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Second Meeting of the Subcommittee of the Expert Committee on the

Selection and Use of Essential Medicines
Geneva, 29 September to 3 October 2008
D. Adam Algren, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics
Divisions of Emergency Medicine and Pediatric Pharmacology & Medical Toxicology
University of Missouri !ansas "ity
Attending Physician, Truman Medical "enter, !ansas "ity, M#
Attending Medical Toxicologist, "hildren$s Mercy %os&itals and "linics, !ansas "ity, M#
Acetamino&hen .&aracetamol/ toxicity is a common cause of drug0induced
he&atotoxicity in children and adults. 10acetylcysteine .1A"/ has 2een used for several
decades and has &roven to 2e the antidote of choice in treating acetamino&hen0induced
he&atotoxicity. There is significant clinical evidence to su&&ort that oral and intravenous
1A" are e3ually efficacious in the &revention of he&atotoxicity. An im&ortant factor in
assessing the efficacy of 1A" is the timing of thera&y initiation in relation to the ingestion.
Patients that ingest an acute overdose and have 1A" thera&y initiated 4ithin 5 hours do 4ell
and have less than a 167 incidence of he&atotoxicity and generally do not develo& liver
failure or die. Those &atients that chronically ingest excessive doses of acetamino&hen over
many hours and8or have 1A" thera&y initiated more than 5 hours after an acute overdose
have an a&&roximately 50967 incidence of he&atotoxicity. Unli:e clinical scenarios in 4hich
1A" thera&y is initiated early, &atients that have administration delayed are at ris: of
develo&ing fulminant he&atic failure and death.
#ral administration is the &referred route for 1A" thera&y unless contraindications
exist .e.g as&iration, &ersistent vomiting/. The usual recommended loading dose is 1;6
mg8:g follo4ed in ; hours 2y a maintenance dose of <6 mg8:g orally given every ; hours.
This dosing is commonly recommended to 2e continued for <' hours= ho4ever more recent
clinical ex&erience su&&orts tailoring the duration of thera&y to the &atient$s clinical
condition. )ntravenous 1A" is recommended in situations in 4hich the &atient is not a2le to
tolerate oral administration of 1A" or has fulminant he&atic failure. The most commonly
used )* &rotocol is to administer 196 mg8:g )* over 1 hour, follo4ed 2y 96 mg8:g over ;
hours, then 166 mg8:g over 1> hours. A modified intravenous dosing formulation for
&ediatric &atients .4eighing less than ;6 :g/ is recommended to &revent excessive fluid
The antidotal efficacy of 1A" is determined 2y great extent to the time that treatment
is initiated after an overdose of acetamino&hen. 1A" thera&y should 2e initiated 4ithin 5
hours of an acute ingestion and other4ise as soon as &ossi2le. ?hile many &rotocols have
defined lengths of treatment, it is generally recommended that 1A" 2e administered until the
serum acetamino&hen concentration is undetecta2le .@16 mcg8ml/ and the &atient is clinically
4ell 4ith normal liver function tests. )n cases of he&atotoxicity, 1A" should 2e continued
untilA 1/ the serum liver transaminases fall to less than 1666 )U8B, 2iliru2in and coagulation
studies are normal, and the &atient is clinically 4ell= '/ the &atient receives a liver trans&lant=
or C/ the &atient dies.
Doth oral and intravenous 1A" are 4ell tolerated. 1ausea and vomiting are common
4ith oral administration. )ntravenous use has 2een associated 4ith the develo&ment of
ana&hylactoid reactions. Eenerally these reactions are characteriFed 2y the develo&ment of a
mild rash or urticaria. They ty&ically res&ond to antihistamines and often the infusion is a2le
to 2e com&leted. Bife0threatening ana&hylactoid reactions and deaths have 2een re&orted, 2ut
are uncommon.
The ?orld %ealth #rganiFation Model Bist of Essential Medicines and Model
Gormulary of '66> lists acetylcysteine .1A"/ as an antidote for use in the treatment of
acetamino&hen .&aracetamol/ overdose.
)t is &ro&osed that acetylcysteine 2e considered
the antidote of choice in the treatment of acetamino&hen toxicity. Acetylcysteine is 4idely
availa2le and can 2e administered 2y 2oth oral and intravenous .)*/ routes. Doth oral and )*
use of 1A" in this setting have &roven to 2e safe and effective.
Acetamino&hen .Paracetamol/ is used 4orld4ide for its analgesic and anti&yretic
&ro&erties. )t is 4idely availa2le and &resent in many &rescri&tion and non0&rescri&tion
medications. Unfortunately, ho4ever, acetamino&hen toxicity remains the most common
cause of drug0induced he&atic failure. ,e&eated su&rathera&eutic misuse, non0intentional
misuse, and intentional ingestion may all result in he&atic toxicity.
The mechanism of acetamino&hen toxicity has 2een 4ell studied. Gollo4ing
ingestion a maHority .IJ67/ of acetamino&hen undergoes &hase )) meta2olism .via
glucuronidation and sulfation/ to &roduce non0toxic meta2olites. A small fraction .@90167/
of acetamino&hen is meta2oliFed 2y "-P;96 isoforms .&redominately "-P'E1/ to 10acetyl0
&02enFo3uinoneimine .1APK)/, a toxic meta2olite. Under normal conditions 1APK) is
detoxified through conHugation 4ith glutathione. ?ith acetamino&hen toxicity, cellular
glutathione is de&leted resulting in the availa2ility of 1APK) to 2ind to cellular
macromoleclues, the conse3uences of 4hich are he&atocellular inHury and cell death. %e&atic
toxicity is generally thought to occur 4hen glutathione stores are de&leted to less than C67 of
"hildren may 2e less susce&ti2le to acetamino&hen toxicity
conse3uent to a
develo&mentally associated increase in sulfation a2ility.
