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ANSYS Mechanical software is a comprehensive FEA analysis (finite element) tool for

structural analysis, including linear, nonlinear and dynamic studies. The engineering simulation
product provides a complete set of elements behavior, material models and equation solvers for a
wide range of mechanical design problems. In addition, ANSYS Mechanical offers thermal
analysis and coupled-physics capabilities involving acoustic, piezoelectric, thermalstructural
and thermo-electric analysis.
The ANSYS Mechanical software suite is trusted by organizations around the world to rapidly
solve complex structural problems with ease. Structural mechanics solutions from ANSYS
provide the ability to simulate every structural aspect of a product, including nonlinear static
analysis that provides stresses & deformations, modal analysis that determines vibration
characteristics, through to advanced transient nonlinear phenomena involving dynamic effects &
complex behaviors
Explicit Dynamics Analysis Software
ANSYS Explicit Dynamics analysis software provides simulation technology to help simulate
structural performance long before manufacture. CAE Associates offers ANSYS LS-DYNA,
ANSYS AUTODYN, and ANSYS Explicit STR software solutions that solve complex physical
problems by simulating physical events that may be difficult or costly to conduct in a test
environment. ANSYS explicit dynamics analysis software solutions are capable of solving short-
duration, large-strain, large-deformation, fracture, complete material failure, and structural
problems with complex contact interactions. ANSYS LS-DYNA, ANSYS AUTODYN, and
ANSYS Explicit STR software modules take advantage of the powerful and comprehensive
ANSYS Workbench environment to enable bi-directional CAD connectivity, geometry clean-up
tools, automatic meshing, and quick simple definition of initial and boundary conditions
Computational Fluid Dynamics: ANSYS
CFX and FLUENT CFD Software
ANSYS provides a comprehensive suite of computational fluid dynamics software for modeling
fluid flow and other related physical phenomena. It offers unparalleled fluid flow analysis
capabilities, providing all the tools needed to design and optimize new fluids equipment and to
troubleshoot already existing installations. The ANSYS fluid dynamics suite includes two
powerful general purpose CFD software codes: ANSYS CFX and FLUENT CFD, as well as
additional specialized products to address specific industry applications.

The general purpose fluid analysis tools are the renowned ANSYS CFX and ANSYS FLUENT
CFD software, now also available together in the ANSYS CFD bundle. With ANSYS CFD
software, you have access to an unprecedented array of fluid flow physics models, allowing you
to analyze your equipment with a great deal of confidence. ANSYS CFD technology is highly-
scalable, allowing for efficient parallel calculations on thousands of processing cores.
Modal analysis
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Car's door attached to an electromagnetic shaker.

A photograph showing the test set-up of a MIMO test on a wind turbine rotor. The blades are excited
using three mechanical shakers and the response is measured using 12 accelerometers mounted to
Blade 3; in the next stage of the test, the accelerometers can be moved to Blade 2 and 3 to measure
response at those locations.

Modal analysis is the study of the dynamic properties of structures under vibrational excitation.
Modal analysis is the field of measuring and analysing the dynamic response of structures and or
fluids when during excitation. Examples would include measuring the vibration of a car's body
when it is attached to an electromagneticshaker, or the noise pattern in a room when excited by a
loudspeaker. Modern day modal analysis systems are composed of 1)sensors such as transducers
(typically accelerometers, load cells), or non contact via a Laser vibrometer, or
stereophotogrammetric cameras 2) data acquisition system and an analog-to-digital converter
frontend (to digitize analog instrumentation signals) and 3) host PC (personal computer) to view
the data and analyze it.
Classically this was done with a SIMO (single-input, multiple-output) approach, that is, one
excitation point, and then the response is measured at many other points. In the past a hammer
survey, using a fixed accelerometer and a roving hammer as excitation, gave a MISO (multiple-
input, single-output) analysis, which is mathematically identical to SIMO, due to the principle of
reciprocity. In recent years MIMO (multi-input, multiple-output) have become more practical,
where partial coherence analysis identifies which part of the response comes from which
excitation source. Using multiple shakers leads to a uniform distribution of the energy over the
entire structure and a better coherence in the measurement; on the other hand, a single shaker
may not effectively excite all the modes of a structure.

