&e shall %e provided at ea&h hose &onne&tion' #he $ater s.pply for a
semia.tomati&)dry standpipe system shall %e &apa%le of s.pplyin the system demand'
3)2'4 ('
A standpipe system shall %e a dry standpipe system that does not have a
permanent $ater s.pply atta&hed to the system' ( standpipe systems need
$ater from a fire department p.mper 5or the li=e7 to %e p.mped into the system thro.h
the fire department &onne&tion in order to s.pply the system demand'
3)2'1 ('
A$et standpipe system shall %e a $et standpipe system &onne&ted to a small
$ater s.pply for the p.rpose of maintainin $ater $ithin the system %.t does not have a
$ater s.pply &apa%le of deliverin the system demand atta&hed to the system' (
$et standpipe systems need $ater from a fire department p.mper 5or the li=e7 to %e
p.mped into the system in order to s.pply the system demand'
3)3 Classes of Standpipe Systems'
3)3'1 Class I Systems'
A Class I standpipe system shall provide 21N2)in' 523'1)mm7 hose &onne&tions to s.pply
$ater for .se %y fire departments and those trained in handlin heavy fire streams'
3)3'2 Class II Systems'
A Class II standpipe system shall provide 11N2)in' 534'1)mm7 hose stations to s.pply
$ater for .se primarily %y the %.ildin o&&.pants or %y the fire department d.rin initial
E;&eptionJ A minim.m 1)in' 521'4)mm7 hose shall %e permitted to %e .sed for hose
stations in liht ha8ard o&&.pan&ies $here investiated and listed for this servi&e and
$here approved %y the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion'
3)3'3 Class III Systems'
A Class III standpipe system shall provide 11N2)in' 534'1)mm7 hose stations to s.pply
$ater for .se %y %.ildin o&&.pants and 21N2)in' 523'1)mm7 hose &onne&tions to s.pply a
larer of $ater for .se %y fire departments and those trained in handlin heavy
fire streams'
E;&eption No' 1J A minim.m 1)in' 521'4)mm7 hose shall %e permitted to %e .sed for
hose stations in liht ha8ard o&&.pan&ies $here investiated and listed for this servi&e
and $here approved %y the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion'
E;&eption No' 2J Ahere the %.ildin is prote&ted thro.ho.t %y an approved a.tomati&
sprin=ler system, hose stations for .se %y the %.ildin o&&.pants shall not %e re<.ired,
s.%Le&t to the approval of the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion, provided that ea&h hose
&onne&tion is 21N2 in' 523'1 mm7 and is e<.ipped $ith a 21N2)in' 11N2)in' 523'1)mm
34'2)mm7 red.&er and a &ap atta&hed $ith a &hain'
3)4 "e<.irements for ( Standpipe Systems'
( standpipe systems shall not %e .sed in hih)rise %.ildins'
Ea&h hose &onne&tion for standpipes shall %e provided $ith a &onspi&.o.s sin
that reads 9(ANFA- S#AN0PIPE F," FI"E 0EPA"#(EN# FSE ,N-I':
( standpipes shall not %e .sed for Class II or Class III systems'
3)1 "e<.irements for 0ry Standpipe Systems'
0ry standpipes shall %e .sed only $here pipin is s.%Le&t to free8in'
0ry standpipes shall not %e .sed for Class II or Class III systems'
E;&eptionJ In fa&ilities $here fire %riades are trained to operate systems $itho.t fire
department intervention'
A listed 31N2)in' 54+)mm7 dial sprin a.e shall %e &onne&ted to ea&h dis&hare
pipe from the fire and the p.%li& $ater$or=s at the tan=, at the air
s.pplyin the tan=, and at the top of ea&h standpipe' shall %e lo&ated in a
s.ita%le pla&e so that $ater &annot free8e' Ea&h a.e shall %e &ontrolled %y a valve
havin an arranement for drainin'
E;&eptionJ Ahere several standpipes are inter&onne&ted at the top, a sinle a.e,
properly lo&ated, shall %e permitted to %e s.%stit.ted for a a.e at the top of ea&h
A valved o.tlet for a a.e shall %e installed on the .pstream side of every devi&e'
3)*K Aaterflo$ Alarms'
Ahere re<.ired %y the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion for a.tomati& or semia.tomati&
systems, listed $aterflo$ alarms shall %e provided'
Aaterflo$ alarms shall .tili8e a sensin me&hanism appropriate to the type of standpipe'
Paddle)type $aterflo$ alarms shall %e .sed on $et standpipe systems only'
Chapter 4 Installation "e<.irements
4)1K -o&ation and Prote&tion of Pipin'
4)1'1 -o&ation of 0ry Standpipes'
0ry standpipes shall not %e &on&ealed in %.ildin $alls or %.ilt into pilasters'
4)1'2 Prote&tion of Pipin'
Standpipe system pipin shall not pass thro.h ha8ardo.s areas and shall %e lo&ated so
that it is prote&ted from me&hani&al and fire damae'
Standpipes and lateral pipin s.pplied %y standpipes shall %e lo&ated in en&losed e;it
stair$ays or shall %e prote&ted %y a deree of fire resistan&e e<.al to that re<.ired for
en&losed e;it stair$ays in the %.ildin in $hi&h they are lo&ated'
E;&eption No' 1J In %.ildins e<.ipped $ith an approved a.tomati& sprin=ler system,
lateral pipin to 21N2)in' 523'1)mm7 hose &onne&tions shall not %e re<.ired to %e
E;&eption No' 2J Pipin &onne&tin standpipes to 11N2)in' 534'1)mm7 hose &onne&tions'
Ahere a standpipe or lateral pipe that is normally filled $ith $ater passes thro.h an area
s.%Le&t to free8in temperat.res, it shall %e prote&ted %y a relia%le means to maintain the of the $ater in the pipin %et$een 40OF and 120OF 54'4OC and 44'+OC7'
Antifree8e sol.tions shall not %e .sed to prote&t standpipe system pipin from free8in'
Ahere &orrosive &onditions e;ist or pipin is e;posed to the $eather, &orrosion)resistant
types of pipe, t.%e, fittins, and haners or prote&tive &orrosion)resistive &oatins shall %e
.sed' If steel pipe is to %e %.ried .nderro.nd, it shall %e prote&ted aainst &orrosion
%efore %ein %.ried'
#o minimi8e or prevent pipe %rea=ae $here s.%Le&t to earth<.a=es, standpipe systems
shall %e prote&ted in a&&ordan&e $ith NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprin=ler
Pipin for any standpipe system shall %e permitted to %e installed .nderro.nd' Pipe shall
not %e r.n .nder %.ildins'
E;&eptionJ Ahen a%sol.tely ne&essary to r.n pipe .nder %.ildins, spe&ial pre&a.tions
shall %e ta=en that in& ar&hin the fo.ndation $alls over the pipe, r.nnin pipe in
&overed tren&hes, and providin valves to isolate se&tions of pipe .nder %.ildins'
4)2 @ate Dalves and Che&= Dalves'
Conne&tions to ea&h $ater s.pply shall %e provided $ith an approved indi&atin)type
valve and &he&= valve lo&ated &lose to the s.pply, s.&h as at tan=s, p.mps, and
&onne&tions from $ater$or=s systems'
E;&eptionJ Fire department &onne&tions'
Dalves shall %e provided to allo$ isolation of a standpipe $itho.t interr.ptin the s.pply
to other standpipes from the same so.r&e of s.pply'
-isted indi&atin)type valves shall %e provided at the standpipe for &ontrollin %ran&h
lines for remote hose stations'
Ahere $afer)type valve dis&s are .sed, they shall %e installed so that they do not interfere
$ith the operation of other system &omponents'
4)2'1 Dalves on Com%ined Systems'
Ea&h &onne&tion from a standpipe that is part of a &om%ined system to a sprin=ler system
shall have an &ontrol valve of the same si8e as the &onne&tion'
Ea&h &onne&tion from a standpipe that is part of a &om%ined system to a sprin=ler system
and inter&onne&ted $ith other standpipes shall have an &ontrol valve and &he&=
valve of the same si8e at the &onne&tion'
4)2'2 Dalves on Conne&tions to Aater S.pplies'
Conne&tions to p.%li& $ater systems shall %e &ontrolled %y post indi&ator valves of an
approved type lo&ated at least 40 ft 512'2 m7 from the %.ildin prote&ted' All valves shall
%e plainly mar=ed to indi&ate the servi&e that they &ontrol'
E;&eption No' 1J Ahere the valve &annot %e lo&ated at least 40 ft 512'2 m7 from the
%.ildin, it shall %e installed in an approved lo&ation and $here it is readily a&&essi%le in
&ase of fire and not s.%Le&t to damae'
E;&eption No' 2J Ahere post indi&ator valves &annot %e .sed, .nderro.nd valves shall
%e permitted' #he valve lo&ations, dire&tions for their openin, and servi&es that they
&ontrol shall %e plainly mar=ed on the %.ildins served'
Ahere the standpipes are s.pplied from a yard main or header in another %.ildin, the
&onne&tion shall %e provided $ith a listed indi&atin)type valve lo&ated o.tside at a safe
distan&e from the %.ildin or at the header'
4)2'* Dalve S.pervision'
System $ater s.pply valves, isolation &ontrol valves, and other valves in feed mains shall
%e s.pervised in an approved manner in the open position %y one of the follo$in
517 A &entral station, proprietary, or remote station sinalin servi&e
527 A lo&al sinalin servi&e that initiates an a.di%le sinal at a &onstantly attended
537 -o&=in of valves in the open position
547 Sealin of valves and an approved $ee=ly re&orded inspe&tion $here valves are
lo&ated $ithin fen&ed en&los.res .nder the &ontrol of the o$ner
E;&eptionJ Fnderro.nd ate valves $ith road$ay %o;es shall not %e re<.ired to %e
4)2'4 Sins and "oom Identifi&ation for Dalves'
All main and se&tional system &ontrol valves, in&l.din $ater s.pply &ontrol valves, shall
have a sin indi&atin the portion of the system that is &ontrolled %y the valve'
All &ontrol, drain, and test &onne&tion valves shall %e provided $ith sins indi&atin their
Ahere sprin=ler system pipin s.pplied %y a &om%ined system is s.pplied %y more than
one standpipe 59loop: or feed: desin7, a sin shall %e lo&ated at ea&h or
m.ltiple feed &onne&tion to the &om%ination system standpipe to indi&ate that in order to
isolate the sprin=ler system served %y the &ontrol valve, an additional &ontrol valve or
valves at other standpipes shall %e sh.t off' #he sin also shall identify the lo&ation of the
additional &ontrol valves'
Ahere a main or se&tional system &ontrol valve is lo&ated in a &losed room or &on&ealed
spa&e, the lo&ation of the valve shall %e indi&ated %y a sin in an approved lo&ation on the
o.tside of the door or near the openin to the &on&ealed spa&e'
4)3K Fire 0epartment Conne&tions'
#here shall %e no sh.toff valve %et$een the fire department &onne&tion and the system'
A listed &he&= valve shall %e installed in ea&h fire department &onne&tion and lo&ated as
near as pra&ti&a%le to the point $here it Loins the system'
#he fire department &onne&tion shall %e installed as follo$sJ
5a7 A.tomati&)Aet and ( Standpipe Systems' ,n the system side of the
system &ontrol valve, &he&= valve, or any, %.t on the s.pply side of any isolatin
valves re<.ired in 4)2'2'
5%7 A.tomati&)0ry Standpipe Systems' ,n the system side of the &ontrol valve and
&he&= valve and the s.pply side of the dry pipe valve'
5&7 Semia.tomati&)0ry Standpipe Systems' ,n the system side of the del.e valve'
5d7 ( Standpipe Systems' 0ire&tly &onne&ted to system pipin'
In areas s.%Le&t to free8in, a listed a.tomati& drip valve that is arraned to allo$
drainae $itho.t &a.sin $ater damae shall %e installed in the pipin %et$een the &he&=
valve and the fire department &onne&tion'
4)3'1 -o&ation and Identifi&ation'
Fire department &onne&tions shall %e on the street side of %.ildins, f.lly visi%le and
re&oni8a%le from the street or nearest point of fire department apparat.s a&&essi%ility,
and shall %e lo&ated and arraned so that hose lines &an %e atta&hed to the inlets $itho.t
interferen&e from near%y o%Le&ts, in&l.din %.ildins, fen&es, posts, or other fire
department &onne&tions'
Ea&h fire department &onne&tion shall %e desinated %y a sin havin raised letters, at
least 1 in' 521'4 mm7 in heiht, &ast on a plate or fittin that reads 9S#AN0PIPE': If
a.tomati& sprin=lers are also s.pplied %y the fire department &onne&tion, the sin or
&om%ination of sins shall indi&ate %oth desinated servi&es 5e'', 9S#AN0PIPE AN0