"ertain factors can &lace &atients at higher ris: of acetamino&hen toxicity. Diseases, such as
alcoholism, malnutrition, %)* and cancer are associated 4ith glutathione deficiency. This
could result in a decreased a2ility to detoxify 1APK). "oncurrent use of drugs or ethanol
that induce "-P'E1 and &otentially, other "-P;96 enFymes involved in 1APK) &roduction
.eg. "-P1A', "-PCA;/ could result in an increase in the amount of acetamino&hen that is
meta2oliFed to 1APK). "hronic ethanol use has 2een associated 4ith an increased ris: of
acetamino&hen he&atotoxicity.
)n the first ; to > hours follo4ing an acetamino&hen ingestion, &atients may 2e
asym&tomatic or may have mild sym&toms such as nausea or vomiting. A latent &eriod may
then ensue in 4hich the &atient a&&ears clinically 4ell. %o4ever, 4ith the develo&ment of
1APK) and de&letion of he&atic glutathione stores to a critical level, he&atotoxicity ensures.
Most &atients 4ill develo& elevations of the A+T and ABT 4ithin '; hours of an ingestion,
and almost all 4ith have elevations at C> hours.
#ccasionally, there is a delay in rise of the
transaminases. Eenerally, maximal he&atotoxicity occurs at <'0J> hours. Progression to
he&atic failure is characteriFed 2y develo&ment of ence&halo&athy, coma, cere2ral edema,
coagulo&athy, gastrointestinal 2leeding, and se&sis. Most deaths from he&atic failure occur
4ithin the first 4ee: follo4ing an acetamino&hen overdose. Patients that recover do 4ell and
do not develo& chronic liver dysfunction.
Gollo4ing an acute acetamino&hen ingestion, current recommendations are to o2tain a
serum acetamino&hen level ; hours follo4ing the ingestion. This level can then 2e &lotted on
the ,ummac:0Matthe4 nomogram to determine the &atient$s ris: of he&atotoxicity. There is
limited evidence that follo4ing an ingestion of acetamino&hen elixir that a serum level
o2tained t4o hours &ost0ingestion can determine children at ris: for he&atotoxicity.
#2taining a serum acetamino&hen level &rior to com&lete a2sor&tion of an ingested dose
limits the &redictive a2ility of the nomogram. Ginally, the rate of decline for a serum
acetamino&hen level follo4ing overdose can not 2e &redicted using the ,ummac:0Matthe4
An alternative a&&roach to la2oratory testing is 4arranted in cases of chronic
acetamino&hen ingestion or re&eated su&rathera&eutic dosing. A chronic ingestion is
generally defined as occurring over more than ;05 hours. )n such cases an acetamino&hen
level should 2e o2tained along 4ith liver function and coagulation &rofiles. )f the
acetamino&hen level is I16mcg8ml or the A+T or ABT are I96 )U8B, then 1A" thera&y is
This a&&roach has 2een evaluated in a &ros&ective case series of ';J
&atients. 1o &atient that 4as 2elo4 the recommended la2oratory &arameters su2se3uently
develo&ed he&atotoxicity.
An acute acetamino&hen ingestion of L196 mg8:g is &otentially toxic. +everal studies
have revie4ed the incidence of he&atotoxicity in &atients 4ho &resent 4ithin the M&ossi2leN
he&atotoxicity range 4hen &lotted on the ,ummac:0Matthe4 nomogram. Drand4ene et al.
retros&ectively identified 'C &atients .19 4ere @15 years old/ that had acetamino&hen serum
levels in the M&ossi2lyN toxic range that did not develo& he&atotoxicity 4hen 1A" 4as
+ome evidence suggests that the threshold dose of 196 mg8:g is too conservative
and that u& to '66 mg8:g may 2e ingested 4ithout develo&ment of toxicity .es&ecially in
children/. "aravati assessed the ris: of children having a toxic .&ossi2le and &ro2a2le/
acetamino&hen level according to the ,ummac:0Matthe4 nomogram follo4ing an acute,
unintentional ingestion. A total of 1,619 &atients .mean age '5 O 1' months/ 4ere identified
that ingested a mean APAP dose of '1C O 1;5 mg8:g. +ix &atients 4ere identified 4ith
&otentially or &ro2a2ly toxic acetamino&hen ingestions. )n three cases, the amount ingested
4as I'66 mg8:g, and in the remaining three the amount ingested 4as undetermined.
+u2se3uently, Mohler and colleagues &ros&ectively assessed for he&atotoxicity in &ediatric
&atients that ingested u& to '66 mg8:g of acetamino&hen. They identified 1,6CJ &atients that
met the inclusion criteria. Gollo4 u& data 4as not availa2le for '6 of these &atients. #f the
remaining 1,61J &atients all 4ere asym&tomatic and 4ithout evidence of he&atotoxicity at <'
hour follo4 u&.
