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The Westchestei County Faii Campaign Piactices Committee met on Septembei 29, 2u14 to
heai the complaint of }ustin Wagnei, Bemociat, against Teiience Nuiphy, Republican, both
canuiuates foi New Yoik State Senate, Bistiict 4u. Ni. Wagnei was iepiesenteu by Steve
Napiei. Bi. Nuiphy was iepiesenteu by T. }. NcCoimack.


}ustin Wagnei complaineu that T.}. NcCoimack, spokesman foi his opponent Teiience
Nuiphy, maue a statement on Twittei that "Rauical leftist Wagnei is a LAWYER who
suppoits ILLEuALS sitting on juiies."

;>PA>PT4 UP;B>=

No eviuence was piesenteu to suppoit that statement. In fact, Ni. NcCoimack aumitteu
theie was nevei any eviuence to suppoit his tweet but since he maue it on his peisonal
Twittei account, he believeu Bi. Nuiphy's campaign coulu not be chaigeu with an unfaii
campaign piacticeN

Fuitheimoie, Ni. NcCoimack nevei publicly coiiecteu his statement once he knew it was

Committee guiuance states that a canuiuate is iesponsible foi the actions of his staff, which
incluues anyone in an official iole, paii oi unpaiu, anu ceitainly woulu incluue his campaign
spokesman. Noieovei, Committee Piinciples state the canuiuate will publicly iepuuiate
mateiials oi actions fiom any inuiviuual oi gioup that woulu violate its Statement of


Ni. Wagnei fuithei complaineu that Bi. Nuiphy's campaign Twittei account posteu the
following on Septembei 17
. "I woulu vote against #NYIsBome befoie the ink was uiy.
Bow woulu }ustin Wagnei vote. Be won't say."

;>PA>PT4 UP;B>=

Ni. Wagnei hau stateu eailiei on Septembei 1S
on his Facebook account in answei to the
question, "What is youi stance on the "New Yoik is Bome bill." that "I uon't suppoit it.
Thanks foi the question."

The Committee noteu that meuia incluues not only piint, iauio, uiiect mail anu television,
but also the newei social meuia sites which aie incieasingly being useu in political

If a canuiuate oi campaign wishes to quote fiom a Finuing, the Committee iequiies that it
be quoteu in its entiiety. The Committee iegaius selective quotation of its Finuings as a
violation of faii campaign piactices.

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Ex officio: Representatives of the Republican Party, Democratic Party, Independence Party, Conservative Party,
Working Families Party.
The purpose of the Westchester County Fair Campaign Practices Committee is to promote a
climate in which candidates conduct honest and fair campaigns. The Committee encourages
candidates to conduct campaigns openly and fairly, to discuss issues, to refrain from dishonest
and defamatory attacks, and not to use campaign materials that distort the facts.
The Committee uoes not sit as a censoi of political uiscussion noi as a bouy to enfoice
election law oi make legal uecisions. Its task is to accept wiitten complaints about allegeu
unfaii campaign piactices anu to ueteimine whethei the action complaineu about is inueeu
unfaii. Among othei things, the Committee will consiuei to be unfaii any campaign piactice
that is a misstatement of a mateiial fact oi that misleaus the public.
The Committee has no powei to compel anyone to stop uoing what it has founu it be unfaii.
If the Committee acts on a complaint, it will ielease its finuings to infoim the public. The
Committee may choose not to consiuei a complaint; in that case, a heaiing is not helu anu
the paities to the complaint aie so notifieu.

!$2$"%"1$ 0J S':13:#I"6 of the Committee, as stateu in its Nanual, available at
www.faiicampaignpiactices.oig. The Westchestei County Faii Campaign Piactices
Committee believes that canuiuates shoulu conuuct theii campaigns in accoiuance with the
following piinciples:
! The canuiuate will conuuct a campaign foi public office openly anu
faiily. The canuiuate will uiscuss the issues anu paiticipate in faii
uebate with iespect to hishei views anu qualifications.
! The canuiuate will neithei engage in noi be involveu with unfaii
oi misleauing attacks upon the chaiactei of an opponent, noi will
the canuiuate engage in invasions of peisonal piivacy unielateu to
fitness foi office.
! The canuiuate will not paiticipate in oi conuone any appeal to
! The canuiuate will neithei use noi be involveu with the use of any
campaign mateiial oi auveitisements that misiepiesents oi
uistoits the facts.
! The canuiuate will cleaily iuentify by name the souice of all
auveitisements anu campaign liteiatuie publisheu anu
uistiibuteu. (Noie)
! The canuiuate will not abuse the Westchestei County Faii
Campaign Piactices Committee piocess in oiuei to obtain political
The canuiuate will publicly iepuuiate mateiials oi actions fiom any inuiviuual oi gioup
that woulu violate this Statement of Piinciples.

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