AF#,SPE",: or 9AF#,SPE" AN0 S#AN0PIPE:7'
A sin also shall indi&ate the re<.ired at the inlets to deliver the system demand'
Ahere a fire department &onne&tion servi&es only a portion of a %.ildin, a sin shall %e
atta&hed indi&atin the portions of the %.ildin served'
A fire department &onne&tion for ea&h standpipe system shall %e lo&ated not more than
100 ft 530'1 m7 from the nearest fire hydrant &onne&ted to an approved $ater s.pply'
E;&eptionJ #he lo&ation of the fire department &onne&tion shall %e permitted to e;&eed
100 ft 530'1 m7 s.%Le&t to the approval of the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion'
Fire department &onne&tions shall %e lo&ated not less than 14 in' 541* mm7 nor more than
44 in' 5121+ mm7 a%ove the level of the adLoinin ro.nd, side$al=, or rade s.rfa&e'
Fire department &onne&tion pipin shall %e s.pported in a&&ordan&e $ith Se&tion 4)4'
4)4 S.pport of Pipin'
4)4'1 S.pport of Standpipes'
Standpipes shall %e s.pported %y atta&hments &onne&ted dire&tly to the standpipe'
Standpipe s.pports shall %e provided at the lo$est level, at ea&h alternate level a%ove the
lo$est level, and at the top of the standpipe' S.pports a%ove the lo$est level shall restrain
the pipe to prevent movement %y an .p$ard $here fle;i%le fittins are .sed'
Clamps s.pportin pipe %y means of set s&re$s shall not %e .sed'
4)4'2 S.pport of Hori8ontal Pipin'
Hori8ontal pipin from the standpipe to hose &onne&tions that are more than 14 in' 541*
mm7 in lenth shall %e provided $ith haners'
Hori8ontal pipin haners shall %e spa&ed at a ma;im.m separation distan&e of 11 ft 54'2
m7' #he pipin shall %e restrained to prevent movement %y hori8ontal $here
fle;i%le fittins are .sed'
4)1 Installation and (aintenan&e of Hydrants'
Hydrants shall %e set on flat stones or &on&rete sla%s and shall %e provided $ith small
stones 5or e<.ivalent7 pla&ed a%o.t the drain to drainae'
Ahere soil is of s.&h a that the hydrants $ill not drain properly $ith the
arranement spe&ified in 4)1'1, or ro.nd$ater stands at levels a%ove that of the drain,
the hydrant drain shall %e pl.ed at the time of installation' If the drain is pl.ed,
hydrants in servi&e in &old &limates shall %e p.mped o.t after .sae' S.&h hydrants shall
%e mar=ed to indi&ate the need for p.mpin o.t after .sae'
#he &enter of a hose o.tlet shall %e not less than 14 in' 541* mm7 a%ove final rade, or
$hen lo&ated in a hose, 12 in' 5301 mm7 a%ove the floor'
Hydrants shall %e fastened to pipin and an&hored in a&&ordan&e $ith the re<.irements of
NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprin=ler Systems'
Hydrants shall %e prote&ted if s.%Le&t to me&hani&al damae' #he means of prote&tion
shall %e arraned in a manner that $ill not interfere $ith the &onne&tion to, or operation
of, hydrants'
Che&= valves, dete&tor &he&= valves, %a&=flo$ prevention valves, and similar
app.rtenan&es shall not %e installed in the servi&e st.% %et$een a fire hydrant and private
$ater s.pply pipin'
4)2 Installation of Sins'
Sins shall %e se&.red to a devi&e or the %.ildin $all $ith s.%stantial and &orrosion)
resistant &hains or fasteners'
4)* Sins for Aater S.pply P.mps'
Ahere a fire is provided, a sin shall %e lo&ated in the vi&inity of the
indi&atin the minim.m and flo$ re<.ired at the dis&hare flane to meet
the system demand'
4)4K 0esin Information Sin'
#he installin &ontra&tor shall provide a sin identifyin the %asis of the system desin as
either &al&.lations or pipe s&hed.le' #he sin shall %e lo&ated at the $ater
s.pply &ontrol valve for a.tomati& or semia.tomati& standpipe systems and at an
approved lo&ation for systems'
#he sin shall indi&ate the follo$inJ
517 #he lo&ation of the t$o most remote hose &onne&tions
527 #he desin flo$ rate for the &onne&tions identified in 4)4517
537 #he desin inlet and o.tlet press.res for the &onne&tions identified in 4)
547 #he desin stati& and the desin system demand 5i'e', flo$ and
press.re7 at the system &ontrol valve, or at the dis&hare flane $here a is
installed, and at ea&h fire department &onne&tion
Chapter 1 0esin
1)1K @eneral'
#he desin of the standpipe system is overned %y %.ildin heiht, area per floor
o&&.pan&y &lassifi&ation, eress system desin, re<.ired flo$ rate and,
and the distan&e of the hose &onne&tion from the so.r&e5s7 of the $ater s.pply' 5See
Chapter 3 for eneral system re<.irements'7
1)2K -imitation'
#he ma;im.m at any point in the system at any time shall not e;&eed 310 psi
524'1 %ar7'
1)3 -o&ations of Hose Conne&tions'
1)3'1K @eneral'
Hose &onne&tions and hose stations shall %e .no%str.&ted and shall %e lo&ated not less
than 3 ft 50'+ m7 or more than 1 ft 51'1 m7 a%ove the floor'
1)3'2K Class I Systems'
Class I systems shall %e provided $ith 21N2)in' 523'1)mm7 hose &onne&tions in the
follo$in lo&ationsJ
5a7 At ea&h intermediate landin %et$een floor levels in every re<.ired e;it stair$ay'
E;&eptionJ Hose &onne&tions shall %e permitted to %e lo&ated at the main floor landins
in e;it stair$ays $here approved %y the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion'
5%7 ,n ea&h side of the $all adLa&ent to the e;it openins of hori8ontal e;its'
5&7 In ea&h e;it passae$ay at the entran&e from the %.ildin areas into the
5d7 In &overed mall %.ildins, at the entran&e to ea&h e;it passae$ay or e;it &orridor,
and at e;terior p.%li& entran&es to the mall'
5e7 At the hihest landin of stair$ays $ith stair$ay a&&ess to a roof, and on the roof
$here stair$ays do not a&&ess the roof' An additional 21N2)in' 523'1)mm7 hose
&onne&tion shall %e provided at the most remote riser to fa&ilitate testin of
the system'
5f7 K Ahere the most remote portion of a nonsprin=lered floor or story is lo&ated in
e;&ess of 110 ft 541'* m7 of travel distan&e from a re<.ired e;it &ontainin or adLa&ent to
a hose &onne&tion, or the most remote portion of a sprin=lered floor or story is lo&ated in
e;&ess of 200 ft 521 m7 of travel distan&e from a re<.ired e;it &ontainin or adLa&ent to a
hose &onne&tion, additional hose &onne&tions shall %e provided, in approved lo&ations,
$here re<.ired %y the lo&al fire department or the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion'
1)3'3K Class II Systems'
Class II systems shall %e provided $ith 11N2)in' 534'1)mm7 hose stations so that all
portions of ea&h floor level of the %.ildin are $ithin 130 ft 53+'* m7 of a hose
&onne&tion provided $ith 11N2)in' 534'1)mm7 hose or $ithin 120 ft 532'2 m7 of a hose
&onne&tion provided $ith less than 11N2)in' 534'1)mm7 hose' 0istan&es shall %e
alon a path of travel oriinatin at the hose &onne&tion'
1)3'4 Class III Systems'
Class III systems shall %e provided $ith hose &onne&tions as re<.ired for %oth Class I and
Class II systems'
1)4 N.m%er of Standpipes'
Separate standpipes shall %e provided in ea&h re<.ired e;it stair$ay'
1)1K Inter&onne&tion of Standpipes'
Ahere t$o or more standpipes are installed in the same %.ildin or se&tion of %.ildin,
they shall %e inter&onne&ted at the %ottom' Ahere standpipes are s.pplied %y tan=s
lo&ated at the top of the %.ildin or 8one, they also shall %e inter&onne&ted at the topP in
s.&h &ases, &he&= valves shall %e installed at the %ase of ea&h standpipe to prevent
1)2 (inim.m Si8es for Standpipes'
Class I and Class III standpipes shall %e at least 4 in' 5102 mm7 in si8e'
Standpipes that are part of a &om%ined system shall %e at least 2 in' 5112 mm7 in si8e'
E;&eptionJ In f.lly sprin=lered %.ildins havin a &om%ined standpipe system that is &al&.lated, the minim.m standpipe si8e is 4 in' 5102 mm7'
1)*K (inim.m for System 0esin and Si8in of Pipe'
Standpipe systems shall %e desined so that the system demand &an %e s.pplied %y %oth
the atta&hed $ater s.pply, $here re<.ired, and fire department &onne&tions' #he a.thority
havin L.risdi&tion shall %e &ons.lted reardin the $ater s.pply availa%le from a fire
department p.mper'
Standpipe systems shall %e one of the follo$inJ
517 desined to provide the re<.ired $aterflo$ rate at a minim.m of 100 psi 52'+ %ar7 at the o.tlet of the most remote 21N2)
in' 523'1)mm7 hose &onne&tion and 21 psi 54'1 %ar7 at the o.tlet of the most
remote 11N2)in' 534'1)mm7 hose station'
E;&eption No' 1J Ahere the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion permits press.res lo$er than
100 psi 52'+ %ar7 for 21N2)in' 523'1)mm7 hose &onne&tions, %ased on s.ppression ta&ti&s,
the shall %e permitted to %e red.&ed to not less than 21 psi 54'1 %ar7'
E;&eption No' 2J In other than hih)rise %.ildins, the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion shall
%e allo$ed to red.&e the minim.m re<.irements of this se&tion if the %.ildin is
prote&ted thro.ho.t %y an approved a.tomati& sprin=ler system'
527 Si8ed in a&&ordan&e $ith the pipe s&hed.le in #a%le 1)* to provide the re<.ired
$aterflo$ rate at a minim.m of 100 psi 52'+ %ar7 at the topmost 21N2)in'
523'1)mm7 hose &onne&tion and 21 psi 54'1 %ar7 at the topmost 11N2)in' 534'1)mm7 hose
station' Pipe s&hed.le desins shall %e limited to $et standpipes for %.ildins that are not
defined as hih)rise'
#a%le 1)* Pipe S&hed.le Q Standpipes and S.pply Pipin (inim.m Nominal Pipe Si8es
in In&hes
#otal A&&.m.lated Flo$ #otal 0istan&e of Pipin from Farthest ,.tlet
pm -Nmin R10 ft
5R11'2 m7 10)100 ft 511'2)30'1 m7 S100 ft
5S30'1 m7
100 3*+ 2 21N2 3
101)100 342)14+3 4 4 2
101)*10 14+2)243+ 1 1 2
*11)1210 2443)4*31 2 2 2
1211 and over 4*31 4 4 4
For SI .nits, 1 pm M 3'*41 -NminP 1 ft M 0'3044 m'
1)4K (a;im.m for Hose Conne&tions'
Ahere the at a 11N2)in' 534'1)mm7 o.tlet on a hose &onne&tion availa%le
for o&&.pant .se e;&eeds 100 psi 52'+ %ar7, an approved devi&e shall
%e provided to limit the at the flo$ re<.ired %y Se&tion 1)+ to 100 psi
52'+ %ar7'
Ahere the stati& at a hose &onne&tion e;&eeds 1*1 psi 512'1 %ar7, an approved devi&e shall %e provided to limit stati& and press.res at the
o.tlet of the hose &onne&tion to 100 psi 52'+ %ar7 for 11N2)in' 534'1)mm7 hose &onne&tions
availa%le for o&&.pant .se and 1*1 psi 512'1 %ar7 for other hose &onne&tions' #he
on the inlet side of the devi&e shall not e;&eed the devi&eBs rated
1)+ (inim.m Flo$ "ates'
1)+'1 Class I and Class III Systems'
1)+'1'1K (inim.m Flo$ "ate'
For Class I and Class III systems, the minim.m flo$ rate for the most
remote standpipe shall %e 100 pm 514+3 -Nmin7' #he minim.m flo$ rate for additional
standpipes shall %e 210 pm 5+42 -Nmin7 per standpipe, $ith the total not to e;&eed 1210
pm 54*31 -Nmin7' For &om%ined systems, see 1)+'1'3'
E;&eptionJ Ahen the floor area e;&eeds 40,000 ft2 5*432 m27, the se&ond most remote
standpipe shall %e desined to a&&ommodate 100 pm 514+3 -Nmin7'
1)+'1'2K Cal&.lation Pro&' &al&.lations and pipe si8es for ea&h standpipe shall %e %ased on providin 210
pm 5+42 -Nmin7 at the t$o most remote hose &onne&tions on the standpipe
and at the topmost o.tlet of ea&h of the other standpipes at the minim.m
re<.ired %y Se&tion 1)*' Common s.pply pipin shall %e &al&.lated and si8ed to provide
the re<.ired flo$ rate for all standpipes &onne&ted to s.&h s.pply pipin, $ith the total
not to e;&eed 1210 pm 54*31 -Nmin7'
1)+'1'3 Com%ined Systems'
For a %.ildin prote&ted thro.ho.t %y an approved a.tomati& sprin=ler system, the
system demand esta%lished %y Se&tion 1)* and 1)+'1 also shall %e permitted to serve the
sprin=ler system' A separate sprin=ler demand shall not %e re<.ired'
E;&eptionJ Ahere the sprin=ler system $ater s.pply re<.irement, in&l.din the hose