+everal decades of ex&erience have &roven that 1A" is the treatment of choice for
acetamino&hen &oisoning. Prior to the introduction of 1A", B0methionine 4as used as a
treatment for he&atotoxicity, ho4ever 1A" has su2se3uently &roven to 2e more
and easier to administer given the availa2ility of commercial dosing forms.
1A" has several mechanisms of action that are 2eneficial in the treatment of acetamino&hen
&oisoning 4hich include serving as a glutathione re&lacement and a free radical scavenger,
2inding 1APK) directly and increasing microcirculatory oxygenation.
Efficacy of 1A" and &rognosis are associated 4ith the ty&e of acetamino&hen
ingestion .acute vs chronic/ and the time from ingestion to the initiation of 1A" treatment.
Those &atients that &resent early follo4ing a single, acute ingestion or those &atients that
have normal liver functions tests on admission are &ro2a2ly at lo4er ris: and do 4ell 4ith
1A" thera&y. The definition of APAP0induced he&atotoxicity most commonly re&orted in
clinical studies is an A+T and8or ABT I1666 )U8B, or other evidence of he&atic failure. Any
reference to he&atotoxicity in this re&ort is 2ased on this definition.
Multi&le series in adults and children have demonstrated that &atients 4ho have ta:en
multi&le ingestions of acetamino&hen and8or have a delayed &resentation and treatment are at
higher ris: for severe he&atotoxicity.
Thus, it is recommended that caution 2e exercised
4hen administering IJ6 mg8:g8day of acetamino&hen to a Msic:N child .vomiting, diarrhea,
&oor oral inta:e/ younger than ' years of age, es&ecially 4hen acetamino&hen is re3uired for
more than 1 day.
Eenerally s&ea:ing, data su&&orting the dosing regimens and efficacy of
1A" in treating an acute ingestion of acetamino&hen can not 2e extra&olated to the
treatment of chronic acetamino&hen ingestion and8or cases of &rotracted su&rathera&eutic
administration of the drug.
?hile 1A" is generally acce&ted across the develo&ed 4orld as the &refera2le
antidote, its 2roader acce&tance must 2e &redicated u&on information 4hich demonstrates not
only its thera&eutic su&eriority to other treatments 2ut also, clear and current evidence that
su&&orts its glo2al ado&tion as the antidote of choice for this condition. This re&ort 4ill
revie4 and summariFe the availa2le evidence regardingA
a/ The efficacy of oral and )* 1A" for the treatment of acetamino&hen toxicity.
2/ The safety of oral and )* 1A" for the treatment of acetamino&hen toxicity.
c/ +ide effect &rofile of oral and )* 1A".
d/ Duration of treatment and follo4 u& la2oratory testing in those receiving 1A" thera&y.
e/ Gormulations and recommended dosage.
The studies for this revie4 4ere identified 2y &erforming a search of the Pu2Med and
Medline data2ases using the search termsA Macetamino&henN and M&oisoningN,
Macetamino&henN and MtoxicityN, and Macetamino&henN and MacetylcysteineN. The dates
included 1J>>0'66<. The "ochrane Data2ase for +ystematic ,evie4s 4as also searched and
a relevant data for revie4 4ere identified.
The 2i2liogra&hies of selected articles 4ere also
revie4ed to identify any studies not found 2y the original literature search.
"U,,E1T B)+T)1E #G A"ET-B"-+TE)1E
The ?%# Model list for '66> currently lists only the intravenous formulation of
acetylcysteine .'66 mg8ml, 16 ml am&oule/. Gor 2oth adults and children the recommended
dose is 196mg8:g )* over 19 minutes follo4ed 2y 96 mg8:g over ; hours then 166 mg8:g
over 1> hours. Administration and &re&aration is determined 2y the age of the &atient. )n the
those I1' years old, the recommended total volume .1A" and )* fluid/ for the 2olus, ; hour
infusion, and 1> hours infusion are '66 ml, 966 ml, and 1 liter, res&ectively. )n children @1'
years of age .2ut over '6 :g/ the recommended volumes are 166 ml, '96 ml, and 966ml,
res&ectively. )n those children under '6 :g it is recommended to administer Cml8:g, <ml8:g,
and 1;ml8:g, res&ectively. )t is noted that hy&ersensitivity reactions may 2e managed 2y
decreasing the infusion rate or discontinuing the infusion. Use of medications, such as
inhaled 2eta agonists or antihistamines, may also 2e necessary.
The use of 1A" for the treatment of acetamino&hen &oisoning originated in England
in the 1J<6$s. +u2se3uently, multi&le studies have &roven 1A" to 2e efficacious in the
treatment of acetamino&hen &oisoning. Early animal studies demonstrated the a2ility of
1A" to attenuate or &revent he&atotoxicity.
#ne randomiFed trial evaluated efficacy of
1A" in the treatment of &atients 4ith acetamino&hen0induced fulminant he&atic failure.
After several early 1A" trials sho4ed &romising results, su2se3uent human investigations
have consisted mostly of o2servational studies due to ethical concerns of 4ithholding a
&otential lifesaving treatment. Thus, there are no randomiFed controlled trials that evaluate
1A" thera&y for &revention of acetamino&hen0induced he&atotoxicity. Bi:e4ise, no
randomiFed efficacy trials have 2een conducted in children. Many of the trials evaluate
efficacy 2ased on the outcomes of historical control &atients.
