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Tools An Astrology Handbook

An illustrated Journal of eastern and western wisdom
This is a basic Astrology manual designed to help you interpret your own chart. I wrote it
in 1991, when studying Astrology quite intensively, and have not altered it since. I interpret
Astrology in the frame of Kabbalah, and I shall shortly add to this page an example of the
planets of a chart applied to the Tree of Life.
For further study, I recommend Kabbalah and Astrology by Zev ben Shimon Halevi,
published by Kabbalah Society, and his Astrology: The Celestial Mirror, published by
Thames & Hudson.
Cov er
The contents of this manual are: (page) 1.Introduction ~ 3.The Planets ~ 6.The Part of
Fortune & the Lunar Nodes ~ 7.The Zodiac Signs ~ 11. The Psychological Elements ~ 12.
Chart Frame The Ascendent, the Midheaven & the Root (Imum Coeli) ~ 14. The Mundane
Houses ~ 16. The Aspects ~ 17. Blank chart ~ and 18. The Signs and Planetary
All material on this Page is copyright (c)Jane Adams 1991-2013.
1 . Introduction
2. Introduction
3. The Planets
4. The Planets
5. The Planets
6. Part of Fortune & the Lunar Nodes
7 . The Zodiac Signs
8. The Zodiac Signs
9. The Zodiac Signs
1 0. The Zodiac Signs
1 1 . The Elements
1 2. Chart frame Ascendent, Midheav en and Root (Imum Coeli)
1 3. Chart Frame Ascendent, Midheav en & Root (Imum Coeli)
1 4. The Mundane Houses


Stumble Stumble
1 5. The Mundane Houses
1 6. The Aspects
1 7 . Blank chart

My adventure invites fellow travellers. I am a poet, an artist and a seer. I welcome
conversation among the PHILO SOFIA, the lovers of wisdom.
This blog is a vehicle to promote also my published work The Sacred India Tarot
(with Rohit Arya, Yogi Impressions Books) and The Dreamer in the Dream a
collection of short stories (0 Books). Watch this space.
1 8. Back cov er Planets in their signs of rulership
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on June 11, 2013 at 7:13 pm said:
Excellent you study astrology?

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