stream allo$an&e as determined in a&&ordan&e $ith NFPA 13, Standard for the
Installation of Sprin=ler Systems, e;&eeds the system demand esta%lished %y Se&tion 1)*
and 1)+'1, the larer of the t$o shall %e provided' #he flo$ rate re<.ired for the
standpipe demand of a &om%ined system in a %.ildin prote&ted thro.ho.t %y an
a.tomati& sprin=ler system shall not %e re<.ired to e;&eed 1000 pm 53*41 -Nmin7 .nless
re<.ired %y the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion'
For a &om%ined system in a %.ildin e<.ipped $ith partial a.tomati& sprin=ler prote&tion,
the flo$ rate re<.ired %y 1)+'1 shall %e in&reased %y an amo.nt e<.al to the
&al&.lated sprin=ler demand or 110 pm 5124 -Nmin7 for liht ha8ard o&&.pan&ies, or %y
100 pm 514+3 -Nmin7 for ordinary ha8ard o&&.pan&ies, $hi&hever is less'
Ahere an e;istin standpipe system havin standpipes $ith a minim.m diameter of 4 in'
5102 mm7 is to %e .tili8ed to s.pply a ne$ retrofit sprin=ler system, the $ater s.pply
re<.ired %y 1)+'1 shall not %e re<.ired to %e provided %y a.tomati& or semia.tomati&
means if approved %y the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion, provided that the $ater s.pply is
ade<.ate to s.pply the demand of the sprin=ler system'
1)+'2 Class II Systems'
1)+'2'1 (inim.m Flo$ "ate'
For Class II systems, the minim.m flo$ rate for the most remote standpipe
shall %e 100 pm 53*+ -Nmin7' Additional flo$ shall not %e re<.ired $here more than one
standpipe is provided'
1)+'2'2 Cal&.lation Pro&' &al&.lations and pipe si8es for ea&h standpipe shall %e %ased on providin 100
pm 53*+ -Nmin7 at the most remote hose &onne&tion on the standpipe at
the minim.m re<.ired %y Se&tion 1)*' Common s.pply pipin servin
m.ltiple standpipes shall %e &al&.lated and si8ed to provide 100 pm 53*+ -Nmin7'
1)10 E<.ivalent Pipe -enths of Dalves and Fittins for 0esined Systems'
1)10'1 @eneral'
#a%le 1)10'1 shall %e .sed to determine the e<.ivalent lenth of pipe for fittins and
devi&es .nless the man.fa&t.rerBs test data indi&ate that other fa&tors are appropriate' For
saddle)type fittins havin fri&tion loss reater than that sho$n in #a%le 1)10'1, the
in&reased fri&tion loss shall %e in&l.ded in the &al&.lations'
#a%le 1)10'1 E<.ivalent Pipe -enth Chart
Fittins and Dalves Fittins and Dalves E;pressed in E<.ivalent Feet of Pipe
3N4 in' 1 in' 11N4 in' 11N2 in' 2 in' 21N2 in' 3 in' 31N2 in'
4 in' 1 in' 2 in' 4 in' 10 in' 12 in'
41)deree el%o$ 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4
1 * + 11 13
+0)deree standard el%o$ 2 2 3 4 1 2 * 4
10 12 14 14 22 2*
+0)deree lon)t.rn el%o$ 1 2 2 2 3 4 1 1
2 4 + 13 12 14
#ee or &ross 5flo$ t.rned +0 derees73 1 2 4 10 12 11
1* 20 21 30 31 10 20
6.tterfly valve Q Q Q Q 2 * 10 Q 12
+ 10 12 1+ 21
@ate valve Q Q Q Q 1 1 1 1 2 2
3 4 1 2
S$in &he&=K Q 1 * + 11 14 12 1+ 22 2*
32 41 11 21
@lo%e valve Q Q Q 42 Q *0 Q Q Q Q
Anle valve Q Q Q 20 Q 31 Q Q Q Q
For SI .nits, 1 in' M 21'4 mm'
K 0.e to the variations in desin of s$in &he&= valves, the pipe e<.ivalents indi&ated in
this ta%le are &onsidered to %e averae'
1)10'2 AdL.stments'
#a%le 1)10'1 shall %e .sed only $here the Ha8en)Ailliams C fa&tor is 120' For other of C, the in #a%le 1)10'1 shall %e m.ltiplied %y the fa&tors indi&ated in
#a%le 1)10'25a7' #a%le 1)10'25%7 indi&ates typi&al C fa&tors for &ommonly .sed pipin
E;&eptionJ #he a.thority havin L.risdi&tion shall %e permitted to &onsider other C'
#a%le 1)10'25a7 AdL.stment Fa&tors for C
Dal.e of C 100 130 140 110
(.ltiplyin fa&tor 0'*13 1'12 1'33 1'11
#a%le 1)10'25%7 Ha8en)Ailliams C
Pipe or #.%e C Dal.e
Fnlined &ast or d.&tile iron 100
6la&= steel 5dry systems, in&l.din prea&tion7 100
6la&= steel 5$et systems, in&l.din del.e7 120
@alvani8ed 5all7 120
Plasti& 5listed Q all7 110
Cement)lined &ast or d.&tile iron 140
Copper t.%e or stainless steel 110
1)11K 0rains and #est "iser'
A permanently installed 3)in' 5*2)mm7 drain riser shall %e provided adLa&ent to ea&h
standpipe e<.ipped $ith devi&es to fa&ilitate tests of ea&h devi&e' #he
riser shall %e e<.ipped $ith a 3)in' 21N2)in' 5*2)mm 23'1)mm7 tee $ith an internal
threaded s$ivel fittin havin NHS threads, as spe&ified in NFPA 1+23, Standard for Fire
Hose Conne&tions, $ith a pl., lo&ated on at least every other floor'
E;&eptionJ Ahere lo&al fire department hose threads do not &onform to NFPA 1+23, the
a.thority havin L.risdi&tion shall desinate the hose threads to %e .sed'
Ea&h standpipe shall %e provided $ith a means of drainin' A drain valve and pipin,
lo&ated at the lo$est point of the standpipe pipin do$nstream of the isolation valve,
shall %e arraned to dis&hare $ater at an approved lo&ation' Si8in shall %e as spe&ified
in #a%le 1)11'2'
#a%le 1)11'2 Si8in for Standpipe 0rains
Standpipe Si8eSi8e of 0rain Conne&tion
Fp to 2 in' 3N4 in' or larer
21N2 in', 3 in', or 31N2 in' 11N4 in' or larer
4 in' or larer 2 in' only
1)12K Fire 0epartment Conne&tions'
,ne or more fire department &onne&tions shall %e provided for ea&h 8one of ea&h Class I
or Class III standpipe system'
E;&eptionJ #he hih 8one fire department &onne&tion5s7 shall not %e re<.ired to %e
provided $here *)4'3 applies'
Hih)rise %.ildins shall have at least t$o remotely lo&ated fire department &onne&tions
for ea&h 8one'
E;&eptionJ A sinle &onne&tion for ea&h 8one shall %e permitted $here a&&epta%le to the
fire department'
1)13 N.m%er and -o&ation of Hydrants'
Hydrants shall %e provided and spa&ed in a&&ordan&e $ith the re<.irements of the
a.thority havin L.risdi&tion'
E;&eptionJ P.%li& hydrants are re&oni8ed as meetin all or part of the re<.irement of 1)
Hydrants shall %e pla&ed a minim.m of 40 ft 512'2 m7 from the %.ildins prote&ted'
E;&eptionJ Ahen hydrants &annot %e pla&ed at this distan&e, lo&ations less than 40 ft
512'2 m7 from the %.ildin or $all hydrants shall %e permitted to %e .sed 5see A)1)
Hydrants shall not %e pla&ed less than the e<.ivalent depth of %.ry to retainin $alls
$here there is daner of frost thro.h the $alls'
1)14 Hose'
Ahen hose are .tili8ed, they shall %e lo&ated over the hydrant or immediately
adLa&ent' Hydrants $ithin hose shall %e as &lose to the front of the as
possi%le and still allo$ s.ffi&ient room %a&= of the doors for the hose ates and the
atta&hed hose'
Ahen hose reels or hose &arriers are .tili8ed, they shall %e lo&ated so that the hose &an %e into .se at a hydrant' 5For e<.ipment details $hen .tili8in hose reels and hose
&arriers, see 2)2'2'2'7
1)11K (aster Streams'
(aster streams are delivered %y monitor no88les, hydrant)mo.nted monitor no88les, and
similar master stream e<.ipment &apa%le of deliverin more than 210 pm 5+42 -Nmin7'
(aster streams shall %e provided as prote&tion for lare amo.nts of &om%.sti%le
materials lo&ated in yards, averae amo.nts of &om%.sti%le materials in ina&&essi%le
lo&ations, or o&&.pan&ies presentin spe&ial ha8ards as re<.ired %y the a.thority havin
Chapter 2 Plans and Cal&.lations
2)1K Plans and Spe&ifi&ations'
Plans a&&.rately sho$in the details and arranement of the standpipe system shall %e
f.rnished to the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion prior to the installation of the system' S.&h
plans shall %e &lear, lei%le, and dra$n to s&ale' #he dra$ins shall sho$ the lo&ation,
arranement, $ater s.pply, e<.ipment, and all other details ne&essary to esta%lish
&omplian&e $ith this standard'
#he plans shall in& spe&ifi&ations &overin the &hara&ter of materials .sed and shall
des&ri%e all system &omponents' #he plans shall in& an elevation diaram'
2)2 Cal&.lations'
Ahere standpipe system pipin is si8ed %y &al&.lations, a &omplete set of
&al&.lations shall %e s.%mitted $ith the plans'
Chapter * Aater S.pplies
*)1K "e<.ired Aater S.pply'
A.tomati& and semia.tomati& standpipe systems shall %e atta&hed to an approved $ater
s.pply &apa%le of s.pplyin the system demand' ( standpipe systems shall have an
approved $ater s.pply a&&essi%le to a fire department p.mper'
A sinle a.tomati& or semia.tomati& $ater s.pply shall %e permitted $here it is &apa%le
of s.pplyin the system demand for the re<.ired d.ration'
E;&eptionJ Ahere a se&ondary $ater s.pply is re<.ired %y *)4'3'
Aater s.pplies from the follo$in so.r&es shall %e permittedJ
517 A p.%li& $ater$or=s system $here and flo$ rate are ade<.ate
527 A.tomati& fire p.mps &onne&ted to an approved $ater so.r&e in a&&ordan&e $ith
NFPA 20, Standard for the Installation of Stationary P.mps for Fire Prote&tion
537 ( &ontrolled fire p.mps in &om%ination $ith tan=s
547 tan=s installed in a&&ordan&e $ith NFPA 22, Standard for Aater #an=s
for Private Fire Prote&tion
517 ( &ontrolled fire p.mps operated %y remote &ontrol devi&es at ea&h hose
527 @ravity tan=s installed in a&&ordan&e $ith NFPA 22, Standard for Aater #an=s for
Private Fire Prote&tion
*)2 (inim.m S.pply for Class I and Class III Systems'
#he $ater s.pply shall %e s.ffi&ient to provide the system demand esta%lished %y Se&tion
1)* and 1)+'1 for at least 30 min.tes'
*)3 (inim.m S.pply for Class II Systems'
#he minim.m s.pply for Class II systems shall %e s.ffi&ient to provide the system
demand esta%lished %y Se&tion 1)* and 1)+'2 for at least 30 min.tes'
*)4 Standpipe System Hones'
Ea&h 8one re<.irin p.mps shall %e provided $ith a separate' #his shall not
pre& the .se of p.mps arraned in series'
Ahere p.mps s.pplyin t$o or more 8ones are lo&ated at the same level, ea&h 8one shall
have separate and dire&t s.pply pipin of a si8e not smaller than the standpipe that it
serves' Hones $ith t$o or more standpipes shall have at least t$o dire&t s.pply pipes of a
si8e not smaller than the larest standpipe that they serve'
Ahere the s.pply for ea&h 8one is p.mped from the ne;t lo$er 8one, and the standpipe or
standpipes in the lo$er 8one are .sed to s.pply the hiher 8one, s.&h standpipes shall
&omply $ith the provisions for s.pply lines in *)4'1' At least t$o lines shall %e provided
%et$een 8onesP one of these lines shall %e arraned so that the s.pply &an %e
a.tomati&ally delivered from the lo$er to the hiher 8one'
For systems $ith t$o or more 8ones in $hi&h portions of the se&ond and hiher 8ones
&annot %e s.pplied .sin the re<.ired %y Se&tion 1)* %y means of fire
department p.mpers thro.h a fire department &onne&tion, an a.;iliary means of s.pply
shall %e provided' #his means shall %e in the form of hih)level $ater storae $ith
additional p.mpin e<.ipment or other means a&&epta%le to the a.thority havin
Chapter 4 Aater S.pply #estin
4)1K Introd.&tion'
A $aterflo$ test shall %e &ond.&ted on the $ater distri%.tion system to determine the rate
of flo$ and press.res availa%le for system desin and for fire)fihtin p.rposes'
4)2 Pro&'
#ests shall %e &ond.&ted d.rin a period of e;pe&ted normal demand' #he pro& shall
&onsist of dis&harin $ater at a rate of flo$ from the system at a iven
lo&ation and o%servin the &orrespondin drop in the mains'
#ests for the p.rpose of system desin shall not %e &ond.&ted more than + months prior to
the &ommen&ement of the system installation'
Chapter + System A&&eptan&e
+)1K @eneral'
All ne$ systems shall %e tested prior to the o&&.pan&y of the %.ildin' E;istin standpipe
systems that are to %e .tili8ed as standpipes for a &om%ination system in the retrofit of a
ne$ sprin=ler system shall %e tested in a&&ordan&e $ith Se&tion +)4'
#he installin &ontra&tor shall &omplete and sin the appropriate &ontra&torBs material and
test &ertifi&ate5s7' >See Fi.res +)1'25a7 and +)1'25%7'?