Typical excitation signals can be classed as impulse, broadband, swept sine, chirp, and possibly
others. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.
The analysis of the signals typically relies on Fourier analysis. The resulting transfer function
will show one or more resonances, whose characteristic mass, frequency and damping can be
estimated from the measurements.
The animated display of the mode shape is very useful to NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness)
The results can also be used to correlate with finite element analysis normal mode solutions.
1 Structures
2 Electrodynamics
3 See also
4 References
5 External links
In structural engineering, modal analysis uses the overall mass and stiffness of a structure to find
the various periods at which it will naturally resonate. These periods of vibration are very
important to note in earthquake engineering, as it is imperative that a building's natural frequency
does not match the frequency of expected earthquakes in the region in which the building is to be
constructed. If a structure's natural frequency matches an earthquake's frequency, the structure
may continue to resonate and experience structural damage.
Although modal analysis is usually carried out by computers, it is possible to hand-calculate the
period of vibration of any high-rise building through idealization as a fixed-ended cantilever with
lumped masses. For a more detailed explanation, see "Structural Analysis" by Ghali, Neville, and
Brown, as it provides an easy-to-follow approach to idealizing and solving complex structures by
The basic idea of a modal analysis in electrodynamics is the same as in mechanics. The
application is to determine which electromagnetic wave modes can stand or propagate within
conducting enclosures such as waveguides or resonators.
Harmonic analysis
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the process of determining the structure of a piece of music, see Harmony.

The harmonics of color. The harmonic-analysis chart shows how the different wavelengths interact with
red light. At a difference of /2 (wavelength/2), red is perfectly in sync with its second-generation
harmonic in the ultraviolet. All other wavelengths in the visual spectrum have less than a /2 difference
between them, forming harmonic oscillations in the combined waves. At /14, the oscillations will cycle
every fourteenth wave, while at /8 they will cycle every eighth. The oscillations are most rapid at /4,
cycling every fourth wave, while at /3 they cycle every seventh wave, and at /2.5 they cycle every
thirteenth. The lower section shows how the /4 harmonic interacts in visible light (green and red), as
photographed in an optical flat.
Harmonic analysis is a branch of mathematics concerned with the representation of functions or
signals as the superposition of basic waves, and the study of and generalization of the notions of
Fourier series and Fourier transforms (i.e. an extended form of Fourier analysis). In the past two
centuries, it has become a vast subject with applications in areas as diverse as signal processing,
quantum mechanics, and neuroscience.
The term "harmonics" originated as the ancient Greek word, "harmonikos," meaning "skilled in
It arose in physical eigenvalue-problems to mean waves whose frequencies are integer
multiples of one another, as are the frequencies of the harmonics of music notes, but the term has
been generalized beyond its original meaning.
The classical Fourier transform on R
is still an area of ongoing research, particularly concerning
Fourier transformation on more general objects such as tempered distributions. For instance, if
we impose some requirements on a distribution f, we can attempt to translate these requirements
in terms of the Fourier transform of f. The PaleyWiener theorem is an example of this. The
PaleyWiener theorem immediately implies that if f is a nonzero distribution of compact support
(these include functions of compact support), then its Fourier transform is never compactly
supported. This is a very elementary form of an uncertainty principle in a harmonic analysis
setting. See also: Convergence of Fourier series.
Fourier series can be conveniently studied in the context of Hilbert spaces, which provides a
connection between harmonic analysis and functional analysis.
1 Abstract harmonic analysis
2 Other branches
3 See also
4 References
Abstract harmonic analysis
One of the most modern branches of harmonic analysis, having its roots in the mid-twentieth
century, is analysis on topological groups. The core motivating ideas are the various Fourier
transforms, which can be generalized to a transform of functions defined on Hausdorff locally
compact topological groups.
The theory for abelian locally compact groups is called Pontryagin duality.
Harmonic analysis studies the properties of that duality and Fourier transform, and attempts to
extend those features to different settings, for instance to the case of non-abelian Lie groups.
For general non-abelian locally compact groups, harmonic analysis is closely related to the
theory of unitary group representations. For compact groups, the PeterWeyl theorem explains
how one may get harmonics by choosing one irreducible representation out of each equivalence
class of representations. This choice of harmonics enjoys some of the useful properties of the
classical Fourier transform in terms of carrying convolutions to pointwise products, or otherwise
showing a certain understanding of the underlying group structure. See also: Non-commutative
harmonic analysis.
If the group is neither abelian nor compact, no general satisfactory theory is currently known. By
"satisfactory" one would mean at least the equivalent of Plancherel theorem. However, many
specific cases have been analyzed, for example SL
. In this case, representations in infinite
dimensions play a crucial role.
Other branches
Study of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Laplacian on domains, manifolds, and (to a
lesser extent) graphs is also considered a branch of harmonic analysis. See e.g., hearing the
shape of a drum.
Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces deals with properties of the Fourier transform on R
have no analog on general groups. For example, the fact that the Fourier transform is rotation
invariant. Decomposing the Fourier transform into its radial and spherical components leads to
topics such as Bessel functions and spherical harmonics.
Harmonic analysis on tube domains is concerned with generalizing properties of Hardy spaces to
higher dimensions.
Chapter 2: Structural Static Analysis
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Chapter 1 * Chapter 2 * Chapter 3 * Chapter 4 * Chapter 5 * Chapter 6 * Chapter 7 * Chapter 8
* Chapter 9 * Chapter 10 * Chapter 11 * Chapter 12 * Chapter 13 * Chapter 14

