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Photos of the Week: 10/4-10/10

Oct 10, 2014 |

This week we have images of human towers going u in !ata"onia, erutions of #ount $ina%ung in &n'onesia, a witch in f"ight a%ove !a"ifornia, a serene $wiss
mea'ow, the (a)) i"grimage in $au'i *ra%ia, +ur'ish eshmerga fighters in &ra,, a surfer in #orocco, an infinite scu"ture in #e-ico, an' much more. /01 hotos2
3aan4s (-2* rocket, which carries the (imawari-5 weather sate""ite, "eaves the "aunching a' at the Tanegashima $ace !enter, +agoshima refecture, in
southwestern 3aan in a %i' to imrove the accurac6 of weather forecasts re"ate' to natura" 'isasters. 73&3& P89$$/*:P/;ett6 &mages<
3aan4s (-2* rocket, which carries the (imawari-5 weather sate""ite, "eaves the "aunching a' at the Tanegashima $ace !enter, +agoshima refecture, in
southwestern 3aan in a %i' to imrove the accurac6 of weather forecasts re"ate' to natura" 'isasters. 73&3& P89$$/*:P/;ett6 &mages<
&srae"i *irsoft teams in action 'uring a com%at simu"ation session, on Octo%er =, 2014 in +far $a%a, &srae". Originating in 3aan, *irsoft is simi"ar to the sort of
aint%a"", %ut uti"i>es re"ica weaonr6 in strategic %att"efie"' scenarios. 7&"ia ?efimovich/;ett6 &mages< @
* farmer "ea's a 'ecorate' %uffa"o as he arrives for !hon%uri4s annua" %uffa"o race festiva", east of Aangkok, on Octo%er =, 2014. The event, which a"so ce"e%rates
the rice harvest, 'ates %ack to the %uffa"o tra'e in !hon%uri, once the commercia" center of Thai"an'4s east. 78euters/!haiwat $u%rasom< @
T6hoon Bongfong is seen in the Pacific Ocean as it aroaches 3aan4s main is"an's on its northwar' )ourne6, in this #o'erate-8eso"ution &maging
$ectrora'iometer 7#OC&$< image taken from D*$*4s *,ua sate""ite on Octo%er E, 2014. 3aan is %racing for its strongest storm this 6ear, a suer t6hoon
owering north towar' the Okinawa is"an' chain that threatens to rake a wi'e swathe of the nation with strong win's an' torrentia" rain. 78euters/D*$*< @
* hotograher takes ictures of an insta""ation tit"e' F&nfinit6 #irrore' 8oom - :i""e' With the Ari""iance of GifeF %6 3aanese artist ?a6oi +usama 'uring her
e-hi%ition at the 8ufino Tama6o museum in #e-ico !it6 on Octo%er H, 2014. 78euters/Tomas Aravo< @
Iin Wu6ue, %orn in 2010, oses 'uring an interview with 8euters in $hanghai *ugust 22, 2014. 8euters hotograher !ar"os Aarria hotograhe' a erson %orn in
each 6ear !hina4s one chi"' o"ic6 has %een in e-istenceJ from a man %orn in 1E=E, to a %a%6 %orn in 2014, an' aske' them if the6 wou"' have "ike to have si%"ings.
!hina, the wor"'4s most ou"ous countr6 with near"6 1.4 %i""ion eo"e, sa6s the countr64s one-chi"' o"ic6 has averte' 400 mi""ion %irths since 1E50, saving scarce
foo' resources an' he"ing to u"" fami"ies out of overt6. !ou"es vio"ating the o"ic6 have ha' to a6 a fine, or in some cases have %een force' to un'ergo
a%ortions. Aut "ate "ast 6ear, !hina sai' it wou"' a""ow mi""ions of fami"ies to have two chi"'ren, art of a "an to raise ferti"it6 rates an' ease the financia" %ur'en on
a rai'"6 aging ou"ation. 78euters/!ar"os Aarria< @
#ount $ina%ung vo"cano eruts, as seen from Tiga Pancur vi""age, +aro 8egenc6 in &n'onesia4s Dorth $umatra rovince, on Octo%er 5, 2014. 78euters/?T
(ar6ono< @
!aste""ers !o""a Be""a Ki,uets 'e Ba""s form a human tower, ca""e' Fcaste""F, 'uring a %iannua" cometition in Tarragona cit6 on Octo%er 1, 2014. The formation of
human towers is a tra'ition in the area of !ata"onia. 78euters/*"%ert ;ea< @
&n'onesian *ir :orce he"icoters f"6 in formation over the f"eet of mi"itar6 shis in a show of force 'uring a ceremon6 commemorating the HEth anniversar6 of
&n'onesian *rme' :orces in $ura%a6a, 9ast 3ava, &n'onesia, on Octo%er =, 2014. 7*P Photo/Trisna'i< @
*n &n'onesian #arine tank fires in mi'-air 'uring The HEth 8eu%"ic of &n'onesian #i"itar6 *nniversar6 on Octo%er =, 2014 in $ura%a6a, &n'onesia. 78o%ertus
Pu'6anto/;ett6 &mages< @
* gir" runs ast an art insta""ation 'eicting a shark at the #useum of Otica" &""usions in $t. Peters%urg on Octo%er =, 2014. 78euters/*"e-an'er Cemianchuk< @
!ows stan' in a mea'ow on a mountain in front of #ount $aentis 72,102 meters/5,20E feet a%ove sea "eve"< 'uring sunn6 autumn weather near the eastern $wiss