+)2 Fl.shin of Pipin'
Fnderro.nd pipin s.pplyin the system shall %e fl.shed in a&&ordan&e $ith NFPA 24,
Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Servi&e (ains and #heir App.rtenan&es'
Pipin %et$een the fire department &onne&tion and the &he&= valve in the inlet pipe shall
%e fl.shed $ith a s.ffi&ient of $ater in order to remove any &onstr.&tion de%ris
and trash a&&.m.lated in the pipin prior to the &ompletion of the system and prior to the
installation of the fire department &onne&tion'
+)3 Hose #hreads'
All hose &onne&tion and fire department &onne&tion threads shall %e tested to verify their
&ompati%ility $ith threads .sed %y the lo&al fire department' #he test shall &onsist of
threadin &o.plin samples, &aps, or pl.s onto the installed devi&es'
+)4 Hydrostati& #ests'
+)4'1K @eneral'
All ne$ systems, in&l.din yard pipin and fire department &onne&tions, shall %e tested
hydrostati&ally at not less than 200 psi 513'4 %ar7 of for 2, or at 10 psi 53'1
%ar7 in e;&ess of the ma;im.m $here the ma;im.m is in e;&ess of 110
psi 510'3 %ar7' #he hydrostati& test shall %e at the lo$ elevation point
of the system or 8one %ein tested' #he inside standpipe system pipin shall
sho$ no lea=ae' Fnderro.nd pipe shall %e tested in a&&ordan&e $ith NFPA 24,
Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Servi&e (ains and #heir App.rtenan&es'
E;&eptionJ Ahere &old $eather prevents testin $ith $ater, an interim air test shall %e
permitted to %e &ond.&ted prior to the standard hydrostati& test' An air lea=ae
test at 40 psi 52'4 %ar7 shall %e &ond.&ted for 24' Any lea=ae that res.lts in a loss
of in e;&ess of 11N2 psi 50'1 %ar7 d.rin a &ontin.o.s 24)ho.r period shall %e
+)4'2 Fire 0epartment Conne&tion'
Pipin %et$een the fire department &onne&tion and the &he&= valve in the inlet pipe shall
%e tested hydrostati&ally in the same manner as the %alan&e of the system'
+)4'3 E;istin Systems'
Ahere an e;istin standpipe system, in&l.din yard pipin and fire department
&onne&tion, is modified, the ne$ pipin shall %e tested in a&&ordan&e $ith +)4'1'
+)4'4 Prote&tion from Free8in'
0.rin testin, &are shall %e ta=en to that no portion of the pipin is s.%Le&t to
free8in d.rin &old $eather'
0.rin the hydrostati& test, the a.e at the top of ea&h standpipe shall %e
o%served and the re&orded'
+)4'2 Aater Additives'
Additives, &orrosive &hemi&als s.&h as sodi.m sili&ate or derivatives of sodi.m sili&ate,
%rine, or other &hemi&als shall not %e .sed $hile hydrostati&ally testin systems or for
stoppin lea=s'
+)1 Flo$ #ests'
#he $ater s.pply shall %e tested to verify &omplian&e $ith the desin' #his test shall %e
&ond.&ted %y flo$in $ater from the most remote hose &onne&tions'
For a standpipe, a fire department p.mper or porta%le of ade<.ate &apa&ity
5i'e', re<.ired flo$ and press.re7 shall %e .sed to verify the system desin %y p.mpin
into the fire department &onne&tion'
A flo$ test shall %e &ond.&ted at ea&h roof o.tlet to verify that the re<.ired is
availa%le at the re<.ired flo$'
#he fillin arranement for s.&tion tan=s shall %e verified %y sh.ttin do$n all s.pplies
to the tan=, drainin the tan= to %elo$ the desinated lo$ $ater level, and then openin
the s.pply valve to operation of its a.tomati& feat.res'
+)1'1"e.latin 0evi&es'
Ea&h devi&e shall %e tested to verify that the installation is &orre&t,
that the devi&e is operatin properly, and that the inlet and o.tlet press.res at the devi&e
are in a&&ordan&e $ith the desin' Stati& and inlet and stati& and o.tlet and flo$ shall %e re&orded on the &ontra&torBs test &ertifi&ate'
+)1'2 (ain 0rain Flo$ #est'
#he main drain valve shall %e opened and shall remain open .ntil the system
sta%ili8es' #he stati& and shall %e re&orded on the &ontra&torBs test
+)1'* #estin of A.tomati&) and Semia.tomati&)0ry Systems'
A.tomati&) and semia.tomati&)dry systems shall %e tested %y initiatin a flo$ of $ater
from the most remote hose &onne&tion' #he system shall deliver a minim.m
of 210 pm 5+42 -Nmin7 at the hose &onne&tion $ithin 3 min.tes of openin the hose
valve' Ea&h remote &ontrol devi&e for operatin a semia.tomati& system shall %e tested in
a&&ordan&e $ith the man.fa&t.rerBs instr.&tions'
+)1'4 Systems Havin P.mps'
Ahere p.mps are part of the $ater s.pply for a standpipe system, testin shall %e
&ond.&ted $hile the p.mps are operatin'
+)2 ( Dalve #est'
Ea&h valve intended to %e opened or &losed shall %e operated %y t.rnin the
hand$heel &ran= or $ren&h for its f.ll rane and ret.rnin it to its normal position' Hose
valve &aps shall %e tihtened s.ffi&iently to avoid lea=in d.rin the test and removed
after the test to drain $ater and relieve'
+)* Alarm and S.pervision #ests'
Ea&h alarm and s.pervisory devi&e provided shall %e tested in a&&ordan&e $ith NFPA *2,
National Fire Alarm CodeT' +)1'25a7 Sample &ontra&torBs material and test &ertifi&ate for a%overo.nd pipin' +)1'25a7 Contin.ed' +)1'25a7 Contin.ed' +)1'25%7 Sample &ontra&torBs material and test &ertifi&ate for .nderro.nd pipin' +)1'25%7 Contin.ed'
+)4 Instr.&tions'
#he installin &ontra&tor shall provide the o$ner $ith the follo$inJ
517 All and instr.&tions provided %y the man.fa&t.rer des&ri%in the proper
operation and maintenan&e of e<.ipment and devi&es installed
527 A &opy of NFPA 21, Standard for the Inspe&tion, #estin, and (aintenan&e of
Aater)6ased Fire Prote&tion Systems
+)+ Sins'
#he installation of sins re<.ired %y this standard shall %e verified'
Chapter 10 6.ildins .nder Constr.&tion
10)1 @eneral'
Ahere re<.ired %y the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion, a standpipe system, either temporary
or permanent, shall %e provided in a&&ordan&e $ith this &hapter in %.ildins .nder
10)2 Fire 0epartment Conne&tions'
#he standpipes shall %e provided $ith &onspi&.o.sly mar=ed and readily a&&essi%le fire
department &onne&tions on the o.tside of the %.ildin at the street level'
10)3 ,ther System Feat.res'
Pipe si8es, hose &onne&tions, hose, $ater s.pply, and other details for ne$ &onstr.&tion
shall %e in a&&ordan&e $ith this standard'
10)4 S.pport of Pipin'
Standpipes shall %e s.pported and restrained se&.rely at ea&h alternate floor'
10)1K Hose Conne&tions'
At least one hose &onne&tion shall %e provided at ea&h floor level' Hose valves shall %e
=ept &losed at all times and .arded aainst me&hani&al inL.ry'
10)2K E;tension of System Pipin'
Standpipes shall %e e;tended .p$ard for ea&h story and se&.rely &apped at the top'
10)* #emporary Installations'
#emporary standpipes shall remain in servi&e .ntil the permanent standpipe is &omplete'
Ahere temporary standpipes normally &ontain $ater, the pipin shall %e prote&ted aainst
10)4 #imin of Aater S.pply Installation'
Ahere &onstr.&tion rea&hes a heiht at $hi&h p.%li& $ater$or=s system is no
loner ade<.ate, temporary or permanent fire p.mps shall %e installed to provide
prote&tion to the .ppermost level or to the heiht re<.ired %y the a.thority havin
E;&eptionJ Ahere lo&al fire department p.mpin apparat.s is deemed %y the a.thority
havin L.risdi&tion as ade<.ate for the standpipe re<.ired'
10)+ Prote&tion of Hose Conne&tions and Fire 0epartment Conne&tions'
#hreaded &aps and pl.s shall %e installed on fire department &onne&tions and hose
&onne&tions' Fire department &onne&tions and hose &onne&tions shall %e prote&ted aainst
physi&al damae'
Chapter 11 "eferen&ed P.%li&ations
#he follo$in do&.ments or portions thereof are referen&ed $ithin this standard as
mandatory re<.irements and shall %e &onsidered part of the re<.irements of this standard'
#he edition indi&ated for ea&h referen&ed mandatory do&.ment is the &.rrent edition as of
the date of the NFPA of this standard' Some of these mandatory do&.ments
miht also %e referen&ed in this standard for spe&ifi& informational p.rposes and,
therefore, are also listed in Appendi; C'
11)1'1 NFPA P.%li&ations'
National Fire Prote&tion Asso&iation, 1 6atterymar&h Par=, P',' 6o; +101,, (A
NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprin=ler Systems, 1+++ edition'
NFPA 20, Standard for the Installation of Stationary P.mps for Fire Prote&tion, 1+++
NFPA 22, Standard for Aater #an=s for Private Fire Prote&tion, 1++4 edition'
NFPA 24, Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Servi&e (ains and #heir
App.rtenan&es, 1++1 edition'
NFPA 21, Standard for the Inspe&tion, #estin, and (aintenan&e of Aater)6ased Fire
Prote&tion Systems, 1++4 edition'
NFPA *2, National Fire Alarm CodeT, 1+++ edition'
NFPA 1+23, Standard for Fire Hose Conne&tions, 1++4 edition'
11)1'2 ,ther P.%li&ations'
11)1'2'1 ANSI P.%li&ations'
Ameri&an National Standards Instit.te, In&', 11 Aest 42nd Street, 13th Floor, Ne$ Ior=,
NI 10032'
ANSI 612'1, Cast Iron Pipe Flanes and Flaned Fittins, 1++4'
ANSI 612'3, (allea%le Iron #hreaded Fittins, 1++4'
ANSI 612'4, @ray Iron #hreaded Fittins, 1++2'
ANSI 612'1, Pipe Flanes and Flaned Fittins, 1++2'
ANSI 612'+, Fa&tory)(ade Steel$eldin Fittins, 1++3'
ANSI 612'11, Fored Fittins, So&=et)Aeldin and #hreaded, 1++2'
ANSI 612'14, Cast Copper Alloy Solder /oint Fittins, 1+44'
ANSI 612'22, Copper and Copper Alloy Solder /oint Fittins, 1++1'
ANSI 612'21,$eldin Ends, 1++2'
ANSI 632'10(, Aelded and Seamless Steel Pipe, 1++2'
11)1'2'2 AS#( P.%li&ations'
Ameri&an So&iety for #estin and (aterials, 100 6arr Har%or 0rive, Aest