)n the only randomiFed trial re&orted in the literature, &atients 4ith acetamino&hen0
induced fulminant he&atic failure 4ere assigned to receive )* 1A" treatment versus standard
su&&ortive8intensive care. The mean age of the treatment &atients 4as CC yr .range 1<0>6/.
The treatment and control grou& had similar 2aseline characteristics and severity of illness.
1A" treatment 4as associated 4ith ;57 .1'8'9 &atients/ survival com&ared to '67 .98'9
&atients/ survival in the control grou& .&P6.6C</. Patients treated 4ith 1A" had a lo4er
incidence of cere2ral edema .;67 vs. >57 &P6.6;</.
+everal early case series also examined the utility of 1A". #ne series re&orted the
use of )* 1A" in 19 &atients.
#ne &atient 4as 1> years old= the remaining 1; &atients 4ere
all adults. T4elve &atients 4ere treated 4ithin 16 hours of their ingestion. The remaining
&atients had 1A" initiated at a mean of 19.1 hours .16.'0'C.9 hours/ follo4ing ingestion.
Those &atients treated 4ithin 16 hours did 4ell= one &atient develo&ed he&atotoxicity. 1o
&atients develo&ed ence&halo&athy or he&atic failure. The C &atients treated after 16 hours all
develo&ed he&atotoxicity, ho4ever all recovered 4ithout se3uelae.
Prescott, et al. later re&orted their ex&erience 4ith the use of )* 1A" for the
&revention and treatment of acetamino&hen he&atotoxicity in 166 &atients.
The mean age of
their cases 4as CC years .range 1C05'/. #nly one of >' &atients treated 4ithin 16 hours of
ingestion develo&ed he&atotoxicity. )n those &atients that 4ere treated 4ith 1A" 2et4een
160'; hours .mean 19 hours/ of ingestion he&atotoxicity occurred in 9C7. There 4ere no
deaths in those treated 4ithin 16 hours, and t4o deaths related to he&atic failure in those
&atients treated after 16 hours. The incidence of he&atotoxicity in their historical controls
4as 9'0957 .C deaths/.
,umac: and colleagues revie4ed the use of oral 1A" in t4o o2servational studies.
#f those &atients confirmed to have toxic acetamino&hen levels t4o 4ere less than age 9, <5
&atients 4ere 2et4een the ages of 1' and '1, and the remainder of the &atients .'6/ 4ere
adults. 1o cases of he&atotoxicity develo&ed in those that had 1A" initiated 4ithin 16 hours
.;J &atients/. %o4ever, there 4as a ;97 incidence of he&atotoxicity in those that had a delay
to initiation of 1A" thera&y I16 hours.
The t4o children that 4ere younger than 9 years
old did not develo& he&atotoxicity. )n this study, the time of 1A" initiation relative to the
acetamino&hen overdose and s&ecific &ediatric data 4ere not other4ise re&orted. A follo4
u& study 2y the same investigators assessed the use of oral 1A" in >>' &atients.
three &atients 4ere younger than age 1C= &atient ages 4ere not further s&ecified. Patients .all
ages included/ treated 4ith oral 1A" 4ithin 16 hours of ingestion had a <7 incidence of
he&atotoxicity. %e&atotoxicity increased to 'J7 and >'7 in those treated 2et4een 1601>
hours and I'; hours, res&ectively.
1o s&ecific adverse effects related to 1A"
administration 4ere re&orted.
The largest study to evaluate the efficacy of 1A" 4as a national multi0center study
that re&orted data collected from 1J<>01J59.
A total of ',6'C &atients had toxic
acetamino&hen concentrations 2ased on the nomogram. A maHority .<57/ of the &atients
4ere 2et4een 16 and C6 years of age. #nly C7 of &atients 4ere younger than five years old.
+&ecific data regarding the &ediatric &atients 4as not re&orted further. Those &atients treated
4ithin 5016 hours of ingestion had a >057 incidence of he&atotoxicity com&ared to '>0C;7
in those treated 160'; hours after ingestion. %e&atotoxicity 4as noted in ;17 of &atients that
had 1A" initiated 2et4een 1> and '; hours. There 4ere 16 acetamino&hen0related he&atic
failure deaths in &atients that 4ere treated 4ith 1A" 4ithin '; hours. There 4ere no deaths
in those treated 4ithin 5016 hours and only one death of a &atient treated 4ithin 1> hours .this
&atient had significantly elevated liver transaminases at the time of 1A" initiation suggesting
that there have 2een an error in the history of the time of ingestion.
Unli:e &ervious studies
that cast dou2t on the efficacy of delayed 1A" thera&y, this trial 4as a2le to sho4 efficacy
.com&ared to historical controls/ u& to '; hours follo4ing ingestion.
An o2servational trial 4as conducted to assess efficacy of a ;5 hour )* 1A" &rotocol
.com&ared to the &reviously studied '6 hour &rotocol/ in 1<J &atients &resenting 4ithin ';
hours of an acute APAP overdose.
The mean .O+D/ age of the su2Hects 4as '1 O J years.
A maHority .997/ 4ere 2et4een 16 and '6 years old. +ix &atients 4ere younger than 9 years
old. %e&atotoxicity 4as o2served in <8J< .<7/ of &atients treated 4ithin 16 hours. )f 1A"
thera&y 4as initiated greater than 16 hours follo4ing the ingestion the incidence of
he&atotoxicity increased to ;6819> .'>7/.