2.1 Definition of Static Analysis
A static analysis calculates the effects of steady loading conditions on a structure, while ignoring
inertia and damping effects, such as those caused by time-varying loads. A static analysis can,
however, include steady inertia loads (such as gravity and rotational velocity), and time-varying
loads that can be approximated as static equivalent loads (such as the static equivalent wind and
seismic loads commonly defined in many building codes).
2.2 Loads in a Static Analysis
Static analysis is used to determine the displacements, stresses, strains, and forces in structures or
components caused by loads that do not induce significant inertia and damping effects. Steady
loading and response conditions are assumed; that is, the loads and the structure's response are
assumed to vary slowly with respect to time. The kinds of loading that can be applied in a static
analysis include:
Externally applied forces and pressures
Steady-state inertial forces (such as gravity or rotational velocity)
Imposed (non-zero) displacements
Temperatures (for thermal strain)
Fluences (for nuclear swelling)
2.3 Linear vs. Nonlinear Static Analyses
A static analysis can be either linear or nonlinear. All types of nonlinearities are allowed- large
deformations, plasticity, creep, stress stiffening, contact (gap) elements, hyperelastic elements,
etc. This chapter focuses on linear static analyses, with brief references to nonlinearities. Details
of how to handle nonlinearities are described in Chapter 8.
2.4 Commands Used in a Static Analysis
You use the same set of commands to build a model and perform a static analysis that you use to
do any other type of finite element analysis. Likewise, you choose similar options from the
graphical user interface (GUI) to build and solve models no matter what type of analysis you are
Section 2.7, "A Sample Static Analysis (Command or Batch Method)," shows you the sequence
of commands you would issue (either manually or while running ANSYS as a batch job) to
perform an example static analysis. Section 2.6, "A Sample Static Analysis (GUI Method),"
shows you how to execute the same sample analysis using menu choices from the ANSYS GUI.
(To learn how to use the commands and GUI selections for building models, read the ANSYS
Modeling and Meshing Guide.)
For detailed, alphabetized descriptions of the ANSYS commands, see the ANSYS Commands
2.5 Overview of Steps in a Static Analysis
The procedure for a static analysis consists of three main steps:
1. Build the model.
2. Apply loads and obtain the solution.
3. Review the results.

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