Conshoho&=en, PA 1+424)2+1+'
AS#( A 13, Standard Spe&ifi&ation for Pipe, Steel, 6la&= and Hot)0ipped, Hin&)Coated,
Aelded and Seamless, 1+++'
AS#( A 131, Standard Spe&ifi&ation for Ele&tri&)"esistan&e)Aelded Steel Pipe, 1++*'
AS#( A 234, Standard Spe&ifi&ation for Pipin Fittins of Car%on Steel and
Alloy Steel for (oderate and Hih Servi&e, 1+++'
AS#( A *+1, Standard Spe&ifi&ation for 6la&= and Hot)0ipped Hin&)Coated
5@alvani8ed7 Aelded and Seamless Steel Pipe for Fire Prote&tion Fse, 1++*'
AS#( 6 *1, Standard Spe&ifi&ation for Seamless Copper #.%e, 1++*'
AS#( 6 44, Standard Spe&ifi&ation for Seamless Copper Aater #.%e, 1++2'
AS#( 6 211, Standard Spe&ifi&ation for @eneral "e<.irements for Seamless
Copper and Copper)Alloy #.%e, 1++*'
AS#( E 340, Standard Pra&ti&e for Fse of the International System of Fnits 5SI7, 1++3'
11)1'2'3 AAS P.%li&ation'
Ameri&an Aeldin So&iety, 110 N'A' -e/ "oad, (iami, F- 33122'
AAS A1'4, Spe&ifi&ation for Filler (etals for 6ra8in and 6ra8e Aeldin, 1++2'
11)1'2'4 AAAA P.%li&ations'
Ameri&an Aater Aor=s Asso&iation, 2222 Aest Aven.e, 0enver, C, 40231'
AAAA C104, Cement)(ortar -inin for 0.&tile)Iron Pipe and Fittins for Aater, 1++0'
AAAA C110, 0.&tile)Iron and @ray)Iron Fittins, 3 in' #hro.h 44 in' 5*1 mm #hro.h
1200 mm7 for Aater and ,ther -i<.ids, 1++3'
AAAA C111, 0.&tile)Iron Pipe, Cast, for Aater or ,ther -i<.ids, 1++1'
Appendi; A E;planatory (aterial
Appendi; A is not a part of the re<.irements of this NFPA do&.ment %.t is in&l.ded for
informational p.rposes only' #his appendi; &ontains e;planatory material, n.m%ered to
&orrespond $ith the appli&a%le te;t pararaphs'
See NFPA 21, Standard for the Inspe&tion, #estin, and (aintenan&e of Aater)6ased Fire
Prote&tion Systems'
A)1)4'1 Approved'
#he National Fire Prote&tion Asso&iation does not approve, inspe&t, or &ertify any
installations, pro&ed.res, e<.ipment, or materialsP nor does it approve or eval.ate testin
la%oratories' In determinin the a&&epta%ility of installations, pro&ed.res, e<.ipment, or
materials, the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion may %ase a&&eptan&e on &omplian&e $ith
NFPA or other appropriate standards' In the a%sen&e of s.&h standards, said a.thority may
re<.ire eviden&e of proper installation, pro&, or .se' #he a.thority havin
L.risdi&tion may also refer to the listins or la%elin pra&ti&es of an orani8ation that is
&on&erned $ith prod.&t eval.ations and is th.s in a position to determine &omplian&e
$ith appropriate standards for the &.rrent prod.&tion of listed items'
A)1)4'2 A.thority Havin /.risdi&tion'
#he phrase 9a.thority havin L.risdi&tion: is .sed in NFPA do&.ments in a %road manner,
sin&e L.risdi&tions and approval aen&ies vary, as do their responsi%ilities' Ahere p.%li&
safety is primary, the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion may %e a federal, state, lo&al, or other
reional department or s.&h as a fire &hiefP fire marshalP &hief of a fire
prevention %.rea., la%or department, or health departmentP %.ildin offi&ialP ele&tri&al
inspe&torP or others havin stat.tory a.thority' For ins.ran&e p.rposes, an ins.ran&e
inspe&tion department, ratin %.rea., or other ins.ran&e &ompany representative may %e
the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion' In many &ir&.mstan&es, the property o$ner or his or her
desinated aent ass.mes the role of the a.thority havin L.risdi&tionP at overnment
installations, the &ommandin offi&er or departmental offi&ial may %e the a.thority
havin L.risdi&tion'
A)1)4'14 -isted'
#he means for identifyin listed e<.ipment may vary for ea&h orani8ation &on&erned
$ith prod.&t eval.ationP some orani8ations do not re&oni8e e<.ipment as listed .nless
it is also la%eled' #he a.thority havin L.risdi&tion sho.ld .tili8e the system employed %y
the listin orani8ation to identify a listed prod.&t'
A)1)4'20"ed.&in Dalve'
A relief valve is not a valve and sho.ld not %e .sed as s.&h'
#he .se of standard)$eiht valves and fittins ordinarily sho.ld %e &onfined to the .pper
stories of very hih %.ildins and to e<.ipment in $hi&h the hihest availa%le press.res
are less than 1*1 psi 512'1 %ar7'
All hose sho.ld not %e removed from a hose for testin at the same time %e&
the time lost in ret.rnin it in &ase of fire &o.ld allo$ the fire to spread %eyond &ontrol'
See NFPA 1+22, Standard for the Care, Fse, and Servi&e #estin of Fire Hose In&l.din
Co.plins and No88les'
#his &an %e done %y storin hose in hose or %y pla&in hose reels or hose &arriers
in $eatherproof en&los.res'
#ypi&al hose are sho$n in Fi.res A)2)2'2'45a7 thro.h A)2)2'2'45&7' A)2)2'2'45a7 of five)sided desin for installation over a private hydrant' A)2)2'2'45%7 Steel 5sho$n &losed7 of &ompa&t dimensions for installation
over a private hydrant, in $hi&h top lifts .p and doors on front side open for &omplete
a&&essi%ility' A)2)2'2'45&7 #his type of hose &an %e installed on les as sho$n or installed
on a $all near, %.t not dire&tly over, a private hydrant'
0esira%le optional e<.ipment to %e in&l.ded in hose e<.ipment is as follo$sJ
517 ,ne fire a;e $ith %ra&=ets
527 ,ne &ro$%ar $ith %ra&=ets
537 #$o hose and ladder straps
547 #$o ele&tri&al %attery hand lihts
See A)4)3 for eneral arranement'
See Se&tions 1)* and 1)12 for desin re<.irements'
Hydrants sho.ld %e &lassified in a&&ordan&e $ith their rated &apa&ities >at 20)psi 51'4)%ar7 or other desinated val.e? as follo$sJ
517 Class AA Q rated &apa&ity of 1100 pm 51240 -Nmin7 or reater
527 Class A Q rated &apa&ity of 1000)14++ pm 53*41)12*1 -Nmin7
537 Class 6 Q rated &apa&ity of 100)+++ pm 51+00)3*40 -Nmin7
547 Class C Q rated &apa&ity of less than 100 pm 51+00 -Nmin7
All %arrels sho.ld %e $hite e;&ept in &ases $here another &olor has already %een adopted'
#he tops and no88le &aps sho.ld %e painted $ith the follo$in &apa&ity)indi&atin &olor
s&heme to provide simpli&ity and &onsisten&y $ith &olors .sed in sinal $or= for safety,
daner, and intermediate &onditionJ
517 Class AA Q liht %l.e
527 Class A Q reen
537 Class 6 Q yello$
547 Class C Q red
For rapid identifi&ation at niht, it is re&ommended that the &apa&ity &olors %e of a
refle&tive)type paint'
Hydrants rated at less than 20 psi 51'4 %ar7 sho.ld have the rated sten&iled in
%la&= on the hydrant top'
In addition to the painted top and no88le &aps, it &an %e advantaeo.s to sten&il the rated
&apa&ity of hih hydrants on the top'
#he &lassifi&ation and mar=in of hydrants provided for in Chapter 2 anti&ipate
determination %ased on flo$ test' Ahere a ro.p of hydrants &an %e .sed at the
time of a fire, some spe&ial mar=in desinatin ro.p)flo$ &apa&ity &an %e desira%le'
-o&ation mar=ers for hydrants sho.ld &arry the same &olor %a&=ro.nd as stated in
A)2)+'2 for &lass indi&ation, $ith s.&h other data sten&iled thereon as deemed ne&essary'
(ar=in on private hydrants $ithin private en&los.res is to %e at the o$nerBs dis&retion'
Ahen private hydrants are lo&ated on p.%li& streets, they sho.ld %e painted red, or some
other &olor, to distin.ish them from p.%li& hydrants'
Fire hydrants that are permanently inoperative sho.ld %e removed' Prior to removal,
hydrants sho.ld %e painted %la&='
Fire hydrants that are temporarily inoperative or sho.ld %e $rapped, %aed, or
other$ise provided $ith visi%le indi&ation of their &ondition'
Additional lo&ated at the %ase of the standpipes &o.ld %e desira%le in
some e<.ipment, parti&.larly in lare plants and hih)rise %.ildins'
A.di%le alarms are normally lo&ated on the o.tside of the %.ildin' Approved ele&tri&
on %ells, horns, or sirens lo&ated inside the %.ildin, or %oth inside and o.tside, are
sometimes advisa%le'
Conne&tions from fire p.mps and so.r&es o.tside the %.ildin sho.ld %e made at the %ase
of the standpipes'
Standpipes sho.ld not %e pla&ed in .nsprin=lered areas of &om%.sti%le &onstr.&tion'
Com%ined a.tomati& sprin=ler and standpipe risers sho.ld not %e inter&onne&ted %y
sprin=ler system pipin'
See NFPA 24, Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Servi&e (ains and #heir
See A)4)3 for eneral arranement' A)4)3 #ypi&al fire department &onne&tion for $et standpipes'
#he system desiner sho.ld &onta&t the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion prior to esta%lishin
the lo&ation of the fire department &onne&tion' #he lo&ation sho.ld %e %ased on the
re<.irements of the fire department'
See A)4)1'1' A)4)1'1 #ypi&al hydrant &onne&tion'
In settin hydrants, d.e reard sho.ld %e iven to final rade line'
See A)4)4 for sample information sin' A)4)4 System information sin'
#he %.ildin heiht determines the n.m%er of verti&al 8ones' #he area of a floor or fire
area and e;it lo&ations, as $ell as the o&&.pan&y &lassifi&ation, determine the n.m%er and
lo&ations of hose &onne&tions' -o&al %.ildin &odes infl.en&e types of systems, &lasses of
systems, and lo&ations of hose &onne&tions' Pipe si8in is dependent on the n.m%er of
hose &onne&tions flo$in, the <.antity of $ater flo$ed, the re<.ired,
and the verti&al and hori8ontal distan&e of those hose &onne&tions from the $ater
For typi&al elevation dra$ins, see Fi.res A)1)15a7, A)1)15%7, and A)1)15&7' A)1)15a7 #ypi&al sinle)8one system' A)1)15%7 #ypi&al t$o)8one system' A)1)15&7 #ypi&al m.lti8one system'
#he system limits have %een implemented to repla&e the former heiht .nits'