T4o acetamino&hen0related deaths 4ere
re&orted in those treated 4ith 1A" 4ithin '; hours. Doth of these su2Hects had elevated
transaminases on &resentation and had a delay in initiation of 1A" thera&y .1C.9 hours and
'' hours/.
Dur:hart, et al. conducted an investigation to assess the utility of cimetidine in
addition to normal antidotal thera&y in those 4ith acetamino&hen toxicity.
Although the
&rimary &ur&ose of this study 4as not to evaluate 1A", all &atients 4ere treated 4ith 1A".
Thus, it &rovided data that can 2e com&ared to historical controls. The mean age of the 16<
study su2Hects 4as 'C years .range 1'0<6/. Gorty seven &atients 4ere under 15 years of age.
The mean time of initiation of 1A" 4as 1;.9 hours after ingestion. +u2Hects treated 4ithin
1> hours .1'8<; &atients/ of ingestion had a 1>7 incidence of he&atotoxicity com&ared to
C97 .118C1 &atients/ in those treated after 1> hours. There 4ere no cases of he&atic failure or
The use of late 1A" administration in &atients 4ith acetamino&hen0induced
fulminant he&atic failure also a&&ears to 2e 2eneficial.
The ;C study su2Hects 4ere
com&ared to 9< control &atients. Mean .O+D/ age of the study and control grou&s 4ere '5.>
O 16.< and CC.; O 1C.9 years, res&ectively. Pediatric data 4ere not s&ecifically re&orted.
Although not s&ecifically stated, it is &resumed that the 1A" 4as administered )* as this 4as
the most &o&ular route of administration in the country 4here this study 4as conducted
.England/. Median delay to hos&ital &resentation 4as a&&roximately 1>.9 hours in 2oth
grou&s. T4o &atients 4ere treated 4ithin 16 hours. 1either &atient develo&ed
he&atotoxicity. )n those treated after 16 hours, '18;1 .917/ develo&ed he&atic failure and 19
died. The control grou& &rogressed to he&atic failure in <97 of cases and CC died.
Additional case series also su&&ort late administration of 1A".
T4enty su2Hects .mean age
C> years, range 150<> years/ 4ere treated a median of 19.9 .range 1'0';/ hours follo4ing
ingestion. Again, the route of 1A" administration 4as not s&ecified, 2ut is &resumed to have
2een )*. %e&atotoxicity develo&ed in C67 of those treated 2et4een 1' and 19 hours of
ingestion and ;67 of su2Hects treated 2et4een 19 and '; hours. Those 4ith delays in time to
treatment had higher &ea:s in their liver transaminases and coagulation &arameters. 1o
su2Hects develo&ed he&atic failure and no deaths occurred.
Perry and +hannon evaluated the efficacy of oral versus intravenous .)*/ 1A" in
&ediatric &atients.
)ntravenous 1A" thera&y 4as administered to children that &resented
4ithin '; hours of an acute overdose. These &atients .'J cases/ 4ere com&ared to control
&atients .'9 cases/ treated 4ith oral 1A". The mean age of the treatment and control grou&s
4as 2oth 19 years. T4o &atients 4ere younger than 9. The incidence of he&atotoxicity 4as
com&ara2le 2et4een )* .57/ and oral .>.J7/ 1A".
The )* 1A" treatment grou& had a
higher incidence of coagulo&athy .57 vs. 67/= ho4ever, there 4ere no e&isodes of clinically
significant 2leeding. )t 4as not re&orted if the &atients 4ho develo&ed coagulo&athy had
other evidence of he&atotoxicity. A2normal coagulation &arameters have 2een su2se3uently
re&orted 2y others and it is thought that )* 1A" can interfere 4ith the la2oratory testing for
Data from this study su&&orts a conclusion that )* and oral 1A" are of
com&ara2le efficacy in children.
Duc:ley and colleagues revie4ed their ex&erience 4ith the use of )* 1A" in the
treatment of '69 &atients.
Median age of the &atients 4as '; years .range 605J/. #f 1>'
&atients 4ith &otentially toxic serum acetamino&hen levels, 1C< .597/ 4ere treated 4ith
1A". The remaining &atients that 4ere treated &resented I'; hours follo4ing ingestion or
had a non0toxic acetamino&hen level. The incidence of he&atotoxicity in those &atients 4ith
toxic APAP concentrations 4as 57, com&ared to '67 in those 4ith a delayed &resentation or
un:no4n time of ingestion.
T4o &atients, 2oth of 4hom &resented I'; hours follo4ing
ingestion, died from he&atic failure. Data s&ecific to children 4as not further re&orted in
their results. Bi:e other studies, a delay in initiation of 1A" 4as associated 4ith a higher
incidence of he&atotoxicity.
-i& and Dart 2riefly summariFed their ex&erience 4ith the use of the recently
a&&roved )* 1A" formulation. They included CC &atients ranging in age from 1C0;5. T4o
children 4ere included .ages 1C and 1;/. All &atients had &otentially toxic serum
acetamino&hen concentrations 2ased on the nomogram. All 4ere treated 4ith a '6 hour )*
1A" &rotocol that 4as 2egun 4ithin ;05 hours of ingestion. There 4ere no cases of
he&atotoxicity or death re&orted.
Most recently, ?hyte et al. revie4ed their 1> year
ex&erience 4ith the use of )* 1A" in a cohort of CJJ &atients.
