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Human senses are amazing but at some creatures, their sensory capabilities are
fantastic and are more wonderful.
1. A male silkworm moth can detect the smell of a female moth to 11 kilometers
2. Worker honeybees have a ring of iron oxide in their abdomen, which is thought
to help them navigate by detecting the Earth's magnetic field.
3. A buzzard can spot a mouse from a height of 4,500 m equivalent to 15,000 feet.
4. A falcon can see sharp images even diving a 100 miles per hour.
5. A dragonfly's eyes contain 30,000 lenses.
6. Fish and turtles can distinguish the smell of the stream or beach where they
were born and use this to navigate.
7. An earthworm's entire body is covered with taste receptors.
8. Some sharks can detect fish extracts in concentrations lower than one part in
10 billion.
9. Butterflies have hairs on their wings that sense changes in air pressure
10. Pit-vipers 9 venomous snakes) have a heat- sensitive organ between their
eyes and nostrils to help them track down prey, even in the dark. It can
distinguish temperature changes as tiny as 0.002 to 0.003C
by: Thomas V. Villaflor

Fears usually fall under two categories:
1. Normal fear or real, possible dangers say for instance, crossing the street, getting
struck by lightening
2. Fears of imagined dangers like the dark, climbing any thing, og being left alone
in a room even during daytime.
Some degree of equanimity with dogs:
1. Introduce small, harmless animals- a chick a duckling, a rabbit or a turtle. Bring
any of these home to be kept as a pet. Do not force him/her to come near or
touch the animal.
2. Invite him/her to touch the " pet animals" while you are holding and stroking
the pet. Say, " Would you like to put your fingers here- feel it. It is very soft. If she
refuse, do not insist. Try another time.
3. Do not make fun of his/her feelings and reactions. Reassure him/her that eing
afraid is not something to be ashamed of.
4. When frightened, hold him/her in your arms, until she/he feels soothed and
calm. Avoid comments, like "Don't be a sissy. Be brave, you are a boy."
5. Once your son/daughter feels at ease with the pet, she/he will begin to touch
it. Give him/her some responsibilities, like giving food and water.
6. As the days go on, his fears will gradually be extinguished. Support him/her
until he/she feels strong enough to face the situation. This confidence will
generalized to other harmless animals and eventually with your pet dog.
R.L Stevenson wrote :" keep your fears to yourself; share your courage to
by Maria Teresa D. Genio

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