6e& the iss.e addressed %y the heiht limits has al$ays %een ma;im.m, limitations are a more dire&t method of re.lation and allo$ fle;i%ility in heiht
.nits $here p.mps are .sed, %e& a &.rve $ith less e;&ess at &h.rn
yields lo$er ma;im.m system press.res $hile a&hievin the re<.ired system demand'
#he ma;im.m system normally is at &h.rn' #he meas.rement sho.ld
in& %oth the %oost and &ity stati& press.res' #he 310)psi 524)%ar7 limit $as
sele&ted %e& it is the ma;im.m at $hi&h most system &omponents are
availa%le, and it re&oni8es the need for a reasona%le .nit'
Hose &an %e permitted to %e lo&ated at one side of the standpipe and s.pplied %y short
lateral &onne&tions to the standpipe $here ne&essary to avoid o%str.&tions'
Hose &onne&tions for Class I systems sho.ld %e lo&ated in a stair$ay en&, and
&onne&tions for Class II systems sho.ld %e lo&ated in the &orridor or spa&e adLa&ent to the
stair$ay en& and &onne&ted thro.h the $all to the standpipe' For Class III
systems, the &onne&tions for 21N2)in' 523'1)mm7 hose sho.ld %e lo&ated in a stair$ay
en&, and Class II &onne&tions sho.ld %e lo&ated in the &orridor or spa&e adLa&ent to
the stair$ay en&' #hese arranements ma=e it possi%le to .se Class II system hose
streams promptly in &ase the stair$ay is filled $ith people $ho are es&apin at the time
of fire' In %.ildins havin lare areas, &onne&tions for Class I and Class III systems &an
%e lo&ated at interior &ol.mns'
Hose &onne&tions are no$ spe&ified to %e lo&ated at intermediate landins %et$een floors
to prevent &onestion at door$ays' Ahere there are m.ltiple intermediate floor landins
%et$een floors, hose &onne&tions sho.ld %e lo&ated at the landin appro;imately mid$ay
%et$een floors' It is re&oni8ed that fire departments often .se the hose &onne&tion on the
floor %elo$ the fire floor, and the lo&ation of hose &onne&tions at intermediate landins
also red.&es the hose lay distan&e in s.&h &ases'
#he approa&h to lo&atin hose &onne&tions $ith respe&t to e;its is sho$n in Fi.res A)1)
3'25a7, A)1)3'25%7, and A)1)3'25&7' A)1)3'25a7 -o&ation of hose &onne&tions in stair$ells' A)1)3'25%7 -o&ation of hose &onne&tions at hori8ontal e;its' A)1)3'25&7 -o&ation of hose &onne&tions in e;it passae$ays'
For the p.rposes of this standard, the follo$in terms are defined for .se in lo&atin hose
E;it Passae$ays' Hall$ays, &orridors, passaes, or t.nnels .sed as e;it &omponents and
separated from other parts of the %.ildin in a&&ordan&e $ith NFPA 101T, -ife Safety
Hori8ontal E;it' A $ay of passae from an area in one %.ildin to an area in another
%.ildin on appro;imately the same level, or a $ay of passae thro.h or aro.nd a fire
%arrier from one area to another on appro;imately the same level in the same %.ildin
that affords safety from fire and smo=e oriinatin from the area of in&iden&e and areas
& there$ith'
Pararaph 1)3'25f7 is intended to provide lo&al fire departments $ith the a.thority to
re<.ire additional hose &onne&tions o.tside of or a$ay from a 2)ho.r fire)resistive
separation' #hese additional hose &onne&tions &o.ld %e needed to allo$ fire fihters to
atta&h a fire in a reasona%le time frame, %ased on the lenths of hose availa%le on fire
department standpipe pa&=s or in &arry %as' Ahile it is re&oni8ed that o.tlet spa&in
limitations provide &ontrols to limit the ma;im.m hose lenth needed to fiht a fire,
there%y minimi8in the physi&al demands on fire fihters, it is also re&oni8ed that, in
some &ases, %ased on ar&hite&t.ral layo.t, additional o.tlets &o.ld %e needed in open
floor areas in order to meet spa&in re<.irements' In s.&h &ases, it is .nli=ely that s.&h
o.tlets &o.ld %e .tili8ed, sin&e there $o.ld not %e a stain area for fire fihters to .se
$hen a&&essin the hose &onne&tion' #herefore, additional hose &onne&tions, $here
provided to meet distan&e re<.irements, $o.ld %e lo&ated in 1)ho.r fire)resistive e;it
&orridors $herever possi%le to provide a deree of prote&tion for fire fihters a&&essin
the &onne&tion' S.&h &onne&tions also sho.ld %e lo&ated as .niformly as possi%le from
floor to floor so that fire fihters &an find them easily d.rin a fire'
It is re&oni8ed that the 200)ft 521)m7 distan&e allo$ed for sprin=lered %.ildins &o.ld
ne&essitate additional hose lenths in order to rea&h the most remote portion of a floorP
ho$ever, a.tomati& sprin=lers sho.ld provide ade<.ate &ontrol to allo$ time for fire
fihters to e;tend hoses in those &ases $here a fire is lo&ated in the most remote area'
Hose stations sho.ld %e so arraned as to allo$ dis&hare to %e dire&ted from the no88le
into all portions of important en&los.res s.&h as &losets and similar en&los.res'
Fire department &onne&tions feedin inter&onne&ted standpipes, in&l.din &om%ined
systems, sho.ld %e arraned to s.pply all inter&onne&ted standpipes in a %.ildin or
se&tion of a %.ildin' See Fi.res A)1)15a7, A)1)15%7, and A)1)15&7'
Ahere determinin the at the o.tlet of the remote hose &onne&tion, the
loss in the hose valve sho.ld %e &onsidered'
It is very important that fire departments &hoose an appropriate no88le type for their
standpipe fire)fihtin operations' Constant 5a.tomati&)7 type spray no88les
>see NFPA 1+24, Standard for Spray No88les 5Sh.toff and #ip7? sho.ld not %e .sed for
standpipe operations %e& many of this type re<.ire a minim.m of 100 psi 52'+ %ar7 of at the no88le inlet to prod.&e a reasona%ly effe&tive fire stream' In standpipe
operations, hose fri&tion loss &o.ld prevent the delivery of 100 psi 52'+ %ar7 to the no88le'
In hih)rise standpipe systems $ith hose valves, the fire department
has little or no &ontrol over hose valve o.tlet'
(any fire departments .se &om%ination 5fo and straiht stream7 no88les re<.irin 100)
psi 52'+)%ar7 at the no88le inlet $ith 11N2)in', 13N4)in', or 2)in' 534'1)
mm, 44'1)mm, or 11)mm7 hose in lenths of .p to 110 ft 541'* m7' Some .se 21N2)in'
523'1)mm7 hose $ith a smooth%ore no88le or a &om%ination no88le'
#he 21N2)in' 523'1)mm7 smooth%ore no88le $ith a 11N4)in' 524'2)mm7 tip prod.&es a
.sa%le stream >210 pm 5+42 -Nmin7? at 10)psi 53'1)%ar7 inlet re<.irin 21 psi
54'1 %ar7 at the valve o.tlet $ith 100 ft 530'1 m7 of 21N2)in' 523'1)mm7 hose or *3 psi 51
%ar7 at the o.tlet $ith 110 ft 541'* m7 of hose'
Some departments .se 10 ft 511'2 m7 of 21N2)in' 523'1)mm7 hose to a ated $ye,
s.pplyin t$o 100)ft 530'1)m7 lenths of 11N2)in' to 2)in' 534'1)mm to 11)mm7 hose $ith
&om%ination no88les, re<.irin 120 psi to 14+ psi 54'3 %ar to 10'3 %ar7 at the valve o.tlet'
5See #a%le A)1)*'7
Also see NFPA 1+01, Standard for A.tomotive Fire Apparat.s'
0.e to the different limitations esta%lished in Se&tion 1)4, it &o.ld %e ne&essary
to arrane pipin so that separate devi&es &an %e provided on the
Class I and Class II hose &onne&tions'
(any fire departments lay a hoseline from the p.mper into the %.ildin and &onne&t to an
a&&essi%le valve o.tlet .sin a do.%le female s$ivel $here the %.ildin fire department
&onne&tions are ina&&essi%le or inopera%le' #o press.ri8e the standpipe, the hose valve is
opened and the enine p.mps into the system'
If the standpipe is e<.ipped $ith hose valves, the valve a&ts as a &he&=
valve, prohi%itin p.mpin into the system $hen the valve is open'
A s.pplementary sinle)inlet fire department &onne&tion or hose valve $ith female
threads at an a&&essi%le lo&ation on the standpipe allo$s p.mpin into that system'
If a $ater s.pply system s.pplies more than one %.ildin or more than one fire area, the
total s.pply &an %e &al&.lated %ased on the sinle %.ildin or fire area re<.irin the
reatest n.m%er of standpipes'
#a%le A)1)* Hose Stream Fri&tion -osses S.mmary
Cal&' No' No88leNHose Flo$ Dalve ,.tlet
pm -Nmin psi %ar
1 21N2)in' 523'1)mm7 &om%ination no88le, $ith 110 ft 541'* m7 of 21N2)in' 523'1)
mm7 hose 210 +42 123 4'1
2 21N2)in' 523'1)mm7 smooth%ore no88le $ith 11N4)in' 524'2)mm7 tip and 110 ft
541'* m7 of 21N2)in' 523'1)mm7 hose 210 +42 *3 1
3 #$o 11N2)in' 534'1)mm7 &om%ination no88les $ith 100 ft 530'1 m7 of 11N2)in'
534'1)mm7 hose per no88le, 21N2)in' 523'1)mm7 ated $ye, and 10 ft 511'2 m7 of 21N2)in'
523'1)mm7 hose 210 +42 14+ 10'3
4 Same as &al&.lation no' 3 $ith t$o 100)ft 530'1)m7 lenths of 13N4)in' 44'1)mm7
hose 210 +42 13+ +'2
1 Same as &al&.lation no' 3 $ith t$o 100)ft 530'1)m7 lenths of 2)in' 511)mm7 hose
210 +42 120 4'3
2 11N2)in' 534'1)mm7 &om%ination no88le $ith 110 ft 541'* m7 of 2)in' 511)mm7
hose 200 *1* 132 +'4
* Same as &al&.lation no' 2 $ith 13N4)in' 544'1)mm7 hose 200 *1*
124 11'2
For a dis&.ssion of .se %y the fire department of fire department &onne&tions, see NFPA
13E, @.ide for Fire 0epartment ,perations in Properties Prote&ted %y Sprin=ler and
Standpipe Systems'
See Se&tion 2)4 of NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprin=ler Systems'
#he follo$in list provides o&&.pan&y e;amples a&&ordin to vario.s ha8ard
&lassifi&ations' #hese e;amples are intended to represent the norm for those o&&.pan&y
types' or a%normal f.el loadins or &om%.sti%le &hara&teristi&s and s.s&epti%ility
to &hanes in these &hara&teristi&s for a parti&.lar o&&.pan&y sho.ld %e &onsidered in
sele&tion and &lassifi&ation'
#he liht ha8ard &lassifi&ation is intended to en&ompass residential o&&.pan&iesP
ho$ever, it does not pre& the .se of listed residential sprin=lers in residential
o&&.pan&ies or residential portions of other o&&.pan&ies'