Most &atients 4ere 2et4een
1> and ;6 years old and the youngest 4as ; years old. Pediatric s&ecific data 4ere not
re&orted further in their results. Patients treated 4ithin 5 hours .nP>;/ had a lo4er incidence
.C7 vs '97/ of he&atotoxicity com&ared to those that 4ere treated later than 5 hours .nPC'.
There 4ere five deaths of 4hich t4o 4ere Hudged to have resulted from APAP0induced
he&atic failure.
Bastly, the effect of gastrointestinal decontamination on &reventing acetamino&hen
toxicity can not 2e ignored 4hen examining the literature evaluating the efficacy of 1A".
Most of studies assessing efficacy of 1A" have occurred in &atients that have received
various forms of gastrointestinal decontamination &erformed at different time intervals from
ingestion. Eastrointestinal decontamination is certainly a &otential confounder in evaluating
the existing literature on the efficacy of 1A". A detailed discussion of gastrointestinal
decontamination is 2eyond the sco&e of this revie4= ho4ever the reader is referred to several
recent evidence 2ased guidelines.
There is concern a2out concomitant administration of
oral 1A" and activated charcoal. )t is generally recommended that oral 1A" and activated
charcoal administration 2e se&arated 2y one hour if feasi2le. +ome have recommended
increasing the dose of 1A" 4hen co0administered 4ith activated charcoal.
%o4ever, there
is a volunteer study as 4ell as o2servational evidence that demonstrate co0administration of
1A" and activated charcoal is safe and does not decrease the efficacy of 1A" or result in
&oorer clinical outcomes.
,ecent evidence suggests that administration of activated
charcoal is associated 4ith a decreased incidence of he&atotoxicity in those individuals that
have 1A" thera&y initiated 4ithin '; hours.
#ral administration of 1A" is usually 4ell tolerated. The most common side effects
are nausea, vomiting, and a2dominal &ain.
The distasteful odor of 1A" .eg. a:in to rotten
eggs/ may contri2ute to intolerance and vomiting of the administered dose. "oncomitant use
of antiemetics can hel& decrease 1A"0associated nausea and vomiting. +erious adverse
effects related to oral 1A" use are rare. There is one re&ort in the literature of a &atient that
develo&ed an ana&hylactoid reaction .tongue s4elling and rash/ after administration of the 5
dose of 1A" in a treatment regimen.
The &atient 4as treated 4ith methyl&rednisolone and
di&henhydramine and 4as a2le to com&lete all 1< doses of 1A". )t is not re&orted if any
other medications 4ere administered that could have 2een res&onsi2le for this &atients
sym&toms. There are t4o other re&orts &u2lished in a2stract form of rash associated 4ith
oral 1A" thera&y.
)ntravenous use of 1A" is associated 4ith a higher incidence of adverse reactions.
1ausea and vomiting are the most common adverse effects re&orted.
The most serious
adverse effects are ana&hylactoid reactions. Most commonly these reactions are
characteriFed 2y the develo&ment of rash, urticaria, and &ruritis. %o4ever, more serious and
&otentially fatal reactions can occur and manifest 4ith 2ronchos&asm and hy&otension.
Patients 4ith asthma a&&ear to 2e at higher ris: for develo&ing serious ana&hylactoid
1umerous case re&orts and case series have examined the incidence of
ana&hylactoid reactions and other adverse effects associated 4ith )* 1A". The incidence of
ana&hylactoid reactions varied from 60;57.
'C0'9, 'J, C10CC, C9, C<, ;<, 91, 99095
The 4ide varia2ility in
the incidence of adverse effects re&orted is li:ely multifactorial .definition, &ros&ective vs
retros&ective data collection, etc/. +erious or life threatening reactions a&&ear to 2e
uncommon .@97 incidence/. Many ana&hylactoid reactions a&&ear to 2e related to the ra&id
initial infusion over 19 minutes.
C9, 99, 95
Thus, it is generally recommended that an initial )*
dose of 1A" 2e infused over >6 minutes. !err, et al. &ros&ectively evaluated the
relationshi& 2et4een )* 1A" infusion rate and incidence of adverse effects. They
randomiFed 16J &atients to receive the 19 minute infusion and <1 &atients to receive a >6
minute infusion. ?hile the incidence of adverse effects 4as similar 2et4een the grou&s
.;97 vs C57/, there 4as a trend to4ard fe4er adverse effects in the >6 minute grou&.
Management of ana&hylactoid reactions ty&ically involves discontinuing the infusion and
&roviding sym&tomatic treatment such as administration of antihistamines, corticosteroids
and rarely .ie., 4hen hy&otension is &resent/ e&ine&hrine. )n most instances, the infusion can
2e restarted at a slo4er infusion rate and 2e com&leted 4ithout further &ro2lems.
)* 1A" administration has also 2een re&orted to result in hy&onatremia .4ith
resultant seiFures/ as a result of administration of large volumes of hy&otonic fluid.
This is
most li:ely to occur in small children 2ecause early )* 1A" &rotocols did not adHust the
volume of )* fluid to account for &atient 4eight. More recently, ho4ever, the manufacturer
has u&dated its guidelines for the use of 1A" in children 4eighing less than ;6 :g to &revent
excessive fluid administration. Ginally, &u2lished information &ertaining to overdose of )*
1A" is scant. )n a single case re&ort, a massive )* 1A" dose .',;96 mg8:g/ in a C6 month
old &atient resulted in status e&ilec&ticus, intracranial hy&ertension, and death.
contained in the re&ort could not differentiate a direct effect of 1A" vs. fluid and electrolyte
com&lications of treatment as 2eing associated 4ith the demise of the &atient.
