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The UN and the environment

After the Second World War, the nuclear age has raised fears of a new type of
radiation pollution. The environmental movement gained new momentum in 1962
with the publication of Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring", which issued an alert on the
agricultural use of synthetic chemical pesticides. Scientist and writer, Carson stressed
the need to respect the ecosystem in which we live to protect human health and the
In 1969, the first photo of Earth from space touched the hearts of mankind with their
beauty and simplicity. See the first time this "big blue" in a huge galaxy called the
attention of many to the fact that we live in a single Earth - a fragile ecosystem and
interdependent. And the responsibility to protect the health and well-being of this
ecosystem began to emerge in the collective consciousness of the world.
With the end of the tumultuous 1960s, his highest ideals and visions began to be put
into practice. Among these was the environmental vision - now literally a global
phenomenon. While the universal concern about the use of healthy and sustainable
planet and its resources continued to grow, in 1972 the United Nations convened the
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm (Sweden).
The event was a milestone and its final Declaration contains 19 principles that
represent an Environmental Manifesto for our time. In addressing the need to "inspire
and guide the peoples of the world to the preservation and improvement of the
human environment," the Manifesto laid the foundation for the new environmental
agenda of the United Nations System.
"We reached a point in history when we must shape our actions throughout the world,
with greater attention to the environmental consequences. Through ignorance or
indifference we can do massive and irreversible harm to the environment from which
our life and well-being depend. On the other hand, through better knowledge and
wiser action, we can achieve a better life for us and for posterity with an environment
in tune with the needs and hopes of humanity ... "
"To defend and improve the environment for present and future generations has
become a key goal for humanity."
Excerpts from the Declaration of the UN Conference on the Human Environment
(Stockholm, 1972), paragraph 6
Harnessing the power generated by the Conference, the General Assembly created in
December 1972, the United Nations Program for Environment (UNEP), which
coordinates the work of the UN family on behalf of the global environment. Its current
priorities are environmental aspects of disasters and conflicts, ecosystem
management, environmental governance, harmful substances, resource efficiency and
climate change.
In 1983, the UN Secretary-General invited the medical Gro Harlem Brundtland, master
in public health and former Prime Minister of Norway, to establish and chair the World
Commission on Environment and Development.
Burtland was a natural choice for this role, as his vision of health goes beyond the
barriers of the medical world for environmental issues and human development. In
April 1987, the Brundtland Commission, as it became known, published a
groundbreaking report, "Our Common Future" - which brings the concept of
sustainable development into the public discourse.

A relao entre o meio ambiente e o desenvolvimento, e a necessidade imperativa para o
desenvolvimento sustentvel foi vista e reconhecida em todo o mundo inclusive pela ONU.
Na Agenda 21, os governos delinearam um programa detalhado para a ao para afastar
o mundo do atual modelo insustentvel de crescimento econmico, direcionando para
atividades que protejam e renovem os recursos ambientais, no qual o crescimento e o
desenvolvimento dependem. As reas de ao incluem: proteger a atmosfera; combater o
desmatamento, a perda de solo e a desertificao; prevenir a poluio da gua e do ar;
deter a destruio das populaes de peixes e promover uma gesto segura dos resduos
Mas a mesma foi alm das questes ambientais para abordar os padres de
desenvolvimento que causam danos ao meio ambiente. Elas incluem: a pobreza e a dvida
externa dos pases em desenvolvimento, padres insustentveis de produo e consumo,
presses demogrficas e a estrutura da economia internacional. O programa de ao
tambm recomendou meios de fortalecer o papel desempenhado pelos grandes grupos
mulheres, organizaes sindicais, agricultores, crianas e jovens, povos indgenas,
comunidade cientfica, autoridades locais, empresas, indstrias e ONGs para alcanar o
desenvolvimento sustentvel.

Aluna= Mirella dos Santos Jacinto

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