5a7 -iht ha8ard o&&.pan&ies in& o&&.pan&ies havin &onditions similar to the
517 Ch.r&hes
527 Cl.%s
537 Eaves and overhans, if of &om%.sti%le &onstr.&tion $ith no &om%.sti%les
547 Ed.&ational
517 Hospitals
527 Instit.tional
5*7 -i%raries, e;&ept lare sta&= rooms
547 (
5+7 N.rsin or &onvales&ent homes
5107 ,ffi&es, in&l.din data pro&essin areas
5117 "esidential
5127 "esta.rant seatin areas
5137 #heaters and, e;&l.din staes and pros&
5147 Fn.sed atti&s
5%7 ,rdinary ha8ard 5@ro.p 17 o&&.pan&ies in& o&&.pan&ies havin &onditions
similar to the follo$inJ
517 A.tomo%ile par=in and sho$rooms
527 6a=eries
537 6everae man.fa&t.rin
547 Canneries
517 0airy prod.&ts man.fa&t.rin and pro&essin
527 Ele&troni& plants
5*7 @lass and lass prod.&ts man.fa&t.rin
547 -a.ndries
5+7 "esta.rant servi&e areas
5&7 ,rdinary ha8ard 5@ro.p 27 o&&.pan&ies in& o&&.pan&ies havin &onditions
similar to the follo$inJ
517 Cereal mills
527 Chemi&al plants 5ordinary7
537 Confe&tionery prod.&ts man.fa&t.rin
547 0istilleries
517 0ry &leaners
527 Feed mills
5*7 Horse sta%les
547 -eather oods man.fa&t.rin
5+7 -i%raries 5lare sta&= room areas7
5107 (a&hine shops
5117 (etal$or=in
5127 (er&antile
5137 Paper and p.lp mills
5147 Paper pro&ess plants
5117 Piers and $harves
5127 Post offi&es
51*7 Printin and p.%lishin
5147 "epair araes
51+7 Staes
5207 #e;tile man.fa&t.rin
5217 #ire man.fa&t.rin
5227 #o%a&&o prod.&ts man.fa&t.rin
5237 Aood ma&hinin
5247 Aood prod.&t assem%ly
5d7 E;tra ha8ard 5@ro.p 17 o&&.pan&ies in& o&&.pan&ies havin &onditions
similar to the follo$inJ
517 Air&raft hanars
527 Com%.sti%le .se areas
537 0ie &astin
547 (etal e;tr.din
517 Ply$ood and parti&le %oard man.fa&t.rin
527 Printin >.sin in=s havin flash points %elo$ 100OF 53*'+OC7?
5*7 ".%%er re&laimin, &ompo.ndin, dryin, millin, and v.l&ani8in
547 Sa$mills
5+7 #e;tile pi&=in, openin, %lendin, arnettin, and &ardinP &om%inin of &otton,
syntheti&s, $ool shoddy, or %.rlap
5107 Fpholsterin $ith plasti& foams
5e7 E;tra ha8ard 5@ro.p 27 o&&.pan&ies in& o&&.pan&ies havin &onditions
similar to the follo$inJ
517 Asphalt sat.ratin
527 Flamma%le li<.ids sprayin
537 Flo$ &oatin
547 (o%ile home or mod.lar %.ildin assem%lies 5$here finished en& is present
and has &om%.sti%le interiors7
517 ,pen oil <.en&hin
527 Plasti&s pro&essin
5*7 Solvent &leanin
547 Darnish and paint dippin
See Fi.res A)1)+'1'3'15a7 and A)1)+'1'3'15%7' A)1)+'1'3'15a7 A&&epta%le pipin arranement for &om%ined sprin=lerNstandpipe
systems' A)1)+'1'3'15%7 A&&epta%le pipin arranement for &om%ined sprin=lerNstandpipe
0.rin flo$ testin of valves, &are sho.ld %e ta=en in ma=in
&onne&tions to drain risers' An air ap sho.ld %e maintained in order to prevent &ross
&onne&tion to nonpota%le $ater so.r&es'
See NFPA 13E, @.ide for Fire 0epartment ,perations in Properties Prote&ted %y
Sprin=ler and Standpipe Systems'
#he n.m%er of 21N2)in' 523'1)mm7 inlets to s.pply the re<.ired $ater and at the fire department &onne&tion is dependent on several varia%les s.&h as the
performan&e of the $ater s.pply at the so.r&e, the distan&e from the so.r&e to the
lo&ation of the inlets, the diameter of the hose .sed, the si8e of the fire department
p.mper, and the re<.ired $ater and at the %ase of the standpipe riser5s7'
Fire department p.mpers $ill normally %e re<.ired to a.ment the availa%le
from p.%li& hydrants'
Aith .se of $all hydrants, the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion sho.ld %e &ons.lted reardin
the ne&essary $ater s.pply and arranement of &ontrol valves at the point of s.pply in
ea&h &ase' 5See A)1)13'2'7 A)1)13'2 #ypi&al $all fire hydrant installation'
For typi&al master stream devi&es, see Fi.res A)1)115a7 and A)1)115%7' A)1)115a7 Standard monitor no88les' 5@ear &ontrol no88les are also satisfa&tory'7 A)1)115%7 #ypi&al hydrant)mo.nted monitor no88le'
Plans sho.ld indi&ate the type of fire department e<.ipment that the system is desined to
serve, in&l.din the hose si8e, hose lenth, and hose no88le' S.&h e<.ipment is the %asis
for the sele&ted in a&&ordan&e $ith Se&tion 1)*'
#he sele&tion of $ater s.pplies for ea&h installation sho.ld %e determined in &ooperation
$ith the a.thority havin L.risdi&tion'
See NFPA 20, Standard for the Installation of Stationary P.mps for Fire Prote&tion, and
NFPA 22, Standard for Aater #an=s for Private Fire Prote&tion'
Additional %enefit is derived from $aterflo$ tests %y the indi&ation of possi%le
defi&ien&ies, s.&h as t.%er&.lation of pipin, &losed valves, or other o%str.&tions, $hi&h
sho.ld %e &orre&ted to provide ade<.ate $aterflo$s'
Ahere standpipe &onne&tions are %.ilt into the $alls or partitions, the hydrostati& tests
sho.ld %e made %efore they are &overed or permanently sealed'
E;ample of "e<.ired Hydrostati& #est' #he $ater s.pply for a standpipe system
is the &onne&tion to a p.%li& $ater servi&e main' A 100)psi 52'+)%ar7 rated is
installed in the &onne&tion' Aith a ma;im.m normal p.%li& $ater s.pply of *0
psi 54'+ %ar7 at the lo$ elevation point of the system or 8one %ein tested and a 120)psi
54'3)%ar7 5&h.rn7, the hydrostati& test is *0 psi V 120 psi V 10 psi,
or 240 psi 512'2 %ar7' 5See NFPA 24, Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Servi&e
(ains and #heir App.rtenan&es, for permitted lea=ae in .nderro.nd pipin'7
#he testin and fl.shin of the .nderro.nd pipe sho.ld %e in a&&ordan&e $ith NFPA 24,
Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Servi&e (ains and #heir App.rtenan&es'
#he most remote hose &onne&tions in a %.ildin are enerally at a roof
manifold, if provided, or at the top of a stair leadin to the roof' In a m.lti8one system,
the testin means is enerally at a test header at rade or at a s.&tion tan= on hiher
Ahere a flo$ test at the most remote hose &onne&tion is not pra&ti&a%le, the
a.thority havin L.risdi&tion sho.ld %e &ons.lted for the appropriate lo&ation of the test'
#here sho.ld %e a s.%stantial %o;, prefera%ly of metal, lo&ated at the hihest hose
&onne&tion, in $hi&h a <.antity of hose s.ffi&ient to rea&h all parts of the floor, a 11N4
)in' 52+)mm7 no88le, spanner $ren&hes, and hose straps sho.ld %e =ept'
#op hose &onne&tions sho.ld not %e lo&ated more than one floor %elo$ the hihest forms,
stain, and similar &om%.sti%les at any time'
Appendi; 6 Fire Flo$ #est Pro&
#his appendi; is not a part of the re<.irements of this NFPA do&.ment %.t is in&l.ded for
informational p.rposes only'
6)1 #est (ethod'
After the lo&ation $here the test is to %e &ond.&ted has %een determined, a ro.p of test
hydrants in the vi&inity is sele&ted' ,n&e sele&ted, d.e &onsideration is iven to potential
interferen&e $ith traffi& flo$ patterns, damae to s.rro.ndins 5e'', road$ays,
side$al=s, lands&apes, vehi&les, and pedestrians7, and potential floodin pro%lems %oth
lo&al and remote from the test site' ,ne hydrant, desinated the hydrant, is
&hosen to %e the hydrant $here the normal stati& $ill %e o%served $ith the other
hydrants in the ro.p &losed, and $here the $ill %e o%served $ith the
other hydrants flo$in' #his hydrant is &hosen so it $ill %e lo&ated %et$een the hydrant
to %e flo$ed and the lare mains that &onstit.te the immediate so.r&es of $ater s.pply in
the area' In 6)1'1, test layo.ts are indi&ated sho$in the hydrant
desinated $ith " and hydrants to %e flo$ed $ith the letter F' #he n.m%er of hydrants to
%e .sed in any test depends .pon the strenth of the distri%.tion system in the vi&inity of
the test lo&ation' #o o%tain satisfa&tory test res.lts of theoreti&al &al&.lation of e;pe&ted
flo$s or rated &apa&ities, s.ffi&ient dis&hare sho.ld %e a&hieved to & a drop in at the hydrant of at least 21 per&ent, or to flo$ the total demand
ne&essary for the system demand or fire)fihtin p.rposes' 6)1'1 S.ested flo$ test layo.ts'
If the mains are small and the system $ea=, only one or t$o hydrants need to %e flo$ed'
If, on the other hand, the mains are lare and the system stron, it &an %e ne&essary to
flo$ as many as seven or eiht hydrants'
It is prefera%le to flo$ $ater past the hydrant'
6)2 E<.ipment'
#he e<.ipment ne&essary for field $or= &onsists of a sinle 200)psi 514)%ar7 %o.rdon a.e $ith 2)psi 50'13*4)%ar7 rad.ations, a n.m%er of Pitot t.%es, hydrant
$ren&hes, 10) or 20)psi 53'1) or 4'0)%ar7 %o.rdon $ith 1)psi 50'024+)%ar7
rad.ations, and s&ales $ith 1N12)in' 51'2)mm7 rad.ations >one Pitot t.%e, a 10) or 20)
psi 53'1) or 4'0)%ar7 a.e, a hydrant $ren&h, and a s&ale for ea&h hydrant to %e flo$ed?,
and a spe&ial hydrant &ap tapped $ith a hole into $hi&h a short lenth of 1N4)in' 52'31)
mm7 %rass pipe is fitted' #his pipe is provided $ith a # &onne&tion for the 200)psi 514)
%ar7 a.e and a &o&= at the end for relievin air' All sho.ld %e
&ali%rated at least every 12 months or more fre<.ently dependin on .se'
Ahen more than one hydrant is flo$ed, it &an %e desira%le and ne&essary to .se porta%le
radios to fa&ilitate &' It is preferred to .se an Fnder$riterBs Playpipe, or
other stream straihtener, $ith a =no$n &oeffi&ient of dis&hare, $hen testin hydrants
d.e to a more streamlined flo$ and more a&&.rate Pitot readin'
6)3 #est Pro&'
In a typi&al test, the 200)psi 514)%ar7 a.e is atta&hed to one of the 21N2)in' 524)mm7
o.tlets of the hydrant .sin the spe&ial &ap, the &o&= on the a.e pipin is
opened, and the hydrant valve is opened f.ll' As soon as the air is e;ha.sted from the
%arrel, the &o&= is &losed' A readin 5stati& press.re7 is ta=en $hen the needle &omes to
rest' At a iven sinal ea&h of the other hydrants is opened in s.&&ession, $ith dis&hare
ta=in pla&e dire&tly from the open hydrant %.tts' Hydrants sho.ld %e opened one at a
time' Aith all hydrants flo$in, $ater sho.ld %e allo$ed to flo$ for a s.ffi&ient time to
&lear all de%ris and forein s.%stan&es from the stream5s7' At that time, a sinal is iven
to the people at the hydrants to read the Pitot of the streams sim.ltaneo.sly
$hile the is %ein read' #he final of the drop &an %e
&ontrolled %y the n.m%er of hydrants .sed and the n.m%er of o.tlets opened on ea&h'
After the readins have %een ta=en, hydrants sho.ld %e sh.t do$n slo$ly, one at a time,
to prevent .nd.e s.res in the system'
6)4 Pitot "eadins'
Ahen meas.rin dis&hare from open hydrant %.tts, 21N2)in' 524)mm7 o.tlets rather than