The duration of a course of 1A" treatment should consider not only the APAP dose
.and time course/ 2ut also, a given &atient$s clinical and la2oratory findings. )n those &atients
4ith evidence of he&atotoxicity .A+T or ABT I1666 )U8B/, 1A" treatment should 2e
continued until one of the follo4ing occursA 1/ The &atient has a dro& in A+T and ABT 2elo4
1666 )U8B and other la2oratory studies .2iliru2in and coagulation &arameters/ and clinical
status confirm the &atient$s toxicity is resolving, '/ the &atient receives a liver trans&lant, or
C/ the &atient dies from fulminant he&atic failure.
The duration of treatment in those 4ithout clinical or la2oratory evidence of
he&atotoxicity is increasingly de2ated. The original oral 1A" &rotocol a&&roved 2y the Good
and Drug Administration called for the administration of oral 1A" for <' hours .1< doses/.
This is in contrast to the recently a&&roved )* 1A" that s&ecifies a '6 hour treatment
&rotocol. The continued administration of oral 1A" for <' hours in an asym&tomatic &atient
4ith normal la2oratory studies after C> hours of treatment is &ro2a2ly un4arranted.
)dentifying &atients at minimal ris: for su2se3uent develo&ment of he&atotoxicity is critical
to determining 4ho re3uires 1A" treatment. Qames, et al. 4ere a2le to determine in a
retros&ective revie4 of cases that &atients 4ith normal BGT$s at ;5 hours or normal BGT$s at
'; hours 4ith an acetamino&hen serum level under the M&ro2a2leN toxicity line on the
,ummac:0Matthe4 nomogram follo4ing an acute ingestion 4ere at lo4 ris: for the
develo&ment of he&atotoxicity.
Patient0tailored 1A" thera&y 4ould allo4 individualiFation of treatment and early
discontinuation of 1A" at a time 4hen the &atient 4as determined to not 2e at further ris: for
toxicity. +everal investigators have examined outcomes in &atients treated 4ith shortened
courses of oral 1A". ?oo, et al. re&orted their ex&erience 4ith shortened course oral 1A"
thera&y in the treatment of acute acetamino&hen overdoses.
They identified <9 &atients
4ith &ossi2le he&atotoxicity .2ased on the ,ummac:0Matthe4 nomogram/ that had 1A"
started 4ithin '; hours of their ingestion. The duration of thera&y ranged from less than ';
hours to >; hours. The mean and median duration of thera&y 4as C1 hours. #verall, >
&atients develo&ed la2oratory evidence of he&atotoxicity .A+T or ABT I1666 )U8B/.
4as more common .;8> &atients/ in those that had 1A" initiated I16 hours follo4ing their
ingestion. 1o &atient re3uired liver trans&lantation and no deaths occurred. The incidence of
he&atotoxicity in this study is com&ara2le to other studies evaluating oral 1A" thera&y.
Patient0tailored 1A" treatment 4as also evaluated in a series of '< &atients, '1 of 4hom
received 1A" for less than <' hours.
1one of the &atients treated 4ith a shortened course
of 1A" develo&ed he&atotoxicity. Most recently, use of a shortened course of 1A" 4as
evaluated in '69 &atients.
1o &atient in this series develo&ed he&atotoxicity. Thus, there is
increasing evidence to su&&ort shortening the duration of oral 1A" thera&y to C> hours in
cases in 4hich the &atient is asym&tomatic 4ith normal liver function tests at C> hours.
Dased on an assessment of the recent literature, &atients that are receiving 1A"
thera&y should receive at least daily la2oratory studies including the follo4ingA serum APAP
level .until less than 16 mcg8ml/, serum chemistries .including creatinine/, liver function tests
.eg., ABT, A+T, total and direct 2iliru2in/, and coagulation studies .eg., )1,, &rothrom2in
1A" is availa2le as a solution for oral administration. Additionally, there is a sterile,
&yrogen0free commercially availa2le solution for intravenous administration. "linical
ex&erience and the availa2le literature also &rovide su&&ort for the administration of the oral
form of 1A" after &assing it through a 6.'' micron steriliFing filter .4hich does not remove
all &yrogens/. ?hen the oral formulation of 1A" is &re&ared for intravenous administration,
it should 2e used 4ithin >6 hours. ?hen used 4ithin this timeframe there is less than 167
decom&osition and the &re&ared solutions remain free of 2acterial gro4th.
of oral 1A" solution intravenously is less costly than using the commercially availa2le
sterile solution.
#ral 1A" is initiated 4ith a loading dose of 1;6 mg8:g follo4ed 2y <6 mg8:g every ;
hours. The most commonly cited &rotocol recommends continued administration for <'
hours= ho4ever duration of thera&y should 2e individualiFed to each &atient as descri2ed
a2ove. )f vomiting occurs 4ithin 1 hour of administration the dose should 2e re&eated.