town of Wattwi"" on Octo%er E, 2014. 78euters/*rn' Wiegmann< @
* art of the a"-Cukhane6a neigh%orhoo' near Camascus, $6ria, after so"'iers "o6a" to $6ria4s Presi'ent Aashar a"-*ssa' took contro" of it from re%e" fighters, on
Octo%er H, 2014. 78euters/$*D*< @
* ro-'emocrac6 stu'ent rotester s"ees on an occuie' roa'wa6 surroun'ing the government com"e- in (ong +ong on Octo%er =, 2014. $tu'ent-"e' rotests for
'emocratic reforms in (ong +ong continue' to shrink Tues'a6 morning %ut a few hun're' 'emonstrators remaine' came' out in the streets, vowing to kee u the
ressure unti" the government reson's to their 'eman's. 7*P Photo/Wa""6 $antana< @
8ussian &nterior #inistr6 mem%ers stan' guar' as #us"ims atten' an 9i' a"-*'ha mass ra6er in #oscow on Octo%er 4, 2014. #us"ims aroun' the wor"' ce"e%rate
9i' a"-*'ha to mark the en' of the ha) i"grimage %6 s"aughtering shee, goats, came"s an' cows to commemorate Prohet *%raham4s wi""ingness to sacrifice his
son, &smai", on ;o'4s comman'. 78euters/$ergei +arukhin< @
The 9arth4s sha'ow artia""6 o%scures the moon as a erson in :erris whee" o%serves it 'uring a "unar ec"ise in Tok6o on Octo%er 5, 2014. 7*P Photo/+o)i
$asahara< @
9-ca"i%ur, the 'og of the $anish nurse infecte' with 9%o"a, %arks from her %a"con6 in #a'ri', $ain, on Octo%er 5, 2014. *uthorities cature' the 'og an'
euthani>e' it, 'rawing rotests from some who aske' that the 'og %e ,uarantine' rather than 'estro6e'. 7*P Photo/*n'res +u'acki< @
*n aroaching storm "ooms over the :rench 8iviera cit6 of Dice, southeastern :rance, on Octo%er 1, 2014. 7Ba"er6 (ache/*:P/;ett6 &mages< @
Two sniers of the ;erman *rme' :orces wa"k on a training groun' 'uring an e-ercise rior the arriva" of ;erman Cefense #inister Lrsu"a von 'er Ge6en at the
Aun'eswehr training groun' on Octo%er 10, 2014 near Aergen, ;erman6. 7*"e-an'er +oerner/;ett6 &mages< @
* ma"e re' 'eer with ant"ers covere' in %racken, wa"ks through un'ergrowth in 8ichmon' Park in south west Gon'on on Octo%er 0, 2014. Over H00 re' an' fa""ow
'eer roam in the "argest of Gon'on4s 8o6a" Parks, an' have their num%ers manage' in an annua" cu"" each Dovem%er an' :e%ruar6. 78euters/To%6 #e"vi""e< @
$6'ne6 "oca"s "ine u a"ong the waters e'ge 'resse' in f"uro costumes in an attemt to create Aon'i4s "argest f"uro wave stretching from $outh Aon'i to Dorth Aon'i
at Aon'i Aeach on Octo%er 10, 2014 in $6'ne6, *ustra"ia. The event is to raise awareness on Wor"' #enta" (ea"th Ca6 an' show suort for ever6one who has ever
suffere', or knows someone who has suffere' with 'eression an' other 'isor'ers. 786an Pierse/;ett6 &mages< @
This "ong e-osure hotograh taken "ate on Octo%er E, 2014 shows scorching "ava f"ow an' giant ash c"ou's re"ease' from the crater 'uring an erution of #ount
$ina%ung as seen from +aro 'istrict "ocate' on $umatra is"an'. &n'onesian authorities sai' 6roc"astic f"ows reache' 4.1 ki"ometers 'own the s"oe threatening
ou"ate' vi""ages whi"e ash c"ou's reache' three ki"ometers into the sk6 'uring its "atest series of erutions that %egan on Octo%er 1. 7$utanta *'it6a/*:P/;ett6
&mages< @
One of the two h6enas who were rescue' %6 anima"s right grou *nima"s Ge%anon, insi'e a cage in *"e6, Ge%anon, on Octo%er 5, 2014. #a- an' Ba", the %rother
an' sister air of (6enas are %eing ket in *"e6 after the6 were rescue' %6 *nima"s Ge%anon an' wi"" soon %e sent to a sanctuar6 in :rance. 78euters/3ama" $ai'i< @
* ra'io-contro""e' f"6ing witch makes a test f"ight ast a moon setting into c"ou's a"ong the acific ocean in !ar"s%a', !a"ifornia, on Octo%er 5, 2014. 8euters was
invite' to hotograh the testing of the "ife si>e' 'evice %6 inventor Otto Cieffen%ach. 78euters/#ike A"ake< @
Particiants fight 'uring a fire war ceremon6 at Ca"em Tem"e on Octo%er 5, 2014 in Tu%an, +uta, &n'onesia. The annua" ceremon6, known "oca""6 as $iat ;eni, is
he"' to war' off %a' "uck an' %ring courage. 7Putu $a6oga/;ett6 &mages< @
* Pa"estinian man stan's on the %a"con6 of his 'estro6e' house as he waits for the visit of Pa"estinian Prime #inister 8ami (am'a""ah to ;a>a4s neigh%orhoo' of
$hi)ae6ih on Octo%er E, 2014. 7*P Photo/+ha"i" (amra< @
$team rises from the 8o6a" 8iver as it f"ows ast the $arhawk #i"" on a chi""6 autumn morning, Octo%er H, 2014, in ?armouth, #aine. 7*P Photo/8o%ert :.