p.mper o.tlets sho.ld %e .sed'
In pra&ti&ally all &ases, the 21N2)in' 524)mm7 o.tlets are filled a&ross the entire &ross
se&tion d.rin flo$, $hile in the &ase of the larer o.tlets there is very fre<.ently a void
near the %ottom' Ahen meas.rin the Pitot of a stream of pra&ti&ally .niform
velo&ity, the orifi&e in the Pitot t.%e is held do$nstream appro;imately one)half the
diameter of the hydrant o.tlet or no88le openin, and in the &enter of the stream' #he
&enterline of the orifi&e sho.ld %e at riht anles to the plane of the fa&e of the hydrant
o.tlet' #he air &ham%er on the Pitot t.%e sho.ld %e =ept elevated' Pitot readins of less
than 10 psi 50'* %ar7 and more than 30 psi 52'0 %ar7 sho.ld %e avoided, if possi%le'
,penin additional hydrant o.tlets $ill aid in &ontrollin the Pitot readin' Aith dry
%arrel hydrants, the hydrant valve sho.ld %e $ide open' #his minimi8es pro%lems $ith
.nderro.nd drain valves' Aith $et %arrel hydrants, the valve for the flo$in o.tlet
sho.ld %e $ide open' #his openin ives a more streamlined flo$ and a more a&&.rate
Pitot readin' 5See 6)4'2'7 6)4'2 Pitot t.%e position'
6)1 0etermination of 0is&hare'
At the hydrants .sed for flo$ d.rin the test, the dis&hares from the open %.tts sho.ld
%e determined from meas.rements of the diameter of the o.tlets flo$ed, the Pitot 5velo&ity head7 of the streams as indi&ated %y the Pitot a.e readins, and the
&oeffi&ient of the o.tlet %ein flo$ed as determined from 6)1' If flo$ t.%es
5stream straihteners7 are %ein .tili8ed, a &oeffi&ient of 0'+1 is .sed .nless the
&oeffi&ient of the t.%e is =no$n'
#he .sed to &omp.te the dis&hare, U, in pm from these meas.rements is
& M &oeffi&ient of dis&hare 5see 6)17
d M diameter of the o.tlet 5in'7
P M Pitot 5velo&ity head7 5psi7 6)1 #hree eneral types of hydrant o.tlets and their &oeffi&ients of dis&hare'
6)2 Fse of P.mper ,.tlets'
If it is ne&essary to .se a p.mper o.tlet, and flo$ t.%es 5stream straihteners7 are not
availa%le, the %est res.lts are o%tained $ith the Pitot 5velo&ity head7 maintained
%et$een 1 psi and 10 psi 50'3 %ar and 0'* %ar7' For p.mper o.tlets, the appro;imate
dis&hare &an %e &omp.ted from E<.ation 6'1 .sin the Pitot 5velo&ity head7 at
the &enter of the stream and m.ltiplyin the %y one of the &oeffi&ients in #a%le 6)2,
dependin .pon the Pitot 5velo&ity head7' #hese &oeffi&ients are applied in
addition to the &oeffi&ient in E<.ation 6'1 and are for averae type hydrants'
#a%le 6)2 P.mper ,.tlet Coeffi&ients
Pitot 5Delo&ity Head7 Coeffi&ient
psi %ar
2 0'14 0'+*
3 0'21 0'+2
4 0'24 0'4+
1 0'31 0'42
2 0'41 0'44
* and over 0'44 and over 0'43
6)* 0etermination of 0is&hare Aitho.t a Pitot'
If a Pitot t.%e is not availa%le for .se to the hydrant dis&hare, a 10) or 20)psi
53'1) or 4'0)%ar7 a.e tapped into a hydrant &ap &an %e .sed' #he hydrant &ap $ith a.e
atta&hed is pla&ed on one o.tlet, and the flo$ is allo$ed to ta=e pla&e thro.h the other
o.tlet at the same elevation' #he readins o%tained from a a.e so lo&ated, and the
readins o%tained from a a.e on a Pitot t.%e held in the stream, are appro;imately the
6)4 Cal&.lation "es.lts'
6)4'1 0is&hare Cal&.lations from'
#he dis&hare in pm 5-Nmin7 for ea&h o.tlet flo$ed is o%tained from the dis&hare
ta%les in #a%le 6)4'1 or %y the .se of E<.ation 6'2' If more than one o.tlet is .sed, the
dis&hares from all are added to o%tain the total dis&hare'
#he that is enerally .sed to &omp.te the dis&hare at the spe&ified or for any desired drop is E<.ation 6'2J
U" M flo$ predi&ted at desired
UF M total flo$ d.rin test
hr M drop to desired
hf M drop d.rin test
In this e<.ation, any .nits of dis&hare or drop &an %e .sed as lon as the same
.nits are .sed for ea&h val.e of the same varia%le' In other $ords, if U" is e;pressed in
pm, UF %e in pm, and if hr is e;pressed in psi, hf %e e;pressed in psi' #hese
are the .nits that are normally .sed in applyin E<.ation 6'2 to fire flo$ test
6)4'2 0is&hare Cal&.lations from #a%le 6)4'2'
,ne means of solvin this e<.ation $itho.t the .se of loarithms is %y .sin #a%le 6)4'2'
#his ta%le ives the of the 0'14 po$er of the n.m%ers from 1 to 1*1' Eno$in the of hf, hr, and UF, the of hf0'14 and hr0'14 &an %e read from the ta%le and
E<.ation 6'2 solved for U"' "es.lts are &arried to the nearest 100 pm 5340
-Nmin7 for dis&hares of 1000 pm 53400 -Nmin7 or more, and to the nearest 10 pm 51+0
-Nmin7 for smaller dis&hares, $hi&h is as &lose as &an %e L.stified %y the deree of
a&&.ra&y of the field o%servations'
#he method of .se for #a%le 6)4'2 is as follo$s Q insert the of hr0'14 and hf0'14
determined from the ta%le and the val.e of UF in E<.ation 6'2, and solve the e<.ation of
6)+ 0ata Sheet'
#he data se&.red d.rin the testin of hydrants for .niform mar=in &an %e val.a%le for
other p.rposes' Aith this in mind, it is s.ested that the form sho$n in 6)+ %e
.sed to re&ord information that is ta=en' #he %a&= of the form sho.ld in& a lo&ation
s=et&h' Ahen the tests are &omplete, the forms sho.ld %e filed for referen&e %y
interested parties'
#he theoreti&al dis&hare of sea $ater, as from a fire)%oat no88le, is fo.nd %y s.%tra&tin
1 per&ent from the fi.res in #a%le 6)4'2, or from the form.laJ
Appropriate &oeffi&ient sho.ld %e applied $here it is read from hydrant o.tlet' Ahere
more a&&.rate res.lts are re<.ired, a &oeffi&ient appropriate on the parti&.lar no88le
sho.ld %e sele&ted and applied to the fi.res of the ta%le' #he dis&hare from &ir&.lar
openins of si8es other than those in the ta%le &an readily %e &omp.ted %y applyin the
prin&iple that <.antity dis&hared .nder a iven head varies as the s<.are of the diameter
of the openin'
#a%le 6)4'2 of h0'14
h h0'14 h h0'14 h h0'14 h h0'14 h h0'14
1 1'00 32 2'+3 *1 +'++ 102 12'41 141 14'4*
2 1'41 3* *'03 *2 10'0* 10* 12'4* 142 14'13
3 1'41 34 *'13 *3 10'14 104 12'13 143 14'14
4 2'11 3+ *'23 *4 10'22 10+ 12'20 144 14'24
1 2'3+ 40 *'33 *1 10'2+ 110 12'22 141 14'2+
2 2'23 41 *'43 *2 10'3* 111 12'*2 142 14'*1
* 2'42 42 *'13 ** 10'44 112 12'*4 14* 14'40
4 3'0* 43 *'22 *4 10'11 113 12'44 144 14'42
+ 3'24 44 *'*2 *+ 10'1+ 114 12'+0 14+ 14'+1
10 3'4* 41 *'41 40 10'22 111 12'+2 110 14'+*
11 3'21 42 *'+1 41 10'*3 112 13'03 111 11'02
12 3'43 4* 4'00 42 10'40 11* 13'0+ 112 11'0*
13 4'00 44 4'0+ 43 10'4* 114 13'11 113 11'13
14 4'12 4+ 4'14 44 10'+4 11+ 13'21 114 11'14
11 4'32 10 4'2* 41 11'01 120 13'2* 111 11'23
12 4'44 11 4'32 42 11'04 121 13'33 112 11'2+
1* 4'22 12 4'44 4* 11'11 122 13'3+ 11* 11'34
14 4'*2 13 4'13 44 11'22 123 13'44 114 11'3+
1+ 4'+0 14 4'22 4+ 11'2+ 124 13'10 11+ 11'44
20 1'04 11 4'*1 +0 11'32 121 13'12 120 11'10
21 1'14 12 4'*+ +1 11'43 122 13'22 121 11'11
22 1'31 1* 4'44 +2 11'4+ 12* 13'24 122 11'20
23 1'44 14 4'+2 +3 11'12 124 13'*4 123 11'21
24 1'12 1+ +'04 +4 11'23 12+ 13'40 124 11'*0
21 1'2+ 20 +'12 +1 11'2+ 130 13'41 121 11'*2
22 1'41 21 +'21 +2 11'*2 131 13'+1 122 11'41
2* 1'+3 22 +'2+ +* 11'43 132 13'+* 12* 11'42
24 2'01 23 +'3* +4 11'4+ 133 14'02 124 11'+1
2+ 2'12 24 +'41 ++ 11'+2 134 14'04 12+ 11'+2
30 2'24 21 +'13 100 12'02 131 14'14 1*0 12'01
31 2'3+ 22 +'21 101 12'0+ 132 14'1+ 1*1 12'02
32 2'10 2* +'2+ 102 12'11 13* 14'21 1*2 12'11
33 2'21 24 +'*2 103 12'22 134 14'31 1*3 12'12
34 2'*1 2+ +'44 104 12'24 13+ 14'32 1*4 12'21
31 2'42 *0 +'+2 101 12'34 140 14'42 1*1 12'22 6)+ Sample hydrant flo$ test report'
6)10 System Corre&tions'
Flo$ test res.lts sho$ the strenth of the distri%.tion system and do not ne&essarily
indi&ate the deree of ade<.a&y of the entire $ater $or=s system' Consider a system
s.pplied %y p.mps at one lo&ation and havin no elevated storae' If the at the station drops d.rin the test, it is an indi&ation that the distri%.tion system is
&apa%le of deliverin more than the p.mps &an deliver at their normal operatin'
It is ne&essary to .se a val.e for the drop in for the test that is e<.al to the a&
drop o%tained in the field d.rin the test, min.s the drop in dis&hare at the
p.mpin station' If s.ffi&ient p.mpin &apa&ity is availa%le at the station and the
dis&hare &o.ld %e maintained %y operatin additional p.mps, the $ater system
as a $hole &o.ld deliver the &omp.ted <.antity' If, ho$ever, additional p.mpin .nits are
not availa%le, the distri%.tion system $o.ld %e &apa%le of deliverin the &omp.ted
<.antity, %.t the $ater system as a $hole $o.ld %e limited %y the p.mpin &apa&ity' #he
portion of the drop for $hi&h a &orre&tion &an %e made for tests on systems $ith
storae is enerally estimated .pon the %asis of a st.dy of all the tests made and the drops o%served on the re&ordin a.e at the station for ea&h' #he &orre&tions
&an vary from very s.%stantial portions of the o%served drops for tests near the
p.mpin station, to 8ero for tests remote from the station'
It is prefera%le to flo$ $ater past the hydrant'
Appendi; C "eferen&ed P.%li&ations
#he follo$in do&.ments or portions thereof are referen&ed $ithin this standard for
informational p.rposes only and are th.s not &onsidered part of the re<.irements of this
standard .nless also listed in Chapter 11' #he edition indi&ated here for ea&h referen&e is
the &.rrent edition as of the date of the NFPA of this standard'
C)1'1 NFPA P.%li&ations'
National Fire Prote&tion Asso&iation, 1 6atterymar&h Par=, P',' 6o; +101,, (A
NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprin=ler Systems, 1+++ edition'
NFPA 13E, @.ide for Fire 0epartment ,perations in Properties Prote&ted %y Sprin=ler
and Standpipe Systems, 2000 edition'
NFPA 20, Standard for the Installation of Stationary P.mps for Fire Prote&tion, 1+++
NFPA 22, Standard for Aater #an=s for Private Fire Prote&tion, 1++4 edition'
NFPA 24, Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Servi&e (ains and #heir
App.rtenan&es, 1++1 edition'
NFPA 21, Standard for the Inspe&tion, #estin, and (aintenan&e of Aater)6ased Fire
Prote&tion Systems, 1++4 edition'
NFPA 101T, -ife Safety CodeT, 2000 edition'
NFPA 1+01, Standard for A.tomotive Fire Apparat.s, 1+++ edition'
NFPA 1+22, Standard for the Care, Fse, and Servi&e #estin of Fire Hose In&l.din
Co.plins and No88les, 1++4 edition'
NFPA 1+24, Standard for Spray No88les 5Sh.toff and #ip7, 1++4 edition'

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