)ntravenous 1A" should 2e used 4hen contraindications to oral thera&y exist .e.g.
ris: of as&iration, &ersistent vomiting/ or in cases of fulminant he&atic failure. )n adults the
dose is 196 mg8:g administered over >6 minutes, follo4ed 2y 96mg8:g over ; hours, then
166 mg8:g over 1> hours. )n children 4eighing less than C6:g the final concentration of the
)* solution re3uires modification .to a final concentration of ;6mg8ml/ so that an excessive
amount of fluid is not re3uired. The manufacturer of )* 1A" recommends it 2e
administered 4ith dextrose 97, 2ut it is also com&ati2le 4ith R normal saline. The
manufacturer has a recommended dosing schedule for &atients less than ;6 :g .Ta2le/.
Ta2le. Dosing of )* 1A" in Patients ?eighing less than ;6 :g.
Dody ?eight B#AD)1E Dose
196 mg8:g over >6 minutes
+E"#1D Dose
96 mg8:g over ; hours
T%),D Dose
166 mg8:g over 1> hours
.:g/ .l2/ 1A"
C6 >> ''.9 166 <.9 '96 19 966
'9 99 15.<9 166 >.'9 '96 1'.9 966
'6 ;; 19 >6 9 1;6 16 '56
19 CC 11.'9 ;9 C.<9 169 <.9 '16
16 '' <.9 C6 '.9 <6 9 1;6
1A" should 2e considered the antidote of choice for the &revention and treatment of
acetamino&hen0induced he&atotoxicity. Doth oral and )* 1A" are acce&ta2le and a&&ear to
2e e3ually efficacious. #ral 1A" should 2e considered the &referred treatment unless the
&atient is at ris: of as&irating, has &ersistent vomiting, or develo&s he&atic failure. Doth oral
and )* 1A" are generally 4ell tolerated. )* 1A" is associated 4ith ana&hylactoid
reactions, most of 4hich are mild and easily treated. Bife0threatening reactions a&&ear to 2e
uncommon. )ntravenous 1A" is 4ell tolerated in children, ho4ever in those 4eighing less
than ;6 :g it is recommended that the concentration8formulation 2e modified to &revent
excessive fluid administration. ,ecent evidence su&&orts tailoring the duration of thera&y
de&ending on the &atient$s clinical status and la2oratory data.
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Poisoning. Ann Emerg Med. '66C=;'AJ01C.
>J. "um2erland Pharmaceuticals )nc. Prescri2ing )nformation for Acetadote. ,evised
Ge2ruary '66>. Availa2le at htt&A88444.ace tadote.net8P)WAcetadoteW,evisedWMar6>.&df.
Accessed Ge2ruary 16, '665.
UsesA Acetamino&hen .&aracetamol/ overdose8toxicity
As little as 1619 g or 196 mg8:g of acetamino&hen ta:en 4ithin '; hours may cause severe
he&atocellular necrosis. Early features of &oisoning, nausea and vomiting, usually resolve
4ithin '; hours. Persistence sym&toms .vomiting, a2dominal &ain, Haundice/ suggest the
develo&ment of liver inHury 4hich is maximal C; days after ingestion. )n s&ite of a lac: of
significant early sym&toms, &atients 4ho have ta:en an acute overdose .I196 mg8:g/ of
acetamino&hen should 2e transferred to hos&ital urgently.
Administration of activated charcoal should 2e considered if acetamino&hen in excess of
196 mg8:g or 1' g, 4hichever is smaller, is thought to have 2een ingested. )f administered,
activated charcoal should 2e given as soon as &ossi2le .ideally 4ithin 1 hour/ follo4ing the
ingestion. The activated charcoal and 10acetylcycstine .1A"/ dose should 2e se&arated 2y
one hour if feasi2le
1A" is most effective 4ithin 5 hours of overdose after 4hich its effectiveness declines.
%o4ever, delayed administration is still 2eneficial. The need for 1A" thera&y is de&endent
on the ty&e of ingestion .acute vs chronic/. )n the setting of an acute overdose a ;0'; hour
serum APAP level can 2e &lotted on the nomogram to determine the ris: of he&atotoxicity
and the need for 1A" thera&y. )n chronic ingestions li2eral use of 1A" is recommended if
the serum APAP is I 16mcg8ml, the A+T or ABT are a2normal, or if the &atient has clinical
evidence of liver inHury.
DoseOral: Adults and childrenX1;6 mg8:g then <6 mg8:g orally every ; hours.
I!ra"eo#s: Adults0000 initially 196 mg8:g over >6 minutes then 96 mg8:g over ; hours then
166 mg8:g over 1> hours. "hildren under ;6:g000 Mix 96 ml of '671A" 4ith 4ith '66 ml
of 97 dextrose to create a ;6 mg8ml solution. The loading dose is 196 mg8:g .C.<9 ml8:g/
over >6 minutes, then 96 mg8:g .1.'9 ml8:g/ over ; hours, follo4ed 2y 166 mg8:g .'.9ml8:g/
over the remaining 1> hours.
Dexrose 97 is the manufacturer recommended fluid for )* administration ho4ever 1A" is
also com&ati2le 4ith R normal saline.
A$"erse-e%%e&!s: Ana&hylactoid hy&ersensitivity0li:e reactions have 2een re&orted 4ith )*
use. Patients 4ith asthma may 2e at higher ris: to have a serious reaction. Eenerally these
reactions may 2e managed 2y reducing infusion rate or sus&ending infusion until reaction has
resolvedXs&ecialist advice may 2e needed .rash may 2e managed 4ith an antihistamine, for
exam&le di&henydramine or chlor&henamine, and acute asthma managed 4ith a short0acting
agonist .such as al2uterol or sal2utamol/.

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