Aukat6< @
#us"im i"grims arrive to cast stones at i""ars s6m%o"i>ing $atan, 'uring the annua" (a)) i"grimage, on the first 'a6 of 9i' a"-*'ha in #ina, near the ho"6 cit6 of
#ecca, $au'i *ra%ia, on Octo%er 4, 2014. 78euters/#uhamma' (ame'< @
$moke rises from the imact of an airstrike ne-t to a hi"" where &$&$ mi"itants ha' "ace' their f"ag in the $6rian town of *in a"-*ra%, known as +o%ane %6 the
+ur's, seen from the Turkish-$6rian %or'er in the southeastern vi""age of #ursitinar, $an"iurfa rovince, on Octo%er 5, 2014. 7*ris #essinis/*:P/;ett6 &mages< @
*ctivists from the women4s rights organi>ation :emen are remove' as the6 'emonstrate on the roof of the #ou"in 8ouge !a%aret in Paris, on Octo%er 0H, 2014, to
rotest against the se- in'ustr6. 7Thomas $amson/*:P/;ett6 &mages< @
+ur'ish eshmerga fighters fire a mortar 'uring c"ashes with &$&$ mi"itants in the a"-Merga area near Tikrit cit6, in $a"ahu''in rovince of &ra,, on Octo%er 5, 2014.
+ur'ish eshmerga forces %acke' %6 $hi4ite vo"unteer fighters "aunche' an oeration on We'nes'a6 to 'rive &s"amic $tate mi"itants out of the area as art of an
attack to cature the cit6, eshmerga forces sources sai'. 78euters/$tringer< @
* #oroccan surfer wa"ks a"ong the %each as the sun sets in Oue' !harrat, 00 ki"ometers from the caita" 8a%at, on Octo%er =, 2014. 7:a'e" $enna/*:P/;ett6
&mages< @
+ansas !it6 8o6a"s4 "a6ers ce"e%rate in the c"u%house after winning ;ame 0 of %ase%a""4s *G Civision $eries against the Gos *nge"es *nge"s on Octo%er 1, 2014, in
+ansas !it6, #issouri, The 8o6a"s won 5-0 to swee the *nge"s in the series. 7*P Photo/!har"ie 8ie'e"< @
:oa', the %rother of 11 6ear-o"' Dora who "eft her home in *vignon, :rance, for $6ria nine months ago, shows a ortrait he took "ast $etem%er on his ce"" hone as
he atten's an interview with 8euters in Paris on Octo%er H, 2014. :oa', a :rench truck 'river of #oroccan origin, trave"e' a"one through war-torn $6ria to rescue
his 11-6ear-o"' sister from an &s"amist grou she sai' was ho"'ing her cative. Aut when the6 fina""6 stoo' face to face, in tears, she wou"' not "eave. :oa' is
convince' that his sister Dora, whom he 'escri%e' as an imressiona%"e teen who "ove' Cisne6 movies %efore "eaving for $6ria one afternoon in 3anuar6, sta6e' on
%ecause she was threatene' with e-ecution %6 the :rench-seaking comman'er, or emir, of the grou she )oine'. The former high schoo" stu'ent is among 'o>ens of
9uroean gir"s, man6 of them her age, "iving with such grous in $6ria - an asect of the conf"ict that is %eginning to worr6 9uroean governments revious"6 more
focuse' on the f"ow of 6oung men to )oin the ranks of &s"amic state an' other arme' mi"itias. 78euters/!hristian (artmann< @
Peo"e wa"k through a tunne" on the main roa' in the occuie' areas in (ong +ong4s !entra" Cistrict on Octo%er E, 2014. Ta"ks %etween the (ong +ong government
an' stu'ent "ea'ers of a 'emocrac6 rotest that has %"ocke' main roa's in the *sian financia" hu% for near"6 two weeks are cance"e' %ecause the64re un"ike"6 to %e
constructive, a senior government officia" sai' Thurs'a6. 7*P Photo/+in !heung< @
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